• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 170

170.1 (Evilhumour)

"Princess?" Twilight looked up at her mentor, with a sidelong glance at Luna. "I have a question about you two."

"What is it, my dear student?" Celestia smile was soft and motherly, like always.

"Well, I know for a fact that you raise and lower our sun, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna raises and sets the moon and creates the night sky," Twilight said slowly, with both princesses nodding their heads. "So why is Luna considered the weaker princess?"

Celestia blinked in confusion, sharing the same look on her sister's face. "Please Twilight, can you explain what you mean by that?"

"Well," Twilight traced her hoof in a small circle. "Princess Luna moves thousands of stars every night to create amazing masterpieces as well as the moon itself, and you Princess Celestia just move one star every day. So why is Princess Luna is considered the weaker of you two?"

"Well, you see Twilight," Celestia was really off balance, eyes darting around as she tried to come up with an explanation that didn't amount to being born first. "It's like this..."


Celestia decided on the truth, "Magic wise and battle wise, Luna is stronger. But I have a greater power, stronger the those powers!"

"What power?" asked the curious lavender pony.

"Political powers. Luna can't handle one government meeting without falling asleep, getting bored or frustrated. Meetings like what goes into Equestria's text books on subjects. Subjects like who the more powerful Alicorn Princess is."

"Wait! You manipulated the text books in your favour?"

"Political Powers!" was the answer.


"So..." Twilight suggested, "In theory, if a pony were to amass more political power then you, they'd be considered more powerful?"

"Well, yes, but not a more powerful alicorn. It's a little thing, I'll admit—"

"I see." The purple unicorn beamed innocently. "Well, I'm not headed back to ponyville for a couple of days. Did you see the new treatise about..."

Two weeks later, the former mayor of Ponyville was crowned the most powerful alicorn of all time.

170.2 (Rowan Ex)

Sometimes being a changeling queen was something worthy of pranks.

Like the time Twilight and Chrysalis, both Awake, were sisters with their own hives and Twilight was bored out of her head while her changelings did their routines. She had just finished rereading Hub fanfics about changelings until she remembered a particular comment from one of them.

<For those also bored, listen up,> Twilight began. <We're going to prank Ponyville.>

Sure, that Loop was also a Mikasa Glitched Loop, but wouldn't it be nice to have something for fun and pictures (which Chrysalis unusually found she had an interest for this Loop).

Ponyville was having a quiet day until its inhabitants noticed something on their library. One of them, the partiest partylicious party-liking party pony, opened the doors only to run off towards the Everfree Forest to check on the Mirror Pool.

'The Pool isn't open!' she realized. 'What's going on!?'

Back in a secret place near Ponyville, Twilight and Chrysalis were staring at the mess they had made and laughing. It was amazing how ponies could forget that Twilight was a changeling this Loop. Watching the ponies react to 40 unicorn Twilights chanting "Books!" was hilarious.

"You know Twilight," Chrysalis said amongst the unfurling chaos. "This sure looks fun."

"Have you seen Pinkie's face, though?" Twilight asked. "I mean, she knew the mirror pool cave had been closed."

"Yeah, I saw that." Chrysalis looked at Princess Celestia, Awake, as she arrived on the area only to leave with an amused smile. "Let's do this again sometime."

170.3 (continuation of 169.17) (Masterweaver)

"...Yeah, no." Applejack frowned. "Sugarcube, you're our friend and all, but there's no way you're not a changeling."

"Wait, what?" Shining Armor held up a hoof. "What are you going on about?"

"Look, mister Armor, it's alright, you don't have to protect her." Rarity wrapped a foreleg around Twilight's neck. "We've known from the first day she was in Ponyville. No offense, Twilight darling, but... you are actually very bad at hiding it."

Twilight blinked. "Er... but... I actually am a pony."

"Shhh." Fluttershy nuzzled her gently. "It's okay. We accept you as both pony and changeling. There's no need to be scared anymore."

Celestia and Shining Armor shared a confused look.

"Uh, I don't know what you mares are talking about," the stallion finally managed, "but we actually do have Twilight Sparkle's birth certificate. And other paperwork."

Pinkie giggled. "Of course you do, silly! Cadence was Twilight's 'foalsitter', right? Us pink ponies—" She paused, glanced around, then gave a nervous smile. "Er... us pink ponies all know how to forge paperwork."

