Thunder Chaser and Starlight Charmers Foal Sitting fun.

by Thunderchaser23

First published

A story of two mares in an Adult Baby relationship. No Clop but contains Fetish material.

The story follows my two OC's Thunder Chaser a Pegasus and Starlight Charmer a Unicorn as they find out what it means to be in love and to be young again.

Characters will be added as they appear.

What it means to be Young.

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It was a day like any other in ponyville, the Pegasus cleared the sky of gloomy clouds that threatened to drop rain or snow at but a moments notice. A young grey coated mare by the name of Thunder Chaser, with a blue streak running through her blonde mane and tail was tackling her job of cloud bucking with all the bravado of Rainbow Dash, and the hard working attitude of Apple Jack. After all if you wanted to join the Wonderbolts you would have to work hard!

The grey coated mare sped forward bucking the clouds over ponyville in 15 seconds flat! Not exactly a record she knew but you had to start somewhere right? After finishing her cloud busting duties for the day she flew back to the Ponyville Weather office. For how close they were to Cloudsdale there really weren’t that many Pegasus Ponies that worked here. It was mostly Earth Ponies that handled the daily paperwork. The building itself was pretty bland, just a basic 2 floor barn office. There are about 50 desks lined up on the first floor, where the Pegasus Ponies would go over their daily weather schedules.

As Thunder Chaser approached her own desk she noticed a large brown package sitting on top of it, on the package was a hoof written note “Hey Thunder Chaser the potions all ready to go, so here’s the supplies for the “Foal” we’ll be sitting! Love Starlight Charmer.” Thunder Chaser could barely contain her excitement as she left the building, she stopped only to talk to her boss about taking some time off. Before stopping at the bosses office she grabbed her saddle bags and put her package in the bag on her right. She knocked before she heard the familiar “Yes! Come in.” The boss was an older male Pegasus with a light blue mane and dark green coat, his name is Thunder Blitz.

“Well Chase, you have been working very hard lately so I don’t see the harm in letting you have some paid vacation time!” The boss of the weather team said leaning in close to Thunder Chaser, dropping his voice down to a whisper then saying “I took the liberty of keeping the package away from prying eyes but maybe you should have Starlight drop off your foal supplies at home next time hmm?” Said Thunder blitz chuckling to himself.

Thunder Chaser blushed a deep shade of red before replying in a barely audible whisper “I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” . She trotted out of the Weather office, heading towards the center of town. The streets of ponyville were bustling with activity, numerous stalls lined the streets and on more than one occasion Thunder Chaser was stopped by one of these vendor ponies.

They always had the same things to say: “How bout’ some of these here carrots miss? Only 5 bits!” the carrot selling mare nearly shouted shoving the carrots into her face.

“Golden Harvest! I don’t mean to be rude but I’m really in a hurry to see Starlight Charmer today.” Thunder Chaser replied politely. Golden Harvest stared at the mare in front of her with a questioning look then merely shrugged walking back to her Carrot stall.

Thunder Chaser trotted happily towards the Golden Oaks Library, a few short feet from the door it suddenly sprang open and a chromatic blur sped out from inside knocking Thunder Chaser over. “Ouch!! Rainbow Dash watch where you’re going!” Shouted Thunder Chaser offering her a helping hoof. Grateful for the helping hoof Rainbow got up off the ground and examined the package lying on the dirt next to her.

“ Hahahah Foal supplies?! I didn’t know you liked to wear-” Before Rainbow could finish her sentence she was enveloped in a Violet magical Aura that snapped her mouth shut.

“Rainbow Dash! It’s not nice to look at other Ponies mail without permission first! Sorry Chase here’s that book on parenting you wanted to borrow” Said Twilight Sparkle levitating a book into one of Thunder Chasers saddle bags. “Although if I may ask why did you want a book on parenting? You’re not.. Oh my gosh you aren’t with a foal are you?!” Cried Twilight Sparkle her eyes growing large with surprise and fear.

“What?! No Twilight! And actually the book is for Starlight Charmer not me!” Replied Thunder Chaser her embarrassment now very apparent by the deep shade of red her face had turned. Twilight picked up the package and saw the hoof written note on the top of it.

“Aww! You and Starlight are foal sitting together?! Whose the lucky little foal? Wait how come foal has quotation marks around it?” Said Twilight Sparkle putting a hoof to her forehead and rubbing it thoughtfully, after a few moments of pondering she decided to undue her submission magic on Rainbow Dash, but not before she asked the 100 bit question.

Dropping her voice down to a whisper so that only her and Chaser would hear she asked “Chaser a-a-are you an Adult foal?” Twilight Sparkle then levitated the package back into Thunder Chasers left saddlebag. The Aura of violet magic faded off of Rainbow’s snout and she couldn’t help but snort with mild amusement as she watched her co-worker scramble for words.

“T-t-that’s none of your business Miss Twilight Sparkle!” Thunder Chaser nearly shouted before taking to the skies. She thought she was going to be able to finally have some peace and quiet before meeting her marefriend but it was short lived as a chromatic blur shot past her. Great, Thunder Chaser thought what does Rainbow want?

"Heheh Thunder Chaser you’re getting faster but you know I can still out fly you any day! Anyways I know you’re in a hurry to get to your special some ponies place- Hey! Don’t give me that look we all know you and Starlight Charmer have been dating for the past year.” Thunder Chaser stopped mid-flight hovering on the spot, before replying to Rainbow “H-how did you find out?”. “Haha! From you silly! Now Flitter owes me 10 bits!” Replied Rainbow Dash with a smug look on her face.

Before Thunder Chaser could even think of a snarky reply to Rainbow Dashes comment, a green magical aura wrapped itself around Rainbow’s tale pulling her down into one of the many ponds scattered around the outskirts of ponyville. where she landed with a loud splash. “Ha! That will teach you to pry into another mares love life. Hey Thunder Chaser! Are you ready for our date tonight?” Called a White coated Unicorn Mare who had an emerald green mane from the ground below Thunder Chaser.

A mischievous smile appeared on Chasers lips, I’ll tackle hug her! Thought Thunder Chaser as she sped towards her marefriend. Moments before the expected impact Starlight Charmer drew upon her magic and let out a quiet giggle, Thunder Chaser was suddenly stopped inches away from her mare friends face. She wasn’t quite sure how to react to this, and she sputtered for words “How? When? WHA-” Her displeasure was cut short when Starlight Charmer planted a loving kiss on her lips. A feeling of warmth spread through Chasers body as she blushed bright red, a spark seemed to pass between the two when they kissed. Thunder Chaser became visibly relaxed her eyes drooping shut enjoying the pleasure of the gentle yet fierce kiss.

