The Obvious Solution

by LewdChapter

First published

Sci-Twi has a Shadowbolts problem. Sunset offers her a fairly obvious solution

In the aftermath of the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer is worried about her new friend, Sci-Twi. She thinks she’s unhealthily repressing parts of herself out of fear of becoming Midnight Sparkle again. The Shadowbolts want to help to atone for their part in her trauma. They conclude that she needs a safe outlet for that aspect of her personality. The obvious solution? Release Midnight and give her free reign over The Shadowbolts to get the angst out of her system.

It’s a no-brainer really. 

Cover is 2908926 on Derpibooru

WARNING: this story contains futas, clones, and magical kinbaku.

Commissioned by Spamotron

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Obvious Solution

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“With all due respect, Sunset,” said Sci-Twi with a tired sigh. “When you said you had an idea about how to solve my Midnight problem, I wasn’t expecting something so…”

“Something so genius and cutting edge?” suggested Sunset.

“That’s one way to put it. Ill-informed and nonsensical might be a bit more accurate, though…”

Truth be told, Sci-Twi did appreciate Sunset’s attempts to help her, even if she wasn’t completely certain that she needed helping. She was fine, she swore. She hadn’t felt anything strange since her last encounter with Midnight Sparkle. She was stronger than before, and she had new friends to help her combat the anxiety and doubt that fed the demon that resided in her. Sure, she still had the occasional nightmare regarding her transformation to Midnight, and sure she occasionally found herself thinking dark, intrusive thoughts that she'd never act upon, and sure she may have, until very recently, had five separate dart boards hung up in her room, each bearing the image of one of her former classmates…

Sci-Twi blinked, trying to recall her point. Oh, right. She didn't need any help in getting over her trauma, that's what she was getting at.

"Listen, Sci, you've got a problem," said Sunset, strolling through the abandoned halls of Crystal Prep Academy, thoroughly deserted due to it being an uneventful Saturday evening. "Me and the girls have noticed. You're scared of the demon in you, and you don't want to be taken over by it."

"Trust me, Sunset, if you'd been possessed by a demon, you'd be afraid of it happening again, too," said Sci-Twi, demonstrating her habit of speaking without thinking. All it took was a short spell of silence and an arched brow from Sunset to make her reevaluate her statement. "Ah. Fair enough. Even still, I don't think I need… What is it you're calling this?"

"Purge therapy."

"Right… You know, if you want me to go along with your 'purge therapy', it might do you some good to, oh, I don't know…" said Sci-Twi with a roll of the eyes. "Maybe tell me what the heck you're planning to do, exactly?!"

"Well, I was getting there, before you decided to crap all over the plan without even hearing it first!" Sunset let out an indignant harrumph, coming to a stop before the gymnasium doors. They were sealed via a bike lock, and Sunset dug into her backpack to produce a key to open it. "Anyway, my plan is pretty simple. I managed to secure CPA for the night, and—"

"How the heck did you manage that?"

"Not by interrupting my friends, I'll tell you that," said Sunset with a glare. After a quiet apology from Sci-Twi, Sunset continued. "I got some dirt on Cinch and how she might've gotten knocked up by a student, so she's letting me use the gym so I don't rat her out. The locale isn't important, it's the people here that matter. We're just gonna air out some dirty laundry with some old friends."

"Oh, Sunset… I appreciate what you’re trying to do for me, Sunset. Honest, I really do,” sighed Sci-Twi, watching as Sunset unlocked the gym and opened the doors up. “But to be perfectly honest with you, I can’t think of a collection of people I want to speak to less than the Shadowbolts. Least of all Sugarcoat, we never got along. I think she was jealous of me, and I always hated her smug little…”

Sci-Twi trailed off as it become increasingly evident that she and Sunset were not alone. She looked up and, with a sinking feeling in her gut, her eyes landed on the group of five girls she formerly called classmates. Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, and Sunny Flare stood in the doorway, arms crossed as they flanked the de facto leader of the gang; Sugarcoat leered over her glasses at the former member of their group. Sci-Twi let out a small squeak of embarrassment, quickly averting her eyes but unable to escape the slowly smoldering glare from Sugarcoat.

“H-hey, guys…” peeped Sci-Twi. “Long time, no see…”

“Sparkle. Nice to know you still have that annoying habit of shoving your foot in your mouth. Thank God you’re the Wondercolts’ problem now.” Sugarcoat turned and walked back into the gym, pushing through her friends as she did. “Let’s get this over with, Shimmer. Before I change my mind.”

