Hooves-On Approach

by Reviewfilly

First published

A seedy hypnosis parlor lends a stressed out stallion a hoof... or five.

It would put a lot of stress on anypony's shoulders to be the head dignitary of a whole empire. Especially if said pony happened to also struggle with socializing. So when he saw an ad promising a place where he could let off all that pent up frustration... and perhaps more, he simply couldn't help himself but visit.

Extra tags: Stallion focus, sensory suggestion/hypnosis, slight sub-dom vibes, hopefully endearing awkwardness, no actual sex, (physical) hooves-free-orgasm, affection, petting, and a mysterious narrator.

Proofread by Equimorto, who also goaded me into writing this mess.

Close Your Eyes... And Sink

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As the small, curtain-covered door opened a few small chimes softly tinkled, heralding the approach of a new customer. It was dark inside, only the faintest of light permeated through the covered windows. As the sounds of the chimes died down, their place was taken by the tentative clip-clops of hooves whose owner seemed all too uncertain whether he truly intended to enter or not.

But that was only what he told himself. In truth, though one would be forgiven for accidentally stumbling upon the small-letter section of ads in the local newspaper, the rest of the accidents taking him here were far harder to justify.

It would require a series of extraordinary coincidences to cause somepony to carelessly take a left turn on a road where they always took the right path before, which lead to a part of town very few had any business in. The odds would sink even lower, if he somehow entered a completely unmarked and unremarkable building by sheer chance, but not before taking a few purely unintentional curt looks to the sides to make sure nopony else was nearby.

Any of these events happening were remarkably unlikely in and of themselves. Yet they all happened one after the other. And here he stood now, one step from the destination, which he certainly had no knowledge of before.

Still, actually stepping inside immediately gave him cold hooves. A cold sinking feeling spread through his stomach as he contemplated how believable it’d be to mutter an apology about how he’d merely miscounted the houses in the street and then dart off somewhere far away, preferably underground where nopony would ever see him again and question why he was seen in front of that house.

He quickly dismissed the thought. There was no simple way out of this now.

Standing awkwardly in the door, he meekly tugged at the strap on his cape until it came a bit looser, allowing him to take a deeper breath. He slowly exhaled and, while still feeling like a thousand eyes were staring at his flank, he finally fully stepped inside and closed the door behind himself. The darkness in the room did little to ease his worries, though as his eyes slowly adjusted he found himself glancing around in curiosity.

It was a fairly barren room. The walls were empty and painted to a dark color to reflect even less light, though he wasn’t exactly sure what shade it was in the gloom. He could discern a small table in the center with two beanbags on opposite ends. As he squinted his eyes, there seemed to be another cylindrical object below the desk, but he couldn’t really figure out what it was.

“So, are you merely going to gawk or take a step closer?” A voice rang from one of the beanbags, startling him. As it spoke, the figure’s eyelids snapped open and a pair piercing yellow eyes peered at him from the darkness.

A dozen apologies and excuses rushed into his throat, only to completely block it, leading to little more than a few awkward gasps. He coughed a little and slowly approached the desk.

“Umm, hi,” he muttered nervously. In the suffocating darkness and silence of the room, his quiet speech sounded far louder than it actually was. “So, uh, ehehe, is this the right place?”

“That depends. What are you looking for?” came the teasing reply. He wasn’t quite sure if the voice was a mare’s or a stallion’s.

“Well, I’ve… I’ve seen the ad in the magazine and uh.” His already-quiet voice died down more and more with each word, until it was little more than a mumble.

“Yes?” The voice dragged out the word in a stern, expectant tone.

He winced. Did he really need to say it out loud?

“I am here for a hypnosis session,” he finally forced it out. His voice was hardly the hint of a whisper and he was sure the eyes could see his cheeks burning even though that was impossible.

The voice laughed quietly.

“Very good. You are indeed at the right place. Bits upfront and you must also remove all your clothing.”

If his cheeks were alight before, they were now burning like an inferno.

“Is… is that really necessary?”

The voice snorted.

“Ah, to me it matters little. But unless the idea of going home in defiled garments excites you, I recommend you listen to me.”

“Oh. Right.” He chuckled awkwardly and lit his horn to unstrap his cape. His glasses glinted in the light. The other remained shrouded in darkness.

