~Spike and the Harem Wars~

by Teku2114

First published

Rings that grant abilities from the spirits that inhabit the gems from within, Spike's life shall never be the same again!

When twenty five year old Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a ring in a alleyway, he unkowingly enters a competition that any man would die to be apart of.

Oh! Did I mention the flirty, yet sexy, spirit that resides inside?


So, think he can survive the experience?

Spike X Massive Harem

~Legend of the Harem Wars~

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~Years ago, in the land of Equestria.~

~Wars were waged by the kingdoms of old. Many lives perished, becoming the many souls of the fallen that haunt the lands of the once destructive battles that raged for control of another.~

~Many wars were fought for land.~

~While other wars were fought for power.~

~Wars for revenge.~

~Wars for equality.~

~But the one thing that kept the wars going was to capture the many harems of each kingdom, utterlly keeping the lands of Equestria in war with each kingdom.~

~With each battle, destruction, heartache, and death followed from both victory and loss.~

~Having enough of the conflict, a single man rose against all and became a king that ruled his kingdom with a heart to feed the people, and not his own greed.~

~One late night, he went to the chapel of the gods and prayed to a gods above to end the wars that roamed the once beautiful and peaceful lands.~

~Having heard him, the gods of the world heard him, and began to talk amonst one another about the matter and decided to not answer to end it.~

~But, three goddesses decided to go against them.~

~Celestia, the goddess of the sun and day.~

~Luna, goddess of the moon and night.~

~And lastly, Cadance, the goddess of love and lust.~

~After seeing saw the destruction themselves first hand, and saw it all as pointless disasters that quickly began to escalated into catastrophic proportions, decided to go againsts their fellow gods of the world, and granted his call for help, and unleashed a dissease that was both a plague, and yet, also blessing.~

~As the masters of the harems died, the women they collect began to moan and cry out in pleasure as there minds began to reset to be obidient servents to there next master, as their bodies slowly turned into gems before shooting up into the sky, and began to scatter far across the globe like the shooting stars above.~

~And within a single night, the wars were over. Peace returned to the land of Equestria.~

~But to Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, it came at a heavy cost.~

~For interfearing and going against there fellow gods, the three godesses had there god like abilities removed, turned into gems, and joined the many that were sent across the globe.~

~As this was going on, the king became deathly ill, and passed away in his sleep, leaving his family and people to mourn over him and his kind heart.~

~To this day, the gems with the souls within the gems lay dorment upon the planet, waiting for someone to come across them so they may serve them as servents to a master.~

~And maybe, with a little luck, become the King of Harems that shall end a war that was once over all those years ago.~

A Gem Hidden In A City

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Location: Canterlot City
Date: June 18, 2018
Time: 10:30 p.m.

It was a dark and stormy night in the city of Canterlot.

The wind was howling, the sky filled with dark clouds, the rain came down in buckets as lightning filled the sky, reflecting off the many windows that reflected off the many buildings of the city. And the thunder crashed as if telling all the storm is not yet finnished.

Within this city, many of the citizens were busy either going home to relax, heading to hang out with friends, enjoying the company of significant others on a date.

Unfortunately, deep in a alley way, their was a lone figure walking through it with a noticable limp in his leftbleg, trying to make their way home from a day that could only be described as utter and total torture to the heart, the mind, and the soul.

Meet Spike Drakeson. A twenty-five college studen that recently had graduated. Standing at six feet tall, he was currently wearing a torn up button up shirt, ripped slackes, and missing his shoes, leaving him in only a pair of mud stained socks.

To make a long story short, today was not his day.

Sure, he woke up all happy, cheerful, and chipper to face the day ahead.

He go dressed, ate a breakfast of cinamin toast, grabbed a small pocket sized box containing a special gift for his girlfriend and stuffed it into his pocket before grabbing his car keys and headed out of his apartment.

Unfortunately, that is when the good part of his day ended.

First his car had a blown tire, causing him to be late to work for a very important meeting. The people he was going to meet were already gone by the time he arrived, ending him in his bosses office and yelled at for one hour straight, only to be told that he was fired, effective immediately.

To make things worse, after cleaning his desk out, he walked out to see that his car was now towed away for unknown parking tickets. Thus, leaving him to walk back to the other side of the city on foot, carrying all his items from where he used to work along with him.

As he walked back to his home, came across a small bistro where he saw his current girlfriend kissing his best friend that he knew since high school. Seeing this, he started to walk down a alley, tossing his items that he grabbed off his desk from his job into a dumpster, and cried his eyes out.

Unfortunately, he wasn't looking where he was walking. As he continued to go deeper into the alley, shadows began to converge and follow him, knowing that at the end of the alley way was a dead end.

It was there he was ambushed by the cities criminal gang, 'The Children of Sombra.' Nobody knows who the leader is, only that whoever it is, told tales to young teenagers, creating believers of a long dead king that was said to have ruled the world with the help of a all powerful group of magic users, and will one day return to rule once again.

While some believe in it, most just shrug it off as a story to tell the younger generation so they will go to sleep at night. Leaving it to being a legend or a mythe that was created in the past.

As they ambushed him, Spike took all his anger and began to fight back, throwing punches and kicking any who got close.

Unfortunately, just as he ducked a incoming punch, another member come up from behind and knocked him out with a blow to the back of the head. After the blow to the head, Spike fell to the ground as the gang members gatheref around him, and taking all his valuables before he blacked out.

Yet, upon waking up, he found his clothes torn, his body bruised, and his wallet emptied of all it's contents. All he had ledt was the ring he had in his pocket. Which surprised him that it was still there.

Upon him recollecting all that transpired to him in a single day, Spike was worn out, tired, and wanting to find a place to rest.

Digging out the ring from his pocket, Spike began to recount his childhood till his parents died from a drive-by shooting when he was only eighteen years old. He missed them dearly, and right now, he began to think about joining them.

"No. Bad Spike, mom would of killed me again herself if I did that. Not to mention dad would of gave me a good slap to the face."

Looking to the ring, he began to think of his past and started to hope things would get better.

"Man I wish my life was easier to live."

It was right then the gem stone began to shine a brilliant light, blinding him as he unknowingly dropped the ring to the ground.

"Wh-What the hell?! What's going on?!"

It was then the ring began to release a strange red smoke from it, filling the alley and blinding all who walk by.

'~So you have wish it, so it is granted, master.~'

The Master Meets his Genie

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'~So you have wish it, so it is granted, master.~'

Upon hearing a female voice, Spike began to try and look around to see if he could spot anyone that might of been cought in this mess too. As he searched, he took notice as the smoke began to clear, a faint aroma began to fill his sence of smell.

Taking a better whiff, he began to detect a faint aroma of lavender fill the air. Acting as a way to calm all who took note of what was happening deep within the alley itself.

Looking into the smoke, he began to make out a feminine figure walking up to him in a long, yet alluring stride. Watching closely as the figure walked closer, he suddenly looked back to himself as he watched as he felt his body began to heal itself, feeling as the pain began to subside from the run in with the gang earlier.

"What in the world? What's happening?"

It was then he heard a feminine giggle which caused him to look back to the smoke as a figure continued to walk closer torwards him. Allowing him to see who it was more clearly.

"~Don't worry sweet master, just using a simple healing spell to mend your wounds and heal you. Soon you'll be good as new in no time.~"

Watching as the smoke finally cleared away, Spike looked in pure aw at the sight of the woman that stood before him. If anything, to him, he would consider her to be a angel sent down to help him from the heavens above.

There standing before him was a young woman dressed in what seemed like a harem girl right out the Arabian Knights.

Standing at a good five foot three, was a yound girl with purple eyes, with dark violet long hair that reaches down to the middle of her back, with strands of light pink highlights being in a few spaces. Adorned her hourglass figure was a light violet colored tube top, struggling to keep her generous large C-cup breasts within, squishing her generous bussom together for added effect of sexual allure as the clothing was a couple sizes too small, and allowing all who see her to notice that she was without a bra. With a matching colored pair of puffy pants, hiding her generous rear end from the world around her, and a pair of light violet colored slip on shoes.

To finnish the outfit, he saw he had gold bracelets, anklets, earings, and a belt with a light pink gem in the center, and a matching belly ring in her belly button.

Watching as she comes closer to him, Spike felt as if he had all his energy within himself return, just begging to be unleashed. It wasn't long till the mysterious woman was right infront of him, holding a hand out to him to help him up. All the while giving him a very generous view of her breast.

"Need a hand up, my master?"

Hearing her, Spike began to wonder what she was talking about him being a master. He had no idea what was going on, but in the end, he took her hand, feeling her being gentle to the touch as he stood up, having to look down to her due to being taller than her.

"Um... Uh... Thank you, miss...?"

Giggling, the mysterious woman held a hand to her lips as she tries to hold back a full blown laugh. Giving a bright smile, she took a bow to him as she began her introduction.

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm your personal genie, a spirit of the ring you have on your finger, master."

Hearing this, Spike began to wonder what she was talking about as he began to clench his hands into fists, only to feel something on his right index finger. Looking down to his right hand, he saw he was wearing the same ring he bought for his his now ex-lover. Only now, looking more closer into it, he saw a six pointed purple star engraved inside the ring itself.

He tried to pull it off, only to find it to be stuck to his hand. As he continued to pull, Twilight raised a brow at his actions.

"Are you okay, master?"

Huffing in deffeat, Spike calmed himself and looked to Twilight with a serious expression.

"Twilight, can you explain to me why this ring won't come off? What do you mean by genie of the ring? And why do you keep calling me master?"

From being asked so many questions, Twilight began to feel a little giddy. She had so many ways to come about answering, but in the end, she decided to go about answering Spike's questions the simplest way she knew how.

By being completely and totally honest, kind, and blunt about the whole thing.

"Well master, I'm a genie that possesses the ring your now wearing. By wearing it, it seals a contract between us, to where your orders are my command to make true. When you wished for a easier life, you awoke me from a long sleep, thus allowing me to answer your wish, thus making you my master."

Blinking a bit, Spike only stared at her in total confusion. Trying to wrap his head around what she said, he began to think he was dreaming, and thus pinched himself.

"Ow! Okay, not a dream. But seriously, your a genie? As in, I wish it, you grant it? I don't believe it."

Giving a heavy sigh from frustraition, Twilight came up with a idea to prove she was who she said.

"Okay then, I can see how you wouldn't believe me. So why not a wager?"

Hearing her idea, Spike raised a brow in intrigue and confusion.

"A wager? What kind of wager?"

Smirking, Twilight began to formulate a plan as her mind went into overdrive from the infinite posibillities that may occur. To say that she was excited would be a understatement.

Walking around him, she traced a finger around his torso, being sure to keep her eyes locked onto his. Putting a seductive sway into her hips, she began to play out her plan of attack.

"It's simple really. Youu make a wish, anything you can imagine. If I grant iy, you'll have your proof. If I can't, I'll simply leave, and you'll never see me again."

