The Journal of Sombra Lucent

by JitterbugJive

First published

The journal entries of a crystal unicorn of his journey and discovery of a new magic

My name is Sombra Lucent. I am a resident of the Crystal Kingdom, hailing from the upper class sector. I am making this journal entry to archive my recent magical studies of artifacts and our history.
For as long as our people can remember, our kingdom has been the heart of Equestria. We keep balance and harmony across the land, and take great pride in our duty. Our love is their love, say they say.
But I want to find the source of all of this. I want to discover why the Crystal chose us in this otherwise desolate tundra of cold and ice, and what effects it may have on the kingdom itself. All of this exposure to the crystal has given our coats a glorious shine, and we as the shining guardians of Equestria have been aptly named 'Crystal Ponies'. But while our role in this world is strong, we are also quite fragile in mind and in body.
I have left the kingdom, braving the snow and ice to locate answers to our past and the origins of the crystal. I also hope to find some way to improve my magic and perhaps bring new ideas and studies to what I consider an otherwise crumbling society. They need a leader, they need to stop with their dreams of a crystal princess because in all this time of waiting and legend, there has never been one present among us. She is just a bed-time story for foals at this point, and I refuse to accept the praise and reliance on something that simply isn't there.


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Entry 1

My name is Sombra Lucent. I am a resident of the Crystal Kingdom, hailing from the upper class sector. I am making this journal entry to archive my recent magical studies of artifacts and our history.

For as long as our ponies can remember, our kingdom has been the heart of Equestria. We keep balance and harmony across the land, and take great pride in our duty. Our love is their love, so they say.

But I want to find the source of all of this. I want to discover why the Crystal chose us in this otherwise desolate tundra of cold and ice, and what effects it may have on the kingdom itself. All of this exposure to the crystal has given our coats a glorious shine, and we as the shining guardians of Equestria have been aptly named ‘Crystal Ponies’. But while our role in this world is strong, we are also quite fragile in mind and in body.

I have left the kingdom, braving the snow and ice to locate answers to our past and the origins of the crystal. I also hope to find some way to improve my magic and perhaps bring new ideas and studies to what I consider an otherwise crumbling society. They need a leader, they need to stop with their dreams of a crystal princess because in all this time of waiting and legend, there has never been one present among us. She is just a bed-time story for foals at this point, and I refuse to accept the praise and reliance on something that simply isn’t there.

The Discovery

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Entry 2

Long have I searched and found nothing of our crystal’s origins. However, on my journey I have learned many new magics and I am confident that I can at least return home with some further knowledge beyond what anypony in the kingdom has achieved. This could be my chance to prove my own capabilities to them, to show them there is so much more than relying on festivities and an object to keep us alive and well. The things I have seen beyond the mountains, the lands I have traveled, everything out there is so much more brilliant than any of them could ever dream.

I pity them.

Entry 3

I found something. Finally, after all this time I’ve stumbled on an ancient artifact in a lost temple, buried in ruins that were long forgotten. I only happened on these ruins because I was using a magic detecting spell, which picked up a shocking amount of energy beyond even the crystal in its dormant state. Impossible, I thought, but perhaps not so much. Naturally, I followed this magic signal, hoping to find another crystal. Oddly enough, the signal seemed to dull down the closer I came to it, as if the signal was made for the sole purpose of attracting my attention.

I wont deny the disappointment I felt when I cleared the rubble of a small tomb only to happen upon a pile of old dust and nothing more. The tomb itself was odd, so tucked away from the world that not even cobwebs dared to venture inside. There was nothing but the dull smell of old. No other way to explain it. Just old. But the signal was still there, coming from this rather ordinary dust-pile, and that perhaps is what drove me to dig.

And there I found it, old, rustic, wondrous… A book, somehow completely unharmed in the rot and decay, not even stained from the dirt or pages warped from the dampened air… A perfect book, as fresh as a newly scribed scroll.

Now that I am clear of the ruins and have set up camp, I can examine this strange book. The cover is pitch black, not exactly flattering in the least, and only a few symbols litter the front with no full indication of the contents within. A sun, a moon, a six pointed star of magical unity, and the one thing that caught my interest most… A crystal heart. I have tucked this book safely in to my saddle-bag for the time being, I have a long journey ahead of me if I wish to return home to thouroughly study this artifact, and I will need all the rest I can get.


