The episodic adventures of Belle Star

by Everfree V

First published

With no memories of who she was, Bellestarmon awakes in a world not her own. Digimon x FiM

The ponies of Equestria were expecting Nightmare Moon, but what they got was Bellestarmon. With her memories gone and the solar princess always on her trail, join us in 'The episodic adventures of Belle Star' as this gun shooting, profanity spitting, alcohol drinking, leather bound biker of a digimon learns to find her way in a world not her own.

Ep: 1- Bell Star

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-The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 1- Bell Star

Long blonde hair hung down over the back of the wooden chair in the far corner of the dimly lit bar. A pale skinned woman with eyes like rubies sat alone under the broken bulb of a hanging fixture as black leathery hand popped the cap off the glass bottle. The broken sound of acoustic guitars played through the bar from the crackling jukebox nearby, its glass casing smashed from repeated bashing. Pouring her drink of yellowish brown liquor into her red splattered glass she gave a small hum, kicking her leather boots up onto the back of a single golden armor guard who laid across one of the many broken chairs.

Closing her eyes, she brought the glass cup up to her red smeared lips. Letting the liquid flow down her throat a soft groan came from under her heel before silencing from a swift blow from her boot.

"Stools don't talk." The woman said, pulling the empty glass from her mouth.

The sounds of hoofsteps and clanking armor pierced the slow sounds of the country music as the dual doors of the bar opened up allowing the light of day to flow into the room.

"Looks like you boys haven't learnt enough yet, have you?" She said, opening her eyes to the silhouette of a solo mare with white fur and pastel hair stood in the walkway of the establishment.

Refilling her drink, she raised her glass up to the solar alicorn before gulping the drink down in one move. "Cheers."

Placing the glass down onto the wooden table, she moved her feet under the downed stallion, lifting him up with the points of her boots while making direct eye contact with the alicorn mare. With a toothy smirk, she swiftly swung her feet down, pulled her legs in tight and pushed hard to the stallion's side, sending the poor guy flying straight into the solar princess much to her surprise as the two of them were sent tumbling out of the bar.

Standing from her seat, the pale woman grabbed the half empty bottle by the neck. Walking across the crumpled bodies of bloodied guards, she made her way out into the blinding light of the outside world. The glass bottle shattered as a single arrow blew through it as she raised her hand over above her eyes.

"That was a warning shot, drop the bottle and put your hands behind your head!" The ruffle voice of one of the female guards shouted as another could be heard cocking back the string of a bow.

Taking in a deep breath, she blinked her eyes a couple of times as she lowered her hand. Allowing her eyes to adjust she looked across the ruined remains of the old western town of Appleloosa. Twelve guards stood in front of the white alicorn who held the injured soldier, all with white fur and golden armor. As the woman glanced across her foes, seven figures caught her eye. Standing just behind the princess stood the upset faces of six different colored mares with a single small purple dragon.

Her eyes quickly widened as she focused on the small drake, a massive grin plastering her face as she dropped the remains of the broken bottle. "Why Celestia, why didn't you tell me you were bringing guests?" She said walking slowly towards the guards.

"Don't move, under the orders of her highness Princess Celestia, you are under arrest for your crimes-" before the guard could finish, the pale skinned woman vanished before their eyes. A small yelp coming from behind them as the group turned in shock to see the woman sitting on a wooden bench several feet away holding the small drake in her lap as she stared into his eyes.

"Now tell me little cutie, who might you be?" The woman asked in a soft playful tone as her glimmering eyes gazed in awe at the baby dragon.

"Umm… guys?" The little guy called out looking back over his shoulder. "A little help?"

"Oh, come on now, I won't bite, promise." The woman said, turning the drake's head back to facing her. "What's your name?"

Taking in a quick gulp he looked into her ruby eyes. "I'm… Spike… Spike the dragon." Spike said with shaky breath.

Watching from a distance, Celestia ordered her group to halt as they watched the woman speak gently to her unwanted captive. "Nopony move, we don't want to set her off."

"Well Spike it is a pleasure to meet you, my people call me Bellestarmon, but you can just call me Belle." Bellestarmon said with a smile. "So tell me, what brings one as young as you out here?"

"Umm… the princess wanted us to help to return her sister to Canterlot. I'm just here to help." Spike said, glancing back at the group before focusing back onto Bellestarmon.

"Is that so?" Bellestarmon said glaring at the princess. "Bringing a small child here, are you insane!"

Celestia's ears pinned back at the sudden shout of the woman as she saw the daggers the woman was giving.

"Luna, it isn't like that, we only wish to help you." Celestia said, taking a slow step forward.


Several weeks prior, on the night of the summer sun celebration, ponies from far and wide gathered to join and watch their solar princess raise the sun. As many gathered within the main hall of Ponyville’s town hall, an older mare announced the welcoming of their princess, but when the curtain was pulled. No pony was there.

"She's gone." Rarity said in shock as she peered into the back.

The disappearance of the white alicorn caused concerned murmuring amongst her subjects.

"Now everypony calm down, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this." Mayor Mare said in an attempt to calm the townsfolk.

Just as she looked away, all eyes were drawn to the platform as a white pillar of light beamed down where the princess was meant to stand. As the light faded a tall woman with pale skin, long blonde hair and three eyes formed wearing black leather clothing, her toned stomach exposed and the top of her face covered by a dark blue metal mask.

Feeling woozy from the sudden transportation of her body, she gripped onto the wooden railing of the platform with her right claw-like hand as she rubbed her head with the other. Taking in a deep breath to counter the ringing in her hearing so failed to notice the shouting of questions coming from down below.

"What did you do with our princess?!" A blue mare yelled as the woman spoke her head.

"I.. where? I don't know" Looking across the sea of humanoid ponies below her she blinked several times before rubbing her eyes. "Oh, what the fuck…"

Looking around in shock, the woman slowly backed away from the edge of the platform. Her shaking hand pulled to her chest as she took another breath. "This isn't right… this isn't home… where?" As the woman panicked in shock she heard an older mare yell from below.

"She knows where the princess is, seize her." Mayor Mare shouted, ordering the guards to charge her.

"No… stay back." The woman said in horror as grabbed one of the pistols from her side pointing it at the winged guards. "I said stay back! Fly Bullet!" She yelled, like instinct, the black claw squeezed the trigger of her pistol firing a large metal bullet in the shape of her mask.

As the bullet flew through the air it slammed into the side of the nearest guard, causing the stallion to crash into his comrade. As the two fell to the ground, the town hall erupted in screaming as the woman turned and ran out the back.


Escaping from the town hall, the pale woman entered the nighttime world of the town. Looking for a place to go she spotted several more guards rushing towards her from the sides of the building. "Halt monster!" They shouted while holding swords and spears.

"Leave me alone!" She shouted, pulling out her other pistol and firing at them.

As the guards blocked the projectile attack, she spun on her heel and rushed through town towards the treeline at the edge of the hamlet. All the while firing at any pony who tried to stop her.

After what felt like forever, she stopped at the edge of a long stream, her lungs burning from overuse as she came to her knees.

Looking down into the water she finally got a good look at her reflection. Before her was the face of the creature known as Beelzemon, yet the features were all wrong. Instead of a mask made of cloth, she wore one of metal and her hair was much longer. Looking down at her chest she left out a breath.

"Okay… so I'm not exactly Beelzemon, so what am I?" The woman questioned raising her claws in front of her as she stood to inspect her body as she thought.

Thinking back to her youth she remembered watching digimon tamers and her cheering anytime Beelzemon would make an appearance. She remembered collecting the cards and coming across one after the show stopped airing that showed the digimon's female counterpart.

"I think it was Beelstarmon… no that doesn't seem right or is it." Thinking about it more, the name clicked in her head. "Right, it was Bellestarmon, she had different spellings based on where you were from. So why am I her?" She questioned looking back down at her reflection.

Trying hard to remember the events leading up to her arrival, she struggled to come up with anything that wasn't related to the show. She could remember every episode, ever quote, every card, every attack, the music, the art, yet nothing about herself. Was she dead, was she dreaming, why couldn't she remember. The only word that came to her mind as to who she used to be was 'Belle'.

Lost in her thoughts the sound of a large splash Startled her from the water. Looking to her side a large purple serpent rose from the water and by reflex she fired a single shot at it blowing off half of its mustache.

"Oh shit!" Bellestarmon exclaimed as she watched the creature start tearing up at the loose of his beautiful mustache. "I am so sor-" but just as she was about to apologize the serpent smacked her with the end of its tail, sending her flying across to the otherside of the river.

Not wanting to wait for the anger creature to strike at her again, she rushed further into the forest. She ran further and further until she came across a long rope bridge with a ruined castle on the other side. With no other option in sight of where to go, she crossed the bridge to the otherside. Stepping lightly so as to not fall. Making her way to the otherwise tearing could be heard from the rope as it began to give way. With quick feet, Bellestarmon jumped at the last minute as the rope bridge came crashing down into the side of the cliff.

Picking herself up off the ground she looked back. "Okay… so going back is a bust. Can't believe I even made that." She said turning away from the cliffside. "I sure hope there's something to sleep on in there."

~Ep: 1~

Walking in through the fallen doors of the ruined castle, Bellestarmon cautiously explored the halls of the ruined structure. From the outside, it had appeared to be uninhabitable, but upon investigation she found that a good portion of the building was intact. "Now, if I was a betting gal and I am. I would guess that any bed chambers would be up there." She said to herself pulling one of her pistols out for whatever laid at the top of the stairs.

Making her way slowly up the stairs she didn't question her ability to see in the dark remains of the stone castle. From her point of view she could recall a number of digimon were unimpeded by the lack of light. Their eyes naturally attuning to the dark. As she got closer to the top of the stairs she was greeted by a long hallway with a single door at the end of the hallway. Making her way over she stopped just outside of the door. The sound of someone pacing back and forth catching her ears. Pushing the door slightly, then old metal hinges gave a loud creak causing the person on the other side to stop.

"Who's there?" The feminine voice called out from the otherside as Bellestarmon started to slowly back away, her gun aimed at the door in case the person on the other side chose to attack. "Luna… is that you?"

As she slowly backed away, the sounds of hooves on stone came closer to the door, before slowly being pulled open. "Luna?"

"Don't move!" Bellestarmon ordered, her gun trained on the woman standing before here.

Standing in the doorway with their eyes wide stood a tall bipedal equine with a long pastel rainbow mane, white fur and magenta eyes. Her body was covered in a long white dress, a golden necklace hanging around their neck. Upon her head sat a golden crown that rested just above a long horn and two large wings protruded from her back.

"I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to, so stay where you are." Bellestarmon demanded.

"That voice… are you… Luna?" The solar princess asked, taking another step forward only to stop when Bellestarmon fired a bullet into the stone in front of her hooves.

"I said don't. I don't know who you are or who this Luna is, but if you take another step closer the next one is going through your head." She threatened, aiming back up at the white alicorn.

Celestia stood there for a moment as she looked down at the hole in the floor before readjusting her gaze back at the woman before her. 'The voice is the same, but her appearance is… what about her.' With a quick flash of her horn, Celestia scanned the woman with her magic. A dark blue glow coming from her. 'Her magic is there… could her form have changed from all those years on the moon.'

"What did you do?" Bellestarmon questioned.

"I scanned your body, do you really not remember who I am, Luna?" The white alicorn asked with concern.

"Quit calling me that, I am not Luna and I sure as hell don't know who you are."

"Then perhaps you could enlighten me, I am Princess Celestia, what might you be called then?"

"I… I don’t know, I can’t remember… Belle? I think."

'She doesn't remember…' Celestia thought to herself. "Okay then… Belle. Do you know how you got here?" She asked, raising her hands up in a 'Don't shoot me' position as she slowly took another step forward.

"I'm not sure, there was a light… a loud ringing, a bunch of… ponies? I told them to stay away, but they kept attacking, so I ran." Bellestarmon explained, gripping the side of her head. Her skull throbbing as she struggled to remember what came before. Her eyes closed shut from the pain.

Noticing the woman's struggle, Celestia quickly took the distraction to close in on the girl, pushing the weapon off to the side as she wrapped her arms around her. As she did, she could feel Bellestarmon freeze up as she dropped the pistol to the ground. "It's okay… you're safe now, nothing is going to hurt you." Celestia said softly as she rubbed the back of the woman's neck before casting a sleeping spell on the woman.

Bellestarmon's eyes grew heavy under the weight of the unknown energy, her body giving from underneath her as the mare before her slowly lowered her to the ground. The final thing she heard was the white alicorn whisper to her as she drifted off to sleep. "Sleep well sister, we'll figure this out together."


Holding the embodiment of her sister in her arms, Celestia looked down to the object that the woman had been holding as it disappeared from the ground and reformed on the woman's side. Not thinking much of it, she carried the younger woman down through the castle where she was met by a blinding light of prismatic colors. Entering the main chamber of the castle ruins, she witnessed the elements of harmony form around the six mares.

"Princess Celestia!" The princess heard one of the girls call out as she quickly ran up to her. "You're alright, did you beat Nightmare Moon?" The purple unicorn asked as she looked at the woman in her arms.

"In a way…" Celestia said, glancing at the woman, "However she no longer appears to be Nightmare Moon."

"Uh… she looks the same to me." The blue pegasus mare said, hovering in the air.

"Perhaps to you, however this form is much different from the one my sister took a thousand years ago. If it wasn't a simple sleeping spell would not have affected her." Celestia said with a saddened smile.

"Sister!?" The six mares exclaimed.

"Wait, sleeping spell? But I thought Nightmare Moon was immune to such magic?" Twilight questioned. "If I knew that, we wouldn't have needed to search for the elements of harmony. "

"Be that as it may, the fact that you did and succeeded in activating them is by means no small feat. I'm very proud of you Twilight." Celestia said with a proud smile, "with that said, my sister is no light mare, so why don't we continue this back in town, shall we?"

With that Celestia lit up her horn and the eight of them reappeared in front of the golden oaks library. Walking inside, Celestia placed Bellestarmon down on one of the couches before standing back to stretch her back. 'I swear she's packed on more weight.' She thought as a few pops came from her back.

Looking out the window, she pulled her magic and guided the moon to rest, giving way to her warming sun.

"So… not to be rude or anything, but if she's your sister, then why doesn't she look like a pony?" Rainbow Dash asked, gesturing to the sleeping pale woman.

"A thousand years can change a great many things my little pony, the form we take can be one of them." Celestia said, running her hand through Bellestarmon's hair. “We merely have to wait and see as to why.”

Ep: 2- Judge Star

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 2- Judge Star

Canterlot Castle's Medical wing was under attack. As medical staff ran through the halls in search of safety, loud bangs of metal slamming rang out through the dehinged door of examination room 193.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" The roaring voice of one Bellestarmon shouted. The shaking form of a brown fur stallion in a lab coat desperately trying to run out the broken door only to be pulled back by the scruff of his cherry red mane.

"No no… please… ah." The stallion pleaded as he tried to cling to the door frame. His furry fingertips betraying his grip as he quickly slid backwards.

"Perverted. Scumbag. Piece of shit!" Bellestarmon shouted, swinging the man into the medical monitors on the other end of the room. "First you strip me of my clothes while I'm sleeping, that you think you can just sneak away after trying to mess with my cooter!"

Materializing one of her pistols into her pale bare hand, she slammed the heel of her foot into the stallion's neck as she pointed her weapon between his legs.

"It's not like that…" The stallion creaked out, his hands struggling to keep enough of Bellestarmon's weight off of his neck to breathe. "Princess Celestia wanted a full body examination to make sure… that there were no medical anomalies."

Bellestarmon's brows narrowed as she stared at the pony before her. Her eyes trained only on him as the sound of three pairs of hooves approached the door behind her.

"That's enough Lun… Belle, let him go." The authoritative voice of Princess Celestia ordered as she stood just beyond the doorway, flanked by two guards. One wearing their standard gold plated armor, while the other wore a set of purple armor with gold trim.

Looking over her shoulder towards the white alicorn, Bellestarmon wore a rather passed off face. Her metal mask was gone, the top half of her face scarred from what looked like poorly healed burns. Her third eye, which the alicorn had assumed was apparently of her mask, rested in the center of her forehead where any unicorn horn would usually be. Her well toned pale skin covered in various circle shaped scars that implied multiple small objects had once pierced her fair skin.

Locking her eyes with the other, Celestia watched as the slightest muscle in Bellestarmon's forearm twitched, causing the firearm in her hand to set off. The bloody screams of the cherry mane stallion holding his now bleeding groin. Holding him in place, Bellestarmon dematerialized her pistol as she hopped into the air and kicked her foot into the side of the doctor's head knocking him out. The three pairs of eyes only looking on in horror as the woman landed on her feet and slowly walked over to the slightly taller mare.

"Where are my clothes?" The woman hissed, looking up at the princess.

"Private Spear Striker, please retrieve Ms. Belle's clothes from Nurse Blue Cross and meet us in my personal chambers, Capitan Armor, get medical personal to treat Dr. Cherry and have someone clean up this mess." Celestia ordered with a neutral expression. Without another word, the two women teleported to Celestia's personal chambers leaving the two royal guards to look at the destruction of the medical wing.


Reappearing within her room, Celestia wandered over to her wardrobe. Opening the wooden doors that held her longer pieces of clothes, she selected one of her pink bath robes and hung it over her arm. Closing the wardrobe, she lit up her horn, casting her magic into the adjacent room off to the side. The sound of water flowing filled the air within the room as Celestia approached the younger. Taking a deep breath, she held it for a moment before letting out a huff.

"There's a bathroom through those doors, I've already started the water, the body wash is safe for non fur creatures and the 'mane n tail' is also good for other kinds of hair. Clean yourself up. Once you're done, we will have words about what just happened." Celestia commanded as she passed the pink bath robe to the digimon.

Looking the white alicorn hard in the eyes, Bellestarmon glanced down at the robe for a moment, snatching it from the royal's arm. Without a word, Bellestarmon shoulder checked the princess as she made her way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Celestia let out a breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding as she looked at the closed door. The look on Bellestarmon's face being a reminder of the one Luna used to give her when she was upset. Walking over to her dresser, the solar princess pulled open one of the compartments she pulled out a glass bottle and a single glass cup. Popping the lid off the bottle, she created some ice with her magic and filled her glass with both.

"This is gonna be a long day…" Celestia sighed as she pinched the bridge of her brow. The sudden headache of paperwork coming to her mind after the girl's rampage. It wouldn't have been so bad, if Bellestarmon had kept it to just one room, however during her chase of the poor doctor. Multiple areas of the medical wing had been left in ruin.

As Celestia continued to nurse her forming headache with the aid of her personal wine. Her ears picked up the sound of the bathroom door opening slightly.

"You done already?" Celestia asked with a raised brow.

"Just waiting for the water to warm up, you only turned on the cold." Bellestarmon replied through the door, her voice unimpeded by the flowing water of the shower. "Figured we might as well talk as I washed. After all, at this point you've already seen everything that I would hide."

"Alright, let's start from the beginning, shall we?" Celestia said, moved to the side of the door frame so that her voice could be better heard. "I bring you to the medical wing to have you looked at due to you sleeping for three days straight, I leave you alone in my ponies' hands for less than an hour so that I could attempt to get something to eat and in that time, you've managed to wake up, destroy one third of the medical wing, knock out three nearby by guards and castrate one of the castle doctors. Please tell me what I missed?"

A long silence filled the air between them through the crack in the door as Bellestarmon thought over the last several minutes.

