The Grand Return of Mare Do Well

by Count_Pony001

First published

Mare Do well goes to vacation to Ponyville only to come face to face with new and malevolent villains.

Mare Do Well.... Is Back!

What if Mare Do Well was a real mare and not a decoy planted by Twilight and her friends to deceive Rainbow Dash and humiliate her.

Follow along Mare Do Well on her new adventures in Ponyville! When she goes there for vacation!

I do not own MLP it belongs to Hasbro.
God helped me make the Cover art.

Chapter 1: The return

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Thank You, God for helping me make this

It was a dark and stormy afternoon, Mare Do Well was looking out of the window in her cottage in Manehatten.

She sees ponies walking, filly's playing and many other things that brought joy to Mare Do Well's heart.

Mare Do Well sighed and said, "I should go on vacation or relax, I been fighting crime for so long and I forgotten to relax and take care of myself!"

She went over to the basement and grabbed her luggage and packed sunglasses, sunscreen, a few clothes, and pepper spray."

She said, "I absolutely should bring pepper spray, I don't want fillies to unmask me and reveal my identity, it will be chaos, it almost happened once when i fought Dr. Weather, when that villain kept the mayor of my fair town hostage."

she shivered in fear and grabbed her luggage and head out. She bought a ticket for 5 bits and entered the train.

she sat down next to a pink coat and a dark pink mane.

She turned around and said, "Oh Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie, I am from Ponyville, I am a baker and know and am friends with everypony." Mare Do well shook her head, "I and my friends saved Equestria several times! I love cupcakes tooo!!!!!"

Mare Do Well said, "Well... Hey... U- Um... I am Mare Do Well, I am from Manehatten, I am coming to Ponyville for a vacation..."

Pinkie Pie gasp and asked, "You are from Manehatten, that is such a wonderful city! My friend Rarity has been there several times!"

Mare Do Well said, " Well, it was nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie!"

Pinkie Pie waved and said, "It was nice to meet you, Mare Do Well, want to be friends?"

Mare Do Well nodded her head and said, "Sure!"

The train stop and Mare Do Well exit the train with her luggage. She looked around and saw a peaceful and magical town of Ponyville.

She took a few steps forward and saw a blue Pegasus clearing the cloud. She is impressed how quickly she cleaned the sky from the cloud, she guessed it took her to clear the sky.

Mare Do Well said, "Good Job.

The blue Pegasus turned around and said, " Well, Thank You, I AM the fastest Pegasus in Equestria."

Mare Do Well said, "Okay..."

She then heard a loud cry for help, she turned around and said, "That must be coming from the bank!"

she ran the quickest she ever did in her life.

She saw a purple stallion who was an earth pony with a red mane with a gun, a mask, and a bag.

She saw ponies around the armed criminal shaking in fear, one mare is holding on to her little filly who was crying up a storm.
The bank teller was scared, she was sweating a little, the bankteller was a cyan unicorn with a green and red mane, she also had a dollar sign as her cutiemark.

The stallion shouted in a deep voice, "Give me money or someone will not see the sun again." he narrowed his eyes and was pointing a gun at the little filly. The filly, terrified was crying and hugging her mom very tightly, under her was a puddle of tears. Mare Do Well was angry, she couldn't believe what she saw she took a deep breath,

Mare Do Well yelled so loud that the people outside could hear her, "I WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO LEAVE OR YOU WILL VERY REGRET TASSELING WITH ME!"

The Stallion was scared and dropped his gun and bag and was making a run for it.

Mare Do Well was blessed to have wings like a Pegasus, a magical horn like a unicorn. she used the magic to grab the pony and draw the pony over to her, she asked, "Why are you doing this?"

The pony replied, "I.. I- need... money, my dead-end job is so low...paying and I c- c... can't pay rent and... my landlord threaten kick me out if I don't pay my... rent a- ag- again."

Mare Do Well asked in an angry tone, "So you decided to rob a bank and threaten to shoot a bucking filly if the bankteller doesn't give you money!?"

she then slams the pony down and used magic to grab the gun and saw that the gun was unloaded...

She said, "Get out and consider yourself lucky that the gun wasn't loaded... Get out... NOW!"
the dumb criminal ran out of the bank only to be escorted away from the ponyville citizens by 3 castle guards.

She then mumbled, "I thought the villains at Manehatten were crazy but that dumb pony proved me wrong."

The ponies and banktellers were cheering.

The bankteller said, "Good Job, by the way, what is your name?"

Mare Do well replied with, "I am Mare Do Well!"

The crowd was chanting "Mare Do Well!"

Mare Do Well exited out of the bank.

She said, "That was kinda fun!"

Her tummy was barking like a dog, she said, "Ooh I should get some lunch, I am very hungry, and I forgot to eat breakfast!"

Chapter 2: Lunch with a side of Discord!?

