The Punishment Must Always Fit The Crime

by Mpony1

First published

Princess Sunset Shimmer is sued by Rarity for abuse of power and handing out unjust punishments.

This story is inspired by the events of chapters TEN, SIXTEEN, TWENTY-FIVE, and TWENTY-SIX, TWENTY-EIGHT, TWENTY-NINE, THIRTY-ONE, and finally THIRTY of Sunsets Herd by madhat886

It's not necessary to read the chapters or the whole story to understand what's going on in this story, but I do highly recommend giving madhat story a read, it's really good and really fun read.

Princess Sunset Shimmer, Governess of Ponyville is highly loved and respected by everypony, for she has always done good by her subjects. Sunset has proven time and time again how much of an outstanding leader she can be.

She was smart, a good listener, very calculative, and does everything in her power to make life easier for everypony.

Whenever there was a problem that needed resolving. Sunset easily fixes after taking time to assess the situation and resolves with pure thoroughness and efficiency, and always delivers fair and just punishments to any of those who has caused some kind of major trouble. She truly is worthy of the crown she wears.

But a certain fashionista thinks otherwise.

Rarity believes that Princess Sunset Shimmer has been getting away with abuse of power, not giving a pony a fair trial, and handing out multiple severe unjust punishments.

Like everypony else, Rarity also haves high respect for Sunset because of all the good she has done, especially after the princess help her one time.

But now it seems that her friend is starting to go mad with a certain new power she just obtained and from both the stories she’d heard from her friends as well as the betrayal she experience from the bacon-hair Princess, Rarity steps up to stop Sunset’s madness before it gets any worse by suing her for the things she'd done and reminding her that no one is above the law, not even a princess.

Warning story contains: Futa's on futa, gangbang, excessive cumming, inflations and more, a lot more.

Exposition dump about the world of Sunset's Herd.

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1: Every creature is anthro, of course:ajbemused:

2: All ponies and I do mean EVERYPONY are mares. That also means that the ones who are normally stallions are now female version of themselves. (For example) instead of Big Brother; Big Mac, we have Big Sister; Big Macky.

3: Everypony is a Hermaphrodite (aka futanari). Meaning everyone have a cock, a pair of balls, and a vagina.

4: When Sunset Shimmer came back to Equestria through the mirror, she remained in her human form.

She would later undergo a transformation spell that was supposed to turn her into a full anthro alicorn pony, but instead made her a hybrid between pony and human. Giving her pony ears, tail, wings and a horn.

The reason why will be explained in the story, but basically, Sunset's body isn't affected by magic, like everyone else. In other words, when doing a transformation spell, like when Twilight turned herself and her friends into breezzies. The process was painless, but for Sunset, having her body change, was extremely painful. Which is why it had to be stop halfway.

5: Sunset was adopted by Celestia, and the two are officially mother and daughter, which also means, Sunset is a princess.

6: When Sunset came back, it was weeks before the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, thus before Nightmare Moon's return.

7: Ponies are much bigger than humans, with pegasi being the shortest at around 6 feet, the unicorns around 7 feet and earth ponies around 8 feet. Celestia is the biggest pony being an alicorn counting her horn she's stand at over 9 feet, under it not counting her horn. Which means Sunset is around 5 feet tall compared to a full-grown pony. Until her transformation so she grew a bit taller but is still the shortest.

8: Sunset is 100% female, she doesn't have a dick (yet)

9: This Equestria is a world of free love. Sex is the norm here and everybody does it here or there, but not 24/7. Ponies still have other responsibilities they need to do. Like AJ working the farm, and Rarity making dresses. Even the princesses are busy running the country.

10: Equestria now haves a total of 6 princesses. You already know Sunset is one. The others are:

Celestia (Sunset’s first Mom, True cock size 26-inches)

Molestia (Sunset’s second Mom, true cock size 26-inches) NOTE: Her mane and tail are actually supposed to be pink not grey. But this was the hottest and safest pic I could find.

Luna (Sunset’s Aunt, true cock size 28-inches)

Moon (Sunset’s second Aunt, true cock size 28-inches)

And Cadance (Sunset’s Cousin, true cock size 24-inches)

Celestia and Luna were separated from their dark halves by the power of the elements. Now Molestia and Nightmare Moon (prefers to be called Moon) are their own people and are good now and rule Equestria alongside their sisters, and daughter/niece.

