Pest Control

by WhispersInTheDark

First published

When the Portal between Earth and Equestria was opened, all seemed first. Then, the bat ponies came. Or rather, the FRUIT bat ponies. Now, one farm hires a mare who has her own..."unique" way of distracting pests...

After Humanity's first confirmed contact with an alien race, all was pretty hectic for a while. But soon, the sight of these unbearably cute ponies everywhere became commonplace, and they were widely accepted.

Except for the bat ponies. More specifically, the fruit bat ponies! These quickly became a nuisance, as one fruit bat pony could ruin an entire orchard in the space of a month!

So a farmer and his sons, besieged by a bat pony that has infested their orchard and are at their wits' end, decide to contact the nearest Equestrian Embassy and demand something be done about their pest!

The solution the Embassy sends is not at all what they were expecting...

" she doing...what I THINK she's doing?!"

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"GAWDDAMMIT!!" yelled Simon, as he stood in the middle of a grove of his trees. All around him, stretching as far as the eye could see, were neat rows of fruit trees in full bloom. Or they would be, if not for all the scattered, ruined apples that lay all along the ground underneath every tree. He picked up an apple in his gloved hand and stared distastefully at it. The fruit was shriveled and mushy and oozed out of his hand. He threw it angrily down and whirled on his sons. "Look at this! All that work, all our time, wasted! And all because of some alien freak!!"

Just then, they heard a low chuckle, and a rotten apple was thrown against his head and smushed into his hair. "What the fuck...?!" he muttered. As he brought a hand up to his head and looked up, he saw a black, winged pony staring down at him from among the branches. Its fangs were bared in a wicked smile, and as they watched, it stood on the branch, whipped out its dick, and waggled it at them! At the farmer's shocked expression, the bat pony laughed even harder, then flew off into the sky.

Simon's face was white with anger. Through gritted teeth, he growled, "Did you see what that bastard did?! Where. Is. My. SHOTGUN?! That. Is. IT! Rule or no rule, that thing is gonna DIE!"

His sons Marcus and Jackson tried to reason with him. "Dad..." began Marcus, " know we can't do that! These aliens have a treaty with us, and that includes no hostility between our two races!"

Jackson stepped forward. "Do you want to risk an interstellar conflict over a few apples, Dad?"

Simon grit his teeth again and spread his arms. "A few?! LOOK around you! EVERY one of these trees has been picked clean, and it's only been two days! Just imagine what that bastard can do in a month!!" He turned and stomped on another ruined fruit. "And what if it gets in its head to invite more of its kind here? What then? We can't risk it!"

Marcus exchanged a look with his brother and said, "Dad, from what I've read about these creatures they're very territorial...once they stake a place out they don't allow other bat ponies to invade their hunting grounds, so we should be safe there."

Simon rounded on his son. "You can't be sure of that! They're aliens! Who knows how they think?! All I know is if we lose this harvest, it will take us another two years to get back on our feet, and I'm not going to let ONE alien pest destroy what I've built for you two!"

As his Dad had been speaking, Jackson had been checking his phone. He held up a hand. "Hang on Dad...I think I might have found a solution."

Simon stepped closer and looked at the screen. "What is it?" There appeared on the phone the logo for the Equestrian Embassy, with the tag, "Illicit Invasions" highlighted.

Jackson smiled. "Looks like they've dealt with this sort of thing before."

"Wait...why do we have to pay for this...solution?!" growled Simon, looking up from the computer screen.

Jackson shrugged. "Far as I can tell, it's all part of their diplomatic relations. The pony they're sending is a professional who has been trained in this line of work, so she needs to be paid by the requesters."

"Yes, but...wait! Did you say...they're sending...another pony?!" Simon pushed back his chair and stood. "Out of the question! We already have problems with one of those things; I'm not just gonna invite trouble with another!"

"Dad...we have to! We've tried everything else! We've installed night-vision cameras everywhere around the orchard to track his movements, we've laid traps loaded with bait...we've done everything short of anything lethal! That bat pony is just too smart to fall for any of the traps we've laid out, and he's too fast for us to catch him. This is our only solution!"

