The Orphan Princess

by Patched Pumpkins

First published

A miserable orphan wakes up in Celestia's bed.

The orphanage was safe, and at least Emma had one person she could trust. But Canterlot is different, and now that Emma is separated from the only person she can trust, Emma must forge new relationships, but not everyone wants to friends.

1st person.

Chapter 1: Hannah!

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Chapter 1

I stretched out my arm and tried to grab the sheets and pull them down a bit as it was really warm in my room. I didn’t open my eyes; I knew if I did I would never fall back asleep. I also realized I was on the edge of my bed, so I scooted in a little closer.

Funny, I didn’t remember having a massive stuffed animal in my bed. The thing in front of me was soft and had what felt like artificial fur on it, I still didn’t want to open my eyes, so I just pushed the thing off my bed. It was a very heavy little thing, but it was on the very edge of the bed so I just gave a small nudge and it fell over the edge.

My eyes shot open at the sound of a very sudden and unnecessary shriek. Instinctively I yelled back, “Hannah! Shut up or I’ll… oh my.” My eyes did not open to my bedroom, or my bed, or Hannah, but instead a massive circular room and a pointed ceiling. The walls were trimmed with gold, and so was the wooden furniture, needless to say, it was nicer than the room Hannah and I shared. Completely flustered, I didn’t move, but instead stared and tried to comprehend what in the hell was going on.

“How dare you enter my chambers and throw me off my bed, you… filly?” I spun around to the source of the noise, and soon realized I had not thrown a stuffed animal out of the bed, but rather a large, white unicorn. The unicorn had a really colorful, transparent ethereal looking hair. I pushed a talking ethereal-unicorn out of its bed; great fucking start to my morning, at least there was gold on the wall.

Out of shock upon seeing the unicorn, I flew out of my bed, no literally. I flew out of my fucking bed and remained suspended there for a couple of seconds, which is odd, considering I can’t fly. Whatever kept me in the air stopped and I fell down on my rump which hurt a lot. I tried to say something but it seems I was just as speechless as this fucking unicorn.

Thankfully, neither of us had to speak, as the door flew open, and off its hinges sending splinters of wood across the room, two more unicorns clad in horse armor were revealed, yelling something I couldn’t understand because I was much more focused on the wood hurtling towards my face. My reflexes finally decided to make a move and an arm shot up to my eyes, I shut them, instinctively, lest my arm wasn’t enough and a scrap of wood fly into my eye. I quickly reopened my eyes and noticed I had an odd looking appendage.

…Is that a fucking hoof? Yes, yes it was. “Fuck.” And then I fainted.


I awoke to three pairs of eyes, and I was back in the massive bed. I was just whimpering at that point, silently wondering just who thought this would be funny. I was going to kill Hannah if she let this happen, but knowing her, she conducted it.

“You needn’t be scared, my very little pony, you’re safe with me.” The unicorn with the pink eyes and white face informed me in what I assumed was a motherly tone. “I’m very sorry if I or my guards scared you.” She informed me. She must have been the thing I pushed out of the bed with the weird hair; I was beginning to doubt Hannah’s involvement in my predicament, Hannah wasn’t capable of a display so complex.

“Shut up, Hannah.” I said, sticking to my guns. I didn’t know if she was in the very elaborate costume before me, but I’m sure she was within earshot in order to bask in my torture. I really wanted to believe Hannah was making this happen.

“Hannah?” The same unicorn asked.

“Don’t start with me, bitch, tell—” I was interrupted by the damn pink-eyed unicorn’s slap. Hannah was annoying at times, and a bit of a trickster, but she would never let someone hit me. That made me worried.

“A filly should never use such language!” she reprimanded. That was another thing; this couldn’t be a trick, if I was a hor—or pony. I must be dreaming then. But you never realize you’re in a dream when you’re in a dream… and I was not smart enough to think about that much further.

“Uhmm… sorry?” I didn’t know what in the hell to do. What do you say when a pony-unicorn-thing slaps you and reprimands you, and is surrounded by her guards? I sure didn’t know, I can honestly say I was never in such a situation before. Not to mention my hopes that this was a trick were diminishing quickly, making my mind work rather slowly as I tried to wrap my head around what was happening.

“It’s okay, now, would you mind informing me why I found a fellow alicorn in my bed?” The same one spoke again, the others must be mutes or something.

“What’s an Alicorn?” I asked. Unicorns I at least have heard of, but I don’t think those things were even in the Greek myths.

“Guards, you may return to your posts, thank you.” The guards gave nods and headed out through the now door-less threshold. She backed up and showed me her wings. It was definitely a she, she sounded like she was, unless ponies’ voice levels were reversed, but I just settled with a she for the unicorn-pegasus-pony. “It is a pony that has both wings and a horn, but how could you possibly not know? Even if you weren’t an alicorn you would have learned about them at school.”

“I…I don’t a-actually go to s-school, sorry.” I stammered. That was a touchy subject for me. I was supposed to go to school, it was kind of the law that I did, but the owner of the orphanage I currently resided in reported it as a home-schooling orphanage, but never actually taught anyone. I had gone to school in the past once, though. Up to second grade in fact, but still, I was 16 and I could barely wright.

“Are you not from Equestria, sweetie?” Her tone was softer and more pleasant, although her previous tone wasn’t rough; I think she finally caught on to my frightened state.

