• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 1,949 Views, 49 Comments

Twilight Brushes Her Teeth And Nothing Happens - PassionQuill

Twilight's had a crazy week and is now extremely exhausted, and it shows when she tries to remember what the heck her chores are for the day. Hopefully she can figure it out while brushing her teeth.

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The Boring Oral Hygiene

Beep, beep, beep, beep, clonk.

“Argh…” groaned Twilight while her hand lazily draped off the alarm clock next to her bed. “It’s too early for duties…”

The pillow mushing against her face was the last bastion of defense against the onslaught of light breaking in through the outline of her bedroom window curtains. Although the room was dark, those pesky beams managed to spotlight her head in all the right angles to disturb her sleep.

“Celestia… please… just five more minutes…” whimpered Twilight as she pulled a spare pillow over the top of her head, cocooning it to enlist complete darkness once more. Though, the darkness didn’t help once the sounds of Spike cooking breakfast downstairs echoed up to her room. “Erk! Fine… I’ll get up…”

Getting up early wasn’t usually this difficult for Twilight, but today was an exception. She had been extremely busy with all her duties and chores over the last week, which had forced her to pull all-nighters to keep up with the ridiculous study schedule she constantly enforced on herself, while at the same time still tending to her friends and their problems.

“Bathroom…” mumbled Twilight in a pathetical tired and apathetic voice as she dragged her legs out of bed and onto the floor, kicking off the bed sheets to reveal her Celestia-themed jammies.

With her feet dragging against the wooden floor, shoulders slouching forward, and head lowered with almost closed eyes, she managed to slowly, but surely, get her ass out of bed and into the upper floor bathroom. She instinctively winced at the first step onto the cold tile floor. The initial adrenaline shock was just what she needed to get through the day, even if the effects were shortly lived.

“Erh… I forgot my brush in the bedroom,” groaned Twilight as she came face to face with her own reflection in the bathroom mirror. Saying her mane was a mess was an understatement, and seemingly all the brushing she did the night before going to bed was all in vain now.

“I’ll get it after I’ve brushed…” Was the conclusion she made after measuring the tiringly long distance between her and the manebrush resting on the nearest nightstand in the bedroom, being an incredible eight feet away from her.

With a wide yawn and groaning stretch, she revitalized herself just enough to get through the tedious task of brushing her teeth. One hand rose up to rummage through the cabinet while the other grabbed the perfectly perpendicularly aligned to the sink, toothpaste, and together the hands met in front of her half-lidded eyes as she gently squeezed out a line of toothpaste onto the yellow toothbrush.

“Hhmm… what do I have to do today?” asked Twilight as she thought out loud as she placed down the tooth paste and ran the toothbrush under a bit of water before brushing her teeth.

“Hhhmmm…” Her chores for the day kept on eluding her mental checklist, though she had almost expected something like that to happen after days upon days of endless chores, it was all bound to just bleed into one incoherent event after a while.

Concentration was hard to keep as even with a stretch, even with the cold floor under her feet, even while standing up, and even while brushing her teeth with slow, broad, strokes, she had difficulties keeping herself awake. Sleep deprivation was still haunting her, and the debt had not been fully paid for the last couple of nights.

“Is it today I train the Cutiemark Crusaders?” pondered Twilight, pushing the brush against the back of her row of teeth, making sure to get into the corners so everything was as clean as could be. “No… they come around the same day every week, and that’s first in two days from now…”

“Hmmm…” For a moment Twilight stopped her brushing to just let the brush dangle lazily from her mouth as she scratched the top of her head, messing up more her already bird-nest of a mane. “I don’t have anything scheduled with Mayor Mare… and, I know it’s too early in the summer for The Running of The Leaves, so that can’t be it either…”

Whichever thought popped into her head never seemed right, none of them would stick or stand out as the right chore or chores for today, and the tired frustration only made Twilight groan in annoyance as her mind began to wander to more pleasing thoughts.

“The bed looks really comfortable right now…” mumbled Twilight as she looked into her bedroom once more, contemplating to just sleeping a few more hours before going at it with her work. What’s the worst there could happen? She thought to herself, knowing that her chores would still be there afterwards, and she could surely catch up on them if she was more rested.

“I shouldn’t… I can’t let down the ponies of Ponyville…” with that statement her eyes wandered back to the sink to turn on the water and fill up a glass with water.

She took in a large gulp of water, gargling it loudly while tilting her head back. She did so for a few seconds before tilting her head forward once more so she could spit out the liquid into the sink. She repeated the action a few times before taking a big sip of water and then flushed down the rest of it to clean off the sink from any remainders of toothpaste and spit.

“Did I even make a list for my chores today?” she asked herself while putting away the toothbrush after it had been cleaned. “Oh! Spike should know whether or not I made a list for today’s chores.”

“Spike!” yelled Twilight as she dragged herself to the doorframe between the bedroom and the stairs.

