• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 150

“I must enquire, fair alicorn,” Zecora began as she followed Cadence through the castle.

“...something something morn?” Cadence replied with a grin.

“...indeed, that was my rhyme. But please, give me more time.”

A smirk. “Don't worry, I'll let you finish in future. Anyway... here's what I wanted to show you.”
Cadence pushed open a set of double doors with a flourish, and Zecora peered through.
She beheld a stupendous orrery of rune-inscribed metal wheels, stone obelisks, hovering crystals and softly glowing liquids. Even as she watched, it shifted visibly, and one of the vials turned a striped black-white before beginning to glow.

Something went parp, and the whole assembly shivered into life – the multi-axis metal rings rotating independently at the five foci of the structure, and energies began to crackle along the angular runes inscribed thereon.

“...oh, this will cause trouble later,” she said slowly. “That's the Dating Simulator.”

“That's right!” Cadence grinned. “And I thought it could solve a problem of yours!”

“What problem might that be,” the zebra asked, already making plans to skedaddle. “For there is none I see. I seek no special somepony, and that is about the only-”

“Let me show you,” Cadence interrupted, and kicked a switch.

There was a clunk as the device dropped into a faster, more advanced mode. The wheels spun faster, the energies became more intense, and a bright light scanned across Zecora before vanishing.

Dried leaves burst into the air from what looked like a potpourri dispenser, and were snatched up into the whirling ring system. An eerie keening developed-

And then there was a BONG.

A cup clattered out of a chute next to the confused Zecora, and steaming black liquid arrived in it in precise drops.

“Cup of tea?” Cadence asked.

Zecora blinked.
“Sorry,” the alicorn added, smiling. “But I just wanted to see the look on your face. I've actually been repurposing the Dating Simulator for some time, trying to salvage the scanner section and rework the rest. Try the tea.”

“I see. I think I'll have the drink,” Zecora said, and sipped it.

She smiled, her eyes unfocusing slightly. “That is an excellent blend. Just the thing for a long day's end.”

“Exactly,” Cadence agreed. “When in beverage mode, it detects the exact drink preferences of the pony using it... although at the moment it only makes tea.”

“A flaw, it's true,” Zecora admitted. “But why would you-”

Cadence interrupted again, and Zecora shot her a grateful look for doing so on a rhyme. “It's for two reasons, Zecora. First – this is about as far as I can take the project. I'm no good at the potions side of things, about the only other thing I can make it do is dispense love potions... but you're the expert, and it's much better that you have it. Even just as something to tinker with every now and again.”

Zecora nodded, understanding.

“And second...” Cadence smiled slightly. “It requires the operator to use unicorn magic to charge the arrays. I thought this might help you get used to your ascension – I know you don't use it much, and I think this would be a good way to encourage you.”

Another nod. “I see. A gift of daunting price – though perhaps others would not be so nice. This machine does blow up a lot... I think of it you're happy shot.”

“Really?” Cadence frowned. “That's the rhyme you're going with?”

Zecora shrugged. “They can't all be three out of three.”


Okay, here goes…

Harry coughed.

The girl looked up. “Hello!” she said, smiling. “How can I help you, Harry?”

“Pretty simply, actually,” Harry replied, rummaging in his pocket. “Do you know what this is?”

“The diary?” Hermione's replacement nodded. “Yes, Twilight warned me about it almost as soon as she knew I was looping. Why do you ask?”

He placed it on the table. “I was wondering if you'd indulge me in an experiment. You see, this isn't just a copy of Moldyshorts... it's a sixteen-year old teenage boy copy of the git.”

Cheerilee nodded, showing she was following along. “And?”

Harry smirked. “I just wondered what would happen when it was used as someone's school notebook for a few years.”

“Okay,” Cheerilee said, looking a bit apprehensive. “If you're sure it's okay...”

“Of course I'm not sure, that's why it's an experiment,” Harry pointed out. He saw she still wasn't sure, so deployed the weapons-grade argument. “Think of it as a learning experience.”

She nodded, and smoothed out her Ravenclaw robes. “Right.”

Diariddle was not a happy soul fragment.

The dozy little second-year had by this point written almost two thousand pages of notes into him, and she barely seemed to have noticed that the words were vanishing!

She hadn't even read any of his attempts to send a message, either, and without that he had hardly any means of influence whatsoever.

Suddenly another stream of information began to project itself into his increasingly crowded mind. It seemed to be close-spaced notes about how to set up a railway schedule capable of serving an area somewhat larger than Britain with minimal delays or service gaps, including how to compensate for expected breakages and how to organize the switch from coal to diesel to electrified to –


Tom Marvolo Riddle had been a fascinated, eager student. But only a very few people in the entire multiverse could be that interested in that many topics for that long, and Riddle was not one of them.

Why can't she be normal and write about boy trouble...

“...so, long story short,” Cheerilee finished with a shrug, “I managed to load it so full of information that some of it came leaking back out.”

“Oh, really?” Twilight chuckled. “What kind of things?”

Cheerilee's reply was a sibilant hiss.

Fluttershy looked up from her tea. “You've got a very strange accent...”

“I think it's Scots,” Cheerilee said, wincing. “You're right, Parseltongue in a highland brogue is just a bit too much...”

150.3 (Wildrook)

"So," Celestia muttered, "what's this about the Dual Nightmare?"

"Bit of a new expansion on my game," Discord replied. "Instead of just one of you turning into Nightmares, it's BOTH the Sun and Moon. I got the idea from when I Looped in Kirby's Home World during the Milky Way Wishes crisis, and I thought...why not apply it to you two, only you're bringing total discord to Equestria?"

Celestia then glared. "But Nightmare Star?" she asked him. "Aren't you applying logic that the Sun is basically a Star?"

"Nightmare Star, Solar Flare, to be honest." Discord then thought about it. "That's the other thing I wanted to ask you, though...I was thinking on working on more expansions for this game, and so far, all I could come up with is Slendermane, Gummy on Drugs, and finally...well...you when you let go and unleash your true power. So far, the themes happen to be Eldritch Horrors, Realistic Design, and the concept of the Alternate Reality, and I was thinking...why not EXPAND the game so that everyone else in the Multiverse is applied?"

Celestia blinked. "I'm sorry," she said, "I must have heard something crazy. Are you asking me for permission to run a business for Chaos? With Paperwork, card design, and a semblance of order?"

Discord nodded. "And yes, I'm aware, but Order and Chaos are always two sides of the same coin. You must HAVE Order...to create Chaos. Why else do you think I'm asking for permission from the highest state of authority within Equestria personally?"

Thinking about it, she admitted, in his own twisted way, that he had a point. She's played a few rounds of game night with most of Twilight's Family, and while she knew that Anything Goes, it relied on thinking outside the box.

