The Ballad of the Two Sisters

by SuperGiantRobot

First published

Being alone can be terrible, especially once you've realised you are. Celestia has beeen cursed with this knowledge and it eats away at her. But as her sadness reaches its peak, she finds a friend at last. But this friendship is fated to end..

The Princess of Equestria,
The Dayruler Celestia
Ruled the sun and the moon for untold years

She spent all this time on her own
Solitude being all she'd known
And then one night somepony new appears...

Loneliness, Love and Loss

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There lives in old Equestria
The Princess fair Celestia
Charged with moving the moon and sun above,

She had no partner, nor a friend
To aid in her task without end
She despaired for she had no-one to love.

The heavens were once all she knew
Her sun, her moon, her skies of blue
And her clouds fattened with both rain and snow,

But glories of the sky above
Paled next to somepony to love
And was a cruel fact for her to know.

Yet Celestia soldiered on
From dawn to dusk, from dusk to dawn
Accepting that this was the way of things,

But this was not to be her lot
She'd soon find the friendship she sought
For something wondrous waited in the wings...

One night she returned to her room
Her only friend midnight's dim gloom
She sighed sadly and shook her pink-maned head,

She opened her room's heavy door
And was shocked to her very core
A filly was asleep upon her bed!

Waking with the lightest of sighs
She opened her lovely green eyes
Each pony's eyes locked upon the other,

The filly was the first to speak
In a lovely voice soft and meek
She asked the Princess "Are you my mother?"

The question caught her by surprise
And tears of pure joy filled her eyes
She leaned down and kissed the dark filly’s head,

“Though that would please me to no end
I am not, my dear little friend
But I can be sister to you instead.”

Her mane and coat both dark as night
They glowed softly with their own light
The filly's eyes were a-glow just the same,

Bereft of name, of title none
Celestia chose for her one
"Luna" would be her friend and equal's name.

Her coming was no chance event
There was a reason she'd been sent
And that special reason came to light soon,

Not merely one, no, there were two
To love her and to be loved too
And to become the Princess of the Moon.

She would show her how it was done
Raising moon after setting sun
And lower it to hasten forth dawn bright,

Luna would be her protégé
Celestia would show the way
And teach her how she would control the night.

That could come on a later day
For now she wished to prance and play
With dear Luna, the apple of her eye,

But then that day came, all to soon
To teach Luna to raise the moon
And she commenced the lessons with a sigh.

The lessons taught were quickly learned
For the young Princess Luna yearned
To help Celestia in any way,

Besides, it looked like it was fun
Raising moon after setting sun
To bring a close to each and every day.

And soon the lessons were complete
And Luna promised she would meet
All that was expected of her station,

Seeing the truth in what she said
Celestia nodded her head
And to Luna made a proclamation:

"Now that you have learned what to do
Dear sister Luna, I trust you
To take on this duty and do it right,

"To you this duty I now give
And for as long as we both live
I shall be morning and you will be night."

Both Celestia's love and pride
Flooded out from her soul inside
And her mane and tail filled with a dim light,

Her sister saw the dim light grow
Soon becoming a spectral glow
And Luna stepped away from her in fright.

Luna's green eyes went round and wide
She pointed a hoof and she cried
"Oh sister mine, your mane is all aglow!"

The strange glow soon faded away
Celestia's mane changed that day
And was now the colors of a rainbow.

And thus the sisters joined as one
One rules the moon and one the sun
The two together danced in harmony,

But all good things come to an end
A fate on which you can depend
And this friendship would end in tragedy...

The years uncounted floated by
The sisters two both shared the sky
But soon envy stole into Luna's soul,

The envy seethed, bubbled and stirred
To Luna wicked whispers purred
And they slowly began to take their toll.

It spoke to her one summer night
As she enjoyed the full moon’s light
In a silken voice designed to beguile,

The source of the voice heard within
Was one of corruption and sin
A demon’s voice both devious and vile.

"Greetings to you, O’Princess fair
I am known by the name ‘Nightmare’
But fear not, for I mean no ill intent,

“I've come to be your special friend
Upon whose words you can depend
In fact that is the reason I was sent.