“No.” I said. I’m not very good at holding a conversation, let alone a conversation with a living myth/alien/pony/unicorn/pegasus/alicorn. She looked kind of sad, which was odd to see, considering she was a pony.

“I see. Where are you from, my little pony?” I didn’t know if I should tell her or not, so I simply shrugged. “You poor dear, you must be making many ponies worried; you are a princess, after all.”

“I’m an orphan; you don’t need to make up lies to make me feel any better.” I told her, and she looked confused.
Actually, for all I knew I was a pony princess, what if a pony and I switched places? I didn’t think that was possible, it would explain why I woke up in bed with her.

“You’re an Alicorn, all Alicorns are either princes or princesses, and none are orphans.” She informed me.

“I’m not from Equestria; maybe it’s different around there.” I said my voice rising as I became angrier.

“No, it’s like that just about everywhere, even in Griffon Territory, or Zebrica. They usually just have less power,” she told me. I was debating whether or not to tell her I wasn’t from the planet, but decided I’d let her believe whatever she wanted to. I had decided I was no longer on Earth, it made sense, I mean people already mapped the Earth how could we have missed a civilization of talking ponies?

“Fine, good luck finding my parents, if you find out whom they are, inform me, will you?” I asked her more coldly than I had anticipated.

“Of course I will, don’t worry; you’ll be reunited with your parents in no time at alI.” I wasn’t sure if she picked up on my sarcasm, if she was ignoring it, or just being nice to a lost little… filly. Today was going to be a long day.

“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?” I asked.

“Oh, of course, I’m sorry. I am Princess Celestia, Co-ruler of Equestria, and manipulator of the sun, as I assumed you already knew.” Yes, a very long day.

Instead of responding, I focused on what I heard: A steady clacking sound, as if a horse was galloping, as the sound drew close, it sounded more like clip-clops of a horse, or more likely a pony. Finally when they were right outside the hole in the wall that was once a door, the clip-clops suddenly ceased, and another alicorn entered walking instead of galloping. This one had blue transparent ethereal hair, and a blue coat. “Sister, I have heard from the mouth of the guards that we have a very small visiting princess!” She scanned the room, completely ignoring the shattered door, and finally spotted me.

“SHE’S SO CUTE, EVERYTHING WE ANTICIPATED!” She screeched and before my hearing returned I was scooped up in a blue transparent… something. I was floating, but that wasn’t that weirdest thing that happened to me today. I was surprised nonetheless, I struggled ferociously, but to no avail, I drifted closer to this blue intruder whose eyes displayed a fascination I had never before witnessed.

Before I could escape, the blue field that surrounded me suddenly ceased, and I dropped into the forelegs of the blue alicorn. I couldn’t speak because I was being suffocated by and incredibly harsh hug and nuzzling. “Who are her parents? They’re the luckiest ponies in all of Equestria!” The blue alicorn pointed out.

“We are not sure, but I am going to dispatch some pegasi to find out.” Celestia said. “This is Luna, my sister, she moves the moon.” Of course she does. “She also co-rules Equestria with me.” Celestia added. “Luna, perhaps you should let her down, she’s had a rough morning.”

The alicorn levitated my very small body back to the floor and blushed, I probably should have been surprised a pony could blush, but I’ve heard much stranger today. “What’s your name, Cutsie-Wootsie?” She was lying on the ground and talking to me at eye level whilst making faces that I didn’t realize ponies could even make.

I wasn’t really sure if I should answer them honestly. My name was Emma, but I still didn’t want to give too much information away, I didn’t even know who the ponies were, or if they hated people from Earth, or if they even knew about Earth. So instead of answering, I put on my best sad face and shrugged “I don’t have a name, or parents.” I glared at Celestia for a moment, I was still angry she didn’t believe me.

Luna was obviously distraught when I told her I was nameless and parentless because she stopped making faces and held a frown for a moment before adopting another smile. Luna looked to Celestia, “May I take our little visitor on a tour of the castle, Celly?” She asked.

Celestia looked to be pondering over whether or not to let me leave or not, and honestly, I wanted to be out of this room and away from Celestia so I was completely comfortable to go on a tour and of a castle no less! “You…” She sighed, “Yes, you may show her the castle, but I want her to check back with me before nightfall. Her parents might send word by then.” Luna looked overly excited upon hearing Celestia give her permission to drag me throughout the castle, and even though I hate to admit it, I had a small smile displayed across my features after hearing I could see an entire castle. Naturally, I fought the smile off and replaced it with a frown.

Luna made an odd little squeaking sound, exclaimed a thank you and told me to follow her. I tried to comply, but as it turns out walking on legs that are about 1/5th the size of your previous legs, and having 2 more is an odd experience. I got to my hooves and stumbled a little bit, attempting to walk on two legs, which didn’t work, needless to say. I noticed Luna hovering in the air with her hooves to her mouth holding back a fit of laughter. I decided to try and walk as if crawling which worked a bit better, and I began to make progress, but I would certainly need more practice before I could walk normally, let alone gallop.

Despite my grand efforts, I was walking at a snail’s pace, I continued to stumble and lose my…hoofing? Every couple of steps. I finally sat on my haunches, defeated. I looked at the two princesses who had been watching me, both had large smiles plastered on their face and it was easily decipherable that they were still choking down a fit of giggles. I sighed, “L-Luna, could… Uhmm, could you m-maybe help me?” I asked Luna and she let out a very pleased ‘AWWWW’ and complied with my request. She began to levitate me again, and I wondered if I could learn to levitate things too.

