Perky Pregnant Princess

by AtomicClop

First published

Due to unexpected expenses while expecting, Pipp must host a fundraising livestream.

Pipp didn't expect all the expenses she would incur while she was expecting. So today, a one-time-only limited engagement: a special PonlyFans stream where a very special rich sponsor gets to pound her pregnant pussy.

Warnings for this fic: Pregnant sex, livestreaming pregnant sex, Sprout getting his willy wet, Haven crushing Zipp's illusions, and Izzy coining the word "birthkakke" to Zipp's eternal horror.

Thanks to the Discord crews for brainstorming. I won't implicate you by naming you.

A PonlyFans exclusive

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Pipp sipped her mineral water. "Blech."

Haven rolled her eyes. "It's good for you."

"I'm not an alcoholic or anything," Pipp said, "but it's been really hard not to drink for ten months."

"That is, in fact, the definition of an alcoholic," Zipp replied. Zipp opened herself a bottle of Zephyr Heights Premium Ale, then one for Izzy and another for Haven.

"So, you three are just... going to drink right in front of me?" Pipp grumped.

Izzy nodded her head happily, then patted her slim, non-pregnant belly. "I'm gay. Ish. Gay-ish. No baby in here!"

"I'm the queen, I drink at my Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and nopony dares say a thing. You think this bothers me?"

Zipp said, "I gave Hitch birth control."

Izzy blinked. "Does he know?"

Zipp coughed and looked away, then asked, "Did you drink while you were pregnant with us, mom?"

"With you, Zipp?" Haven said. "No. Not a drop."

Pipp stared at Haven expectantly, a thin smile on her face.

Haven looked at Pipp, then at the clock. "Almost time."

Pipp's smile faded into a frown, she delicately extracted her enlarged frame from the chair and shuffled off to the washroom just off her streaming studio.

"When I was pregnant with you," Haven said to Zipp, sipping her beer, "I had to pee every five minutes, by the end, and I still leaked everywhere. Your bowling-ball butt was on my bladder, since you never turned around and were a breech delivery."

"Thanks, mom. I needed to know that." Zipp rubbed her temples and clenched her eyes.

"Breech deliveries run in the family, so I'll get my payback someday." Haven frowned. "You were at Pipp's last ultrasound—has her baby turned?"

"Yeah, it's fine," Zipp said.

"Pipp was so small I barely noticed her at all," Haven said with a wistful smile of memory.

Izzy bounced in her seat, spilling her beer. "My mom says when she was pregnant with me, I poked her esophagus with my horn and she's had acid reflux ever since! That's why we weren't allowed to have pizza when I was growing up, tomatoes make her sick all night."

Zipp sipped her beer, staring at Izzy. "I'll order you a pizza."

"Oh! You're the best pega-friend ever!"

"I'm chopped liver, then?" Pipp asked, waddling back in from the washroom, the sound of a flush following her.

"You're my best prega-friend!"

Zoom and Thunder, Pipp's guards, escorted in a small red earth pony wearing a fake unicorn horn, fake pegasus wings, and dark, wrap-around cyberpunk sunglasses.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Pipp said. "Sprout's the sponsor?!"

"My name iz Count von Germinate!" Sprout shouted in a vampire-movie accent. "Who iz vis 'Sprout?' He sounds sexy and virRrRrRrile and well-endowed."

Izzy frowned. "Where did you get Sunny's alicorn outfit?" She bounded out of her chair and sniffed the underside of the outfit's left wing. "Ha! It still smells like me. Sunny put on the outfit and I grabbed a buttplug, a bottle of hoof sanitizer, and some frozen orange juice—"

"Stop!" Sprout shouted, popping her on the nose with a forehoof.

Izzy staggered backwards and plopped down to her butt, holding her snout with both forehooves. "Ow! Count von Felonious Assault. Did we get that on video?"

Zipp, now sitting at her control panel, shook her head. "I hadn't started yet, sorry."

"Ugh," Pipp said and pointed to a masking tape X on the floor. "Okay, Sprout, over here, on your mark, next to me."

"My. Name. Iz. Count. Von. Germinate."