“I’ve missed you these past few nights you know… A mare get’s lonely when her bed’s half empty if you catchy my drift?” said Starlight Charmer breaking off their kiss with a devious twinkle in her eye.

“Get a room you two!” yelled Rainbow Dash before she jumped out of the pond and sped off towards her cloud home that floated above the everfree forest. “

I got your care package. Now about this potion you said you had…” asked Thunder Chaser letting her voice trail off before gently nuzzling her lovers neck. Giggling loudly Starlight Charmer couldn’t help but blush, even though her and Chaser had been together for just over a year now it had taken a considerable amount of time to get the shy Pegasus to open up about herself. Sighing gently she kissed Thunder Chaser on the cheek before trotting toward her home.

Starlight Charmer’s home wasn’t your typical Earth Pony home, it was a luxurious two floor home that had everything a mare could want in it. The outside of the home was pretty average, a small simple garden where Starlight liked to grow flowers. After all her cutie mark was a Rose within Flask symbolizing her talents in Botany and Potion making. Two bathrooms, because well everyone knows that Mare’s spend a lot more time in there than Stallions do. One thing that may have struck somepony as odd was the appearance of a foal changing table in each bathroom.

Often when she had guests over they asked her about this strange feature to which she usually replied “A mare must always be prepared for any situation!”. This response was usually greeted with mild amusement and more often than not agreement. Her home also had 3 bedrooms, two rooms for adult ponies and what appeared to be a little Fillies room.

The two mares trotted up to the porch before Starlight opened up the door and said to her mate “After you my sweet filly”. As they walked inside Starlight used her magic to light up her home. Starlight led Thunder Chaser to the kitchen, before she told Thunder Chaser to sit down and make herself at home she levitated her “Care package” out of the saddle bags and up onto the table. “Open up your present dear, I know you’ll like it!” said Starlight sweetly as she levitated a bottle of red liquid from one of her many shelves scattered around the kitchen, setting the bottle down on the table. She then levitated a cup from her cupboard where she kept them and set it down on the table and poured the liquid into the cup.

“Well okay Mommy!” replied Thunder Chaser giggling as she tore off the brown paper really embracing her inner foal, the first thing she pulled out of the box was a beautiful dress for a filly that complimented her mane and coat colour. “M-mommy is this my dress?” Asked Thunder Chaser her eyes wide with amazement. “Why yes my little filly of course it’s yours!” replied Starlight clearly pleased that her mare friend liked the dress. Thunder Chaser began to sniffle just like a foal would before saying “B-b-but mommy I won’t fit into that pretty dress! I’m too big!” her sniffles soon gave way to full on sobs.

Unsure of how to react Starlight levitated the book on parenting out of Chasers saddle bag and quickly browsed through it looking for a section on how to calm down an upset foal. Shoot thought Starlight, I didn’t pack her a pacifier! Oh well I guess I’ll just have to go for plan B. Starlight’s horn began to glow a light green, she pointed her head toward her lover and gently picked her up with magic and brought her over. “Shh, quiet now my sweet Filly. I told you I had a plan didn’t I? The potion I mentioned to you a few weeks a go will let you truly be a foal again. You’d like that wouldn’t you sweetie?” Asked Starlight in a soft reassuring tone.

“I-I’ll be a *hic* foal again? R-really mommy?!” Asked Thunder Chaser as her sobs once more became sniffles.

“Of course! I would never lie to you sweetie. There are side effects of this potion though.“ Replied Starlight Sweetly as she gently stroked her lovers mane in a reassuring manner.

"What kind of side effects mommy?” Asked Thunder Chaser with child like curiosity.

“Ah ah! No more questions until you finish unwrapping your present sweetie!” said Starlight levitating her mare friend back to her seat at the table and setting her down.

Thunder Chaser giggled softly and began to root through the box when she felt her hooves brushed up against something very soft and plush. No way she thought, did she really get me a plush toy? She couldn’t contain her excitement anymore and she picked up the box and dumped the contents onto the table much like how a young filly would do so with their toys.

From the box fell a Spitfire plush toy, and a large package of Foal diapers, wipes and Foal powder and tickets to a children’s play in Canterlot. “Wow mommy! You sure know how to make a care package.” said Thunder Chaser blushing bright red. “Now that I’ve finished opening up my present, could you please explain the side effects of the potion?” asked Thunder Chaser sweetly.

“Aww! I can’t resist that charm of yours Chaser.” Starlight walked over to where Chaser was sitting and kissed her gently on the forehead, before continuing. “Well the side effects include but aren’t limited to: Complete loss of bladder control, your cutie mark will fade away temporarily, loss of basic motor skills. Those are all the things listed if there are any other effects I guess we’ll find out! Oh and don’t worry you’ll still have the mind of a grown mare so if you need to be changed or fed don’t hesitate to ask okay?”

"O-okay mommy, but I’m a little scared. W-What if the potion doesn’t work right and I become a foal permanently?!” cried Thunder Chaser once again beginning to panic and almost on the verge of tears again.

“Shh hush now sweet Filly. This potion was tested by the royal Apothecary in Canterlot, I assure you there are no permanent side effects.” said Starlight in an attempt to calm down her panicking mate.

Thunder Chaser looked at her mate then down at the cup with the potion in it in front of her. She gave herself a few moments to calm down before she drank the potion in one swallow. The potion tasted strangely like cherries and apple cider. As the potion began to take effect Thunder Chaser began to feel a strange feeling deep within her. An overwhelming pressure seemed to build up inside of her belly before all at once the pressure disappeared. Before she began to process what this feeling was she realized her back legs were warm and wet.

“Oh no Thunder Chaser! You wet all over the floor! Come on little filly let‘s get you cleaned up and in a diaper shall we? ” said Starlight in a sincere motherly tone before levitating the small grey coated Pegasus filly in front of her. As she trotted toward the bathroom down the hall from the kitchen she set Thunder Chaser down on the floor gently. “Sorry sweetie I can’t levitate you and the diapers at the same time, I’ll be right back so just sit tight okay?” Said Starlight in kind motherly tone.

Thunder Chaser sniffled a few times before nodding her head in agreement. Starlight trotted back down to the kitchen and levitated the foal supplies she would need before heading back down the hallways to the awaiting Thunder Chaser.
Thunder Chaser sat on the plush carpeted floor just outside of the bathroom. Her sniffles soon gave way to full on sobs again as the unfamiliar pressure began to build up inside of her belly. Uh oh thought Thunder Chaser I’m going to Pee all over Starlight’s carpet!