“This is perfect! This is exactly what I wanted to help with!” said Sunset with a grin. She strode into the empty gymnasium, pulling Sci-Twi along with her. "You can't stand them!"

"Dude. We're right here," snorted Indigo Zap.

“Oh, those Wondercolts sure do have a way with words,” sighed Sour Sweet, almost wistfully. Her energy shifted on the spot, immediately frothing with barely-tempered rage. “Dumb bitch…”

“Ouch. Well, can’t say I didn’t earn that. But, on to the good stuff!” Sunset clapped her hands twice and, suddenly, the doors to the gym slammed shut, and began to glow with a bright, sunny yellow light. The aura faded after a bit and Sunset grinned. “Let’s get to burying the hatchet, shall we?”

“Uh… Sugar?” Sunny Flare had drifted towards the door, and she pulled on the handle to demonstrate the fact that it flatly refused to budge. “We’re locked in. Did you know this would happen.”

“Yes,” said Sugarcoat flatly.

“And you didn’t think to tell us that you were going to have us locked in a room with two people who likely hate our guts?” said Sunny Flare, crossing her arms over her chest. “Justified or not.”

“If I told you, you wouldn’t have come, and Shimmer would have continued pestering me until we came here and gave her stupid plan a try.”

“Everyone is shitting on the plan, and I haven’t even pitched it yet!” complained Sunset. “What if my idea is super good, huh? Won’t you just feel stupid?”

“I’m talking to you. I already feel stupid.”

“Sunset, I really don’t think locking me in a room with them was your best idea,” said Sci-Twi. She could already feel her anxiety mounting as she saw the venomous glares from her former classmates. Truth is, Sci-Twi had always felt some measure of guilt about how things played out between her and the Shadowbolts. She wouldn’t exactly call them friends, but very few CPA students were truly friends with one another. More accurately, they were comrades, and whether or not she had a good reason to, Sci-Twi turned her back on them. She was better off for it, she knew that to be true, but that knowledge didn’t stop her gut from twisting up at the Shadowbolts’ justified annoyance with her. “I’ve got to be three sentences from a panic attack.”

“Oh, you poor thing!” said Sour Sweet. She grinned sinisterly. “Who wants to take bets on which one of us makes her cry?”

“I’m putting all my money on Sugar,” chimed Indigo.

“No one is going to cry! Well, maybe after, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” said Sunset, turning the attention back to the task at hand. “So, the problem is that Sci here is still dealing with a bunch of CPA-related guilt and anxiety. If we don’t do anything about it, that anxiety might cause her to revert back into Midnight Sparkle. You five are the root cause of that anxiety. Therefore, the obvious solution is—”

“Oh my god, she’s gonna kill us!” exclaimed Indigo. “Quick, Lemon Zest! Sunny! Get behind me, Sour and I will fight her off!”

No! I’m not gonna kill you, that’s not the kind of demon I am. I don’t think, anyway. No, the obvious solution here is to intentionally turn Sci into Midnight, put up some loose protections, and have her vent her resentment towards you five by fucking you until you don’t hate each other anymore!”

It went silent for about ninety full seconds as everyone tried to process the sheer unbridled insanity of what Sunset was proposing. Eventually, after waiting more than long enough for Sunset to reveal that this was an off-color joke, Sugarcoat spoke up.

“So… Have we completely ruled out the ‘killing us’ plan?” snorted Sugarcoat. “Because I’d genuinely prefer being shot in the head to watching Sour Sweet lose her virginity to an awkward loser like Sparkle.”

“Hey! I’m not a virgin!” snapped Sour. “I’ve done it with plenty of hot guys!”

“Oh, so that chloroform you ordered finally came in the mail?” snickered Indigo.

“You’re so funny, Indi! You know what would be really hilarious? If you drove off a fucking bridge.”

“You wouldn’t be losing your virginity to an awkward loser. Uh, no offense, Twi, I’m not saying you’re a loser or anything…” said Sunset. She reached into her backpack to produce an old, worn, leather-bound book that radiated an energy that indicated that it was not of this world. “The whole point of this is to give the wheel to Midnight. Once she fucks out her issues with you five, hopefully she’ll be chill enough to, like, not threaten to take over Sci’s body whenever she gets a little nervous.”

“Oh, all the way to ‘hopefully’, huh?” Sunny Flare rolled her eyes. “So confident. I was expecting an ‘if we’re lucky’ or a ‘God willing’, but if we’re at ‘hopefully’, then I guess we have nothing to worry about!”