“The ponyfolk all rise from bed
To greet the sunlight overhead
And they bask in the sun’s bright warming gift,

“Soon enough comes the pitch black night
Lit by your moon and stars so bright
But unlike the day’s sun you get short shrift.

"They all ignore your nightly toil
Does it not cause your blood to boil?
Why bother to continue anyway?

“You raise the moon after sun's fall
Nopony cares, not one at all
They wait for your sister to bring the day!

"T’is true that under moon above
Some ponies confess their deep love
But these events are few and far between,

"You think your sister gave a prize
When she offered the evening skies?
My dear Luna how naïve you have been!

“She only gave this task to you
So she would have less work to do
A gift born from both laziness and spite,

“And in truth I have heard it said
You are merely a figurehead
Nopony stays awake to watch the night…”

She paid no heed, or so she tried
To these dark words from deep inside
For sister princess she truly adored,

She pushed Nightmare’s smooth voice away
But it was strengthened day by day
Stabbing at her heart like a sharpened sword.

Nightmare went on, wheedled and lied
Stoked her ego, prodded her pride
And she began believing what it said,

Her heart and soul fought back in vain
But their strength soon began to wane
And Nightmare’s voice grew louder in her head.

It tore at her, it slashed and screamed
Both while awake and while she dreamed
The walls within her mind fell one by one,

It breached the light within her soul
The darkness took complete control
And she confronted her sister, the Sun.

"You are the only one they see
No love is given unto me
Next to you, I am merely second rate,

"I soon felt envy towards you
But that feeling, it swelled and grew
And now for you I feel nothing but hate.

"I hate you, Sister of the Sun
I hate you for what you have done
I hate you and I will forevermore,

"My eyes are opened — now I see
This 'duty' as a mockery
And I refuse to take this any more.

"You laugh at me when I'm not there
And you believe me unaware
Your sunlit days are numbered, sister dear,

"Ponies will not show me respect
Hold in esteem nor genuflect
So I will just have to accept their fear.

"I will force them to honor me
I will be all that they will see
I will banish your sunlight infernal,

"When ponies look up to the sky
They will not see you, only I
For I shall bring forth Midnight Eternal!"

To aid her in this wicked deed
The demon Nightmare Moon was freed
She set about to see this dark work done,

And so the day confronted night
And so the dark confronted light
And so that day were seen both Moon and Sun.

The two took to the skies above
Envy and hate fought grace and love
A battle terrible and glorious,

Moon's chill frost mirrored sun's warm fire
But soon Nightmare began to tire
And her sister emerged victorious.

Celestia begged at the end:
"Please stop, sister! Please stop, my friend!"
But Nightmare laughed and spat into her eye,

With both a foul curse and a leer
She swore revenge on "sister dear"
And would return to make the sunlight die.

With Luna lost to Nightmare's voice
The princess made a fateful choice
Only one punishment could fit this crime:

Using her most powerful spell
She made the pale moon Nightmare's cell
Her prison forever and for all time.

Sun Princess took back night's power
And from her castle's high tower
She once again controls both night and day,

Now when she makes evening's moon rise
Grief-stricken tears flow from her eyes
For she believes she failed Luna some way.

And so she lives alone once more
Within stone walls, behind locked door
In penance to the soul of sister lost,

And on the moon hanging in space
Lay a profile of Luna’s face
Memorial to that day and its cost.

So should you hear dark envy speak
No matter how strong nor how weak
I pray you take this tragic tale to heart:

Fight it with all your soul within
For if that loathsome voice should win
It can tear friendships and families apart.

The Hymn of a Million Voices

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Led astray by a demon's call
Orchestrating young Luna's fall
To darkness and corruption of her soul,

Possessed by both envy and hate
Banishment was her final fate
Her sister forced to pay this horrid toll.

These events are well known to all
The Moon Princess's rise and fall
A tragic tale and a warning as well,

And yet there still is much unsaid
More of this story to be read
Of the time after Princess Luna fell...

Luna now banished for all time
Final victim of Nightmare's crime
Celestia's warmed heart began to chill,

She knew that what she'd done was right
Sending away Princess of Night
Yet still this knowledge was a bitter pill.

