Sunrise, Sunset: Lesson in Sensual.

by overlord-flinx

First published

Pipsqueak is a strong, strapping young man; Luna is a beautiful, shy young woman; and Celestia is a caring sister who can see a thing or two that someone else can't. It's sisterly duty to give everything a little push... For the better.

Years have gone by, and Pipsqueak and Princess Luna could not be any more closer. They are the best of friends and the closest of comrades. Although, such is not enough for an onlooking older sister. To Celestia, there's something more that could be there... It just needs a little tending and experience.

(This is a test of my clop fiction ability. The story itself will be edited and put through more work at a later date. I would very much thank you for any input you have on this thus far. Thank you.)


WARNING: In some circles this could be considered under-age. Fair warning.

Alternate cover

Ravishing Sun.

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Canterlot castle was more beautiful in the winter than any other time of the year. Ivory walls and columns made all the more pristine as blankets of fresh, powdered snow would find a place against any surface they could find and stick to until spring's call. Though rare that any flowers would sprout out against the cascaded snow, the glisten and shimmer of each snow flake against the night sky was well worth it. Winter was also the time of the year Princess Luna, ruler of the Canterlot nightly duty, would spend more and more hours among the woken world. With the call for longer nights during the winter months, Luna would be beside her sister more and more often as they nights and days passed. To Canterlot, winter was a treasured time all around.

Beautiful snow decorating the streets and covering rooftops, both their rulers enjoying one another's company more and more, longer hours to lay in bed, the little promise that tomorrow might cancel out school from the snowfall in the night; and the little rumours that moved through Canterlot as softly and clearly as the flecks of snow dropping by the moment. Rumours that arose more and more as Princess Luna seemed to be growing more and more demure with a subtle giddiness as the days marched on. These rumours centred around the modest princess of the night, and the kind lad that paid a visit to the castle once a day, only to leave late in the night.

There had been talk of this, talk of that. Assuming this, and assuming that. Scandalous as well as romantic. The lonely princess and the friend who stayed beside her until he was of age. A real-life romance novel in Canterlot. Women swooned at the idea of the dashing young man swooping into the castle, passing the guards without them knowing; only to sneak into the princess's room to--Oh! They dare not think it any further! Men on the other hand were envious at the idea of some nice guy asking so politely to just come into the princess's room so that they could--Oh! It boiled the blood!

But, alas, they were all just flights of fancy. The guards knew very much of the boy's entering, he had never done any sneaking, and the two had never engaged in any sort of heated affairs. In truth, Princess Luna would happily invite the boy, Pip, to enter the castle and spend his time with her. The two were the closest of friends since Pip was but a pipsqueak. But as years passed, Pip was not so little any more; he was a dashing young man. And Luna was no longer just a princess inviting a guest over for a casual play-date at the guidance of her older sister; she was a woman...

Pip flipped through one of the many books that laid in a neat yet strewn pattern across one of Luna's table top in the main study. He would normally wait around in the study for Luna to resign the night's work before hand. This moment of time alone granted him a chance to see what his dear friend was reading, studying, or looking into prier to his arrival. 'Ode Eros', of course, another fancy worded book. Although, the cover seemed straight forward, as did some of the few illustrations. Men and women were seen every few pages holding one another under a tree, or against a wall; while the cover had the image of a heart shaped stone. A hand of his combed through his brown locks and tipped the newsy cap on his head a bit as he smiled a bit. "Not sure it's a book I'd read..." he admitted to himself.

When he put the book back where he found it, he went to looking around the study. How many years had it been since he first saw this study? He recalled it was around the time when he was eleven, and seeing as how he was nineteen now, it was eight years. Simple math, really. Eight years ago he met his best friend... That's something to behold he had to admit. When he thought about it, looking around the study, he began to smile with a bit of pride. No one could really boast that they have such a great friend like Luna. Not only was she royalty, but she was smart, polite, spoke with an adorable dialect, and she was beyond pretty. While he may have aged along with his body, growing taller and less childish, Luna had not aged a day it would seem. To Pip, she was still the cutest lass in all the world.

A sounding sigh went between his lips as he looked out the main window, looking to the lavender night sky that tried its best not to grow too dark with the aid of the snow's white reflection against it. While his back was to the entrance, a pair of footfalls came up behind him. "Luna?" He asked, sure it was her before he turned around.