The pressure in her belly was beginning to become overwhelming and Thunder Chaser shut her eyes tightly. Her body screamed for the release of the pressure, suddenly there was a growing warm sensation and a hissing noise as her body released a stream of urine. “MOMMY! I’m so sorry I went all over your carpet” Cried Thunder Chaser her tears and sobs now turning into screams of discomfort.

Starlight ran from the kitchen as fast her legs could take her as soon as she heard Chaser scream, with her she carried all the foal supplies in her magical green aura. As she approached Thunder Chaser she became aware of a growing smell of urine, “Aww! Did my little filly have an accident on the floor?” asked Starlight sweetly picking up the sobbing filly from the wet spot on the floor and placing her on her back.

As they walked to the bathroom Starlight tried to calm down the sobbing filly by making cooing sounds at her. Thunder Chaser’s sobs soon turned to sniffles and then to quiet giggles. Starlight walked into the large bathroom that was situated just down the hall from the little fillies room, as the two entered the bathroom some light’s flickered on seemingly out of nowhere.

Thunder Chaser let out a frightened shriek and began to cry again, her shrill screams shattering the tranquil atmosphere that had begun to set in. “It’s okay Chaser, Starlight’s here I won’t let anypony hurt you. I promise” cooed Starlight levitating the foal supplies onto the changing table.

“*Sniff* *Hic* P-p-pinkie promise?” replied Thunder Chaser her voice quivering with fear.

“*Ahem* Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Starlight did the motions and even gently poked herself in the eye. Thunder Chaser giggled softly as Starlight picked her up in a green magical aura placing her on the foal changing table. She levitated a few wet wipes out of their container and began to clean up Thunder Chaser nether regions, Thunder Chaser let out a giggle

“Heheh that tickles Starlight!” she said between giggles. After she was done cleaning Chaser, Starlight levitated a diaper out of it’s package and placed it on the foal changing table. “Lift your legs up sweetie!” Asked Starlight sweetly, “Okay Starlight!” replied Thunder Chaser with some clear effort showing on her face as she managed to lift her back legs up into the air.

Starlight placed the pink filly diaper under her bottom and levitated a container of Foal Powder over, putting on a generous amount Thunder Chasers nether region was now a white in colour instead of it’s usual light grey. “How come you put so much powder on me Starlight?” Asked Thunder Chaser as Starlight Charmer fastened on her diaper.

“It’s so you don’t get a rash sweetie. There feel better now that you’re in a diaper my sweet filly?” Answered Starlight Charmer with a motherly tone entering her voice. “Hehehe yes I do. Thank you so much for doing this for me Starlight. It means so much to me.” replied Thunder Chaser giggling slightly.

Starlight Charmer merely smiled down at her lover and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. “I would do anything for you Thunder Chaser. You must be starving and thirsty after those two accidents, come along now sweetie!” Said Starlight Charmer levitating Thunder Chaser, and placing her on her back. “Starlight! I can walk to the kitchen myself, I’m a big pony remember?” Said Thunder Chaser sweetly nuzzling the back of her mates neck, she spread her tiny wings and flapped them a few times testing her weight on them before she attempted to glide down to the floor a few feet below. She leaped gracefully off of Starlight Charmer’s back, spreading her tiny wings to glide down to the floor below.

Her wings buckled almost immediately after her opening them up to glide off of Starlight’s back, and she fell heavily to the floor with a thud. “*Sniff* *sniff* O-ouch!” Shouted Thunder Chaser tears forming in her big blue eyes.

“Oh my gosh Thunder Chaser are you okay?!” Cried Starlight levitating Thunder Chaser off the floor and onto her back

“WAAAAAAAH!” Screamed Thunder Chaser, her hooves hitting Starlight’s sides over and over again.

“THUNDER CHASER! Please settle down, I’ll have a look at you when we get into the kitchen okay?” Asked Starlight gently. Her only response was more screams and hitting on her sides. Sighing to herself Starlight trotted to the kitchen, she levitated Thunder Chaser off her back and onto a counter-top. “Show me where it hurts sweetie.” asked Starlight sincerely,

“R-right here Starlight” replied Thunder Chaser pointing at her left wing joint. Starlight examined Thunder Chasers wing who was squirming under Starlight’s hooves. “Thunder Chaser stop squirming, I can’t see if you broke anything if you keep struggling!” said Starlight in a stern tone.

Thunder Chaser stopped squirming, “Sorry Starlight my wings are ticklish you know that!” replied Thunder Chaser with a giggle. Starlight gently prodded the wing joints with her fore hooves, Thunder Chaser breathed sharply when the hoof pressed on the left joint.

“Ow ow ow!” Cried Thunder Chaser, tears welling up in her eyes once again. Seeing the impending disaster Starlight quickly cast a transfiguration spell on a cup that was sitting on the counter-top, turning it into a pacifier. Levitating the pacifier with her magic Starlight plopped it into Thunder Chasers mouth, her first reaction was to spit it out. Then she remembered it was supposed to help soothe foals and she definitely needed soothing. She gave it a tentative suckle, then another and soon another her eyes began to grow heavy and her breathing slowed.

Starlight examined Thunder Chaser’s wing joint more closely now that she had fallen asleep, at first glance it didn’t appear there was anything wrong but upon further inspection she found a small cut. The cut wasn’t very big but it looked quite deep, levitating some medical supplies out of a nearby cupboard she quietly cast a mild sedative spell so that Thunder Chaser wouldn’t wake up while she cleaned and bandaged the cut. Starlight quickly cleaned and bandaged the cut with a pink bandage, then she reversed the sedative spell on Thunder Chaser who woke up moments later.

Thunder Chaser opened up one blue eye and gazed at Starlight clear confusion showing in her eyes. “You fell asleep after I gave you that pacifier sweetie.” answered Starlight to the unspoken question. Thunder Chaser yawned sleepily, Starlight couldn’t help but giggle at her mates cute yawn.

“*Yawn* I’m Hungry!” Said Thunder Chaser with a smile on her face, her stomach growled and she giggled. Starlight smiled down at Thunder Chaser then levitated a bottle of Foalmula to her mouth, placing the rose coloured nipple into her mouth she began to suckle voraciously. Five minutes passed and the bottle was now empty and Thunder Chaser looked like she was about ready to burst. “My Stomach feels funny...” Thunder Chaser trailed off looking at the floor.

“Hehe you need to be burped sweetheart.” replied Starlight levitating Thunder Chaser to her awaiting hooves, she placed the small foal against her neck and began to gently pat her back. Suddenly Thunder Chaser belched very loudly, the sound came as a surprise to them both and they burst into a fit of giggles.