Walking up behind him, Twilight closed the space between her and Spike, pressing her breast to his back, straining her already tight top further. Wrapping her arms around his waiste, she took in his strong muscles he had. Resting her head on his shoulder, she gently whispered into his ears, just low enough to entice him.

"Just think about it, you could have anything your heary desires. A new home? Your own bussiness maybe? Maybe you want a certain person gone forever? Maybe a certain sweetheart to be in turmoil for leaving you for somebody else? Maybe revenge on a bully from your school days?"

Leaning closer, she rubbed her cheek against his, causing him to blush a new shade of red as idea's of what to wish for ran through his mind.

"~All you have to do, is wish for it. Anything your heart desire. All you have to do, is wish for it, master.~"

Taking a gulp, Spike's mind began to imagine the possible wishes he could make come true. All the revenge he could act upon those who done him wrong in the past.

But as those thoughts came into his mind, so did the doubt of what he has seen and went through so far since meeting Twilight. He wondered if this was a trick, if he could trust her words are true.

Taking a moment to think, he came to a decission. Relaxing, a grin came upon his face, as he knew exactly what to wish for.

A wish made and granted!

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Slowly relaxing, Spike steeled his mind of his wish. Being highly confident, he knew he had a great idea for a wish, something he always wanted, yet impossible for her to put together in a very short of time.

"I... W-wish... I-I wish..."

Yet, as he tried to make out what he wanted to say, his nerves began to betray him as fear crept into his mind. Something Twilight took notice of as she began to channel a bit of magic into him, slowly relaxing him as she added more pressure to her top as she presses her breast more onto his back.

"It's okay dear master, take your time. All new masters feel nervous at first, but it'll become easier as time flows forward. Just take it one step at a time sweet master."

Relaxing his nerves, poor Spike blushed even heavier from the contact he was feeling from his back. Never in his life has any female acted like this towards him.

"I w-wish that... I-I wish that..."

Silently gulping, Spike steeled himself to say what was on his mind, not caring what others thought about him. At this point in life, he decided to just throw out his cares and morrals out the window and do what he wanted to do for once.


Blinking a bit, Twilight had to admit to herself that she did not see that coming. Yet at the same time, she seemed a bit excited at the idea and wanted to roll with it.

Not only will it prove she is what she says she is, but it'll give them a form of profit for the future. But a couple of thoughts did come to mind of Twilight with worry written on her face.

'Should I tell him I'm a horrible cook, or let him find out himself? I can help him with the harem part, but what the heck is a maid?'

Shrugging and staying true to her word, she held out one of her hands out while wrapping the other around his waist, positioning her fingers into a snapping position, she hummed into Spikes ear as she seductivly spoke in a low tone to whisper into his ear.

"~Okay then, so you have wished it, so it is granted, master~"

With a snap of her fingers, heavy dense smoke once again began to empty out of the ring on his hand, and swirl around them, enveloping them both within it, concealing them from the outside world. With the the light shining brighter, Spike had no choice but to close his eyes, waving his hands in front of him, trying to block it as he began to have second thought on his wish from pure fear.

"W-Wait! I take it back! You win! I believe your a genie!"

Giggling, Twilight only snuggled closer to him. Smirking, she allowed herself to be warmed up from the touch of her hold on him.

"I'm afraid it is far too late to stop now, sweet master. You made a wish, and now I'm fully obligated to granting it for you."

Being unprepared, and a bit winded from all that happened to him today, Spike began to feel a little woozy before blacking out.

Catching him, Twilight's grin as her smirk widen, thinking of how much she could not just learn, but from the fun she could have with her new master.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun. I can't wait to really let loose with you master."

With one final flash of brilliant light, they vannish. Leaving no sign of them being there, only leaving a slight breeze behind as the two are transported to a new location.

A location where his wish shall be granted, and begin both his new bussiness, and his new life.

But unknown to the two, a mysterious figure in a dark cloak stood above the rooftop looking over and watched what has happened.

"So, Spike has found himself a genie. Hm, could be interesting to see what he can do."

With that, moved his right hand close to his mouth and whispered.

"Rarity, I wish to return home."

Hearing a groan, he chuckled as he knew how he ended her day of shopping. Stopping, he heard her voice within his mind as his genie began to grant his wish.

"So you have wished it, so it is granted, darling."

With a flash of brilliant light, the mysterious figure was gone. Leaving no sign of being there at all.

What felt like hours later, Spike soon awoke in a bed with the sound of a alarm clock going off. Groaning, he raised a hand and slammed it down onto the alarm clock, silencing it. Blinking a bit, he soon raised himself out of bed, clad in a pair of sweat pants and short sleeve shirt, stretching his arms and back, popping his muscles while doing so.

Looking around, he soon realized that he wasn't in his room. In fact, he wasn't in his own apartment. Compared to the small living space he was used to, he considers what he's seeing as a uograde to what he had before.

Looking around, he slowly saw he was in a spacious room with what looked like a walk in closet, step in bathroom, dressers and a work desk made of mahagony, and a king size bed. Looking out the window, he saw he was on the second story of the building along Main Street that leads to the capital building, just five blocks up the road.

"Nnnrrrgggg... Master... Please... Turn off the dumb light and go back to bed... Just give me five more minutes... Too sleepy to get up yet..."

Recognizing the voice, Spike closed his eyes, and began to slowly turn around as he opened his eyes once more, hoping he was just dreaming it all up. Just a figment of his imagination.

Boy was he wrong...

There laying sprawled out on her back on the same bed he was in a moment ago was the girl who was a genie, Twilight Sparkle, still in her outfit from when he first met her. Just looking at her, he had to at least she looked kinda cute like that, and maybe a little silly how she just sounded like a kid trying to sleep in on the weekend.

Remembering that he was in a home that wasn't his own, he gathered as much courage he had this morning and stepped up to the bed, and began to nudge the sleeping genie out of her sleep.

Unfortunately, as he nudged her, he didn't see the annoyed look she had as her hand began to glow till she had it pointed at him in the face.

'Uh oh. This can't be good.'

Hearing a grumble, you watch as she raises herself off the bed with a look that started to scare him deeply. To him, if looks could kill, he'd be dead a hundred times over all ready.

"NnnnrrrRRRRGGG... Spike... I said... Five. MORE. MINUTES!!!"

Backing away in fear, Spike tried to find a way out.


Unfortunately, he was too late as Twilight blasted him with a full powered blast of electricity. Falling to his knee's, a single thought came to his mind just as quickly as the lightning bolt from Twilight.

'How? How did I get myself into this mess?!'

It was just a second later that Twilight fully woke up and realized what she just did. Jumping off the bed, she scrambled over to Spike and held him close, putting his head between her generous bust.

"Spike! I'm so sorry! I was tired from granting your wish and I wanted to sleep! Please be okay! You can punish me if you want! You can-"

Before she got anything else out, Spike gently placed a finger over her lips, causing her to stop talking. Lifting himself up out of her bussom, Spike looked to her with a kind, gentle smile. Knowing he got her attention, he lowered his finger from her.

"Relax Twilight, it was my fault, not yours. I chose to wake you up so we can talk. Guess I gotta find another way to wake you up safely."

Blushing somewhat, Twilight began to giggle at his kindness, but yet, she still felt bad for her actions. She knew all of the rules to being a genie, and the number one rule was to never strike the master.

For as the rule states that when a genie strikes her master, the master must choose her punishment. But if the master disregards her punishment, the the rule becomes nulled.

Yet, taking Spike's word of taking responsibility for what happened, she relaxed. Thinking she'd make it up him later tonight.

"Okay master, as you wish. So, what do you think of your new place so far?"

Chuckling, Spike picked himself and Twilight up, and dusted himself off. Looking to her, he gained a confused look to his features.

"My new place? What are you talking about? I don't own this place. Where are we anyway?"

Giggling, Twilight had to fight off a fit of laughter as she watched Spike begin the questioning of what was going on. She found it kind of cute of how he was similar to herself when he acted like this.

"Why, we are in the living space just above your bussiness. Don't you rember your wish? You wanted a, and I quote, 'a Harem Maid themed Cafe bussiness.' Unquote. You wished it, I granted it. Even filed all the correct paperwork, and I took time to employ a few employee's to work for you downstairs. The only thing we don't have is a name for it."

It was then everything that happened hit him like a ton of bricks. He had a bussiness to run now. Not just any bussiness, it was his dream bussiness.

Slowly, Spike walked out of the room with Twilight soon following, with a dazed look in his eyes. Walking out of the bed room and into the living area, Spike looked around in amazement of the decor.

With a fifty foot flat screen mounted on a wall with a surround sound system hooked up to it and placed stratigically around the room, he saw a large brown carpeted couch with matching foot stool only teen feet away from it with two oak wood table with cubbie holes and a drawer on each for placing drinks and snacks on on each side. With a freshly polished, cool to the touch, granite tile floor to walk on, he saw shelves full of his DVD's, games, music, and books along the far wall with his comic collection, to his surprise, organized by date, genre, and rarity of each book in a air tight container with a rectna scanner keeping his collection safe from those looking to get into them without permission.

Going into what looked like a kitchen area, he was again amazed at what all was packed into the small space.

All the counters are topped with finely polished mahogany wood, with a matching knife holder with all stainless steel pots, pans, and cooking utensals. A platinum electric stove top with a air fry oven, and a matching microwave set off to the side. A fully stocked cubbord and pantry, a fully stocked double door fridge and matching freezer with ice maker, and a wall mounted televission to watch while cooking.

Looking amazed at everything, Spike began to wonder how he came to own all this when Twilight came in with a wide grin. Giggling as she see's the look on her masters face, she began to feel giddy of the other surprises she had in store for him.

"So master, what do you think of your new home? Is it to your satisfaction?"

With his mind blown of what he has seen, the only nodded as he headed as he realised that he was staring at the inside of his dream house. It all looked like a dream to him, yet it was definently real.

"Twilight, this is amazing! Thank you! But what did you mean about "my bussiness' back in the room? And what staff?"

Giggling, she took a hand into his as he lead him to the front door. Placing a hand and opening it, she looked back at him with a smile that melted his heart to putty.

"Your welcome master. But to answer your question, I think it'll be easier to just show you."

With that, she lead him out of his home, and down a stairway that lead to what Twilight hoped was what ment when he made his wish.

A small explosion leads to seeing double?!

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As Twilight led them down the stairs and out into a side alley between two building, Spike began to look just what his bussiness looked like from the outside. To say he was amazed was a very high understatement.

For no words came to mind of how stunned he was upon seeing his place of bussiness.

To him, it looked to be a brand new, two story brick building with a balcony to add to shelter for the entryway for the front door. With green tiled roofing with solar pannels to gather electricity and power the building with the wires running through, to his guess, rust resistant pipes, ornated to seem as if the pipes themselves were a dragon crawling along the building itself, running along the building in a intricate manner to make it seem to look like a dragon was crawling over it.

