Devil May Cry 294 members · 36 stories

Welcome to the Group!

This group is dedicated to all the Devil May Cry crossover stories here at FimFiction. Any and all stories pertaining to Devil May Cry, from the games, to the manga, novels, comics, and even the anime, will be accepted.

On top of our goal of hosting the various Devil May Cry stories on this site here, we also welcome members to talk about the series, its games, your experiences, thoughts, passions, and hopes for the future of the DMC IP, which include the upcoming DMC5 Spring 2019. So don’t be shy. Speak up, raise hell in heaven, and prepare to release your demons!

NOTE: I, WhiteVoidJoJo, Founder of the group, also hold an open door policy to crossover stories that feature the reboot title DmC: Devil may Cry, as I feel that anyone with enough talent in terms of writing can make even that particular story bearable; if only slightly.

Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 17 - 36 of 36

Does anyone know the name of the dmc displaced where the man character called himself Arthur pandgoan

In honor of the new Devil May Cry game coming next year for PS4, Xbox, and PC, I've changed the banner. We're riding the hype train everyone! We'll try to provide whatever CONFIRMED information we can find up til then. In the meantime, don't hesitate to speculate as to what's going on.

Tends to be the case when the series is relatively niche, and the last main entry of the series (that wasn't an updated port) was a sub-par reboot that took the series three steps backward in gameplay progression and a hundred steps backward in the writing.

BTW, sorry for the late reply

I get the feeling that new members are hard to come by these days. If any of you have any ideas to change that, I'll be listening and watching.

344571 Well, good luck with whatever it is you're busy with.Just hope you have a nice day!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::moustache:

Not much. Just busy is all.


Wouldn't mind giving a Kingdom Hearts crossover a look, but might wanna post something like that in Games Crossovers rather than just a specific group like Devil May Cry.

Will still give it a look though, but remember that for next time.

Hello there. I'm Epsilon. I'm just asking if you guys would check out my story The Forgotten Memory. I don't ask this for views, rather to see what you would think. Thank you for reading and listening and have a good day. :twilightsmile:

Oh crap! We got 50+ Members now! Huzzah!

>>Dusk Stalker

Thank you ^_^

A little late, but welcome to the group.

Hey Everypony I am Azure Lightning Nice to meet ya


Welcome to the group good sir.
Hope you enjoy your stay.

Hey, guys, I'm Ebony Stallion.

I am making a story called Wendigo May Cry, which isn't a crossover of DMC per se, but rather based off the storyline of DmC: Devil May Cry.

I hope you guys come and enjoy my story:

Here's the link

322846 Welcome to the best group every

Hi everyone :pinkiehappy:
321404 his amulet and the broken Yamato
since it seems that his soul is still conected to the blade.
about that i was wondering : When Nero use the D.T
we can see a "soul" behind him , is it Nelo Angelo without the armor ? or Vergil's demonic form ?

and one last question : everyone agreed that Vergil's best line in DMC 3 is :
"you'll not forget this devil's power (devil trigger activation) , you're not worthy as my opponent" ?

Welcome to the the way

"If ya need to use the bathroom, it's for paying customers only."

  • Viewing 17 - 36 of 36