The Only Love for All

by King Artermis

First published

a story of humans and ponies that get together. also epic battles between humans and Changelings.

The ten living elements(Light, Dark, Harmony, Chaos, Life, Death, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air) have found out how to make a portal to another realm. where they make it to is a great success.

Sorry for the cancel. I just can't see the story continuing from the last chapter I updated.

The Portal

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“Hey I finally did it guys!” I said to the others, “I figured out how we can all finally make it to the other realm!”

“Well how did you do it?” asked Fire.

“Yeah don’t leave us hangin’” said Dark.

“If we combine our magiks, all ten of us, then the portal will open to when and where we want to be!” I replied.

“When can we do this?” asked Harmony.

“When the comet, that comes tonight, is visible.” I answered.

“Are you sure about this Water? Because if I remember right the last time we did that we all blacked out.” Said Air.

“Yes I am absolutely sure about it this time!” I replied.

“Then it is settled, we will all meet at Water’s house tonight and create this portal.” Said Light our leader, “Those who wish to help raise your hand.”
We all raised our hands in sync with each other. Light nodded in acceptance. I could not contain my excitement.

We all met at my house in my basement. I passed around a drink that boosts magikal ability and power, for we were all going to have to be at the top of our games to do this. As we all got together on the circle of power to start the spell I passed out the runes of our elements. I gave them out in order. Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Life, Death, Chaos, and Harmony. We all put the runes around our necks and started the spell.

We started to will power to flow from our tan tien to our hands, and out to the middle of the circle. The powers met with a loud thunderous sound. As we all poured our energy into the middle a ball of pure energy started to glow and increase in size. When the ball was about the size of a smart car I yelled out. “This is it!” we all pushed our energy into the ball one last time as the portal started to shape. The portal opened with a continuous hum and we could see a forest inside. We all walked forward and stepped into the portal to Equestria.


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Chapter 2

I woke with a dull ache in my head, and groan as I sat up.

“Hello?” I call to see if anyone is there, but get no response. I rub my eyes and look ay my surroundings, noticing I am in a small cell with old stone walls. I also notice a sink on the wall, a toilet next to it, and the shackles on my legs attached to a chain that is sealed to the center of the floor. I stand and stretch my body, sighing as bones pop and muscles relax. I return my attention to the shackles and notice that they are reinforced with petty magic. I freeze the shackles solid then shatter them on the closest wall. I walk up to the cell door and knock on it.

“What do you need?” I hear a strong authority like male voice ask.

“I request a reason why I am here.” I answer.

“The princess is busy and will see you when she can.” I hear back from him.

I turn around take a couple paces towards my bed. I turn back towards my door and see that it too is reinforced with magic. ‘The spell on this door is stronger then the one on the chains.’ I think to myself. I focus on the spell with my energy and feel my power falter. I sigh in defeat, turn and sit down on my bed to meditate.

My meditation is interrupted as I hear a feminine voice outside. I finish the meditation as my cell door is unlocked and swings open, and in walks a…horse?

This horse had a multi-colored main that floated in the air. It also had a mark of a sun on her flank. My eyes continued to roam the mare’s body as she entered the room with her horn a-glow, and wings at attention.

“Hello, my name is Princess Celestia of Equestria.” She said to me.

“Hello, mine is Water but my friends call me Ice.” I replied. Another mare followed Celestia in. This mare was an alicorn as well, but was dark blue with a long floating main that sparkled in the light.

“We are Princess Luna.” Said the blue mare,” We are both wondering werest thou came from.”

“I am from the realm Sol.” I replied.

“Sol is the realm with earth in it that inhabits humans?” asked Celestia.

“Yes.” I answered.

“How many followed thou here?” asked Luna.

“Ten of us.” I replied.

“Are you all Living Elements?” asked Celestia.

“Yes how did you know?” I ask in awe. ‘Nobody knows about us.’ I thought quickly.

“Which element is thou?” asked Luna.

“I am water just like my name.” I answer.

“Where are the rest of you?” asked Celestia.

“I don’t even know where I am, let alone the others. Lets all hope Chaos doesn’t cause any trouble.” I tell them.

“Chaos? What other elements are here?” Asked Celestia.

“Me, Light, Dark, Life, Death, Fire, Earth, Air, Harmony, and Chaos.” I replied.

“What is thy purpose here?” asked Luna.

“To start a new life. Our world is in to much chaos for us to help.” I answered.

“How strong is your power?” asked Celestia.

“I would have to show you it is to hard to describe.” I replied.

“Could you leave if you wanted to?” she asked.

“I could probably blast a hole in this wall and teleport out.” I said as I gestured to the back wall of my cell.

“Are you sure? That wall is magically enforced.” stated Celestia.

“Would you like me to show you? I took care of my restraints like they were paper.” I replied.

“Then no we would like thou to show us what ye can do in the courtyard. Follow us.” said Luna.

“Ok.” I replied.

We all walked out into the hallway that had many more cells. We turned right, then left, and walked up to a door with a guard on both sides. The guards nodded to the Princesses as we walked through the doorway. We walked up a flight of stairs, through another door, down a hallway, and into a large room. After we exited the hall way it disappeared behind a wall that magically sealed itself. We took a right and exited into the courtyard. We walked to the center of what looked like a huge training ground.

“This is where the guards train the recruits.” said Celestia.

“You want me to show you the extent of my power don’t you?” I asked the Princesses.

“Yes we will animate foes with our magic and you will try to defeat them.” answered Celestia.

“Ok, tell me when to start.” I tell them.

Their answer was their horns lighting up. A pile of leaves and wood formed together into a wolf form. It snarled at me when it was complete, then lunged towards me. I dodged, turned and froze the wolf’s legs in ice. I created a sword of ice and sliced the head off of the wolf.

The Princesses nodded and their horns lit up again. I turned around and saw stones and rocks forming together to create a golem. The golem charged towards me. I quickly made a wall of ice in front of me and pushed it at the golem. When the wall made contact I quickly turned it to water and formed it around the charging golem, I then froze it solid. It stopped and slid about ten feet closer. I then concentrated on turning the golem itself into ice. I look up and saw that my newest move had worked. I turned around to see Luna’s horn light up. I wondered what was happening. My answer came as I was swatted to the left and thrown. My elemental side took over. Wings of ice grew out of my back. Armor froze together and onto my body. The element inside me turned around and melted the golem and destroyed the matter it came from. The ice wings and ice armor then melted off of me and I collapsed to the ground. I was breathing hard. I sat up and fell back down. I saw a bright light that moved towards me. The light dissipated and standing its place was my big brother Light.


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Light looks at me like he always did, with that look of “I’m gonna’ kill you if you do something wrong” type deal. Then I see something I’ve never seen before, love. Light was always training me to become stronger, he only had two rules, don’t kill yourself, and don’t ever use your full power. Light bent down and picked me up off the ground. I see the princesses walking towards us. Light tenses up as they got closer.

“That’s close enough.” He says to the princesses,” What are you doing Water!? I told you never to use your full power, EVER!”

