Rainbow Dash gets the bad end.

by tailsopony

First published

Rainbow Dash loses against the villain of the week. She doesn't even know his name.

Rainbow has made a mistake, but she's not the only one. Now she's going to pay. Watch as this nameless, cliche villain proceeds to debase, defile, and debauch the loyal Rainbow Dash.

C+ porn, with extreme non-con and mind control. Do not read if that's not your jam.

Specific warnings:
Rainbow Dash is mind controlled, pissed on, forced to do sex things, full on raped, impregnated, and generally humiliated. Bad guy wins, though there is basically no story. The original character tag is used loosely, the bad guy is just generic rapist #17.

The End

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Rainbow looked at the door, then bolted for it. It was her last chance, and damned if she was going to let it go. The air around her cracked, and the thunderbolt generated from her rapid acceleration raced behind her. Her blue hoof stretched forward as she fought through the barrier to get through the door.

One more time.

That’s all she needed. The barrier was the only thing that could stop her. She’d broken it plenty of times; shattering the very fabric of her world to release the Rainboom. It would have been easy if she was in the sky instead of this back room in Twilight’s Castle. This time, though, she was too close to the ground. She had no altitude. Even worse, she was already injured.

The barrier snapped backwards, flinging her cyan blue body back towards the threat. Thoughts of failure hammered her when her already sprained hoof was slammed back into her body. She hadn’t been fast enough. She’d failed.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t one to give up, even if she knew she’d lost. As her body flung toward the hemisphere of blood colored magical energy she’d been trying to escape, she continued to scramble for any chance. Scraping desperately through the air, she tried to right herself even as she tumbled helplessly. She knew she couldn’t do it, but she forced every muscle to work as she tried anyways.

She wasn’t going out without a fight.

As the magic touched her tail with a numbing tingle, she whipped it upwards, knowing it was too late. It had touched her. She was too slow, and she hadn’t made it. Just a little faster was all she’d needed. Just a little more thrust. She didn’t give herself false platitudes. She didn’t console herself for doing her best. She hadn’t had enough to give. That was it.

She wasn’t panicked. She always knew that her end was going to be painful. She just hadn’t expected it to be so humiliating.

The magic rolled through her body like fire, burning up her already tightly spun muscles and tingling like crazy. She clenched involuntarily, every muscle in her body squeezing as tight as it could for a full second. She was still, even her heart stopped while the magic seeped into her. She felt the tingle overwhelm her senses, and she knew that it had done something irrevocable.

After the magic settled, she sucked in a breath as her heart started beating again. She’d hit the floor at some point during the lapsed time, and the cliché red and black villain was smirking at her.

Something awful had changed in that second. Something permanent and pervasive.

He was a Tuesday villain—the usual lame mix of over confident and slightly sloppy. She had planned to beat him before lunch. He wasn’t supposed to be a real threat. Somehow, though, he’d broken into the forbidden royal storage rooms. Somehow, he’d stolen the witches cauldron. And somehow, he’d managed to cast a spell from it. That was this morning. Now it was evening, he hadn’t stopped casting the damnable spell, and she was the last one.

She tried to get up, but nothing happened. She couldn’t move at all. The ancient, evil magic had slammed her with its full force. She knew she couldn’t get away, but that didn’t stop her from trying. Even as she lay still on the floor, she struggled to move her limbs.

Never quit. Never surrender.

He stepped towards her prone form, gloating as he glowed bright red from the remnants of his latest casting. “Dang… they don’t make magic like they used to, huh?”

She couldn’t answer. She tried to ignore him as she willed her hoof to clench. She just needed it to do something..

“And you, wow!” He chuckled, “You were like a bullet. I seriously thought you were gonna be faster than the magic. It would have sucked chasing you all over Equestria.” He walked up to her and gave her a side a violent kick with his black hoof.

She spun on the floor, gasping, but unable to clutch her sides or even cry. As she spun, her limbs limply spread out around her and her belly slid on the floor. It hurt like a bitch. She wanted to scream, but nothing happened.

