Cashing In Spike's Coupons

by dirty little secret

First published

The specially made book of sexy coupons was SUPPOSED to be a birthday gift for Rarity, and Spike was excited for the moment she'd start using them. Rarity never did, though. But she is a generous mare, and now Cadance has gotten her hands on them...

The specially made book of sexy coupons was supposed to be a birthday gift for Rarity, and Spike was excited for the moment she'd start using them. Rarity never did, though. But she is a generous mare, so she's seen fit to give coupons to various mares in need. And now Cadance has gotten her hands on some of those coupons...

Spike – and Scootaloo – are aged up in this story.

Contains: cheating/infidelity, virgin, dubious consent, double dick, double penetration, anal, stealth sex, risk of getting caught, double cream pie, brief incest.
Cover image based on artwork by evehly, together with vector artwork by maesem.
An entry for the princess of infidelity contest.

Chapter 1

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I bounced on my heels, too jittery with excitement to sit still as I watched Rarity open up my present for her birthday. Now that I was finally eighteen, she couldn’t keep using that old excuse that I was ‘too young’ anymore. Now was finally the time to lose my virginity with the mare of my dreams! And I’d come up with the perfect way to do it, too – all on my own!

Ooh,” Rarity said, theatrically holding up the small wrapped package for all the rest of her friends to see. “Smallest one of the bunch. And you know what they say, good things come in small packages!” She inspected it closely. “Hmm... Who’s this one from? Oh! Spikey-Wikey!”

My eyes were glued to her as she unwrapped it. And not only because she was wearing an incredibly silky, almost-sheer gown that put her generous curves on wonderful display – this was it! This was the time! The moment when my relationship with Rarity – and my whole life – would change for the better!

“A book?” Rarity said, tilting her head to the side. “My dear Spike, I do think Twilight is rubbing off on you! At least when it comes to taste in gifts...” She unwrapped it a little further. “Oh! Not just any book, though, a coupon book! Now that’s more like it!”

“You ... don’t like books?” Twilight said with a sudden blush and a frown, holding her own still-wrapped gift close to her chest.

Rarity instantly hugged her. “No, no. I didn’t mean it like that! Who doesn’t enjoy a good read when the situation’s right for it? But if I’m being completely honest, I do very much enjoy the occasional shopping spree.” She shrugged. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t value anything else!”

With Twilight mollified, Rarity looked back to her gift. Yes! I licked my lips. Her reaction to this would mean everything...

“Oh... Oh my goodness! Spike!”

“Are they good coupons? Maybe for patio furniture?” Pinkie was literally bouncing with excitement, her big naturals threatening to escape her top at any moment, but my eyes were still locked on Rarity.

“Oh Spike,” she said, looking at me with redness spreading over her face. “You shouldn’t have! I can’t accept this!”

Not quite the reaction I was hoping for ... but not outright disgust or anything, either. “It’s all yours!” I insisted.

Twilight glanced over at me with suspicion. “Why? What are those coupons for, Rarity?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t dare tell. Suffice it to say that some of these coupons are quite salacious in nature!”

Spike!” Twilight grabbed me painfully by my ear spines. “You take that thing back right this instant! What did I tell you about being inappropriate with—”

Rarity rushed in to separate the two of us. “No, no, Twilight. It’s quite alright.” She tucked the coupon book into her handbag, which – of course – matched her tight, slinky dress perfectly. “It’s a wonderfully thoughtful and personal gift, and I insist on keeping it.”

The little wink she gave me at the end of that made my heart skip ten beats. I may have almost blacked out there a bit from lack of blood flow. Well, lack of a lack of blood flow to anywhere else besides a certain part of my anatomy, anyway. Rarity wanted my coupons? That meant ... that meant she wanted to use them, right? That meant she wanted ... she wanted me! Which one would she use first? Something mild to ease into it, like the romantic dinner date coupon or the snuggles on the couch coupon? Or would she go straight for one of the ones at the end of the booklet, one of the ones that had made her blush so fiercely? I couldn’t wait to find out!

Of course, I had to wait, though. Rarity’s birthday party was just beginning, and she was far too much of a sophisticated lady to try and sneak off for a debaucherous tryst during the middle of her own party. Oh, but the anticipation! I had boners for pretty much the rest of the whole evening, just thinking about Rarity redeeming some of those coupons...

🎟️ 🎟️ 🎟️

It was a whole week now since Rarity’s birthday party. Bubbling anticipation had become burning anticipation. It was starting to be somewhat of an obsession, even I could see that. No matter what else I was doing, I was only ever putting half my mind to it, because the other half was busy daydreaming about Rarity, speculating about which one she’d use first, or wondering if she might suddenly spring around the corner at any moment with one of those coupons held out in her hand...

I wasn’t exactly getting much done, much to Twilight’s grouchy dissatisfaction. She was, as she put it, ‘accustomed to significantly more professionalism from her number-one assistant’.

I couldn’t help it, though! Why was Rarity waiting so long? Maybe she already had the perfect moment planned out? Should I go to her and ask her if she wanted to redeem any of her coupons? What if she’d lost them somehow? Getting them custom made at the Ponyville Print Shop had been kind of expensive, but I’d gladly spring for a replacement set if she needed one!

The Friendship Castle’s magical front door chime went off, ringing a cascade of little crystal bells somewhere high up in the tree-like canopy of it.

I sighed. More work. Probably just someone returning a library book or something, but as Twilight’s number-one assistant, one of my jobs was to handle that kind of routine stuff. At first I groaned at the distraction from my musings about Rarity ... but then, with a gasp, I had a realization: what if this was Rarity, here to redeem one of those coupons? With that in mind, I raced downstairs...

It was not Rarity. Dang it.

“Oh. Hi, Applejack,” I droned out with a heavy sigh as soon as I saw her.

“You alright, Sugarcube? You look a bit, uh... Well, let’s just say it ain’t good. I could come back later if now’s not the time for it.”

I shrugged. “No, it’s fine. Are you looking for Twilight? I think she’s in her lab, working on a—”

“Nah. It’s you I’m here for, buckaroo.”