“Light I couldn’t control it, and these are the Princesses of this land. They have shown me kindness and they wanted to see what I could do.” I answered him.

“Water who is this?” asked Celestia.

“This is my brother the Living Element of Light. He is the one who trained me in how to control my power.” I answered

“I am calling for the others, may we wait for the rest of our group to arrive?” asked Light.

“Yes in the mean time we can introduce our selves.” replied Celestia,” I am princess Celestia of Equestria.”

“We are Princess Luna also a ruler of Equestria.” stated Luna.

“I’m the Living Element of Light also known as Light. I am the leader of the elements.” replied Light. The others started to show up. All came in a ball of their elements. Eventually we were all present.

“Light their better be a reason you called us here.” Said Chaos in his loud raspy voice. Light nodded to him.

“We are here because I believe the Princesses would like to know who we are.” said Light.

“This is all of you?” asked Luna.

“Yes.” answered Light.

“Then lets all get introduced to each other.” said Celestia.

“Harmony, start off will you?” asked Light.

“Hello, I am Harmony. Our names are our elements.” said Harmony in his rich gentle voice. (Male)

“I’m Dark” said Dark. (Male)

“Air is the name, and speed is my game.” said Air. (Female)

“I’m Fire.” said Fire in her soft careful voice.

“Earth.” said Earth. (Male)

“Um…I’m Life.” said Life in her shy voice.

“I’m Death” said Death leaning on his scythe.

“Chaos.” Was all he said.

“I am Princess Celestia of Equestria.” said Celestia.

“We are Princess Luna also a ruler of Equestria.” replied Luna.

“Let us all have lunch and then we will talk. Does that sound all right Light?” asked Celestia.

“Yes that actually sounds very nice.” He replied with a bow.

“Ok now that we are all well fed and can decide what will happen.” said Celestia.

“We have heard gossip that you had a recent attack?” I asked.

“Yes we have Water.” replied Luna.

“What happened?” asked Light.

“We were attacked by the queen of the changelings, Chrysalis. She infiltrated our castle town and almost took control of Equestria.” answered Celestia.

“We can see the damage her army did. It seems you are in need of an elite squad to help with matters like such.” said Harmony.

“Sister this could be the offer we were waiting for.” said Luna to Celestia.

“Yes I understand. Would you all be willing to become our specters?” asked Celestia.

“Depends, what does becoming a specter mean?” asked Light.

“You are our first and last defense in times of crisis. You are given a place to live of your choosing. When given an assignment you will have any of the resources you need. You may complete the missions as you see fit. Normal laws do not apply to you. You will be given a Head Quarters to meat and prepare at for missions that require a group of you to do. This also means that you will have access to all things you need.” replied Celestia.

“Do you all agree to this offer?” Light asked the rest of the elements.

“Yes!” we all said in unison.

“Then it is settled we will become your loyal specters Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.” said Light.

“That’s perfect.” says Celestia.

“We have a task that we needed a specter to complete. Water will thou taketh the first assignment for thy Equestria specters?” asked Luna.

“I would be honored.” I answer.

“You will stay in Ponyville until this assignment is complete. You are to search for, and arrest, the queen of the changelings. Understood?” asked Celestia.

“Understood, one question, where is Ponyville?” I ask.

“We will have the palace guards take you there.” She replied, “You will all be given a room to stay in until your homes are built.”

“May we be shown to our rooms we should all meditate on today?” asked Light.

“Yes. Excuse me, will you show our temporary guests to their rooms?” asked Celestia to a nearby guard.

“Yes Princess.”

“Dark we expect to see ye tonight in our quarters.” said Princess Luna.

“Acknowledged.” He replied.

“We will see you off tomorrow Water.” said Celestia as we all walked away.


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“Here you are sir, Ponyville.” Said one of the pegasi pulling the carriage.

“Thanks for the ride sirs.” I reply

I walked towards the library were a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle would be meeting me. As I walk I notice the every pony I walk past stares at me then whispers to the pony next to them. I sigh and stop walking as I hear ‘what is a human doing here’.

“Ponies of Ponyville!” I speak to the town’s people,” I am here with orders from the princesses. Don’t be concerned about me for I will be leaving soon anyways.”

I see a pink pony with a cotton candy looking mane bounce towards me.

“Hello I’m Pinkie Pie! I was wondering who you are? Because I know every pony, and when I say every pony I mean every pony.” Said the pink mare as quickly as possible all in one breath.

“Hello Pinkie, my name is Water and I am looking for a unicorn by the name of Twili-”

“Twilight? Oh I know where she lives, follow me.” says Pinkie cutting me off then bouncing away. I walk after her and we end up at a large tree house. I walk up to the door and knock. After a couple seconds the door swings open to a small purple dragon.

“Hello I am looking for Miss Sparkle.” I tell the little dragon as Pinkie just miraculously disappears.

“Oh, Twilight you have some one at the door.” The dragon yelled into the house.

“My name is Spike, come on in and wait.” said the little dragon.

“Well its nice to meet you my name is Water. “ I replied.

“Spike, who’s here?” asks a feminine voice.

“It’s a human named Water.” He yells back.

“Be down is a second.” She called back.

After waiting about five minutes a purple unicorn walks down the flight of stairs and says. “Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Nice to meet you Miss Sparkle, my name is Water, the princess told me you were a great pony to meet before I start my mission.” I replied.

“Yes, I know she sent a letter explaining it all.” She replied.

“Well I was told to meet with a few other ponies and was hoping you would help?” I asked.

“Of course, who do you need to see?” she replied.

“I need to meet with a pegasus named Rainbow Dash, an earth pony named Apple Jack, and a unicorn named Rarity.” I reply.

“Oh, we can see them all right now if you would like?” she asks.

“Yes, I would like to acquire the equipment I need as quick as possible.” I answered.

“Well, lets go.” she said.

We arrived at Rarity’s first. after names were given and hellos shared we picked up my armor she made for me. Then at sweet apple acres we met Apple Jack and I bought the food I would need while on my search. Finally we found Rainbow Dash taking a nap on a cloud and got the sword I was promised, as well as a great show of acrobatic skill from the pegasi.

We returned to Twilight’s house, and I decided it was time for my meditation.

When we opened the door I was met with a huge “SURPRISE!” and party poppers going off. I found out later that Pinkie Pie had gone off and decided to throw me a welcome to Ponyville party which was a lot of fun. The party lasted until the after noon and Twilight and I were left to clean up. Fortunately that went very quickly because I just froze everything and turned it all to snow, and then put it in the sink for it to melt.

“Twilight will you show me to my room?” I ask.

“Sure, Spike?” she asked the purple dragon.

“Follow me.” He said as he started walking up the stairs. We made it to my room and I set my items down, sat on the bed and meditated till night came, after ward I fell asleep.

The Forest

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I am walking through the Ever Free Forest looking for the changeling Queen. I have managed to avoid trouble so far. I remember the morning when Twilight said she would make me breakfast before I left. I kindly turned it down in favor of some Ice I froze together and chewed on to wake my mind up. I am currently near a spring that I have been trying to pinpoint. The forest’s trees make the air humid and musky. The sun rarely touches the ground but it is extremely warm like a rain forest back on earth.

