More Than Friends

by sirgawain1997

First published

The next chapter is going to be a big improvement! Sorry for the crap start.

Rainbow Dash has never been particularly interested in relationships. But lately she's been feeling some strange things about two of her friends. Turns out they feel the same way. Who will she choose? Please don't bash it too much. it's my first fic. Would love some feedback!

Chapter 1

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More Than Friends

The first rays of sun began to poke through the white, fluffy windows of the cloud house that hung nonchalantly over Ponyville. They crept along the floor, snaking their way over to the bed of the house’s lone occupant. Slowly they climbed up the side of the frame until they were able to snake over the top. The rays finally hit their mark, shining directly onto the eyelids of the sleeping mare.
“Aug, damn it all to hell.” grunted Rainbow Dash as she rolled over, groggily attempting to escape from the ever-advancing sunlight. She began to tip out of bed, only to catch herself on her nightstand. Sleepily, Rainbow Dash began to flap her wings, hoisting herself up into the air. She floated into the kitchen and over to the fridge. Inside she found some aging treats from Sugarcube Corner, a stack of energy drinks, and a single bottle of unopened apple cider that Applejack had given her for being such a good sport about Pinkie’s cider addiction. Rainbow had decided to let it sit and crack it open on Hearth’s Warming Day. She decides to have a cherrychonga and a large serving of zinc powder. After eating, she feeling a lot more energized and ready to go hang out with her friends at a picnic at Sweet Apple Acres. She canters her way over to the window, spreads her wings, and rockets out faster than she had been expecting. Back-flapping her wings, Rainbow Dash tried to slow down. Swerving around buildings, her flight almost rivaled the gray pegasus Derpy for sheer gracelessness.
After a while stumbling through the air in town, Rainbow Dash managed to make her way over to the orchard. Flying high overhead, she spotted the checkered blanket occupied by two ponies was no doubt the location of the picnic. She tilted her wings, and began a speedy descent into the trees. Touching down softly, she realized that neither mare had noticed her arrival. Smirking, Rainbow Dash snuck around behind one of the two ponies and closed in. Fore hooves outstretched she inched closer to the familiar cream-colored coat. Without a sound, she pulled Fluttershy into a big hug.
“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” came the shriek as she was squeezed tight by who-knows-what. As soon as she was released, Fluttershy took off at a speed that could have almost let her keep up with Rainbow Dash, had it been a race. Peeling out from behind one of the nearby trees, she saw Rainbow Dash on her back, clutching her chest and howling in laughter. Sheepishly, Fluttershy inched out from her hiding place. “That was really mean, Rainbow.” she whispered, with her eyes downcast.
“Aw come on, Fluttershy, I was just kiddin’ around.” said Rainbow Dash, still chuckling.
“I hate it when you sneak up on me like that!” screamed Fluttershy, or really it was her equivalent of a scream. She was close to tears.
“Aw, crap. I’m sorry buddy.” said Rainbow Dash, true remorse in her eyes. She inched closer and wrapped her friend in a big hug. Strangely, as she did this, her heart rate went through the roof and she began to breathe quickly. “What the hell…” She quickly released her friend and went back to normal.
“It’s okay, Dash. You just really surprised me.” said Fluttershy, beginning to smile.
“Well?” A smooth southern accent piped up behind them. “Aren’t ah gonna get a hug?”
“Oh, uh, sure thing Applejack!” said Rainbow Dash, feeling hesitant. She was confused by the feeling that she got when she hugged Fluttershy, and wondered if it was going to happen again. She walked over and wrapped her hooves around Applejack’s neck. Sure enough, her heart started beating faster and her breathing became erratic. Applejack took a deep smell from Rainbow’s mane.
“Gee, you sure do smell nice today, sugarcube.” breathed Applejack, taking another drag from the colorful hair that adorned Rainbow’s head.
“uh… thanks?” said Rainbow Dash, trying to squirm away. Applejack let go reluctantly, receiving a glare from Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash looked at the two in confusion, watching them leer at each other. “So… can we eat now?” She asked, trying to diffuse whatever was happening between her friends.
“Yes, lets.” Growled Applejack, never breaking eye contact with Fluttershy. They all sat and Rainbow Dash lost herself in the beautiful spread in front of her. Apple pies, tarts, and all sorts of other apple-oriented foods were laid out in front of her. Torn between a delicious slice of pie and a tasty strudel, Rainbow looked up to see her friends not eating but continuing to glare at each other. “Won’t anypony explain what’s going on between you too?”
That seemed to snap them out of it. “Wha- oh, it’s nothing, we were just havin’ a… starin’ contest! Yeah! You win Fluttershy!” said Applejack, obviously trying to cover something up. They both were shuffling their feet when the first drops of rain began to hit the ground. “Aw, shoot!” said Applejack, pulling her signature Stetson further down on her head. “We’d better start cartin’ all this food inside ‘fore it gets all soggy.”
“Hurry!” shouted Rainbow Dash, because she still really wanted to have some of the delicious food. They wrapped the food up in the blanket and hauled the entire package inside. They were all soaking wet, and Rainbow noticed how beautiful her friends’ manes looked when they were wet. Her heart started to race again, and she started to feel lightheaded. she began to have trouble keeping her balance.
“hey Rainbow, you feelin’ okay?” asked Applejack, obvious concern in her voice.
“Oh, yeah I’m fine!” Said Rainbow Dash, trying her best to hide her predicament. She began to stuble uncontrollably. Weaving left and right, she bumbled around the room. “Oh, I’m just, ah, exercising my legs! Need to keep ‘em strong!” What the hell is wrong with me? With one last awkward lurch, Rainbow Dash tripped, and she tilted over and smashed her head against the living room table, and hearing her friends cry out in surprise, everything went black.