"When I awoke one of your nurses told me that they were cleaning my clothes. Asked me if I needed anything and I went back to sleep." The woman said, pulling the curtain to the tube as she entered the shower. "I woke up a few minutes later to find that man trying to push open my legs…"

Bellestarmon's words hung in the air for a long moment as she processed what the woman had said.

"I see… then I guess my next question would have to be. Why did you blow up his crotch?" Celestia asked, her eyes looking straight down into her wine.

"You really got to ask?" Bellestarmon started leaning her head back as she scrubbed the 'mane n tail' into her hair. "Not only did that man try to assault me, but do you really think I'm the first and if I was, do you think he would stop there… He came looking for a hole to play with, I merely gave him one."

"Should have alerted the guards." Celestia stated not a hundred percent disagreeing with the woman.

"He would have made up excuses."

"It is not your place to play Judge."

With that Bellestarmon stepped out past the curtain and slammed the door open. Her weather hair sticking to her body as her cold ruby eyes glared at Celestia.

"And what if it had been someone else! What if it had been a coma patent, a weak mare, a filly! Would you stand by your 'should have's or would you act so that no one else won't be the victim." Bellestarmon grabbed the princess by her necklace and pulled her in close. "I want you to look at this face, paint it into your mind. This is what happens when they can't defend themselves."

For the first time since Celestia had met with the digimon, the princess felt a familiar chill run up her spine, one that had only formed when she first met with Nightmare Moon.

"Should I take it then, that you are done with your shower?" The mare asked through gritted teeth as Bellestarmon released her from her hold.

"I guess so…"

"Then please put on your robe."

With that the two were quickly interpreted by a knock on the door.

"Housekeeping." A young voice called from the otherside of the bedroom door. "I've brought Lady Belle's clothes as requested."

With a flicker of her magic, Celestia willed the door open as a young blue and pink maid came in holding a set of leather clothing under a dark blue metal mask.

"Thank you Ms Gentle Breeze." Celestia said as the maid handed her the clothes as she watched Bellestarmon dry herself with a towel in the other room.

"My pleasure Princess. Was there anything else you needed?" Gentle Breeze asked.

"Not at this time, no." With that the young maid left the room leaving the two alone as Bellestarmon started putting on her clothes.


Far away from the castle grounds of Canterlot, deep within the Everfree in an underground cave. A small blue alicorn with a light blue mane laid under the warming glow of a single crystal tree, her body thin and weak, her fur covered in dry patches of blood and burnt fur from a battle unseen. As the tiny mare slept beneath the protective glow of the tree her mind was flooded by a single dream. One of a three eyed demon clad in black who weirded two weapons of unknown designs, and her sudden appearance on the moon moments before her darker half's demise.

'Nightmare Moon's plan had worked, she had used the stars to aid in her release. However, just before she had descended from her prison. A rift appeared moments before she could cast her spell. A single creature with a long blonde mane and a furless body formed from the tear in reality, its eyes almost dead as it stood before her.

Seeing the creature as a threat, Nightmare Moon had attacked the female demon, only for her to counter when it pulled out its weapon and opened fire on the ruler of the night. Each attack landing hard against her vital points. Unable to hold back the barrage of attacks, Nightmare Moon attempted to make a deal with the woman, in an attempt of getting her to join the night queen.

Those attempts turned out to be useless as the demonic woman lifted Nightmare by the neck, implaling her through the chest with her long claw. As the Nightmare struggled to free its, to get away. Luna felt the presents of the Nightmare be pulled from her body as well as part of her magic, before dropping the now tiny figure of the blue unicorn to the ground. As Luna watched in horror of what the creature had done, she watched as the being in question absorbed the essence of Nightmare and her magic into her own. Her lifeless eyes filling with consensus as a bright beam of light engulfed the two of them. Leaving them separated as they landed in Equestria.

Arriving broken and beaten near the entrance of the cave, Luna stared up at the tree of harmony as its roots lifted her up and brought her safely to its body. From there her tired eyes fell as she drifted off to sleep.'

Ep: 3- Outlaw Star- pt. 1

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 3- Outlaw Star- Part 1

It had been a couple of days since Bellestarmon had awoken from her 72 hour power nap and Princess Celestia was ready to pull her hair out. In the days following the destruction of the medical wing, Celestia had introduced Bellestarmon to the public as her long lost sister much to the digimon's failed attempts at convincing her otherwise. From Belle's own words, 'Just because a few things line up, doesn't mean they're family', but in the princess's eyes they were family. From the sound of her voice, her dark themed aesthetic, to her magic signature, to even her minor mannerisms all signs pointed to the woman being her beloved sister. Although at times a much cruder version of her. However this did not stop Celestia from trying to spend as much time as she could with her.

This all fell a head though after a brief meeting between Belle, whom started to go by the full name of Belle Star after a dream she had, and her nephew Prince Blueblood. At first Belle Star had attempted to play nice with her nephew, but after the countless insults given by the white stallion, Belle Star was set off in a violent rage. When Celestia was about to reprimand her nephew for his rude attitude, Bellestarmon had grabbed the younger stallion by the muzzle and lifted him off the ground. She then proceeded to rag doll him by his face before dropping him on the ground.

Blueblood spent the following night with a brace around his neck so that his stretched neck muscles could properly retract back to their proper length. This however was not the only thing on the ever growing list of things that Belle Star had done to send Celestia up a wall however. When it came time for dinner, Belle had shown a massive disinterest in the food provided by the chefs.

When she was asked if there was something that she would perhaps like to have instead, the blonde haired woman walked out to the nearby balcony, pulled out her pistol and shot a duck that was passing by out of the sky and said, "That." This caused a massive panic from the guards below who had thought that the castle was under attack and ended up putting the whole place on shutdown while Bellestarmon forcefully made the chefs cook the defenseless animal.

Then the following day after the whole dinner fiasco, multiple castle attendees had came to the solar princess to beg her to do something about her 'sister'. When asked what as wrong, they had explained that Belle Star had been breaking into the unoccupied guest rooms, entering their bathrooms and proceeded to pull every piece of metal pipe out of the wall, she then proceeded to the knights barracks and stole, not asked for mind you, 'STOLE' every piece of armor and weapon she could get her claws on. As if that wasn't enough, she even stopped by the local blacksmithing station and appropriated several different sized hammers, a pair of tongs, a blow torch, a gas tank and a 400 lbs anvil.

This has currently lead to where the solar princess was now, trying to break into Luna’s personal quarters with an angry mob consisting of multiple guards, maids, chefs, Blueblood and one irate blacksmith ready to strangle the three eyed woman as sounds of sparks and smoke exited from under the crack of the bedchamber doors.

"Belle Star! You open this door right now!" Celestia yelled as she banged on the door, her magic unable to pierce the many anti-magic wards placed on her sister's room. A safety feature that was placed on the royal quarters in case of would be attackers. One that prevented even Celestia herself from entering.

After a few minutes of screaming and banging, the room beyond the doorway fell silent for a moment as whatever the digimon had been doing seemed to have ended.

"Auntie, why can't we just break down these doors and be done with it, it's just wood." Blueblood scoffed with a glare under his brow.

"Because Blueblood, just like my room, there are safeguards in place to… wait, what is that sound?" Celestia's explanation was quickly cut off as a muffled grow started to premuate from behind the door.

Pressing her ear to the door, she heard the repeated growling of something getting louder again and again followed by a loud screech came from the center of the room. Widening her eyes, she quickly ordered the group to stand back as the growling noise came charging for the door, followed by four loud gunshots. As the sound reached the front of the chambers, the two large wooden doors came falling out into the hallway as Bellestarmon came flying out riding some kind of metal motorized two wheeled vehicle. Her eyes only momentarily glanced down at Celestia as the doors acted as a ramp allowing her to get air.

Watching in awe struck, Celestia was frozen as the leather bound woman extended one of her fisted claws while raising her middle finger before landing on the ground and speeding away.

Celestia stood there for a long moment as she watched what she believed to be her sister ride off down the hall and around a corner, the irate mob attempting to follow her as loud screams and panicked yelps came from further on the castle and into the main courtyard.

Backing up into the wall, Celestia slid down to her bottom as she covered her face in sadness and frustration. "Oh Lulu… where did I go wrong…" She said to herself in the emptiness of the hall.


Bellestarmon felt quite proud of herself, while searching through her memories of the vents of digimon tamers, she had came across several different blueprints related to fan concepts of Beelzemon's iconic motorcycle 'Behemoth'. While her creation was a long ways from the sentient motorcycle, she was able to create a working prototype of a similar harley davidson that she had mashed together from various metal pipe and stolen armor. She had even found a few magical gemstones that she was able to use as a power source to get the machine to run within thr Lunar sister's bedroom.

Riding through the quickly emptying streets of Canterlot, she watched as ponies of different shapes and colors quickly ran and hid from her metal beast as she drove by. While the adult's hid in fear, she smiled at the interested smiling faces of fillies and colts who looked at her work with enthusiasm and glee.

As she reached the end of the long winding road, Bellestarmon came to a slow stop infront of what appeared to be a rather nice looking train station. Pulling out a map that she had taken from one of the guest rooms, she planned out her course.

"Let's see… there isn't much to the north or the west, nothing but large cities to the east…" Putting her claw to her chin she looked at the map hard in thought. "The only place where I can really lay low seems to be the south, but to get there I'll have to go through… Ponyville…"

Letting out a sigh, she placed the map into her saddle bags as she cranked the engine to her bike. "Looks like I'll be going through there first, hopefully with less issues this time."

With that she pressed on the gas and hopped her ride onto the metal rails of the track and started making her way down the mountain.


In the far small town of Ponyville, in the gingerbread walls of Sugarcube Corner, one bouncing pink mare with a mane like cotton candy was cheerfully ecstatic. For the last few hours her senses had been alerting her that a new possible pony would soon be arriving in Ponyville, but not just anypony, but one whom she had met before. As she hopped her way around the kitchen, she double checked to make sure that everything was in order for her to welcome Ponyville’s latest guest.

"Um… Pinkie, are you sure it's really necessary to make all these sweets?" Mrs Cake asked looking at the mountain of boxed pastries that the pink mare had been producing.

"I'll be fine." Pinkie Pie said, placing another warm pie down on the counter. "Lyra and Bon Bon will be looking for vanilla muffins, Derry is a fan of banana nut, Cheerilee likes the danishes and the Mayor Mare is partial to apple pie."

"And what about the rest of them?" Mrs Cake asked, pointing to the three pink frosted cakes off to the side.

"Oh, those are for me." The pink mare said eatting them in one bite. "Tasty."

Mrs Cake shook her head with a smile as she made her way to the counter. "Whatever you say Pinkie."

With her prep work done, the pink mare exited the bakery with a wave, making her way into the outside world. "Alrighy, now if I was a new old friend vision which way would I…" With a twitch of her mane she look north towards Canterlot. "Oooh fancy. But that can't be right, the train does come by for at least another four hours, right narrator?."

………. As Pinkie broke the forthwall by speaking to the air, she started to make her way to the Ponyville Train Station.

"Eh, if you insist." She said as she bounced her way to the station, her eyes looking every which way to spot any newcomer.

"Sooo… Mr narrator, what kind of person am I going to meet anyways, notice how I said person and not pony. Like how this story doesn't follow the original story of thr friendship is magic animated series-"


Bellestarmon felt a cold chill run up her spine as she reached her turning off point for Ponyville’s Train Station. A large cloud of dust picking up behind her bike as she shifted off the tracks and onto a nearby dirt path. Decelerating her speed, her bike came to a slow crawl as she reached a large wooden sign saying 'Welcome to Ponyville'. Not wanting to send the residents into an unwanted panic, she parked her bike at the post of the sign and chained it to the post. She wasn't to worried about anyone trying to ride of on it as she pulled out the key and pocketed into her leather jacket. However the thought of one of the ponies trying to push it down the road did cross her mind.

"Oh, you shouldn't have to worry about that silly willy, it wouldn't stop the writer from having it stolen anyways." An overly cheerful voice said over Bellestarmon's shoulder.

"Bahh! What the fuck!" Belle Star shouted as she saw the pink muzzle of the party pony.

"HI I'm Pinkie Pie, but most people just call me Pinkie. We already met, but I guess you wouldn't remember since you were asleep and I wasn't but you were and so was Spike who you haven't met, but you will, but not right now because that would break continuity. Are you happy to meet me cause I'm happy to meet you, do you like cake?" The bouncy pink mare said pressing her face closer and closer into Belle's causing her to fall over.

"What?" Bellestarmon looked at the mare, her eyes puzzled as she tried to process the cannonball of words that came from the pink one's mouth. "Maybe?"

"Great! I can already tell we're going to be best friends." It was than a lightbulb appeared over Pinkie's head, which she quickly grabbed out of the air and shoved into her mane. "Hehe, I need that to change a light in my room layer. Anyways you should meet my friends, they would love to officially meet you."

"Look, Pinkie Pie was it."


"Right… look, I'm only here to pick up some supplies and leave. I don’t really plan on sticking around long enough to actually meet or make any friends. So if you could dial back whatever 'that' was. I won't have to resist the urge to bash you face in, cool?" Bellestarmon said pulling herself up and dusting off her clothes.

"Okay." Pinkie replied, her smile never wavering. "So what kind of supplies are you needing anyways?"


At the depths of the Everfree, in a small underground cave, a small blue mare slept under a large crystal tree. Her body burning as a cool rage coated in water was place on her head.

"There there, everything will be okay." A unknown male voice spoke as an old leathery glover rubbed her head.

Luna was unaware of who this voice belonged to, her mind was clouded by the fever induced by her wounds. However she did not fear this voice, for from her blured vision she could make out that the stallion had been aiding in mending her wounds.

"I'm sorry I can't do more for your fever, that is not where my powers lie." The voice said bring a small wooden bowl up to the night princess lips. "But I do hope this helps with your recovery."

Feeling the bowl reach her lips, Luna slowly started to drink the bitter liquid. Her throat softening from its cool mint like feel.

"Who are you?" She worded out through raspy breathe.

"Just a friend." The stranger said place a small black and silver device in her hand. "Just a friend."

With that Luna’s eyes fell closed as she drifted back to sleep.

Ep: 4- Outlaw Star- pt. 2

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 4- Outlaw Star- Part 2

Bellestarmon felt uncomfortable as she walked alongside the skipping pink bundle of joy. Although the mare was more than welcoming compared to some of the other ponies she had ran into, she couldn't ignore the feeling that itched at the back of her skull. For all purposes they were complete strangers, yet she couldn't help but wonder if she had met another just like her before her arrival in Equestria. Perhaps a friend or family member from her past self.

Making their way into town proper, she glanced about at the empty streets. A stillness falling over the town only filled by the cheerful humming of Pinkie Pie. Scanning around with her eyes, she could make out the slight movement of doors closing and blinds being pulled down as the two of them made their way further into town. Stopping in her tracks, Bellestarmon stretched her arm out to her side, stopping the pink mare as she held her hand to her muzzle.

"Do you hear that?" Bellestarmon asked Pinkie Pie as she tilted her ears in various directions.

"Hear what?" Pinkie asked, unaware of the strangeness of the still town. "I don't hear anything."

"My point exactly." Bellestarmon stated, placing her hand on one of her side pieces. "This town was completely full of life a few minutes ago, I could hear it even from the tracks, but now it's completely dead. Like everyone just disappeared or hid."

"Maybe they're hiding so that they can throw you a surprise party?!" Pinkie suggested as she threw her hands up into the air, throwing out a cloud of confetti that dissolved upon reaching the ground.

"I doubt that, besides who throws a surprise party for a complete stranger, especially one that nobody knew was coming into town." Bellestarmon gave the mare a questioning eye as she watched Pinkie slowly raise a hand with a sheepish expression. "Did you set up a surprise party when you heard me coming into town?"

"Normally I would, but I got the feeling you probably didn't like surprises." The pink mare admitted looking at the deadpan face of the biker woman.

"Then it's probably not a surprise party, Pinkie." Bellestarmon said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Still, it does seem a bit odd doesn't it?"

"Eh, not really." Pinkie said in a somewhat flat tone. "Most ponies around here can be a bit shy or frightened by the arrivals of non-pony creatures."

"So this happens often?"

"Not too often, but there is this one non-pony that comes by every so often that scares the crud out of us. I'm not really sure what her name is, but we can tell she is up to no good based on her behavior." Pinkie finished her statement by blowing the puff of candy-like hair up a bit before turning to Belle.

The digimon raised her brow at the over welcoming mare as she was thrown off by her completely unwelcoming remark. "Care to give an example?"

"Well, whenever she walks into town, she goes to the center of the market and just paws at the ground." Pinkie said, demonstrating the spooky mare's behavior.

"And what else?"

"That's it." Pinkie said with a shrug.

A long moment passed as Bellestarmon stared at the mare, dumbfounded by the stupidity that was these ponies' reason to outcast the unknown mare. Without saying another word, the digimon took her claw of her holsted gun and grabbed the pink mare by her collar. Lifting the mare off the ground she grabbed the girl's shirt with her other hand, pulled her feet together, turned outward to bring her but to the mare's pelvis. As she did, she pulled the pink mare over her shoulder and kicked her outward leg back, slamming the slightly chubby pink party pony straight into the dirt road.

A loud slam filled the air as a wheeze came out of the mare as all the air in her lungs exited from the sudden impact. With the pink mare now on the ground, the digimon released her hold of the mare's shirt and continued on her way through town. The pink mare left lying where she had impacted, on the ground as she struggled to refill her lungs with air.


Making her way into the nearby market, the digimon started to go from stall to stall, grabbing various foods and items that she deemed necessary for her travel. A few herbs here, some vegetables there. A bundle of black tulips, only because she liked their appearance. She came to a halt when she reached a barrel of apples near one of the stands. Opening her saddle bag, which for all intended purpose seemed to be bottomless, she placed her foot on one end of its opening and stretched it open, throwing the barrel inside.

"Now what in tarnation do you think ya're doing!" Bellestarmon heard from behind her as she removed her foot from the bag, letting it close.

"What does it matter to you?" The digimon replied, looking over her shoulder with a scawl.

"It matters plenty!" An orange mare stated with an angry look on her muzzle. "That there are my apples ya steal'n."

Raising to her full height, Bellestarmon turned to the orange mare, her eyes looking down on her as she examined her appearance.

The mare in question had long blonde hair, orange fur and emerald green eyes. She wore a red plaid button up shirt with it's sleeves rolled up, a Blue Jean skirt, brown leather boots and a stetson hat.

"Now either you put them apples back or you cough up them bits. Cause ain’t no pony steals from an apple." The Orange mare threatened as she stormed up to the much taller woman.

"Really now, good thing I'm not a pony than." Bellestarmon said with a growl she strutted over to the mare, meeting her halfway.

As the two locked eyes for a hard moment a spark of conflict waiting filled the air. Neither backing down as they met chest to face.

"I'm warning you." The cowgirl said, pointing a finger.

"Well I'm not." Belle responded, grabbing the mare’s finger and bending it back. With a bit of pressure, she made the mare’s hand bend toward the girl's body causing her to lean back and bend her knee. A reflexive reaction caused by one's body trying to get away from the Spike of pain.

As the mare crumpled back from the sudden pain, a high pitched noise came from the digimon's side, followed up with a metal clang as her head tilted to the side.

"You leave Applejack alone you beast!" A familiar tomboyish voice yelled as something bounced off her mask.