I hear a soft whimper of something in pain. It sounded like it came behind a curtain of vines to my left. I chop the vines away with my sword to reveal the spring I had been searching for. Also I notice a dark form tied to the nearby tree. I slowly approach the tree and see that a black pony has been restrained their. This pony had teal blue hair and insect wings with a jagged horn. The pony’s hooves had holes in them. Seeing this I rushed the rest of the way to the pony asking “Hey, do you need help?” the mare, as my eyes roam her body, lifts her head up and she is sobbing. I make quick work of the ropes and notice she has been like this for a few days.

“How did this happen to you?” I ask her a she lays down.

“I was restrained by my people for failing them.” She replied with a sob and wince as she stretched her legs.

“Here let me heal you first then we will continue our talk, k?” I tell her. She nods and I take some of the water out of the spring, with my power, warm it slightly, then placed it over her wounds. The mare let out a small cry as the water started to heal her. When I was done she was passed out from the pain the healing brought and I rested next to her.

I stand as I hear the buzz of insect wings. Seeing the mare still passed out on the grass next to the spring meant it wasn’t her. I waited for the buzzing to stop. I then saw where the buzzing came from as I saw five small black ponies land in front of me.

“Walk away now and we won’t harm you.” Spat the one black pony in front.

“What have I done earn this type of welcome?” I ask as I ready my power for a fight.

“You have healed the exile when she was to die for putting her people in danger.” The pony spat back.

“So, you’re going to expect me to walk away as you five take her and basically kill her? Yeah, not going to happen.” I tell them with a little force in my voice as a warning. I knew I could take them on by myself.

“You don’t even know who she is and yet you decide to protect her. For that you will die.” At that they all charged me. Wrong move, I countered all five with ease then quickly froze them all solid.

I de-thaw one of them with a sword to its throat and say. “Now you are going to listen to me. I am going to ask questions and you’re going to answer if you want to live, got it?” The pony nodded.

“Good, now what are you?” I ask.

“We are changelings.” said the sad little creature.

“Who is the mare that I am protecting?”

“She is our former queen, Chrysalis.” He replies with a snarl. I behead the changeling and shatter the rest into snow that quickly melts. How could she be Chrysalis? I will just have to ask her when she wakes. I walk back over to the sleeping mare, sit down and meditate.

I finish my meditation as I here a moan from the mare. I open my eyes and watch her sit up.

“Did you sleep well?” I ask.

“Yes thank you for healing me.” She replies, “And protecting me?”

“Yes I protected you as five of your pals came to finish you off.” I reply as I eye the head of a changeling.

“Why did you save me? I don’t have anything to give you.” She asks.

“I helped you because you were in need. I helped because I wanted to, not for something in return.” I answer her, “Who are you anyways?”

“I am the former queen of the changelings, Chrysalis.” She answered with a sad look in her eyes.

“Well lets head to shelter for it is almost night fall.” I tell her, “Can you walk?”

She tries to stand but her legs fail her. She falls to the ground with a grunt.

“I can teleport us to a nearby cave and we can sleep their.” I say as I step closer to her. I place my arm around her. She is about to protest as we are quickly swallowed by water and deposited at the entrance of a cave.

“I didn’t know humans could teleport, or even control water.” She said to me with a look of curiosity.

“I am a living element. My element is water which is also my name, but I prefer to be called ice for I usually only use ice.” I reply.

“Oh so what are you doing in the Ever Free Forest?” she asks.

“I was sent here to look for and arrest you, but my objectives have changed.” I answer.

“Why did you change your mind?” She asks.

“Because of you, I have never seen anything quite so beautiful in all of my life.” I answer. Mentally face-palming for saying that.

“I accept the compliment for I have never seen someone who is so attractive.” She answers. I blush and she giggles. I decide to set up camp and lay my equipment inside the cave. Chrysalis just lays down inside and waits for me to finish. I freeze the cave shut so that we don’t get any unexpected visitors. I then start a spell I just barely learned. I make two large blocks of ice then turn them to snow, making two make snow beds that are warm to the touch. I set them down next to each other near the wall of the cave. I then make my way through the wall of ice and return with fire wood.

I get a fire started and Chrysalis nudges me as she leans against me. I blush and make a rose out of ice and place it in her hair.

“Isn’t everything you just made going to melt?” she asks.

“No the ice and snow I create will stay until I melt it.” I say as I create a snow ball then melt it for her to see.

“What about the fire?” she asks. For an answer I create another rose and place it right next to the flames. It didn’t even drip. I make it melt then use the water to wash some of the dirt of the changeling’s cheek. She blushes as I evaporate the water and pecks me on the cheek. I face flushed such a bright red that the rose in her hair evaporated instantly. She giggles and says, “I need to feed.”

I stand and grab my bag and offer her an apple. She shakes her head and says, “Changelings don’t eat regular food. We feed off of love.” I then felt my heart of ice melt as I look into her eyes. I fought the urge to kiss her as she stared longingly into my eyes. I keep fighting my feelings when she leans in and kisses me I slowly return the kiss and give in to my emotions as I catch her in an embrace. She opens her mouth a little and asks for permission to enter using her tongue. I allow her entrance and our tongues found each other immediately. After what felt like an hour of kissing I pull away and say, “I need to meditate on today and also think about what I’m going to do with you tomorrow when we return to Canterlot.”

“Are you sure because I’m not full.” She tries to persuade me.

“Yes, I need to know how to approach Celestia before we make it there.” I say turning her down but then say, “I am not going to have sex with you yet because I need to now if what I am feeling is right. Also I think you need to think about this as well.”

She pouts but I just stand up and turn to sit on my snow bed when she asks, “Can we at least sleep in the same bed?” My answer was to push the beds together into one. I sat down on my side and started to meditate when a thought entered my head.

“Chrysalis I have a way of meditating together where we can mix our minds for a while if you would like to join me, besides I would enjoy your presence.” I say to the now happy mare. She walks her way over to her side of the bed and climbs in.

“Ok, the way this works is we have to have physical contact, and then you can let me do the rest, I’ve never actually done this with anyone but my brother.” I tell her.

“How do I know that it has started?” she asked.

“Watch.” I say as I embrace her. I started the session and it took off. I hear her gasp as I lead her into my mind. I lead her throughout the day that I had, from when I woke to the moment we lied down. Then I showed her what my mind could do. I showed her Earth and the worlds that I have seen. I hear her gasping as I show her wonder after wonder that I have seen. When the session was finished Chrysalis was on top of me wanting more. I gave her a quick kiss and her eyes fluttered open.

“That was….amazing.” she whispered to me. She returned my kiss, and then rolled off of me. “You do that every day?” she asked.

“Yes, but I don’t go into the amazing parts very often.” I reply.

“May we do this again?” she asked with a breathy voice.

“If things go the way I want them to at Canterlot, then yes.” I answered in the same breathy voice.

“Goodnight my Ice.” said Chryslais as she snuggled up to me for sleep.

