by Mpony1

First published

Twilight learns that Sunset would always disappear every first of the month. With her curiosity once again getting the best of her she decides to investigate why.

For three years and counting Sunset have lived in a fully furnished, highly expensive, posh apartment. She would always be asked by others on how she an average Highschool girl could afford such a place by herself.

Sunset would always tell a vague yet believable story about how she does it and no one ever tries to pry any further than that. As they respect her privacy.... Well all most everyone.

Twilight Sparkle is also curious as to how her friend could afford such a place, but that's not the only mystery. She also learns that every first of the month. Sunset would disappear for the whole day entirely. At first, she wouldn't bat an eye at this, but something happened on a day she visits her friend home that made her she the patterns and that Sunset is keeping a real big Secret.

Letting her curiosity get the best of her. Twilight goes out of her way to learn what exactly the fire hair teen does every first of the month.

Warning contains: Consenual sex, prostitution, public sex, group sex, futa on male, somnophilia

Cover art by: Smudge Proof
Derpibooru: 2034026

This story is based/inspired by the chapter called "The Landlord does Sunset Shimmer" from the story Everybody does Sunset Shimmer by the late MythrilMoth:pinkiesad2:

This story also expands on the universe MythilMoth created with the Sunset vs. story and those connected to it.

Sunset vs-
Pokémon go!
Yule log

Will be referenced in the first chapter. But only as mere mentions. Click the link above if you want to read the full stories and more.

How Sunset got her apartment (re-edit)

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(Wednesday, August 29, Sharty's Supermarket)

After school had ended,
Twilight and Sunset

Were on their way to Sunset's Apartment to hang out. On the way there the two made a stop at the neighborhood supermarket to buy some snacks. After they were done, they made their way out.

"See you later you, guys." Said Sunset as she waved to her friend's goodbye.

"Later Sunny!" Said Daisy. The cashier.

"Until next time!" Said Tangerine Dream. The Store manager.

Sunset and Twilight step out of the store each with one bag of groceries in hand. Once they were outside, they began walking through the parking lot towards the sidewalk. As they walked side by side, Twilight spoke. "I have to admit Sunset, it truly amazes me how you are friends with so many different people."

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, from what you shared with me about your past. Friendship was never something you never wanted to pursue let alone care about. Yet from the months I known you. You had made friends with the people around your neighborhood. I know you reformed last year during the Fall Formal, but the friendships you have with these many people would have taken years to build, since they all know you show well." Twilight points a thumb over her shoulder. "Your friends with both that cashier and the manager. To the point that you are free to walk to the manager's office just to say hi and chat." Lowers her hand. "Not only are you a regular at the nearby pizza joint, but you also build a friendship with the people that work there to. To the point they give you a 15% discount on your orders."

Sunset let out a nervous chuckle. As she scratches the back of her head. She can see what Twilight was getting at and can understand why the lavender girl was confused.

"And it doesn't stop there. You even build friendships with your neighbors at your apartment complex. Like Joe, your next door neighbor, your other neighbor Grandma Gumdrops the old lady with a shotgun that you borrowed and used to scare away all those people gathered in your building's parking lot playing Pokemon Go!" Twilight deadpans at that one. "Seriously, Sunset a shotgun, really?"

"They were trespassing, Twilight!" Argued Sunset. "That damn game made everyone obsess with it. You know that" Twilight does in fact knows very much. "I mean seriously, earlier that same day, I was about to take my morning shower, only to find that some dude, broke into my house through the window just to catch a fucking Pokemon."


It was six thirty in the morning. Earlier than most people like to be up and about, but Sunset Shimmer was always an early riser.

Yawning sleepily, naked and her hair a mess, Sunset grabbed a towel and washcloth from her linen closet and opened her bathroom door, looking forward to a nice, long, hot shower to wake her up and warm her body.

Before she could take a step into the bathroom, her still-waking brain alerted her to the presence of something...very amiss.

Namely, the paunchy, sweaty twentysomething man with a broad face, an oversized nose, a thick layer of stubble on his neck, and numerous festering pimples dotting his face who stood in the middle of her bathroom, eyes glued to his phone.

"Yes, got it!" he grunted. He then started walking right toward her without so much as a word.

"H-hey, what—"

He bumped into her, pushing her out of the way, and kept right on walking. Sunset heard her living room window slide open and shut.

She stood there, eyes wide, heart racing.

After ten seconds, she found the presence of mind to scream.

(Flashback end)

Twilight sighs. She remembers Sunset telling her and the rest of the girls that story. It had only been three months since the whole Pokemon Go! Craze started and yes people were overly obsessed with the game, and Sunset was so annoyed by it that she asked her glasses wearing friend to help create a computer virus that corrupted the app making it unplayable. Months went by and the developers could never figure out where the virus originated, and they eventually gave up entirely. Thus, putting Twilight and Sunset in the clear. "But still, you could have just waited for the cops to arrive. There was no need to bring a freakin shotgun into the mix."

Sunset shrugs. "True, but it worked in the end, and I didn't get arrested. So, win-win!" She said with a satisfied smirk.

Twilight rolled her eyes at that and decided not to carry on with that conversation, but instead resume her previous one. "Anyway, back to what I was saying. I don't know every person at your apartment you became friends with. Just those I met, which includes the landlord himself, Sal." Twilight adjusts her glasses. "As I mentioned before the strong bonds you build with this many people would have taken years to create at the least and it haven't even been a full year since the fall formal and if that's the case." The two friends came to a stop on the sidewalk. "Then how does someone who literally use to reject the very idea of friendship. Ends up making friends before she even knew just how great, having friends can be?"

Sunset takes a moment to choose her words carefully. "I made it a rule, never to involve outsiders in my work. Despite how friendly I was to everyone throughout my neighborhood...... It was just an act, really!" She said glumly. "My main goal was always to obtain the power I wanted to rule Equestria and not once did I ever lose focus on that. Nor did any of the kindness of those I met deterred me from my goal. I was mission focus and just played a part of being friendly to everyone when deep down I didn't care for them at all." Sunset shrugs. "At first!"

"What do you mean?" Asked Twilight.

"I don't know when it started exactly, but as the years went by. I actually found myself enjoying the friendships I made and actually caring for those I come to know. I normally just chalk it up to good acting, but it sure didn't feel like it after a while. Like you said. I had years to build my bonds and though I didn't know it at the time. I truly come to appreciate the friends I made."

"But they weren't enough for you to realize that friendship is magic?"

Sunset let out a sigh. "No! No, they weren't! As I said. I never truly realize when I truly considered them as my friends. No doubt my bullying at the school played a big part in that. Always reminding me of who I was and what I was thriving for. So, despite my friendships. I never once in my heart truly saw them as my friends until after I was hit by a giant rainbow laser. Only then that I truly realize how lucky I was to have friends like them," Sunset smiled. "Even more so to have friends like you and the girls."

Twilight smiled back. "I could say the same thing as well." She said as she gave Sunset a hug, who in turn, returned the gesture.

After a moment the two broke their hug. "Come on let's get going back to my place." Said Sunset.

"Let's!" Said Twilight. As both she and Sunset started walking down the sidewalk. Sunset's apartment wasn't far from where they currently are. It's just around the corner. So, it would only take a few minutes for them to get there. As they walk Twilight couldn't help but turn her attention to the shutdown restaurant across the street. At first for some time, it was an abandoned gas station. It later had been undergoing remodeling and renovation and became a burger restaurant that was ran by a Woolsh married couple from Cardhoof. They had a couple of shops back in Cardhoof, and decided to sell them and move here, open a shop and show 'us Yokes' how it's done. The restaurant was shut down only a few days after opening and it was all thanks to Sunset, with help from Fluttershy. Well Flutters help with the vandalism (more on that later) Sunset on the other hand was the true reason why the restaurant got shut down.

You thought Sunset's fight against Pokemon Go was intense. That pale in comparison to her war against that burger joint and it all started when she saw the name of the restaurant for the first time-

Nutsack Burger

For you see in Woolsh, it's pronounced 'Noosec', but in our English, it reads as 'Nutsack'. It's also the couples lasts name. The wife, Pat Nutsack and her husband (the actual owner of the restaurant) Harry Nutsack.

Sunset along with many different people from her neighborhood, complained to Mr. Nutsack about the name of his restaurant and asked that he changed it. But he refused to do so, for he was well within his rights to keep the name as is. Not only that but he was fully aware of what he was doing with the name and was using it to his advantage to draw in customers. But the name alone wasn't what started Sunset on her war path. Oh no. That was all because of Harry Nutsack himself and what he called Sunset straight to her face and it all started when the humane 7 went to Nutsack Burger to try the food to see if it was any good. SPOILER ALERT⚠️ It wasn't good at all; in fact, it was so terrible that it doesn't even qualify as food at all. So, the girls each took out their phones and posted a bad review on BURP reviews

The Humane 7 thoughts on Nutsack burgers food.

BURP Reviews: Nutsack Burger
1123 5th Street, Lathering Downs
Fast Food/Burger, Price Range: $
Average reviewer score: 1.8/5 ★★☆☆☆

Reviewer: Rainbow D. ★☆☆☆☆
This place sucks! The burgers are boiled and have zero taste, the fries are soggy and nasty, and what kind of name is Nutsack Burger anyway? I mean, who's gonna go there, drunk frat boys and dorky retards? Lame!

Reviewer: Fluttershy ★☆☆☆☆
This restaurant opened up in a friend's neighborhood. We all went in as a group. The counter girls were very nice and apologetic. The food was, I'm sorry, just terrible. I ordered the fish and chips burger and it was a greasy, half-cold mess on a stale English muffin. I mean, an English muffin? Seriously? This is what you want people to think hamburgers are like in Wooles? I actually had to throw up in the bathroom there because the food was so awful. I've heard the owner wasn't very nice to one of my friends, also. I just really can't recommend this place to anybody.

Reviewer: Applejack ★☆☆☆☆
This place is a bad joke with a stupid name and awful food. I'd rather eat a whole tub of our school's Mistery Meat than these boiled burgers and greasy fries.

Reviewer: Snips ★★★★★
Heheheheheheheheheh Nutsack omfglol kek

Reviewer: Snails ★★★☆☆
Eh, it's okay I guess. Burger Barn is better.

Reviewer: Ditzy D. ★☆☆☆☆

Reviewer: Sunset S. ★☆☆☆☆
Okay, I tried to be objective about this, but this food is horrible. I ordered a jacket potato and the potato was so bland and the only flavor at all came from the baked beans stuffed inside it. The rest of the toppings were a congealed mess. They can't even get a milkshake right. Also, when I went to the owner as a resident of the neighborhood to complain about this place's name, I was treated very rudely. I don't think the people who own this place are very nice and they really don't have any business owning a shop in my community. Not if this is how they're going to do it.

Reviewer: Twilight S. ★☆☆☆☆
I don't think this can even legally be called food.

Reviewer: Rarity ★☆☆☆☆
Nutsack Burger fails on every conceivable level as a restaurant. Name, atmosphere, menu, presentation, actual food. I'm sorry, but I found absolutely nothing here worthy of praise.

Reviewer: Pinkie P. ★☆☆☆☆
I so won't be throwing the Nutsacks a Welcome to Canterlot Congratulations on Opening Your Burger Place Party. BTW your milkshakes suck!
(End of review)

And that was the flame that started the fire between Harry Nutsack and Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset notice Twilight staring at the now closed down restaurant. She couldn't help but put on a victorious smile as she stops walking to admire the site of one of her greatest accomplishments. "Beautiful isn't it?"

Twilight stops walking as she snaps out of her own thoughts to look at Sunset. "Huh?"

"The restaurant!" Sunset pointed to the building across the street. "Isn't it the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?"

Twilight turns her gaze back to the restaurant. It had only been two months since the place was closed down, but the signs of vandalisms were still present. Curtesy of one Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy. The two worked together to blacken all the windows with shoe polish and for the sign Sunset spraypainted it completely black, the name 'Nutsack Burger' replaced with "ASSHOLE BURGER" in vivid red. Below that, on the bulletin board, the words "NOW OPEN" had been removed and replaced with:


Understandably the sign had to be removed immediately and once it came down the whole neighborhood cheered.

"If you call committing a crime, beautiful!" Twilight said nonchalantly.

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Oh, lighten up, that asshole deserved it. In more ways than one. Remember what he called me?"

Twilight nodded. How could she forget the reason why Sunset came up with the idea to vandalizes Harry Nutsacks shop. Sure, everything started with the sign but what Nutsack called the bacon-haired teen was the final straw. Twilight thought back to the story Sunset told her and the girls about her unexpected visit from Mr. Nutsack himself.

(Sunset's apartment, hours after the girls visit to Nutsack Burger)

The next evening, Sunset had just finished her homework and was getting ready to take a long, relaxing bath when there was a furious pounding on her apartment door. Frowning, she padded to the front door and peered through the peephole. On the other side stood a red-faced, furious Harry Nutsack. Twisting her face into a grimace, Sunset opened the door a crack, keeping the chain firmly on. "What do you want?" she asked.

"I DEMAND an apology and a retraction!" Mr. Nutsack thundered.

"Yeah, no," Sunset said, closing the door and locking it.

Mr. Nutsack resumed his furious pounding on the door. "YOU'RE OUT TO RUIN ME AND I WON'T HAVE IT!" he bellowed.

Sunset let out an aggravated groan, then opened the door again. "You're making a scene and disturbing my neighbors," she said. "Do you want me to call the cops on you? Because I will."

Mr. Nutsack sneered at her. "Really?" he said. "You know, I've done some checking up on you. Awful strange, isn't it? A sixteen year old girl living all by herself in a posh flat like this?" His sneer turned vicious. "Not up to anything funny, are you?"

Sunset blinked. "Did...did you just..." She floundered for a minute in disbelief. "Did you just call me a whore?!"

"Well if the shoe fits," Mr. Nutsack said triumphantly.

Sunset's left eye twitched. "Get lost," she snarled.

"Not until I have my satisfaction!" Mr. Nutsack bellowed.

Sunset closed and locked the door, leaning against it, trying to ignore the heavy vibrations of Mr. Nutsack pounding on it and yelling. She balled her hands into tight, white-knuckled fists. "Alright," she said. She calmly walked into the kitchen, rooted through her cupboards, and pulled out the heaviest skillet she had. Testing its heft, she stalked back to the front door, took off the chain, unlocked it, and opened it. As Mr. Nutsack recovered from another thundering knock, she drew back and smashed him in the face with her skillet. He blinked in surprise, blood dribbling from his broken nose, then spun around once and collapsed onto the porch.

The door to the next apartment over opened. A squat, fat man with a dark hair and a reedy mustache peeked out. "Hey Joe," he said. "Ahwat happened to your big friend? Did you dingle his berry?"

"Something like that," Sunset muttered. "Can you help me drag this guy to the curb?"

"Okay, but you buy the peppers," Dooble said. "I can only ride the pickle."

"Uhhh...yeah," Sunset said as she grabbed Mr. Nutsack's ankles and started dragging him to the stairs.

(End of story)

"Y-yeah!" Twilight said nervously. "I still can't believe he called you....... That!"

Sunset blew on her bangs. "I know, right? The nerve of that guy. Calling me a whore because I live in a fancy apartment. Well, you know what he can go fuck himself. That is if the other male prisoners aren't fucking him already."