“Look, all I’m saying is that you five reached out to me about clearing your conscience. This is the best I’ve got, so let’s give it a try before we shit all over it,” remarked Sunset. “Sugarcoat, you gave me your word that you’d keep an open mind and give my idea a try.”

“That was before you told me that your plan involved having sex with Sparkle. But, unfortunately, you’re right. Guess even Wondercolts get lucky,” grumbled Sugarcoat. “I gave you my word, and my word is my bond. So I guess I’m stuck with…” Sugarcoat looked Sci-Twi up one way and down another. “You. To think I’d rather fuck Sour.”

“Is that supposed to be more of an insult to me?” asked Sci-Twi, cocking a brow. “Or Sour?”


Sci-Twi frowned, her mouth slightly gaped as she debated whether or not to respond. Of course, she couldn’t help but be a bit offended, yet, at the same time, she expected such things from Sugarcoat. So superior, so arrogant, and with this smug sense of certainty to everything she said. When she insulted Sci-Twi, it wasn’t strictly to be mean, it was because she genuinely believed it to be true. That brutal honesty always made Sci-Twi nervous to say anything to Sugarcoat, absolutely terrified of the idea that she would say something foolish and then suffer the indignity of Sugarcoat bluntly, honestly, and orately describe everything wrong with the thought process that led to such a comment.

Even now, when she knew she shouldn’t care about Sugarcoat’s opinion of her, Sci-Twi couldn’t stand it. It made her tense, on edge, maybe even angry. In fact, the longer Sci-Twi looked around at the Shadowbolts, the angrier she got. If it wasn’t Sugarcoat’s cruelly unfiltered opinion, it was Sour Sweet’s bipolar aggression, or Indigo’s shallow self-centered need to make everything a contest, or Sunny’s pompous, holier-than-thou aura. As for Lemon Zest… Sci-Twi certainly hated her, too, even if she couldn’t think of any particular infraction. The simple fact was that The Shadowbolts were terrible friends, not even decent colleagues, and it made Sci-Twi angry. She could feel a darkness swirling in her, scratching and clawing to get out and descend onto The Shadowbolts, to make them feel as weak and small as they made Sci-Twi feel. It would be so satisfying to make them kneel, make them submit, rub their smug noses against her pussy until she squirted hard enough to take out an eye or two.

Huh. Maybe Sunset was onto something with this plan, after all.

“Sunset, if we’re going to do this…” said Sci-Twi. “We should do it soon. I think I feel Midnight knocking…”

“It’s up to the Shadowbolts. Sugar, are you and your girls gonna play nice?” asked Sunset. “Cause if not, I should probably brush up on my exorcism techniques…”

“Uh, hello?” chimed Sunny Flare. “Why are you just asking Sugarcoat, huh? Don’t we get a say?”

“No, you don’t. We’re already here, and the sooner we can wash our hands of Sparkle, the better,” said Sugarcoat. “We’re going through with this. Let’s just get it over with.”

“Awesome. Now, let me just see if I can remember how to pronounce this…” Sunset flipped through her ancient book, lips pursed as she searched for the relevant passages. “Bear with me, it’s been a while since I’ve done any magic of this level… Ah, here we go! You guys ready?” Sunset didn’t wait for an answer before slamming her spellbook shut and raising her hand in Sci-Twi’s direction. “SIHT GNISREVER REHTOB T'NOD!

Sci-Twi doubled over at the waist as dark purple light began to envelop her body. She let out a surprised squeal, and her body slowly floated upland into the air. She drifted several feet from the floor, the light growing brighter and stronger with each passing moment until it engulfed her entirely. The Shadowbolts all raised their arms to their faces to block the bright glow, while Sunset just watched the transformation taking place with a devious grin. As the light reached its apex, even she averted her gaze, just in time for a flash to shine throughout the gym, dissipating the aura and slowly lowering Sci-Twi back to the ground. Except, by the time her feet touched the cool linoleum of the gym floor, it was incredibly obvious that this was Twilight Sparkle in name only.