He watched in mild amusement, then walked slowly up. “I might have made this quick and easy for you, but you’ve been one hell of a problem for me today. So I got a little pent up frustration that you’re going to help me vent.”

This time he stood on her limp tail before he kicked her even harder on the other side.

The pain seared into her, blossoming from the kick like a flaming cactus being jammed through her sides. She jerked to a stop as her tail kept her from sliding too far, like a wet and meaty tether-ball being smeared into the floor. She couldn’t scream. She couldn’t cry.

Rainbow Dash had exactly zero control over the situation, and zero control over her own body’s response.

He stepped off her tail, walking over her body and crouching to look her in the face, “I feel a little better. How do you feel?”

She couldn’t say anything. She honestly couldn’t focus. Everything hurt. She wished she could scream as both of her sides burned in pain. That fucker probably broke her ribs.

He tilted his head, “You don’t look very into this. How about you smile for me?”

Something tingled warmly in her jaw, and she smiled an open mouthed, friendly smile. Her grin was easy and warm, emanating joy. Inside she was horrified. Had he done this to the others? Had he made them smile after he’d hurt them?

Slowly, he stood up and her face tracked him. She was helpless to do anything else.

“Do you know what power is, Rainbow? Do you really understand what power truly is?”

She continued to smile at him, a small part of her brain idly wondering if he was going anywhere with this. While he ranted, Rainbow tried to escape. She focused on her hoof, trying her hardest to make it quiver. It didn’t matter what he said.

He shook his hips, and his cock started to show from his sheath. “Power is when you can make somepony do anything you want. Power is when you can make them smile while you piss all over them.” He sighed in contentment as the still glowing cock bounced slightly, and a thick stream of yellow burst out of it.

Dash tried to look away, she tried to blink, or even close her mouth. Instead, the acrid stream splattered over her snout. It splashed in her eyes, burning them as they were locked open. It dribbled in her mouth, the horrible sharp flavor, like some kind of expired drink, oozing into her tongue.

He groaned in contentment, flexing his dick slightly and causing the stream to splatter the warm liquid over her forehead and down her back. She could feel it coating her mane, soaking into her fur and running down her back and sides. She tried to spit it out, to scream, to shake, but nothing happened.

Rainbow was covered in piss.

“Fuck… I needed that. I was really pent up. Tell me you love it.”

“I love it.” Her voice came instantly, eager to answer his call. She couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t her.

He surveyed the room, “Fuck yeah you do. You know, I also don’t give a shit who cleans up this mess. After I’m done with you, this room is somebody else’s fucking problem. Isn’t that great?”

She didn’t say anything, only marinated in his filth.

He scrunched up his face, “Yeah, I should have kissed you before I did that. Fuck, oh well. Swallow it for now. I’m not going to let a little piss stop me, but I ain’t in a rush to get covered, either. Lets see if we can wash you off with something.”

Rainbow paused smiling as her mouth swallowed the foul liquid that dribbled inside. She felt the lump move down her throat, and splash into her stomach like disgustingly warm, thick sewer lemonade. She wanted to feel nauseous, but instead a warm smile spread across her face.

He stepped forward, putting his dick in her smile. It was erect. The little veins stood out on the slightly glowing flesh, like some weird root system crawling up a mushroom. Rainbow kept smiling as he pressed his warm, rubbery flair against her nose.

“Smell that?”

She took a deep breath, but only smelled piss. She wasn’t sure whether or not to be thankful for that.

“Roll onto your back. Your belly is dry enough. Keep your nose on my dick.”

She couldn’t see his face, but it didn’t matter. Her body didn’t wait for her mind to catch up anyways. Before she knew it, her damp back was mashed into the floor, and her tail was wetly splayed flat. Her nose was still pressed against his disgusting cock tip, but she was also aware that he was looking greedily down at her.

Rainbow wanted to shudder. This was it. This was his little victory lap. He was going to take her for a ride around the track. She wished she could bite his foul dick so hard it came off. Instead she just smiled, and took another deep breath of the piss aroma that permeated her senses.