Celestia stared. "WHAT."

"Yeah, pink is kinda negative green, and that can lead to certain legal problems... I'm pinker than most, so I'm more talented at it, but a pink princess would probably have access to higher levels of bureaucracy—"

"That's ridiculous!" Cadence cried. "I mean, I love Twilight and all, but do you really think I'd have the time to forge all those documents?"

Shining's eye twitched. Twilight had to repress a giggle.

Rainbow groaned. "Look, the point is, we know Twilight's a Changeling, and we're okay with it because we know she's not evil. To us, she's just another pony... with some, ah, unique needs. And we know that you, as her adopted big brother, want to keep her safe, but you don't have to hide it anymore. We're all totally fine with Twilight being a changeling."

"But..." Shining shook his head. "But she's not!"

Twilight nodded in agreement, although her lips kept twitching upward. "I really am not a changeling, girls."

"Of course not," Fluttershy cooed. "You're an ordinary pony."

"No, seriously, I'm not."

Rarity sighed. "Please, Twilight. I know you're worried, but do you really believe that we wouldn't notice how odd you acted?"

"You mares must be very confused," Cadence managed. "Look, maybe... maybe the changeling swarm's hive mind managed to interfere with your memories when you became Chrysalis's bridesmaids somehow?"

There was a moment of silence.

Then Applejack snorted. "That's way more ridiculous than her being a changeling."

170.4 (Vinylshadow)

Twilight looked up at the fuming Yak Prince who had just declared war on Equestria and sighed.

Reaching into her saddlebag, the Princess of Friendship pulled out a black scroll tied with a red ribbon.

"Spike? Send this to Princess Celestia please."

The dragon reluctantly took the scroll and blew on it, sending it swirling towards Canterlot.

"What did pony do?" Rutherford demanded, stomping a hoof. Twilight adjusted her mane and took a step to the right, moving out of the way of the line of fire.

"Just sending a message," she said.

The ground shook and everyone turned to look at Canterlot. The entire top of the mountain slowly opened and a large crystalline cannon slowly rose out of it. It rotated on its pedestal and aimed at Ponyville.

"Girls, duck," Twlight said. Her friends dropped flat, hooves over their heads as the cannon went off with a massive BOOM.

A streak of dark blue slammed into the Yak Prince, sending him bowling into his companions and sent all three flying in the vague direction of the San Palomino Desert.

Applejack got to her hooves and stared at Twilight. "Mind explaining what just happened?"

Twilight smiled and went over to where the Yak Prince had stood and helped a woozy Luna to her hooves. "I just took a leaf from Celestia's way of fighting wars. Throw your sister at it."

Luna rolled her neck, sighing in bliss as she flexed her wings. "We'll have to have someone re-calibrate the cannon. We are not as small as we once were and it was a rather tight fit."

Rarity clucked her tongue and trotted up to the princess. "Well, that won't do at all, Princess. Shall we adjourn to the spa and get pampered like we deserve?"

"I don't think sending your problem blasting off means that it's gone," Spike grumbled.

He was ignored.

170.5 (ORBSyndicate)

Gravity Falls: Friendship is Magic 4: Headhunters

The Mane 6 and Wendy were watching TV. On the screen was a duck in a Sherlock Holmes hat and a constable.

“I’m afraid your services won’t be required here, sir.” The constable said. “My men have examined the evidence, and this is obviously an accident.”

Then the duck started quacking, with subtitles appearing to translate it from duck: “An accident, constable? Or is it… Murder?!”

Fluttershy gasped, turning red. “That naughty duck!”

Applejack sighed. “He wasn’t sayin’ what it said he was sayin’ was he?”

“Not at all…”

Wendy shrugged. “If you were a duck being forced to act on a sub-standard show, I’m sure you’d love to get away with as much as possible.”

Rainbow Dash muttered something about “animal translation spells.” Her nose was deep in Journal 3. Twilight was half reading over her shoulder.

Soos ran in. “DUDES! You’ll never guess what I found!”

After various responses (ranging from “cute bunny” to “annoying dog” to “time machine.”) Soos shook his head. “Nope! A SECRET ROOM!”

Everyone left the TV quickly, rushing into the secret room. Soos slowly opened the door, revealing a bunch of wax figurines.

Rarity blinked. “An old abandoned… wax… museum?”

“So lifelike…” Twilight commented.