On the lower level, he could see many posters with shadows of belly dancers, but to him, it looked as if they had ears and tails? It kind of made him wonder what he got himself into.

Along the front he saw that the windows were heavily layered, and littered with posters with offers for lessons to belly dance, a area for kids to listen to tails of the Arabian Knights, and a chance to have photo taken with a worker of the cafe if they win a game of the maids choosing. Looking just under the balcony, he noticed a retractable metal shutter that is used to keep the window's safe at closing time. But looking at the heavy oak wood door, he could easily tell it was highly ornate from the gold bolts and hinges holding it in place, drawing the attention to it and the mysteries it held within.

Looking up, he saw a sign that looked like a cave going into a side of a mountain, surrounding it was what looked like gems embeded into it. Taking a look at the name, he managed to read the name of the bussiness he wished for himself. All written in light green lettering.

"🐉The Dragon's Harem Maid Cafe🐉"

Looking at the building as a whole, Spike was beyond amazed of the design. He began to feel proud of the work Twilight put into the building itself.

Unbeknowest to him, Twilight felt Spike's emotions to her and began to giggle a bit. Feeling how proud he was of her made her feel really good inside.

It was then the door opened from the inside, causing Spike to do a double take between the one at the door, and Twilight herself. It confused him a bit cause he thought he was seeing double.

The one at the door looked exactly like Twilight, ever her figure was the same., The only differences were that her long hair was tied in a bun and held together by a pen and pencil, wearing dark purple framed reading glasses, and the gem in her belly button was shaped and colored the same, only it looked like it was fused with a micro chip from the gold inlay of lines decorating it.

Seeing Spikes, the genie Twilight began to fidget a bit as the other looked at her with a look of disdain before looking to Spike with a bright smile on her face. Stepping outside, she gently closed the door behind her before performing a short bow.

"Hello master, I am Twilight Science. But everyone just calls me Sci-Twi. I'm guessing sparkle-butt hasn't told you of what happened last night to your phone yet, has she?"

Looking to Twilight Sparkle, he noticed how she tried to make herself look innocent. Chuckling nervously, she only nodded no, causing Spike to wonder what happened between her and his phone, and looked to her sternly.

"Okay Twilight, I'm afraid to ask you this, but what happened to my phone? And why is a look alike of you in here?"

Sweating bullets, Twilight began to nervously play with her hair. A tendacy she gained over the course of several thousand years of masters.

"Uh... umm... Well, you see master... It happened just after I conjured this building up for us, and tucked you in upstairs for the night..."

~The Night Before~

After Spike made his wish, a building magically appeared on the cities main street. Inside on the second floor, we see Twilight Sparkle appearing with her knocked out master, Spike.

As she helped him into bed, she noticed a strange object fall from his pants pocket. After tucking him in, she picked it up and left the room to sit in the dining room at the table, just staring at the strange object before her, letting her mind wonder at what it could be.

"What is this thing? Is it some kind of tracking device? Maybe a way to communicate? Ooh, maybe it can trap souls inside it like a picture!"

Poking it a few times, she suddenly heard a beep come from it, causing her to panic. Quickly releasing a little magic, she struck the object, causing it to both surge and spark as the screen began to go on the fritz, frightening her more.

"GAH! Oh this can't be good! I got to-"

Unfortunately, that was all she could say before suddenly it exploded, filling the room with dust and smoke.

But as Twilight looked around, she saw something within the smoke walking to her.

Or more specifically, she saw herself walking to her with a smile and sultry sway to her hips.

But unknown to her, within Spikes room, the ring upon Spikes finger began to glow as a second symbol appeared within it.

Present Time

"After that I saw Sci-Twi here and she called me her sister. Then we noticed a glow from your room. When we went to investigate, we saw your ring hand not just my cutie mark, but hers as well."

Looking to the ring, he did indeed see two symbols within it.

One was Twilights, while the other looked just like it, only looked like a micro chip was shaped into a six pointed start and painted violet.

"How did this happen? What's a cutie mark? You blew up my phone?!"

Coughing a bit, Sci-Twi gain his and Twilights attentions. Holding a hand out, she held what looked like a locket with her symbol emblazed upon it. As she pressed the switch to open it, a holographic screen appeared, surprising both Spike and Twilight of how easy she made it look.

"Well master, to answer your questions in order, according to my calculations, when my sister hit your phone with magic when she thought it was going to attack her, she inadvertingly super charged it due to the phone somehow absorbing her magic into the baterry. When it blew up, the magic infused technology took a bit of her DNA, and created me. As for the cutie marks, think of it as a way to tell us apart, and what we are best at. Like for me and Twilight here. While she's an expert with all things in spells and magic, I'm more prefered to science and technology. And yes, she did blow up your phone. You might wanna go buy a new one. I'll even give it a few upgrades to resist magic so it won't explode again."

Rubbing his head from taking in all that info, Spike could swear his life just got more confusing. First he makes a wish in the alley and meets Twilighy, then wishes for his own bussiness. Then said girl ends up making a duplicate of herself that's scientifically smart.

'I thought I wished for things to start going my way? Not against me!'

Opening the door again, catching Spikes attention, Sci-Twi held it open, inviting him in.

"Now don't worry master, after all that, we worked together to poof up a few employee's to work for you. Why not come in and meet them? Oh, and Twilight, I'm gonna need your help later with something, okay?"

Giggling, Twilight only nodded as she stepped forward and stood opposite of her 'sister,' waiting for Spike. Seeing no other choice, he walked into the building, with both girls right behind him, essentially closing the door behind them.

Across the street, upon a rooftop, we once again see the mysterious figure. Standing there as he watched and heard the whole thing smirking at the prospect of a idea that formed in his head.

"So, he not only has one genie, but two within the same ring. I'm going to enjoy taking them from him."

The staff of The Dragon Harem Maid Cafe!

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Upon entering through the door, Spike looked around in astonishment of the decor, trying his best to keep his mind from going into over drive from what he's been going through the past few hours. Which is easier said then done when a bunch sexy girls are walking around in the same clothes as both Twilight and Sci-Twi were wearing. Yet, a single question does pop into his mind.

'I love the decor, very mystifying. But why are most of the female staff have animal features? And do they look familliar to me?'

For decor, as Spike could see, the wall's were painted black with a starfilled sky, while showing cities of in the distance. With pillows surrounding foot tall tables in the center, along with booth tables along the surrounding walls, he began to really feel like he was in a land of the Arabian Knights. On the wall just opposite of where he stood, he saw a doorway labeled kitchen just above it with a bar where beverages were made before given to the customers.

Off to the left was a doorway leading to a seperate room, with more booths and pillows surrounding tables. There stood a stage where he believed that entertainment for the customers was held.

As for the staff themselves though, there were staff members with animal like features. In fact, to his surprise and shock of seeing the staff infront of him, he realized that they were characters from anime, cartoons, movies, and games he played and/or watched in his younger days as a kid or teenager.

By the cash register desk near the entrance was who believed to be none other than Diane Foxington. While wearing a pair of spectacles to see clearer, she was dressed in a pair of black slip on slippers, black sweat pants with a yellow stripe going down both legs, a black tube top, holding in her large C-cup breasts, with a yellow pin in the center, and a crimson colored diamond belly button ring in the shape of a paw print. To say he enjoyed seeing her in a uniform similar to her 'Crimson Paw' persona, he was glad to see she was able to find something to show her orange fox fur to all to see with her kind smile.

Looking to the performance room, he saw two vixens walking side be side, as if they were sisters, to the stage he never expected to see such creatures to exist.

Looking at them, he recognized one to be the golden fur vixen of the digital world, Renamon. Standing tall, she was wearing a pair of gold sweat pants, embeded with her purple balance symbol on each leg, and slip on shoes. Holding her large D-cup breasts was a gold tube top tightly to emphasized her size. And to top her outfitoff, she had a gold veil to cover the lower portion of her face, and a belly ring of a gold fox face made of pure gold.

And to his surprise, walking next to her, was her dark counterpart of black fur of herself, Black Renamon. Only, to his surprise, her outfit was slightly different. With her black slip on shoes, and her sweat pants being black with red balance symbol on them, her top holding her large D-cup breasts was, to his surprise not a tube top, but a string bikini that held her breasts tight to her body, emphasizing her breasts. And to top her outfit off, she had a black viel to cover her face, and a belly ring in a fox shape face made of obsidian.

Looking inside the kitchen, his eyes widen at who he saw. There, working inside of thrvstation, was none other then a dragoness known to be the dragon terror of the skies, Cynder.

Covered in purple scales with white tribal tattoo's, Cynder took over the kitchen like a woman on a mission. Dressed in a pair of purple slip on shoes and sweat pants, her purples tube top strugged to keep the modesty of her generous DD-cup breasts. With silver rings adorned on her horns, she had a belly jewel made of obsidian in the shape of a dragon head in her belly button.

Looking to the kitchen door, he saw three certain girls step out that he, admittedly, had a small crush on in his teenage years. Watching the three girls, he recognized them to be Carmelita Fox, Rouge the Bat, and Amy Rose.

Looking at them, he noticed there outfits looked a little more refined then the other girls he has seen since he entered the cafe. Yet, he wasn't about to complain as it brought out a certain charm about the three of them moving through the cafe.

As all three walked around, he noticed they all had the same colored outfit of light purple colored slip on shoes, sweatpants, and tube tops that were stretched to the limits, as each of them sported heavily generous large DD-cup breasts. The only differences he saw was the gold belts and arm bands that carried tiny bells adorn on them, and they each had a different belly ring to each of them.

Looking to them, he saw Carmelita had a gold upside down pentagon with a star over it, Amy had a red ruby shaped like a rose for her, and Rouge had a black diamond shaped like a bat with wings stretched out as if stretching up.

Watching them, he had to admit the outfits fit Carmelita's orange fur, Amy's pink quills, and Rouges albine white fur.

To say he felt as if he was in heaven at the moment would be a understatement if anyone would walk in and see him right now.

Looking to the genie sisters of the ring, he saw they began to giggle, just barely able to hold there laughter in at his confused, yet a bit of a fan boy grin adorned his face. If anything, he was letting his inner geek out.

"How did...? Are they...? Okay, how are they here? Wait, are they...?"

Not able to hold it in any longer, the genie sisters let loose the laughter they have been holding in. As there laughter died down, they helped him to his seat before taking one each beside him themselves.

Getting herself under control first, Twilight relaxed as she conjured a cup of jasmine tea up in porcealine cups for each of them.

"Don't worry master. When I conjured this building up, it seemed that a few genie rings were hidden undersground as well. So when I turned said underground into a basement, I unknowingly awaken them."

Chuckling a bit, Sci-Twi eyed her playfully.