Without releasing her grasp, Bellestarmon twisted the farm girl's hand causing a snap to come from Applejack’s wrist as she turned her head to look at the second mare that dared to strike her. As Applejack screamed in pain holding her wrist, the digimon caught sight of a blur mare with a rainbow mane hovering a few inches away with rage in her eyes.

"AJ!!!" The blue mare screamed as the digimon released her hold on the girl, who writhed on the ground in pain. "You're going to pay for that!"

Flying up high, the blue mare grabbed a dark cloud with her hands and dove down at the leather bond digimon. Her eyes set on the woman. As she came within a few feet of the digimon she threw the dark cloud forward and kicked it with the side of her heel, much like an athlete striking a ball.

Bellestarmon raised a brow as the blue mare made physical contact with the ball of water filled air as it shot out a large bolt of electricity that shot into the digimon's side sending her off her feet and to the side.

"Well, that's new." The digimon said, raising to her feet as she dusted off her leather leggings. "Nice trick, here's mine. FLY BULLET!!!" Summoning her pistol to her hand, she swung it in an arch as she pulled the trigger. Three metal bullets with the image of her mask appearing from the dark blue wave of energy as they tore apart the rain cloud with a burst of energy causing the area between them to fill with a fog of smoke.

With her position hidden from the mare's sight, she ran forward and leaped into the air. Her right claw free of her weapon reaching out as she grabbed the blue pegasus by her hoof and swung her down into the ground.

Holding her by her hoof, Belle pressed her heel into the mare's collar bone and held her down. "Didn't your mommy ever teach you to pick your fights." Bellestarmon taunted as she pressed down with her foot breaking the mare's collar bone.

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack called out as the blue pegasus screamed in agony.

"Unless you want more cowgirl, I suggest you stay put." Belle threatened as she looked down on the pegasus beneath her. "I believe I owed you two strikes for your attack, hmm." Pulling her foot off of the mare, she brought her knee in close. Angling her victim's leg away slightly she took aim at the pegasus's knee and kicked into it, bending her leg to the side at a 90 degree angle before releasing the blue mare's hoof from her hold. The blue mare only going silent as her eyes went blank from the shock.

Walking over to her saddle bag, she bent down picking it off the ground and tossing it over her shoulder. As she stood up tall, she could make out several pairs of eyes peeking through the surrounding windows in shock at what the residents of Ponyville had just witnessed.

Turning back to the orange mare, she strutted up to Applejack with an annoyed frown on her face. "Keep the change." She said kicking the mare in the side of the head before dropping a handful of bent coins on her unconscious body.


Far across the frozen tundra, where the once home of the Crystal Empire once stood. A fair skinned woman with long flowing hair and eight large white feathery wings emerged from a blue rift in the sky. Her slender body was covered in a skin tight silk cloth that formed to her body. The top half of her face covered by a bronze colored metal helmet with a pair of small wings protruding from the sides. Her generous breasts cupped in metal plates in the shape of two wings. Leather belts wrapped around her stomach and right leg as a long pink scarf floated behind her, coiling around her arms unaffected by gravity.

Floating down from the rift, the angelic woman gazed out at her surroundings of snow and ice. Her hair flowing in an unseen breeze. Hovering just above the snowy ground a gust of wind picked up around her as three ethereal equines formed around her and began to circle. The chilling wind picked up into a strong blizzard as they surrounded her.

Extending her left arm, she made an ‘L’ shape with her hand and pointed it as if aiming with a bow. Golden energy started to flow out of left hand’s winged white glove as she reached for her wrist with her other hand and pulled back a sting made of light. Taking careful aim, the angelic woman held the string back for a moment before releasing the string. “Celestial Arrow!” The woman called out, firing a bolt of glowing light into the side of one of the ethereal equines. Its astral body tore to nothing as the arrow of light made contact.

Rotating her body by 60 degrees, she pulled back again and fired again striking the second creature in the head. Seeing its allies destroyed by the unknown figure, the remaining specter turned to flee before erupting in a ball of light by the third and final arrow.

With the three creatures destroyed, the silk-clothed woman pulled in the remaining magic of the fallen foes, absorbing their energy into her body.


To the south of Apple Loosa, just east of the Macintosh Mountains in the center of the badlands within the Changing Hive, a dark rift formed with the center of the underground cavern. Watching from the surrounding tunnels, black armored humanoid bugs with pony muzzles and sharp fangs watched as a giant red armor beetle with with four long arms and two giant pincers landed in the center of the hive with a crash, it’s hug maw drooling with saliva as it release an ear piercing screech.

Looking upon the intruder, the bug ponies known as Changelings began to open fire up the 40ft red giant as the beetle digimon swung its long arms into the cavern walls. Debris flew through the air as the small black Changelings were thrown to the side. The Changeling army shook in fear as the might of the red giant screeched again as it pounced forward, biting into the swarm of attacking Changelings with a chomp of its teeth. Green blood oozed from its jaws and it tilted its head back and swallowed.

Looking on in anger, a large mare with black slick armored skin, teak silk hair, large dragonfly wings and a long jagged horn stepped forward from one of the larger tunnels, her green slitted eyes burning in rage as her horn glowed in an emerald flame. “HOW DARE YOU ENTER THE HIVE OF THE CHANGELING QUEEN!!!” She screamed, firing a large burst of green flames from her claw-like hands scorching the outer exoskeleton of the red beetle.

As the Changeling Queen fired upon the digimon, it continued forward, chomping at the swarm of changeling soldiers unharmed by the queen’s attack. Seeing that her magical flames were all but ignored, Queen Chrysalis reached out in her magic, grasping a large group of stalactites and pulled them from the cavern ceiling. Pulling the stalactites free she sent them flying into the giant bug’s back only for the group of rocks to crumble upon its back as it slowly turned towards the queen in black.

Chrysalis gulped as she started to back away from the agitated digimon as it slowly started to stalk towards her. Pulling one of its long arms back, it relied back and swung its massive claw at the scared queen only to be pushed back as a dark green blur knocked its arm back as it flew past the queen. A smaller dark rift closed behind the changeling queen as an humanoid bug as tall as Chrysalis herself flew into the giant behemoth of a digimon, its body mostly covered in a dark green exoskeleton with segments of black armor that covered the forearms, thighs, feet and shoulders. His large dragonfly wings buzzed as it extended two long metal stingers from its arms.

“SPIKING FINISH!!!” It shouted as it ripped through the red giant with little ease.

The red giant screeched in pain as the dark green bug repeated to slash and stab at its bigger foe. The red beast swung wildly in hopes of striking the speeding green blur before finally stopping as the green bug tore straight through the giant’s chest and out its back. The large creature collapsed for a brief moment before turning into ash that was absorbed by the dark green bug.

Turning to the changeling queen, the green humanoid bug landed before the queen, its red eyes glowing like orbs as it walked over to the mare. Stopping just before Chrysalis, it knelt before her in a bow and offered her a dark green and black device.

“What is your name bug?” The Queen asked as she took the strange device from the insect’s hand.

“I am Stingmon… my master.” The green bug said, its eyes giving a faint gleam as the changeling queen grew a sinister grin.


On the outskirts of the Griffonstone, a tannish brown griffon with white feathers should tall on her back legs, her lioness tail swinging in the wing as she stood upon the red metal shoulder of the large red knight, Its large frame looking out in the distance as its long red cape flowed in the wind.

“Another has appeared.” The Large red knight said as it clenched its long white and red lance in its hand.

“It doesn’t matter.” The griffon said, her voice in disinterest as she clenched a gold and red device in her eagle like talon. “When we find them, they’ll wish they never came to this world.”
“Then where to first? Mistress Gilda.” The armored knight asked as it snapped the neck of a blue and yellow sea serpent in its left hand, his large circular shield hanging on his back as the body of the sea dragon broke away into ash.

“Why don’t we start with Clouds Dale, after all I have an old score to settle with some old flight students there.” Gilda said with a smirk as the metal knight and her took to the sky.

Ep: 5- Outlaw Star- pt. 3

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 5- Outlaw Star- Part 3

Bell Star was having the time of her life. After her recent trip to Ponyville where she had hospitalized two of the six elements of harmony. The blonde-haired digimon had made her way back to the local train station and had departed on her motorized bike. To the relief of the Ponyville civilians, the damage to their town had mostly been dealt to their daily profits and not the town itself.

While driving down the ever stretching path of the equestrian train tracks had proven to be a boring one. Belle Star felt great comfort in knowing that any pursuers of the royal variety would be indubitably slowed of they tried to follow via the railway system. This of course only being due to the multiple splits in the railway's path south of Ponyville Station.

There were some hiccups of course on her trip to the desert town of Appleloosa, no long distance was without them. Most were minor annoyances, like fixing a flat in one of her tires or having to replace the gem stones that fueled her engine new ones. Yet the most frustrating was when she had been thrown off of her ride in the middle of a freak sandstorm when she crashed into the side of a rather large buffalo.

Unlike the equines that had a habit of ticking her off from pure stupidity, Belle Star found it interesting that the buffaloes of this world had remained mostly the same as the world she had originated from, if not bigger.

Knowing that her crashing was not the fault of either group, the digimon had chosen to spare the herd of her wrath and instead had decided to spend a few weeks just chilling with the furry behemoths. At first there was of course some minor tension. She had hit their leader with her bike, she got it, but after offering them her barrel of stolen apples the tribe had decided to take her in.

They had reminded her of a simpler time in her life, one before her transformation and teleportation. When she would spend the summers with her grandparents and spend the evenings sitting with her grandfather watching old westerns on their television screen. Some were about bounty hunters tracking down outlaws, others about the daily struggles of being pioneers. Yet her favorites were those of cowboys and Indians. It was truly a different time, a different place.

Inside she had thanked the Buffaloes for reminding her of those old memories. Memories that she knew deep down still lived on somewhere in the depths of her being. They were peaceful and they were happy.

However happiness and peace could not last forever and no sooner would that be proven than when they found a mighty bull in the desert.

While approaching the outskirts of Appleloosa in the setting of the solar sky, the young daughter of Chief Thunderhooves, Little Strongheart had recounted tales of her friend in metal. One who had been named by the buffalo tribe as Iron Goldhorn for his unique appearance. Although more described as a bull coated in armor, the creature itself had in countless situations helped the buffalo tribe when dealing with the settler ponies of Appleloosa. With his actions being that of a peacekeeper and guardian to Little Strongheart herself. However on one night before the tribe's meeting with Belle, the mighty bull had gone missing after a ruff dealing with the intrusive locals and many of the group had wondered where their protective friend had gone.

This mystery was solved though when they found the metal bull laying in the sand beaten and broken. If not for her knowledge of the many digimon from the show, Bellestarmon would have questioned the thought of a creature of his size running around such a hot environment whilst in armor. However it was the armor itself that gave the digimon pause. The blue and gold armor of the bull digimon was no easy thing to scratch or dent, for the armor itself was too a part of its body. Yet when she took a closer look, many cracks had been made to its metal shell.

"What happened to you?" Bellestarmon asked as she knelt down beside the bull. Her claw-like hand brushing gently over the deep cracks of its side.

"Bullmon!" Little Strongheart shouted as she approached her friend with her father. "Is he okay?"

Chief Thunderhooves held his daughter back as his eyes fell upon his honorary brother.

"No… he is not." The chief said as he lowered his head.

"Not many things can damage a digimon's armor, much less his. Whatever did this was strong." Belle Star stated, placing her ear to the bull's rib section. With her ear pressed she listened for signs of breathing a look of concern on her face.

"Is he still living?" The chief asked with a look that matched her face.

"Barely, it's faint, but it's there." Belle Star replied as she rubbed the bull's side.

"Can you heal him?" Little Strongheart asked with tearful eyes as she looked between the two adults.

"Sadly, that is not where my abilities lie." She answered, placing her arms under the giant bull as she lifted him off the ground and onto her shoulder. "But that doesn't mean I won't try."

Holding the giant like a fallen comrade, Bellestarmon carried the digimon back to their camp. The digimon's metal armor creaked as she walked. The three of them had only been a little ways from the tribe's encampment when they spotted him. It wasn't too long before they would rejoin the group.

Upon their arrival, many eyes were locked onto the blonde digimon as she entered the cave they had chosen to sleep in. A mix of concern and amazement spread on their faces as they watched the alicorn sized woman carrying the buffalo sized bull.

Sad eyes encircled the two digimon as the woman placed the male softly onto the ground, the quiet breathing of the bull barely audible under the crackling sound of the nearby fire.

Taking in a deep breath, Bellestarmon placed her right claw onto the bull's chest. Her heart sank as she looked over the cracks.

"Little Strongheart, if you would aid me with this please…" Belle Star ordered, waving over the young buffalo.

Walking over on shaking hooves the little buffalo got her first real look at the damage done to her friend.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked, her eyes watering as she looked up to the one who called her.

"This isn't something I can share without reason. For us digimon it can be our greatest benefit or our greatest curse." The woman said, holding her claw out to the girl. "When we digimon form a strong enough bond with another not of our kind… a link can be made. One that can grant us strength, one that can give power and one that can even heal us."

Bellestarmon took a long look at the girl as she placed her hoof into her claw.

"This link however ties us to the soul of the one we make it with and although that person may live upon our demise it is no two way street. If you make this link with Bullmon, he will protect you with his life, however when your time comes… so does his."

Little Strongheart stared into the female digimon's eyes as she listened to her words.

"Do you understand what I'm saying? I need you to think very hard before we proceed."

The little girl merely nodded her head as Bellestarmon guided her hoof to the larger bull. "Then tell him what he means to you. Nott in words, but in heart."

With her hoof resting on the bull like digimon's head, the young buffalo pressed her forehead to his. The memories of the times spent with one another flowing through her mind as her closed eyes could no longer hold back the flood of tears.

Standing up from the two, Belle Star took a few steps back as Bullmon's body started to grow through the cracks of its armor. The bright light grew larger and larger until the two were unable to be visible before fading out revealing a smaller brown furred blue skinned baby mammoth with a metal faceplate and gold bracelet, its back two legs being made of a cloud-like substance. As the small creature, no bigger than Little Strongheart herself, opened its eyes, two beautiful blue irises met the brown eyes of the female buffalo.

The two stared at one another for a long moment. Their eyes not breaking away as a small blue and brown device sat between them.

"What happened, where's Bullmon?" Chief Thunderhooves asked, scratching his head.

"He's right there, just different. Same soul, same mind, just a different shell. One that can become Bullmon with her help. She will give him power and in return he will protect her. Such is the nature of a digimon and its tamer." Bellestarmon said leaning on the fluffy chief.

"And what of you? Do you have one?" The chief asked, turning his head slightly.

"Maybe… somewhere… I just haven't met them yet." Belle stated as the two of them watched the digimon and buffalo embrace one another in a hug.


In the cave holding the tree of harmony, a Blue alicorn princess by the name of Luna stood looking out at the cave's entrance. A small black and silver device within her hand. As she looked out into the bright world, an annoyed look held tight across her face.

"Are you sure you are ready, princess?" A male voice called from behind her at the trunk of the tree.

"That digimon has been running amuck, tarnishing our good name for long enough. We refuse to simply sit idling any longer. Equestria needs their princess and thy monster needs a good beating." Luna said not turning from where she stood.

"If you insist princess, but remember. She is linked to you." The male said, turning a small fish over a small fire. "After all, the bond was formed when she took Nightmare Moon out of you."

"That, dear friend Wizardmon, we are quite aware." Luna replied looking back at the digimon dressed in a blue hat and cloak. His large hands covered in a pair of brown leathery gloves. "Are tho sure you do not wish to join us?"

"As much as I wish I could, I'm afraid that I cannot. Just as your partner waits for you out there, I must wait for mine here." The wizard said, shaking his head.

"Shame, we did enjoy tho's company. " Luna said, turning back to the entrance. "Then until we meet again my brave Wizard."

"Until we meet again." And with that Luna had left the cave to the outside world, leaving behind the ever waiting digimon to himself. Looking down at his fish a small twinkle came from behind. "Yes yes, I will cook you one too." The digimon said glancing back to the crystallized body of the tree of harmony.

Ep: 6- Apple Pie [Clop Warning]

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 6- Apple Pie

It had been a few days since your heart to heart with the young digimon tamer of the buffalo tribe. From your latest talk with the small mammoth digimon Bakumon, you had finally found out what had transpired between the digimon and the town. From what you had learned, when Bullmon was making his rounds through the area. He had been spotted by the pony locals who had at one point or another contacted the crown back in Canterlot for military aid. So when the six foot tall armored bull had gotten too close to the town the equestrian military was quick to confront him. This however had not gone over too well for the gold armored mares and stallions though. When it had been made clear that their swords and spears weren't strong enough to pierce the digimon's thick armor, they ended up resorting to different tactics to try and subdue the bull.

First they tried using magic to blast at the guardian of the tribe, only for Bullmon to charge straight through the attacks and injure a good section of the soldiers stationed near that end of town. When magic didn't work they tried to tie the bull down and contain him within a metal cage. This resulted in a few ponies being flung through the air when Bullmon attempted to break free from their binds.

In a desperate attempt to get rid of the digimon they had ordered for the use of the recently arrived train. By some sheer amount of dumb luck on the soldiers end, they had managed to pull the defending digimon onto the tracks long enough to hit him at full speed with the iron and steel locomotive. The combined speed and weight of the train had been apparently strong enough to not only crack several spots of the digimon's armor, it had also sent him flying back into the desert and knocked out. If not for the pony soldiers believing that they had slayed the bull, the digimon could have well been killed by a repeated attack.

Unluckily for the equestrian soldiers stationed at Appleloosa, they had not only injured a friend. They had also neglected to finish the job. So when it came time for the female digimon and the buffalo tribe to go their different ways. Bellestarmon had decided she would indeed visit the small southern town before she completely left.


"Are you sure you have to go, Kind Belle Star?" The buffalo chief asked as he watched the female digimon pack up her saddle bag on her bike.

Glancing back at the two children of the fluffy tribe, Belle Star smiled as she finished strapping the bag down. "As much as I want to, I can't risk being with you and your tribe for too long."

"I see…" The chief said, looking at the ground. "That is a shame, yet I understand. It's too dangerous to be near creatures like us."

Belle Star let out a sigh and she walked up to the giant softy from her bike. "You got it wrong, blood brother. It is I who brings danger, not you." Placing her forehead to his, she placed her claw on the side of his cheek. "Creatures get hurt when I stay in one place for too long. A fault that is both theirs and mine. You have a tribe, a daughter and now a son. Don't let them get hurt by the things I bring, okay."

"They will miss you, I will miss you." Chief Thunderhooves said as the two pulled away with a somber smile.

"Then all the better for when I return." The digimon said as she removed her claw from the big guy's cheek. "I'll keep an eye out for you all when I visit. Promise."

With a silent nod, the chief watched as the female digimon climbed upon her ride and started the engine. With only one final look the two went their separate ways, promising to meet again in the future.


It wasn't long before the black leather wearing digimon had arrived in the town of Appleloosa. Honestly she had been expecting a bit more resistance upon making her way in. Although the guards were wary of her, they had done nothing to stop her from making her way to the center of town. Only greeting her with a sight nod as they marched passed on their patrol. The citizens were even less cautious as many of them had gone out on their own to greet her.

Some had questions, others only gave a sincere hello. However none of them had shown the same reaction that the ones of Ponyville had given upon her two arrivals. Even the local farmer Braeburn had offered some of his orchard's apples to the woman when they had crossed paths near one of the local saloon.