“Except that one.” Rainbow Dash said, pointing to one that looked like Stan.

“HELLO!” Stan said, grinning like a madman. Everyone jumped. He never got tired of that. Ever. Though that one time he had cloned himself several times was even more amusing.

“Behold, the Gravity Falls Wax Museum! Stuff. It was one of our most popular attractions. Before I forgot all about it. The first time anyway.”

Wendy cocked her head. “First time…?”

“Oh wake up.” Stan said, gaining a confused look from Wendy and a chuckle from a few of the equestrians.

“Anyway, my personal favorite was Abraham Lincoln. However…” Stan sighed, gesturing to a pile of wax goop. “He appears melted. Like the sun wanted to wrestle his pointless life from him…”

Twilight blinked. “Wax statues aren’t alive.”

“Right, right of course.” Stan said, waving his hand dismissively.


Stan groaned. He knew it’d be her. The wax figure day was always a hard one for him. But hey, he’d get through it. He always did.

He put on a smile. “You really think you can make one of these puppies?” He snorted.

“Grunkle Stan, I’m an arts and crafts and parties and chaos and pink and energy and power and magic and cotton candy and sugar and cake and sweets and dreams and happiness MASTER! Of course I can make one!”

Stan blinked, slowly taking all this in. Old loopers had an odd way of making him feel even older. It was a paradox.


Stan was 90% sure he knew what the wax statue was going to be. As usual. But not before she shot a million ideas at a brick wall.

Stan had not meant that literally when he had thought it, but in hindsight…

“SHALL I MAKE A WAFFLE WITH ARMS?” Pinkie asked a magic 8 ball while blindfolded. She then tossed the ball into a wall, shattering the ball. Pinkie then turned to look at the angle of the sun and test the wind. “Guess not.” She said.

Stan blinked. “What the…”

Then an 8 ball hit him right in the face.

“THE 8 BALL HAS SPOKEN!” Pinkie said. Stan swore he saw pink fire light up behind her with various eyes inside it. But when he blinked, it was gone. He shook his head. The Loops were making him go insane… And not the fun kind of insane either.

“I SHALL GET TO WORK!” Pinkie declared, plucking some of Rainbow Dash’s hair for supplies as she ran past.

“Wh— OW! HEY!”

“Sorry Dashie! Need rainbow powered paintbrushes and your hair is just naturally rainbow infused!”

“Um. Next time use scissors?”

Pinkie paused. “I never thought of that…”

Later, The Mystery Crusaders, Applebloom Corduroy, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo (just Scootaloo) were in the audience of the Mystery Shack’s “grand reopening of the Wax Museum.”

Of course, they weren’t there for the free pizza. (Well, maybe Scootaloo was). They were here to watch. To be SPIES!

And of course to see creepy wax figures. Because, duh, creepy wax figures. Awesome stuff.

They watched as Stan walked up to the podium. “You all know me folks! Town darling, Mister Mystery! Also ladies, quit staring at me like I’m the devil incarnate. Thank you!”

Silence greeted the strange man.

“I give you enchantments and wonderments, novelties and befuddlewhatsizbitz, the likes of which the world has never known in the history of all timelines! But enough about me. Behold… ME!” And with that, Stan uncovered the one Wax Statue not out for the public to view: a perfect replica of Stan himself, except with glitter added. It was very shiny.

Also if you looked at it in the wrong light it appeared to be on pink fire.

Sweetie Belle stared. “So shiny…”

Applebloom and Scootaloo groaned.

Pinkie leapt up and took the mic. “HELLO! THANK YOU FOR COMING TO THIS PARTY! I made this sculpture with my own two hooves! Or.. Hands! Or whatever! IT IS COVERED IN MY BLOOD, SWEAT, TEARS, PINK FIRE, HAIR, NATURAL GLITTER, AND OTHER FLUIDS!”

The Mystery Crusaders pondered this before recoiling in disgust.

“I SHALL NOW TAKE QUESTIONS!” Pinkie yelled, a party cannon going off.

Applebloom frowned. There was something really off about this Pinkie girl. She made special note to watch her closely.

McGucket asked the first question. “Old Man McGucket, local kook. are the wax figures alive? And follow-up question, can I survive the wax-man uprising?”

Pinkie grinned. “YES! NEXT QUESTION!”