“My tummy feels funny Starlight!” Said Thunder Chaser loudly between giggles.

“Excuse me? Foals don’t call their mommies by their first name do they Chaser?” Replied Starlight with a slight smile forming on her face.

“Hehehe no Mommy they don’t!” said Thunder Chaser giggling, her mirth however was cut short by a growing warmth in the crotch and seat of her diaper.

A smell much akin to eggs that have been left out for too long began to fill the kitchen. Thunder Chaser sat in her now messy diaper stunned by the realization that she had just messed herself. She sniffled a few times before bursting into tears screaming “MOMMY!” as loud as her tiny lungs could. Aware of her mates discomfort Starlight first levitated the pacifier back into Thunder Chasers mouth before levitating the screaming foal off the counter. “Shh it’s okay Chaser, you just had an accident all fillies have them. Mommy will get you all cleaned up okay?” cooed Starlight as her and Thunder Chaser walked and floated toward the bathroom.

Starlight’s only response was quiet sobs from the small filly. They entered the bathroom and the lights once again flickered on magically, Starlight placed Thunder Chaser on the changing table and strapped her down. From underneath the changing table she levitated up the wet wipes, a fresh diaper, and a bottle of foal powder. Thunder Chaser slammed her hooves against the changing over and over again as if it would somehow ease her growing discomfort. Starlight untaped the diaper from Thunder Chaser’s waist, levitating it out from underneath her bottom she rolled it up and tossed into the trash bin situated beside the changing station. She began to gently clean Thunder Chaser’s bottom and filly parts with a few wet wipes, opening up the fresh diaper she levitated Chaser’s bottom slightly and slid the filly diaper underneath her. Starlight applied a generous helping of foal powder, rubbing it gently into her mates coat before taping Thunder Chaser’s diaper on her.

Thunder Chaser was still quietly sobbing when her and Starlight left the bathroom. On Starlights back she had a better view of the house and she took notice that they were heading toward the fillies room.

“Okay Thunder Chaser it’s nap time for somepony. You’re cranky and after that ordeal you should get some sleep okay sweetie?” said Starlight in a gentle tone of voice as she opened the door to the fillies room.

“Mommy? Will you tell me a bedtime story?” asked Thunder Chaser sweetly, using her adorableness to her advantage she made her eyes quiver slightly as if she might burst into tears again at any moment.

Sighing ever so slightly Starlight Charmer smiled down at Chaser placing the pacifier in her mouth then walking over to the crib that was located in the middle of the room, she laid Thunder Chaser down in the crib wrapping her up tightly in a few blankets before beginning her story.

“Once upon a time in Equestria lived two Sisters who ruled together. The big sister ruled over the ponies in the day with her beautiful sun, and the younger sister ruled the Night and crafted the wonderful night sky."

"Cewestia and Woona!" yawned Thunder Chaser, an eye drooping shut

Starlight nodded her head and continued. "All the ponies played and reveled in the day but slept through the wonderful night. Celestia assured her younger sister that ponies did enjoy the night, she just had to look harder. Young Luna became frustrated, and jealous. She grew to hate the day and the ponies who slept during her beautiful night. Luna's jealousy and anger soon consumed her, she was tired of everypony reveling in her sister's day. The anger, jealousy, spit and pain of being ignored took it's toll and she became Nightmare Moon."

Starlight stopped the story for a moment to see if Chaser was still awake. She lay there wrapped up in her blankets snoring softly, Starlight leaned over and kiss her on the nose. "Goodnight Chaser, have sweet dreams"

End of Chapter 1.

A Day in Ponyville

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*~ (means time skip)

Thunder Chaser slept soundly in the crib her small chest rising and falling with each breath. She twitched momentarily as her bladder released itself. This wasn’t the first wetting the diaper on her had endured it was the fifth although by now it was twice it’s normal size both in weight and appearance. This wetting proved to be too much for the filly diaper to handle though and urine spilled out through the leg holes soaking both Thunder Chaser and her blankets. She didn’t feel the growing wetness on her blankets and merely rolled over finding a more comfortable position.

The rest of the night passed without a problem and Thunder Chaser woke the next day feeling refreshed but strangely cold. “How come I’m all wet? Oh no I must have had an accident while I was sleeping! Starlight?! Starlight?!” Called Thunder Chaser unwrapping the blankets from herself now noticing the large wet spot on the mattress.

Starlight heard Thunder Chaser calling from down the hall. She put down her alchemical supplies and walked to the fillies room. “Ah! You’re awake little one. Did you sleep well?” asked Starlight levitating Thunder Chaser out of the crib noting the size of her diaper and the strong smell of urine that pervaded the room.

“I think I had an accident in my sleep Mommy. Actually I think I had several accidents” said Thunder Chaser blushing a deep shade of red.

“Aw. Well let’s get you cleaned up and out of that wet diaper okay?” asked Starlight sweetly as she placed Thunder chaser on the nearby foal changing table. Placing her down gently Starlight unstrapped the tapes on the diaper pulling down the front of it with her magic. She was met with the sight of not just a wet diaper but a messy one as well. She gently cleaned Thunder Chaser’s bottom with some wet wipes before rolling up the dirty diaper and tossing it in the trash.

After cleaning the filly up and putting her in a fresh diaper they walked side by side to the spacious kitchen. With her magic Starlight picked up Thunder Chaser and placed in her a pink high chair. Tilting her head toward the fridge Starlight pulled out a few jars of foal food, opening up one container she poured the contents into a bowl and placed the bowl in front of Thunder Chaser.

Sniffing the bowl of foal food Thunder Chaser wrinkled her nose at it. To her it smelled just like the contents of her diaper before she was changed. “Mommy can’t I have pancakes?” asked Thunder Chaser sweetly putting on her best “Puppy dog eyes” look.

“Eat your mashed Sweet Potatoes and Carrots Thunder chaser, and I’ll cook you something wonderful for lunch okay?” replied Starlight in a no nonsense tone of voice.

Thunder Chaser looked down at the bowl in front of her, sticking her right fore hoof into the mixture she gave it a tentative lick. “Oh my gosh that’s delicious Mommy!” said Thunder Chaser now happily devouring the foal food in front of her. After she was finished eating Thunder Chaser became aware of an unpleasant sensation in her belly. “Mommy my tummy feels funny again!” called Thunder Chaser.

Turning away from the sink where she was standing Starlight was met with the sight of a filly covered head to hoof in Sweet potatoes and carrots. Laughing slightly she picked up Thunder Chaser and held her close, gently patting her back with a hoof. Thunder Chaser belched loudly and erupted into a fit of giggles. “Feel better now sweetie?” cooed Starlight placing Thunder Chaser back in the pink high chair.

