Night of the Wolf

by Dinomite123

First published

Rainbow Dash's prank turned people to zombies. But, not everyone are zombies. It is time for her to go...werewolf!

Rainbow's plan to prank the whole town with rainbow filled cookies backfired when the whole town became cookie craving zombies. But little did she know, the wonderbolts had a little wolf in them, they secretly were a team of werewolves!

It is time for Rainbow to go wolf and cure everyone from the effects of the cookies. And little did she know that there was more wolf inside of her. This a night of bravery and strength, this is the night of the wolf!

(This is an EG version of 28 Pranks Later and Teen Wolf)

(Happy Halloween!)

A Planned Prank

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Rainbow Dash was a loyal girl who loves her friends. But she also loves to pull pranks. Lots of times she's been pranking everyone around town, including her friends. This time she was completely out of control.

On the running field of the Wonderbolts, everyone was jogging around the track. Then the whistle ringed, that was the cue to stop.

In the locker room, everyone was changing.

"Whew, that was fun." Soarin smirked.

"Yep, we've only got a couple more laps to go before we are ready for the big race." Spitfire said.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna do one of the greatest pranks ever, starting tonight." Rainbow Dash told them.

She took a box of cookies out of her locker and showed the Wonderbolt team the cookies.

" So, I got to thinking – why waste my time pranking everypony one at a time when I could prank everypony at once? This is gonna be the best prank ever! I special ordered these joke cookies so the colors would match my hair."

"What exactly are you gonna do anyway?" Misty Fly asked.

"I'm gonna switch them with the Filly Guide cookies. When Scootaloo and her friends sell them, everybody in town's gonna get a rainbow mouth courtesy of Rainbow Dash! Ha-ha! It's gonna be so awesome!"

"Rainbow, don't you think this prank is gonna take it a little too far?" Soarin told her.

"Oh please, there's nothing better than to use a whoopie cushion or a confetti can."

"C'mon Rainbow, your pranks are getting out of hand, and they need to stop." Spitfire added.

"This will be the last prank, I promise."

"You've already done enough when you pranked Fluttershy, Applejack, Mr. Cranky Doodle, Big Macintosh, and Mr. Cake."

"But this one won't do any harm."

Soarin looked in the mirror of his locker and could see his become yellow. He tried to hide it from Rainbow.

"So, how's the experience in the academy treating you Soarin?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, uh...It's been better than ever." He answered, trying to not look at her with his eyes with color change.

"Look, if your gonna do this prank then your gonna have to do it the easy way." Spitfire told Rainbow.

"Can we just drop it and leave it alone already?"

"Okay fine, but just remember...your actions always have a way of coming back to you."

Rainbow Dash left to the girl's bathroom while the rest of the Wonderbolts stayed.

"Do you guys think we should tell her?" Soarin wondered.

"What do you mean?" Spitfire asked.

"I mean should we tell her that we're werewolves?"

"What? Heck no." Misty Fly exclaimed.

"If we keep hiding this secret forever then more suspicion will come."

"I know, but what if people would hunt us down?"

"Not if Rainbow Dash can keep it a secret."

"Besides, maybe she can be a wolf too and be part of our team." Misty Fly said.

"Maybe, but that will have to wait."

"And more than that, what if she can be the true alpha?" Soarin pointed out.

"How can she be the true alpha?"

"She's quick, she's clever, and she's loyal."

"Good point."

"Who knows who the true alpha would be." Misty Fly replied.

The next day at Canterlot High, every student was walking around the hallway while Rainbow Dash was walking around as well and all she could think about is the prank she is gonna pull tonight.

"This is gonna be so awesome, I can't wait to see how everyone reacts with rainbow teeth." She thought.

Then she ran into Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash! I have something very important to tell you!" She called.

"Pinkie, hey! I actually have something totally important to tell you!"

"You do? Ooh! You go first!"

"Okay, you know how I've been pranking everybody?"

Yeah! It's been pretty funny!" She giggled." I-I-I mean, actually, that's what I have to talk to you about."

Rainbow pulled out a cookie.

"Here. Have a cookie."

"Ooh! Thanks! "

She bites into it, with Rainbow goo on her mouth.

" So, I got to thinking – why waste my time pranking everybody one at a time when I could prank everypony at once?"

" Mmm, wow! Everypony at once?! That sounds amazing!" Pinkie then stopped to think of it. "Gah, wait! I mean, it's not."