When he did turn around, he was not met with they familiar eye level he shared with Luna, but rather the elegantly dressed older sister of Luna, Celestia. The white ruffle gown that adorned her shapely mature body marked her as what she truly was; Royalty. From the white color of the gown with gold accents sown into it, to the jewelled tiara with a white horn latched to it framing over her flowing, almost cosmic hue hair. Her violet eyes, half lidded and very warm, looked against Pip's own eyes as she formed a coy little smirk. "Sorry, Pip. I most certainly am not my younger sister," her voice was as warm as the sun she controlled, made all the more loveable with the airy laugh that parted between her words.

"Not a worry for me, Princess Celes'," Pip bowed to the princess, customary or not, "I don't mind a bit to see your shining face."

Shining her face was, more so with a hue of pink after Pip's comment. Even so, she lifted a graceful palm to her mouth and cleared her throat. "Always the charmer, aren't we? However, my sister will be running a bit late for the two of yours get together," Celestia noted that Pip's shoulders dropped a bit from the news, "But, in a way it presents us a great chance. I have been meaning to speak with you on a private matter... Would you mind coming with me to my chamber?"

Celestia's chamber was located a great distance within the castle, though Pip had seen the outside of it many times during his many visits. He remembered that Luna labelled it the one place that Pip could not use as a hide spot back when they had played hide-and-seek in the castle. In a way, he had always been curious to see what it looked like inside. "Sure t'ing, Princess. Just lead t'e way and I'll follow in foot."

Celestia did not say a word in response, just a sly, genuine smile before turning to face the exit of the study and started her walk. The two walked close together, making a bee-line to Celestia's own chamber. By himself, Pip would have grown lost among the twisting passages and endless corridors. In all honesty, he only knew the way to Luna's room, the study, the throne room, and the ball room without any assistance. It was a bit embarrassing considering his many years spent here. Even still, he remained behind Celestia as she led him through the hallway.

Perhaps it had been a few minutes of walking, but soon they came upon a rather ornate in design door. Unlike all the other doors of the hallway being white, pearl, or the like, this door was brown and had a sun emblem against the face. Celestia's palm moved up and touched the sun on the door, making it glow dimly for a moment. When it faded back to brown, the entire door faded away as well, leaving Pip a bit surprised. Luna's door worked in the same manner, but that does not make the act of magic any less surprising; no matter how many times you see it.

"Shall we go in?"

With Celestia guiding motion, Pip went in so that Celestia could close the door behind them. The inside of the room was as Pip had expected. Very regal with astral designs decorating the walls, along with a crackling fire place just beside her bed that stood right before the balcony. Celestia's bed was as anyone could have guessed; a sizeable queen size bed with a dull pink canopy draping over the round outside of the mattress. While Pip studied the room with a level of interest, Celestia sat herself down onto her bedside and looked to Pip. "Pip," her tone now seemed much more serious and commanding, bringing the young man's attention right away to her, "The matter I wish to discuss with you is rather private... It is about you and my sister."

"Yea'? W'at is it?" Pip sounded a bit worried, so Celestia brought her tone back a bit and smiled her special way.

"Do not fret, Pip. It is nothing harmful," Celestia watched Pip soften before she continued, "I have watched the two of you play and grow very close within our castle. She adored you as a babysitter did her charge," Pip blushed a bit at the comparison, "However... You are not a young boy any more... And my sister is no longer an onlooking 'babysitter'. She is a grown woman, as much as you are a grown man. And her adoration has long since been replaced by a longing..."

Pip could not explain it, but his lungs started to feel tight while his heart began to beat against his burning ears. Celestia continued on after a slight sigh and a look to Pip with the deepest level of seriousness. "My sister Luna does not view you simply as a friend, Pip. She longs for you to be her lover and in time, more."

His whole body felt like led. His throat choked up, unable to even pass a simple 'oh'. He had to turn away for a moment and stroke his throat to try and calm it while his body shivered. "L-Lover? I..." he had always thought about it; he would be lying if he said he didn't. But, Luna was not only royalty, but high-class... "I... I don't understand the first t'ing about being a lover..."

It was at that point Pipsqueak's ears were assaulted by two unbelievable sounds. Two sounds that would have any man in Canterlot have tightened pants... Pip not being excluded. "I will teach you..." the sound of cloth fabrics falling and furling against the floor resounded in Pip's ears, "For my sister, I will teach you a lesson in sensuality."