"Awaken them? Is that what you call six rookie genies, that just burst into the cafe in a giant plume of smoke?"

Pouting, Twilight eyed her sister with a bit of dejection.

"How was I suppose to know that six jewels of rookie genies were in the same plot of land that I conjured this very building on? If you ask me, it was a gift of the three goddesses presented to us as a way to keep from hiring staff."

Hearing this, Spike began to take in all heard. Yet, at the same time, he realized that he now possibly had up to eight genies with him now.

"Wait, those six girls are genies? Like the two of you? Where are there rings?"

Clearing her throaght, Sci-Twi looked to him with a calm mind. Placing her locket on the table, she pulled up the hologram projection up.

"They don't have ring Spike. At least... Not yet of coarse. The six you see before you as staff members are nothing more then 'Rookie Genies.' They have yet to unlock there true potential as genies, and the only jewel they have to say they are genies, are the jewels in there belly buttons, which also acts as there source of power and sleep. When that potential is unlocked, there rings shall appear, and go to whoever they believe to be the best to act as there master."

Giggling, Twilight covered her mouth as she took a sip of her tea. Placing it down, she took time to relax.

"After they appeared, I agreed to teach them the ropes, and help them to reach there true potential, and in return they will work and live here. Who knows, they might even choose you to be there master if you work with them long and hard enough."

Feeling a bit flustered, Spike began to imagine being surrounded by all the genies. Praising him as if he was a king of a land.

But unfortunately, a problem popped into his mind. One that scared him to a point of worry for both his genies, as well as the staff of the cafe.

"Wait, what about the customers? Won't they think it's a bit odd that female characters from games, movies, and anime magically appeared? We could be putting them in serious trouble."

Giggling, the genie sisters waved there hands, as if pushing his thought away like a pesky fly bugging them. It confused him a bit as to how calm they were about something so troubling.

Controling her fit of giggling, Sci-Twi pulled up a image of what looked like a orb with wires coming out.

"No worries master, I thought about that and created a mind damper. To any customers who enter, the girls will look like human versions of themselves wearing animal head bands and belts. But to us, they will look like they now. So, unless your challenged to a harem war, by somebody, everyone here is safe."

Hearing this calmed Spikes nerves slightly, knowing that his staff was safe. That is, until something she said clicked in his mind.

"Wait. Whats is a 'Harem War?"

Blinking, both genies stopped and stared at him before smacking themselves in the face.

"Ugh, Twilight. Did you forget to explain the rules of owning a genie, as well as explain what a harem war is?"

Chuckling, Twilight blushed a bit as she played with her index fingers togerther.

"Uh, oops?"

Shaking he head, Sci-Twi looked at Spike with a serious expression. To Spike, he took this as a serious matter.

"Harem Wars. A game for genie masters. Masters of genies bid a number of genies, where the victor gains the losers genies, and the wishes, time, and memories vanish from the masters mind. We remember them though, unfortunately it is a form of curse to us."

Taking her words to heart, Spike saw the down trotted looks of the two, as well as all the staff members, and decided to make a effort to see them being happy.

"Well, then I hope the three of us can create new memories. Memories that you can carry on to future generations. Not just you two, but each and everyone here in the building right now."

Hearing the statement he made, two things happened. Both Sci-Twi and Twilight began to tear up, touch by his words. As the staff listened in on the conversation, they began to see Spike in a light of both creativity, and for a possible master.

Moving around the table, the two sisters came around to his sides with Sci-Twi locking his right arm into her bussom as Twilight took his left arm into her bussom. And before he could utter a single word, they kissed his cheeks.

"~Thank you master. We promise to do our best for only you.~"

Hearing them, and still a bit dazed from the two kisses, a single thought ran through his mind.

'What have I gotten myself into?'

As the staff watched on, they couldn't help but giggle as they began to think a single thought.

'Things just got more interesting.'

With that, the staff returned to there duties. Making sure everything is ready to open for the first day of bussiness.

Grand Opening Day

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Looking out the window of the cafe he was stading infront of looking out, Spike, now dressed in purple bussiness shoes, green button up shirt, and purple dress pants, coat and tie, he stared out to the long line of customers just outside the establishment.

Breathing heavily, he started to remember the talk he had with his two genies that reside within his ring.

~10 Minutes Ago~

After the double cheek kiss, the genie sisters took seats beside Spike, each having a arm held into there generous bussoms. Each of them sporting grins of pure bliss.

Unfortunately, Diane began to hear a bit of noise from outside. Looking out, she saw customers begin to line up outside.

"Um, exscuse me Spike, but it seems it's almost time for the grand opening. You should get ready to adress the waiting public."

Taking a look at his attire, she raised a brow as she scratched her chin.

"Maybe go get some proper clothes on as well? Wanna make a good impression to everyone out there, right?"

With a quick snap of her fingers, both Twilight and Sci-Twi seperated from him as crimson smoke covered him, changing his attire entirely into a clean fitted bissiness suite.

"There we go, all set for the grand opening. Oh! You might want to think of some kind of speech to say to them before officially opening."

With that, she returned to her work at the register, leaving poor Spike to go wide eye at what she said.

"Wait, what do you mean by grand opening?"

With that, he moved to the main window of the cafe, going wide eye of the crowd that has gathered infront of the door.

It was then fear crept into him, as only any new bussiness owner began to worry.

From the table, the genie sisters began to worry for the poor guy. As they continued to watch the poor master, Sci-Twi leaned to her sister, and spoke in a whispered tone so only Twilight can hear.

"So, think he'll be okay? It is kinda rushed to just open up after just one day after all. Especially all that's been dumped in his lap since he awoke today."

Looking to Spike, Twilight only smiled at his reaction, yet chuckled nervously as she whispered her answer in return to her sister.

"I'm sure he'll be just fine.'

Looking to see how nervous he was, she began to sweat a bit. Worried she may of made a mistake herself when granting this wish.

"I hope..."

~Present Time~

And so, there stood Spike, sweating bullets as he looked outside at the crowd that has gathered for the grand opening of his bussiness. It really didn't help as he saw Twilight head off to her station by the register by Diane, and Sci-Twi to head to the performance room to work the sound and light system for the stage.

With a bit of hesitation, Spike fixed himself to look at least halfway decent, walked to the door, and opened it before stepping outside. What he was met with was something he hadn't heard in a long time as the gathered crowd erupted into cheerful screams, applause, and whistles at what they believed was his biggest accomplishments of his life.

Hearing and seeing all this, he relaxed as he took a breathe. Finding his center, he looked to the crowd with a grin that showed confidence.

"Hello everyone, and thank you for coming today! As you know, this is our grand opening, and I would like to ask you all to enjoy yourselves, and please go easy on the staff. There new to this, and could use all the encouragement. There will be a box at the register so you can place any idea's for any upcoming events such as Halloween. But, without further a do, I would like to welcome you all to ~The Dragon Harem Maid Cafe~!"

Hearing the roar of applause from the crowd, he opened the door, and began to shake hands with those who decided to enter. There were even a few men that gave him a stink eye as they walked pass him and into the cafe.

'That can't be good. Might want to think of some security measures for the future. Just in case of a fight breaking out.'

As the last of the crowd entered, Spike walked in, closing the door behind him and headed off to mingle with the customers, and to help out the staff where he could.

Looking around, he saw a few adults walk to the performance area, intent on watching the exotic dances. In the main area, he noticed a few families and couples sit in booths and teenagers took the pillows surrounding tables on the floor.

Looking around, he took note of Carmelita, Rouge, and Amy moving about with menu's in hand. As they moved about, a few of the men who were single looked to them with slight blushes as they looked to the beauties.

Unfortunately for a few men who had dates with them, a few of the female patrons ended up either showing envy to them, or just plain wonder of how generous life was to have the figures of the waitresses. He even saw a few posing with them in a few pictures.

Over in the performance hall, he saw both Renamon and Black-Renamon on stage dancing in tune with the arabian music that Sci-Twi has playing. Looking around, he saw just how entranced the audience was by the simple sway of there hips, or the speed of motion when they neared the end.

Over on the far wall, he saw a clipboard with a sheet of paper. Walking over to it, he read it and was surprise that it was a sign-up sheet for belly dancing lessons for only five dollars a lesson. To shock him even more, it had ten names already signed on.

'Guess these folks wanna try to have a bit of fun behind closed doors.'

Walking away and out, Spike looked over to Cynder as she sends plate after plate out with orders as Carmelita, Amy, and Rouge call them out to her, then take said orders to the desired table. He even saw her baking new treats to replace what they run out of, which seemed to go pretty quickly. He even seen a few to go boxes in bags heading to the register for customers who were ordering to go.

'This keeps up, I may have to find another genie to help in the kitchen. Hm, wonder if Twilight is any good at cooking? I should ask her sometime.'

Speaking of Twilight, as he turned to her and Diane, he saw two lines already made as customers were either paying their tab, ordering food to go, or just signing a slip for belly dancing lessons. He even saw the tip jar three quarters the way full already, and suggestion slips going through the suggestion box opening.

'Welp, least the customers are happy, the girls are enjoying themselves, and no trouble what so ever has come up yet. Maybe things really are looking up for me now.'

Yes, on this day, Spike can sinceraly say things were finally going his way.

Unbeknowest to everyone, watching from one of the many booths was sitting a dark blue long hair woman dressed in a white button up shirt that strained against her concealed bussom, black knee-length skirt with matching bussiness coat, and green glasses.

'Hm, seems like the new guy is very creative. Guess I better tell the master, might even find a use for him. But first things first...'

Raising her manicured finger up, her waitress, Amy Rose, is she was reading the name tag correctly, walked over with a smile.

"Yes ma'am? Was everything to your satisfaction?"

Chuckling, the mystery woman nodded as she relaxed. Looking to her as she saw a pinkish aura around her.

'Hmm... A rookie genie? Who would of thought the guy would get this lucky? So much potential to be found here.'

"Yes, I'd like four capachino's to go. Oh! And a dozen of those vanilla donuts, too!"

Taking down her order, Amy giggled as she wrote the order down. She didn't know why, but the donuts seemed to be selling like hot cakes.

"Oh! Of course ma'am. I'll be back with your order in a moment."

As Amy left to prepare her order, the mystery woman heard her phone go off. Looking to it, she saw a group chat open up.


DB: Hey sis! Where are you?
CS: Yeah! Your gonna be late to work if you don't hurry up!
NM: Sorry, but I had to check on a new cafe that just opened up. Surprising to say, the food here is actually good. Gonna bring snacks and coffee back. With a bit of info to tell you all.
S: Be quick then. There is much to do this day if we wish to keep this town under our contol.
NM: As you wish. I'll be back as soon as I pay my tab.


Putting her phone away, she saw Amy come back with her order, and placed her ticket on the table.

"Okay, that's four capachino's and a dozen of the vanilla donuts to go. Did I miss anything?"