"Don't you think that's a little harsh?"

"No, I don't!" Sunset argued. "He was criminal who got his ass arrested for money laundering and the manufacture of counterfeit treasury notes. That piece of shit he called a restaurant," Sunset pointed to the building in question. "was just a front to hide his crimes and he was the asshole who broke in and trash my apartment."

(Sunset wins the war against Nutsack Burger)

It all started later that afternoon, on the same day Sunset and Fluttershy vandalizes, Nutsack Burger. The two were talking about what they did with their friends until Sunset got a phone call from her landlord, Sal. Who called to tell Sunny that someone broke into her apartment and completely thrash the place. Furious and filled with absolute rage, Sunset leaves to go see the damage as well as get the bastard who destroyed her home.

The war ends now.


Harry Nutsack stood in the back office of his shop, hurriedly stuffing large amounts of money into a duffel bag as he spoke on the phone. "Forget the restaurant," he said. "I know, but...listen—listen to me, woman! Pack up and get ready to leave. I rumbled that little tramp's apartment, so I'm certain she's coming after me. As soon as she gets here..." He absently fingered the revolver in his pocket. "As soon as she gets here, I'll put an end to this, and then we need to go—"

A sharp cracking sound echoed through the empty restaurant. Mr. Nutsack pocketed his phone and pulled out his gun, watching the door nervously.

The door shook violently as something heavy impacted with it once, then again. The wood began to splinter around the frame. The knob rattled.

"Go away!" Mr. Nutsack bellowed. "I shall summon the police!"

"Yeah, you do that," Sunset Shimmer yelled through the door. "We can talk all about how you trashed my apartment and sexually harassed me!"

"Sexually—what are you on about, stupid girl?"

"You called me a WHORE, you fat nutsack!"


The door shook again, then flew open with a loud bang. Mr. Nutsack raised his pistol, his hand shaking as Sunset Shimmer burst into the room wielding a fire axe. "Heeeeeeere's Sunny!" she said in a low, eerie voice.

Mr. Nutsack fired off a shot, but it missed by inches, biting into the wall. Sunset froze for half a second, but as soon as the cylinder clicked over to the next round, she rushed forward, bringing her axe around in a broad, sideways swing that forced Mr. Nutsack to turn away to protect himself. Sunset followed through with a kick that sent the gun flying out of his hand, then tackled him to the ground.

"YOU! TRASHED! MY! APARTMENT!" she yelled as she rained punches on his face.

"You vandalized my business!" Mr. Nutsack retorted, lashing out with a firm punch that caught Sunset in the gut. She doubled over, wheezing; Mr. Nutsack rolled out from under her and threw her to the floor, staggering over to where the gun had landed. "Now, you just sit right there, you little bitch, and I'll—"


Sunset and Mr. Nutsack both looked up as two armed police officers rushed into the office. They were followed by a charcoal-skinned, white-haired man in a suit and a short, unassuming woman in a severe skirt and blazer with parched almond skin and stringy, greying brown hair. She held up an identification badge as she stepped out in front of the officers. "Marriet Pones, E.Q. Treasury Department."

"Yes, I know who you are," Mr. Nutsack ground out.

"Right then," Agent Pones said briskly. "Harcourt Fenton Nutsack, I'm placing you under arrest and charging you with money laundering and the manufacture of counterfeit treasury notes. As soon as the extradition papers are in order, it'll be back to Cardhoof for you and your wife to await trial."

Mr. Nutsack scoffed. "Please, Miss Pones. You lot couldn't pin anything on me back in Wooles, and you've got nothing on me—"

"Well, what do we have here?" Sunset said saucily. All eyes turned to her. She had picked up the bag Mr. Nutsack was stuffing when she broke into the office; she dumped it out onto the floor. Thick stacks of colorful pound notes spilled out in an ungainly pile.

"Those are our savings!" Mr. Nutsack blustered.

Agent Pones raised an eyebrow. "Come now, Mr. Nutsack," she said. "Customs would never have allowed this much currency to pass out of the country without alerting the Treasury." She bent down, picked up one of the stacks of notes, pulled loose a twenty, and scrutinzed it carefully, running her fingers along the surface, tilting it under the harsh flourescent light, and shining a small UV light on it. "Well then," she said at length. "Quite a nicely done forgery, Mr. Nutsack, but a fake note is a fake note."

"I, I, I don't know how that got mixed in," Mr. Nutsack said. "I'm sure it's the only one."

"I'm sure," Agent Pones said dryly. "Right, we'll take the lot for evidence. Detective?"

"We're at your disposal, Agent," the police detective said. He frowned at Sunset. "Now, you wouldn't happen to be one Sunset Shimmer, would you?"

"Err...yes?" Sunset said hesitantly.

"She's the one, copper!" Mr. Nutsack thundered, pointing a shaking finger at Sunset. "She's the one what blacked my windows and defaced my sign!"

"Really, Mr. Nutsack, I believe you have more important things to worry about at the moment," Agent Pones said.

The detective frowned. "We can't just...ignore a vandalism complaint," he said. "And, well..." He studied the door frame. "From the look of things, we walked in on a rather violent confrontation."

"This jackass trashed my apartment!" Sunset yelled. "And yesterday he pounded on my door to chew me out for posting a bad review on Burp and he called me a whore!"

"I would NEVER!" Mr. Nutsack scoffed.

"Oh, I think you would," Agent Pones said. She sighed. "Well, your assets here are all seized, of course. And as representative in custody of said assets...Detective, if I say we're not seeking to file charges for vandalism of these premises, would that suffice?"

"It would," the detective said, nodding. "And the break-in and assault?"

Agent Pones smirked. "I see no assault." She nodded to Sunset. "I see a young woman who has been traumatized by a rude, boorish criminal and who will be reimbursed fully the value of all her damaged property."

Sunset let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you," she said.

"No, thank you," Agent Pones said. "Your agitation of this criminal brought his whereabouts to my attention." She favored Mr. Nutsack with a cocked eyebrow. "Really, you are positively the most inept white collar criminal ever, did you know?"

Mr. Nutsack growled something in Woolsh, which led to a further raised eyebrow from Agent Pones.

Sunset shifted awkwardly. "So, umm...can I go now?" she asked. "I really need to check on my apartment, see how bad it is."

"I'd prefer you take an officer with you," the detective said, "and we do need a statement from you, but...go ahead." He frowned. "A word of advice, though? Don't go around committing any more vandalism or...or anything else that'd get you in trouble. You got lucky this time, but all this? This isn't something you want to make a habit of."

"Yes, Detective," Sunset said in a falsely meek, trite voice.

Outside, she found all her friends waiting, looks of concern and alarm on their faces. She smiled at them. "Hey girls," she said. "I...I'm okay now. Sorry I...sorry I..." She sighed. "I'll talk to you later. Gotta take care of my apartment."

* * * * *

It was finally over, the war between Sunset and Nutsack Burger had finally come to a close, with the bacon-haired teenager standing as the victor. Though she may have won the fight, her victory came at a great cause as Sunset had suffered many casualties on her side as well.

Sunset whimpered as she combed through her apartment.

Her furniture was all messed up. Her TV was smashed, as were her gaming systems. Her plants had been upturned, their soil spilled all over the floor. Her books were scattered all over the place—thankfully, she'd had the magic journal on her person all day—and her laptop was wrecked. As the officer with her took pictures of everything, she wandered into the bedroom, where all her clothes had been thrown on the floor. An acrid odor reached her nose, making her wince and draw back. She turned on the overhead light and looked over the clothes strewn about the room. Many of the lighter colored garments had yellow stains.

Her heart sank as she realized what the stench was.

She threw back her head and screamed:



"And he only did that because you vandalize his restaurant first." Twilight argued. "I understand he was a complete jerk who put up a distasteful name for his restaurant and called you a....... You know, and you have every right to hate him for that, but you took it too far. You chose to vandalize his shop, thus giving him a reason to wreck your place. You're lucky it turned out that he was a major criminal. Which is why he didn't want to get the cops involved and take care of things himself. Because if he wasn't and he did. It would be you who would have been arrested and he would have been the winner of your little war." Twilight takes a moment to calm herself. "What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't make rash decisions like that or else you will have to face the major consequences. Which you did when he trashed your place, but it could have been much worse than that if things didn't turn out the way it did. You got lucky this time but if something like this were to happen again....... You probably won't be." Twilight finish somberly.

Sunset let out a sigh to calm herself. She can't deny that Twilight was right. She got really lucky that Harry Nutsack was a criminal. If he wasn't, then he would have definitely called the cops and both she and Fluttershy would be arrested and probably spend a year in jail. Sunset really didn't think things through. She was just so focus on hurting that bastard. She truly was lucky and not just with the situation with Nutsack, but with her apartment as well.

As Agent Pones said. Sunset was fully reimbursed for the value of all her damage property. Which was great but there was still the matter of cleaning her apartment first. Twilight invited Sunset to stay at her place until everything is cleaned up and replace. When the time came to start cleaning things up. All of Sunset's friends came to help, but they weren't the only ones. News about Sunset's deed of exposing Nutsack for his crimes, has spread throughout the neighborhood and so many people had come to help Sunny in her time of need. From those she knew to those she didn't. With so many people working together. In no time, Sunset's apartment was good as new and after everything was finished. Pinkie Pie threw a Thank You Party for everyone. It was truly one of Sunset's happiest moments.

Sunset speaks. "Your right, Sparky. I wasn't thinking straight at the time, and things could have ended badly for both Fluttershy and I. I swear I will never do something extreme like that again."

Twilight smiled. "As long as you learned your lesson. That's all that matters."

"Definitely! Now enough talk about that asshole! Let's get to my place already. That drone of yours isn't going to calibrate itself." Sunset said as she started walking, with Twilight following right beside her.

It had already been a little over an hour since the two best friends arrived at Sunset's apartment and made themselves comfortable. Sunset had long since ditch her shoes, socks, and leather vest in her bedroom. Twilight placed her shoes and socks on the side of the leather couch that the two girls now occupied as they work on Sci-Twi's Selfie-Drone. They weren't doing it for anything important it was really just an excuse for the two girls to hang out and be dorky while their other friends were busy with other things.

As they work, they would both pitch ideas on what they should do to really improve the drone's capabilities. One idea they both thought would be great was to allow the drone to record events instead of just taking pictures. It was definitely something they plan to add to it, just not right now. There were still calibrations and other improvements to make first. So, one step at a time.

After finishing one of their improvements. Sunset started to stretch, before standing up. "I'm gonna go take a quick bathroom break." She said as she picks up the trash from the snacks, she bought from the supermarket earlier off the coffee table that sat before the couch.

Twilight nodded as she takes out her phone from her skirts pocket and began going through her contact list. "Ok, I'll make sure to be ready to call my dad over, just in case." She said with a smile.

Sunset raised a confused eyebrow at that. "Why would you call your dad fo-........." The realization hit Sunset the second Twilight started laughing to herself. The bacon-haired teen couldn't help but groan in annoyance. It was an embarrassing event. That made her wish she had the memory stone, so she can erase that moment from her memories as well as the only other two that knows about it. "Seriously, Twilight!? I told you to never mention that mess ever again. It has been over month since that happened. Can't you just let it go?"

Twilight chuckled. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I promise that's last time I'll reference it."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah!" She finishes picking up her trash and threw it away in the trash bin in the kitchen before heading to the hallway bathroom. "Be right back!" She said as she disappeared down the hall.

The second Sunset had left. Twilight took the time to throw her own trash away, before returning to the couch. As she did. She took a few moments between walking to the trash bin and back to admire, Sunset's place. Twilight has been here multiple times, throughout the many months she known the bacon-haired teen and it always amazes her how wonderful this place is. A fully furnished, posh flat. It is the most luxurious apartment in the whole complex, apart from the landlords. If you're living here by yourself, you would have to be pretty wealthy to be able to afford the rent to a place like this and yet somehow, Sunset is able to do so, for the past three years, no problem. At first Twilight didn't think to ask about it. There were just so many things on her mind since the friendship games fiasco, that the thought to ask just never really crossed her mind. The closest she ever got to asking was last month through her dad. Who Twilight called over to help Sunset fix her toilet.

(Toilet trouble)

"I'll call my dad," she said. "He'll have exactly the right tool for this."

"GAH!" Sunset yelped, panicking. "Twilight! It's bad enough you saw this, I don't want your dad seeing—"

"Hey Dad? I'm over at Sunset's place and she's got a toilet problem. Big nasty pile of, ahem, poop that's stuck inside the bowl, won't go down, bad flush pressure. Uh huh. Uh huh. Yeah. You do? Cool, thanks!" She hung up. "He'll be here in ten minutes," she announced.

Sunset facepalmed, dragging her hand down her face. "And there goes my dignity," she muttered.

"Which would you rather have, your dignity or Turd Island?"

Sunset groaned. "I hate you so much right now," she said, blowing a raspberry.

* * * * *

Night Light looked around Sunset's apartment with interest. "Hey, nice place you got here," he said. "Do I even wanna know how a teenage girl living on her own can afford a place like this?"

"Long story," Sunset said. "Sorry to drag you all the way over here like this," she added. She ducked her head and blushed. "Umm. It's kind of nasty in that bathroom..."

"I've seen all kinds of household disasters," Night Light said placatingly. He had a medium-sized indoor pressure washer with him. "Based on what Twiley told me, this should just about do the trick." He headed for the bathroom, the two girls trailing behind him. He stared down into the bowl, then turned back and raised an eyebrow. "Six-layer bean dip?" he asked.

Sunset blushed furiously. "Y-yeah," she said.

Night Light chuckled. "Yeah, Vel's dip'll do it to ya," he said chipperly. "Alright, let's see here..." He set up his equipment and went to work.

Sunset never did tell them the story on how she could afford her apartment and again, Twilight wasn't all that concerned about it, until now. Thanks to their conversation about Nutsack Burger, earlier. The glasses wearing girl couldn't help but be curious this time. Especially after being reminded of what Harry Nutsack suspects does to obtain such a place by herself.

I've done some checking up on you. Awful strange, isn't it? A sixteen-year-old girl living all by herself in a posh flat like this?" His sneer turned vicious. "Not up to anything funny, are you?"

Twilight shakes the ridiculous offending thought from her head. She spent more than enough time with the bacon-haired teen to that she would never do anything like that. She haves far too much pride and dignity in herself to do something like that. That much is certain when she really didn't want either Twi, Night Light, hell not even Sal her landlord/friend to come over to see the giant fat log of shit stuck in her toilet, due to bad plumbing. Sure, she was willing to suffer through humiliation and sacrifice some of her dignity just to get the help she needed to clean that mess up. But throw away all her dignity by letting Sal have his way with her. Is absolutely impossible. Sunset didn't even want to call Sal about her toilet problem.

"Gah! What—" Twilight's eyes bugged out as her gaze landed on the brown mass clinging to the inside of the bowl. "Oh my GOD, Sunset, what the HELL?!"

"It won't flush down!" Sunset cried, reaching out to flush the handle. Twilight watched the water swirl down and the bowl refill, the turd clump remaining resolutely fixed.

"Huh," Twilight grunted.