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Mare Do Well walked over to Sugarcube Corner and ordered a Panini. She handed over 3 bits and got her order. she then sat down and thanked God for the food. she started eating.

Pinkie Pie saw Mare Do well and waved to her, but Mare Do Well didn't notice her, she yelled, "Hey Mare Do Well!"

Mare Do Well said, "Huh?" and noticed Pinkie Pie.

Mare Do Well said, "Oh Hi, Pinke!"

Pinkie Pie said, "So, how are you doing? I am doing well!"

Mare Do well sighed and said, "Not really well, I was minding my own business and there was a stallion who was robbing a bank with a gun and threaten to shoot a little filly, I yelled at him and pulled him close to me and asked him why, he was robbing a bank so he can pay back his rent." Pinkie gasp and a Pinkie was sweating. "Anyway the gun was unloaded and I told him to get out."

Pinkie Pie yelled, "That is so cool!"

Mare Do Well said, "Yeah, I don't like to brag but I am just trying to be honest, I think I did a good job."

Pinkie Pie nodded her head.

The Mare Do Well grabbed her sandwich using magic from her horn and she was about to bite till she heard screaming from outside."

Mare Do Well scoffed, roller her eyes and said, "What now? Another bank robbery?"

She looked outside and saw a Draconequus who was flipping houses upside down, turning ponies into fillies and making the clouds turn into Cotten candy, which was raining chocolate milk, he even turned the roads and grass into soap making it very slippery and making it hard for ponies to walk...

She said, "Who's he and why is he doing this?"

Pinkie Pie said, "Oh that is Discord, he was one of the villains that we fought to save Equestria. He loves making chaos and being a pain in the hooves.

Daring Do squinted her eyes and said, "He won't cause anymore chaos after I am done with him! Anyway, how did you defeat this, Discord dude?"

Pinkie yelled, "Oh that is so simple we get the elements of harmony and when we used them against Discord, we turn him into stone, but how did he break free?"

Mare Do Well said, "I will distract Discord you get your elements of harmony and come here and fight him. All heroes need help sometimes!"

Pinkie nodded her head and ran out of Sugarcube Corner.

Mare Do well walked outside of the SugarCube Corner and slipped on the soap road and then saying loudly, "Discord your days of Chaos are over!"

Discord spitted out the Choclate milk he was drinking and answered sternly, "Says who, show yourself?"

Mare Do Well stepped forward, slipped on the soapy roads and proudly said, "Your empire of chaos is about to crumble..."

The she added, "Like this cookie!" she then grabbed a cookie and crushed it with her hooves.

Discord said sarcastically, "Oh your right, please go ahead I will let you attack me first to make this fair..."

Mare Do well jumped into the shadows, Discord raised an eyebrow and said, "Huh? Where are you."
Mare Do well was behind Discord, she flew quickly and punched Discord in the head from behind. She then tackled him.
Discord manages to wiggle free, and kick Mare Do Well she went flying and hit the stop sign that was never there. she got a black eye from that. She then saw Discord walked up to her, but she nearly forgot that she has a unicorn horn. she uses magic to grab an upside-down house when Discord was walking up to her and dropped it on Discord.

Discord was struggling to wiggle free.
Mare Do Well joked, "Looks like you're in a real pickle now!"

Mare Do well said, "I am great with puns."

Finally, the Mane 6 came into the scene and struggled to maintain their balance on the soap road.

Rainbow Dash yelled, "Hey that is the Mare I met earlier today!"

Twilight said, "Gee, it looks like she already defeated discord. Rarity?"

Rarity said, "Yes Twilight!"

Rarity's horn started to glow purple, and she lifted the house from Discord and placed it back on where it originally was.

Discord ran away, whimpering, "Okay, Okay, you win Mare DO well, I am sorry, I will go!" He ran away and entered the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow Dash yelled, "Why that little-" She tried to fly to the Everfree Forest so she can fight Discord herself, but Apple Jack grabbed her tail with her mouth.

Apple Jack said, "Relax, Rainbow Dash, he's gone he won't be messin' with us, or mare Do well anytime soon!"

Mare Do Well said, "Oh hello, sorry I think I could handle Discord!"

Twilight said, "You did an awesome job!"

Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah, what you did was 20% cooler than anything I did! Don't tell anypony I said that!" She said pointing her hoof at Mare Do Well.

Then her, the mane 6 and Mare Do Well laugh.

Chapter 3: The New Mare in town

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Mare DO well used her magic horn to change everything back to normal.

The Mane 6, and citizens of Ponyville were chanting her name.

Mare Do Well smiled, she is happy she got some appreciation, meanwhile in Manehatten the best she ever got was a "Good Job" By a rich pony who was robbed by a villain, Dr. Weather who used a tornado to clean out the rich pony's mansion.

Mare Do Well said, "Thank You! Thank You! You'll are so kind!"