Not much was said about the past involving how Luna and Celestia first became their evil counterparts. With Luna it is but Celestia was never properly explained. The original story said that she at one point became Molestia along with Luna becoming Nightmare Moon, but it was never explained what caused Celestia to turn back. I will do my best to write my own version of what happened in the main story.

11: Now for the most important lesson. How punishment in this world works. The story will explain this in more detail, but basically, getting rape, mainly gangrape is the major punishment in this world and is shared among multiple different species.

Depending on how great the crime is, determines how severe your punishment will be. After all The Punishment Must Fit The Crime.

And that's it, I hope. If you have any questions just let me know.

I hope you enjoy the story:twilightsmile:

Pain of the past

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Golden Oaks Library

Sunset woke up once again buried in a pile of bodies made up of her herd mates. She looks down and saw she's using Lyra and Vinyl as her bed this time, as they lay side by side. With her being the smallest, she has to be careful not to be smothered by her larger bed mates... again. Which all of the girls know that Sunset needs to sleep on one of them or if one of them rolls over on top of her, ends with said mare screaming in pain in the middle of the night as Sunset bites down on what body part is pressing against her mouth. Which Derpy learn by having her cock being bite down on when she rolled over with her groin pressing down on Sunset's face.

Getting herself out of the pile of bodies, Sunset headed for the bathroom to wash up. She is still sore from last night's orgy. Which is a common thing that she wishes that isn't. She tried to setup a rotation but that went nowhere as once ponies are in a herd, they naturally just group together to have an orgy. And while they do take turns and if some of them had things, they needed to do like going to work or something like that, she would only have to deal with just a few of her horny herd mates. But like last night when all of them are free they would just have an orgy with her being the center piece and it's taking its toll on her body. Which is why she puts her foot down so that she has some days where she doesn't have sex at all so she can recover. Like today where she wouldn't have sex at all, which is why the girls all piled on her last night as it would be 3 days till, she will have sex with them again.

"Sunset?" her mother's voice called out.

"Mom?" Sunset said going over to the new phone. Which is a dial phone that looks like one of the cord phones, but the top part has a small crystal orb on top of it.

After she had explained what a phone is when she was telling her herd about the human world, gave Twilight and Moondancer ideas. They created a magic powered phone that not only allows long distant communication but also display the image of the person who is calling and vice versus. She had both Moondancer and Twilight put a patent on their invention after revealing what they made. Now phones are appearing around Equestria and in the lands beyond, but of course the demand isn't that great yet and the phones are costly to make as it's more of a small cottage industry right now.

"Morning Sunset," Celestia said as her image appeared in the crystal.

"How are you?" Molestia said as she appears pressing herself against her.... sister? Sunset still doesn't know what to make of that as many of the ponies who now are being ruled by 4 princesses. She just calls them her moms and aunts.

"Doing fine," Sunset said. "What's up?"

"We wanted to inform you that starting today, you are now officially the governess of Ponyville. You now rule the town itself and as we discussed with you before, you ruling things in Ponyville is a way to give you practice and experience, so that you'll be ready to rule Equestria someday. We already called the Mayor and told her that while she still runs Ponyville. She answers to you, and you can overrule her decisions, but please don't use it unless you have to. We only do that rarely, to solve small problems before it becomes bigger," Celestia said.

"And you can deal out punishments if the mayor won't. I like having the one being punish being put into stocks and be used as the towns cum dump," Molestia said.

"MOM!" Sunset said blushing.

"Molestia," Celestia said glaring at her counterpart.

"As if you never did that before," Molestia said.

"Yes but, I don't do that unless the pony in question deserves it, the punishment must fit the crime, as they say" Celestia said.

"Like that monster's crimes? I remember how we wanted to see just how many cocks that bitch can have stuff into her before she starts bleeding," Molestia said.

"What?" Sunset asks.

"It happened a long time ago, three hundred years a matter of fact." Celestia said. "I did that when that monster was caught with a sex slave,"

"I would figure that with a free love lifestyle that there wouldn't be use for sex slaves," Sunset said.

"There are those who have tastes that is taboo here," Celestia said.