Pipp leaned towards him, her wings flaring, and she shouted with the angry power of pregnancy hormones. "You listen to me! Your bank transfer has already cleared and the agreement you signed was written by my lawyers, not yours, so I can call you any damn thing I want! I can call Sprouticus Minimus and you'll like it and I can make you call me Princess Angry Hormones! I can throw you out—out the window—and keep the money. The only reason I'm going to fuck you on stream is because I'm a performer and the show must go on and my Pippsqueaks expect it!"

"Out the window?" Sprout said, looking at the tips of spires of Zephyr Heights.

"Her usual patrons are pegasi," Zoom said.

Thunder flicked his wings. "But she had that clause put in the contracts before magic returned— oof!"

Zoom had turned around and kicked Thunder in the ribs. He went down, curled into a ball and gasping.

Pipp yanked off Sprout's fake wings and horn and tossed them out of view of the camera.

"Smiles! Stream faces!" Haven called.

Zipp counted down, "Live! In five, four, three..."

Pipp's mood turned from volcanic to perky in a split second, her performer's instincts kicking in. Sprout derped at the phone on the tripod.

A large LIVE sign illuminated above Zipp, who was sitting in the command chair, surrounded by monitors.

"Hello hello hello hello my Pippsqueaks! Pipp pipp hooray!" Pipp shouted, dancing awkwardly in place and flipping her wings and tail. The camera was zoomed wide, giving the viewers a good view of her blimp-like physique and Sprout's terror.

"This is a very special stream today!" Pipp pranced around in a circle, but kept her tail demurely low, not wanting to give the stream of view of her moneymaker quite yet. "As those of you who watch the news are aware," her face turned to a frown before she forced it back to her normal smile, "Zephyr Heights is in a bit of a reception—"

"Recession," Zoom yelled.

"—recession and those clowns in Parliament rescinded the ancient law that guaranteed princes and princesses of the Royal House free tuition to Zharvard University!"

Sad and shocked emojis flooded the chat. Pipp turned her face grave and nodded. "I know, right?" She patted her belly. "I'm not sending my daughter to public school!"

"Daughter?" Haven screamed from her spot next to Zipp. "I told you I wanted to be surprised!"

"She already posted the sonogram online, Mom," Zipp said.

"I didn't watch it!"

Pipp rolled her eyes. "So, today is a one-time-only, limited engagement special stream! Sprout, here," she wrapped a wing around his trembling torso, "paid ten thousand bits to your new princess's college fund, and all of you out there streaming me in ZH or Maretime Bay or Bridlewood paid another hundred each! Say something, Sprout."

"I think I'm going to faint."

"That's fine," Pipp said. She pulled a pill bottle from a drawer, shook two onto a wing, and crammed them into Sprout's half-open mouth. She then clamped his jaws shut, pursed her lips, and blew sharply into his nose. He swallowed in surprise.

"What?" Sprout gasped and choked. "Did you just poison me?"

"Two of those," she said, putting the bottle back in the drawer, "and you'll be so erect that we could put a jackhammer up your ass and tear down a concrete bunker with your cock. If you pass out, I'll just flip you on your back and ride you for the audience."

Sprout lowered his neck, looking at his cock from between his front legs. "It's not working."

Pipp rolled her eyes. "It takes a minute."

Haven trotted into the view of the camera. "Time is money, ponies. Time is money. I'll fluff him up."

From off-camera, Izzy called, "I'm surprised."

Haven drew herself up to her full height. "Come, now! Don't think the Queen is a prude. When I was a young Crown Princess, we didn't have streaming and cell phones, so I had to settle for my own magazine spreads!"

Zoom piped up from near the door. "I subscribe to Playpony's digital archive!" She tapped on her phone.

A moment later, a scan of a glossy magazine centerfold appeared in the chat. A much younger Haven, massively pregnant, stood over a stallion, flat on his back, Haven leaning down and sucking his massive cock.

Zipp turned bright red and buried her face in her hooves. "Dad?!"

"That was two months before he passed away," Haven said with a wistful voice. "I'm glad we got that photo session. Look how big you made my ass, Zipp!"

Zipp pounded her face on the table.

Leaning down, Haven gave Sprout's flaccid cock a slow lick, from base to tip. "You know, Zephyrina," she said, looking towards Zipp and the camera, "They didn't have labor-induction drugs in those days and you were waaaaay overdue. Dangerously overdue, Zephyrina."