“Luna, uhm, how are you making me float?” I asked her while Luna carried me into the hallway past the shattered door.

Luna gave me an odd look, but answered nonetheless. “Magic, sweetie. You can levitate things too, you know.” That made me excited. I wanted to do magic! So naturally I tried it out, which to my surprise worked! I stared at Luna with concentration and imagined her going upwards and then floating, and it happened! I was so concentrated on lifting Luna up that I didn’t even realize she let go of me, and I promptly fell to the ground in a low thump on the carpeted stone floor.

I let out a loud “Ouch!” upon hitting the ground, and so did Luna, after I lost concentration of my levitation. “Oh, I’m sorry! Please, d-don’t hate me! I didn’t mean to!” I stammered; I had no idea she would drop me, I figured I must have surprised her.

To my surprise, she laughed! She didn’t even hit me for dropping her. “It’s okay; you’re very strong for a little filly.” She laughed again, “You just disrupted my magical field by enveloping me in yours.” She informed me, I was really excited that I had just used magic, because it was magic, and that’s fucking awesome. But I was more surprised she didn’t try and discipline me.

“Oh. So, you’re not gunna hit me? You don’t have belts anywhere, do you?” I inquired, and Luna looked appalled.

“No, no, no! I would never hit you, why would I ever want to hurt you?” She asked and grabbed me and enveloped me in a hug. That was nice. The only one whoever hugged me was Hannah, and she was gone… maybe forever.

“A-at the orphanage, the b-belt was taken out if anyone misbehaved, and if s-someone was really bad they’d bring out the Cat o’ Nine Tails.” I stammered. I didn’t know why, but I was on the verge of crying. I immediately told myself I was too tough to cry, but I couldn’t help but nuzzle into Luna’s shoulder. I wiped my tears away as fast as I could; I hadn’t cried in so long, I didn’t want to start then.

“I would—No pony would ever do that, and there are no belts nearby! And ponies only have one tail, not nine, and there aren’t any cats in the castle, so don’t worry about the latter.” Luna reassured me. I didn’t think she grasped the fact that the Cat of Nine Tails was actually a whip, but I wasn’t very keen on informing her, considering she was already horrified at the mention of a belt.

I think some guards came around the wall in the hallway to see what all the commotion was, but I think Luna waved them away. We stayed that way—Luna holding me close to her chest while she soundlessly flapped her wings keeping us suspended in the air while I tried tirelessly to wipe the tears away from me face. I gave up on wiping my face and finally let them flow out for a few minutes. I probably soaked Luna’s chest, but she didn’t seem to mind, she was content to just stroke my hai—er… mane.

When I finally stopped acting like a baby, I asked Luna if I could go to the bathroom and she brought me to a door not too far off from where we were. She carried me on her back while I held on to her neck sniffling all the way.

She dropped me off next to the bathroom and I noticed that there was a door handle, which is odd, considering ponies had hoofs, but I didn’t bother asking about it. I concentrated again and turned the knob and pushed to door open. It was easier to use my magic that time then the last. I felt like I should have been more amazed that I was using magic, but I wasn’t for some reason, and I wasn’t exactly known for taking things in stride.

After taking care of some business, I made my way to the sink on wobbly legs. Before I washed my hands, I took in my new appearance for the first time. I really was small, I was the smallest filly I had ever seen, and, to be honest, I was really cute. I was a very light gray, almost white; my coat reminded me of ash, actually. I looked at my mane that was a brilliant silver color with 3 stripes of black that lined through it. Back at the orphanage, my hair was silver, but it never had black in it. I was stricken with a horrible case of bed-mane at the time as well. I promised myself I would learn how to style it at some point, before I went back… was I going back? Was that possible? That though didn’t linger in my mind for long, because it’s not like I had much to return to, anyway. I just missed Hannah a little.

After I washed my hands, I managed to get back outside on my hooves, and I didn’t even stumble… or at least not a lot. When I got back outside, I guess Luna realized it was easier for me to just ride on her back, because she levitated me back to my position prior to my bathroom visit. “So, where are we headed, Luna?” I asked. Admittedly, I was kind of fond of Luna, she was nice. That didn’t mean I liked Celestia that much, I still wanted to see her look of shock when she figured out I really don’t have parents here.

“Well, it’s still morning, 11:00 AM, actually. So I hath…err, have decided to treat you to breakfast.” Luna said. I wasn’t going to complain, especially since this was a castle, I figured the food would be good, or at least better than the food I was served in Jenna’s. Jenna was the witch who owned the orphanage, and had named the place Jenna’s Home for the Disowned.

While I was thinking about home, Luna kept walking towards the dining hall, or so I had dubbed it. It sounded castle-esque, so I went with it. Luna opened a door after we descended down a flight of stairs, and broke the silence. “Cadance is still here, you lucky filly.” She pointed to a pink alicorn, but this one’s mane didn’t wave around like Luna’s, and it looked more like regular hair, like mine.

The Alicorn waved to us and smiled. She was sitting on a pillow at a very expensive looking marble table. As we approached the same alicorn greeted us. “Good morning, Luna. Who’s that filly with you?”