"You don't even know what it is yet! Pinkie, this is gonna be the best prank ever! I special ordered these joke cookies so the colors would match my hair."


"And I'm gonna switch them with the Filly Guide cookies. When Scootaloo and her friends sell them, everypony in town's gonna get a rainbow mouth courtesy of Rainbow Dash!"

Uh, I don't know. I mean, it doesn't really seem all that funny." Pinkie tried to tell her.


"Maybe this is a good time to stop pranking for a while. The other people in town really..."

"Stop?! No way! This prank is happening, Pinkie! And it's gonna be hilarious!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Pinkie munched into another cookie.

Later after school, Pinkie was supposed to meetup with Rainbow Dash for the prank. But she never showed up, so she decided to go to her house to see what's keeping her.

"Pinkie, what's the deal? I told you I needed your help switching out all the Filly Guide cookies for the joke cookies. But when you didn't show, I had to do it all by myself!" She called.

She went to Pinkie's room and saw she was in bed.

"Uh, Pinkie?"

Pinkie turned to show her face was pale and she still had rainbow on her mouth.

"Wow. Your face is still pretty rainbowed." Rainbow chuckled.

"Yeah, I haven't really been feeling well." Pinkie coughed. "And these joke cookies are the only thing that makes me feel better. You don't have any more, do you?!"

"Uh, no. I just told you, I used them all for the prank."


"Pretty soon, the CMCs will start selling them to everypony in town. Ponies will open their boxes and start eating, then all of their teeth will turn rainbow-colored, and they'll know it was me! It's gonna be so awesome! C'mon, you don't wanna miss it!"

"Actually...I don't think I can even...stand...up...Unless you've got more cookies!"

"On second thought, maybe you better stay here and rest."

"Yeah. You're right. Sorry to miss out. I'm sure it's gonna be hilarious" Pinkie sighed.

Later, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and the CMC were getting ready to deliver cookies throughout the town.

"All right, who's ready to sell some cookies?" Rainbow Dash asked the CMC.

"Me!" They both said.

"Look here, Rainbow Dash. I know you promised Scootaloo you'd help out, but I don't want none of your pranks ruinin' these fillies' night." Applejack told Rainbow Dash.

"Look, I'll be with you the whole night so you can totally keep an eye on me." She said.

"Come on, Applejack! Let's get started!" Applebloom replied.

"Yeah! We've got a lot of ground to cover!" Scootaloo sounded excited.

"We wanna hit every house in Canterlot." Sweetie Belle jumped.

"Come on! You heard her! Every house in Canterlot." Rainbow laughed.

They moved along with them to sell the cookies to each house in Canterlot. But little did Rainbow know that she prank would backfire. And little did she know that she will soon...go wolf!

Prank Backfired

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Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and the CMC went throughout town selling the cookie boxes to each person in each house. They paid them each dollar for the cookies and each given enough credit. But Rainbow Dash was too busy thinking about the prank.

Later that night, they were finally done with the delivery. They were all tired, except for Rainbow Dash.

"I think you three should be real proud. Y'all did a mighty impressive job for your first go-'round." Applejack proudly said.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Applejack. Isn't that right, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity turned to her.

"Any minute now." She said quietly.

"Uh... "any minute now" what?" Applejack asked.

"Huh? Oh, uh, nothing! Have you guys noticed how quiet it's gotten? I mean, it's still early, right?"

"Of course it's quiet. People can't talk while they're eating those fabulous cookies, heh."

"You think?"

"Of course. They're probably all in a cookie coma right now."

"Huh... Maybe you're right. I'll go check."

Rainbow Dash walked around the town and everything was still quiet. She heard no screaming or anything.

What is going on...?"

She looked into someone's window and saw no one is there.

Okay. Definite cookie-eating happening. But... where is everybody? They must have seen their rainbow mouths by now... They should all be running out into the streets! Unless everybody went to bed early..."

She decided to go to Pinkie's house.

She knocked on Pinkie's door, but there was no answer. She decided to go to Sugarcube Corner.

When she got there, there was nobody there. She then stepped on something gooey and crunchy, she saw that it was one of her joke cookies.

"The whole town got the cookies, and now everybody is shut up in their houses! You don't think there's something wrong with the joke cookies, do you?" She asked herself.

Then she turned to see Mrs. Cakes.

"Mrs. Cake! Phew! Have you seen Pinkie? I was thinking might have something to do with her not feeling great."

All she could heard was chewing and husky breathing.