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Entry 4

I have returned to my study tower in the Crystal Empire. Nothing has changed since I’d left on my journey, the citizens are still fools, loafing about with not a care in the world while I myself have toiled away in my studies, trying to find a solution for them. It’s as if their joys and festivities are the only things that matter to them.

I feel like the last of my kind in this land, the only one who still cares about magic and progress. A unicorn should take pride in their magic, not laze about eating crystal berries and sipping nectar all day! The crystal provides everything they’ll ever need, they claim. They needn’t worry about the trivial things. Their task in protecting Equestria should be important enough. Well, I disagree completely.

Even the pegasi are mere shadows of what a true pegasus should be. I’ve seen them, out in that vast world. Pegasi who are strong warriors, the keepers of the skies, controlling the very elements themselves! But not so in the Crystal Empire, where the crystal provides everything for us. The Crystal gives us good weather, shelters us from the harsh cold beyond our borders, covers our coats in a protective shine. And what’s more pathetic is the fact that the crystal pegasi are still clinging to their roots, engaging in the false battles of jousting. To think, I used to enjoy such a sport until I realized that it was a desperate mimicry of a once proud past.

Perhaps I am giving myself false hope and high expectations, but I long to find answers in these dark pages. If I can find the origins of our crystal, then maybe our empire can finally escape their ignorance.

Entry 5

Astounding. That’s the only word I can think to describe what I have found so far in the pages of the dark book. I’ve found nothing yet on the Crystal Heart, but it appears that this book is a document of ancient spells from the days of Chaos’ Reign when unicorn magic was stripped away from the lands.

A small group of rebel unicorns gathered to search for alternate means of magic in order to rise up against the Overlord, and in their journey discovered the gates to Tartarus.

Now, this is fascinating because these days, Tartarus is common knowledge. They say the gates are guarded by a giant three headed beast known as Cerberus, and that none shall enter or leave those doors. What lies beyond the gate is a portal to another side of our world, or that’s what the legend states. It is all speculation on exactly what this other world contains. Some say it’s a pathway to the underworld where the dead’s souls lay to rest, others say it’s a prison to ancient titans and demons, or perhaps a portal to the damned… No matter what story one may hear, nothing good is contained beyond those gates, and should the gates open without a guardian, it is said that our own world could be wrought with destruction and evil beyond anything it has ever seen.

And yet… these pages seem to claim otherwise… No pony had ever seen the gates before, and what I found strange was that the Guardian of the Gates was so much wilder than what we see now. Cerberus had no chains, no collars, it simply guarded the gate with a driven ferocity, and this is what convinced the unicorns to believe whatever it guarded was of the utmost importance. Through great toiling, they managed to overcome the beast by tricking it in to drinking a large vat of milk taken from an Ursa Major and laced with a powerful sleeping herb.

The details of their journey in to the Otherworld as they called it were scarce, and frustratingly vague… They lost many on their journey, leaving only three to remain. But it did not leave them empty hooved. Scrolls. They had found many spell scrolls, and barely managed to escape with them before Cerberus awoke once more.

I find myself quite weary after reading this far. If I turn the page, I myself may be able to gaze upon the details of these scrolls, but there is something draining my energy, tugging me away.

I must be tired, I have been practically devouring this book since early morn. I shall rest now and continue my studies when I am refreshed.

Entry 6

This magic is beyond anything I had ever witnessed. Yes, magic that comes from another source altogether! I’ve returned to my studies, and I am so very close to discovering something I never would have dreamed of. The ancient spells contained within these pages were said to be powerful enough to destroy the Overlord if only they were given the proper substance. The three surviving unicorns were only amateurs at best, but even they were able to draw on a magic more powerful than anything they ever once knew. There was no way the Lord Discord could face such a magic, and they had hoped even with their limited knowledge that they could somehow rise up and use this magic to destroy him.

But fate was not kind to them. They could not harness this magic properly, as it was a new substance with many consequences. One of the unicorns lost her sanity and sealed herself away after she had used the spell they had dubbed ‘The Door to Answers’. The second unicorn was foolish and cast a spell that was levels beyond what he was ready for, and as a result his entire body was hardened from the inside out until he was nothing but black obsidian glass. It was only the last remaining unicorn of the group who seemed to know how to harness this magic at safe levels and use it wisely, and his notes were the most reliable I’ve found so far.

