Mlp scream


First published

After the events of anon-a-Miss, someone kills everyone involved and leaves some red herrings.

Anon-a-Miss has finished but someone goes around killing those involved in it. How will Applejack and the girls fare? Based on 1996 scream. Image from

Prologue: Christmas 2018

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Students looked at Sunset, sniggering.


”Sunset Shitter.”

”Queen Bee.”


”The bitch is back.”

Sunset cowered against her locker as the sniggering, whispering students followed her everywhere. Everywhere the fiery redhead turned, students were whispering, throwing food and sniggering. And she had had enough. She was tired of being framed for something she didn’t do. She needed to get revenge on whoever the true Anon-a-miss was.

She ran to the library, which was practically empty, apart from 3 freshmen girls. Sunset pulled out a notebook, writing down the cases of the cyberbullying. Piggly Wiggly. The embarrassing photos in Rarity’s closet. Rainbow Dash’s test score. Apart from her and the Rainbooms, who else would have known about these?

Not Snips and Snails. They were too stupid. Maybe she was asking the wrong question. Maybe, instead of what is the link, who, apart from herself, hasn’t had a single Anon-a-miss post about them?

For Sunset, that was an easy answer. The CMC obviously. But why, was now the pending answer. And how did they link to Piggly Wiggly?

Of course. It all made sense. Applebloom overheard the conversation between her and Applejack when she called. Sweetie Belle was in the same room as them at Rarity’s sleepover. Rainbow Dash must have left her test paper in the girls’ changing rooms after football practice and Scootaloo must have picked it up. It all made sense. But the burning questions she had now were, Why? And how would she get revenge?

Chapter one: Big Mac and Sugar Belle

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3 months later...

Big Mac was waiting by the microwave for the popcorn to finish popping. He looked at the analog clock above the stove, which read as half past 10 in the evening. It was dark outside, and he was worried that his new girlfriend, Sugar Belle, would not be able to find the distinctive red farmhouse.

His landline phone rang. He picked it up. "Hello?" he answered. "Who is this?"

"I'm sorry," said the voice on the other end. "I must have gotten the wrong number."

Big Mac ended the call.

30 seconds later, his mobile rang. It was the same number as the person who called on the landline. "Hello?" answered Big Mac. "Who is this? You can't have the wrong number as you're ringing me again."

"It's not who am I." replied the voice on the other side. "It's where am I?"

Big Mac turned, his green eyes looking at the figure in a black cloak, hood up, their face hidden by a Ghostface mask. Big Mac screamed.

"What are you doing?" asked the distorted voice.

"I'm making popcorn," replied Big Mac innocently. "My girlfriend and I are about to watch a horror movie."

"Well I can tell you that Sugar Belle is outside, chained to a chair," laughed the voice.

Big Mac ran to the window. As the voice had rightly said, his girlfriend was chained up.

"Now," said the voice. "I'll free your girlfriend if you answer my question correctly. If you don't, you both die. Do we have a deal?"

"Eeyup," replied Big Mac.

"Okay," said the distorted voice. "First question. Who was the killer in the horror book The Woman in Black by Susan Hill? 5 seconds."

"Janet Humfrye," answered Big Mac.

"Surname is right," replied the voice. "So you live. But Janet is wrong. So she dies."

Big Mac walked over to the window, seeing Ghostface stab Sugar Belle in her vagina. Then Ghostface took Sugar Belle's T-Shirt off and ripped off her bra. The killer raised their knife, stabbing her between her breasts.

Big Mac screamed. He did not hear the front door open. The killer ran towards him, knife out. Big Mac hid under the table, shaking with fear. Ghostface lifted up the tablecloth. Big Mac ran outside, his safe option was to go to the barn. Or he could run to the orchard.

He decided to run to the orchard, the killer was waiting behind a tree. Big Mac fell to his knees, sobbing, with the killer sneaking up behind him and stabbing him in his abdomen.

As he began to lose consciousness from losing so much blood, the killer stabbed him in the back. Big Mac collapsed, lurching forward. Then he was still.

Ghostface pulled out their phone, texting someone. They laughed, and disappeared from Sweet Apple Acres.

When Applebloom woke up the next day to water the apple trees in the orchard, she found her older brother dead. She screamed, and her older sister, Applejack, came running. Applejack gasped.

Who was behind this abominable crime?

Interlude 1: Big Mac’s funeral

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Applebloom and Applejack wore black as they stood in the orchard with Sugar Belle's parents. Two black coffins lay side by side, containing the first two victims of Ghostface. Granny Smith had her head bowed, Applejack and Applebloom had tears in their eyes. Whoever was behind this murder will be brought to justice, thought Applejack.

The priest gave a speech, then Granny Smith said her final goodbyes to the departed.