“Good morning. That’s what we’re trying to find out. This Wittle Fiwwy is all wost, she woke up in Celestia’s bed, in fact.” Luna informed her and Cadence laughed, I just let out a ‘hmph’.

I decided to ask a question of my own. “What do you control? Luna has the moon, what about you?”

Cadance looked confused for a moment and answered, “Nothing, Silly Filly, all I can do is influence love, see?” She
flashed me her flank, and it had a crystal heart on it. I didn’t realize until then that those marks meant something; I just kind of figured they were a mark of royalty, but apparently they represented what you can do. It made sense, Luna’s was a crescent moon, and Celestia’s was the sun.

“Oh! What’s mine look like?!” I didn’t know why I didn’t look in the mirror for that, but now I really wanted to know.

Luna and Cadance laughed, and Luna put me down. “You’re not old enough to have your cutie mark yet, very few fillies or colts have a cutie mark so early in their life. The usual, Cadance?” Luna asked, and Cadance nodded.

“How long do I have to wait? I’m already 13.” I informed her, and Luna laughed.

“Oh, I’m sure; you’re such a big filly.” She mocked as she walked towards the door-less kitchen.

“I am a big filly!” I yelled, and realized how silly I must have looked. I gave an irritated ‘hmph’, and folded my forelegs as I sat down on the pillow across from Cadance.

Cadance just laughed at my outburst, and I tried to keep my smile hidden because I still wanted to look angry. “You’re a funny one; I don’t think I caught your name, what was it? And how old are you, really? You look to be about 8.” Cadance said.

I turned to face her and told her, “I'M TWELVE!" I yelled, and calmed myself, "And I don’t have one, and if you don’t believe that, ask Luna, or even Celestia.”

“Oh come on, we were just having fun, you really are a big filly, don’t be mad. C’mon, tell me your name.” She said, and put on a comical puppy dog face.

“No really, I don’t have a name.” I insisted.

“Your parents must have named you.” She kept fighting for an answer.

“I don’t have parents either, Celestia doesn’t believe that. I don’t know what Luna thinks.” I said holding my ground.

“Luna, she says she doesn’t have a name, or parents. But that’s impossible, right?” Cadance asked Luna who was now returning with food for the three of us. Luna dropped waffles in front of me, and gave a brief thank you before I dug in.

“It’s possible, just highly unlikely. I hope she does, but I see no reason for her to lie about such a thing,” Luna said and looked at me, “you know, I never knew my mother, and only have one memory of my father.” Luna looked sad but continued, “I understand how hard it is, and so if what you said is the truth I realize how terrible that feels. I thought she finished but then started again after a moment, “It gets lonely.” She said, sounding detached like she wasn’t really taking to any of us anymore.

I looked up from my waffles in time to see Luna dragging a hoof across the bottom of her eye and clearing her throat. She looked down at me, “Do you like the waffles? I asked Head Chef Antoinette Perrier for his best morning dish and he whipped this up for you and me.” Luna said with a smile that was quite obviously forced.

I hesitated for a second wondering what just happened to make Luna’s cheery disposition change so suddenly, but I didn’t want to make her feel anymore dismay. “Give the chef my compliments, these are delicious!” I always wanted to say that, it made me sound sophisticated, I thought.

It was a success, both Luna and Cadance laughed before they dug into their own breakfasts.


After we finished our breakfasts, Cadance left mentioning something about lingerie, roses, and for some reason Shining Armor? I didn’t understand why she wanted the latter, but whatever she’s into, I guess.

Luna threw me on her back again, and we left the Dining Hall. “What are we gonna see next?” I asked, in all honesty I thought this castle was incredible. There were sets of armor displayed, and even though it was armor for a pony, they were still cool decorations. The walls were stone, usually, sometimes they were marble, but usually the floor was marble or wood. The floor always had a carpet too so the constant clip-clops of Luna’s hooves were muffled.

“You’ll see.” She answered as she walked up another flight of stairs. This castle had, at the very least, 50 floors; I lost count of all the floors we went up. “We’re almost there.”

She went up one more flight of stairs and then there was open sky. The sky was bluer than I had ever laid witness to, and a thousand times more beautiful. I was so concentrated on the sky I didn’t even realize myself exclaiming the obvious. “It’s so blue!”

“Yes, it is,” Luna answered.

“Huh?” I asked, as I was too focused on the sky to pay any attention to her.

Luna ignored my question, “Hop off my back, I want you to see something even more amazing.” Luna said, and I complied.

She pointed to the far end of the tower we were on, and I walked to my destination. There was a bit of stone acting as fence, and it obscured my view, so I managed to jump onto the stone and got a perfect view of it all. There, before me laid and entire city built into a mountain. I could easily make out carriages and small homes with thatched or tiled roofs. I saw mansions bigger than anything I had ever seen, except for the castle, of course. I saw hundreds of ponies hustling out of a small building where a steam train was leaving its station. I saw patrols of guards marching through the streets clad in golden armor. I saw pegasi flying through the sky, and unicorns levitating things as they walked further into the city. I saw an entire city for the very first time just then, and it was amazing.

“That’s Canterlot, my little pony.” Luna said from behind me. “Now please, get down from there, you’ll fall.

“I won’t fall, I have perfect balance,” I told her, which was kind of a lie, but I was confident I was steady enough. I got closer to the edge of the stone to look closer beneath me and saw a few more building and ponies going about their day.