Applebloom cocked her head. “Yes?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “That answer meant nothing. If they were alive, she answered yes to that. If they weren’t, she answered yes to the kook surviving. She’s clever.”

Sweetie frowned. “How can she be clever if she made a wax Stan?”

“I have no idea.” Scootaloo said.

“We shall solve this conn… conun… conundrum.” Applebloom said.

Meanwhile, the questions were still going on. “Toby Determined, Gravity Falls Gossiper. Do you think this constitutes a wonder of the world?”

Stan put a stupid grin on his face, obviously enjoying this. “Your microphone’s a turkey baster, Toby.”

“It certainly is…”

“Put Toby Determined down as someone to watch.” Sweetie said.

“Eh why?” Applebloom said. “He’s just as weird as everyone else here.”


Scootaloo and Applebloom rolled their eyes before continuing their observation.

Berry Punch jumped up. “You PROMISED FREE WINE!”

Pinkie shook her head. “No. You must’ve misread the flyer. What we have instead is…” Pinkie said, grinning. “FREE PIZZA!”

From literally nowhere, it began to rain pizzas. Everyone was happy, particularly Free Pizza Guy, who ate one of them mid-flight in one bite. Pinkie gave him a trophy.

Maud, for some reason, sprinkled pebbles on a pizza and walked away with it.

The Mystery Crusaders stared on, slack jawed.

Perhaps this was why they were watching the Mystery Shack… Spontaneous pizzas were not normal…

Stan sighed.

It had happened again.

Wax Stan’s head had been chopped off.

He had figured out how to prevent this from happening long ago, but he was trying to go with it. And thus, Wax Stan had to suffer.

It was a euphemism for his life, really. Because Stan was Stan, people had to suffer.

One person in particular.

He watched as, of course, the mane 6 defied the sheriff and his deputy and decided to investigate the murder of Wax Stan and bring the perpetrator to justice. Everyone did. Stan thought he knew who the culprit was, but he couldn’t be sure. The Loops liked to mess with his head and have other beings kill Wax Stan than the expected ones.

He cautiously eyed Wax Sherlock Holmes.

Next Loop, he was turning that one into a Ducktective statue.

He watched as the mane 6 found the axe, as they wandered around gathering clues, avenging him.

Of course he went along with it, with his “AVENGE ME!” speech and jumping around in mock anger.

But in reality he was just… sad. This statue always reminded him of the person he was in baseline.

A person he still was, to some extent. A lying cheat.

And not the amiable fun kind either. A backstabber.

He sighed again.

He also noticed that those Mystery Crusaders were following the kids around.

He wondered why…

“So, Mystery Crusaders, what do we have?” Applebloom asked.

“We observed them investigating the “death” of Wax Stan.” Scootaloo said, holding up the pen pad. “We have witnessed them somehow get past the security of the “Lumberjack Bar.” We did manage to follow them, at the cost of Sweetie getting a black eye…”

“I told you we should have made fake IDs as well!”

“Woulda taken too long.” Applebloom said. “Go on.”

“Then we watched them realize the axe was left handed, so Manly Dan couldn’t have done it… Then we watched them go through and investigate everyone who as at the pizza party… Lost a lot of pencil lead… and then accuse Toby Determined. We all know what happened next.” Scootaloo said, shuddering at the memory. Who on earth spent hours kissing a cardboard cutout of a reporter… Who did that???

“Anyway, Toby was shown to be innocent, and everything turned out to be pointless.” Scootaloo frowned. “We also observed Rainbow Dash look deep into some Journal with the number 3 on it. And I swear that Pinkie girl defies all logic.”

Applebloom nodded. “Stan will be holding a funeral for Wax Stan later today. We should be there to watch it.

Stan always held the funeral.

He could never bring himself not to. It was too important to him.

Perhaps it was an attempt to undo his wrongs. Perhaps it was an attempt to make peace with everything.

Whatever it was, he always cried.


Even in those amazing variants where he was here with him, he still cried.

He ran out, Soos and Wendy following him, leaving the mane 6 in the room with the wax statues.

Rarity looked around. “How did he convert this place into a ceremony room?”

“He’s a Looper.” Twilight said. “Does he need to follow logic?”

Pinkie butted in. “Who said anything needs logic??”

“Good point.”

Twilight sighed. “We didn’t solve the mystery…”

Applejack frowned. “Wait. You just said it.”

