
Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness. Ruler of the Shivering Isles. Crafter of dangerously unstable magical artifacts. Cheese aficionado. A lonely old man.

Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. Once Ruler of Equestria. Master of unraveling reality. Maker of cotton candy clouds filled with chocolate rain. For some reason an infant.

Now read of this pair as Father and Son.

...abandon Logic, all ye who enter here.

Part of the PWNY-verse.
New cover image by ProfessorCatPro

Chapters (35)

Princesses Celestia and Luna have a favorite niece, but unfortunately she's been acting a little strange. Determined to get to the bottom of things, they pay her a visit.

A story that is effectively One Big Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind reference. You've been warned.

Cover art by Probablydnon.

Chapters (1)

Hulda has run Whiterun's only tavern for a long time, and has seen many, strange things. She's dealt with drunkards, brawlers, politically-driven idiots who love wagging their tongues, and more. She believed she could handle about any situation that came her way. But...talking horses? How does anyone deal with crazy talking horses?

Understanding of the few Skyrim-named characters are not necessary, but it can make the story a little easier to follow.

Chapters (1)

Revakheyvkaal is one of the last of dragonkind. The Dovahkiin has been hunting dragons to near-extinction.

There was a Thu'um he was once taught, however; A shout that could tear through space and time itself, opening a portal to unknown, distant lands. He knew that the Dragonborn was hot on his trail, and as the dragon's numbers continued to drop, he knew that he had no choice if he wished to survive.

But, in his haste to leave, he fails to realize the true danger of travelling to someplace previously unknown...

A Skyrim/MLP crossover.
Disclaimer: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda studios and MLP:FiM belongs to Hasbro.

Chapters (1)

What doesn't kill me...
Had better start running.

It takes a lot to kill the dragonborn. A lot a lot. Especially when she has something to fight for, something to live for, family to die for, or any permutation thereof. And she'll need every ounce of endurance she can muster to stand against the foes that will seek to do her harm. Even in such a peaceful land as Equestria.

Skyrim Crossover.

Chapters (5)

A guard from The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion spawns in Ponyville. He's a long way from home, but that won't keep him from stopping criminal scum and making them pay with their blood.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis sent Twilight deep into the abandoned caves beneath Canterlot to stop her from interfering with her conquest of Equestria, but what if that was not the first time Twilight has been down there. And what if Celestia was not the first individual to take notice of Twilight's potential, nor the most powerful. What happens when the hunger for love clashes with the hunger for knowledge. And which will Twilight choose?

Cover by Santafer

My little pony is owned by Hasbro
Elder scrolls is owned by Bethesda Softworks

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Knowledge is Power

Three years have passed since Twilight Sparkle disappeared into Apochrypha, followed by her friends. Will Equestria have changed in their absence? Will Apochrypha have changed them?

An unknown future awaits, but whether it will be bright or dark is something known only to those who have the gall to claim they are a higher being, and even that might not be enough to foretell everything.

All the while, something from the distant past returns.

Cover art provided by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/866/Cold+in+Gardez

My little pony is owned by Hasbro

Elder scrolls is owned by Bethesda Softworks

Chapters (46)

Sheogorath. The Prince of Madness. A man who has grown bored with his own world. When he brings his insanity to a land of peace, the Royal Sisters find themselves thrust into his world. A land of perpetual war and chaos. Survival is the least of their problems. If they are to find each other and return home, they must call upon the aid of a hero of prophecy. A hero that is said to rival the power of the sun itself. They must find him and prevent the destruction of two dimensions in the process. Little do they know how mentally unequipped this hero will be for both of them...

(The Dragonborn in this is going to be based on the default Nord look to make the story flow a little better.)

(And just as any author on this site will tell you, be gentle with me, this is my first fic, so there's no guarantee that it will exactly be perfect.)

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Student Six Watch Fallout Lore: The Storyteller Series

The Student Six had finished learning about The Wasteland and were ready to head to Sugarcube Corner for a snack before doing their assignment. However, they find themselves not only trapped in the room with no way out, but stuck in an alternate dimension caused by a powerful being who calls himself Sheogorath, The Daedric Prince of Madness.

For his own amusement, he's brought them here to learn about his own dimension and he has no plans on letting them go until he's had his fill of fun. With no other choice, the Student Six sit down and prepare to learn about Nirn, Tamriel, her history and races, and access to lots and lots of cheese.

The Elder Scroll Lore series belongs to ShoddyCast and Elder Scrolls itself belongs to Bethesda.

Chapters (13)