“My, my,” the voice called out with hardly-masked glee. “I didn’t expect the Royal Crystaller himself in my humble abode.”

Terror sat out on Sunburst’s face as he realized what he’d just done. His magic quickly slapped a few bits on the table and flung the cape and his glasses away from the scene of the upcoming crime. The moment it did his horn went out as well.

“Oh, how adorable. No need to be so apprehensive though. I don’t judge.” The voice laughed again coyly. A horn ignited on the other end of the table, though Sunburst could only see the light itself. A soft yellow aura enveloped the coins, dragging them into the darkness.

“Please sit,” the voice continued. It was commanding, yet soft too. Even without seeing its owner, it had some inexplicable quality that made it sound trustworthy. Sunburst gave a nod into the darkness and slowly eased himself onto the beanbag. The soft velvety material rubbed nicely against his belly and hooves.

He was far too ashamed to admit it even to himself, but the way it tickled his private parts was also unexpectedly enjoyable. He blushed hard from the feeling and tried to divert his attention by staring into the eyes.

“Good. Now we can begin.” The horn-light intensified for a moment and a small golden pocket-watch appeared.

Sunburst eyed it with curiosity. He had maybe read a few… dozen articles on hypnosis, but he didn’t expect to see something like this. Many of the texts he read spoke about the process being “magic assisted,” but that just made him assume it’d be a relaxation-spell or perhaps one that put him into a dreamlike-state.

He certainly did not expect a simple watch.

“What’s this f—” he tried to ask, but the voice shushed him.

“Keep quiet, all will be clear soon. Now, relax yourself, please, and stare into the watch.”

Sunburst shuffled around a bit and followed the instruction.

“Look at its details, take in all minute aspects.” As the voice spoke it became softer and softer still, gaining a soothing tone and completely losing its previous playful tease.

He obliged. The watch slowly began to sway from side to side. He allowed his eyes to fully consider all the small bevels and etchings on it. How its matte surface shone in its owner’s magical grasp. How gently it went back and forth.

Without a conscious thought he sank more into the beanbag. A tiny jolt of pleasure ran up his spine as his member rubbed against the velvet again, but his mind hardly registered it. He was far too preoccupied with the task at hoof.

He never expected something so trivial and pointless to be so calming.

“Keep staring at my watch and relax. I want you to clear your mind. There is nothing you need to worry about now. Just focus on the watch and its appearance.”

The watch continued to sway. Left to right, right to left. As it continued its gentle, even motion, he felt like its very essence was absorbing into his mind.

“Good. Now, while still continuing to follow the watch, you will sink.”

The effect was immediate. Sunburst’s eyelids began to feel heavier and heavier. They slowly lowered to a half-lid as he kept on staring. He felt his whole body slowly turning into lead as well. Not that he had anything to complain about. This weight was hardly unpleasant. No, rather it was like being placed under the most comfortable blankets one could imagine in a bed one would never wish to leave.

Still, the watch continued to sway. By now his eyes anticipated the rhythm and he instinctively followed it. His mind was blank. The vaguest hints of past worries and things that he was yet to tackle played at the edges of his consciousness, but as the watch continued its golden dance, they too slowly faded away.

“I will count down from three,” the voice droned. “When I reach zero, you will sink even deeper.”

Sunburst wanted to acknowledge the voice. To give it a “yes” or even a simple nod or any other sign. Yet in his state, he found himself unable to even move a muscle.

A distant thought came to him in his haze. Sink even deeper? Is that even possible?

His question didn’t take long to be answered.


The watch swayed to the left.


The watch swayed to the right.


The watch slowly came to a halt in the middle.


The magic went out, covering the room in almost complete darkness once again. The watch fell onto the desk with a soft clink.

And Sunburst sank.

Perhaps he was lead before, but now? He couldn’t even find the right comparison. He floated in a void of pure comfort, accompanied only by the soothing voice and its yellow eyes.

“Good. Now, we shall begin for real.” The voice stopped for a second. Then, when it spoke again, it took on a new tone, one fit for a narrator. Still, it remained just as soft and relaxing as before. “You step beyond the darkness and find yourself in a small room.”

The vague idea of a room appeared in Sunburst’s mind. He couldn’t exactly place anything inside or even really visualize it, but the concepts of four walls, a floor, and a ceiling firmly took hold.