She then gave out a smile. "I'll allow it," she said, "on a few conditions."

"I'll try to see if I can find a few ways around them," Discord replied, "but name them and see if we're thinking along the same wavelength."

"One of them is that you do not just get Twilight and her friends involved with production, but myself and every other Looper in Equestria, even when they start Awakening. We all have our respective fields in the Loops, so we might apply ideas that you may or may not like."

Discord then blinked. "You knew that I was going to ask Fluttershy and the others, weren't you?" he asked her, who replied with a nod. "Well...I've still got a bit of an issue with Vinyl, but I can see what I can do."

"The second thing I ask...is to release the Expansions bit by bit. Too much of an influx would cause panic."

"Somehow, I get your point."

"Third...and this is for advertising purposes...if we have Guest Loopers and are Awake at the time, you bring them in for a beta run of the game as long as the rest of us are Awake."

Discord thought about it. "Considering that Awakening in Yggdrasil is rather spread out," he said, "when the opportunity arises, I'll see what I can do. Might have to see if Eight-Legs is willing to come in for a game or two, but as of this moment, I'm rather pleased with this outcome. What do you have to bring to the table?"

"Star Swirl and I have been around the different Mirror-verses, so I may have a few things to bring to the game. Besides...I'm up for a rematch after the last time you brought in Old Mare Heartstrings in card form."

"You were the one who brought in Walpurgis Nacht, or whatever it's called. I just retaliated with the best card I had in my hand at the time."

150.4 (Evilhumour)

"Hey, Twilight, lookie what I learned to do!" Vinyl’s shout was barely heard over the wubs being played. "This is the coolest thing I've ever done!"

Running outside, Twilight looked around for the white unicorn when all of a sudden the wubs got very loud. Listening to instincts honed from dodging many Rainbow Dash tackle hugs, she hit the dirt as something sailed over her, blasting her with music. Tilting her head up, she saw Vinyl floating in the air with the biggest grin on her face.

"I learned how to channel the wubs through my entire body now, and I just figured out how to get it through my hooves at the same time now!" She smirked as she flew down again, causing Twilight to roll over to avoid the mare. Unfortunately for the purple mare, it was right into a big mud hole. "Whoops, are you okay Twili-GAH!" Vinyl shouted as she fell from the sky into the same mud hole Twilight was in. "Still have to learn how to properly control it and junk, but soon, I will be able to fly by the power of wubs itself!" Hugging the purple mare tightly and covering her with more mud, she pushed herself out of the mud with her musical hooves, splattering the last clean space on Twilight with mud.

Twilight simply sighed, shook her head and made her way to the spa before she would begin to deal with getting revenge.

150.5 (Evilhumour)

Spike blinked as he saw his fourth most favourite white mare pounding the Golden Oaks door.

"Um, Vinyl, what can I do for you?" He blinked slowly as the mare paced back and forth. She was for some reason wearing a sock on her horn and several of the cutest booties he ever sa- "Why did Rarity put sound proof boots on you and why are you wearing a sock on your horn?"

"Your wife decided after I used a bit of my rocking wubs in her shop that I needed a time out." She snorted, looking to the side. She then held out a hoof to stare at a boot, tilting her head. "These boots are kinda awesome..." She then smirked. "Tell ya wife I like them!" Bobbing her head, she turned around and started to strut her way towards the train station.

"Okay..." Spike blinked. Frowning, he called out to the mare. "Wait, why are you wearing a sock on your horn?"

Vinyl paused, blinking at him. Tilting her head, she looked upwards and blushed. Shaking her head clear of the sock, she used her magic to put the sock into her saddle bag. "I forgot I still had this on from last night! Thanks Spike! Bye!"

Spike blinked, scratched his head and closed the door.

150.6 (Wildrook)

"Oh, you are kidding me," Twilight muttered as she looked at the candidate running against Starlight Glimmer.

And by candidate, she meant the Villager with a leaf with a hole in it for a Cutie Mark.

As for what happened...well...

(Five minutes earlier)

Starlight Glimmer growled at the man with the cutie mark as he's countering her moves with his own.

She was about to ask where the bowling ball came from before she got hit by it...but as she tried to get up, she noticed a tree heading for her as she tried to dodge out of the way.

"What in the name of Grogar's up with you?" Starlight Glimmer yelled. "You're just pulling things straight from your person..."

"I have pockets," the Villager replied. "Helps when I'm dealing with every-day life."

She then growled as she brought out the "Staff of Sameness." "You won't be accessing them for very long once I'm through with you!" As she launched her magic at the Villager, she then smirked as she got ready for impact...

...but there was nothing to be heard.

"Where's the impact?" she asked herself. "There's supposed to be a drain of your magic as your Cutie Mark is ripped from your body."

"I told you," the stallion replied as he had brought out balloons while floating. "I have POCKETS." He then brought out the very same magic she tried to hit him with and launched it at her...as she felt her own Cutie Mark rip out of her person and placed onto a slab of rock.

(Present day...)

Twilight and the others are flabbergasted at this turn of events.

"Now I'm jealous," Pinkie Pie replied. "Why didn't I think of that?"

Twilight face-hooved. Whoever this Villager was, he had managed to equalize Starlight Glimmer...but the thought of how it was done was driving her mad.

"Well, he's got my vote," a yellow Earth Pony with a seashell Cutie Mark replied as the Villager chuckled at the praise.

150.7 (Wildrook)

In the Cutie Mark Gate, a skeletal pony and a colt with a big nose had heard the ranting of an egomaniacal villain.

"But really," she finished, a little annoyed at the two, "taking their Cutie Marks is a kindness so they don't have to suffer their inequality to idiots like you...so now who's the villain?"

"Y...you," Billy said, totally lost.

"What?" the mare asked him

"I mean, Twistar..."

"Starlight," the skeletal pony said, dreading where this is heading.

"Nightlight, I didn't understand a word you just said." The big-nosed pony tried...and failed...to explain himself. "I mean, for all I know, you're trying to be like my best friend, who could think of better plans than you do..."

"Okay, no!" Starlight Glimmer, in her rage, said as she tried to get rid of the Cutie Mark of the big-nosed pony.

"And to top it all off," Billy said, "you're not exactly Mandy-levels of scary." That made her eyes widen.

"And apparently, this is happening. SKULL HEAD, why the heck is this pony resisting the effects?"

Skull Head, aka, Grim, had shivered. "He isn't," he said. "You already stole his Cutie Mark."

"What are you talking about?"

He then pointed at the wall of Cutie Marks...that cracked?

"...That should not be possible. Why is it cracked?"

"Because, if you should know, Big Nose's stupidity IS his special talent...and because of your theft...well...I'd start galloping if I were you, mon."