Giggling, the woman placed a tip for the waitress, picked her order up and ticket.

"No, that'll be all. Thank you for your work."

Walking to the register, she stepped up to Twilight's counter, paid and headed out the door.

Closing time came and gone. Customers flooded in and out throughout the day. All excited to see what awaited inside the mysterious cafe.

Looking around inside, we see the pillows gone, being washed and refreshed for the next day. Chairs stacked onto the tables that shined of fresh polish. Floors cleaned and refreshed, as the kitchen is cleaned and the performance stage becomes inspected for damages.

Upstairs in Spikes home, we see the six belly button jewels of the rookie genies resting on a soft plush cushion inside of a gold encrusted, ornate jewelry box. Each spirits withing there own jewel, resting for the next day to come.

In the kitchen, Spike, Twilight, and Sci-Twi counting the days profit, and to the girls surprise, dividing the tips made today amongst each of them. To Spike, he believes if they work hard, they deserve a hard days pay for the work.

After filling out the book to keep track of how much was made, and soon to be spent for ingrediants, the trio were soon going through the suggestion box, seeing if they could use any of the idea's that were dropped into it. To say that a few were obscene was a understatement.

After a few hours though, after rubbing his eyes, Spike trief to stay awake after a stress filled couple of days he had. First he met a genie of his ring. Then said genie popped his new bussiness of of thin air, along with a few new genies.

Looking to the two sisters, he saw them asleep on the couch, cutely snoring as dreams filled there minds. Chuckling, he walked over and gently placed a blanket over the two. But, before he could walk away, the two unconciously grabbed his arm, and pulled him onto the couch, each resting their heads on his shoulders as they sunk his arms into thier breasts.

Seeing he wasn't about to go anywhere, he laid his head back, letting his mind succomb to sleep. As he was dozing off, a idea popped into his head. A way to show the sisters how appreciative he is to the two.

Somewhere into the city, deep in the heart of the city, a group of three women and a single man sat at a table. Each reading a file on the new cafe in town. All the while enjoying a cappachino and the donuts that the blue haired woman brought back for them.

Sitting at the head of the table was a black haired man with a strand of red hair sticking out just above his right eye. Dressed in a black bussiness suite with a red button up shirt, his red eyes calmly looking over the file given to him.

"So, the cafe that just opened up has a master with a genie, and a few rookies... Tell me Nightmare Moon, what are your thoughts of this new master? A Spike Drakeson?"

Still dressed in her suite, the now named Nightmare Moon, only chuckled at what she read about him.

"That is correct sir. He was fired a day ago, and the next he's running his own cafe with a theme of harem girls. They even plan to give private lessons for a small fee. It's pretty smart actually."

As she flipped through the pages, she heard a light chuckle from the woman just across from her. Looking, she saw a tall woman with fiery long hair that reached her mid back, also clad in a bussiness suite, only it was colored red suite with a blue button up shirt and shirt.

"Oh please sister, tell the damn truth. You fancy the boy cause he's adapted to change quickly."

Rolling her eyes, Nightmare snorted at being accused of fancying a little boy playing king.

"Says the one that eaten five out of the dozen donuts I bought for us. Keep eating sweets like that and we'll have to buy you a whole new set of clothes again. You know what they say Day Breaker: 'Once in the lips, forever in the hips.' Just saying, dear sister."

Slamming her fist on the table in anger, the now named Day Breaker began to fume as her hair began to steam as if heating up from a burning desire to burn something to ash.

Hearing a giggle, both women turned the the final member of the four. A green haired woman with a green work suite and black button up shirt and shoes.

"Sorry ladies, I couldn't resist seeing the two of you going at it. It's just too funny not to watch! Your like a old married couple! You both even got the annoyed eye twitch down pact!"

Low and behold, as both Day Breaker and Nightmare Moon stare at her, there eyes were indeed twitching. Both highly annoyed as the annoying woman.

"Shut it Chrysaliss. At least we don't need to go to strip joints to feed off others to stay alive."

Stopping her laughter, the now named Chrysaliss had a twitch in the eye herself.

"Watch it aunties, your age is showing. In fact I think you should-!"


Before she could finnish her retort, a slam of a hand came down onto the table, silencing all who sat around thetable.

"Enough. I believe that this young man needs to be taken out now, before he becomes a problem later. Day Breaker, send the six to take him out, and gather his genies."

Grinning, she looked to the other two women in smugness, knowing they wanted first crack at the boy. Bowing to him, she decided to take her time, and wait to strike.

"So you have wished it, so it shall be, master Sombra.~"

And with a grand plume of towering fire, she vanish. Off to accomplish her master's order.

Omake: Holloween 2023

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October 31, 2023
~Nightmare Night Festival~

It was the night of Halloween, and many families were out and about to enjoy the festival only known as 'Nightmare Night'!

Throughout the city, kids went door to door of home's and bussinesses, trick or treating. As for the teens and adults, they enjoyed the many festive treats, games, and contests that were held throughout the city.

At The Dragon Harem Maid Cafe, the place was a buzz as a special contest was held by the employee's of the cafe. In fact, it was such a hit, anyone who entered were asking where they got the costumes.

For you see, to the customers that chose to enter the stablishment didn't see the human forms of the employee's they were used to seeing each day.

The truth though, throughout the day since the morning, throughout the day, and late into the night, the rookie genie's showed themselves for who they really are. As for the customers though, they all believed they were just great costumes.

Even Spike got into things by wishing himself up a pair of purple poofy sweat pants, with green slip-on slippers, green vest, and purple sleeve less shirt.

Walking he, he took notice of Twilight wearing a witches hat and cape with her genie garb, and Sci-Twi wearing a labcoat, fake neck bolts, and her hair all messed with hers.

Looking to a scoreboard behind the register, he noted of how many votes each of them got throughout the day, with him being the least at eight votes.

Looking around, he noticed how each of them used someform of trick to get a vote. Yet, to his surprise, Cynder was just doing her job. Yet, something told him she was up to something.

Looking to the scoreboard, he noticed she was at a steady fourteen votes. So shrugging, he moved on to helping out around the cafe.

As the festival came to a close, and everyone went home for the night, Spike took account of the votes as the girls rested.

Yet, to his surprise, the winner was the least expected genie of the group of the cafe, especially given where she was located in the cafe itself. Kind of made him wonder how she managed to win the contest given from where she was positioned.

Shrugging it off, he placed a plaque on the wall with the name and picture of the winner on the wall, and went to bed.

As the group upstairs sleeps the night away, down on the cafe portion of the building, a picture laid on the counter near the kitchen area.

The picture was of Cynder in her dragoness form, wearing a purple two piece bikini with tribal designs imprinted into it. But uppon closer inspection of the photo, you find it to be three sizes too small.

Day out with the Genie Sisters! Day Breaker's enticement!

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Two weeks later after the grand opening, news of the cafe spread like wildfire. As the days went by, more and more customers soon arrived to partake in the confections and performances of the dancers.

Even the classes at night for belly dances was a big hit. So big of a hit they had to schedule lessons for only twent-five poeple a night for five days a week.

But the biggest surprise was when Spike gave each of the girls a pay for there hard work. They tried to say no to it, saying they could just conjure up whatever they wanted, but Spike was determined to set a few rules down to keep from suspicion of any customers down and out.



'~Day After Grand Opening~

The day after the grand opening, Spike is seen handing out a envolope to each of the girls, and explained what was inside of them was a equal amount of the tips they made after dividing it up among the eight of them.

Confused, each of them looked inside to find they each had a grand total of three hundred dollars. As they began handing the money back to him, held a hand up, as if telling them to keep it.

"No, you girls keep it. This way if you decide to go out, you won't have to conjure the money up with the possibility of being caught using magic. Plus, it'll give you girls time to go out and explore when your not working or training, and who knows, you might make a few friends you can connect with, maybe even help you realize your full potential."

~End Flashback~


~Present Time~

Yeah, Spike remembered that day clearly. It took him a whole hour to get them to understand how money made today exactly worked. Especially when he found himself in a hug with eight pairs of breast sufficating the air out of him.

'At least if I did die that time, I would of been a happy with how I went to the next life. It was really comfy feeling all that- NO!! Bad Spike! No pervy thoughts today!!'

Dressed in brown leather boots, blue jeans, a red T-shirt, and grey vest. Placing a pair of black leather wrist bands with a dragon's head insignia on them, he finnished dressing by placing a watch onto his arms. Spike looked himself in the mirror before heading outside his bedroom, and out of his apartment to find a certain pair of genies dressed and waiting for him. Upon seeing the two, he blushed at how they dressed so there fashion sense matched there interests.

Looking at them, he see's they were wearing the same light blue sleeveless shirt with small holes in the shape of six pointed stars in the center of their shirts, just above there bussoms, to show the valleys that where hidden away squeezed together tightly. But to his surprise, Sci-Twi went with a violiet skirt with a picture of her cutie mark as a patch on her right side with white leggings, violet knee-high socks, and white sneakers. As for Tilight, she had jean shorts with, and just like her sister, she had her cutie mark patched into the design on the left side pocket, lavender knee-high socks, and blue sneakers.

"Hey girls, sorry if I kept you two waiting. Had a few things to handle."

Turning to him, the sisters grinned as he approached them. Only to turn into love filled gazes as they took in his attire. Only for Twilight to snap out of it when she felt a bit of drool on her lower lip.

"It's okay Spike. We weren't waiting that long."

Giggling as she brought herself back from her lust filled fantasy from her day dream, Sci-Twi brought herself back under control as well.

"Um, yeah! Your good Spike. But are you sure the girls will be okay running the cafe without us? They are just rookie genies after all. Anything could happen if something goes wrong."

Chuckling, Spike set a reassuring smile on his face as he began to walk with the sisters towards the bus stop nearby.

"They'll be okay with Diane in charge as assistant manager. Plus Carmelita can act as security if need be while working as a waitress. Pluss Cynder can handle herself in a fight as extra muscle if needed. And Renamon and Black Renamon can just disappear if they need to, and the audience will still think that it's part of the show. Plus, like you just said Sci-Twi, they are rookie genies. This will be good practice for them for when they find there own future masters."

Tilting her head a bit, Twilight was still a bit worried about leaving the cafe in the hands of the rookie genies.

"But what about Amy and Rouge? What can they do if trouble arrises?"

Chuckling, Spike only nodded as he worked to reassure the doubts in the minds of the sisters.

"Turns out Rouge can pack a mean kick when needed. As for Amy, apparrently she has a expandable hammer, and she knows how to use it too. Can even just poof it back to her hand if she looses her grip or throws it. Plus, I think that all of you are still sore that Cynder won the contest on Nightmare Night."

At the mention of the Nightmare Night contest, both genie girls began to get irritated, due to the fact she won by putting a picture of herself in a bikini with each order that was sent out. Noticing this, Spike gently kissed the two on the cheek, causing them to forget of the contest and blush furiously from the contact.