“It is a dark and quiet room, where you are safe and alone. Alone to experience your deepest desires. The wooden floorboards slowly creak under your hooves and a dim light above casts a soft shadow behind yourself.”

The room suddenly took shape. It was a small and featureless chamber, and painted in a warm, welcoming brown. He also knew there was a small shapeless lamp faintly glowing down from the ceiling. He wasn’t sure if there was any furniture inside. The faint ideas of them played at the edges of his vision, but he paid them no heed. The voice would guide him to them if the need arose.

“You’ve come to this room because you know of its secret.”

Even though he himself didn’t know what this secret was yet, Sunburst knew all of the voice’s words were true.

“You’ve found it during your studies. You’ve read an ancient book of curios and mysteries. Though the book was full of priceless knowledge, it was one specific section that caught your attention the most. As you flipped to its page, it immediately became clear to you that this is what you were looking for. The tome called it the Petting Room.”

Yes, Sunburst could visualize the ancient, yellowing tome he read. The words “Petting Room” floated in front of his eyes in bold imposing letters. Long lines of calligraphic text stood under it, though he wasn’t able to read them.

“Few others even know about this place and none of them shall bother you during your stay here. The room will make sure of it. You are completely safe. The tome also said that the room would grant its gift to anypony who sought it out and wished for it.” As the voice spoke the lines on the page slowly morphed into legible sentences, corroborating its words. “You’ve come here and you wish for its gift.”

Sunburst wished for its gift. And though he made no move, nor sound, the voice understood him and obliged.

“As the room feels your willingness, you notice a presence besides yourself emerging from the floor. It happens so slowly, so gently. First you only see the tip of it poking out. But as you stare at it grow and grow, you realize it is becoming more like a hoof sticking out of the ground. You can almost see through its wispy, blue colors as it continues to rise.”

And indeed, the tome faded into nothingness and as the room came into focus again a hoof slowly began to inch its way out of the floor. It did so without seemingly any effort or struggle. The sight was in and of itself mesmerizing.

“As it continues to raise itself, you suddenly feel an aura of relaxation wash over you. It doesn’t take you long to notice it is coming from the hoof itself.”

That previous feeling of calmness washed over Sunburst with twice its strength. He stared at the hoof with bleary eyes, hardly even having the presence of mind to wonder what could come next.

The voice did not keep him waiting.

“You continue to watch the hoof as it slowly stops, having finally fully extended from the floor. For a moment it lingers, then it slowly begins to sway back and forth, almost as if it was beckoning you with measured, rhythmic motions.”

And just like it said, the hoof started rhythmically swaying back and forth, calling out to Sunburst.

“You are fascinated by the sight. You trot closer.”

The fact that he was in fact still laying on a beanbag in a dark room was completely absent from Sunburst’s mind. In this moment he was somewhere else. His mental eyes visualized himself getting closer and closer to the hoof, until he finally came to a halt in front of it.

The voice kept silent for just a second or two to allow him to fully immerse himself in the situation.

“As you keep staring at it, it stops its sway and ever so delicately begins to reach out towards you. As it comes closer and closer, you feel its relaxing aura even stronger than before. You know that you are safe, you know that you are happy. So happy to be in this room, to know its secret.”

He was happy. And he was relaxed. The worries of coming to this place? They melted away wholly. They were so insignificant now, nonexistent even. It was absurd to be so anxious in the first place. He should have come here ages ago.

“And now, you feel the hoof slowly touch you on the top of your head. You hardly even feel it at first. It feels so nice, so gentle.”

As he felt the imaginary hoof caress the top of his head some rational part of his mind was dumbfounded. This… wasn’t possible, was it? There must have been some magic involved, or trickery. But his far stronger other half reassured him. There were no tricks and no magic. There was no reason not to let this just happen.

Soon the protests quieted and he gave himself over to the feeling.

“You want nothing more than to be pet by the hoof.”

In this state of absolute bliss and with his inhibitions unlocked, he finally admitted it to himself:

Sweet Celestia, he really wanted to be.

To just feel somepony else’s touch. To be held close and caressed. To let all pretenses loose and just feel pure attention and intimacy. Things someone of his job and personality had no chance to experience. It was the very reason he came here in the first place.