"Uh... Mrs... Cake...?"

Rainbow reached to touch her, then..."

"Cookies...! Cookies!

It turns out she looked raspy like a zombie.

"Uh, I can see you're busy! I'll come back!" Rainbow whimpered and ran off.

She bumped right into a caboard which opened and revealed Pinkie in it.


She was a raspy too.

Rainbow screamed, then she heard burbling which came from the babies, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.

Rainbow was frightened, this night was supposed to be where the prank is supposed to happen. But instead it's a night of cookie craving zombies.

Rainbow Dash used her speed from her geode and raced out of Sugarcube Corner. As she stopped she looked around and saw that everyone in town has turned to zombies as well. Rainbow Dash was scared and confused, she didn't know what to do. All she could do was run for her life.

She ran into more people who were students of CHS who are now zombies. She ran into Twilight and Spike.

"Twilight!" She panted. "You gotta come with me to Sugarcube Corner! Something's going on with the Cakes! Well, not something exactly. I mean, it may have something to do with these joke cookies..."

But then...


It looks like Twilight and Spike are zombies too.

Rainbow Dash then rushed to Sunset Shimmer's apartment building and busted right in her home and saw her sitting on her couch with her TV screen on.

"Sunset, I need your help. Something's gotten into everyone in town. It's looks like everyone are zombies."

Sunset didn't respond.

"No...please don't tell..."


Sunset Shimmer was a zombie too.

Rainbow ran out of the apartment building, what is she gonna do now?

"What am I supposed to do now?" She asked herself. "Everyone in town are zombies and it's all because of these stupid joke cookies. If only I had help."

The she remembered something, she picked up her phone and dialed Soarin's number.

Soarin's phone rang.


"Soarin, it's me, Rainbow Dash. Get the rest of the Wonderbolts down here as soon as possible!" She called.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "What's going on?"

"I'll explain that later! Just get the rest of the team down here!"

Where should we meet you"

"At the Rarity's house. Hurry!"

She hung up and hurried to Rarity's house.

She ran into more zombies, including her own best friend...Fluttershy!

Later, Rarity gave Applejack and Applebloom an invitation to her house.

"You sure you don't mind us all comin' over?" Applejack asked

"Oh, of course not." Rarity replied. "I think the girls have earned a little celebration for all of their hard work. And I have plenty of sewing machine cake left over. Unless anypony wants a cookie...?

"Don't touch those!" Rainbow Dash came right on time and kicked the cookie box right out of Rarity's hands.

"Oh! There is certainly no call for that! There's plenty for everypony."

Right on the nick of time, Soarin and the rest of the Wondercolt's showed up in his car.

"Rainbow Dash, you said you wanted to meet us here?" Soarin called.

"Meet you here? What's going on here?" Applejack asked.

"I'll explain later, Come on! We gotta get outta here!"

"Come on! We gotta get outta here!"

"There's no time! You have to follow me!"

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, if you want all of those cookies, you will have to buy them, just like everypony else."

"I don't want the cookies—But they do!" She pointed to the zombies.

"Wh-wh-what... What's happening?" Rarity sounded horrified

"I'll explain later. Come on!" Rainbow said as she lead them to Applejack's truck.

Applejack drove out forward to the road and The Wondercolts followed along.

They drove all the way from the neighborhood to the city.

"We need to find somewhere to hide!" Sweetie Belle said.

Applejack knew the exact location.

"This way!" She made a turn to the left.

At last, they arrived at a barn. They nailed wood to block the windows and block the door with a cart.

"Did we lose them?" Rainbow asked.

"It seems like it." Spitfire answered.

"Why are we running from the people from CHS?" Scootaloo wondered.

"What happened to all of our friends?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Rainbow, what's happening?" Soarin asked

Rainbow knew she couldn't lie.

"I think it's something in the cookies." She replied.

"Ugh! That's ridiculous!" Applejack chuckled. "Filly Guide cookies haven't changed for years! It's not like there's a new ingredient that's turnin' the whole town into cookie-cravin' zombies."

"Uh, unless there... is..."

"What are you saying?"

"What did you do?"

Suddenly, the arms of the swarming zombies reached through the window.

"Cover the windows!"

They hammered more wood onto the windows to block them from coming in.

"Okay! So I may have switched all the Filly Guide cookies for joke cookies that were supposed to make ponies' mouths rainbow but somehow turned everypony into mindless cookie-eating zombies instead!" Rainbow Dash told them.

