• Published 24th Oct 2011
  • 21,082 Views, 409 Comments

Number One - Whirring Gears

[2nd Person Perspective] A tough pony from the city moves to Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Scars

You simply lay back on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You yawn, but as long as you have been there, sleep has not come as easily as previous nights. You slowly lick your lips again. Although there is most likely nothing left even if the kiss left anything at all, you tell yourself maybe you could still taste a hint of Dash’s embrace. The dream from last night kept playing in your head. Breathing in deeply and holding it for a while, you slowly breathe outward, looking out the window you had repaired earlier that day as you ponder the situation again.

A week. It had only been a week, if that, since you left Clopton, where you swore you would never get close to another pony ever again. What is it about this crazy blue mare that broke you down so suddenly?

“Well, speed is her thing,” you comment to nopony in particular.

Enough worrying about that. What’s done is done. So what do you do now? All you can think of is how much knowing Dash like this is going to eventually hurt. How much worse it would be this time, if you could imagine that. Why in Equestria are you setting yourself up for this again?

The dream began to play itself out again. You come home. You call out. You open the door. You turn on the switch and...

A colt is standing there. They are grey with a red mane, built strong and has two overlapping horseshoes as their cutie mark. It's him.

You feel yourself step back in surprise. They blink at you and smile.

“Hey,” they simply say.

“...Odd Jobs?”

“You should tell her.”

“Wha- Who?”



“About me. That day. And that night.”


“You gotta tell somepony.”


“Who would you rather talk to?” he asks shaking his head.

You are getting annoyed that he kept cutting you off, but when you open your mouth to talk no words could come out. You feel tears beginning to form so you try to shut your eyes tightly. However, you still see the pony in front of you clearly.

“And that. Stop keeping it all inside.”

“B-But last time I-...” you stutter.

“It’ll be different.”

How do you know!?” you suddenly shout, full of anger. “You did this to me! If you hadn’t...” You suddenly lose your voice again, simply looking to the ground.

They remain silent for a time while you choke back sobs. “Hadn’t what?” they ask.

“...I don’t know,” you answer, defeated.

They nod thoughtfully. “It’ll be different,” they repeat. “Because things here are different.”

You try to think of a reply. As you try to speak again, you feel yourself being shaken. The scene begins to fade away.

“Hey...” you hear somepony say. “Heeey.”

You slowly open your eyes, closing them again quickly not expecting the brightness of the day. You feel a certain pressure on your shoulder as it begins to shake you again.

“Odd Jobs...?” you mumble out.

“What?” You begin to recognize the voice next to you.

You peek an eye open and see a certain cyan blue pegasus next to your bed with a hoof on your shoulder.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Dash says with a chuckle while taking her hoof back. “Man, you were out.”

You groan as you force yourself to sit up on your mattress, pushing aside the blanket. You let out a yawn before turning your attention back to the smiling mare next to your bed. There are many questions floating around in your mind ranging from the pleasant ‘What brings you here?’ to the not-so-pleasant ‘What in the hell are you doing here?’

“What time is it?” you say, leaving the big questions for later.

“Half past eleven. Your first customer is waiting,” she says.

“Wha-...?” Your brain finally processes the given information. “What!?”

You jump out of bed, pick up the first jacket within reach, put it on, and run out into the living room. Sure enough, a purple unicorn you remember as a previous customer is sitting there. You think her name is Twilight.

“I see Dash let you in,” you say, trying to straighten your mane out somewhat. Thankfully, the current events push the dream from the forefront of your mind. You hear Dash follow you into the room.

“Yeah,” she replies. Using her magic she opens her saddlebag and brings out another bag, levitating it over to you. You take it and notice the contents shifting loudly. Opening it up reveals shards of what could have been a lamp at some point. You visibly grimace at the sight.

“Sorry about the condition. Practicing magic can be a bit...” She shrugs. “Prone to accidents.”

You nod, simply taking the bag and placing it on the work table. Rule number one is still to not ask questions. You frown as you hear the contents shift some more. That thing is going to be like an extremely annoying jigsaw puzzle.

“So, if you don’t mind my asking,” Twilight speaks up again. “What’s going on with you and Dash?”

This catches you off guard. You look over to Dash who seems surprised as well. She looks at you, but then smiles and nods. “Go ahead,” she says, waiting to see how you explain it.

“I knocked up your friend. Expecting in February. She threatened legal action,” you state plainly, turning back to the bag as if examining it, but in truth to have your back turned towards them as you hide your snickering face.

You hear Dash stuttering, having difficulty forming coherent words. “NO!” she exclaims. “That is NOT what- I don’t- he’s-!”

“It’s okay, Dash!” Twilight says to calm her friend down. “I realize he might be... exaggerating?”

Dash stutters some more. You couldn’t help yourself from laughing audibly at that point. Turning back, you see both mares looking at you. Twilight with an awkward smile, Dash with an angry frown, and both of them blushing.