Chapter 2

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Author's Notes: This did NOT turn out the way I'd hoped at ALL. Only one like! I know that my pacing is something to be desired, and I'll work on that in the later chapters. Here's hoping that the number of dislikes drive away new readers.

Rainbow Dash's eyes fluttered slowly open, stinging from the sudden exposure to light. She felt light headed and was being run over by wave after wave of crippling nausea. She tried to sit up, which quickly proved to be a bad idea. As she moved, she was struck with another shock of sickness, causing her to vomit profusely all over the plaid bed sheets that had been wrapped so tightly around her.

"Oh!" came a smooth-accented voice from what Rainbow Dash could only assume was the bathroom. "Y'all finally woke up!" Applejack came trotting into the room, a worried smile on her face. "How're y'all feelin'?"

"Ah," groaned Rainbow Dash. "I've been through worse." The moment she finished the sentence, though, she once again heaved up a steaming pile of yellowish crud onto Applejack's bed sheets. "I am SO totally sorry." she said.

"Aw, it ain't no big deal, sugarcube. i'll jut go an' get another set." Said Applejack turning to leave the room. “Oh, and if y’all need anything, and I mean anything,” on that word, Applejack gave her flank the slightest of seductive wiggles. “Don’t be afraid to ask.” With that, she left the room.

Rainbow Dash just sat and stared at the door that Applejack had gone through. Had she really seen Applejack do that, or was it just her imagination. Thinking about it had caused her heart rate to increase again, making her head spin even more violently. "No, she would never do that! I'm just being an idiot."

Applejack returned a few moments later with a fresh bed comforter and sheets. "I hope that you don't mind that I patched ya up a little. That table really gashed your head somethin' fierce." Rainbow raised her hoof to her head to find a heavy layer of gauze wrapped tightly around her forehead, though her mane had been carefully excluded from the wrappings.

"Thanks Applejack, I really appreciate this," said Rainbow Dash. "But I should really be getting out of your mane."

"Aw, no ya don't! Y'all are just too sick to be able to leave right now. I'mma just take care of ya 'til ya feel better, and I won't let ya argue otherwise."

"But... oh all right." said Rainbow Dash, putting on a frustrated pout.

"Hey," said Applejack, her head tilted ever so slightly to the side, "Ah think that ah know somethin' that'll make y'all feel a might better."

"alright!" said Rainbow Dash, perking up considerably. "What is it?"

"Just close your eyes." whispered Applejack, her eyes becoming half lidded. Rainbow Dash obeyed, and the next thing she knew, her lips were locked into one of the strongest, most powerful kissed she had ever experienced.

Chapter 3

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Author's Note: This chapter will be a slight flashback to immediately after Dash gets knocked out. Building on the tense relationship between Applejack and Fluttershy. Keep the criticism coming, but keep it constructive.

"Oh no!" cried Fluttershy, rushing over to Rainbow's limp body. "Dash, wake up! Please!"

"Calm down honey," Said Applejack. "It's not like she's dead."

Fluttershy glared up at her, seething. "Leave us alone."

"Why should I?" asked Applejack, her head cocked to the side and her eyes narrowed.

"I want to wake her up, and you're being here is NOT HELPING!" Fluttershy yelled, her voice almost coming over whisper level.

"You think that I don't want to wake her up either?" fumed Applejack. "I actually CARE about her!"

"You think that I don't care? That I, the element of KINDNESS, don't care about one of my friends?!?!" Fluttershy began to advance on Applejack, giving her one step below 'The Stare'.

"Y'all know that your little 'stare' doesn't work on me." Applejack glared right back into Fluttershy, causing her to shrink back slightly.

"I care for her more than anypony else in this town, or in all of Equestria for that matter." They said in unison. They stared back at each other in surprise, before glaring at each other even harder than before.

"You think that you care more than I do?" fumed Applejack. "You are a bucking wreck. Nopony will ever want you. Nopony has ever been into introverts, and they never will. You are nothing."

Fluttershy was close to tears now. "H-how could you..."

"Get out of my house," growled Applejack, "NOW."

Fluttershy floated over to the door, looking defeated. "B-but..."


Fluttershy slammed the door behind her, the door almost making a sound as it closed. Shortly after she left, Big Mac came into the sitting room. Looking at Applejack as she lifted Dash onto her back. "Wha...?"

"Don't ask." grunted Applejack.

"Kay..." He said, slowly backing out the door.

"Let's get y'all upstairs and in a comfy bed, sugarcube." huffed Applejack, hauling the unconscious pegasus up the stairs. "And we'll just see where it goes from there..."