"It's been stuck there since last night," Sunset said. "I can't get rid of it."

"That's...gross," Twilight said, pulling a face. Her hands glowed, and the heavy ceramic lid lifted off the tank. She peered inside, frowning as she studied the pressure mechanism and all the bone-dry guts of the toilet. "Well the problem is you're not getting enough flush pressure," she said with a grimace as she replaced the tank cover and stepped back.

"Uh doi," Sunset snarked.

"You're gonna have to call the landlord," Twilight said, shaking her head. "Their contracted plumber obviously screwed up installing this thing."

"I'm not about to call the landlord with this huge turd splattered all over the inside of the toilet!" Sunset cried, throwing up her arms.

"Sunset, that's not a turd. That's a turdslide. It's an assalanche. It's a buttcanic eruption!"

"Hahaha," Sunset deadpanned.

And if she was so unwilling to call Sal and show him the issue with her toilet. Then the thought of her whoring herself to him is definitely off the table. Not only that but Twilight had seen the two interact with each other multiple times. Sal is one of Sunset's many friends here in this apartment complex and their friendship is no different from anyone else who knows her. The way they talk to one another, clearly shows that they have a strong and friendly bond, and they showed no signs of there being anything more between them other than two great friends who like to hang out and chat.

"So, no Harry Noosec." Twilight thought to herself. "You're wrong. Sunset is not a.......... That kinda person. She would never do such a thing and to prove. I'll just ask her how she really got this place. No doubt there's a perfectly good explanation." The sound of a toilet flushing, and a sink running could be heard from down the hall. Sunset was finishing up. The moment of truth was soon at hand. It was finally time for Twilight to learn the truth about how her friend can afford her apartment.

It wasn't long till Sunset came back and sat back down on the couch. Ready to get resume work on the drone. "All right! Ready to get back to work?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah! But before that can I ask you a question?" Asked Twilight.

"Sure! What's up!"

"Now I know this is somewhat out of know where, but I wanted to know, how exactly did you afford this apartment?"

There was a moment of silence. As Sunset contemplates Twilight's words. Sure, it was an innocent question, but it was one the lavender girl has never asked before. Not that it wasn't ok for her to ask. This could be chalk down to simply being a random thought that just pop into her head, but Sunset didn't believe that was the case. Considering what the two had spoken about earlier after they left the store.

Is there is one major flaw to Twilight's personality, it's her extreme curiosity. Once a mystery of something unknown is presented to her. She would do whatever it takes to learn the truth and we all know what happened the last time.

So, now Sunset can't help but wonder if Twilight is once again letting her curiosity get the better of her. She couldn't help but think that the reason her friend suddenly decided to ask this question was because she too believed what Harry Nutsack had accused the bacon-haired teen of being. It's the only reason Sunset could think of as to why Twilight would want to ask her this question and if that's the case then Sunset is absolutely disgusted.

After a moment. Sunset began to glare at her lavender friend. Causing Twilight to feel a tinge of fear. Sunset spoke. "Twilight!? Do you actually believe that I got this place by-"

Twilight's eyes instantly widen in shock, quickly she began shaking her head and hands frantically in order defuse Sunset's accusation. "Nonononono! That's not what I believe at all. Not even for a millisecond. I understand why you would think I would after everything we've talked about earlier, but I know for a fact that someone like you haves far too much dignity to do anything like that. You proved as much when you really didn't want anyone to see the turd island you made in the toilet last month. Heck, even my dad was curious to know how you got this place, but you never gave a direct answer. You just said it was a long story and left it at that." Twilight sighs. "Originally, I hardly cared how you got this place, but that was before you told me everything about you and where you're from and with all that in mind. I can't help but be curious."

Sunset backs off and started to relax. Taking a deep breath before speaking. "Sorry about that Twi! I shouldn't have accused you of believing something so ridiculous. I mean of course you wouldn't, you know me enough that I would never stoop to doing something like that."

Twilight nodded. "Exactly, I don't believe for a second what Noosec-"


"I'm not calling him that!" Twilight said annoyingly. Causing Sunset to let out a little laugh. "As I was saying I don't believe for a second what NOOSEC thinks on how you are able live in a place like this, but that doesn't mean he wasn't right about one simple fact."

"And that would be?"

"That it is strange that a highschool student living on her own can afford a place like this." Twilight gestures to the room they're in. "And even more so when that student is actually a unicorn from another world. Which really beg the question on how you were you able to build a life in this world, let alone get this fancy apartment? So, I ask you. How did you get this place?"

"Simple, I got it the exact same way everyone else would. With money!"

"With money!?"

Sunset nodded in confirmation.

"And how exactly did you earn this money?"

"With drugs! I used to sale hardcore drugs!"

"WHAT! Really?"

Sunset let out a laugh. "No, of course not!"

Twilight deadpan.

"Oh, don't give me that look. It was just a little joke. Definitely not a story I would use to tell anyone about how I got this place."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You're not the first person to ask how I got this apartment, and you won't be the last. Obviously, I can't tell anyone the truth about myself. So, each time someone would ask me, I would either tell them a vague story or shrugged it off like it's no big deal. Take your dad for example. I told him it was a long story and that's true. But telling him the real story would mean I have to tell him everything about who and what I really am and where I'm really from, and I don't think he knows about all the magical mishaps you had gone through?"

Twilight shook her head in confirmation. "No, he doesn't! Only Cadance knows the truth about the existence of magic, since she was there during the friendship games. We chose to keep it secret from the rest of the family, so they wouldn't worry about me too much."

"Wait! I just remembered. What about Spike?" Sunset asked. "I've seen him having conversations with your parents plenty of times. So how did you explain how he suddenly can talk now?"

"Oh, that's easy. I just told them that I had a little accident in my lab. Which is quite frequent at times. And that Spike got zap by one of my experiments, which somehow gave him the ability to talk."

"And what about your magic?"

Twilight shrugs. "Second verse, same as the first. I don't always use my magic, but when I did get caught using it. I just blame it on science!"

Sunset nods in understanding. "Well, since you already know about the real me and had also been to Equestria once before. It will make telling my story easier." Sunset said. "When I left through the mirror, I had a saddlebag full of bits and gems."

"Bits?" Twilight asked.

"Equestrian currency. Gold coins," Twilight's eyes widened. "I had enough gems and coins in my world to buy a week's worth of groceries. Here I racked up a good amount," Sunset said. "About a quarter of a million dollars."

Twilight's jaw dropped at that.

"You should've seen the guy who worked at one of those gold exchange places," Sunset said with an amused smirk.

Sunset Shimmer walked up to the counter of Gold Place. A mustached man working there gave her a warm smile.

"Hello young lady. What can I do for you," he asked politely.

"Well, sir," Sunset asked with some anxiety. "How much can I get for these?" She took out a burlap sack, and dozens of gold coins rolled onto the counter.

The man stared at the gold on the table, and then fainted. Sunset let out a confused blink.

"Is that a lot," Sunset asked quietly.

"After that," Sunset said, "I learned about money market mutual funds and the stock market. So, as long as I don't buy 20000 bottles of champagne or 2000 dresses," Sunset said facetiously, "I have enough to live comfortably on. I would eventually find this complex and rent a room here, of course at the time it was one of the regular normal price apartments. I didn't know about the more expensive ones until later. Plus, by the time I did this place was originally owned by a married couple. But a year later since I started living here. That couple moved out and the second I heard that. I jump at the chance to claim this place for myself. The rent was really no issue, as long as I'm smart with my money, plus the sushi place I work at really helps me out and so there you have it. That's how I got this awesome apartment. With money that I earned."

"Huh! Well, that explains a lot, but I still have a few more questions!" Said Twilight.


"How long have you been living in this world, exactly? Haven't you been living in this fancy apartment for three years?"

"I've been living here for 4 years now!" Sunset answers. "I first lived in a homeless shelter for a time, just getting to know and learn about this world as much as I can. The people who worked there help me out with that. As soon as I got my money in order I came here and bought a simple room. I spent that first year studying and learning everything I can and more before going to school."

"How did you get into school if there is no record of your existence," Twilight asked.

"Well...I bought fake documents on the black market," Sunset said with a wince.

"A fake ID," Twilight asked with some anger. Sunset flinched again.

"I wasn't going to casinos or bars. I needed those to get through life," Sunset said quickly. A brief pause hung over.

Twilight let out a sigh. "I understand! You had to do what you had to. I can't fault you for that."

"Thanks, Twi!" Sunset said with a smile. There was another moment of silence until, Twilight broke it.

"Well! I supposed that mystery is finally solved." Twilight shrugs. "Though in the end it was just a spur of the moment of curiosity. I never really cared about how you got this place but I'm glad I know now. Even if it really wasn't anything special."

"Sorry, it couldn't be anything more interesting." Sunset said. "Not everything in my life revolves around something crazy happening. Specifically, before I brought Equestrian magic to this world."

"Yeah, you're right!" Said Twilight. "Anyway, enough about all that. Let's get back to work on the drone." She said as she grabs her laptop that they been using to work on the drone and sat it on her lap.

"Yeah let's! We were just about to-" Sunset was interrupted by the sound of her doorbell ringing.

"Are you expecting someone?" Twilight asked.

"Other than a phone call from, Rarity, no!" Sunset Answered. "Hold on," she said, jumping up from the couch and heading for the door. "Who is it?" she called as she neared the door, reaching for the top lock.

"It's Sal," her landlord's voice said through the closed door.

Twilight watched as Sunset went to the front door and open it for her landlord. From her position she can clearly see the front door and when her friend opened it. Sal was on the other side. Twilight would then turn her attention back to her laptop. Typing away as she continues to work on her drone's calibrations.

As she works. She could hear the two greet each other before quickly noticing that the conversation between Sunset and Sal immediately drop to them whispering. Twilight stops her typing the second she notices the sudden change in the volume of their voices and can only wonder why they did so. Curious, she tries to listen in on their conversation. Despite the distance and the two trying to speak as quietly as possible. Twilight was able catch some bits of their conversation but not enough to fully know what they're talking about.

..........Here for the rent.

......... The 29th?......... Two hours?

........... Gotta be now!

Twilight wondered what it all meant, but before she could think more on it. She immediately heard Sunset speak up in a normal tone of voice.

"Hold on just a sec."

Twilight could hear Sunset hurrying towards her from behind. She quickly pretended like she was still working only to stop once Sunset came into her view. Standing beside her with a slight guilty and nervous look on her face. The lavender girl could only wonder what it was that got her friend acting like this.

"Something wrong, Sunset?" Twilight asked. "Anything I can help with?" Twilight notices how Sunset slightly grimace at that.

"No, no, no, I'm good!" Sunset said. "Listen, I'm sorry about this but I've got some important business to take care of with Sal," She pointed a thumb to the man in question behind her, who had just entered the apartment. "it's going to take the rest of the day to get done. I hate to just run you out, but...can we continue working on the drone tomorrow?"

Though Twilight was still a little skeptical. She didn't attempt to act on it. She was just glad nothing terribly serious was going on. So, she just nodded in understanding as she closed her laptop. "Sure, it's no problem," she said. She stood up and started gathering up her things along with Sunset's help and place them in her backpack before putting on her socks and shoes. After she was done getting ready to leave, she than gave Sunset a wary half-smile. "It's nothing serious, is it?" She said just wanting to be sure.

"No, not really," Sunset said. "Just some boring lease stuff, nothing to worry about." She said as she escorted Twilight to the door. Sal greeted the lavender girl as she walked past. Twilight quickly returned the gesture before reaching the door. She was soon standing outside, before her friend. "Again, I'm really sorry about this, Twilight. I didn't want to be rude."

Twilight waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about it. I understand you have a lot of responsibilities you have to deal with when living on your own. We can just continue working on the drone again tomorrow after school."

"Most definitely!" Said Sal. "I promise I won't get in you, two, way like this again." Sal scratches the back of his head in guilt. "If this wasn't so important. I would have come back later. So, I to apologize for interrupting your quality time with Sunset, Twilight!"

Twilight smiled. "No need to apologize, Sal. I understand." Turns her attention to Sunset. "Well, I don't want keep ya. See you later, Sunset!" Twilight said as she left.

"Later, Twi!" Sunset said before closing and locking the door.

And so, Twilight took her leave. As she made her way out of the apartment complex. With nothing else she wanted to do. She just decided to head home. As she walked, she couldn't help but think back to Sunset's and Sal's quiet conversation. "Weird! Sunset said she and Sal were going to go over some boring lease stuff!? But I of could sworn I heard him say he was there to pick up the rent." Twilight thought about it some more as she walked through the complex main gate and walked down the sidewalk before just abandoning the thought entirely. Twilight shrug. "Ehh! Maybe I just overheard Sal wrong or something. Either way its none of my business. I'm not going to let my curiosity get the better of me again!"

Twilight continued her walk home, completely oblivious to something extreme going on from their best friend's corner window on the second floor of the apartment building. On this side of the building, the line of sight from the street to the second floor was obstructed by the property fence and a few shade trees. One would have to be looking directly at Sunset's window to see anything unusual. If either of the two had at all took the time look up directly at Sunset’s window; they would see a magnificent pair of bare amber breasts mashed up against the glass and a sexy, ball-gagged girl with her eyes shut tight as her landlord pounded her whore ass like a jackhammer with his giant cock.

(Minutes earlier)

Sunset opened the door and sure enough on the other side was her landlord.

His name is, Meal Ticket but everyone just calls him, Sal

Sal is in his fifties, He wore faded jeans, loafers, and a plain green T-shirt. He was holding a large duffle bag as it hangs off one of his shoulders. Sal may be fat with a round belly, but he does have some muscle on him. Despite his age he's still a good looking and handsome guy.

"Hey, uh, Sunset," Sal greeted.

"Hey Sal," Sunset said with a smile. "What's up?"

Sal notices Twilight sitting in the den typing on her laptop. So, he leans in close to Sunset to speak to her in a quieter tone. "I'm here for your rent," he said quietly.

Sunset frowned. "Uh, Sal? It's only the 29th." She whispers back.

Sal scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I know, but you see, I'm helping Alex move to her new home in Manhattan this weekend," he said. "It's going to take four days, an' you know how it is, a long drive like that..." Sal clasp his hands together. "I'm sorry for springing this on you all of sudden but I really need your help, please!"

Sunset winced. She knows all too well how much Sal hates long drives and was more than willing to help her old friend out. There was just one problem. "Oh, uh..." She bit her lip. "Can you come back in like, two hours?" she whispered.

"Sorry," Sal said. "It's got to be now. Alex left not long ago to take care of a few things before we head out. She'll be back in two hours. By then, I need to hurry and get back to finish getting things ready for our departure."

Sunset grimaced. "Hold on just a sec." She hurried back into her apartment, to where Twilight is sitting. Still working on the drone. She had stopped working when she came into her view. Standing beside her with a slight guilty and nervous look on her face. The lavender girl could only wonder what it was that got her friend acting like this.

"Something wrong, Sunset?" Twilight asked. "Anything I can help with?" Twilight notices how Sunset slightly grimace at that.

"No, no, no, I'm good!" Sunset said. "Listen, I'm sorry about this but I've got some important business to take care of with Sal," She pointed a thumb to the man in question behind her, who had just entered the apartment. "it's going to take the rest of the day to get done. I hate to just run you out, but... can we continue working on the drone tomorrow?"

