That's not my name

by ManeBrony

First published

Twilight accidentally uses the wrong name when talking to one of her friends

Twilight is hanging out with Rarity and Pinkie Pie. During their conversation she accidentally calls Rarity, Pinkie Pie. Apparently it's a much bigger deal than Twilight thinks it should be.

Chapter 1

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It was another average day in Twilight's castle, with three friends casually hanging out in the kitchen, with no drama to speak of... yet.

"And then I dropped the cake! I was panicking because I was almost out of time, so I had to redo the entire cake in like, five minutes! It was crazy! But I did it, and the customer had no idea!" Pinkie shouted happily.

Twilight smiled, "Wow Pinkie, sounds like you had an eventful weekend. I hope you didn't get in trouble for that."

Pinkie nodded her head, and giggled "I can't get in trouble if nopony finds out."

Twilight gigged, "Well your secret is safe with us."

Pinkie smiled, "yeah it better be! because I'll get you back if you tell anypony!"

Twilight smiled more, not really taking the threat seriously, "Oh yeah?"

Pinkie nodded rapidly, "Mhm! Don't make me get the feathers!"

Twilight nodded, trying to think of what Pinkie could possibly do with feathers, "Well either way that sounds like a hectic day."

Pinkie nodded again, her eyes spinning in her head from so much motion, "It sure was! What about you? Do anything exciting?"

Twilight shrugged, "Nothing too exciting. Reading, writing, reading my writing."

Rarity chimed in, "That sounds nice and peaceful. However Pinkie Pie I must ask, how in Equestria did you bake an entire cake in five minutes? Even if you made the batter in seconds it would take far longer than that to bake. Surely you were exaggerating."

Pinkie giggled, "Nope! I just turned the oven up really high!"

Rarity nodded, although she was still confused, "I didn't know that's how it worked..."

Pinkie nodded once again, "Of course it is silly!"

Twilight giggled, "Well I'm sure she knows what she's talking about. What about you Rarity? What have you been up to?"

Rarity smiles, happy to have a turn to speak, "Well I'm working on a new design that I think is quite lovely! I was inspired to make it when Rainbow Dash preformed her sonic rainboom at her last Wonderbolts show. It's going to have all the colors of the rainbow, but in a muted tone, and it will be shorter than my usual dresses,"

Pinkie gasped, "That sounds so pretty!"

Twilight nodded, "I agree, I bet you'll do an amazing job Pinkie,"

The room went silent suddenly, aside from Pinkie quietly giggling. It stayed like that until Twilight looked back and forth at the two, trying to figure out why nopony was talking.

"Rarity" said Rarity.

Pinkie started laughing at the situation.

Twilight face hoofed, "Oh yeah! Rarity. Sorry about that,"

Rarity frowned, "My name is Rarity. Not Pinkie,"

Twilight nodded her head, "Yeah I know, of course I know that," she said, trying to reassure Rarity.

Rarity nodded in response, seeming to accept this answer, however she stared at Twilight for several moments before speaking again, "Then why did you say 'Pinkie'?"

Twilight frowned, confused as to why they hadn't moved to a different subject yet, "I guess... because Pinkie yelled right before I spoke to you, and I was looking in Pinkie's direction, so I got kinda confused?"

Rarity walked closer to Twilight, "We've been friends for years Twilight."

Twilight blinked in surprise, "Why is this such a big deal?"

Rarity teared up, "We saved Equestria together,"

Twilight nodded, "Yes, I know that Rarity. See? I know your name. Rarity, Rarity, Rarity."

Rarity scoffed, "Oh you're trying to memorize it?! Am I really that forgettable?!"

Twilight's wings spread out in frustration, and Pinkie had stopped laughing, "I don't need to memorize it because I know you!"

Rarity continued, "How could you do this? Do I really mean that little to you Twilight? Is it because you're a princess? So now you think you're better than all of us?"

Twilight shook her head, "Of course not! I don't think I'm better than anypony!"

Pinkie raised her hoof, "I can make us some name tags," she suggested quietly.

Rarity spun around dramatically, "I bet you can't remember anything about me!"

Twilight stammered for a moment, "Of course I do! And we don't need name tags! Your favorite color is purple! Your favorite fruit is plums, and you lie to Applejack and tell her that it's apples!"

Pinkie looked off to the side, "Applejack won't be too happy if she finds out about that..."

Rarity looked back at Twilight, "Oh yeah?! What's my grandmother's middle name?"

Twilight looked at Rarity in disbelief, "Why in Equestria would I know that?!"

Rarity pointed at Pinkie, "Pinkie Pie knows it!"

Pinkie nodded.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Pinkie knows practically everything!"

Pinkie shrugged, "Do you guys want glitter on your name tag?"

Twilight glared at Pinkie, "No name tags?"

Pinkie looked to the side, "Well of course you don't need one. Nopony forgot your name. Just Rarity's."

Rarity once again turned away, beginning to cry, although it very likely was not real, "Well at least one of my friends can remember my name!"

Twilight glared, "Oh, come, on! This is really not a big deal! I know your name, and we don't need name tags! And I know a lot of other things about you too! I know how old you are, I know that your birthday is on June 27th!"

Rarity whipped her head around, looking at Twilight, seeming angry and almost disgusted.

Pinkie once again spoke quietly, "Um actually it's on the 26th"

Twilight went silent. She had to admit, that one was entirely her own fault, "Well- uh- i-... I was close!"

"Unbelievable!" Rarity shouted as she left the room.

Twilight groaned and put her hoof up to her head. She felt pretty dumb after that last sentence.

Pinkie walked over to Twilight and patted her back, "Don't worry Twi! Rarity is just being a big drama llama! So turn that from upside down!" Pinkie said, grabbing Twilight's cheeks and pushing them up into a smile.

Twilight pulled her face away, "Not now Pinkie!"

Pinkie stared at Twilight for a while, and Twilight stated back. They said nothing for quite a while, until Pinkie stood up, "I'll go make those name tags now," she said as she left the room, leaving Twilight to just stare into space, and think about what she had done.