Applebloom went inside. Granny Smith and Sugar Belle's parents followed. Applejack took off her Stetson hat, her blonde hair glittering in the sunlight.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. Applejack turned to see her girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer was a victim of Anon-a-miss and forgave the Cutie Mark Crusaders for their crimes. After the fiasco, she and Applejack began to date. "I'm sorry for your loss," said Sunset, kneeling beside Applejack. She hugged the young farmer. "Do you want to talk about it?" Applejack sighed before responding.

"I'm fine," she replied. "I'll call ya if I need to talk. Just... just leave me alone."

Sunset walked away, leaving Applejack to wallow in her grief.

Chapter 2: the party

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"All students, please report to the gym!" called Vice-Principal Luna over the intercom. Sunset looked at Applejack.

"What's going on?" asked Sunset. Applejack shrugged.

Rainbow Dash ran up with Fluttershy. "Have you heard? Big Mac and Sugar Belle were stabbed!"

Sunset snarled.

"Don't talk about it!" she growled, putting her arm around Applejack. "It's a sensitive topic for AJ."

They walked into the gym. Sci-Twi waved them over. Rarity and Pinkie were sitting with them.

Principal Celestia walked onto the stage. "Good morning, students! All classes will be cancelled due to some kids in Ghostface costumes killing Big Mac and Sugar Belle. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Can Sheriff Night Light and I have a word?"

"Of course," replied Applebloom.

Sunset was texting Flash. Applejack put her hand to Sunset's belly. "AJ, the baby isn't due yet. Give it a few more weeks," said Sunset, wincing as the baby began to kick her again.

Sunset turned to leave. She turned back to her girlfriend. "Oh, AJ," she said. "Before I forget. Send a message out to everyone. Party at Flash's place at 6 PM."

"Right," replied Applejack. "Will do."

Applebloom walked into the gym. "Sis, Principal Celestia wants to see you." Applejack sighed. She grasped Sunset's hand, kissed it, let go and left.

Other students began to leave, until Applebloom and Sunset were left. Sunset grabbed Applebloom by the neck, hissing in a dangerous, soft voice, "I know what you did to me."

When 6 PM came around, students of all ages were dancing to loud music; from AC/DC to Taylor Swift, to Coldplay and Darren Criss. Students, especially Flash, were all enjoying themselves.

Meanwhile, Principal Celestia was still working. She had no clue which of her students would do such a heinous crime. At around 10 PM, there was a knocking sound. She left her office, leaving the door open, going into the hallways, but only the elderly janitor was there. She went back into her office, looking around, suspicious. She opened her closet. Nothing.

Principal Celestia shut the door, coming face to face with Ghostface. They leapt onto her, pinning her down. Ghostface pulled out a dagger, stabbing Principal Celestia twice in her chest and twice in her abdomen.

Then they dragged her outside, stabbing her in her vagina. Ghostface pulled out some rope, dragging the Principal to the sports field. They put a noose around her neck, tying the rope to a goalpost of one of the soccer nets.

Ghostface took a photo, posted it on the school Whatsapp and ran.

Meanwhile, back at the party, Rarity was looking at her phone. "Have you heard?" she cried. "Principal Celestia is dead!"

"Hooray!" shouted Rainbow Dash, punching the air. "I hated that sick bitch."

"We should go and see her," said a monotone voice. Maud Pie. Pinkie Pie nodded, her usually poofy hair as flat as a pancake.

Sunset walked in. Fluttershy looked at her, raising an eyebrow, looking at the rocker suspiciously. "What happened?" asked Sunset innocently.

"You know what happened," said Fluttershy.
At the same time, Rainbow Dash screamed happily, "That sick bastard Principal Celestia is dead!"

"Fuck Dash," said Sunset, frowning. "Go and fuck yourself."

Interlude 2: delivery day

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Sunset sighed as everyone had left to pay respects to Principal Celestia. She sat on Flash's sofa, relaxing.

She then let out an ear-splitting scream, as the ammonia fluid flowed on to the sofa, and on to the floor. Flash was by her side, her breathing ragged as pain shot through her abdomen, yelling.

Sunset's cyan eyes met Flash's blue eyes. She looked at him determinedly, as she tried to get through the contractions. A contraction a minute. Flash pulled his phone out, calling for a midwife, as a scream tore from Sunset's throat.

An ambulance arrived, and a young nurse of about 26 stepped into the room. Flash sat next to Sunset, holding her hand, as she pushed after every contraction.

After a lot of contractions and a lot of pushing, Sunset gave birth to twins. One girl, one boy.

Flash looked at his ex-girlfriend. "What will you call them?" he asked.

"Dawn, for the girl. Dusk, for the boy." replied Sunset.

Flash sat on the side of the sofa that was clean. He smiled at her. Then, Sunset's phone rang.