“What?!” yelled Spike from downstairs, having moved over to the stairs so he could look up at her.

“Did I make a list for my chores today?”

“No…” answered Spike, staring at Twilight with a great deal of confusion. “You didn’t make a list of your chores today because we scheduled this to be your day off… Did you forget that?”

“My day off?” asked Twilight with an even more puzzled expression than Spike’s.

“Geez, you must have overworked yourself even more than I thought you did… Yes, Twilight, this is your day off. You have no chores to do at all. I thought you were going to sleep in and get some rest. I did wonder why you were up this early, .I guess you completely blanked on it huh…”

A moment of awkward silence fell on the house as Twilight stared down at Spike with her hazy half-closed eyes, and him with his bewildered gaze. And as he almost thought it was going to last forever, Twilight quickly disappeared back into the bedroom while groaning, “I’m going back to bed.”

Comments ( 48 )

I'm not sure what else I expected.

the cover photo....OMC ITS SO DANG CUTE!

I love those :heart:

Well, that title was accurate.

I log in, I check my feed, and I do a double take. Then I go, "Aw yeah!" and read immediately.

Ahh, that was nice. Reminds me of so many mornings in my life. I swear, those alarm clocks make the most annoying sound in the world.

4532224 So glad you like my homage to your Nothing Happens fics! :rainbowkiss: And those darn alarm clocks are definitely annoying :rainbowlaugh:

As one of the first readers of the original 'Nothing Happens' series, I got completely what I expected.

Also, I always leave my alarm clock on even on day offs. Just to get that fulfilling feeling of I DON'T HAVE TO GET UP YEEAaahhh zzzz....

Comment posted by Radoran deleted Jun 11th, 2014

You have a TON of responsibilities to do




helping friends with all sorts of problems

Yuck! In other news, this is action packed. :rainbowdetermined2:

There are way too many stories like these that have nothing in them.

This is only judging from the title, and I haven't read the actual story. But a lot of stories has used this concept, and honestly, it is quite boring.

4533257 Erhm, okay? No one is forcing you to read it, and please don't judge a book by its cover ( which you literally did :rainbowlaugh: )

Why did you decide to come here to make this comment though, I'm rather curious :rainbowhuh:

We need more stories like this

4533425 Glad you enjoy it, and I'm sure I'll eventually end up writing something like this again :twilightsmile: Though, this only happens when I feel inspired by something. So, it happens at random :rainbowlaugh:

4533456 cool can't wait:twilightsmile:

I was just voicing an opinion where a lot of these stories have the same premise where a character happens to do regular everyday tasks and nothing interesting appears to happen.

It's not to say that this story is horrible. I just believe that too many of these stories have the same formula that makes me wonder why they become popular at all.

I'm sorry if I came off as a lonely old man who has nothing better to do than yell at random children who are messing with his lawn.

4533685 No clue why they are "popular", but people like what people like. This story does have more to it than what you gave it credit for. The title is a homage to a series of slice of life stories i like.

The reason people like these stories, if i should guess, is because they are true slice of life stories, dealing with mundane stuff which many can relate to. We like it when we can relate to something :rainbowlaugh: not many can relate to what I wrote in my 70k pony novel, but that is fine, its a matter of taste :twilightsmile:

Your comment did come off to me as a bit passive aggressive or bitter, but I'm glad you aren't :pinkiesmile: I can say that just because others have written about a certain thing, does it mean others cant? its like telling people to stop writing about the premise of losing a loved one because there are already a lot about it. We all got our own unique take on stuff, that is why we allow more than one story about the same thing :rainbowwild: also, I don't personally check fimfiction ratios on stories, i just write what i want, when i want :rainbowlaugh:

This type of story doesn't appeal to you, and might be boring, but that is subjective. Others will find this okay, and others will see it as the best thing ever. Me, I see this story as my way to make specific person smile, and it did accomplish that :twilightsmile: if it entertains more people than that, then that's great! :pinkiehappy: just let people enjoy reading what they want to read, and if you want to know why they enjoy it, ask them nicely instead of the way you went about it :twilightsheepish:

I may be sensitive, but i wont be mean, and i have no ill feelings towards you :twilightsmile: I just hope I've been a bit helpful with my answers. Sorry for them being a bit poorly written, in on my phone and was just about to go to sleep :ajsleepy:

The relative popularity of such stories is a phenomenon that I've actually been passively trying to figure out since last January. I think Passion is right in that a lot of it comes down to relatability. Stories like this depict things that a ton of people do all the time, like having to get up in the morning after not getting enough sleep or going grocery shopping. Most people can understand and relate to that more than going on an adventure of cosmic horror and self discovery or finding out that one of their best friends is actually made out of animated food.