“You’re such a jerk!” Dash yells.

The last of your giggles subsiding, you begin to talk again. “Okay, honestly what’s going on between us... I have no idea.” You turn to Dash, who still looks annoyed by your previous statement. “Can’t say I really hate it, though.”

Dash’s scowl lightens as Twilight’s smile becomes more friendly. “See?” Dash asks Twilight.

“Wow. So he is capable of connecting with others,” Twilight remarks.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask.

“Well, Dash and I were talking on the way here. I said how you probably didn’t have any friends, but she commented on how close you two were getting. I’ll admit, I didn’t believe her given first impressions were not particularly ideal,” she explains. “Though, I’m curious as to why Dash was so determined to get to know you.”

“I wonder why, too,” you say, looking over at Dash who had begun poking at the finished repair jobs you kept in the corner. A thought pops into your head. “Hey Twilight, can you tell me something embarrassing about Dash?”

“What?” she asks.

“I can only imagine she’s talked about me a fair bit. Help me get to know her. Tell me something anypony but her would say,” you ask.

“Well...” Twilight says, rubbing a hoof to her chin. “There was this one time. She was holding this contest to see which animal would make for the best pet.”

“Really?” you ask.

“Yep! At the beginning, she explained how her pet needed ‘coolness,’ ‘awesomeness,’ and ‘radicalness.’” she said, using her hooves for airquotes.

You cock an eyebrow. “Aren’t those all the same thing?” you ask.

“You would think that.”

“And that’s why you would never qualify to be my pet,” Dash suddenly chimes in patting you on the head, apparently done with her curious snooping. “You two talking about me?”

“No...” you say dripping with sarcasm.

“So when can I expect my lamp?” Twilight asks.

“Um, maybe Thursday.”

“Okay. See you later, Dash.” She waves a hoof as she leaves.

You turn to Dash as she waves back. “You’ve been telling your friends about us?” you ask.

“Yeah,” she says.


“And what?”

“What do they think?” you ask, genuinely wondering.

“Well... they were surprised. They don’t really believe that you can show that sort of thing.” She turns to you with a smirk. “But you’re not all bad. I bet there’s something to you.”

“Something to me? Like what?” you ask.

“I don’t know.” She wraps a foreleg around your shoulders and pulls you close. “But whatever’s in there, I’m going to find it.”

You look at her before smiling. “There’s going to be a lot of crap to search through. Hope you’re ready.” She laughs at this while patting you with the hoof around you. “So what are you doing here? I remember we have a date, but I have to work.” You look over to the pile of repairs yet to do that has steadily grown since your time here.

“Just making sure you remembered,” she replies.

“So what’s the date going to be? I don’t think I can afford to eat out again so soon.”

“Well, I got to choose last time. How about you think of something? What are dates like in Clopton?”

You thought back to the romance you’ve seen in your old home. It wasn’t anything like this. Colts and mares were, like everything else, bought with bits and were almost like property as long as one kept paying. Then it was like you owned them and could even hit them if they so much as talked out of line. You had a couple mares try to get bits out of you in exchange for Clopton romance, but you always declined. All you could gather about what couples did behind closed doors were words that were shouted, whimpered, and the occasional glass thing smashing against a wall.

“Not what we’re looking for,” you say.

Dash looks at you blankly for a moment. “Okay. Rarity gave me a list of things we could do. And then we can come back here...”

You look at her who is already staring at you with a big smile. When your eyes meet, she waggles her eyebrows up and down. You couldn’t help but grin.

“I look forward to it.”


“Dash, this sucks.”

You swat at the flies buzzing around before looking in the basket. Pieces of bread, lettuce, tomato, and other sandwich fixings are scattered around inside. Only those containing peanut butter had held together of which Dash is eating the last one.

When told of the idea of a picnic you thought it was a pretty solid plan. Go outside, sit on a blanket, eat food. Surely you could manage that, hopefully without any incident. Also, Dash had offered to provide the food since you had kind of sorta technically maybe paid for the meal at the restaurant in a way. However, what was not explained was the heat, the bugs, and the fact that the food may not hold together while in travel with the fastest aspiring stunt flier this side of the Equestria.

The mare on the opposite end of the blanket pops the last bite of sandwich into her mouth, then immediately swatting as you had done the moment her hoof is free. Taking advantage of the bugs currently attacking somepony else, you use a hoof to scratch at the underside of your legs from sitting on the so very itchy cloth.

You look over to see the annoyed expression on Dash’s face that you have gotten to know. You took notice of all the details: the furrowed brow shadowing over her magenta eyes, the disapproving frown, and the little scrunching of her light blue nose. All of which you would admit to be cute when it isn’t directed at you.

“Yeah,” Dash admits, snapping you out of your daze. “It really does. Let’s just go.”