Zipp said, "Stop."

Haven continued, "Your dad was so big he had to make a deliberate effort not to penetrate—"

Zipp said, "Silence."

"—penetrate my cervix." Haven licked Sprout again, his cock beginning to harden and lengthen.

"Mom," Zipp squeaked, "I'm begging you not to finish this story."

"I'm invested now!" Izzy said, bouncing up and down next to Zipp before halting just as quickly and staring at Haven with huge, twinkling eyes. "Finish, please."

Dozens of chat messages from stream viewers appeared, begging for the completion.

Sprout was now at about half staff. Haven sucked his tip in, bobbed her head forward and back a few times, and then drew back, letting his cock flop free. She looked at the camera. "So the doctors prescribed a last round of nookie, right on the delivery room bed, to get a move on Zephyrina."

Zipp was now as red as Sprout, her face buried in her forehooves. "Thank you, Mom, for telling all my future subjects my first facial was my dad."

"It didn't work, though," Have said.

Zipp peeked one eye over the top of a hoof, her ears trembling.

"So we had the medical students on rounds that day all form a train. Your labor started after the caboose, Zephyrina, dear."

Zipp cowered under her wings. "So. I had birth-inducing bukkake."

"Birthkakke," Izzy snorted, foaming beer shooting out of her nose. She choked and gasped.

Zipp stared at Izzy for a few seconds, her red face turning sickly gray as the blood drained from it. Then she looked at Haven. "Thanks, mom. Totally needed to know that. Glad you streamed it to all my future subjects, too."

Haven rolled her eyes. "Oh, honey, no. Not... bukkake"

Zipp made an animalistic grunting noise that Haven interpreted as, "???"

"I told you already," Haven said. "You were a breech baby."

Zipp crawled under the table and began sobbing.

Sprout looked at his now-respectable erection. "I should not be hard after hearing that story. What was in that drug you gave me?"

"Pure princess magic," Pipp said, frowning at the attention Haven and Zipp were getting in the chat. "Now that Sprout is—"

"My name is Count von..." he looked at Pipp's expression. "Sprout, fine, okay."

"Now that Sprout is ready, Thunder, please bring the camera around behind me."

Thunder moved from his place by the door. His own erection—easily twice the size of Sprout's—swung under his armor as he took the phone off the tripod and moved around to stand beside and slightly behind Pipp, to her left.

"Usually," Pipp said, looking over her wing at the camera, "I put my torso up on a table, since most of my stream sponsors are a lot heavier than me, and that makes it easier to take their weight. Since my belly is too big to get up on a table anymore, and Sprout here isn't any bigger than me—"

"Hey! I'm... not tiny."

"—I'll just stand. Sprout? Condom, then mount up."

Everypony laughed. Even Zipp, from under the control panel.

"W-what?" Pipp's face paled as she looked around the studio.

Head poking out from under the table, Zipp said, "This is the seven hundred and twentieth stallion you've taken, just on stream. Not counting the thousands in your bedroom, the dozens in public parks, or the 'very extra-special patrons' on mom's throne."

"What?" Haven said. "What?"

Zipp continued, "And now, now, you're suddenly worried about a condom? After you're already pregnant?"

Pipp glared and stomped a rear hoof. "I don't want her to get... get... Izzy, what was the word?"


"Birthkakke like you had, Zipp."

Zipp disappeared back under the table. The sounds of sobs percolated from her hiding place.

The large monitor with the chat was a stream of angry emojis, threats to cancel subscriptions, and demands for refunds.

Izzy bounded over, leaned down, and sniffed Sprout's cock, then gave its tip a tentative lick. "Don't worry about it, he probably hasn't touched a vagina since his mom squeezed him out."

"Hey!" Sprout said. "That's none of your business."

"That's not a denial," Haven said.

The chat monitor was an irate waterfall of messages. Pipp's eyes went wide as she watched the torrent of anger from her so-called fans. She sighed. "Fiiiine. Do me bareback, Sprout, but I'm going to put on some panties after, collect the creampie, and sell them online for some more money."

"Princess panty vending machines?" Izzy bounced up and down. "You could retire the national debt, if Zipp participated."

Pipp huffed.

"Come on, the whole nation has been in your panties already, Pipp," Izzy finished.

