The Vampony Chronicles: Lunar Republic

by Xaldon Ajide

First published

What if lunas followers never perished, but lived on to continue their queens legacy.

After a milenia on the moon and finally being freed from the Nightmare Princess Luna has begun the painstaking process of reintegrating herself with equestrian society. The process is going well... until she meets a certain special filly who will show her a secret that not even Celestia knows about.

Written by: Finite
Minorly Edited and proofread by: Xaldon Ajide and Obsidian Raindrop

Luna's Return

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The Vampony Chronicles:

Lunar Republic

Chapter 1:Luna's Return

After a thousand years in the moon, Nightmare moon had finally escaped from her lunar imprisonment. She went to proceed with her plans upon bring eternal night to Equestria, but ended up being defeated by six ponies using the element of harmony. After the fog was lifted from her mind, and she regain her sense back she gave up on her plan to overthrow her sister, and bring forth eternal night. Luna sees how that would only Freeze everything, but it would also kill everypony, and plant life. Her sister happily invited her back by her side.

Now she tries to catch up with the times, as in her absent, ‘much has change. What has not change is the ponies not caring for my sky, Celestia, while I was gone; used it as a play thing. I have no real place, either this Castle nor Equestria, I never really did with Celestia around. She always had the spotlight, in front of the ponies. She truly rules over the land, and she rules alone, as I have no ponies to call my own.’ Luna sat by a large arc shaped window in her chambers, with a book on modern language in front of her. She looks up through the oversized window at the night sky, with a frown.

‘Why did Celly even give me this book? Is something wrong with how I speak?’ It was time for her to lower the moon again, and so she did.

‘I like the way I speak, I like my accent, why is it so wrong to continue with it?’ She muses to herself as she reaches her bed.

“A lot hath changed, much of it we do not comprehend, and the majority we do not wish to understand.” She spoke in a low voice. She reaches her bed and using her magic closes the heavy drape to block out the sun. She sidled under the covers, and went to sleep, with a single tear running down her cheek.

Knocking from her door stirred Luna from her slumber, she did not answer, hoping that whoever it was, would have the sense to leave. Another three knocks invaded Luna ears. “YES?!” She shouts out with her eyes still closed. ‘Who dares to disturb our rest?’ She mused in anger.

“What reason hath thou for disturbing us from our slumber!” She yelled, her eyes still close.

“It’s me, sister! May I enter!” Celestia call out enthusiastically.

‘What does she want, she knoweth that we sleep mostly in the morning into the late afternoon.’ Luna gets out of bed, stretching her midsection and legs out. “You may enter sister.”

As soon as Luna said those words, Celestia burst into her room. “You’ll never guess what just occurred, Luna!” Celestia seem eager to her sister.

“What, what has happened, sister?” She asks with a concerned tone of voice.

“One of our subjects asks to have a private audience with you; they wish to speak with you. Isn’t that grand!” She shrieks a little from her excitement.

“That’s… great sister, when would the mare or stallion like to speak with us?” ‘Probably another attempt from Celestia to make me feel that I am wanted, needed, and love by our, or rather her ponies.’

Celestia did truly love her sister, but Celestia felt as if her sister was not ready to truly stand next to her as co-ruler of Equestia, even knowing she has spoken about it being that way. Luna knew better than to take that as a given. And from her incident as Nightmare Moon, it will never be that way or at least for a couple of decades anyway. But yet her sister did try to make it seem that way, and so Luna was thankful to her for that.

“She, wishes to speak to you now, in the throne room!” She still holds that excitement tone and expression. Luna felt that she was trying too hard, based on the fact that she was doing a good job by it, looking so real and all.

As they reach the throne room doors, Celestia halted Luna before entering. “Now Luna, each of our subjects deserves our attention, no matter what the subject at hand gender, or age may be, and whatever manner the material they bring, you should treat it just as important as any other subjects problem, do you understand.”

‘Huh, why is she suddenly saying all of this so suddenly?’ “Yes we understand sister; we must respect and listen to what our subjects have to say, no matter what the scale of the problem is.” Luna finished.

“Exactly, now go, and remember to smile.” Celestia smiled to her sister for she could imitate it. Luna gave a force smile, which did not look very convincing. Celestia sighed, and gestured for her sister to enter.

Luna came into the throne room from the back, behind the throne. There was no other pony but a filly. Her mane and tail were a curious bluish purple violet color, same as her eyes, her fur is black, the fillies cutie mark is that of a flame Uroborus dragon, the same color as her mane and tail. The filly also has a bag, and a necklace on, which looked like the closed eye of some beast.

‘Is this one of Celestia jokes, it is no wonder why she was so excited? I shall entertain this for now, just to see where it will go?’ Luna reaches the throne seat, and look upon the filly at question. “Yes young one, what doest thou have to speak with us about?”

The filly looks Luna in the eye. “Yes. But first My Queen.” The filly horn lit up, her aura which swirl in purple, blue, and violet which stood as the broader of the two colors. She cast a sound proof shield; coating the throne room’s walls.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Luna rather startle by the magic and action of the young filly.

“The walls have ears my Queen. Now I would like to say on behalf of your followers, Welcome back my queen.” The filly bowed, while speaking. “It has been a truly torturous time for thy people to not have their queen there for such, such times.” ‘This is a little too much for a joke.’ Luna thought.

“Why thank thee, what hast thou come to see us for?” Luna asks the filly standing in front of her still in a bow position. “You may rise and speak.” Luna commands the filly.

“We wish for thy return. We have waited so long for thee. We have settled deep within the Frozen North. Come my queen, let us hurry to your domain, your people await you.” Luna sigh ‘Okay, this is too much for a joke, even for Celestia, I’m stopping this now.’

“Drop thy lies, we have had enough of this silliness, we have kept this charade entertain for as long as we can, sister lower the shield.” She shouts out in the air.

“My Queen, this is no charade! I speak nothing but the truth.” The filly spoke in a rather hasty but calm tone.

“Oh really now, you expect us to believe, that a group of ponies have settle deep within the Frozen North?” Luna commented.

“Please my Queen, I speak the truth!” The filly spoke in a pleading way.

“Child what you are saying is simply impossible, the temperature deep within that frozen Icebound land is… only an alicorn can survive such an environment.” The young filly started to look desperate.

“I can explain it to you princess, I can show you, I implore thee for a chance.” The filly pleaded.

“Fine, do so then.” Luna commanded.

“It will take some time, and this room will not… Let me become your personal student, which will give a cover for me from your sister.” Luna looked at the filly, the act she putting on, seem almost real as the filly plead. ‘This filly has talent, such a good act, and at a young age. Or unless Celestia goal is to give me this filly as a student, to take my mind off of things? but then why the outrageous story? we shall buy into this for now; after all, we hath nothing else to do.’ “Okay young one, we shall accept thee as our personal student. Come, we must inform our sister of this, so as to let the guard know of your presence in the castle.” The filly bows.

“Thank you, my Queen. Once I have explained everything you shall see the truth, and suffering thine people hath gone through.” ‘WOW, I guess this could be fun?’

“You may rise young one, come with us.” Luna turns to walk, as the young filly was about to cede the sound shield magic, when suddenly Luna turned around. “we forgot our manners, we ask thee what is thy name?” The filly looks frantic and hesitates to response.

“My name, my Queen... my true name is Amethyst, Amethyst Heme Lorath.” The filly answers.

“What a strange name, Amethyst. But it does speaks strongly for your mane, tail, and eye color.” Luna commented.

“Yes, thank you. But my Queen, I beg of thee, please never speak my name aloud. I plead thee to call me Violet, as others do.” The filly looked almost frightened to Luna.

“Okay, I shall do as you plead, and call thee Violet, that fits you much better, anyway. Now come, Violet.” Violet cedes the sound spell, as they leave.

Luna's New Student

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The Vampony Chronicles:

Lunar Republic

Chapter 2: Luna's New Student.

As they exit the throne room through one of the double doors, Celestia having her ear to the door trying to eavesdrop on her sister, and the subject that requested her attention. Both sisters are surprise when Luna opens one of the double doors. “Celestia, sister, what are you doing?” Celestia became nervous being caught.
“Oh um, well, I wanted to make sure everything was alright.” She excused.

“If you wanted to listen, then why put up the sound spell?” Luna asks.

“Huh?” Celestia questioned, confused.

“never minded. Listen this young filly, she request for me to take her as my own personal student, and so I agreed to do so.” Celestia face lit up with joy.

“Oh sister, I’m so happy for you! Trust me; this will bring you so much happiness, just as it did for me with Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia spoke with a joyful excited tone, but still held her regal look of it.

“Uh… thank thee, sister. So would you be so kind as to alert the guards of this.” Luna requested.

“Oh of course, and what is the name of your student may I ask?”

“Her name is Ame- we mean Violet, you can call her Violet.” Violets heart stopped for a second, when she thought her Princess was about to tell Celestia her true name.

“Oh she is so adorable sister, have her parents been notified?” ‘Why would she ask that? She really is putting her all in this act.’


“Yes! Yes they have. They already know. That, that is why I came here, and I will notify them that I have been accepted.” Violet cut Princess Luna off.

“Good, I have my duties to get back to, but I hope to see you two soon, at dinner tonight. I wish to talk with you more.”

“Yes dear sister, of course.” Luna answers.

“I’ll see you at dinner Luna, bye for now, and to you too Violet.”

“Yes… Princess Celesita.” Violet spoke as if she had to force those words out. Celestia dismiss that as being nervous.

“Bye for now.” Celestia with a nod of her head, and return, turn and left.

“Come let us head to the training room.” Luna commended.

“Yes my Princess.” Violet follows.

After a few minutes of walking, they reached the training room. Once in the training room, nothing can be heard from inside.

“Now, show us what thou art capable of.” Luna commanded.

“Princess?” Violet puzzle by what Luna ordered.

“Show us what thou can do already, so we can know where to start teaching thee.” Princess Luna explains.

“You, you mean you really are going to take me as your own personal student?!” The filly lit up with joy.

“Why yes, that is what we agree in the throne room, haven’t we?” Luna replied.

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much my Queen, my Ruler, my Majesty! This is a, I’m so greatly honored to be your personal student Princess Luna, I cannot express my joy, my gratitude to you enough!” The filly said excitedly while bowing.

“Yes, okay we get it. Now show us what you can do, what you know already.” Luna requested.

“But my Queen. What about my explanation? Your people await your return.” Violet asks.

“Enough of that nonsense already.” Princess Luna spoke, becoming annoyed by now.

“But my Queen, it’s not nonsense, you have to believe me.” Violet pleads to Luna. “I’m speaking to you only the truth.” Violet pleaded. ‘Still with the prank…’

“Very well, but first show us what thou can do.” Luna again commands.

“Yes my Queen.” Violet complies.

Luna brought forth a ball. “Can you do simple magic such as levitation?” She asks.

“Yes My Queen.” Violet answers.

“Then show us.” Princess Luna toss her the ball, Violet caught it in midair with her magic. “Very good… Violet, why is your aura two shade of color?” Luna asks.

“My Queen… that is… a personal matter to me. But I will be happy to explain once we’re in your Kingdom. So please be patient my Queen.” ‘Is it really that personal? Celestia must have done it.’

“Fine you don’t have to tell us… So that was really you who put up that sound shield?” Luna asks.

“Yes my Queen.” Violet answers.

“Enough with the ‘my Queen, our title with name is Princess Luna, use it.” Luna grunts out.

“But my Que-”

“Are you defying us.” Luna cut Violet out in a firm voice.

No my Que- I mean Princess, Princess Luna.” Violet reply and bowed feeling that she had somewhat upset Luna.

“Now, show us a few of what else you can do?” Luna requests.

“Yes my Que-… Princess Luna.” Violet bows and complies. She did a magic shield spell, teleport spell, and a magic manifest weapon. All of them took Luna by surprise.

“How, what, did you just… That is not possible for one to be able to do such magic spells, and not to say at such a young age!” Luna stammers and then blurt out.

“Please Princess Luna, let me explains, I was not lying when I said I came from a far.” Luna gave it some thought. ‘There no way, this has to be a part of my sister prank. But she does seem rather desperate; no doubt do not want to fail my sister. But to think that my sister would make a filly go along with her plan, the poor filly, I guess there’s no harm into falling for it. But I’m not going to take this one lying down; after this prank my dear sister, I’m getting thee back.’

“Alright, fine, speak what you have to say.” The filly glad up completely. A grateful expression light up from her face.

“Thank you my Queen, thank you!” She yells out.

“What did we say to thou about calling us Queen.” Luna said with an annoying grunt.

“Forgive me Princess Luna, it won’t happen again.” Violet bow while speaking.

“Very well, now tell me about you have to say, so we can get this over with.” The filly still in the bow position. “You may stand, and begin.” She rise.

“Thank you. Now we must go back to the beginning of your… injustice banishment we shall call it. After you were taken from us, your sister banned all dark magic to be use in the kingdom, and sent sunblessed after those who used it.”

” “Wait, Sunblessed?” Luna interrupts.

“Yes, Sunblessed, she believes that all those who used black magic, meaning your followers, were tainted and so she had us hunted, and killed.”

“That doesn’t sound like my sister.” Luna spoke, a little annoy about her sister being talk about as such.

“I promise you Princess Luna, it is. And the hunt is still going on today, but it extends to all who use black magic, no matter gender, age, and reason. But that is not important. Your Generals and Lieutenants believe that, that their Ruler could not fall, and will return one day. They gathered up all those who stood for and by you, all those who they could get to in time, and escaped to the far frozen North.”

“And how did you all survive the trip?” Luna asks, still not buying any of it, and even upset that her sister would use her banishment and her one time followers as part of the prank. ‘Oh Celestia, I’m definitely going to get you back good for this one.’ She muses to herself.

“We didn’t.” The filly answers, displaying a scowl downcast expression.

“What do you mean?” Princess Luna asks confuses.

“Not all of us anyway. When we started, there were around a thousand or so ponies. The icy wind blow the heat right out of our body, ponies froze left and right. Hunger took most of us. The group focused mainly on the mares, and foals, knowing the young ones would live on, and prepare for your return. Our powerful magic users leading held out, they tried to help the rest, but there magic was not strong enough to keep everypony warm. So they concentrated on the mares and foals, making sure they were kept warm and fed. They went far into the Frozen North farther than any pony had gone, even farther than alicorns we are to believe had gone. They stopped at a massive clearing, a little over half of the size of Equestria. They knew it was a clearing, because of a unicorn using an eye spell to see past the snow. The wind was strong and still is. The sky is covered with dark gray clouds. Leaving one unable to tell night or day. It was colder there too, the ice and snow covering the land. Mountains shielding us all around, acting as a barrier, with only a diminutive cave passage to arrive there. When we accounted for who were left, it was only around three hundred or so. Your Generals and Lieutenants stepped up, they declare that the land shall be our home, In the name of our Princess, our Queen, our Majesty our Ruler, Princess Luna. Many ponies died that day.” Violet down casts her head and eyes.

“What?” Luna asks.

“A lot of ponies gave up their lives that day to make the land habitable. A unicorn, with twelve dozen volunteer Pegasus, agree to convert their pony body magic, and souls into a magic shield. This shield had many purposes; it blocked out the freezing temperature, pushed away the clouds to let the moon and sun shine down upon us, it also absorbed the sun heat and directed it into the air and land within the shield, and it also has a sound coating and illusion spell to block sound from both side, and to hide us from your sisters eyes and ears. Another unicorn with twelve dozen volunteer earth ponies, agreed along with the unicorn to convert their earth pony body magic, body, and soul to the land. Thanks to those thirteen, the land unfroze and gained nutrients, along with the bodies of water, which became lakes and streams. Three more unicorns gave their lives to do a convert spell. Which call for them to use all their magic, and soul to be able to cast the spell on such a large shield and land. The spell they cast also allow the shield to be able to absorb both sun and moonlight, even the wind that bash against the shield, into magic power to make the shield and land spell last. To those who sacrifice their soul, shall forever remain trapped… or a nicer way to say it, shall ever remain with us, in the earth beneath our hooves and the shield above our manes. After we were settle in, they needed a name for the land, and what it stood for, for we stand behind our Queen, Princess Luna, but just calling it Luna was not doing it justice. We they decided to base the name on how we are organize, which is in a republic way, and for who we stood for our; Queen, Princess Luna, so they settled on calling the land, the Lunar Republic. Until your return to take the seat as Queen Nightmare moon”

“Don’t speak that name again.” Luna yells at the filly, anger of her shame being brought up. Filly flinches.