Still swatting a hoof, Dash picks up the basket with her mouth while you bunch up the blanket under a foreleg. Dash flies while you follow in a quick canter, both of you eager to put as much distance between you and the insects as possible. The trail back to your house is silent, only to get away from the buzzing menaces, but thankfully not very long. Another good thing about the picnic being outside is it was a relatively short commute to get there from home. Walking in the door, you toss the blanket aside as Dash puts down the basket.

“Okay, so now-” you begin to say, but are cut off by a sudden pressing of lips and nearly being tackled to the floor again.


“Dash, this sucks.”

It has been a couple days since your last date and this one is going just as well. You lift your head up off the hardwood floor to look at the blue mare on top of you who is also dizzy after the latest in a series of falls. Couples around you are staring, some snickering, all of them dressed for the occasion moreso than your usual jacket and Dash’s usual starkers.

“I don’t think ballroom dancing is for us,” you say.

“But Rarity said this was a big thing for couples to do,” Dash says.

“Probably for couples who know what they’re doing,” you say, watching the ponies dance around you in perfect time and rhythm. “We’re not like that.”

Dash smiles. “You’re right. We’re not like these stuck-up ponies. Let’s get out of here.” She gets up off of you and helps you to your hooves as you look around at some of those offended by your marefriend’s remark. You have to chuckle at some moments caused by Dash’s mannerisms. She’s not afraid to state her mind, which you sometimes find as a curse as much as an endearing quality. Still, you’d hate to imagine her any other way. Sometimes you wonder who’s rubbing off who.

The two of you left without another word, back to your house for the usual after-date activities.


“Hark! For where art my brother?” the colt on stage calls out.

The day after dancing, Dash had suggested the two of you see a show. The play she had found had been described as one of warring kingdoms in a time before the two princesses. When the program toted promises of epic battles, both of you were convinced. You had bought the tickets yourself since business was going well a few days before the show. Dash couldn’t wait and you were fairly excited as well.

However, sitting there resting your chin on a hoof, struggling to keep your eyes open, you couldn’t help but feel that you had wasted your bits. What the program hadn’t mentioned was this guy on stage, wondering aloud like an idiot what happened to his family after it was shown what felt like hours ago. The only battle so far have been noises off stage with another boring load of characters just talking.

You look over at Dash who seems to be fairing as well as you had been. You nudge her with a foreleg.

“Dash...” you quietly whisper. “Hey, Dash.”

“Hmph... Wha...?” Dash mumbles as she blinks her eyes open, wiping a bit of drool that had begun to form in the side of her mouth.

“Dash, this sucks.”

“Yeah...” she says in a yawn. “How much more of this is there?”

You open the program. “We’re currently in the third act of...” You let out a groan before continuing. “Eight.”

“Where are the epic battles?” she asks.

“I don’t know. How about we get out of here?”

Dash looks at you taken aback. “You sure? You paid good bits for these tickets.”

“Yeah, but leaving’s free. Hay of a deal, I’d say.”

Dash chuckles as you both get up from your seats. Thankfully you sat right next to the aisle so you could get out without having to shuffle past anypony else.

“I say, you there! Fair colt!”

You turn to see the actor on stage pointing at you.

“Have you seen my dear-”

“Your father’s dead and your brother’s banging your wife!” you call up to the stage, remembering certain tidbits from the previous acts. Some in the audience gasp and the actor’s face is in shock as you turn to leave.

“I-I shan't believe it! I won’t believe it!” they stammer, trying to carry on. You exit the theater and Dash bursts out laughing.

“Well, he wanted to know,” you say nonchalantly.

She wipes a tear from her eye before stretching. “Let me tell you, those seats were not made for a pegasus,” she comments, a little strain in her voice as she bends herself backwards. She also pushes her wings out to their full span.

You take a careful look as she stretches, taking notice of her athletic form. The curves from her body down her haunches and the tone in her forelegs. Her wings are also impressive, light yet powerful enough to drive her through the sky, her feathers seeming soft and fluffy. You never considered yourself much of a wingcolt before, but the way the sun’s light reflects off of them makes them seem so vibrant, so warm, with a nice svelte form that you almost want to-

“Like what you see?” Dash suddenly says, snapping you back into reality. She’s done stretching, but keeps her wings out to show them off. Unable to think of a proper response, you just turn away as you feel your cheeks grow warm. You gasp a little as you feel something begin to brush against you. Turning back, you see her dragging one of her feathery appendages up the length of your body. She flicks it off your chest before returning it to her side.

“Maybe I’ll let you touch them when we get back...” she says with a playful smile. You stop, but she walks slowly on with a gentle swaying that makes you feel the shiver from before that you had forgotten about. You smile as you think you finally know what that shiver is before following.