And that's when the world weSHOPUJAGINFGIJIGPAND98REWEQIGPHU--

Twilight Awoke with a start as she looked at herself...and groaned.

"Loop Crash?" Rainbow Dash asked her.

"Yeah," Twilight said, "and I have a good idea who was the cause of it."

"Billy?" Pinkie Pie asked her, walking in the classroom.


150.8 (Kris Overstreet)

Ash looked down at the purple unicorn and said, "This is not my fault."

The purple unicorn glared up at him.

"No, really, this is NOT my fault!" Ash waved his hands- well, his hand and chainsaw- in frustration. "After this many Loops I know the damn words, right? But just as I was saying them this great big horsefly or something bites me on the ass! Through my pants! And, well, it throws off a guy's concentration just a little bit!"

"What did you actually end up saying, then?" Twilight Sparkle said, not giving the S-Mart employee any benefit of the doubt.

"Um... well, I said the words."

"What were the sounds you made, Ash?"

Ash shuffled on his feet. "Klaatu Barada Niieeiiiygh," he mumbled.

"What was that again?"

"Klaatu Barada Niieeeiiiygh!" Ash snapped, the last word coming out remarkably like a horse whinny.

"Thank you. That's all I wanted," Twilight grumbled, "just an explanation for all of this." She waved a hoof at the vast army of evil, glowing-eyed undead Twilight Sparkles marching towards the castle while the two of them hid behind a tree.

"Just so we're clear," Ash persisted, "not my fault."

"I never said it was," Twilight Sparkle said.

"No, it totally is," said an evil Sparkle, who chose that moment to dangle down from the branches above. "By the way, boo."

Ash reacted true to form- which is to say, screaming followed by bloody mayhem.

"... and that's why I'm spending this entire Loop in your cellar," Twilight told Applejack. "I'm drinking until I stop seeing myself getting bloodily dismembered from a third-person perspective multiplied by about ten thousand."

"But Big Mac's not Awake this time 'round," Applejack said. "All we got's our special reserve cider."

"All you had, you mean." Twilight shook the dregs out of the little cask next to her into a mug and drained it. "Unless you let me tap into your Pocket's reserves..."

Applejack sighed. "Th' royal fruit sake's been pilin' up on Shojiki lately. Can't pass it 'round without non-Loopers askin' questions, so I might as well let y'all have some."

"Some?" Twilight asked.

"You ain't gonna drink it all, no matter what you think!"

"I dunno..." Twilight levitated a full cask from the stack against the cellar wall. "I have a LOT to forget..."

150.9 (ToaMataNui5000)

"Oh Sunset..."

The unawake fallen protege was not expecting a voice to follow her out of the mirror portal. Let alone one that was incredibly clear and so amusingly singsong in tone.

"I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my dominance as Equestria's newest princess by coming in anyway!"


The reflective glass and stone of the statue's base was blown outward into the school's front lawn. Luckily, the impact winds knocked Sunset out of the way of any major damage. When the dust settled, she saw Twilight Sparkle, gripping a battering ram under her left arm, grinning deviously. Spike hung dangling off of the battering ram's end, his paws barely registering a grip. It was enough to make Sunset drop her jaw all the way to Tartarus and back.

Meanwhile, Pinkie just popped out of nowhere as usual, gripping a sign that read '7 out of 10.'

150.10: (ToaMataNui5000)

Starlight Glimmer, casually flipping her branch as she walked, confidently trotted into Twilight's crystal palace. Despite her recent failure pushing her over the edge, she regained her cool after eavesdropping on a option for an easy comeback; An alternate dimension residing within a mirror. All she had to do was neutralize whatever allies the of the purple alicorn resided on the other side, and BANG! Instant army to equalize Equestria.

She was so caught up in her confidence, she initially failed to notice how unnaturally easy this "break-in" was. Not only was it broad daylight, but there were barely any guards roaming the castle halls. "Meh, must be her overconfident trust that no one would harm a princess, especially Little Miss Friendship." She rolled her eyes and chuckled, "All hail the almighty idiot, mares and gentlecolts."

As her horn picked up an incredible source of magic, she hooked a right into Twilight's experimenting room. Starlight had to admit, she was impressed with what was there. Twilight would have certainly served as a wonderful asset, perhaps even more, if she and her colleagues hadn't been blinded by their backwards interpretation of equality. Dwelling on it no more, she spotted her prize; The mirror portal, hooked to an inactive magic generator, which she booted up like it was filly's play. Smiling deviously, she prepared to leap in, "This is gonna be fun..."

Oh how very wrong she was...

Starlight groaned as she regained consciousness. Every part of her body ached like she had been forced through a taffy puller. She slowly opened her eyes, taking note of the stubby, furless appendages replacing her forehooves. She then noticed the two sets of footwear, and followed them upward until getting a good view of their owners.

"Wonderful, another one from your world," the blue haired male said with a hint of sarcasm. "This one a friend, at least?"

"Eenope, this is the enemy that Twilight recently encountered." The yellow one responded before turning to face Starlight, "Look, we're kinda busy trying to redeem a trio of sirens here, so do you mind coming back later?"

As Starlight struggled to her now two feet, using the statue as a crutch, she grinned. "No need to leave. In fact, I'm here to solve all of your problems for you."

"I doubt you’re a mechanic, sweetie. But if you say so, let's see what you got?" The boy raised an eyebrow.

Taking the bait, Starlight thrusted her stick towards his chest, where his cutie mark laid exposed. Of course, it did nothing. Confused, she tapped his chest again, receiving no result. Eyeing the cutie mark on the other girl, she tapped the branch to her. Nothing. Continued lack of results started to break her mental stability again. "Why isn't it working!"

"Performance anxiety?" The man quipped. "I mean, I get that all the time before going on stage, so I know how you..." Starlight jabbed the stick into his chest, his sentence cut off by groans of pain. Obviously no longer in the mood, Sunset kicked the branch out of the air, caught it as it fell, then snapped it in half and threw the pieces at the light purple newbie.

"News flash, Little Miss Communist: Magic doesn't work the same way on this side of the mirror as it does in Equestria Prime." She got closer to Starlight, causing the flabbergasted woman to slightly wince. "And another thing, I've been down the same road as you, wanting total control over everypony. So take heed and don't even retry."

As Sunset turned to walk away, Starlight screamed, attempting to tackle the yellow human. Unfortunately, she stumbled over something, and the cruel mistress known as gravity took over. She fell face first into the ground. At least lacking a snout made it less painful. She rolled over to see Flash sticking out his leg. "Oops, sorry cutie." As he waltz over to join Sunset, he continued with, "I'd usually gladly help out strangers, but I'm busy chasing a different purple pony right now. So yeah, have fun adjusting."

"I never thought you could willingly be that cruel, Flash."

