Thorax's Harem

by CrackedInkWell

First published

Spike finds out from Thorax that he has a harem that he inherited from Chrysalis where the Changeling King offers to share with him. Although hesitant, Spike arrives at the hive for a wild night.

WARNING: The following story contains graphic scenes of sex that will be M/M. It will go into detail about an orgy that happens between a dragon and several Changelings. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

At first, Spike couldn't believe it. While stepping outside for some fresh air during a formal party, he is told by his best friend Thorax that he has a harem. One that the Changeling King had inherited from Chrysalis. A harem of twelve that took pride in what they do and had made an arrangement with him every other week. Spike expresses that on some level he is envious as he hadn't gotten much action himself. So Thorax offers to come to the Hive so that his harem would have someone new to have their performance with.

Spike is understandably hesitant by the whole prospect but does end up going. After all, he thinks, such an opportunity may not come again.

The following story contains scenes of explicit sexual activity of M/M and M/M/M. This includes assistant masturbation, oral stimulation, using cum as lube, anal penetration, oral sex, Changings taking forms of various creatures, and some cuddling. It should be noted that all the characters depicted are above the age of 18, and is consensual.

Also, the first chapter doesn't contain clop while everything else right after does. I will label them (Clop) or (Nonclop).

An Invitation (Nonclop)

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“Oh bullshit!” Spike exclaimed, a glass of wine in one claw and leaning up against the stone railing with the other. To the side of him was one of his oldest friends and Changeling King Thorax who told him something unbelievable. A warm evening breeze blows through the gardens and behind them were the windows of a formal party of Twilight’s that illuminated them both. Spike was still in a tuxedo while Thorax was… well… himself. Still, the tall, technicolor Changeling wanted to step outside from the elegant dinner to just breathe the evening air in the light of the full moon. Spike too stepped out, partly because Thorax was the only one available to talk to and partly to have a moment to talk without any judging guest overhearing.

“It’s true,” Thorax insisted. Who, unlike Spike, was nowhere near tipsy as his friend, “really, it is.”

“Somehow… I doubt it.”


“Okay,” Spike set the wineglass down on the railing. “First off, you don’t seem like the kind of guy that would have a harem. Much less have an orgy every other week.”

“But I do.” Thorax raised an eyebrow, “Why is that so hard to believe.”

“Well… I don’t know. I imagine that you need a good deal of charisma to be in the middle of… you know.”

“Not really…”

“Besides, how do you even get one? Why do you have one?”

“You could partly blame Chrysalis,” Thorax picked up his glass to have a small sip. “When you take the throne, all the privileges and stuff come along with it – including what she had. And you’d be right that I was uneasy about having a whole copulation cabinet made from guys that used to… and please forgive my language here… fuck her brains out.”

“Okay, Chrysalis… Yeah, I can see that” Spike pointed out, “but why you?”

“Believe me, one of the first things I did was to tell them that they’re not… well, needed anymore. I told them that they’re pretty much free to go so they don’t have to stick to this role and all that. Made it clear to them that they’re not sex slaves anymore, so they have the choice to do other things. So, imagine my surprise that not only did a majority stay, but they begged me not to disband them.”

“Really?” Spike blinked. “Why? If they were sex slaves, then why stay?”

“Well… don’t quote me on this. Chances are, there might be some points that I’ve probably forgotten or misheard – so take everything with a mountain of salt.” Spike nodded, “From what they’ve explained to me, they take what they do very seriously. They were chosen by Chrysalis not only because of their… libido (although that too), but because they have a passion behind it. To them, sex isn’t just some primal act, but it’s an art form – the closest thing I could compare it would be a performance. They do find it fulfilling… in more ways than one.”


“Besides, they told me it was what brings them a sense of purpose because all their time, talent, and energy go into pleasing the leader of the Changelings. That to just disband it altogether… Spike, it would have broken your heart when they pleaded and begged not to be kicked out so… What was I supposed to do? We talked it out and came up with a compromise that while I wouldn’t be there every night, I would at least once a week come to them to do what they want to me.”

“And you said that this harem is made up entirely of guys.”

Thorax nodded, “I’d… be lying if I didn’t say that part also surprised me. On the one hoof, as someling who is gay, I get access to sex more than any Changeling alive. But then again, given that most of them had served Chrysalis for years at least, I’m surprised that they were willing to do the same for me. Still, I made it clear that I would never force any of them to do something they’re uncomfortable doing.”

Spike didn’t say anything. Picking up his glass, Spike downed a good gulp of wine, and at the same time, Thorax sense his friend’s mood had changed. Being a Changeling, he could see through emotions of any thinking, feeling thing – he could taste it without opening his mouth. Spike’s mood on his tongue changed from salty disbelief to a sharp bitterness of… “Did I say something wrong?”

Hm?” Spike asked.

“You’re jealous all of a sudden.”

“How did you… Oh, right, I keep forgetting.” Spike downed the rest of his glass. “I can’t hide anything I feel from you, even if I tried.”

“But something is wrong, isn’t there?”

“Eh… kinda? I mean I guess I shouldn’t. So, you have a harem. Meanwhile, adult me hasn’t seen any action in… forever. It’s kinda hard not to feel a little jealous that your best friend is getting laid every other week while I’ve been swamped with being both Friendship ambassador and advisor to Twilight to where I hardly have the time to even-”

“Are you a virgin?” Thorax interrupted, bringing the conversation to a standstill. “Sorry if it’s personal, I just thought-”

“What! Phft! N-No, no! Of course, I’m not…” Spike trailed off when he saw Thorax was unconvinced, “It’s just I haven’t gotten anyone’s attention and…” That was a lie, and to make it worse, Spike’s embarrassment betrayed him, if not on his face, then his emotions being read by him. “I-It’s just that… Well… maybe.”

“Spike,” Thorax wrapped a comforting hoof around him, “believe it or not, I get it. If you are, you are. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. This is a personal thing, and I completely understand that, but take it from me that if or when the time comes, let it be because you want to and not because you must fulfill an image of yourself.”

“But I do want to, only I’ve never been given the opportunity – ever.”

Thorax blinked. From what he could sense, that was no lie. Yet, a glance at Spike’s physic did give him pause to question. After all, since he became a full-fledged adult, the young dragon has undergone quite a growth spurt. He wasn’t the small, pudgy drake when he first met him; but a taller creature who has developed an exercising habit. Somehow, Thorax was hard to believe that no one, male or female, had ever once approached Spike for so much as a one-night stand.

“Can I ask you another personal question?” asked Thorax, “Had you ever considered, maybe hiring say… an escort?”

“First off, prostitution isn’t exactly legal here in Canterlot. And even if there was a brothel, and I knew where it was, there’s still the risk of getting caught. Never mind if I get fired, but do you have any idea how pissed Twilight would be?”

“Hmm… I see your point…” Thorax hummed, looking up at the moon. “What if… No.”


“Forget it.”

“No c’mon, what is it?”

After a pause, Thorax said, “Suppose… what if I invite you to do it with my harem?”

If Spike was drinking something at that moment, he would have done a spit-take. “Are you being serious right now?”

“I’m saying it’s an idea. I have more than plenty, and knowing them, I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to have you there to be on with the… performance. Plus, they’re super accommodating and-”

“Wait, hold on!” Spike objected, “Are you… whoring out your own Changelings to-”

“Nonono! Not at all. It’s not like that. First off, I don’t exactly own them as they…” Thorax coughed into his hoof, blushing, “own… me. But they had told me in the past they’ve wanted to have someone new when we… get together. As I said, they’ll be thrilled to have you there. Of course, I just need to let them know ahead of time.”

Spike blinked, “So… when you say you let me with your harem, are we talking with one or…?”

Thorax thoughtfully tapped his chin. “You know what? I think I’ll lend you half the harem.”

“…. Holy shit.” Spike’s head was spinning. He wasn’t sure if it was from the wine or the idea of having half of… “Say, how many do you have in that harem anyway?”


Blushing, Spike gave a low whistle. “Well… I don’t really want to get any S.T.Ds out of it.”

“That’s not a problem at all,” Thorax assured him. “With Changeling biology, we can’t get a sexually transmitted disease – nor can we pass it on to anyone else. So really, we’re as safe as we can be.”

Spike let out an uneasy breath, “I mean… shit, I didn’t expect this at all.”

“Look, Spike. You don’t have to go through with this if you don’t want to. It’s perfectly okay if you end up turning this down – but just know that it’s I’m offering it. I’ll even give you some time to think it over till say… next Saturday at the Hive at Sunset. You can show up or not. And even if you do, you have the option not to do anything with my harem at all. But just so you’re aware,” he patted his back, “I’m giving you the opportunity.”

“Thanks… But yeah, this is something I should sleep on…”

“Understandable.” Thorax looked over his shoulder towards the windows. “Oh! I think they’re serving dessert. I want to go back inside… will you be okay?”

“Y-Yeah, yeah. I guess I’ll see you around.”

With that, Thorax picked up his glass and returned to the party.

Alone, Spike in his tipsy mind thought over what Thorax had offered. He never thought that his best friend would present the opportunity for him to get laid. Never had he thought that he would be invited to basically an orgy, and yet, here he was. There was so much to process and yet he wasn’t exactly in the condition to think things through anyway.