“Do you like that? Well you’re gonna… Yeah, actually. You’re going to like this, Rainbow.” He chuckled, rubbing his cock up and down her nose. Something tingled down her spine. Something alien and horrible.

She took another deep breath, this time finding the aroma enticing. It was like a spice, something foreign, but familiar. Desperately, she kept sniffing, each time finding a new layer to the smell. It was spicy on the outside, but there was a deeper musk, under his shaft and toward his balls. Without her consent, but with her curiosity, her snout pushed forward under him to get a whiff of the dangling orbs. They seemed to be undulating somehow.

She’d never gotten a close look at a stallions junk before. It was weirdly mesmerizing. Gross as heck, but still, sort of cool and definitely interesting. From her up close and under view, it was…

She tore her mind away. He’d been making her enjoy this. Even now, her disgust was tainted with that sensation. The weird, curious need. She wanted to throw up as the curiosity gnawed at her. She’d never been into stallions, she’d always found the offending. The smell, the weird musk they got when they were aroused, had always turned her stomach. Now, it made her oddly hungry. She couldn’t look away as she kept her snout tip matched with the base of his dick. She wanted more of it. It made her stomach flip and her tail oddly twitch across the floor, painting it like a piss covered brush.

“So is that your pussy? Looks tight.”

Rage shot through her veins. She struggled to get free, to move anything in any way. She didn’t even manage an eye twitch.

He didn’t say anything else as he dropped down, smashing his dick uncomfortably against her face to rest the rest of his body on her barrel. She fought to keep her nose pressed against his dick, like some kind of insane nuzzling cat who couldn’t let it go. Worse, his balls kept touching her face and she relished how fuzzy and warm they felt.

It was kind of fun putting some other pony’s genitals in your face. She internally screamed, unable to vent her horror at the thought that had invaded her mind as the warm balls almost tickled her. And his musk was all encompassing now, filling her senses with that spicy, tingling scent. She needed more of it.

No she fucking didn’t this asshole was going to burn in Tarterus forever and she was going to bite him and she was going to kick his ass; if she could only move just the slightest.

He didn’t say anything else, but she felt a warm, wet lick between her legs. Screaming didn’t begin to describe what she wanted. Rainbow’s muscles relaxed, and her warm smile widened as she took a deep breath of his intoxicating scent. He smelled so exotic, so alluring…

She had never killed a pony before. His balls were fuzzy and tickly! How fun! She imagined them mangled, smashed from a buck like no other. He licked her again, and the sensation was warm, and deep. His tongue was wet. Drowning. She could drown him. Maybe she’d drown herself. Another emotion filled her, and she internally deflated as he gave another talent less lick.

She could kill herself. She tried to hold her breath, but it didn’t work. She tried to bite her tongue off, but nothing happened. He licked her again, clumsily matting her fur.

He smacked his lips, “I’m not sure I like the way you taste, but, eh, a pussy is a pussy.”

Rainbow Dash imagined him alone in a cold room, surrounded by icicles that slowly grew over time. The icicles would impale him, eventually. It would take hours, and the freezing cold would staunch his bloody wounds. But he’d die. She could make a room like that out of clouds in the frozen stratosphere. She was pretty sure she knew how. It was probably illegal.

He put his lips around her clit, and squeezed it, sending a weird shock up her spine. It hadn’t felt good, but she’d liked it in a strange way. She’d involuntarily clenched her pussy when he did it, and the shock tingled in the back of her brain, forever intermingling with that scent.

She’d liked it.

No one would blame her. No one would even know. There would be no body. Only frozen, red snow made from grinding icicles.

“I’m pretty good, right? Tell me I’m good.”

Rainbow took a deep whiff of his even more erect dick, and for a brief moment was glad when the tingling magic ran through her spine to force her answer, “Yes.”

He laughed, “Well, I don’t really need any more foreplay, so why don’t you just cum for me. I want to watch.”

Aghast, Rainbow felt something ignite in her body. A tingling burning spread from her spine, racing down to her now spit soaked pussy and up to her brain. She shivered uncontrollably as it suddenly felt good.

Really good.

Really fucking good.