Half of his mind told him to not turn to look at Celestia, knowing full well what was waiting to be seen. The other half of his mind told him to hurry and look to Celestia, knowing full well what was waiting to be seen. In the end, he turned around slowly, his eyes strained a bit against his entirely beat red face. When he did look, his eyes could not help but reopen to the full sight before him. Her exposed flesh was as soft to the eyes as the ivory sheets that lined her bed; there was not a flaw to it in sight. Even so, his eyes were drawn right to what most men in the kingdom talked about when it came to Celestia. And now, seeing what many men dreamed to see, he felt as proud as he did embarrassed. In front of his eyes alone was a buxom Celestia, her chest fully on display with the fire light on the side of the room being the only outline against her large breasts.

He must have been staring for some time, because Celestia started to chuckle softly, making her tight skin bounce just a bit as she did so. "My-my Pip... I had not expected you to be such a bosom enthusiast..." she playfully taunted him.

The tightness in his pants was not getting any looser with such a comment. He noticed that Celestia was giving a come-hither with one of her fingers. His steps were very quick and awkward as he moved across the space between them and stopped just before her. As she sat against the bed, their eyes were finally at level with each other. This was not exactly the way Pip had imagined they would ever see each other at eye level. "Now Pip... A woman enjoys a tender massage against their body. Particularly woman who have had a long, trying day," as she chuckled again, her hands moved up and removed her crown from her head along with the ivory horn. "So please Pip... Be a dear and massage my tired old body?"

The tone Celestia used was still very playful, but not in the sense she had been using before. Along with the lustful look coming from her eyes, Pip was made to swallow hard. Gingerly, inch by inch, Pip's hands moved from his sides and shook with a clammy tone to them as he moved them to rest against Celestia's shoulders. The touch revealed that her skin was as soft as it looked. Not only that, but it was very warm. Before Pip knew it, his hands slid down Celestia's arms once before moving back up, his hands forming a cup around Celestia's rather lean arms. His fingers pressed a bit more into her warm, soft flesh in her arms while he began to get more and more used to stroking her arms.

A moan parted from Celestia's lips, making Pip look at her. When he did, being so close to her, he noticed she wore no make-up at all. To see that she was so beautiful even without cosmetic help made the young man blush even more-so. His hands began to loosen their grip so that his palms could just push into the mass of her arms before Celestia shrugged her arms slightly and made Pip's hands slip and slap quietly into her full hips and waist. Unlike before when his hands were being gentle and unsure, his palms pressed firmly into the princess's hips and rolled soothingly into them, electing an emphatic moan out of Celestia. "Mmmm... Pip..." her breathing words made for Pip to move his palms in small, firm circles against her lower waist until they slipped behind her and started prodding at the flesh of her butt.

Celestia's eyes widened a moment as she gasped, her cheeks growing very red in the darkly lit room. "Pip...! How does my flank feel to you?" she cooed in his ear, which had been given to her as he leaned slightly into her body so he could reach behind her.

"It feels... soft..." Pip could only manage to say those words after his nerves had finally returned.

His hands continued to roam against Celestia's lower back, massaging their way up the bumps of her spine until the reached up to the back of her neck. Fingers remained pressed against her neck flesh, tapping into it while Pip's eyes looked up to see Celestia's pleasured expression. When Celestia opened her mouth, letting words fall out, it made Pip's own mouth go slightly agape. "...Suck them..."

Butterflies beat against Pip's stomach, trying to fly up through his throat. However, that passage out was soon blocked off after Pip nodded a silent look at Celestia. The young man inched down until the mammary was met before his face. They were very big, almost overshooting the size of his own head. The pink little tip of Celestia's breast pointed at Pip, as if urging him on. Slowly, Pip's mouth pushed against Celestia's breast and placed her nipple in the center of his warm maw. A warm sensation tingled through Celestia, bringing a shuttering gasp out of her before her hands laced against the back of Pip's brown hair. Each moan Celestia gave moved Pip to breathe in more of Celestia's fleshy breast, hazarding a small flick of his tongue against the erect tip at the center. With every moment of Pip's action, Celestia grew more tense and her moans more laboured. After awhile, Pip's breathing could barely get through as Celestia pushed her entire bosom against his face, smothering him in the softness of her fleshy mounds.

When Pip bit down onto Celestia's teat, her eyes shut tightly and she fell back against the bed, pulling Pip down with her to lay atop of her raising and setting chest. During the fall, Pip managed to unlatch from Celestia's warm breast, catching panting air into his tired jaw. While Pip was catching his breath, Celestia looped one of her fingers into his pant lining, pulling them down slowly while he was too out of air to protest. In the process, his boxers were pulled down as well, allowing his manhood to stand half erect before her eyes before it limped against her lower chest. Celestia bit her bottom lip as she looked at the impressive member. "You are filled with surprises today, aren't you Pip?"