It was Applejack, who wanted to check on her, and know if Sunset was okay to have homosexual sex.

Chapter 3: the one where Flash finds out that Sunset is homosexual

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Flash opened the door to Sunset’s apartment. He looked around, seeing Sunset working at the round table. She had a notebook out and her calculator beside her, her protractor marking the page in a textbook. Flash raised his eyebrow, as he put his bag down. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Aren't we going to plan?"

"Sorry," said Sunset. "Mr Doodle set me some maths. Plus, Applejack coming over."

"When you've just had twins?" asked Flash. "You're having guests over?"

Sunset looked up, frowning. "Flash, we broke up ages ago. I only let you into the plan because you were the only person to believe me."

"Let me guess. That phone call? Applejack wanted sex?"

"I like her," replied Sunset, in a deadpan tone.

“You. Like. Her?” asked Flash, his anger barely under control. “You’re GAY!”

”Flash, you knew. That’s one of the reasons we broke up. Also because I was such a bitch. But yes, AJ essentially wants to have sex. Plus, it's a reason to get back at you, for what you did to me."

Flash looked at her, surprised. "You raped me, Flash," continued Sunset, her own anger barely under control. "Our twins are the result of your stupid rape. You wouldn't let me abort them because of your stupid Catholic belief. I have the right to do what I want to do with my body. But you and your beliefs." She sighed. "Now, what about that maths homework?"

Flash sat down beside her, pulling his maths book out of his bag. "I don't get standard form." he replied.

A few hours later, the intercom buzzed. Sunset stood up, walking towards the intercom. "It's me, Applejack," said the familiar Southern accent through the intercom.

"Come on up," replied Sunset.

Sunset opened the door, greeting the blonde farmer. "Did I disturb you?" asked Applejack. "What's he doing here?"

"Sunset's helping me with maths homework," said Flash. "I'm done anyway. I can't believe you guys are gay. First, Scoots, now you guys!"

"Flash is a strict Roman Catholic," said Sunset. "He thinks Homosexual acts are wrong." she looked at him. "Call me."

Flash nodded. He then picked up his bag and went out.

Once the door had been shut again, Sunset sat down on the sofa. Applejack joined her.

"Sunset?" asked Applejack. "Fluttershy wanted me to ask you, um, are you Ghostface?"
"Me?" asked Sunset innocently. "Why would I do such a thing?"
"I'm not accusing you," said Applejack patiently. "I just want the honest truth."
Sunset sighed. "I'm telling the truth," she said.

"Now that's what I like to hear," she said. "But I sense you're lyin'. Tell. Me. The Truth."
"Tangentially," replied Sunset. "I'm not a killer." She put her hands over Applejack's chest. "Trust me."

"I believe ya," replied Applejack. "Now, what about sex?"
"Let's do it," said Sunset determinedly.

The 2 girls pulled off their clothes, until they were in their underwear. Applejack shoved Sunset onto the sofa, as she pushed herself onto the former pony. Sunset smiled, her cyan eyes shining with love. A small moan escaped Sunset's lips, as Applejack began playing with Sunset's bits. Another moan, a little louder, escaped both girls. As they closed their eyes, in each other company, they fell asleep in each other's arms, whilst engaged in sex.

When they woke up the next day, it was already noon. Applejack pulled herself away from Sunset. Sunset sat up, as Applejack hurriedly pulled her clothes on. "Where are you going?" she asked.
"To see Rarity," said Applejack. "She's invited me for a sleepover."
"Without me?" asked Sunset, as she pulled her clothes on.
"I forgave you, Sunset," said Applejack, pulling her into a hug. "But the other girls haven't forgiven you for Anon-a-miss."
"But I was innocent!" cried Sunset.
"I know," said Applejack. "I know."

Sunset pushed Applejack against the wall, kissing her deeply, moaning. Applejack smiled, pulling away from her. "I'll see you later," she said.

"Ooh. AJ," said Sunset. "I had a vision a few nights ago. I dreamt Flash stabbed me repeatedly at Rarity's place and I died in your arms. If I die, I left my will in my case. I need you to look after the twins, and make them as your own. I love you, Applejack."
"I'll do what I can," said Applejack. She grasped her hands, kissing them. "See you at Rarity's place, if your vision is right."

Applejack let go, as she left the apartment.

Sunset pulled out her phone, texting Flash. She wrote Rarity tonight at her place, 9pm. Flash sent her a thumbs up.

Meanwhile, at Rarity's house, Applejack, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were all watching Twilight on Netflix. The homeline rang; it was Flash.

"Hey, Rare," said Flash down the line. "I hear some birds in your garage. Do you wanna check them out?"
"Yeah, sure," replied Rarity. She stood up, walking outside to the garage. She lifted the garage door. The lights were flickering. She switched on her phone flashlight, turning around. She screamed as she saw Ghostface standing there.