So, after glancing up at the moon, Spike picked up his glass and thought: ‘So your best friend has invited you to an orgy with his harem… I think I need another glass.

Am I really going to do this?’ Spike thought.

It has been one week since Thorax proposed the offer. Now sober, he had plenty of time to consider it. While he worked with Twilight with this and that, privately that conversation played through his mind again and again. It seemed so unreal that the morning after when he woke up with a hangover, Thorax sent him a letter letting him know that his harem is excited to meet him.

Of course, as Spike knew as he was flying southernly towards what used to be the Badlands, he could not simply go. All this week he could write back and say that he had second thoughts, and he did several times. While his groin was screaming “Fuck yes! Let’s go get some ass!” his mind really considered the pros and cons of going through with this. He would be lying if he said that he felt uneasy – simply because he wasn’t entirely sure about the fine details of it. Perhaps that was due to never being to an orgy before. After all, if he could go through it, would he be capable to have sex with multiple partners? What if he ends up having sex with Thorax? Would that make things awkward once things are said and done? Would this be just a one-time thing?

He knew that there were plenty of things that could go wrong, and he probably should head back to Canterlot. He knew it. But his wings still propel them closer to the Hive anyway.

After all, he knew that such a thing may never happen again.

Spike paused once. When he saw that the Hive was within sight and the sun was about to set. If he was being honest with himself, he was nervous. It was obvious. Not only was he about to engage with something that he has never done before, but he would be doing it with his best friend watching. He had doubts. What if he proved to be bad at this? What if he couldn’t get hard when he needed to? What if he made things awkward? What if he disappoints them?

Yes, if there was any point in possibly turning around, Spike knew, this would have been it.

Nevertheless, he flew forward towards the Hive. Nerves be damned.

Meet the Harem (Nonclop)

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As Spike got closer, he spotted Thorax at the top of the Hive, waiting. He saw him pacing about, looking this way and that until he caught sight of him. Thorax waved at him and saw that he had a smile as he approached.

“Hey Thorax,” Spike said, touching down in front of him. “Am I late?”

“Spike,” his friend went up to hug him, “no, not at all, you’re right on time.” Then after a beat, Thorax let go of him, “Feeling nervous?”

“…. Is it that obvious?” Spike scratched the back of his neck. “Given what you invited me to.”

“Hey, it’s okay to be nervous. I mean, did I make it clear that you can step away at any time, did I?”

“I know it’s just…” Spike breathed in deeply. “Okay, not gonna lie, this is new for me. This whole harem thing and uh…”

“Oh, believe me when I say that I understand,” Thorax nodded, “I was the same way when I did it for the first time with them. Speaking of which, do you want to come inside?”

“Yeah, where are they anyway?”

“They’re getting ready for tonight. Oh! That reminds me, had you had your bath yet?”

“I have to bathe? I mean I had a shower this morning-”

“Oh no, that’s not what I meant. By bathe, I mean to say had you take care to make sure you’re clean. Inside and out?”


“I’ll take that as a no. Well, that’s okay, before anything happens, my harem and I go to the baths to make sure we’re completely clean first.”

“Huh, I guess that makes sense. And besides, I would like to meet them before … you know.”

“Understandable,” Thorax nodded, “C’mon, I’ll show you.”

Spike followed his friend into the Hive. Down the moss-covered halls and across rooms where Changelings were getting ready to go to sleep. Many said good night as they pass by, others raised an eyebrow when they saw Spike there while a few whispered behind their backs. They descended downwards from a spiral slope that went through several levels, and they walked a ways to the point where Spike asked if they were going underground.

“The baths are on the lowest level,” Thorax told him, “In fact, that’s where we’ll be with the harem for the night. It’s spacious and private enough where we won’t be interrupted.”

“What? Is it like a sex dungeon down there?”

His friend deadpanned, “Spike, you know I don’t imprison my own subjects – it’s rude.”

“No, I didn’t… ugh! Nevermind, that was a joke.”

“Regardless, it’s not a dark and gloomy place at all. You’ll see that it’s actually quite pleasant.”

Eventually, they reached the bottom of the spiral where Spike heard running water, murmuring voices, and a lyre playing. It was coming down from a short hallway that was lit up by lanterns with fireflies in them. At the end of the hall was a curtain with two guards with spires at attention. Seeing their king, they smiled and raised their spears.

“Good evening, Thorax,” the one on the left said, “it’s that time of the week, huh?”

“Hi Uri, hey Vri,” Thorax said warmly, “yeah, I did promise that I would be here tonight. And you’re aware that this time I’ve brought a guest?”

“Spike? Yes, we’re aware Your Highness.” The one on the right nodded, “Good evening. I’m Vri, and this is Uri. We’ll be standing guard tonight to make sure that no one goes in except for you two.”

“Uh… thanks?” Spike said, giving a wave.

“Still, this is quite new if I say so,” Uri commented. “Not to mention extremely lucky.”

“Really?” Tilting his head to the side, Spike raised an eyebrow, “How come?”

“Noling, except for the King, is allowed to touch the concubines,” Vri explained. “Usually, they are meant for him and him alone. So for anyone to be invited in must be very special.”

“And I indeed invited him.” Thorax told them, “So, may we pass?”

Parting the curtains wide for them, they were allowed to enter.

Spike didn’t know what to expect being inside a royal harem, yet as he stepped inside, he was in awe of it. The room was a spacious one. An underground cavern that was lit up by Saddle Arabian style lanterns with fireflies that dangle overhead. There must have been at least a hundred of them that lit up the baths. Well… it was more like an underground spring as he saw steam rising from the sparkling waters. With the lanterns overhead, it gave the illusion that there were stars in the water. There were gentle waterfalls that came down from the ceiling at one end through a hole that let in the only natural light outside as well as ventilation. Indeed, it was a warm room where the stone felt warm and damp. In the center of the spring was a large moss-covered bed with bottles, towels, and pillows. However, Spike’s attention was turned towards the concubines in the room – all twelve of them. Some helped bathing each other; others were swimming in the spring, a couple was snacking on flowers and one was improvising on the lyre.

“Good evening, guys,” Thorax said to them, getting their attention.

“Thorax!” The harem excitedly welcomed him with smiles, all getting up to meet him.

“Welcome back, Your Highness,” said one.

“We’ve been missing you,” another chimed in.

“Is that your dragon friend you’ve mentioned?”

“Quite the stud there.”

“Welcome to the harem, sexy.”

Thorax cleared his throat, “Now everyone, first things first, I want to introduce you to my best friend, Spike. Spike, these are my concubines.”

“Uh… hey.” Spike awkwardly waved with a nervous smile, getting a chuckle out of them.

“So then,” Thorax continued, “let me tell you whose who from left to right. This is Basi.”

“Good evening,” Basi nodded. Spike noted that the light green Changeling had tinted-rose glasses that he had to wipe the steam now and then.

“This is his twin brother, Papri.”

“Hi there,” a dark green smiled at Spike. Indeed, apart from the tone of color, the dragon probably wouldn’t be able to tell the two twins apart.

“That there is Cinn.”

A yellow Changeling nodded, Spike noticed that out of all of them, he was the biggest. He imagined that if he had regular muscles, he would be something of a bodybuilder.

“That’s Clov, he and Oreg usually prepare the snacks.”

“Nice to meet you,” Clov reached out his pink hoof. “I’ve already prepared some treats that I hope you would like.”

“And I also brought some wine for the occasion,” Oreg also reached his orange hoof out to Spike. He shook both.

Thorax continued, “This is Dill, he’s the musician out of the whole group.”

“Welcome,” Dill, a purple changeling that held a lyre winked at Spike.

“Then there is Parslee. He’s the storyteller.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir Spike,” Parslee, a silver Changeling bowed his head to him.

“This is Carda, who is also the Hive’s famous playwriter.”

“How do you do,” Carda, who is red in color and the shortest of all of them smiled look up at him.

“There’s also Anis, who is the comedian of the group.”

“Well, hello there, sexy,” the sky-blue Changeling winked at him. Compared to Cinn, he was almost as big as Cinn in height.

“This is Tarra, he’s the most recent to be picked for the harem.”

“Nice to meet you, sir,” the royal blue Changeling nodded at Spike, who seemed to be just as nervous meeting him as he was to them.

“Then there’s Cay, he’s the group’s therapist, mainly because he’s a good listener and he likes to cuddle.”

A golden changeling nodded to Spike.

“Of course, last but certainly not least, this is Corian, he has been in the harem the longest and is something like a leader.”

“Good evening, Your Majesty.” A white Changeling bowed to them. “And to you, Sir Spike.”

“Just Spike is fine.” Spike nervously smiled back. Every Changeling there could quickly tell that he was intimidated, given what half of them were about to do to him.

“Feeling anxious, are we?” Cinn asked and Spike nodded. Chuckling, he went over to put an arm around the dragon. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re a lot more easygoing than you think.”


“Yup! So have you bathed thoroughly yet?”

“He hasn’t,” Thorax told him, “And neither have I. So, let’s get clean before anything happens.”

“One moment, Your Highness,” Corian interjected, “you said that half of us will be entertaining for your friend here, but we don’t know whose getting who.”