As the trio make it to the bus stop, the three took a seat on the bench. With each girl taking a spot next to Spike on either side of him, he began to blush as he felt there generous bussoms press into his arms. Taking the peace in, Twilight had to ask a question that was nagging at her for most of the morning.

"So Spike, what's the plan? You kind of left us in the dark when you told us we had to go with you into town today."

Chuckling, Spike only shook his head as Sci-Twi began to give him her best puppy dog eyes. He kind of wished he had his phone.

"Yeah, what is with all the mystery sneaky planning your doing? You really got us wanting to know what your up to, Spike! So please, tell us? Pretty please, with a cute wittle tiny smiling cherry on top?"

Shaking his head, he noticed the bus just pulling up to the stop. Standing up, he moved forward before looking to the two girls.

"Nice try girls, but if you want to know what I'm planning, then you'll just have to wait and see."

Pouting at having failed to get him to spill his plan of taking them out somewhere, the two sisters followed him as he paid the fair for the three of them before taking there seats as the bus began to drive deep into the city.

Deep into Cantorlot City, the three stepped off the bus after arriving to there destination. Looking around, the two genie sisters where in pure aw of the location they were standing in front of.

It was a two story building that was as long as a football field with many different stores, different food stands, movie theater, and a arcade area. To Spike, this was paradise.

But to the two genies, there drooling faces told Spike that this place was heaven for the two of them.

Seeing the girl like this, Spike chuckled as he led them inside.

"Girls, welcome to Canterlot City Mall. A great place to relax while shopping, talk with friends, enjoy a good movie, and many more things to list off. And today, I'm treating the two of you to a day here, as a way of saying thank you. So today, we are going to enjoy a day here at this place of many choices. "

Following Spike, they continued till they spotted a few stores that interested them, as a gleam came to each of there eyes.

It was then that a all too familliar chill went up his spine. A all too familliar chill he knew all too well that ussually left a good sized dent in his wallet, and a pain in his back the next day.

As the sisters grabbed his arms and began to lead him to the first store, poor Spike began to re-think his idea of repaying the two genies.

'I can already hear the funneral bells ringing for my wallet. Hopefully it won't as bad as I think it's going to be.'

~Shopping Montage~

Book Emporium

With the bookstore known as the 'Book Emporium,' one would see shelf after shelf of books of all genre's.

Upon further inspection, one could see a violet blur moving from one shelf to another in very high speeds, with Spike and Sci-Twi watching from a distance as Twilight went on a book frenzy throughout the store.

Tech Universe

The next stop left Spike and Twilight speechless as the tech store known as 'Tech Universe,' they both watch as Sci-Twi runs around as she looks for anything to update not just her sound system at the cafe, but also the Dell laptop she bought.

Thinking, Spike smiled as he relaxed a bit, thinking of how much this'll cost in the end.

'Well, least I got a new phone before letting her loose in here. Maybe I'll take Sci-Twi's offer to make it genie proof.'

Looking over his shoulder and to his new phone in wonder, she tried to poke it, only for Spike to grab her finger between his thumb and index finger, and shaking his head no.

Chuckling nervously, she placed her hands back behind her back.

Arcadium Arcade

At the center of the mall, we see a two story store filled with nothing but arcade games for every age. Currently, we see Spike standing in front of a dance game machine, watching with a heavy blush upon his face as he watched the sisters dance battle against each other. Both skillfully allowing there bodies to act seductively with each movement they made.

Looking around, he saw as many young teenage boys began to record them as they danced. Thinking, he took his new phone out and began to record the two as they danced, making he got clear view of Sci-Twi's hip bounce, making her skirt to give a peek of her purple panties, and Twilight as she seductively ran her hands around her bussom.

At the end, the sisters are seen back to back, each with a raised arm into the air as they intertwined there hands, putting there free hands together to form a heart aimed straight at Spike. With a loud applause, the teo took a bow before returning to Spike's sides and headed out.

~End Shopping Montage~

Currently sitting at a table in the food court, with shopping bags full of items around there feet, the three were enjoying eating a pizza together. To Spike's amusement, it was a dish that seemed to act as catnip to the two of them as they gushed over how good it tasted.

Chuckling, Spike was tempted to take a picture of them, but stopped himself as he figured he could do it anytime.

"So girls, you two have fun?"

Snapping out of there gushing states, both girls relaxed as they in turn got dreamy eyes towards him with Twilight answering first.

"Yeah, we had a great time Spike. Thank you for this."

Taking a sip of her drink, Sci-Twi fixed her glasses a bit as her mind raced with a few idea's to thank him.

"It was really thoughtful of you to do this Spike. Thank you."

Looking at the time, Spike noticed it was getting late. Not wanting to be out late at night, Spike began to cover the pizza back in the box and picks it and the many bags back into his arms.

"Well, we best be heading back to home ladies. We may of had today off, but we have work tomorrow."

Nodding in agreement, both girls picked up a single shopping bag before guiding poor Spike back to the bus stop to head home.

Far out of the city, and out into the country was a giant patch of land filled with thousands upon thousands of tree's. But, upon further inspection, many notice that the tree's produced a certain fruit, and upon seeing what fruit the tree's brings forth.

Apples. Acres and acres of apples.

But not just any kind of apple's. These were the apple's of the Apple family farm. World famous for there Zap Apple Jam that the matriarch of the family, known to all as Granny Smith Apple.

Infact, as we move to the center area, we see a renovated giant red barn turned two story house, was a eighty-five year old woman, with white and grey hair, dressed in a green sun dress with frills along the bottom, and two rings on her right hand fingers. Rocking in her wooden rocking chair on the porch of her home, she took in the piece and quiet of the farm itself as a whole.

Looking out to the fields as the night sky showed it's star filled beauty, she took time to close her eyes and take a small nap. Allowing the peaceful sounds of nature to sooth her mind of all thoughts of work done during the day.



Only to be abruptly opened as her cell phone decided to pull her back to reality as it began to ring. Picking her phone off the table, she grew tense at seeing who was calling.

Picking it up, she swiftly answered it, and began to internally pray that everything was okay.

"Well hello Miss Day Breaker. How can ah be of service to you this fine evening? Need more of my apple treats for you to enjoy?"

Hearing a light giggle on the other end, she relaxed a bit.

'No, but I do have a job for you. That is, if you want some more hands working on the apple farm.'

Raising a brow, Granny began to wonder what she had in mind. With harvest time just around the corner, and tens of thousands of apples to pick, she needed all the help she could get.

"Oh? Okay then, what do you have in mind Miss Day Breaker?"

'Well, there is this new little cafe in town. It's called 'The Dragon's Harem Maid Cafe.`

Getting a bit serious, Granny began to wonder where this was all leading to.

"Oh? And what pray tell is so interesting about the cafe?"

Hearing a giggle, Granny's interest perked as Day Breaker said the next few words to hook her into the propolsal.

'Let's just say the place is a goldmine for genies just looking for a new master.~'

Visit from a old Apple. Challenge to a Harem War?!

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It was a beautiful Saturday morning in Canterlot City. Kids were enjoying time at arcades and comic shops. Teens and adults out hanging out as friends.

Currently within the cafe, the bussiness was in full swing with everyone doing there parts in keeping busy and entertaining the customers. Even Spike was going around taking to-go orders from the kitchen to the registers for customers.

Taking a small break, he took a bottle of water before taking a seat behind the register section. Taking a sip of the water, Spike looked around the cafe, smiling as things seemed to begin to slow down and become easier for everyone.

'Hard to believe a single wish could lead to all of this. It's like going from zero to hero in a single night. Makes me wonder what the future will bring.'

It was then the door to the cafe opened as Canterlot's oldest matriarch walked in and took a booth by the far corner. Having her grey hair up in a bun, and wearing a bright green sun dress and brown work boots, she waves to a waitress, who swiftly came to her with a smile on her face.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Rouge, your waitress for today. May I take your order?"

Not waisting a minute, the customer grinned kindly to her.

"Yes, I'd like a slice of apple pie, a glass of apple cider. Oh, and could you do me a favor and get Spike over here. Just tell him dear old Granny came to see him."

Blinking a bit out of surprise, Rouge nodded as she headed to place the order before going to inform Spike of what the mysterious customer said. Watching, 'Granny' smiled as her waitresd did as she was asked to do, and smiled brighter as she saw the young man she knew when he was just a young man began to walk towards her booth, a kind smile adorned his face to seeing her.

As Spike approached the booth, he immediately knew who was asking for him. Taking a seat opposite of her, he relaxed as he sat up as straight as he could for her.

"Granny Smith Apple. It's been a long time. I'm sorry I haven't been down to visit you in a long while. Life has kept me a bit bussier as of late."

Chuckling, Granny only laughed off his apology as if it was nothing to her.

"Oh, don't worry about that. Ah don't let that kind of thing get to me deary. Besides, after all the work you put in at the farm on the weekends, and after staying under my roof after your folk's passed away, and helped around the farm, your practically family to me. By the way, how's the car ah gave ya doing? She still purring like ah dream?"

At the mention of Spike's car, he began to sweat as the memory of it blowing up ran through his mind. It was a gift from her to him as a congratulations for getting a high paying job.

"Well you see, um, how do I put this? When I was fired from my last job, somebody, kinda, blew it up."

Watching closely, Spike saw Granny Smith's smiling face turn into one of pure rage and anger. Seeing her like this made him sweat profusely from fear.

Watching from afar, all the genies from within the cafe began to fear the old lady. Not from her angry face she was sporting, but from the amount of pure rage she was letting out into the cafe.

"Ah don't think I heard ya right deary. Did you just say that 'somebody blew it up?' Ah had to single handly rebuilt that old dodge charger myself from parts found in a junkyard, and somebody blew... IT... UP?!"

It was then the whole cafe went quiet. Nobody moved a muscle, or made a sound for that matter. Everyone was to scared to do anything. In the city of Canterlot, there was a single unspoken rule.

Never, under any circumstances. No matter how big or small the issue is at the time. Never make Granny Smith Apple angry.


Worried even more, Spike tried to come up with something, anything really, to calm her down. It was then Rouge came to the rescue with her order.

"Okay ma'am. One order of apple pie, with a glass of apple cider. Oh, and as per Spike's request, the meal is on the house for you today. Enjoy."

Taking her leave, she never saw how Granny Smith changed from pure anger, straight back to a happy lady everyone knew and loved. Seeing this, everyone else in the cafe relaxed and returned to there normal routine.

Picking her fork up, she cut a piece of the pie off and ate it. As she chewed, she moaned in delight of the flavors that she was tasting. Picking up her glass of cider, she took a delicate sip of the drink, just trying to figure out just how it was made.

'Then again, ah got a good feeling I know what's going on in this here cafe. Just like Day Breaker said, this here be a goldmine for genies.'