"Kinks like BDSM is perfectly fine, we all each have our taste and those who do it always use proper safety procedures, like safe words." Molestia grimace. "But what that bitch was into was just sick, so sick its beyond words. The mare that was being held was completely broken and never recovered from what that monster did to her," Molestia said.

"I won't ask," Sunset said.

"Some things are just best left unsaid," Celestia said.

"What happen to the.... Monster?" Sunset asks.

"She was given a poison. A special brew that will end her life one year after drinking it. During that year she was used as the castle cum dump till she died," Molestia said.

"You don't just put someone to death?" Sunset asks.

"Sometimes. But for mares like that it serves as a warning to other higher ups and what happens to those who think they're above the law. Before she died, she was used by all the guards and servants in the castle. Day in and day out, that Monster would get raped in her cell constantly. I gave the staff no limitations, full 24/7 access to her cell and the freedom to use her body however they please, as long as they don't straight up kill her before her time. I could care less what they do to her. She was nothing but a straight up sex toy, no more, no less. And as for the warning to the other higher ups. She was used by guards and servants of the castle in full view of them at any and every major event," Celestia said.

"I see," Sunset said wondering if she would see anything like that at the upcoming grand galloping gala. It was then that a confusing thought hit Sunset's mind. "Wait! You said that you used her punishment as a warning to the other higher ups? Was she a noble or something?"

Celestia and Molestia took a quick side glance at each other. After a moment of silence Celestia spoke. "Y-yes she was. She was a high noble who believed that she could do whatever she wants to whoever she wanted and will never have to face any consequences for her actions, all because of the power she wielded." Celestia shrugs. "You know how some of the nobilities are. Just a bunch of greedy, power hungry, fools who only cares about trying to dominate over the other in what is called The Game."

Molestia speaks. "The Game is what the nobles and the powerful do among themselves, the ambitious and influential ones play against each other. The nobles pretend to smile and greet each other, laugh at stupid jokes, and even call each other friends. In truth they are trying to destroy each other for prestige. Who has the better lands. Who has the better business and has more success. Who gains more favor with Celestia. But of course, she never played the game at the level the lower rank nobles played, as anyone who tried with ill intentions would commit political suicide or death. The only thing that keeps the nobles from using more underhanded means of gaining rank and power is the consequences that will happen to them when she finds out. Celestia had strip entire clans of their titles and wealth before, and no noble clan has dared to do anything to displease her."

"Especially after that monster crimes were brought to light." Celestia said with a hint of anger. "As I mentioned earlier, she was a high rank noble. All the other higher ups knew her. After all she was the most closest to me out of all of them, earning the kind of power that most of the nobility could only dream of having. Anymore and she would be royalty, the same level as the Blueblood family. Just without any blood ties to me."

Molestia spoke. "Power! That's basically what it all came down to in the end. She was given great power and used it for
her own selfish and sick twisted desires. But all that power was instantly strip away once her crimes were exposed. We once thought she was a kind, caring pony who respected those who are just normal civilians, those that some nobles see as nothing but peasants."

"And don't get us started on how they see, non-pony races. Such as donkeys, goats, cows, diamond dogs and others as nothing more than second rate citizens." Said Celestia.

"Are ponies racist towards other creatures?" Sunset asked.

Celestia shook her head. "No! At least, not all of them. I can't speak for everyone. But from what I seen. Many non-ponies lives in Equestria and not once have I heard of them being treated no different than anypony else."

Sunset let out a relived sigh. "That's good at least. But I bet this monster noble was." She said with disdain. "Did she ever hurt any non-ponies?"

There was a moment of silence after Sunset asked that question. Despite not being in the same room as her mothers. Sunset could clearly feel a great uneasy chill in the air, and this wasn't the first time she felt the atmosphere around her drastically change. The first time it happened was when she asked if this, monster was a noble. Of course, Sunset notice how hesitant her moms were before answering her question, but didn't think nothing of it at the time, but now they're doing it again. It was like they were having a quick silent conversation with one another. Trying to decide on how they should answer the question they were given. Something about all this felt strange, but Sunset can't think of a reason why that is. The best she can chalk it up to, is that her moms really don't want to talk about this mare and seeing how she was label as a monster, Sunset can understand why.

After a moment of silent contestation. Celestia spoke. "Either she was racist or not, I can't really say. But I can tell you for sure that she didn't hurt any other non-pony creatures..... Not one."