Before he could say anything, a long moan escaped his lips when he felt his shaft being caressed between Celestia's two soft palms. One palm pressed right against the tip of his member, stroking it with even prods and small rotations while the other hand slowly stroked down the length until clapping against his hanging sack. It did not take long for Pip to harden to his full length under Celestia's attentive hand work. Once she felt the throbbing sensation heating between her fingers, Celestia pulled herself out from under Pip so she could lay down, face against Pip's chest and breast looming over his hardened rod. A sly smirk came across Celestia's face as she slowly pulled away and lowered herself, getting to eye level with the pink helmet of Pip's cock. "You were kind enough to give me a very enjoyable sucking..." that was all Celestia said before her lips pursed and pressed against Pip's helmet.

Like a banana being pealed backwards, Celestia's lips pealed over Pip's cock head inch by hot, wet inch. Her lips were beyond a snail's speed, her drool seeping between her lips and lathering the path the rest of her mouth would follow. Pip groaned and caught his breath in his mouth, watching the royal princess push more and more of his member between her juicy lips. Every centimeter was unbearable to Pip, bringing him to whimper and moan with a mounting pleasure. His shaft was choked out by Celestia's tight, wet lips as they buzzed against him, still sliding down and letting her slick tongue rub against the under side of his shaft. Finally, she made contact with the base, holding the length where it was while her lips matted down the base of Pip slowly with wet little taps. With an 'ahhh' from Celestia, she slid the member out of her mouth, leaving strands of her thick saliva clinging against the throbbing length.

When Celestia pulled back, she fell down onto her back, her arms open wide as she looked at Pip, her own eyes mirroring a pleading pleasure that her shivering body was telling. "Our final lesson, Pip..."

Pip watched as the princess's legs opened before him, revealing the talk of every man in town. For his own eyes, he saw Celestia's untouched clit and lower lips. At first, Pip hesitated for anything, ignoring the burning in his crotch to finish this. But he found himself being pulled into Celestia as her legs craned out around him and hooked against his back to pull him in. "This is your first time Pip... As well as Luna's... So do not put it in me..." Her hand moves out and touches against Pip's crotch, helping it slide against her lower lips and nudge her clit, bringing a moan from her before she continued, "J-Just get the feel for it so you are ready when you--Ohhhhh~~"

Celestia's words were cut off by a lustful cry of pleasure from herself when she felt Pip's hot length rubbing deep against the lower lips of hers. His shaft continued to rut and rub deep against the hot sex of Celestia's, electing more and more cries of passion from her as her breasts were bounced against her body. Pip held his hands to each of Celestia's knees, trying to keep his angle well against Celestia's dripping sex while he railed his cock against it. With each thrust, the two moaned and grunted pleasurably together, filling the room with the scent of their sensual moment, as well as the lust of their sex. Already beyond strained, Pip made a few final strokes against Celestia's sex before his helmet shot a thick rope of white seed up Celestia's body and decorating her breasts with a few stray strands.

When the hot seed splattered against Celestia's already hot body, she moaned a final shuddering time before her own legs convulsed and her sex dilated and spewed out it's own glistening release against the bottom of Pip's tired member. To Celestia's surprise, Pip fell down against her chest, meshing his seed deeper against her bosom. Even so, Celestia stroked her fingers through Pip's hair, trying to calm herself down from her own wonderful climax. "You have done wonderfully, Pip... When you are rested, you will be more than ready to take on my sister..." her words were soothing against the musky air.

Though Pip wanted to voice exactly what he felt, he found his tire too great to speak over it. Instead, he rolled off of Celestia and rested his body on her bed, feeling a few drops of her climax press against his back as he laid down in some of her cum. His eyes drifted over to look at Celestia, forming a very weak but satisfied smile. "T'ank ya..." With that, Pip's eyes shut and he drifted to a rest, Celestia herself curling her naked body up against him and joining him for a momentary rest.

Alluring Moon.

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Work just seemed to be piling up in front of Luna by the minute more and more, no matter how many decrees and pleas she signed off on. Under any other circumstances this sort of workload would be far from problematic to her; much less annoying. But, tonight was a different story. On this night, she felt like that one business employee who was trying to make her way to the lunch room, but was constantly pulled away from her goal by another worker asking her to do them a favour. Just like that situation, each passing moment made it seem that her goal would never be within range. As she signed another document, a thought occurred to her.