“Goodnight my Queen.” I replied as we both fell asleep intertwined together.

The Royal Elemental Feud

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I woke in the same position I fell asleep in. Chrysalis was awake and looking at me with the most adorable look. I gave her a good-morning kiss as I got up. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. My gaze fell on Chrysalis’s rear. Her tail was just in the way of my view. I stood up from the snow bed I had made last night. Chrysalis decided to stay laying there until I had everything packed up. She got out of the bed and I evaporated it.

“What are you going to say to the princess when we get there?” she asks.

"I’m going to show her that you have changed, by meditation. That way she won’t have a single question just an answer.” I replied with a small kiss at the end. She smiled and I made a rose out of ice and placed it in her hair as I melted the entrance as soon as I melted it I put an arm around her and asked, “Ready?” she nodded and the water surrounded us and we were whisked away to the castle courtyard. When we landed we started walking towards the entrance to the throne room. We got inside without any trouble, and then Celestia saw me, then Chrysalis.

“Specter Water, I hope you have a good reason for this.” said Celestia.

“I do, your majesty if you could place a hoof on me I can show you.” I replied, “Sorry Chrysalis I left this part out.” I say as I freeze her hooves to the floor with warm ice. Celestia walks towards me and places a hoof on my shoulder. I put my hand on it and started the linked-meditation. I show her how Chrysalis has a good side when I’m around her. I stop the link and let go of her hoof. She regards me with a look of mixed anger and hope.

“So be it, Chrysalis may live in Equestrian as long as you live with her.” said the Princess. I smile and nod my head as I free Chrysalis.

“I am very grateful my Princess.” I tell Celestia.

“As long as she stays out of trouble she can live here in piece. Have you decided on a place to live?” she asks.

“Yes, Ponyville.” I answer.

“Then your house will be built for you, in the meantime you both will be staying here, understood?” we both nod. I make a black ice rose and give it to the princess in my thanks. She smiles and nods her thanks. I walk with chrysalis to the courtyard and decide to give her some breakfast in the labyrinth.

Love in the Labyrinth.

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I lead Chrysalis to the entrance of the labyrinth.

“Would you like to play a game?” I ask. “It is said that if two lovers find their way to the center their love is destined.” She smiles and nods.

“Be warned this is a magical labyrinth. It will separate us at first.” I tell her. She shook her head and said. “I think we should try it.” I nod and we both enter, and a wall separates us.

“Meet you at the middle!” I called over the wall. I hear galloping in response. I decide to cheat and freeze a disc around my feet and just blast through the labyrinth with speed that any regular person would kill themselves at. I blast around turns and soar over straits. It takes me about three hours to find the center. I then start to wait for Chrysalis but decide against it because the labyrinth changes and shifts every hour. I start a spell that will lead her to me. A path of ice shoots away from me and takes off into the labyrinth. I takes about half an hour before I see Chrysalis walking towards me. I stop the spell and she looks at me with a smirk on her face. I smile back and take her into an embrace.

“I didn’t think you would cheat Ice.” said Chrysalis.

“Yeah well I didn’t want to wait my queen.” I replied in a luring voice. She takes the bait and we kiss deeply. We sat in that embrace until she pulled away. My hands trace her sides and I start kissing her neck exciting little gasps here and there. Slowly my hands find their way down to the changeling’s flank. She inhales with a hiss and I got a shiver that ran down my back. We kissed deeply again and I squeezed her smooth flank earning a moan from her. She started to rub my member with her hoof and she earned a moan from me muffled by our kiss. I decide to freeze a dome around us in the off chance someone finds us. My hands find themselves on top of the Changeling’s plot and I start to rub her lips earning moan after moan. I feel my armor fly off and my member exposed at attention. Chrysalis gasps and says. “I’ve never seen a member quite this long.” I blush as she backs away and starts to focus herself on my member. I gasp as she teases me with her tongue and licks all the way from the top to the bottom of my shaft then back up again. I moan and she giggles then says, “Lets see how you taste.” She then putts her mouth on my head and slowly starts her way down my shaft. I moan and slide my fingers down into her teal hair and gently push her farther down until she plunges the rest of me into her throat then slides back up. She continues this as my member is solid as ice. I start to get a cold pressure in my balls and barely say, “My ice…unhg…is about…unnn… to come.” She stops at this, smiles then continues faster than before. She starts moving faster, and faster, until I can’t wait any longer. My ice cold discharge catches her off guard and she gets an eyeful. Her horn lights up with a green glow and she eats my seed as it warms up. After I recover, I quickly roll us over then trace her sleek smooth body with kisses. I hear gasps and small moans escape her as I slowly make my way to her slit. Once I got to her slit I teased and kissed around her lips exciting moans out of her. I lick her lips and slide over her clit then I push my tongue in side and start my work. Chrysalis moans and groans as I explore her. I find her g-spot and start to focus my tongue’s work their. By the pitch of her moans I can tell she is about to release. I start moving faster and her moans grew louder. I stop and wait for a moment to calm her down then start again, this time more aggressively. Chrysalis’s moans grew together in a constant drone of pleasure. I then set to allow her to release. My tongue starts work her g-spot and see the pressure of her release starting to build up. I move faster and more aggressive by the second. Chrysalis came and I lapped up the flowing juices then climb up to her mouth to share the fruits of my success and catch her in a deep kiss. When we pull apart satisfied with a trail of saliva between our mouths I whisper to her. “You’re tasty but, I’m not going farther until our home is complete.”

“That was quite the meal. If only I could have more.” She tries.

“No, I must train tomorrow and we need to meditate.” I tell her. She smiles and I evaporate the dome of ice I had put up earlier. I place an arm around her and she nods. I teleport us to our room.

We land at the foot of the bed and crawl in together. We embrace and I start the linked meditation. We review the day and slowly watch our time together in the labyrinth, then to where we are now. I end the link and we fall asleep.

Training Day

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It was practice day, and Light said I should get some practice with the sword. So we walked out onto the training grounds for a duel. Light said that in this duel no magic was to be used unless you are creating a new sword. Light took the first swings.

I parried Lights swings with my ice sword. After a stroke or two I would counter-attack and send him back a couple steps. On his next swing I stepped back and then lunged forward, blade almost striking home before he slapped it out of the way. After about five minutes we had attracted a small group of recruits watching us spar. Light swung again and I blocked. My sword shattered from the impact and I already had a new one in my hand half a second after. Light stopped and said, “Very good Ice your are becoming a fine swordsman, but that block would have cost you your life on the battle field.” I nod and say, “I know, but I had a sword ready almost as soon as you shattered the first, I was using it as a distraction.”

“Then I guess you didn’t see that I already won.” He said pointing to my stomach. I look down and sure enough there is a dagger sticking out of it. I pull it out and heal myself, then ask, “What’s next?”

He smiles at my thought to continue.