And for days Celestia wept
From when she woke to when she slept
But she continued her appointed task,

She wished that she could change the past
But soon accepted this at last
And hid her grief beneath an aloof mask.

So came the day, so came the night
The moon's dim glow, the bright sunlight
And Celestia sat upon her throne,

Second to minute then to hour
Hour to day within her tower
Soon she no longer cared she was alone.

Within her oubliette locked tight
Corrupted Princess of the Night
Looked down upon her lost world with a sneer,

She thought of the Princess of Day
The traitor who sent her away
Nightmare’s hatred of her grew year to year.

This was all Celestia's fault
T'was she who locked her in this vault
So all attention would be hers alone,

And when she tried to have her say
Her sister then sent her away
To this prison of dust, craters and stone

One day, atop her tall tower
In the cooling breeze of dawn's hour
Celestia heard voices call her name,

The voices began at dawn's light
And they went silent come the night
Come the next day and still more voices came.

She found from whence the voices came
The folk below who called her name
And she watched them, curiosity piqued,

Caught in the depth of her sorrow
She'd ignored the ponies below
And so upon their lives the Princess peeked...

Three tribes were once segregated
Their tribe best, the others hated
And for some time this was the way of things,

They fought and cursed and threatened war
The cycle then began once more
A symbol of the chaos hatred brings.

Celestia watched with dismay
As the three tribes fought night and day
And more than once she thought to intervene,

But she chose to just watch and wait
Observe but not participate
It was safer to see but not be seen.

She knew if she became involved
Things would not be truly resolved
She'd merely scare them into making peace,

But members of the tribes below
Worked to end this hate and sorrow
Together as siblings to make this cease.

Soon came the Priesthood of the Sun
Aiding all those they came upon
For all were equal in the Priesthood's view,

Showing kindness in word and deed
A helping hoof in time of need
Or a smile and a friendly word or two.

Working in the Holy Sun's name
They fed the hungry, healed the lame
And spread the word of her with every deed,

They fought the hardships they would face
To make the world a better place
Their pilgrims set forth, sowing friendship's seed.

And so they traveled night and day
Gaining converts along the way
From tribes of earth, of magic and of sky,

Ones who felt for the greater good
To join the cause of the Priesthood
And render themselves deaf to hatred's lie.

The Priesthood had a second goal:
To shatter bigotry's control
And show the tribes the damage it had done,

They should accept and tolerate
Spreading friendship and not just hate
And then they could live together as one.

They were different, one can't deny
One used magic and one could fly
And one could tame the earth and make crops grow,

But in their souls they were the same
Only different in form and name
And this was a fact that they hoped to show.

And so they offered aid to all
And slowly tore down distrust's wall
And soon the three tribes felt their hatred die,

For the Priesthood had shown the way
And thus they cast their past away
And in the end the three asked themselves: Why?

"Why did we do what we had done
Why did we hate, why did we shun
Why did we three do all these foolish things?

"From the beginning, we tribes three
Should all have lived in harmony
And basked in all the joy that friendship brings!

"What were we thinking? We were fools
All that we cared of was who rules
Who stood above the others in the end,

"Instead of hatching plot and scheme
And bolstering our self-esteem
We could have spent that time making a friend."

And thus the three tribes joined as one
All were equal under the sun
A fact that they should have known all along,

So now the three stand side to side
Discrimination pushed aside
For together they stand three times as strong.

Word of praise from across her land
Spoken by one or by a band
Extolling the virtues of Princess fair,

Their voices soon were raised in song
All Equestria sang along
They sang their love of her while deep in prayer.

Earth ponies and the pegasi
And unicorns prayed to the sky
The three pony tribes sang in harmony,

She was the glory of the sun
Gave warmth and life to everyone
And so they worshiped her with melody.

The Princess smiled from high above
As ponyfolk shared peace and love
And she felt the cold in her heart dissolve,

For watching the three tribes make peace
Conferred on her blessed release
And on that day she came to a resolve.

The Sun Princess Celestia
Would travel to Equestria
In answer to the three tribes' prayer and song,

Yet she would go there in disguise
Hiding her true form from their eyes
To see just how well the three got along.

The earth pony strode into town
Her mane yellow, coat mottled brown
And on her side there hung a threadbare pack,

She spied an Inn in which to stay
And call an end to her long day
But first came to a halt to stretch her back.