I see you have made it to Equestria, Darling Emma.

I panicked upon hearing the deep male voice and maniacal laughter that followed. Startled, I forgot my footing (hoofing?) and dropped off the edge and began my plummet.

A Bright City, and a Dark Temptation

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Chapter 2

I had expected very strange things to happen today, but dying did not fall into that category. Even if I wasn't in a panic, I wasn't able to use my wings at will yet, so I figured I really was going to die. I didn't really want to, especially now; I had had a good day for the first time in a very long time and it was about to end in a smack, or perhaps a wet splat. Neither were comforting thoughts.

Tears streamed from my tightly-shut eyes and felt as if they flew upwards and floated on up behind me as I plummeted towards the quickly rising ground. I couldn’t even move my hooves, the wind blasting around me was so strong, not that it would do much anyway. I was helpless, all I could do was hope for was a quick death and a nice afterlife.

The wind was knocked out my me as something collided with stomach, apparently stone didn’t hurt much to impact from hundreds of floors up, and was… soft? The wind’s direction changed too and my mane starting flapping to the side instead of upwards. I slowly and reluctantly opened one eye and saw the ground again; thankfully I wasn’t falling towards it.

I realized very quickly that someone, or rather, somepony had caught me. Although the wind tried to force my neck in the opposite direction, I found the strength the look slightly to the left and saw blue. That regal blue belonged to only one pony I knew; I realized then that Luna had caught me.

I didn’t have the nerve to speak, so instead I opted to crawl further up Luna’s back and bring two forelegs around her neck and tied my hooves around in an attempt to keep myself safe. I was probably holding on tight enough to strangle, but I didn’t care very much at the moment, I was too concerned over the very near loss of my life.

I held my grip on Luna steadily and she glided for a moment longer before dropping in altitude slightly so that I didn’t panic. Luna directed herself to a street that lay fairly close to the castle and prepared for a landing. We landed harder than I thought, so when we did I flew around Luna’s neck a couple of times before I shot off and landed on the ground in a dizzy and pathetic heap.

After feeling around for any bumps or bruises on my head while lying on the ground, I opened my eyes and found two blue, but seemingly faded eyes staring back at me. “WE TOLD YOU. WE TOLD YOU TO LEAVE THE EDGE, BUT THOU… thou jumped.” I had heard older people yelling before, but I had never heard anything so loud and angry and terrifying and scary… and concerned.

Completely terrified, I began to shiver and cower in fear. I shut my eyes tight and forced myself to hold back tears. I had been yelled at a lot in my life, but I had never gotten resistant to loud reprimanding or anger-driven shouting. Hannah had, and I was jealous of her resilience, and although I lacked it, she made up for both of us.

I was scooped up from the ground and my small body was once again wrapped in a hug. That kept happening, I was getting hugged a lot today, not that I minded; I just wasn’t very used to it. I was still shivering, and I didn’t think I could calm down due to a mix of my fright, and my shock. “Shhh, it’s okay,” Luna cooed, “I’m not angry, I was just scared.” I was still shivering, but she continued, “it’s okay, you’re okay. It’s okay,” she comforted and repeated as she began to stroke my mane.

After a while, I’m not sure how long, but after a very long time my shivering subsided and although I remained a little on-edge, I had calmed down. She placed me back on the rock-tiled road and I stared at the crowd I just realized had formed, and the crowd stared back at me with worry. My cheeks grew hot in what I can only assume was a blush. I tried a reassuring smile, but in reality it probably looked very stupid, or in my case, cute.

“Come on, I’ll treat you to a snack to calm the nerves.” Luna said and I heard a clip-clop as Luna touched back down, taking a respite from floating and holding me. I was tossed up and I landed on Luna’s back softly, and she began a brisk trot forwards. I looked at a few ponies’ expressions as they made way for Luna and I, the ponies had silly little smiles glued to their faces, and I swear I heard someone ‘Awwww’.

After we made some progress on the road, I looked back and noticed the mass of ponies that were observing Luna and I had already dispersed. The castle was already in view even though we hadn’t gone too far down the road. But instead of progressing onwards to the castle, Luna took a sudden turn and headed down a rather dark, shady alley.

“Uh, L-Luna, I know you’re mad, but whatever you’re p-planning, just know: I’m sorry.” I said, worry clearly defining my voice as it wavered. A light became visible at the end of the alley, and it began to flicker. Under the flickering light, was a green door that was oddly pristine in the otherwise grime-infested alleyway.

“I already told you, I’m not mad,” Luna assured me, although I had my doubts, I didn’t know what we were doing here, but it made me uneasy. I never cared for dark places, I always felt like they invited dark things to abduct me. “I told you I’d treat you.” She said in a voice that made me gulp in fear for my wellbeing, and I thought she said that she wouldn’t beat me for mischievous behavior!

We reached the door and after a moment, the door was surrounded in a blue aura and swung open. I wasn’t expecting the invasion of light that attacked my eyes, and as such squinted fiercely. Luna didn’t squint; instead she seems perfectly prepared for the light’s surprise attack. Luna walked through the threshold and the light enveloped us.