“Forgive me, my Queen.” The filly bows.

“You may rise, I just don’t like hear that name. Please continue.

“Thank you for your forgiveness.” The filly continues with her story. “Thanks to the convert spell, we are able to convert our dead once, into the land which. Thanks to this we have no grave yard, so no areas go unused. And with this, we’re able to work toward spreading out and cover the rest of the land that inside our mountain barrier. But that also forces us to enlarge the shield, which is a life risk, both to the caster and the rest of us. Inside the shield, we only use twenty-five percent of it for housing, and building purposes. The other seventy-five percent of the land is use for plant life and farming. The wildlife and forests are much like that of the Everfree Forest; we wanted to make it as close to your home as possible, we even built a castle for you when you return. We practice black magic in your name, the dark arts, even with the dangers and the possibility of going mad. But that does not scare us, as long as it is in your name, my Queen.” After the filly finish, Luna sat there with her mouth open and her eyes wide. ‘I-I-I don’t believe it. A prank, all of this for a prank, I don’t even see the humor in it, if I was Celestia! No she wouldn’t do such a prank, and definitely have a filly be a part of it. But she would not order for all those who do black magic to be killed on site like that, or use the sunblessed to carry out the murder.’ Luna muses to herself for a minute.

“Tell us, why did you speak as if you were there?” Luna asks.

“When we learn of the history of our people, they us a mind spell to transfer the memory of the events, that took place. So to me and many others, we were there, and so it is easy for me to explain it like that.” ‘That is… insane.’

“Tell me, why did they sacrifice Pegasus ponies for the shield? I can understand the earth pony’s part in it, they having a natural gift in farming, but the Pegasus part does not make senses.” Luna asks.

“The one who cast the spell he the one who created it, and theorize that the magic of the shield would be too much to hold, and would collapse on itself. He reluctantly said with a Pegasus inner magic, it would allow the shield to remain light and strong enough to stand.” Violet quotes.

“That doesn’t sound all that right.” Luna comments. ‘More like insane.’ She muses to herself.

“Same to him, but we they did not want to have to sacrifice any more ponies than we they thought we had to.” Luna stands there, looking at the filly, not sure what to feel.

“We must say, we believe this to be a prank set up by our sister. we do not really believe all thou hast said, and we do not find it at all humerus either.” Luna starts to raise her voice at the end of her speech, and expression to start to change to anger, staring down the little filly.
“I can prove it, I can show you. That is, if you let me Princess Luna.” Violet requests.

“You expect us to fly all the way deep in the Frozen North, to look for something that you say is hidden from all eyes and ears, even alicorn?” Luna reply, clearly annoy by such a request.

“No my Que- Princess Luna, I can teleport us there. On the outside of the shield, there a transportation circle, which we can use to teleport to.” The filly spoke frantic.

‘… I... I… Oh what the hell, I’ll go along with this prank, I’ll just give my sister an earful, oh and I do mean an earful, when I’m done with her, she will be bleeding from the ear, begging me to stop talking.’ “Fine.”

The filly starts to cry and drops to her knees bowing. “Oh thank you, thank you, you just don’t know what this will mean for your people, seeing you again. It’ll be the happiest day of our lives, and the greatest day for the history of The Lunar Republic, they will declare this day a holiday.”

“Alright, alright, get up already.” Luna said, a little agitated by how happy the filly is by her going along with the prank.

“Yes Princess Luna.” The Filly obeys and rises.

“We shall do it after dinner, come it’s time, and we still have to raise the moon.” Luna spoke, remembering her duties as the night Princess.

“You mean I can watch you raise the moon!?” Violet asks with a joyful expression and tone of voice. “We do not see reason against it.” came Lunas reply.

“I’m so honored Princess Luna! Thank you for letting me bear witness to this.” Violet bow again. “Rise Violet, you don’t have to bow to everything.” “Yes Princess Luna.” Violet rises from the floor.

“Now Come.” Luna turns to exit.

“Princess Luna, there is one more thing.” She stops and turns her head to look at Violet.

“Yes Violet, what is it.”

“It is more of a request really.”

“Well, say it.” The filly looks nervous, suddenly dropping to her knees.

“I beg of thee, please, bestowal upon me the Blessing of the Moon.” She begs in a hasty manner, while on her knees again.

“What?!” ‘Hmm, okay young one, I’ll bestowal thee Blessing of the moon upon you.’ Violet still knees down.

“Okay Violet, if all what you said is true, we shall bestowal thee our blessing, the Blessing of the Moon, we give thee our word, and we never break our word.”

“Oh thank you my Queen, thank you!” She bow some more.

“We told thee not to call us that!” Luna agitated, trying to hold her god like voice back.

“I’m sorry my Que-, I mean Princess Luna.” She bows some more in forgiveness.

“You may rise now. Come, before we’re late for dinner.” Luna turns again. “There is one more thing Princess Luna.” Luna turns around, this time irritates, and her face shows it.

“What is it this time, Violet?” She grunts a little. “Please do not tell your sister all that I told you, she must never know.” Violet pleads.

“Fine. Now let us go, we are famished.” Luna said, turning around again.

“Yes Princess Luna.” Violet complies, following right behind Luna.

They exit the training room. Luna walks down the hall with Violet by her side. “It’ll take too long to get to our chambers; we will have to fly to the roof and raise the moon there. Come.” She turns and walks to the garden. Reaching it she looks down at Violet and lowers her body.

“Um Princess?” Violet asks from Luna lowering her body all of a sudden.
”Climb on.” Luna directs.

“What, I can’t do that my Princess!” Violet said frantically.

“You want to see us raise the moon, don’t you?” Luna asks, with a raised eyebrow.

“Will yes, but I can’t just climb on your back like that, no one should be allowed to do such an act.” Violet explains. Luna sighs.

“Then how will you get on the roof than?” Luna asks, with her eyes close out of mental exhausts.

“I can teleport there, Princess Luna. So please, rise from the ground!” Violet beggs.

“Fine.” Luna raises her body from the ground, and flies to the roof. Violet teleport right next to Luna, right after Luna had landed. Luna faces the horizon where the sun was setting. She closed her eyes and lit her horn, in an aura of cobalt blue, and lowers her body. She starts to raise her body, as well as the moon. Soon enough night came, the moon in full view over the land.

“It’s beautiful Princess Luna.” Violet stand just behind Luna, so as she can get a look at the moon while Luna was still in view. “Why thank thee, I only wish more ponies felt as such.”

“Then they are fools not to see it.” Violet comments, malice in her voice, and expression.

“Come. Celestia is sure to be waiting for us to arrive.”

“Yes Princess Luna.” Violet complies and follows behind Luna.

They enter the dining hall, Celestia already there seated. As Luna expected, she is waiting on her, and her new pupil, Violet. ‘No guess wanting to get a laugh in.’ On the dining table set up, is different type of food.

“I’m happy to see you have arrived Luna, Violet.” Celestia spoke in a cheerful regal voice, and expression.

“I’m sorry that we are late sister, my student kept.” Luna said, while taking her seat.

“Oh that’s okay. I understand how that can be; Twilight Sparkles use to be a handful too and still is to tell you the truth.”

“What’s all this sister?” Luna asks, gesturing to the food lying out.

“I thought we should celebrate and welcome of your new pupil, Violet.” Celestia smile with a glee expression

“Thank you than, Sister.” Luna says, speaking her gratitude.

“Oh it’s no trouble at all. Violet?” Celestia call her name with a smile.

“Yes.” Violet responses in deadpan tone.

“There a seat right next to your mentor you can sit. I know how much a pupil likes to be close to their teacher, with any chance they get.” Celestia explains, with a wave of a hoof.

“Thank you.” Violet reply deadpanned.

“So sister?” Celestia said eagerly excited. “Tell me, what you and your pupil did today.” Lunar just gave her a blank look. ‘You probably know that already.’

“Well, the plan was that she give us an overview of what she can do, and what type of spells she knows. But we have only gotten to what she can do so far.”

“Oh really, and what can you do, Violet dear? What spells do you know?” Celestia asks with a warm smile. So eager to hear what the filly knows.

“I know basic spell, such as levitation, teleportation, magic shield, magic manifest, etc.” Celestia laugh heartfelt, and gave a smile that scream how cute the filly is.

“Oh how cute she is Luna. But Violet, you should not tell fibs.” Celestia lightly scolds Violet.

“But she’s do not lying sister.” Luna spoke, levitating some food to her plate.

“Oh, really now sister, you put her up to this? Did you really think I would fall for something like that? You have to try a lot harder than that, if you want to prank me sister.” Celestia chuckles a little.

“But it really isn’t a lie sister; she really can do as she said.” Luna getting a little annoy, Celestia sees this, and decide to entertain it.

“Oh, alright, I believe you Violet. But may I have a demonstration; I would love to see your new pupil in action.” Celesita sarcastically asks Luna with a smirk.

“Why certainly sister, Violet shows my sister a little of what you can do.”

“Yes. Luna.” Violet response with a smile, happy that her queen, her princess asks something of her. Violet levitates food to her plate.

“Oh, you can do levitation!” Celestia said expecting as much, Violet being at the age where that should not be so hard to perform.

“Yes.” Violet deadpan tone confirms.

“What else can you do, Violet dear?” Violet getting annoy of being talk to like some foal, she rush throw the rest, so she can skip with the foal talk from Celestia. She teleport, then did a magic shield, and then a magic manifest weapon. After she was done, Violet starts to eat, along with Luna. The room went quiet, Celestia was staring at Violet with her jaw on the table, and if it was not for the table, it would be on the floor.

“L-L-Luna!” Celestia finding words again and how to use her mouth to speak them, she accidently shouts her sister name, after stammer with it a little.

“What, what is it Celestia?” Luna a little surprise by her sister voice, caused her to flinch when hear.

“Did you just see that?” Celesita eyes still widen.

“See what, sister?” Luna asks, looking left and right.

“What she just did.” Celestia answer, still a bit overwhelmed.

“Oh yes, isn’t it delightful of how much she can do already; it’ll make it a lot easier for me to teach her.” Luna said with a smile while still eating.

“But Luna, what she just did, that should not even be possible.” Celestia still overwhelmed, by Violets action and now her sisters response to her about them. ‘Celestia really is putting her all into this prank, her acting, and reaction is almost believable. I’ll play along to see where this is going.’

“I know sister, but calm down, there is no reason for you to be this whelmed by her.” Luna said it in a typical casually manner.

“There’s no reason. There’s no reason? There’s no reason?!” Celestia said repeats, starting out in a low voice, then end up frantically loud. “There is definitely a reason! For her to be that gifted… no, that is passing gifted, that is, that is, that is not normal at all.” ‘She really is doing a great job at this, Celestia really does have a knack at acting.’ Luna muses to herself, while Celestia fanatically panicked on.

“And her magic aura?!” Celestia shouts out.

“What about it dear sister?” Luna asks in a casual tone.

“It’s two different colors! No really three, if you count when the color fuse to make violet.” She said out loud, still frantic.

“I know isn’t it beautiful?” ‘You probably did something to it, to make it seem like that.’ Luna muses to herself while still eating.

“Beautiful is not the word I would use to describe it, more like how, and impossible?!” Celestia still frantic.

“Yes I know sister; does it not fit her name too. Now if you would excuse us.” Luna rise, so do Violet when she saw Luna did. “We must be going; I still plan to keep training her, even through the night.” Luna said walking to the door.

“B-B-But?!” The only thing Celestia can say at the time.

“Goodnight sister, sleep tight.” Luna and Violet left the dining room, leaving Celestia to stare at the door her sister, and pupil just exits out of.

Luna's Field Trip

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The Vampony Chronicles:

Lunar Republic

Chapter 2: Luna's New Student.

“Wow, she was great; you and my sister are good actors. You should both do a play together, Violet.” Luna said, while walking to her chamber with Violet by her side.

“I was not acting; all that I said was truth, Princess Luna.” Violet spoke, trying to hide her irritation from her Princess.

“Yes, I know, and you will prove it once we get back to my chamber.” Princess Luna spoke with a smirk on her face.

Luna and Violet reach Luna’s chamber, her guards stand guarding. “I trust thee was informed of Violet?”

The two guards shook their head. “Yes Princess Luna.” They said in unison.

“Good, open the doors.”

“Yes Princess Luna.” They bow, and then open the double doors from their side.

“Come Violet, let get this over with.” Luna spoke as she enters her domain.

“Yes Princess Luna.” Violet entered Luna’s chamber, right behind her. Once in, the guards close the door.

“Okay then, you may proceed.” Luna spoke once they were will in the room, and the doors shut.

“My Princess, could we do this somewhere private?” Violet asks, while looking around as if they may be other pony in the room.

“Somewhere... private?” Luna looks confuse. “This is as private as you can get.” She clams while gesturing a hoof out to the room.

“Not when any guard and your sister could walk in here, Princess Luna. I need to do the drawing somewhere no one will check. Usually, when I do the teleport circle spell, I’ll do it on paper, and after I teleport, the paper would burn itself, so no other could follow. But since I don’t have paper large enough for that, and I’m sure once you see that I’m telling you the truth, you might want to come back and gather something to take with you.” Luna stands there for a minute with a deadpan face. ‘Is this for real, oh come on, this is just over doing it.’

“Oh alright, follow me.” Luna went to her closet, there she open it, and shove all her clothes to the side. There in the back at the bottom of the wall, is a square door. Luna opens it, and crawls inside. “Come.” She calls out to Violet, who closes the closet door, and push the clothes back to how they were before, and crawling inside herself. “What took you so long?” ‘I was beginning to thank locking me into my own closet was the prank.’

“I had to cover our tracks, Princess Luna” Luna just gave Violet a raise eyebrow regal stare.

“Right. Okay so now go ahead, you may proceed.” Luna growing tired, and out of patience, she tries to rush this along.

“First Princess Luna, let me cast an illusion spell over the door, so it’ll just look like the rest of the wall.” Violet explains.

“Fine. Hurry up with it.” Violet did the spell. ‘Know less, the spell is being cast by Celestia or one of my guards, who are in on it, and if so I have to have a talk with them. I have to ask too, how she made her aura as such.’ Luna muses to herself.

“Finish, Princess Luna.” Violet announce, turning toward Luna.

“Okay then, now proceed.” Luna putting more tone on the last word, so she can get across of her patience is out. ‘After this, I’m calling the whole thing off, and I’m going to keep Celestia awake through the whole night.’ Violet gets out a red looking chalk, and starts to draw. She draws a circle then draw symbol inside the edge of the circle. Then she draws another circle in the first circle, and then some more strange symbol, then lines. It taken her about five minutes to complete it.

“Ye finished now!?” Luna spoke, her being irritate can be hear in her tone of voice.

“Yes Princess Luna.” Reply Violet.

“Then proceed~.” Luna speaking the last word hard, and letting it drag on.

“Yes Princess Luna. Please step within the circle, I’ll send you first. Once you’re there, please step off the circle, the spell only work with one person, and if someone on the other side, is in the circle, then they can get serious hurt. So please step off the circle once you’re on the other side." Violet explains.

“Yes okay, I got it, once to the other side; move out the circle to the side.” Luna said past annoyed by now.

“Okay Princess, are you ready.” Violet asks, taking deep breath. ‘Ready for what, a pie to the face, water dup on my head, or even worst paint. I’m definitely going to get you back Cele!’ Luna muses angrily, lose in thought.

“Princess?” Luna rapidly looks at her ‘fake’ pupil.

“Yes, I’m ready.” She grunts out.

“I should warn you, you may feel as if you’re being pulled in and pushed out. But it will only last a few seconds” Violet explains

“Yes, whatever, let just get this over with.” Luna said anger while she move in the center of the circle, mostly at herself for letting her sister prank her so easily.

“Yes Princess Luna.” Violet shut her eyes, her horn start to glow. The circle and symbol underneath Luna hoofs start to glow, next thing you know, Luna feel as if she is being pull through something, it only last for a few second, then she feel as she is rapidly push out. The first thing she notices right away is the temperature, freezing. After she reels back to her sense, she sees that she is someplace else, her view of an old wooded door. She looks around, notice the room she is in is small, smaller than the storage space in her closet. The room looks rather old. Light is being let in through the holds in the wood, white light. She hears strong winds, banging against the wood walls. Light appear under her hoof, than a force pushed her from behind, sending Luna flying straight into the door.