"Okay, okay, if we're done talking about my panties," Pipp said, "let's get this stream on."

Sprout screamed like a unicorn presented with a fifty-five gallon drum of mayonnaise.

"Now what?" Pipp asked, exasperated, looking over her shoulder at him.

"For a second," Sprout spluttered, "for a second there was a face on your belly!"

"Yeah, she's awake and moving around. Hurry and get this stream done before she headbutts my bladder."

Sprout whimpered.

Pipp raised her tail and flicked it to her right. Thunder moved a little closer, letting the stream get a good look at her pussy, which was already sopping wet, the fur surrounding it damp, and the labia puffy. Her anus was more puckered than usual.

Sprout took two deep breaths and hopped up, placing his forelegs around Pipp's hips. His pharmacologically-enhanced erection throbbed and waved beneath his barrel.

Zipp emerged from under the control panel long enough to hit the command that sent the viewers a split-screen feed. Pipp smiled at one camera, on the left half of the stream, while Thunder held the other phone steady and closed in on her rump and Sprout's cock, filling the stream's right half.

"This'll be the last sex I have for... a while," Pipp said. "And I will enjoy it!"

Izzy bopped Sprout's cock with her horn, sending it wibble-wobbling up and down like a diving board. "You should have picked somepony bigger to get some pre-stretching before you squeeze the baby out."

Sprout's face paled some more. "I'm... plenty big."

"He's not small," Pipp said. "He's fun-sized."

"How many ponies have called you that, Princess Pipp?" Thunder asked.

"Nine," Haven replied. "I had them all sent to the re-education camps." The queen reared to her back hooves and pushed on Sprout's ass with her forehooves, slamming his hips forward and spearing his cock deep into Pipp's puffy pregnant pussy.

"Gaaah!" Sprout said.

"Oof!" Pipp grunted, her ears going horizontal.

For a moment, there was silence, and then the chat was flooded with 🎉 emojis.

"You're warm," Sprout said, pressing his hips forward and then pulling backward a little. His ears perked up at the squishy sounds emanating from around his cock. "And wet."

"Wait, are you a virgin?" Pipp asked, ears perking up in turn.

"No!" Sprout grumped. "No! No! Maybe."

Pipp grinned at the camera. "Well, either way, he feels good. I don't think I need a giant stallion today, I'm already a bit full down there, huh?"

"Ahhhh!" Sprout said. "What was that?"

Pipp rolled her eyes and grinned at the camera. "I clenched down on you. C'mon, this is fun."

Closing her eyes and sighing, Pipp again clenched her vagina around his cock, and Sprout whinnied. "Okay," she said. "I'm wetter than I expected. Score one point for hormones, versus nine hundred and ninety-nine points against. Sprout? Begin."

"I— I— I—" Sprout whimpered.

With a smile at the camera, Pipp said, "Not the first virgin I've trained!" She pulled her hips forward, until the head of his penis was just at the opening of her channel, and then shot her hips backwards with a wet plop.

"Eeeeee!" Sprout said, then paused. "That feels great!"

"It's called sex, silly!" Izzy said.

"I know what it's called! I just didn't know it felt so... wet."

"He's not a virgin," Izzy said. "He's probably just used to fucking dolls dry. Put lube in the toys, Sprout."

"They're not... dolls."

Slowly, Pipp pulled her hips forward while clamping on his cock with her vaginal muscles again. Her eyes closed as the ridge of his glans scraped over her sensitive spot and a shudder ran up her spine. "Good..." she hissed.

With an audible gulp, Thunder swallowed, his nose flaring as Pipp's scent hit him. His cock throbbed underneath his belly and the phone in his hoof shook, giving the viewers a wobbly view of Pipp's ass—even more perfectly rounded than usual—as she slammed it back hard onto Sprout's cock.

Pipp gasped. She was warmed up, now, and the pills she had given Sprout left his cock plenty hard. His cock filled her, warming up her insides and sending a bolt of pleasure straight up into her skull.

He pressed backwards, pulling himself out until his tip just brushed her entrance. Before he could slam himself back forward, Izzy put a hoof on his balls.

"Hold up," she said. "Look how puffy and red her pussylips are. Tease her a little. Just... push in and out a teensie-teeny bit."