Perseverance. Though Celestia may have surprised her by dropping a great amount of work onto her right when she was ready to greet Pip for his systematic visit, she would persevere. Celestia worked dreadfully hard to keep the kingdom in order; and as her sister, it was only right to assist in removing some weight against her older sister. That sort of thinking helped the work seem doable and easy to get through. Luna was assured ahead of time by her sister that the documents needed only a brief review before being signed off. Under any normal circumstances she would always read through every detail in every last document presented to her. But, she had something very important to do tonight...

The inkwell on the table clicked a final time as Luna withdrew her quill and authorized the final paper before her, sighing a relief as she did so. "At last..." though no sweat was to her brow, Luna made an effort to wipe the bell of her lavender dress sleeve against her forehead.

She formed the papers into equal and even sects on the table for the curator of the royal decrees could manage them once they arrived. The chair she sat on scooted back with a scraping sound before she stood to her feet. Her body made an embarrassing crack as she stood up, sparking a blush to spread against her cheeks. Luna adjusted her gown a moment, flattening out her wrinkles in her gown before checking if her bodystocking under her dress was still well in place. She held no intention of having this go awry. It had to be perfect.

If her hunch was correct, Pip would be in the study where he normally waited when she still had some work to do. When she walked down the hall leading to the study, she noticed a few of the guards looking to her with curious expressions. Luna came to a halt and looked at the two guards standing watch before one of the many doorways that lined the hallway. Before the princess could even speak a word, the two guards looked about the area, trying to avoid eye contact with her. "Watch," she called the two of them, jumping them back to attention and having their eyes set back against her dark appearance, "impart to mine ears what holds the pair of you to gaze upon me with such woeful eyes?"

"We mean nothing by it, your Excellency," one of the guards quickened a bow as he apologized, "It is only..."

"I-It is only that we have seen an act most strange to us," the other guard picked up.

Luna rose a brow at their words and subtle but bemused expression. "An act? Pray tell what manner of act dost thou speak of?"

A hesitant exchange of eyes went between the two guards, searching for one or the other to speak up so the other would not have to. In the end, the first to speak was the very one who led her to her question. "We saw your sister, Princess Celestia, departing from the study with that Pip boy along with her."

"My sister?" Luna repeated that title to herself. For what reason would Celestia be with Pip after she parted me with all her work...?

The guard nodded a confirmation before moving on with his words. "Yes. We saw that the two had made way in the direction of the west wing..." he did not wish to venture any great detail than that.

As it was, Luna did not need any more detail. The west wing of the castle had very little to it aside from a few maze like passages and the way to the overlook; it was also where Celestia had made her room home to. "...I thank thee for this information..." Luna bowed her head to the the pair before she went down the west passage herself.

There had to be a misunderstanding in this. Her sister knew full well of her feelings for Pip, as well as her intentions for this night. Could this have been a part of some ruse Celestia orchestrated? Luna's mind fluttered with more and more ideas, jumping to grand conclusions as she found her footfalls growing more hastened by the moment. Her heart ached at these troubling ideas, in spite of her mind reasoning she was drawing grand assumptions from minor details. In the end, however, she knew that her questions would be answered soon enough.

Her steps came to a grinding halt when she met with a door she recalled very easily as her sister's room. A slow motion of her hand led her palm to grow close to the sun emblem on the face of the door; though she curled her fingers before they could touch and she pulled away. "N-no... I mustn't..." she told herself in a hush. "I hadn't yet checked the study before I forged my path here. For all I could know, those two guards may have been simply having a fit of fun at my expense," reasonable enough, really.

When she turned to leave her sister's door and return to her planned walk towards the study, her body tugged at her and she remained planted where she stood. "Alternatively... I have already made passage to sister's chamber... I would feel rather fool-hearted if I travelled thus far and not ventured to at least hazard a visit upon my sister..." reasonable once more.

Luna faced the door of her sister's room once more, no longer with any unease. The expression she wore was calm and gentle, as gentle as the palm she had pressed against the emblem on Celestia's door. An orange light emitted from the door for just a moment before it departed into nothing and allowed the light of the hallway grace into the dimly lit room. As Luna took a step into the dark room, she was made to take a mild step back as her nose was assaulted by a strange, thick aroma. "By the makers, sister. I am aware you frequent a multitude of perfumes, but this one is far too thick." Luna mentally made note of as she waved a hand before her nose to disperse the smell.