"I have to admit Mr Braeburn, from what I had heard from some friends of mine, this little town of yours is alot more welcoming than I had originally imagined it to be." Bellestarmon said as the two of them sat next to each other at the bar of the saloon. A wooden jukebox playing some country music in the back.

"I'ah know we might not have the best reputation among the local tribes in the area, but we're a welcoming bunch." Braeburn said, ordering them a couple glasses of the local cider.

"If that's the case, then why the militia walking through town?" Belle Star asked, taking a sip of her cider. "Doesn't seem too welcoming, especially after their recent attack on one of my own."

"That giant bull was one of yours?" The cowboy asked with a raised brow.

"Although we might not look the same or come from the same mother, we both share the same origin. My kind comes in many forms. Some look like me, others like bull's. Yet we all share the same core." The digimon explained Placing her glass down on the counter. "I might have not sent him, but I won't deny him. He simply wants to protect those whom he calls friends."

"I guess I can see where that makes sense. The big guy never really went out of his way to bother us any, just tried to keep the peace. I can respect that." The stallion added as he poured the two of them another drink. "As for the soldiers, you can thank the mayor for that. When they saw the big guy hanging around the buffaloes, he saw him as a much bigger threat. Sent a letter up to the princess. A few weeks later, and here we are."

"I see, I might have to have a word with him later about that. On another note, what kind of fun can a girl get around here outside of the local brew?" She asked, eyeing the cowboy up and down.

"Umm, well…" Braeburn's cheeks reddened slightly as he noticed the keen look in her eye. "As flattered as I am, Ms Star. I'm not really looking to settle down." The cowboy apologized as he found interest in the ceiling.

This however got a chuckle out of the woman as she shook her head.

"You're cute." The digimon said as she turned his face to her's. "But I wasn't asking for a ring. I'm just in town for the night, figured while I was here I might as well try my luck for a 'warm' bed. If you catch my meaning."

Braeburn's yellow cheeks were now as crimson as his cousin's. A small gulp went down his throat as he ordered another, yet stronger, drink.

"I think… that can be arranged. That is… if it's only for the night." The stallion said one shooting the glass of apple flavored vodka.

"Then why don't we go somewhere a little less populated, perhaps my room at the inn." Bellestarmon suggested with her very obvious bedroom eyes.


[Warning: Clop]

Braeburn sat on the edge of the bed in the local inn. His muzzle deep in maroon as he watched the woman in leather lock the door leading to the hallway.

"I'll warn you now in case it makes you want to back out." Belle Star said as she walked over to one of the chairs while she slipped off her long leather coat. "My body doesn't hide scars as well as you ponies. They're not pretty, so if that's a deal breaker for you…"

"Oh… no, no deal breaker for me. Work on a farm as long as me, you see a few things. Ain't no deterrent, trust me." The stallion said with a smile.

"Just what I like to hear." She said reaching for her collar and unzipping her top.

Pulling her leather vest off, she tossed the garment off to the side as she undid the clip to her holsters and let it slide from her grip. Walking over to the yellow stallion, she knelt down as she placed her claws on the side of his blue jean pants.

"If you're wishing to keep that top cowboy, you best take it off before I'm done down here." Belle said as she eyed the now forming bulge sealed behind the stallion's pants.

Bellestarmon giggled to herself as she watched the now excited Braeburn quickly unbutton his shirt as she unbundled his pants. A thick salty aroma filled her nose as she undid the zipper and pulled down his pants.

With his shirt and vest gone, he watched as the blonde haired woman pulled his pants and underwear down at the same time. His almond brown member gently slapped her in the cheek as she took her smooth black claw and cupped his sack.

"A bit bigger than I was expecting for half mass, but I think I can work with that." She said, giving him a smirk as she opened her mouth to let her tongue hang out and gave the shaft a long lick. The taste of the stallion's natural salt hit her taste buds as she licked from the base of his balls all the way to his tip. A soft moan escaped the yellow stallion's lips as his thick member tricked at the warm wet touch of the digimon's slightly long tongue.

As she ran her tongue up and down the top of the shaft, she gently kneaded the set of brown balls cupped in her palm as she waited for the male to reach its full length. As he did, the woman adjusted her position for better access as she placed her two large breasts around the bottom portion of Braeburn's horse-like cock. Her two orbs swallowed the base of his dick as she opened her mouth wide and slowly lowered her mouth over the flat tip. With her wet lips acting like a natural lubricant, she allowed the salty treat to enter her mouth and run down her throat as her large breasts held the rest of his shaft in place.

With the male's stallionhood in place, she cupped her breasts in her claws as she raised her ties and her mouth up the stallion's cock. When she felt his tip at the edge of her tongue she lowered herself back down until his ring met her lips. The yellow stallion let out another moan as she proceeded to repeat this action again and again. Each time a little faster as she watched the stallion's face with her third eye. His face contorted in pleasure as she slid his cock back and forth inside her throat. A sweet apple-ly nectar running along her tongue as she tasted his precum start to flow from the tip of his shaft. A precursor to her tasty treat as she worked the rest of his shaft with her breasts.

After a few more pumps along his cock, she knew that her partner was ready to pop as she felt his hand firmly hold the back of her head. As he pulled her head down as far as she would allow, she felt his shaft pulse and shake in her throat as his warm thick seed squirted down her throat. When she felt his hands release her head and his back hit the bed, she pulled his cock out of her mouth with a sloppy 'pop'.

"Sweet like a red delicious." Bellestarmon joked as she licked the remainder of his seed off her lips and swallowed.

A slight groan coming from her bedroom partner as he looked up at the bedroom ceiling, his hat still somehow gripping onto his head. "Please don't make that kind of joke, all my cousins are named after apples."

"Does that mean when I let you cum inside, I shouldn't call it an apple pie?" Belle retorted with a chuckle as she stood up from his cock.

Leaning up from the bed, Braeburn gave the woman a smirk as he watched her slip out of her leggings, her long pale legs cover in small circular scars that ran down the outside of her thighs.

"No, that one's safe, however you probably wouldn't be the first mare to use it that way." He said kicking off his boots and slipping the rest of his way out of his pants.

"Good, cause I was planning on screaming it the next time I felt you 'pop'". She said walking over to the end of the bed next to him. Her claws pressed against the mattress as she bent over and pointed her ass up in the air. "Now why don't you come over here and show me how a real farmer plows."

[Clop Intermission]


In the royal throne room, Princess Celestia sat on her throne as she reread the latest letter from her personal student back in Ponyville. A few weeks prior, her student had written to inform her that two members of the elements of harmony had been hospitalized at Ponyville General after a strange mare had come through scarring the local populace. While Pinkie Pie was the first to be attacked by the unknown mare, she only suffered from some memory loss and some minor back pain. While the other Applejack and Rainbow Dash had been left in a temporary coma with a few broken bones. Although the doctors had managed to mend and heal the broken limbs of the two mares, they were unable to wake the two from their unconsciousness.

That was however until just a few moments ago, when the two girls were finally able to regain consciousness and gave Twilight a detailed report of what had happened that day.

Celestia was relieved to hear that the two were awake and back to perfect health, however the culprit whom they had named saddened the princess as she reached the end of the rather long letter.

Placing the letter down, she summoned a new scroll, ink and quill to form her reply as one of her guards rushed into the throne room.

"Your highness, we've received a report from Appleloosa." The guard said as he approached the solar princess with the parchment.

"Just a moment, captain." Celestia said as she thought of how to respond to her student's letter.

"Princess Celestia, I don't think you would want this to wait." The guard said as he made his way up the stairs of her.

Raising her eyebrow, Celestia took the parchment from her guard and read it over. "How recent is this, Caption Armor?" She asked, her eyes not breaking from the scroll in question.

"Less than an hour your highness. Our soldiers sent it the moment she came to town." Shining Armor replied, awaiting his orders.

"Have the chariot ready for departure, and tell our guards there to remain on standby. I'll contact Twilight to meet us there with the elements. She will not slip away again." Celestia ordered as she quickly wrote a letter to her student and sent it off. "Captain Armor, you're with me."


[Clop Intermission Over]

Bellestarmon was at the height of ecstasy as her claws dug into the wooden frame of the wood post bed. Her teeth clenched in tight around the fabric of one of the white pillows as her body rocked back and forth from the gyrating hips of the cowboy stallion. Her pleasure screams only muffled by the feathered filled pillow in her mouth as her nails clawed into the wood.

'Dear God, he's hitting all the spots!' She thought, her vaginal walls massaged his long girthy cock. She wasn't sure if the stallion would be able to fit completely when she had gone and bent over the edge of the bed in the beginning. However once he was inside of her, her body had adapted to allow the stallion to reach completely.

With each thrust of his hips, she could feel her body quiver and shake, her once moist walls now gushing as he brought her closer and closer to her peak.

Like animals in their primal peak, the two lost themselves in last and pleasure as they rode their sex filled high. A high, much needed by the stressed filled digimon as she found something in the moment that she hadn't had in a long time. A good hard fuck.

As the two increased in intensity, she could feel her partner's balls start to contract as his dick began to throb within her walls. As she met the top of her high, she released the pillow from her teeth, pushed back against the frame of the bed and knocked the stallion onto his back as he released his full load of apple flavored batter into her womb. Arching her back, she flopped onto the stallion as she raised her fists into the air with a squeal.

"WOOT! WOOT! APPLE PIE!!!" She yelled as she fell back onto the tired Braeburn.

[End of Clop]

Ep: 7- The Morning After

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-
Ep: 7- The Morning After

The morning following her night with the yellow farm pony stallion had gone as one would have expected. The two woke up covered in the dry remnants of each other's biological fluids, took a long shower with each other with another round of 'baking' and checked out of the inn after the stallion helped to chip in for the broken bed frame. Overall it was a pretty good morning for the female digimon.

Belle Star had offered to treat the young stallion to breakfast, but Braeburn had declined her offer. Something about being late for his morning chores or whatever. This left the blonde haired woman returning to the local Saloon, where she had spent the rest of her morning playing cards and having a laugh with some of the older locals of the town.

This however didn't last for long though. Whilst in the middle of taking a break from her game to use the establishment's facilities to do her personal business, the leather bound digimon had caught the sounds of whispering and the faint clips of hooves leaving the building. Not trying to think much of it, Bellestarmon made her way to the sink to wash her hands when a wave of nausea briefly came over her as she spat up her morning meal.

"Ugh… that guy was really working for that piece wasn't he." The digimon said as she ran some water and splashed some water onto her face. "It's a good thing digimon don't actually procreate otherwise I would swear I was pregnant."

Placing her mask back on, Bellestarmon glanced up at the mirror as two mares in golden armor with their arms crossed leaned on the wall behind her. Raising a brow, Belle grabbed one of the towels hanging from the wall and proceeded to dry her claws.

"You know, it didn't work out too well for the last two mares that tried to jump me. So why don't we skip the part when I leave you two lying on the ground with some broken bones and just go about our day shall we?" The digimon warned as she folded the towel and placed it back to dry.

The two mares looked at each other with a cocktail smile, returning their attention back to the woman in question the one on the right spoke up.

"Oh please, we've heard better than that from Dimon Dogs." The mare to the right said smugly.

"Besides, it's not everyday that us guards get tasked with bringing in a member of the nobility, let alone a 'princess'." The said guardsmare said with a wide smile.

Turning her head slowly towards the two, Belle Star gave the mare's a glare before a toothy grin grew across her lips. "Oh, but that's the thing my dear golden knights. I am no princess."


Twilight Sparkle and her friends stepped off onto the platform of Appleloosa Station after a long ride via train. As the six mares plus Spike made their way down the wooden steps of the wooden platform they spotted the solar princess and a large number of her guards waiting outside of the town's local saloon.

Approaching her mentor, the lavender unicorn mare could make out the sounds of shattering glass and clanking metal several feet away from the saloon's entrance while the voice of an older stallion singing about how he 'wasn't as good as he once was' blared along side the carnage happening with.

"Princess Celestia, we got here as quickly as we could." The purple mare said as the group watched another five guards rush inside only to be thrown out of a nearby window.

"Wow… she's really tearing'em up in there huh." The orange coated cowgirl said as they watched one of the guards fly through a newly formed hole in the roof of the saloon.

"Oh… I hope the guards are okay." The pink and yellow pegasus said as she covered her muzzle.

"I'm not so sure any of them are gonna be patrolling anytime soon, Shy." Rainbow Dash said as she winced when the flying guard landed on the roof with a thud.

"So, if you don't mind me ask'en princess, why did you call us here for anyways? Last time me and Dash ran into her we were out for a few weeks." Applejack asked, finally getting the attention of the solar princess.

"That I am afraid is because of my own failings. " The princess admitted with a sigh. "If I am unable to reason with my sister, than I am afraid that we might have to resort to using the elements against her once again."

"Oh I'm sure she can't be that hard to reason with, can she?" Rarity asked, as she looked over to the guards being pulled from the window.

"We've already sent thirty highly trained guards in there." Shining Armor stated not taking his eyes off the entrance of the saloon.

"Well then, nevermind." Rarity said, looking back to the princess.

"I want you six to stay here and be ready to use the elements if it comes to it." Celestia said as she turned to the saloon. "I'll go in and see if I can try to reason with her."

Twilight and the other watched as Celestia took two steps through the door before one of her guards came crashing into her, knocking her back a few feet from the impact.

As Celestia held the guard in her arms, all eyes locked into place as a tall woman in black leather, wearing a blue metal mask with long blonde hair exited the saloon with a large bottle of liquor in her claw.

Without warning, one of the guards fired a single arrow through the bottle in the digimon's claw as she blocked the sun from her eyes with the other.

"That was a warning shot, drop the bottle and put your hands behind your head." One of the female guards ordered as her soldiers pulled back the strings to their bows.

The six girls, plus Spike, watched as the female digimon dropped the remains of her bottle and looked down at the princess.

"Why Celestia, why didn't you tell me you were bringing guests?" Bellestarmon asked as she slowly strutted towards the guards.

"Don't move, under the orders of her highness Princess Celestia, you are under arrest for your crimes-" The female guard had attempted to order before the much taller woman vanished from their sights.

"Umm… guys?" Spike called to the group, as they spotted him in the lap of the woman several feet behind them. "A little help?"

Twilight felt a spike of panic fill her as the digimon turned the little drake's head back to her.

"No pony move,we don't want to set her off." Celestia ordered as she pushed her way through the guards.

A drop of sweat ran down the lavender mare's face as she tried to make out what the two were saying before the blonde woman suddenly yelled at the solar princess. "Bringing a small child here, are you insane!"

Celestia's ears pinned back at the sudden shout of the woman as she saw the daggers the woman was giving.

"Luna, it isn't like that, we only wish to help you." Celestia said, taking a slow step forward.

The digimon gently placed the small purple drake down as she rose from her seat as she eyed the slightly taller Celestia. Her full height only an inch or so shorter than the white mare.

"For the last time Celestia, I am not Luna. I have never been Luna and will never be Luna." Belle Star yelled as Spike ran back over to the group and hid behind Twilight. "I may be your sister on paper, but if you had ever listened to a word I've been saying then you would have realized that your sister is probably still out there somewhere!"

Belle Star took a long deep breath as she pressed her claws against her temples. "I'm not her, I'm not a pony…. I'm just some digimon that happened to appear on the same day that your sister should have." Bellestarmon lowered her claws as she looked at the white alicorn with a look of defeat in her eyes. "I'm not even the only one."

The town went quiet as a long silence filled the air. Neither mare so much as making a sound as they looked at each other.

"What do you mean you're not the only one?" Spike spoke up from behind Twilight as he broke the silence.

"A few weeks back or so another of my kind by the name of Bullmon appeared in your world much like me. He was found by the local Buffalo tribe and was taken in as their own." Bellestarmon said as she looked out towards the distance. "If it wasn't for them, the royal guards sent here would have succeeded in killing the child."

Celestia looked at her guards as she noticed the guilty expressions on their faces. That was when a yellow stallion dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a leather vest walked out from behind one of the nearby shops.

"What Belle here is saying is true, your highness." The yellow cowboy said as he removed his hat. "A few days ago, the one called Bullmon had wondered to close to town. When your soldiers spotted him. They attacked without warning, they even hit him with a train and left him for dead."

Celestia was at a loss for words as she listened to the cowboy's words.

"You hit him with a train…" Shining Armor said as he glared at his fellow guards as they simply gulped.

"So what, you just decided to come here and attack the town in some form of retaliation, than?" Applejack accused as she eyed the woman.

"No, I came here to restock my supplies and find a decent stallion to sleep with for the night." Bellestarmon said hiking her thumb at Braeburn as his muzzle quickly reddened. "The only reason I smacked the shit out of those guards was because they tried to jump me in the bathroom. I even went out of my way to warn them to back off, but they seemed eagered to jump at the chance to beat up someone of nobility."

Twilight and her friends were slack jawed as they listened to the digimon's words, all except Applejack who had frozen up at the mention of the apple thief having banged her cousin.

"So this is just some sort of misunderstanding?" Rarity asked as she looked between Princess Celestia and Belle Star. The two looking a lot less hostile than upon their arrival.

Bellestarmon shrugged as she placed her thumbs into the belt of her holsters. "Eh… pretty much. I just wanted to get away from those stuck up nobles for a bit while I went to see what this world had to offer. I might not have all my memories with me, but even I know that this isn't the place I came from."

"So… what now princess?" Twilight asked, looking up at her mentor who wore a disappointed frown.

"Well, I don't know about you lot, but I'm heading back to the castle." Bellestarmon said, causing the princess to look up at her. "From what I've seen your guards could use some work and I am up for a decent meal, even if it's mostly plant based."

Celestia watched as the female digimon walked over and pulled a large tarp off of her bike. "That's assuming your still wanting to keep me around as a sister, even if I'm just adopted into the family." The digimon added with a smile as she swung her leg over the bike and started it up.

Celestia felt a smile cross her face a she watched the blonde hair woman press the gas to her bike and drive off into the distance. "I'll see you there." She said as she turned back to her soldiers. "Alright everypony, pack it up. Private Sand get these men some medical aid and on the first train to Canterlot."

The guards started moving as Celestia and Shining Armor gave out orders to return home. Applejack stared off into the distance as all the other ponies departed from the area. Her eyes still locked on to where Belle Star had been standing.

"DID SHE JUST SAY SHE FUCKED MY COUSIN?!" Applejack screamed into the air.

Ep: 8- The long ride home

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 8- The long ride home

The trip back to Canterlot Castle had taken a lot less time for the digimon on her way back. With a lot of the previous issues from her adventure down south being taken care of in advance, Bellestarmon was able to relax a bit more as she traveled along the tracks towards Ponyville. With the only need for stopping being the repeated appearing nausea that kept creeping up on her every few hours or so.

During one of her many stops to empty out a small portion of her stomach, the blonde haired digimon had spotted the silhouette of a white knight with a red cape fly passed from the east. A smaller figure of a cat mixed with a bird riding on its shoulder. Taking a guess that it was another digimon and their tamer, Bellestarmon did her best not to gain the pair's attention as they passed by overhead.

Another one of her stops was met with her hunched over her bike dry heaving as the train from Appleloosa passed with the colorful six mares from before staring at her as they went on by.

Her third unexpected stop was caused when the young digimon had to pull over due to her forehead burning while her vision began to spin. Luckily she knew that she wasn't far off from the town of Ponyville thanks to specific landmarks she had made note of during her travels.