"I told you actions always have a way of coming back to you." Spitfire told her.

"I get it! But I figure we just hide out here until the effects wear off, and as long as nobody else eats the cookies, we'll be fine."

"That's lovely, darling, except for one thing..." Rarity popped out of the dark shade to reveal she is already a cookie craving zombie! "We've already eaten theeeeeeeeeemmmmm..."

And Applejack too.

" Looks like your prank up and backfiiiirrrrreeeeed..."

Rainbow Dash screamed and dropped her light to show the CMC as zombies as well.


Applejack kicked the cart out of the way of the door, letting every zombie in.

Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Get back!" Soarin demanded. "They could bite!"

The whole army of zombies got closer to them.

"No, no! Stay away! They're making you sick! You don't want these!" Rainbow Dash panicked.

"But we dooooooo... We want cookiiiiiiiieeeeeeees...!

Suddenly, as the moon shined through the barn, the Wonderbolts started feeling a little change in them. Their eyes glowed different colors, their teeth grew sharp, their voice sounded grouchy.

" Please! Stop! I never meant for this to happen!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "It was just a harmless prank! It was supposed to be funny! But this isn't funny at all!"

Then she heard growling behind her, she turned around and saw something different about the Wonderbolts.

They turned around in a different form....a werewolf form!

Rainbow gasped at the new form of them, they leaped right past her and landed in front of the zombie army. Together, they let out a loud and wild roar that echoed the whole barn.

With silence for a few seconds, the zombies were actually terrified. They all screamed and ran out of the barn.

They whole team were confused. Why did they run away? and why were they scared?

"That was odd." Spitfire said.

"I didn't know zombies can get scared." Misty Fly replied.

They turned to Rainbow Dash who was scared of their looks.

"Stay away, I'm don't taste good! I'm a dinner selection." She whimpered.

"Hey Rainbow, it's okay. We're not going to eat you." Soarin told her.

"You're not?"

"No. We maybe werewolves, but still have our correct minds." Spitfire said to her.

"I don't believe it, first I've everyone as zombies and now I'm seeing you guys as werewolves! Okay, things aren't adding up, what's going on here?

"We'll explain it at the academy."

At the Wonderbolt academy, Soarin explained to Dash that he was bitten by an alpha werewolf, giving him the ability of a werewolf. When the other Wonderbolts learned about this identity, they decided to team up with him and the became a team of werewolves.

"No way, that is awesome!" Rainbow Dash squealed. "But what that werewolf that bit you like before."

"I don't know." Soarin said. "But what I do know is that as long as we keep our identities a secret, no one will hunt us down."

"And despite that, how are we supposed to deal with a new zombie apocalypse in Canterlot?" Spirfire wondered.

"This whole thing is my fault. I used joke cookie filled with rainbow goo to prank everyone, but instead it turned everyone into cookie craving zombies instead."

"Don't worry, Dash. We'll figure out a way to cure everyone somehow."

Spitfire had an idea in her head.

"What if fear is the cure." She pointed out. "What if we scare everyone from zombies back to normal?"

The team was confused.

"How do you guys explain why they ran away?"

"Good point." Misty Fly said.

"If we're gonna save everyone tonight...then bite me!" Rainbow rolled up her sleeve and show her arm.


"I started all of this, and I need to end it. If you guys are going to go wolf, then I must go wolf as well."

"I don't know."

"Please, this whole mess is my responsibility and I need to fix it."

"Okay, but I'm still uncomfortable about this."

Soarin took Rainbow's arm and bit her. Rainbow felt like she was about to feel transform. But nothing happened.

"Nothing's happening!" She exclaimed.

"It should work." Soarin said. "Maybe if you take a look at the moon it can help."

Rainbow Dash looked at the moon. The bright light shined in her face. But then she felt something inside of her. It looked like her werewolf transformation is about to happen.

"Oh yes! I feel it, I can feel it the wolf! I CAN FEEL IT! I CAN FEEL IT!"

Her eyes began to glow red, her eye began to sharpen, and nails began to grow sharp.

She was about to join the rest of the werewolf team to cure everyone with a little hunt. And maybe...just maybe...she could be the true alpha!

Wolf Within

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That night was a night of terror, but now it's a night of howling.

"Coooookies!" Rarity and Applejack zombies walked all around the street.

Until they saw Rainbow Dash who is face the other direction.

"Raaainbooow Daaaash!"