Molestia simply nodded. Not saying anything.

"Ok!" Sunset said somberly. She couldn't exactly tell, but Sunset had a feeling her mother was lying. She doesn't know why she would but decided not to push the issue further. But there's one thing that has been bothering her. There's one last question she wishes to ask. But before she could, Molestia cleared her throat before speaking.

"I say its best we get back to the main topic at hand. Not that this little detour wasn't a waste of time, as it did bring up an important topic, we need to discuss with you, Sunset."

"And what's that?"

"To not let the power of being a princess, that you've been entrusted with corrupt you as it has done to both Luna and I." Said Celestia.

That caught Sunset's attention.

"You know the story on how Luna and I became Molestia and Nightmare Moon and why?" Asked Celestia.

Sunset nodded. "Yes! I read about the whole thing from your journals."

"So, you know that even someone like me can be corrupted by power and lust and fall to the dark side. You saw how I acted, when I became Molestia again."

Of course, Sunset remembers everything that happened that night. It had only been two weeks since the Summer Sun Celebration. Meeting her aunt for the first time when she was Nightmare Moon was one thing but seeing her mom as Molestia was another. Though Molestia still cared for her daughter. She wasn't above turning her into a sex addict. The same goes for the rest of the world as she too wanted to create everlasting night of endless sex. If it wasn't for the fact that she was her daughter, who knows what Molestia would have done to Sunset. Letting Nightmare Moon throw her in that magic playroom where she was fuck by magical constructs of her old classmates and teacher from the human world was bad enough, but it could have been much worse.

Celestia continues. "And if someone like me could fall, so can you, my daughter. We all have our inner demons." She gestures to Molestia. "Mine is literally standing right here next to me, the same goes for Luna. The only difference is that the elements purified them and made them good when they split us apart. But that doesn't mean that we are unable to fall into the darkness again. After all you can never truly destroy either the light or the dark, for one cannot exist without the other."

"Something you must know all too well, Sunset, considering your cutie mark." Said Molestia.

Sunset's cutie mark is a half red, half yellow, ying yang sun. And just like everypony else. Hers are also imprinted on both sides of her left and right butt cheeks. The only thing her human body have that closely resembles a pony.

Celestia continues. "Sunset! I know being a princess was and has never been your goal." She frowns. "I read the notes you've written while you were trap in that vault. I was wrong about what I thought you wanted. It wasn't being a princess that you wanted it was me. You were alone when I found you. You had no parents; thus, I was the only mother figure that you had ever known." Celestia let out a sigh as a tear fell from her eye. "All you really wanted was for me to see you as my daughter and not as a student. You had acted out just to get me to spend time with you. You thought that if you became powerful that I would see as my daughter." Celestia shakes her head as more tears fell. " But I just kept pushing you away as I was preparing for my sister's return. When I found you in the library that night, going over the spell that can turn one into an alicorn. I was very angry with you. Because as I said. I thought you were trying to gain power and nothing more. Which is why I no longer wanted you as my student and banish you from the castle. All because I thought that you would become some sort of demon..... Like I once was." Celestia was guilt ridden as she not only push Sunset away who only wanted to be her daughter, but also almost killed her when she was trap in that vault with no food or water.

Molestia speaks. "It's thanks to the fact that you never were a power-hungry mad mare. Is why we trust that you will never make the same mistakes that we did and abuse the power you now possess as Equestria's newest princess control you and always rule righteously and with honor."

Celestia speaks. "The way you handled the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, was also remarkable. Mainly when you got the Apple family to make dishes that weren't apple themed. You made a lot of mares happy that day..... Especially that red mane, yellow furred, Pegasus, who really loves strawberries."

"Due to fact that I am Celestia's other half, thus meaning that I carry all of the memories she made when we were still one. I can rightfully say that I have never seen anypony guzzle down that many strawberry milkshakes in my life."

Celestia nodded in agreement before speaking. "Anyway, we hope that you take what we just discuss to heart, Sunset."

"Of course, I will never abuse my power. I plan on being a fair, just, and righteous ruler, and I will prove it to you both as I govern Ponyville, you'll see!"

Celestia and Molestia smiled warmly after hearing their daughter declaration. They were both very proud and knew that she will definitely continue to do great things for Equestria.