“Yes Mommy. Could I have some juice?” asked Thunder Chaser looking at her hooves with a curious expression on her face.

“Yes sweetie you may have some juice.” replied Starlight filling a sippy cup up with juice and levitating it to Thunder Chaser’s awaiting hooves.

Taking the sippy cup in her hooves Thunder Chaser gratefully drank half the cup in a few seconds. “Mommy can we go to the park today?” she asked sweetly batting her eyes at Starlight.

Starlight looked into her eyes and replied “Yes sweetheart we can go to the park later, but first you need a bath!”. With a twinkle in her eye she picked up Thunder Chaser in her magic and placed the filly on her back before trotting out of the kitchen and down the hall to the bathroom. When they arrived in the bathroom Starlight began to run the water in the tub. After a few moments she stopped filling the tub and placed Thunder Chaser on the foal table, unstrapping her diaper.

Thunder Chaser sighed with gratitude as the cool air hit her nether region, before she could think to stop herself she began to pee. “Ah! Mommy I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” She cried trying to cover her mare parts with her front hooves. This only caused the stream of urine to spray everywhere, by now Thunder Chaser was wailing as loud as her tiny lungs would allow.

“Hush now my sweet Filly! This won’t be the last time Mommy gets covered in your pee. It was my mistake for not realizing the change in temperature down there could cause you to urinate so suddenly.” Said Starlight levitating a towel from a nearby rack and wiping herself off.

“*Sniff* A-are you sure? *sniff*” asked Thunder Chaser her voice wavering and her eyes welling up with tears.
“I’m sure little Filly. Now let’s you get you in the tub and all cleaned up okay?” asked Starlight picking up Thunder Chaser and placing her in the tub. She grabbed a washcloth from a nearby linen closet and began to gently clean Thunder Chaser’s coat. After she was done washing her coat Starlight picked up a bottle of foal shampoo and poured some onto her hooves. She gently rubbed the shampoo into Thunder Chaser’s coat, letting the shampoo lather up much to the small fillies protests.

“Ah! Mommy not so hard! Mommy I can clean myself!” cried Thunder Chaser struggling against her mates iron grip on her body. She flailed her hooves around, splashing Starlight several times in the process. “UGH! Fine I give up. Mommy you can clean me” she huffed crossing her forehooves around her chest.

“Thunder Chaser! Don’t give me attitude or I’ll put you to bed and we won’t go to the park! Do you hear me young filly?” Said Starlight glaring down at her mate. Thunder Chaser huffed again but nodded this time. She gently rinsed the shampoo from her mates fur, and took extra care to wash Thunder Chaser’s wings which were very dirty. “You know Chaser, for a mare you sure don’t take very good care of your coat and mane!” Said Starlight with a grin spreading across her face.

“Mommy! I take good care of my mane, you just don’t like the way it’s styled!” Huffed Thunder Chaser as she was levitated out of the tub and quickly dried off with a towel before being placed on the changing table. She shivered slightly as Starlight put foal powder on her bottom and placed a filly diaper underneath her. After she was finished being changed she felt a slight tug on her mane and tail. “MOMMY! D-don’t touch my mane!” yelled Thunder Chaser.

Starlight merely grinned wickedly and began to comb the fillies mane and braid it into two small ponytails. Starlight then tied a pink ribbon into her tail, and smiled a reassuring smile at her mate. “There! Just look how pretty you are with that pink ribbon in your tail!” Said Starlight Charmer levitating the grey filly off of the changing table and back onto the floor.

Thunder Chaser looked at her mate with a slight pout on her face. “My mane and tail were fine the way the way they were! Although I do look really cute with this pink ribbon in my tail Mommy. Thank you!” she said bouncing down the hallway beside Starlight Charmer. “One thing though Mommy, I can’t go to the park in just my diaper. I don’t want the other fillies and colts to make fun of me for not being potty trained!” Thunder Chaser said looking at her diapered flank.

Starlight Charmer laughed at her mates shyness. “Haha! Silly Filly I couldn’t take you out in just a diaper, what kind of mommy would I be if I did that?” Picking up Thunder Chaser with her magic she placed the small filly on her back and trotted to the fillies room down the hall. When they arrived in the room, Starlight began to pull out several dresses out of a nearby wardrobe. The first dress she pulled out was maroon in colour. Starlight glanced at the small filly’s coat thoughtfully and held it close to her. “Hmm. No red won’t do!” she said thoughtfully.

The next dress was a lovely spring green in colour, she held it close to Thunder Chaser’s coat
before pulling it away again. “No not green either. Well how about...” she trailed off putting the green dress away and pulling out a dress that’s blue was as deep as the ocean itself. “This one is perfect! It matches your lovely blue eyes Chaser.” Said Starlight at last finding the perfect dress for her mate to play in.

Starlight laid Thunder Chaser down on the foal changing table, carefully removing her diaper. Thunder Chaser’s diaper was stained yellow with urine, the smell of it was incredibly strong. Gently wiping her nether regions Starlight then rolled the dirty diaper up and tossed into the trash. Before grabbing a fresh filly diaper and placing it underneath her mates bottom, she applied a generous helping of Foal Powder gently rubbing it into her coat.

Thunder Chaser giggled as her mate touched her mare parts, “Mommy! I’m not old enough for that kind of touching, I’m just a foal remember?” she said sweetly batting her eyes at Starlight.

Starlight chuckled at her mates reaction and then finished cleaning her up by closing the diaper. She then helped Thunder Chaser into the pretty blue dress, because the Pegasus in question had somehow gotten it tangled around her tiny wings. She then picked the filly up and placed her on the ground and together they walked side by side down the hall.

Before they reached the door Starlight picked up a Saddlebag that had all the foal supplies and bits she would need for the day and strapped it on her back.

“Before we go to the park sweetie I have to run a few errands okay? You’re almost out of diapers and I’d rather not have to cast waterproofing spells on everything in the house. If you promise to behave yourself we’ll get ice cream from Sugarcube corner.” Said Starlight picking up the grey filly and placing her on her back before opening up the front door and stepping out into the warm spring air.

“Okay Mommy!” said Thunder Chaser happily nuzzling Starlight’s neck. Thunder Chaser shivered slightly even though it was warm outside, her foal body wasn’t use to the shift in temperature from Starlight’s home. A fleece green coloured blanket wrapped itself around her and she snuggled closer to her mates neck and quietly whispered “I love you so much Starlight” before closing her eyes.