Simon sat back down and grumbled, "Fine...but this 'solution' better be worth it!" He looked up. "When are they sending it?"

Marcus leaned over the keyboard, tapped a few keys, then hit 'enter.' After a few seconds, a confirmation tag opened, and he grinned as he read it out loud:

Congratulations, troubled Human! Your Certified Pest ControlĀ® Agent will arrive tomorrow morning at eight AM your time! Your Agent will require one day (24 hours) to rid you of your infestation, and then any further interactions between yourself and the Agent will be strictly between yourselves and will remain confidential.

Thank you for using our Services!


Simon harrumphed, crossed his arms, and repeated himself.

"This better be worth it."

"You have got to be kidding..." Simon stood in the open doorway of his mansion, flanked by his sons on either side of him. Standing before him was a Human representative of the Equestrian Embassy, but that's not who they were staring at. Seated beside him, wearing a leash and collar, was a small, yellow, winged pony with a long, pink mane. She was looking up at them through the mane with one big blue eye, and she only came up to Simon's waist. He glowered at the Rep.

"You're joking, right?" He pointed at the pony. "This little thing is gonna get rid of our pest?! It's about as big as one of our dogs! How exactly is it gonna do its job?!"

The Rep smiled and looked down at his charge. "I assure you Sir, our Agent here is quite professional! She has never failed once in her assignments, nor had a single complaint lodged against her!" He handed Simon the leash and a folder. "Here you will find everything you need to know about her, and what she'll need to complete her project." He then produced a pen and a clipboard. "Please sign here." Simon looked from the Rep, down to the pony, (who was still gazing serenely up at him) then back to the Rep and snatched the pen and clipboard out of his hands, signed it quickly, then shoved it back. The Rep tipped his hat. "Thank you, Sir, and don't worry! Your pest problem will be a thing of the past by this time tomorrow!" And with that, he turned and left.

Simon looked at the leash in his hand, then gave it and the folder to one of his sons. "You deal with this joke...I'm going to go get another cup of coffee..."

The brothers looked at each other, then down at the pony. Marcus cleared his throat and put a hand behind his head. "Um...well, would you like to come in, Miss?" The pony smiled up at him and got to her hooves and walked inside, then used one of her back hooves to gently close the door. Then she stood looking up at him and waited. Marcus seemed to remember the leash in his hand and blushed, then said, "Oh! Uh..would you like for me to take this off?" At her continued silence, he said, "I'll...just...take this off of you, and then we can find out what to do next." He bent down and unclasped the leash, which made her smile again, then she trotted past the two and into their living room, then hopped up on the couch, and settled down.

As she sat there, their two dogs came into the living room. Once they caught the scent of the pony, they each froze, then cautiously came forward until they were within sniffing range, and stared up at her. She turned and smiled down at them, then held out a hoof. They both came forward, sniffed her, then gave her hoof a lick, which made her giggle. Now reassured, they each settled down on the floor in front of the couch, while the pony gently took turns stroking them behind their ears.

The brothers watched her make herself casually at home, then turned to one another. Jackson nodded at the folder. "What does it say?" Marcus opened it up and began reading.

"It says to take her out and show her around the property, then let her go to work. We're to have a cage ready once she subdues the batpony, and then the Authorities will come to pick him up." He looked up. "Sounds pretty simple."

Jackson quirked an eyebrow. "That's it? It doesn't tell us her name, or what she needs to eat, or anything else about her?" He looked briefly at the pony (who was still watching them) then turned back to his brother and lowered his voice. "And...I thought I read somewhere these ponies could talk, but she hasn't said a word. Did...we do something wrong?"

Marcus flipped through the folder again, then shook his head. "I guess she's just here to do her job and move on." He lowered his voice as well and added, "That's a shame because I'd like to find out more about her, too." He looked briefly at her again and said, "She's kinda cute..."

Jackson gave him a flat look. "Don't go there, big bro..."