“Oh no.” Twilight said, looking around panicked. “Okay so where’s the clue here that we are going to find seconds too late?”

Rainbow Dash pointed at the body of Wax Stan. Specifically, his foot. “That hole… matches the footprint we found…”

Slowly, the mane six turned to see the wax statues turn towards them.

Wax Sherlock Holmes twirled his pipe and glared. “Ah yes, they found us out didn’t they chaps? It’s a shame they’re too late to do anything—“

The wax figures, now alive, moved in to attack.

“Hey!” “Get off!” “No you get off!” “Toteming is a science!” “Not if your foot is in my eye!”

“Girls!” Applebloom said. “Hold still! I can’t see in the window!”

Sweetie and Scootaloo shot death glares at each other, but held steady. Applebloom stared in through the window.

“Is that… pink fire?”

Then a wave of liquified wax poured out of the window with a force of a tidal wave. The Mystery Crusaders were completely covered.

And it began to harden.

“ACK!” Applebloom yelled.

Scootaloo tried eating her way out while Sweetie just went “EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEEWEWWEW!”

The voice of Pinkie could be heard from inside. “Yeah, taking the candle away from us wasn’t very effective was it?”

“Pinkie.” Twilight said, trying not to lose it. “Please put out the chaos fire.”

“Oh sure. Right away.”

“I think you melted Wax Stan’s head as well.”

“YOU DID WHAT?” The voice of Stan could be heard.

The Mane 6 blinked, before nodding to each other and dashing off in separate directions.

The Mystery Crusaders trekked back to their base, the wax caked onto them.

The report of that day was inconclusive.

Li rqob Prulduwb kdg slqn fkdrv iluh...

170.6 (Masterweaver)

Twilight blinked. "Wait... seriously?"

"Yep. Fluttershy actually made her the costume." Pinkie smiled. "Of course, we all know she's not actually a pony, but she's so shy about it that we pretend she is for her sake."

Twilight rubbed her head. "And you're sure she isn't a visiting looper?"

"About ninety percent sure. I kinda think she's actually somebody from Shoggoth-chan trying to relax for a bit, but I can't tell for certain."

The purple unicorn shot a glance over to where a blue pony with red eyes was perusing the shelves. It was almost possible to ignore the stitches on her skin... aside from the occasional green tentacle slipping out of them to grab a book and flip through it.

"...well, I suppose I am the princess of Friendship," she finally said. "And if 'Cuddlehu' wants friends, I can help her with that. I'm just worried about, you know, the whole..." She gesticulated.

Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes. "Twilight, I already took her aside and explained about boundaries. You'll be fine. After all, you're friends with me, and if you can handle that then one little tentacle monster in a suit should be easy!"

170.7 (Evilhumour, Vinylshadow, OathToOblivion)

"Wow," said Rainbow Dash, very impressed. "Lemon sure can bench press your daughter, Twi."

"Yup," Twilight nodded her head, watching the two move up and down. It was oddly hypnotic in a way, the repeated motion somehow captivating. "They've been going at it for hours."

"Nearly six hours, Twilight," Lemon responded with a grunt, earning himself a swat on the nose from Nyx as he had been uneven with his latest raising of her. That earned them chuckles from the crowd surrounding them, more the mares then the stallions.

"So how exactly did all this start Twilight?" Dash tore her head away from the duo and towards her friend.

"Well, from what I heard Lemon was working out here with Nyx reading nearby," Twilight's attention was still focused towards her daughter and her husband to be, a smile on her face at what the kids were doing. "One of them—"

"It was Nyxie who marveled at my steadiness and wondered if I could continue it with a much more precious load," Lemon responded, earning him another swat on his nose. "So far, I've continued my work out and Nyxie is still reading her book."

Nyx nodded her head, resting comfortably in her finacé's hooves as turned the next page of her book as Lemon lifted her back into the air and then down.

"Huh," Rainbow Dash blinked, and then nodded her head. "Neat." She then flew back into the sky while the crowd continued to watch Lemon Rush bench press Nyx Sparkle in front of her mother.

"What's Nyx reading anyway?" Applejack asked.

"The Complete Unabridged History of the Loops, 42nd Edition, by Mewtwo," Twilight replied. "It weighs about two and a half thousand tonnes."

“I could have done without knowing that,” Lemon said with equineamity.

170.8 (Vinylshadow)

Sunset Shimmer Woke up in Equestria and immediately did a double take, falling backwards in shock.