Taking a swig of her water, Belle Star had to fight back the urge to urch it back up. Sitting down against one of the nearby trees. Belle Star removed the metal mask from her face and placed it on the ground beside her. Her forehead covered in sweat as she took her water pouch and poured some of its contents over her head. Focusing on the cool feeling of the water running down her head, she was unaware of the mysterious figure that was approaching her from behind the treeline.

"Not to bother tho, but perchance would thé be willing to offer us some of your water." The oddly familiar voice of a mare asked as the sound of her hooves ruffled through some of the forest foliage.

"Yeah sure, knock yourself out." Belle Star replied as she extended the water pouch in the direction of the female voice. Her eyes closed as she tried to ignore the pain.

"We most certainly will not, however we do thank thé for thy water." The mare said in a rather old English dialect as she took the pouch from the digimon. The Old English caused the woman to crack an eye at the mare.

Standing off to her side, while taking a long drink of her water stood a decently tall blue alicorn with a starry mane and tail, her body covered in a set of black leather armor with pieces of dark blue metal plates that cover vital parts of her body. She was taller than the average pony by a large margin, yet shorter than the solar princess. Her body looked slightly malnourished like she had been without food for a long time and had just recently been able to put back on the weight. The detail of her weight was hard to notice through her armor, but it was there.

"If you're hungry, there's some food in the side pouch of my bike there. Feel free to help yourself." The digimon told the alicorn as she pointed one of her claws at the bike.

"We are most thankful." The blue alicorn said as she reached into the bag and pulled out a container containing a still warm slice of apple pie. The sight of the dessert making the digimon chuckle to herself as she remembered what she had shouted during her climax the night before.

"What's so funny?" The mare asked as she opened the container while grabbing a fork from the bag.

"Oh, nothing… nothing. Just remembered something I had said to a stallion I slept with last night. Name's Belle Star by the way." The woman replied, introducing herself to the mare as the blue alicorn went to sit down next to her.

"We are Luna, raiser of the moon and bringer of the night. Pleasure to meet you Ms Star." Luna said as she sat down in her armor.

Bellestarmon let out another chuckle as she leaned her head back against the tree. "Fucking called it." She smiled as she glanced over at the princess of the night.

"Called what?"

"Your sister has been mistaking me for you for the past month or so. Something about simular magic or some crap. Went as far as to write up some papers adding me to the family tree as her sister." Bellestarmon said, shaking her head. "To be honest, I knew you had to be out here somewhere, just never figured it would be so close to Ponyville."

"We see… well that is… disheartening to hear." Luna said with dejection in her voice.

"Eh, don't hold it against her princess, with the timing and the similar voices I think she just really wanted you to return." Belle said, placing her claw on the alicorn's shoulder. "If it's any consultation, she was willing to accept you regardless of the form you took. Take me for example, not exactly the pinnacle of equine beauty now am I?"

Luna pondered for a moment as she looked over the features of the female digimon. Her mouth stuffed with pie as she thought.

Swallowing her food, she placed the container to the side before replying. "We suppose tho has a point, however we wouldn't exactly call you ugly. Beautiful in your own right, just a different beauty than ours."

"I'll have to take your word on that, after all. I was able to snag a decent stallion for bed last night." Bellestarmon said, with a smile.

"As much as we would enjoy hearing the tales of wooing from a maiden such as yourself, we must ask if you are alright."

"Meh, just a little woozy. Think it was something I ate, maybe the alcohol. I'll be fine in a moment. So what about you, you feeling alright?" Belle asked averting the attention back on the mare.

"A little underweight, nothing a decent meal won't help." Luna replied as she placed her hand on the woman's uncovered forehead. "To be honest we are more concerned for you. Tho's head appears to be burning up."

Gently pulling the mare's hand away from her third eye, Bellestarmon grabbed onto the tree to stand back up. "Don't worry about it, I've had worse. Once I get to the city, I'm gonna take the train back to Canterlot." Belle said as she bent down to pick her mask up off the ground.

Luna watched the mask intently as Belle Star patted the dust off of her mask as she placed it back onto her face.

"Well I'll be, it is you." Luna said as she stood up to take a better look at the digimon.

Belle Star looked back at the mare as an armored fist came flying past her face by a mere inch.

"Wow, what's that about?" Bellestarmon asked as she turned in her heel and stepped back from the mare.

"You're the digimon that attacked us on the moon!" Shouted as she took another swing at the digimon, only to have her punch brushed away by the back of Belle's claw.

"Easy Now, I don't think either of us are in any condition to be fighting." Bellestarmon's words did not reach her though as Luna spun around and delivered a kick to the side of her head. "Will you stop that? I'm not in the mood for fighting."

"We will stop when you are dead, thief!" Luna yelled as she delivered another kick to the woman's stomach, however this time Bellestarmon held her foot in place with her claw.

"And what pray tell did I take from you?" Belle Star was starting to get pissed as the alicorn pushed her free foot off the ground and hooked it behind the digimon's head as she leaned back and grabbed the ground, throwing the digimon over her and into a tree.

'So that's what it's like to be on the receiving end of this.' Belle thought as she climbed back to her feet.

"You took Nightmare Moon from us!" The blue alicorn said as she sucked in air. Her body already worn out from the overuse. "She was my curse, my problem to solve! When you arrived on the moon, you ripped her out of me…"

Bellestarmon watched as the blue alicorn fell to her knees, her eyes looking down as tears flowed down her cheeks. "She was our problem to fix…"

Belle walked over to the crying mare. Her eyes void of emotion as she reached down and grabbed the alicorn by the collar of her armor. With a hard pull, the digimon lifted the princess off the ground and carried her over to her bike. The confusion on her face as Belle sat the girl on the back of the seat.

"What are you…" Luna was cut off as the digimon swung her leg over the seat of her bike and leaned back into the alicorn.

"I'll let it slide until you're back in peck condition, you've got some emotional baggage. That's fine, but save it for when you can put up a real fight. In the meantime, grab on tight, shut up and listen to what I've got to say cause I won't be telling you twice." Belle Star said as she started up the engine. "I didn't chose to be here, God knows it hasn't been easy. But if you're willing to listen I'll tell you about it along the way."

Luna only gave a silent nod as the two drove off towards Ponyville, the dark leather digimon telling her tale as the two made their way along the tracks.


The ponies of Canterlot watched in awe as two mares excited from one of the carts of the recently arrived train. Holding onto one another, a tall pale woman in all black with long blonde hair held onto an equally tall dark blue alicorn with black leather armor and blue metal plates. Her hair flowing in an unfelt breeze with the appearance of the night sky. The two looked exhausted and tired, yet smiles plastered their faces and the pale woman spoke to the blue one.

"And that's when I screamed Apple Pie, pretty sure the whole town heard me." The blonde woman said with a chuckle as the other tried hard not to laugh.

"That's nothing, in my youth one of my partners thought it would be fun to play in the royal kitchen. When he finally came, he sprayed it all over one of the pie tins. He was quite embarrassed when I asked him if he was going for a 'cream pie'. It was even better when we used it to make one for Tia for her late night snack." The lunar princess laughed as the two made their way up the road to the castle.

"You at least washed it first right?" Belle Star asked, looking at the guilty face of the younger alicorn. "You didn't? Ha, that's hallareis."

"It wasn't anything special, Tia and I were quite fond of playing pranks. Like one time, she had replaced all of the guards' spears with rubber chickens. None of them were willing to ask for them back when they noticed the pile sitting behind our thrones so they just carried on for the whole day with the toy by their side. Those were the days." Luna said with a somber smile.

"You know it's a bit of a walk from here to get to the castle, I could get us there quicker if I just carried you." The digimon offered as the princess looked up the hill towards the castle.

"While we would normally never impose, we do think tho might have a point."

"Alrighty." Bellestarmon said as she reached down and picked the night princess up in her arms. "Next stop, Canterlot Castle." Without another word of warning, the female digimon pushed her feet down into the brick street, their bodies taking off as the digimon went full speed up the long winding road.

~Ep: 8~

Walking up to the entrance of the castle, the guards stood shocked as they watched the digimon make her way to them, a blue alicorn dressed in old armor being held in her arms.

"Umm, Princess Star." One of the guards greeted as they met her at the door.

"It's just Belle guys, how many times do I need to tell you that?" Bellestarmon said as she noticed the look on the guards' faces.

"Umm… Lady Belle." The guard corrected as the digimon let out a sigh. "By chance, who is this mare… *gulp* that you appear to be carrying?"

"Awe, this is Celestia's biological sister." Bellestarmon said with a wide toothy smile as the guards dropped their jaws.

"Princess Luna, charmed." The princess of the night greeted as the two struggled to close their mouths.

~Ep: 8~

Two guards busted into the dinning hall while Celestia put her fork into the side of a rather generous sized chocolate cake.

"Your highness!" The two guards shouted as they ran up to the solar princess.

"Your sister Luna has just arrived." The male guard said as they stood before the princess.

"Well, that's good to hear, but I don't think it's something to be that excited about." Celestia said as she placed her dork back into her cake.

"Well, the thing is, so is Princess Star." The other guard added as she looked to her partner.

"I'm confused, could you possibly repeat that again for me." She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

The male guard cleared his throat as he relayed the news correctly. "You sister Princess Luna has arrived with Princess Star. Your highness."

The guards blinked as the alicorn princess blinked away in a ball of light, her fork hitting the ground as she teleported away.

Ep: 9- Where digi-eggs come from?

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 9- Where digi-eggs come from?

Princess Celestia stared in disbelief as she watched who she had believed to be the reincarnated version of her sister, walk down the halls of the castle with a blue alicorn held in her arms. Both looked exhausted, although in different ways. Whilst the blue alicorn, Luna, looked extremely underweight and tired. The digimon, Bellestarmon, looked as though she had just gotten done with one of the royal guards' field training exercises. The digimon's body was drenched in sweat and although her eyes were a natural ruby red, the whites of her eyes were completely bloodshot.

"Well if it isn't Sunbutt herself." Belle Star commented as lowered the princess of the night far enough to the marble floor for her to stand as she propped her up.

"It does seem that our sister's flank has grown in size over the last thousand moons, hasn't it." Luna added as she eyed the solar mare from top to bottom. "Tell us Belle, does our sister still sneak off to devour those cakes whilst she thinks no pony is looking?"

"What do you mean sneak? The chefs have like six on stand by at any given time." The digimon joked as the lunar sister tried to hold back a stifle.

Celestia's eyes watered as she watched the playful interaction of two nighttime named princesses went back and forth while using the same voice. The tearful expression caused the pair to stop as their smiling faces morphed to one of concern.

"Celestia…"/"Tia…" The two said in unison as they reached for her with their free hands.

Grasping the solar alicorn by the shoulders, the digimon and alicorn pulled the elder of the three into their arms as she buried her muzzle between their chests.

"Hey… it's okay, I told you she was out there and now she's back." Belle Star said as she felt her leather top get a little more damp.

"Sister, it's alright… We're returned." Luna rubbed her sister's back as she fought back against her own tears.

"It's not alright…" The muffled voice of Celestia choked out from beneath their bosoms. "I didn't listen to her… and because of that… you've been out there all along… I didn't even look…"

"It's okay Tia… You didn't know." Luna said as tears of her own started to roll down her cheeks.

Bellestarmon said nothing as allowed the three of them to slide gently to the ground. The additional weight of the second alicorn being too much to hold in her current condition. Her eyes grew heavy as she slowly started to drift off in the embrace of the two sobbing sisters.

The three held their position for the moment as nearby guards and staff watched from a respectful distance. The embrace only being disturbed when the stomach of the nighttime alicorn finally made itself known.

"You must be starving." Celestia said as she pulled her head out of the two's breasts. A sad and cheerful smile plastered on her face as her mascara stained her cheeks.

"Terribly, we're afraid." The night princess said in response as she looked into her sister's eyes. Only to turn her attention to the third party of their group when the digimon's head flopped into Celestia’s soft white neck. Her metal mask, warm to the touch, as the two royal sisters noticed her panting breath.

"Oh dear, it appears that it was finally too much." Luna stated as she released her elder sister to place her hand under the digimon's mask. Her fur coated hand burning from the touch. "She's really burning up."

"Get somepony from medical down here at once!" Celestia ordered to one of the nearby guards as she took the digimon's weight from her younger sister. "What happened to her?"

"We are unsure sister. When we met Ms Star in the woods she was already in a similar state, although less sever." Luna said, looking at the sweating Belle Star as she panted hard.

"Whatever the cause, I don't think she’s going to be too happy when she wakes up?" Celestia said as two medical officers came running down the hall with a stretcher.

"And pray tell, why would that be?" Luna asked with a confused brow as Celestia allowed the medics to put the digimon on their stretcher.

"Let's just say there was an incident." Celestia deflected with a grimes.

"Does it have to do with the doctor missing his balls?"


"I'm just saying, maybe we should go check on her." Rainbow Dash said, looking in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

"And I'm telling you that you can forget it." Applejack shot back with a hint of venom. "If that apple thieving, cousin bucken harlet ain't feeling well, than it ain't none of our business."

"Applejack, darling. I know that you're upset, but isn't that going a bit too far? After all, she might end up becoming apart of your family after all." Rarity scolded as the girl's made their way to the library.

"Apart of the family?! Over my dead body! She ain't good enough to be apart of the apple family!" Applejack yelled as she stomped a hoof into the ground.

"Now ladies, why don't we all calm down and-" Spike suggested a large green flame belch came from his gut. The magical flame formed into a tan scroll with Celestia's seal.

"A message from the princess? Already?" Twilight asked as she eyed the parchment.

"We just got here." Rainbow groaned as she flopped to the ground.

"Spike, what does it say?" Twilight asked, ignoring her over dramatic blue friend.

"UH erh hmm…" Spike cleared his throat as he unrolled the scroll.

'To my faithful student, I am pleased to report that after our departure in Appleloosa, your brother Shining Armor, alongside the member of the Apple family Braeburn, were able to settle an agreement between the settlement of Appleloosa and the local Buffalo tribe, led by Chief Thunderhooves. In addition to the treaty made during your trip back to Ponyville. Princess Belle Star was able to return safely to Canterlot alongside a special pony of whom I had been unaware of living within the Everfree Forest. Due to the return of this specific mare, you and your friends are invited to a royal banquet in two weeks time to welcome back to Equestria my long lost sister, Princess Luna.

Princess Celestia.'

"Huh. I guess she was right after all." Spike said, scratching the side of his head with one of his claws. "P.S. Tell the Apple Family congratulations."

"Congratulations for what?" Applejack asked hiking a brow.

"I don't know, it doesn't say." Spike said, flipping the letter over to check the back.

"Oohh! I'm so excited, I wonder what she's like, do you think she likes cake or pie, chocolate or vanilla. Vanilla cake pie!" Pinkie shouted as she bounced around the group before racing off into a random direction.

"Anddd… there she goes, you don't think this is a formal wear kind of banquet do you? Cause I still haven't finished the designs for the Grand Galloping Gala." Rarity asked, eyeing Twilight.

"I doubt it, the princess doesn't like to dress big unless it's the Gala. So business casual at best." Twilight answered as she looked over the scroll. "Still though, I am curious what she meant with that last bit."

"Morning sickness…" a quiet voice spoke from behind the group.

"Morning what now?" Applejack asked as she looked back towards Fluttershy.

"Morning sickness, it's what happens when a mare gets pregnant." Fluttershy said as she pointed to the letter. "Princess is congratulating your family because Belle Star might be pregnant with your cousin's foal."

Applejack went silent as her eyes shrunk to pinpricks.

"Well that would explain why we saw her… emptying her stomach when we passed her on the train." Rarity said as she flipped her hair out of her eyes.

"But wouldn't that have happened before we got to Appleloosa?" Rainbow Dash asked, rubbing her chin in thought.

"Actually, from what I've read Morning Sickness can happen at any time after fertilization, it can even happen throughout the day. It really just depends on the mare." Twilight explained as her cowgirl friend just gave a thousand yard stare. "But it does make you wonder. I mean, Belle Star isn't a pony but a digimon. So would the foal be a digimon or a pony, maybe something in between?"

"Hey Applejack, you doing okay?" Spike asked, waving his claw in front of her face.

"Granny's gonna kill her… she's gonna kill Braeburn and then she's gonna kill her…" Applejack said with a subtle tone.

"Oh, I'm sure you're just overreacting darling." Rarity said as Applejack grabbed her by the collar.

"YOU DON'T KNOW GRANNY!" Applejack shouted as she shook the fashionista. "Granny is super old fashioned, no kissing, no hand holding and no sex before marriage! She absolutely cannot find out about this!"

"Find out about what?" A young filly with a red mane and yellow fur asked from behind the farm girl.

"Oh, hey Apple Bloom. It's nothing, Braeburn just knocked up the princess's sister." Rainbow Dash said as she glanced over to the apple filly.

"Oh! I can't wait to tell Granny. " Applebloom cheered as she raced off down the street to the apple farm. All the while Applejack glared at the blue pegasus mare.

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked with a quizzical look.


Within the finally repaired medical wing, behind the walls of an extra reinforced examination room. A single pony doctor dawning a suit of armor hid behind to royal guards holding shields as he deliver some very sensitive news to a now fully awake Belle Star.

"You want to run that by me again." Belle Star said in an oddly eerie neutral tone.

"What I said was… *gulp* that the tests we ran for your sudden illness… shows that you are… ehm… currently pregnant. Your highness." The doctor said as he sunk further into the suit of armor. A long uncomfortable silence filled the room as the digimon looked down at her belly which was covered in a patient's uniform, before looking back at the doctor.

"And this isn't a prank?" Bellestarmon asked with a visible raised eyebrow. Her metal mask sitting on the nightstand off to her side.

"Nnnoo… mam." The medical doctor stuttered, shielding himself with his clipboard.

"Can I see it?" The digimon asked as the three stallions gave her a confused look.

"What?" The doctor asked, peaking out.

"Can I see it? In my world, we had a device that allowed us to visually see what was happening inside a mother's womb. If I am pregnant then there should be something there." Bellestarmon explained rather calmly.

"Oh… well, we don't exactly have a device for that, but I do know the spell for what you're referring to." The doctor said, slowly approaching the woman. "If I may?"

Belle Star simply gave a nod as the stallion doctor placed his hand over the digimon's lower abdomen and lit up his horn. With a brief flash of magic, a large translucent projection of the digimon's womb appeared before them. A small soft brown egg with purple streaks pulsated within the walls of her reproductive organ. A small glow coming from it as it absorbed the magic casted on it to make it visible before the spell was snuffed out.

"Huh… I guess I am pregnant." Bellestarmon said as she looked over to the doctor from where the projection was shown.

"If you don’t mind me saying, you don't seem that upset." The doctor said, removing his hand from the woman's stomach. Causing the digimon to raise her brow at him.

"I had unprotected sex with a stallion of a different species, whom I had known for all of two hours. I'm less upset and more impressed." The digimon said, giving the doctor a look.

"And why might that be?" One of the guards asked, deciding to hop into the conversation.

"Well for starters, digimon don't get pregnant, let alone lay eggs." Belle Star explained, shaking her head. "And second even if we did, it would only be with another digimon and I only slept with Braeburn."

"Well, if what you say is true… then where do digimon come from?" The doctor asked with curiosity.