Huh?” I stared at her. One of the tallest of Twilight’s friends, only short of Fluttershy, and really sturdily built, especially in the legs ... and showing it off quite a bit in her typical work clothes of cutoff jean shorts and a shirt tied around the middle showing her waist. Sure, I considered Applejack to be one of my friends. But, you know, more of my friend because she’s Twilight’s friend and so am I, so we’re friends by default. We hardly ever did anything just the two of us. I couldn’t even remember the last time. So what did she want me for?

“Yep. Just you.” She laughed a little, taking her big hat off and fanning herself with it. A faint sheen of sweat still clung to her, as if she’d come fresh off the field. “You’re not busy, are ya?”

Well, there were quite a few chores around the castle that I was supposed to be doing and had gotten pretty far behind on because of all my daydreaming. But I was no more in the mood for that than I had been before AJ showed up. And besides, it would be really rude to blow her off just to do some boring old chores ... even though, knowing her, she’d probably completely understand and approve of that.

“Nope.” I shrugged. “What’s up? Did you need to find a book or something? Oh! Or need me to fight off some terrifying Timberwolves for you?” I laughed a little, remembering that whole time I spent as Applejack’s servant. Good times. Even if it did involve way too much grass counting.

“Well, I, uh ... you see...”

Was Applejack blushing? As she herself had once said, her sensibilities were about as delicate as a fifty-pound turning plow. What could possibly make her blush?

“What with Sugar Belle preggers and Big Mac helpin’ her out a lot, I’ve been left to do a lot of the harvest all on my own. And I don’t mind that one bit. But it was makin’ my hooves awful sore. And when Rarity came over for a visit and I told her about how my dogs were a-barkin’, and after I explained to her what that meant, she said, ‘Oh Darling! I have just the thing for that, Darling! Here, Darling, take this!’ or somethin’ like that. And she handed me this.”

Applejack held out a coupon. One of my coupons! ‘One Free Hoof Massage’.

My jaw dropped. “Rarity ... she gave you this?”

Rubbing the back of her neck nervously, Applejack nodded. “You, uh, you don’t gotta do it if you don’t want to. I’ll even give ya a pass on that whole ‘dragon code’ thing the coupon mentions. I understand, these were for Rarity. And massagin’ her dainty little lady hooves has gotta be a whole different thing than rubbin’ the aches out of my ol’ mud-stompers...”

Well, to be honest, it did kind of hurt to see that Rarity had given my precious coupons to someone else instead of using them herself. But she is a very generous mare. Maybe I should have expected her to share with her friends? Especially the more innocent ones like this one. Her generosity is something I love about her, and I wouldn’t have her any other way. She must have been saving the really good coupons for herself, for later. But, after all, those coupons were emblazoned with my very own Dragon Code. Could I even call myself a dragon if I didn’t uphold that?

And besides, coupon or no coupon, I’d always be happy to help out a friend like Applejack.

“It’s alright. I don’t mind.” I took the coupon from her. “How about we go up to the lounge? You can prop your hooves up in a recliner, and I’ll pull up a stool and get to work. We’ll have those hooves feeling fresh and new in no time!”

“Aw, Spike, you’re the best! I can see why Twi likes havin’ ya around so much!” Applejack gave me a friendly hug. Since she was quite a bit taller than me, this pressed her modest tits right up against the side of my face.

She was no Rarity, but I wasn’t complaining!

Applejack, already quite familiar from her many visits to this castle, led the way up to the lounge ... which left me walking right behind her up the stairs, with her jean shorts right in front of my face the whole way ... just short enough that the bottom of each gloriously thick and toned ass cheek would peek out as she flexed her legs on the steps.

I shoved the coupon into the pocket of my pants, using that as an excuse to more comfortably arrange my growing cocks. Of course I would never betray Rarity by fooling around with one of her closest friends ... but maybe giving Applejack a hoof massage wouldn’t be that bad...

🎟️ 🎟️ 🎟️

Ten days. Ten days, and still the only coupon I’d gotten back was the one Applejack gave me. It was starting to become pretty clear now ... Rarity had only taken the coupons and pretended to like them in order to spare my feelings ... even though she must not have cared much about my feelings now.

Should I have gone and talked to her? Maybe. But it would be no good doing that with the stink of stewing in my anticipation and disappointment still hanging around me. So I’d gone out for some fresh air. That’s always good, right? That’s a good way to sort things out...

Except for one little problem: Fresh air is where Rainbow Dash lives.

I didn’t even make it halfway across the green space between the town and Fluttershy’s house before Rainbow came zipping out of the sky toward me ... with Scootaloo, as usual, trailing along behind on her scooter.

There was no point in running off. Rainbow was faster. So I just stopped in my tracks and waited to see what she wanted. Who knew? Maybe a chat with Rainbow Dash would help me get my head screwed on straight again. I know, I know, not likely. She’s not exactly a therapist or anything. She’d probably be the worst therapist in all of Equestria if she tried. But at this point, I was kind of desperate for anything that might help.

“Hey Spike!” she said, skidding to a halt in front of me. “Just the dragon I was looking for!”

She was looking for me? Weird. Judging from the sweat on her leggings and sports bra, she’d just come back from a workout, probably working with Scootaloo. “So, um, how’s Scootaloo’s training going?” I asked. “Is she able to fly yet?” Maybe Rainbow was going to ask me to help with a flying lesson? I’d gotten pretty good at using my wings in the last few years, and maybe the perspective of somebody who went a long time without wings at all could help Scootaloo figure things out...

Rainbow wrapped her arm around Scootaloo as the younger mare came up alongside. “She’s doing great! Twenty-three seconds of airtime today. That’s a new record to celebrate!”

“It’s, um, not a big deal. I was barely able to keep myself off the ground.” Scootaloo looked away, blushing. And for some weird reason, she glanced back at me, with this weird look in her eyes.

Rainbow just grinned. “And we’re going to celebrate by giving Scootaloo another first! She’s never kissed a boy before!”

Scootaloo gasped. “Rainbow! You can’t just say stuff like that!”

“What? It’s true, isn’t it? And there’s no reason to be embarrassed about it anymore, because it’s about to not be true anymore!”