"Meh. Call it side effects from the Dazzlings' brainwashing. And if she really did all that Twilight described to you, she's lucky if anyone else doesn't give her worse."

"Even if the Dazzlings and I did essentially the same thing?"

"Different case. She fled from punishment and a chance at redemption, while you four took it." Flash smiled before adding, "That, and you four are much more attractive and adorable."

"Easy there, Tonto. But thanks as well."

150.11 (ToaMataNui5000)


"Yes Rarity?"

"Why are we being escorted around our human counterpart's world via limo like esteemed guests?" She took a sip of her complimentary wine. "Not that I mind at all, but still..."

"Sunset is surprisingly good at international government peace negotiations. Fitting considering she was supposed to be in my position."

"Touche, darling."

150.12: (Gamerex27)

Rarity rubbed at her horn with her hoof. "Right...Mitsuru, dear, please explain to us what happened with Starlight Glimmer."

"We didn't do a damn thing!" Akihiko said, pumping his forehoof. "The moron did herself in with her spell!"

“My pony name is Great Seal,” Minato said, sighing as he slipped his headphones back on, struggling for a bit to get them onto a comfortable position on his now non-human head. “Names here tie back into your talent, right? What’d she expect, when she took away my ‘talent?’ Guess she was too dumb to realize that she’d break the seal.”

"In all fairness," Aigis said, rubbing at her flank (and, for the first time, regretting how human/equine she had become over the Loops: enough that the Cutie Mark removal spell worked on her), "she had no idea of what removing your Cutie Mark entailed. Death-or, at least, the personification of such-being trapped inside a mortal being is an outside-context-problem for the ponies of this world.”

"Look, girls-and guys-" Starlight Glimmer said, in a decidedly more masculine tone of voice, "we can talk this out! Maybe go out for some drinks? Catch a movie? Go to some hot springs and take off our-no, stupid Ryoji, girls don't like that!"

The furious townsfolk didn't seem to care that this hypocrite who had been keeping them imprisoned for so long had done a total 180 in personality (and gender identity, and apparently normal identity), and marched towards her/him with their torches and pitchforks nevertheless.

"She's possessed," Twilight sighed. "That much is obvious. But...how? And by who?"

"Aigis, if you would," Mitsuru asked, looking at the mechanical pony.

"Very well, then." Aigis removed a screen projector from her Pocket, hooked it up to herself, and started playing a slideshow.

"When Minato-san was a young boy," she explained, "he was unfortunate enough to travel to Tatsumi Port Island. Tragically, the personification of destruction and death, who had been summoned to the island through a series of fairly convoluted events, had broken free of its bonds in an evil cultist-slash-scientists' laboratory, and rampaged across the city, killing his parents. I managed to defeat it, but only by sealing away one thirteenth of its incomplete form within Minato-san."

"That's why Ryoji's here," Minato explained, walking up to the Cutie Mark Vault and breaking it open. "Since he was locked inside of me for most of our Baseline, he sometimes ends up Looping along with me."

"I take it by the lack of panicking that he has mellowed out after all these Loop?" Rarity asked.

"He was always pretty mellow to begin with," Akihiko admitted, as the Equal Cutie Marks were knocked off all their flanks and replaced by their normal ones. "He was only gonna end the world 'cause he had no choice. And because the Chairman of our school who tricked us into killing off the other parts of Death was an asshole."

"Okay, and your Cutie Mark symbolizes how good you were at sealing away Death both within yourself and protecting people from it with the 'Great Seal' thing," Twilight concluded, noting Minato's Cutie Mark was, appropriately enough, a shield marked with an overlaying skull and rosary. "And when she stole your Cutie Mark, she let Death out as your friend Ryoji to rampage. I get that. But why is he inside her now?”

"I do not know," Aigis admitted, as Starlight/Ryoji desperately projected a magical shield and battered his/her way through the angry townsfolk. "A reasonable explanation was that, since Starlight was drawing some of the magic into herself by the nature of her spell, Ryoji was forced into her body as a side effect of Minato-san's Mark being stolen.”

"H...hi" Starlight/Ryoji panted, galloping over to the other Loopers, breathing heavily as the townsfolk gave chase to them. "Maybe...we can finish the recap later? If they get to me, they might kill this body, and I never like ending the world...or Loop."

“You could’ve avoided that if you waited to wash the paint on your butt off,” Akihiko muttered. “You didn’t see her memories at all?”

“I never meant to get stuck in her body!” Starlight/Ryoji objected. “I didn’t want to pry! And the paint really itched! And we really should pick this up when we get out of here!”

Nodding, Twilight teleported them all away in a flash of light, reappearing in the map room of her castle.

"That...was different," Mitsuru sighed, flopping down onto her haunches. "I doubt that removing our talents would have stopped us from using our Personas against her, but it's always possible if that spell functioned like a Magic Bind or Silence spell."

"I...you should probably go back to them," Starlight/Ryoji told Twilight. "They may end up hurting themselves or others trying to find her...me..."

"You usually don't see a spirit of death being so...compassionate." Twilight remarked, smiling.

"A little bit of him rubbed off on me," Starlight/Ryoji said, smiling in turn as he/she pointed to Minato, "and-"

Suddenly, Starlight/Ryoji's eyes widened, almost popped out of his/her head, and he/she grabbed Twilight by her mane. "KILL MEEEEEEE!" the composite being screeched in Starlight's normal voice.

Then, just as suddenly as it happened, his/her expression returned to normal, and he/she released the other(?) mare.

"Er...sorry. That's never happened before," the composite being spoke in Ryoji's voice, scratching the back of his/her head with a forehoof. "I'm not trying to traumatize her, but being connected to the Appriser of Nyx (um, not your Nyx) isn't wearing well on her mind."

“Is it that,” Minato asked, “or is it seeing your fantasies?”

“Uh…” Starlight/Ryoji thought, blushing a little. “Maybe more of the latter. I should probably take a cold shower so she can stop screaming about the-”

“Don’t want to hear it!” Twilight interrupted, ignoring as Mitsuru muttered about perverts and “Executions” in the background. “It’d probably be better if we can just separate you two: it’d make all this a heck of a lot easier. Rarity, any thoughts?

"I may have a ponikin lying around in my Pocket," Rarity mentioned, as Twilight regained her composure, and straightened her mane. "You may be able to enter into there so we can deal with Glimmer properly."

"That would be good," Minato said. "But, you might need to end up sticking her in a mental ward instead."

"Amala," Twilight said with a sigh, grabbing a bottle of absinthe and passing it around.

"We don't have to deal with all of the really bad stuff from the other Linked places that badly," Akihiko admitted as he took a swig from the bottle, "...but I appreciate the booze. Gives me some carbs to burn for my next workout. Any more monsters to beat up?