The door shatters upon impact and she lands into the freezing cold snow, face down, and in the middle of an ice storm. She lifted her head from the snow, and saw nothing but white. Snowflakes raining down from the clouds, dancing in the air around each other before crashing into the white expanse before her. All she could hear is the hollowing of the wind, it was freezing cold, as it cut through her fur, hitting her flesh. A violet aura shield black all that out, the sound, the cold beating against her, and the only color to assault her eye in the white blizzard.

“Are you okay Princess Luna?” Violet asks concern with her Queen just lying there looking out through the shield, as she approaches her. “Princess Luna?” She asks again.

“Where, what, how…” All that Luna could speak, at the moment.

“Princess Luna?” Violet asks again; now stand beside her Queen looking at her with worry eyes. Luna turns to her rapidly, causing Violet to move back, but never breaking eye contact with her Queen. Luna mind quickly went into action; coming up with different conclusion that might explain this. ‘Did we really teleport? Where are we? How did she perform that spell? I never seen such a spell before, not even heard of it, I know of teleportation spell, and how they work and feel. But that was far from any know spell in Equestria, but I have been gone for a thousand years.’ As Luna mind race, her wide cyan eyes lay staring into Violet’s violet pairs, but her mind is far away from where she is currently. Violet watches her Queen stare back at her. Violet takes pleasure for the moments that her mentor is looking into hers and blushes under the pressure. She collects herself to ask again of her Queen state.

“Princess Luna, are you okay, you’re not hurt anywhere are you?” Violet asks again, her worry growing as the silent continues, suddenly Luna eyes shook just a moment, as if being brought back to reality.

“Where are we?” She asks, still looking into violet eyes.

“Where outside the shield of your Queendom, Princess Luna.” Violet answer, still her eyes stay in places, looking back into hers mentor’s.

“LIE!” Luna yells. “Where are we?!” She asks again her anger showing. Violet takes a few step back, but never breaking eye contact.

“But Princess Luna, I’m not-”

“Enough with your lies! Where is our sister, we have had enough with this prank! Celestia come out!” She shouts looking around, breaking eye contact with Violet. “Sister, we said to come out!” Luna shouts again. Violet starts to hesitate from her Queen slash mentor action.

“M-My Queen, please calm down.” Violet stammers as it became hard to speak, feeling the hate that sunk off Luna. Luna turns instantly to Violet. Her eyes bear hate.

“We are not talking to you peasant, we talk to our sister! Now where is she?! Luna snap at Violet, Violet froze up not know what to do, and then it hit her.

“My Queen, please if you-”

“We are not your Queen, quit call me that! It’s as if you’re mocking me.” Luna cut Violet, as she let most of her argue toward her sister, out on the only pony that is near. Violet starts to shake in fear of not only angering her Queen but her mentor. “Now tell us! Where are we!? And where is our sister?!” Luna demands in her regal royal voice.

“P-P-Princess Luna, please, where here at your Queendom, all we have to do is cross the shield and you’ll see for yourself. ‘I can’t believe, she is still trying to go on with the prank.’ As Luna ponders in her head, she continues to stares at the filly with rage.

“Fine! Let’s cross this shield, but when this prank does come to a close, you better behind my sister, I don’t know if I can control myself when that happen.” Luna tells Violet, still with rage in her eyes.

“Y-Y-Yes my Qu- Princess Luna, please stay behind me while we cross.” Violet starts to walks in front of Luna, as Luna follow, the shield move along with them. She walks ten feet and stop. She then turn around and looks at Luna. “Princess Luna, stand beside me if you will, I’m dropping the shield, so I can do the spell to allow us to pass.” Luna did just that. The filly horn let up even more, the shield disappear, leaving them at the mercy of the blizzard, the wind pounding on them, cutting into their fur, touching their skin with its frosty breath, almost blinding them. Luna saw a violet glow beside her, then she felt something over her body. She felt a hoof pull her, so she moves forward. As she walked she felt something hit her face, then as she move forward, and felt it pressure pass along her snot.

When her head passed through, the first thing she notice instantly was an evil aura in the air, and ground. She felt no wind, no cool, no noise, no whiteness. Luna eyes scan the surrounding; she was on a mountain top, she look back to see nothing but a night sky, no blizzards, nothing. She look back over the land, she can see it all so clearly, any normal pony’s eyes would not pierce the darkness as such, but she is no normal pony, she is Luna, and the night is her domain. The land was massive and same to glow under the moonlight, its size is over half that of Equestria. The land is surrounded by mountains covered by forest and fields of grass and flowers all around it. The mountains themselves, closed the land off from the rest of the land beyond them. The land itself is covered by forest, farmers, and house, a castle in the background.

This caught Luna by surprise, she was dazed by the information overload, contemplating to herself. ‘What, Where, how… This can’t be true, it just can’t be, Celly must be watching from somewhere… Yes that it, we must be in the training room, and all of this is an illusion, of course. Good play Cele, good play. But I’m still going to chew your ear off when this is over, and it’s end now.’ Luna muses until a voice spoke from behind.

The lunar Republic

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The Vampony Chronicles:

Lunar Republic

Chapter 4:The Lunar Republic

“Princess Luna.” Luna turns around to see Violet bowing. “I’m ready to receive thy blessing of the moon.”

“Do you really think I would gave a filly-” Luna stop before she could finish. ‘Of course, Cele wouldn’t let me bless a child, she would stop me. And even if that was the prank to get me into the motion of doing it, then at least with this, it’ll be over, and I will chew, no I will… I don’t know what I’m going to do to my dear older sister, but whatever it is, it-’

“Princess Luna?” Luna sees Violet full of confusion and worry toward her. ‘Sigh, I wont do anything to the child, she's done nothing wrong. Having my sister force you into this is a horrible thing to do, even if it’s for just a laugh. I’ll even see if she really wants to be my personal student.’

“Fine, I made it my word, so I will follow, brace thyself.” Luna horn lit before the Violet could thank her. ‘I wonder how my sister will step in; she knows it hard to stop this process when started. Maybe she’ll teleport the filly. No, it will be most likely a shield cast over the filly body, that’s it. Well with this it over with. And without a warning, she blasts the filly, firing off a powerful bolt of dark magic at her, the spell tingle her body and then die down. Nightmare moon look in disbelief.

“No.” Is all she can, as she stares at the filly who she just blessed. ‘Where is Celly? Why did she let that happen? How could this be real?’ is only she can think to herself. The filly opens her eyes, and look around.

“Am… I blessed?” She asks while looking over her body.

“Yes, yes you are blessed.” Luna spoke in a whisper, but somehow the filly ears pick up on it clearly.

“But I don’t feel different… Oh that's right, they said that it will take at least a day to take effect.” The filly spoke, looking as if she’s looking back on a memory.

“Who said that? Where is my sister? Why did she not stop me? Isn’t the prank over yet? I can’t take this. Please end the prank.” Luna slide to the ground, starting to sniff and sob a little. Violet, feeling sick to see her Queen in such a state, comforts her, as if she was just a normal pony.

“Princess Luna, you still believe this to be all a prank set up by your sister?” Violet asks, approaching Luna.

“Yes.” Luna reply in a sob like voice. “What else can it be?”

“It can be real, why is it so hard to believe that?” Violet asks. “That you have ponies that waited and are still waiting for you to return from your return. Why?

“Because no pony likes me.” Luna said in a sobbing voice, with tears running down her cheek.

“There are ponies who like you, I like you Princess Luna. Please believe in me, and follow me so you can see your Queendom.” Violet rubs Luna’s back, and comforts her. ‘Oh what do I have to lose?’ Luna lifts her head up, and looks at the filly.

“Okay, I’ll trust you.” Luna spoke, tear gleam on the edge of her eyes. “Thank you Princess Luna.” Violet spoke, with a soft smile toward Luna. Luna smile back.

“Okay, but first, we need to disguises you.” Violet looks over Luna form. “What? Disguises? Why?” Luna ask with a confuse expression, still on the ground, but setting up.
“We can’t allow you to walk in the street as Princess Luna, if so, then we will never make it to the castle.” Violet spoke, stepping back from Luna.

“Why’s that?” Luna asks.

“Because you’re our Queen, and that’s another thing, once you present yourself to your people, not many will address you as Princess Luna, they will either shouts Ruler, Majesty, Queen, Queen Luna, or even Queen Nightmare Moon.” Violet explains.

“What? Why?” Luna asks, disturbs, and confuse. “Because, that is who our ancestors followed into battle, so we worship you by that name to.”

“Okay.” Luna agreed.

“Okay my Queen. Please stand so I can work the spell on you.” Violet asks.

“Can’t I just do it myself, it’s just a simple illusion spells.” Luna protests.

“My Queen, you’ll be too distracted to keep it up.” Violet remarked.

“What do you mean by too distracted?” Luna queries the remark.

“You told me you will trust me my Queen.” Violet stated. Luna sighs.

“All right, I’m placing my trust within your hooves.” Luna gave in to Violet words all together. “Good. Stand still my Queen.” Violet horn lit up in a violet color, purple and blue in a mix, it coat Luna body. Slowly Luna body starts to change; her height shrink to a regular size mare, her coat change a caramel color, and manga cherry red, and her eyes brown. “Okay my Queen, I’m going to teleport us right in front of your castle keepers entrance.” A flash of light, and they appear on a dirt road, surrounded by trees very close together. A distance away, in front of them is a thick stone curtain wall. The curtain thick wall itself seemed to stretch on both sides along the smooth wall, only to be interrupted by the bailey slash flank towers, which hold some kind of a symbol with a moon crescent, the towers themselves are positioned a distance away from each other. In a distance, there were two unicorns standing guard with stoic facial expressions, wearing armor that seemed to mimic the lunar night sky, with a lunar crescent symbol. They carry no weapons and pendants that seemed to be of an open eye, both different colors, Luna notice this more than anything else of the guard. One of the guards acknowledges Violet presence, shifting her eyes to her without moving her head and spoke.

“Ms. Violet, we heard you went to the Equestian lands again, thank Luna for your safe return.” She spoke not moving a muscle. “May I ask who this is? You seem to be attempting to get her into her Highness Castle. You know only those who are a part of her Highness Lunar Central Orders.” She finishes.

“What if she is the Highness you speak of?” Violet said with a playful smirk, the guard stoic facial expression seen to change in rage.

“Ms. Violet, I know you’re a respectful unicorn within the L.C.O., still, even you are not acceptable to play with our Highness name as such, or any other pony in the Lunar Republic.” She finish still not moving her head or any other part of her body.

“Good thing I’m not playing let me in with her and I’ll show you.” Violet said still with a playful smirk, Luna just sits there watching. The guard response to this built up more rage, as she looks between Violet and the unknown unicorn.

“You know of your tone, it can end your life if you keep speaking as such.” The guard said now showing teeth to go with her rage.

“If this is a prank, then you can go and tell the head of the Lunar Executive Branch, and you know how he is about the law.” Violet put a hoof in the air to add on to her meaning. The guard looks at her, then she smirked.

“Okay, as you wish, follow me.” The walk to the left, and turn facing the wall, her horn lit, making the wall slide sideways, giving way to an entrance. They step inside the guard room, which is built inside the stone walls. Once in and stone the guard turn around and look at the two. “Okay show me, show me and be ready for your death, or get ready to at least have yourself striped of your ranks and statise.” The guard gave a foul smirk. Violet nodded and her horn lit up, causing Luna to changes back to her normal regal form. The guard seem to tense up.

“This could be a trick of yours. And to imitate our goddess like this, it will get you executed, both of you.” Malice can be heard from her voice, and seen in her face.

“Use your pendent to see what’s there if you believe that, you know I can’t trick that.” The guard reluctantly reaches for her pendent, hesitantly lifts it up to her cheek, pausing a moment before looking through it. It drops from her grasp. Tears start to fall from the guard eyes as she looks upon Luna. Luna feeling a little uncomfortable of the silent and the mare tears.

“A-Are you alright?” Luna asks, with somewhat of a concern expression. The guard quickly tries to regain her composure, which she failed, upon looking at her tears keep raining down. She bow in front of Luna.

“Y-Yes my Queen, it is so, so good to have you home. My Queen.” The guard stays in a bowing position.

“Thank you, you can get up now.” Luna replied, still feeling uncomfortable. The guard rose and look Luna in the eyes.

“No, thank you my Queen.” She said with tears still falling and what looked like a force smile.

“So… I’m guessing this means we can pass?” Violet said in a sarcastic way. The guard shot her a look of hatred for a minute, before turning back to face her Queen, and bowing again.

“Yes of course. Welcome my Queen.”

“Oh… Thank you, you can rise now.” Luna reply. The guard rose.

“No my Queen, thank you. My Queen.” She walk back outside, her horn let up and another entrance open, as she stood outside the wall they first entered closed behind her.

“My Queen.” Violet called out. “Please this way, we must gather the three lunar heads of the three Lunar bodies. ‘The what, of the three what?’ Luna muses while obeying, and following. As Luna stepped out the path she set her eyes on the building, a castle, in front of her. Large flat fields of green grass stretch out all around the castle ground. The castle set a large distance from the mountain wall behind it. The fortress resembles her old home in the Everfree Forest, which many call the old sisters’ castle in the Everfree Forest. The castle was as tall as her old home, and wider too, or as many call it the old sisters’ castle in the Everfree Forest, the only difference in this castle beside the height and width, are the number of towers, and watch towers, and the same type of moon crescent symbol, with also flay of the symbol that decorated the tower and around the castle. Luna stays staring there in a daze.

“My Queen?” Violet calls out of concern and worry of her Queen action.

“Um- Yes Violet?” She stammers a little, shaking her head a little bit too.

“Are you okay, My Queen?” Violet asks looking worry.

“Yes, Yes I am. I’m just a little bit overwhelmed by such a structure.” Princess notes.

“We’re happy that you like it, we weren’t sure on how to go about building it. So we imitate your old castle in the Everfree Forest, but tried to make it more of a better fit for you, and your symbol the moon.” Violet explains.

“Wait, for me? Thou aren’t saying that this is for me?” Luna asks, a confuse look showing.

“Why yes my Queen, this is your castle, built only for you, shall we enter, we must alert the three lunar heads of the three lunar bodies.” Luna gave her another confuse look.

“What are the three heads, and the three lunar bodies?” She asks her brow and forehead fur crush up.

“May I explain while walking, my Queen? The sooner we alert them of your presence, the faster things could be settled, my Queen.” Luna turns her head slightly while looking at Violet then nodded.

“Yes.” Violet began to walk.

“We set up a system for how we direct our power. The three lunar orders; the three bodies are, their call the lunar lawmaking (legislative) branches, lunar law enforce (executive) branches, and lunar court (judicial) branches. The lunar lawmaking (legislative) branch, which includes lunar Congress and lunar state lawmaking (legislative), write the lunar laws. The lunar law enforce (executive) branch, which includes the lunar president and lunar state governors, implement and enforce the lunar laws. The lunar court (judicial) branch, which includes the lunar Supreme Court and other lunar courts, determine whether lunar law is steady and reliable (consistent) with pre-existing lunar laws and whether lunar laws have been violated. Each lunar branch is given oversight over the other two in lunar order to protect against any lunar branch abusing their lunar authority. There is a fourth lunar branch to make sure lunar order is not abused, it’s the lunar ponies, those who are elected into the lunar order office, and report all that is going on in lunar order office. They are called the lunar press, lunar reporters, who tell the lunar people of what goes on in lunar office.” Violet finishes.

“Why is the word lunar in every word dealing with the lunar order?” Luna asks confused.

“Because my Queen, to remind us that the power is not given but borrowed, it to say that while our goddess is away, she still demands order. And so we put your name in front of almost every word dealing with the order, or lunar order.” Violet explains.

“Oh.” was All Luna could say while her mind remain blink, just taking in everything she hears and sees. They step in front of the castle’s double doors. Two mare unicorn guards stand posed. One acknowledges them, taking in their appearance, seeing that of his Queen, Princess Luna. His faces grow red with rage.

“Miss Violet, I’m happy to see thee back from your trip to that cursed land of Equestria. But what do you think you are doing by having some pony impersonate our Queen, both of you could lose your lives for such a grave crime, even of your status, you’re not above the lunar given order.”

“Use your pendent, she is real. How did you think we got past the entrance?” Violet said. The mare hesitated before putting her pendent to her eyes, and looking through it. It dropped a few second later, tears well up in her eyes. she bows.