“Oh! That’s right, I forgot.” Thorax gave an embarrassed laugh, “Sorry, I completely spaced it. Now let’s see…” He looked about his harem and pointed, “Okay Basi, Clov, Dill, Oreg, Parslee, and Cay, you guys get Spike. Cinn, Anis, Corian, Tarra, Carda, and Papri are with me.”

Spike might have mistaken this as a moment from a dream if he were asleep. Over by one of the waterfalls, Spike was sitting down, his back against a boulder while the six Changelings around him either washed him, served him snacks or wine, or in the case of Dill, improvised on his lyre to keep him entertained. At first, Spike thought he was himself, but the Changelings insisted on doing it. Rubbing soaps and ointments over his scales in small circles up and down like he was getting a massage. Meanwhile, Clov had brought over a tray of… well if he was being honest, he wasn’t sure what it was. He was served something that looked like wraps that tasted sweet and savory at the same time. Oreg poured him a small cup of wine that had rose petals floating at the top that gave it a delicate flavor to it. Dill, who sat on his left, his legs dangling off the rock, plucked away a tune that seemed to have no beginning or end.

Spike imagined that he felt like he was staring in a homoerotic version of a Saddle Arabian Nights tale. ‘All that’s missing is a lamp with a wish-granting genie in it.’ Spike thought. And yet he still feels…

“How come you feel nervous?” Cay asked him, scrubbing over the scales on his head.

Spike looked up, “Who said I’m nervous?”

“You did.” All six concubines said at once.

Cay’s hooves rested on his shoulders, “You know we Changelings, we can read your emotions like an open book. So why is it that you feel nervous and – oh! I feel a hint of anxiety there too.”

“Oh no, it’s diffidently there,” Dill agreed. “Surely, we can’t have our guest be anxious beforehoof. That’s just bad courtesy, you know. So, tell us what’s wrong.”

“Please, it’s nothing serious,” Spike lied.

“Surely you can’t at least tell us what it is,” Basi said, lathering up his hooves in soap before applying it to Spike’s chest. “We want you to be relaxed and carefree as much as possible. So please, even if it’s nothing, at least let us help.”

Spike looked across the spring to where Thorax was. “Can you guys keep a secret?” They nodded. “So uh… full disclosure here, before anything happens, there are two things I think you guys should know. First being…” Taking in a deep breath, an embarrassed blush colored his face. “…. I have no idea what I’m doing. Like, at all. Despite what I told Thorax, the only sexual experience I have is a few toys – and that’s it. So, I’m painfully aware that I’m inexperienced here. Chances are, I might be laughably bad at this since I’ve never… done it, much less with a whole group.”

Ooh!” Oreg’s wings were buzzing happily, “Oh this is better than I anticipated! We get to pop a dragon’s cherry!”

“Now Oreg, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” Parslee chastises, “He doesn’t have to partake in our performance if he’s not willing. We need to treat him like we have with His Majesty, that the experience must be a pleasure-filled ballet, not a rape. If he doesn’t wish to participate, he is in the right to do so.”

“Well said,” Clov nodded. “And what is the other thing you want us to know?”

“Besides being inexperienced in this sort of thing being my first orgy and all that… do I have to… you know… have sex with Thorax?”

Looking at one another, Clov asked, “Do you… want to?”

“Short answer, you don’t have to,” Parslee said. “The long answer is you could but you have to ask him first. Knowing him, I’m sure he would if you asked.”

“If I’m being honest,” Cay commented. “His Majesty would be honored to.”

“Why is that?” Spike asked.

“Think about it. Do you know how much trust he must have in you even to be allowed inside the harem? How far he’s willing to go for you, and how he’s willing to let you touch us untouchables.” Cay smirked, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have gained an honor that not even we could reach.”

This gave Spike some pause. Looking across at the Thorax, laughing from a joke that one of his concubines had told, it made him wonder… Does he really see him as a friend or… something else.

“Say, do you guys mind if I change the subject?” Spike asked, “So… what is it that you guys do, really?”

“What?” Asked Basi.

“Being a uh… concubine. I don’t know much of it, but I imagined that not everyone could just join.”

There was a chorus of agreement all around.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Dill said. “Even back when Chrysalis was around, you can’t just ask to be a part of it – you have to be invited in. Not only do you need to be close to flawless as possible, but you also need to have a varied set of skills too.”

“Like what?” Spike tilted his head.

“For instance,” Oreg placed the pitcher of wine aside on a rock. “When I was chosen, I and several others were put through a set of rigorous tests. Some are the kind you might be thinking of, but others were surprising. You need to know how to be charming and witty, know poetry by heart, tell some good jokes, transform into any creature (even imaginary ones), play a musical instrument, sing, know how to cook, tell a good story, and how to handle difficult situations or topics when they come up.”

“Some of us have specialties, of course,” Parslee nodded, “but if called upon, we can do all sorts of things. Here in the harem, we are treated much better than most of the hive – even during Chrysalis’s reign. However, we are still servants in a golden cage where in the old days we didn’t have a say or a choice in what happens to us. Thorax is different, not only were we allowed to step away at any time, but now it is us who call the shots. Where Chrysalis used to own us, it is we who own his Majesty.”

“A much better system if you asked me,” Clov said and the others agreed. Then looking across from them, he added, “Well it looks like Thorax is almost ready. Are you, Spike?”

“I…” Spike let out a deep breath, “I think I’m ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Excellent,” Cay clapped his hooves in delight, “Dill, will you get the straws?” Dill obeyed, and while he left them for a moment, Spike asked what he meant, “You see since there’s so many of us here, we just draw straws to see who gets what.” Dill returned with a narrow, long cup that had thin sticks poking out, “Right then,” he said taking hold of the cup and shaking it around. “We all know the rules. The longest goes first, the nest longest goes second, and so on. The shortest will provide the lube.”

Taking out one of the straws, Cay passed the cup around to draw theirs. Within a minute, the descending order went like this: Parslee, Clov, Oreg, Cay, Dill, and Basi will “provide the lube.”

“Shall we get started?” Dill hovered over Spike, his hoof pointing towards the mossy island in the center of the spring where Thorax and the other concubines were swinging towards.

Taking in a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He knew that he could always refuse at any time. But he felt that now, he was ready. So he to swam towards the mossy beds with the other Changelings following behind.

Lubing Up (Clop)

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In the center of the spring was a large, smooth boulder that stuck out like a small island. By the time Spike had crawled onto its tiny shore, feeling the moss that covered both the boulder and the beds like a soft carpet, Thorax and half of his concubines were already there. Both were still dripping wet, and the harem was unfolding the towels there to dry them off first.

“Still nervous?” Thorax asked. However, it was more a statement of fact than anything else.

“I mean, a little I guess,” Spike replied, stretching out his arms as they were being dried. “I just never done anything where I had anyone watching, ya know?”

“Understandable. But remember, even at this point you don’t need to put on a brave face for any of us. After all, this is supposed to be a pleasant experience for both them and us.”

“I know that, but weren’t you the least bit intimidated to be in the middle of a gangbang or whatever for the first time?”

“Oh, trust me, I do,” Thorax nodded. “It was a bit imitating at first, but we’re all on the same page here. We’re just here to simply enjoy ourselves to have them perform.”

“Speaking of which.” Spike sat on the edge of one of the beds, looking over his shoulder, “Before anything happens, do you mind if I ask something personal from ya, Thorax?”

“Sure thing.”

“Okay, first off, typically when you get together with your Harem…” Spike trailed off, and an embarrassed laugh escaped him, “So uh… Are you typically… Top or a bottom?”

“Personally speaking? While I can do both, I lean towards bottoming.”

“I see…” Spike nodded, his face turning red. “So how does a typical uh… session with these guys usually go for you? Just so I get an idea of what’s gonna happen.”

The harem chuckled.

“Well…” Thorax rubbed the back of his neck while his concubines dried off his antlers. “…. Firstly, after they draw straws to determine who goes in what order, it starts off with some foreplay. Starting off with some oral to get everyone aroused while one or two provides the lube. Once everyone is ready, it’s just a matter of them taking turns with me while the others assist while they wait.”

“Also, a couple of things,” Corian said, adjusting and fluffing the pillows. “While we do take turns, we’re quite flexible in being top or bottom, depending on Thorax’s pleasure, of course. All the while to make things interesting, we take on various forms of other creatures to make things interesting. Just so you know, we also imitate not only various styles of mating habits, but we’ve memorized in exact detail what their genitalia are like too.”

“Of course, with that said,” Basi said as he handed his twin Papri a shallow wooden bowl. “If you’re worried about cumming too soon, don’t worry. Our job is to make sure you do so as much as possible. And we also have three various speeds when it comes to our performances.”

Spike raised an eyebrow, “And what’s that?”

Papri laughs, “Slow, medium, and loss of consciousness. But in all seriousness though, we usually start slow and sensual and gradually build up from there.”

Spike blinked. “So… when you say loss of consciousness…”

“It means we’re capable of fucking you silly.” Cinn put it bluntly. “Obviously, it’s not for the faint of heart, but any of us on command can rut you so hard and fast that you’d go unconscious for a few minutes. Believe it or not back when Chrysalis was around, that was a major requirement for us to be in the harem at all.”