Marcus' eyes grew wide. "What? I'm just saying!" Shoving the folder into his chest, he said, "It said to show her around the property, so let's get that done." He walked over to the mare. "Okay, Miss...we're gonna go outside now, and take you around the orchard." He held up the leash. "Do you need me to put this back on?" She smiled up at him, then hopped up off the couch and past him to the door, then turned back to them and waited. He looked at his brother again. "I guess that's a 'no.'" He tossed the leash onto the couch and opened the door for her. The dogs stood up and made to follow, but he held up a hand, "No, you two. Stay." They each sat down and stared wistfully up at him with their ears laid back, but he held firm. He then said to his brother, "You coming?"

"Yeah, sure!" He yelled back into the house, "Dad! We're taking the pony around the orchard like the instructions said! We'll be back in a couple hours!"

"Whatever!" was all they heard yell back. Jackson shrugged and followed his brother and the mare outside.

It was late in the afternoon by the time they'd finished getting the items from the folder and shown her all around the farm. Taking her into the local hardware store had been a singular experience, as that part of the country had not been graced by many of the cute aliens, though of course, the residents had heard of them. A few times while in the store, a child would walk up to the mare and try to pet her, but the parent would pull them back. Whenever this happened, one of the brothers would apologize to her, but the mare gave no sign of whether or not she was offended. A crowd followed them out of the store once they'd made their purchases. all staring at the pony, when she did something that surprised them all.

As she climbed into the Jeep, she turned around, faced the crowd, then smiled and waved. Marcus looked at her as she resumed her seat. " do like Humans?"

She looked up at him through her mane and nodded. Then she settled back and faced the front of the Jeep as they drove off.

As they slowly drove the drop-top Jeep around the orchard, with the mare riding in the front passenger seat, she suddenly stood up, placed her front hooves on the dashboard, then pointed with one of her hooves into the trees. Marcus, who was driving, stopped the vehicle and looked at where she was pointing. He turned to his brother. "You see what she's looking at?"

Jackson stood, leaned forward, and squinted. After a few moments, he said, "I...don't see anything unusual. Maybe she caught a glimpse of that pest? I don't know." He looked down at her. "What did you see, Miss?" Instead of answering, the pegasus spread her wings, flitted back to where they'd stored the cage they'd purchased earlier, picked it up with her front hooves, and flew it over to the base of a tree. She then turned to the Humans, made a 'shooing' motion with one of her hooves, then flew off and was soon out of sight.

"Hey! Come back!" shouted Jackson. But she was gone. He sat down heavily and exchanged a worried look with his brother.

"Dad is gonna flip out when he hears this..."

The Sun was setting as they pulled into their multi-vehicle garage and parked next to their Dad's personal SUV, indicating he was at home. Just before they went into the house, Jackson took his brother by the arm. "Okay, let's be smart about this: We don't have to tell him right away...we can..." his eyes suddenly brightened, "...check all the cameras and see if we can find her first!" As soon as they opened the garage door, their dogs came bounding up to them, tails wagging, then bolted past him, looking around. The disappointment was obvious on their faces when they couldn't find the pony, so they both turned around, put their heads and tails down, then slowly walked away.

As they were walking back into the main house, Marcus observed, "That pony sure made an impression on Duke and Baxter...I've never seen them take so readily to a stranger."

Jackson shrugged. "Maybe all ponies are like that with Earth animals...who knows? Anyway, we have bigger problems. The monitor room is this way...hopefully we can spot her before Dad knows she took off."

Walking down the wood-paneled hallway, their feet making no sound on the expensive carpet, they paused in front of the door to the monitor room and listened. The door was open a crack, and they could see the lights from the many computer monitors shining through the door. The brothers exchanged a look, then pushed the door open. Their father turned around when he heard the door open, took a swig of his beer, and waved them in. "Come have a seat, boys; looks like the show's about start." They came slowly in, never taking their eyes off the screens, and sat down on either side of him. Simon pointed to the main monitor. "Looks like she found him..." All three men leaned forward to watch.

As soon as the thestral caught his first whiff of the strange pony, his first instinct was to attack! His wings unfurled, he bared his fangs and hissed, then flew down to confront it.