“My Queen, we are grateful of your return, it has been so long since your ponies had lays eyes upon you.” Spoken in a shaky voice, as if he could cry any moment. The other guard look shocked, she to reach for her pendant, but not in a hesitant state, and looked through it. The same thing happens, it too drops from her grasp, and same action as she drop to her knee and a bowing position. But loses her composure all together and starts to cry while trying to speak.

“We are blessed to have you back my Queen!” She said in between sobbing and snorting. Violet just rolls her eyes and magic the door open.

“My Queen, please this way. And please release them from their position, and to order them back to their pose.” Violet asks.

“O-kay, you may rise… and return to your posts.” The two mare guard; one with a stern face, and the other with tears running down her cheek, but still try to hold the stern look, while failing.

“Yes my Queen.” They said in unison. Luna continues inside the castle behind Violet, when she looks toward the interior of the castle, it’s the same as her old home, the sisters’ castle in the Everfree Forest, but more of a fit to her, the big difference is the ceiling, it’s the night sky, the moon in position, as the stars are too. The moonlight itself shines down and lights up the area. She looked up in awe. Stopping in front of the now close doors she just entered from. Violet look back, her worry expression return, as her brow furrows.

“My Queen, is there something wrong?” She asks.

“Yes, I mean no, I mean, why is there no ceiling?” She continues to stare up, which Violet eyes follow.

“O, yes my Queen. That well, that is a spell, it imitates the night sky.” Violet looks on while she explains.

“Does it do that for the day sky as will?” Luna asks still staring at the very real looking like sky.

“Of course not my Queen! That would be an insult! I merely repeat the night over, with the moon projection following the sun position, so those who stare at it will at least not lose track of time. For here, you can have you eternal night, why a full moonlit sky, with hardly no to a few clouds, it is lunar law that we shall not a light a candle for the moon shall be our only light in this time of hours. The scenery can be changed to, one who has accesses to the spell can change the stars position or clouds brought, but that would be imitating our Queens power, and that is a lunar law to be follow, for that no one has power on the night sky other than our Queen, and so shall no one imitate such a power. Once everything is settled we will give you control over that spell, to change the scenery as you please or see fit.

“Oh” Is all Luna could say while looking upon the ceiling.

“Please follow me, my Queen.” Violet waits a few more seconds till Luna direct her eyes from the ceiling to Violet, and nodded. They continued deeper into the castle, coming upon servant and Lunar Guards, some confuse by the scene of their Queen image, some drop to bow, and or either cry or greet with shaken voices. Finally they reach their destination, well Violet anyway, Luna still confused only follows her. Two lunar guard stand at attention. Both mares acknowledge their present. They look upon the one that appears as their Queen. An instantly raise their pendant to confirm this, as it drop from their grasp and they fall to their knees to bow. Both start to cry while greeting through their sobs. Violet just opens the door with her gasp of magic.

“My Queen, could you tell them to rise as will and to return to their pose.” Violet asks her Queen again, as she had been asking her for the pass time now, to raise those who have bow, and to return to their duties.

“Uh, yes. You may rise, and return to your pose.” The two guard return to their pose, tears falling from their eyes. Luna enters the room, and the door shut behind her. Violet standing there in front of a crystal ball, her horn let up as the crystal ball did, around the table there are crystal balls resting in front of dozens of chairs. One by one the crystal ball lit up, different color aura, as a projector of different ponies fill in the char. One of them speaks up.

“Violet, is that you, your back. When did you get back?” The unicorn mare asks.

“Just a half an hour ago, I have excellent news.” Violet spoke with a big smile on her face.

“Could it not wait before the night court?” A unicorn stallion asks.

“Now there’s no need to be rude.” Another unicorn stallion remarks on.

“You bring news from the outside? Pray tell, what is it?” Another unicorn mare asks.

“Please my Queen step forward.” The room gawked, as they saw Luna walk towards Violet, seating beside her. Instantly the four unicorns teleport there and stood in a shocking unbelief. For a minute it was silent, Luna growing very uncomfortable spoke.

“Hello?” She greet questioningly, blinking into the unicorns eye, they grew more shocked, with her speaking. Soon after that they threw themselves to the ground, bowing.

“Your Highness, it is an honor to welcome you back, and to have you back, there is no words to express our happiness. We wait your order!” They splutter spoke in unison.

“Um…” Luna did not know what to say, so Violet tuck over.

“Our Queen is confused, and need time to take in, that she had had loyal subject all this time waiting for her. She wishes no more for war, and eternal night, but instead peace, and the worship of her people. For now I believe the best course of action is to just announce her return to the people, and let her come to terms with all that she sees.” The three ponies still in a bowing position.

“My Queen, you will need to say every time someone bow to you to, rise, and so on.” Violet looks toward Luna, who just seem out of it. “My Queen?”

“O right, um…” Not really hearing what Violet said.

“You’re going to need to rise them, and everyone else who come to bow to you.” Violet repeat again.

“Yes, you can rise now.” The ponies rise to their hoofs.

“Permission to speak My Queen?” Ask one of the unicorn mares.

“Uh, yes, permission granted.” She approves.

“Violet, we take your word in as value, but the Queen here now, for all that you said, she can surely speak for herself.” The other unicorn spoke.

“It’s far too overwhelming for her right now. And really, as her personal student, and a moon blessed, I feel she’ll needs time to take this in, and I think it would be much better if I was to show The Queen to her bedchamber, so she can rest, and ponder on her new empire.”

“Is it true that you’re her personal student?” One of the three unicorns stammers out.

“And have been moon blessed by The Queen?!” The other one shouts out.

“Yes, it is true on both questions. Let us continue as we were, for now, we shall announce her return tomorrow night, until decided otherwise by our queen.” Violet finishes.

“You don’t look blessed by her Highness.” A unicorn points out.

“It takes awhile for it to take an effect, I should be fully transformed by tomorrow night as well. Now as I said, we should just give her Highness some space for now, do all here agree?” The three look at their Queen and back to Violet. With a sigh, they agree.
“Alright Ms. Violet, your repetition has earned our trust, and as you so said to be the personal student of our Highness and a blessed one, then we oblige.” One spoke.

“Yes, we will present her tomorrow night, unless said otherwise by The Queen.” Said the stallion unicorn.

“Bring The Queen to her bedchamber.” A mare unicorn declared.

“My Queen this way.” Luna just following along wherever Violet goes. The other three bow as they left the room. “Good night My Queen.” They said in unison. The trip to her chamber was long, and tiresome, not for the walk but having to stop so she can speak to raise a pony from the ground and to continue on with their duties. Once Luna was in her new bed chamber, it was more than her camber back in Canterlot Castle, and reminds her of her old bed chamber back in the old castle in the Everfree Forest.

“This has been… more than we can take in. Is this a dream?” Luna slaps herself. “Oh! Not a dream…” ‘What now?’ She looks toward Violet.

“Would you like to relax in a hot bath your highness, or maybe something to feed on, or both?” Violet offer, seeing how stress her Queen is.

“Violet, we wish to return to Canterlot.” Luna says, getting off her haunch.

“But my Queen your place it here by your people.” Violet almost starts to look distress.

“we just need time to process all of this. Please, I wish to return to my bedchamber in Canterlot Castle.” Luna said. Violet take a deep breathe.

“Yes my Queen, please give me a minute to draw the transportation circle.” Violet asks attention on her Queen.

“Okay.” Luna reply. Violet dig in her saddlebag, she brings out a red writing tool.

“May I ask you a few question, My Queen?” Violet asks, kneeling down and beginning to draw.

“Yes, we have a few question of our own, but please go first; we are still sorting them out. And please drop the Queen… You’re our student, you can at least call us Princess Luna. ” Luna allows.

“….Princess Luna?” Violet asks.

“Yes?” Luna answers.

“How long does it take before I’m fully blessed by the moon?” Violet asks.

“…” Luna facehooved herself. “Everything been overwhelming, we forgot that we moon blessed thee. What am I’m going to do?” ‘And when Celestia find out, she’ll chew my ear off.’

“I don’t see what wrong my Que- Princess Luna.” Violet asks, confuse.

“Don’t you see? we bless a filly.” Luna explains.

“Princess Luna, I ask that you have faith and trust with me and be patient, I’ll explain all later. Do you really think if I was to be a filly, I’ll have the position, and freedom that I have now?” Luna muses over this. ‘She seems to be very important, or at least high rank around here… and her magic… and knowledge…’

“Okay Violet. As our personal student, we shall have faith, and will trust you.” Luna reply.

“Thank you Princess Luna. Could you answer my question?” Violet asks.

“Oh yes, it will take a night or two…” Luna replied.

“Is there any way to speed it up?” Violet asks, still drawing.

“Will… yes, but why do you wish to speed it up?” Luna ask, tilt her head a little to the side.

“Please Princess Luna, I wish for the process itself to be over and finished.” Violet stop drawing and look Luna in the eye, with a half begging and half pained eye.

“Alright. we can speed it up for you… but its rather intense…” Luna explains.

“Please Princess Luna!” Violet asks again. Magic the red drawing tool. Luna take a deep breath.

“Okay, but first, finish what thou art doing.” Luna commands.

“Finished!” Violet stands and put the red writing tool away. Luna breathe deep, inhale and exhale.

“Good, brace thy self.” Violet stood ready. Luna shoots her with her magic. Violet Feeling like she just had been struck with a particularly powerful lightning spell, then the pain turns to pleasure. Her body shudders at the waves of euphoria that course through her, as she feels her thighs grow damper. She had to sit, panting as the feeling concentrated in her hooves and spread up her legs. She fails to fight back a moan as it passes her hips and proceeds up her chest, changing her body figure similar to Equestria’s finest athletes. Violets fur and hair tuck in and change all on its own, her black jet fur gains more of a regal look, as well as a luxurious shine, her mane and tail colors now appear as a violet flame, as a flame from the depth of her mane and tail, their being under an inch of white color, than there to the top changing to a royal violet, blue and purple mix of colors. The same goes for her eyes, starting from the middle a white dot, moving out as a royal violet, blue and purple flame color that seem to glow. Her eyeteeth became elongate and sharpen to threatening points. She was feeling something changing within her as the magic works, finally as it envelops her head she collapses, twitching as her body could no longer take it. Her mouth open in a soundless scream of pleasure as a final pulse course through her body, causing her to climax. Violet lays there for a few moments, panting as the feelings dies down as she basks in the afterglow of both the spell's effects and her own orgasms. She hears Luna sigh as she pulls herself to her hooves, blushing rather profusely. “I just made a filly cum… Oh Celestia this is all wrong…” Luna lowers her head.

“Princess Luna…” Still a little out of it, she forces on to speak. “If you would like to start the teleportation spell, there is one more thing that is needed to be done before we can proceed.” She finishes, taking in a deep breath and exhaling it out to stayed herself, and regain control of her composure.

“I though thou said it was finished, was it a lie?” Luna rather looking upset.

“No Princess Luna, its just, we need to imprint your magic signature into the teleportation spell circle, so only you, and anyone else that imprints their magic into it, under your permission of course, can teleport from and into this teleport circle.” Violet explains.

“Oh, um… Okay.” Luna walks beside Violet. “What do I have to do? I have never used such a spell.” Luna informs.

“I already set it up, all you have to do is pour a little bit of your magic in the circle, and this teleportation circle will be yours.” Violet directs.

“Okay…” Lunas horn lights up, as she direct her magic into the circle.

“That’s enough, Princess.” The glows around Luna horn fade. “Now, please use your magic to light the circle, so I can also put my magic imprint.” Luna did ask she is asks. Her horn lit up, the teleportation circle follows. Violet horn lit up, as she pours some of her magic into the circle. After a few second, Violet’s horn glow fades out. “Okay Princess that is enough. Now the only ponies who can use this, is, you Princess Luna, and me, your student.” Violet explains.

“Now what?” Princess Luna asks.

“Now you step in the transportation circle and think of the other transportation circle in your closet, if you need to Princess Luna, just think of your room, and the circle will secure the closet transportation circle in that area.” Violet explains.

“Okay.” Luna step in the mid of the circle and glow her horn. She did as informed, close her eyes and thought of her bedchamber. Next thing she knew, she is being pull and then push out. Stung by the sudden force, she stands there for a while. After a full minute of gaining herself back, she takes a hoof step off the circle. When the rest of her is suddenly push off, landing against the wall upside down staring at Violet. Violet ran up to her mentor, Queen, Princess. With a worry look in her eye, and shown on her face.

“Are you okay my Queen? I thought your Highness would be off the circle after a minute, I didn’t know you will still be there.” Violet bows “Please forgive my mistake, my Queen.” Luna slide to the side, landing side way, she stood back up.

“You may rise Violet.” Luna spoke tiresome, approaching the small door, with a posture of a farm pony coming in after a hard day of plowing. She exit out her closet, with Violet right behind her. Reaching the middle of the room, Luna turns around to face Violet, her now personal student. ‘….I need to rest, I never been this tired, and it’s only twelve… by the moon, it’s only twelve and I’m this physically not to mention mentally tire…’

“Violet.” Luna calls out in a tired feeble voice, her face expression look as over worked.

“Yes, my Queen?” Violet asks this looking concern.

“What did we say about you saying that, it’s Princess Luna.” She said, not having the strength to actually get anger.

“Sorry my Que- Princess Luna.” Violet apologies.

“Ask one of my night guards outside to show you to a room, we are going to rest for a while.” Luna spoke rather bluntly.

“If it’s okay with you Princess Luna, I would like to return to Lunar Republic. I have some business to attend to their.” Violet asks.

“Of course Violet, you may.” Luna walks to her bed.

“Thank you Princess Luna.” Violet bows.

“Yes, and you can stop bowing now, you don’t have to continue, or rather, I rather not have to keep on saying rise, just bow and rise on your own.” Luna said, climbing in her bed.

“Yes Princess Luna. I’ll be going now.” Violet said.

“Go then.” Luna said, laying under the cover.

“What time do you want me to come tomorrow, my Princess?” Violet asks.

“Around twelve pm… better yet make that around three pm... or after.” Luna now under her cover, with her head on her pillow and eyes close, facing Violet.

“Yes Princess Luna. Good night Princess Luna.” Violet said, bowing one more time, but this time rising on her own.

“Goodnight Violet…” Luna spoke, drifting off to sleep, as Violet walks in the closet.

Sister's Truth?

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Luna awoke to a banging on her door, and a call of her name. “Luna?! Luna?! Are you in there?! Dear sister please, Answer me!” The voice of Celestia calls out sounding rather desperately.

“Yes sister, yes, what is it Celestia?” Luna calls out rather annoyed by the sudden noise disturbing her sleep.

“Sister, it’s close to seven thirty!” Celestia speaks, still sounding alarmed.

“Yes sister, what of it?” Luna questions still not fully awake. “…” Nothing came from the door for a few second, Luna raise an eyebrow to the silent.

“D-dear sister, you need to lower the moon, so I can bring the sun for morning.” Luna eyes start to open wide, hearing the hidden fear in Celestia voice, how late it became for it is already morning.

Luna jumps out of bed. “O-Of course dear sister, Celestia please come in.” Luna lit her horn pulling the door open, while rushing to the balcony. Her sister, Celestia rushed to meet her, as Luna lowers the moon, Celestia began to raise the sun. After the sun is lifted into the right position in the sky, declaring morning has come; like a flipbook with a few pages missing between the moving pictures. Celestia released a sigh of relief. “I’m sorry.” Luna continued seeing the worried expression on Celestia face. “We grew tired late last night.” Celestia chuckled nervously, and seemed to relax.

“Of course, I understand Luna, a student can keep you busy, but you must not let her distract you from your royal duties.” Celestia lectures.

“Yes dear sister.” Luna response.

“Do you know where Violet is?” Celestia asked.

“She-” Luna eye grew wide, as memories upon memories of the previous night rushed through her head. Bashing her reality with the hammer of truth that lay before her, of something that could not be, but is.

Celestia eyed Luna’s shocked expression, and grew worried instantly. “Luna, Luna? Are you alright dear sister, is there something wrong?” Celestia questioned her, with pure concern laced into both her facial features and her voice.

“Celestia you would not believe what happened to us last night, what we have seen, learned, and heard!” Luna blurted out, with a look of worry and shock expressed on her face.

“What sister, what is it?!” Celestia ask in a desperate and worry tone, and expression.