Though Twilight was still a little skeptical. She didn't attempt to act on it. She was just glad nothing terribly serious was going on. So, she just nodded in understanding as she closed her laptop. "Sure, it's no problem," she said. She stood up and started gathering up her things along with Sunset's help and place them in her backpack before putting on her socks and shoes. After she was done getting ready to leave, she than gave Sunset a wary half-smile. "It's nothing serious, is it?" She said just wanting to be sure.

"No, not really," Sunset said. "Just some boring lease stuff, nothing to worry about." She said as she escorted Twilight to the door. Sal greeted the lavender girl as she walked past. Twilight quickly returned the gesture before reaching the door. She was soon standing outside, before her friend. "Again, I'm really sorry about this, Twilight. I didn't want to be rude."

Twilight waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about it. I understand you have a lot of responsibilities; you have to deal with when living on your own. We can just continue working on the drone again tomorrow after school."

"Most definitely!" Said Sal. "I promise I won't get in you twos, way like this again." Sal scratches the back of his head in guilt. "If this wasn't so important. I would have come back later. So, I to apologize for interrupting your quality time with Sunset, Twilight!"

Twilight smiled. "No need to apologize, Sal. I understand." Turns her attention to Sunset. "Well, I don't want to keep ya. See you later, Sunset!" Twilight said as she left.

"Later, Twi!" Sunset said before closing and locking the door behind her, leaned against it, and sighed heavily.

Sal spoke. "So, she has no idea, huh?" He asked.

"Of course not," Sunset snorted indignantly, averting her eyes. "You think I want her or anyone knowing the truth? Hell, just earlier I had to tell Twilight the same bullshit story that I told the other girls after asking how I got this place, now that she knows that I'm a unicorn from another world. I would hate for anyone to find out..... Especially that Nutsack bastard." She spouted angrily.

"Nutsack?!" Sal said as he took a moment to remember the name. "Harry Nutsack?!" Sal snorted trying to hold back a laugh. "The once proud owner of the restaurant called ~SNORT~ Nutsack Burger. What does he have to do with anything?"

"I'll tell you later." Said Sunset. "Just know that I really don't want him to know that I actually do whore myself to you. Just to keep a roof over my head."

Sal raised an eyebrow. "Not just any roof. A fully furnished roof. This is the most luxurious Apartment in the complex and its way above what a girl your age living on her own can afford," he pointed out.

Sunset smirked bitterly. "I do love my leather couch and my flat-screen," she said wryly.

"That's my girl," Sal said, before setting his duffle bag down on the floor. Sunset just stood there and watch as he knelt down to open it. "Now, let's not waste any more time, I brought something special with me that I believe you're going to love." He said as he opened and began rummaging through his bag.

"What is it?" Sunset asked curiously. Standing next to him.

"You'll see soon enough, but first." Sal pulled a ball gag and a pair of handcuffs out of his duffle bag, before standing back up and showing them to Sunset.

Sunset winced. "Jeez, Sal! Just jumping straight to the point and starting things off rough, huh?"

Sal solemnly nodded. "Sorry, but you know how I get when it comes to long drives and this one going to take four days. I'm under a lot of stress with this move," Sal said. "I need the release. Besides you can take it, this isn't your first rough fucking."

Sunset nodded in understanding. "And it won't be my last." She said with a seductive smile. "And given your short time limit. I can tell you're going to be doing a lot of releasing." She said before letting out a little laugh.

"Y-yeah!" Sal said still feeling guilty about springing all this on his friend without warning. "Again, I'm sorry about this, I just-"

"Sal!" Sunset interrupted. "It's ok." She said sincerely. "Don't worry about that right now. You're on a short time limit, right? So, let's not waste any more of it. Just, go ahead and do what you want with me. As usual I'm all yours!" She declared.

With that said, Sal walks up to Sunset, grabs her by the arm and pulls her towards him, aggressively kissing her and catching her by surprise. His lips pressed against hers in a forceful kiss, and suddenly her lips were parting as his tongue shoved into her mouth. His tongue filled her maw, groping at her own insistently. She felt suddenly dizzy and didn't resist as he made out with her.

After a bit, Sal broke the kiss, turned Sunset to face the door, pushed her against it, and roughly seized her wrists, snapping the handcuffs on. Pinning her in place with one knee, he then pulled her curtain of wavy hair aside and strapped the ball gag in place. She muffled protests through the gag as Sal immediately began to feel Sunset up. Pawing at her breasts through her shirt with one hand, before lifting it up to reveal her naked bosoms. No bra. All while he groped her thighs and ass with his other hand. Taking hold of her shoulders, Sal roughly marched Sunset across the living room and pressed her up against the corner window, her magnificent pair of bare breasts were mashed up against the glass.

Sunset stayed in place. Turning her head to watch as Sal took the time to unfasten his pants, letting them drop to his ankles before stepping out of them, kicking them off to the side. Sunset can see the giant bulge protruding from Sal's briefs. After he removed his underwear as well. Her eyes widen at the sight of his rock-hard dick.

No matter how many times she sees that cock of his. It always feels like she's seeing it for the first time. He was hung. Hung like a fucking horse, ironically. Sunset once wondered if he truly was blessed with a cock the size of horses. Good thing she's friends with Applejack. The Apple farmer helped her in that department when Sunset wanted to see in person how big a stallion can get. The biggest being at least 36-inches. Which is how big AJ's best stallion is. Compared to Sal's. He was about half that. 15-inches of glorious thick girthy man meat, standing up proudly at full mast and his fat, heavy apple size balls dangling underneath.

Sunset also took notice of that the tip of his monster cock was spurting and leaking huge globs of pre-cum. Sal was really turned on by her submissiveness. His perverse eagerness to claim her body like a piece of meat, was both frightening and exciting at the same time and she absolutely loved it.

Sal wasted no time as he grabbed his cock in one hand, stroking it as he used his own pre to lube himself up, while lifting the back of Sunset's skirt with the other. She was still wearing panties. So, Sal immediately pulled them down to her feet allowing her to step out of them before tossing the piece of fabric towards the couch. With that done he press his cockhead against Sunset's asshole and quickly pushed his rock-hard prick inside her hole.

Sal starts to shove his dick into Sunset's ass, he guides it in slowly using his thumb to steady the mighty beast. Once the head popped inside, Sunset could feel it slowly the head paved a path of no resistance into the deepest reaches of her ass. Her gasp of pleasure and pain is muffled by her ball gag. Tears started to form in her eyes. Pinned in place she could do nothing as her landlord drives his cock deeper into her bowels. He has her pinned down against the window like a helpless butterfly, her ass clasps itself eagerly around him.

Sal's cock was breaking in her ass like a new baseball glove. Her re-tightened walls were being destroyed as he kept feeding her inch after inch. Sunset was gasping for air trying not to scream while pain flooded through her body causing her muscles to tighten up thus making this more enjoyable for Sal as well as her.

Sunset felt more and more of Sal's meat stick continue to invade her depths. From multiple experience she can easily tell that he was very close to fully bottoming out in her. Just a few more inches and his entire cock will be completely buried inside her. Sal's hips paused. Sunset inhaled quietly, still crying. For a moment, stillness took hold of the room, the space between them.

"We good?" Sal asked.

The question was soft and genuine, whispered against Sunset's ear. The bacon-haired girl smiled, mildly annoyed that the fun had been interrupted, but glad for the reassurance, nonetheless. Sunset knew that Sal wanted to hurt her, to pretend that he's raping the hell out of her. It just one of his many different kinks he wishes to try out and as always, Sunset is willing to do whatever he wanted. Not that she doesn't have a choice. She always does. Sal never forced Sunset to do something she's not comfortable with. He wants her to enjoy this just as much as he is. That includes making sure she was safe whenever they decide to do something extreme like this.

Wanting to hear Sunset vocalize her answer. Sal loosens the ball-gag just enough for her to speak clearly.

"Green," she murmured in reply, "Yeah, baby, we're good. Keep going. Ruin me. Rape my ass. Call me a dirty whore. Tell me I deserve it."

"Ok!" Sal said. He then fastened the ball-gag back into place.

Now that he haves' confirmation to do what he pleases. Sal wasn't going to hold anything back. Sunset braced herself for the inevitable.

"MMMMMNNNNFFFF!!!!" Sunset eyes widen in shock while letting out a loud muffled scream from Sal jamming the last 7-inches of his cock into her body finally bottoming out inside her ass.

“That's right. Scream for me you fucking slut.” Sal said as he started to pull his dick out. “This is what a whore like you deserves!” he says jamming his cock back inside. His hands hold her hips and he begin properly fucking her, his monster cock quickly going in and out of Sunset's anus.

The ball-gagged girl eyes were squeezed shut tight as her landlord pounded her in the ass like a jackhammer. Tears streamed from the corners of Sunset's eyes, the gag muffling her whimpers of protest, as Sal roughly held her in place by her hair while his cock rammed into her asshole over and over again, with only his pre-cum acting as lube to ease the friction. Her skirt was pushed all the way up to bare her jiggling ass; every few thrusts, Sal would give her ass a sharp slap, drawing a harsh, muffled cry and a choked sob as drool puddled in Sunset's mouth, weakly dribbling through the gag in long, syrupy strings.

Sunset mewed in discomfort as her landlord continues, hammering away without remorse or mercy. His pace was swift and emboldened with every passing moment with him slamming away at this tight little hole over and over again without reluctance or mercy.

Sunset's whole body pressed firmly against the window by Sal's much larger frame. She was completely trapped and unable to do anything but get fuck like the whore she is. Opening her eyes, she looks down at the people on the streets below. Fortunately, on this side of the building, the line of sight from the street to the second floor was obstructed by the property fence and a few shade trees. One would have to be looking directly at Sunset's window to see anything unusual. If they did, they would see a magnificent pair of bare amber breasts mashed up against the glass and a sexy, ball-gagged girl getting her ass pounded by her landlord.

Outside her window, Sunset was able to see Twilight walking by on the opposite side of the property fence. Her eyes widen in horror at the sight of her nerdy friend mainly because; despite the few trees and the fence acting as cover. All Twilight had to do was look up directly at Sunset's second floor window and she will be able to see her being anal fuck by Sal. The thought of one her closest friends catching her in the act both scares and excites her at the same time. But no matter how much it did excite her she still wants to keep this part of her life secret from the girls no matter what.

"Please don't look up, please don't look up, please don't look up." Sunset thought to herself. She continues to watch Twilight, praying she will remain oblivious to what's happening right as Sal continues fucking her. Her prayers were answered when Twilight disappeared around the corner; completely out of site and none the wiser to what's going on. Sunset let out a sigh of relief. Happy her friend didn't see her. Now she can put all her focus on the brutal ass pounding she was getting.

She could already feel Sal's cock beginning to throb and knew he was close to cumming. A long growling moan comes from deep in his chest as he rams himself into the hilt. Soon enough, Sal blew a massive load into Sunset's ass, hugging her tight with one arm and then started roughly fingering her wet cunt with the other, as she heaved and panted and tried to clear her mouth of spit. But even after just cumming. Sal was still rock hard and ready to go. No surprise there.

After pulling out of her ass. Sunset can feel his cock pressing at the entrance to her pussy. Feeling his hands holding her shoulders, before Sal thrusts inside, inserting his entire length into her already moist hole.

The thrusts are quick and short, but she can feel his sack slapping her inner thighs every time, ready to shoot their hot contents into her once again while the head of his cock scratches her insides. Just the feeling of his hips hitting Sunset's ass sends sparks up the teenager's body, making her pussy instinctively clench around the invader.

Sunset's entire crotch feels ticklish with her climax approaching, and Sal seems to be reaching his limit, too. He grabs Sunny's left leg and pulls up before shifting around and thrusting, even deeper than before. It is too much, for both of them. He pulls Sunset's body even harder than before and holds her in place as her cunt spasms around the very base of his cock, her legs almost giving up and his sack shaking as strong shots of cum quickly filled her cunt. Hot seed flows into Sunset's womb, shaking the bacon-haired teen to her core as her eyes roll inside her head, from the intensity of her own strong orgasm.

Sal grunts a long, low "Fuuuuuuuck" near Sunset's ears. His cock continues to spit inside her, splashing her with hot cum. He squeezes her and thrusts again, trying to get as deep as he possibly can. Another splash of cum. Sunset can feel it squirting out around his cock, can hear it splattering on the floor. Again and again, he comes inside her. He thrust so hard he wrenches free, pulling at her insides. His cock doesn’t seem to notice, and he humps forward and slides his cock under her stomach, spraying her front with spunk, until he finally stops cumming.

Still breathing hard, he slowly pulls away while letting Sunset go, almost making her fall to the floor. She instead slumped against the window, breathing heavily, eyes half-open and bleary, ass red and swollen. Sunset rested there as she takes the time to come down from her orgasmic high.

For the past three years and counting, Sunset and Sal had been doing this song and dance, and the sex between them is still as strong as it was in the beginning. Being a whore by selling her body to pay her rent never once bothered Sunset, and she's more than happy to be Sal's personal fuck toy once a month. And if whoring yourself out to your landlord gets you both an awesome apartment and amazing sex, it was all definitely worth it. The bacon-haired teen doesn't regret a thing.

After a minute of rest. Sal grabbed Sunset by the waist, hoisted her over his shoulder, and carried her toward the back of the apartment. Sal looked at his watch to check the time. "I've got an hour and forty-five minutes, a camera, and a dildo the size and shape of a horse's cock," he grunted. "There's still a lot of different things I want to do with you and by the time we're through, you're not going to be able to sit for a week."

Sunset whimpered.

After being carried further into her living room. Sunset was soon toss onto her leather couch. She adjusted herself to sit properly and waited as Sal went to get his duffle bag that he left by the front door. When he came back, she watched as he set it down on the coffee table and go through it to take out a digital video camera with a tall tripod. After setting up the camera and pressing record. He reaches into his bag one last time and pull out the dildo that truly was the size and shape of a horse's cock, along with a bottle of lube. Sunset gulped. Fear and excitement were written all over her face as she can only guess where Sal plans to stick that monster.

With dildo in hand Sal stood directly in front of Sunset. Coating the dildo in lube. "Lean back, spread your legs, and stick your ass out." Sal demanded.

Sunset nodded and did what was asked of her. Once she was in position, Sal took some of the lube in one hand and applied it to Sunsets anus. The cold liquid made Sunset flinch when it touched her, and she can feel Sal spreading her asshole pretty wide as he applied as much lube as possible inside her.

Believing that was more than enough. Sal got down on one knee, takes the dildo, and press the tip against Sunset's tight pucker. She winces when she felt the tip enter her hole. The lube help ease the pain, but it still hurt a little.

Sal looks up at Sunset and says. "Try to relax and take deep breaths."

Sunset follows his advice and then nods to let him know that she's ready.

With that. Sal began pushing more of the dildo inside. Sunset ass taking inch after inch with some ease. It was not without some pain though. The ass fucking, she got earlier did help loosen her up some. As Sal does have a big dick of his own. But not as big as the dildo currently going up her butt. Sunset let out muffle screams as more of the huge intruder, slowly creep its way inside her depths. Causing the teenager both pain and pleasure.