Scootaloo seemed to shrink down into herself. She was wearing a kind of a sweatshirt hoodie, and had just developed the miraculous ability to disappear inside of it. Scootaloo was cute and all, basically just a younger version of Rainbow Dash herself, being really small, skinny, athletic, and having almost no chest to speak of. It was surprising that she’d never kissed anybody. Or, wait ... never kissed a boy. Hm... Did that mean she’d...?

I looked back to Rainbow Dash. “And you, uh, want me to be the boy?”

“Only the most eligible young bachelor in all of Ponyville!”

Rainbow’s compliment only went so far. There weren’t very many eligible bachelors in Ponyville, given the gender ratios and all. It was too bad Rarity didn’t seem to see me that way. I glanced back and forth between the two of them. “Why me, though?”

Scootaloo looked like she was about to evaporate on the spot out of embarrassment.

“Well, don’t tell anypony,” Rainbow said with a cocky little grin, “But Scoots here was getting really jealous of how Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both already have coltfriends.”

Rainbow!” Scootaloo squealed in a pained squeak.

“Nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t have a coltfriend either.” Rainbow shrugged. “And it was like fate itself decided to intervene! Just after Scootaloo told me about that, I was helping out Rarity with some modeling, even though I hate modeling, and as a thank-you for doing that, she let me look through a really neat book of coupons!”

Oh no...

She whipped a coupon out from under her bra. “And when I saw this one in there, I knew just what to do!”

The coupon was a little damp from sweat, but still readable: ‘One Free Passionate Kiss’. I took it, not sure if I should be excited or appalled about exactly where the sweat on it had come from. Rainbow didn’t have much under that sports bra of hers ... but those were still real, live mare boobs under there. A mystery I’d only ever seen in smuggled pictures, never in real life. To be so close to touching them, and yet in such a gross way...

Rainbow Dash stepped behind Scootaloo and pushed her forward toward me. “Okay, Squirt! Time for your first kiss with a boy!”

I looked over Scootaloo’s shoulder. Not difficult. She was one of very few adult ponies actually shorter than me. “First time with a boy? What about being kissed by a girl?”

“Uh... Don’t talk about that.” Blushing, Rainbow pushed Scootaloo further forward, almost ramming her against me.

Scootaloo was now literally face-to-face with me, our noses almost touching. She was really cute, hiding in that hoodie, with big purple eyes and a dainty little muzzle. There was ... a surprisingly eager look in her eyes...

“You...” I gulped. “You want me to kiss Scootaloo?

Scootaloo huffed at me. “You don’t have to make it sound that gross, sheesh!”

“Sorry.” I bit my lip. “But, um, what about Rarity?”

Rainbow laughed. “Dude! If Rarity cared about you kissing other mares, she wouldn’t have given me that coupon.”

“Whatever,” Scootaloo said, sidling out from between Rainbow and me. “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

“No! I’ll do it!” I grabbed Scootaloo’s arm before she could slip away entirely. My Dragon Code was on the line here! And besides, Scootaloo is pretty cute. It wouldn’t be so bad. She was absolutely no Rarity by any means, of course. Nopony could compare with Rarity’s voluptuous beauty. But Scootaloo was cute in her own different tomboy way, even when her petite body was mostly hidden by a big hoodie and ugly cargo pants. Guys, is it gay to kiss a girl who acts – and even kinda looks – like a boy?

Scootaloo was just standing there, waiting for me to make the first move.

So I asked her, “Um, are you okay with this?”

Before she could answer, Rainbow pushed the two of us together again. This time, I didn’t bother fighting it. I placed my lips gently right against Scootaloo's, earning a surprised squeak from her before we separated a moment later. We stepped apart, and Scootaloo stared at me with wide eyes, one finger held to her lips, as if not believing what she felt there.

Rainbow grabbed my shoulder. “What the heck, Spike? That’s your idea of a ‘passionate kiss’?”

“Well, um, I just didn’t, uh...”

“Do it for real this time!”

I looked over to Scootaloo for confirmation. She nodded just slightly. Barely perceptibly, but she definitely had nodded.

Well, here it goes... I’d had a kiss or two in my time, but none of them that I’d really call a passionate kiss. I was going to have to just go off of what I’d seen others doing. Usually when I wasn’t supposed to be watching them.

For a start, I reached up and touched Scootaloo’s face, brushing up her cheek, up along her mane ... and also flipping down her hood. It seemed to be going well, judging from the way she looked at me. So I leaned in and kissed her. Really kissed her this time. Firmly on the lips, even opening slightly and flicking my tongue toward her.

To my surprise, Scootaloo really responded to that! She grabbed me around the waist and pulled me close, pressing our bodies together, and she moaned slightly into the kiss.

With one hand still in her mane, I held the other behind her back and pulled her closer to me too. I could feel her whole body against me! So firm and so warm ... she must have just been working hard in that training session with Rainbow – even being a dragon, I was impressed with the heat her lithe little body gave off.

As I slipped my tongue fully inside her mouth, I suddenly felt both of her hands squeezing my ass! Not through my pants – she’d slid her hands down through my waistline and had them directly against my scales!

I pulled back from Scootaloo for a moment. “What are you doing!”

Scootaloo just leaned in and pressed her lips against mine again, this time sticking her tongue into my mouth! I gasped – as well as I could when muffled like that. This was just so... I could barely breathe! I’d never kissed or been kissed like this before!

And she was still squeezing my ass. But if she could touch me, could I touch her? It seemed fair enough, right?

Screw it. If Rainbow wanted passion, I’d show her passion!

Moving boldly, I slid my hand from her back down to her waist, along the front of her very smooth and flat belly. And once I felt the rougher fabric of her cargo pants, I slid my hand up and underneath. Scootaloo breathed hard and pressed more tightly against me as my fingers traced upward. She was only wearing some kind of thin tank top or T-shirt underneath, and I went under that as well ... all the way up her firm body until I felt the slight softness and swell of a breast. And then – and then the hard little nub of a nipple! Holy crap! I was really doing it! I was touching and squeezing a real, live girl’s real live titties! Sure, Scootaloo’s were small – very small – but that didn’t make it any less incredible! My cocks were raging hard now, and she had to be feeling them pressed between us as she rubbed her body against mine...

Feeling incredibly daring now, I slid my hand downward again, ready to touch Scootaloo’s most secret, special place of all ... and maybe even get a finger inside her!