“I’ll… keep that in mind.”

Within a moment, the concubines had dried off his back and set up some pillows to prop up against. Thorax too did the same while facing him. Basi sat on the other side of the mossy bed from him while Papri sat across from Thorax; both sat their wooden bowls in front of him. Spike wasn’t entirely sure what the bowls were for. They did mention something about them providing the lube, but from a glance, Spike didn’t see so much as a bottle of it anywhere.

“Shall we begin, Your Highness?” Corian asked as he went up to Thorax in a seductive tone, a hoof on his shoulder. He was promptly joined by Cinn and Tarra to his left; along with Anis and Carda to his right. Thorax blushed and nodded, where Corian leaned his head forward to kiss him. There was something hypnotic to the dragon as he watched his best friend start to slip into bliss.

Spike’s attention was turned away as Parslee cleared his throat. Blinking, Spike didn’t realize that Parslee was right in front of him. Within a moment, Clov and Oreg were on his left, Cay and Dill on his right. All looking up at him with anticipation. “Since you’re new,” Parslee began, an amused smile stretching his lips and his eyes half-closed. “I think we’ll go easy on you unless you say otherwise.”

“I uh…” Spike suddenly found himself to be at a loss for words. A flurry of mixed emotions spun like a vortex that ranged from intimidated to admiration, a flush of lust and a wash of nerves seemed to be drowning him where he could feel it in his lungs to a twitch in his groin.

“Do you want to begin?” Parslee asked, his face just hovering a breath away from his maw, in a tone to where Spike could swear he was purring. “Or… shall we?

Spike swallowed, he looked for a moment at Thorax where not only is he still exchanging a soul-touching kiss with Corian, but his concubines proceeded to leave lines of kisses from his neck down southward. Perhaps it was by the impulse for seeing where that was going. “Could… Maybe treat me like you would with Thorax? Just go easy on me, obviously.”

The concubines blinked and looked at one another exchanging smiles.

“That we can do,” Parslee licked his lips, “sexy.

Spike felt Parslee’s hoof on the back of his head before he felt the changeling’s lips on his. It wasn’t that Spike hadn’t kissed before, only this felt different. Not in any unpleasant sort of way where it seemed forced. He wouldn’t call it a lover’s sort of kiss either. To him, willingly surrendering to the lips; the breath; and the teasing, the coaxing tongue was like savoring decadent high-grade chocolate. This kiss that only lured Spike further wasn’t by someone as inexperienced as he was. This, he felt he was in the hooves of an artisan.

In those deep kisses, Spike drift his eyes to close and experienced the feel of kisses from the other concubines. He felt the pecks that walked past his cheeks, down his neck, licked his collarbone, groped his biceps, and lightly teased his scales as they went further and further down. Instinctively, Spike leaned back against the pillows as he felt as though he were pinned down by Parslee. His magnificent maw pressed up against his. Every so often he would part away to give Spike a moment to breathe before diving back in to have his tongue explore the inside of his mouth. All the while he felt those kisses and licks going further and further to where they were licking inside of his thighs.

This all-out entanglement of so many trying to stimulate him from almost every direction was doing wonders for his lower half. Even before they could get near his groin, he felt his dick starting to grow out of his slit. It was admittingly hard not to get a boner when he had four tongues just teasing around his area without even touching it.

“Hey, you doing okay?”

“Huh?” Spike pulled away from the kiss, blinking out of a trance-like state to look down. At his lap, four Changelings looked between him and his stiffening erection. A pink shaft that is tapered at the top with a slightly wider base. This fleshy pole wasn’t what Spike considered thick but long enough that he could grasp it with both of his claws.

Parslee looked down at Spike’s erection. “Huh, so that’s what a dragon’s cock looks like.” He commented, “Never thought it kinda resembles a pine tree.”

Spike knew what he meant. By “pine tree” he didn’t mean that his shaft was prickly from top to bottom. Not at all. Instead, it had rows and rows of fish-scale-like glans that added a slight, thin layer of thickness to it.

“So, are these barbs like a feline?” Dill inquired, fascinated by Spike's cock. “Do they expand or stay like this?”

“Well, uh… yes and no,” Spike answered, his head feeling so hot and red. “I mean they do kinda flare out a little near the end, but they don’t hurt when you rub… upwards? It just makes it sensitive though.”

Parslee hummed, “You know what? I think I could take it?”

“Wait, really?” Spike blinked. “Are you sure? I mean am I too big or…?”

“Don’t worry about that,” Parslee waved a hoof. “Size isn’t an issue here. If anything, I think you’re perfect. Just the texture of it is what’s new for us.”

“His hole isn’t half bad either.” Clov licked his lips. But he paused as he asked Spike, “So are you doing okay so far? We’re not overwhelming you already, are we?”

“I don’t think so.” Spike said, “You guys can keep going, but… just take your time, ya know?”

“Got it,” Parslee said, looking over his shoulder, “Plenty of time for Basi to prepare the lube.”

“Huh?” Spike tilted his head to the side and saw instantly what he meant.

On the other side of the mossy bed, Basi was on his hunches masturbating. His hoof moved up and down over his multi-colored equine cock at a steady pace with his eyes closed. Letting out sighs, feeling his own pleasure build up to where it was already leaking precum. Spike looked over to his right to see that Papri was doing the same. Instantly he realized what they were doing. They were going to provide the lube with their cum.

Thorax meanwhile was still making out with Corian, but by now two of his concubines were licking away at his surprisingly long dick and the other two were lapping at his hole.

“Shall we continue?” Parslee asked, sneaking a peck from the tip of Spike’s nose.

Spike nodded, “Just… go slow.”

Indeed, that was exactly what they did. Parslee returned his maw to Spike’s, this time giving the drake the space to explore his mouth. Meanwhile, Clov and Cay stuck out their oh-so-luscious tongues to methodically lick from the bottom of the throbbing shaft, inching their way toward the tip by exploring the details of the soft, round barbs. Dill and Oreg spread Spike’s legs enough to where they took turns lapping at the dragon’s smooth taint towards his triangular hole. A sensitive, delicate, bright pink, and untouched hole where even just breathing on it made Spike’s legs twitch. Both Dill and Oreg smirked as they began to gently tease around the virgin flesh, but never penetrating it. Even when their tongues did brush over, they treated it with the utmost care and attention to every twitch and shutter that made Spike moan into Parslee’s mouth.

The inside of the cavernous space became an acoustical instrument where the songs of lusty moans and relieving groans reverberate off the walls. A symphony of lucks, strokes, sighs, and the occasional grunt was music to their ears. Now and then, Spike would peek at Thorax to see that his pair of Changelings were attempting to suck his cock which was unique color in the light of the lanterns overhead. The color and texture reminded him of Mother of Pearl from the silvery, yet rainbow-accent shine that simultaneously looked like it was carved yet fleshy at the same time. He wondered what it would be like to possibly taste something like that.

A shaky moan came from Papri on his right, who masturbated furiously. His eyes squinted shut as his hooves rubbed his flaring dick. “M-My King,” he said in a pleading tone, “I’m close. I’m close.”

Moving Corian aside, Thorax’s horns glowed, and before Spike knew it, glowing orange rings moved about around Papri’s flaring head. Papri’s hips bucked in the air while at the same time, Thorax used his magic to levitate the wooden shallow bowl up at an angle close to the leaking tip. And then, just when it looked as though Papri couldn’t take it anymore, the rings around his cock suddenly expanded and squeezed around the flare where he came.

A-Ahh!” Papri’s head tilted back, his mouth letting out a pleasure-filled cry as he erupted into orgasm. Spraying rope after rope of freshly white semen into the bowl. Somehow Thorax captured it all without spilling a drop. He quickly filled the bowl almost to the brim before his climax subsided, with Thorax using his magic to milk out that member of the very last drop before Papri leaned back, panting.

“Thank you, Papri,” Thorax said. “Give yourself a rest for a bit.”

“Gladly, My King,” Papri crawled off the mossy bed to bathe in the spring water.

“Give me a minute,” Basi told Spike, stroking his penis as fast as he could, “I’ll have your lube in a bit.”

“Oh, may I help with that?” Thorax asked, his horns still aglow.

Basi nodded enthusiastically. Before Spike could ask, Basi let out a whinny as he sat up straighter than before but still pumping away. It took a moment to realize what was going on, but then Spike spotted a noticeable glow from Basi’s ass. Which was why his hindlegs were spread a little further when he was flaring up. “Ahh-ah! Yes, little more…” Basi shut his eyes, his hips rocking while his cock twitched. And then, with a groan, he too came. Spurting out a long rope that nearly landed on Parslee’s back, Thorax used his magic to catch the cum just in time. Along with the receding pumps to get every drop of that milky lube.

“Ha, power-bottoming slut,” Papri snickered.

“Whatever, cocksucker,” Basi laughed, the glow from his rear end faded. “Thank you, Thorax.”

“You go rest too. You’ve earned it.” Thorax smiled. Floating the shallow bowl of cum over to Parslee.

Taking hold of the bowl, Parslee had a smirk on his face. “So Sir Spike, do you want me to top or bottom?”