Once again, she tried to press forward into the room, letting the brown door appear behind her to close her in. It had been a great while since she was last in her sister's room, she just had to take a moment to absorb it all in. The flickering fire crackling in the side of the room under the protection of the fireplace, the vantage point at the balcony that could see the moon clearly, the messy sheets adorned on Celestia's bed... Messy sheets? Luna peered at Celestia's bed curiously and moved in more so for a clearer look. Celestia was never one to have an unkempt bed, even when she slept in it. Anything other than a perfect bed was madness.

However, Luna's worries were put to rest once she got closer and could use the moonlight and firelight to see the bed much clearer. The bed itself was not messy, it only looked like such with the two matted bodies pressed tight against each other only gave Luna the illusion of a--

A stone fell into Luna's gut when she looked at the two. Her sister was tightly holding a man in a rather lewd and unmannered fashion... But not only that... "You..." Luna started to growl as she felt her body growing as hot as the fire in the fireplace.

The two resting on the bed stirred a bit, letting their eyes flicker open to accept the still dark room they passed out inside of. Both Pip and Celestia pulled themselves up to a proper manner of sitting on the bed, both still rather groggy from their rest. While they both batted the sleep from their eyes, they slowly started to put together the figure standing at the foot of the bed. For the second time that day, Pip felt his whole body quit on itself and jump nearly into death once he recalled the star-glittered outline of his dearest friend. Celestia on the other hand cupped her naked breasts over with her arms and looked to Luna with a small bit of embarrassment. "Luna... This can be quite easily explained..."

In a blur of motion, Luna lunged over the bed and ripped the canopy out of her way as she dove right for her sister with bane screaming from her damp eyes. "You harlot!" Celestia easily pinned a hand into her sister's head and kept her at bay as she watched Luna franticly try to claw at her. "He was to be mine!" Luna continued to shout at her sister.

Pip had fallen off in Luna's pounce at her sister and was now looking at the two nearly wrestle on the bed. If under any other case, this would have been possibly attractive to Pip. "Luna!" Celestia strained to push her sister away by her head, "Will you let me explain?"

"You haven't cause to explain, trollop! I am well aware of what you have conspired against me!" Luna continued to bark and claw her nails in a desperate attempt to get at her sister.

Watching sister against sister like this made Pip hurry to his feet and stand confidently as he addressed Luna. "Luna!" for the first time, Luna seemed to slow down just a bit and glance to the side with tear filled eyes at Pip, "Luna... Yer' sister was trying to 'elp me... She was teac'ing me 'ow to--" Pip stopped himself, his throat starting to feel tight and dry again.

Luna continued to look at Pip with the most pain filled eyes one could ever possibly think of; and yet, Pip could still look into her youthful face and see an unbelievable beauty to it. While he looked against Luna's eyes with his own sorrowful expression, he noticed Celestia looking to him and nodding very subtly at him. It was now, or never...

"Luna... She was teac'ing me 'ow to... To please you..." Luna's aggression stopped as if she had hit a brick wall at full speed, "Because... She told me 'ow you felt towards me. An', well..." Celestia slowly slid herself out from under Luna and crawled across the room, picking up her gown and crown in the process, "I... I do kinda' really like you in t'at kinda' way too, Luna..."

A silence filled the thick air between both Luna and Pip; to the point the two did not even notice the door of the room opened and closed to let Celestia leave. The two remained alone in the room together, silence swallowing both of them up. Pip stood next to the bed, his eyes averted away, unable to look upon the woman he just confessed to. Luna, on the other hand, could not break her eyes away from the boy. Her teal eyes were awestruck and shuddering as a hand pressed against her quivering lip. "Doest... Doest thou truly... Like me in such a manner?"

The words Luna used made Pip scoff a little laugh and had her make eye contact with her, a warm smile coming onto his face. "Wit' a way 'a talking like t'at...? 'Ard not to like you..." he suddenly felt that lump in his throat again, but he surprised himself and even Luna when he ignored it and said his next words, "Even 'arder not to love you."

Perhaps it was the air that she was starting to get used to, the words Pip had used, or the tense feeling that was pounding within her chest. Whatever it was, Luna found herself scrambling off of the bed and discarding her ebony horn and inky tiara to the floor without a care. When her feet met against Celestia's carpeting, she awkwardly pressed her body against Pip's, finding her eyes meeting perfectly against the boy's. He could feel Luna's heat seeping out from the fabric of her dress. To him, Luna's heat and slight aroma touching against his nose felt right.