I’m going to try to activate the first spell.

Entry 7

I did it.

Through much strain and concentration, I managed to activate the hidden magic within me.

I can’t say it wasn’t draining to use, though. I only used it for a moment, and yet… It feels as if my magic were sapped out. I can still use my normal magic fine, oddly enough, but it doesn’t feel the same any more. It feels so mundane, so useless… Whatever power is in this new magic, it must be strong and I want to know more.

But I’m so tired.

I have closed the book for now. My studies will continue at a later time, perhaps I am missing something in this book.


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Entry 8

I must say my further readings were unsatisfying. The ‘Otherworld’ magic had so much potential, and it seemed enough to counter the tyrannical rule of Discord, but before it could be used another energy was discovered. ‘The Elements of Harmony’, wielded through chosen avatars filled with the raw six magical compounds. Before he even had a chance, all of the unicorn scholar’s efforts were put to waste. The loss of his comrades, his diminishing energy, his research… He was so close to discovering something big, but it all stopped before he could reach that point.

After Discord’s rule had been lifted, his notes became more frantic. It seemed the sudden re-activation of true magic in the land caused a dangerous imbalance inside him that destroyed his magical focus completely. Surely, had he been exposed to both magics simultaneously such a state would not have occurred.

Balance is the key. I just know it. The book became a riddle of notes and cryptic messages and spell theories that are difficult to decipher. I know if I take the time, I can unlock the true source of this magic. With my own magic keeping me at my top condition, I should be able to do what he could not!

The book called to me. I see it now. This was meant for me to discover!

Entry 9

I don’t understand it! Again and again I’ve read the book, pages upon pages of scrambled notes. Obsidian. Crystals. Glass. The sun and the moon. Constantly repeated, and those blueprints. Pieces of a puzzle, and I just can’t fathom what it all means! I must be missing something. I’m using the magic a little easier now, in small bursts. It’s tiring, but the power it holds is so invigorating. I must learn to use it without ill effect, I can practically taste the raw potential of it. Imagine, magic no longer needing to rely on the life blood of the crystal, or on petty emotions, or on whatever energies it uses that links all unicorns in one source. This new yet ancient magic is individual, if one loses it another can use it. There is no single source to be canceled out.

As far as I can tell, the only magic capable of canceling out the Other magic is our own magic, which undoubtedly has a connection to the Crystal…! I just know it! Why else would Equestria’s entire foundation be built on the state of it? Why else would such a seemingly small and mundane object hold the fate of an entire continent? If only I could study it, but they only bring it out during the Crystal Fair…

Do those fools really need their Crystal? What were to happen if they no longer had it? If it was destroyed? Would they open their eyes, or would they fall? Perhaps worse still, what if their lives are so interwoven with it that they would die without it? What of its state? Is it able to be altered?

Obsidian, black glass, a dark Crystal. Perhaps Obsidian is the key.

I will have to study the element, as I realize this volcanic rock is nowhere to be found in the Crystal Empire… Suspicious…

Entry 10

Research is fruitful. I managed to obtain some good obsidian blocks through outside trade, and while it seems ordinary it is not so when the Otherworld magic is used in its presence. It resonates with a brilliant shine and amazingly enough it GROWS when the magic is used with it! It spreads so violently fast in the presence of the Otherworld magic that I had to cease using it before it overtook my study. The walls are covered in black crystals, so dark yet so beautiful… Some got on my hooves, but I managed to scrape it off without any damage.

I do feel rather tired though, such progress does take one’s energy.

If so much love and joy is needed consistently to power the Crystal, then what power would be needed to keep the obsidian stable?

So tired, yet I can’t stop thinking. I musn’t over exert myself.

Entry 11

The puzzle is coming together. The more I use the magic, the more I can see. It speaks to me, resonates through me. Something is tinting the pigment of my skin and changing my fur, like black in my very cells. I keep scraping off the obsidian crystals that are constantly trying to grow on my body like parasites, or more rather like growths. As tired as I am, the book constantly calls me. The magic is so powerful. I am meant to use it, I am meant to bring some meaning to this puzzle!

