• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,781 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Goo Factory

Mikey and Camo had a good and fun prank spree back at the Core of Light Ruins before Pinkie showed up.

"General Robot’s back." Pinkie informed as everyone ran to his position.

"Status report, sir." Mikey requested.

"Snuckles is back out on the field, and I must say, that’s an impressive gear. I wouldn’t mind upgrading my own equipment with one of those. What kind of grease does this thing take?" General Robot asked as Hugo showed up.

"The rarest kind… Green Primordial Goo! But when the Core was destroyed, all the Green Goo drained out, and I haven’t got a clue where to find more." Hugo explained.

"The Trolls probably have a huge supply of it since they were using the Gear themselves." Sonata wondered.

"So let's go get it!" Terrafin declared while cracking his knuckles.

"I'm with you all the way, pal!" Flameslinger agreed.

"You know, recently, the Troll military has taken a massive leap toward in terms of its technological capability. I’ll be this Green Goo business is behind it all." General Robot informed.

"Oh no! This is terrible! If the Trolls have discovered the secret of the goo, their forces will be virtually unstoppable!" Hugo dreaded.

"Our soldiers have been struggling to breach their main factory. If this goo is what you say it is, then failure is not an option! Pinkamena, Sonata, Michelangelo, Skylanders, we need your help! Can we count on you to shut down their factories and recover the goo?" General Robot asked.

"Sign us up!" Mikey whooped.

"I'm coming too, mon!" Zook added.

"Hahahaha! Same here!" Trigger Happy laughed.

"Let's fight!" Slam Bam declared.

"I'm in!" Double Trouble volunteered.

"Don’t count me out." Warnado said.

"Looks like we got a Squadron! To the frontlines!" Mikey smirked before General Robot moved aside as the group jumped into the open hatch as a cannon came out of it before it started aiming.

"The Glowing Green Goo of Primordia! That’s what we’re after, soldiers! Make us proud!" General Robot informed before the group saluted as the cannon fired them.

"I think I’m getting used to this!" Pinkie smiled as the group soon arrives at their destination. But when they did, they encountered a familiar mabu, now wearing a camo cap/helmet.

"Alright! You’re back. Thanks for bringing me back to the Core Ruins, the Captain was really impressed with my first mission! So here I am again!" Snuckles noted.

"Any intelligence you found?" Mikey asked.

"Here's the situation. We've been able to push forward to a position just outside the Troll Factories. The Captain took a squad up ahead, but that was hours ago! I have to stay behind to guard this position. You've got to go find him! He'll know what to do!" Snuckles explained.

"Okay. Stand a look out here and get to us if you anything important." Mikey said.

"Got it." Snuckles nodded as everyone else went ahead and reminded alert.

"I get why we're sneaking around, but why all of us at once?" Terrafin asked.

"Because the longer we stay stealthy, the less of a fight we can have." Sonata answered.

"I get that we're in trenches, but you know where we are, right?" Flameslinger pointed out as Trigger Happy then spotted usable bombs.

"So much for stealth." Trigger Happy noted.

"Not exactly, my friend. I got a plan." Mikey said. Soon, there was a big *Boom!* caused by bombs before the Trolls got ready to fight as Pinkie, Trigger Happy, and Slam Bam charged.

"Move it!" Mikey quietly urged while the trio were annihilating the Trolls as the group snuck by and met up with a Mabu.

"Ho there Skylanders! Feels good to be in the midst of all this action, doesn’t it? I used to own a flower shop, but then I started the Mabu Defence Force and then appointed myself Captain… now I’m blowing stuff up! That’s the life, I tell ya." Rizzo said.

"Update us on the situation." Mikey requested.

"Speaking of which... the main factories are just around this corner, but these turrets have us pinned down. Fortunately, our scout has reported a stockpile of Mega Bombs in the ammo dump at the top of the hill. You better check it out and grab some bombs to get there. Be careful though... the entrance is being guarded by heavy artillery! Find a Mega Bomb if you can, that'll be the ticket! Then you can roll it back here and we'll blow this wall up together! HA! HA!" Rizzo informed.

"No way to get pass without drawing attention." Sonata noted while looking through binoculars.

"So, we'll divert their attention." Mikey responded.

"Again?" Sonata asked.

"The more strain they have on their reinforcement, the less defenses they'll have. Zook, Chop Chop, Double Trouble, Warnado, you four are with Sonata." Mikey ordered.

"Sure thing, mon!" Zook smiled.

"Terrafin and Flameslinger, you two are with me. I'll need the Unbeatable Team." Mikey grinned.

"Heh, alrighty then." Terrafin smirked while pounding his fists.

"Follow me, boys!" Sonata said.

"Right behind you, Sonnie!" Zook laughed as Sonata and her group attacked.

"We're under attack!" A troll shouted.

"Mystic Slash!" Sonata roared as she and the four Skylanders struck the enemy hard enough that the Trolls were focused on them.

"Well, let's get a move on!" Mikey declared as the trio raced to the ammo dump at the top of the hill. "Come on, guys. Up we go." Mikey said before he felt his foot burning. "Ow, hot!" Mikey yelped as he hopped back to Flameslinger and Terrafin.

"I'll head up and fire a line for you two to climb." Flamslinger volunteered.

"Good call." Terrafin noted as Flameslinger bounced up and fired a rope down to help them befpre Mikey and Terrafin climbed up.

"Get a bomb ready!" Mikey said as the trio made it to the top before they saw a mabu with spy headgear.

"Well color me tickled pink! It's part of the the Skylanders who saved our town!" Nort noticed.

"Yeah, that's us. Are you okay? Any injuries from the evacuation?" Mikey asked.