Rainbow groaned into his balls, moaning helplessly as her body slightly quivered. Her pussy convulsed, twitching helplessly as her legs weakly kicked the air.

He laughed, using his hooves to hold her labia wide open for his viewing pleasure, “Cute. Look at that little thing go.”

Rainbow gasped for breath as her body slowly rocked under him, pressing her groin into his hooves over and over again. She was twitching, her pussy clenching and relaxing as he held it grotesquely open.

It didn’t last long. Soon enough, it was over.

As her mind came down from the high, she didn’t know what to think. She’d hated that. She hated herself. She hadn’t came like that in front of anypony before. It was too girly. Too weak. She was weak. She’d felt so weak. So good. So very, very good.

She’d liked it.

Rainbow wanted to cry again, desperate for any sense of freedom. Any sense of self. Her body wasn’t hers, and now her mind wasn’t. It wasn’t fully into her mind, but only because he didn’t care. He might not have even meant it. He’d just told her that she’d like it.

And now she liked it.

A single, panicked thought wracked her, a desperate plea against this insanity. “Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Rainbow screamed helplessly into her own mind as she smiled warmly, keeping her nose pressed firmly and loyally into his dick.

“I know I just said a pussy is a pussy, but your little cunt is pretty damn cute. This time, it’s going to be the best orgasm you’ve ever had. And you’re gonna squirt. Now cum for me, Rainbow Dash.”

The fire in her spine lit again, this time as a raging inferno. Her mind barely had a moment to flood with denials, retorts, escape plans, anything. It didn’t matter, as she didn’t get a full thought in before the fire began to burn her.

She screamed, but not how she’d been wanting to; instead of screams of pain, it was screams of euphoria. Her vocalizations degenerated into guttural nonsense as she squirmed underneath him, once again feeling her lower lips being forced wide open by his hooves as she thrust helplessly into him. Something warm, almost hot dribbled from deep within her and oozed down her asshole. She clenched every muscle underneath her tail, rapturously forcing more of the sinful fluid out from her pussy in another gush.

She’d never felt like this before—the burning, the heat, the raw unbridled euphoria that wracked her mind all coiled together like some snake wrapping her up and squeezing her, forcing out one gut wrenching ecstatic scream of nonsense after the other.

Dash moaned, she writhed, she beat her wings into the floor and felt another wild burst of fluid actually forcefully spray from inside of her, ejaculated from her whip tight pussy like a spray gun as she struggled to thrust it upwards into his hooves. With a heady rush, she felt a warm feeling soak through her mind. She liked this. It was new and wild, uncontrolled, and untamed.

Untamed by her, at least.

“Look at that fountain! Damn, girl!” His voice crashed into her euphoria like a cold, bloody icicle.

Shame filled her as the last, painfully satisfying squirt came from her gut. It felt so good, so wonderful. The squirt burned as her body fought to find anything at all to eject from her pussy. She squeezed, thrusting her hips upwards, feeling his hooves spread her wide.

Rainbow smiled into his balls as she came down from what was far and away the best orgasm of her life. Her burning pussy had never been so satisfied before, her whole body had acted in a divine concert to squeeze out every last bit of ecstasy from it. She was exhausted, literally dripping of sin, and utterly confused.

She hated him. She hated this. She hated herself. This was awful, comfortably the worst experience of her life. She also liked it, and it was easily the best she’d ever felt.

Warring emotions struggled within her as her body finally collapsed on the floor.

“Now how did that feel, Dash? How did it compare? And do be honest this time.”

Her tired voice was weak, but eager, “Good. So good. It was the best I’ve ever had…”

She tried not to think about what she’d said or why she’d said it. She’d been honest, exactly as commanded. Her voice added, “I liked it…”

He laughed, grinding his now leaking dick against her limply smiling face, “That’s power, Dash. Real power.”

She smiled into his dick, taking a deep and heady breath of his wonderful scent as echoes of her orgasm ran through her body.

He shrugged, “I don’t know why I’m still explaining things to you. It doesn’t matter, does it?”

“No.” Her answer was quick, and it was true. It really didn’t matter. She couldn’t do shit about it, and they both knew it.