After a couple minutes Sal was able to fit the entire toy up her ass. He took a moment to enjoy his handiwork before taking the straps hanging off the end and fastening them around Sunset's waist. The straps will make sure that the dildo won't slide out of her asshole but were given just enough slack so that the toy can slide in and out of it.

Taking a moment to admire the view. Sal's dick grew even bigger and harder than before. Leaking huge globs of pre-cum. Which showed the bacon-haired teen just how excited he is.

It truly never ceases to amaze Sunset how incredible Sal's dick is. For three years and counting she had that monster stuff inside all her holes and enjoyed every minute of it. Even the brutal fucking from earlier she enjoyed despite the pain and now here she is, laying back on her couch, legs spread wide, and ready to take that wonderful cock in her sopping wet pussy once again.

With preparations complete and with no more time to waist. Sal climbed up on top of Sunset, lined his cock with her pussy and started fucking down into her hard with jack-hammering thrusts. Laying on top of her in a mating press; Sal's favorite sex position. As well as Sunset's.

Sal is much bigger than Sunset, so having her smaller frame be over eclipse by his much larger one was always exciting for them both.

Sunset laid there taking her pounding like the good little whore that she is. Letting Sal use her body as he pleases. Feeling slight pain but great pleasure from both her lower holes. Each thrust from Sal in her cunt, makes the dildo bounce in and out of her ass, and Sunset was loving every minute of it.

Sal continued fucking and cumming inside Sunset as his camera recorded the entire thing.


The sounds of flesh smacking against each other rang out through Sunset's home as Sal continues pounding her pussy over and over and over again, while at the same time the horse cock size dildo plowed her ass.

Wanting to switch things up for a while. Sal lifted Sunset up and repositioned her so she's laying against the back of the couch with her ass sticking out over the edge. Moving his hips back and forth he grunted as he started to fuck her hard, slamming in as hard as he could and slapping her ass, squeezing her sore cheeks, seeming to take delight in Sunset's cries of pain and pleasure.

They done it in multiple different positions before returning back to their favorite. The mating press.

The two been at it for over an hour straight. Sunset was a quivering mess. Drool would flow from her ball-gagged mouth, her hair was all mess up and sticking to her sweaty forehead.

Since they started fucking on the couch, Sunset already had 15 orgasms, while Sal had 10. Each time Sal came, he made sure to do it deep inside her. Filling Sunset's womb with his spunk again and again to the point it started to overflow out of her abused pussy. Since the mating press was their main sex position. Huge globs of semen would leak down in strands down Sunset's ass and drip on to the floor. The globs that didn't, leak onto the dildo, causing Sal's jizz to enter her asshole as well.

Eventually. Sal looks up from Sunset to check the time on his watch, never once breaking his hip's stride as he did so. "Fifteen minutes left before I have to leave." Sal leans back down. "I'll cum inside your cunt one more time, then you can suck me off, after that I'll start getting things cleaned up." Sal hug Sunset tightly as he fucks down into her with all his might while focusing on nutting inside her cunt one last time for the day. It didn't take long for the flood gates to open and once again Sal buried his entire cock in her pussy and came deep inside the bacon-haired teen. Despite being the twelfth time, he blew his load in Sunset since they started. This last one was his largest yet. With no more room inside to take his seed. Sal's spunk once again spewed out, pretty much covering Sunset's butt cheeks as it flowed down her ass.

As Sal was getting himself off. Sunset wasn't far from her last orgasm. With that final hard thrust, Sunset screamed in pure ecstasy, as she too came hard along with Sal. The both of them rode out their shared orgasms till they came down from their high. After which they took a few moments to rest.

After a quick breather Sal got up off Sunset, his softening cock still inside her. He reaches behind her head and unfasten the ball-gag and removed it from her mouth, tossing it into his open bag.

Sunset just laid there trying to catch her breath. Still winded after the long hard fucking she received. She watches as Sal pulled his cock out of her pussy; sad that his glorious dick had to leave her cunt so soon. But it is what it is! Sal had to get ready for his long trip with his daughter soon and Sunset was just happy to help her old friend relieve his stress before he leaves.

His dick came out of with a slight "Pop!" And with nothing holding it back, a large amount of cum started flowing freely out Sunset pussy like water in an overfilled sink or bathtub. The torrent of jizz flow down her ass like a waterfall, creating a large puddle on her floor.

"Ohhhh fuuuccckkkk! Sal!" Sunset says through panted breaths. "Backed up...much..."

Sal chuckled. "You know I always save it up until next rent day." Sal gives his huge heavy balls a soft pat. "And these bad boys are far from empty." Sal sighed depressingly. "But alas, duty calls." Sal climbs up on the couch straddling over Sunset, with his cum coated dick directly in front of her face. "Now clean me up, whore!"

Sunset opens her mouth and let Sal stuff his cock inside. Even though it was soft it was still huge. But Sunset can manage it with ease as she happily cleans it with her tongue and sucking out what was still inside his urethra. Swallowing his cum down her throat with simple gulps.

Once she was done. Sal pulls his now cleaned cock out of her mouth and climbed back off the couch. He then uncuff her wrists and unfasten the straps around Sunset's waist and slowly pulled the dildo out of her inch by inch. Making Sunset hiss and wince as the toy was being removed from her anus. With a loud "POP" the head of the dildo was pulled out. Sunset sighed in relief, now that her bowels were finally free of the intrusion.

After a bit of relaxation. Sunset looks up at Sal who busied himself with cleaning his dildo. A question came to mind the second Sunset saw the toy again and was afraid to know the answer.

" honest with me? How big is my asshole?"

Sal with a towel he took out of his bag was in the midst of cleaning the dildo. He glanced at Sunset's rectum and shrug. "It looks as if I can fit my fist and half my arm in there. To answer your question!? It's a pretty big gaping hole."

Sunset groan in annoyance as her head fell back. "That's what I get for letting you shove that thing inside me." Sunset felt something soft hit her face. She picks it up and saw that it was another fresh towel. Sighing to herself she slowly starts to get up off the couch, being careful not to slip in the puddle of cum on the floor. Once on her feet she took off her skirt. She "hiss" from the pain coming from her ass when she bent over to pick up her skirt and toss it on the couch.

Sunset used the towel to clean the cum off her ass, while being careful not to agitate it too much.

After cleaning his dildo Sal place it in the bag and took out some cleaning utensils.

"Sorry!" Sal said apologetically. "I suppose that was a bit much."

Sunset sarcastically raised an eyebrow at that.

"Ok! Ok! It was waaay too much." Sal sighed. "I just thought...well!?.... you know."

"That because I'm actually a pony! That I would enjoy a horse cock shoved inside me."

Sal nodded.

Sunset blush. "Well, I did!"

Sal perks up. "You did?"

Her ass now clean; Sunset used the towel to clean her legs and crotch.

"I did! After the pain subsided, it felt really good bouncing in and out of my ass.... I wouldn't mine using it again."

Sal chuckled and nodded in acknowledgment, as he walked up and kneel before the cum stain mess on the carpet floor. Good thing sex shops sell detergent that can easily clean such stains from carpets with ease.

Sunset steps out of the way to give Sal room to clean. Holding the towel up against her crotch to prevent more cum from leaking out as Sal started cleaning.

"I'm going to go ahead and jump in the shower." Said Sunset. "When should I expect you back so I can pay off the rest of the rent?"

"If things go smoothly!? I should be back late night, Sunday. Chances are you'd be asleep by the time I return."

"That means I have to take a day off from school on Monday. I'll make sure to let Principal Celestia know tomorrow."

"And I'll make sure to text you of any changes or let you know when I'll arrive."

Sunset nods in agreement. "Sounds like a plan." Sunset turns around and look back at Sal over her shoulder. "Have a safe trip and I'll see you when you get back." Before Sunset took her first step Sal called out to her.

"Sunset wait!?" Sal said standing up from the now cleaned floor.

Sunset turns back around to face him. "Yeah!?"

Sal had a look of guilt on his face.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sunset in a worried tone.

Sal let out a deep sigh. "I just want to apologize for making you run out your friend just so we can have sex. I should have been more considerate seeing how you two were probably having good time together and then I show up and ruin it." Sal bowed his head. "And for that I'm sorry."

"Oh Sal!" Sunset walked up to the still half naked man and with the hand not holding the towel on her crotch, lift Sal head up so their eyes would meet. "Yes, you did show up without warning, but I've known you for over three years now." Sunset lowers her hand. "I know how you get when you're stress, and I wanted help relieve it no matter what."

"But still I should have just done something else and let you two be. I could of jerked off to the recordings of some our previous sessions and waited till I got back to collect your rent. But instead, I chose to be selfish."

"Sal! Its ok. Twilight and I can easily resume working on the drone tomorrow. No harm done." Sunset lean in and kiss Sal on the cheek. "So, stop worrying over nothing."

"I guess your right..." Sal let out a sigh of relief. "...Thanks Sunset."

"No prob! Now hurry and gather your things and go! You don't want to be late?!"

Sal looks at the time on his watch. "OH SHIT!!!" He quickly gathers all his stuff and place them in the bag. Sunset watch in amusement as he hurried to pack his things. She even got a good chuckle at watching him fumble around goofily, while trying to get his pants back on.

Once Sal was properly dress. He grabbed his bag and hurried to the front door. He gave a quick goodbye to the still bottomless teen before leaving.

Now alone, Sunset made her way to her bathroom to take a relaxing hot shower.

Sometime later Sunset came back to her den. Fully clothed in her night pants and shirt and with nothing important to do. She decided to play some video games. She walked over to the couch facing her TV and sat down in it. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" only to instantly stand back up again after feeling a sharp pain in her ass.

Sunset hiss as she rubs her butt with her hands, trying to sooth the pain. As she did this, she remembered what Sal said to her earlier.

"By the time we're through, you're not going to be able to sit for a week."

Sunset whimpered.

Sometime later. Twilight had made it home. Upon entering her house, she noticed that no one was here. Made sense, since it is still too early for her parents to come home from work. So, it's just her all by herself for the next few hours. After grabbing something to drink from the kitchen and finishing it. Twilight went upstairs to her room. Upon entering she closed and locked the door behind her, took off her shoes and socks, placed her backpack on her desk chair, and then fell backwards to lay on her bed. With nothing but her thoughts to keep her company. Her curious mind, thought back to earlier today, when Sunset answered her door and spoke with Sal.

Twilight wanted to abandon the thought, she really did, but she just can't help but be curious about what she thought she heard. Though she tries to believe that she just heard wrong, she knows that she didn't. Despite Sal's and Sunset's attempts to speak in a lower tone. Twilight ears were able to overhear small bits of their conversation, but the one part that got her attention most. Was when she clearly heard Sal say that he came for the rent. Which was strange because it's the 29th. But what's even stranger than that was that Sunset said that Sal came to work on her lease. There's no mistaken it. Twilight knows for an absolute fact that Sal said rent, not lease. So, why did those two felt the need to keep things secret if it truly was a lease or rent? And if it was just Sal picking up the rent early for some reason, then why did Sunset lie about it? Just what exactly are those two hiding?

"Awful strange, isn't it? A sixteen-year-old girl living all by herself in a posh flat like this? Not up to anything funny, are you?"

Twilight quickly shook her head frantically. Once again trying to shake the offending thoughts from her head. "Come on Sparkle get a grip. You know for a fact that what Noosec believes isn't true at all." Twilight thought to herself as she continues to stare up at the ceiling. "Sunset told you exactly how she got her apartment. There were no flaws to her story. Everything made perfect sense. So, not only would Sunset stoop to doing such a thing, she also haves no reason to do so with the money she haves....... But?" A thought crossed Twilight's mind. A very lewd one. She couldn't help but blush as she let her mind run free at the thought of Sunset doing such a thing. Hell, just thinking about Sunset alone is enough to make the science nerd's whole body heat up and her pussy moist. Combine the two scenarios together and Twilight couldn't help but feel really horny at thought of her sexy bacon-haired friend actually whoring herself for her apartment. A thought Twilight truly doesn't believe in the slightest but hey as principal Celestia once said: There's no wrong way to fantasize. And that's exactly what Twilight plans to do right now. Fantasize about her best friend being a whore and masturbate to it, and she haves the perfect toy for the job for the fantasy she has cooked up. She just needs to call him over.

Getting out of bed. She walks over to her backpack and took out her phone. After going through her contacts list, she found the name she was looking for and tap it. After a couple rings. Someone picked up.

"Hey! Are you busy by any chance?......... Great! Can you come over? I got another Sunset fantasy on my mind, and I could use that tongue of yours!......... Thanks! You're a life saver......... Ok! I'll see you in five minutes....... Bye!" Twilight hanged up her phone and place it back in her bag and then hurrying to get herself ready before her toy arrives.

Sunset vs Harry Nutsack (Part 1)

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As Sunset rounded the corner to turn into the parking lot of her neighborhood supermarket, Sharty's, a sign came into view that nearly made her crash her bike in shock.

For some time, an abandoned gas station across the street from Sharty's had been undergoing remodeling and renovation. Now, a crew was erecting a sign in the front lot that proudly proclaimed:


"Oh, hell no," Sunset growled as she parked her bike and grabbed her reusable shopping bags. As soon as she made her way inside, she flagged down a familiar cashier. "Hey Daisy, is Tangie here today?"

"Oh, hey Sunset. Yeah, she's in the office, why? Is there a problem?" She bit her lip. "I didn't overcharge you for something last time you were here, did I?"

"No, it's not that," Sunset said. "I just want to chat with her a sec." She waved and headed for the management office at the corner of the store. The staff in the vicinity nodded and waved to her. She leaned into the manager's office and knocked on the open door. The manager, a middle-aged woman named Tangerine Dream, looked up and smiled. "Hello, Sunset!" she said.

"Hey Tangie," Sunset said. "What's up with the new place next door?" She raised an eyebrow. "Nutsack Burger? How'd that get past the neighborhood association?"

"Nutsack Bur—Oh, the Noosecs?" Tangie said, pronouncing the name rather deliberately. "Yeah, they're from Cardhoof. They moved here about, oh, six months ago?" She laughed. "They have a passion for 'Colonial cuisine', or so they say. They had a couple of shops back in Cardhoof, they decided to sell them and move here, open a shop and show 'us Yokes' how it's done."

"So they're Woolsh?" Sunset asked, frowning.

"Yeah. Their name isn't, well..." Tangie bit her lip to fight off a smile. "It isn't pronounced how it's spelled."

"I see," Sunset said. "And...nobody's told them...?"

"Oh, we tried," Tangie said, rolling her eyes. "But, well, they just scoff and say 'aww, you Yokes'll get used to it', and, well..." She shrugged. "I'm running a store called Sharty's. I don't exactly have any room to complain."

Sunset chuckled. "You have a point." She shook her head. "Still, it won't do them or the community any good to...I mean..." She pursed her lips and threw her arms out wide. "I don't care how you explain it, there's a sign next door that says NUTSACK BURGER. There's...there's just no way to justify that, you know?"

Tangie sighed. "'re right..."

"Listen, I've got some shopping to do and then some stuff to do at home, but tomorrow I'll visit the Nutsacks and try to get them to see reason, okay?"