"Well, in the digital world our bodies are made of code, think of a spell matrix made up of zeros and ones. Each piece of code is made up of a random sequence of ones and zeros. No two codes are the same. Whenever something is destroyed or a digimon dies their code is returned to the planet. From there fragments of different pieces of code slam into each other until they can combine to form a new piece of code. Sometimes that code becomes a part of the planet, other times it forms a digi-egg. When the egg hatches it creates a new digimon known as a baby digimon or a 'Fresh' from there the baby grows until it matures enough to digivolve into a 'In-Training', then a 'Rookie' and finally 'Champion'." Bellestarmon explained while holding up different fingers to depict her point. "If a Champion level gets strong enough then they can digivolve to become an 'Ultimate' beyond that there's the 'Mega's and 'Ultra's. Although those last two are pretty rare. Basically like gods compared to a Champion."

"And which one are you?" The second guard asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm a Mega." Bellestarmon said nonchalantly as if it was nothing.

"You're… a Mega?" The first guard asked, looking the digimon up and down.

"Yeah, why do you think none of your fellow guards were able to hurt me when I was in Appleloosa when there was over thirty of them or how I was able to make a two wheeled motorized bike that can out speed your fastest trains out of some iron plumbing and some basic cadet armor. It wasn't dumb luck, I'm just that strong." The digimon stated as she looked between the two guards.

"Oh that's bullshit, there's no way you're that strong." The second guard foolishly commented, challaging the digimon.

Without saying another word, Bellestarmon raised her right claw up near her chest. Her hand only holding out her middle and index finger with her thumb. With a snap of her fingers, every window, picture frame, and glass cup in a mile radius of the digimon shattered into pieces from the force of the snap. Both guards as well as the doctor were trusted back into the wall from the shock wave as the medical wing physically shook. Cups fell over, papers went flying. A newborn foal cried from the maternity ward. All the while, Princess Celestia proceeded to smash her head into the wall at the increasing cost of damages.

The digimon princess looked out the broken window of her room to see a gleeful Luna hopping up and down with joy at the display of power.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" The princess of the night shouted, her ears ringing from the possible hearing damage. "DO IT AGAIN! AGAIN!"

Belle Star just shook her head as she placed her mask onto her head.

"I wonder how painful it is to lay an egg?" The woman asked herself as she rubbed her belly.


Granny Smith was fuming as Applebllom exited the family's house. While Applejack was busy having a panic attack at the golden oaks library. Big Mac was forced to attempt stopping Granny from heading through the door. An attempt that he was currently failing as the elderly mare had apparently decided to dip into her decades worth of saved strength and energy for this one moment and it was scaring the living daylights out of the large red stallion.

"Let go of me, Big Mac!" Granny ordered as she dragged the stallion down the street from the farm as he held onto the elder mare's boot. "I just want to talk to her!"

"No Granny. No!" Big Mac pleaded as the old mare kept going. The two of them now halfway into town as she bee lined it for the train station. The two catching the eyes of everypony they passed.

"I just want to talk to her. I just want to kill her. I mean talk to her." Arriving at the station, the big red stallion lost his grip on the elderly mare as he watched the doors to the train close and slowly travel away towards Canterlot.

"Ohhh Nooo…" Big Mac gulped as the train got further and further out of sight. A young yellow and red filly trotting up beside him.

"She's gonna die, isn't she?" Applebloom asked as she looked down at the defeated Big Mac.

"Eyepp." Big Mac uttered as he layed in the dirt.

"Shoot." Applebloom said with a snap of her fingers.


After having changed back into her usual clothes, Bellestarmon was given some medication to help with the fever and nausea. Both of which had been sent to her room, with the instructions to take when needed. She was also informed by one of the nurses that she should hold off on any drinking before she delivered her egg. A statement that the digimon never thought she would hear.

Walking into the hallway, Bellestarmon met up with the princess of the night, whom by this point had stopped yelling every sentence she wanted to say as her hearing had finally gone back to normal.

"So how does thy fare now, sister Belle?" Luna asked as the two of them walked out of the medical wing, stepping over pieces of glass as they went.

"A bit better, a bit worse. Just wasn't expecting that farm pony to be so… potent." She said, scratching her cheek.

"Well, thy should expect such things when they decide to roll in the hay." Luna commented with a tilt of her head as they rounded a corner.

"I mean yeah, maybe if I was a pony, but I'm not. I shouldn't even be able to conceive, let alone deliver. Heck, most digimon with a set of tits have them just for show." Bellestarmon said, grabbing her breasts and giving them a quick squeeze to emphasize her point.

"If that were the case than one would have to wonder how thy were able to have sex at all." Luna stated, pointing out the flaw in the digimon's argument. "If you were not designed to procreate, then tho would be unable to experience the wonders of compilation. Perhaps tho is just different amongst yer kind, like an alicorn amongst the pony tribes."

Bellestarmon was about to interject when she paused to think about what Luna had said. "You might have a point there… I mean, I know that I am a digimon, yet I know that I started off as something else. On top of that, you said I had absorbed Nightmare Moon. Who was originally a part of you, I suppose it's possible that the time I've spent here has altered my code. I wonder if I would be able to use equestrian magic?"

As the blonde haired woman thought out loud, a peculiar sight caught her eye. At the far end of the adjacent hall, where the common pony could enter for attending Celestia's day court. An old lime green mare with her white mane in a bun, shouted at the solar guards who blocked the entrance. The elder mare dressed in a red and green dress that looked like it belonged on a farm.

"For the last time mam, day court has ended for the day. If you wish to speak with the princess, you will have to come back tomorrow between the times of 8:30 am to 3:30pm." One of the guards stated, pinching his brow with his right hand.

"And I'm telling you that I ain't leaving until I've had words with that mare." The elderly mare stated as she glared up at the annoyed guard.

Heading over to the end of the hall, Bellestarmon and Luna walked up to the guards for a better look at what was going on.

"Is everything alright here, Private?" The night sister asked as she hugged Belle's arm.

"Ugh… for the last time we've… Princesses?!" The guard said in surprise as he gave a nervous bow. "Everything… is fine, your highnesses. Just an old mare trying to speak with Princess Celestia outside of court hours."

"Eh! Who are you calling old, Sonny! I'm still young enough to kick your sorry behind!" The old farm mare threatened with a shake of her walking cane.

Placing her claw on the shoulder of the shocked stallion, Bellestarmon decided to speak up. "Why don't you let us handle this Private Copper. I think we can help deal with whatever this mare sees as urgent. Right Luna?"

"Perfectly so." Luna replied as Granny Smith looked between them both. Their voices coming out almost completely the same.

"Wow, that's creepy." Granny said with her eyebrows raised. "You two twins or something?"

Luna let out a giggle as Belle Star rolled her eyes. "You could say something like that." The digimon answered as picked the elderly mare up in her arm and carried her like a small child.

"Wow, hey now. Warn a mare before you go pick'n dem up." Granny Smith said as she was now sitting on the woman's forearm.

"Sorry, just figured you might be tired after making your trip up here." Belle said with a smile as her and Luna headed for one of the private meeting rooms.

"Well I guess that's mighty kind of you." Granny Smith said as she gave the digimon a quick once over. "You're pretty big gal aren't ya?"

"That I am, now why don't you tell us what seems to be the problem." Bellestarmon said as the three entered one of the private rooms.

The room itself wasn't overly special compared to some of the others within the castle. The walls were a dark shade of green with a walnut brown trim. In the corners hung long velvet red curtains that stopped an inch above the ground. The floor itself was carpeted with a dark teal and the ceiling was painted white. The room was lit by a pair of standing lamps that sat in between the far back curtains while a single wooden fan hung in the center of the ceiling. It terms of designs it was rather simple, with four cushioned gray chairs that circled a square oak coffee table. As each mare took their seat a maid came in with a tray of tea.

"Thank you, that will be all." Luna said as the maid left the room quietly. "So like our sister has said, what is it that brings you here today Miss?"

"Granny Smith, although most ponies just call me Granny, I don't think I got either of you two young whipper snappers' names." Granny said, picking up her glass of tea before blowing on it.

"Well, we are Princess Luna. I am Celestia's biological sister." Luna introduced as she placed a few cubes of sugar into her cup. Belle Star just giving her a side eye for a moment before introducing herself.

"Right… And I am Belle Star, I'm technically a princess, however I don't really like the title. I'm Celestia and Luna’s adoptive sister." She said as she gave Luna a 'What the fuck' gesture with her claws.

"Huh… I didn't know the princess had any sisters, adoptive of otherwise. Must have missed the memo." Granny stated as she rubbed her chin. "Anyways I guess the reason that I'm here has to do with what one of my grand kids said to me. Just wanted to double check before I went looking for the wrong pony."

Belle raised an eyebrow as she raised her cup to her lips, the warm tea soothing the back of her throat as she slowly sipped it.

"And what praytell would that be?" Luna asked, leaning back in her seat, one leg crossed over the other as she held her hands together in her lap.

"Something about my grand nephew Braeburn knocking up some princess." Granny stated as Belle choked on her tea.

Beating her chest with her free claw, she sat the tea cup back on its saucer as she coughed for air. "I'm sorry… what?" Belle asked as Granny now had her complete attention.

"Yeah, Applebloom said that Applejack and her friends got a letter from Princess Celestia congratulating about the pregnancy. Came over the moment I heard." Granny said giving the digimon the eye as Belle placed her claw over her eyes.

"Sweet mother of all, how that everybody already knows about this? I literally just found out." Bellestarmon asked, taking in a deep breath to recompose herself.

"Tia read the medical report while you were passed out from the fever. She must of sent the letter before you had awoke." Luna said as she looked at her adopted sister.

"Ah… so your the one that went and hooked up with Braeburn, must be one of them smooth talkers to get him be your special somepony." Granny placed her tea down as she leaned back in her seat, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the woman.

"Not really, no, and I we don't have that kind of relationship." Belle stated lowering her claw to her armrest.

"Well the foal growing in there would say otherwise, so when do you plan on having it anyways?" The elderly mare asked as she pointed at the digimon's belly with her cane.

"We don't believe that's how pregnancys work Mrs Smith." Luna said as Granny cut her off.

"Not that, the wedding. I know you couldn't wait until the honeymoon, but I assume it'll be before the child is born." The mare said not lowering her expression.

"There isn't going to be a wedding." Belle stated now realizing what the old mare was getting at. "We're not a couple and neither Braeburn nor I are looking to tie the knot. Heck we only met each other the one time."

Luna watched silently as the two glared at each other over the issue.

"Is that so…" Granny leaned over, her stare intensifying with Bellestarmon doing the same.

"Why yes it is…" The two help there position for a moment before finally Granny loosened her hold and leaned back.

"Alright… I guess I can understand." The mare said with a sigh as she looked up at the ceiling. The way that she caved in confusing the blonde woman.

"Huh?" Bellestarmon looked over to Luna who merely gave a shrug before going back to the elderly mare. "That's it?"

"Well, I can't exactly force you. Nor would I want to risk ticking off the princess. It's just a shame is all. You having the perfect build for farm work and." The old mare said as she looked at the digimon's abs. "In any case as long as the baby is healthy and you come by the farm when it's born. I won't force the issue."

"That's mighty… mature of you." Luna said with a raised brow.

"Eh, ya wouldn't be the first, nor the last. Just at least try to show up for the family reunions is all I ask, we only have them once a year and I enjoy seeing the young ones." Granny requested as she rubbed her back.

"I… think I could do that, when do you normally have them?" Belle asked as she finally relaxed.

"Eh… during the week of the summer sun festival. That's when we usually do the big harvest. It's basically the whole two birds with one stone kind of deal." Bellestarmon watched as the old green mare stood up from her seat and stretched out her back. "Well, I guess I better head back then. Those three grand kids of mine won't watch themselves and who knows what they're up to if I'm not around."

Luna watched with a smile as the digimon stood up to join the older mare. "Where are off to next anyways? If your heading for the station, I could give you a lift."

"Oh, that would be mighty kind, but you've already carried me once."

"I was think more or less taking my bike. Besides you strike me as the kind of gal that might enjoy it."

With that, the two left the room as the princess of the night went back to sipping her tea. "I wonder if they still do baby showers, I'll have to ask Tia."


Applejack paced back and forth in front of the old grandfather clock, her mind racing as her two siblings watched her from the living room.

"Ohhh… this isn't good, this isn't good." Applejack muttered to herself as she went back and forth, her eyes occasionally darting to the time.

"Would you relax sis, it isn't like Granny is gonna hurt her. She can't even hurt a fly. I should know I watched her try." Applebloom said from while sitting on the couch. Big Mac all the while watching on silence.

"I'm not worried about Granny hurting her, I'm worried about what she might say. Belle Star is a royal. What if Granny makes her mad, she could break every bone in her body, she could even take the farm." Applejack said, her anxiety only building the longer the elder mare was out.

"Aren’t you just overreacting?" Applebloom asked as Applejack came to a halt and looked at her.

"She broke my wrist and left me in a two week coma when I caught her stealing a barrel of our apples." Applejack dead panned as she eyed the younger filly.

"Oh…" Applebloom responded as Big Mac gave an affirmative 'Eyepp'.

As the three went quiet for a moment, their ears rotated as the front door opened with a long creak before slamming shut.

"Granny is that you?" Applejack called out from the living room.

"Yeah, it's me. Where are you all?" Granny questioned as she entered the old farm house.

"Living room, Granny!" Applebloom called as the old green mare came around the corner and sat in her wooden rocking chair. "So how did it go? Are we losing the farm?"

"What? No, why would you ask that?" Granny questioned as both Big Mac and Applebloom eyed their sister. "You really think I'm that bad, huh."

"So what happened?" Applejack asked avoiding the question.

"Well, I went and spoke with'em and they're not wanting a wedding. A bit untraditional, but I can understand it. She has her job and Braeburn has his, doesn't help that they both work at different ends of the country so them ever becoming an actual thing isn't likely to happen." Granny said with a long drawn out sigh.

"Huh, I would have figured you would have fought her a bit more on that." Applejack said in surprise.

"Eyepp." Big Mac added in.

"And risk losing the farm, I'm old not senial." Granny said with a jab of her cane. "She agreed to stop by once the baby was born, even had a guard mail us some gold for a barrel of apples. Not sure what that was about, but overall she seemed like a pretty good mare. A bit strange lookin, but overall a decent apple."

"So when do you think the baby will be born?" Applebloom asked with a smile.

"Don't know, apparently the poor thing doesn't give birth like us ponies but instead layes eggs. So could be a few months, could be a few weeks. Kind of up in the air on that one." Granny explained as she rocked back and forth. "We should be getting a letter before than though. Think of which, might need to send Braeburn one."

"She's gonna lay an egg? Is she like part bird?" Applebloom asked as the older sister just shook her head.


It had been two weeks since her lust filled night with the Appleloosa cowboy and Belle Star could strangle him. Within the first week the digimon princess had the belly of a nine month pregnant woman and after carry her egg for another, her water ended up breaking. With everypony in the castle working hard to finish the preparations for the royal banquet, the digimon had went unnoticed by her siblings and castle staff as her body started to go into labor while she was in the bath. Her black claws grinding into the porcelain tub as she held her blue metal mask in her mouth.

'You have got to be shitting me!' The digimon screamed within her head as she bit down hard into her mask. Her vaginal muscles stretching as she struggled to push the egg out of her womb and through her vagina. The loud grinding of metal and porcelain could be heard from down the hall as the digimon screamed through clenched teeth. The pain from her egg tearing through her entrance feeling far worse then anything she had ever felt. It was as is someone had ripped her open and was forcing the wound wider and wider. Her breathing only growing longer as she attempted to force the egg out of her body.

'Get out! Get out! Get out!' She screamed to herself as her claws broke through the edge of the tub, shattering the outer walls as a watery *thump* echoed through the bathroom. The water spilling onto the floor as a large brown and purple foal sized egg floated in the water. Bellestarmon felt like passing out, the toll from the birth having drained her of her strength. Her eyes shutting as the large egg rested between her legs.

As peaceful silence managed to fall over the room, a loud knock came from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Sister Belle, are tho almost finished in there? It's almost time to get dressed for the banquet." Bellestarmon heard as the sound of Luna’s voice hallured through the wooden door.

"I hate you… I hate you all." The digimon panted as she glared at the door.

"What was that? I can't hear you through the door. I'm just going to come in." Luna stated as the door to the bathroom upped up. "That's better, why is there water all over the floor?"

Belle Star just gave the night princess the bird as she glared over her shoulder. Her mask resting on her chest as she huffed.

"Just help me out of here." Belle growled as Luna begrudgingly came closer.

"Look I know your pregnant but it was your idea to take a bath- What in tartarus is that?" Luna shouted looking at the massive digi-egg.

"…you." Belle continued to huff as Luna helped pull her out of the tub and carried her over to the bed.

"You know, if you were going to give birth, you could have called the staff." Luna commented in a neutral tone as the digimon eyed her with imaginary darts. Her mental will wishing to set her on fire.

"Just… get the egg." Bellestarmon said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, here. Take it, no reason to get snappy." Luna said, backing away as she leviated the foal sized digi-egg over to its mother.

"Just… get… Celes… tia." The mother ordered as Luna was beginning to feel as though she was in potential danger. The lunar alicorn fleeing the room as the digimon curled up naked around her digi-egg.

Fourth minutes passed as the digimon layed swore in her bed, her wet body warming her brown and purple striped egg as she stared at the bedroom door.

After another ten minutes of waiting Princess Celestia finally entered the room with a slightly maniced mane.

"Sorry for taking so long, proportions have been a little hectic. What was it you were…" Celestia's voice trailed off as she came into view of the digital mother. "Oh…"

"Your sister is an idiot… and I'm pretty sure this thing broke my pelvis." Belle stated, not wanting to move to prove herself right or wrong.

"I see… are you still wanting to join the banquet or would you rather rest?" Celestia asked walking over to the woman.

"I am angry and hungry. Your subjects will have right to fear me." Belle said eyeing her dress.

"I'll have a maid bring over a wheelchair, in the meantime, let me help you get dress." Celestia said sending a message to her head maid with her magic as she grabbed a towel to dry the poor digimon off.


Twilight and her friends sat at a long table as they listened to the murmuring complaints of the Canterlot nobility as everyone waited for the arrival of the three princess. At one end of the table, sitting next to a white stallion with blonde hair sat a pink alicorn with a multi colored mane, Princess Cadance. Beside the pink mare with purple, pink and yellow hair, sat the unicorn's older brother and captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor. At the other end of the banquet table from furthest to closest was her friends, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Spike.

As the group waiting for the royal sisters to arrive, Spike leaned over to Twiligh.

"What do you think is taking the princesses so long?" Spike whispered as a Twilight glanced back to the main door where the three were meant to arrive from.

"I don't know, the princess is usually on time. However she's fifteen minutes late." Twilight answered as she looked back to her friends.

"You don't think something happened do you?" Rarity asked from near the end of the table.

"Oh, I hope not, that would be offal." Fluttershy said as Pinkie Pie eyed the door.

"Maybe Belle finally had her egg." Pinkie commented as the doors to the room slowly opened.

"And what makes you think that?" Applejack asked as she raised a brow at the pink mare.

"Because of that." Pinkie pointed as two guards announced the arrival of the three ladies.

"Attention, now announcing the arrival of Princess Celestia, raiser of the sun, ruler of Equestria and first of her name. Princess Luna, raiser of the moon, co-ruler of Equestria, first of her name. And Princess Belle Star, Adoptive Sister of The royal sister, first of her name and egg." The guard finished as Bellestarmon slugged in the knee with her claw while being pushed in her wheelchair by the solar princess. A large light coffee brown egg with purple streaks resting in her lap.