150.13: (Bliss Authority)

The white-coated, black-maned unicorn strode through the door of the Carousel Boutique with the tight-lipped expression of somepony - or someone - who did not gladly suffer a waste of time. At first glance Rarity thought she might have been military from her uniform: a closer look at it clarified that it was inspired by a Japanese boy's school uniform, but cut and modified for a sleeker look.


Rarity bowed (as best as a quadruped could, which involved craning her neck down). "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, sleek, and magnifique. My name is -"

"- Rarity Belle," the unicorn cut her off. "One of the elite five guardians of this world, as led by the example of Twilight Sparkle. Enforcer of this Loop's status as a sanctuary to all who respect its tranquility." The stranger reared up on her hind legs, towering over Rarity, and resting her fetlock on the hilt of a sheathed katana. "Peerless in the crafts of war, peace, and tailoring - this last of great personal interest to me." And her expression curled upward, if only a little bit.

Rarity frowned. "I believe you have me at a severe disadvantage, darling. How did you know I was looping? And what, pray tell, is your name?"

"My Loop memories tell me that I am named Pure Cloth," the stranger said. "But you may remember me by another name. Satsuki Kiryuin."

It took Rarity a second to remember. "From the Loops with the living clothes!"

"Just so," Satsuki said, a very slight smile on her lips. "You will forgive me if I wasn't displaying my usual composure, but you have to understand that meeting you in the role of - how does my sister put it? - "Disco-Mom, Winner of the Gendou Ikari Lifetime Achievement Award for Parenting" -" She paused to allow Rarity time to titter. "- was not doing my mental state a favor."

Rarity waved her off. "It happens all the time, dear," she said. "Now, what may I do for you?"

"Prevent untold suffering in my loops," Satsuki said, betraying no emotion save a twitch of one great bushy eyebrow in the prefix to a frown. "I would have you redesign the Peerless Uniforms so that they need not rely on Life Fibers. We will need our source of Honnouji's titanic power to be shot through with threads of an alien life-form that thirsts for blood, and is in thrall to a dark God."

Rarity managed a weak chuckle. "I can see that as a bit of a design flaw."

Satsuki looked directly into Rarity's eyes. "My Peerless Uniforms are very much double-edged swords. It is past time I corrected that. Too many of my fellows in too many Loops have died when the Life Fibers in their uniforms betrayed them."

Rarity nodded. "I will see what I can do."

Satsuki nodded. "Without even asking for payment..." she stopped, and closed her eyes, to float in a suitcase with her TK and snap it open; it contained several paper rolls of gold bits. "As to be expected from a paragon of Generosity. Take your time," she said, her expression shifting to a fierce smile. "You have until the Loop resets."

Ragyo Kiryuin had to admire the suddenness of Satsuki's betrayal, but she had known it was inevitable and planned for it. Still, there was no way that her daughter could plan for Mind Stitching - or for the Life Fibers of the Peerless Uniforms to turn against their masters with a snap of her fingers, a feat she could manage even while bisected and crucified. It was sort of a shame that such a beautiful flower as her daughter needed to be trimmed when the First Life Fiber awoken, but she would not cry for her.

Wait. It hadn't worked. Ragyo snarled and snapped her fingers again.

"Third time's the charm! Charming charming charming~!" Nui said. (As for how she heard the tilde, she hadn't. Nui was standing under a word balloon as she spoke. Ragyo didn't question it; she was unnerving, but she was loyal. The perfect daughter.)

"Oh, and by the way. Dear mother." Satsuki smiled. "I now certain that you didn't notice, but the new Ultimate Uniforms no longer rely on your tainted gifts," she said. "Thank you very much for bringing me the other half of the Rending Scissors, Nui. ELITE FOUR! TAKE THEM!"


Wait. Three DIAMOND? Ragyo's eyes went wide as she realized just how badly she had been outplayed.

"So this is the power of a Three Diamond uniform," Aikuro said. "Made entirely by the power of human ingenuity. It is almost as fearsome as the technology of the Nudists."

Ryuuko snorted, swallowing a bite of her Mystery Croquette. "Wouldn't say it's HUMAN ingenuity, 'zactly. We called in some help from a friend."

Aikuro raised an eyebrow at her. (And peeled off half of his shirt, but it WAS Aikuro.) "Anyone I would know?"

"Depends. Were you awake when Disco-Mom was really into purple and green?" Ryuuko said, grinning.

150.14: (Evilhumour)

The Doctor frowned as he sat on the edge of the TARDIS, staring down at Equus in low orbit as he tried again for the billionth time to get down there!

"It's not been a billion times, Doctor," Twilight rolled her eyes, already predicting his rant after hearing it for so long. She was busy with Applebloom to try and figure out what magical aspect was preventing the TARDIS from landing. "And I think we're getting close to cracking the case of the magical interference."

'Right right, just doing boring non moving stuff," he grumbled. This body was too energetic to stay still for more than five seconds and the ponies destroyed a large number of his fezs too.

"Ah've got it!" Applebloom shouted, bring the two over to the filly at the monitors. "It seems to be that an overabundance of Earth pony magic producing a magical resonance interfering with the TARDIS's landing programs." Squinting, the filly tapped the screen showing an image of Applejack bucking a tree, with apples falling into buckets. "There! That's the resonance that's stopping the Doctor from land-Oh come on!" the filly shouted.

“Of course. Of course an apple a day would keep the Doctor-”

“Don’t say it!”

150.15: (BIOS-Pherecydes)

Twilight stared in disbelief at the sight in front of her. Moving forward cautiously she hesitantly placed a hoof against the incredible sight in front of her, trying to convince herself it wasn't an illusion of some kind. She was met with the reassuring solidity of the Golden Oaks, against all odds reborn from the ashes after Tirek's defeat. Turning to face the grinning mare beside her she had only one question.


Pinkie Pie giggled at the look on her friend's face. "Silly filly, trees are alive aren't they? So I thought to myself, what would happen if I activated one of my Peppermint Pylons before that nasty old Tirek blew up the Golden Oak Library? And poof, instant repair! Now you don't have to worry ab---"

Pinkie's words were abruptly cut off as she was caught in a tackle, Twilight having pulled her into a hug.


Pinkie just grinned as she enjoyed having made her friend happy, which made her happy.

Two days later Twilight was busy drowning herself in alcohol as Big Mac looked on sympathetically.

"So let me get this straight. Pinkie managed to figure out a way to guarantee that the Golden Oaks survives, but now it gets destroyed like every half hour?" Rainbow Dash asked quietly from her table, where she and Applejack were watching as Twilight attempted to drink her weight in Cider.

"Eeyup. So far Ah reckon it’s been knocked over twice, struck by lightnin' five times, blown up a good dozen times and Ah think Discord accidentally melted it once."