The blueprints seem nearly obvious now, towering structures in what seems to be an alchemical circle of massive size. It was used in a smaller scale in the ruins of the temple, which explains the magical energy I’d sensed when I discovered it. If I am correct in my theory, should this thing be created in the size it was meant to be, the whole of Equestria could have an entirely new magical source!

But it all leads back to that crystal heart. I can’t stop thinking about it. What is its purpose? Why is it there? Why does it change our bodies and why is it the source?

Entry 12

At the next Crystal Fair I will find a way to take the Heart. No one will stop me, I must have it. For research, for progress. It will be mine.


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Entry 13

It is absolutely amazing seeing how one small object can make an entire nation fall in to utter panic and chaos! It never once occurred to their feeble minds that one could easily take their precious crystal right out from under their noses. But I have done it, and those fools don’t even know it was me.

It’s amazing, the power this crystal heart gives off just being here in my study, surrounded by the sharp black obsidian that contrasts it so very well. It’s as if the heart is trembling before me, knowing full well who its new master is. If the magic of love and light power it, then what will my own magic do?

Entry 14

The reaction was marvelous! A huge burst of power surging out from my tower the moment the Other magic touched the crystal heart! The whole sky shifted in just that one small spark, and in return the Crystal Heart has favored me and accepted me as the bearer of its magic! So much power, beyond anything I’ve ever felt! The Obsidian in my blood has even accepted me, and rather than turning me in to a husk it preserved me and flows through me!

I did it! I am the one to bear this magic, I am the one to change the world! Oh, they may not see it my way at first, but soon they shall!

They know now where the magic came from, it would be best for me to hide the Heart. They cannot have it! This power is too great for those ignorant gnats to even touch!

Entry 15

Oh how I laugh at the weakness the Crystal Kingdom contains! They know now what power I have, they know I control the Heart, and they tremble in terror! Yet the fools recognize that I am chosen by the Crystal, they can see the obsidian growing in my every step.. The Crystal King has an excellent ring to it, doesn’t it? They whisper it, fearing and knowing the inevitable.

They fear this power, but they also respect it. I can tell, I can see it. But they can’t have it! They wont!

The Crystals speak to me now, and I have a mission to fulfill. I have a fate I must instill!

Entry 16

The Kingdom is mine. They dare not challenge the magic. I have shown them their fears, I have shown them their fates should they not obey my will. Oh, they complain now but soon they will see that ultimately this is all for the betterment of the whole of Equestria!

They don’t see it like I do!

They must build! The monoliths must be prepared, the change must be made!

This is not darkness, this is progress! A new era of new magic and new technologies beyond any of their comprehension!

Harmony and love? No more! There will be order and progress! Order and progress is so much more reliable than fairytales and emotions!

Entry 17

The unicorns wanted my magic. They tried to take it. They tried to take my Crystal. They want to destroy the monoliths. I wont let them.

All of them will be executed.

Only I can have this magic, I will not risk them taking it from me.

The Crystal Heart is hidden in a new location. They will never take it. This kingdom is mine, this power is necessary.

Build more! The time is soon, the monoliths will reverse the magic in the land and create a new world!

The Crystals sing songs of their new rebirth in my head every moment!

Ent. 18

Pegasi are brutes, they really are! Even though they lost their original origins, the Crystal Pegasi still had the warrior in their blood. They are strong when provoked. They can find the Crystal Heart if they keep flying like they do. It’s aggravating. They’ve been rallying hope in the other workers.

No more.

There will not be a feather left of any pegasi in my kingdom! I execute them tonight.

Ent 19

So perfect now, my kingdom of black crystal and glass… The monoliths are towering higher and higher, deeper and deeper. Spirals, the stairways to Tartarus and Olymphia… The connection must be made. I will become a god.

One more tower. One more and the ritual shall be ready.

The earth ponies make such good slaves, it’s as if serving and working is in their instinct. Powerful yet so stupid.

Build higher, my slaves, dig lower. The time is soon.

Ent 20

The Crystals are so loud

So very loud

So close

Princesses are coming

The shadow calls

But the monoliths are ready

The Heart is mine, the Obsidian promises eternal power




Forever to live


Crystals the heart monoliths time is mine crystals inside

Crystals crystals crystals crystals

Ghyarhali lucidia sommbroso il crisera barathrum.