"We know you will, Sunset. You don't have to prove anything to us." Said Molestia. "Now it's about time for us to take our leave. We do have our own royal duties to attend to."

"Just one last thing before we go. There's going to be some royal business that you'll be attending in Canterlot in a couple of weeks. Princess Cadance will be coming, and it be nice for you to meet her again," Celestia said.

"Yes mom," Sunset said as it would be nice being with her moms again. It was then that a previous thought struck Sunset's mind. There was one curious question she wanted to ask them. "Hey, can I ask you guys a quick question?"

"Of course, dear! What is it?" Celestia asked.

Sunset bit her lip and scratch the back of her head, nervously. She can't help but feel that she probably shouldn't ask this question, but her curiosity won out. "About that noble, the one you kept calling a monster." Once again, Sunset felt the great uneasy chill in the air, as everything was silent. Both Lestia's hid their eyes under thier bangs as they lowered their heads. It was clear to Sunset now. This was definitely a topic the two did not want to talk about.

"What about her?" Celestia said in an emotionless tone.

"I-I just wanted to ask....... W-what was her real name?"

"She no longer has a real name. Ever since that day her crime were exposed, I made sure that she would never be called by her true name ever again."

"Oh, ok!" Sunset decided to just leave it at that. This was clearly a sensitive subject for her moms and she doesn't wish to pry anymore. It's clear that the two just want to forget that mare and never speak of her again if they can help it. So Sunset drops all matter about the monster mare. No longer caring about some crazy psychopath who died long ago. "I'll let you two, go. I'll see you later."

"Until next time, Sunset." Molestia said hanging up.

"Was that the princesses?" Twilight gasp. She had just woken up. She immediately pulled herself out of bed thus waking up the others.

"Yes, it was my moms," Sunset said.

"Did she had something important to tell me?" Twilight said a bundle of nerves.

"No, it's just for me," Sunset said.

"Are you sure?" Twilight asks again.

"Yes. Moms just wanted to talk with me and tell me some things," Sunset said still not use to Twilight having panic attacks when it comes to her mom's.

"But what if she didn't like my last friendship report?" Twilight asks only for Sunset to bonk her on her nose. "HEY!"

"Enough with that! I still can't believe mom had you writing friendship reports," Sunset said before turning to her other herd mates watching her and Twilight. "Go and calm her down, will you? I'm going to be in the tub."

Sunset walks off to the bathroom and Twilight suddenly found herself floating as Lemon Heart and Twinkleshine used their magic to lift her into the air and pulled her back into bed. Where she was quickly taken by her fellow herd mates to deal with their morning woods. Lemon Heart and Twinkleshine quickly took her two lower holes with Lemon Hearts taking her pussy and Twinkleshine taking her butt followed by Derpy stuffing her cock in her mouth. The other mates' group themselves around Twilight, pushing their penises inwards towards Twilight in the center of the morning orgy. Just a normal day for the royal herd of princess Sunset.


(Canterlot Castle, Celestia and Molestia's bedroom)

"Until next time, Sunset." Molestia said hanging up. She then turns her sights to her counterpart who was still looking very distraught. She knows that the memories of that monster are flooding Celestia's mind. Memories she had spent the past three hundred years trying to forget. Of course, Molestia knows exactly how her other half is feeling. She's literally the only one who can truly understand her, after all, they were once one being. So, even though they are now their own people, and have their own independent minds, body, and souls. Molestia still carries every past memory from when the two were one, that also includes feelings and emotions. And right now, Molestia can't help but feel the same feelings that Celestia is feeling as well.

Molestia lets out a deep sigh before speaking. "I'm sorry for bringing that monster up. I wasn't thinking. It just came out, I'm-"

"You don't need to apologize," Celestia interrupted. "It's fine, I know you didn't mean it, and besides it the story did serve a purpose of warning Sunset of the potential corruption that can come with having such power if one doesn't keep themselves in check. So, regardless of my feelings on that monstrous bitch. At least her story served some kind of purpose."

"Except we didn't tell Sunset the true story." Molestia added. "Sure, we gave bits and pieces, but not everything we said was the truth........ Like how that bitch really died and what she did to all those other mares, including that poor-"

"STOP!" Celestia said raising her voice. "Just stop, I don't want to think about it, I don't want to remember the atrocities that mare had committed." Celestia takes a moment to calm herself. "It has been three hundred years, Molestia. By now, nopony even knows such a pony even existed, save for a certain few."