His body ached with anticipatory tingles.

“And now, you feel the hoof slowly trace and slide down the back of your head.”

The feeling was indescribable. The smallest hints of his rationality still continued to scream their whispers about this being merely an illusion, but he paid them no heed. He felt the soft pressure sliding down the back of his head and neck and leaving a trail of pleasant sensations behind.

“The hoof then moves over to your face. You feel a soft stroke grace your left cheek.”

He shivered as he felt the sensation. It felt like how he always imagined it would.

“Then your right one.”

It was followed by the same reaction. As the feeling of pressure faded, both of his cheeks flushed with a pleasant warmness.

“And now, the hoof reaches behind your neck and starting at the very top of your head, it slowly ruffles your mane apart. It reaches deeper and you feel it touch your skin. With extremely delicate movements it begins to scratch and trace your neck.”

A drawn-out, ragged sigh escaped Starburst’s lips as he felt his neck quivering from pleasure. Electric jolts of bliss spread out all over his body, causing his coat to slightly puff up from goosebumps.

What’s more he suddenly felt warmness spread into his nether regions as well. For just a split second he found himself back in the dark room, lying on the beanbag. He felt his cock slowly work its way out of his sheath. For a moment this filled him with anxiety. Yes, the ad did mention a “happy ending,” the meaning of which he had to figure out from the context, but still… It just felt wrong to pop a boner with another pony nearby.

The yellow eyes became half-lidded and Sunburst could swear they slightly bobbed up and down. There was no sound, however. Was the owner of the voice laughing at him? It was impossible to tell in the darkness.

Before these insidious thoughts could proliferate further though, the voice spoke again without a hint of ridicule, only perhaps a tiny bit of bemusement. “You feel the hoof reach up to your ear and gently rub it up and down.”

He was immediately back in the room. All that anxiety melted into nothing in a moment as his ear shivered and twitched from the hoof caressing it. Blood continued to pump down there and he suddenly felt the tip of his dick softly colliding with his belly. This too sent its own different, yet just as pleasant feelings into his brain.

“As you are busy enjoying the hoof’s care, you soon notice that four other ones slowly began to emerge out from the ground around you. They know exactly what you want. What your heart desires… And the only reason they are here is to fulfill it.”

Another soft impact hit his belly.

“You see the hooves detach themselves from the ground and float all over you. Caressing and petting every part you want. Just the way you like it,” the voice dragged out those last words over a long time in a tone that was just as sultry as it was encouraging.

He did not need to be told twice.

While one of the ethereal hooves stayed on his head, scratching his neck and ruffling his mane, two of the newcomers began rubbing his back from left to right and back. He felt it tense up and then relax once more as his muscles didn’t know how to react to the new sensation. It felt completely real.

However, he wasn’t satisfied just yet. Deep down he already knew there was one more thing he wanted to try. With a mere thought he moved the two hooves from his back over to his belly and the other two, which until now hung around in the back, moved over and began to squeeze and rub his inner thighs.

Soon his mind was filled by the rhythmic tingles of being caressed all over his body. Even without any physical stimulation, he felt his member harden even more for a second and he softly moaned as a droplet of pre-cum splotched onto the beanbag below. His eyes immediately snapped to the other side of the table and he cast a guilty glance towards the eyes, but they seemed to merely stare attentively at him without the slightest hint of offense or alarm.

Sunburst allowed himself to drift back into bliss. After all, he paid for this. It hardly registered in him that the voice, knowing it was not needed anymore, had since gone silent. As the hooves continued their labor, his grunts and moans only increased in intensity and frequency. His dick bounced up and down with each tingle passing through his body, leaking more and more into the beanbag. It didn’t make sense, he hadn’t even touched himself and yet he was feeling himself getting closer and closer.

“You remember reading one final passage in the tome.” Seeing how pent up he was, the voice called out to him again. It was deep and endlessly sensual, saying each word slowly and deliberately. “As the hooves continue their work, you slowly begin to feel a countdown inside yourself starting from ten. The book told you when it reaches zero, you will orgasm. You know that the hooves will provide you with pleasure you have never experienced before to help you reach it.”

The only reaction was another ragged grunt of semi-aware agreement as Sunburst squirmed on the beanbag.