“Next we should see how strong your shields are.” He answers. I nod and make a shield of ice and hold it at the ready. His face turns grim and he launched his attack. First were light arrows. I knew my shield was strong enough to take those any day. Next were spears, these were trickier because they were heavier, but I handled them all the same. I wasn’t prepared for what came next. Light had shot at my shield with his light pistol. The light pulses it shoots had pierced holes in my shield. I quickly changed the shield to black ice and it reflected the pulses away. I knew what was coming next, Light always tried to see if I could stop his lightning blast every time we trained my shields. I braced myself for the blast. I waited, and waited, and waited. It never came because of what happened next.

“Specters are requested to the throne room immediately!” called a guard. I evaporate my shield and run towards the castle entrance. As I enter the throne room with Light, I see everyone is already here. The Princesses are standing next to the thrones and waited for us to get into the lineup.

“Now that you are all here, I have a mission I want you all to handle. There is a crisis in Manehattan, the Changelings are attacking. I want you all there to protect the citisences and I need you their yesterday, Understood?” She asks. We all nod in response.

“I need you all to gear up and be ready to go, meet in the courtyard when ready.” said Light in his commanding ‘I’m in charge’ voice. We all teleported to our rooms to get our armor and weapons. I land in my room and scare Chrysalis to death.

“What’s going on?” she asked in a concerned voice.

“The changelings are attacking Manehattan.” I reply as I put my armor on, and then strap my sword around my waist. Chrysalis stands give me a good luck kiss and I teleport out to the courtyard. When I land I see Light, Death, Fire, Air, and Earth waiting on the others. Harmony and Chaos show up next followed by Life and Dark. Light reaches his hand towards the sky as we all teleport out of Canterlot and into Hell.

Out of the Frying Pan and into the Ice

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When we landed the first thing I hear is screaming and the buzz of insect wings. We all scattered as we found groups of changelings to kill. I pull my sword out of its sheath and start cutting down changelings. I hear the eruption of fire and think Fire just burnt the entire army. But I knew that was nonsense. I decided to start using magic and freeze all the changelings I can see. The ones in the air fell to the ground and shatter. The ones on the ground I turn to snow. I hear the other's magic spells discharge and decide to just make a path to the other side of town. I freeze a disc around my feet, like I did in the labyrinth, but this time I added an extra 8 inches of razor sharp ice. I dashed forwards and just ran through every changeling in my way. I zoom towards the center of town, cutting down Changelings as I went. I make it to the center of town. I fly up to the top of town hall. I stay their and hover over the entire city, preparing to freeze the entirety of the changeling army. I start powering up, charging my power by sending energy into the air and having Air bounce it back. I have the energy and I unleash it into a changeling death wave off ice that spreads over the city. I stayed conscious long enough for Light to find me. I collapsed in front of him. The rest of the day went by in a blur of sounds and lights.

The Pain of Love

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I wake and see Chrysalis and Light sitting next to me.

“Hey Ice.” says Chrysalis in a soft motherly tone. I smile and try to sit up and earn a throbbing pain in my head.

“Brother what the hell were you thinking, setting off a super ice nova?” he asked in his training voice. I laugh at him and cough up some ice crystals. Chrysalis’s horn lit up but I put my hand up.

“I just used to much magic, I’ll be fine tomorrow.” I say in a gruff voice.

“No, you aren’t the only one who needs to regain your magic. That stunt you pulled nearly killed Air!” This got me out of bed. I stood up and immediately regret it as I fall onto the floor in immense pain. Chrysalis lights her horn and levitates me back into my bed then pulls the sheet up. I try to get back up but Light seals me to my bed with light bands.

“Easy, my dear.” Chrysalis commands, “They have the best medics working to heal her.”

“I’m the best; I could heal her in seconds. Get me to her.” I tell them.

“No, you must rest.” says Light.

“I need to fix what I caused, get me to air.” I say almost shouting.

“NO!” shouts Light. Chrysalis steps towards and places a hoof on my shoulder.

I teleport to the room Air is sleeping in. I land and stay upright. I freeze the door shut and almost pass out from the effort. I turn my attention to Air and start to heal her. I give her all the energy I can spare to heal her. When I collapse from the effort she opens her eyes. I melt the ice off the door and absorb the magic in the water. I have enough energy to teleport to my room. I teleport back to my room and fall unconscious again.

I wake and decide to stay lying their. I take heed of my surroundings and notice Chrysalis is next to me in bed. I give her a kiss and she opens her eyes, those jade orbs looking at me with a hint of longing. I reach for her and embrace her. She kisses me and I kiss her back. I ask for permission to enter her mouth with my tongue. She grants me entrance and our tongues find each other and we explore each other. I pull away and leave a trail of saliva between us. I look at her and give her an image from my mind. She smiles and nods at the image. I start kissing her smooth silky skin and give a nibble here and there. I get small gasps from Chrysalis as I nibble and kiss my way around her body. She rolls onto her back and I nibble her ear. I create a toy out of ice that is warm and start sliding it around her slit teasing as I kiss her warm sleek skin. I earn a moan out of chrysalis and I slowly slide the ice toy up and down her slit. I return to her mouth and give her a kiss as the ice toy penetrates her. Her moans are muffled by my mouth as we keep kissing. I use my power to seal the door shut. Then I make the toy longer and colder and push it in deeper. Her moans increase but are still muffled, I then feel her forehoof rub against my member through my pants. I moan as she moans and we fall into a rhythm. My emotions are on fire, which is rare for the element of water. I freeze and shatter my armor, because I knew I could fix it later. Chrysalis feels the shards of my armor fall onto her and she shutters. I break the rhythm we were in to take the ice toy out of her and slowly replace it with my ice cold member. She moans and gasps so much that we have to separate our mouths for her to catch her breath. I slide into her all the way to the hilt. I start to thrust and speed up as Chrysalis moans and groans. I hear pounding on the door and I just cover it in more ice to muffle the noise to almost nothing. I speed up as we close in on our climaxes. We are both moaning nonstop when Chrysalis came, which caused her walls to squeeze my member, which in turn sets me off. Chrysalis still not use to my iciness, earned an extra orgasm from me. This sets me off once more. We sit like that for a few moments and cool off and rest. I pull out of my queen and see my cum dribble out of her. I levitate the icy seed and place it into Chrysalis’s mouth. She swallows with a moan and then leans in to kiss me. I play along and kiss her. We both pull away gasping for air. I catch my breath and roll off of my love. I stay lying there breathing heavily. I look at Chrysalis and see her jade orbs looking back. I embrace her, catching her in a kiss. My hands roaming her body causes her to become aroused again. We continue to kiss and Chrysalis starts to rub my member. I moan into her. She positions herself over me, and then I position my member to penetrate her ass. She waits for my precum to lubricate her. I grab her flank and slowly pull her down onto me. I groan as I enter her tight rear. She moans as I slide in to the hilt. Chrysalis starts to ride me cowgirl stile. I time my thrusts to her and we fall into rhythm. Chrysalis moans my name which makes the room temperature in the room drops down a few degrees. Ice starts to form on the walls and I am going to come. I release my iciness into her and she came as well. I slow to a stop and we stay their. I pull out of her, levitate my cum then evaporate it. Chrysalis rolls off of me. We kiss then fall asleep, drained from the sex we just had.