But Dashy wasn't afraid anymore, because she was now a werewolf. She then turned around with a horrifying growl and with glowing red eyes.

"I'm afraid anymore, cuz I can feel the wolf the inside of me!" She growled.

Soarin joined in.

"It's we have a little hunt!" He snarled.

The two girl zombies screamed and ran in terror.

"Look at them, they're running like a bunch of scaredy cats." Rainbow laughed.

"Let's follow them." Soarin ordered.

They suddenly turned into a form of actual wolves and ran after them.

Meanwhile, the Wondercolt werewolves appeared in front of other people and scared them and they to formed into actual wolves.

"Let's give them a taste of their own medicine." Spitfire growled.

"The medicine that can cure them." Misty Fly said.

They speed off.

Meanwhile, Soarin and Rainbow were chasing Rarity and Applejack down the streets.

"I still don't get it. How can zombies be afraid?" Rainbow wondered.

"Whatever the reason, I'm sure it has something to do with casualty." Soarin said.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Wonderbolt werewolves were chasing after other zombies.

The cake twins crawled around until High Winds and Fleetfoot jumped front of them and roared. The twins cried until Ms. Cakes and Mrs. Cakes grabbed them and ran. The two werewolves chased after them in their wolf forms.

Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and Spike were walking stumbly until Blaze and Suprise appeared and roared. They ran away and they chased after them.

Meanwhile, Rainbow and Soarin raced around the park to and look around. There was no one else here.

"It seems quiet around here." Rainbow said.

"You think?" Soarin spoke.

Then they saw Pinkie. They decided to sneak up and scare her. They creeped into the bush and popped out with a roar.

Pinkie screamed and ran. They followed her.

At last, they arrived at Canterlot High School. The whole zombie army were in the hallway, but the werewolf team were sneaking right in the place.

They finally made an entrance in the school in their accurate wolf forms. Everyone was terrified of the Wonderbolt wolves surrounding them.

"You all look tasty, how about a little ketchup to go with that!" Rainbow Dash licked her lips.

"Or maybe a little pepper and salt!" Spirfire sticked her tongue out.

Then music began playing as they got closer them.

Rainbow Dash: You say my pranks are out of control

Spitfire: Said you want cookies?

Soarin: Did I hear cookies?"

Misty Fly: Huh?

Soarin and Rainbow Dash: Tell us again, gee, It's so incredible!

Fleetfoot: That you're so rude

High Winds: That you're so rude

Blaze: When you are food!

Rainbow Dash: It's time to chow down!

Fleetfoot/High Winds: Chow down!

All: Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down!

Rainbow Dash: I'm chompin' at the bit, baby

Soarin: My stomach's on the growl, son

Spitfire/Blaze: Chow down! Chow down!
You've both been invited on a date
Two courses handed to us on a plate
We'll have you raw, won't be long to wait

All: Seeing you're already toasty brown
Chow down!
Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down!

Thunderlane: Your ribs are looking so tasty

Suprise: Such chewy little chops, chums

Fleetfoot/High Winds: Eat up!

Spitfire: Now wasn't it her mom who ate your dad?

Spitfire/Blaze: And having parents eaten makes us mad

Soarin: We're gonna settle up the score a tad

Fleetfoot/High Winds: We've never had a snack of such renown
Chow down!
Chow down!

Misty Fly: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh

Spitfire: What, Misty? What is it?

Soarin: Hey, did we order this dinner to go?

Blaze: No -

Spitfire: Well, there it goes!

Soarin/Rainbow Dash: I think we should begin the meal from scratch
So many juicy segments to detach
Be good as gold for you're as good as carved

Spitfire: Here, little zombie

Soarin/Rainbow Dash: We're starved!

At last, the wolves gang were in the gymnasium surrounding the zombies.

"At last, tonight we feast!" Rainbow Dash grinned with hunger.

Everyone was scared until Pinkie decided to dropped the act.


"Haha! Well maybe you should've thought of that before you...wait, what?" Rainbow Dash realized something. "This was all a prank?"

Everyone wiped the rainbow goo of their mouth's.

"What? Wait...What's happening?"

"Just delighting in pranking the prankster." Rarity fixed her hair with her hairbrush.

"Yeah. How does it feel to get some of your own medicine?" Applejack chuckled.

"'re...not sick? None of you are?"

"Of course not, silly!"

"Gotcha!" Everyone laughed.

"I hope that teaches you something, Rainbow." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Wait a minute, we had to scare you guys for nothing." Spitfire exclaimed.