Gently placing the cup of cider down, Granny looked to Spike with a smirk, also making sure her two rings she had on were in full view.

Seeing the rings, Spike made a major discovery that he never knew.

'Does she have genie's too?'

On her right hand index finger was a green emerald with a picture of three apples within it. As on her left hand index finger was a red ruby with a picture of a green apple with a section cut out, showing the inside of the apple.

Seeing he noticed, Granny decided to be entirely blunt and go on the verbal attack.

"Ah have to admit, this here pie and cider is surprisingly delicious. Almost as if it was made by magic and out of thin air. It's almost as good as my merchindise. Key word being 'almost' that is."

Catching her word play on how her order was made, Spike began to worry that she figured him out. In fact, many in town believed she could detect a lie before it could even be muttered out of someones mouth.

"So, with that being said, I'll give you a easy way out of this. Only cause I see you as family."

Leaning closely, Granny Smith whispered to him. Just low enough for Spike to hear.

"Give me all your genies, and I'll find you some new employee's to work here. Might even bring a few of our family bussiness merchindise for you to use here. For a cut of the profits that is."

Surprised that what he thought to be true, Spike grew worried as he knew she wasn't one to take 'no' for a answer.

'But then again, if there is one thing I picked up from her, is not to give a inch for what one believes in. And I believe n keeping a promise I made to the girls.'

Placing a serious face on, Spike gave Granny Smith a heated stare. Seeing him like this simply surprised her. She never once seen him match her ferocity of seriousness.

"I'm sorry Granny, but you tought me to never go back on my word. And I gave these girls my word, a promise, that I'd keep them safe. So, I'm afraid I'll have to deny your offer."

Hearing him say those words brought a smile to her face. Unfortunately, she knew she had no choice but to do this the hard way.

"Spike, ah promised your folks I'd help to look after you if anything happened to them. And good golly, ah did. But now, you leave me no choice. Spike Drakeson, I Granny Smith Apple, hearby challenge you to a Harem War."

Hearing a gasp, Spike turned to the source to find both Sci-Twi and Twilight Sparkle standing behind him, looking to him and Granny in both surprise and worry. Seeing this didn't bode well for him as he began to worry himself.

"Wait. What's a Harem War?"

Hearing a chuckle, Spike turned back to Granny Smith, giving her his full attention.

"A Harem War is a fight between genies that we wager. The masters, meaning us, control them by giving commands. Winner gains the losers genies, and the loser looses all that they wished for. Memories included."

Taking in all she said, Spike was about to neglect the challenge, only for Granny Smith to beat him to the punch.

"And don't you dare chicken out young man! Ah tought ya better then that! In fact, ah'll wager a single ring against one of your rings. And to match the number of rookie genies you have, ah'll put up the same number of barrels of my famous 'Zap Apple Cider' for you to use here in the store, or drink it up yourself."

Hearing her offer, Spike was highly tempted to take the challenge, but also worried that he'll lose all he gained from a single wish. It was when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders. Looking behind him, he saw that all the genies were standing behind him, smiling to him as if saying they trusted him, and confident in winning.

Sighing, Spike placed a serious face as he looked to Granny Smith. Stealing his nerves, he looked her in the eyes.

"Okay Granny Smith Apple, I accept your wager. May the best one win."

It was then time itself became frozen, and everything went black.

Harem War: Spike Drakeson VS. Granny Smith Apple (Part 1)

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Sighing, Spike placed a serious face as he looked to Granny Smith. Stealing his nerves, he looked her in the eyes.

"Okay Granny Smith Apple, I accept your wager. May the best one win."

It was then time became frozen, and everything went black.

~Present Time~

Looking around, scared of why everything went dark, Spike began to worry about what he just got not just himself and the two genie sisters truly into when he agreed to the challenge.

"W-What's going on?! W-What's h-happening?!"

Hearing a chuckling, he turned to see Granny Smith perfectly calm. It made him feel as if she knew something he didn't.

"Oh, calm down Spike. Your more jumpy then that new born pony you tried to ride when ya was a kid, only to fall off after it started to run at full gallop . Time has been frozen and we are just being sent to the arena for our little challenge. Whatever the challenge may be, of course..."

Looking to her, he raised a brow at what she said, totally confused at what was happening.

"Wait! You promised you wouldn't tell anyone of that day! And on another note, what do you mean by arena?"

Chuckling, Granny began to only laugh as the twin genies began giggling. It wasn't everyday that they could hear about a funny story on a master's past.

Calming herself, Granny eyed the two genies near Spike, wondering which she'll be facing. It kind of confused her of how he had only a single ring, and yet had two genies standing at his side.

'When Day Breaker spoke to me, she said something about his ring being special somehow. But for the life of me, ah just can't seem to remember what it was all about though...'

Watching the two girls acting lovingly to the young man made her heart ache. Knowing she had to take them from the young man she helped to raise, she almost wanted to call off the challenge, and surrender her one of her rings.

'No! Ah have to do this! I'm a loyal servant to Day Breaker! Even though it pains me, ah can't back out now!'

It was then a bright flash erupted through the darkness, blinding all who was present. Within a moment, Spike felt new ground below his feet, and was amazed at what he saw around him.

'We are so not in Kansas anymore.'

Looking around, he see's that he was what looked like a collesseum from Roman times. With it all built out of granite, he see's that it could easily fit over a million people. Looking around, he noticed that the rookie genies from his store were there, waving flags, and dressed as cheerleaders, just cheering him on.

~"Let's go Spike!~
~Let's go Spike!~
~Kick some ass and do it right!~
~Gooooo..... Spike!!"~

To hear them cheering made his heart flutter. Yet, at the same time made him blush a new shade of crimson as he saw there assets shake and jiggle all about freely in bikini like cheerleader uniforms as they danced around.

'I love these girls, but they really know how to make my mind go straight to the gutter when I need it to be focusing on what I'm doing. But then again, maybe I could have a few televissions wished up and hold a sports day with them dressed as cheerleaders. If I ain't mistaken, it was in the suggesttion box.'

Seeing him looking to the 'cheer squad', both Sci-Twi and Twilight became a bit miffed. Wraping themselves around his arms, they turned him back around, being sure to dig his arms into there breasts, causing him to blush a few shades of crimson.

Hearing a bit of laughter, Spike's focus returned to Granny Smith. Watching her laughing and doing her best to calm down, he relaxed as remembered times when the two of them often playef pranks on one another. Sometimes it would of ended up in a all out prank war with her winning most the time.

"Hahaha! You should see your face! It hasn't been that red since ah found ya looking at pic's of girls wearing skimpy cosplaying outfits on the computer during your last year in highschool! HAHAHA!!"

Hearing this, the twin genies smirked towards Spike, causing him to blush even harder as part of his past was revealed to them for future references.

'~HAHAHA! Granny Smith Apple! You really know how to crack me up and liven things up around here!~'

Hearing a ominous voice from out of no where, Spike looked around frantically, searching for the source of the new voice.

It wasn't till a flash of light was seen between him and Granny that the source was found. Standing dressed in black combat boots, black pants, and a white shirt with black stripes running horizontally, stood a brown haired man that looked to be in his sixties. With a sharp tooth coming out of his upper lip, and yellow eyes with his scalera being blue in his left eye, and red in his right, he stood at five foot six.

"Haha! Discord, good to see ya again. Kinda wish it was under better circumstances. Meet my next challenge, Spike Drakeson. Spike, meet the owner of this place, the Lord of Chaos himself, Discord Dragonicus."

Looking to Spike, the now named Discord is surprised at meeting a new master. Yet, at the same time he felt like Spike looked familiar to him. Like a friend he met centuries ago.

"So, your the young Spike Drakeson? Granny told me so much about you young man. Gotta admit though, never expected to see you going against Granny here for your first Harem War."

Putting a hand out to him, Discord waited to see what the young blood would do. Sensing no ill intent coming from him, Spike carefully reached out and shook his hand.


Only to quickly pull back from a shock that was so intense, his hair stood straight up, and was smoking from the tips. Hearing laughter, he looked around and saw everyone present laughing at his misfortune, only to soon join in on laughing at his own humility.

"Joy buzzer, a classic that can't be beat. I bow my head to you Discord in utter defeat."

Calming himself, Discord snapped his fingers. In a flash of light, a gold crown, and for some reason ,a pair of giant googly eye glasses appeared on his head. Wrapping a arm around Spike's shoulder, he pulled him in close.

"I like you kid. You know how to take a joke and have some fun with it."

Chuckling, Spike handed him a bussiness card for the cafe.

"Well, if you ever want to come by, your always welcome. That is as long as you promise not to cause any trouble for other customers, and employee's of course."

Raising his left hand up, and his crown turning into a small cap from a scout troop, he placed his hand over his heart. Smiling, Discord magically placed the card away.

"Scouts honor! If I ever do visit your cafe, I'll be as kind to everyone as you have been to me."

It was then everyone in the place went quiet and stared at the man with deadpan faces. Looking to him, all but Spike had the same thought running through there minds.

'He was never a boy scout.'

It was then Discords face became serious, getting the attention of everyone present. Clapping his hands, a spinning roulette wheel appeared on a wooden table with different challenges listed in place of the numbers ussually seen. Pulling a metal marble from out of nowhere, Discord looked to Spike.

"Now then, seeing as this is your first time here Spike, I'm going to explain how this works. When placing a challenge for a harem war, both competitors must agree upon a bet. When that is done and both parties are in agreement, they are brought here, where there challenge is chosen via roulette wheel. In place of the numbers are different challenges for your genies to compete in. May it be a simple game of strip poker, which is a very high favorite by most masters of genies. All the way up to a difficult battle between genies from both sides."

Nodding his head, he didn't notice as both Twilight and Sci-Twi began to fidget at the mention of strip poker.

"So, without further a do, lets see what challenge you shall face! Roulette, ready, GO!"

Snapping his fingers, Discord ran magic into the roullet wheel, causing it to start spinning at a high speed. Placing the metal ball into the wheel, everyone watched with bated breathe as both the wheel and metal marble began to slow.

Watching closely with anticipation, everyone watched as the wheel came to a stop, with the marble in one of the slots. Looking, Discord grinned with pleasure at that the challenge shall be.

"Alright! Congratulations, for your challenge to compete in has been chosen, and boy is it a doozy of a challenge. Today, you'll both be taking on the challenge known as..."

Somewhere off in the distance, a pair of gloves were playing a drum set, adding to the anticipation of what is to come.

"...the a-MAZE-ing Race! Haha! Ya see what I did there?"

With that, he snapped his fingers, placing both Granny and Spike on opposing sides, with Twilight and Sci-Twi back in his ring. Looking at where he was, he noticed in the area he was in was a padded stonr royal chair both he and Granny were currently sitting in with what looked like multiple ring case's in front of him. Looking across from him, he spotted Granny sitting in a similar seat as his.