The door closed and a small bell atop the door rang like one you’d here after opening a shop’s door. “Luna! I see you’ve used the ‘secret’ entrance again! You always loved the shadows,” exclaimed a stallion. He was a bit blurry in my vision as my eyes were still adjusting to the light’s intrusion. His mane appeared—although blurry—to be brown and his coat looked to be a mustardy color. “Oh! Is that your filly? She’s cute.” He asked as my vision was beginning to return to a normal state.

Luna blushed lightly, “N-no, she’s just a visitor, she’ll be returning home soon,” Luna said but began to trail off at the end. “May we be seated? This filly has had a rough day.” Luna said.

“I wanna sit,” I pleaded. Shush, I was tired. My vision had almost returned, and I noticed that the stallion before me had on a white cap and had white clothes which were odd considering I had only seen ponies in armor so far. He resembled a chef though, which I assumed was his goal.

“Of course, My Lady,” he responded and I think I felt my blush burn through my coat. Even if it was mock respect, it was still a form of respect, something I wasn’t use to.

He led us to a plain brown table adorned with large salt shakers that looked to hold different colored sprinkles. I liked sprinkles.

I was examining the sprinkles and their interesting colors until Luna interrupted me. “Are you feeling better?” Luna asked in a sincere tone, her expression matched her tone looking to be one of legitimate concern.

“Huh? Oh, yea. I’m just not good with loud voices, but I’m okay.” I answered.

The stallion I met earlier walked over to the table. “The usual, Luna?” He asked, and Luna nodded. “And what about you, My Lady?” He asked, facing me with a pleasant small.

I blushed again but didn’t take my eyes off the pink sprinkles. “Something pink.” I said quickly, but corrected myself. “Wait, what can I have?” I asked, embarrassed I didn’t even know what they sold here.

“Well donuts, of course! Have you not heard of me? I am the world-renowned Donut Joe, rivaled only by the Pink Ponyville Menace!” He told me more dramatically than he had to.

“Uhmm, a glazed donut, and maybe some… coffee?” I asked, hoping they had at least one of those two; I wasn’t exactly familiar with pony cuisine.

“Of course, My Lady,” He said and trotted off. I would have blushed again, but I was more concerned with analyzing the sprinkles assorted to be in the formation of a rainbow.

After a rather long time of scrutinizing the different sprinkles, and even trying to count them, Luna broke the silence. "Why did you jump?” Luna asked suddenly.

I didn’t know if I should tell her, but I didn’t really want to lie to the person who saved my life. “I… Uhmm…” I began in attempt to buy time for my excuse when I had the brilliant idea to just be vague, and not lie completely. “I heard a noise! A really loud one too, and I was really scared so I, uhm, lost my already terrible balance.” I told her, staying as close to the truth as possible without actually declaring it.

“I see.” She said, although something in her eyes told me she knew I wasn’t telling her everything. “Well then, no more ledges for you.” She said and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. We sat in silence for a moment before Donut Joe came around and handed us our requested meals before leaving us to peace.

I took a sip from the coffee and felt the nerves that were still on edge calm themselves. It wasn’t scalding hot, like I had expected, it was lukewarm; just the way I liked it. I temporarily put down my coffee and took a bite of the donut, but it didn’t end there. I devoured the donut faster than I had eaten anything my life, and I knew in that moment that Donut Joe deserved his name. How could the Pink Ponyville Menace even hope to compete with such delicacies?

Luna laughed at my condition. After I finished my donut, I looked at my now glazed hooves with glassy eyes. Filled with despair, my lips quivered as I licked my hooves for any remaining glazy goodness. “Perhaps you should have savored it,” Luna commented, and I looked up in my sorry state, ashamed I had just murdered something so delicious in cold blood.

I grabbed a napkin and wiped my hooves. Yea, that’s right, I ¬grabbed a napkin, like, gripped it with hooves. I was pretty confused, knowing it was probably impossible to do what I just did, but at least 80 percent of what had occurred today was impossible, so I shrugged it off. Luna waved Donut Joe back over and gave him a few gold coins which I personally thought was a lot of money for just donuts and coffee. I finished my coffee, and Luna once again threw me on her back and we headed out the front door this time. “We’re heading back to the castle, sweetie. Celestia will want to hear from you by now.” I was caught off guard by the ‘sweetie’ remark and unconsciously corrected her.

“Emma,” I told her. I completely forgot why I was holding the name back and just gave it to her. I pleaded silently that she didn’t realize where that name was common.

“So you do have a name, interesting. I like it by the way, it’s unique.” She told me and my fear abated. “Princess Emma, sounds nice, doesn’t it?” She asked.

“I-it d-d-does.” I stammered, quite happy I had just been called a princess this time, even though they had called me that before, it felt better to hear my name incorporated with the title.

“Hold on, I’m going to fly to the throne room.” Luna informed me, and I grabbed her neck tighter than ever; over the last couple of hours I decided I feared heights.

Luna made a sudden jump and her wings expanded and flapped, creating a strong gust of wind behind us as we propelled forward. We flew for a while before Luna set down on a stone bridge connecting two towers of the castle. I still held Luna’s neck tightly as I didn’t really feel safe being so close to an edge again. I closed my eyes and didn’t open them again until Luna stepped inside one of the towers.

When I opened my eyes again we were in another staircase. I sighed loudly, even though I hadn’t walked up any of these stairs, the sheer amount tired me out. After about a minute of stair-climbing Luna trotted down a wide hallway where guards were stationed along the wall, instead of patrolling like usual, I figured we were nearing the throne room.