He took a deep breath, relishing his experience. “Okay. You can stop sniffing my dick.”

She felt her snout move away from the deliciously tantalizing dick. She wanted to be angry, but she couldn’t. She felt empty. Drained of her emotions and wrung dry. She couldn’t cry, she couldn’t argue, she couldn’t fight, all she could do was quiver and leak while she smiled.

It felt so good. She liked it so much. She…

Fuck him. Fuck him with a lightning rod through his skull.

He got up fully, standing over her and letting her eyes wander his underside. He wasn’t just erect, he was leaking. He turned to look at her, and his softly glowing face horrified her. His face was soaked. It was covered in a wet sheen, and the glowing fur around his lips was dripping.

That was from her. The thought crippled her again as his cruel smile turned up once more. She watched in disgusted fascination as he licked his lips, smearing the oily substance messily across his face. She literally couldn’t turn away.

He fully turned around putting his gloating smile over hers. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to kiss your piss-covered face until after you get hosed off.”

She stared at him, both quivering in anticipation and hating him. Would it feel like it did last time? Fuck, that was the best thing she’d ever experienced. If he was going to make her feel like that again…

She wanted to scream again, to rage against him. But nothing happened. She just smiled lazily, her eyes searching his like they were comfortable lovers. His black and red irises seemed to fill her vision as the glow pulsed through him.

Slowly, he lowered his twitching dick, letting it rest over her pussy.

“Like I said, I’m not a fan of foreplay. So lets make this count. You’re going to watch my eyes.”

She nodded, hanging on to his every word like it was water in a desert.

“And while you watch me, you’re going to go into heat.”

Rainbow’s mind reeled. Could he do that? Was that even possible? She felt something twist in her stomach, and it almost hurt.

His voice was evil as the light from his eyes pulsed, “While we’re waiting for your eggs to drop, or whatever the fuck happens to mares in heat, you’re going to think about how good it’s going to feel when I fuck you. You’re going to imagine my dick splitting you wide, and you’re going to get horny. Every second it takes, you’re going to get more aroused just thinking about me. But you gotta wait. You can’t fuck me until your body is ready. Not until you’re burning with a desire so strong you may as well be ashes. When that happens, you’ll be the one to fuck me. You’ll gobble my dick with your hungry little pussy, until I drown your slutty hole in my cum.” His voice got low and cruel as he whispered to her, “then your bitch cunt is going to get pregnant. Tell me that you understand.”

Rainbow couldn’t pay attention to her own voice, as she mumbled, “I understand.” She was too busy thinking about his dick being inside of her, and how it was going to split her wide and how good it was going to feel.

She could feel the flair pressed right up against her quivering depths. She’d never fucked a guy before, but she sure as hell was about to. He was going to fill her all the way, pressing as deep as he could before he finally coated her insides with semen. She’d never been full of semen before.

Something hurt below her stomach, a sharp twinge in her abdomen followed by a small twitch of some muscle inside her. She felt her blood flow change, and her labia felt warm. Her breathing picked up, and she imagined his glorious black and red body pressed against hers. Their babies would be adorable. She hated adorable. But she’d love them so much. She’d love making them so much. Oh god, he was going to fuck her!

Rainbow squirmed, licking her lips as she tried to imagine what it was going to feel like. She felt warm, warmer than she had before. Her normally fit and hard body was feeling soft and girly. She was so close to being filled. Finally, she would have him. Maybe she’d kill him. Maybe he’d cum inside of her.

No maybes.

He was going to cum inside of her. His strong, masculine barrel was going to be pressed against hers, and she’d make him feel so good. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him! Whatever it meant didn’t fucking matter anymore. She wanted to shout it from the rooftops, she wanted to write it in every cloud. Her body started to convulse, and her pussy felt like it was gaping as her outer lips swelled.

Heat burned through her body, and she desperately ground her clit against his cock-tip. It was about to happen, she could feel it. Another painful twist ripped through her abdomen, causing a strange, lingering burning sensation. Her body wasn’t designed to do this. Going into heat took days. She smiled easily.