You put the finishing touches on the coffee grinder you are working on. It had been in rough shape when you first got it. There was gunk throughout the entire thing, the turning parts were holding on by threads, and the blades were so dull that it probably just crushed the bean more then ground them. You’d have the occasional cup every now and again, but you never figured yourself a coffee pony.

It was a couple days after the little time and money waste of a show. Also, today is when you and Dash had agreed on your next date. You are not sure what she has in mind this time, but you are hoping it’d be quick so you could come back with her. You wonder why dates are necessary at all. It seems more like a chore than anything. Still, you are willing to work for this relationship, so you would go and do whatever Dash has heard to be an acceptable outing for couples.

However, it’s getting late. You hope she didn’t have dinner in mind because you had already eaten. You look back up at the clock. 8:47. Starting to worry a little, you walk over and look out the window to see if you can spot Dash’s signature rainbow trail. It’s getting a bit dark to see. Luna’s moon beginning its ascent does little to help visibility.

Did Dash forget? Does Dash not want to go anywhere tonight? Did something happen to her? These questions flash in your mind before you take a deep breath to calm yourself down. You’d wait a few more minutes before-

*knock knock knock*

Is that Dash? Does Dash ever knock? Who else could that be?

You walk over to the door with your heart thumping. You have no idea why you are so anxious all of a sudden. If it isn’t Dash, then it’d probably be somepony who would tell you what is going on. Like if she was hurt or if she never wants to see you again or-

You shake your head to clear your thoughts. No need to get worked up, it was probably nothing. You lift a hoof, turn the knob, and open the door. Internally breathing a sigh of relief, the prismatic mane of Rainbow Dash catches your eye first thing.

“Hey,” you say as casually as you can manage. “So where are we going tonight?”

She walks in silently, kicking the door closed behind her with a hind leg. She turns to you with a smirk. “We’re staying right here,” she says, beginning to walk towards you. Before you can ask anything, she leans forward and gives you a quick peck on the lips. “I’ve been thinking. These dates haven’t really been turning out that well. They haven’t been fun like real dates should.” She wraps her forelegs around your shoulders. “I figured, ‘What’s something we both enjoy doing?’” She rubs her muzzle against your neck as you begin to sit down. “So let’s just do what we do after every date. Right now.”

You begin to wrap your own forelegs around Dash as you think about the situation. Skipping right to the end of the date. Was that allowed? Would you spend less time together since this is just the end?

“Does that mean... it won’t last as long?” you ask, feeling a little silly for it. She brings her head away from your neck and looks you in the eye, staring deeply. Letting out one of her carefree and spirited laughs, she presses her snout against yours.

“If that’s what you’re worried about, then I can stay as long as you want me to,” she says, taking one of her hooves and trailing it around to your chest.

She taps at the zipper of your jacket and begins to unzip it slowly. Her hoof isn’t on the fly, but over pushing it down as she drags the tip of her hoof down your chest as it goes. When the zipper is fully undone she pulls the jacket off around your shoulders. You lift your forelegs off Dash and allow her to pull the jacket down off of you, exposing your body to the air.

“That’s better...” she coos. Resting her hooves on your shoulders, she begins to pull you gently. You let her guide you through your own house as you see she’s taking you back to your own bedroom. You feel your heart begin to beat faster. You have never been with her like this in your sleeping quarters. The couch had been your traditional spot for such activities before this. You are glad you had cleaned up in there earlier. Or rather, shoved everything into the closet.

Simply walking in, nudging aside the ajar door, she takes a hoof off one of your shoulders to face toward your bed. The blanket on it has basically been left wherever you shoved it when you woke up that morning, but you doubt that would be a problem. She lets go as she climbs onto the mattress, laying down on her back with her head against your pillow. With half lowered eyelids and an enticing smile, she looks back at you waiting for her partner to join her.

As you step up, you had expected to lay down right next to her. However, your bed is not particularly large and she has laid directly in the middle, making such a position difficult. You worry a little about putting all of your weight on her, but her hooves come up and pull you over her.

“You can lay down on top of me. It’s not like I’ll break,” she says, giving you another pull. You surrender to her and rest yourself carefully down, causing the blue mare to sink further into your mattress. She reaches up with her neck to connect her lips to yours again, bringing a hoof around to the back of your head to keep you together as she rests her head back down. You reach a hoof up and slowly rub it against her neck, causing her to tenderly moan into the kiss.

You feel something rub against your side. A silky, almost ticklish sensation. When you feel it rub harder again on both sides, you break the kiss with a gasp. You look down to see Dash’s wings have unfolded and are grazing up and down your body.

“I know you like these...” As she talks she flicks the tip of her wings off your back, causing you to feel another shiver. She takes notice and chuckles. “You seem cold. I could wrap you up, nice and warm, right now.” You watch her take her wings out to full span and flap them slowly against you, their touch crawling up both sides before leaving again. The sensation of the soft, feathery warmth continually coming and going is nearly maddening. Her wings curve around, hovering inches away from your body. You look back at her to see her mischievous grin.