“Aww! I love you too sweetheart” Starlight said nuzzling the foal on her snout. Starlight headed toward the center of Ponyville, noting on her way that it was especially quiet for a Saturday morning. Almost too quiet one would say, her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden shouting.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS STUNT PONIES!” Three Fillies screamed in unison jumping over a nearby pond. There was a sudden splash that drenched the sleeping Thunder Chaser and soaked poor Starlight right to the bones. The Three fillies in question were none other than Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

Thunder Chaser woke from her peaceful dreams and began to cry. Not only had she been having pleasant dreams that were shattered by the torrent of water that had soaked her. She became very aware of a sudden odour coming from her diaper and she began to scream and flail her hooves now. Clearly upset over having messed herself in public,

“Oh mah gosh! Ah’m so sorry Miss Starlight! We didn’t think anypony would be out here at this time of the mornin.” Said Apple Bloom sheepishly kicking the dirt path with her hooves.

“Oh no we made your filly cry! I’m so sorry Miss Starlight please don’t tell Rarity, please, please?!” Sweetie Belle nearly screamed her voice cracking cutely.

Scootaloo looked at her two friends then at the screaming foal, then too Starlight who was glaring at the orange pegasus filly. “I'm sorry Miss Starlight! Oh whose that adorable little foal you’ve got on your back? I know just what’ll cheer her up!” said Scootaloo picking up her scooter and buzzing her tiny orange wings.

“Now, now Scootaloo I think you’ve done quite enough!” chastised Starlight who was attempting to calm down the screaming Thunder Chaser by making silly faces at her.

Scootaloo seemed to ignore Starlight’s polite request to do no further harm and called to the screaming foal “Hey silly hooves watch what Scootaloo can do!” Scootaloo kicked the ground sending herself shooting forward. She buzzed her wings briefly to pick up speed. With as much grace as the filly could muster she jumped with her scooter and twirled it around her tiny body twice before landing shakily on two wheels.

“That was so awesome Scootaloo!” cried both Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle in unison.

Thunder Chaser gazed in awe at the fillies scooter trick before clapping her hooves together excitedly and bursting into a fit of giggles. The smell from her diaper now reached the 3 fillies noses and they scrunched their noses in disgust. “Ah don’t mean tah be rude Miss Starlight but ah think your filly needs a change!” giggled Apple Bloom pointing at the brown stain on the back of Thunder Chaser’s diaper.

“Hey girls I have a great idea!” said Sweetie Belle suddenly very excited.

“Are you thinking what I think your thinking Sweetie Belle?” asked Scootaloo with a slight shake of her head, under her breath she said “I can’t believe I’m going to agree to this!”

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADER FOAL CHANGERS!” The three fillies chimed in perfect unison high hoofing each other.

“Now girls have you ever changed a filly before? I don’t mean to be rude but you three are known around Ponyville for your shenanigans...” Trailed off Starlight now becoming aware of the stench emanating from Thunder Chaser’s diaper. With a giggle her expression changed and she let the three fillies grab some wet wipes and a fresh diaper from the saddle bag.

Sweetie belle softly sang to the filly “Hush now sweet filly,
don’t you cry,
dry your eyes,
cuz Sweeties going to sing you a lullaby,
so dry your eyes, and don’t you cry
cuz Sweetie Belle just wrote you a lullaby”

Thunder Chasers eyes started to droop and she thought to herself before falling back asleep, this filly has a wonderful voice!

Apple Bloom lifted up Thunder Chasers dress and gently pulled it away from her bottom. She untaped the tabs on the front of the diaper and lifted Thunder Chasers hind quarters into the air, with one hoof and slid the dirty diaper away from her bottom with the other hoof.

Now it was Scootaloo’s turn. Scootaloo wiped away the mess from Thunder Chasers bottom being careful to go from front to back. Remembering that fillies could get very nasty rashes if the proper care isn't taken. She then re diapered the sleeping Thunder Chaser and gently stroked the sleeping foal’s mane cooing “There, there silly that wasn’t so bad was it?”
The three Fillies all looked at their flanks hoping to see a Cutie mark but much to their disappointment there was nothing. “Ah thought fur sure we’d get our Cutie marks in Foal Changers!” Cried Apple Bloom throwing her hooves into the air in desperation. “Oh well ah guess we could always try something else!” she said motioning for her two friends to follow her.

Starlight couldn’t help but laugh at the young trio’s eagerness to get their Cutie marks. She felt it was time to impart some age old wisdom on the three, but as she turned around to start her lecture the fillies were far down the road. “Have fun Girls!” Starlight shouted to the three waving a hoof as they walked away. “Alright well let’s get Thunder Chaser dry.” she quickly cast a drying spell on the sleeping filly and herself. Before picking up the sleeping foal and wrapping her up again before continuing down the road.

Starlight and Thunder Chaser continued their journey into town without any further interruptions. The foal on her back was sleeping peacefully after the incident with the Cutie Mark Crusaders earlier that morning. After twenty minutes of walking they reached the outskirts of ponyville. The first stop on Starlight’s shopping list was Sweet Apple Acres, she wanted some Cider for her and Thunder Chaser as well as the foal food the Apple Family produced and sold.

As they approached the farm the sound of Apple Bucking could be heard from the road. Starlight picked up her pace, knowing that other ponies would be up and trying to buy Cider soon. As the two approached the farm Big Mac waved a hoof to Starlight, pulling a cart full of apples behind him. As Starlight walked down the dirt path to the home a voice called to her from the western applefields

“Hi there Starlight! What can ah do for you today?” Called Apple Jack kicking an apple tree with all her might. Numerous bright red apples fell into a cart with a dull thud. “Woo ee! Apple Buckings got me all tuckered out. Why don’t ya come inside and have some lunch with me Starlight? Mah treat!” offered Apple Jack wiping the sweat from her brow with an orange hoof.

“Well that sounds lovely but you see AJ, I’m here on business today.” Replied Starlight pointing to the sleeping foal wrapped up in a green blanket on her back. Her stomach betrayed her business like attitude with a load groan. “Hehehe Lunch sounds lovely dear.”

“Ahahah! C’mon then I’ll fix us all up something mighty fine for lunch!” replied Apple Jack with a hearty laugh. The two young mares trotted to the Apple Family home where Granny Smith was already hard at work cooking up a feast. “Hey Granny we’re gonna need a highchair. Starlight here brought a foal with her to the farm today.” Apple Jack called to Granny Smith pointing to the sleeping foal on Starlight’s back.