"Like your top agents from S.M.I.L.E....... Isn't one of them a member of Sunset's Herd?" Molestia asked.

Celestia nodded.

"Does Sunset!"

"No, she doesn't, at least not yet. I prefer that the agent keeps her true identity a secret from her unless she really has to reveal it." Said Celestia. "Though she may be a member of Sunset's Royal Herd, her true role is to act as Sunset's personal bodyguard."

"And how the hay did you manage to get a secret agent to be a part of Sunset's herd without raising suspicion?"

"Why are you asking questions you already know the answers to?" We were still one at the time."

"I know, but I still want to hear you explain it." Molestia said with a cheeky grin.

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Well getting the agent in Sunset's herd wasn't too difficult. In fact, it was super easy, barely an inconvenience."

"Oh really!?"

"Indeed! Sunset's herd at the time, before she invited three more ponies. Originally consisted of seven members. Five of those members are all of Twilight's friends from my school. Which of course means they are all unicorns, but the agent isn't, she's an earth pony. It was by complete coincidence that she just happened to be dating one of Twilight's friends."

"And because this friend was invited to be a part of Sunet's herd of course her marefriend would automatically be invited to join to."

Celestia nodded. "Funny how things work out doesn't it. Now I can rest assured knowing that my most trusted agent is watching over Sunset."

"Do, you trust that she can protect, Sunset?"

"I do! She is my top #1 agent and second to none. Don't underestimate what that mare is capable of."

"If she's as formidable as you say. Then why didn't she stop Moon from capturing her?"

(Two weeks ago, Town Hall)

(Sunset's Herd members at the time)
Twilight Sparkles
Lemon Hearts
Lyra Heartstrings
Bon Bon

Sunset stood on the second-floor balcony with Moondancer and Twilight on either side of her. She's looking over the speakers so that it be ready for her mom so that everyone can hear her. The others are down with the crowd in the hustle and bustle of the town ponies who are putting the finishing touches on the part where they contribute. Many of the ponies been up all night to fix up everything to the liking of Sunset. Others are seated at tables enjoying the food many of which are still nice and warm. The last of the meals were made just as the train came in with the royal guards for the main event when the princess comes in to bring up the sun.

The 3 main branches of the Royal Guard position themselves for the main event. The first were the Solar Guard, the most elite of Equestria’s guard and Celestia’s personal guard. Their duty was to personally protect Princess Celestia from assassins and protect the capital of Canterlot and the castle. The next guard was the Unicorn Guard their general duty was to monitor and protect large cities like Canterlot while also being on call at a moment’s notice to create barriers to repel attacks. The Pegasus guard, comprised of Equesnia's best fliers with the Wonderbolts being a special unit. They handled all things sky based and were the guards and forces of all the cloud cities.

"I hope that you find everything to your liking princess Sunset," Rarity said who walk up the stairs to talk with Sunset.

"The food unlike before now has more then just apple dishes. The sky is now clear of clouds. The decorations isn't all fancy like the parties, I have been to before. And there be a follow up after the birds," Sunset said listing things off. "Yes mom will like this. But of course the first 2 only happen because of me revealing, I'm mom's daughter. Which won't please her at all."

"Well if there's anything we can do to make this up to you please just ask," Rarity said as humble as she could.

"I'm leaving with mom after this is all over with so there's no point. I hope the next place, I'm sent to have the sense to listen to suggestions before it become orders," Sunset said having turned on the speakers letting all the ponies below hear her.

"Princess...," Rarity said seeing that everyone heard her.

"I turn on the speakers to make sure the ponies who are too lazy or too prideful know that it's too late. So that, I won't be bothered by ponies coming up to me and pleading with me not to tell my mom on how bad things went for me here," Sunset said before glaring at the pink pony Pinky. "And in case any pink pony thinks that by throwing me a party would make me forget that she broke into the place, I was staying at." (2)

"Hee heh," Pinky laugh as she shrank underneath all the eyes turn on her.

"You and Fluttershy are the only two who were nice," Sunset said.