She’d just gone into heat in minutes. The warmth flooding her was familiar, and she didn’t plan on using medicine to cool it off this time. She had something much more effective just waiting at the entrance of her problem. Her eyes were locked on his. He was eager and hungry.

So was she.

Rainbow’s easy smile turned into a half lidded seductive smirk. She could feel her clit winking. Each slide felt heavenly, like someone was suckling on it. She couldn’t stop. She winked so hard that she was only barely avoiding getting herself off. This was the heaviest heat she’d ever had. Each wink, each slip of wet, smooth flesh ground against his cock.

He stayed quiet, and for a few moments the only sound was the hungry slurp of her clit as she sucked it in and pressed it out, desperate for sensation. His cock would be sliding all the way across it soon. She’d feel him inside of her. The thought made her leak, even though it burned like hell. She’d already ran dry. God knew where all this wetness was coming from, because she sure as fuck didn’t care.

Fuck him. Fuck him! Her thoughts rang like an impossible echo as words mouthed on her lips, never actually being uttered, “Fuck me…”

He only smirked as he watched her desperate, quiet mouthing. His cock stayed just outside, only twitching against her entrance.

Rainbow couldn’t do it anymore. The world around her condensed down to two things. His eyes, and his cock. The why didn’t matter. The how didn’t matter. Everything else disappeared as she slowly pressed her hips upwards. His thick flare pressed tightly against her burning hole, and she wasn’t sure it was going to fit.

Fuck that noise—she was going to make it fit.

Rainbow pressed into him, hard. With an obscene slurp, his cock pierced into her. Her lips painfully stretched around him, and he filled her unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Desperately, she pressed the rest of the way. She needed him, all of him. She even wanted to kiss him. She needed him closer, but he stayed where he was. His dick would have to do.

His eyes seemed cold, almost cruel as she bit her lip and impaled herself deeper. A light moan escaped her, and she shivered.

“Having fun fucking me, Rainbow?”

She grinned, “Fuck yes!” and slid further in. It hurt like hell. Everything burned from earlier, and he was too big. Something inside of her broke, and he slid even deeper in. She couldn’t clamp down on him, her cunt was already stretched beyond it’s limits. Somehow, though, her body held together as she hilted him.

The lips of Rainbow’s pussy kissed the base of his shaft, and his balls settled on her asshole. He let out a satisfied groan, “Holy fuck! You’re one tight bitch. Goddamned, we’re going to have to loosen you up somehow. Any ideas?”

Rainbow smiled, “Just one,” as she rolled her hips into him.

She liked it as she began to roughly fuck him. She liked it as she stretched impossibly wide around his dick, her cunt fruitlessly squeezing his shaft. She liked it as her clit begged for more, slapping against his lower belly. She liked it as his fur met hers, his firm underside sliding against her own and spreading her stickiness up her own stomach. She especially liked it when he globed up a ball of spit and dripped it on her face.

She caught it in her mouth, her smile never faltering. Rainbow dash fucked him as hard as she could. She rode his dick like a bull at the rodeo. It was everything she imagined and more. She wanted to moan and scream his name, but he didn’t let her. Not this time. Not like last time.

She kept her eyes locked on his, watching his pupils carefully. His breathing sped up, and she matched it. He moaned, and she matched it. This wasn’t for her. She wanted it, but it wasn’t for her. She’d make him cum. Her stuffed cunt was getting used to the sensation, and she was managing to squeeze him as best she could with her distended hole. Her winking clit was smashed over and over again, smeared and splayed wetly against the root of his cock with each slap. His dangling balls slammed into her asshole, causing an alien tingle to shoot through her body.

She liked it.

His voice as low and his smile predatory as he whispered to her, “Call me Daddy, Rainbow. Because I’m about to be.”

Rainbow smiled wide, thoroughly disgusted with the command “Do it, Daddy. Cum in me!”

He laughed, “You fucking slut.”

She happily screamed as she felt him pulse within her, “Daddy!”