Only to stop in midair when he recognized her female scent.

Confused, he landed and slowly approached her. The mare turned and looked up at him through her pink mane, then smiled. When he stopped in front of her, she gently brought her nose up to his and booped it, then lowered her head and began walking around him, rubbing her body lightly all along him. His body stiffened, and his wings shot out as his eyes began to widen, while she continued to rub herself slooowly all over him, getting her scent fully into his nostrils.

When she came back to his front, she brought her face up to his again, closed her eyes, and softly kissed him. He stiffened again and pulled back slightly, but she leaned forward and deepened the kiss, as his breath began to sharpen. Then she stood on her hind legs, wrapped her front ones around his neck, and stuck her tongue down his throat. In surprise, he stumbled backward and fell over, and she landed on top of him, still Prench-kissing him passionately. She felt him stiffen beneath her, which was just the sign she'd been waiting for. She broke the kiss on his mouth and, with a trail of saliva still connecting them and her eyes half-lidded, she began nipping and licking him down his neck, down his chest, then shifted her body down until her soft, sweet lips were near his crotch.

"Nope! I'm done!" said Simon, as he got up from his chair. "If she's about to do what I think she's about to do, then I've seen enough!"

Jackson also got up. "Agreed...this is just too bizarre!" As he was leaving, he noticed his brother hadn't moved. " coming?" But he hadn't taken his eyes off the screen.

He waved him away. " a minute. She...she might need our help...if...if that thing decides to turn on her. I...I better keep an eye on her."

His brother wasn't fooled for a second. "Is that the only reason?" At the tone of his voice, Marcus did look away from the screen.

"What are you implying?"

Jackson held up his hands. "Nothin' bro, nothin'." He nodded towards the screens. "Enjoy the show." Then with a smirk, he left.

"...jerk..." Marcus mumbled, then he took his father's seat, pressed 'ZOOM' on the camera, and leaned into the monitor.

The mare bobbed her head up and down, up and down as the bat pony's cock tickled the back of her throat and his moans grew louder. She sped up her pace while running her tongue all around his dick, squeezing her throat muscles and humming all along it every time it hilted inside her, making a 'gluk' gluk' gluk' gluk' 'gluk' sound with each pump.

As he began to frantically buck his hips, she smiled around her meaty mouthful and braced herself for his loads. He grabbed her head, arched his back, and let out a hypersonic scream that was too high for her to hear but still made her ears and her nether parts tingle. She eagerly gulped and slurped every ounce of his thick, creamy spunk as his entire body jerked upwards again and again into her mouth, his balls slapping against her chin and his cock unleashing a firehose of cum!

When he finally finished his loads, he fell back to the ground exhausted and panting, his limbs splayed out to either side of him, while she thoroughly cleaned his dick and balls of any leftover spunk. When she finished, he was still erect and throbbing, so she stood, went over to the nearest tree, placed her front hooves against the trunk, and spread her back ones. She then looked back over her shoulder at him and waggled her butt, teasing him.

He took the hint!

Climbing wearily to his hooves, (and wondering how he got so lucky!) he slowly approached her, then grabbed her by her hips. She moaned and flipped her tail out of the way, exposing her swollen, wet pussy, as he climbed her back and positioned his needy cock to her entrance. She threw her head back and screamed as he plunged his dick inside her, then he began madly thrusting. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolled out as she spread her legs even further, while the wet 'slap!' 'slap!' 'slap!' 'slap! 'slap!' of their hips meeting filled the orchard. He wrapped his forelegs around her barrel and buried his face in her neck, as she cocked her head to the side and kept moaning, further exposing the erogenous spot on the side of her neck.

Then she began to work her pussy muscles in a way he'd never felt before! She rotated her hips and ground her ass against him while he kept thrusting, using the tree to push back and meet his pumps with those of her own. She gave him a sly look over her shoulder and squeezed his dick with her wet cunt, released it, then squeezed it again! She took a hoof and brought his mouth down and fought his tongue with hers, all the while keeping up her sexy, relentless assault on his cock.