Suddenly it felt like his senses heightened. Every touch, every caress felt even more real, even more delicate and arousing.




His hindlegs kicked hopelessly against the air. He tried to reach for something to keep himself anchored to the ground, but he felt like he was floating from bliss.


His loud moans became deeper and deeper until they eventually gave way to wordless grunts.


All that silly inhibition he felt coming here was a thing of the past. Even the voice and the other pony abstracted away into nothingness.


There was no way of stopping him now. The fantasy melted away. The setting? It didn’t matter. The hooves? Only a vague memory. No, he was fueled by carnal extasy and there was only a single thing on his mind.


He wanted it.


He needed it.


His entire body tensed up in aching anticipation. He closed his eyes and grit his teeth, waiting for that final utterance that would release him.

The world froze and milliseconds stretched into millennia, as his entire being hanged on the precipice.

“Ze-ro,” the voice said in a playfully teasing, quiet tone.

The dam broke.

Sunburst whinnied loudly as his balls squeezed and a fat rope of cum burst forth from his dick. It was followed soon by two more rapid blasts splashing against the beanbag and leaving a mess. He tried to weakly push himself up, but his forelegs buckled and he just collapsed back into the soft folds as he kept cumming. His mind was a single white dot in a sea of blissful oblivion. Any incoherent words he tried to speak were silenced by grunts and gasps of pleasure. His cock spasmed again and shot another load. With each shot, shivers passed over his body.

He wasn’t sure how much time it truly took, but after what felt like an eternity, the flow began to diminish. He panted as he slowly regained control over his body and his dripping member began to shrink and disappear between his legs. Careful not to step into his own puddle he slowly clambered off the beanbag and looked around the vague dimness with a confused look. He mechanically trotted over to his pile of clothes and put on his glasses again.

“Well, that was quite the spectacle!” The voice broke the silence again as he turned back. “So, what do you think? Enjoyed ourselves?”

“Ahh!” He yelped a little as he realized what just happened and how the owner of the voice witnessed all of it. “I just… I’m sorry! I didn’t-”

The voice laughed softly.

“That is not what I asked.”

Sunburst looked back at the beanbag, before averting his eyes.

“Yes,” he replied quietly. The blush returned with a vengeance. “It was amazing.”

“I am quite pleased to hear that. Please do not worry about cleaning up or anything else, it’s part of the price. You may use the bucket under the table to wash up if you wish.”

“Oh. Uh, right.” He trotted back to the desk and used his magic to pull it out from below. There was a small sponge and water inside. He slowly levitated the sponge out and twisted the water out of it before scrubbing himself down. As he cleaned himself, he couldn’t help but wonder just what exactly happened here. It all felt so real, so lifelike and yet, at the end of the day, none of it was. The mysteries of equine brains, he thought to himself shaking his head silently.

Soon he was clean and, after fetching his slightly crumpled, but — thank Celestia — completely dry cloak, he suddenly found himself without anything immediate left to do. He felt almost lost without the voice’s guidance, as he shuffled awkwardly from one hoof to the other.

“So, uh, what happens now?” he finally gathered the courage to ask.

“What would?” came the curt reply. “We both got what we wanted, that’s it. You can go home.”

“Can I- Can I at least know who you are?”

The voice laughed.

“Of course not, that would ruin the fun,” it said, but then, after a moment of pause it coyly continued, “But maybe, just maybe, if you visit me again I’ll tell you.”

The owner of the voice closed its piercing eyes and started to quietly laugh again, which slowly began to sound more and more distant, until it completely faded. Sunburst tentatively approached the other beanbag and suddenly realized he was alone in the room. He reached out. The bag seemed entirely undisturbed and felt cool to the touch. He couldn’t as much as find a hair on it.

He took a step back and shook his head. He didn’t have the capacity to think about what just happened, so he slowly trotted to the door and opened it, causing the chimes to tinkle again, breaking the silence. Even though it was already late in the afternoon, the last light of the Sun almost blinded him after all the time he spent inside. He cast one last look back into the darkness, but it remained just as mysterious as before. He stood in the doorway awkwardly for a second, then left quietly.

Yeah, as if I’d ever return, he thought with what he hoped was conviction as he began his trek home.

But deep down he knew there was a room waiting for him. One few others knew about.

And he already yearned to be there again.