Dash winced. "Yeesh, the Loops Really don't like Twilight's tree huh?."


150.16: (BIOS-Pherecydes)

Twilight Sparkle found herself experiencing her most common of Awakenings as she peered languidly upon her tome in which was set forth the mythical tale of the founding of the land of Equestria and the eventual disagreement which had led to the degeneration of the Princess Luna into the befouled shadow known as Nightmare Moon. Blinking ponderously as she assimilated the collected scraps of knowledge inherent within her memories, she found herself beset by an immense urge to soothe the pain within her temples.

'Wonderful. This particular reiteration of events is destined to be prolonged and arduous,' she ruefully reflected to herself.

Swiftly gathering the various items which lay strewn about herself she set about traversing the distance between herself and her, with luck, equally Awakened assistant. As she withdrew she mentally composed her dispatch for the Princess Celestia.

'My Dearest Teacher,
My continuing studies of pony magic have led me to believe that we are upon the precipice of disaster! For you see the mythical mare of the moon is in fact Nightmare Moon and she is about to return to Equestria and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to ensure this terrible prophecy does not come to pass. I await your quick response.
Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.'

Twilight momentarily paused as she was assailed by an unmistakable sense of familiarity. After a moment of rumination she groaned in dismay. Save for a minute change in wording this was nearly identical to her own baseline self's original missive. Apparently she was naturally inclined to Purple Prose.

"Small wonder Rainbow Dash referred to me as an Egg-head." .

150.17: (BIOS-Pherecydes)


"Yes... Vinyl? Hmm, Usually this gag is with Twilight."


"Nevermind, you were saying?"

"Why are we marshmallows?"

"I really don't know dear."

150.18: (BIOS-Pherecydes)

"And we'll have the best night ever! At the Gala!"

As the magic of the Heartsong died down, Twilight Sparkle took a moment to review her plans for the night. She had so far played everything baseline just for this event. She, Princess Celestia and Discord were the only ones Awake that she knew of, although there had been a few distant Pings at the start of the Loop that had failed to show themselves. The goal for tonight was to have the Draconequus arrive and try and drive the nobles to distraction, made all the more amusing by the fact that Discord had promised not to actually engage in any of his usual shenanigans. However all of her planning abruptly died a fiery death as a terrifyingly familiar nasally voice shouted out over the crowd.

"That was awesome! Let me try, let me try, I wanna try!!"

Twilight's pupils shrank to pinpoints as she desperately sought the speaker. Not now, any where but here in the middle of the largest gathering of Equestrian citizens since the Summer Sun Celebration.

"No mon, some one stop him before it's too late!" a heavily accented voice called out, but not in time. Twilight felt a chill as the magic which had recently dispersed once again rose in time to another Heartsong. Only then did she manage to lay eyes on the speaker. Him.

Taking a deep breath Billy opened his mouth and began to sing.

"This is the sooong that neeevvvveer ennnds!"

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and Keeper of the Sun, breathed a soundless sigh of relief as she stepped into the magically enforced, blessed silence of Big Mac's bar. She was unfortunately still singing, but at least she couldn't hear it. Like everypony else, ever since the Gala Incident (as it had come to be known) she had been caught in an ever expanding Eternal Heartsong. Even those normally resistant to the musical magic such as the Dragons and Griffins had been affected. For Tree's sake even Discord himself had fallen victim, apparently there was a difference between Chaos and Pure Entropic Stupidity, and as the nominal ruler of the one responsible for it she had been dealing with the backlash for days. As such it was a tremendous comfort to finally have the time she needed to get well and properly drunk.

Signaling to the Apple stallion she was rewarded with a generous mug of alcohol which she made quick work of. Her second glass she was content to nurse for the time being. The longer she could avoid returning to the sounds outside these simple walls the better.

Heaven – Local Yggdrasil Command Office

Sleipnir frantically typed on his custom keyboard as he attempted to patch the newest outbreak of the Heartsong Glitch. Several others were equally active as they worked, trying to contain the contaminated code before it spread to yet another part of Yggdrasil. This shouldn't have been an issue normally, each Branch of the World Tree being typically isolated when not being actively worked on, but no one had ever considered that someone would actually be stupid enough to start a Musical Number with a song that by definition wouldn't stop.

As a result almost every Loop where spontaneous bursts of song occurred with any frequency had been hit by Billy's actions and even now new reports of confirmed cases were coming in. If it weren't for the possibility that he might crash it Sleipnir would've already demanded that Billy spend a few Punisment Loops in the Ren and Stimpy universe. However the last thing anyone needed was to have THAT world start looping.

With a few final keystrokes the Patch was finally finished and set into place. Now it was just a matter of damage control. Grimacing, he executed the program. 'I hope you can forgive me Twilight.'

New Loop

Twilight Awoke in front of a familiar book. So far so good, after the last Loop a trip through Baseline was just what she needed. Quickly packing her studying material into her saddle, she hurried off. In front of her she noticed Twinkleshine and friends approaching her. 'Well why not. It's been a while since the last time I attended her party. And Oak knows I need to relax after what happened.'

Having resolved herself to accept the invitation when it was offered, she abruptly stiffened as the horribly familiar sound of a particular moron's Heartsong came clear. "No. No. Nonononononononono. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

Frantically galloping past the trio she checked her Loop memories as she should have done from the start. The result was a nightmare. The entire world was still trapped in Billy's Heartsong and had been for all of recorded history. Communication occurred using mime and hoof code. And worst of all, she was the only pony immune to the effects.

With a pop Twilight teleported to the only place in Equestria free of the musical magic, the Everfree Forest. This Loop could go to Tartarus.

(Sunset Shimmer’s Journal)(DrTempo)

From the Journal of Sunset Shimmer:
This Loop was...harsh for me. I had found myself in the Loop where humanoid giants called 'Titans' have all but destroyed humanity, and mankind is struggling to survive.

The place is such a death world that the Anchors here are actually 3 people: Eren, the warrior who can transform into a Titan, Armin, the tactical genius, and Mikasa, the master swordswoman. If any of them die when there're no other Anchors, the Loop crashes.

At first, I chose to go through the academy without using my array of skills. The main method used to fight the Titans was a device which allows easy building swinging. Darn thing is clunky, though; I'll take flying with ki any day of the week. The day the Anchors and I graduated from the academy, the Titans attacked, and...my squad was slaughtered. If I hadn't chose to hold back, they would have lived. I knew that doing so was not an option with lives on the line.

I unleashed my wrath on the Titans. Though they only have one weak point that must be hit to destroy them(otherwise, they regenerate from injury), my skills allowed me to easily strike down Titan after Titan. Only after the battle was done did I hear a shocking truth from Armin.