Her hair was a bit darker, and stood up on end like a deep violet flame. Her eyes, formerly a deep, royal purple, glowed and glimmered a brighter, sharper, magenta shade, with the ethereal flames of powerful magic flickering from around them. The figure laughed sinisterly, her almost maniacal voice echoing throughout the room and immediately setting the Shadowbolts on edge. She straightened herself out until she was standing upright, stretching out to allow her grand wings some space to breathe.
“Oh my, how nice is this?” cackled Midnight Sparkle. “My old friends, back together at last…”

“Woohoo! It worked!” cheered Sunset. "Hell yeah, I knew I could still—"

"And Sunset Shimmer, it's been too long! I haven't seen you since, when was it again? Oh, right!" Midnight slowly began to stalk forward. "When you blasted me back to the deepest recesses of my consciousness against my will! I've been thinking about how to repay you for that…"

"Ease up, Middy. I brought you back to vent your aggression towards the Shadowbolts, not me," said Sunset. "Besides, you couldn't hurt me if you tried. I think you'll find you only have access to some harmless magic, not the full deck of cards you might be wishing for.”

“But you still left me with something. I can feel it!” As if to demonstrate her magical ability, Midnight began to hover in the air and raised her hands in the direction of The Shadowbolts. Crackling sparks of violet light descended onto the group of girls, focusing around their wrists and ankles. “I don’t know if your little plan is going to work, Sunset, but if it means having my way with these lovely ladies… I suppose it couldn’t hurt to try.”

With a snap of her fingers, Midnight’s magic took hold, hoisting each of The Shadowbolts off of the ground with a powerful tug. Each of them had their clothing singed away in a wave of violet flame, revealing the tight, toned, barely-legal bodies of the Shadowbolts. The bands of light that had taken form around their limbs solidified into a mostly solid, somewhat transparent, violet material. Each band erupted into a tendril of energy, bending and contorting through the air, eventually tying themselves into various knots; Lemon Zest was on her back and had her arms tied up tightly behind her, with her legs bound together and raised above her head. Beside her, Sunny Flare had her arms crossed under her breast with her wrists tied, and her legs bent back, leaving her dangling and suspended. Sour Sweet was strung up, hanged upside down by her ankles, with her arms tied down by her side, giving her a healthy eyeful of Indigo, who was simply spread eagle, her arms and legs wide and leaving her body entirely exposed and defenseless.

Finally, in the middle of them all, was Midnight’s favorite configuration of them all; Sugarcooat’s arms were pulled behind her, her elbows unbent and her arms tied straight behind her back in a manner that Midnight couldn’t only hope felt as uncomfortable as it looked. A new strand of magic wrapped itself around the back of her neck, snaking down her torso and gaining purchase with the floor. This brought Sugarcoat’s face down to the floor, keeping her face flat against he ground. Tendrils wrapped around her legs and thighs, pulling them slightly apart and keeping her hips raised above her head level. So exposed, so defenseless, completely and utterly submissive. The possibilities made Midnight’s mouth water.

“So, uh…” Lemon Zest shook her head firmly, knocking her headphones off of her and to the ground. “Real talk, girls, I’ve been jamming out this whole time, didn’t hear a single word you said. Can someone fill me in as to what the fuck is going on?”

“Oh, we’re getting together to play a nice, friendly game of checkers!” said Sour Sweet with an unsettling grin. Her smile fell and shattered into a scowl that projected the sort of loathing typically reserved exclusively for blood rivals. “What the fuck does it look like, you dumb bitch?”

“God, I can’t wait to shut you up,” said Midnight with a smirk. “Oh, Sunset? I know you’re a little goody two-shoes these days, so if I were you, I’d leave right about now. Things are about to get… Vulgar.”

“See, I would, but I really should stick around to make sure you don’t lose control and do anything too crazy,” said Sunset, standing strangely stiffly as she rifled through her backpack in search of a digital camcorder and a small, collapsable tripod. “So, um, you can just go on ahead and… Yeah. Have fun!”

“Oh, believe me, Sunset. I have every intention of having a lot of fun. Starting with…” Midnight surveyed the scene, her handful of submissive toys sprawled out for her to use. All she need do is choose who to play with first. She slowly pointed from nude Shadowbolt to tempting, enticing nude Shadowbolt. “Eenie, meenie, miney, mo, catch a—”

“For Christ’s sake, just hurry up and get me out of the way,” complained Sugarcoat. She fought fruitlessly against the magical ropes, very clearly unhappy with the current arrangement. “The sooner we can get this done, the better.”

“Hm… Sugarcoat, you’re a very tempting option. However…” Midnight strolled over to Sugarcoat and firmly planted her foot against the back of Sugarcoat’s head, applying enough gentle force to assert her authority without actually hurting Sugarcoat all that much. “I think I’ll be saving you for last, actually. No, instead of you, I think I might have to do something about our poor, inexperienced virgin here. Oh, Sour Sweet…”

“Aww, me first? I’m flattered,” said Sour Sweet with a saccharine grin. Her expression shattered into pure disdain, even as her face flushed red from the blood rushing to her head. “I’ve always wanted to hook up with a pathetic nerdy loser who probably gets her rocks off on reading gay fanfiction all night instead of—!”