I was right. We approached a large door guarded by two pegasi clad in golden armor whom wielded spears they currently had positioned in an X over the door. As they spotted Luna the spears shot upright and allowed Luna to pass. I was pretty excited to see the throne room; I figured it would be very impressive if any of the guards were a testament to that.

The wooden doors creaked as they were forced open by Luna’s magic. As I had expected, the throne room was beautiful. If they had a currency here and not just gold, it would have cost millions! The floor was solid marble with a massive, long red rug lining from the entrance all the way up the steps to the throne. The walls were adorned with extremely intricate stained glass depictions mostly of ponies accomplishing things. The throne was covered in jewels of all kinds, and looked to be made of gold except for a red cushion lining likely placed for comfort. Atop the throne sat Celestia who looked a tad bit nervous, but was trying to keep her expression of anxiety hidden so that Luna and I couldn’t see it.

As we approached Luna called out, “Sister! Is there any news regarding Princess Emma’s parents?" She asked and I winced. Twice. Once at the mention of my name, and another at the mention of parents.

“Princess Emma, hmm?” Celestia mused, “A nice name, befitting of a princess. However, I am sorry to inform you that the pegasi that have returned so far have not found any castles or cities missing a princess.” I whispered a near silent ‘yes’ under my breath, Celestia’s realization would come soon. “However, some pegasi have yet to return. I am certain they will find the home in which you belong.” She said and I thought I liked this castle, I wouldn’t mind staying here, seeing as I didn’t have much to return to.

As that wave of thought crashed over me a sudden tsunami of thoughts crashed on my brain and threatened to flood the area. I realized once they understood I really was parentless that they wouldn’t hesitate to throw me right back in an orphanage. On extinct I called out, “No! D-don’t send me back! I won’t go!” I shrieked terror falling over my body and washing away my rational thought process.

The guards stationed near Celestia flinched and the other’s face flashed a scowl but disappeared back into stoicism so fast it made me wonder if there ever was a scowl on his face to begin with. At least Luna had the sense to look shocked at my outburst; Celestia remained indifferent to the outburst and continued in a level, almost sweet tone. “So you do have parents? If you ran away you should have confessed the truth, I would have found out soon enough.” She informed me content in her ability to decipher honesty from dishonesty.

I looked puzzled for a moment but still attempted to justify my outburst and try and crush Celestia’s self-righteousness. “No, I was referring to the orphanage,” I told her in a futile attempt to keep my voice calm. I was still on the verge of screaming.

Celestia sighed, likely thinking she wouldn’t get through to me. “Of course, my mistake. You needn’t worry, no alicorn I knew of will be sent to the orphanage.” Celestia assured me. I didn’t like Celestia, make no mistake—but her assurance to keep me out of an orphanage was quite calming, and I appreciated it. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t let Celestia know I was pleased with her word to keep my out of an orphanage, so I huffed in response.

Luna remained silent until then, “Sister, if there isn’t anything left of importance, I think I’ll show Emma her room.” Luna said, and I perked up after realizing I may very well be staying here.

“You may in a moment, but there is one more matter I would like to discuss.” Celestia said but before continuing added, “But the subject of discussion is not a suitable topic for children. I’m sorry Emma, but you’ll have to excuse Luna and I for a moment.” Celestia said, still sweet as ever.

I looked to Luna, but she shook her head. I exited the room on less-wobbly-but-still-horribly-shaky forelegs. Once I exited, I noticed the guards posted at the door had left their positions. Needless to say I took full advantage of my situation. I pressed my ear to the shut door and listened intently.

“What is it, sister?” That sounded like a muffled Luna.

“Luna, I have grave news. I received word just today that Discord was not in his chambers. I sent the pegasi that have returned from the hunt for Emma’s parents to search for him, but to no avail. Hopefully we will locate him soon, as he seems to have some explaining to do.” Said Celestia, it was definitely Celestia; I sensed the air turned bitchier the moment she spoke.

“What would he need to explain? He is free after all…” Luna trailed off, or perhaps spoke too low for me to hear.

“Yes, but the levels of magic we discovered, and there was—” Celestia was cut off as I was enveloped in a light blue bubble of magic.

I heard a male voice behind me, he sounded young, “Hello there, and to whom do I owe the honor of meeting a new princess?” He asked and he turned me over in his magic so that I got an upside-down perspective of white unicorn with a blue mane, tinted with lighter blue. His cutie mark was mostly visible and it depicted what looked like a shield. I hadn’t the slightest inkling as to what that represented.

“My name is Princess Emma. Now I command you to put me down!” I yelled and put extra emphasis on princess so that perhaps I would gain an air of superiority. It didn’t work.

“Ah, Princess Emma, has anyone told you it is impolite to eavesdrop especially on royal—” I cut him off using the same trick I used on Luna, levitating him. I escaped the bubble and turned to land on my hooves, but my turn didn’t happen quite as fast as I had intended, and as such, I landed on my side, dignity mightier than ever.

“Ha!” I yelled content I just one upped a unicorn on my first day here; I got to my feet as fast as possible. He had already risen back to his hooves, and looked at me with a smirk tugging at his lips.

“Smart girl,” he commented.

“Of course,” I added still feeling superior.