But no. She pulled away from me and out of my grasp, gasping now and very red in the face ... but suddenly just as aloof as ever.

“Now that’s more like it!” Rainbow crowed. “How was it, Squirt?”

“You were right, Rainbow Dash! That was way different than kissing you!”

My jaw dropped. I was not expecting my suspicions to be confirmed so blatantly right in front of me.

Scootaloo stuck her tongue out. “His breath is really gross, though.” She shook her head and spat on the ground. “Bleh!”

Oh, um... Well, yeah. Dragon. It wasn’t fair to judge me for that, was it? If I knew I was going to be kissing ponies today, I would have eaten a box or two of breath mints first.

Grabbing Rainbow’s hand, Scootaloo started pulling her toward town. “Come on! Let’s go down to the cafe and grab some drinks to wash the taste out of my mouth!”

“You’re on! My treat!” Rainbow said, already taking wing.

I was left just standing there in the field, feeling disappointed for a moment. Well, that was a big first for me, and it had come in a very unexpected way ... even if it hadn’t been everything I wanted.

Suddenly, though, Rainbow zipped back to me. “Oh yeah, and by the way – thanks! You’re a real pal, Spike!”

“Uh... Anytime.” I tried to wink at Scootaloo, hoping to imply we might try this again sometime ... but she was already pretty far away, and though she was looking back at us, she only had eyes for Rainbow Dash.

Well, that was that, then. I should’ve probably gone and talked to Rarity ... before things took another turn.

Chapter 2

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I still hadn’t talked to Rarity. Okay, so I’d chickened out. I knew what I should do ... but it just seemed too embarrassing, too awkward, too uncomfortable. What was I going to do, just go right into her boutique and ask her why she was giving my coupons to other ponies? Why she wasn’t using them with me? What kind of answer could I expect? And what if other ponies were there? What if she had customers? And besides, Shining Armor and Cadance were coming all the way from the Crystal Empire to visit Twilight, and what kind of number one assistant would I be if I started this kind of drama right before that?

Spike!” Twilight yelled from the hallway as she ran past. “They’re here!”

And there they were now!

I rushed downstairs to the main entrance ... just in time for Twilight’s magic to deposit Cadance and Shining Armor’s luggage in my arms. I didn’t even get to see them before my view was blocked by suitcases! Yeah, they were Twilight’s family members, not mine ... but still.

Twilight and Shining Armor rushed past me, with Twilight already eagerly chatting about the changes to the castle’s décor, and him eagerly chatting back about what they’d done with the Crystal Palace back home.

I sighed and started trudging my way toward the guest bedrooms. One more chore to do today. No big deal, really. I was used to that.

“Need a little help, Spike?”

Blinking, I peered over the pile of luggage. I was just able to make out Cadance’s face over the top. Was a princess really offering to help little old me? Even if we were friends, and even if I was kind of a hero to her kingdom, it still sounded unusual... But even though I could do it on my own, I wasn’t about to turn down help!

“Sure!” I said, making my sigh of relief when she took half the suitcases from me more noticeable than it needed to be, just so she’d know that her help was appreciated.

It was appreciated! Even if it wasn’t really necessary, it was still really thoughtful. I’d probably never appreciated Cadance quite as much as I did just then. A lot of the time even Twilight herself – my very closest friend – wasn’t so considerate.

When we finally reached the biggest of the guest suites, I set the suitcases down and smiled up at her. “Thank you!” I said as I turned toward the door. “It really means a lot that you’d help!”

Setting down her own suitcases, she shut the door, stopping me in my tracks. “I should be thanking you! These are my suitcases you’re carrying.”

I stared at the closed door. Why’d she do that? “Yeah. I guess.”

“And I think I have just the way to properly thank you.” She held out a coupon. ‘One Free Pussy Licking’

My eyes popped out of my head. “What? Where’d you get that?”

“Where do you think?” She smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Is there someone else you’ve been giving these to?”

“But... But how?”

“Oh, a certain somepony wrote to me for relationship advice. What to do about certain coupons she’d been given. And my advice was that if she didn’t want to use them herself, she could give some to mares in need. She thought I’d know who was in need far better than she did, so she gave almost all of them to me.” Cadance shifted her hips and ran her hands down her body. “What she didn’t know is that the mare in need ... is me.”

“I ... I can’t do that!” I backed away, despite how alluring she looked in her white sundress. “You’re married!”

Cadance glanced back at the coupon. “’To the bearer of this coupon, One Free Pussy Licking. I, Spike, swear on my Dragon Code to honor this coupon instantly whenever it is presented.’ That’s what it says. Are you violating your Dragon Code?”

Dragon Code was one thing ... but there was also the Bro Code to think about! “I can’t! I have to tell Shining Armor!”

Cadance instantly held out another coupon: ‘Sexy Secrets Kept, No Matter What’

Dang it! I sputtered... There had to be some way out of this pickle! “But ... but... Why would you even want this? I thought you were happy with Shining Armor!”

She sighed happily. “Oh, he’s quite nice, yes. I’ve already had him four times today. But did you really think that just one stallion could satisfy the Princess of Love?”

“He could be back here any minute!”

Cadance lifted her sundress. “Then you’d better hurry!”

My jaw dropped. My tongue hung out. She was wearing panties, but only barely. A tiny red pair that was more strap than fabric. It didn’t even cover her entire pussy lips, leaving a slight hint of the cleft between them exposed on the top.

“You like these?” Cadance reached down with her other hand and rubbed herself through the tiny panties. “Shining got them for our anniversary.” She pulled them to the side, fully exposing her pussy, the first I’d ever seen in real life. “Come here, dragon boy, show me what that tongue can do!”

For a long moment, I stared, my first ever glimpse of a real live pussy searing itself permanently into my brain.

I knew that there was no way I was going to be good at this. I’d never even touched any mare’s pussy before! But of course Cadance was absolutely gorgeous...

Yes, she’s no Rarity. She doesn’t quite have Rarity’s sense of style, Rarity’s flair, Rarity’s ineffable charm... But even I had to admit that in sheer bodily attractiveness, Cadance might even have Rarity beaten! Long, long legs that seemed even longer with the hem of her short dress held up like this. Wide, curvy hips leading up to a shockingly narrow waist. And even hidden under her sundress, her boobs were mind-blowingly huge and perky...