As Sour Sweet spoke, a flash of magic coalesced around her mouth, bursting away to manifest a metal ring gag, attached to a leather strap that took purchase around her mouth. Now. Sour Sweet’s mouth was propped wide open, and she was unable to do much more than drool down the length of her face, much to her visible annoyance. Midnight cackled as she approached, licking her lips as if eyeing a juicy slab of meat. With a wave of her magic, her clothing burned away into violet flames, baring her tight, toned body to the gym of former friends.

“You know what I found most irritating about you, Sour Sweet?” said Midnight, very much so rhetorically due to Sour’s current disposition. “More annoying than your two-faced antics, and your faux-bipolar mood swing bullshit?” Midnight crouched down in front of Sour, locking eyes with the Shadowbolt as she fruitlessly attempted to respond, no doubt with another fraudulently sweet barb. “It’s that you talk too much. You always have something you feel the need to add, and it’s never anything positive. Always dragging down the group. Do you think it’s to make yourself feel better? So you’re not the only one so profoundly miserable?”

Sour Sweet grunted through her ring gag, something that sounded suspiciously like “get fucked, Sparkle”, which did little more than make Midnight chuckle.

“I suppose the reason why doesn’t matter. What’s more important is putting your mouth to work with something more productive.” Magic surrounded Midnight’s body, particularly her hips, and she grinned as all eyes were on her. Some were concerned, like Sunny Flare, while some like Sunset were clearly intrigued. Sugarcoat, on the other hand, was very visibly pissed off at her situation, but she kept it to herself for the time being. “It’s funny. Even I’m not fully sure what I’m capable of doing in this form. I sort of just sparked into being, a collection of Twilight’s anxieties and fears brought to life. But I figure if I can change her physiology to grow wings and a horn, then why not…”

With another garish flash of light, Midnight’s magic took hold of reality and began to greatly transform her flesh. She was mostly unchanged, but for the notable exception of a thick, drooling, twitching equine member that manifested between her thighs. The fat purple organ was a far cry from Midnight’s otherwise thin, petite figure, a horsecock hefty enough to do some serious damage if she wasn’t careful with it.

In that moment, a chill ran throughout the room, as it was unclear just how careful Midnight cared about being.

“Well, would you look at that!” Midnight grabbed her new appendage, her dainty hand unable to span its entire girth, and cupped her new balls with her other hand. She released herself, letting her equipment swing before Sour Sweet’s wide eyes, to give her some idea as to the sheer heft and mass of what was about to be inside of her. “It’s just as I thought. Did you know our magic was capable of this, Sunset?”

“Y-yeah, the idea maybe crossed my mind once or twice,” admitted Sunset, a shaky smile and a thin trickle of blood from her nose implying that she’d done more than just merely think about this possibility “once or twice”. If Midnight were to guess, Sunset had probably been hoping for something like this to happen the whole time. “That’s definitely bigger than anything that my… Er… ‘Research’ suggested would be possible.”

“Well, don’t you worry, Sunset. You’ll get plenty of good data by the time I’m done with this lot.” Midnight swaggered over to Sour Sweet, who seemed to be pleading with her eyes alone. Midnight grinned and snapped her fingers, causing the gag in Sour Sweet’s mouth to vanish into a puff of violet smoke. “Got something you need to say, Sour? Before I facefuck you unconscious, that is.”

“That thing is disgusting! It’s stupid big, and I can smell it from here!” snapped Sour Sweet. “You’ll kill someone with that gross third leg of yours!”

“Well, can’t say I expected anything less from—”

“I want it in me. Now.

Everyone, even Midnight herself, took pause at that.

“Uh… What?” said Sunset. “Not that I blame you for going a little cock crazy, but I just wasn’t expecting that from you. Especially considering how your little tirade started.”

“Just because my name is Sour Sweet doesn’t mean I can’t mood swing the other way. I’m horny and like big dicks. Sue me.” Sour spoke calmly, her tone fairly level. After a beat, she seemed to remember her gimmick, and quickly added on a needlessly harsh insult. “Oh, yeah, uh, you’re a moron.”

“Well, my sweet, dear Sour, I’d be careful of what you wish for,” said Midnight, letting her tongue hang out of her mouth. “Because I have no problem giving it to you.”