Pipp's ears went flat. She loved being teased, but never did that on livestream, since teasing was for her, not for the viewers. It wasn't the sort of big, decisive action that made for good streaming.

Sprout pushed in a fraction of an inch, then paused and pulled back out.

Pipp gasped and her legs trembled as the head of his cock split her sensitive opening, then retreated.

"See?" Izzy said. Sprout nodded in understanding, grinning now under his cyberpunk sunglasses.

With increasing enthusiasm, Sprout shifted his hips forward-and-back, forward-and-back, keeping his tip at Pipp's opening, letting her pussylips just kiss his tip. She dripped copiously, her pussy sopping and the light-purple fur on her labia and hips now dark, saturated with her flows. Thunder inched closer, getting a better view for the stream. Sprout's cock glistened with her emissions and Pipp's eyes closed as the pleasure built.

"Now," Izzy purred, "slam in hard."

Pipp's eyes popped open an instant before Sprout grabbed tighter around her hips and shot forward. Sprout grunted and Pipp screamed as his cock suddenly filled her channel, the fire of his teasing turning into a conflagration of pleasure. Her pussy clamped around him and she squirted, a glob of her pleasure hitting the floor with a loud splat to the delight of the viewers. Dozens of 💦 emoji filled the chat.

Her own orgasm was building, her insides twisting like a watchspring.

"Sprouticus Maximumus!" he shouted, pulling his hips back slowly. The watchspring-tension, combined with the tease of the slow withdrawal, hit Pipp hard. She started panting.

Zipp emerged from under the control panel and checked the stream's stats and status. "Twenty-nine thousand viewers? Pipp, your new record! You beat mom's Address from The Throne where she announced the tax cut. I'll put a Smooth-Fee goal of ten thousand bits," Zipp cackled and wrung her hooves together. "If the viewers hit it, Sprout gets to finish in your ass."

"No!" Pipp shouted. "The hormones are making my... um, throne-sitter... too sensitive and delicate."

"Tuition can only go up," Zipp said. "You'll want the extra bits."

Zipp's distraction brought the fire in Pipp's belly down several degrees. "No," she growled. "No."

"Spoilsport," Zipp said. "What if I only keep ten percent?"

"For ten thousand bits," Izzy said, "he can finish in my ass!"

As soon as Zipp changed the goal to "Izzy's uni-canus, Bits 10,000," the first donation to appear was listed as "S. Starscout, Maritime Bay, 30 bits."

"If it's Izzy's ass, I want twenty-five percent," Sprout grunted, slamming back into Pipp's pussy. "That's the crazy tax."

Pipp swallowed and closed her eyes, trying to recenter herself on the pleasure of his knob filling her, the sensual feeling of her own hot juices dripping down her own inner thighs, and thrill of knowing more half the eyes in Zephyr Heights were on her most private place, that she was the biggest center of attention in history, and that most of the stallions and so many of the mares were wishing their cocks—or faces—were buried under her tail. Knowing all the teenagers were probably hoofing off to her perky pregnant pussy at that exact second.

But Zipp really had distracted her. How was she going to get her mood back? Get back on the orgasm-train before the stream ran too long and viewers started dropping off? Finish and get her own relief before the baby kicked her bladder and sent her scrambling for the toilet?

"Damnit, Zipp!" she muttered.

"For twenty thousand," the queen said, using a hoof to heft Sprout's ballsack, "he can finish in my throne-sitter."

Zipp changed the Smooth-Fee goal to "Queen's ass, Bits 20,000."

The donation listed as "S. Starscout, Maritime Bay, 30 bits," rescinded.

"I— I— I— want him to finish in meeee..." Pipp whispered. "Sprout? More teasing."

He shifted his weight and pulled back to get his tip juuuust touching her labia again, and gave another short dip in-and-out.

The door to the streaming studio slammed open, cinderblock debris flying from the two-hoofed buck that had shattered the doorjamb around the deadbolt.

Phyllis Cloverleaf stormed in, face bearing a magmatic expression, two guards following her and ineffectually protesting.

"Mommy?!" Sprout gasped in a strangled voice.

"My auditors found ten thousand bits missing from my factory's accounts," she said, "and they traced the embezzlement here."

"Don't you want grandfoals?" Sprout said, slamming his hips forward, hilting himself into Pipp, now humping desperately, trying to finish. "This is a live mare, Mommy, not one of your factory mannequins this time!"