Still holding her skirt up, she came toward me, all the way until she was nearly touching me. Somehow, my cocks had gotten hard without me noticing ... but from the way she was looking down at them, she had surely noticed.

I dropped to my knees.

Cadance’s hand left her panties, leaving them pulled to the side. She rested it on top of my head instead. She wasn’t forcing me. It was more like ... she was ready to guide me.

I’d been so eager to touch Scootaloo, right? What was I waiting for now?

With a silent mental apology to Shining Armor, I leaned forward and pressed my snout up against Cadance’s exposed pussy lips. So soft! So warm! I shuddered and moaned. Already, her plush pink lips almost enveloped the tip of my snout, dribbling a little clear nectar on my upper lip. My brain racing from overload and yet barely daring to move, I slowly ventured to touch her with my tongue.

She gave a slight coo of satisfaction; her grip on the back of my head tightened. Did she want more?

Well, okay ... more.

Quickly, I gave it my all – I slathered my tongue across her opening as hard as I could, moving like a blur!

Cadance yanked back from me with an involuntary shudder. “Sensitive!” She looked at me past the hem of her sundress. “Hm... You’re pretty new at this, aren’t you?”

No point in hiding it. I nodded.

“Come here.” She went over and sat on the edge of the bed, taking her panties off and then spreading her legs until she was exposed even without lifting her dress.

What else was I going to do? I came over to the edge of the bed like she obviously wanted me to, and got down in front of her. Before I could dive in again, though, she grabbed my head.

“Not so fast. Start slow. Try just teasing my outer lips first. Then you can start gently going further.”

This was more complicated than I’d thought ... but I did my best. My tongue still tingling from my first taste of a mare’s bitter-sweet juices, I slowly licked her this time. It gave me a better opportunity to actually appreciate the soft, delicate curves of her pussy lips ... and from the sound of Cadance’s voice, she appreciated it too!

Very nice. Now try moving on to gentle licks up the middle, okay?”

I couldn’t respond. My mouth was busy, and she was holding my head in place. All I could do was to try exactly what she’d said ... and hope against hope that Shining Armor wouldn’t suddenly walk in and see!

The flavor was much stronger now that I licked the pink slit right up the middle of her pussy. Not bad, but something I’d have to get used to – I’d never tasted anything like it! Did all mares taste like this? Were all of them so vividly pink on the inside, or was it just because Cadance was pink on the outside, too?

Aah!” she squeaked, her legs hooking behind my back. “Easy on my clit! Not yet!”

I looked up, barely able to see her face over the big swell of her covered titties, which heaved with every deep breath.

“Why don’t you try snaking that tongue of yours inside?” she said, her voice seductively smooth and sweet like honey.

This was it. I did as I was told, carefully parting her hot, wet folds with my forked tongue and bravely venturing into new territory I could only imagine before. I knew there would be some kind of a hole ... but I hadn’t expected it to be so low ... or so tight! Even against my narrow tongue, her entrance squeezed me firmly, but I pressed onward, much to Cadance’s increasingly delighted squeals.

It meant I was doing good ... but I sure wished she would be quieter! Wasn’t she worried about being caught? These guest rooms didn’t have locks – none of the doors on the castle did. When it had sprouted from the ground, nopony had come to hand Twilight keys for it.

My ears twitched between Cadance’s supple pink thighs. Was that...?

Hoofsteps in the hall! Voices!

Despite Cadance holding me in place, I yanked back, slurping my tongue out of her pussy. “They’re coming!”

She was off of me in a second, standing next to the bed and smoothing down the hem of her sundress almost faster than I could see her move.

And that left me ... kneeling next to her bed with my muzzle covered in her juices! Quick! I had to find something to wipe it off of me! But I couldn’t use the bed sheets! They’d see the suspicious stain! I had to find...

Cadance’s panties!

I snatched them up off of the bedspread where she’d let them fall. They were already a little wet with her juices, and there wasn’t much fabric to begin with, but I wiped myself down as best as I could.

Before I could find somewhere to put them or give them back to her, I heard the door opening.

“Hi, Twilight! Hi, Shining!” I said, a huge fake smile on my face and Cadance’s panties balled up into a little wet wad in my fist.

Twilight looked at me strangely. “Yeah, um... Hi.”

There you are, honey!” Shining came to Cadance and gave her a big kiss. Not a peck on the lips kiss, a seriously making out kiss! She pressed her body up against him; he reached a hand behind her where only I would see and shamelessly grabbed her ass through the sundress. He gave her one last little nuzzle as they separated again. “Looks like you and Spike have already gotten everything up here. Need help with anything else?”

“Oh!” Twilight said, “I can take care of it if you need anything!”

By which she probably meant that she’d tell me to take care of it... But whatever. I was used to that. What I wasn’t used to was having a mare’s juices threatening to soak out of her panties and through my tightly clenched fist. Having stray whiffs of her adulterous scent still clinging to my muzzle.

“Twiley’s making my favorite for dinner!” Shining Armor blurted out, apparently unable to contain himself.

“Corn dogs with mac ‘n cheese?” Cadance glanced wryly at the way her husband drooled over the sound of that. “Well it’s been a long train ride. How about I go freshen up with a quick shower while you get us unpacked, Honey?” She winked at me – right at me – right in front of Shining Armor! “I can’t wait for dinner!”

Not knowing what else to do – and worried that Cadance would try to pull me into the shower with her somehow – I hastily left the room along with Twilight. Cadance’s panties were still in my hand. I’d have to hide them somewhere before dinner...

🎟️ 🎟️ 🎟️

Cadance had shown up to dinner in an unusually long, voluminous dress. Uncharacteristically modest. Did that mean she was done toying with me? I didn’t dare to hope. She must have been planning something...

Since it was just the four of us, we ended up eating at the small dining table right in the kitchen, not the castle’s formal dining hall. Thank goodness. This smaller space was always much easier to clean. Shining Armor and Cadance sat across from each other, gazing longingly like lovesick honeymooners. Twilight, of course, sat next to her brother. Which left me ... right next to Cadance.