The Performance (Part 1) (Clop)

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If Spike was being honest with himself, he was feeling somewhat overwhelmed. Not out of peer pressure nor having to fulfill whatever obligation there was. He knew that in a way, he was in control of the situation, but it was only now with Parslee holding a bowl of “lube” and asking if he wants him to top or bottom did the reality of it all set in.

He was on the cusp of an orgy.

Where everyone besides himself is a Changeling who could transform into anything.

The closest thing he could compare it was feeling like a kid in the most elaborate, well-stocked candy store that has nearly every variety of sweets that are only limited to the imagination, and he was told that he has no limit in what he could have.

Even something as simple as being top, bottom, or both open the door the endless possibilities.

“Perhaps,” Corian suggested between licks around the crown of Thorax’s cock. “Would you like His Majesty to do the honors?”

“Huh?” Both Spike and Thorax looked at Corian.

“This is only a suggestion.” He said, trailing his tongue teasingly around the flat head. “But would Sir Spike prefer to do it with Thorax before any of us? After all, how often do you have the privilege of deflowering someone?”

Thorax raised an eyebrow and glanced over at his longtime friend whose face had turned bright red.

“Would this be something you want?” Thorax asked.

Spike took a deep breath, a claw held onto his dick, slowly rubbing it. “I don’t want to push you into this either.”

“Spike, look at me.” He did so. “If you really want, I would be honored to be your first, but uh…” Thorax looked at Spike’s member, “Unless you want to-”

“Actually. If I’m gonna do this… I want it to be with someone that I trust, you know?” Spike looked to the concubines, “No offense to any of you, but would it be okay if I start this with Thorax instead?”

“Absolutely,” Parslee stepped aside, where Thorax crawled over to him.

“Before anything happens,” Thorax told him, “I want to ask you two things. First, how do you want to first time to go?”

Spike glanced at him up and down, “I’m… not sure to be honest. I could go either way I guess so…”

Humming, Thorax asked Corian if he could turn into a coin. This was immediately done. Thorax picked it up, “How about this? Heads, you top me.” He showed the side where it showed an engraving of the Changeling King presenting his ass. “Tails and I top you.” He flipped it over to show the side that showed his cock. “Ready?”

Spike nodded. He watched as Thorax flipped the coin into the air. All eyes were on it, flipping round and round until Spike caught it. The coin showed Thorax’s cock.

“That leads to my second question,” Thorax pointed out, “do you want me to change in any way?”

“I mean…” Spike looked down at Thorax’s member, “Could you… maybe make it a little more… beginner friendly? Because no offense, as is I think you might seriously hurt me with that fifth leg of yours.”

There was a burst of laughter from the harem and from Thorax.

“Of course, buddy,” Thorax crawled up onto Spike to where he was on top of him. He felt him press up against him, his penis rubbed and throbbing up against a warm monster such as his. “Hmm… You’re right. As is I think I might rupture something. So… How about something like…” Spike looked down as Thorax’s lower half was encompassed in a green flame that spread downward. A moment later, his friend’s monster dick was shrunk to the same size as he was. “…. This? Is this fine?”

“I…” Spike blushed so much that he could feel his cheeks burning. “Yeah, I think I could take it.”

“Excellent!” Thorax clapped his hooves. Smiling, he turned his head over and said, “Corian, could you please lube up Spike and I?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

Thorax pulled away for a moment as Corian dipped his hoof in the bowl of cum. Spike watched as his friend was being lubed up. Corian’s hoof rubbed and coated the equine-like cock where it shines in the lamplight before turning to him. Kneeling, Corian poured the remaining “lube” over Spike’s hole. Where Spike expected it to be cold, it instead felt warm, and thrilling even as the viscus semen was spread and prodded around his waiting, twitching hole. It was simultaneously the dirtiest and yet hottest thing Spike had the privilege to experience, and the sex hasn’t even begun.

“If it’s alright with you,” Thorax told him, “I want to do this face-to-face.”

“Uh, okay? I’m not sure how we would- woah! Hey!” Next thing that Spike knew, Clov and Oreg were on his left, and Cay and Dill on his right lifted his legs, spreading them and lifting his ass up. “Hey, warn me next time!”

Thorax stepped over, underneath him, the concubines that held up Spike’s legs took hold of their king’s member, guiding him toward his hole. Its warm, fleshy flat head being pressed up against it was enough to make Spike involuntarily gasp; making him grab Thorax’s forelegs for support.

This was real.

This was happening.

“Hey,” Spike looked up at Thorax, who looked at him with a gentle smile. “If at any moment it feels uncomfortable, please don’t hesitate to say something.”

Spike nodded.

“Are you ready for me?”

“I…” Spike breathed in, and nodded, “Yeah, just… go easy on me.”

“Okay. Here we go.”

Spike felt the pressure against his hole. Feeling it being spread as Thorax pressed forward a little, pulled back completely before pushing a little further. He felt the crown of his friend’s dick pushing and spreading a bit further and further. It didn’t by any means hurt, but it did make him worry that maybe it wasn’t going to- But a gasp from Spike escaped his maw as he felt the first few inches of Thorax slip inside.

H-Holy shit,” Spike murmured, squeezing his eyes tight.

Thorax and his concubines all had their eyes on him. “Am I hurting you?” Thorax asked in a concerned tone.

“No, I don’t think so. It’s just… I didn’t expect you to be this… warm…” Spike looked down between his legs. “So that’s what the real thing feels like.”

“Just remember to relax as much as you can,” Dill counseled him.

“You’re doing great,” Clov commented, patting Spike’s leg, “just let it slide in.”

Spike didn’t need to be told twice. His eyes still closed, he breathed deeply to calm himself as much as possible when he felt Thorax slide in a little further. In some sense, it was funny how once he got the thick crown through, the rest seemed easier. Thorax on his part thankfully didn’t plunge everything in all at once, but rather rocked himself. For every couple of inches he get inside, he pulled back an inch before working himself a little further. Before Spike even knew it, he felt Thorax’s medial ring being pressed up against him where his friend halted.

Gods your tight…” Thorax whispered, “Spike, are you doing okay?”

Spike nodded.

“Listen, I’m already about two-thirds in. I’m at the ring now, but I want to ask, is this okay or do you want me to go-”

Deeper…” Spike breathlessly said.

Thorax blinked. “Are you sure? I must warn you that pass it is the thickest part of-”

Spike reached up to Thorax’s shoulder and opened his eyes. “I’ll tell you if you’re too much. But now…” Spike swings his lower legs over onto Thorax’s back. “I want more… Give me more…”

Anis gave a low whistle, “Be careful there Your Majesty, you could turn him into a sex-crazed bimbo.”

“Okay then, here we go.” Spike felt Thorax withdraw a few inches before he pushed further into his hungry hole. Pressed up against the rock with the concubines assisting them. Spike wasn’t entirely sure if his ass would even handle him when, without warning, he felt it suddenly expand and he sunk another few more inches with his hole being wider than it has ever been.

Fuck!” Spike shouted when Thorax was completely pressed up against him. “Thorax, d-don’t… Don’t move. Don’t move.”

“Are you hurt?”

“I don’t think so just… Ohh… give me a minute to get used to you…” Spike laid his head back down, letting out a deep groan. “I can’t believe all that’s in me.”

Spike wasn’t sure how deep Thorax was, but he could certainly feel him. Unlike any silicone rubbery toy, he could feel not only how thick it was, but how warm and… alive it is. Every pulse, no matter how minor was noticeable. Every throb from the fleshy crown felt like a stroke of a gentle message that rubbed inside him. And the icing on top was the medial ring that had just rubbed past his prostate.

“Well, congratulations Sir Spike,” Tarra said with a smile, “You’re no longer a virgin.”

There was a round of applause from the concubines.

“Be honest with me Spike,” Thorax told him, “How do you feel?”

“Besides being stuffed like a pig?” Spike joked, “I mean seriously dude, I know you shrunk it a bit, but you’re still fucking huge.”

“Do you want me to shrink it a little? I mean being pressed up like this, that, and you’re very tight.”

“I’m okay… I think you can start moving.”

“You’re sure?” Thorax asked a wicked smile starting to form on his face. “Unless you need another minute.”

Spike opened his eyes, “No, I’m good. You can-”

“Hm… No. Spike no. Not like that.” Thorax craned his neck down to Spike’s ear. “Beg.

Spike’s jaw dropped, “You’re kidding.”

“But I need to know.” Thorax grinds his lower half against him, evicting a moan from Spike. “You want this Kingly cock inside you, no? So how badly do you want me to serve it to you? How fast? How hard? And how deep?”

Spike’s legs involuntarily wrapped around Thorax tighter, but sensing what their king is up to, the concubines grab hold of his legs and spread them apart.

Nononono! Please I…” Spike swallowed.

“Yes?” Thorax grinned.

I… I want it. I want it all. C’mon Thorax, this is starting to feel amazing, don’t pull out just yet. I want you to fuck me. I wanna feel it, please.”

Thorax mused, “Well.” Thorax’s face was now in front of Spike’s. “You did say please.” Thorax raised his hips, pulling himself out until his medial ring had tightly popped out of his friend’s hole before plunging it back in. This let Spike roar out a pleasure-filled moan when, with another thrust, Spike moaned out again. Upon creating a steady pace, Thorax reached out to Spike’s lips and kissed him.