“Eh? A High Chair? Oh Apple Bloom’s High Chair is in the closet with the pickles, could you go an get it for me Apple Jack?” Asked Granny smith who was furiously cooking up an apple feast. Strewn about the counter were plates of Apple fritters, Apple cobbler, Apple donuts, Apple pancakes, just about anything apple you could imagine. Granny smith grabbed a tray of Apple muffins from the oven, the smell practically intoxicating to the hungry ponies in the home. Granny Smith mumbled something or other under her breath about “Mail Mare’s daughter likes Muffins” and set them on a window sill to let them cool.

The intoxicating apple fumes awoke the sleeping Thunder Chaser who yawned cutely, before snuggling up close to her mates neck nuzzling her ever so slightly. She couldn’t help but start to drool at the intoxicating smell of apple baked goods. Knowing she was with company she quietly whispered in her mates ear “Mommy... It smells so good in here, where are we?”

Starlight quietly cast a Telepathy spell on herself and Thunder Chaser, which allowed her to transmit her thoughts directly to her. “We’re at Sweet Apple Acres sweetie, Apple Jack kindly offered us lunch. I wasn’t going to accept but my stomach and I had a rather loud disagreement” She sent the thought with trying to convey the humour, it wasn’t lost on her foal mate who giggled excitedly.

Apple Jack returned a few moments later dragging a high chair behind her that was painted a lovely shade of rose. “Ah see a cute foal! What’s her name Starlight?” Asked Apple Jack dragging the chair to the table. After the chair was set up right Apple Jack picked up the now awake Thunder Chaser and ruffled her mane a little before sitting her in the high chair, strapping her in so she wouldn’t fall out.

Oh no thought Starlight I hadn’t expected anyone to ask, think Starlight think! “Silver Breeze” answered Starlight nuzzling the foal cutely and smoothing her mane out. “To answer your next question she’s two years old, and no she’s not potty trained.” Said Starlight practically drooling as Granny Smith placed a plate full of apple fritters in front of her.

“Well ah gotta tell you Starlight, she’s just about the darn cutest foal I’ve ever seen. Gosh I remember when Lil Apple Bloom was her age! She was the cutest little tyke, always getting herself into all heaps of trouble. Why ah remember one time she was trying to get to the cookies Granny keeps on top of the fridge. I don’t know how she did it but she stacked up all her building blocks and was just about to grab the cookie jar in her tiny little hooves when the blocks gave out! She sure was lucky I had come home from school right then and there else she would have gotten a nasty bump on the head!” Apple Jack laughed in unison with Granny Smith, and Starlight.

“We’ve got company Apple Jack! You’re talking her poor ears off, dig in girls! Mac will be in a minute he’s just grabbin us mares some cider “ Said Granny Smith with a twinkle in her eye. At the mention of his name Big Macintosh sauntered into the kitchen followed by a trio of fillies and a wagon loaded with a barrel of cider. Granny Smith grabbed several Cider mugs and filled everyponies glasses with cold crisp Apple Cider.

“Hi Miss Starlight! Ah didn’t know you and your foal were comin’ over for lunch, if ah did I woulda made sure to brush the pine needles out of mah mane!” said Apple Bloom giggling as she plucked several pine needles from her golden coat and bright red mane. She sat down next to the high chair looking at the foal, after a moment she looked back to Starlight and asked “Miss Starlight may I hold your foal? I promise I won’t be rough or nothin’!

Thunder Chaser tried to hide behind her hooves in a shy manner. To no avail as the young Apple Bloom picked her up gently. Holding her close she gently stroked her mane noticing the ribbons tied into her mane and tail. Giggling ever so slightly she untied the own bow in her mane and tied it into Thunder Chaser’s mane. “There silly Auntie Apple Bloom will make ya look all nice and pretty” said Apple Bloom gently, placing the foal back in her high chair.

Thunder Chaser was stunned by the fillies small act of kindness, she knew how much Apple Bloom cherished those pretty red ribbons. They had been given to her as a foal, they were hoofed down from her Mom who passed away shortly after her birth. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to sniffle as the tears silently rolled down her cheeks.

“Aw don’t you cry little one. Sweetie Belle knows what’ll cheer you up!” Said Sweetie Belle picking up some Apple Fritters she cut them into small slices that the foal was able to eat, she hoof fed Thunder Chaser whose tears quickly dried up. The foals face lit up as soon as the apple fritter touched her small tongue, the taste of apple was so intense and delicious it made her whinny cutely with surprise.

“Ah think she likes Granny’s cooking” said Big Mac chuckling at the foals adorable reaction to the food.

“Ah’ve never met a pony who didn’t like mah cookin’! Now eat up girls and boy, I don’t wanna hear no complaints bout seconds! Here’s to friendship and Family!” Granny Smith said Cheerfully raising her Cider glass into the air, six cider glasses clinked together and they all drank in unison.

Now that they had all eaten lunch Starlight got down to business. “Thank you for lunch Granny Smith it was delicious! Now let’s talk some business, I’d like to buy a barrel of your freshest cider. As well as a few jars of your home made foal food.” Said Starlight politely.

Apple Jack nodded her head, then looked to Big Mac who nodded his head back at her. “That’ll be 50 bits Starlight. Take as much Foal food as you need, free of charge!” Exclaimed Apple Jack happily. She took Thunder Chaser out of the high chair, she had fallen asleep sitting up. “Ah don’t wanna hear no arguin’ bout the Foal food for free ya hear? We don’t get many younguns visiting the farm and it was real nice of ya to bring your foal!” She continued happily, placing the sleeping Thunder Chaser on Starlight’s back and wrapping her up in the green fleece blanket

“Wow Apple Jack! Thank you so much!” Exclaimed Starlight drawing Apple Jack into a hug. The orange coated mare blushed sheepishly. Before letting go there was a sudden *Pssst* noise coming from Starlight’s back. Both mares looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter.

“Awe shucks Sugar cube, I’m just doing what I’d do for all mah friends! You bring yourself and that foal round here more often ya hear? It brightens Granny’s day to see foals round the farm again. Mah sis is still a filly I know but I miss having tah take care of her more than I do so now you know? So nah Thank you Starlight!” beamed Apple Jack embracing her friend in a more passionate hug. “If you want ya can change her here, just follow me the changin’ table is out here in the ole playroom” Apple Jack trotted down a short hallway, with Starlight close behind her.

The room they trotted into was painted a shade of deep red, the same colour as Apple Bloom’s Mane. Starlight quietly levitated the sleeping Thunder Chaser onto the foal changing table. Thunder Chaser snored softly, as Starlight lifted up her dress and un taped the front of her diaper. Getting a few wet wipes and a fresh filly diaper, from her bags Starlight quickly cleaned Thunder Chaser’s mare parts and gently kissed her foal on the forehead before re diapering her. Apple Jack had left the room to give the two some privacy when she returned she was carrying a saddle bag filled with jars of Foal food.

