Good Luck to You

by PotatoManiac

First published

After my dad left me, I had nothing else. Nothing but a light.

After moving to a new, horrible neighborhood with only one neighbor, my dad leaves me. A light coming from the backyard got my attention, and led me to my new life.

My Life Until Then

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I was a somewhat normal teen, 14 years old. A few months ago, I lived in a two story house, in an amazing neighborhood. Now I lived in a single wide trailer, in a neighborhood filled with other empty, rusted trailers. I was the only person I knew that lived in this neighborhood, except for Jake, a kid from my school. Me and him were not very close friends, even though he is a brony, like me. My mom had passed away three years ago, and my dad was an irresponsible drunk. My dad was only home ten percent of the time. I lived almost alone. Every now and then he would come to pay the bills and give me some money. He never paid the TV bill. The only way I could watch anything is with the computer. Though, the only thing I ever watch was My Little Pony.

I was woken up by my alarm clock, as usual. I got dressed, and walked out the door to the bus stop. Jake was the only person on the bus, as me and him are the first to get on. I sat next to him. He was quiet, like he always is. I only knew of his bronydom because he has a few drawings on his binder. After school, I came home, took a shower, and stayed up the rest of the day on the computer. The next day at school, Jake was a bit more talkative. “Hey, do you know what that light I saw coming from your backyard was?” he asked. “Nopers.” I said. Jake had this weird thing he always did; he would say “Yepers.” for yes, and “Nopers.” for no. I teased him about it sometimes, but didn’t mean anything by it. We both just shrugged and went on with our day.

When I came home, I saw my dad sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette. He looked up to me and said “I give you fifty dollars a week, pay for your precious internet every month, but you probably don’t give one shit.” I gave him a look and asked what he was talking about. “THAT DAMN INTERNET BILL WAS TWICE AS MUCH AS IT USUALLY IS! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?” he yelled. I thought about it, and realized that I had been listening to music for three days straight and downloaded a few episodes of My Little Pony. “That’s it! I’m moving from here. You can to shit as well as I can. I have better thing to do at better places.” he said. “How do you think I’m going to get any money?!” I exclaimed, slightly mad at dad. “I could care less. You have a free lunch account at school, use it.” he said as he walked to the door. “Good luck…” He said, then slammed the door, then drove off. I walked into my room. I turned on the computer, only to see that the internet was turn off, probably never to be turned back on again. I was too mad to do anything else, so I fell onto the bed and drifted off to sleep.


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When I woke up, it was the middle of the night. I saw a light coming from the backyard. It was shining through the window. I walked outside to find the origin of the light. I searched the backyard for the light and saw a dimming light coming from below the trampoline. I managed to push the trampoline a few feet aside. The light was a large circle, lying flat on the ground. It was slowing fading away as I looked at it. I leaned closer to see if there was anything to be seen in it, but I lost my footing on the muddy grass, and slipped into the hole of dim light. As I seemed to fall down the hole, it got darker and darker until… thud!

I think I was unconscious for a little bit. It was dark. I stood up, but something didn’t feel right. I felt… shorter. I also felt like I was on all fours. I stared into the darkness until my eyes adjusted. Once they did, I looked around. I was in some type of woods. I looked down at my feet, but failed to see any. I looked behind myself. I obviously had a tail. I stared straight into the darkness and thought. Putting pieces together, I’m surprised it didn’t hit me sooner. I had, somehow, while falling down that hole of light, became a… a pony. I had mixed emotions at the time. Excitement from me being a brony, confusion from how I’m a pony at all, and worrying about anyone who would wonder about me back at my house.

I tried to walk. I went in circles, trying out my new way of traveling. It felt almost the same; I got used to it in a few moments. I was a earth pony, so I probably had to walk my way out of these woods. This forest was somehow spooky. I couldn’t put my… hoof on it, but it was scary in some way. I looked for a trail or something to lead me to an exit. I saw a light coming from the end of a path. As soon as I spotted the light, I went charging in its direction. I had a habit of not thinking things through, because as I ran towards the light going full speed, I realized that the exit was blocked by a thin wall of hanging briars. I had noticed the briars far too late, and blew through them will all my speed.

My Priorities

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The briar thorns skidded down my back, leaving long slashes in their trail. My right ear had a larger thorn broken into it. I collapsed onto the ground from the stinging pain. I laid on the ground for more than six minutes until the pain subsided. I then had a chance to look around. The sun was either coming up, or going down. The thorn is my ear was poking out about an inch. The weird thing was that I was my ponysona; an orange earth pony with a blue mane and a short blue tail. I realized where I was. It was familiar. I was on Sweet Apple Acres, and what I just escaped from was the Everfree Forest. I managed to stand back up. I wobbled over to an apple tree and sat below it.

I had no idea what any of my priorities were. I didn’t know if I should head to what I thought was the Apple family’s barn house in the distance, or just walk around until I thought of something. The sun was coming up now that I looked. Since it’s morning, everypony should be up. I could see a town further out, which was obviously Ponyville. As I was walking towards the town, I saw somepony walking down the trail towards me. I couldn’t exactly tell who it was, if it was one from the show who I knew. As the pony got closer, I realized who it was. It was Twilight Sparkle. I had no idea what to do. Should I confront her and ask for help? Or should I avoid her, since I was already shy enough, let alone around a pony who I didn’t know existed until twenty minutes ago.