“But... you have to say you want it.”

You feel yourself breathing a little harder. “I want it,” you reply.

“What do you want?” she teases.

“I want your wings around me, Dash.”

She giggles and with another slow flap, her wings come down and tighten around you, holding you as close as you could be. The silken warm touch of her feathers, supple yet firm, envelops you. You tend to be rather chilly without your jacket having grown so used to it, but you would trade that for this any day of the week.

“Being a bit forward tonight,” you comment, still half lost in the feeling of her wings.

“You deserve it,” she replies. “After all those crummy dates I put you through.”

“They weren’t all bad,” you say.

“Are you kidding? We were either bored, constantly falling over, or getting eaten alive by bugs. What good in that is there?”

“Well...” You prepare yourself for what would probably be the cheesiest thing you’ve ever said since moving to Ponyville. “They were all with you.”

She laughs at your statement. “Really,” she says skeptically.

“I know how it sounds, but that’s it. Why do you think I kept agreeing to go out with you?” you ask.

She looks at you, seeming to have no response to that. “I... hadn’t thought about that. I guess I’m pretty lucky you decided to stick around,” she answers with a shrug.

“Seriously?” you ask, feeling another bout of cheesy coming up. “With everything I’ve done in this town, who I am, and you say you’re lucky for me following you? If anything, I’m the lucky one because you kept coming back,” you say while rubbing under her chin, making her giggle again.

You feel something nagging in the back of your mind. Something you want to say. You figure now is as good a time as any.

“I know I’ve asked before, but... why? Why do you keep following me?”

“Because you’re cool!” she exclaims. “You don’t take any nerve from anypony and you stand up for what you think is right.”

“How do you figure that?” you ask.

“The restaurant. You just gave the waitress a huge tip and walked out on the bill because of how poorly they managed the place. The way you stood up to me all those times, too. And the way you yelled at everypony.”

“You actually respect that?”

“Wha- I... Wait, that’s not what I meant.” She waves her hoof as she thinks over what to say. “I mean you show a lot of character. You have a sense of justice and you act on it.”

You never thought of it like that before. You quite like the sound of it. “But wait, what about when I apologized? Wouldn’t that mean I went against what I believed?”

“So you actually meant that apology? Really?” she asks. You feel like you’ve been duped, but you nod. You can honestly say that apology is genuine and if it wasn’t then, it is now. “Then that means you can admit when you’re wrong.” Dash’s smile, so light and caring, makes something in your chest feel like it’s soaring through the sky.

“But what about before all of that?” you ask. “Before the restaurant. Before the apology. You hated me. Why did you follow me then?”

Just like that, her smile begins to fade. She turns away her head away and focuses on something other than you.


“I told you before...” she says, turning back to you. “I’ll tell you about that when you tell me about this.” She brings a hoof up and taps your scar, suddenly making it feel very warm. You move your own hoof to cover it instinctively.

“I...” you say, but can’t think of anything to follow up with. Your turn to look away as your gaze simply goes off the bed and onto the floor, your hoof still covering the scar. For a while, the only sounds you hear are the faint collective breathing of you and Dash.

Her wings suddenly unwrap from around you. You look back to see Dash pushing against the mattress trying to sit up. You get off of her and allow her to lean up onto her haunches.

“Okay...” she says. “You really want to know?” she asks.

Taking a moment for a quick sigh, you nod.

“Remember,” she begins again. “You’ll have to tell me about the scar when I’m done. Are you sure?” She points a hoof toward your neck that you’re still holding.

“I’m sure,” you say with little hesitation. You have actually put little thought into your response, but figure you’ll cross the bridge when you come to it.

She scoots a little bit toward you to put her hooves on your shoulders again. You shift your hoof down from your neck to join one of them.

“I started following you because... Well...” She takes a deep sigh. “Have you ever had all of your friends dress up like a mysterious super hero because you were acting like a total jerk?”

You sit and wait for some sort of punchline to the statement. When none comes, you simply reply, “I can honestly say I have not.”

“It’s just that...” Dash sighs again. “I feel like I sort of mess everything up.”

“What? How?”

“I don’t know, it’s just... I give my friends a hard time. I’ve done things that end up making the situation worse.” She snuggles against you.

You don’t feel comfortable at the moment. You were not really expecting to have to console a pony and you are probably not one of the best candidates to do so. Still, you listen to Dash’s explanation.

“Have you ever talked to any of your friends about this?” you ask.

“I always act like I normally do around them.”

With the only lead you can think of gone, you don’t know what else to say at the moment

“I’ve just done a lot of stupid things,” she says quietly.

“Everypony’s done stupid things,” you reply. You almost think of yourself as an authority on the subject.