Intermission 1 Dark Luna

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“You wished to see me Princess?” asked Dark as he entered Princess Luna’s quarters.

“Yes, we wish to ask a question.” said Luna.

“Ok, ask away.” replied Dark as he stepped into the room closing the door.

“We were wondering, would thy like to become our Prince?” asked Luna with a blush. Dark fell into a chair. His eyes wide from what he just heard. Luna lies on her bed.

“Is thou alright?” asks Luna.

“Yes I am. I’m just trying to make sense of what just happened.” He replied.

Luna gets out of her bed and walks over to the confused human. She coaxes him out of the chair and over to her bed. He sits down and puts his head in his hands. Luna lies next to him.

“What do you want from me?” asked Dark.

“We want you dearest Dark.” said Luna. Dark turns to look at the mare, then sighs. He puts an arm around her and says, “I accept, my mare of the night.” Luna gives the now calm human a kiss on the cheek. Dark turns and embraces her. Luna swings one of her hooves around Dark. He decides t make a bold decision and kisses the mare. Luna pulls away for a couple seconds then returns with a kiss of her own. The two bodies of the night sat there. Dark pulled away leaving Luna wanting more. Luna leaned in for another but dark held up his hand.

“If you’re sure about this you need to see my full power.” said Dark as he stood up. Luna is about to stand but dark put his hand up and says. “Don’t…just stay there.”

Dark starts to gather the essence of the night. His wings unfold and the night pauses. He feels his features change as he nears his full power. His hands grow claws, his armor turns to darkness, all his weapons and potions materialize onto his back and belt. He felt his teeth sharpen and his eyes become catlike. Feeling his power at full, he turns around. Luna’s eyes widen at her Prince’s new appearance. She stands and walks towards her love. Dark backs away and says in his deep growling voice. “Don’t, I am the only creature of the dark. I would like to keep it like that.”

“Now we will show you what we look like at our full.” said Luna as her shape began to darken and change into her Night Mare Moon form. She grew taller, stronger, and faster as her transformation took place. When she was finished Dark moved closer and said, “I thought I was the only one.”

“No our dear, there are two of us. We are both creatures of the night.” said Night Mare. Dark moved closer to Night and they embraced as they transformed back to their regular forms. Dark gave Luna a kiss and she returned it to him. Both of them exploring each other viciously. Dark's hands start roaming Luna’s body and find themselves on the mares flank. He pulls his hand back and brings it down with a loud definite smack. Luna cries out and then moans at the sensation. Luna’s horn lights up and Dark’s armor comes off and gets thrown to the floor. Dark pulls out of the kiss and looks at the mare’s horn. Luna sees this and lowers her head as an offer. Dark accepts as he licks the horn from the base to the tip, and smiles as Luna moans. Dark licks the horn repeatedly as he savors the taste of the magic. The magic tasted like a sweet metallic night. With a fire in his eyes, Dark takes the horn into his mouth. Luna moans at the effect of Darks mouth on her horn. Her eyes wander down to the element's member. Seeing it erect made the mare smile. Hoping Dark is a bit flexible; she leans in and licks the top of his member. Dark shivers as his member gets attention. Luna sees this and takes the member into her mouth. They fell into perfect rhythm. When Luna went down, Dark went up. They did this for a few minutes. Down and up, up and down. Dark nearing his climax barley grunted out. “Coming.” Luna, hearing this, sped up. Dark grunting as he sucked Luna’s horn came into Luna’s mouth. Luna’s horn gives a burst of magic, and Dark swallowed.

Luna climbs back up to Dark and nibbles his ear. Dark turns and explores the mare’s body once more. Finding his hand over Luna’s slit he starts to rub her. Luna, feeling this, starts to kiss and nibble Darks body. Luna starts to gasp and groan from Dark’s hand as it works with Luna’s slit. He feel Luna’s slit becoming wet, so he pushes his index finger into her. Luna moans at this and stops what she was doing, choosing to savor the feeling. Dark fits another finger into Luna and she gasps. Dark finds Luna’s g-spot and starts working it. Luna’s moans become one continuous sound. Luna came and Dark pulled his fingers out. He dries his fingers, after he sucks the taste of the Princess off of them. Luna, wanting more, decides to finish him. Dark, amazed at Luna’s stamina, finds himself pushed back onto the bed and tackled down to it. Luna shoves Dark’s member into herself and moans loudly, almost screaming as he bottoms her out. As Luna calmed down Dark rolled them over. Dark start thrusting and Luna found herself drooling, tongue lolling out of her mouth. They fell into rhythm again, Luna feeling more pleasured then ever. Dark, feeling release nearing, speeds up. Luna also nearing release allows Dark to dominate her. Luna came first and Dark came at the same time. Dark pulls out and falls next to his princess. They fell asleep as dawn started.

The Changeling Reunion

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Chrysalis woke with a start. I woke up for she leapt from bed.

“What’s wrong my Queen?” I ask as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

“Changelings are coming.” She says with a worried look in her eye. I Jump out of bed and freeze my armor onto me. I wrap an arm around Chrysalis and we teleport to lights room. Light was meditating and stood up as we arrived.

“What’s wrong?” He asks.

“We have Changelings inbound.” said Chrysalis. At this Light instantaneously got up and made his armor, then we teleported the door of Princess Luna’s room. Light knocks and the door opens. We step inside. Luna came forward out of the darkness with Dark next to her.

“What is the matter?” asks Luna.

“Changelings are inbound.” says Light. At this Luna’s horn lit up. A dark guard gallops into the room. Luna nods at him and he gallops off. Light teleports away and my guess it was to wake the others. A few moments later we were all present.

“To the training grounds.” says Luna. Dark wraps his arm around Luna and teleports away. We all do the same except I brought Chrysalis as well. The training grounds were full with dark guards waiting for orders. Chrysalis’s wings started twitching so I wrapped an arm around her. She turns to me with a fire in her eyes. She is ready to give some pain to the Changelings that hurt her. I hear a buzzing sound and freeze the castle closed. Light nods in approval. I nod back.

“Wait! I know these Changelings! Let them land!” Shouts Chrysalis as the small group of changelings comes into view. Luna looks at her like she just turned into a rock. I turn to Chrysalis and see a look of longing in her eyes. I nod at Luna and she nods at her guards. A few moments later the Changelings landed in front of Chrysalis with a bow of respect. She looks at them with the love of a caring mother. She gives them a wave of respect and they rose from their bows.

“How did you three find me?” She asks the trio.

“We followed the trail of energy.” Answered the one in the middle.

“Excuse me, who are these three?” I ask Chrysalis.

“These three stayed loyal to me, even after I failed them.” answered Chrysalis.

“Well do you three have names?” I ask the trio.

“Yes, I am Full wing.” Said the one on the left.

“I am Silver horn.” Said the one in the middle.

“And I am Black fang.” Said the last one. I nod at them.

“We are wondering why you are here.” said Luna.

“We serve our Queen where ever she goes.” said Full wing.

“We will need to consult our sister on this, but for now take shelter in the room next to Water’s” Replied Luna.