Many ponies bade her good day
As they continued on their way
Some waved a hoof and some gave her a smile,

A pegasus stallion drew near
And asked her: "May I help, my dear?
"It's clear that you've traveled many a mile.

"You're tired and you could use a break
"So please allow me to help make
"Your stay in my town the best that I can

"Your saddlebag, it weighs you down;
"I'll carry it for you through town."
Celestia thought 'Such a gentleman!'

She smiled. "Thank you sir, that's most kind
Are you certain that you don't mind?
My saddlebag is quite heavy, you see,"

The pegasus who'd offered aid
Gave the mare a kind laugh and said
"I am quite strong - this weight won't bother me."

The bag was taken from her side
The earth pony happily sighed
And together they trotted down the road,

But the pack weighed more than he thought
He thought it light, but it was not
And soon he struggled beneath the pack's load.

The Princess was raising its mass
For she saw that they would soon pass
A light green unicorn with mane pure white,

This was a test so she could see
What the pony's response would be
Upon seeing her winged companion's plight.

The unicorn shortly came by
With a concerned look in her eye
She saw the pegasus began to list,

The unicorn mare stopped to ask
"May I give you aid with your task?
You seem exhausted, please let me assist!"

The unicorn then cast a spell
To help carry the weight as well
The pegasus thanked her for her kind act,

His ribs and back were growing sore
He couldn't hold the weight much more
He had almost reached his limit, in fact.

The three stopped at the village Inn
The saddlebag was bundled in
And the glow faded from their helper's horn,

After a stretch of wings and back
Responding with a hearty crack
The pegasus turned to the unicorn.

"Thank you, ma'am, you were very kind
To help we two out of that bind
It seems I'm not as strong as I had thought,

"That will teach me I should not boast
I'd nearly given up the ghost
And I appreciate your help a lot."

"Think nothing of it" she replied
"For I was happy to provide
Assistance to the both of you, good sir,

"And I see here a brand new face
Somepony new's come to this place
Pray let me introduce myself to her."

The unicorn's name was Limecream,
The pegasus was named Jet Streem,
They welcomed hidden Princess with a smile,

She told them her name was Sunray
And she had traveled all the day
And so she planned to stay here for a while.

They spoke for a while with Sunray
But soon the two went on their way
They bid farewell, she thanked the two once more,

So far the Princess was impressed
Limecream and Jet had passed her test
So she decided that she would explore.

She saw the three tribes mingled free
In some cases intimately
Many were married with foals by their side,

And thus the Princess of the Sun
Had proof the three were now as one
And so decided to no longer hide.

She trotted into the town square
A pale glow surrounding the mare
And soon all attention was on Sunray,

"I'm certain you can no doubt see
I'm not quite who I seem to be
And there is something that I wish to say.

"I've misled you these three days past
Sunray naught but a role I've cast
I am not the pony that I appear,

"Yet my deception was benign
A part of a greater design
And I intend to unmask myself here."

Sunray raised her head to the sky
And then let out a wordless cry
A blinding burst of sunlight filled the square,

The bright light focused on Sunray
The earth pony melted away
And instead a statuesque mare stood there.

She was a beauty to behold
Her rainbow mane, her hooves shod gold
Her violet eyes, her coat of silken white,

And then wings unfurled from her side
And the Princess stretched them out wide
Her body glowed as if filled by sunlight.

And yet nopony was afraid
Instead rapt attention was paid
Nopony balked, nopony broke to run,

"I am the Bringer of the Day
I am she to whom you all pray
I am Celestia, Princess of Sun!"

She told then the tale of her life
Of loneliness, love, hate and strife
The rise and fall of Luna of the Moon,

Of what she'd gained and what she'd lost
And just how much this loss had cost
And how she had stopped caring all too soon.

"One day I heard you call to me
And I watched over your tribes three
And how you three fought all your night and days,

"And then the Priesthood of Sun came
And bound you three under my name
And showed you the foolishness of your ways.

"Your rivalries came to an end
An enemy became a friend
This victory was yours and yours alone,

"And seeing you working as one
Seeing hatred being undone
Brought life once again to my heart of stone.