The crowd was silent as they watched the three make their way to the long banquet table. Princess Celestia was dressed in a long dark blue dress with small diamond gem stones reminiscent of her sister's night sky, her mane in a long braid that ran over the side of one of her shoulders. Princess Luna wore a similar dress made of white fabric with small rubies that compliment her sister's day. Her hair in a similar braid that flowed over her other shoulder. The two looking like a mirror reflection of the other. Bellestarmon on the other hand wore a simple black toga styled dress with a silver sash, her metal mask replaced with a darker purple one made of cloth reminiscent of the one worn by her male counterpart. Her hair made up in two long braids that ran down both of her shoulders with part of her hair going down her back straight, a silver and gold woven blanket sat folded on her lap under her digi-egg.

As the three made to there respective spots, with Luna sitting to Celestia's right and Bellestarmon to her left. The solar princess addressed the attendees of her sister's royal banquet.

"Before we begin, I would like to thank you all for joining us on this eventful day. Today we are gathered of a great many things. The return of my beloved sister Princess Luna, whom after being gone for over a thousand moons has finally returned. The accomplishments of my faithful student Twilight Sparkle and her friends for the revival of the Elements. To the success of both Captain Shining Armor and Braeburn of the Apple family for their aid with the treaty with the Buffalo Tribe lead by Chief Thunderhooves. And finally Princess Belle Star, whom without my sister would not have returned. In addition my sister and I would like to congratulate Princess Belle Star with her successful delivery of her egg which she has brought with her. As most of the mares here could agree, delivering their young is no easy feat. With that being said, I'm sure you are all hungry. So let the banquet commence." As Celestia finished her speech, the room erupted in applause as drinks and food was brought out for every pony, dragon and digimon to eat.


After the ending of the royal banquet and the turning of the sun and moon. Princess Luna and Bellestarmon layed on the king size bed of the princessess' royal chamber. During the few weeks after the return of Princess Luna, the two voice sharing princesses had shared the royal lunar chamber while they waited for a third one to be built for the digimon princess. During the first few nights, the two had struggled to the adjustment of sharing the room, however as the digimon's belly had grown, the two found comfort with their bedding situation. As the two layed underneath the blankets with the digimon's egg nestled in between them. They gazed at one another.

"I know we didn't have best starting off point, however I am glad that we've met." Luna said looking into the digimon's unmasked eyes.

"Well… I can't hardly blame you, I did kind of eat your other side." The digimon smirked as the two let out a soft giggle.

"I am glad though… that it was you who defeated Nightmare Moon." Luna said with a bittersweet smile. "In a way it makes you apart of me, just like I was apart of her. And although we may not be related by blood, I am happy to have you as a sister. Even if that does make me the middle child."

"To be honest, I've never really had a family to call my own. Yeah I had my grand parents back before all this, but after they passed it was just me. No siblings, no mother or father. Just me and now I have a baby and two sisters. It's all so alien to me." Belle said as she hugged her egg. "It's terrifying, I know I'm strong and for the most part pretty indestructible… Heh… but at the same time I don't know how to react. When this egg hatches I'm not sure what's gonna come out, I don't know what it will need or how to raise it. If others will accept it. Heck I don't even know if it will be a boy or a girl cause most of my kind are genderless. Out of everything that I've seen here, it's the unknown that scares me the most."

Bellestarmon's eyes watered as she admitted her fears. For all the strength her body now had and the power it possessed, deep down she was still the forgotten girl that became a digimon, one whose memories were slowly over time coming back.

As she closed her eyes, Luna pulled the digimon's head closer to her own. A silent embrace with a digi-egg nestled in the middle.

Ep: 10- An egg of a time

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 10- An egg of a time

Belle Star rolled out of bed as the morning light peaked through the crack of the long black curtains. The solar ray reflected off of her one long red nail claw as it dragged across the ground. Her long white hair patted against her two hanging bat-like wings as silver chains jingled while she walked.

Making through her morning routine, Belle Star opened the door to the attached bathroom and stepped forward as her head bounced off the top of the door frame with a loud *thwack*.

"Ah, what the fuck?!" The digimon exclaimed as she went to hold her now bleeding nose with her left claw, only to hit her face with her elongated forearm. Her voice came out with a slight reverb as her set of two eyes glowed red.

"Wha… *yawn*, Is all the yelling about Belle?* Luna asked from their king size bed as she hugged a slightly large egg. Its once room temperature shell now as warm as a towel fresh out of the dryer.

"I'm not sure… Do I look different to you, Luna?" Belle asked as she turned to the nighttime alicorn as the mare craned her neck up just enough to get a better look at her. Her once flowing starry mane now a dark blue that laid flat.

Another yawn escaped the mare's muzzle as she spoke her reply. "Yeah… you're a bit taller and your mane is white." Luna stated without a hint of concern. "Also your clothes are different."

Ducking into the bathroom, Belle stared into the mirror as she took in her reflection. Where the once image of Bellestarmon was meant to be was instead replaced with the slightly taller form of one Lady Devimon. With a quick blink, Belle raised her right arm and the reflection did so in kind. After a few seconds waving to herself in the mirror, Lady Devimon exited the bathroom and returned to her bed.

"I can't believe it…" Belle said in shock.

"If we may ask, what exactly caused this change?" Luna asked, unaware of the changes to her mane.

"I de-digivoled. My body reverted to a weaker form." Belle said as she rubbed the blood from her nose. "I didn't even think I could, I mean when laying the digi-egg didn't to it…"

Belle's red eyes grew as she looked down at the digi-egg. The mental image of her ultrasound fresh in her mind. Reaching down with her large claw, a slight pull of energy flowed out from her claw and into the egg. Belle Star's body underwent another change as her body shrunk to that of a small toddler.

Her arms were both now the same length, however her long hair was gone. Instead of smooth pale or white skin, she was cover in black fur and sported a lengthy tail with some purple tuff at the end. Her human like ears were replaced with that of a cat and she wore two purple gloves on her now paws. A pair of yellow eyes peered over the edge of the bed as Luna let out an awe. Pulling her small paw away from her egg, Luna watched as the small cat turned back into the demonesk digimon.

"Luna, put the egg in the wheelchair, we're going to the doctor." Belle ordered flatly as her adorable form stomped towards the door.


Standing in the waiting room of the medical wing, Princess Luna and Belle Star waited with the digi-egg as several nurses eyed the now taller Belle Star. The brown and purple egg wrapped in a gold and silver blanket in the middle of the wheelchair.

After a few minutes of waiting, Doctor Blue Cross walked in with a tired look to his eyes, a white mug with his name written on it in his hands as he took a long sip before noticing the two princesses.

"Good morning Princess and… I don't believe we've met." Dr Cross greeted as he looked up to the tall woman.

"We have, I saw you two weeks ago when you told me I was pregnant with this." Belle corrected as she placed her large claw on the back of the wheelchair. "I need to know what's going on with it as well as why I've taken on this form. I already have a guess, but I want to hear an expert's opinion."

"Oh, Princess Star… I didn't realize it was you, yes why don't we head to one of the examination rooms and see what's happening. Shall we?" The doctor offered as he lead the two down the hall to the first available room.

Entering the room, Belle had to duck while Luna pushed the chair holding the egg inside. The three of them taking different seats as the doctor pulled out a clipboard and pen to take notes.

"Alright, first congrats on your egg. I've heard it wasn't the most pleasant experience, but at least you and your egg pulled through." The doctor said as he wheeled his stool over to Belle.

"Thanks, I had to resist the edge to murder the staff after I was done." Belle spoke with a hiss.

"Right… so let's start with the beginning shall we, when did you notice your form had changed? Is this your ultimate form or your ultra?" Dr. Cross asked, pointing at the digimon.

"Ultimate, at some point during the night, I de-digivoled into my ultimate state. As I currently stand, I'm what others of my kind would call Lady Devimon. Most of whom are a lot more nasty then me." Belle explained as she raised her left claw to make her point.

"I see and what normally causes one to 'de-digivoled' as you say?" The doctor asked with a raised brow.

"There are a few causes that are normal. Most of the time it's caused by injury, sometimes it can be from exhaustion. Even starvation can cause de-evolution. De-digivolution is a form of conserving energy when we're extremely low. As an excess amount of energy can cause a regular digivolution." Belle Star went on.

"Is that why you ate twice your bodyweight last night at the banquet?" Luna asked, jumping into the conversation. Only to be ignored by the digimon.

"Well, with the exhaustion of labor, plus the damage that could have been caused by passing an egg that size, I'm not surprised that de-evolution was a thing." The doctor said as he continued his notes.

"Normally I would agree, however." Belle placed her claw lightly onto the egg. The pull of her energy flowing out of her claw as her form shifted to the small black cat as she held her paw there. "This is what has me concerned. As far as I'm aware this isn't normal."

Removing her paw, the female digimon turned back into her ultimate form. The doctor dropped his clipboard at the sight.

"Interesting, may I?" He asked as Belle gave a nod.

Placing his hand on the digi-egg, the unicorn doctor felt a small wave of nausea as his magic started to be pulled into the brown egg. As the egg absorbed the equestrian magic, the doctor noticed the outer shell grow warm to the touch before finally pulling his hand back and taking a breath.

"Uff, well that is odd, interesting, but odd. I might have a theory as to what's going on, but let me ask. How long does it normally take for a digi-egg to hatch?" The doctor asked, gulping down the rest of his coffee.

Belle stared at the doctor for a long time before finally answering. "I… don't actually have an answer for that. The only times I've seen it happen, it was never made clear as to how long they were there." Belle said with a blink as Luna slowly turned to her.

"Okay, what was the longest amount of time you've seen one of those eggs before it hatched?" The doctor asked, rephrasing the question.

"Hmmm, three months I think, I've also seen one hatch in under an hour. However, that one was a bit special." Belle said as she looked up in thought as she played out the events of the first digimon movie in her mind.

"We would like to ask about the possibility of the egg having a time table of that of a pony, could that not be a possibility?" Luna asked, throwing the possibility out there.

"So we're looking at somewhere between three months to a year. With the father being a pony, it could be closer to the latter. If that's the cause. Then it's also possible that what's happening is an external variation of what happens during a regular pony pregnancy." Dr Cross theorized as he picked up his clipboard and made some notes.

"And you lost me." Belle said, looking at the stallion.

"Well, when a mare is pregnant their womb acts as an egg, like a water balloon for example. While the foal grows inside the womb it gets not only its nutrients, but also allows them to form into a pony completely inside their belly. While the foal grows in the mare they start to form their own magical signature. This is due to the foal naturally feeding on the mother's own magic until their own magic stabilizes when they're born." The doctor went on as he explained loosely on how pony reproduction is done. "It's possible that the same thing is happening here. Your egg is trying to absorb the necessary magic or energy needed to form and stabilize its own. Like a magical incubation period. When you or another pony touches its shell, it pulls in their magic in order to develop. That would explain why your body was forced to revert to this weaker form, because the egg took what was needed to incubate itself leaving a gap in your Mega form's energy supply. "

After finishing his explanation on what he theorized, Belle and Luna looked at each other before glancing at the egg.

"That could actually explain why our own magic was slightly drained as well." Luna said with a tilt of her head. "So Doctor Blue Cross, what would tho suggest we do than about the egg?"

"Well… if you as the mother are intending to provide the magic or energy needed to hatch your egg, I would suggest consuming more food than you normally would, in addition I would suggest finding someone whom you trust to take turns feeding your egg while you recharge." The doctor suggested as he placed his clipboard off to the side.

"So like a wet nurse?" Belle asked as she looked over to Luna.

"We mean, we are unopposed to the idea, however we aren't sure if we will be able to for a good portion of the time." Luna stated with some disappointment.

"Well, I'm sure you two will figure something out. Was there anything else you wanted my opinion on?" The stallion asked as he stood up.

The princesses merely shook their heads as they made their way to leave.


Twilight Sparkle and her friends sat at the long wooden dining table as the six of them and Spike joined the solar princess for lunch.

"So that's when this guy wearing a long blue cloak and wizard's hat showed up to help Twilight with the Ursa Minor. You should have seen them." Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she depicted the night they met the Wizard digimon from the forest. "They were awesome."

"I wasn't that impressive, besides Wizardmon did most of the work, I just rocked the poor guy to sleep." Twilight said as she took another bit of her sandwich.

"Well it sounds like you girls had an interesting time." Celestia commented as she went to take another drink of her tea only to stop and turn as the main doors to the dining hall opened up.

The group watched as Princess Luna and another taller woman wearing skin tight leather with long bat-like wings entered the room, the smaller of the two pushing a large brown egg which rested in the center of the chair.

"Good evening sister, who's your friend?" Celestia asked, looking up to the black and white digimon as they took their seats next to the solar alicorn.

"I don't want to talk about it." Belle said as she placed her large claw on the table. The confused and worried stares of the other seven were unnoticed as the digimon called over a waiter and placed an absurd order.

"Belle and I have had an interesting morning. Apparently her egg had absorbed quite a bit of power from the two of us, leaving poor Belle in her current state." Luna explained as grabbed an apple from the table to eat. "So now she needs to consume a decent amount of food to refill her supply. The doctor can explain more in his report."

"I'll have to give it a read." Celestia said as her meal arrived.

"So, what now her outside matches her inside?" Rainbow Dash commented as she eyed the digimon.

"Bite me sprinkles." Belle retorted, giving her the finger. "Even in this form, I'm still strong enough to leave you out cold."

"You want to go!" Rainbow Dash challenged as she smacked her palms on to the table. The digimon not even turning to face the blue pegasus as she tapped her claw against the wood.

"Easy Now Rainbow, we're all friends here." Applejack said as she placed her hand on the pegasus's shoulder to pull her back into her seat. "Well, mostly."

"You should listen to your friend, we don't want to break another bone now, do we?" Belle threatened as the waiters slowly started placing food in front of the digimon mother. "Besides, I can't afford to waste any energy on you."

Rainbow grinned her teeth as the dark clad woman started to devour the food placed in front of her.

"And why is that?" Twilight asked with a curious look.

"Because, in order to incubate my egg so it hatches, it needs to pull in a lot of power. Which in order for me to give requires me to be in my Mega form. For that to happen I need to eat. Think pregnancy but with me carrying the foal on the outside." Belle Star answered between bites. The whole spectacle impressing some, while disgusting others.

"My words, I think she could give even you a run for your money, Pinkie." Rarity said, covering her mouth.

After her fifteenth plate of food, Belle Star finally slowed down as she felt her energy supply top off, her body glowing as her figure shrunk a few inches and morphed. The group of six alongside Princess Celestia watched with interest as the scary looking woman transformed into a slightly more annoyed looking Bellestarmon.

"Ugh…" Bellestarmon groaned as she rubbed her belly. "You better be worth it kiddo." She said as she picked up her digi-egg and held it in her lap. The eggs shell glowing slightly for a moment before returning back to its normal shade of brown and purple, this time only pulling in a smaller portion of her power.

"I gotta hand it to Braburn, he definitely helped in creating such a hungry 'fresh'." Belle commented to herself as she rubbed the shell of the digi-egg.

Applejack’s ears perked up at the mention of her cousin. The talk with Granny Smith once again fresh in her mind.

"Speaking of Braeburn, how did that happen anyway?" The farm mare asked with a look of concern. The question gaining the digimon's attention.

"Oh I do hope it's a wonderful tale, please do tell us." Rarity spoke, her eyes glowing with excitement at the possible love story.

"Ummm… We met in town, he gave me an apple." Belle said as she looked between the two mares. "We had a few drinks and I asked if he wanted to have sex. That's about it."

"Oh…" Rarity let out with disappointment.

"What do you want from me, it was a one night thing. He was cute and I was horny it wasn't like we were looking to make anything official. It just happened." Belle said with a huff. "He was a nice guy, but it wasn't like either of us were looking for marriage."

"So what, that's it? Have his foal and then have nothing to do with him?" Applejack asked with a narrow brow.

"Or what, show up on his front door and drop my baby off at his feet?" Belle shot back. "Look cowgirl, life isn't that simple. People have lives. Think of it as you will but shit happens."

"Now ladies, while don't we settle down and-" Celestia was cut off as the digimon slammed her fist into the table breaking it.

"You don't get to talk, Celestia!" Belle shouted. "For two months you attempted to force me into your sister's roll without even listening to a single damn word I said."

Luna placed a hand on the enraged digimon as she put herself between them. "Belle Star that's enough…"

"No it isn't she never bothered to look, she never tried. The only time she felt like she might have been wrong was when I held you right in front of her. She never even attempted to apologize!" Bellestarmon's eyes started to glow red as the egg in her lap started to shake.

Luna placed the palms of her hands on the sides of the digimon's face as she forced her to meet her eyes.

"Bellestarmon… you need to calm down. Look at me, you are scaring your egg." Luna said in a soft yet sisterly tone. "Yes, Tia was in the wrong and yes things happen that we don't plan, but we have to carry on. Not just for ourselves but for the ones we care about. You're a mother now, you have an egg. Don't let what happened negatively impact their future. Be better."

Belle took a long breath as she tightened her hold on her egg. Her red eyes dimmed with a blink.

"You're right." Celestia's voice broke through from behind Luna as the group turned to look at her. "I never looked. It didn't even cross my mind because I saw a part of her in you. I wanted to believe that you were her so badly that I fooled myself and trusted you into a role that wasn't your own. Even worse, I tried to make others believe my misguided fantasies. Yes I owe you an apology."

Celestia stood up from her seat and walked to the other side of the digimon's seat. Kneeling down next to the digimon mother to make eye contact, she placed a hand on the digimon's knee. "Belle Star, I am sorry for what I've done to you. I wanted my sister to return and I tried to force it on you. For that I apologize, not only to you. But also to you Luna. If not for Belle bringing you back, I don't think I would have ever found you."

The room went silent as Belle just stared down at the egg in her lap. The poor digimon baby shaking through its shell.

With a deep breath the digimon looked over to the solar alicorn, her eyes laced with worry as she met the apologetic eyes of Celestia.

"Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear." Belle said as her eyes calmed with her emotions. "Would you… would you like to hold them?" She asked, offering the digi-egg.

"Only of that's what you want, Belle Star." Celestia replied as the digimon handed over her egg. The shaking of its shell stopped as it took in the warmth of Celestia's magic and body.

"I think you two could be good aunts for it." She said as she stifled a cry.

"Would you and Luna like you to go punish those guards from Appleloosa while I look after your egg?" Celestia asked in a tone that didn't match the words that left the solar sister's lips.

Belle only gave a nod as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"Alright, Capitan Armor is having them gather in the training room, just try to keep them alive." Celestia requested with a small smile as she allowed the two younger siblings leave the room.

When the doors to the dining room finally closed. The princess of the sun stood up and glanced at her student and her friends. The seven of them gawked at her in shock. "What? I'd rather keep her on our side. The girl hits hard."


Bellestarmon was a little happier when she saw the guards from the incident in Appleloosa covered in bandages and standing as a squad. Over thirty five soldiers were in front of a screaming Shining Armor as he went over the uncessassery long list of protocol violations that the squad had made while outside of the capital.

"What in Celestia's name were you thinking!" He yelled in his purple and gold uniform.

As Bellestarmon walked in with Luna, the two noticed a single pink alicorn wearing a rather normal looking gray skirt with a white button up long sleeve shirt. The pink mare getting up to greet them as the two caught her eye.