“I guess I am to keep an eye on them?” I ask. Luna nods and I look at the trio and say. “Come with us.” As I walk away with Chrysalis at my side. They follow after apologizing to Luna for the inconvenience.

We make it to the room next to Chrysalis’s and mine. The changelings enter and bid their goodnights to us and we return to bed for the rest of the night, undisturbed.

I wake with Chrysalis in the restroom. I sit up and freeze my armor onto me. I wait for Chrysalis to come out as I stretch out my limbs. Chrysalis exits the bathroom with a gleam in her eye. I smile and she tackles me to the bed with a kiss. I push off the top of me with a small laugh. She backs off and we burst into laughter. After we calm down we get a knock on our door. We answer it together and I am surprised to see a palace guard.

“The Princesses wish to see you both.” says the guard. He turned away and we followed. When we entered the throne room the trio of changelings was there bowing to the Princesses.

“You wished to see us?” I ask them. They look up, nod and look back at the changelings. We walk forward and stop just behind the changelings.

“Specter, we need you to search their minds to be sure that they are here only to be with Chrysalis.” says Celestia. I nod and step forward. I take the armor off of my fore arm and say. “If you can all place a hoof on my arm we can do this without pain.” They turn around and all complied. I start the link, but instead of showing them something I gazed into the minds of the three. Only Full wing was solely here to be with Chrysalis the other two were with him to make sure she died. I pull out of their minds and end the link. I then freeze the two imposters solid. Full wing cowered and Chrysalis started to protest. I put my hand up and say, “They were here to kill you Chrysalis. They were sent as deep cover agents, slowly planning to kill you.” She calms down and I turn to Full wing and say. “You are the only one truly here to be with Chrysalis.” He backs away as though I was going to freeze him too.

“Thank you Water you are dismissed. Chrysalis we will still need to speak with you and Full wing.” says Celestia. I nod and walk out of the room. I walk out to the court yard to wait for Chrysalis. I start power focusing. I create five spikes of ice and levitate them around me in a circle. As I concentrated the spikes sped up. it got to the point where the spikes were moving so fast that they disintegrated into snow. I keep focus and the snow continued in a circle. I did this until I heard Chrysalis call my name. I immediately evaporate the snow and see her standing in front of me with Full wing at her side. I calm my power down and walk towards her.

“Full wing is to live with us in Ponyville so that we may keep an eye on him. Also our house is complete; we are to move there tomorrow.” She tells me with the giddiness of an excited child. I smile and say, “Well we must celebrate.” Her answer was to kiss me.

Light’s story

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I froze all of our belongings so that they would teleport with us to our new house in Ponyville. Chrysalis walks up to me and says. “Are you sure you can do this much magic after yesterday.”

“Dearest, teleporting is the second easiest magic I know. It won’t even use a fiftieth of my power.” I tell her as I freeze the last item, the chest that contained objects my father gave to me before he died. I took care to blanket this item in snow before I stepped away from it. A tear from my memories of dad escaped and I immediately evaporated it.

I hear a knock on the door and Chrysalis go’s to answer. She opens the door and Full wing is there with a couple of guards.

“My queen it is time for us to speak with the Princess.” said Full wing. She nodded her thanks and walked away with them. I make my armor and freeze it to me as I get ready for another training session with Light. He said that I need to relearn his rules and I thought that he was being ridiculous. I sigh as I teleport to the training grounds. I land and light is waiting there for me. He smiles as I walk up to him. When Light smiles it usually means that I am going to go through Hells training course. He walks towards me and I brace myself for training to begin. He keeps walking towards me and he is so close when he stops that I am wondering what he is going to do. I am caught off guard when he sweeps into a hug. I’m now confused as hell and wondering if this is a changeling taking Light’s form.

“You finally grew up little brother.” says Light as he pulled away.

“What? I thought you got me out here to train?” I ask dumbfounded. He laughs and I see something I hadn’t seen in a long time, the gleam of love in his eyes that I had only seen when dad was alive.

“No, I brought you out here to give you something that dad told me to give to you when you were ready. You’re ready now Icy.” said Light. He never calls me Icy anymore. My eyes start to tear up as he pulls out a gun from his light storage spell.

“Dad gave two of these to me the day before he died; he said that when the time comes you will give this one to Ice cube. After he died I locked them away in this spell thinking we would never need them. But I am going to hold to my promise I made with him. Icy, its time you know why I never told you how father died.” He continued. He put the gun on a platform he just created.

“Our dad died because he never used his power, he never wanted to use his power after he killed mom. Dad was the only living element left from his time. After Mom had us his power left his control and it vaporized Mom. Dad decided then that he would never use magic again. Those pains he got at night, that was his power trying to be used, but Dad stuck to his promise and kept it under control until that one day where his power was too much for him to handle as it absorbed him into his death. He always said he would die early but I never listened. If I had known he wasn’t using his power I could have saved him. Water, I could have saved dad. I was there when it happened I watched as his power consumed his body. I could have helped but I was too scared.” Light had tears running down his face. I was no better. I embraced him and we silently wept for a couple moments.

“It’s not our fault, it’s not your, or my fault.” I told him after we pulled apart. He nodded and picked up the gun again. He held it out towards me and I took it, and gave it a closer look. I then recognized the gun as a modified desert eagle.The gun was made to fire rifle bullets. It was engraved. The engraving said ‘love few, trust less, and kill the rest’ Dad’s motto. I felt one last tear fall as I read the words below the motto ‘To my son of the ice winds’ I then froze a holster onto my armor and put the pistol in it. I then looked at light and he had a look in his eye that meant one thing. I was the going to be given the day off. I gave him one last hug then turned and walked back to my room with the thoughts of my Dad floating in my head.

I found myself in front of the door to my room. I opened it and walked in. I leave the door open but shut off the lights. I needed to be alone for a moment. I froze a dome of ice around me and wept into my hands. After about three minutes I stop and gather myself together. I evaporate the tears I had shed and the dome after that. Chrysalis is in a chair. She looks at me with a look of concern as she stands and walks to me. She places a hoof on my shoulder and I teleports us to my secret corner of Equestria. I look up to her and she is in wonder as she looks around at the beautiful seen of ice that I had created. She looks back to me and asks, “Where are we?” I just stay quiet until I was ready to speak. I still needed a couple moments to compose myself. I finally had enough emotional strength to answer as I say, “This is the elemental room of water for this realm. This is where my power comes from. It reflects me and the emotions I have inside of me. Like over there is my love for you.” I say as I gesture to a room that is filled with ice flowers. I then gesture to another room that is raining inside and she looks back to me with a sad look in her eyes.

“That is my love for my father. I just got a gift from him.” I tell her as she looks confusedly at the raining room. I walk up next to her and say, “He’s dead. He has been dead since I was eight.” She looks back at me with her jade eyes and says, “I thought living elements never die.”

“You’re right we don’t, unless we don’t use our power for extended periods of time. My dad never used his power when we were born. I don’t even know which element he was.” I tell Chrysalis.