“It’s-” Luna pause or rather just stop talking as her eyes glazed over in memory. ‘What we can say, all that we have heard…. And all that we heard about our own sisters actions towards my followers… to mean we understand it to be a war at that time, but even we did not use the blessing in the war… or rather Nightmare moon did not know of it…. But still… And to hear, that even now the Sun blessed walk Equestria, smiting down those who dabble in the dark arts. Surely they deserve a trail for their action. We must know more of this, before we inform our sister, we hate to even think this, but we could be putting those ponies lives in danger, even though they do not bear their lives on the soil of Equestria, giving them full right to do as they-’

“Sister, Luna?! What wrong, it is as if you dozed off there for a second.” Luna was snapped back to reality by her sisters interruption.

“Oh- umm… It was nothing sister.” Luna lied, smiling nervously at Celestia.

“What about last night, sister?” Celestia asks, with an eyebrow raise.

“Uh?!” Luna spoke out of confusion.

“You spoke about something happening last night, it sounded, or rather you sounded as if it was dire.” Celestia explains.

Luna blinked. “Oh yes, well… Violet!” She rather shouts out the name, making her sister back up a little.

“What about Violet?” Celestia asked with a worried frown on her face.

“Sh-She knows more than we thought dear sister.” Luna spoke with an uneasy expression.

“Really?” Celestia replies.

“Y-Yes dear sister, why, she must have been studying at an early age.” Luna notes.

“Yes I agree dear sister… That she can perform such powerful spells. Teleportation is not a spell that many can perform, and that is speaking of adult unicorns, for a filly to be able to comprehend such magic and to have the amount needed to perform it is astounding…” Celestia goes into deep thought.

“Yes, we agree sister, she is gifted beyond belief.” Luna agreed.

“…Are you sure you can handle her Luna?” Celestia asked.

“What do you mean by that?” Luna asked, a little peeved by the question.

“I’m just saying, maybe we should both teach her…” Celestia suggests.

“Celestia, sister, We are capable of teaching her alone, she came to be taught by us, not thou, and we would appreciate if you did not belittle our abilities as such.” Luna said lifting her muzzle disapprovingly.

“No, no, sister I did not mean it like that!” Celestia denies, putting her hoof in the air, as to dismiss the notion.

“Then what didst thou mean by it?” Luna asked displeased by the her sisters doubt.

“I just mean that it can be overwhelming, I would know.” Celestia notes.

“Listen sister, I can handle anything you can handle.” Luna was taking offense from it all, Celestia sees how heated this is become and decide to surrender, for now. “Yes, I understand Luna; I just hope you’re not teaching her anything wrong.” Celestia turned sideways, hoping that it’ll end their, with her sister agreeing with her.

“And what do you mean by wrong, Celestia?” Luna asked, now heated up more than ever, her anger displayed visibly on her features, and making no attempt to conceal it.

“Well… Teaching her anything that is against the law of Equestria, sister.” Celestia shot back, a little heated herself.

“First of all, she’s our student, and we shall teach her anything we wish to. Second of all, it’s a law that you put into motion.For co-ruler of Equestria, we do not find such a law appealing; knowing that you banned my element from being studied.“ Luna argued back.

“There is no need for such magic Luna, it only brings insanity to those who venture into it. Why would anyone in their right mind want to bring such destruction upon themselves?” Celestia argued back.

“You know that is not all true, there is more to it than just that.” Luna raises her voice.

“Like what Luna, like what?” Celestia ask, with an upset expression.

“There…” Luna could not reply, no comeback, came to her, to throw at her sister.

“Exactly, you know it as well as I what such magic can do to a pony mind, Luna.” Celestia regained her composure.

“It doesn’t matter Celly, you teach your students whatever you want to teach, and we shall teach ours however we desire.” Luna stood tall with her chest out.

“I can’t allow you to teach a filly like her, it is simply too much of a risk.” Celestia spoke sternly.

“I..” Luna paused, seemingly going deep into thought. ‘to teach a filly like her, why did she say it like that, wouldn’t she speak for all fillies, why would she say it like that…’

“Luna did you hear me?” Celestia spoke softly a little concerned by her sisters sudden pause. “I’m not going to stand by and let you do such a thing to her.”

Luna looks up at her sister. “Celestia that is not what you said at first.” Luna notes.

“What?” Celestia asked confused.

“You said that you ‘can’t allow me to teach a filly like her,’ and that ‘it’s too much of a risk.’ Why did you say it like that?” Luna asks, with a suspicious look toward her sister.

“Well I mean that it would be such a risk to her, a danger to her well-being.” Celestia retorts, sounding a little nervousness.

“That’s not how you said it at first sister, and not the way you said it too, as if you fear for her to learn such an art.” Luna said, walking closer to her sister. Celestia start to take a few step back.

“Of course Luna, I’m just worried for her well being, that is all.” Celestia tried to stand tall again.

“More like worried of her. And what happened to those who did study black magic?” Luna asked, still pressing forward.

“Why well… they are placed on trial for such an acts.” Celestia answered back.

“Really Celestia?” Luna asked.

“Yes really!” Celestia getting a little annoyed.

“You’re not lying to me are you?” Luna asked

“No, have I ever lied to you, for what reason would I have to lie to you about this?” Celestia retorts.

“… Okay sister, we shall take your word for it.” Luna responded.

“Now dear sister, if you would excuse me I have day court to attend to, we will continue on this subject later.” Celestia turned around and made her exit. Luna stood there for a minute, thinking over her sister words and gestures. Then the memory of last night flooded her thoughts, her eyes open wide as they possibly could. ‘Should I have told Celestia about last night… No I promised Violet I wouldn’t. I don’t even know what to think of it… They have been waiting for me to return, for a thousand years... They have been waiting for a thousand years… waiting.’ As she delves deeper in thoughts, she fails to notice the magic surge in the closet, and violet walking up to her.

“Princess Luna?” Luna jumped a little and looked down at the filly. She stares for a moment.

“Violet?” Luna spoke.

“Yes my Que- Princess Luna.” Violet jump a little.

“Don’t sneak up on us like that!” Luna raised her voice a little out of embarrassment at being startled.

“Sorry Princess Luna, but I grew worried, you looked distracted somewhat.” Violet explained.

“Yes we were.” Luna confessed.

“What is wrong Princess Luna.” Violet asks. “…I have so many questions…” Luna simply replied.

“Princess Luna?”

“Why did you all wait for us to return, and for so long.” Luna asked

“…” Violet pauses for a second. “It wasn’t easy for us, I already told you the history of how we settle in, but I have not told you the desperation that many ponies who wished to stand by your side again or for the very first time. You see many ponies desire to receive your blessing, the moon blessing. We knew it would take awhile for you to return, so a lot of ponies tried to expand their lifespans... It did not end well, many of them died from there on experiments, a lot changed themselves for the worst and live in the forest for it, and some went insane.” Violet explains calmly.

“You’re telling me that so many ponies suffered just to be by my side again?” Luna asks.

“No Princess Luna, not suffer, it’s an honor to serve you, to stand not just by you but for you, we did it in the name of our Queen Luna. So no, if you ask any of your people, they wouldn’t say suffer, they would say it’s was an honor, even if it pains us, we will stand by your side until the end, and beyond.” Luna moved to tears, although, she did not cry, tears steady fell to the ground. “Princess Luna, are you okay?”

“What should we do?” Luna asked in a whisper.

“Excuse me, Princess Luna?” Luna sniff a few more times.

“What should we do Violet; you have all been waiting for us to return, and not even me, more of Nightmare moon, and she is gone, so is my desire for eternal night. we wish not for war, but peace, and all you all have been preparing for is just that, war, war against my sister, against Equestria.” Luna asks staring in a depress daze.

“You misunderstand Princess Luna. Yes we waited for Nightmare moon, but she is you, as much as you are her, so we too waited for you. And we prepared ourselves not to just wage war against your sister and Equestria, but we prepared ourselves for whatever you may need us for. If you wish not for war, then we will not go to war, we only wish to have you back, to rule over us, as you once did.” Luna stood there, a smile starting to show on her face, she wiped a few tears from her eyes and cheeks.

“Where should we start?” She asked.

“You must show yourself to your people, they must know of your return, it will bring them great joy, and then you can speak upon what you wish for.”

“Yes that is a great plan, we shall do it in the even time.”

“Princess Luna, it would be better to do such a thing at midnight, twelve sharp, that is when the majority of the ponies are active.”

“At night?” Luna blurted confused at this statement.

“Why such a time, wouldn’t more ponies be up during the day time?”

“Yes in Equestria at least, but not in Lunar Republic. As I told you already, it’s night time there twenty four hours a day, and we only work during the real nighttime.” Violet informed.

“How can you get anything done when it is so dark?” Luna asks.

“There a spell that we all use, it’s a night vision spell. And the moon is always full.” Violet explains.

“Well then,we shall do it at midnight.” Luna states.

“That is great, it well be a night to remember, it will go down in history.” Violet spoke in joy.

“But we feel we should tell our sister about this”

“What, why, if she find out she’ll try to kill us!” The filly spoke in a frantic panic voice.

“No she won’t.” Luna spoke stern.

“Princess, please understand, she will not stand for such a place to existence. Please reframe from speaking of it to her.” Violet pleads.

“Dear Violet, even if she does, she has no right to interfere, the Lunar Republic is its own country altogether, and nowhere near Equestrian borders.” Luna tries to reason with Violet.

“That won’t stop her. She will fear it being a threat to her rule.” She’ll look at it as a place one is allows the casting of black magic, and she will fear her ponies will try to leave, and come to join the Lunar Republic to learn the art…” Violet continues to ramble on, trying to convince Luna to not inform her sister.

“Fine!” Luna cries out. “We will not tell-” Violet cut her off.

“Thank you for listing to reason Princess Luna.”

“You did not let us finish. we will not tell her for now. But in the near future, we will talk to her about this.” Violet relief fades away.

“…Okay Princess Luna, if that is what you wish to do, but when you decide to tell her, could you inform the Lunar government about it.” Violet pleads.

“Why? ” Luna asks.

“Just so they can know and be prepared in case of an attack.”

“That is okay.” Luna agrees.

“Thank you Princess Luna.” Violet bows.

“And beside we must question our sister on some of her actions during the time of our banishment.” ‘I just can’t believe that she would use the sunblessed to kill my followers. We cannot believe it until we hear it from her, she wouldn’t do such a thing, she couldn’t, it’s not in her nature. At most would be a trial and jail time.’

“Now let us go for a walk in the garden, we need some fresh air to clear our head, so much has happen in such a small amount of time.” Luna expressed.

“Yes Princess Luna,” she said as they walked through the door..

The Tower

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Violet traveled three hooves behind Luna as they traversed down the hallway and through the door that led to the hallway that connected to the Canterlot gardens, after passing the twelve dozen bowing guards, who stood at attention along the hallways of Canterlot castle. As they approach the door at the end of the hallway two guards who stand attention bow and open the door, then bow again as Luna walk pass them. The door shut behind them as they exit the building into the canterlot gardens with the sun beautifully shining down on them, its rays glowing goldenly through the pillars and hitting the back wall of the outside hallway. Luna walks up to the ray beams. She stops before an inch of her could touch solar ray. Luna sat down, closing her eyes, and taking a deep breath. A wind blows Luna’s mane up. Violet stops a few feet behind Luna out of respect, giving a confused look as Luna just sit there. She walks up to Luna side. “Princess Luna, what's wrong.”

Luna opens her eyes and looks over to Violet. “It is nothing, we are just a bit exhausted.” Luna answered.

“Then shouldn’t you be resting in your room?” Violet asks.

“No, that will not help; we just need to clear our head, we will not be putting it off by sleeping. We need to think over everything that has transpire so far through carefully.” Luna answered.

“Okay.” Violet responded. Luna moves her head to an upright position and closes her eyes, Violet took a seat next to her.

For a couple of minutes; Luna contemplates on what she herself knew already, and what she might not know, and what her next move should be. ‘The truth is… Celestia could be hiding something from us, we can see her sending sun blessed to gain control over our followers, that however means there shall be casualties in doing so, but turning a group of ponies into sun blessed, and then ordering them to kill... we just cannot see her doing such a vile deed. Even though it was a war; she is not the type of pony to do so… Even if she is against dark magic… She even tried to stop me from using it, even though it’s our element, which makes it impossible for us to use any other elements… But to kill ponies just for studying and using the dark arts… We do not know what to think, we need more information on what happen after we were banished; but where can we find it? In a history book… No, judging from the reaction of the holders of elements of harmony, when Celestia called me her sister, it seems to be the first time they found out that Celestia and us, better yet, Nightmare Moon and Celestia were sisters… Even her own faithful student did not know, it seems no pony knew of us; judging from that, it seems there is no mention of us in the history books… No, no its worse than that, , everyone knows of Nightmare Moon, but not of Princess Luna, She erase us from history, her own sister, but not Nightmare Moon… There even a holiday for her, Nightmare Night. She erase us from history, was she ashamed of us, of what we had done?… of course she was… But what about the war?… we need to get our hooves on a history book. The Library isn’t open yet… Wait we are a Princess, it is always open for us. we need to know what happened after we were banished to the mo-’ Luna was brought out of her musing by a strange growling sound. She looks around, then to her side. “Violet?” Luna calls out.

“Yes Princess Luna?” Violet looked up.

“Hast thou eaten yet?”

“No Princess Luna, I’ve been busy.”

“Then go to yonder kitchen and request the chief to prepare something for thine consumption.”

“Oh no I’m okay Princess Luna!” Violet stomach growled again, and a little louder this time. Violet blush and look to the side with an embarrassing smile.

“Go and feast.” Luna demanded.

“But what about you?” Violet asks.
“We shall be in yon Library. After you finish thine meal, find me there.” Luna ordered.

Violet paused for a second.“… Yes Princess Luna, as you say.” Violet bows to Luna then turns and trots away, she stops short of the door leading into the castle.

“Violet what is the matter?” Luna calls out.

Violet turns her head and faced Luna smiling sheepishly. “I don’t know where the kitchen is.”

“Oh, that right, thou hast only been here for a day. Guard!” Luna calls out; a Lunar guard dropped down from the ceiling.

“Yes Princess?” He bows while asking.

“Escort Violet here to yon Kitchen.” Luna demanded.

“Yes Princess!” The guard walks up to Violet and stood tall in front of her. “Miss Violet, please follow me.”

“Okay.” Violet replies. The two exit through the doors into the castle, with the guard leading the way, and Violet a few steps behind him. After the doors close behind them, Luna herself got up and walks in the opposite direction.

Violet follows the guard, both walking down the hallway heading towards the Kitchens. They approached a set of double doors; before they could even reach them, the doors open outward. Once the doors were fully open, from the other side two guards walk through them, with Princess Celestia directly behind them, and what looked like one of Celestia’s personal assistants walking beside her. The assistant was talking while Celestia looked bored. The guard that was leading Violet steps aside, as did Violet, both of them bowing, as Celestia walks by. Celestia look to her side, seeing first the guard then Violet, a smile came across her face, she suddenly stops. “Violet! My dear little pony how are you doing?” Celestia smiled warmly towards Violet

“Fine.” Violet answers tersely.

Celestia quirks an eyebrow at the shortness of the reply. “Where are you going? My sister should be in her room if you are looking for her.” Celestia inquiries.

“No, I’m going to the Kitchen to get something to eat.” Violet corrects her in a non confrontational way.

“You haven’t had breakfast yet?” Celestia asks


“Then let me join you.” Celestia answers firmly with another warm smile.

“But Princess, you have appointments and meetings to attain to.” The assistant announces.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be long. Guards you are dismiss.” The guards in front of Celestia nod and leave, returning to their posts.

“But Princess Celestia the meetings-” The assistant calls out.

“Don’t worry my little pony, just tell them I’ll be a little late. Come Violet.” Celestia starts to walk away, Violet following behind her.

“B-but Princess…” The assistant watches helplessly as Violet and Princess Celestia walk down the hallway.

“How was your first night sleeping in the castle, Violet?”


“Just okay?”


“Most foal would be excited to sleep in the Canterlot castle, so excited that they couldn’t sleep.”

“I was pretty tired from my journey here.”

“Your parents were okay with you to traveling alone?”

“I came by train, and I’m responsible enough to do so.”

“Is that so.”



“So Violet, where are you from?”

“…Hollow Shades.” Violet hesitate answer.

“Oh, what a… nice place.”


“You’re welcome. Tell me, what made you want to become a student of my sister, Luna?”