Uh-oh... But she wouldn’t try anything here. Not right in front of everyone!

She did, though. Halfway through dinner, while Twilight and Shining were happily chatting away – something about the previous time Shining had gotten his favorite meal – Cadance slipped another coupon out from the many folds of her dress and slid it across the table.

I grabbed it and held it in my lap before the others might see. Shining Armor wouldn't know what it was, but Twilight might recognize it ... if she’d been paying attention. I looked down at it. ‘Secret Sexytime In Public, No Questions Asked’

Now?” I whispered, my voice hissing in disbelief. “Shining Armor's right there!

“No questions asked,” she whispered back. With an un-subtle flick of her wrist, she dropped her fork off the edge of the table.

I stared, unbelieving.

“Oh goodness, I seem to have dropped my fork! Spike, could you be a dear and pick that up for me?”

I glanced at Shining Armor and Twilight, but they seemed lost in their own little world. They barely seemed to have noticed that Cadance said anything at all. Twilight flicked her wrist ... either just gesturing while chatting ... or indicating that I should do as Cadance asked.

With deep foreboding, I slipped down underneath the table.

Yep... Cadance was already lifting the front of her long formal dress, inviting me.

A dragon’s gotta do what a dragon’s gotta do...

Thankfully, Cadance quickly enveloped me under her dress. At least enough that a casual glance under the table wouldn’t immediately give us away. Hopefully. The smell of Cadance’s sweet perfume was overwhelming, suffusing all the air here. But it wasn't the only scent. Despite her recent shower, I could already smell the scent of Cadance herself. The smell of pussy. Something I’d never been aware of before, but was quickly becoming all too familiar with. As Cadance’s legs parted, I could clearly see that she wasn’t wearing any panties at all under the big dress, leaving me face-to-face with the part of a married mare I absolutely should never see.

I reached out and gently stroked her pussy lips with one hand, which she seemed to enjoy, given the way she scooched out to the very edge of the chair to give me better access. Maybe that would be enough? This coupon had only mentioned ‘sexytime’, not anything in particular.

And ... this was kind of nice. Licking was one thing, but actually being able to touch a mare like this? I was learning a lot more about how certain parts felt. Despite my misgivings about her husband right across the table from her, I couldn’t help but enjoy it. My cocks grew hard in my pants as I delicately explored her outer folds, spreading her juices over her outer pussy lips and discovering what every last little bit of her looked and felt like.

Just as I was about to venture a finger inside, though, I felt her hand on the back of my head again.

It looked like just fingering her wasn’t going to be enough. Giving in to the inevitable, I lowered my head down and began licking her slowly, just like before. Hopefully, I could get her to orgasm quickly. Hopefully, she’d be quieter this time.

It went pretty well, actually, now that I knew at least a little about what I was doing. Cadance’s hips subtly flexed upward to meet me as my tongue lightly danced around her plush outer lips, as if she was begging for more. Taking that as my cue, I began lapping right at her soaked slit. Her hand pushed me down much harder this time, and she ground herself against my face.

When I heard her moan, I thought for sure we were going to be caught!

Only ... that moan was followed by Twilight’s voice. “Aw! You two are so cute when you kiss like that!”

Unable to help myself, I darted back and yanked Cadance’s dress from my head. Getting caught wasn’t even on my mind at that moment. I just had to see!

I don’t know what I expected to see from under the table. But Cadance definitely was leaning the top half of her body over the table like she was kissing somebody across it. And Shining Armor was...

What the fuck!

Shining Armor’s cock was out of his pants! And there was Twilight’s hand, stroking his big cock under the table as he kissed his wife! Both of them were making out with each other while ... while...

The thinking part of my brain simply shut off at that moment. I couldn't process what I’d seen, so why even try? Did Cadance know? Did Shining Armor know? Did Twilight know? Did I know? It was too much to think about, too much speculation and guessing to do. It short-circuited me. And all that was left were the open pink legs in front of me, the lifted skirt ... and a job to do.

My mind blank, I went back under Cadance’s dress, and I rushed back to work ... if only to prevent my mind from wandering.

Cadance was overwhelming enough to do that. Even the air I breathed was full of her. She was very wet now, and the whole space under her skirt hot-boxed me with her feminine scent. Heedless of subtlety now, I plunged my tongue straight into her. And into her. So warm and tight inside! The inner walls of her pussy squeezed back against my tongue as it writhed inside her.

Mmm!” she moaned, somewhere above me. I really hoped she still had the excuse of kissing Shining Armor!

Even though I knew it was a bad idea, I reached down into my pants. Hey! Don’t judge me – it was my very first day of seeing a pussy, much less touching and tasting one! The instinct was just too powerful to control. My cocks were begging for the slightest touch ... and once I gave that to myself, I involuntarily moaned a little myself. It was a good thing Cadance’s pussy was there to muffle my voice!

Apparently the vibrations of me moaning was a good thing? I’m still fuzzy about the details. But Cadance instantly spasmed, her thighs clamping tightly around my head and her pussy flooding my mouth with marecum. She rocked my head back and forth with the pulsing of her hips, her inner walls squeezing down on my tongue the whole time.

Despite my horniness, I took my hand out of my pants and took myself out from under Cadance’s skirt as soon as she slumped back into her chair and relaxed the grip of her legs. This was already way too risky – I wasn’t about to push my luck!

Well, except for one thing: I didn’t mind using the frills of Cadance’s dress to wipe my mouth before getting up. She made the mess – she could keep it. I very studiously did not look back toward Shining Armor while getting back up. I’d already seen far more than I wanted to. All I cared about was getting out of this.

The moment she saw me pop back up, Twilight gasped and slammed both hands onto the tabletop, giving me the worst poker face I’d ever seen. “I wasn’t doing anything!”

Shining Armor looked pretty mortified, too. “I, uh, forgot you were down there, Spike... It must have been ... really hard to find that fork, huh?”

Crap! I forgot about the fork!

Quickly, and hoping neither of them would notice, I grabbed the one from next to my own plate and handed it toward Cadance. “Yeah! Got it!”

“You, uh, didn’t see anything else down there, did you?” Shining asked, not innocently at all. Both he and Twilight stared anxiously.