"Pip... I harbour a great deal of feelings for you as well," Luna breathed her words into the crook of Pip's neck, sending a hot shiver through his body, "Many of which could be deemed as infatuation..." Softly, Luna's hand caressed up against Pip's cheek and ran her nails against his jaw-line as she moved her hand down. When Pip looked back into Luna's eyes, her enchanting teal eyes, he placed his own hand against the flat of her hip. "When you... When you laid with my sister... Did you by chance share a, kiss?" Pip could feel every hesitant breath of hers curling into his tender neck.

"No, Luna," Pip moved his head away so he could admire Luna one final time as just a friend, "T'at's reserved only for you..." he caught the blushing of Luna's cheeks in his vision just before his head tilted in against hers and joined lips with the princess for a lingering kiss.

The inexperience between the two was not hidden as they continued their first kiss. Pip could feel Luna tensing all throughout her body, even while her lips became more relaxed. Tentatively, they both tilted their own lips against one another, bringing different sort of whimpers and groans out of both of their throats as they made new contacts every second. Repeatedly, Luna would slide a wet motion away from Pip's lips so a shuddering breath could enter her melting mouth. But every time she retreated, Pip perused her once more and touched his lips against hers as he grew more and more bold. They both took in their own growing aroma drawn out from their mixing lips. It was soothing to them, like the warmth of entering a hearth fresh from the winter air.

In the midst of passion, Luna finally drew away from Pip while her chest rose and fell heatedly. "Pip...?" She managed to whisper, her hands still caressing the sides of his jaw and cheek.

"Y-Yes, Luna?" he replied with his own hushed voice.

"...Your nether region is without sheath..." it took Pip a moment to decipher what Luna meant. Though when he felt both a chill whisk against his legs as well as an extension of his body press into a soft fabric, the meaning became all too clear. Luna herself shifted a bit against Pip awkwardly. "It... It seems to be poking me..."

Embarrassment and humiliation swelled inside of Pip when he looked to Luna with just as much awkward feelings. "S-Sorry."

The most beautiful sight Pip had ever seen in all his life occurred once those words left him. He watched as Luna dropped her hand away from him and took a single step back, her hands moved to the top of her gown. Fluid were her motions as she had her top lowered and slipped off to the floor, revealing her bodystocking tightly clinging against her naked body. Though it was not as voluptuous as her sister's, Luna's body was more modest and petite. Pip continued to watch with a great awe as Luna snapped her arm warmers off by the clips on them, letting them join her her dress on the floor. Leaving Luna standing there with a only a sheer fabric layer covering her naked breast and nethers.

Luna crossed an arm over her modest chest and stroked a hand down her other slender arm while she cast her eyes away from the man before her. "This is my... This is my very first time, Pip..." her eyes locked against his with a pleading look, both in desire and worry, "I ask that you take great care with my body..."

This all felt very different. When Pip moved back into Luna, he did not move with any great desire or lust as he did when he did these things with Celestia. He lowered Luna down to lay her against Celestia's bed, leaving her legs to dangle off of the edge. Luna's legs moved listlessly against one another before parting just enough so that her undergarments were clear to Pip's eyes under her pantihose. A careful finger of Pip's moved to hook around the hem of Luna's pantihose, electing a surprised groaning gasp from Luna when she felt his finger curl against her underlying skin. Soft. It was a different sort of soft than Celestia's skin; Luna felt more velvety. Pip pealed Luna's pantihose down, allowing the tips of his fingers to cascade slowly down her stripping, naked legs until he finally slipped them off.

The pantihose were laid along with the rest of Luna's clothing behind Pip. Pip took a moment to admire Luna's exposed, smooth legs. His hands moved in and pressed inside her inner thighs, rubbing them down with even grips around them. Luna's moans grew louder as she tossed her head to one side and bit against her lip, trying to silence herself in lieu of her pleasurable releases. But her reluctant moans were soon broken into full on groans of pleasure as she felt one of Pip's fingers pushing against her clit hid under her lace panties. "P-Pip...! Could you please simply remove them before I make a mess of them?" Luna's face burned to say that, though she found that her tone betrayed her embarrassed emotion when it came off as lustful when she heard it.