"I am proud of you, one and all
And so I now answer the call
Made by ponies all across this nation,

"I should have done this long ago
I waited far too long, I know
So to you I make this proclamation:

"You need no longer pray to me
I shall come forth for all to see
From this day on I will not hide away,

"I'll leave my castle's gloomy hall,
For somewhere seen by one and all."
The plans for Canterlot were born that day.

In her lunar cell locked and closed,
The demon Nightmare Moon reposed,
Visions of Celestia filled her dreams,

Her betrayal would be repaid
She'd stab her heart and twist the blade
And relish in her sister's tortured screams.

But she'd not raise a hoof to her
The torture that she would endure
Would bring her sister Princess to her knees,

Nightmare would call a wind that chilled
A wind that burned, a wind that killed
And Celestia would watch her land freeze.

The sun would fall and never rise
She would be the Queen of the Skies
And she would release the Forever Night,

The ponyfolk would scrape and plead
And beg her for the warmth they need
And cower in fear beneath her moon's light.

Her castle hung from mountain high
Landmark to every pony eye
She built Canterlot for the sake of all,

A place of marble purest white
It glowed by day, shimmered at night
From its cobbled streets to its towers tall.

A city grew 'round castle grand
Now the Capital of the land
The greatest city in Equestria,

And to the three pony races
Was the holiest of places
As the home of Princess Celestia.

And thus the days, they came and went
The ponies of the land content
Life for them was both joyful and serene,

But on the thousandth year, some say
These happy times would fall away
And an evil darkness would intervene.

Nightmare Moon would then reappear
Demon Princess of dark and fear
And she would bring with her eternal night,

Nightmare would then strike dead the sun
Nightmare would see the day undone
Nightmare would forever destroy daylight.

Most thought this was an old mare's tale
A story penned to make foals pale
Nopony believed Evernight would fall,

They spurned this dark tale of Nightmare
Little were the ponies aware
There was truth to this fable after all.

Still asleep in her airless tomb
Deep within the moon's dark cold womb
Nightmare dreamt on - her dreams wicked and vile,

Soon her slumber was forsaken
And she began to awaken
And to her lips there came an evil smile.

The magic that held her at bay
Was growing weaker day by day
So she fought against the diminished spell,

And she would break free of the moon
And she would return all too soon
And she would make the world a sunless hell...

The Coming of the Evernight

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And now I near the final act
Of this tale of both myth and fact
A story told over a thousand years

Of a lonely princess, forlorn
Of friendship found, lost and reborn
Of love and hate, of laughter and of tears

But enough talk of yesterday
Let's jump from past to present day
And tell of adventures and life-bonds born.

Of six ponies who joined as one
To fight darkness and free the sun
It all began with a young unicorn...

Her coat the shade of coming night
Just after the fading sunlight
Twilight Sparkle was the unicorn's name

She was Celestia's student
And it was young Twilight's intent
To prove her worthiness to wield this fame

As a filly some years ago
Learning all that there was to know
Was the only thing on the youngster's mind

She studied morning, noon and night
Under sun's rays or candlelight
For each day there was a new fact to find

She forsook friendship in those years
And the fellowship of her peers
Becoming introverted and awkward

Not unfriendly nor was she rude
She simply preferred solitude
To focus on each equation and word

One day she received a letter
Formally recommending her
To join a magic school - one of the best

For her, this was a dream come true
An honor shared with very few
But first she had to pass an entrance test

As tests go it was hard to match
A dragon's egg she had to hatch
And so she set to work, casting her spell

This proved to be too much to ask
Her magic not up to the task
For not one crack appeared upon its shell

She was forced to admit defeat
This test beyond her skill to beat
She'd failed - and right before her parent's eyes

With a mournful look upon her face
She lowered her head in disgrace
And then a rainbow-hued blast filled the skies

The explosion's sharp sudden shock
Made her magic powers unlock
And the room was filled with a spectral light

The magic burst forth uncontrolled
As Twilight quickly lost her hold
It possessed her and her eyes glowed pure white

The dragon shot forth from it's shell
And grew one hundred feet as well
Playing its role in this chaotic scene

The air was filled with gasps of fright
As every eye locked on the sight
Celestia rushed forth to intervene

She came upon a scene most dire
A sphere made of lightning and fire
Twilight trapped within the magic field's heart

The filly moaned in agony
And struggled to break herself free
As her magic slowly tore her apart

She raised a hoof and broke the spell
And freed young Twilight from her cell
She gave a wave - the storm faded away

Twilight groaned and opened her eyes
And gave a gasp of shocked surprise
She'd been saved by the Princess of the Day!