“N-no!” I gulped, swallowing a bit of Cadance’s remaining juices. “Um, why? Did you drop something too?”

Both of them sighed in relief. “No,” Twilight said, “but it’s always good to check.”

Cadance stared at the two of them with an eyebrow raised. Did she know? Did she suspect? What the heck was going on in this family, and why did I have to be in the middle of it?

Chapter 3

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As I stared at my bedroom ceiling that night, the only thing I was sure of was that I was glad Cadance would be leaving tomorrow morning. Just a quick visit, just stopping by. I sure couldn’t take much more of this! And maybe there would be no more opportunities for her to—

The door to my room opened. Oh crap...

“Um... Twilight?” I asked, hopefully.

Cadance’s blue magic glowed from her horn, the only light in the room. “Guess again.”

My hands started shaking. What the heck was I supposed to do? Should I tell Shining Armor about Cadance’s cheating? Should I tell Cadance about Shining Armor’s cheating? Did they already know? But they sure didn’t act like it...

“Don’t worry,” she said, “I’m only here to get my panties back. They are our special anniversary panties, after all.”

“Oh, um, sure!” Hurriedly, I hopped up and fished them out from where I’d hidden them in the bottom of my underwear drawer. Which was fitting, right, because they were underwear...

Best not to mention how I’d used them to jerk off with after dinner, though. My first taste of pussy had gotten me pretty worked, up alright?

“Oh, and one more thing.”

With a trepid gulp, I held out my hand. The panties were snatched away. A slip of paper replaced them. It was much too dark in here to read, and I wasn’t about to turn my lights on – lights have a way of traveling in this crystalline castle – but there was very little doubt just what I now had in my hand.

“It says, ‘One Free All-Out Rutting, Like You’ve Never Had Before’.”

I winced. Yeah, I remembered writing that one. I’d been particularly worked up after writing up all the others, and my mind had been brimming with fantasies of Rarity redeeming it. Now, though ... now it felt like I wasn’t ready at all.

I glanced back at my bed, even though it was too dark to see. “Can we ... really do that? What if you get pregnant or something?”

She placed another coupon in my hand.

“W-what does this one say?”

“’One Free Cream Pie’. Though, I was hoping I might get a two-for-one special on that one. Seeing as you have two dicks and all...”

I gasped. “You know?”

“It’s not my first dragon rodeo.”

Her hands firmly took hold of my shoulders. She steered me to the bed and pushed me over onto it. The coupons fell from my grip, somewhere on the floor. “Ready?” she whispered from somewhere above me.


“Well then I’ll just have to get you ready.”

I squirmed as Cadance pulled my pajama pants down, but it was no use. They went down to my ankles, binding my legs together and holding me in place. My underwear followed only a moment later. And then I felt Cadance’s mouth against one of my cocks.

Yes, they were already coming out. I wasn’t a stupid dragon ... nor a particularly chaste one. Not by choice, anyway. My reaction to the Princess of Love alone with me in my bedroom was only natural.

What happened next changed my entire world. I couldn’t see what was happening in the dark, but I could feel it. Warm, soft lips closed over one of my cocks and quickly enveloped it to the very base. A gentle hand stroked the other.

I’d like to say I gasped or groaned or something masculine like that. But honestly, I squeaked. This was a heaven like I’d never felt or imagined before! And not just because Cadance’s mouth was luscious and inviting – because she was skilled with it. Her tongue swirled over my most sensitive spots with the same rhythm as her hand on my other cock. Pulses of gentle suction pressed her cheeks against the sides of my shaft as she bobbed her head. And, as my cocks grew and she swallowed my tip, squeezed me with her throat as well. My back arched involuntarily, and I made instinctive humping motions toward her, which she expertly and uncomplainingly accommodated.

I could have busted like that in mere moments ... but she stopped before I did. At first I yearned for her to resume, I would have given anything! But a moment later, I felt the bed move, felt Cadance’s body above my own, and felt a new warmth against the same cock that had just been in her mouth.

“C-Cadance!” I said, my voice barely more than a croak.


“But I’m ... I’m a virgin!”

She lowered herself. “Not anymore.”

One of my cocks was pressed awkwardly to the side by the big softness of Cadance’s leg, but I didn’t care. Because my other cock was inside her. Really, actually, inside a mare! Something I’d been starting to think would never happen, and yet here it was! And not just any mare, one of the most gorgeous mares in all of Equestria! Surrounded in her tight wet warmth!

Unbelievingly, I raised my hands toward her. And to my surprise, I didn’t feel any clothing at all, only Cadance’s own supple body. Was she ... naked? She couldn’t be! When did she take her clothes off, before she even came in my room? All the way through the castle’s halls?

I slid my hands up her toned belly, all the way up to two new heavenly softnesses.

“You like them?” Cadance said as she started moving, grinding up and down on the cock inside her.

With both hands, I explored and squeezed Cadance’s huge, springy-soft tits, quickly finding her big nipples and rubbing those as well. They had a way of folding back into the softness of her breasts that just made me go wild for some reason...

She giggled. “You do like them. And unlike Rarity’s, these are completely real.”

I froze for a moment with her huge tits still in my hands, though Cadance herself didn’t stop moving on my lap. “Rarity’s are real.”

Cadance outright laughed now – and still didn’t stop moving. “If you say so, dragon boy. But I bet I’ve gotten a much closer look at them than you ever have.”

“You ... you and Rarity...?”

She pressed a finger against my lips. “Shh. The Princess of Love doesn’t kiss and tell!”

“Buh ... buh...” I couldn’t make my mouth work. Cadance had been with Rarity and I hadn’t? And now I was with Cadance instead? What kind of world would let that happen? And should I even be mad about it? It was hard to feel mad at Cadance with her inner walls steadily massaging one of my shafts.

“Ready for more?” Cadance unexpectedly lifted herself up.


The way she turned sideways took her titties out of my reach, but what happened after that made it all worthwhile. My other cock touched against the familiar wet warmth of her pussy ... and the one that had just been inside her touched something else entirely.

With a slight, very unladylike, groan, Cadance forced herself down on me again. This time both cocks went inside her, aided by the juices she’d already smeared on me. One so slick and warm, the other so tight and hot!