Starlight Glimmer looked at her curiously. "You alright?"

Sunset's mouth opened and closed as she tried to puzzle out what was going on. A polite cough got her attention and she turned to see Twilight offering her a hoof.

"Explanation?" Sunset murmured to her as the Anchor hauled her up.

"Variant where pretty much every unicorn from Baseline is in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Including Flim and Flam. Don't try the mystery herbs," Twilight said, gesturing around them.

Sunset saw Moondancer and Trixie in a heated debate over a chalkboard filled with staggering amounts of theories, some of which Sunset recognized, while there were thaumic theories that made her head spin just by looking at them.

"Okay, I've had weirder," she said, shaking her head. "Any real plans this Loop?"

"Nope, but I'm taking notes on everything so I can puzzle over them later," Twilight said cheerfully. "Shall we join the battle?" she added, nodding to Moondancer, who had a tick on her head as she and Trixie moved closer to each other.

"I doubt we'd survive, but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained," Sunset said with a feral grin. "Have at thee!"

Rarity arched one eyebrow as Twilight approached her. She was fairly positive she knew what Twilight was—

"Where were you last Loop?" the Anchor demanded.

"If you're talking about the one where you and your friends went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns..."

Twilight winced. "Ah...well...that's not...they're your friends too!"

"True, but I was occupied elsewhere, I'm afraid."

"Where?" Twilight asked, pricking her ears.

"A lady never tells, Twilight," Rarity admonished her gently with a smile.

170.9 (Evilhumour)

"The Night shall last for—" Nightmare Moon declaration was cut off when she was tapped on the side.

"Ahem, excuse me?" a younger, softer version of Nightmare Moon coughed slightly as she rolled her eyes. "I know you are trying to be independent of your sister Luna, and make yourself what ponies cling to, have your Night respected by all and whatever, but...." the younger mare trailed off, her horn glowing as the moon went down with the sun coming up. "But you are doing it under my name which could get me in trouble with my mom over there," Twilight meeped as the younger alicorn waved over to her, ponies taking a step backwards. "You're not really thinking about the long term issues with having only the moon up — did you ever think to have a second moon to act as a source of light that will act as replacement for the sun as it works surprisingly well — and you didn't even try to co-op rulership over Equestria! I mean, look Luna, you and Celestia," she wrapped both her forelegs around the princesses, surprising everypony as they didn't even see Celestia there a second ago, and lead them to a podium that had blueprints and plans, also something that wasn't there a moment ago. "I mean, look, if you directed the winds like so, you two could have the sun and the moon up for a thousand years or so each, switching back and forth. And if that doesn't work, there are others things we can try."

"Wait," the older Nightmare Moon, or Luna as she was called, started to protest, shaking her head. "We have come—"

"Back to Equestria, I know, if you have noticed, there are banners and a massive party set up just for your return. See?" the younger alicorn pointed to the newly decorated town hall in the colours of the first Nightmare Moon, the younger one giving a wink to a pink party mare. "So everypony did remember you Luna, celebrated your night and a lot enjoy it now. Now come, we've got a lot of work to do girls." The younger alicorn guided the princesses out of the room, leaving everypony inside in dead silence.

In the crowd, a white unicorn pony turned to a purple unicorn pony.

"Excuse me, Twilight?" she asked.

"Yes Rarity?" she responded.

"What the hay just happened?!"

"I don't know, Rarity and I don't know why she called me mom!"

170.10: (Detective Ethan Redfield)

The sky over Golden Oaks Library tore open, revealing a vast expanse of nothing. It was not space, it was not anything. And from it came a tentacled horror, a monstrosity that cannot be put into words. It was like the void sprouted eyes and glared at everything. Ponies that were not stricken dumb or insane at the sight ran screaming in terror (a surprising amount for such a panicky race). Over the sound of the panicking ponies, one overly loud groan roared with two words.


As Twilight prepared for the inevitable destruction of her tree so that their loop might be saved, a certain pink haired pony approached Twilight and said, "Hey Twilight! I want to apologize."

Twilight looked at Pinkie with a manic grin and a twitchy eye, "What?! What now? Don't tell me you're the daughter of Cthulhu?!"

Pinkie blinked and laughed. "You're funny Twilight. That's just insane."