“...I nearly got my oldest friend killed.”

You feel your body go rigid in shock for a moment. “...What?” is all you could manage to get out.

“It was back in Cloudsdale when we were both still fillies. These two colts were making fun of her, so I challenged them to a race.” You look down to see her closed eyes as she recalls the memory. “We took our places at the starting line with her to wave the flag for us to go.”

“So... how does that exactly...?” you ask.

“She couldn’t fly. She was young and still not able to. And so when she waved the flag...” You hear Dash sniffle. “We just all went as fast as we could go and... we knocked her off the cloud.”

“But...” You remember she had said ‘nearly.’ “Was she okay?”

“Yeah. By some miracle, a cloud of butterflies flew by and broke her fall, but...” You wonder how such a thing is possible before she goes on. “I heard her scream. As she was falling, and I... just kept going.”

“But she was fine.”

“Still!” Dash suddenly exclaims. “She almost... if that freak chance didn’t happen, she would be...”

“But she’s not.” You tilt Dash’s chin up to look at you. “Does she hate you?” you ask.

“Of course not. She couldn’t hate anypony,” she says with a grumble.

“So there you go.”

“But I still did a lot of other things. I laugh when things happen to them...”

“They probably laugh about it later.”

“I tend to gloat and show off...”

“None of your other friends do? That white unicorn flaunts her dresses every chance she gets. Applejack is always talking up her apples for sales.”

“I make everything worse...”

“Like those times you helped save Equestria?”

“There’s more. Much more.”

“And all of it is just you being hard on yourself.”

She remains silent for a while. You are surprised by her confession. You never would have guessed the spunky pegasus actually felt like this. Also the fact that she hasn't told her friends but is willing to share it with you... It made you want to hold her a little closer. Still, you wonder what exactly this has to do with following you.

“Have I told you how I’m supposed to represent the element loyalty?” she asks. “Well, sometimes I blow my friends off to do whatever I want. I once skipped out on helping Applejack just to go nap. I actually felt bad enough about that to model dresses for Rarity once.” have you been in any other setting you would have laughed at that. “What kind of element of loyalty is that?” She sighs before digging her head back into your chest. “I wonder sometimes if my friends would better off without me.”

“Oh, come on. Your friends wouldn’t say that.”

“I know. I really know, but... I still feel bad about it all. When they’re not around. And then, you came along.”

“Me?” you ask surprised.

“Yeah. You come and just yell at the whole town. At first, I wanted to know what your problem was. What in Equestria would make you do that.” She sighs before continuing. “Then you said you were going to apologize to Pinkie Pie so you could shop at the bakery again, but not to anypony else. You have everypony think you're a jerk and think nothing of it. I...” She looks you in the eye. “I wanted to know how you did it. How you don’t feel anything when you do things like that.”

“Well, it’s because I-”

“I know. You don’t think you did anything wrong. But still, you didn’t care what the entire town thought of you.” She shakes her head. “...how?”

“I just... don’t care,” you reply.

How?” she asks again, almost pleadingly.

“I mean I just don’t care. That’s really all there is to it. I didn’t want to get close to any of them, so why would it matter?”

“But what about making friends?”

“I... I didn’t want any friends.”

She looks at you intensely. You can tell she doubts you and she’s trying to find something that gave away that you were lying. It is a technique you’ve used regularly enough to spot it.

“Why...?” she begins, but then looks down at your neck, scar standing out. “Oh,” is all she simply says.

She’s silent for a while before saying, “Well, I’ve told you why I follow you.” Suddenly, she shifts her weight to throw you down on the bed. She stands on top of you with her forelegs against your chest. “And if you think I’m letting you get away before you tell me about your scar, then you’re wrong.”

You struggle a little before opening your mouth. Before any number of not-so-carefully constructed phrases could be vocalized, you hear a voice flash through your mind.

You gotta tell somepony. Who would you rather talk to?

The dream you had several days ago comes to mind. You stop and simply lay there for a moment. As the silence begins to weigh in between the two of you, you reach up with a foreleg and begin brushing Dash’s mane with a hoof. You look up to see that confusion and concern has replaced what had driven the blue pegasus to hold you almost captive.

“I’ll tell you. But I’ll need a moment,” you say. While you continue to move a hoof through her hair, she slowly lays down on top of you waiting. You take a deep breath before beginning.

“I... was coming home after getting paid for a job,” you explain. “Nothing too special. Just bits that meant we could afford to eat a bit longer.”

Dash adjusts herself to lay more comfortably on your chest as you continue.

“I went up to my apartment. My friend lived with me. His name was Odd Jobs.” The two dreams came to mind again, but somehow adds to your confidence to keep going. “He wasn’t an honest pony. He wasn’t a good pony, but he was...” You stop rubbing and look her in the eye. “My best friend. We went through everything together.” You give a small chuckle, remembering some of the times you shared with the colt. “Like I said, I went to my apartment, walked in and called out for him, but didn’t get an answer.” You blink a couple times to block back the tears that are coming up. “I smelled something... in the air. Something sour.”