“…I like the night sky.”

“Oh, a night time fan. Tell me Violet, what has my sister been teaching you?”

“She hasn’t taught me anything yet, she only wanted to see what I already knew, she already told you this yesterday.”

“Oh yes, she did, silly me. You know quite a few powerful spells, where did you learn them?”

“… From a book.”

“I do believe we don’t publish school books with such spells.”

“A merchant sold it to me.”

“May I see the book.”

“It was destroyed in a fire.”

“Oh that too bad, do you remember the publisher of the book?”


“Oh... hmm, well that would be a silly thing for a child to remember. Who helped you learn the spells?”

“I learned them on my own.”

“What?!” Celestia shouts, suddenly stopping mid-pace, her face filled with disbelief. Violet was a little surprised by this. “I mean, that’s not possible, you’re still just a foal, and to learn all those spell by yourself, there aren’t any ponies who can do such a thing. I’m amazed that you are capable of learning such spells.”

“Thank you… I guess.” Violet continued to walk, Celestia just watched her for a second before she pace back to her side.

“Say Violet, I have a silly idea, how would you like to be my student as well?”

“No… thanks.”

“But I can teach you spells that even Luna doesn’t know or can’t do.”

“That’s okay.”

“…Well… if you ever change your mind, the proposal will remain open. Ah here we are, the kitchen. It was nice chatting with you Violet, but I must get back to business. See you soon.”

“Okay.” Princess Celestia looks at Violet for a second, before lighting her horn up and disappearing. Violet walks into the Kitchen door; a chief stands there wiping counters when he turn to see her. “How may I help you little one?” The chief asks.

“Can you make me a daisy sandwich?” Violet asks looking up at the chief.

“Yes little filly I can.” the chief responds.

“Then instead of the daisy, could you replace it with a sapphire, and a bow of Rubies.” Violet request. The chef chuckled a little bit.

“You must be feeding a dragon?” He asks in a playful way.

“No it’s for myself.” Violet responds. The chefs face fell a little, but after a second he regains his composure.

“Oh, I see you’re playing pretend, alright little dragon, just give me a second.” The Chief walk to the back.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

Luna finally reaches the Library, with two guard standing at attention in front of the main door, once Luna stood before them, they both bow, and open the door. Luna walks into the carpet floored room, which was designed of both night and day. A librarian was organizing books on a push cart, with her back turned to Luna. Luna walks up to her. “Excuse us.” Luna calls out.

“I’m sorry the Library is closed right now, you’ll have to come back later.” She said with her back still facing Luna.


“Like I said the Library is closed you’ll have to come back la-” The Librarian turns to face the pony she is talking to near the end of her sentence. “P-P-PRINCES! L-L-LUNA! I AM SO SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!” The librarian fell to the ground in a bowing position.

“It’s okay, we-“


“Yes well like we said, we are looking for-”


“Okay, we get it. Now we are looking for a bo-”


“ENOUGH!” Luna shouts in the Royal Canterlot voice. The librarian tried to steady herself but fear was all she could feel as it settled and shook her very bones while luna continued.. “Like we were saying, we are looking for a history book.” The librarian still in the same position, if one watched could be seen trembling slightly. Luna twists her head a little. “… thou mayest rise…” The librarian remained frozen. “We commanded thee to rise!” The librarian shot upward, her face expression is that of fright. “Now then, we are looking for a history book.”

“O-o-on what?” The Librarian asks, in a shaky voice.

“Eqeustria’s wars.” Luna answer.

“Y-yes, p-please take a seat, I-it’ll only take a few Second for me to retrieve the book.” The Librarian bows, then walks away quickly trying to not anger the princess any further.

“Thank thee.” Luna walks to a table and set on the cushion pad. It wasn’t long before the Librarian came running back.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” She bows.

“That’s okay. Do you have the book we seek?”

“Yes, here you are Princess.” The Librarian put the book in front of Luna. “Is there anything else I may help you with.” The Librarian ask, while Luna flips through the pages of the book.

“No thank thee, thou may leave now.” The Librarian bowed.

“As you wish.” She finished hastily and began trotting away. Luna looks through the index, seeing no mention of the war between her and her sister. She flips to the time period that it would have happen.

‘Nothing, no mention of a war between us, as if it never occurred… But everyone knows of Nightmare Moon…’ “Excuse me!” Luna calls out while still looking in the book.

“Yes Princess Luna, how may I help you?” The Librarian came running up, and bowwing deeply.

“We would like to see a book on fairy tales.”

“Do you have certain fairy tale you would like to read?” The Librarian asks.

“Yes, Nightmare Moon.”

“Oh, um, yes Princess Luna. Please wait here, it’ll only take a second.” The Librarian bows, then walks away.

‘Why wouldn’t Tia not want the ponies to know of us, even though we did turn into Nightmare moon, and try to put the world in eternal night…’

“Here you are Princess Luna.” The Librarian walks to the table Luna is setting at, and put a book on the table in front of her.

“Thank thee, thou may take thy leave now.” Princess Luna looks in the index, found the story behind Nightmare Night. “Nightmare Night:

Every year we must put on a disguise

To save ourselves from her searching eyes

But Nightmare Moon just wants only one thing

To gobble up ponies in one quick swing

Hungrily, she soars the skies

If she sees nopony, she passes by

So if she comes and all is clear

Equestria is safe for another year

Fill up her belly with a treat or two

So she won't return to come eat you”

‘It’s just a rhyming couplets… doesn’t mention nothing about the war, or even give much information on Nightmare Moon… The only thing left for us to do is to ask Tia what happened after the war… Wait! There is another we can ask.’ Princess Luna got up to stand, when the Librarian saw this, she rushes to her.

“Princess Luna, is there anything else you need?”

“No thank thee, we shall be leaving now, please return these books to their rightful places.”

“Yes Princess Luna.” Princess Luna headed for the door; she opened the door to find Violet standing just outside.

“Oh Violet, we were just coming to get you.”

“Yes Princess Luna?”

“Come follow us.” Luna lead Violet into the garden maze.

“Where are we going, Princess Luna?” violet queries as they traverse the green hedges,

“To my old home.” luna answered.

“For what?”

“To talk with a certain pony.”

“Are you still going to teach me magic.”


“Oh.” Violet downcast her eyes and expression.

“Violet, thou already know all the basic of magic and thou art very gifted in casting spells, if thou weren’t, thou wouldn’t be able to cast all those advance spells thou did yesterday.”

“I don’t know all spell, can’t you teach me spells that you know?” Violet looks up at Luna.


“Oh, okay.”

Luna looks at Violet’s downcast expression. “Not until the moon blessing takes full effect. Thou may be gifted, but that doesn’t mean thou art immune to the effects of dark magic, like thou said that pendent only protects thyself against the aura of dark magic, but not if thou are casting it thyself. So no dark magic lessons, not until the moon blessing has taken full effect.”

“How long does it take?”

“within the time of two days.”

“Is there a way to speed it up?”

“…Yes there is, and it’s in the place we are heading to now.”

“Why are we walking there?”

“Due to certain events, sadly we are not sure if we can trust mine sister, so if we can’t trust my sister we can’t trust the guards, not even my night guards, and if we can’t trust the guard, we can’t take the chariot, or Celestia will find out.”

“So we’re going to walk all the way there?”

“Of course not, that would take more than a day or two. I just want to get some distance from the castle so we shan't be spotted from the ground or sky by one of the guards.”

“And then what?”

“As soon as we’re far enough, we’ll fly there. Here, this is far enough, now.” Luna bent down. “Get on my back.”


“Get on my back.” Luna head motion to Violet to climb on.

“I can’t do such a thing Princess Luna!”

“Tis alright, thou art mine student after all. Now get on.”

“I can just f-”

“Violet! We don’t have time for this, get on.”

“… Yes Princess Luna.” Violet climbs onto Luna’s back.

“Okay now hold on tight!” Luna took to the air, flying higher, and higher, until she can see the Everfree Forest; then she flies towards it, with neck break speed.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

Princess Celestia is in the throne room, sitting on her throne; with a smile on her face, but if one look really close enough, they can see a hint that she is worn down with a tire smile on her face. A pony just got done talking for an hold hour. “Send in the next one please.” Celestia said.

“That is all for now Princess Celestia.” The assistant informs Celestia.

“Oh thank the su- I mean yes, okay then.”

“The next one will be coming in an half an hour or so.”

“Who is the pony?” Celestia asks.

“Prince Blue Blood.” The assistant answers.

“Oh no.” Celestia put her hooves to her head, and brought her nose to her chest.

“Would you like anything Princess Celestia?”

“Maybe some tea would be welcome.”

“As you wish.” Thee assistant turns and walks away, she take three steps before Princess Celestia calls out to her.

“Oh and one more thing. I want all information on a Violet... I never got her last name... She is from Hollow Shades. See what you can get on her, I want to know everything about her, from when she started learning magic to, when she cast her first spell.” Celestia explained.

‘’Yes Princess Celestia, as you wish.” The assistance walks away.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

After a while, they land in the old castle ruin. “Here we are, thou can come down now.” Violet climbs down Princess Luna’s back. “How was it, the flying we mean.”

“It’s always nice to fly sometimes.”

‘Nice to fly sometimes?’ Luna thought to herself.

“Where do we go to next?” Violet asks.

“This way.” They trotted over towards one of the peaked towers still standing. Upon reaching the structures base on the wall Luna’s horn lit up, and the wall in front of them slid to the side showing a pitch black staircase leading up into the higher reaches of the circular structure.

“Follow and watch where you step.” Luna’s horn lit again, staying lit as they walked up a spiral starecase, until they came to another wall. Luna’s horn lit brighter, as it slid to the side as well. Ebony woodwork with thin veins of silver made up the furniture of the small library they revealed. Luna trots into the room, Violet soon follows after she finished marveling at the room. The thick carpet stifled the sound of their steps as they walk through.

“What is this place, Princess Luna?” Violet asks while still looking around.

“All will be explained in due time.” Luna response. Luna walks through another doorway set into the wall, Violet proceeded through behind her, she once again she felt her jaw drop at the room; it appeared to be some form of an armory, with various sets of armor, swords, bows, shields, and other such objects adorning its walls. They pass among the various racks and shelves, Violet admiring the deadly tools, each one a work of art. The armour itself was made from some form of black metal with steel inlays weaving their web of patterns across the surface. To Violets knowledge of armored suits, she could tell that this was no mere decoration armor like the armour of the Royal Guard. But even to the untrained eye, anyone can see this was armour was ready for battle, designed to be as functional as it was beautiful. As they kept walking, to the other side of the armory to a door sitting in the wall. Luna opened the door, they entered into a third quarter of the tower, a large room dedicated to magic, and another door standing in the wall, on the opposite side. In the middle of the room sat a raised obsidian platform with a pentagram of silver inlaid into the surface. Crystal runes adorned its surface and gave off a faint hint of magic. “Violet.” Luna calls.

“Yes Princess Luna?”

“Step on the platform.”

“Yes Princess Luna.” Violet trots up to the platform, she jumps lightly up onto the meter high platform, landing on the edge. She feels something pull at her, a compulsion to stand in the center, as the runes lit up, the silver seeming to glow slightly in the were-light of the runes. Her mind now in a state of trance she complied. ‘What... what is going on?’ Violet thought, as she feels a powerful, ancient magic build around her, causing the runes to flare bright blue. She suddenly feels compelled to speak, though she did not know the words she was saying. "Sa'reth si temon na te moare." The runes flared again as she felt another presence within the room.

"Who are you who has received the Blessing of the Moon?" A mare's voice echos through the chamber, breaking Violet trance.

"Who's there?" Violet calls out, looking around.

"You may call me Ceres, I’m the guardian of this temple." The voice said, a ghostly image of a silver mare appearing over one of the runes. "Do you know why you’re here?"

“She is here because we have business here.” Princess Luna spoke up.

The ghostly form turns to her, “Luna, it is a pleasure to see you again after such a long time.” Ceres comments.

“Likewise Ceres.” luna smiles at her stone bound friend.

“What brings you here Luna?” Ceres queried.

“First of all, I’m here to accelerate her transformation.” Luna answers pointing to Violet with a forehoof.

“I never heard of a filly being turned into a vampony before.” Ceres notes lifting a hoof to her chin wonderingly.

“It’s a long story.” Luna answers with a tired sigh.

“Are you sure she can handle this?”

“Yes. She is stronger than she looks, and gifted; she can already cast advance spells.” Luna countered.

“Advance spells?” Ceres asked in disbelief.

“Yes. Like teleportation, and magic manifest, and others.” Luna answered, listing off Some of Violets feats.

“That is gifted, I never heard of a pony, not to mention a foal performing such spells.”

“What’s going on?” Violet asks.

“Ceres, would you be so kind as to explain?” Luna asks.

“Certainly Loony. This is a sanctuary that is perfectly preserved by magic. It’s a place for any and all who have been blessed by Luna. I am here to act as a guide and trainer, and as a clerk of sorts. The platform you’re standing on contains my soul. It's a form of punishment for failing to protect somepony I cared about long ago. As for what is about to happen, I will be accelerating the Moon blessed transformation." Ceres said as the runes around Violet flared. "Usually I would let the blessing you’ve received work at its own pace, but if Princess Luna said you can handle it then I will speed it up. And before you say anything after this is finished, I am merely accelerating a process already set in motion. Some dislike what the blessing does. Now brace yourself, even if you are gifted and strong in magic, you are still just a filly, and I've been through this myself and even for me it is rather... intense." Violet felt as if she had just been struck with a particularly powerful lightning spell, then the pain turned to pleasure. Her body shuddered at the waves of euphoria that coursed through her, as she felt her thighs grow damp. Violet had to sit, panting as the feeling concentrated in her hooves and spread up her legs. She failed to fight back a moan as it passed her hips and proceeded up her chest. Violet feeling something changing within her as the magic worked, finally as it enveloped her head Violet collapsed, twitching as her body could no longer take it. Her mouth opened in a soundless scream of pleasure as a final pulse coursed through her body, causing her to climax. Violet lay there for a few moments, panting as the feelings died down as she basked in the afterglow of both the spell's effects and her own orgasm. Ceres giggling as Violet pulled herself to her hooves, blushing rather profusely. "Relax Lady Violet, I had the same thing happen to me long ago. Besides, I won't be telling anypony about what transpired here." She said. "Now go take a look at your new appearance in the bedroom mirror, then come back here, and I'll answer any questions you may have." Violet looked at Princess Luna, Luna look back at her.

“Go on.” Luna said.

"Oh… kay..." Violet replies, still breathing hard. Violet proceeded into the other room; a grand bedroom, its four poster bed stretching from floor to ceiling. Black cloth was the main color throughout the room, and the ebony and silver furniture accented it. Almost every piece of metal was made from silver, from the torch holders to the cabinet handles. Violet spots a washroom in one corner of the room, she walk in and tidied herself up. Strangely, there was no mirror in the washroom so she steps out into the bedroom. She spots a large mirror in one corner of the room and trotted over to it, using a quick heat spell to finish drying her coat. "By the moon..." Violet gasps, staring at her reflection. Her figure is that of the finest athletes. her coat had gained a luxurious shine to it and her mane and tail had grown. She could see that her eyeteeth had elongated and sharpened to threatening points, and that her eyes glowed a slight violet in the moonlight that filtered in through the large window. She felt different, more sure of myself, confident... Powerful. “I’m a vampony…” Violet spoke in a whisper, with a disbelief expression. She steps back into the room, walks up to Ceres and Luna, and said. “I’m a vampony.” With a big smile.

"Yes, and no. You’re a Nosferatu, a true Vampony if I may. The ones you’ve read about were most likely similar creatures created through the black arts. You are something else entirely. You can go out in the day, cross running water, enter homes of your own accord, and other things the myths say impossible. However, you are now nocturnal and you will need to drink small amounts of equine blood to survive. Not much, only a few ounces a week, about a wine glass' worth, but it is still important." Ceres explains..

"Doing so will also strengthen you and increase your power." Luna adds. Tears of joy fell from Violet’s over watery eyes.

“I’m a vampony.” Violet said in a hoarse voice. She wipe her eyes of tears. “I’m sorry it just I’ve been waiting for this for so long.”

“You had been waiting for this for how long?” Ceres asked.

“Like I said, it’s a long story.” Luna informs. “But that is not important right now. In any case, Violet, how much do thou know about vampirism?" She said as she faces Violet.

