• Member Since 15th Jan, 2023
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A simple computer professional from unknown lands. Interested in magic and science. (Discord: khampostel#3300)

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Update: MIR in orbit? Ghosts attack! · 1:44am February 20th

Hello everyone! On February 19, 1986, the Soviet Union launched the MIR space station.

Wow! It's been such a long time since then. Does anyone from the Soviet era still remember it? Please don't ponder too much; the answer to this rhetorical question is no. The Soviet Union disappeared a few years later. So, this memory remains only as a trivial fact.

Returning to Earth, I feel like a considerable amount of time has passed since my last post. It's not without reason; work and other responsibilities have kept me busy.

But I haven't been idle with my writing!

I've made progress on the incomplete chapters of The Great and Powerful Trixie in the exordium under the pyramids. Unfortunately, there have been many corrections and reshufflings in the character dialogues.

I feel that improving the description of the setting is something I have to work on, but I still need to give it a better narrative thread for the reader.

For example, the main character X must perform action 1 (the reader should be able to understand the goals of character X to sympathize with their cause and justify action 1).

To achieve this, I must be very careful with their thoughts and words to avoid confusing moments that don't contribute to the plot.

Fortunately, comments on other websites have helped me improve in that aspect. Nevertheless, it's challenging. Haaa, I must keep learning!

Finally, I want to mention that the The Great and Powerful Trixie in the exordium under the pyramids calendar has been updated. I was planning to release something on the 21st, but things got complicated again.

But don't worry! The writing continues, and I, for my part, am enjoying it.

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