"I see," Rarity said walking off to join her sister. She was going to be the one to pull the cord to drop the drapes but Sunset took over that job.

"Cue the music," Sunset said looking down at Fluttershy.

The performance officially began as Fluttershy's birds began their song sounding out and echoing forth across the crowded hall.

"Ponies of Ponyvile, as her daughter, I princess Sunset introduce to you my mother princess Celestia," Sunset said dropping the drapes.

Sunset blink as she saw the shock looks of the ponies down below and the gasp they gave out. She turn around and froze in shock seeing not her mother but another Alicorn standing in her place. The dark Alicorn mirrored her mother in body in every way but is clan in armor that covered but still revealed her busty body underneath. And Sunset quickly realized who it is, as spending lock in her mother's room allowed her all the time needed to read through all of her mother's old thing and journals she kept.

Sensing the immediate danger. One pony from Sunset's herd quickly and quietly made her way through the crowd and up to the balcony. Once she was there, she remained hidden just behind the curtains that Sunset had opened. Assessing the situation and not rushing in just yet. But is ready to jump in at a second notice.

"Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces." Nightmare Moon announced as she was looking at the audience of ponies. looking over the still form of Sunset who stood in front of her.

"What did you do with our Princess?!" Rainbow Dash yelled out as she tried to charge at Nightmare Moon but she was stopped by Applejack grabbing her tail.

"Whoa there, Nelly..." Applejack as she grabbed Rainbow by the shoulder and forced her down Nightmare Moon than began a cold and cruel chuckle.

"Tell us, whom among you know who I am?” Nightmare Moon prompted as her demonic eyes skimmed over the ponies.

"...Yes. You're... Nightmare Moon," Twilight said who like Moondancer has her arm wraparound Sunset for protection.

"Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here?" Nightmare Moon ask eyeing the two unicorns who has her niece between them.

"You're here to... to..." Twilight Sparkle began to stammer. Having lost the confidence she had for that moment.

"She's not Nightmare Moon," Sunset spoke up.

"What?" Nightmare Moon ask looking at Sunset.

"She's Princess Luna. My mom's sister and my aunt," Sunset said revealing the truth shocking everyone.

"Sunset you can't be serious!" Moondancer said.

"Your mom doesn't have a sister," Twilight added.

"She is my aunt," Sunset said as she shoves the two away from her and walks up to her aunt.

"You are a smart one my niece. How did you learn that?" Luna ask.

"I spent enough time in mom's room to go through all of her old things and the journals she kept," Sunset said causing Luna to give out a laugh.

"Reading through her old journals and going through her old things. Like how me and her use to do with our parents," Luna said chuckling. "So you know what happen between us then?"

"Mom banish you to the moon because you were overcome by your lust for sex causing the ponies at the time to have sex all the time by keeping it night and spreading a mist of lust. Which lead to many problems because no work was being done. So you and mom fought and she used the elements of harmony to send you to the moon for a thousand years," Sunset said.

"Yes and, I'm now back to bring a never ending night of sex," Luna said.

"What did you do to mom?" Sunset ask.

"She's resting back in our old home," Luna smiled wickedly as she grabs Sunset and held her against her body.

"Seize her! She has the princess!" Mayor Mare shouted causing the soldiers who have been watching this family reunion to leap action.

Luna seeing the guards coming for her release a wave of magic that knock all of them back. She transformed herself into her darkness form causing Sunset to be engulfed into it. Sunset was able to get one arm free as she reached out for someone to save her.

The pony hiding immediately jump into action. Grabbing Sunset's hand just before the darkness engulf it. The mare tried to pull Sunset out but was instantly suck in as well with barely so much of a fight.

The ball of darkness flew at Moondancer who was suck into the ball as well, Twilight managed to teleport away as the ball was about to suck her in as well. The ball of darkness flew around the town hall sucking up all of Sunset's herd members. But also, other ponies Octavia, Vinyl, and Derpy were all suck into the ball having been too close to the ponies the ball of darkness was after. Then the ball of darkness flew out of a window and flew into Everfree Forest.

(Present day)

"You think she didn't try!" Celestia exclaims. "She's tough but she's nowhere near strong enough to take on a powerful alicorn! Even so she still blamed herself for failing to stop Luna from taking Sunset. She told me so herself in private the day after the summer sun celebration. She came to the castle to apologize for failing her duty and wanted to be punish by me using my cock's true size on her like how you, me, Luna, and Moon did when we punish Applejack and Rainbow Dash and to do it in the same manner that we Pinkie Pie was punish."