I was enveloped in another bubble, but this time the shade was slightly tinted. “Can you free yourself now, Harry Horsedini?” He asked me.

I of course thought that I could but was surprised when my magic refused to leave the bubble I was incarcerated in. “Still can’t defuse a magical barrier? You’ll learn in time.” He said and suddenly let me out of my bubble. “Shining Armor, captain of the Royal Guard, a pleasure,” he said and extended a hoof.

I didn’t know what he wanted from me, so I just bumped hooves with him. It seemed to satisfy him. “Now, there will be no more eavesdropping, and I won’t be a tattle-tail.” He told me matter-of-factly.

“Oh? Thanks, Umm, Shining,” I said, fully expecting him to inform on me.

“No problem, now if you’ll excuse me, princess, I have news of Di—I have news.” He said cutting himself off but his half-smile never faltered. “Have a good evening, Princess Emma.” He said as he opened the door with his magic. Still only ajar, Luna trotted out of the throne room.

“Good evening, Shining, or, rather ¬very good evening.” Luna said and it hit me, before I thought Cadance was just really into some weird form of BDSM, but now.

Shining’s smile faltered for a moment, adopting a puzzled look, but his smile quickly recovered. “Good evening to you as well, Luna,” he said and walked into the throne room closing the door behind him.

Luna turned to me and I already knew what was coming. She threw me on her back again; I decided at that moment that I needed to learn to walk normally as fast as possible. “Where are we going now, I’m getting a little t-t-tired,” I said, yawning.

“Good, we’re heading to your room now.” Luna said as she trotted down the hallway. “If you need anything, I’m only a few doors over, and you can always call for a cook or a maid.” Luna told me as if it were nothing. Overnight, I had gone from having absolutely nothing to everything. I was pretty sure I loved Equestria.

I didn’t comment until we reached our destination, instead I thought about how fantastic my life had become, and how sad it was that Hannah couldn’t be here to experience it with me. If Hannah were here I thought transitioning would be easier, but even though I hated thinking it, I knew if Hannah were here I wouldn’t be getting all the attention I was enjoying so much lately.

A door opened, and Luna put me down, “This is your bedroom, I hope it is adequate…” Luna trailed off. It was unlike anything I had ever seen, and my mouth went agape. “You don’t like it? I suppose I could—” I cut her off with my leaping-hug.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I continued over and over again. “This is the nicest place I’ve ever even thought about staying in. Thank you!” I said and hugged her a bit tighter before dropping back to my hooves.

Luna looked to have a massive smile on her face, “I’m glad you like it!” She exclaimed with a smile, but it quickly dissipated, “I wish to stay with you longer, but I have other… responsibilities right now. I look forward to our morning together.” Luna said and gave me a hug, which I returned.

“Goodnight Luna,” I said as I entered my new bedroom. The bedroom was massive. My bed was large enough for, like, 10 ponies, and I had a large red carpet with golden patterns lining it. There was a golden chandelier that gave off a soft glow, making the room seem very cozy. There was a large table situated in the room, and it looked to have dinner prepared, but I was too tired to indulge in anymore food. I had a desk in the corner of the room, complete with drawers, a quill, and inkwell. There was a large mirror near the desk, and the clothes! There were too many outfits too count, that excited me more than a pony should be over clothes. There was a large white balcony hidden behind white shades illuminated by the white glow of the moon. I wisely kept away from the balcony. My nightstand alone was probably more expensive than the whole of the orphanage.

I walked, more steadily now, to my nightstand and flipped on the lamp atop it. Although it might be embarrassing to admit, I couldn’t sleep with the lights off if I was alone, so I made sure to turn on any lights I could get my hooves on. Content with the light fixtures and their positions, I crawled into my massive bed.

I got comfortable under the heavy sheets and promised myself that tomorrow I would take a shower; I was much too comfortable then to bother. I dropped my head onto one of the many pillows and closed my eyes, preparing for sleep to embrace me.

That was a very big fright you gave our little filly here.

I jumped out of my bed and put my hooves over my head as I shook. “Who are you!?” I asked, very loudly.

Who am I? Good question, but I believe you've already heard of me, a shame I couldn't be there to welcome you into the castle.

The voice was coming from inside my head. I figured maybe I was going crazy. “Who are you?!” I demanded, but my voice quivered.

Why, the only one who actually cares about you, that’s who!

“What are you talking about, Luna likes me!”

Don’t be so sure, leaders are quite adept in the art of deception. That’s why they’re leaders.

“T-that’s not true,” I said losing faith in my own words. I didn't know who to trust, really. I only just got here, who was I to trust somepony so fast?

Oh, but it is. Trust me, they’re just using you to get to me

He put extra emphasis on the ‘me’. “Who are you!?” I yelled as loud as I could, infuriated.

Ah, you’re no fun. I’m Discord, of course, and this—he paused for a moment—is the filly I was taking about.

Hey, Emma.

“H-H-H-Hannah,” I choked out, tearing up.

That’s right! At least you knew one of us. Now, Hannah, am I such a bad guy?

Nope! He’s pretty great, Em. If… a little bit odd.

See? I’m a nice guy—odd? Hmph. So how about it, filly, how about you help the one guy you can trust—the one guy who loves you.

“W-w-what d-d-do y-you w-w-want?” I asked through my now blinding tears.

Oh not much, just a little participation for Team Discord.