“He was the best of the best wasn't he?” She asked. I nodded my head as more tears start to flow from my eyes. I embrace Chrysalis as the rain in the other room grew harder. She hugged me for as long as I needed. I teleport us back to our room and say, “I need to take my mind off of things so I’m going to start teleporting our things to our house.” She nods and watches as I teleport object after object to our house in Ponyville. Once everything was there I walked over to Chrysalis and said, “Ready to see our new home?” she nodded and I teleported us to our new house.

The Perfect Day

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We landed in front of a house that was near the edge of the Ever free Forest. My eyes grew wide as I look at the massive structure. Celestia had outdone herself with this small castle of a house. This fort had four stories with a battlement on each corner.

“This isn’t a home, this is a fracking fort!” I say in disbelief. Chrysalis walks towards the door with the largest smile on her face. I run up to her and pick her up. She giggles as I open the door and walk her into the home. I set her down and we fall to the floor giggling like small children. After a few minutes of giggling and smiles we stand and take a tour of the house. We split up and walk around the ground floor. I notice that the house has a flight of stairs that lead down, also a Flight that went up. Chrysalis ends up at my side and I turn to her.

“Let’s just search the house separately and we will meditate together tonight after we have everything inside. Ok?” I ask her. I didn’t need to say that because as soon as I said tonight she was gone. I just chuckle to myself as I head downstairs. I make it to the bottom of the stairs and open the thickest door I had ever opened, but it was surprisingly light, as though it was made of plywood. I enter the basement and a light flickers on. I notice that the lights are clear crystals and I find myself wondering how they glow. Once the room was fully lit I see that this room is full of training equipment. I see wooden and real swords on a rack that goes from the ceiling to the floor. I then turn to see suits of armor for both human and ponies. I also see that there are smaller rooms that are connected to this one. I smile as a thought appeared in my head. I could start an elemental martial arts class down here, to train ponies to defend themselves from enemies. I chuckle at the thought as I turn to head back upstairs. As I turn I see something in the center of the room that catches my eye. I walk up to the center of the room to see something that was carved into the stone floor. My eyes widen in shock at the carving in the floor, as I remember what it is. I stare in wonder at the circle of the twelve elements of existence.

‘I wonder if it is real.’ I ask myself.

“Sintred bineva lok rawm di koori.” I say in the elemental tongue, which translates to ‘awaken great circle to the element of ice.’ The circle freezes over then starts to glow a soft blue. I smile at the sight and then say, “Wees faug nor des ter.” Which means lend me power in English. The circle makes a large column of ice with a carved area for my hand to be placed. I walk up to the column and place my hand on the designated spot and feel power flow through my veins. I nod and the column shatters to snow and falls back to the circle.

“Krossis bineva lok.” I tell the circle. The circle powers down and I turn to head upstairs.
I make it upstairs and I hear a knock on the door. I walk to the front door wondering who would be there, because I hadn’t told anyone I was here. I open the door to see six ponies in front of me. I recognize five of them as Twilight, Pinky Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Apple Jack, but can’t seem to remember the last one of the group. The last pony was a pegasus with a pink mane and a yellow coat. I smile at them all and welcome them in. They walk in and I see that the last one doesn’t follow. I look at this mare and ask, “Who are you my dear?” The mare backs away and hides behind her hair as if scared. I smile at her and say “Come now, I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to know who you are.” She looks up to me and says with the sweetest voice, “I’m Fluttershy.” I smile at her and say with a soft chuckle, “Well come inside and we can get to know each other.” She slowly walks towards the doorway until she looks inside and sees Chrysalis walk up behind me. She looks at her in shock then runs away. I hear a sigh from Chrysalis.

“Stop right there Chrysalis!” I hear Twilight yell. I hear the other five agree with twilight as they take a defensive position behind her.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” I ask the lavender mare.

“Water get behind us before Chrysalis harms you.” She replies with a snort of anger. I shake my head and turn to Chrysalis and say, “Let me handle this.” Chrysalis nods and I walk towards Twilight with a sigh.

“Twilight I’m going to show you something with my mind, and don’t try to fight me or it will cause serious damage to both of us.” I tell her.

“Depends on what you are going to show me.” She says with a sparkle of curiosity in her eyes as she glares at Chrysalis.

“I’m going to show you what the princess told me about Chrysalis.” I say as I stop right in front of her.

“Ok but she has to stay right where she is ok?” She tells me. Chrysalis nods to Twilight who then nods to me. I kneel in front of Twilight as I rest a hand on her shoulder to start the linked meditation. I Show her what I showed to Princess Celestia and then what Celestia told me afterwards. I end the link and take my hand off of Twilight and ask, “Can you forgive her?”

“Only if she apologizes to me and my friends.” said Twilight. I look to Chrysalis and she says, “I am terribly sorry for what I did to the residents of Equestria and to you Twilight Sparkle for tricking you all into thinking I was Princess Cadence. I hope in the near future we can be friends.” I watch a tear fall from my love as she lowers her head in sorrow, “Please forgive me.” I walk over to Chrysalis and kneel down to comfort her.

Twilight turns to speak with her friends as I sooth Chrysalis’s pain. Chrysalis looks at me and gives me a quick kiss that says ‘I’m all right’. I smile at her and stand up. Twilight turns around and says. “We forgive you, and we all would like to welcome you to Ponyville.” Chrysalis smiles as more tears fall from her eyes. I nod at Twilight and hear a cannon go off and Pinkie pie yell “Yay it’s time to for a welcome party for Chrysalis!”

“Are you ok with this?” asks Twilight.

“We might as well have a party… after we get our stuff settled here.” I answer.

It took us about an hour for us to get everything situated the way Chrysalis and I wanted it. After that was taken care of Pinkie pulled a cake out from behind her back and sets it on our dining table. After a couple slices of cake and a few games I decide that it is time to liven the party up with some snow. I usher everyone outside telling them it is a surprise. Once outside I make two huge I forts with cannons and a plethora of snowballs each. I cover the ground in at least a foot of snow then yell at the top of my lungs, “RED VS BLUE SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!!!!!” the effect was instantaneous, and totally worth it. Pinkie, Rainbow, and Twilight ran to the red base, while Chrysalis, AJ, and I ran to the blue base. Fluttershy and Rarity stayed back to watch the battle. I made it to the snow cannon and began blasting away at the Reds. Pinkie was the first to make it to the red snow cannon, and started to return fire. This snow war, for the fight was kind of out ruled when I added the cannons, went on till I spent my regular power supplying snowballs for each side. At the end of the battle it was only Rainbow dash, AJ, Pinkie, and me who were still going. Chrysalis and Twilight stopped when the war got to intense. When my power was spent for the day I called out to pinkie saying, “This war is far from over. However this battle has come to a close.” I hear a collective ‘aaw’ as the forts slowly melted away leaving nothing but grass and the trail that led to Ponyville. The party resumed inside with music. I however decided to pass out some human alcoholic refreshments know back on earth as purple boners. I disguised the taste as punch so no one would be suspicious about it. After about two drinks each all the ponies were drunk and I was barely buzzing. I retrieved some of my personal Saki and drank the night away.