"Nope, nice werewolf costumes by the way." Twilight said.

"You all sounded realistic." Fluttershy giggled.

"And you can thank Pinkie Pie. After you told her about your plan to prank the whole town, she got everypony together and came up with a way to turn the tables on you."

"Aw, shucks, it was nothing! Just a little something I threw together."

"Wow! You should see your face!" Scootaloo laughed.

"Talk about funny!" Applebloom smiled.

But Rainbow Dash suddenly grew very very angry.

"You guys think this is funny! I was really scared! I thought I made everybody sick! You can't just go around—"

"Pranking whoever you feel like?"

"Without thinking about how it might make them feel?"

"Or if they'd even enjoy it?"

"Or think it's funny?"

But Rainbow Dash isn't buying it.


"Rainbow, it was just a joke to..."


Everyone gasped.

"Rainbow, sweetie, calm down." Principle Celestia said softly.


"Rainbow, let's talk about this." Sunset tried to calm her down.


Rainbow Dash screamed in pain as she kneeled down as black fur grew, her teeth sharpened, her eyes grew wide eyes, her clothes tore.

Everyone watched in horror. Their best friend was transforming right in front of them. They thought it was all fake werewolf make up, but now they know it's real.

When her transformation was finally complete, she was now a full werewolf with rainbow hair. Everyone was shocked in horror.

The werewolf lunged at them. Everyone screamed when she tried to attack them. Then Soarin and Spitfire jumped on her.

"Rainbow, calm down!" Soarin exclaimed.

"Yeah, chill out." Spitfire called to her.

The werewolf swinged them right of the wall. The werewolf went right through a window with a loud shatter and ran lose on the streets.

Everyone was shocked at what they just witnessed.

"Do you all have any idea what you've done?" Soarin exclaimed.

"We were just trying to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson about her pranking." Applejack explained.

"Yeah, well you didn't. You just made it all worse." Spitfire shouted.

"Wait, if she's really a werewolf, then that means you guys are really werewolves?" Rarity said.

"Yes, and now thanks to you guys we have to go out and find her and cure her!"

"Let's go."

They all formed into their accurate wolf forms and raced outside to find Rainbow Dash.

Everyone watched them go and had realization of what happened and what they did. They knew they had to fix it somehow.

Wolf Battle

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The Wonderbolt werewolf gang were racing to find Rainbow Dash and change her back. Soarin was blaming himself for listening to her and biting her.

"It was a mistake to give her werewolf powers." Soarin said.

"Well, she wanted to be like us, so you listened to her." Spitfire said to him.

"She also made attempts to save everyone, but now we know it was all a prank."

"Less talk, the more we find Rainbow Dash!" Misty Fly reminded them.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash now in her werewolf form was racing throughout the streets. She saw a full moon and a started a big howl that echoed through the night.

Little did she know that Applejack, Rarity, and CMC were following her in the truck. Big Mac was driving and Pinkie was with them as well.

"I had a feeling this prank was a bad idea." Pinkie felt guilty.

"We have plenty of time to blame ourselves later." Applejack told her. "Right now, we've gotta save Rainbow Dash."

Big Mac stopped to look around the area.

"Do you see her?" He asked.

"No, but I'm sure she's close."

As they looked around it was all quiet, when suddenly Rainbow werewolf popped out of nowhere and roared. They all screamed and drove off, and the werewolf chased after them.

"Rainbow, we're sorry! We just to teach you a lesson about your pranking!" Pinkie called to her.

"Can't you at least accept the lesson?" Applebloom replied.

But she couldn't hear them.

"I don't think she can hear us." Scootaloo said.

The werewolf roared which made Big Mac speed the truck up.

Meanwhile, Flash Sentry, Twilight, and Sunset Shimmer were in on it too. Flash was driving his car with Twilight and Sunset were riding along with him.

"I can't believe they're actually werewolves." Flash said.

"And so is Rainbow Dash, except she's an out-of-control savage one!" Sunset exclaimed.

"We can change her back, right?" Twilight wondered.

"I hope so."

Meanwhile, the truck led to the park and the werewolf was still following them.

"We can't shake her!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

Suddenly, Flash's car bumped into the truck.

"Hey, watch it, Flash!" Big Mac shouted.


The werewolf now followed Flash's car.

"Um, Flash, she's following us!" Twilight exclaimed.

