Displaced as a vengeful child with a Magic Crest

by Pondalek_9

First published

I went to Comic-Con dressed as Vetrix from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, on the way I was hit by a Speeding truck, instantly ending my life in the mortal plane. Or so I thought, now I’m in Vetrix’s body with all the crazy power he had! Plus one extra…

Greetings everyone, I am Vetrix, God of Crests (crests being what ponies used to call cutiemarks), and I’m currently a lawn ornament. Shocking I know, a guy literally enters Equestria and gets turned to stone because I happened to use chaos magic. I mean, I do understand, given that their kingdom was still recovering from Discord’s reign but seriously, they didn’t have to be that darn paranoid!

But that’s in the past, so let’s fast forward to just before I escape my extremely uncomfortable stone prison.

(Authors note) Here are Vetrix’ abilities: Can open overlay networks for fast and easy travel to Anywhere in the world (and to places like, The moon), Can create illusions at will, Can manipulate others memories (can’t manipulate the memories of those with a strong will), Soul implantation(He can put small fragments of himself into others, which he can use to say, inflict pain on that individual), Can envelop himself in a red aura, Flight(only active when enveloped in the Red Aura), Can erect powerful barriers(not powerful enough to stop the ‘Orbital Friendship Canon’) and can bestow crests (cutiemarks) to those who don’t already have one, including non-pony species.

One rainy day…

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Ponies walked past my statue, some giving minor glances my way, others completely ignoring me. I don’t blame them, as I have been in this garden long before their great-great-great grandparents were even born, so barely anypony even batted an eye at my statue anymore. It was quite boring, being a statue for who knows how long, to the point that I constantly fell in and out of awareness in cycles that lasted anywhere from a few seconds, to hundreds of years!

During my small periods of awareness, I noticed many different things, like that cult that popped up that one time, calling me “Vetrix, God of Crests”, a crest being what ponies used to call cutiemarks, a title I accepted, mostly because I had forgotten my actual name by that point. The cult doesn’t exist anymore, as far as I’m aware anyway, apparently Celestia was able to dissolve the cult by simply talking them down, which lends credence to why the ponies love her so much I suppose. But that’s then, so let’s return to the present.

I was standing there (not that I had a choice) observing as it slowly started raining, the ponies quickly leaving the garden to find shelter in response. At first, only a few drops fell, but more and more steadily joined in, until it was in the ‘heavy shower’ range, with so many drops of water coming down that the once dry ground rapidly became much less dry. I didn’t really care about the rain though, mostly because I couldn’t feel anything on account of my skin being stone, until I noticed a small earth pony filly walking into my line of sight, her grey fur drenched from the rain…

The filly’s cerulean eyes looked void of life as she sat under the tree across from me, staring at the grass below her fore hooves, seemingly unaware of my rock solid form being across from her. The sky grew darker as the intensity of the rain picked up, making the filly slowly shuffle closer to the tree’s trunk just to avoid most of the water. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky behind me, casting my shadow over the filly for an instant. The filly turned her head in the direction of the flash & thunder, only for her eyes to land on my statue, causing her expression to briefly twist into one of surprise, before morphing into one of mild intrigue, slowly turning to face my statue properly, her cerulean eyes looking over my stone body with an intensity that pulled my partially unconscious mind back into near full consciousness!

With my restored awareness, I could finally sense the spell keeping me contained being just weak enough for me to possibly escape with my currently low power reserve. Desperate to escape my stone prison, I focused all my power into breaking out, causing my crest to begin glowing for the first time in 200 years.

The crest appeared on the back of my left stone hand, glowing that familiar reddish-pink light as cracks began spiderwebbing off in multiple directions from the centre of the symbol, the cracks themselves having that same reddish-pink light shining through them. The cracks spread up my stone arm rapidly, the sound of the cracking barely heard over the sound of the storm, and quickly began spreading over my stone torso and up my neck.