5 nano seconds later, Princess Celestria came and asked in a gentle voice, "So you are that new mare that came to our town and saved ponies from a stallion who was robbing a bank and stood up to Discord when he was going bananas again!"

Mare Do Well said, "Yeah, that's me! I am also a hero in Manehatten.." she leaked out a tear, "Nopony appreciates me a lot there, the best I gotten was a "Thankyou" or a "Good Job!" By some of the rich ponies or random ponies I helped or rescued."

Rainbow Dash felt a dash of empathy through her body, she felt bad for Mare Do Well, she sighed and walked up to Mare Do Well and comforted the Mare. she said, "Well, you have my appreciation."

The Mane 6, Princess Celestia, and the other citizens of Ponyville chanted, "Yeah!" Rasing their hooves up in celebration!

Princess Celestria said, "I have a little reward for you."

Princess Celestria gave Mare Do Well a necklace with a purple hammer, she said, "Element of Justice! a true friend fight for their friends and for what is right!"
She used her magic to wrap the element of harmony around Mare Do Well's neck.
She yelled, "Thank You God for helping me serve justice!"

The other ponies yelled, "Amen!"

Mare Do Well said, "I came here since I want to relax and take care of myself since I fight crime too much and never had time to lay back and enjoy the day. Being a hero isn't easy. But it looks like I have to go back..."

Chapter 4: The Decision

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The other ponies yelled in disbelief, "WHAT?"

Mare Do Well said, "Sorry but I got to get back to Manehatten!"

Fluttershy angrily said, "Why would you go back to Manehatten? Those ponies are so ungrateful and rude, discourteous and you said you came here to relax and take care of yourself. Your health is very important!"

Daring Do said, "Well that is true..."

Rainbow Dash said, "This town would be 20% cooler with us fighting together, side by side, I am more than willing to share the spotlight with you!"
Rarity added, "Darling, those ponies don't deserve a strong, cool, and flawless hero like you! Don't go back to those discourteous, rude, arrogant and hotheaded ponies."

Mare Do Well said, "True, they can be very, very hotheaded at times..."

Princess Celestria said, "Life here is more laid back and cheaper than Manehatten, plus we are nicer and if you want you can share a house with my dear, amazing, and grateful student Twilight!"

Twilight said, "Yeah!"

Mare Do Well did want to permanently stay here in Ponyville with her newfound friends but she doesn't want to abandon her towns he lived in since she was a filly and spent her time reading and standing up to hotheaded ponies who were being bullies.

Mare Do Well was sweating and said, "I will think about it, I will tell you when I made my choice."

Twilight was hoping in getting a new roommate.

Rainbow Dash and the others said, "Okay!" and left.

Mare Do Well said, "It is time for lunch, I love hotdogs so I will eat one of those, I hope they ain't expensive like the poor quality, icky ones from Manehatten which cost at least 15 bits."

She walked over to the hotdog stand and asked, "Hello sir, have any hotdogs, I am hungry!"

The Pegasus managing the hotdog stand said, "Of course, that would be 1 bit please!"

Mare Do Well said, "Okay!" and reached for her purse and grabbed one bit from her purse and gave it to the hotdog stand owner, the Pegasus said, "Thank You!" and started to make the food.

After 15 minutes the food was done. The hotdog owner said, "Here you go!" before he handed over a hotdog to Mare Do Well.

Mare Do Well thanked God for the food and started eating.
She said, "This is a nice town!"

Later, the night came in a rush. Princess Luna raised the moon.

The night was cold, leaves were running everywhere, the houses were all dark, no light was shining from any of the houses. she started to shiver and quietly mumbled, "The night is so cold! How do ponies put up with this?"

Mare Do Well is one lucky alicorn because she found a house that had one light on, the light was from the dining room.

She took a look inside and whined, "Hey can I come in? I am cold and in need to a place to sleep!"

The pony inside said, "Sure, come in!"

Mare Do Well entered the house by crawling through the window. She looked around saw how amazing the house was, there was expensive art everywhere, there were 3 golden trophies that were titled, "Best delivery mare"

Mare Do Well said, "Your house is so amazing, I feel bad that your house was destroyed by the dreadful, Discord!"

Derpy blushed and said, "It's okay, even though Discord flipped my house, everything is fine and the only things that were broken were some vases and glass drinking cups. That bully Discord should have never attacked us!"

After the night, Mare Do Well and Derpy heard a knock on the door and saw Twilight, her friends and Princess Celestria smiling at her.
Twilight said snarky, "So, Mare Do Well, have you decided on staying?"

Mare Do Well nodded her head and said, "Yes, I have! I chose to stay for a while like I will stay here for 6 months then go back to Manehatten then after 6 months I come here."

The ponies were happy by the news. Twilight earned herself a new roommate.

Pinie Pie yelled, "This calls for Celebration!"

Pinkie Pie brought her party cannon, and it fired out confetti and cupcakes.