As she felt him reaching his limit, and his pleasure was at its peak, she locked eyes on him and used her Stare. His mind went blank as he came in waves, pumping her full of his seed, while she moaned and bucked her hips, still squeezing his cock again and again, getting every drop of cum out of him.

When he finished spurting, he was in a complete state of catatonia, so she smiled, laid him gently on his side, and licked his cock and balls clean once again. She stared down at him for a few moments, then leaned down and gave him a light kiss on the nose. Taking off, she flew into the trees for a few minutes, then returned, carrying the cage, which she set down next to him. She opened the cage, picked him up, then carried him inside, then came out, closed, and locked it.

Then she looked around until she spotted the nearest camera and waved.

Simon and his son looked up from the TV when Marcus walked into the living room on stiff legs. At the look on his face, his father asked, "Well? Did you see something you can't 'unsee'?"

The young man stared for a second, then shook himself and said, "Uh...she needs us to go out and pick him up."

His Dad and his brother got to their feet. "Why? What do you mean?" Marcus indicated the monitor room with his thumb over his shoulder. "She has the bat pony in a cage, and she wants us to go load him up."

Simon grinned. "Well, what are we waiting for?! I'll drive!" But Jackson stopped him.

"No, Dad, I'll drive!" He gestured to the empty beer cans. "I think you've had one too many," and here he looked at his older brother and added, "...and Marcus here looks like he just got hit in the forehead with a boulder."

Simon waved a hand, "Yeah, okay, no problem! I don't care! I just want to see that bastard locked up! This is GREAT!" He led the way out to the garage, where they all piled into the Jeep and drove off. It took them the better part of an hour to find the spot, but when they did, they found the pony calmly resting on her stomach with her legs tucked underneath her, quietly munching on an apple. The two brothers stiffened when they saw that, and winced, expecting their father to explode on the pony, but instead, he grinned and hopped out of the Jeep, paying her no mind.

He ran up to the cage and shone his flashlight into it, still grinning as he looked at the sleeping batpony. "Gotcha, you bastard..." he chuckled. He turned to his boys. "Load this fucker into the Jeep, and let's set him in the garage until morning." He then looked down at the mare, and for the first time smiled at her. He bent down and placed a hand on her head. "Good job, girl!" scratching her ears, "...good job!" The mare simply looked up at him, a neutral expression on her face.

Marcus saw this as he was struggling with his brother to lift the cage. "She'! Dad!"

His father straightened up and followed them to the vehicle. "Well, she's not a Human, either! How am I supposed to treat her?"

The boys set the cage down in the back with a >thump< and Marcus said, in an exasperated voice, "Gee, I don't know...maybe like a sentient being? She's not an idiot!" But his father merely snorted and climbed into the passenger seat.

As they all settled in and were about to drive off, Marcus looked at the pony, hesitated, then waved her over. At first, it looked like she wasn't going to move, but then she took flight and landed next to him in the back seat. Simon looked back at her. "Where does she think she's going?"

Marcus rounded on him. "Where do you think?! She did her job, we owe her at the very least a meal and a soft place to sleep until they come to get her!"

Simon faced the front and snorted again as Jackson started the vehicle and they drove off. "Well, I'm not cooking for her..."

"Reeal nice, Dad... this is how you treat guests?"

"Bah!" grumped his father, then settled into a stubborn silence. Marcus sat back and glowered at him, but knew not to press it. He knew his father was as stubborn as a mule, and set in his ways. He'd just have to see to the pony himself. But he didn't notice the pony had been looking up at him with shining eyes the entire time.

Until she leaned over and placed her head on his lap.

"She's NOT eating at the table! She's not Human, I'm not going to treat her like one!" yelled Simon.

"Gawddammit, Dad, would you quit being such a fucking asshole?!" Marcus yelled back. "I'm taking care of her, just Go. To. BED!"

Simon stared at him, then at Jackson, then glowered at the pony. "She better not make a mess..." Then grabbing his dogs, he stomped up the stairs to his room and slammed the door.