"I'm all good, thanks for asking. The Captain sent me to scout ahead. Look, it's too dangerous to attack the wall straight on, but as luck would have it, I've found another way in. Follow me!" Nort said.

"Lead the way, pal!" Terrafin smiled as Nort led the group to a Troll Camp.

"That ammo dump is just past here. And if you guys can find a handy dandy Mega Bomb, this wall will go KABLOOEY!" Nort shouted.

"Thanks for the help." Mikey said in gratitude.

"Consider it a debt repaid." Nort smiled before Mikey and his team charged in as they fought the Trolls before two troll tanks came out.

"I'll draw their fire. You two take them out." Mikey requested before he took cover as his teammates fought the trolls and tanks before he started sneaking up behind the two tanks.

"Sling, with me. Our Burning Boulder Special!" Terrafin shouted.

"I'm with you, pal!" Flameslinger nodded while the tanks fired at Mikey's Vine Barrier, before Terrafin pulled a boulder out from the ground that Flameslinger ignited.

"I have no idea how I’m doing this." Terrafin admitted.

"It's called Teamwork and Friendship." Flameslinger responded.

"Heh, you sure you can’t see through that blindfold?" Terrafin laughed.

"Like I need it with my friends." Flameslinger fired back as Terrafin threw the Boulder and destroyed the tanks.

"Nice job you two!" Mikey called out as he turned around before noticing Camo’s soul gem. "Score. You two get the bomb ready."

"It's actually closer than we think." Terrafin noticed as there were mega bombs right nearby.

"That's the ol' pepper boy! Now just roll that mega bomb on over and blast the heckfire out of the trolls' defenses!" Nort informed.

"Thanks. Now, find cover. We'll send an extraction squad later." Mikey said.

"Why don’t we test those one of those Mega Bombs on the wall protecting this camp?" Flameslinger smiled.

"You read my mind!" Terrafin smirked as the duo broken a wooded gate open before rolling out a Mega Bomb as they soon got it to a metal wall. When the Mega Bomb made contact, it detonated, destroying the wall.

"Great Mabu's Ghost! What a blast! Haahhahhahhah!" Nort laughed.

"I'll say." Mikey agreed.

"Now if you three can just find one more bomb and roll it back to the Captain, we can go right on through to the factories!" Nort explained.

"Let's get rolling, guys!" Mikey shouted as the trio then grabbed another and rolled it down the hill while steamrolling some trolls before they made it to the gate, blowing the bomb and gate up on contact.

"KABOOM! What an explosion! Now it's time to take the fight to THEM!" Rizzo declared as the four then heard panting as the others came back.

"Everyone in one piece?" Sonata asked.

"Yeah." Pinkie nodded.

"There are three Goo Factories. Raise the flags at each one to signal their capture. Then we can secure the goo! Good luck soldiers!" Rizzo informed.

"Same teams as before. Divide and conquer." Mikey said.

"Right." Sonata agreed before everyone raced to different flags as the alarms started blaring.

"We got company!" Pinkie shouted.

"So let's knock them down!" Zook said.

"Showtime!" Sonata smirked.

"Attack!" Slam Bam shouted as everyone attacked from all sides

"Boss, get the flag down! We got this!" Terrafin assured as Flameslinger attacked the enemies.

"Okay!" Mikey responded before he brought down the old flag and raised the new one as the duo covered him.

"Not even a challenge for me." Flameslinger scoffed.

"Talk about lightweights." Terrafin agreed.

"Hurray, Sonata! This ice wall won't hold!" Slam Bam urged.

"Almost there!" Sonata responded while Trigger Happy provided covering fire as she finished. "Done and done!"

"Hold them back, my friends!" Chop Chop said as Pinkie was working on the third and final flag.

"Hurry..." Warnado tried to urge before a powerful blast knocked him unconscious.

"Warnado!" Pinkie shouted as the Trolls started laying more pressure on Pinkie's group. "This is really bad!"

"But it pays to have friends! Stone Wave!" Mikey roared as he and the others attacked from behind, hitting the trolls hard.

"Get the flag up. We'll cover you." Sonata added.

"Thanks!" Pinkie said in gratitude as the trolls were stuck in the middle of the heroes attacks before got the flag up. "There we go!"

The Skanders closed in on the Trolls, making them surrender.

"Thank you Skylanders! We've secured the factories, but the trolls are certain to retaliate. Let's hurry up and get this Goo back to the General. He'll be expecting it. Good thing our ride back's in this factory." Rizzo smiled.

"Get the prisoners caged up." Mikey ordered.

"Why?" Pinkie asked.

"POWs" Mikey simply answered as the group went inside the factory, then in through another door before the factory roof opened and a cannon came out of it and aimed at the Core of Light Ruins before firing them.

"WHOA!" Sonata yelped as the group soon landed at the ruins with Rizzo, Nort, the Troll prisoners and the Green Goo.

"Everyone okay?" Mikey asked.

"Looks like it." Sonata noted.

"Warnado is still unconscious." Pinkie pointed out before the goo started floating.

"Clockwork." Mikey said as Master Eon then appeared.

"The Green Goo of Primordia, made from the fossils of vast prehistoric Explodasuars. It pulses with unimaginable power." Master Eon informed as the vial went to the Core with the goo, causing a glowing green ring started appearing on the upper/inner and lower/middle circles of the Core of Light, the vines underground started glowing green as well before the glow faded as the green rings finished appearing.

"Casualty report, soldiers!" General Robot requested.

"Warnado's out cold right now." Mikey answered.

"His tour is done in this war." General Robot said.

"Probably for the best right now." Sonata agreed as Warnado was carried off.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...