The grey earth pony filly watched with wide eyes as she saw glowing cracks spread across my statue, eventually completely covering me in softly glowing cracks. After a few seconds of nothing else happening, the cracks briefly dimmed before literally exploding in a bright flash of reddish-pink light, blinding the filly and causing her to cover her eyes with her hooves in pain, rubbing them tenderly. While she was recovering from the flash, my body fell forward off my pedestal, my metal mask coming off my face just after I hit the ground.

I was taking many deep breaths as I lay there, not only from exhaustion but also from being able to breathe for the first time in at least a thousand years, barley able to believe that I was finally free after all these years. After a minute or so, I shakily lifted myself off the wet ground, slowly looking myself over as muscles I haven’t used in a thousand years turned on. I then noticed my mask on the ground next to me, so I quickly reached over and put it on, the mask’s digital systems coming online the moment it was back on my face, giving me a Heads Up Display of my vitals, revealing that said vitals were all over the place, which wasn’t surprising considering that I had basically been dead whilst in stone, only living in the sense that my soul was still there, until now that is…

Whilst I was trying to do some breathing exercises to calm my wild vitals down, I failed to notice the grey filly now looking at me with a mixture of fear and curiosity, as while she was unwilling to draw attention to herself, she also wanted to know who and what I was, eventually leading her to timidly stand up and slowly inch her way towards me. She continued until she was within reach of me, slowly lifting a hoof up, reaching out until she was a centimetre away from touching me…

Just before she could however, I was surrounded by a red aura, blowing her away from me. I stood up, my aura aiding me in standing as I looked down at the little grey filly, who was now on her back and staring up me in fear, my shadow looming over her small, weak body, her breathing fast and shallow. “Y-you helped me escape from my stone prison…” I said, my voice incredibly horse from lack of use, “you shall be rewarded for this…” I stated, reaching out towards the filly with a gloved hand, causing her to squeeze her eyes shut, expecting the worst…

A gift is granted…

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I began lightly petting the foal on the head, right between her ears. She was clearly surprised by this, if her expression was anything to go by, yet she soon replaced that surprised expression with a calm smile, closing her cerulean eyes and leaning into my touch. Despite how adorable she was, I have been dead inside for a while, so cuteness didn’t exactly sway me anymore, a fact that didn’t bother me anymore. After a minute or so of constant head patting, I was suddenly reminded of the rain by a flash of lightning across the sky, the thunder arriving just a few seconds later, making the filly flinch at the sudden loud noise.

In an instant, I created an invisible dome around us, not only blocking the rain from hitting us, but also blocking the cold, the temperature inside the dome rising to dry off the filly and I. While the heat was drying us off, I decided to introduce myself to the foal. “clears throat Greetings young one, I am Vetrix, God of Crests, what’s your name?” I asked the foal, looking down at the smaller filly, who was looking up at me in surprise and confusion.

After a few seconds, she hesitantly answered my question. “M-my name’s Ice Blossom…” she replied quietly, I heard her just fine though, “Ice Blossom? That’s a lovely name.” I said kindly, clasping my hands behind my back. Her cerulean eyes widened slightly at my compliment, her ears turned towards me as she stared up at me, “Th-thank y-you…” she responded, looking at me like that was the first compliment she has ever received. I noticed her expression, but decided to ignore it for now, getting to the point, “Now, since you helped me escape, I, as the God of Crests, can bestow upon you a crest that can give you abilities slightly out of the norm for most crests,”, I informed her calmly, “So tell me, what kind of crest would you like?” I asked her, missing the confused expression she gave me when I mentioned crests.

“U-um, sorry b-but, what’s a crest?” She asked in confusion, tilting her head slightly. I looked at her in confusion, before face-palming, my metal mask clanking slightly from the impact, “Ah, right, you ponies have been calling crests, ‘cutiemarks’ for a long time now,” I said in an exasperated tone, ”That name for crests is still completely stupid.” I added under my breath. Her cerulean eyes widened considerably when I said that, before asking in a hushed voice, “Y-you w-want t-to g-give me a c-cutiemark?” she had clear hope in her eyes, mixed with a healthy amount of skepticism.