"Good afternoon Princess Luna, Princess Star." The shorter pink alicorn greeted as she met them halfway.

"Belle is just fine." The digimon said as she looked at the girl from top to bottom. "You were at the banquet."

"Yes I was, my name is Princess Mia Mora Cadenza, but most ponies just call me Cadance. I'm Princess Celestia's adoptive niece. " Cadance said, offering her hand for shake.

"Gotcha." Belle responded, taking the mare's hand in her claw and giving it a firm shake.

"So how is it going down there?" The digimon asked, looking down at the guards. Some of which looked as though they were gonna cry.

"Some of them are being dishonorably discharged, a few have been demoted and placed on probation. A few were new recruits and they'll be sent back for retraining." Cadance said with a huff.

"What about those two?" Luna asked pointing at two mares whom were glaring up at the three princesses.

"Those two were to be left to her." The pink alicorn pointed to Belle. "Apparently, both Shiny and Auntie Celestia thought that their fate should be left up to you."

"You don't say?" Bellestarmon grinned as she hopped over the railing to the training grounds.

Shining Armor turned as he heard a thud come from behind him. The captain of the royal guard gave a slight bow as the digimon approached.

"Lieutenant Weaver and Lieutenant Blade, approach, the rest of you get out of my sight. " Shining Armor ordered as the guards quickly left the training grounds, all except the two mare who were ordered to stay as their eyes never left the digimon.

"Lieutenants, Princess Belle Star has been given full permission from Princess Celestia herself to issue out your punishments in whichever way she deems fit up." Turning back to the digimon, Shining gave a nod as he stepped back towards the edge of the grounds.

"Oh, this should be good." The one known as Lieutenant Blade commented under her breath as the digimon stood in front of them.

The two female Lieutenants looked different outside of their standard issued armor. The one known as Weaves sported a long white and teal ponytailed mane, her eyes were gold and her fur was a shade of aquamarine. While the other had her mane cut in a short orange bob, with red eyes with fur a shade deeper yellow then Fluttershy. The two were dressed in dark brown leather armor, a set that looked like it was designed to go on under their golden plated mail.

"So what's it going to be, Prin-Cess." Lieutenant Weaver sassed as she looked at the taller woman. "You gonna send us back home without a job too?"

Belle smirked as a thought entered her head. "I think I have a better punishment for you two." Belle stated as she glanced over to Capitan Armor. "I want these two stripped of their ranks and sent back to basics for training. When they have completed their tasks there, we will meet back her for a two on one match, if they fail to beat me in combat, they will have to start their training over again." Belle slowly turned her head to face the mares. "We will repeat this until you two can best me as a group. If you quit it will be seen as abandonment of the royal army. Which will be sentenced as life without release. Do I make myself clear."

The two guards looked at each other for a moment before watching the digimon princess walk past Shining Armor.

"I'll see you two when you get back." Belle called out without turning around, as she did, she could hear the falling of two ponies as Shining Armor turned to follow.

'You got to raise a little hell.'

Ep: 11- A plea for help

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The episodic adventures of Belle Star-

Ep: 11- A plea for help.

Looking around at your surroundings, you make your way out of the guards' training ground after a quick round of beat the new recruits. It had been several months since you had passed judgment of the ex-lieutenants, Weaver and Blade, the two stuck in an endless loop of basic training. And frankly you had become bored with the chore. The first few rematches had gone as planned, you had entered the 'pit', beat them to an inch of their lives and had sent them back for another period of the worst part of the military that you had imagined. What you hadn't expected was the look of emptiness that had grown in their eyes after the prolonged period of time.

"Auntie Belle." Cadance spoke. "Perhaps your punishment may have been too harsh?"

After your first interaction with the alicorn of love, you had found yourself spending a good portion of your time being followed by the younger princess. At first your relationship with the mare had been spotty at best, what with your conflicting personalities. You would have your occasion outburst, threaten a pony, destroy some piece of the castle, harass the new recruits and Cadance would scold you about your behavior. Only for your back and forth to turn into some kind of therapy session, where the two of you would spend the afternoon looking after your egg while bitching about what was giving you stress. Which for the most part was the idiocy of the local populace.

Apparently no matter where you sat in the royal hierarchy, no princess was immune to the stupidity of their subjects. Not even the ones related to love, you had listed to no less than a hundred different cases of where ponies had almost broken up with one another because someone in the relationship had dreamed that the other was cheating on them with some random stranger. Whereas Cadance had her ears abused by your tales of nobles trying to use yourself to get around Celestia's ruling. At some point down the line, the younger mare had begun to call you Auntie, although it's hard to recall when. It wasn't that you disliked being called an aunt, it was just something that you didn't like to wonder on for too long.

"Normally I would disagree with you, Lové." You said, looking over your shoulder at the pink mare and her totally not-boyfriend Shining Armor. "But I do think that perhaps you might be right. There was no life in those eyes, whatever fire they once had has gone."

"If that's the case, shouldn't you put in an order for them to be released? Let them go home, get some therapy and be done with it?" Shining Armor butted in as he walked alongside Cadance.

You stopped dead in your tracks and quickly turned to the captain. Your eyes narrowed as you stared deep into his soul.

"Perhaps if I was you or Cadance, however I am not." You hissed through your teeth and you drew closer upon the stallion. His brow only meeting your own as he stared up at you.

"They will be removed from basic training, that part of their punishment will be over. However, the other shall remain, if they leave I shall see them behind bars for the rest of their days, if they try to end themselves, they shall be brought back, if they are injured they shall be healed. IF THEY ARE BROKEN!" You catch yourself as your voice begins to raise. A deep breath filling your nostrils as you quickly take in some air, before releasing it out. Extending your arms out like a pegasus flaring their wings, you bring them back. Your claws cupping the sides of the royal guard's muzzle as you soften into a motherly expression. A trick you picked up from watching Celestia. "Then, they shall be fixed."

You watched as both Cadance and Shining Armor backed away from you with a look of horror at your choice of words. The dramatic switch between wrath to false caring sent a visible chill down their spines.

"Put in an order for a trauma therapist to meet with them, when they've finally gained some semblance of will to live again, then have them report to me for personal training." Without another objection, Shining Armor nodded with fear to your order.

"Auntie, isn't that going too far!" Cadance interjected as she pushed herself between her partner and you. "They've already been pushed well past their breaking point."

Letting out a deep sigh, you stand up straight before looking back in the direction of the training hall.

"For one to build, one must destroy, for one to raise, one must fall. As harsh as I might sound, Cadance, if they are to become more then-" Your voice trails off as a vision long past fills your mind.

'A young woman, dressed in ragged camo, laid broken under the bodies of her fellow soldiers, her body sore and beaten as she hid amongst the dead bodies of her comrades. A single knife held in her grasp as she waits for the enemy to get close enough in range for her to strike as she shoves her blade deep into their throat. The roaring storm concealed her movements as she took them out one by one.'

"They were before." You finish saying as you look back to the mare. A single tear ran down your mask as you looked down to your right hand as you expected to see blood, but alas there was none as you clenched your fist. "They will get past it as have I."

Wiping the stray tear from your mask, you continued on to your destination. While you had gone off to deal out the two mares' punishment, you had left the safety of your beloved egg to Celestia as you had started to do during the mornings in order to give the night princess time to rest. You were thankful for your sisters' eagerness to aid you with the nurturing of your own, however as Luna became more and more involved with her old duties of the kingdom, you felt that it would be too much for the mare to handle. What with her policing the dream realm for nightmares and all. A concept that still confused you on a more earthly level.

In your past, nightmares were a usual part of things. It was common for those who were stressed or concerned to have bad dreams that reflected their inner conflicts and struggles. In Equestria however it had been revealed to you that that had not been the case. Nightmares for ponies was like a disease, a parasite that fed off of their greatest fears and if left unchecked, could lead to madness.

Luna had offered to watch over your dreams after having come across one of your times as a soldier in the army, but after explaining to her that it was merely a memory of times long since forgotten, she had accepted your request to leave them be.


Making your way passed the long line of petitioners, much of whom glared at you and made objections to you cutting the line. You strolled into the throne room without a care as you proceeded your way up to the solar princess as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Um, excuse me." A tan stallion hollered at you as you went by. "But you're interrupting my talk with the princess."

You glanced back down at the stallion as he continued to yell at you in front of sister. Your ruby glare shutting him up for a brief moment as you gave your attention back to the older mare.

"So what's he wanting?" You asked with a nod in the noble's direction with a raised brow.

Celestia lets out a huff before gesturing you closer to whisper in your ear. "He wants to have royal funds given to him so that he can expand his mansion. He claims that it would benefit the kingdom by allowing more guests to enter his home when he throws his parties."

You look back to the annoyed stallion as he taps his hoof on the ground in impatience before turning back to Celestia. "Your kidding, you want me to take over while you go get something to eat?"

Celestia gives you a tight hug with her wings as she passes you your egg as she quickly teleports away. A quick "thank you" leaving her lips before you seat yourself on the throne.

'A few months back after your episode in the dining hall, you had visited Celestia during her day court to pick up your digi-egg. After hearing part of the conversation between the head of the local orphanage and the solar alicorn about necessary funds needed to repair parts of the orphanage that were in desperate needs of repair, you had hopped in, by suggesting that the funds being used to make the wing to your end of the castle were much better used for the aid of housing the young. Even going as far as to look over the designs of the old building and making suggestions to improve the structure for future use. This turned into you sticking around throughout the day to handle most of the absurd things that Celestia had seemed to have dealt with on a day to day basis. After which, Celestia would request you from time to time to take over long enough for her to take a break and destress.'

"Excuse me, I wasn't done. Where is she going?" The stallion asked through gritted teeth as he glared at you.

"My sister is off to lunch." You say with a sharp tongue as you leered down from upon the throne. "So mister…"

"Golden Coin." Raven said as she leaned over to your ear.

"Thank you Ms Inkwell. Like I was saying Mr Coin, Celestia is off to lunch, so I will be handling this and any other matters." A smirk made its way across your lips as you could see a blood vessel pop on the stallion's head.

"Well, that's just great. Now I will have to start all over again." Golden Coin said in a huff.

"That won't be necessary, because your request is denied." You watch as the stallion gives a double take as his jaw almost hits the ground.

"I beg your pardon?" The stallion stammers in shock at your decision. Not even allowing him to repeat his case.

"The royal funds are to be used for the benefit of all ponies, repairing roads, building schools, processing agricultural advancements for food and research in medicines. Expansion of towns and railways for transport. All of which comes from the pockets of taxpayers. It is not a trust fund for ponies like yourself to avoid paying for luxuries that you do not wish to come out of your own pocket." You said in a stern tone.

"Well if you had been here to listen to what I was telling the princess." You cut him off before he could continue.

"There are four princesses within these walls Coin and you are speaking to one of them!" You raise your voice as you resist the urge to stand up to beat him. Your free claw digging into the gold armrest of the throne chair as the guards to your sides stomp the bottom of their spears into the ground. "Your request has been denied, if you are in need of funds for your personal pet project then take out a loan from the bank. But do not think for a second that we will allow you to abuse the bits given by the ponies of our kingdom for such selfish desires. You're a noble, you stand at the aid of the royal family and we stand at the aid of the people. To give into your greed is to take away from ponies that are in need. Now LEAVE! And do not bother us with such things again." You finish as two guards escort the stallion out.

Taking a deep breath, you give your egg a comforting pat on the shell.

"Now, who's next?" You ask as you watch as a lime green pegasus mare with a cream mane walked up from the line. Her body clothed in a simple brown and black dress.

"Yes, your highness, my name is Cotton Care. I've come here from Manehattan." Cotton Care spoke with a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"And what brings you here from Manehattan today, Ms Cotton?"

"Well, you see. Recently we've been having troubles with a recent dragon that has been popping up near the outskirts of our town. At first it wasn't much of a big deal, it could come by in search for food and be on its way. However recently it has grown in size, we believe it is something known as dragon's greed. After its rapid growth it had become more aggressive and would attack the town when it entered. The local guards have tried to deal with the dragon, however we are unable to deal with the problem. Many families have had to evacuate their homes due to its rampage. I've been sent from the town to request aid." Cotton Care said through a shaky voice as she procented her request. Your brow narrowed as she finished.

"What does this dragon look like?" You asked with a strong gut feeling.

"When it first showed up it was no bigger than a young pony with yellow scales. However, after its dragon's greed, it has grown to the size of some of our buildings." The feeling in your gut tightened as she spoke. "It's scales have turned orange with blue streaks and upon its head is a brown skull with three horns."

Closing your eyes, the mental image of one creature crossed your mind. Although not a threat to a Mega like yourself, the being described was a danger to all that was near it. Before you had let yourself jump to your final conclusion you felt one final question needed to be asked. "Does it have wings?"

With a shake of her head, you got the answer you needed.

"Raven, set up a train headed for Manehattan and get with Captain Armor to select a squad to accompany me. I will personally handle the creature myself while the soldiers handle the relief effort. As for Ms Care here, have a guest room set up for her until you get word that it is safe for her return." You order as she begins to send out scrolls. Turning your attention back to the crowd you stand up from the throne and relay one final order. "For those of you who have come from within Canterlot, I apologize, however day court will be closed for the rest of the day, for those who have come from out of town, speak with Raven Inkwell about possible rooming so that your pleads can be dealt with tomorrow when day court resumes."

Waving for the two guards behind you to follow, you make your way out past the line of ponies who grumble to themselves as you head for the mai. Courtyard. "Inform Celestia of what that mare said and tell her that I'm on my way to deal with it. If she asks while I am not letting her soldiers handle the beast. Then tell her that the creature is known as Greymon, a dragon digimon of the champion level."

Wrapping your egg in your leather coat, you carefully turn to the guard on your right. "Bring my egg to Princess Cadance, tell her to watch over it until Luna has awoken from her sleep and to pass it to her." As the guard goes to reach for your egg, you pull it back for a moment as you lock eyes with the armored stallion. "If even so much as a scratch ends up on its shell, no alicorn in this world will save you from what I will do to you. Do I make myself clear?" With a stern nod, the guard takes your egg and leaves down the hall as you make your way to the train station.

Ep: 12- Prelude to Grey

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The Episodic Adventures of Belle Star

Ep: 12- Prelude to Grey

Shining Armor stood with his selected guards in front of the platform of Canterlot Station. After having received a letter from Raven Inkwell going over the orders of Belle Star, the white and blue stallion quickly put together a squad of his finest soldiers. Although he was somewhat unclear as to the reason why the digimon princess wanted such a squad put together, since Raven had neglected to give any real details, he pulled together his troops as best as he could.

"Is this all of them?" Shining Armor turned to greet the woman belonging to the voice as his troops straightened up.

Arriving last to the station marched the towering form of the female digimon. Her usual black leather coat was missing from her regular appearance, replacing it were several large containers held across her back by a series of straps. The metal boxes were long and thin in thickness, yet wide from a certain angle.

"Yes your highness, thirty of our finest troops." Shining replied with a salute.

"Good, before we depart I want you all to pay attention." The digimon princess said with an air of authority. "As some of you may or may not know, is that I am a creature known as a digimon. We come in many shapes and sizes. Just because one of big or small, doesn't mean that we are or are not dangerous, nor does our appearance reflect our morals."

Shining Armor nodded in head in understanding as the princess paused to take a breath, her eyes resonating a look of pain and anger.

"The digimon you will see is known as Greymon. He is a dragon-like digimon. Ranked Champion. That means that he is strong enough to turn you to ash if he sees fit. If I am a rank four, then he is a rank 2. Stronger than most, weaker than me. Do you understand?" She asked, scanning the guards' faces.

As Belle looked from one to another, one mare caught her eye as the armored pegasus raised her hand before speaking.

"If I may princess, if the beas- er digimon is that much weaker than you, why are we needed?" Shining Armor gave the mare a slight glare before the princess spoke.

"That is because I am only one person. If I focus solely on the digimon, I will neglect the innocent around us. Your job is to establish a parameter, aid the injured and evacuate the area." Bellestarmon started to march forward as she went past the armored troops and into the train, her final words only barely audible as she went inside. "If we're lucky, it hasn't already turned into a war zone."


The train ride to Manehattan had been for the most part uneventful. Although tension filled the air, the long ride gave those on board time to strategies a plan of attack as most would put it. Unaware of where the enemy was located or whether they were still within the city. The first course of action had been decided to locate the area that the digimon was most likely to have visited. After which, ponies would be evacuated to a safe location and a barrier would be set up, blocking the digimon in.

Your plan was to attempt to reason with the three horned digimon first. After your encounter with Bullmon in Appleloosa and your arrival during the night of the summer sun celebration, it wasn't out of the possibility that the request of aid had been blown out of proportion. This thought was snuffed out when the train, carrying you and your troops, got closer to the large town as the sun lowered in the horizon.

As Celestia’s sun fell out of view and Luna’s moon rose, the glowing orange light of the town caught your eye. At first, one could mistaken it for the light of the setting sun or city lights, however past memories clued you into their true cause.

"What is that?" One of the guards questioned, looking out one of the nearby windows as they saw the town from two miles out.

"That almost looks like…" A female guard was cut off as a sudden quack shook the train carts.

"Everyone get ready!" Shining Armor shouted as the train cart rocked slightly back and forth.

Standing up from your seat, you grabbed the metal boxes that you had brought onto the train and slammed them down into the aisle.

"Armor, distribute these amongst your troops!" You ordered sliding them down the aisle. "They work like crossbows, pull the lever on the side back to reload, pull the trigger to fire. Aim only higher than the sight, the further back the higher you aim!"

Grabbing your saddlebag from your seat, you made your way to the nearby doors and pulled them open.

"What are you doing?!" Shining Armor asked as the cart was filled with the rushing air of the train.

"I'm heading to the roof." You stated as you pulled a long barreled sniper rifle out of your Saddleback l. "I need to get a better look, keep your ears up and the doors open."

Not wasting time for the commanding stallion to question your actions, you swing your claw around the outside frame of the door and climb up. As you pull yourself onto the metal roof of the cart, you raise your rifle and peer through the scope, training your sights on the location with the most fire.

Looking at the city, your eye widens in horror as the silhouette of a three horned t-rex with orange scales and blue streaks along its back walks out from around one of the distant buildings. It's two long arms hanging down as its whole body leaned forwards while it walked. Judging its size by comparing it to the nearby windows your gut sinks abit as what you were seeing was not the digimon you were expecting.

"Its a red…. ITS A GOD DAMN RED!!!" You shout down to your squad as you slam your fist into the metal below your feet. A large dent embedding itself as you swung the rifle back onto your back.

"I'm guessing that's a bad thing?!" You hear Shining Armor call back from inside of the train.

"WORSE!" You hauler back as you rise to your feet. "DAMN THING IS STRONG ENOUGH TO TAKE OUT A ULTIMATE WITH EASE." You shout loudly through the rushing wind.


"THE PLAN STAYS THE SAME! YOU BOX IT IN WITH A BARRIER, I SHOOT THE HELL OUT OF IT!" You order as you stretch the opening of your saddlebag wide before pulling out your bike. "I'M GOING AHEAD! GEAR UP SOLDIERS! IT'S TIME TO EARN THOSE STRIPES!!!"

With that you crank up your bike and speed off the roof of the train, your bike bouncing a few times as it makes contact with the ground below.

"So much for sticking to the plan." Shining Armor said under his breath as he turned to his troops. "Alright, you heard the lady. Get ready to move. When this train stops, we move!"