Midnight gripped her cock and swung its half-hard length firmly against Sour’s face with a fleshy, satisfying slap sound to accompany each impact. Sour recoiled from the impact, more than a little punch drunk, and let her mouth go open almost as if by some deep, primal instinct. Midnight guided her massive member forward, sliding her fat, pulsating flare into Sour Sweet’s mouth. Almost immediately, Sour found herself with more cock than she could reasonably handle, and yet, Midnight didn’t slow her approach much. Inch by inch, Midnight fed more and more of her meat while the bound and exposed girls watched on helplessly.

“Now that’s a much more productive use of that big mouth of yours, Sour,” snickered Midnight. Once she had hit the back of Sour’s throat, only needing about half of her total length to do so, Midnight slowly slid her hips back while Sour did her best to suck and lick the girthy slab of girl meat in her mouth. She glanced over to Indigo Zap, who was blushing as she watched her friend get her face fucked just a few feet from her. “See something you like, Indi?”

“That’s a lot of dick, is all. Like… Wow…” Indigo jerked her arm, as if to reach down, but didn’t move not an inch due to Midnight’s magical bondage. “Um… Any chance you can maybe do me next?”

“Excuse me? You’re not the only one here!” complained Sunny Flare. Midnight couldn’t quite see her expression, due to Sunny facing away from her. From where she stood, Midnight could only really make out Sunny’s pale blue cunt, just begging to be stuffed. “And I’ll have you know, my situation is much more uncomfortable than yours! If anyone should go next, it should be me, so I can quit hanging like this!”

“I’m not exactly having the time of my life over here,” Lemon Zest interjected herself into the conversation, almost as if to avoid being forgotten. “Can you at least lower me a little? I can almost reach my headphones…”

“You know, maybe you guys have a point. It’s not fair to make you all wait until I’m down drilling Sour’s throat,” mused Midnight, tapping her chin in her thought even as Sour Sweet gagged on her fat horse dick. “Let’s see, there’s four of you, and only one of me—”

“Five, Sparkle. I’m here too,” droned Sugarcoat. “Has hanging around the Wondercolts made you forget simple math?”

“No, not at all. Did being a smug, rude, unlikable bitch make you forget what ‘I’m saving you for last’ means?” Midnight shot Sugarcoat the most incendiary of glares. “You get to wait your turn. In the meantime, I’ll handle the others all at once.”

“All at once?’ chimed Sunset, peeking up from behind her tripod. “How are you going to manage that?”

“Simple! A little extra demon magic I’ve been sitting on.” Midnight grinned, wrapping her arm around Sunset’s shoulders to survey the landscape of her tied and bound playthings. “Maybe I’ll teach you after we’re done here.”

Sunset nodded, so curious as to what Midnight meant that it took her brain a short second to catch up to her situation; She jumped a bit at Midnight’s sudden appearance beside her, having evidently crossed the room in a blink. And yet, somehow, Midnight was still in front of the camera, casually fucking Sour’s face as if nothing strange was occurring at all. Then, by some magic Sunset hadn’t predicted, Midnight stepped out of the shadows from behind Indigo, while another Midnight appeared behind Sunny’s exposed pussy. This Midnight descended onto her toy, splitting Sunny’s cunt with her fat flare while another Midnight grabbed hold of Lemon Zest by her legs to slide into her pussy. The floating chorus of moans married seamlessly with the sounds of hard cock sliding into wet pussy and flesh firmly slapping flesh to create beautiful, delicious, perverted music to Midnight’s ears.

“Not a bad view, is it? As if one of me isn’t sexy enough,” cackled Midnight (the one standing besides Sunset) as she idly stroked her cock to the debauched scene before her. Sunset’s eyes darted down to Midnight’s sticky hand sliding up and down her impressive length, then back up just barely too slow to avoid detection. “Stare all you want, Sunset. You can do more than just gawk at it, if you like.”

“I’m… I’m supposed to be, um… monitoring the situation,” said Sunset, even as her hand trailed down under her skirt to rub her pussy. “It’s not much of an experiment if I get fucked too…”

“Oh, I understand. Let’s just watch for now. Or, I suppose you’ll just watch. Cute little quirk of this clone magic,” moaned Midnight, biting firmly on her bottom lip. As she spoke, more Midnights stepped into existence; One to stuff Lemon Zest’s mouth, and another appeared upside down to piston at Sour Sweet’s inverted twat. “I can feel everything that the other Midnights feel. Hng… Wanna know which of them is the tightest?”