Starlight thanked Apple Jack both for the privacy and the Foal Food. The two mares looked at the sleeping foal before Starlight picked her back up and placed her on her back and trotted down the hallway. They left Sweet Apple Acres waving a hoof to the Apple Family and the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they went.


Starlight cantered down the road to the local Faol supplies store, and quickly walked inside. The shelves were filled with all the foal supplies you could imagine. From diapers, to wipes, to foal food. Ponyville Foal’s R US had everything you could ever need for Foals, they even sold Adult diapers but you had to know the owner to access that part of the store. As they walked down the aisles a young mare store clerk approached them and asked “May I help you find anything Ma’am? Diapers? Foalmula?”.

“Yes actually you may. Where are the filly diapers located?” asked Starlight politely.

“Follow me please Ma’am. Your foal is adorable! What’s her name?” Asked The young store clerk who was gushing over Thunder Chaser. They followed the store clerk for a few moments down several aisles before they reached the Filly section of the store. Starlight browsed through the wide selection of Filly diapers before levitating three packages off the shelf and holding them out in front of her.

“Thank you! Her name’s Silver Breeze, she’s two years old and quite the hoof full at times!” Giggled Starlight following the store clerk mare to the till. The store clerk ran the purchase through the till, there was some beeps before the total came up on a screen.

“That will be 15 bits Ma’am!” The store clerk mare said. “If you’re wondering why the filly diapers are so cheap, it’s an in store special. Fifty percent all Filly items in the store” she continued with a smile. “If you’re ever in need of a foal sitter Ma’am my name’s Star Shine, I live beside Rose Luck.”

Starlight Charmer handed Star Shine the 15 bits and smiled gently at the young mare. “That’s very kind of you to offer dear, but I don’t let just anyone foalsit my Silver Breeze”. Star Shine looked crushed but before she could say anything in response Starlight continued. “Although you are a fine young mare. You’ll make a young stallion a great wife and have foals of your own soon enough! I will take you up on that offer sometime. I’m Starlight Charmer, I knew your Sister in University. I’m sorry for your loss.”

Star Shine was stunned, she hadn’t told anypony about the loss of her beloved big sister. After their parents passed away when she was just a filly. Her sister Fleet Wing had taken care of her ever since then, even when the FPS* threatened to take her Fleet Wind stood her ground and told them they’d take her little sis over her dead body! Star Shine began to cry and threw her hooves around Starlight Charmer letting the emotions bleed out of her. They had been bottled up inside since that fateful night 2 months ago.

FLASHBACK! 2 months Prior to this story.

*Knock* *Knock* The knocks on the door were slow and methodical. Who could that be thought Star Shine, did sis forget her keys again? I know she’s been working late a lot lately but this is late even for her. I hope nothing is wrong. The slow methodical knocks became louder and more frequent, “Alright! alright! I’m coming sis sheesh! Somepony isn’t very patient tonight.” She huffed trotting down the hall to the front door.

She didn’t bother looking through the peephole as she was expecting to see her sister when she flung open the door. Instead she was greeted by Royal Canterlot Guards. “Hello Miss, are you Star Shine?” Asked the Pegasus Guard on her left.

“Y-yeah that’s me. What can I do for you two at such a late hour?” Asked Star Shine a note of fear creeping into her voice causing it rise in pitch.

The Pegasus Guard to her left didn’t responded immediately. Looking down at his hooves then back to the young mare standing in the doorway. “Ma’am we need you to come with us right away. There has been a very serious accident.” His tone was dead serious.

“W-What do you mean there’s been an accident?” Screamed Star Shine, her heart was beating very fast now. The Unicorn guard to her right picked up on the impending crisis and quickly cast a submission spell on the young mare. Star Shine struggled with all her might in the magical hoofcuffs before finally giving up and relaxing slightly.

“I can’t tell you here Ma’am please calm down. We need to take you to see the Princess right now.” Said the Unicorn Guard. His horn lit up with an amber glow and before Star Shine could so much as blink there was a bright amber flash. When she opened her eyes up she was standing in what she thought at first to be Princess Celestia’s throne room until she saw paintings of constellations and other spacey things adorning the walls.

The Unicorn and Pegasus Guard nodded solemnly to the Princess of the Night before taking a few step backs through a set of heavy iron doors, which shut behind them magically. Before Star Shine stood the a Regal sapphire blue Alicorn whose coat was dark much like the night sky, a small crescent moon adorned her dark sapphire flank. The Princess took a few small steps forward, and sat down beside the solemn looking Unicorn mare, wrapping a comforting hoof around the distraught mare.

“A-are you Princess Luna?” Choked Star Shine tears now running down her cheeks.

“I am. My dear little pony, I have some terrible news for you that I wish I didn’t have to tell you. There was an accident tonight at the Weather Factory in Canterlot. A Rainbow Boiler’s steam ventilation system went down, there...” The Princess of The Night trailed off searching for a way to continue.

“There were what Princess?! She’s dead isn’t she? Just tell me Celestia damn you!” Screamed Star Shine hitting the Princess repeatedly with her forehooves.

The Princess took all of the abuse unsure how to comfort the distraught mare. “I’m sorry Star Shine but your sister is never coming home. My words cannot convey the sorrow I feel for such a loss. To have one so full of life taken from you in the prime of your life... The only solace I can offer you is the bits from her workers insurance. The settlement is quite large, you will not want for anything for the rest of your mortal days.”

“Come now child dry your tears, a new day is dawning. I shall visit you often in your dreams child. It is my duty as Princess of The Night to chase the darkness from your thoughts. When you feel you are ready to talk I am but a heartbeat away” Quietly whispered Luna as she teleported the distraught mare back to her home.

End Flashback

“It’s alright dear, I promise everything will be alright. Come over tomorrow morning and I’ll cook you breakfast, plus Silver Breeze could use a playmate.” Starlight said gently, she placed a comforting hoof on the sobbing mare. A few moments passed and the mare’s sobs turned to sniffles as she brought herself under control.

“Th-Thank you Starlight Charmer, thank you so very much” replied Star Shine hugging the slightly older Unicorn.

“Anytime.” Said Starlight breaking off the embrace and cantering out of the store. She levitated her shopping list out of her saddlebag and gave it a quick glance. Looking over the list a few times she realized she had everything she needed, well except for the Ice cream and play at the park she had promised Thunder Chaser earlier that day.

*FPS: Foal Protective Services