Twilight shook her head, dispelling her concern. "Ok, then I'm sure it's not as bad as what's about to happen. Lay it on me, Pinkie."

"I'm not an Earth Pony. I'm a Narwhal!"

Twilight was blinded as Pinkie transformed in a flash of white light. And then she saw Pinkie had grown fins and a horn. A second later, Pinkie threw herself at the opening in the sky, body checked the tentacled horror and sealed the breach. Twilight blinked several times, then shouted, "What the birch just happened?!"

On the Other Side of the Breach

Pinkie, Hastur, Cthulhu, and many other Eldritch Abominations sat around, playing a game of poker. Pinkie finished laughing and said, "Thanks everybeing."

Cthulhu nodded. "We should do this again. What do you say, next time Twilight isn't awake?"

Pinkie put a fin to her face, "Only if Twilight can keep her sanity. I mean, what's fun about pranking a pony who's speaking an ancient language and no longer realizes she's still in Ponyville?"

170.11 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)

Nyx blinked. "Seriously? This happened because you were bitten by a radioactive book?"

"It could have happened!" Twilight, currently a mobile (and concerned) illustration on the cover of a book, exclaimed.

Those words, and the fact that she also knew a spell to get exactly that effect, were why Nyx doubted her mother's story, and she sighed. "Here I thought Aunty Velvet's story about being bitten by a radioactive skeleton was one of the most ridiculous things I'd ever heard."

Twilight blinked. "Radioactive skeleton... you mean, from that Family Skeleton-based Loop you told us about?"

Nyx nodded. "It was one of the theories she had about why she was a living skeleton. We never really believed it then, and I still don't."

From the book cover, Twilight sighed. "Oh well. It was fun while it lasted." She concentrated, and a moment later, emerged from the book. "You know, you could try to play along with these little jokes sometimes."

Nyx nuzzled her mother. "Maybe if you were trying to prank someone other than me."

"I'll keep that in mind."

170.12: (Evilhumour)

"—and I still can't dance without crashing into something, Spike," Twilight said as paced back again, causing the drake to roll his eyes as his latest attempt to help Twilight was rendered useless. "I mean, I know that they’re not getting married soon but one day they'll tell us they're ready and I can't embarrass Nyx with our dance at the reception because if I do she’ll hate me forever and then she won't want to talk to me ever again and when they have kids I’ll never see my grandchildren but then again I know that Nyx won’t be that mean, that monster Leman won't let me see my grandchildren because of how badly I danced at their wedding, how dare he hold that against for me so long why I outta—"

"Hi Mom, we're home," Nyx entered the library with her fiancé carrying in the groceries on his back. "How are thin—"

"LET ME SEE MY GRANDCHILDREN YOU EONS OLD GRUDGE HOLDER!" Twilight shouted, tackling Lemon through a wall, leaving Nyx alone with Spike.

"Don't worry," Spike said as he went to get the broom and dustpan to clean up the mess. "I already contacted Cadence to help us out and she should be here so—"

"Already here Spike," Cadence teleported in, looking around for her sister in-law. "What is it this time?"

"Twilight was worried that her poor dancing will drive a wedge between Nyx and her, and she jumped to the conclusion that Leman won't let her see their future children because of it."

"Ah," Cadence nodded sagely as she went outside to pry the purple mare off the yellow stallion. "Won't be that hard to deal with."

Nyx sighed, shaking her head as her aunt talked her mom out of her breakdown as she picked up the groceries and took them to the kitchen.

170.13: (Evilhumour)

"Interesting," Perturabo, or as his memories told him his name was Siege Patrol, muttered to himself as he Awoke as an equine creature, a pony as his brothers told him beforehand of the correct term. He had been expecting this for a while now, considering what he read about jump-started branches like his own in that guidebook, but he was not expecting...the gentleness of everything around him. In his home Branch, in the worldcrafting Branch and the few others he had been to, there was always some sense of danger around the corner, something to really prepare and defend against.

Here, there was nothing pressing against him to gather up his weaponry or anything of the —

"Excuse me, but are you okay?" a yellow equi—pony with wings looked up at him with genuine concern, her blue eyes showing not a trace of any malice within her being. "Because if you do not mind me saying, you do look a bit Loopy."

"Yes...but I am wide Awake miss...." he said carefully, dimly aware that this mare was familiar to him, somewhat resembling who his brothers described as Fl—

"Fluttershy," her smile grew as she walked up closer to him. "Perturabo?" she asked delicately, not fear in her voice but actual hope.