Molestia was shocked after hearing that. "But the way we punish Pinkie Pie was that all four of us were gang banging her. Because of that neither of us used our true sizes." Molestia took a moment to remember that night.

Despite how upset she was due to Rainbow's, Applejack's, and Pinkie Pie's antics. The fact they help save the day was the reason why Sunset forgave them. But Pinkie Pie ruined the moment by trying to throw another orgy for Sunset and then grabbing her from behind and ask if she would like her cock up her ass. Which caused Sunset to cry out in a panic hearing Pinkie wanting to shove her huge 17 inch up the young princess butt, Pinkie quickly found herself surrounded by the older members of the royal family. And both of Sunset's moms and aunts teaching the element of laughter a lesson as they all fuck her at once. Even going so far as double stuffing her holes. Pony's bodies are very tough, but they do have their limits. Which is why the princesses used a shrinking spell on their dicks when they took Pinkie, leaving them with just 18-inch cocks instead of their near 30-inches behemoths.

But Applejack and Rainbow Dash weren't as lucky. As the four monarchs unleash their full sizes on them and impaled both younger ponies between two of them. Four full size alicorns pounding one pony at once may be straight up overkill but two is still within the safe range.

Not even the biggest, strongest, earth pony, zebra, or bat pony can take four giant cocks like that at once, let alone anyone smaller. So, this agent didn't sound like she was asking for a harsh punishment. She was asking to be executed.

Celeastia sighed. "I know, but she insisted. Despite me telling her that it was not her fault and that I do not blame her. So, I simply granted her wish. I teleported us into a cell deep in the castle dungeons. I then immediately casted two spells. The first was a simple rubber spell. Allowing her body to be able stretch far beyond its limits and the second,"

"Was the shadow clone spell." Molestia guessed.

Celestia nodded. "I created three copies of myself, and we were all sporting our true sizes of 26-inches of extremely thick horse meat. Since she was the one asking to be punished, I asked her how long she wants her punishment to last until she feels she has atoned for her failure."

"What did she say?"

"24-hours and to show her no mercy!"

"So, that's why you suddenly disappeared that day."

"Yes, for 24 hours I was in the dungeons raping my top agent without a hint of mercy, just as she asked. Her punishment for failing to protect our daughter. Once it was all over, I took her to the medical wing to heal. Before she returned back to Ponyville, I told her to keep watching over Sunset and protect her. She promise she won't fail to protect her next time."

"Well at least the experience of failing her duty didn't break her resolve." Said Molestia.

"Trust me, it will take more than that to make that mare give up." Said Celestia.

Molestia sighed. "You know, you might be able to keep the knowledge that Sunset has a secret agent watching over her. But no doubt she'd notice at least one of the lies we told to her about that monster."

Celestia said nothing.

"I think it would be best if we told her the truth."

"Absolutely not!" Celestia said in a low dark tone.

"But Celestia-"

"I said NO! Celestia said angrily. "I already told you. I never want to remember anything about that evil BITCH! Not. A damn. One. I did everything in my power to wipe everything about her from history. Only very few and most trusted S.M.I.L.E agents and a few nobles who I can actually trust like the Pants family knows about her. Only because I do not want history to repeat itself and so far, there hasn't been any missing pony cases that came anywhere near close to how they were when that bitch was still active." Celestia walks over to the bedroom's giant window, looking out at her kingdom. "For three hundred years we haven't had another tragedy like that one and I hope we never do again. For the sake of our little ponies. I do not want anyone else to suffer like the 43 that did. Especially like,......" A tear fell from Celestia's eye. "Izzy had suffered.

Celestia soon felt the comforting hand of her sister. Grab her shoulder, as Molestia stood by her side. The second sun monarch said nothing. For no words needed to be said. Molestia knows all too well how her counterpart is feeling and understands exactly why Celestia wants the memory of that monster to never again see the light of day. So, she doesn't bring up the subject anymore and just stood there comforting her sister as well as trying to stay strong herself for her.

After all, Molestia literally shares the exact same pain as Celestia.