But what he saw below him was what really got to him. Down below was Discord standing in front of the entrance of the biggest maze he ever seen full of twists, turns, and dead ends. Just looking at it, it reminded him of his Dungeons and Dame's contests he used to enter when he was younger.

"Okay you two, listen up! Here is how the challenge goes. You'll each choose a ring containing a genie to enter the maze. They enter, and try to reach the center first. But be warned, there are traps, riddles, and creatures roaming the place to slow them down. First genie to the center of the maze is the winner! Now, choose your genie ring!"

Confused of how to choose, Spike looked to Granny and saw her remove a ring. Looking to his own ring, he gently grabbed it and was surprised that he could remove it.

Shaking the shock off, he took a guess of placing the ring into a case, and closed it. It then he watched as a beam of light shot out of the case from both his and Granny's respective places, both aimed at the entrance of the maze.

Watching his stream, he saw it split into two seperate streams before forming into Twilight Sparkle and Sci-Twi, both dressed in there respective harem attire. Looking to Granny, he saw her jaw literally drop at seeing two genies come from a single beam.

"What the hay?! Why did two genies come from your beam?! Discord! Is this aloud?"

Going into the rulebook, Discord looked through the chapters before going to Spike's space and indeed seen two seperate souls inhabit the same ring. To his surprise, he found nothing in the rule book on it.

"I find no rule against it, and I sense two genie souls inhabiting the same ring. Given the evidence, I'll allow the two genies to participate in the challenge.

Grumbling, Granny looked down to her beam as it too formed a person's shape. As the light died down, Spike's eyes almost bulged out from the beauty that stood at the ready was Granny Smith's choice.

There standing with a well tanned feminine muscular build at a height of six foot seven, Spike can see that the mystery girl was no slouch. Wearing light brown sweatpants with matching tube top containing her generous D-cup breasts, only to be partially covered in a short sleeved flannel shirt tied just under her bussom, allowing her well toned abs to be on display for all to see. He also took notice thst she was wearing brown cowgirl boots, brown leather work gloves, and a large brown stetson hat. For a belly ring, she had a emerald with a picture of three red apples inside.

"Holy crap! Amazon's do exist!"

Harem War: Spike Drakeson VS. Granny Smith Apple (Part 2)

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~Last Time~

"What the hay?! Why did two genies come from your beam?! Discord! Is this aloud?"

Going into the rulebook, Discord looked through the chapters before going to Spike's space and indeed seen two seperate souls inhabit the same ring. To his surprise, he found nothing in the rule book on it.

"I find no rule against it, and I sense two genie souls inhabiting the same ring. Given the evidence, I'll allow the two genies to participate in the challenge.

Grumbling, Granny looked down to her beam as it too formed a person's shape. As the light died down, Spike's eyes almost bulged out from the beauty that stood at the ready was Granny Smith's choice.

There standing with a well tanned feminine muscular build at a height of six foot seven, Spike can see that the mystery girl was no slouch. Wearing light brown sweatpants with matching tube top containing her generous D-cup breasts, only to be partially covered in a short sleeved flannel shirt tied just under her bussom, allowing her well toned abs to be on display for all to see. He also took notice thst she was wearing brown cowgirl boots, brown leather work gloves, and a large brown stetson hat. For a belly ring, she had a emerald with a picture of three red apples inside.

"Holy crap! Amazon's do exist!"

~Present Time~

All was quiet from Spike's words. The sister genies were looking to there opponent with pure fear. Spike's cheering section were all staring at the figure with looks of fear upon each of there faces. Spike himself was looking to her now with a hand over his mouth. Both Granny Smith and Discord were laughing there asses off from his proclomation.

As for the so called amazon herself, she was blushing so hard from what he said she thought she made apples everywhere green with envy. Lowering the front of her hat, she gathered herself and looked to him with a honest smile as memories flowed into her mind.

"Well ah'll be, Spike! That you partner? Ah ain't seen ya in what felt like ages!"

Hearing her, Spike's face soon turns to confussion. He did feel like he knows her from somewhere, yet he also thinks this was the first time he ever met her. Scratching his chin, he tried to think of a answer, only to come up with nothing.

"Uh, sorry miss, but do I know you? You do seem familiar, yet I just can't place where I seen you before."

Chuckling, the mysterious girl snapped her fingers. Watching her, everyone soon saw her become covered in dense light brown smoke. After a few moments, the smoke soon disappeared to reveal a fully grown, tan furred horse with blonde hair on her neck and tail with the stetson hat on the head with the ears poking through slits in the sides of the hat. Looking closely, everyone could see a patch of red on her right thigh in the shape of a apple.

"How about now? Do ya recognize me now Spike?"

Taking a look at the genie turned horse at the maze entrance, memories soon began to fill his mind from his childhood.

~Ten Years Ago~
~Sweet Apple Acres~

The memory opens up to a 15 year old Spike wearing jeans and purple and green flannel shirt and boots walking a tan furred female horse with a blonde mane and tail to a stall. Upon reaching her assigned stall, Spike smiles at the ornate carving he made for her as he was in charge of her health.

Opening the door, he calmly patted her side before running a hand behind her ear, earning him a happy neigh from her.

"Alright girl, in you go. I'll be back tomorrow to check on ya."

As the horse began to walk in, she spotted his hat on the hook and snatched it before playfully running into the stall, begging him to try and catch her.

Too tired from working the fields, Spike decided to do something. Walking in, he took a apple from a sack hanging on the wall.

Holding the apple out to her, he watched as she released the hat and bit into the apple. Acting quickly, Spike grabbed the stetson and walked out of the stall.

Seeing Spike out, the mare walked up to him and snorted at the trick he pulled to get his hat back from her. Only to be surprised as he placed the hat over her head, making sure her ears fit perfectly through holes he placed in the hat earlier that day

"There ya go girl. It's yours now, so keep it safe."

~Present Time~

It was that moment the memory ended as the name of who he was currently talking to came to him like a slap to the face.

"Wait, Applejack? Is that really you?! Wait, your a genie?!"

In another poof of smoke, the now named Applejack returned to her genie form, tipping her hat to him in a friendly manner.

"Eeyup! It's me Spike. Been a few good years since we last saw one another. Ah never thought you'd be a master of genies though."

Looking to her opponent, she blinked a bit to make sure she wasn't seeing things. She noticed she was looking at two ginies instead of just one. Looking to Granny, she gave a look of confussion.

"Granny, why are there two genies instead of just one? Did you make a bet that you could win a two on one match again?"

Chuckling nervously, Granny Smith waved off the memory.

"No, actually it just so happens that Spike has a unussual ring that has two genies instead of the ussual one. Tell the truth, ah wasn't expecting it either myself really."

Looking to the two genies, AJ could tell that the two had a bit of a sisterly bond. Seeing this, it flooded her mind with memories of her siblings. Shaking her head, she walked up to the two genies, causing them to slightly flinch to attention.

"Howdy, the names Applejack. Just wanna say thanks for helping him out. Ah really appreciate it. But don't think ah'll be going easy on ya'll for it."

As both gulped, the two sisters stood straight to the amazoness, and looked her in the eyes. Gulping, Twilight spoke with nervousness laced in her voice.

"H-Hello, I a-am Twilight Sparkle, and this is my sister, Twilight Science. Sci-Twi for short."

Taking a steady breathe, and correcting her glasses over her nose, Sci-Twi stepped up.

"We intend to win this, so watch out. Because your past with Spike is just that, the past."

It was then Applejack got a bit angry at what they said, only to calm herself as Discord appeared between them holding a flag.

"All right ladies, simmer down! Save it for the maze. You'll need all your energy to make it through it after all."

Huffing, Applejack crossed her arms under her chest, raising her breast up slightly.

"Fine. Ah'll just let this little race settle things then. Good luck you two. You'll need it."

Taking step backwards, the twin sisters were surprised as a wall shot in between them and Applejack, seperating them as it connected to the opening of the maze, giving them seperate entry points leading inside before seeing a beam of light shoot out from Applejack's side, leading up to Granny Smith before turning to three floating gems.

Just then the sisters felt a powerful surge before two seperate lights shot towards Spike before turning to six floating gems. Confused, Spike looked between Discord and Granny Smith silently asking what they were.

Leting a cough out behind Spike, spooking him, Discord was standing there with the rule book, a pair of reading glasses, and oddly enough drinking a glass of chocolate milk.

"Those Spike are known as wish gems. You get three per genie, and seeing as you have two genies, you have six wishes. But, you can only use three for each genie. So, no wishing to kill the opponent genie, no wishing for more wishes, and lastly, no wishing to be at the end of the maze. Other than that, use them wisely, and let your creativity go wild. But be warned, once they're used all up, your out of wishes for the rest of the challenge."

Snapping his fingers, Discord disappeared and re-appeared on the wall dividing Applejack, Twilight, and Sci-twi. Taking a green flag completely out of nowhere, he raised it up, getting everyones attention.

"Alrighty then! I hearby call this challenge to order. In the match of Spike VS. Granny Smith, I hearby agree to be referee of this match!"

Seemingly out of nowhere, cheering is heard throught the area, applauding for the match to soon begin.

"Now without further a do... Racers, on your mark..."

Hearing this, the three genies took a stance, readying themselves for what they may face within the maze.

"Get set..."

Looking down, Granny Smith was smirking, already knowing what wishes might help to give Applejack a edge in the race.

Taking a calming breathe, Spike finnished taking in all he heard. Realizing just how real this was, he decided to not take any chances, and go all out if need be to win.

As we turn back to Discord, we see him drinking a glass of chocolate milk, again. Finnishing the glass, he tossed it into a fire, causing a mini-explosion.

"Mmm, that hit the spot. Now, where was I? Oh yeah! On your mark, get set! Ready? Go!"

Dropping the flag down, the three genies charged into the maze, and the race was on.

Within a private room of the collesseum, we see Daybreaker, still dressed in her bussinesd suite, watching the match on a magic crystal while laying on a couch eating a slice of cake. Smirking, she kept her eyes closely upon the rookie master.

"Hm, so that is Spike Drakeson. I'll admit, he does look cute. Question is, can he survive the match long enough to win? Wonder how he got a hold of a ring with twin genie's inside? Not to mention, all those rookies."

Sipping a glass of milk, she kept her eyes glued to the the crystal.

"Aw well. Maybe after he loses, I'll go find him for a bit of private fun together. Maybe even try to find him a new genie to join my cause."

Giggling, she didn't stop till the top button of her suite pop off and shoot to the crystal and crack it. Looking to the button then to herself, she huffed as the words of Nightmare Moon invaded her thoughts.

"Damn it! I knew I shouldn't of eaten the wedding cake last night. Note to self, enlarge wardrobe to fit, again. Maybe hit the dreaded gym to get back into shape."

Glaring to the crystal, she relaxed as she contemplated on finnishing the strawberry cheese cake she was already eating.