“What was it?” Dash asks.

“Well, at first I thought it was oil. It came from the room we used as a workshop. Mostly where I fixed things, but he had some use for the tools in there as well.” You give a deep sigh before continuing. “So I thought he was in there. I knocked on the door and called again.”


“No answer. I slowly opened the door. The smell was strong,” you say shaking your head. “A-and I turn on the light switch...”

Dash notices the tremble in your voice. “He wasn’t there?”

“H-he was...,” you say with a heavy sigh. You look down, away from Dash.

“What... was he doing in there?” Dash asks.

You clench your eyes shut and teeth together. You feel yourself begin to shake.

“Nothing,” you finally say, breathlessly. “Nothing at all.”

An air of silence hung heavily after your last statement. You feel as if something is pushing down on you besides the pegasus laying on top of you. A numb sensation is spreading from your chest down your limbs as you try to fight back the feelings while still preparing to explain what happened next. You focus on the silence, making it almost seem deafening as you take anything you can to block out the images from your mind. After a while, the only sound is a gasp from Dash when realization dawns on her. Slowly, she brought a hoof from your shoulder to your cheek. You felt her lean closer and her breath passed over your face, cooling in a small wet stream from your eye that has just come to be. Some time goes by before you start up again.

“Another regular customer came by a while later. Had some of his friends help clean up.” You pause again. “I learned later that he had owed money to a large group on the edge on the city. Didn’t make his payments, and apparently said some of the wrong things. He... he never even told me about it.”

She brings her other hoof to your neck and starts rubbing the scar. It feels cold, as if she’s holding ice to your neck. “But what about this?” she asks.

You tilt your head up and open your eyes to Dash. Your eyelids sting a bit, but you see the concern on her features. It’s comforting enough to make you continue.

“After that, I... well, life just kind of went back to normal.” She stops rubbing the scar. You shrug. “Kind of normal.” She nods slightly and resumes rubbing. “I... started drinking a bit more. Been stressed after that.” Although this is a bit easier to explain, you know a part coming up would be the hardest of all to get out. “Couldn’t really bring myself to work sober. All the bits went to cheap pizza or cheap vodka. Started slipping on jobs. Yelling at customers. Overall, bad for business.”

She opens her mouth again to ask something. “I’m getting to the scar,” you say before she can get any words out. She closes her lips and resumes listening.

“What was really weird was, other than that, I didn’t really feel anything.” You move your hoof on her back in a little circle. “It was just like... he was away for a job or something. Then one day. About a week later...” You try to think of the words to describe it. You settle on something simple. “It just hit me.”

“Hit you?” Dash asks. You nod.

“I never thought about it, but then I realized. He was gone. Forever.” You look at Dash again, seeing her with a little confusion. “You ever lose somepony, Dash?”

She’s silent for a bit before shaking her head.

“It doesn’t feel like they’re gone at first. It feels like they just left on some sort of trip. That you can talk to them, write to them, and one day they’ll come back, but...” You begin to push back tears again. “They don’t. And when the reality of it finally s-sets in...” You take a deep breath. “It’s...”

Dash looks at you expectantly. You take a moment to breathe before continuing with the story.

“I was in the workshop when it happened.” You bring your other hoof around to Dash’s back. “The incident was reduced to just some... darker colored floor. I tended to avoid looking at it.”

Dash settles her head on your shoulder, continuing to rub the scar.

“It was night and I was working on carving something. I don’t remember what, just that it needed a place to stash something away. A bottle of vodka was empty on the desk, which became a normal thing.” You take a pause to breathe and give your lips that had become quite dry a quick lick. “That’s... when it happened.”

You feel Dash stop rubbing the scar. “That’s when it hit you?”

You nod. “It hurt... It hurt so much.” You shut your eyes again tightly as more tears threaten to burst through. “It was... I was crying. I cried so much I could barely breathe and couldn’t see. And I just... I-I grabbed something, and...”

Her head moves off your shoulder. A silence hung in the air as you feel Dash’s hooves move toward and push against your chest. Despite the darkness of the night, despite your closed eyes, you could feel the stare of the pegasus burning right through you.

“...you didn’t.” She is barely above a whisper.

You could only have your head sink down in shame.

“You didn’t,” she repeats louder.

You try to take in a breath, but it could only come out as a snort as you try to keep yourself from breaking down right there. You only give another single meek nod.

Eyes closed and head lowered, all you can hear is Dash’s light and jagged breaths.

“...why?” she asks in a strained voice. “Why would you do that to yourself!?”

You tighten your grip with your forelegs to bring her into a hug. She’s standing on you, but her hooves move to the sides of your head. You bring her close enough to nuzzle up to her chest.