Flash tried to speed up. He crossed a bridge and stayed on the path. But he lost control and aimed for the trees.

"Flash, look out!" Sunset yelled.

He turned the spinning wheel and missed every tree and then landed into the lake.

"Well, that was late parking!" Sunset mumbled.

"Where'd she go?"

They looked around until...the werewolf landed right in front of them. They screamed and scrambled right out of the car.

The werewolf was now ready to finish the job.

"Rainbow Dash, listen to us!" Sunset called.

"We only did this prank to teach you a lesson. Your pranks were out of control." Twilight said.

"We wanted to show you what it felt like. I didn't think you'd like it but had no choice." Pinkie said to her.

"We didn't think you'd be this upset!" Scootaloo replied.

"Please, calm down. Before start causing not only drama, but madness and chaos." Applejack begged.

But she wouldn't listen. Excepted she roared.

"Wow, she has bad breath."

"I don't think there's any Rainbow left in her."

Meanwhile, the wolf could smell her scent.

"I can smell her, she's close." Spitfire said.

They then saw her getting closer to Pinkie and the rest, getting ready to attack.

"There she is! And she's ready for the hunt!" Misty Fly replied.

"We better get down there!"

They speed to the rescue and formed into their half human/half wolf form and jumped right onto her.

The nasty werewolf squirmed and threw them the ground. But they got up and continued the battle.

Spitfire lunged at her but was knocked down. Misty Fly jumped on her back but was lunged down to grass. Fleetfoot speeded right under her and grabbed her tail and High Winds landed on her back.

The wolf roared in fury and spanned around and around and around. And that made them dizzy and fell down.

Soarin then got close to her.

"Rainbow, listen to me! I know you're in there, and I know you're still the loyal girl I know." He said to her. "Please, don't let your anger get the best of you."

It looks like she was calming down, but she swatted Soarin out of the way. He looked unconscious.

The rest were scared and ready meet their end. But Sunset Shimmer remembered something. She pulled out her phone and showed the werewolf a picture of her and her friends.

"Rainbow, you would never want to hurt anyone around you." She said softly. "Even your own friends."

"You've always been loyal to people around you." Rarity cried. "Even to us."

"Just think of all fun we've had together then right now." Applejack replied.

"Rainbow Dash, we're your friends and will always be." Twilight said.

The werewolf began to softly drain down. Just then, Soarin jumped right in front of them, he looked at at her and did the most powerful and echoing roar of all.

Then the werewolf suddenly transformed back into Rainbow Dash. She was confused and nude.

"Huh? What happened? Where am I?" She sounded dizzy and collapsed.

"Thank heavens, for minutes I thought I was wolf chow." Rarity sighed in relief.

"Now that it's over let's get her to..." Before Sunset could finish, Soarin picked Rainbow up.

"No, I'll take her. You've all done enough." Soarin glared as he carried her back to his house.

The rest felt a little bit guilty fire pulling the mean prank on Rainbow Dash.

"We didn't mean to upset her that much." Scootaloo said.

"We just want to show her how everyone felt about her pranks." Pinkie said.

"Well, next time you want to teach her a lesson, be sure to have a nice conversation with her." Spitfire spat out.

The wondercolts left the rest alone, and they feared that they cost themselves a friend.

Later at Soarin's house, he put Rainbow Dash on his bed. He cuddled along with her.

"Don't worry, Rainbow. Everything's gonna be alright." He whispered to her as he kissed her forehead and feel asleep.

They did look cute sleeping together.


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The next morning, the sun shined in Rainbow Dash's face. She opened her eyes and found herself in Soarin's room and sees him stretching.

"Morning, Rainbow." He said.

"Huh? Where am I?" Rainbow asked.

"After your friends revealed the whole prank on you, you went be and berserk and turned into a big bad werewolf. And I turned you back."

"Oh, I remember it all."

Rainbow Dash looked down and saw she was naked.


"Your clothes tore when you turned into that thing. But don't worry, I got you the same clothes for you."

He tossed them to Rainbow.

"Somehow I feel like what I experienced was a dream." Rainbow said. "But it still felt so real."

"That's because it was." Soarin reminded her.

"I'm still hurt by the prank they pulled. I was really scared, and I nearly fainted or vomited."

"Well, tell them how you feel when you see them again."

"Hey, Soarin."


Rainbow Dash looked at him like if was about to kiss him.

"Thanks for reaching me, I would've still been a monster rampaging around the streets." She smiled.