Each Titan had been human; forcefully transformed into mindless beasts. I was sick to my stomach. Had I become a monster myself, not caring anymore? Had I lost sight of my morals?

I challenged the three Anchors to a fight to hopefully clear my mind. Their experience easily beat my vast amount of skills and abilities; after all, 'those who have practiced one move thousands of times are better than those who know thousands of moves', to paraphrase something I had read somewhere.

They helped me feel better about what had happened; as they said, I had ended the suffering of those poor souls made into monsters against their will. If I was a heartless monster, Eren said, I would've just destroyed anyone and anything in order to win. With my conscience cleared, I aimed my sights on three other people who could transform like Eren could, but were harming other innocent lives.

I was sorely tempted to kill the three traitors, but Mikasa said they were following orders from an as yet unknown other enemy. I pitied them; in all this, they were doing that they thought was right. The traitors were left to the tender mercy of the Anchors, and I meditated on things.

Despite Loops like this, I haven't lost sight of my morals. I admit that I may be a good bit more willing to use violence than other Loopers from my home Loop are, but I have been on some battlefield or another for ages.

Twilight, I hope you'll understand what I went through when I finally get home, and how it's affected me.

150.19: (Heliomance)

The Redguard trudged up the last few steps leading to the barrier. “Lok!”

The swirling air dissipated, and he walked through. The dragon that awaited him as he reached the summit of the Throat of the World was different to normal. A little smaller, more silvery in colour. He waited for it to land, going through the motions of baseline. He was struggling to find a point in life, with these endless repetitions. At least he was a human this time. He couldn’t remember what race he had been originally, but he always felt more comfortable as man than mer or beast.

“Drem Yol Lok. Greetings, wunduniik. I am Silonahnaak. Who are you? What brings you to my strunmah… my mountain?”

Huh. The voice was very definitely female. That was a new one.

“Silonahnaak - that’s not the normal name. Translates to… Silver Spoon, I think? You a visitor to Nirn then?”

“Not the normal name? Would I be correct in thinking you are in a tiid kenlok, a time loop?” The dragon frowned for a moment, and cleared her throat briefly, before continuing in a lighter tone, her speech now a more normal pace than Paarthurnax’s measured cadence. “Oh, that’s better. That speech tic was really starting to annoy me.”

“Yes, I’m Looping. Actually, I’m the Anchor, so I’m told. I’d give you my name, but I’m afraid I don’t remember it. Most just call me Dovahkiin, or Dragonborn.”

“Ah, that’s tough. Sorry to hear it.”

The Dragonborn shrugged. “It is what it is. I cope as best I can. So how about you? What’s your home loop?”

Silver Spoon smiled. “I come from Equestria. It’s a nice place, very friendly.”

“Oh, ponies, right? I’ve been there once. How are you finding being a dragon?”

There was a disconcerting sound of the sort that would make lesser men quail. After a moment, the Dragonborn realised that the dragon in front of him was laughing.

“Oh, this isn’t even close to the weirdest shape I’ve been. I’m an old hand at strange bodies,” she assured him. “My race data was in a corrupted section of Yggdrasil – the loops don’t actually know what species I am, so every loop I end up in a different body.”

The Dovahkiin blinked. “You… wait, you too? I… I didn’t realise there were others like me! The same thing’s happening to me, I can’t cope with it! It’s driving me mad, I can’t even remember what race I started out as! How do you cope? How do you manage to live not knowing what you’re going to wake up as next time?!”

Silver Spoon settled down into a more comfortable position, and gestured for the Dragonborn to come closer. “It took me a long time, and I never did stop finding it annoying, but the most important thing is to be able to hold on to who you are despite the changes. I had friends who helped me – if you want, I’d be honoured to be your friend, and to do the same for you.”

For the first time in many, many loops, the Dragonborn smiled. Hesitantly, weakly, true, but he smiled. He’d like that, he thought. That sounded good.

150.20: (wildrook)

"RAINBOW MIRIAM DASH!!!" Twilight yelled.

Dash cringed as she looked at Twilight. "What is it this time?" she yelled.

"Please tell me you never authorized an energy drink in your image," the purple Alicorn replied.

Rainbow Dash blinked as she looked at Twilight. "Not to my knowledge. Why?"

That's when an orange filly on a scooter rocketed past the two, leaving a sonic boom in her wake.

"Because THAT!" Twilight yelled, noticing her library get ripped out of its roots.

Rainbow Dash cringed as she looked at the carnage. "Let's get her before she re-creates Double Rainboom. I REALLY hope she doesn't get kidney failure from this."

150.21: (fractalman)

"Opalescence? Where are you?!" called Rarity.


She sighed, and headed out to see Fluttershy.

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, I'm afraid I haven't seen Opalescence. I did notice that one of my fish went missing while I wasn't looking."

"Have you seen Opalescence?"

"Eenope," said Big Mac.

"Sorry, Rarity, haven't seen her the whole loop. How long has she been missing?" asked Twilight.

Rarity only sighed.

"Pinkie, I need as many bags of flour as you can spare."

"One wheelbarrow of ninja kitten finding flour coming right up!"

Before she could stop herself, Rarity asked, "However did you-"

"That's easy! Kittens make the best ninjas, because nobody ever suspects them!"

"Thats...oh, nevermind."

150.22: (Evilhumour)

"Now Sunset, I am not sure if your mother has given the Talk, but I feel it is time you learn of it," the yellow mare Awoke as a pony, seated next to the white alicorn mare who didn't respond to the Ping. "You see, you are going to start going through changes,"

"I'm okay, I already kno-” Sunset muzzle was closed by Celestia's golden magic, a powerful wing holding her in place.

"Your body will start to feel awkward and lanky, you will be growing fur in places where there was no fur before," Celestia continued on obliviously as Sunset well used to the Talk. "The pain you will feel at first might seem scary, and trust me, every mare is worried about the amount of blood that comes out but trust me when I say it is completely normal." Celestia gave a light laugh. "It's even better then dealing with estrus as it is a one time thing!"

"Wait, what?" Sunset blinked, snapping her head to the side, and looked at the mare confused.

"Now now, let me explain you what it is going to be like growing your wings first, my precious student, and then I will give the Talk about the miracle of life later!"

150.23: (Evilhumour)

Vinyl blinked at the box in front of her and then at the grinning mare in front of her.

"Uh...Rares, what is this?" She pointed to the box in front of her with her hoof, wondering what the mare was planning.

"Why dear, it's a gift!" Rarity smiled a bit too much, making Vinyl feel if she was about to be made a punchline again.

"Uh...thanks, but why?" Vinyl blinked, lifting the box with her magic, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Why it's mother's day, dearie," Rarity smirked as Vinyl did a double take. "I mean you do replace my mother from time to time so I felt it would be appropriate to give you something for all those loops."