"Yes," he nodded his grey coated head, shaking his dark mane into his face. "I have heard that my other brothers call you the Little Mother due to you raising Russ... and my other brothers in other loops in the past."

"That's correct," the pegasus replied. "Like I told Magnus, Vulkan and Konrad, they did not need to call me Little Mother or view me as their mother if they did not want to, and I will not force you too if you do not want that kind of relationship," she then flashed another true, caring smile at him. "I will let you know the offer is always open and that there is always room in my cottage for you if you wish to come."

"Thank you, miss Flutters—" he trailed off his speech as he noticed a young pony, a colt his memories corrected him, walk into view carrying a large bag upon his back.

"I've got all the stuff for supper, Little Mother, although I do think I should be allowed to cook for you again," the yellow earth pony that had his brother's voice grumbled, eyes at the ground.

"Lemon Rush, after what happened last time be grateful that City Guard didn't press charges on you after how much was burned to the ground," the mare turned her head to lecture the colt who rolled his eyes at the speech. He then froze at the sight of the young grey stallion, who had a smile creeping on his face. "Also, your brother Perturabo is Awake and might be joining us for dinner so I would like him to eat something that will not fight back."

The colt began to stammer, face flushed with embarrassment as Perturabo found himself in the throes of laughter at seeing the mighty Wolf King as a tiny little colt, seeing exactly why his brothers told him he had to see this sight for himself.

Siege Patrol knew from that moment on that this was going to be a very good loop for him.

170.14: (Evilhumour)

There was a string of explosions outside the Golden Oaks, and a young alicorn ran into the library.



The shock wave caused everything inside the library to rock back and forth, dust from the ceiling coating the floor along with every book being knocked out of their shelves.

"THAT WAS NOT TRIXIE, TRIXIE SWEARS IT!" a voice bellowed out, shattering all the glass in the library and the town, causing more than a few to go temporarily deaf.

"Sorry-mom-I-have-got-to-make-sure-the-girls-don’t-destroy-anything-else-Hey-Applebloom-stop-using-those-rockets-You-agreed-not-to-use-splitting-rockets-for-this-contest-to-see-who-is-going-to-be-my-maid-of-honour," the alicorn paused to look at the librarian and gave her a weak smile. "Sorry-mom-I-really-need-to-go-now-I-love-you-bye." The young alicorn raced over to the purple mare and gave her a kiss on the cheek before running outside, slamming the door behind her.

Twilight blinked at the strange sight she just watched and wondered who that alicorn was, who Trixie was and what the hay was going on in this city!

170.15: (Vinylshadow, Purrs, OathToOblivion)

"I is Wakefulness!" Twilight is words slowly! Twilight is frown and Twilight is effort again! Twilight is scowl and Twilight is impact head against table! "What is event to words?!"

"Know not I do, but amused I am," Zecora is words and Zecora is grin! "At least talk somewhat normal, I do, unlike you."

Twilight is glare at Zecora and Twilight is slump miserably! "Hard is message to Celestia letters! Words is not utility good!" Twilight is appearance like Twilight is imminence tears!

"{I'm really sorry about this, Twilight,}" Pikachu—er, Past Participle—apologized — having replaced Spike this Loop — "{Looks like you fell prey to a Grammermon Loop.}"

170.16: (Evilhumour)

Dashing Rainbow looked at Shyingflutter who was rubbing the back of Sparkling Twilight.

"This is such a stupid variant," the Anchor grumbled, looking at Armoring Shine. "So stupid!" she whined, faceplanting into the table.

"It could be worse," Shyingflutter said. "You could be like my son Rushing Lemons and get all those immature joke thrown at his face."

"Wait, someone actually teased one of your boys about their names?" Dashing asked in disbelief.

"Well, actually no, not after he put that pony through the hoofball hoop..." Shyingflutter said, trailing off as she tipped her chin.

Sparkling groaned and faceplanted again.

Author's Note:

170.3: Sometimes you tell the truth, and you just don't get believed.
170.4: Of course it means the problem is gone. The problem is no longer here.
170.7: The title is, of course, a lie. Nothing can be completely unabridged.
170.9: Some non-Equestrian Anchor or other not shown.
170.13: She does it to all the Primarchs.
170.14: Another non-Twilight Looper.

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