With every thrust, every grinding smack against his ass, Spike felt the discomfort he felt from Thorax’s cock being replaced more and more with a euphoric, addictive bliss that no toy could ever give. Even without touching himself, he felt his dick throb wildly, no doubt leaking pre-cum like a faulty faucet. And then there was the kiss! He never imagined that Thorax would ever do something like this, never thought he would ever want to but now… This deep kiss was more than a blissful, loving peck. This was a wet, hot-breathed, soul-touching kiss that aimed for one thing – pleasing him. And Spike willingly surrendered to it.

Corian, still having the shallow bowl, looked between it and Spike’s leaking cock where he got an idea. Holding it between Thorax and Spike, he gently milked the pre-cum into the bowl where it pooled in. “Pardon my King, but would you like me to provide any additional pleasure for your backside?”

Thorax broke off the kiss and slowed down his thrusts, “Ooh, yes! I certainly would like that. Get it ready back there, but don’t stick it in me until I’m about ready to cum.”

“Understood,” Corian nodded. Going around the fucking couple to his King’s ass. That magnificent, round but toned rear that thrust back and forth. “Cinn, Oreg, could you spread these please?”

Taking hold of Thorax’s rump, they spread them enough to show him what was underneath his shining tail. A light blue fleshy ponut, the softest yet elastic part of a Changeling body was presented. It was still wet from the rim job from earlier. Taking flight, Corian coated his hoof in the dragon’s pre-cum before coating Thorax’s asshole. While not an easy thing to do as Thorax was thrusting away into Spike, Corian had the experience and skill to lubricate him at every increasing speed. Finally, he used the rest to lube his shaft.

“Any form you have in mind?” Corian asked.

Looking over his shoulder, Thorax smirked, “Surprise me.”

Meanwhile, Spike had his head back against the pillow, moaning and groaning with every plunge and withdrawal of that heavenly cock. He never expected to not only get used to having something like that inside him so quickly, but the sensations were borderline overwhelming. Not quite enough to make him cum yet, but having Thorax on top of him speeding up, rutting him like an animal where everything from the fleshy crown, the medial ring, and even the widening base was making him sing. A primal, throaty series of moans every time he was stuffed while his prostate was rubbed; and every time he felt his rectum being dragged out before trusting, throbbing back in made him beg.

Holy shit this is amazing!” Spike blurted out, “Don’t stop! Don’t sto- Ah-ha!” He was caught off guard when he felt Thorax’s head flaring up. Just when he thought he was feeling oh-so-wonderfully full, suddenly he felt like his admin was being plugged by something throbbing and-

“I-I can’t hold it back,” Thorax told him, his eyes clenched, “Spike, I’m gonna cum.”

That was the cue that Corian waited for. In a green flash, Corian transformed into male deer. A tall, strapping buck with thin antlers that he immediately mounted Thorax. He chose this form for a good reason – the penis on a deer is tapered, although it is nowhere near as thick as Thorax’s, the length he knew would easily send him over. Oreg quickly guided the thin cock toward Thorax’s hole before Corian pushed it in.

With expert timing, the sudden feeling of penetration from Corian and the tight squeeze from Spike’s ass was what send Thorax over. His flare fully expanded as he thrust as deep as he could into his friend, squirting load after load into the dragon. Below him, Spike felt the hot, viscous semen being pumped into his guts, feeling him with a warmness like drinking hot chocolate in the middle of winter. Above, Corian quickly thrust into Thorax, feeling his hole constrict with every ejaculating pulse. For Thorax, the orgasm was intense as ever when he slowed down thrusting while his ass was being plummeted – oh what a wonderful combination.

But in moments, Thorax’s orgasm faded in a blissful, panting afterglow. Behind him, Corian had slowed down his thrusting. Looking down at Spike who too was catching his breath as though he had flown around the world.

“Are you… okay?” Thorax asked.

“Yeah, yeah…” Spike felt his claw over his stomach, “So that’s what it feels like.”

“So… how’s your first time having sex?”

“That was intense, but… I haven’t came yet.”

“No?” Thorax looked down. And although Spike’s cock was throbbing, still leaking pre where it flowed off the side, he realized that his friend hasn’t reached orgasm yet. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that.”

“Nah, it’s alright. I mean… I still have half a harem to help me out with that.” The harem laughed.

“Oh okay,” Thorax nodded, “Still, I’m honored that I was your first,” he said, kissing the tip of his nose. “Can I pull out?”

“Uh… Sure, just go slow.”


Spike nodded. Thorax gradually pulled out from him, taking note of Spike’s facial expression as he scrunched up, letting him know how fast to do this. Inch by inch, he withdrew until his head only remained. “Okay Spike, deep breath,” he warned as he pulled a little harder until his flare slipped out with a noticeable Pop! Spike gasped, feeling the still-warm semen cascading out, pouring over his tail.

“And excellent orgasm, sire,” Corian complimented as he withdrew from Thorax, “Shall we continue this on the other bed?”

“Of course,” Thorax walked over, laying his head down on the pillow while raising his ass, and spreading his legs. “It’s your turn now.”

Corian didn’t need to be told twice as he mounted his king again and started to rut him.

Meanwhile, while Spike was catching his breath, his concubines gathered around him with Parslee climbing on top of him. “So I think you still haven’t answered my question, do you want me to top or bottom for you?”

The Performance (Part 2) (Clop)

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Spike already knew what he wanted. That sense of being full in his ass that massaged his prostate that no toy could was being replaced by an empty feeling. And while the still warm semen that pooled underneath his tale felt nice, was still left blue-balled from not being able to get off. And yet… he was so close. Yes, it was intense. Yes, the thrusting nearly became overwhelming but…

“I want you to top,” Spike told them, “I wouldn’t mind if all of you did just… Don’t go as big or as thick as Thorax did.”

Parslee smirked, glancing around at the other concubines who shared a similar look that seemed to say, Sweet! We have another cum dump tonight! Spike could even feel the tip of Parslee’s cock teasing at his already loosen entrance.

“W-Wait, before you do anything,” Spike said rolling over. For a moment, Spike was amazed that despite having taken a dick in his ass that he was still able to move at all. In a moment, he got on his knees and bend forward to where his chest was on the mossy bed, his arms wrapped around the pillow, and his ass presented. His scaly tale moved aside to show Thorax’s cum start to run downwards his cock.

Oreg whistled, “Damn, if only one of us were a photographer. This here is just beautiful!”

“And I’m going first,” Parslee placed a hoof on Spike’s ass cheek. “So, Sir Spike, do you have any particular species in mind?”

Looking over at Thorax where Corian (still in deer form) was jackhammering away, and hearing how much his friend is just in total bliss, he decided to take a gamble. “Surprise me,” Spike said, laying his head on the pillow.

“Oh! Harem’s choice,” Dill rubbed his hooves excitedly. “This is gonna be fun.”

Parslee looked down at the dragon, presenting himself in the doggy position where it gave him an idea. A flash of green fire later, and Parslee instantly transformed himself into a Diamond Dog. A friendly black Labrador-like face, complete with a fit but sleek build, and between his legs (although he had to adjust it somewhat) was a bright red dick that had a tapered head and a bulbous knot at the base. Of course, Parslee made it so that the widest wouldn’t be anything Spike couldn’t handle.

Since there wasn’t a need to lube up, Parslee lined himself up to Spike’s hole and pushed in. Underneath him, Spike let out a happily relived groan where a smile crept on his face. “I’m impressed, Sir Spike,” Parslee complemented, pushing himself in but stopped by the knot. “For someone who just took Thorax’s dick, you’re still wonderfully snug.”

Spike let out a laugh, “Must be a dragon thing.”

“You know what? Hang on a moment,” Clov went around to face Spike, where upon sitting on his hunches, he transformed himself into a dragon where Spike’s jaw dropped. Before him was a pink drake with red-hot spines that Spike could swear was molded to form a god. From the seductive smirk to the smooth scales that cascade over his muscular body, and even down to what was right in front of him was memorizing. Red as a red-hot candy with the scent of musk and cinnamon, Clov’s penis seemed to match Spike’s unique member with a drop of pre just peeking out from the very tip. “Found something you like?” Clov asked.

“…. Holy shit.”

The concubines laughed, “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” Clov said, craning his neck down to Spike’s ear and whispered, “This, is his Majesty’s favorite form to be fucked by.

All Spike could let out was a “A-Ahh!” As Parslee began thrusting.

Clov grasped his cock and held it in front of Spike’s face, “Ever tasted one of these before? Go ahead, just mind the teeth.”

Even though Spike never had given a blowjob to anyone before, he found it enticing enough to open his maw to taste the tip. While his prostate was being massaged from the rear, feeling Parslee’s weight on his back and his arms wrapping him, Spike indulged with the fleshy, warm, smooth member he was tasting. As much as he wanted more, his reptile tongue had to lick it around and around to lubricate. He wondered if the Changeling could make his cock be tasted in a certain way, because to him in a surreal way, it was like licking on a hay-bacon lollypop that had a mix of spices, brown sugar, and that salty pre that just highlighted the taste. Not only was his tongue more than happy to lick it all around, but it encouraged him to move his mouth further in.