Once he'd gone, Marcus left out a breath and turned to his brother. "What. Is his problem with her? She did her job, she caught that pest...why is he being such a dick towards her?"

Jackson stared at him. "Actually, the question is: why are you defending her so strongly?"

Marcus startled. "What?! Why wouldn't I?"

Jackson nodded at her. "She's an alien, Marcus. She's not one of us, she doesn't even belong on this planet...who even knows what they're really doing here?" He leaned forward. "Just because they're cute, it doesn't mean they're not evil."

He stared at him for a moment, then quietly replied, "... not you too..."

Jackson got up from his place and raised his hands again. "All I'm saying is: be careful." Then he turned and left, leaving the two of them alone.

Marcus watched him go, his face beet-red, then turned to the pony. "I'm...very sorry about my family. You deserve to be treated better." He indicated her plate, which he filled with various fruits and vegetables on a hunch. "Aren't you hungry?" She watched him for a moment, then began to quietly eat. At this, he smiled. "If you want more, just let me know. Once you're done, I'll show you one of the guest bedrooms." He pointed down the hallway. "My room is the third door on the right. I'll be right back."

Once he was in his room, he sat at his desk and put his head in his hands, thinking about his brother's last words. It had been less than a year since the aliens had arrived and with the exception of the bat ponies, there had been no serious conflicts between the two races. But that didn't mean they weren't planning something, he realized. If he was the paranoid type, like his Dad, (and apparently, his little brother), he could see threats looming in even the most innocent of gestures. Then he sat up and squared his shoulders. No! He wouldn't be like them! The ponies had not given Humanity any reason to mistrust them, and he wasn't going to make up problems in his head! That settled, he breathed a huge sigh of relief, then went to change into his pajamas.

He was just putting on his slippers when there was a quiet knock on his door. Puzzled, he opened it and looked down, only to see the pony standing there with the empty plate in her mouth. "Oh! Are you done?" he asked, as he reached down and took it from her. He straightened. "Would you like more to eat?" She held his gaze through her mane, then shook her head. Then to his surprise, she walked past him into his room! He stared at her. "Um...this is my room? I..was going to show you to the guest bedroom."

She hopped up onto his bed, settled down, and faced him, then said, "Close the door."

He nearly dropped the plate. "Y... you can talk!"

She nodded. "Yes. Now, please close the door and lock it, if you don't mind. I...I don't want us to be disturbed."

His eyes wide, he closed the door, then set the plate on his nearby dresser. "I...I questions..."

She lowered her voice, and her eyes grew half-lidded. "Questions can wait, beautiful Human..." she whispered throatily. "Right now, I'd like to reward you for being so nice to me..." She licked her lips as her gaze fell to his crotch.

He saw where she was staring and a tent began to grow in his PJs. Still, it was taking a few moments for reality to catch up with him. "Re...reward me? do you...mean?"

She climbed off the bed and took her time slinking up to him, then closed her eyes, buried her face in his crotch, and took a deep sniff. "Mmmm..." she moaned as she opened her eyes and looked up at him. " sucking your cock, to start out..." She nuzzled his dick through the fabric, slowly moving her face up and down his crotch until he was rock hard and throbbing. She smiled up at him. "You don't mind, do you?" He could only shake his head. "...yay..." as she took his waistband in her teeth and pulled, then was delighted to see he had gone sans underwear, as his cock immediately popped up and throbbed in her face.

Stopping only to remark, "... you look delicious..." she closed her eyes and wrapped her lips around his meat, then began running her tongue all along the head while moaning. Then she took him all the way into her throat, swallowing him down to the base, then sucking back, then swallowing him again, her bedroom, heart-shaped eyes on his face to watch his reaction. Very soon, he started jerking his hips, then grabbed her by the head and began facefucking her in earnest! She merely closed her eyes and took it, sucking even harder to increase his pleasure.

Trying to stay quiet, he moaned, "... ah! ah! ah! I'm! I'm! cummmming!!!" as his balls drew up and filled her mouth with his hot, creamy spunk, which she greedily gulped down.