Celestia pledged on that day
Twilight would be her protegé
The filly jumped for joy and gave her thanks

But she had won more than one prize
For there before her very eyes
Her cutie-mark rested upon her flanks

Twilight's years passed without a care
She grew from filly to young mare
While satiating her thirst for knowledge

As students came, she was the best
Breezing through each school's quiz and test
Quickly finding her way into college

Though she still studied on her own
She was not completely alone
Her companion was the dragon she'd hatched

'Spike' was the little dragon's name
And over time he soon became
Both her friend and an assistant unmatched

She read the tale of Nightmare Moon
And learned that she would return soon
Twilght felt her soul growing cold in fear

On the thousandth year's longest day
Was when the spell would fade away
And that day came upon this very year!

She knew then that she had to act
And warn the Princess of this fact
So that all the land would be protected

She warned her of this dire event
And quickly a reply was sent
But the message was quite unexpected

"Go to Ponville," she decreed
"And ensure they have all they need
To celebrate the coming summer day"

"See preparations are complete
Music, fun and fine foods to eat
And try to make some friends along the way."

Her order made no sense at all
But she obeyed her mentor's call
And set out to the distant town post-haste

Her chariot took to the sky
Twilight let out an annoyed sigh
She didn't have very much time to waste

She stewed and worried the whole ride
Faithful Spike standing by her side
Spike tried to cheer her up as they flew on

"A break from work is what you need
Making friends? You're sure to succeed
Then we can celebrate the summer's dawn!"

They soon arrived in Ponyville
A charming town, quiet and still
Their chariot landed in the town square

Twilight thanked the two pegasi
Who ferried her across the sky
They nodded to her, then took to the air

As the two walked through the town square
They came across a bright pink mare
Spike suggested Twilight go say hello

As Twilight bade the mare good day
She leapt up, gasped and ran away
Twilight and Spike both blinked and watched her go

With a shrug and a shake of head
The two continued on instead
To meet the ones catering the event

An apple farm of some renown
Was located just outside town
So off to the farm Spike and Twilight went

In Sweet Apple Acres' prized yard
They spied a pony working hard
An orange mare with a blonde mane and tail

She raised her hind legs, strong and thick
And laid a tree bare with one kick
The apples dropped into a waiting pail

She said her name was Applejack
In charge of baking every snack
And she greeted the two cordially

She took to the pair right away
And asked Twilight "Why don'tcha stay?
I'll introduce you to my family!"

The ever-friendly Apple brood
Plied their new friends with snacks and food
'till Twilight felt her stomach fit to pop

She bid farewell to Applejack
Apple Bloom, Granny and Big Mac
And then stumbled away to her next stop

The next thing listed on her scroll
Was to meet the weather patrol
A pegasus by the name Rainbow Dash

She looked up to the cloud-filled sky
Twilight let out an annoyed sigh
Then a sky-blue blur struck her with a crash

She landed in a puddle dank
Mud covered her from nose to flank
Her assailant gave an apology

"I'm sorry; didn't see you there
Looks like I caught you unaware
I'll clean you up in a jiffy, you'll see!"

The pegasus used a cloud's rain
To shower Twilight clean again
But now poor Twight was soaked to her skin

"Don't worry, I can fix that quick -
A Rain Blow-dry will do the trick!"
She dried the unicorn with a quick spin

Twilight's mane was a sight to see -
A tangled-up monstrosity
The pegasus laughed out loud at the sight

Twilight Sparkle just shook her head
Glared at the pegasus and said:
"I'm guessing you're Rainbow Dash, am I right?"

"Yep, that's my name; you've heard of me?
I'm picking up fans already!
That's so cool, but then again so am I!"