That’s it…” Clov purred, his claws cupping Spike’s cheeks. “Take your time, enjoy.”

Meanwhile, Corian had hilted himself as deep into Thorax and had pumped a load into him. During Corian’s orgasm, Thorax looked over to Spike to see him getting spit-roasted. Parslee humped away while Clov was relaxing into bliss from getting blown. A smile came across Thorax’s face that his friend was enjoying himself. By the time Corian dismounted, he asked Cinn if he would like to be sucked by him.

Parslee could feel that Spike was getting close. As much as he would love to push the knot in this already wet and wonderfully warm hole, Spike still hadn’t come yet. And even if he and the other concubines couldn’t sense it, Spike was making a good deal of noise. Although his mouth was being filled by Clov, the muffled moans and gasps were very noticeable. They can see him shutting his eyes as Parslee sped up a little that his stifled cries for release got louder. He was just about there but not quite.

An idea came to Parslee so he turned to Oreg, lifting a free paw for a moment, and he made the sign to jerk him off. Getting the hint, Oreg changed himself into a golden sphinx with silvery wings, a Southern Equestrian head dress, and most important of all, fluffy paws. He got down underneath Spike where he saw the twitching cock where the round barbs were pulsating. Licking his lips, Oreg took hold of that warm dragon member, rubbing it up and down to give it a gentle squeeze.

They could all feel it, Spike was almost there. So Parslee with all his might thrusted as hard as he could to get the knot into Spike’s wonderful ass. Underneath him, Spike squealed, and when all of Parslee’s dick was full inside with a wet Pop!, Spike screamed around Clov’s cock. His climax was almost like a religious experience as every shot after a blissful shot was wonderfully mind-numbing. At the same time, he felt Parslee was cumming too, and with every twitch of that knot was like an electric shock that didn’t hurt but added to his intense orgasm. Below him, Oreg jerked Spike away while having his mouth open to catch each rope of his freshly hot seed.

And just when Spike was coming down from his intense high, mercifully, Parslee and Oreg stopped. After something like that, he felt he needed a breather, so he pulled himself off from Clov.

“You okay down there?” Clov asked, rubbing the back of his head.

Spike panted. He felt Parslee’s cock twist from the inside. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Parslee turn himself over while they were tied so they were ass to ass. He could feel more of that lovely warmth being pooled inside of him as he felt every pulse from that knot. “I’m fine just… wow that was intense. Just let me breathe for a minute.”

“Heh, sensitive?” Dill smirked. He had been quiet up until now. Spike didn’t notice that he, Cay, and Basi were masturbating while all this was going on.

After some deep breaths, Spike glanced over to Thorax, whose mouth was on Cinn’s member. “How can you have the energy to orgy with all of these guys in one night?”

Thorax pulled away from Cinn’s cock. “The key is not to go at it all at once. Of course, you can’t satisfy everyone at once. But just take your time, and just enjoy yourself.” He then sank back to blowing Cinn, a pleased humming coming from him as he bobbed his head.

“Let’s give this guy a break for a second,” Parslee said, transforming back to his Changeling form and was able to slip out of Spike. No sooner had he withdrawn, than a viscous trail of cum dripped out of the dragon’s hole. “I must say, Sir Spike,” Parslee playfully slapped Spike’s rear-end, “for being your first orgy, you’re taking this like a champ.”

“Thanks,” Spike turned to Clov’s still throbbing cock. And without saying a word, he went back to sucking it.

“While we’re giving him a minute, whose up next?” Parslee asked.

“That would be me,” Oreg said, “but I prefer to be under him if you don’t mind. Maybe have this slip into me-”

Spike pulled his mouth out but stroked Clov’s dick. “Um, actually… do you guys mind if I top last?” This got everyone’s attention, including Thorax. “I mean… as fun as being on the bottom is, I wanna save my first experience topping for last for… Well, for Thorax. If that’s okay with you.”

“Oh…” Thorax blinked. “Yeah, I’m okay with that but… do you want to do it now or…”

“I still got all of these fine cocks, don’t I?” Spike smirked. “Wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t let any of them-”

“A-Ah…” Clov grabs hold of Spike’s head. His dragon member was throbbing, he said, “Spike wait, I’m gonna-”

“Duty calls,” Spike returned his maw to sink it back as far back in his throat as he could get it.

He felt the member twitch and flared a little when overhead he heard Clov cry out, “Ah yeahhh!” when Spike felt the first spurt of cum taste on his tongue. A salty-sweet spurt of freshly hot spunk that came in spurts. And Spike was all too happy to drink it as soon as it came in his mouth. It was an almost creamy series of shots that he would be glad to drink gallons of if given the chance. The only disappointing moment was when Clov’s spirits had subsided and he was forced to pull out.

“This is probably the gayest thing I’ve ever said,” Spike smirked, looking up at Clov, “But your cum was fucking delicious.”

“You’re welcome,” Clov laughed, “and don’t worry, there’s more where that came from. Oreg, do you want his mouth? It’s to die for.”

“I’ll keep myself entertained down here.” Oreg moved himself to where his lower half was pressed up with Spike’s. Hip to hip. And with his paws, he grabbed not only Spike’s penis but his as well to be pressed up together and slowly rubbed them.

“That would mean I would go next,” Cay said, transforming himself into a golden griffon. In body type, it reminded Spike of the Captain of the Guard, Gallus. Someone who isn’t too skinny nor overly buff but… fit was the closest word to it. Between slim and muscular, and as Spike immediately noticed, had a cock that was truly unique. It had the barbed head of a feline the spikes were soften and a knot at the base that wasn’t too wide to be intimidating. “I’ll take his mouth if you want his leaky ass, Dill.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” walked around to where Spike was presenting his cum-filled hole. He glanced down where Oreg was frotting Spike underneath and at Cay who was taking Clov’s place. Deciding that perhaps he should go easy on the dragon, Dill chose the form of a stag. It wasn’t just because he liked the form, he did because the male genitalia would be easier on Spike. A simply fleshy rod that wouldn’t overstimulate him too soon but still easy to push in without resistance.

In front of Spike, Clov stepped aside for Cay. “You want more?” Cay asked, his voice low and commanding despite being so quiet. He gripped the Griffon's cock to line up at Spike’s maw, “Open wide, slut.” And Spike obeyed, feeling the dragon take him inside willingly. To have his tongue explore around his prickly head, his smooth shaft and tease the knots without taking them in. Cay wasn’t sure if Spike might have been hesitant to blow him with this dick as he could very easily use his imagination to replace it with something else, but he wasn’t complaining now.

From behind, Dill took a moment to line up before pushing inside. The slick tunnel from the last few cream pies only added to both the near-firry warmth of the dragon and the soft interior as well. In one push, he managed to slip it all in with no resistance. He didn’t say it out loud, but despite having his hole been used already, he somehow has the tightness of a virgin. Spike’s hips leaned back, urging him to start. Dill smiled and only happily obliged to start his thrusting.

Meanwhile, Cay rested a claw on Spike’s head. He felt Spike’s tongue explore his throbbing cock. To let it feel every bulb and vain, from the leaky tip down to the base, he was amazed at how flexible it was while being sucked. “You sure you haven’t done this before?” he turned over to Clov, “He could easily pass as a concubine.”

“I know, right!” Clov nodded. “He’s been taking all this in like a champ.

“That’s what I said,” Parslee pointed out. He looked over to Corian. “Though seriously? Can we keep this guy? He’s fantastic.”

“C’mon Parslee, you know the rules.” Corian shook his head, “Only Changelings could be in His Majesty’s harem. Just remember he’s a guest.”

“O-Ooh…” Oreg moaned from underneath Spike. “I-I’m almost there. Sir Spike, where do you want it?”

Spike took a moment to pull his maw out while jacking off Cay, he answered with a smirk. “Paint my ass with it.”

As quickly as he could, Oreg crawled out underneath Spike. Standing on his hindlegs next to Dill who was gaining a quicker pace, he furiously masturbated over him. It didn’t take him that long to reach his peak, yet before he let loose, he reached a paw over to envelope Dill in a deep kiss. Moaning into him, Oreg shot out a few ropes of viscous cum over Spike’s ass and his raised tail. It only lasted a few moments, and yet it left behind an incredibly hot sight of those scaly cheeks with freshly ejaculated cum coating them.

After breaking the kiss, Dill looked down at Spike’s ass and thrusts faster. “Oh, that’s hot…” He said, his cheeks burning red.

Cay’s claw cupped Spike’s chin while the dragon continued to lick him. It was then a thought came to mind. “You know what… I got an idea.” He looked over to Thorax, who at this point, Tarra and Anis were double penetrating him. “Your Majesty, everyone, stop for a moment. I have an idea.”

The orgy slowed down, and everyone turned him. “So who hasn’t had their turn yet?”

Carda, Dill, Basi, and Papri raised their hooves.

“Since it’s getting late, how about this? Let’s change things up a bit. How is everyling up for a train position?”

“Don’t we have enough lube for that?” Tarra asked.

Getting up, Cay went over to the other side of Spike where he teased a talon around the rim of his anus and Dill’s cock, and withdrew a gob of cum from it. “I figured that between Spike and His Highness, we should have plenty.”