“Yes, one that shall grant you some abilities outside of what a natural cutiemark would grant you.” I responded calmly, noticing both the hope and skepticism in her eyes, “However, this comes at the cost of permanently overwriting your original destiny, so do be careful for what you wish for.” I added, my soft spot for children compelling me to make the pros and cons clear to her. She appeared to think it over briefly, before asking, “W-what a-are t-the o-other a-abilities t-that I w-would g-gain?” her eyes showing both curiosity and caution.

I nodded, “Good, you’re asking the important questions.” I said calmly, resting my left hand on her head, “And I shall answer, by showing you.” I stated, activating my crest. Her cerulean eyes widened as they began glowing the same reddish-pink as my crest, allowing me to show her visions of the abilities she could gain, including her being able to fly without wings, use magic without a horn and the power to manifest powerful creatures, whom she would have complete control over. When the visions ended, her eyes stopped glowing and my crest faded beneath my glove, she then looked back up at me with hope and excitement clear in her face & body language.

“So, allow me to ask you again,” I said, bending down at the waste to become eye level with the foal, my hands behind my back, “what kind of crest would you like?” I asked calmly, a kind smile on what little of my face she could see. She visibly reigned in her excitement and began really thinking about what she wanted her special talent to be, muttering to herself as she did so. When she finally came to a conclusion, she looked back up at me with excitement and said, “I want a special talent that can allow me to easily create connections with others!” Her cerulean eyes wide with hope.

I smiled and stood straight again, before resting my left hand on her head, activating my crest. Her eyes once again began glowing a reddish-pink as a giant version of my crest also appeared below us, indicating that the ritual has begun. I watched as her eyes began shifting from a glowing reddish-pink to a glowing green, a crest appearing on her flank.

Once the crest appeared, I knew it permanently altered her destiny, so permanent that not even the elements of harmony could undo what I have done. The ritual ended a few seconds after ensuring the permanence of her new crest, causing the giant version of my crest beneath us to fade, her eyes returning to their normal cerulean colour.

Ice Blossom stumbled after the ritual ended, “Ugh, I feel funny.” she said in a nauseous tone, almost loosing her footing (Hoofing?). I swiftly steadied her with my hands, “Yeah, that happens when your destiny is overwritten, but it will fade soon.” I said, giving her a reassuring smile through my mask. While she was recovering, I lowered the temperature in the dome shaped barrier blocking the rain from touching us, as we were already dry by this point. The sudden drop in temperature seemed to help her shake of her remaining nausea, before her eyes widened in realisation, turning her head to look at her flank, seeing her new cutiemark(crest).

The sight of her new cutiemark caused her to rear up on her hind legs and let out a high pitched whinny of joy, jumping in circles around me in her excitement, causing me to expand the barrier so that she didn’t crash into it. I allowed her to expend her excitement, as I did find her youthful enthusiasm endearing. When she finally calmed down, she was about to say something when thunder abruptly interrupted her, making her flinch while reminding her of the storm still going on outside the barrier.

Deciding to take us somewhere dryer, I used my own crest’s connection to her cutiemark(crest) to peak into her memories so I could take her home. Once I found an image of her home, I focused on it and opened an overlay network leading to her home, causing us both to rapidly dematerialise and for our particles to get sucked into the portal, the portal closing behind us. The instant the portal was closed, the barrier blocking the rain disappeared, leaving little to no sign that anything was once there except an empty pedestal where I once stood.

A/N I have writers block, HELP!

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Yeah, I need some idea donations, preferably SFW ones, about whether I should switch focus to Celestial and Luna discovering Vetrix's escape and their potential panic, or switch to something entirely different, like one of the main 6 or something.

Like I said, I have writers block and I need help.