Rarity ran for her life, as they chased her to the garage door. Ghostface opened the garage door. Just as she was about to walk through, the garage door closed, impaling the young fashionista through her chest. Ghostface smirked beneath their mask, opening the garage door once again and hung Rarity's corpse near the rafters. They then left the garage door open and ran for their life.

Chapter 4: the killers are caught

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Applejack screamed when she saw Rarity's corpse hanging from the rafters, a gaping hole where she had been struck by Ghostface. Applejack turned suddenly, to see Ghostface behind her. She screamed and ran back inside Rarity's house. She looked around, seeing Applebloom was bound and gagged. Sweetie Belle was in the same position. "Let them go!" cried Applejack. "What would Rarity say?"
"Rarity?" sneered Ghostface. "She's dead. And so will be her sister!"

Ghostface pulled out their knife, gutting Sweetie Belle in the genitals.

"STOP!" shouted a voice. Ghostface turned to see 2 figures.

"Well, well, well," sneered Ghostface. "Welcome to the gang, Scoots."
"How do you know my name?" asked the mauve haired girl.
"Ghostface is Flash!" struggled Applebloom. “He’s been trying to kill everyone!”

"EVERYONE, STOP!" shouted a familiar raspy voice. A teenage rainbow-haired girl stepped forward. "I got the real Ghostface."

Ghostface looked at her. They slit Scootaloo's neck. She dropped dead, face first.

Applebloom screamed as Ghostface snuck up behind her.

"Flash, stop." said a female voice, grabbing Ghostface's arm. Ghostface turned, to see Sunset Shimmer. Sunset pulled down Ghostface's hood, revealing messy, bright blue hair. She ripped off their mask, throwing it down on the ground, revealing Flash Sentry.

"I thought you wanted revenge for Anon-a-miss," said Flash.
"And I do!" snarled Sunset. "I'll kill her myself. Let me talk to her first. I want to know a few answers-"

Sunset let out a scream as Flash stabbed her repeatedly in her chest. She fell to her knees, pulling her gun out. "Applebloom?" she asked, coughing violently. "Why did you frame me?"
"Because I was angry at my sister for spending too much time with you, you fucking bitch!" cried Applebloom, throwing off her gag.

Sunset raised the gun to Applebloom's chest. She pulled the trigger, shooting the youngest Apple four times. As Applebloom died, Sunset's knees gave way, as she collapsed onto her side, blood seeping out of her chest. Applejack ran to Sunset's side, cradling her head in her arms, tears streaming down the farmer’s face.
"I am Ghostface," admitted Sunset weakly. "I really am. Flash is my accomplice. H-he thought what I was doing was fun. I really enjoyed killing. I had no choice, AJ. Your sister framed me. You all wouldn't listen to me! I had to get revenge!"
"You?" asked Rainbow Dash. "This was you? Is this still about Anon-a-miss?"

"Yes, it fucking is!" shouted Sunset, as she sat up, pulling out the gun. "And before I turn the gun on myself, I'm gonna kill you, Dash!"

Sunset pulled the trigger. The bullet missed Rainbow Dash, impaling the wall. Sunset pulled the gun on herself, breathing heavily. "I can't lose you, AJ. I told you about my vision, and I implore you to look after my twins. You have to! I love you."
Applejack hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, AJ," said Sunset, her hands trembling.
"Here," said Applejack, laying Sunset's head down, taking the gun. "You're losing so much blood."

Sunset began to cough blood up violently, her vision greying out. Light was leaving her cyan eyes. Applejack leaned close to her, kissing her gently. Sunset smiled weakly. "Do it, AJ." she said. "I'm ready."

Applejack pressed the gun to Sunset's forehead. She pulled the trigger. Sunset screamed, her eyes widening. Blood trickled down her face, a small smile upon the former Ghostface's face. As the final rays of light left her eyes, she gave one last smile and was still.

Rainbow Dash laid her eyes on the TV. She switched it on, pulling out the socket. She pulled Flash directly in front of the TV. She then knocked the TV onto him, knocking him flat and electrocuting him as well as herself.

Applejack screamed. She switched the TV off and plugged it in. She did not dare to touch the bodies of her friends and family.


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Applejack took off her shirt, wrapping Sunset's corpse in it. She ran back to her former girlfriend's apartment, setting her down. She stopped when she heard the sound of babies crying. The twins, who Sunset left in her care.

Applejack picked them up, and picked up Sunset. She then walked back to Sweet Apple Acres.

She lay Sunset on the sofa, carrying the twins into her room. She went down again, brushing Sunset's red-gold hair out of her face. She sighed and pulled out a notebook from under the sofa and began writing.

And the story you're reading now, is the story she wrote.