"Only that many of the myths are not true, Princess Luna." Violet answers.

"Thou art correct, many of the myths about vampirism are incorrect, and however some are true. Thou doest have need to drink blood to survive, the magic thine body and blood has been infused with will drain thee of all energy if thou doesn’t not. However, thou will only need to drink about once a month if thou keep to the life of a normal pony."

"That doesn't seem bad at all." Violet said in a cheerful voice.

"But there is negatives and weakness. The blessing is weaker in the sunlight, so keep that in mind if thou need to fight during the daytime. Gold, not silver, is thine weakness similar to how werewolves are weak to silver. It is poisonous to you and any wound cause by it will be slow to heal. Also be wary of weapons made from dragon scale, they can have similar effects if properly enchanted." Luna said her tone in a serious manner. "Light magic will harm thee as well if it is combat magic, and the white healing arts will have no effect. The green arts will act as normal however."

“Do you know all of thee group of magic, and how they are recognize, Violet?” Ceres asks.

“Yes.” Violet replies. "All magic are classified by color; dark, white, red, blue, green, and yellow and also purple."

"Yes, all magic are classified by color, for example;” Ceres said. “the spells keeping me around are black or dark magic. White or light magic, often incorrectly called holy magic, is the opposite of it. The blessing is dark magic in its purest form, and Loony, being princess of the night, is exceptionally skilled at dark magic. Her sister is rather good with light magic. The other disciplines are red, fire, blue, which is water, green, which is magic dealing with life and nature, and yellow, which is magic dealing with wind. There is also purple which deals with magic involving spirits and the afterlife, but those have barely been studied." she finished.

“That remind me,” Luna spoke out. “Ceres I need to ask you something.”

“What is it, Loony?” Ceres asks.

“Do you know what happened after I was banished to the moon? What happened to those that were following me during the war?”

“I’m sorry Luna, but I can’t gather information outside these walls, and since there were no vamponies at the time after the war, I had no visitors to inform me of what was happening.” Ceres explained.

“Yeah I figured that…”

“Princess Luna, I already informed you of what happen during the war.”

“Yes I know Violet but to no offense; I need to hear it from somepony that I know and trust. What you are telling me is too hard to believe without further evidence, I need to see further proof.”

“What did you hear? If you don’t mind me asking.” Ceres asked Luna.

“… I heard that Celestia sent sun blessed to hunt and kill those who followed me during the war.” Ceres stared down thoughtfully.

“… Yeah, that makes sense.”


“Yeah, it was a war, and she probably didn’t want to have to worry about any uprisings.” Ceres explained.

“But Tia isn’t the type to do such a thing. At the time, we stopped giving the blessing.”

“You know when Princess Celestia put her mind to it, she’ll do anything she feel is right, even if it means turning a group of her ponies into sun blessed and ordering them to kill off the remainder of your followers.”

“But… I just can’t, I can’t believe it. I have to hear it from Tia.”

“She’ll lie if it is the truth, to not upset you.”

“I’ll know if she does. But until then, Violet.”

“Yes Princess Luna?”

“This is where you will be studying dark magic.”

“Yay!” Violet jump up and cheer, when she jumped, she hit her head on the ceiling.

“First lesson, know thy strength.”

“Yes Princess Luna.” Violet replyed.

“She’s your student Loony?” Ceres asked from the side.

“Yes, she came to us yesterday, seeking to be our student.”

“I’m happy for you. And congratulations miss Violet.”

“Thank you… Why do you call Princess Luna, by her name and… Loony”

“We are close friends Violet, if you like you can call me Luna or Loony.” Luna informs.

“No thank you. That would be disrespectful.”

“Not if you have my permission.”

“It would still be disrespectful for me to do so, even if you said it was okay. No one in the Lunar Republic would dare call you by your name.”

“The Lunar Republic?” Ceres asks.

“Like I said it is a long story. I’ll explain later, when I’m more certain on things.” Luna explains.

“Princess Luna?” Violet asks.

“Yes Violet, what is it?”

“May I go look at those book that we passed.”

Luna giggles. “Of course, come.” They walked back to the Library part of the tower. Ceres appeared in the middle of the room.

Violet ran to a bookshelf and levitated a book off, she opened it, searched through it for a few second before speaking. “Are these the original copies?”

“Why yes it is Violet, I’m surprise you figured that out in such a short amount of time. Most of these book are the original works, written by great artists and authors.” Ceres explained.

“Yes Violet, most great artists and authors at the time were vamponies.” Luna informed.

“It comes natural to us as vamponies.” Ceres enlightened.

“So the Moon blessed boost up my talent and give me new ones?” Violet said.

“It doesn’t really give you new talent, it just make it easier for you to learn them.” Ceres explains.

“Hmm.” Violet said, as she turn around and continues to look at the books.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

Princess Celestia is laying on the table getting a massage; she felt after Blue Blood’s complaint, it was well needed. A knock at the door interrupts her rest and relaxation, a frustration expression shows on her face.. “Yes, what is it?” Celestia asks.

“I have the information you asked for.”

“Oh.” Celestia lifts her head up, and magically opens the door, she grabs the paper out her assistance hoof, and shut the door. “Oh, I forgot.” She reopened the door. “Thank you.”

“It’s a pleasure, Princess Celestia.” The assistant replies. Celestia close the door. ‘Now let see... Violet Color. age twelve, weight one hundred and twenty four pounds, height three feet six inches, born in Hollow Shades Hospital, etc, filly of Blue Color, and Purple Color. Home schooled... Is that all?” Celestia lit her horn and telekinetically pulled the door open, the assistant still standing there. “How did you retrieve this information?” Celestia asks.

“We asked the hospital, and then we got in contact with the school, they said she was homeschooled, when we tried to contact the house, it was empty, we asked the neighbor, they said they were on a vacation, but they don’t know where.” The assistance explains.

“Hmm, okay then.” Celestia shut the door, and put her head down. Then she magically opens the door without lifting her head. “Thank you my little pony.” Celestia speak in a warm voice.

“My pleasure Princess Celestia.” Celestia closes the door. She next uses a telepathic spell to link to the Night guards, who Celestia hand pick to watch over her sister.

‘Night Guards.’ Celestia calls out to all of them.

‘Yes Princess Celestia?’ They responded unison..

“How, and where is my sister?” Celestia asks.

‘...’ There was a pause, Celestia raised her eyebrows at their silence. “We have lost visual on Princess Luna.’

“What?!” Celestia head shot up, she both shouts in and outward. ‘Where was she last?’

‘In the library.’

“Library?” Celestia thought out loud. ‘Was Violet with her?’

‘No Princess Celestia.’ A guard answered.

‘What book did she look at?’ Celestia asks.

‘A history book, and a fairy tale book.’One of the guards inform her.

“History book and a fairy tale...” Celestia thought out loud again. ‘What was the name of the fairy tale she was looking at.’

‘If I’m not mistaken, it was on Nightmare Moon.’ One of the guard thought.

“Why would she be researching Nightmare Moon... or more exactly herself... If she was looking up herself in a fairy tale book, she probably was looking up herself in the history book...” ‘As soon as you have visual on her, contact me and find out where she’s been.’ Celestia ordered.

“Yes Princess Celestia.’ They spoke in unison.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

Violet is sitting on the carpet, with a book in front of her, reading. “Violet it will be dinner time soon, get ready to go.”

“So soon?” Violet ask, with a sad look.

“Yeah, so soon?” Ceres repeats.

“Yes, we will be leaving now, Ceres.”

“It was nice seeing you again Luna.”


“And it was nice meeting you Violet.”

“It was nice meeting you too Ceres.”

“Please do visit soon, it does get lonely here.”

“Can I take a few books with me?” Violet asks.

“No, we can’t risk Celestia finding out about these books. Leave the books here.” Luna orders “We shall return tomorrow.”

“In that case, do you want me to put a transportation circle here?”

“Yes, that’s a great idea Violet.”

“She knows such spells as those too?” Ceres asks in surprise.

“Like we said, she is very gifted and strong in magic, both in knowledge and spell casting.”

“Is there a closet or a close room I can draw the circle in, Ceres?”

“Yes, you can draw it in that room, it was going to be turned into a supply closet for books, but nothing was ever stored in it.” Violet walked over to the closet door, and used her magic to open it. The door opened into a medium sized room, able to fit twelve or more ponies in it. Violet magics a brush and a bottle of red fluid; seh uncaps the bottle and dips the brush in it, then she got to work, drawing the circle. After a few minutes, it was done. She used a simple wind and heat spell to dry the red fluid. Then she pours magic into the circle, making it glow blue then back to red.

“There it’s finish, we can teleport from her to your room, and your other room.”

“Excellent, this way we won’t waste time flying here. We’ll be off now Ceres, see you tomorrow. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again”

“Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again” Ceres returns back to Luna. Violet looking confused until Luna spoke up.

“It’s a traditional way to say goodbye between Vamponies and those who know about it?"

"It goes as such: Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again." Luna said.

"It comes from a verse of a religion from the Discordian times that practiced the dark arts in ways that would help others. Try saying it.”

“Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.” Violet said the verse.

“Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.” Ceres said back to her.

“Wait we can’t go back with you looking like this, your pandent may cover other from sensing dark magic from you, but it does nothing for your appearance.” Luna pointed out.

“Right, don’t worry I have a morphing spell.” Violet horn let up a violet blue and purple, her body did the same after a second of her horn. Her canines which had sharpened to a threatening point, recede back into her mouth and form into regular pony teeth. Her eyes that glows a violet blue and purple, dim down until they were regular pony eyes. Her coat, tail, and mane which shined a luxurious black, violet blue, and purple, dim to a regular pony coat. Her figure which stands as that of the finest athletes, return to it former shape. Both Luna and Ceres jaws drop.

“I’m amazed that you can do such a spell changing ones body is rather taxing even for ponies gifted in magic!” Luna said, the surprise clearly evident in her voice.

She can cast a morphing spell too?!” Ceres asks her tone betraying some disbelief. Violet walks into the Closet,and turn to face both Luna and Ceres.

“I’m ready now.” Violet announced in a chirper voice with an innocent smile.

“Right.” Luna said shaking her head before stepping into the closet, “See you tomorrow Ceres.”

“Likewise.” Ceres responded with a smile.

Violet’s horn let up, the circle underneath there hooves glow in a bluish color, and in a bright flash, they disappear.

Luna's Home Coming

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<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

Violet and Luna reappear in the secret area in Luna’s room, behind the closet. “Now, before dinner starts, we are going to bath; we forgot to take one yesterday during all of thee excitement. Would you like to join us Violet?”

“Oh no Princess Luna, It would be disrespectful for me to do such an act with you.”

“Enough with that Violet, thou art our personal student, you are entitled to some special treatment. And besides we would love thine company.”

Violet gazed towards the ground thoughtfully. “I guess it’ll be okay.”

“Good. Now let us go.” They leave the secret compartment connected to the closest, that the portal is located in, making sure to close the closet door behind them before leaving Luna’s room.

As Luna and Violet exit the door, the two guards jump a little. “Princess Luna! We did not know you were back. May I ask where you have been?” The guard asks.

“… we do not see how our location is any of thine concern.”

“I and each and every one of the Night Guard are here to serve and protect you, if we don’t know where you are at all times, we cannot complete our duty.” The Night Guard argues.

“… We can take care of our self, thank you.”

“Of course Princess.” Luna walks past the guard and down the hallway with Violet a few feet behind her.

The Night Guard’s horn lights up activating his telepathy spell. ‘Princess Celestia, come in please. Princess Celestia come in please.’

‘Yes what is it?’ Celestia reponses.

‘Princess Luna has returned.’

‘From where?’

‘She came out of her room.’

‘So she teleported… Is Violet with her?’

‘Yes, both of them came out her room.’

‘Did she tell you where she’s been?’

‘No Princess, she refused.’

‘Why would she refuse... Unless she has something to hide… Don’t lose track of them again, I want updates on every place they stop at, do I make myself clear.’ Celestia order.

‘Yes Princess Celestia.’ All the Night Guards said in unison.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

Princess Luna approaches the bath room with Violet in toe. A Night Guard down the hallway is watching them. ‘Princess Celestia please come in, Princess Cel-‘ The Night Guard is cut off before he could finish.

‘Where are they now?’ Celestia asks.

‘They’re heading toward her bathing chambers, and is about to enter.’ The Night Guard informs.

“The bathing chambers…” Celestia thought out loud. ‘Good job. I’ll take it from here for now.’

‘As you wish Princess Celestia.’ Celestia teleports outside the bathing chambers door. She enters, finding Luna with her religa removed and Violet with her backpack off, both about to get in the water. “Oh, I did not know you two were also about to take a bath. May I join you?”

“Uh, sure Celestia of course.”

“If you want to have some alone time with your apprentice Luna, I understand.”

“No, no, it’s okay, come please join us sister.”

“Okay, If you insist.”Celestia remove her religa with her golden magic, as Luna enters the bath first, followed by Violet, and lastly Celestia.

“Oh this is so nice. I remember Twilight and I use to take baths together like this.” Celestia reminisced innocently.

“Really?” Luna asks.

“Yeah, until she saw me more as Princess Celestia, Princess of Equestria, and less as a mother figure, but I believe she had just gotten shy and embarrassed that she was the only pony who had probably taken a bath with the Princess. In her defense, she said she was old enough to take a bath alone.” Celestia laughs lightly.

“So what did you two do today?” Celestia asks.

Luna and Violet look at each other, as Celestia smile politely.

“…We went halfway down the mountain.” Luna informs.

“For what?” Celestia asks, still smiling.

“…To see how much strain her body can take, so we know what to start teaching her.” Luna explains.

“Why didn’t you just use the training room?” Celestia asks another question.

“I wanted to play outside in the fresh air under the sun!” Violet spoke up in a cheerful voice.

“Oh, and how was it?” Celestia asks.

“It was okay sister. How was your day?” Luna asks.

“It was uninteresting and exhausting, lots of meetings, and papers to sign.” Celestia looks at Violets body through the clear water. “You don’t look at that tired.”

“We did not want to overwork her.” Luna explains.

Celestia kept examining Violets body. “Violet, you know, I really don’t understand what your cutie mark stands for. Care to explain?”

“Um, sure… the flame stand for fire which is power.”

“And it in the form of a dragon biting its tail? I do believe that is an Uroborus symbol.” Celestia guess.

“Yes, that stands for never ending strength in body, mind, and magic.”

“Interest… And what of that pendent?”

“It’s… a present my parents gave me.”

“May I see it?”

“No, it’s very important to me! I don’t ever take it off.”

“Not even when taking a bath?”


“Wouldn’t you be worried that it might get damage getting wet like that?”

“It’s built to last against sun, and water damage.”

“Really… You know, I still can’t believe you can cast those advanced spells, and you learned them all on your own. Did you know that Luna, she taught herself how to cast those spell all on her own.”

“No Celestia, we did not. That is something to be proud of Violet.”

“Thank you Princess Luna.”

“It’s more than something, it’s astonishing, there must have been someone who gave you a helping hoof, even just a little.”

“… Well my mother explained some of the things I did not understand when reading, and my father showed me a few tricks.”

“Even so, you are very gifted, and talented, you’re almost as powerful as Twilight.”

“Twilight was casting such spells at a young age?” Luna asks.


“So how is she almost as powerful, she should be more and if not just as powerful.”

“Hahaha, oh Luna, Twilight has more to her than just studying.”

“Like what?”

“Just trust me, she might not have been able to cast such spells at Violet’s age, but she does hold a large amount of power in her.” Luna gives her sister a confuse look.

“Well I think that is it for me, I’ll be going now, see you two in a little while for dinner.”

“She’s on to us.” Violet spoke in a whisper.

“What?” Luna asks with a confuse expression.

“She knows something is amiss.”

“Violet thou art being paranoid.”

“Why did she asks all those question.”

“She was making small talk, and interest in our day and thou, thou art my personal student and all.”

“It’s too perfect, the time she came in here, as we were just about to step into the bath.”

“It’s just a coincidence.” Luna explains.

“Is it, Princess Luna, like you said, if you can’t trust your sister then you can’t trust the guard and if you can’t trust the guard, then you can’t trust your guards, the night guard.”

“What art thou saying Violet?”

“I’m saying that one of the guards told her where we were.”

“And pray tell how did they do that, run to her as fast as they possibly could?”

“Through magic.”

“Come now,it is not like everypony in the Night Guard are unico-They are!”