“Cadance! It’s ... it’s in your...”

“Of course it is,” she said, beginning to move again. “I told you I wanted a two-for-one special on that cream pie.”

My whole world was imploding. Only in my wildest fantasies had I ever been inside a mare with both cocks at the same time! Usually that was two mares ... if only because I never thought I’d find a mare willing to do this! Certainly not Rarity, who was the usual focus of my fantasies. My head was spinning with the insane pleasure of both cocks being so intimately stroked at once. I felt like I was on the verge of passing out!

After a short time of that, though, Cadance reached one hand down and stroked my chest through the pajama shirt I still had on. “This is nice... But I’d hardly call it an ‘all-out rutting, like I’ve never had before’.” Her nails dug into my chest through the shirt. “Is that all you’ve got?”

I snorted out a little bit of flame, briefly lighting the room and revealing Cadance’s nude beauty to me. She wanted more? I’d give her more!

With all the strength I had, I lifted myself up and – still inside of her – twisted around, laying her on her side on my own bed and at the same time sliding off the edge of the bed next to it.

I’d unavoidably pulled slightly out of her during all that maneuvering, and now, not holding back in the slightest, I slammed back into her, filling both her pussy and her ass at the same time.

That earned me a shocked – but not displeased – gasp from Cadance. And encouraged by the sound, I did it again. And again. And again. I hammered into her with everything I had, all the strength I could muster. Soon I was gasping for breath as if I’d been running a marathon, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to feel more of her fantastic inner walls – both pussy and ass – gliding against my cocks, to hear more of her gasps and outright screams, to win this, once and for all! With one hand, I grabbed her bouncing tits and squeezed each of them as hard as I dared. With my other, I grabbed her ass cheek, feeling it ripple as my ribbed cocks plunged in and out of both her holes.

Even so, that didn’t seem to be enough for Cadance. As I began to falter and slow, her horn lit up, dimly lighting the decadent scene in front of me. Her magic grabbed me by the base of my tail, and with the stunning brute power of an alicorn’s magic, she pushed and pulled, forcing my hips to move even faster.

She climaxed – loudly and messily. Screaming my name at the top of her lungs and dousing my bed with her orgasmic juices. Her magic faltered as she lost concentration, leaving me to keep going as best as I could.

Which I of course did. I was starting to get really close myself, and I wasn’t about to stop, especially not with both of her love tunnels pulsing and squeezing around my cocks as if begging me for it. I did slow down, though, starting a more leisurely, more sensual pace that allowed me to catch my breath ... and maybe hold back my own orgasm for just a little bit, to experience this just a little longer...

No good! It was too much! I could already feel the burning sensation welling up inside of me. I quickly pulled outward—

Only to be shoved back in by Cadance’s renewed magic. “You still owe me that cream pie.” The magic around my tail squeezed. An extra tendril of it toyed at the entrance of my own asshole. “Now cum for your princess, little dragon!”

There was no holding back. With a fevered mental apology to Shining Armor, I willingly thrust all the way back inside Cadance again, and both of my cocks throbbed inside her, pulsing in tandem.

That triggered another orgasm from her; both her pussy and her ass squeezed back against me, milking more of my cum into her. “Yes!” she cried out. “Knock me up! Fill me until I lay dragon eggs!”

Hearing that in her voice made my knees go weak. I almost collapsed. I might have, if not for my unshakable grip on her body. Anything to keep my twin cocks where they belonged, pumping stream after stream into the steamy confines of her ass and pussy. Jetting her as full of dragon cum as I could possibly make her.

When I finally ran out of steam and pulled my now-limp cocks out of her, it was too dark to see her pussy and ass both gaping, but I could hear the cum splattering out of each.

Mmm! Goddess I love dragon cum!” Cadance scooped some up with her fingers and slurped them clean. “So steaming-hot! Nothing else like it.”

I stood there, legs trembling, not believing what I was seeing, what I was hearing, what I had just done.

Meanwhile, though, Cadance got up off the bed quite casually and grabbed her special anniversary panties. Using her magic – which lit it up enough for me to see – she pulled them back up her legs and squished them into place, instantly soaking them with my still-leaking cum.

“Was that....” I gasped for breath. “Was that like you’ve never had before?”

“Hmm... Close enough. Better than Shining, at least! His cock is bigger than yours, but he’s only got one!”

I couldn’t hold it any longer. My legs gave way. I collapsed face-first onto my own bed.

Cadance slapped my ass playfully. “And don’t worry, Rarity gave me lots of coupons – I still have plenty left!”

“Hgrnng?” It was the closest I could manage to coherent speech at the time.

“And I truly will be giving most of them to mares in need.” She came closer, whispering in my ear, “But I’m saving the best ones for myself.”

An involuntary shudder ran through my body. Of anticipation, fear, who knows.

She kissed my cheek. “See you soon, hotcakes!”

🎟️ 🎟️ 🎟️

I thought my troubles were over – at least for a while – once Cadance and Shining Armor left to continue their goodwill tour of Equestria. I closed the castle doors with a deep sigh of relief.

Only to feel my heart plunge when I saw Twilight standing just inside. Holding a coupon.

Oh no. Please no! Not her! Twilight was an attractive mare, sure, especially since becoming an alicorn and filling out a bit more. But no! I’d always thought of her like a sister or even a mother. It would be super-weird to have sex with her just like I’d done with Cadance! And, if anything, having just done it with her sister-in-law last night made things even weirder!

Trembling and dying a little on the inside, I took the coupon when she held it out toward me. I barely dared to read it.

‘One Free Luxury Romantic Breakfast In Bed’

Gasping with relief, I collapsed with my back against the door. Oh thank goodness!

She must have misinterpreted my reaction entirely. “I’m sorry!” she said plaintively. “If it’s too much, I’ll take the coupon back! I just thought, you know, since I’ve been so busy and stressed with Cadance and Shining Armor’s visit, I should treat myself tomorrow morning and take a little relaxation break. But I never wanted to make you overwork your—”

Breathlessly, I leapt up and gave Twilight a huge hug. “I don’t mind at all,” I assured her. “I was just worried it would be ... something else.”

“Something else? Like what?”