"Dear goodness no, you'd be the worst father in Equestria. I wouldn't wish that on my grandfoals."

She bit his ear and yanked him backwards, spilling him onto his back and sending his cyberpunk sunglasses skittering away. As soon as he hit the floor, he came, a copious load of his spunk spraying across his own stomach and chest. Phyllis kicked him in the rump. As soon as he scrambled to his hooves, Phyllis bit him by the scruff of the neck and dragged him for the door.

"No refunds!" Zipp shouted.

They were gone and the studio door slammed shut, then rebounded open, since the latch and deadbolt were still broken.

Pipp screamed in frustration. "I was about to cum!"

The chat was a mixture of laughing emojis and angry emojis. The viewers took delight in Sprout's misfortune, but also wanted to see Pipp get creampied.

"Thunder," Pipp said, looking at him, her eyes wide and ears trembling. "Would... would you...?"

"I'm camera-shy!" he squeaked.

"I'm dying," Pipp said. "I've got half an orgasm and I need to finish it."

He nodded and passed the phone to Izzy, whose levitation held it pointed at Pipp's ass. Pipp's legs trembled and her huge belly wibble-wobbled like a water balloon, her tail pointed straight up in invitation and her rump soaked with her sexual fluids.

Thunder swallowed hard and hopped up, putting his forelegs around her middle, just in front of her giant belly and behind her wings. "Good? Comfy?"

"Yes," Pipp whispered.

Thunder inched his rear hooves forward, making contact between his cock and her pussylips. She was still as wet as ever, and he slid in smoothly and easily.

She'd forgotten how big his cock was! Or perhaps after the mediocreness of Sprout, he simply felt even bigger than usual. He couldn't even hilt, he was longer than her channel, but he filled her, and the fullness was like a wonder scratching of an intractable itch.

"Yessss..." Pipp hissed, then remembered the stream. She looked at the main camera and gave the viewers a smile. "That's more like it!"

Thunder pulled his hips back, his large, flared cock raking down her sensitivity and clobbering her. He twitched in-and-out twice at her entrance, for just the little bit of teasing he remembered quite well that she enjoyed, before pressing himself back into her, not too fast and not too slow.

He was taller than Sprout, which gave his cock a downward angle that hit Pipp in all the right places. Thunder found a rhythm, medium-fast in, medium-slow out, and Pipp locked her eyes onto the camera, making eye contact with the viewers, panting and gasping as her delayed and disrupted excitement rebuilt.

Pipp focused on thinking about how many ponies were watching her pussy, watching her anus pulse and her clit wink, her juices glazing Thunder's dick as he pounded her. One of the monitors near Zipp's control panel showed Pipp the view from the phone Izzy was holding, and Pipp could see Thunder's enormous balls clenching up closer to his belly as his own orgasm rose.

Squeezing down around his cock with her well-trained vaginal muscles, that extra constriction helped him hit the sensitive spot on the front of her vaginal wall—

And Pipp came. She felt the tightness in her belly release and saw, on the camera feed, as she let loose with an absolutely epic squirt of marecum. The scent filled the room instantly, strong from her hormones, the smell of the very essence of her own sexuality and excitement.

Thunder grabbed hard around her ribs with his forelegs and started pounding desperately, his control and rhythm gone. His animal rutting drove Pipp's own orgasm higher and she screamed, closing her eyes and her ears going cockeyed as wave after wave of pleasure shot up from her pussy to her head and rebounded back, and then Thunder was biting her ear and grunting, the pain mixing with the pleasure, and suddenly she smelled his cum, sharp and strong.

Opening her eyes and focusing on the pussy-monitor, she saw Thunder pull his hips back, his cock slathered in their mixed juices, the fuzz on his balls soaked by her squirting, and a massive wad of his cum rolled out of her and splattered to the floor as he withdrew.

They both plopped down to their butts on the floor, panting, and spent. She put her head on his shoulder and he wrapped a wing around her belly.

With a last deep breath, Pipp looked at the camera. "And that has been a very special Princess Pipp fundraiser stream," she said. "Set your PonlyFans notifications to 'on,' since we don't know when I'll be going into labor, and you won't want to miss that!"