I thought too long. Twilight was already close enough to see me. As she walked up to me, she said “Oh hello! What are you… Oh my! You’re all cut up! What happened to you?!” I tried not to have eye contact with her, since I was a good bit nervous. “I… Uhh… I ran into some briars in the Everfree Forest.” I said in a quiet voice. “Follow me. I’m heading to my friend, Zecora’s house. She’ll know how to heal you!” She started walking faster down the path. She didn’t talk the rest of the walk to the forest. When we came up to the entrance to the forest, I saw the briars I had broke through. “Are these the briars you ran into?” She asked. I nodded back to her. We walked through the trail, and came up to Zecora’s house.

Twilight knocked on the door, and Zecora answered. “Oh my! Who is this you have in front of my eyes?” Zecora asked, in her usual rhyming voice. “I found him like this. He ran into some briars earlier this morning.” Twilight said. Zecora had a sudden look of confidence. “I’ve been testing a potion that will heal him. Do you wish to help test it?” I shrugged, since I didn’t really have anything to lose. She gave me the potion, and I curiously sniffed it. It didn’t smell bad. My ear switched as I gulped down the tasteless liquid. I stood to wait for the effect, and soon, I felt a heat flash come over me. The room started to brighten. I then realized that the light was coming from me. I grew brighter, until the light flashed to full brightness. The flash blinded me, but when I could see again, I realized I was someplace else. My cuts had healed and the thorn in my ear was gone. The potion had worked, but obviously had a side effect.

Side Effect

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I looked around, trying to tell where I was now. I seemed to be in a shed. I looked up the window, and saw Applejack applebucking the trees. I seemed to be running into the mane six lately. I didn’t want her to see me, since I was in her shed without her knowing; she would think I was a burglar or something. I watched her applebuck the rest of the trees and walk into her barn. As soon as she did, I made a break for it, but in the middle of my getaway, I crashed into somepony. As we both got up, I realized the who I had ran into; it was Apple Bloom. “What the hay?! Who are you?!” I thought about that question. Who am I? I guessed since I was my own pony, I’d have my own pony’s name. “I’m.. I’m Derpin Kin. Uhm… Sorry for running into you.” I said. “Eh, no harm done, right? Say, why were you running anyway?” She asked. “I was just.. you know.. jogging.” I said nervously. Then Applejack came out from the barn and looked at Apple Bloom. “Hey! Apple Bloom! Get on over here and help me with this here broken door.” Applejack said. “Okay!” Apple Bloom said to Applejack. She ran towards Applejack. “Uhm.. Bye Derpin Kin!” She said as she was running to Applejack. I could see the town in the distance. I started walking down the same path I had began walking down after I got out of the Everfree Forest.

Somepony I Knew

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When I got to Ponyville, I was extremely thirsty, so I figured I’d go to Sugarcube Corner to grab a drink. I walked into the Cakes’ bakery, but before I could ask for anything to drink, Pinkie Pie shot up in front of me. “Oh! Hi there! I’m Pinkie Pie! Are you new around here?! You look new!” She said over excitedly. “Oh, hi. Yes, I’m new. Do y’all have anything for me to drink? I asked. Pinkie trotted over to her kitchen and walked out with a cup of water. “That pony sitting at that table is new too! Maybe you two can be friends!” She said while giving me the cup of water.

The pony that Pinkie said was new had his face down in his hooves. I sat down in the seat opposite from where he was sitting. “So… You’re new around Ponyville?” I asked him. “Yepers.” he said back in a familiar voice. My ears perked up. I gave the pony a shocked look. “J-Jake?!” I exclaimed. Then his ears perked up, and he gave me a shocked look. “You?!” He exclaimed. “Jake, how are you here?!” I asked him. “I saw you fall into that hole, so I came after you.” He said. Before we could finish our conversation, Twilight open the door and walked in to speak to me. “Derpin Kin, I need you and your friend to follow me.” I didn’t know how she knew my name. I figured Apple Bloom might of told her. I motioned Jake to get up and come on. Soon after we left the bakery, I realized where we were going; Twilight’s treehouse.

My Last Chance

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When we arrived at the treehouse, I was surprised at who I met. Applejack and Pinkie Pie were already there, but standing in between them, was Princess Celestia herself. I was speechless for a moment. “Hello there, Derpin Kin. I have something urgent to talk to you about.” She said. Jake was silent; he just sat and watched. “Uhm.. Yes?” I said back. “I know where you and your friend are from. I really suggest you head back.” She said. “How come?” I asked. “The portal that you and your friend had fallen into is the rarest thing in Equestria. You two found the first one, the last one will be upon us shortly.” She explained to us. “What in the hay are they talking about?” Applejack whispered to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie shrugged back. “So what you’re saying is; if we miss the last portal, we’ll never see our families again?” Jake said from behind me. “I’m afraid not.” Celestia replied back. Before anypony could say anything else, there was a deep rumble and a bright flash of light.

The second portal was directly in front of us. Everypony in the room turned and stared at the portal. I thought to myself. I didn’t even have a family. I had nothing to look forward to if I went back. “Well… I guess we’d better get going.” Said Jake, as he walked up to the portal. He turned to me and motioned to me to follow him. I looked down and scratched my hoof against the floor. “I.. I’m going to stay here.” I said. Jake nodded. He probably understood, since he knew that my dad left yesterday. “Bye, then.” he said. “Bye.” I replied back to him. Jake stepped through the portal, and there was a bright flash, then him and the portal were gone. There was a moment of silence. “Sorry about your friend.” Princess Celestia said. “YAY! NEW PONY!” Pinkie blurted out, then tackled me to the ground unexpectedly. “I recon you’ll fit in around here nicely.” Applejack said.

I had then remembered the last words I ever heard my dad say. “Good luck.” It may have been the last thing I would expect 24 hours ago, but that’s what exactly came out of this. I would now live my live as me; Derpin Kin.