“How... How did you...?” she tries to ask after another moment.

You try to speak, but it only comes up in choppy words. “L-Late customer... I yelled... They got help...”

She slowly nuzzles the top of your head before asking another question.

“You don’t want to... do that again, do you?”

“I... w-when I think of him, I...” You keep silent after that. You didn’t know what to say or how to say it. You simply did not know.

“...I’m sorry,” you hear her say, faintly.

You manage to hear it, but couldn’t comprehend it exactly. “What...?”

“I’m sorry,” she says again. “I shouldn’t have... I-I shouldn’t... I’m sorry.”

Something clicks in your muddled mind. You piece together what you have said and what it sounds like. That Dash had just inspired such thoughts in the colt who had tried to tell her she isn’t trouble to everything she touches. You feel a shock of terror, making the now one and only important thing crystal clear.

“Dash, no. No, no, Dash, that’s not what I meant.”

“Don’t, please...” She slides down and pushes her face into your shoulder while wrapping her hooves around you tightly. “P-Please, don’t. Oh Celestia, please don’t...”

“NO! Dash, I’m not going to. You didn’t do anything, I-”

“I’m sorry...”

“No, Dash!”

“Because of me... you...” Her speaking began to sound more and more choked up. You feel her breaths become ragged like yours a moment ago. Her body tenses up and begins to shake.

“NO! I DON’T!” you desperately plead. This beautiful mare nearly reduced to your level. Conflicting dreads of the past and present clash as you try to find something, anything, you would be able to do.

“Dash,” you call to her. She is still holding onto you tightly. You bring a hoof to her cheek and try to get her to look at you.

“Dash, please...”

You feel her grip loosen and her body relax a bit. Enough for you to move her head to see her face. Her eyes are still clenched shut, but you could see her struggling against tears of her own. Tears of insecurity, bottled up emotions, and blaming herself for everything.

You tilt her head up to look at you while she opens her eyes, just barely red. You couldn’t let this continue.

You leaned forward and put your lips to hers. Dry, but soft and warm as you stare deeply into those deep magenta irises that are now wide with surprise like the first time you’ve done this. It's this moment you feel yourself slipping. Whatever holds you have on your emotions are breaking while looking into the eyes of such a carefree mare now full of such sorrow. As you feel the years of grief begin to stream down your face, you could see the same happening with Dash. Tears long overdue have started and they would not be stopped.

You both slowly close your eyes as you tighten your grip around her back to pull her closer. She brings a hoof around to the back of your head again to make sure you don’t pull away. Not that you would ever dream of it.

She pokes her tongue between your lips and you let her through. Meeting with your own tongue, you wrestle with hers roughly. Both of you seeming to try and take out all your hate and pain on each other inside your mouths.

You begin to move your hooves up and down her back between her wings. She takes her other hoof and rubs it down your side all the way to your flank, circling around your cutie mark. Both of you begin to moan and sob into each other. You could feel one another’s chest shake as your lament escapes.

You feel her wings begin to expand outward slowly. You remember many a dirty joke about this from Clopton. You realize what it meant. You also know what to do next. As soon as they are fully extended, you stroke along the base of the wings and Dash gasps at your touch. A little worry goes through your mind, wrapping them around being one thing, but what you’re doing now is something on another level. However, Dash doesn’t make any opposition so you continue to let your body move on its own.

It isn’t as much kissing at this point as you two simply roughly licking around each other’s open mouths. Inside or out, your tongues would dance with one another. You felt a warm bit of Dash’s saliva trail down your cheek.

You rub farther and farther along the wing. Reaching the tip, Dash gives out a little yelp into your mouth. You wonder if you should continue, but the doubt is pushed away when she begins sliding her body up and down yours. You feel the hairs of her coat push and brush up against your chest, bringing out and sharing the warmth it holds underneath.

Both you open your tear filled eyes briefly to gaze at each other. Disheveled manes and pathetic bloodshot eyes break down the last bit of the walls you two have built around yourselves over the years.

You rub her wings harder and faster as she presses her torso as hard as she can against you. Her moans grow louder as you continue to explore each others mouths. Your tongues tangle together as you feel every bump of her taste buds and experience them with your own.

Her rubbing stops as she just holds you tighter than ever before. Her moaning escalates before she breaks the kiss. She tilts her head upward and gives a scream riddled with sobbing. You’re thankful you live on the edge of town or else another pony may have been awoken and alarmed.

She collapses on top of you as the two of you simply hold each other. Her wings fall limp beside the two of you. Even though you both have no more tears left, dry sobs filled the air. Eventually, they became quiet and less frequent, giving way to gentle snoring as you both slip away from reality into a deep peaceful sleep. Through the window, the moon shines down upon two injured souls finding solace.

Upon two broken hearts mending together.