Twilight listened to Rainbow gloat
And then she loudly cleared her throat
And pointed her hoof at the cloudy sky

"This sky should be both bright and blue!
Stop slacking; you've got work to do
The clouds won't clear themselves, so do your part!"

Rainbow said that she'd get it done
After completing her test run
For she had a hope deep within her heart:

Wow stallions, mares, fillies and colts
Stunt-flying with the Wonderbolts
And showing off for one and all to see

Rainbow Dash bragged about her fame
And awestruck fans shouting her name
Twilight broke in to snort derisively:

"You want to join that famous team?
That's nothing but a silly dream
I highly doubt you have skill for that."

"Is that a challenge? I accept!"
And up amongst the clouds she leapt.
Rainbow cleared the sky in ten seconds flat!

Twilight and Spike stared up and gaped
Not one single cloud had escaped
The rainbow-maned mare gave a cocky laugh

"I told you I'd get the job done;
I like you kid, you're lots of fun!"
Still shocked, the two contined down the path.

The pair soon reached the town hall door
Twilight wished to check the decor
And ensure that the hall was set just right

A beautiful unicorn mare
Hung silk streamers with style and flair
Spike fell in love with the mare at first sight

Her coat of alabaster hue
Her eyes of purest sapphire blue
Her violet mane and tail so elegent

'Rarity' was her name, he learned
A name he felt perfectly earned
Beauty such as hers must be heaven sent

She let out a scream of distress
Upon seeing the horrid mess
That Twilight's mane and tail had come to be

"The damage done to your coiffure
Is more than my heart can endure
Don't say one word; you're coming home with me!"

She brought her home and set about
Combing all the kinks and knots out
And at last restoring Twilight's tresses

Rarity asked "Oh Twilight, dear
I wonder, since I have you here,
If you could model some of my dresses?"

More than a dozen dresses tried
With each failure Rarity sighed
She could not find a dress of the right style

Something to complement Twilight
But nothing she tried looked just right
And yet she faced this challenge with a smile

Fussing with a bejeweled frock
Rarity made simple small talk
And asked Twilight Sparkle from where she'd come

"I came from Canterlot this day,
To see the party underway"
The seamstress gasped, the news striking her dumb

"Canterlot? You really live there?
You're ever so lucky a mare!"
Rarity let out an enamoured sigh

"That's exactly where I should be
A city that's worthy of me
I'm sure we'll be best of friends, you and I!"

"Emeralds? Oh where was my head?
This dress must have rubies, instead!"
She gave her new best friend a winning smile

"Just let me go and fetch them, dear
Be a darling and wait right here
It shan't take me much more than a short while."

While occupied with Twilight's dress
Twilight made a speedy egress
She had to drag the smitten Spike along,

Her list had one last box to tick:
The pony in charge of music
Suddenly the air filled with bright birdsong.

She followed the song to a tree
Where perched birds sang in harmony
A bright yellow pegasus conducted,

The pink-maned mare used gentle words
As she taught the assembled birds
The small flock gladly did as instructed.

Twilight gave out a loud "Hello!"
The birds darted off to and fro
The pegasus nearly fell from the air,

The unicorn gasped with dismay
For scaring all the birds away
And apologized to the frightened mare.

She said her name was Fluttershy
And tried to avoid Twilight's eye
She cowered down and meekly backed away,

Then she saw Spike, and she leapt up
And she rushed to the dragon pup
Shoving Twilight Sparkle out of the way.

Spike basked in Fluttershy's delight
For she'd dreamt morning, noon and night
For this day - a dream finally fulfilled,

Spike greeted her, she squeaked with glee
And clapped her forehooves happily
He spoke as well! Fluttershy was just thrilled.

Fluttershy begged her new friend Spike
To tell her what his life was like
And the young dragon cheerfully complied

She followed them home down the trail
Raptly listening to Spike's tale
Twilight trotted on, rolled her eyes and sighed.

They arrived at the library
A hollowed stump of a great tree
And Twilight's home for the length of her stay,

She bade farewell to Fluttershy
And with the help of a small lie
She briskly sent Fluttershy on her way.