Tangie shrugged. "Sure, you can give it a try..."

* * * * *

"Aww, well aren't you just a lovely little gel."

Sunset sat at a small tea table in a stuffy, lace-covered sitting room in a small one-story house three blocks from where Twilight Sparkle lived. Across from the stiff-backed sitting chair in which she sat, a short, plump woman with rosy cheeks and flyaway hair in a frumpy pink dress sat in a plush armchair, stirring sugar into her tea. This was Pat Nutsack, wife of Harry Nutsack, whom Sunset had met at the front door. She'd been invited in for tea after introducing herself as a resident of the neighborhood where they'd set up their new shop.

"Thank you, Mrs. Nut—er, Noosec," Sunset said. She folded her hands in her lap as Mr. Nutsack walked into the room and took a seat at the table, busying himself with his own tea. "So, as a member of the Lathering Downs community, I'm here to talk to you about, well..." She bit her lip. "I don't want to be rude, but the thing might want to change the name of your shop."

Mr. Nutsack groaned, even as Mrs. Nutsack's spoon went still. "Bugger, this again?" Mr. Nutsack grumbled in an exasperated tone. "Look, you lot wear fanny packs, right? D'you know what that sounds like where we're from?"

"Yeah, but we don't go around putting it on a fast food restaurant sign," Sunset pointed out. "I kinda have to see where I'm coming from here, right?"

Mrs. Nutsack forced a kindly smile onto her face. "Well what would you have us do, dearie? We don't have a great wealth of options when it comes to a name for our burger bar."

"I dunno, Ye Olde Burger Bar?" Sunset offered. "The Queen's Burgers? Horsewood?"

"Last one's a bit trademarked tho, innit?" Mr. Nutsack said in a snarky imitation of a chav.

"It's just...!" Sunset threw up her hands in exasperation. "You do get the problem, right? I mean, didn't anyone explain to you what 'nutsack' means—"

"NOOSEC!" Mr. Nutsack thundered.

"So SPELL IT LIKE IT SOUNDS!" Sunset retorted. "Because the way it's spelled, I'm sorry, everyone's going to look at it and see 'Nutsack', and that, Mr. Noosec, is the thing that's presumably dangling between your legs waiting to get hit by a free kick!"

Mrs. Nutsack giggled in spite of herself, which earned her a sharp glare from her husband. "What?" she said. "It was funny!"

Mr. Nutsack took a deep breath, then snorted indignantly. "Right," he said. "Look, bottom line is, we've spent a ton of money registering our business, purchasing signs, all the things with our name and logo on them. Would you ask a Chineighse man named Wang to not call his laundry Wang Laundry or open a Wang Market in Chineightown?"

Sunset faltered. "W-well..."

"Precisely," Mr. Nutsack said in a tone that declared he'd won the argument. "So there'll be no more of this guff about our name or our burger bar." He grinned rather victoriously. "Besides, I know how you Yokes think. D'you think I don't know how you Yokes think? They'll be lining up for miles to eat at a place with a name they think is naughty."

Sunset frowned. "You knew," she accused. "You knew before you left Cardhoof."

"Too right I did, duckey," Mr. Nutsack said, earning a startled, bewildered stare from Mrs. Nutsack. "Now, if you please, it's best you pop off, we've work to do." He smiled. "And do stop by Nutsack Burger some day, and bring all your friends!"

With that, Sunset found herself ushered out of the house, the front door slammed behind her the second her hair crossed the threshold. She blinked dazedly in the afternoon sunlight.

After ten seconds, her eyes narrowed.

"Oh, it. Is. On."

* * * * *

Two weeks passed. Whenever Sunset dropped by the grocery store for something, the Nutsack Burger sign was there, taunting her. Then the restaurant had its grand opening, and she found flyers and coupons for it posted in her mailbox.

Applejack held the flyer Sunset had brought to show her friends aloft, her brow furrowed. "Nutsack Burger? Okay, jes'...whut?"

Rainbow let out a bark of laughter. "Oh god, that sounds so gross! Are they like, what, made out of ground-up bull nutsacks?"

"Thank you for that," Rarity said acidly, putting her plastic spork down with a frown and pushing her salad away as Fluttershy whimpered squeakily.

"I didn't bring it up earlier, but this thing's been bugging me for a while now," Sunset said. "This place just opened up in my neighborhood, and a lot of the locals are kinda ticked about the name. Thing is, I went to talk to the owner a couple of weeks ago to try to explain to him why the name bothers everyone, and, well..." She slumped forward, her face falling. "We sorta got into a fight and the guy's kind of a jerk."

"Sounds like he's a real nutsack," Rainbow said with a grin.

"Umm...why would they name their store that?" Twilight asked.

"Because it's their actual name," Sunset explained. "They're Woolsh, so it's pronounced 'Noosec', but..."

"But in our English, it reads as 'Nutsack'," Rarity said, tutting. "Yes, that is a problem. And he refused to see reason?"

"It's worse than that," Sunset said sourly. "He knows exactly what he's doing. He's counting on the troll factor to get business."

"Oh my. That's...actually pretty clever," Fluttershy said.

"But is the food any good?" Rainbow wondered pointedly. "I mean, if you're gonna go into a place called Nutsack Burger, you're gonna wonder if the food tastes like, well..."

"Nutsack?" Pinkie Pie prompted.


"I have no idea," Sunset said. "Mr. Nutsack did sorta dare me to come, though, I think. And to bring my friends. I think he was being a jerk or...whatever, but..." She bit her lip.

"Oh, we should totally do it," Rainbow said. "Then if the food sucks, we can smear the punk on Burp."

"An' if th' food's good?" Applejack asked.

"Then we still smear the punk on Burp for having a bad attitude and a stupid name," Rainbow said.

"That's not very nice," Fluttershy said with a mild frown.

"Fluttershy, there's a burger place right next door to the supermarket I go to to buy food that's called Nutsack Burger," Sunset said. "And the guy who owns it all but told me to go screw myself when I complained about it."

Fluttershy pursed her lips, her brow furrowing cutely. "Okay," she said, nodding once with determination. "Let's eat his lunch. And then after we eat his lunch, we'll eat his lunch."

"Oooh, good wordplay!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

* * * * *

Seven girls walked through the front doors of Nutsack Burger and were assaulted by a variety of smells which carried a strong undercurrent of vinegar and fish. There weren't very many people in the store, and most of them were college kids who didn't look entirely sober, or the less mature boys from school such as Snips and Snails, who occupied a table near the front windows and were chuckling to themselves. At the front counter, taking orders, were Coco Pommel and a college-aged girl with light mocha colored skin and long, straight brown hair. They grouped into two loose lines at the mostly-empty counter and studied the menu board.

"Let's see...Double Sack, Fish and Chips Burger, Salisbury Burger?" Rainbow wondered. "And...don't they have fries?"

"They do, darling, but they're called chips," Rarity said. "What we call fries, they call chips, and what we call chips, they call crisps."

"Huh. Weird." Rainbow kept scanning the menu, then suddenly erupted into a fit of snickers. "Buffalo chips?"

Coco, overhearing her, offered a pained grimace. "They're fries with hot sauce," she said. "I know, it''s weird..."

"What's a Sally Lunn bun?" Twilight wondered, tilting her head. At least three menu offerings boasted being served on a 'Sally Lunn bun'.

"Oh, it's...well..." Coco frowned. "It's really big, kind of sweet, really yeasty bread?" She shook her head. "Don't order it unless you're really hungry."

Rainbow and Applejack glanced at each other, raised eyebrows, and smirked.

Fluttershy bit her lip. "Oh my. Umm...I don't suppose you have a salad on the menu?"

Coco shook her head. "Sorry," she said. "Oh, but we do have a baked potato!"

"Jacket potato," her co-worker whispered.

"Right, jacket potato," Coco said quickly. "It''s got all kinds of stuff on it..."

Fluttershy scanned the menu, blinking when she found it. "Umm...that actually sounds heavier and more bloaty than the burgers," she said. She sighed. "I guess I'll have the fish and chips burger."

"I believe I'll have the Salisbury Burger," Rarity said. "It sounds quite savory."

"I'll just have a plain burger, no cheese," Twilight said.

Sunset mulled things over for a minute. "I think I'll try that jacket potato with everything," she said.

"Ah'll go fer the, uhh, King Nutsack," Applejack said. "Mustard, no mayo, extra bacon."

"I'll have the King Nutsack, mayonnaise, no mustard, extra bacon and extra cheese," Rainbow said in a challenging tone.

"I'll have the Double Sack and a large chocolate milkshake!" Pinkie said.

Coco and her co-worker finished feverishly punching in their orders. "Chips all around?" the other cashier asked.

"None for me," Fluttershy said.

"Plain chips," Twilight said.

"Plain chips for me as well," Rarity said.

"Applejack wants Buffalo chips!" Rainbow announced with a snicker.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Then Rainbow wants them 'dirty chips'," she said.

"No chips here, I'm already eating way too much potato," Sunset said. "Think I'm with Pinkie on the milkshake thing though." The other girls ordered their drinks, then everyone paid when the totals were added up, dividing the bill between them.

"We'll bring your food out to you when it's ready," Coco said. The girls wended their way to the corner, finding a booth large enough for all seven of them to crowd into.

"Kinda stinks in here," Rainbow commented quietly once they'd all sat down.

Sunset took a few napkins from the napkin dispenser and fiddled with them. "Yeah, there's kind of a weird...fishy...vinegar smell in here." She wrinkled her nose. "I really hope that's just from whatever they fry the food in."

"Ugh, no, then the food'll smell like that," Twilight complained.

Ditzy Doo and Sandalwood walked past their booth. Sunset flagged them down. "Hey Ditzy, fancy seeing you here."

"Oh...hey Sunset," Ditzy said. "Forgot you lived near here. Hi girls."

"So, what's the scoop, Derpy?" Rainbow asked. "How's the food here?"

Ditzy bit her lip, an unhappy frown on her face. "Basically? Run." With that, she and Sandalwood left.

A deathly pall descended upon the table. Little attempt at conversation was made until Coco, the other cashier, and a third wage slave brought their food to the table on a trio of plastic trays. As the food was placed in front of them in cheap cardboard trays and boats with handfuls of packets of condiments dumped unceremoniously in the center, the girls' hearts and stomachs began to sink.

The burgers Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity had ordered all came served on a toasted English muffin. Pinkie's came the closest to looking like a normal hamburger, if the bun was a bit sad looking and the meat was an unappealing shade of grey. Rainbow and Applejack, on the other hand, had been brought massive burgers on huge, yeasty rolls that were loaded with so many ingredients there was quite simply no conceivable way to pick them up without dumping half of it.

"Holy crap," Rainbow said, eyeing her 'King Nutsack'. "This thing's bigger than my tits!"

"," Fluttershy said as she lifted the top off her fish and chips burger to inspect its contents. Two thin breaded fish fillets sat atop a bed of thick, greasy chips, which in turn sat atop a bed of slightly wilted lettuce. There were two pickle slices on top of the whole thing, and a smear of tartar sauce on the bun.

Twilight performed a cursory examination of her own burger, peeling the patty off its bed of disappointing veggies and holding it up between two fingers. "This looks...boiled," she said.

"Ah think it is," Applejack muttered. She'd unwrapped the plastic knife and fork she'd been given and had started in on her burger, and was chewing unhappily. "Yep, they done boiled these burgers."

Rarity cut a bite from hers and sampled it, brow furrowed. "Well, I don't know what I expected from the menu description, but...this tastes like a middle school cafeteria salisbury steak on a dry, stale English muffin."

"I think that's exactly what it is," Sunset said as she eyed her potato. It had been split open and stuffed with baked beans, crumbled bacon, shredded cheese, pickle relish, and fried onions.

"Eugh, this is nasty," Pinkie said after swallowing a bite of her burger. She set it down and picked up her shake, drawing a long sip of it through her straw. She winced and glanced at her cup. "Wow, even their milkshakes are..."

As bad as the burgers were, the fries were worse. They hadn't been salted at all, they were soggy and greasy, and Rainbow's "dirty chips" essentially turned out to be a tablespoon of lukewarm, watery chili and congealed cheese on top of a caked-together mess of cold, sodden, greasy potato. The girls picked listlessly at their meals, occasionally commenting on the quality.

"Seriously, did they even salt this meat?"

"Now I know why you don't boil ground beef...ugh..."

"Good thing the beans on this potato are so sweet, the potato itself tastes like mush..."

"In retrospect, I question the wisdom of ordering a Salisbury steak burger."

"I think I've eaten kitchen sponges tastier than this."

"Ugh, this big-ass bun is way too much. Is it supposed to be this heavy?"

"Ah don't think so. Ah mean, seems like t' me this is supposed to be a light bread, that's whut it tastes like. Ah think they didn't let it rise nowhere yonder near long enough."

"Oh, oh no...I can't finish this," Fluttershy said, setting down her burger and standing up, holding a napkin to her mouth. "Excuse me, I..." She made an ulping sound, her cheeks bulging. She turned and ran for the restroom.

The others all looked at each other, pained grimaces on their faces. They pulled out their phones, signed in to BURP, and they each posted a bad review on the site.

The next evening, Sunset had just finished her homework and was getting ready to take a long, relaxing bath when there was a furious pounding on her apartment door. At first, she assumed it was her friend who wanted to stop by to deliver something but knew that they wouldn't start banging on her door like that. Frowning, she padded to the front door and peered through the peephole. On the other side stood a red-faced, furious Harry Nutsack. Twisting her face into a grimace, Sunset opened the door. "What do you want?" she asked.

"I DEMAND an apology and a retraction!" Mr. Nutsack thundered.

"Yeah, no," Sunset said, closing the door and locking it.

Mr. Nutsack resumed his furious pounding on the door. "YOU'RE OUT TO RUIN ME AND I WON'T HAVE IT!" he bellowed.

Sunset let out an aggravated groan, then opened the door again. "You're making a scene and disturbing my neighbors," she said. "Do you want me to call the cops on you? Because I will."

Mr. Nutsack sneered at her. "Really?" he said. "You know, I've done some checking up on you. Awful strange, isn't it? A high school girl living all by herself in a posh flat like this?" His sneer turned vicious. "Not up to anything funny, are you?"

Sunset blinked. "Did...did you just..." She floundered for a minute in disbelief. "Did you just call me a whore?!"

"Well if the shoe fits," Mr. Nutsack said triumphantly.

Sunset's left eye twitched. "Get lost," she snarled.

"Not until I have my satisfaction!" Mr. Nutsack bellowed. Before Sunset could even begin to react, Harry shoves his way inside and shuts the door behind himself. He looks around the apartment and nods approvingly. "Truly a nice place you got here."

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Get the hell out before I really do call the cops."

Nutsack let out a devious chuckle. "Oh, don't you worry. I'll leave after I get my satisfaction."

"I'm not giving you shit, you fucking NUTSACK! Now get out or I'll-"

Sunset's ranting immediately stops when she heard Noosec's unzip his pants, she glanced down and watch as he unfastens them and saw his thick, foot-long cock flop out, the veins already bulging and making it look more vicious than it should. Below it she notices a fat pair of large hairy balls hanging under the erect girthy length. Truly giving meaning to his name. The testicles were producing pre-cum with incredible speed as Sunset watch him slowly jerk off, the skin covering the tip every time. She estimates his cumshot to have around 5 to 6 teaspoons.