“Princess Luna?”

‘All of the Night Guards are unicorns, there are no earth ponies or pegasi we have seen so far… Celestia told us she chose the best ponies to be in the Night Guard, if she choose the very best, and they are all unicorns, the very best unicorns out of the whole royal guard, then that means they could use such a spells as telepathy. The only reason for that is to not protect us or act as ourself guards but to act as surveillance, to monitor us.’

“Princess Luna!” Violet call out, breaking Luna from her musings. “What’s wrong?”

“… Nothing Violet, come let us dry off and get ready for dinner.”


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

They enter the royal dining hall; Celestia already there and seated. “Now that you two are here, we can begin.” Celestia informs as Luna and Violet take their seats, five second later, ponies start to enter the room with plates balanced on their backs, placing them on the table. After all the plates were on the table, the ponies lift the covers, showing a wide variety of foods. They all bow then exist. “Now let’s eat.” Celestia announce. She levitated different meals to her plate and begin to eat.

“Celestia.” Luna calls out.

“Yes Luna?”

“We were wondering…” Luna pause for a moment.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” Celestia looked concerned.

“Nothing is wrong, we were just wondering what happened after our banishment?”

Celestia’s ears twitched a little at Luna question, Luna raise an eyebrow to this, she being the only one who could see such a small slip in Celestia’s composure ‘What?! Why is she asking that now?!’

“Celestia?” Luna calls out breaking Celestia from her musing.

“Um what do you mean?” Celestia asked trying.

“After thou banished us, what happened to Equestria.”

“Well… Equestria returned to the peace it was once before.”

“What of my followers?”

“Your followers, yes, they were arrested and put on trial.”

“What was their punishment?”

“Some received jail time, others community service.”

“Well no, It was a war dear sister, many ponies had already died, and there were many more who were willing and continued to fight to the death. It was another year before true peace could return.”

“How did you handle them? It couldn’t have been that easy.”

“We asked for help from the neighboring country, in exchange I lowered import taxes. But even with their help, it still took a year for the war to be truly end.”

“Why isn’t the war in the history books?”

“I didn’t want you to be remembered in a lesser light. You have to understand, that war was bloody, ponies today don’t even want to give a thought about causing harm to one another. To have something like that war brought to the mind of our young ones, who knows what mental harm it would cause.”

‘… We guess that makes sense…’ “What about Nightmare Night? How did that come to be?”

“That came about during the middle of the war, for those who did not fight, it was a nightmare. They felt as if no place was safe, so to keep their foals in line, and to make sure they didn’t wonder after dark, too far from home; they came up with the Nightmare Moon story where an evil mare would wonder around at night, and if she catches sight of you, she’ll eat you up. Before I knew of it, it was too late, I tried to hush those who spoke of it, but the foals were already talking about it. When the war was finally over, I thought that they would cease the stories, but as time went on, they adopted it into a holiday call Nightmare Night. Even now that the war itself had been forgotten, this became so popular that it stayed, even today little ones can’t wait for the night to fill their bags up with goodies. After a while, I figured what harm could it cause, if it brings smile to the little ones faces. You have to understand Luna, I know it’s upsetting but this is much better than them knowing of the war, and what took place during it.”

“...We understand sister. But why doesn’t anyone know of us?”

“If you were remembered, so would Nightmare Moon and her actions. If she was to be forgotten, so you too would have had to be forgotten.” Celestia inform..

“… We understand Celestia.” Luna stare at her plate for a moment then begin to eat.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

After dinner, Luna and Violet went to the secret compartment through Luna’s closet. They stand in the middle of the teleportation circle. “Are you ready Princess Luna?” Violet asks in an excited tone.

“Uhm... Yes.” Luna replied in a nervous tone.

“Your ponies will be overjoyed to see you return to them after waiting so long.”

“Will they be that happy to see us?”

“You have to understand Princess Luna, you’re our queen, in our eyes, you are our goddess. We will do as you command, as you wish. This night is a holiday for the ponies of Lunar Republic. Now let us go!”

“Yes, let us both be off.” Luna said with a weak smile. Violets horn lit up with her unique two tone field, the teleportation circle underneath them lit up in a bluish color, and they disappear in a flash of light. They reappear in Luna’s room in the Lunar Republic’s castle. “You know that pull and push isn’t as bad as the first few times, we do not really feel it anymore, And we thought you said only one pony at a time could teleported?”

“It really only depends on power, you see it depends on the pony races, and magic level, for two unicorns who are high level spellcasters, it is no problem for them to teleport together, but if it’s an earth pony or pegasus who do not have unicorn magic, they have to be teleported one at a time, because of the fact that the caster would have to use more power so the pony won’t get ripped apart, so the mare or stallion would have to concentrate more on getting them to the other side. Where if it was a unicorn, the unicorns own magic would protect them from being pull apart without the unicorn itself willing it.”

“Then why did we have to go alone, the first few times?”

“You’re an alicorn, I have never teleported one before, I didn’t know if I could have transported both of us safely at the same time."


“Are you ready.”

“… We are as ready as we will get we oppose.”

“Would you please follow me, Queen Luna?”

Luna took a deep breath. “Yes.”

Violet bows and turns to trot out the door, as they walk through the castle, Luna notices how quiet it was, they did not see any other ponies along the way, as they approached the front door of the Castle. When they opened it, they saw five ponies standing at attendance and a chariot that showcased the night sky; three standing at the bottom of the steps, and two more standing on each side of the chariot door. Once they saw Queen Luna step outside the castle, they bowed deeply. “Queen Luna, it is a pleasure, please step this way.” An earth pony directed her to the chariot door, where two guards stood on both sides. Luna walks up to the chariot both Lunar Republic guards standing on either side of the door bow and open it. “Queen Luna please watch your step.” The guards say. Luna enters the chariot, Violet enters right behind her. Once inside, the chariot door closes, and it began moving.

“Here.” Violet’s magic held out a roll. “Please wear this my Queen.” Luna took it, and put it on while speaking.

“What is this for?”

“It’s to hide you, once you are standing in front of the podium, we will announce your presence, then you take off the hood.” They ride for a long time, there is no noise, it’s so quiet it seems as if they weren’t moving at all. The chariot stops after forty five minutes.

“Here we are my Queen.”

“Okay.” The chariot door opened outwards. A guard standing by her side was holding the door, two unicorn guards further ahead were standing still waiting for her. She begins to walk, when she notices Violet going in another direction. “Wait! Where are you going? Aren’t you coming with us?”

“No, you must do this alone.”


“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Luna looks ahead then back at Violet then a head again then back at Violet and with a nod of finality, starts to walk up to the guards,“Oh one more thing Queen Luna.” Luna turns around to look at Violet. “Use the royal everfree voice when speaking.” Once she was between them, the guards bow and walk over to the curtain. She followed them, the guard grabs the curtain but did not part them.

A voice from all around said. “All hail Queen Luna!” The two guards part the curtain. Luna paused before walking outside. All she could see were ponies, staring all of them staring.

Luna stood in front of the podium she stares out before taking off her hood, then she spoke in a nervous voice. “O-Our Little Ponies!” Luna used the telepathic connection that the moon blessing gave to contact Violet, ‘no pony is saying anything.’

‘You have to use the everfree voice.’ Luna nervously forgot to use the canterlot voice, she tried again, taking a deep breath. “OUR LITTLE PONIES!” Is all she could think to say.

A moment of silence before one pony said something in the crowd. “IT’S QUEEN LUNA!” Every pony jumped up in a cheer. Then they start chanting “Down with Celestia!” repeatedly.

“Um wait, no…”.

Violet telepathically spoke to Luna.‘Queen Luna, you have to be more forceful, we have been training and waiting for as long as you have been imprisoned in the moon. You need to make it clear as to what you want us to do.’


As she walks, all she heard was the unanimous cheer. “Hail Queen Luna.” repeatedly as she stepped off the stage, and entered behind the curtain, twelve ponies bow towards her.

“Queen Luna, please come, we have some matters to discuss back at the castle.”


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

Back at the castle in one of the meeting room, Luna sits on a chair decorated in gold and silver, depicting the moon and the stars, with a cushion of similar design, twelve ponies sat around her. All seated at a round table symbolizing the round shape of the moon, with Violet standing next to Luna. “Queen Luna, Violet has informed me of some things, but I still must ask, you know of how our system is, but if you have another way you would like us to do things, please tell us.”

“…No, Violet has explained the system you have created here, and I don’t feel I have a right to interfere, nor do I want to.”

“Very well. Violet here has also explained that it would be better for you to just be informed and watch us, so you can get a more deep and greater understanding of how we do things around here.”

“Yes, I think that would be for the best.”

“Very well. We will begin by discussing today’s business, you can stay and hear it, or you can be briefed on it later. If you choose the second offer, Violet will introduce you to some ponies you should meet Queen Luna.”

Violet mentally whispered to Luna. ‘You should choose the second offer, trust me, these things are boring, plus, there are ponies who you need to meet.’ Violet tells Luna.

‘But shouldn’t I be here for this, isn’t it important.’ Luna argue back.

“No and yes, it’s little matter, if it was of grave concern I’ll tell you to stay, and plus you will be briefed on it afterward.”

“…Okay if there are important figures we should meet, then we shall leave you all to discuss these matter of little concern.” Everyone stood up and bow.

“It’s was a pleasure Queen Luna.”

“Yes, our pleasure as well...Then we shall take our leave now. Violet…” Luna said awkwardly, Luna stood, and follow Violet to the door. Once they exit, Luna breathes a sigh of relief.

“Are you okay Queen Luna?” Violet asks.

“Violet please we beg you to just call us Luna from now on, at least when it is just the two of us, please.”

“… Okay Que- I mean Luna.”

“Thank you, and to answer your question, yes, I’m just a bit overwhelmed by all of this.”

“Don’t worry, we have a system in place for just about anything, if you don’t feel like dealing with something, give it to the system.”

“we cannot just do that, they count on us.”

“They, we count on you to be here, that’s all, to know our Queen is near is all we want, that’s all we wanted for the last thousand years. Nothing less, nothing more. And for the rest of your night, you just have to see a few ponies. Ponies who you have to decide to turn into Vampony or if we are to use the correct term Nosferatu.”

“What?!” Luna nearly shouted with a shock expression.

“They are ponies who are selected to be shown to you in advance of your return, those who have proven themselves ready to receive the blessing of the moon, all that left is for you to decide if you will give it to them or not.”

“…Okay... we guess that is okay.”

“Follow me to your royal seating… Luna.”

“Yes, lead the way Violet.” Luna with Violet leading the way walk down the hallway.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

They enter the royal seating room; three ponies of each race stand attendance. When Luna passes them, they each bow and rise as she sets down with Violet standing next to her. Luna took a minute to look at each of the ponies; a male earth pony is the first pony in line from the right; having two scythes cross each other in an x shape, his fur is a dirt orange color, his mane and tail are a golden yellow. The second middle pony is a Pegasus, his cutie mark is that of an bat. His fur is gray and black, like staring into the night sky’s true color, with only a few gray clouds, his mane and tail are white. The last pony on the far left is a unicorn, her cutie mark a brown leather bound book, her fur is a dark shade of blue, her mane and tail are white . Violet introduces them one by one starting from the right. “The first pony is name Harvest; he is one of the top ranked of his classes, and one of the best in hoof to hoof combat. The next one is Night-Vision; he is rank as the top flyer of the Pegasus classes, and one of the best in arial wing combat a veritable ace among aces. The last but not least is Spellbound; she is the top of her rank in unicorn classes, and ranks one of the top in magic to magic combat. These three are the ones whom we believe are best fit to serve you and to be turned into nosferatu.” Luna looks at each one, not knowing what to do.

“…I’ll~ think about it… You are excused.” The three ponies leave the room.

“If you’ll excuse me Luna, I have to go have a private chat with Spellbound…” Violet bow and starts to walk away.

“Wait!” Luna calls out.

“Yes?” Violet turn around.

“What do we do next?”

“Well... that’s it.”

“What you mean that’s it?”

“That’s all that needed to be done… at least for today. You can do whatever you like now.”

“… That’s it, you telling us after a thousand years of waiting, that all you ponies needed us to do, is to make a speech announce that we are here, and take a look at three ponies.”

“You can go sit in the meeting room, and listening in on what sort of civil problem Luna Republic citizens are having, but I warn you, even though we take them all as being important, doesn’t mean they’re not going to be boring.”

“Then what are we suppose to do?!”

“… Take a walk… or go watch the guards train, they will be honored to be watched by you… and a little nervous.”

Luna exhales. “No, no, no, we shall just go to our room, we have some things to think over before or after we rest a little.”

“Oh okay, do you know the way?”

“Yes… we think… no.”

“Ask any of the guards, they will show you the way. Now please excuse me Luna, I have to go have a chat with Spellbound on some private matter.”

Luna turns her head to this, being confuse. “…Okay…” Violet left the room, Luna soon after steps out of the royal seating room. She turn to see a guard by the door. “Guard, please show us to our quarters.”

The guard bows. “As you wish my Queen.”


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

Violet and Spellbound stand in one of the many guest bedrooms of the castle. “So let me get this straight, if I let you suck my blood, you will help me get transformed into a Vampony, right?”


“And how will you go by doing that?”

“I’m Queen Luna’s personal student, she’ll listen to me.”

“… Okay, you have a deal… So how will we go by this?”

“Just lay down, and I’ll do the rest.”

“… Okay.” Spellbound climbed onto the bed, laying on her back face up. Violet crouched over her, moving closer to her neck.

“Is it going to hurt.” Spellbound asks.

“Are you scared?” Violet smile.

“Of course not, I just want to know so I can brace myself for this, that’s all.”

“Don’t worry, from what I know, it should be quite pleasurable… for both parties.”


Violet let her her morphing spell drop, changing her appearance back to her Nosferatu form. Spellbound looked upon Violets new appearance with a surprised expression.

“So this is what the blessing does to you.” Spellbound said amazedly.

“This and more, now hold still.” Violet instructs; she begin to lowering her fangs to Spellbounds bare flesh, Spellbound closes her eyes, bracing herself for any pain that may come. Violet could hear her heart beat a bit faster, as Spellbound felt Violets lips brush the fur on her neck. Violet instinctively knowing where the artery was, as she rest her fangs on Spellbounds neck. Violet could feel her shaking a little, she found a small amount of pleasure in the fact that she is completely at her mercy. Violet bit down softly, trying to cause as little pain as she could. Violet feeling her tense up beneath her as her fangs pierced her skin, a small moan escaping Spellbounds lips as the first drops of blood hit Violets tongue. Violet was not at all prepared for the taste of it. Her blood tasted like the juice from the finest apples, picked at the perfect time in harvest and squeezed fresh into the glass. Violet knew it should have a different taste, but she was too lost in the explosion of flavor to care. She began to suck, the blood flowing in small rivulets from around her fangs, causing Spellbound to moan a little louder.

"Oh Queen Luna’s Moon filled night." Spellbound moans out with half lidded lust filled eyes and a quivering bottom lip. Violet could smell Spellbounds arousal clearly even though she is distracted by the taste and feel of her blood. Violet bite down harder, this time getting the same rush of flavor, but with a wave of pleasure as well. She feels Speller squirm underneath her, moaning quietly. Violet sucks a little more gently, the blood trickling slowly into her mouth. She can feel herself becoming more aroused as the waves of pleasure coursed through her, causing her whole body to tingle. Violet feels Spellbound starting to pant as she moaned louder. Coming to the end, Violet sucks a little faster, feeling Spellbounds whole body tense as her mouth opened in a silent scream as Violet drank. Violet finally let go of her neck, and lay to the side, Spellbound reeling in from the afterglow fell asleep; Violet hearing her breathing and heartbeat as being the same as that of a sleeping foal, while she also close her eyes and fell asleep as well.


<==Vampony Chronicles{T L R}==>

{Y_Y Vampony Chronicle: The Lunar Republic Y_Y}

As Luna enters her quarters, she turns around to face the guard that lead her there.

“Thank you, you may return to your post.” The guard bows.

“Yes Queen Luna.” Luna closes the door and lay on her bed. She close her eye lids, her sister appeared to her, she instantly her eyelids flew wide open.

‘…She lie to me… She murdered them… executed them… And it was not all because they were my followers; it was because they knew how to use dark magic. She used the blessed to kill My PONIES.’ Was the last thought to come to Luna mind as her eyelids closed and she drifted off to sleep.