Spike glared at her and shook his head
"Rude much, Twilight?" the dragon said
Twilight gave her friend an apology,

"I'm sorry, Spike, that wasn't fair
But I must learn about Nightmare
Defeating her is top priority!

"Six 'Elements' laid Nightmare low
But that's the only thing I know
I need more knowledge and I need it soon

"If I can learn just what they are
And where to find them, near or far
I'll have the tools to defeat Nightmare Moon.

"Every single second I burn
Is one closer to her return
And if I study, I might a way

"One of these books might hold the key
If I search them diligently
I could quite literally save the day!"

She stepped into the library
There wasn't anything to see
For total darkness confronted her eyes

She lit a lamp to clear the gloom
Dozens of ponies filled the room
And each and every one shouted "SURPRISE!"

Greeting them with a boisterous shout
Was the pink pony they'd freaked out
Her blue eyes glinted with joy unrestrained,

She danced and spun like a filly
And jabbered on willy-nilly
In a rush, the hot-pink maned mare explained:

She wasn't running away scared
A party had to be prepared
For welcoming the two to Ponyville,

"I set all this up just for you
Party-planning is what I do
And making new friends is a total thrill!"

Her name, aptly, was Pinkie Pie
Twilight gave an exhausted sigh
She wouldn't get any studying done,

She accepted this with poor grace
And a glower upon her face
While Spike raced into the crowd to have fun.

She poured herself a nice cold drink
Took a long sip, her face went pink
Which quickly darkened to a blazing red,

She let out an agonized yell
Her throat burned like the flames of Hell
For she'd drunk a mug of hot sauce instead!

The party continued all night
"They're all crazy!" shouted Twilight
"It's three AM, and still they party on?"

Spike, trying to coax her return
Said it was nothing of concern
It was tradition to stay up 'til dawn.

Twilight's thoughts turned to the fable
She wondered if she'd be able
To do anything to prevent this fate,

She prayed this was a old mare's tale
For she felt herself doomed to fail
She'd learned nothing, and now it was too late.

Dawn came, and ponies one and all
Trotted over to the town hall
Twilight's five new friends kept her company:

Applejack, playful Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash, and meek Fluttershy
And, naturally, graceful Rarity.

Fluttershy's bird choir sang their song
Their chorus rang out sweet and strong
Mayor Mare made a speech to set the scene,

Twilight cast her gaze to the skies
And before her horrified eyes
Luna's profile was gone; the moon was clean!

The mayor's speech soon reached it's peak
"Of course you know of whom I speak
A name famous across Equestria,

A pony we admire and love
Who controls moon and sun above
Welcome to you, Princess Celestia!"

The Princess wasn't there at all
And panicked gasps filled the town hall
The mayor tried to calm the frightened throng,

There was no sign of the Princess
Which merely heightened their distress
It was clear something was terribly wrong.

Dark smoke took the Princess's place
And Twilight's heart began to race
For an ancient evil had been reborn,

And then the glowing mist congealed
It wisped away and then revealed
A pitch-black, imperious alicorn.

Rainbow rushed forward to attack
But she was stopped by Applejack
Before the alicorn could strike her dead,

"I'm far more worthy to rule you
In truth I am a Princess too;
Can you not see the crown upon my head?"

She snickered and addressed the hall:
"Am I not remembered at all?
Have ponyfolk forgotten me so soon?"

Twilight spoke up, "Yes, I know you;
You're vile and wicked through and through
You're the thousand-year banished Nightmare Moon!"

"Somepony knows me, that's so dear -
You must also know why I'm here
So raise your voice and pray tell everyone!"

Terrified, she gave a reply
"To take vengeance and rule the sky;
To strike down forever the morning sun..."

Nightmare Moon smirked at her distress
"I've locked away the Sun Princess
My moonlit sky is all you'll ever see"

"And every single one of you
Will pay me the respect I'm due
For you pony folk will bow down to me!"

And so with an evil cackle,
Lightning bolts and thunder's crackle
She took her place as ruler of the land

Twilight felt her soul fill with shame
For she felt that she was to blame
For allowing Nightmare to take command

And this is how the chapter ends
With Twilight making five new friends
And evil beating good without a fight

Take heart, reader, the tale's not done
For even though we've lost the sun
Something may yet defeat the Evernight...