"Now, about that apology you owe me. How about you start by sucking me off."

Sunset glares at him. "Are you fucking insane?" Sunset points to the door. "Get out you damn sick pervert, unless you want to add sexual harassment on top of breaking and entering."

Sunset! What has happened?” Harry asks, as he kicks his pants and underwear completely off. All while still jerking his constantly spewing pre dripping dick. Sunset couldn't help but stare at it. He then walks up to stand in front of her. “When you visited my house before you were so polite.”

"Keep cool, Sunset. Don't give in and give him the satisfaction."

“Now you’re full of bile and anger." Harry circles around Sunset. He touches her side and slides his free hand down her body, stopping to graze over her skirt covered ass. She looks over her shoulder, watching Harry warily. He’s ogling her ass with the assurance of a man who knows it’s his when he wants it. If he mounted her now, she’s not sure she would try to fight him off.

"Oh, fuck, Nutsack. I don’t care, just quit teasing me. NO! Don't give in. Stay strong girl, stay strong."

"I swear, if you don't get the fuck out in the next ten seconds. I will call the cops on your ass."

"Oh, I seriously doubt you'll call the cops. As I mentioned before miss Shimmer, I did some checking up on you." He said. "You're quite popular around this neighborhood. I don't think there's a single person around these parts that doesn't know you. In more ways than one, if you know what I mean."

Sunset grimace. "I'm not a whore, you fucker." Sunset proclaimed. Not taking her eyes off his cock.

"No need to lie to me Miss Shimmer. All your neighborhood friends told me how much of a whore you are. Even your landlord spilled the beans about his little arrangement with you."

"T-they did?"

Noticing where Sunset is looking, the man grins and, after forcing a few more globs of pre-cum out of his cock, stops masturbating. He extends the hand he was using to jerk-off in her direction. Without hesitation, Sunset grabs it firmly.

"I believe we gotten off on the wrong foot. Allow me to be the first to apologize for my rudeness earlier. Since I to will be a part of this neighborhood. I would love for us to get to know one another better as well and become good friends."

"But you're married." Sunset says, before pulling her hand back. It's sticky, obviously because of his fluids, but it doesn't bother her. "What if your wife finds out, huh?"

Harry shrugs. "What she doesn't know won't hurt her, as you yolks would say. She won't find out." Nutsack assured.

"What a Pig and a cheat, he is, yet he thinks I'm the whore."

“Now, Miss Shimmer,” Harry says. “If you’re done complaining and making empty threats, maybe we can get to the real reason why you actually want me to stay after all we're friends now, right.”

Sunset huffs and sticks her nose in the air. Doing her best to try and remain defiant. “I don't want you to stay. I want you out and you're not my friend.”

Nutsack steps way into her personal space, grabs her raised chin, and snorts. “Still trying to play hard to get. Whatever! It doesn't matter anyway.”

He tilts her head down, holds her still despite her struggling, and licks his tongue up her nose, over her forehead, then turns her head and licks both sides of her face, slobbering everywhere.

Sunset tries not to shudder. She hates Harry Nutsack, and hates that her face is apparently the tastiest thing since spiced honey, but mostly she just hates herself for giving in so easily. She’s Sunset Fucking Shimmer, with her pony magic, she could easily wipe the floor with this loser. Hell, she won't even need it. She's more than capable of kicking his ass with her own strength if she wanted.

But instead, she just wants him to fuck her like he hates her, needs him to give her his big hairy cock. It would be too easy—the moment he puts his cock inside her, it’s over, and she'll immediately bend to his will and become his plaything. She just needs to hold out a few more minutes until her guest can arrive.

“Disgusting,” she says through clenched teeth. “Everyone I know treats me with respect.”

“And I doubt a grand majority doesn't know the real you. Like your group of friends,” Nutsack says, before he bites down on Sunset’s ear lobe. Sunset cries out and tries to keep herself calm, tries to keep her legs from buckling.

Nutsack reaches underneath Sunset's skirt between her thighs. She’s so busy not getting turned on by him that she inadvertently spreads her legs slightly, allowing him to slip his hand down the front of her panties, then gasps as he spreads her lips and rubs her cunt. “They certainly wouldn’t respect’cha if they could see you now.” He pulls his hand out and says, “Oh, Sunset . . . yer not foolin’ me. Yer already soaked down here. You want this . . . Now, take off your panties and lift up your skirt.”

Sunset did exactly as she was told. Not even bothering to fight back anymore. She took off her panties before throwing them aside, then immediately hiked up her skirt, revealing her shaved cunt to a man she hates. Nutsack kneels down between Sunset's thighs and started to lick and suck her pussy. Sunset started to roll her hips unable to resist the building orgasm and grabbed at Nutsack's hair keeping him deep between her thighs. His tongue and lips were working their magic. Licking the velvety walls of Sunset's cunt slurping and nibbling her pussy lips as she started to thrust herself into his face.

Sunset can’t stop the groan that rumbles out her throat. Her traitorous soaking pussy keeps humping him in the face as his tongue dances up her thighs and across her cunt. She could come if he wanted her to, but Nutsack wants to tease and torment her before he lets her, and she wonders just how long he could keep that up and whether she’ll beg first.

Nutsack continued to lick, teasing Sunset's pussy sending tremors through her body as he licked faster and faster. Eventually, the pleasure built inside her and she rocked her hips more and then spasmed as her orgasm flowed from her pussy flooding into Nutsack's mouth. Who happily drink her fluids.

After a minute. Nutsack pulls away from Sunset's pussy and stands back up. It’s sore and throbbing, feels so good. She can’t stop herself from shivering after the intense orgasm he gave her.

“Did you like that, Miss Shimmer? Do you want me to do your ass, too?” Oh, she did indeed . . . she loves it when people eats her out and Nutsack is definitely skilled with that tongue of his. No doubt he's able to always please his wife. Sunset simply nodded. Nutsack grabs her by the arm and pulls her towards her leather couch before pushing her over the side. Now that she was bent over the couch. Nutsack knelt down once again and nuzzles his face between Sunset's ass cheeks, before licking straight up from her cunt to her asshole, getting his tongue in deep inside her tight pucker.

Sunset just laid there, bent over her couch, moaning and panting in pleasure as Nutsack eat her ass out.

After a couple minutes. Nutsack lifts his head up to speak. "You know, Miss Shimmer. I heard about how you never wanted any friends until after some crazy incident that taught you the magic of friendship." He chuckles. "So, why not be friends with me? Isn’t that what you’re best at? Making friends? I could be just as good as the ones you always hang out with."

“You’re not my friends,” Sunset mutters. “They’re good people. They care about me. They’d risk their lives for me. They certainly wouldn’t use me like you're doing.”

Nutsack rolls his eyes. “I bet they would, if they knew you wouldn’t say no. Why don’t we bring them here? Then we could find out just how friendly they are. Oh yeah.” He closes his eyes and hums. “You know some real pretty girls, Sunset. I bet that nerdy lavender one is a freak. Give me your phone and let's call her?”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she growls.

Nutsack grins. He then stands up and sandwich his dick between Sunset's asscheeks. Hiding within the plush texture were strong muscles that flexed around his needy shaft, his rod sliding through amber cheeks. He continues to thrust into the amber flesh, not penetrating any holes, just enjoying the sensation of the strong, soft flesh. “Whaddya think, Sunset? Should we call her over? Maybe she’d like to watch you get plowed by random people. Maybe we sit her over there, right in front of us, and cuck her. Make her watch as I paint your insides white, and then, when we’re done, you’ll beg us to keep going. Tell her you’re sorry for being a dirty slut, and that you still love her, but just not that way. Do you think she’d be jealous?”

“Fuck you!”

“I bet she’d love to. A hot piece like you? How could she not?”

“No! You’re wrong! She’d never—She’d never let you get away with this!”

Nutsack laughs. Sunset shrinks a little.

“Of course, she wouldn’t. She actually knows how to pick up a phone and call the cops on me. I bet you could have kick my ass out with your own strength if you wanted to. So why haven’t you?” Nutsack yanks her hair, pulls her head back until he can bite her ear. “Too scared to admit you’re weak? Too proud to go for help? Too horny and desperate to get fuck?”

Sunset grimaces and leans back, trying to slacken his grip on her hair, but doesn’t deny it.

He licks a long, wet line across the side of her face, making her twitch and shudder. “Or are you too ashamed of how much you’re getting off right now?”

Her face crumples. “You fucker. No. I can’t—Enough. Just—just finish and leave. Please.”

“I dunno. I like where I am right now. It’s good and warm.” He releases her hair, and she collapses onto the couch, face down and ass up. “Maybe if you make it real good for me. Make me come. Then I’ll leave.”

“Asshole,” she mutters, but it’s without bite. She sounds resigned.

“Whore,” Nutsack says with a warm smile. "You know. Your landlord told me he likes to record your sessions and gave you copies. I want see one of them and watch it in your room."

Sunset just nodded as she pushes herself up. Nutsack back away to give her space to move. Sunset pushes her skirt back down to into place before gesturing Nutsack to follow her. Believing that he will be spending a lot of time in Sunset's bedroom. Nutsack made sure to grab his pants first before following her.

As Sunset led Harry Nutsack to her bedroom as she did for so many others. She couldn't help but be frustrated with herself for giving in so easily, but really—what did she think was going to happen? That someone was going to rescue her? That she was going to actually fight back? No. Sunset is going to get fucked. Fuck it. Who cares if she’s a whore? Who cares if she lets this disgusting man with a shitty restaurant, with a fuck up name molest her? It certainly won’t be the first time, and it won’t be the last. Once Nutsack puts his dick in her mouth, Sunset is going to explode. He acts mean but he’ll take care of her. After the way he ate her out and made her cum, he's definitely no slouch in bed. Unless he somehow lost his endurance in the past, Sunset will keep coming all afternoon and into the evening.

Once they entered her bedroom. Sunset immediately walks over to her laptop and starts messing with it and after a moment the room is suddenly lit by a TV screen. Showing the room, they're in, some time ago.

On the bed past Sunset can see herself, she's on all fours, pointing her ass towards the camera. She is completely naked, meaning Nutsack can see her privates in full display. The camera moves a few times, but once it stops, her landlord, Sal walks into view and towards her. Sal to was naked as he goes behind past Sunset and, without any hesitation, sticks his hard,huge cock into her, covering past Sunset entirely with his own body. He doesn't wait a moment before beginning to thrust.

"Why don't you have a seat?" Sunset was so focused on the video that she didn't notice Nutsack sitting on the bed, patting a spot by his side. Sunset hesitantly sits there and returns her attention to the screen. She's sitting in the very spot where she was fucked by Sal before, and she can practically feel a wetness on the bed. That doesn't bother her too much, but the fact that Harry Nutsack is only a few inches away does. Afterall he she still hates his guts.

The scene continues. Past Sunset and Sal shift their positions to the side, allowing her present self to see her past self more clearly, and she can detect obvious discomfort on her face. It could be due to the rough fucking she's receiving, though, it's hard to tell for sure. This was an old video. So, Sunset doesn't quite remember.

Sunset's attention is again drawn from the TV, and this time she wishes she hadn't looked away. By her side, Nutsack is holding his hard member in full display. Sunset looks at his face and find him grinning. He says "Sorry, babe, I couldn't resist. You're invited to join me, too..."

Sunset decides to play along as she hikes up her skirt once again and lay next to Nutsack. He starts jerking faster as she starts rubbing her pussy, eyes locked on the screen.

Sal was viciously fucking past Sunset now. He was choking her from behind while slamming into her over and over. Wet slapping is dominating the room, but present Sunset was uncertain if it's from the pussy of her past self, Sal is dominating, Nutsack's glistening erection, or her own sopping cunt that she's fingering.

Past Sunset's face is amazing, her eyes are rolling up as she tries to moan from her fucking. Sal is choking her too hard though, so she just lightly gasps and shakes from her pounding. He's rougher and rougher. Past Sunset face shifts between the discomfort from before and pleasure. After some time, Sal places a hand on the back of his Sunset's neck and forces her head against the bed, she doesn't seem to have any complaints, actually, she brings her hand to her pussy and begins touching herself intensely. They continue on this position for a long time, until Sal decides to twist her around and fuck her on missionary, with her legs up.

Nearby, Nutsack is getting a little touchy. Sunset can feel the bed shaking lightly because of his pumping, and she can feel his other hand, sliding over her ass and back. His fingers roughly feel her body over her clothes, pretending to actually touch her. His fingers go up and reach her shoulder, his hand pressing around her body. Sunset don't even move, giving him permission in one way or another.

In the screen, things are getting more heated. Some thrusts later Sal cums and, instead of stopping or taking a break, he pulls the condom out of his cock, puts another on and continues on fucking the bacon-hair whore.

Nutsack sits closer to Sunset, and she's not surprised when he grabs her hand and places it over his cock. She knows how this goes and, without needing any encouragement, Sunset begins pumping his cock. It's long, and large, being enough to make her hand uncapable of surrounding it entirely, and a few pumps is all needed before a large drop of pre slides down the length of his member, getting her fingers wet with his juice. Sunset's rough movements making a wet squelching sound dominated the room.

Nutsack reaches for Sunset's shirt and lifts it up, revealing her sports-bra-covered breasts, and, obviously, reaches for her bra. Before she even has the chance to protest, he pulls her elastic bra down, making her breasts spill over it and revealing her pert nipples. He pinches them, making Sunset's mouth open in a lusty O, half in pain, half in pleasure.

Lying on the bed he pulls her over his body, still sitting to his left. Sunset kept on jerking him in the new leaning position and, without needing any encouragement, begin using both hands. As she slides the right hand up and down his shaft, she uses the other to massage his full hairy balls. Sunset can practically feel the cum sloshing around in them, and she can feel they're getting even bigger each second with her ministrations. She's practically milking his cock, loosening when she pushes, tightening when she pulls. It doesn't take too much for him to begin thrusting against her hand, and Sunset knows he's about to cum.

It's the final stretch, so Sunset needs all the help she can get. She approaches her head to his cock and opens her mouth, drooling down on its head. Once it falls, she slips the right hand up and down, mixing his pre to herr saliva. With one hand Sunset teases the sensitive spot behind the head, while she keeps pumping the large shaft with your other hand.

Nutsack didn't even realize that he was so backed up nor did he realize that he hadn't told Sunset that he was about to cum. He began to groan louder than ever. He keeps on humping and, after one of those humps, his loud "Fffffuuuuuuuckkk" is all the warning Sunset receives before he pushes her against his body and he cums.

Nutsack suddenly erupted, his cock shot out a thick salvo of warm goo. It landed on Sunset's face as expected.

She recoiled as she continued to jerk his cock instinctively. Another torrent of Nutsack's seed shot out and landed on her face and hair. He continued to cum fiercely as Sunset's hand pumped his shaft. She continues doing her job, jerking Nutsack through his orgasm. He shoots with incredible force, hitting not just her face, but her exposed breasts, neck, shirt, and covering her arms in warm, thick sperm.

"ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRHGGHGHGH!" he nearly yelled in pleasure almost tinged with agony as he came so hard and so much. The muscles in his pelvis and stomach tightening like never before in spasms. "Keep Going! DOn't Stop! Don't STOPPPPPP!?"

Sunset had been so taken aback that she could only jerk Nutsack off and couldn't gather her senses enough to dive her mouth on his cock. Nutsack yelped as another thick rope of toothpaste like sperm landed on Sunset's face again and again.

Once he was done, almost Sunset's entire upper body is covered in cum, except her left arm and stomach. Sunset doesn't stop moving her fingers even then, still teasing his cock, and he's still hard, even after cumming so much. Not that she minds.

Nutsack had never came so hard in his whole life. He thought he might black out from the way he was becoming lightheaded.

"Holy Celestia." Sunset said in surprise. "I cannot believe you. What a fucking mess." Sunset was disgusted. She had never seen anyone cum that much before--even in porn. She had certainly had some loads that were difficult to swallow before but nothing like this. It was practically everywhere.

"Holy shit. Ah...holy shittttttt..." a final single drop left Nutsack's cock and landed on his stomach. He had to breathe in and out deeply to regain his composure.

"Merciful Luna." she groaned. "What the hell!? I am a freaking mess now!?"

"Weeeeeeeewwwww." He breathed out a deep panting sigh. "Fuck.....fuuuuck...that felt so good."

". My shirt!? My hair!" Sunset nearly cried when she touched her sticky hand to her even stickier face. "Celestia, why didn't you tell me you can cum that much?"

"Shit...I have been drinking a lot of water lately....I just got caught up in the moment. Fuck that felt good." He smiled at Sunset.

"Well, I am glad you enjoyed yourself." Sunset said with a glare of sarcasm. As she tried wipe some of his spunk off her face. "You got what you wanted, now get the hell out."

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet. Far from it." He said as he got off the bed and stood up. "Besides, I'm still hard as you clearly notice. Now it's about time you finally suck my dick." Nutsack reached out and grabbed Sunset by the arm and pulls her off the bed to stand before him. He then pushed her down on her knees and shoves his cock in front of her face then grabs a fist full of hair to hold her in place, as he rubbed it against her face.

"Open wide whore! I know you really want to suck my cock. So stop pretending and take it."

“Nnn—fuck you,” she gasps, clenching her eyes shut and twisting her mouth out of the way.

"I said suck it, you fucking bitch.” Nutsack spoke up, and in similar fashion an angry smile drew across his lips. Taking a tight fistful of Sunset Shimmer’s red and yellow striped locks with both hands this time. As Sunset resisted, Nutsack forced her head forward, and though the young woman didn’t open her mouth she still ended up with that thick hairy cock pressed against her face, the shaft squeezing from the edge of her eye, right down along her nose, to push the shaft against her lips. Though Sunset Shimmer struggled and pushed her hands against Nutsack's thighs the older man was held firm, and the teenager could only whimper a protest as she still tried to fight back. Although not by much. Infact she wasn't putting up any real resistance.

“You...You're crazy!” She hissed through her teeth, wincing from the feel of that meaty length pressed against her face. She could feel it twitch against her cheek, feel the warmth of it alongside her nose. It smells, feels sticky and disgusting, and it’s drooling down her cheek, and worst of all when she spoke, she was forced to “kiss” it by mere contact. A kiss she had to offer again, if she was to keep putting up a fight. “You can’t really expect me to do this! I have rights" She protest, trying to regain her composure.

"Your rights? You are just a free-use whore. You have the right to suck my dick. You have the right to get fucked in the ass until you bleed. You have the right to be my personal cum bank until I get tired of you,” he says laughing wickedly.

Sunset opened her mouth naturally and lets the massive rod slide into her face. Nutsack reached from behind her head with both his hands and pushed her to the base of his cock. Grabbing the back of her neck with his two hands, he used her face like a fleshlight. His hips were now grinding in unison with his hands, smacking her face and your pelvic bone together in harmony.

GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK came out as Nutsack hits the back of her mouth with the head of his cock, his hips moving like a piston in an engine.

“Wide open bitch. Open your fucking mouth and take it!”

Sunset stared up at him with annoyance. She flashes Nutsack the middle finger, and he stuck it deep down her esophagus, and her eyes widened, and she gagged. HOOOOOOORRKKKKK followed with GWLUCK GWLUCK GWLUCK GWAAACKCKKKKK.

“OH GOD YES,” Nutsack exclaim watching her eyes bulge as the huge sausage disappeared into her face. She held his loins trying to get some relief, but he kept it there and just moved it ever so slightly, in and out in small quick motions deep in her. Spittle was flying from the sides of her lips. Little whimpers came out as she was pounding his thighs with her palms, trying to get him to give her a breath followed by more gagging.

Finally, she shoved Nutsack off of her and gasped for air. He sat on the bed in front of her and pushed her head back down on his cock again. "God, you have a hot mouth." He says as he then places both his hands back on the back of her head moving it like a rag doll over his dick, making Sunset bob her head up and down his shaft as her tongue stretched out underneath.


The sounds were like music to Nutsack's ears. Sunset stared up at him in submission with her cyan eyes welling in tears which streaked down on her cheeks and soft whimpers coming out as he just kept throatfucking her and using her mouth as his own personal sex doll.

Sunset clenched her eyes tight, and her tongues stuck out and massaged the underside of Nutsack's cock, and its tip was flicking at his balls. He was slapping the back of her head, trying to get her to go deeper. SMACK. Followed by her wincing and closing her eyes and trying to withdraw her head. SMACK. More gag, more whimpers. SMACK. Finally, she had enough and had to pull away to catch her breath and cough, spit flying out. She had a sad, resigned look as she stopped talking and just kept gasping for air heavily.

Feeling close Nutsack was stroking his cock hard and shifting his hands between stroking his cock and the back of her head pushing towards himself. He cried out and panted as he expelled the salty liquid in her mouth, “AUHHHHHHH AUHGHHHHHHh. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

“MMMMMM MMMMMMMM!” Sunset whimpered as Nutsack made his final ending orgasm motions directly in her mouth.

Nutsack withdrew it and squeezed his last drops of cum out of his dick onto Sunset's tongue which she lapped up and glared at him for making her eat the salty liquid.

Sunset coughed and wiped her stained mouth with the covers on her bed and gasped, "Fucking asshole!"

Nutsack was stroking himself. Her being angry made him hot and bothered, and he felt hungry, famished for more. He lifted Sunset's soft fleshy body up, hiked up her skirt, and bent her on the bed.

“What the fuck are you doing now!” Sunset yammered as Nutsack flatted her body against the bed and pulled her hips up. That small round hole in between those two cheeks stared at him waiting to be penetrated. He started stroking his cock hard and massaging her fleshy backside, she has an amazing ass. Sunset had a good feeling on exactly what he was about to do.

“How can you do this? You can’t just rape me in my own house!” she exclaims. Nutsack slaps the back of her head, painfully hard.

“Aw, that’s cute; the little girl thinks she’s people. You were made to service cock. Don’t worry, I’ll give you what you want, slut.” he teases. “And of course, I can do this. I'm just another pervert who came to your place just to fuck you.” he takes Sunset's arms in an iron grip and shoves them together uncomfortably tight against her back. He lines the tip of his meat against her asshole kissing it seemingly sweetly.

"Please stop! I'm still a virgin there."

He slaps her again and shouts "Quiet bitch! Mmmm this is gonna be tight. How lucky am I to be your first."

Nutsack rears his hips back and mercilessly shoves himself in. His cock tears through Sunset's anal ring and into her sweet virginal flesh, stretching it out roughly.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHhhhhhhh" She screams out in agony.

It feels as if he has torn her in half, a ripping sensation that causes Sunset to shriek in pain then weakly sob while the older man sighs in relief. "Aaaahhh...that's good.

Even with Nutsack's cock lube up from cum and saliva, Sunset's ass was not ready to take a cock this big, she screams and cry tears on tears as he pushes deeper and deeper nonstop into her ass, and for some reason even with the pain her hungry ass seems to gobble up his dick as it just takes in inch after inch.

“Sweet Celestia,” Sunset panted. Sunset gritted her teeth as Nutsack buries more and more of his cock into her bowels. “FUCK! Can’t you just use my pussy instead?”

“A tight ass like you? Your loose pussy won’t do it. Looks like you need a good ass stretching,” Nutsack grunted. “UGH, god, you are fucking tight!”

Sunset desperately tries to squirm away, but Nutsack grabbed a fist full of her hair again and pinned her head to the mattress keeping her in place. She tried to go against his strong grip and weight keeping her down, but as he continues to force more of his cock into her tight ass, Sunset couldn't stop herself from screaming into her mattress, while he moaned above her loving the tightness of her ass.

"Damn that's tight, been a while since I popped a girl's anal cherry." He moaned as he kept Sunset in place and gave her ass a hard slap, putting his weight into it and forcing his cock deeper into her ass, making her scream more and try in vain to try and get away, until he was balls deep inside her and he was laying on top of her, pinning her to the bed with his body as he lets go of her hair, turning her face, Sunset gulped down fresh air as she gasped and panted hard, her voice sore from the screaming, tears running down her face from the pain. "Damn you have a delicious ass, I'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest." He purred into her ear and kissed it, before licking her cheek and saying. "You ready bitch, moan for me." he said forcefully as he lifted himself up into a standing position, and slaps Sunset's ass so hard that it seemed to echo in the room.

Sunset moans loudly gripping the comforter tightly in her hands and biting down on it.

"Tell me you want me to fuck you whore!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"" Sunset begs through gritted teeth.

"Louder." Nutsack said and slapped her ass even harder, then reached forward grabbing Sunset by the hair and pulling her head back.

"Please! FUCK! ME!" Sunset shouts and instantly Nutsack let's go of her hair and her face fell back into the bed. He grabs her hips and pulls almost completely out and slammed his entire fucking length into her. Sunset screamed in pain as Nutsack's assault on her virgin ass began as he fucked her hard. His fingers cut into her hips as he pulled her back against each thrust. Sunset couldn't help it she was loving everything, the pain was turning her on, she loved feeling like this. She Loved being everyone's fucking slut, she moaned loudly no longer biting the bed for comfort but now head turned to the side mouth open as Nutsack fucks her.

Moving his hips back and forth he grunted as he fucks Sunset harder, slamming in as hard as he could and slapping her ass, squeezing her sore cheeks, seeming to take delight in your cries of pain and begging as he kept pummeling her hard with his dick. She cried out “UMPH” every time the long end slammed into her, and his thighs smacked into her ass. Her fingers were clenching the covers, and as Nutsack smacked into her, the bed shook and creek.

Nutsack begins raping Sunset's ass with reckless abandon, his thrusts crushing her crotch against the bed. She starts screaming, shrieking, but she might as well had been silent for all the good it does. Her rapist ignores her cries completely, concentrating on fucking, moving back and forth with the speed and force of a maniac.

Nutsack pounds Sunset's ass with short but heavy thrusts pushing deep into her guts every time grunting and moaning loudly into the afternoon. It feels like he could rip her inside out at any moment her tight asshole was being ruined by such a huge cock it felt like he would tear her in half. His thrusts became longer and longer as he pulled back further and further and going faster and faster, Nutsack was rearranging Sunset's insides to accommodate his cock and make her ass into a mold for his massive dick. Sunset felt like nothing but a fleshlight as he rutted in and out of her roughly and not caring for her wellbeing at all and only for his own pleasure, his thrusts were so strong and fast Sunset felt his cock push out her tummy each time he pumped into her before retreating back out. The pounding went on for Celestia knows how long. Sunset could do nothing but cry, moan, and grunt in both pain and pleasure as Nutsack pushed into her over and over smashing her ass over and over making her already wet pussy nearly ready to burst even with all the pain. Finally, after what must have been 10 minutes Sunset came hard as her juices squirted out all over Nutsack's hairy nutsacks and her asshole quivered and gripped his cock.

"Oh yeah! God you are so fucking tight! I don't think I am going to last much longer!" He screamed, "Oh god fuck yes slut! You are my cock addicted cum slut aren't you!" He screamed loudly.

"Yes! please fuck me!" Sunset screamed. She could feel another orgasm building quickly. Sunset couldn't believe how quickly she was about to cum again. Nutsack's assault on her ass felt amazing as he continued to fuck her relentlessly.

"Oh fuck! I'm going to cum!" Nutsack screamed as Sunset's vision went white and her entire body clenched as came again. Squirting her juices over and over again.

"Ahhhh fuckcckk...I''mmm gonna cummm!!!! Yourrr ass is tooo fucking good milk my cock with your ass!!! Takkke it youu fuckking slut!" He announced slamming deep within Sunset one last time making a loud *PLAP*.

Nutsack's hips slammed into Sunset's hungry butt pumping gallons and gallons of cum deep within her intestines the hot thick cum filling the teenager up so much she felt her stomach inflate and inflate until she looked like she was 9 months pregnant. Finally with a few more thrusts of his hips just to make sure he got all his cum out into her belly he was done but his cock remained lodged deep in Sunset's quivering ass, he must have been done now.

"Mmmmmmmm." he moaned quietly.

Sunset felt something else begin to fill her ass and after a second, she quickly realized that Nutsack was pissing inside of her! Not only had he just used her as his own personal human cock sleeve but now she was his personal human toilet. Sunset was powerless and out of energy from the intense fucking he just gave her so she could do nothing but lay there face down and let him piss into her ass. He went on for minutes pissing hard into her butt.

"Shit...I have been drinking a lot of water lately.

All that water he had been drinking must have built up inside him and he was finally relieving it. Moaning and groaning in bliss he kept pissing his endless stream of piss into Sunset, who just laid there and took it until
he finally stopped. Once he'd finished, he let out a large moan as he pulled out of her ruined ass with a *pop* panting heavily as sweat ran down his body, only a little bit of piss and cum squirting out everything else he had released inside of her remained in her as somehow Sunset's little butthole closed tightly.

"MMMmmmm nothing like a good piss after a fuck. Nutsack said softly to the air and rubbed Sunset's head bushing through her hair before giving her a kiss on her neck. Ignoring Sunset's limp form as his cum and piss oozed out of her used ass and red cheeks, already starting to bruise slightly. Nutsacak went to grab his pants and get ready to leave. Taking his underwear out and was about to put it on.


That is until a knocking on the front door caught both his and Sunset's attention.

It was in that moment Sunset started to remember something important that she forgotten.


She’s supposed to keep track of time. Something’s supposed to happen soon, but what?

"I wonder who that could be?" Said Nutsack as he left the bedroom to go see who was at the door. He didn't even bother to put his pants back on first, his cock swaying right and left with every step as he walks to the living room.

Delivery. Afternoon. My friend. Right . . .

Remembering that one of the girls said that they were coming over. Sunset quickly fixes her shirt and skirt and look around for something she can use to clean herself, finding Nutsack's underwear on the bed where he tossed it before he left. Sunset already stinks like him, so she uses it to clean the semen from over her arms, neck, face, and hands. The cum that fell on her shirt has already been absorbed, leaving large stains on it. Not having time to mourn her shirt, she quickly leaves her bedroom and go see what's happening. Once in the living room, she finds that Nutsack half-naked ass had already opened the door and there stood a very shock, Twilight Sparkle.