"Ha. Ha." Vinyl glared at the mare opposite of her, opening the gift. "I also tend not to be there for you as I know I would be a poor moth-the tree?!" She held up a very well made vibrant shawl up at the calm mare.

"Well yes, mother dear, I felt it would be nice for you to wear in your extended age." Rarity simply continued to smile, delicately drinking her tea to the fuming mare.

"If we are to examine our ages, then it should be you that should be wearing this, squirt." Vinyl’s snark was cut off when Rarity began to snicker before lifting another gift up. "What's this?"

"Your actual gift, Vinyl," Rarity leaned over to give her a hug. "I meant what I said before Vinyl; I do appreciate the times you are my mother and I felt it would be nice to give you a gift for all the times you have been there for me."

Smirking, Vinyl hugged back, saying her thanks and opening her gift.

150.24: (Evilhumour)

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" Lemon grunted as Fluttershy tugged his ear, dragging him out of the gala as Discord did his best to console the badly beaten and scared green slime monster. "How was I supposed to know that this Smooze was goo-OWWWWW!" That was all he got out before Fluttershy tugged harder, getting the yellow stallion out the ballroom, the door slamming shut behind them.

150.25: (OathToOblivion)

"Twilight, are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," the purple unicorn Anchor nodded, finishing writing things down in a notebook and shutting off her telekinesis.

"Very well," Mewtwo said, hovering closer. He raised a hand up into a ready position, his psychic energy flashing around it. "Now, attempt to remove something from your subspace pocket," he told her.

"Right." At that, Twilight decided to pull out OWL out of her Pocket. As she made the connection to her Intelligent Device, she tried to pull it out.

”Disable” Mewtwo snapped, firing off a pulse of psychic energy. Twilight froze. Suddenly, the act of trying to pull OWL out felt as though she was grabbing something on the bottom of an Olympic-sized pool from the very top. And it was filled with molasses. While she was covered in butter.

Gritting her teeth, Twilight poured more and more of her power into trying to pull it out of her Pocket. The strain was evident on her face as sweat poured down it. Mewtwo grew slightly concerned at this. "Twilight," he started.

"GOT IT!" Twilight roared, finally pulling OWL out of her Pocket and panting in exhaustion. ...That's what I'd like to say, but in actuality, OWL went flying out of her Pocket and almost beaned Mewtwo in the head if the Genetic Pokémon hadn't raised a hasty Protect shield.

There was a brief pause, before Twilight blushed red in embarrassment. "Sorry," she apologized.

"It is of no concern. Accidents happen in the course of science," Mewtwo shrugged, handing OWL back to her telekinetically. "Still," he added, "this proves that Disable, at least, cannot actually prevent use of the Pocket, but simply makes it very hard to access. Not quite what we were expecting," he mused, pulling out his own notebook and jotting some notes down.

"But that was only one type of power nullifier. We need to test the rest," Twilight surmised.

Mewtwo nodded, as that was exactly what he was thinking. "I believe BlackWarGreymon knows of a few other versions. I've only ever stuck with Disable, so-" He shrugged, feeling the point was clear.

"Oh yeah, by the way," Twilight remembered, "everything okay with you two? That kind of bond can be tricky between those from different loops."

"It is all fine. Thank you for asking," Mewtwo nodded. He was about to suggest something else, when he was interrupted by a certain few noises...

"Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!"

"GAH! Annoying pests! TERRA DESTROYER!" And a large explosion was then heard.

Twilight facehoofed at this. "I thought I told Pinkie not to go by the Mirror Pool!" she said in exasperation.

"Evidently, BlackWarGreymon does not approve either. We should probably do something about that before he ends up destroying the town in a fit of anger," Mewtwo said, going for the door.

"Not like it would be the first time," Twilight grumbled, before the pair went outside.

150.26: (Evilhumour)

It began with a delivery being late and a mare tripping in the air. The cake was protected threefold; one by newton's first law of motion, two by Pinkie Pie's own special talent keeping the cake intact before it reached its destination, and third by narrative causality taking interest in the flying cake.

Out, out of Ponyville the cake flew and towards the mighty mountain city. It flew straight in a grand arc that would have deemed it to land short of shining city of Canterlot if not for a varied number of factors, but the primary factor was that the cake was given a boost of speed to grow its arc when a trio of sonic rainboom were performed the exact distance away to keep it falling from its plate and splattering the ground with its tasty goodness. Said sonic rainbooms were rainbow coloured, butterfly coloured and scroll coloured, oddly enough fitting descriptions for the ponies in question. The arc was also helped by the fact that narrative causality was now paying far more interest in the high flying cake now, taking a proverbial break away from Ponyville, which caused a purple mare to turn her head in confusion to why the fire that was consuming her tree suddenly poofed out of existence but she did not question it.

The cake was now falling, falling with great speed. There was nothing that could save its arc outside miniature rocket boosters coming out of the side of the plate to boost it up. Pinkie Pie had mistaken the plate the cake was currently for the rocket kind, as she was usually prepared for this. Alas, the cake was about to strike in capital of Equestria, looming above a noble party. With a whizzing above, a stallion with a white coat and a golden mane, otherwise known as Prince Blueblood, looked up in time to see the cake nail him square in the face, knocking him backwards into the buffet table, which caused the food to fly in arc that only narrative causality could have prescribed as all the food landed on Blueblood's face, the multilayer cake smashing into his face before the punch bowl drenched him completely.

The odds of this happening were astronomical, to be fair, but when you had a certain wall eyed mare in the equation, then anything was possible.

Author's Note:

150.1: Passing the torch. Or teapot.
150.2: Worth experimenting.
150.3: Of course Discord occasionally comes out with expansions. Sometimes he comes out with contractions.
150.4: Inspired By Keldeo.
150.5: Put a sock on it.
150.6: New Leaf seems to have a lot of ponies today. (Animal Crossing.)
150.7: Run. (Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy.)
150.8: No, the other Ash. (Evil Dead.)
150.9: Not bad.
150.10: I presume they swapped villains for a bit.
150.11: Summat diplomatic. Sorry, a diplomatic summit.
150.12: Whoops. (Megami Tensei)
150.13: For creatures normally not involved with clothes, ponies offer a new perspective. (Kill la kill)
150.14: Groan. (Doctor Who.)
150.15: Something really has it in for that tree.
150.16: Purple pony, purple prose.
150.17: Mellow ponies. Marsh mellow.
150.18: Dangit. (Grimm Adventures again.)
150.19: Ah, a new friend.
150.20: Scootasonic.
150.21: Of course they do.
150.22: Oh, the other talk.
150.23: Looper families are... variable.
150.24: It's so hard to keep track.
150.25: Good to know. (Mewtwo from Pokemon.)
150.26: A surface-to-surface ballistic guided cake.

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