I've also seen some readers express that they find stories where nothing happens to be a refreshing change from most other stories out there, though I'm not sure just how many such stories there are either. Allow me to quote someone:

With all the tear-jerking dramas, spicy romances, and epic adventures around here, it's good to slow down once every so often, and enjoy the little things in life, like grocery shopping with a friend.
- SgtFrog

That's the best I have in terms of theories. Of course, this obviously doesn't apply to everyone. Clearly, some don't enjoy such stories about nothing, and that's fine. I still don't fully understand, but I know that I've enjoyed moments where nothing really happens, like the casual conversations in Seinfeld or Tarantino movies. In the end, though, it's all down to preference.

Of course, I'm a little biased when it comes to stories where nothing happens....

These stories are actually a meme in action. It's a social trend that spread from a post from Knighty that sparked the Great Peach Proliferation. Then it spread out from there and is still trending as does all memes, where through being forced or re-emerging at a later time once this current cycle fades and is rediscovered by others.

Hooray for social trends :yay:

Rather pointless, but cute.

I... you.... What?!

Are you telling me that I've been perpetuating a meme that I didn't even know existed, and that it's also related to the Peach Incident? If that's the case, I've been clueless. I just started doing it because someone said that nobody would want to read a story where nothing of any consequence happens.

This is what I thought would happen. :rainbowkiss:

Yes. Yes you have :rainbowlaugh: That's the thing with social trends :trollestia: They help shape and define groups of people as much as we define what a meme means :moustache:

Besides, sometimes it's nice to simply read a story where nothing of great consequence happens. It's like a little vacation :twilightsmile:

I may not be able to speak for the others here, who obviously didn't grasp what was going on, but I think this was truly a work of literary brilliance. Your mastery of the written word was something remarkable, and it alone would have kept me riveted in place till the end. But your story had more to offer! The characters within spoke to me and seem to come alive on the page! The way Twilight engaged the world around her had me feeling like I was there, looking over her shoulder to watch everything that was happening. Romance! Drama! Excitement and adventure!

If Hollywood got their hands on this as a script - they'd likely butcher it and make a movie so horrible that nobody would ever be interested in reading the original story ever again.

But I loved every moment of it!

In all seriousness, I went into this story expecting something crazy or ridiculous to happen by the end of it. It was like trying to keep my eye out for one troll, when another smacked me over the head. Well played, sir. :trixieshiftleft:

It always sucks to get out of bed, only to find that you can go right back in.

There really needs to be more stories like this on Fimfic. I liked it!

Have a peachy day. (Or Kiwi, those are nice fruit as well)

Wait, she brushed her teeth before breakfast? Is this strange or is just me?


What about dragonfruit?

4541714 Glad that you enjoyed it :twilightsmile: I'm going to have a kiwi day! :pinkiehappy:

4541779 Hey boy, don't you be using your fancy schmancy logics on me! :ajbemused: I actually rarely eat breakfast, and first eat around lunch. So it's normal to me to brush before I eat :rainbowlaugh:

4541811 Never tasted a Pitaya, so I can't say I would go with that one :raritydespair: But it looks so cool! :derpytongue2:


I don't even know why I said dragonfruit:twilightblush:. Anyway, that was a nice change from what I usually read :twilightsmile:.

4541839 Dragonfruit is what they are usually called in English. I just like that name :rainbowwild: And glad you liked the story :twilightsmile:

4541851 :raritywink: I just know the fruit as dragonfruit.

4541864 Makes sense as most of the Asian names for the fruit involves scale or dragon in the literal translation :derpytongue2:

Makes sense, morning breath sucks.

A good read. It was enjoyable and took my mind off of what I was supposed to be doing.
Wait, what was I supposed to be- oh, I finished that yesterday! Bed time!

Story of my life right here.

All those hours I could have been sleeping....

Also this fic made me reaize that I really should go brush my teeth now. So, uh, thanks, I guess!


Well, that went better than expected.

Here, I'll give you this like for actually having a pretty good plot-twist and this fav for making brushing teeth seem natural.

Oh, and take this too because I'm feeling generous.

4619697 Thanks for the kind words :twilightsmile: I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

There's a reading of this story on YouTube.

4772599 Oh wow :raritystarry: I gotta say, I'm extremely flattered that anyone decided to do this for any of my stories! Thanks for bringing it to my attention :twilightsmile: It's also, at the same time, a bit bizarre to hear one of my stories read out loud by another person than myself :rainbowlaugh:

Of course Twilight would forget something like that. :facehoof: I loved this story! :rainbowkiss:

I seem to be the 777th viewer...Woop! But anyway, that was a very funny and cute story. :pinkiehappy: Keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

4541864 4541866
Dragonfruit, or pitaya as you called it, is a lot like a kiwi in flavor and texture. It even has the little seeds like a kiwi. Except where a kiwi is green on the inside with little seeds in a ring in the middle, dragonfruit is white on the inside with slightly larger black seeds speckled randomly inside. Though I have seen some where the white flesh turned kind of pinkish, I think. But yeah, it is remarkably similar to kiwis.

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