"O'! Sorry, Luna... The sounds you were making kinda' distracted me..." Luna was baffled that when Pip said that, it didn't sound like anything other than genuine kindness. For a brief moment, Luna felt her nethers grow a bit cold as Pip slid her panties off of her and placed them beside him. Seeing her tight, untouched sex before him, Pip stood up and lined his manhood to be in position before the entrance.

Luna's eyes locked onto the stiff length with worry, desire, curiosity, and even a hint being impressed all at once. "Go slowly at first... Cadance has alerted me that it is customary on a woman's virgin night..."

It was a bit of a cautious motion. Pip moved his hips inward, prodding the helmet of his cock to part Luna's sex apart. When Luna groaned and scrunched her nose, Pip bowed his head quickly. "Sorry..." the tip pushed the lips apart rather slowly, letting her virgin juices start to coat the tip of the head. Once more, Luna made a groan while her legs curled up a bit so that they would press against Pip's torso. "Sorry..." Pip's head pushed through into Luna, making a little wet pop as the lips of her sex moulded around the back of the head. Luna could not stop herself from giving a pain induced sigh as her breast lifted against her body with a sharp pull. "Sorr--"

For once, Pip was cut off in the middle of his apology. The wet smacking of Luna's lips against his brought Pip's word into just a stunned 'mmmm!' as Luna used her lips to shut the boy's mouth before falling back against the bed. "Sorry..." Luna cooed a mimic of Pip's own word as her tongue slipped out of her mouth a bit and cleaned the saliva from her bottom lip.

Luna's playful expression was wiped away and replaced by unbridled pain. The last thing she heard before her own sharp scream was the sound of Pip's hips slapping snugly into her own. The princess's body writhed with blinding pain for a moment, causing her legs to kick out and her head to thump again and again against Celestia's bed. "Makers!" Luna screamed, feeling her body howl and tighten like a vice all over. "It... FFffff... It hurts!" she knew she was saying these things, yet her own ears could not hear them over the blood pounding into her ears and her brain bending with pain. Every fiber of her body felt in pain, begging. The only other feeling she could feel was a warm trickling going down her legs. It was done. When Luna imagined her first time, she knew it would hurt; but she did not expect it to feel so painful, so tight... So good. "P-Pip... I think the pain has subsided..." Luna whispered out from a weak throat.

A held in breath finally went free from Pip, beyond relieved to hear Luna say anything other than words of her pain. Feeling the trickle of Luna's blood going down his shaft, he felt very unsure about the whole activity. Maybe he made a mistake in taking Luna like this... About coming today at all... Though all of those feelings were dashed when he heard Luna speak those words. "I'm gonna' start to move now..." his movements started very gradual, making very small and gentle taps into her sex.

"Mmmm..." Luna's groans of pains were now only of a slowly growing pleasure. A smile grew across her tired face as she felt the throbbing member be pushed in and out of her again and again. A rhythm started to grow from the fleshy taps of Pip's hips against Luna's, a rhythm that Luna put intervals of hot moans while Pip gave slow pants. Every inch rippled a heated sensation inside of the princess, forcing her moans to grow in length and pitch at each entering push. It was not long until Pip's hips tapped faster against Luna until the air sounded with wet slaps of hips against hip joined with two lovers' heated sounds of passion.

"It--oh!- it feels very-mmm- very good...!" Pip listened to Luna's words intermixed with her torrent of moans while he fed his hips faster into her. His loins started to burn and tighten as Luna's sex drooled hot pre-cum against his shaft. It seemed Luna noticed and, with a crazy red burn to her face, she hooked her legs against his back with a great deal of effort. "Do... Do it inside of me... I beg of you!" Luna's pleading, loving tone pushed Pip over the edge. His hips thrusting slipped up a bit before Luna felt a wave of expanding heat fill up the insides of her previously untouched sex.

Luna pulled Pip in tightly against her sweat clinging body as she clenched her eyes shut, moaning as her legs kicked into the air and her throat passed a rather cute squeak between clenched teeth. For a moment, the two just laid there; Pip resting on top of the tired Princess, and the princess laying beneath the drained man. Their chests brushed against one another as they slowly regained some strength. Between an exchange of tired looks, they knew what they would use this moment of strength for. "I love you, Luna..." Pip touched his tired jaw against Luna's, moving to kiss her.

"And I love you, Pip..." their kiss fell against one another softly, but filled with every drop of passion they shared in that one night before they fell to one another's side and embraced the other into their first night as lovers...