Once he was finished, he stepped back, being careful not to fall on his ass since his pajamas were around his ankles, and watched her as she swallowed her mouthfuls. "Mmmm..." she sighed, as she opened her eyes and looked up at him, "...I just love Human cum..."

"You're amazing..." he breathed in awe. She smiled up at him again, then turned, hopped up on the bed, spread her back legs, and planted her face on the mattress. Her swollen, wet, dripping pussy was on full display, as well as her sweet ponut. He quickly stepped out of his pajamas, rushed forward, and grabbed her by the hips. Lining his cock up with her cunt, he closed his eyes as he slid himself inside her warm, welcoming depths.

Her moans mixed with his as he began thrusting in and out of her, as her eyes rolled up and her tongue lolled out from the pleasure of having a cock violating her once again that night! " Yes! Yes! Fuck ME!" she moaned, "HARDER!!" She put her head down and panted as she was being ridden, using her front hooves to push back against him and grind her cunt harder around his dick. Her ass and her teats jiggled with each of his thrusts, as her mareish juices covered his cock and made it easier to slip in and out of her. "Oh! Oh! Oh! So good! So good!" she quietly screamed with each thrust.

As she felt him speeding up even more, she looked back over her shoulder and begged, "Don't cum yet! In my ass! Fuck me in MY ASS!!" Surprised, (and even MORE turned on!) he stopped, pulled his slick cock out of her pussy, then pointed it at her hungry anus. "Hurry!" she growled at him. Not one to keep a lady waiting, he grunted as he eaaased his cock inside her tight asshole until he was firmly lodged all the way inside. "Ahhhh...feels SO! GOOD..." she moaned. She looked back over her shoulder again. " don't hold b...back! FUCK ME HARD!!"

He was concerned about hurting her due to her size, but at these words, he threw caution to the wind and began fucking her like there was no tomorrow! Sweat started to form on his brow as he grit his teeth, grabbed her by the hips, and began to piledrive his cock inside her ass, making her diminutive body shake and her ass jiggle and ripple each time he slammed himself home! "Uh! Uh! Uh! Keep! Going! Keep! Going! Don't! Stop! Don't! Stop!" she cried out.

His eyes were rolled back as well as he reached his limit. "I...I'm cumming! I'!!" as he unloaded his balls once again inside her, coating her bowels white and filling them with his creamy man-milk! This sent her over the edge as well, as her pussy squirted and her asshole convulsed and spasmed all around his cock and she came in wave after powerful wave.

Finally spent, he fell on top of her and panted, trying to catch his breath, as his cock still spasmed and jerked inside her tight ass. After some moments, he slowly pulled out, then crawled up and lay out on the bed, then she snuggled up beside him. He looked down at her and started to stroke her mane. "I don't even know your name." She turned her face up to him, then kissed him.

"My name is Fluttershy."

"Well, Sir! I hope you were satisfied with our Agent's performance!" the Embassy Rep cheerfully asked. The mare sat next to him, staring serenely up at the Humans, now wearing her leash. The Agent tipped his hat. "Please tell your friends about our Service, if any of your neighbors need us!"

Simon said, "Yeah, she did her job well, I'll give her that." He looked down at the mare. "But don't be surprised if I don't ever call you guys again. They're all still too weird to me."

The Rep's smile never wavered. "Common reaction, Sir, and perfectly understandable! Thank you all the same!" He turned to go, and the pony fell in step beside him.

As Simon plopped down in his easy chair, he remarked, "Well, I'm glad that's over! No more freaky aliens in this house or on our property, right boys?"

But Marcus was shaking, then without warning, he suddenly rushed to the door, tore it open, and flew outside, just as the Rep was pulling away. "Wait! Stop!" The Rep stopped and rolled down his window.

"Is there something wrong, Sir? Did we forget something?"

Marcus looked at Fluttershy. "I...I just wanted to say...goodbye." The Rep smiled a knowing grin and turned to her.

"You have to stop breaking hearts, Miss Fluttershy." But she simply smiled and looked away.

Two weeks later, late at night, there was a knock on Marcus' bedroom window.