“I… Fuck, that’s kinda hot…”

“It’s Sour, by the way. I guess she really was a virgin, after all.” Sour Sweet grunted in disapproval, unable to really convey her true annoyance around the massive slab of demonic cock pummeling her throat. “Oh, can it, we both know it’s true. You scare off all the boys, no one wants to stick their dick in crazy.”

“That’s a nice glass house, Sparkle,” droned Sugar, rolling her eyes. “I suppose it’s fitting that a nutjob like you would gravitate towards Sour Sweet. You two basket cases were made for each other.”

“Sugarcoat, honey, darling, I’m begging you. Quit while you’re behind,” said Midnight. She released her cock and let it flop down between her legs like the mighty bitchbreaker it was. “But, if you’re really that impatient that you insist on running your mouth… Someone come keep Sunset company while I have a chat with my old friend.”

“Don’t worry, boss, Sunset Shimmer is in good hands!” Another Midnight appeared behind Sunset and immediately grabbed two hefty handfuls of the reformed Wondercolt’s tits. She paused to swat the original Midnight on the butt, the way a football player might do to a teammate in the locker room, before returning her attention to fondling Sunset’s chest. “Go get ‘em, girlfriend.”

Midnight grinned as she approached her target, the woman she formerly followed with a blind eye and a fearful heart. Now, things were much different. Now, there wasn’t a drop of fear between the two of them, even as Midnight stalked around Sugar like a lioness hunting her prey. Sugarcoat didn’t flinch when Midnight stopped behind her and dropped to her knees. Sugarcoat’s will was unflinching, her resolve unwavering, her fucks un-given, until she felt where exactly Midnight’s cock was prodding her.

“H-hey! What are you doing back there?!” Sugarcoat blushed angrily and thrashed in her magical ropes, not at all pleased to feel Midnight’s flare against her tight, virgin asshole. “You disgusting pig… How come you didn’t think to sodomize any of the others, huh? I bet a freak like Sunny probably likes it up the ass.”

“You were the one bitch, moan, and complaining about me taking too long,” remarked Midnight with a shrug. “So I thought I’d extend you an undeserved kindness by doing everything I can to cum quickly. And so… Hope you’re comfortable, Sugarcunt. And try not to tense up too much, okay?”

Midnight let out a satisfied groan as she forced herself into her rival’s tightest passage. Unbeknownst to Sugarcoat, Midnight used just a pinch of magic to make the insertion possible, tolerable, and perhaps even enjoyable under the right mindset. Without knowing this, Sugarcoat could only conclude that her body was uniquely accepting of Midnight’s package, which irritated the Shadowbolt to no end. It didn’t take long before the demon was working her hips, slamming her pelvis savagely against Sugarcoat’s tight, petite ass and boring a hole to her core. It hurt a fair bit at first, as to be expected, but Sugarcoat was more than capable of taking this pounding. Definitely more than simply capable of taking it, and Midnight was very much so aware of that fact.

“You’ve gotten oddly quiet, Sugarcoat. Why is that? Nothing to say?” said Midnight with a cackle. She grabbed a fistful of Sugarcoat’s frosty hair and yanked, jerking the Shadowbolt’s head so sharply that it knocked her glasses off of her face. “You had a scathing critique for me every step of the way, and yet now, nothing.”

“Hng… F-Fuck,” grunted Sugarcoat through a clenched jaw. “J-just… Hurry up!”

“You know, I think I figured out your problem. Your problem is that you’re a hypocrite. Always brutally honest, never pulling your punches, except when it comes to me. You could never admit that I was as good as you, if not better.” Midnight punctuated each sentence with a particularly deep, savage thrust. “When we would get our tests back, both 100% with extra credit, mine somehow wasn’t as good as yours. I always made some tiny error that the teacher didn’t catch, according to you.”

“I worked my ass off… To be the best!” Sugarcoat bit her lip so hard it nearly broke the skin, all to avoid openly moaning in front of her peers. “Not second best. Number 1!”

“Well, you weren’t. I was. I was the best, and you couldn’t live with that, so you made sure to berate me, insult me, tear me down until I couldn’t bring myself to even approach your level!” A loud, sharp slap echoed throughout the gym, Midnight’s powerful palm making very audible contact with Sugarcoat’s perky ass hard enough to leave an angry red handprint on the fair, pale flesh. “Even right now, when I’m rearranging your guts, all I’m asking you is to be as honest as you claim to be, and you can’t swallow your pride for long enough to enjoy it. Come on, Sugarcoat, you know it feels good. Just admit it. Prove me wrong and tell the truth, unless—”

“Fine! I always felt threatened by you! I didn’t want anyone to think you were smarter than me!” moaned Sugarcoat. “I bullied you to make myself feel better, and fuck me, your cock feels so good!”