Thorax lifted his head and smirked, “How about it, Spike?” he asked, waving his flank, “I think I should be lubed enough for you.”

Spike’s jaw hung loose, “Are you sure? Don’t you wanna top me again?”

“As tempting as that is, I think it’s about time you return the favor.” Thorax added with a smile, “It’s only fair that you get the chance to fuck my brains out too.”

“Fair as always, Your Majesty,” Papri laid his front half down, crossing his forelegs while raising his ass. “So if we’re doing this, I volunteer to be on the receiving end of the train.”

“And I can be between you and Thorax.” Carda nodded. “Then Spike on top of Thorax, of course. Which leaves Basi and Dill.”

Basi and Dill looked at one another, Basi blushed, “Well, I’ve already provided the lube, so how about you have Spike’s ass while I fuck you?”

“That reminds me,” Dill turned to Spike, “any particular form you want me to be?”

Spike thought about this for a moment, “Now that I think of it, can you turn into a zebra, and maybe… make cock just a little bit bigger? Just a little.”

Dill chuckled, “Gladly.” A moment later in a green flash, the musician transformed into a well-built zebra with a dark pillar between his hindlegs that slapped against his belly. “Big enough for ya?”

“Oh-ho-ho! You’re in for a real treat,” Thorax beamed.

It took a moment for the Changelings and dragon to prepare themselves for the final performance of the night. There was still plenty of “lube” between Spike and Thorax to coat the dicks and rears for the six of them, and it was clear that they couldn’t wait to plunge right in.

Papri, being on the bottom, waited for Carda to mount him first. Although Carda had to change himself to be a little taller to reach the right height, he was eager to sink his cock into him. He climbed on Papri’s presented ass and allowed himself to sink into his welcoming hole. When it popped in, Papri let out a satisfied moan. “Oh it’s been too long…” He sighed happily with Carda pushing himself deeper. Within a minute, Carda was fully inside him, his hips pressing up against his flank.

“Oh, I’m gonna enjoy this,” Carda laid on Papri’s back so he could reach back to his lubed-up hole to spread his cheeks apart. “I’m ready for you, my King. You know how I like it.”

Spike watched as Thorax changed his cock back to his original, behemoth size. He thought that surely, his friend wasn’t serious. Yes, the shortest changeling did change his size somewhat, but he still didn’t think there was no way that he was gonna try – but he was. Thorax reared up to mount Carda, and instantly Basi and Dill were under him to guide that fifth leg towards Carda’s hole. For a moment he was worried that Thorax was going to seriously hurt the guy when his friend started to push his crown forward. Carda shut his eyes tightly and grunted underneath the Changeling King.

“Dude, is he hurting you?” Spike asked.

Then to Spike’s surprise, not only did the crown slip inside; but Carda, with tears in his eyes yelled out just as it did: “FUCK! I’m good!” And instead of trying to get away from Thorax, he instead cradled his hips back towards the very thing that was making his asshole gape. “Oooh, I don’t know how long I’m gonna last with you inside me.”

“I can tell.” Thorax chuckled, “Are you ready for the rest of me.”

Carda enthusiastically nodded.

“Ha, lucky bitch,” Papri laughed under him.

“Oh what eve- aahhh!” He felt Thorax spreading his inner walls wider and going deeper. And when he felt that crown push up against his prostate he moaned out in a higher pitch. “Fuck yes…!

Spike watched with amazement to see someone take Thorax’s dick up their ass. Even though he stopped at his medial ring, Carda underneath him looked as though he was in heaven. Thorax cranes his head around, “Alright, Spike.” He shifted his hindlegs a little wider to show his very lubed hole. “All abord.”

Up until tonight, Spike had been the cumdump for Thorax and his harem. Despite the orgasms he already had; despite feeling his legs being somewhat wobbly when he walked over; he was ready to top. One claw held his cock while the other groped his friend’s cheek, eyeing the used hole that leaked cum from a few concubines. He traced a talon over to slip it in and finding that not only was it super slick and warm, but his hole was gripping his finger firmly.

“I’m gonna go ahead and put it in,” Spike told him. “You ready?”

“By all means, go right ahead.”

Looking down, Spike guided his cock towards that welcoming hole and pushed in. While Thorax didn’t give any resistance, he was greeted with a different kind of pleasure that was certainly new. Masturbation, toys, and even a blow job have nothing on this. The soft, very wet walls, the lava-like heat, and the firm grasp around his member, as he let himself sink in, was an experience on a level unimaginable till now. The more he pushed deeper, the happier Thorax was with the happy groans and buzzing wings. By the time he hilted, Spike let out a blissful sigh. “Holy Hell, Thorax. I wish we did this a long time ago.”

Thorax laughed, “You’re telling me.” He smiled, “You feel amazing.”

“Mind if I cut in?”

Spike felt the fleshy ebony member of that hot dog between his cheeks. He could feel that Dill was not only a bit bigger, but he swears that it felt heavier somehow. While part of Spike was having second thoughts about taking that inside, the other wondered that since he already had been stuffed by other concubines maybe he could handle going a bit larger this time.

Nodding, he felt Dill move the tip underneath his tail. Being so loose, it didn’t take long for Dill to slip in. Yet even so it was still a tight fit, Spike thought that if it was any bigger, he probably would have stopped Dill there and then. But as it sank deeper and press up against his prostate, Spike did his best not to cum already. It was hard not to, but just when he felt that he couldn’t take it anymore, he felt Dill’s hips press up against him. He never felt so full and yet so wonderful in his life!

Dill looked over his shoulder over to Basi. With a smirk and a slap of his flank said, “Got another load in ya?”

“For you? Always.” Basi climbed on Dill’s back.

Spike felt not only the added weight but just when Basi had slipped into Dill’s ponut, he felt a noticeable twitch inside him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Dill closing his eyes in bliss while Basi bottomed out. Once he did, he cupped Dill’s cheek to kiss him deeply.

“Not gonna lie you guys,” Spike said, getting everyling’s attention. “As fucking hot as this is, I don’t know how much longer I can take.”

“Music to my ears,” Thorax moved his hips up towards Spike.

It didn’t take long for the six of them to not only move but create a rhythm among each other. Just when one pulled out, the other would trust in and vice-versa. The underground cavern was once again filling up with a symphony of grunts, moans, and pleas to go faster and harder. Slapping bodies and involuntary moans echoed, each trying to race towards that sloppy climax.

In the middle of all this, Spike was not only enjoying it, he was loving this. For every thrust Dill gave into his innermost, warm, wet depths; he did the same for Thorax to push as deep as he could go. It was an inscribable feeling of being empty and left out, to be full and enveloped, and back again. The pleasure-filled fog of sex clouded Spike’s mind as his animal side demanded one thing and one thing only – breed and be bred. He never wanted to cum so badly.

C’mon Spike, do it.” Thorax begged just above a whisper. “I want it, fill me!

Not that Spike, nor any of the concubines needed any more encouragement. While he wasn’t sure where they were at, Spike was trying to thrust as hard and as fast as he could muster to reach that sweet finish line. Building up his orgasm to fill up his best friend. From behind, he could feel that Dill’s crown was flaring up. In a way, Dill could sense how close Spike was because he pulled his dick out just enough to especially rub his flare right over his prostate.

Before Spike could say anything, Thorax thrust back against Spike just in time before he felt his dragon friend cum. Spike was screaming, his cock twitching hard and throbbing, letting out rope after rope of semen inside Thorax. And not too far behind, Thorax came as well, and so did Dill, Carda, Papri, and Basi. Together pressing up against one another, riding the tide wave of euphoria with some twitch thrusting here and there to let out the last spirts of semen.

Thorax, with the last bit of strength, was enough to have the entire stallion train tilt over to the side so no one would be crushed. Laying back down on the mossy bed panting, exhausted, yet satisfied. He craned his head over to Spike, “Hey… You okay?”

Spike nodded and kissed him.

Meanwhile, Corian and the remaining Changelings grabbed the rags and towels to clean them up.

It had been late in the night. By now the lanterns were dimming, and the harem were asleep. In the middle of the spring where the tiny, pleasure island with mossy beds, the changelings were all cuddled up together in a pile around Thorax and Spike. As tired out as he was, Spike was not quite asleep, and he could tell that neither was Thorax. Spooning him in an embrace from behind and his head resting beneath his chin, he saw that he was smiling.

“So…?” Thorax asked softly. “Did you enjoy your first time?”

“I mean… it was intense,” Spike answered, reaching over to caress Thorax’s cheek. “But you know what, I don’t regret it. I’m happy that I at least did it with you.”

“I never strike you to be the romantic type.” Thorax’s wings buzzed happily, “I like it.”

“You’re lucky, you know. That you have them.”

“Maybe… But that doesn’t mean that I want all of them to myself.”

“You mean…?”

“Why not? You can still drop by occasionally. I’d love to do this again when you can.”

“Thanks dude.” Spike smiled, “All in all, that was to die for.” He chuckled, “Everyone here was so damn good that if you got all the world’s leaders for an orgy with them, they might ensure world peace overnight.”

Thorax didn’t respond.


“Do you think they could?”

“Dude, I was joking.”

“I know…” Thorax chuckled. Then after a moment, he added, “But then again… it might not be such a bad idea.”

The End.