He stilled within her, locking eyes as his pupils widened. His nostrils flared, and he breathed out heavily. Rainbow kept her legs spread, feeling him fill her. She she sucked in one big breath and held it with a quivering stare as warmth filled her burning depths.

It hurt. His semen stung like fired honey, but she wanted more of it. She needed it deep inside of her, and he held herself tight to keep it down. It felt thick and tingly, burning as it filled her. Was semen supposed to feel like this? She didn’t fucking know.

She squeezed him, trying to milk more out of his spurting cock. Another burst filled her, rewarding her efforts as he heavily exhaled. She did it again, desperate to have more of his cum staining her insides.

He sighed, relaxing into her as a now weak, but steady stream seemed to fill her. The heavy jizz almost crawled up the inside of her body. She could feel it sliding, smearing around inside of her and invading every little wrinkle and curve inside of her. Some of it felt like it was crawling into her cervix. It burned, but in a terribly wonderful way. She needed it. The magic tingle it carried was like a drug, making the pain all the more delicious.

“That’s what power feels like, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow stared quietly at him, letting his essence fill her. Was it tainting her? Was it too late for that? She could think again. The deed was done. Shame didn’t even begin to describe how she felt. Defeat was nowhere near the low she was in. During the act, she hadn’t had a moment to think about anything other than what he’d told her.

And now it was over, and she wished she couldn’t.

Horrified disgust welled up in her. She couldn’t even look herself over to see the damage he’d done to her. She was a prisoner in her own body, and now a prisoner in her mind. She wanted to fight him, but couldn’t. Worse was moments ago, when she didn’t want that.

With nothing to do, unable to even cry, she stared at him. He stood up over her, his cock slipping out of her cunt. She couldn’t look down. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to.

“Huh. That’s a lot of blood. You really were tight. Or maybe that was your first time? Did I break you in, Rainbow?” He sounded happy.

Her response was immediate and happy sounding, “I’ve never been penetrated before. Up until now, I’ve only let Applejack lick me.”

Why the fuck did she tell him that? He hadn’t asked. What was wrong with her?

He smirked, “I bet it never felt half this good, huh?”

She wanted to tell him no, but her voice was honest, “Yeah.”

He laughed as she was filled with hate. She hated herself for how she felt. She hated him for what he’d done. She hated Applejack for never pressing her. She hated Twilight for not destroying that cauldron. She hated everything. Hate.

She liked it.

“Get your lazy ass up. I’m going to show you your new room.”

Her burning body stood up on it’s own. Every muscle screamed in pain. Her pussy was leaking his cum, and she was covered in piss and her own fluids. Her breath was ragged and a mess.

She liked it, and followed him with a smile.

She tried not to think about it as she followed him through the castle. The guards standing perfectly at attention. The maids standing straight and watching. Everyone had smiles. She was leaving a trail of filth and slime, and she was smiling. In a glance, she saw some blood trickling behind her. She smiled, and she liked it.

She tried not to think about it. The door opened, and she stepped through the threshold. Inside was the heady, overwhelming stench of estrus, and five smiling mares.

The first mare she saw was Twilight; her horn scorched from magic, her mane a mess and her nose still bleeding. Twilight smiled warmly. Fluttershy was next to her with one obviously broken wing and her tail hitched far too high. Fluttershy smiled confidently. Pinkie’s mane was half shaved off, and she had a large, bleeding cut on her face that was drying. Pinkie smiled with a wide, calm grin. Rarity was covered in scorch marks, holes burned through her mane and coat. Rarity smiled, baring her teeth.

Then there was Applejack. She was staring at Rainbow. Her stetson was crumpled. Her tail was tied to her mane, forcing her to be exposed. Her hooves were bruised. Her whole body was covered in welts from a rope or a whip. Applejack’s stare slowly turned into a happy smile.

Rainbow smiled back.

Each girl bowed their head and turned around when he stepped into the room. Each girl was red and puffy under their tail, each girl was heavily bruised in their thighs. And each girl was stained with a large mess of white crust around their engorged pussies.

He smiled, “Hello, ladies.”

They answered in chorus, “Hello, Daddy.”

Rainbow joined in, and she liked it.