“See? Was that so hard? Now, if I learned anything from all of the other me’s hanging around, it’s that if one is good…” Midnight retreated slightly, leaving just her flare inside of Sugarcoat. The Shadowbolt whined, but her disapproval wouldn’t last long; Just beneath Midnight’s cock appeared another identical spear, and she slid her secondary equipment seamlessly into Sugarcoat’s eager pussy. “Then more is better. Come on, girls! Let’s test how functional these things really are!”

The many Midnights nodded their agreement and, like a well-oiled machine, they all acted in perfect synchronicity. They moved as one (which, technically, they were) and pounded away at their Shadowbolt. Echoing, quivering moans floated throughout the gym, not just from the Midnights and the Shadowbolts, but from the onlooking Sunset Shimmer as well. The Midnight that had volunteered to keep her company was still beside her, jerking her fat cock as she pulled down on Sunset’s shirt to expose her fat tits to the world.

“Hey, Shimmy. You’re a, what do you call it, an empath now, right?” mused her Midnight. More than a bit distracted by the sloppy, degenerate sex happening around her, Sunset couldn’t do much more than nod weakly. “Thought so. Ever use your powers on an orgy before?”

“Uh… No? I’ve never been to one before now, I guess,” said Sunset. “Besides, that much stimulation all at once might make me—”

Sunset didn’t get another word out before Midnight grabbed her around the throat and forced their lips together. That much direct contact was more than enough to trigger Sunset’s powers, setting her eyes alight with a brilliant white glow; She let out a shrieking moan into Midnight’s mouth, the sensation of no fewer than a half dozen fat cocks being milked by tight, wet holes searing itself into her brain. The Midnight that she was making out with gave a thumbs up to the others and, in unison, they all increased their tempo. The Midnights fucked like their lives depended on it, pounding their girls like they’d never get the chance again, and, with a rolling chorus of deep, bestial, savage groans, it happened.

Thick, hot, sticky waves of cum sprayed from their cocks, like firehoses spraying the Shadowbolts’ insides. Each girl quivered and moaned, shivering as Midnight’s hot jizz pushed them over the edge. None was hit as hard as Sunset, who felt the weight of each and every orgasm in the room all at once. Her eyes rolled back and her legs gave out, the only thing keeping her from hitting the ground being the deceptively powerful arms of her Midnight, until Midnight gently lowered her down to the floor. The demons cackled to themselves and, one by one, they disappeared into a puff of purple flame, leaving the Shadowbolts gaped and filled to the brim with hot, sticky cum.

“Well, that was fun! Very glad to have gotten that out of my system.” Midnight snapped her fingers and, rather gently given her demonic nature, the Shadowbolts were all freed from their magical bondage and lowered down onto the ground in a sticky, sweaty pool of fluids. “We just have to get together like this again sometime. You guys know where to find me!”

Midnight smiled and gave a bow before erupting into purple flames, her laughter echoing throughout the room until the flames died off, revealing the much more friendly, slightly confused form of Sci-Twi. Not quite accustomed to being a passenger in her own body, it took Sci-Twi a few to piece the scene together, and when she did, she was immediately embarrassed beyond belief.

“Oh God, you guys! Are you all okay? When we switched places, she told me she was going to… Impregnate you, but I didn’t think…” Sci-Twi palmed her forehead. “I’ll get you guys some Plan B, I’ve got a special formula I can synthesize at the lab back home. 100% effective, guaranteed.”

“Y-yeah, that’s probably… For the best…” croaked Sunset. “Man, you know how jealous the others would be if they find out you did all this and knocked up the Shadowbolts before them? Pinkie would never let me hear the end of it…”

“Duly noted. So… Did it… Work?” asked Sci-Twi, surveying the area. She looked down at Sugarcoat, who had her face planted against the floor and simply refused to meet eyes with anyone in the room. “Sugarcoat? Are we… good?”

Sugarcoat shakily pushed herself to her hands and knees, reaching blindly to grab her glasses from the floor beside her. When she had them securely on her face, she finally looked up at Sci-Twi, her face blooming red and radiating enough heat to melt the ice caps.

“Yeah, we’re good,” murmured Sugarcoat. “Water under the bridge…”