"You're welcome, I've always been the hero before you." Soarin chuckled.

They both laughed a little.

"I guess it was worth it."

As Soarin turned around to find a shirt, Rainbow struggled to control herself with a lovestruck inside her. She knew she had feelings for Soarin and couldn't deny it and hold back. She couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry, Soarin." She squinted.

"Sorry about wha..." Soarin was cut off when Rainbow thrust into him for a kiss.

They landed softly on the floor, they continued to softly enjoy the feeling of their soft lips pressed against each other's. As they broke the kiss, they looked at each other with sparkling eyes and blushing. It was like they were a couple enjoying a peaceful morning together.

"Come on, let's get dressed." Soarin reminded her.

"Of course." Rainbow said as she got up.

They both got dressed to start a new day.

Later at Canterlot High School, everyone was walking around the hallway. They all noticed Rainbow Dash walking by, they were all afraid that she might go werewolf on them.

Then she noticed the rest of the Rainbooms by the lockers. They were afraid that she might be mad at them for pulling that zombie prank on her last night.

"Rainbow, are you mad at us." Fluttershy asked nervously.

"What do you think?" Rainbow responded grumbly.

"Look, we're sorry about last night." Sunset said.

"We just wanted to teach a lesson about your pranking." Applejack replied.

"Your pranks were way out of control." Rarity told her.

"We wanted to show you what it felt like." Pinkie said.

"You guys could've just talk to me and maybe I would've stopped."

"I did tell you before."

"Yeah but could've had a conversation with me instead of just saying it."

Pinkie realized she could've done that instead.

"Your right, I should've done that." She spoke.

"I hope you understand how it feels when you pulled your pranks on us." Fluttershy said.

"I see what you did there." Rainbow sighed.

"Pranks can be a lot of fun when everybody has a good time. I thought you just needed to see what it's like when they don't."

"I guess I did. I'm sorry. I haven't really been thinking about how other people feel."

"Well, I hope you learned your lesson."

"Totally! You guys pulled off an amazing prank! I'll have to work extra hard to top it!"

The girls stood silently.

"Gotcha." Rainbow laughed.

The girls laughed along with her.

"By the way, how did it feel to be a werewolf last night?" Sunset asked.

"Well, at first it felt good. Then suddenly, I felt angry, and I want to do something like hunt people down."

"At least the wolf is gone now." Fluttershy softly said.

"I'm sorry I tried to hurt you guys." Rainbow apologized.

"It's okay, Rainbow. You just weren't in the right mind." Applejack put her hand on her shoulder.

"We know that's not the real you." Rarity smiled.

"Thanks. Well, let's head to class."

The school bell rang and everyone went to class.

Later at the Wondercolt academy, the Wondercolts were doing another lap for the race.

"Can't keep up can you?" Soarin panted.

"Oh yeah! How would you like it if I speed right past you?" Spitfire ran right pass him.

Rainbow was feeling good as ran around the path with the Wonderbolts. But she felt something else, something she thought she lost last night.

"Come on, Dashie, keep up the good work." Spitfire called. "You don't want to miss another lap for the race next week."

Then Rainbow's eyes glowed and her pupils shaped. She began to speed up even more, she even ran right pass the other Wonderbolts. They were shocked.

When the couch blew the whistle, the lap was over and everyone went to the locker room.

"Phew, that was awesome." Spitfire panted. "Hey Rainbow, how'd do that?"

"Do what?"

"You know, how did you get super speed?"

"I don't know, I felt something inside me." She answered. "It felt like a creature was telling me to run even faster."

She looked in the mirror of her locker and saw her eyes glowed.

"I don't believe it." She said in shock. "I still have the wolf!"

The Wonderbolts were shocked.

"What? How is that possible. Soarin turned you back to normal last night." Spitfire said.

"I guess I just took away her enormous werewolf form but not her other wolf form." Soarin sighed.

"I guess this means I'm now on the wolf team right?"

"I guess so, and we could use an extra team member." Spitfire smirked.

"And you could be the true alpha." Misty Fly said.

"Yes, I can be."

Later that night, the Wondercolts were on the rooftop of Canterlot High School.

"This is our moment for the moon howl." Soarin smirked.

"It sure is." Rainbow Dash.

Then they all transformed into their wolf forms and so did Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash went to the edge of the roof; she looked up at the moon and howled. The other Wonderbolts joined in and howled along with her. Their howls echoed through the night sky. They were now...Teen Wolf!

The End