A royal Roadtrip, gone wrong

by Questionmark x3

First published

The sisters find themselves stranded on the countryside far away from canterlot and the new princess in charge Twilight Sparkle has fucked up with their royal retirement funds, which are now sadly used to feed hungry animals in need instead of them..

The sisters find themselves stranded on the countryside far away from canterlot and the new princess in charge Twilight Sparkle has fucked up with their royal retirement funds, which are now sadly used to feed hungry animals in need instead of them...

Follow the two sisters on their way back home. Having to do things neither of them ever thought they would... Also being the favorite Princess isnt always in your favor when you are in need of money~.

Fetishes included will be named at the start of each Chapter for all the people not into some of the heavier stuff. Though if you like my writing you might wanna pull through

Non-Con tag is for one scene in chapter 2

Thanks to Nagiman for his help editing and his advice

The road is long...

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"Are we there yet," the voice of a sweating blue mare with a pointy horn on her head asked sarcastically. Not in a good mood with the older white mare rolling her eyes in annoyance as the sweat was dripping down her forehead equally if not worse.

"Still no... stop asking" retorted the white mare with frustration.
The road with no end in sight was leading straight through one of the driest parts of Equestria. To the left sand and rocks, while to the right, more sand and large mountains formed out of red stone. Not any water was present except the one in the backpacks of the two sisters. Given how far they already have traveled it had been a while since they could resupply. One warm bottle of water and a few beans were the only thing left for them each.
Feeling quite feisty from the already long trip through this hellhole, the moon princess started throwing some shade at her sister, but not in a good way. "If it wasn't for your sun this would not be half as hard! Why don't you turn it down a little, mmh?"

This got a slight reaction from Celestia which made her pulse jump up a notch, but just like always she would be the voice of reason and calmness. "You know damn well why neither of us can use magic right now."
"Yes I do know, and let me remind you that you thought it was a good idea to power that stupid remote for Twilight so she could switch from day to night but Miss Perfect didn't consider that this would drain our magic for a week at least, eh? Remember that I pointed this out and you played it off!"
Indeed it seemed really short-sighted by the usually overthinking and planning sun princess. Which now actually stopped at this verbal insult and turned her around to face her little sister. "Miss Perfect? Me? Oh, I forgot you had to lift both Sun and Moon yourself and rule a kingdom, oh wait that was me! So I take that as a compliment" Celestia stuck her tongue out as she tried to play it off on Luna, but the night princess wouldn't have it and her eyes threw daggers at her.
"In case you forgot, I could admit when I was wrong in the past but let's turn the clock back a week. So please sister explain to us how nicely thyself decided to drain both our magic and then had us both go on this godforsaken trip! You booked a bus to nowhere and no way back." Luna's counterargument was definitely hitting hard in the truth. The last time Celestia had visited this old Hotel was almost a millennia back after Luna's banishment and unlike back then, it now was nothing more than a ruin inhabited by crows.

With the royal sisters now at each other's throat the two of them almost missed the sound of a car approaching from the distance. A small dot in the distance became bigger the closer it was getting and the sounds of the transportation device coming closer. The driver had to check twice as he slurped his ice-cold slushy that he had grabbed a few minutes earlier out of his fridge. A pair of sunglasses hid his eyes, while his loose shirt which was marked with a few splatters of color here and there kept his small belly hidden underneath it for the most part. The Zebras black mane, which he was rocking, had a more liberal hairstyle with it being bound into a short bun and some hanging down each of his sides.
On the horizon, the lone Zebra could make out the two royals arguing in the desert and readjusted his sunglasses just to make sure he wasn't seeing things that weren't there. Could this be real? Two Mares in a desert is something he would not have expected, especially without a car. Well maybe they had a breakdown and like any good driver, shouldn't he offer his help?


With the engine noises coming closer both of the angry princesses stopped arguing and turned towards the street once more. The small van had pulled up next to them, with the driver lowering his window. The two overheating chicks felt the cold come from the inside of the truck and the smell of some fast food he had picked up on his travels from a store just outside of the desert. Usually, that would bother Celestia, as she really was not one for this sort of food, but the sun goddess wouldn't be upset at any kind of much-needed food and drinks at this point.
"Well, hello there. What are two such beauties as yourself doing out in this desert? Surely there are better places to be at for the two of you." Being from a foreign origin it was obvious that this fine gentleman probably had no idea who the two were as he eyed them over with a hungry look behind his sunglasses.

The taller white furred one with her overall larger body was rocking a booty like no other he had seen, it was firmly packed into short hotpants that were barely reaching down to cover half of her upper legs. The main piece was of course the cake she was packing with her trunk. Any stallion's hot dream but that wasn't all. The white alicorn's upper body was just as impressive as her naturally voluptuous form making sure that her melons were not coming short especially since he could see parts of her nipples thanks to the sweat giving it a bit of a see-through but just slightly. The tall alicorn had ditched her bra 2 days ago because it was making her feel warmer than it already was. Unlike her younger sister who was simply sticking with her guts and her clothes for the whole duration of their walk.

The blue mare on the other hand wasn't lesser than that of the elder alicorn. It was a different sort of perfect with her rather large breasts looking more full and firm. The reason for that was not only her lifestyle but the workouts probably helped and that was showing on her tight looking ass. Said ass was currently wrapped into a slightly longer pair of shorts that almost reached her knees. A shirt with plenty of fruits on it was what her upper body was rocking and to her defense, her own pair of melons did help make it look more appealing than it actually was for the Zebra. The blue starry mane of hers was bound together into a ponytail with a rubber band to keep it from getting everywhere.

Celestia started to blush a bit at the compliment. Before Luna could respond herself, her attention seeking sister took the lead as usual. Luna rolled her eyes but didn't comment. "Thanks for stopping kind Stranger we are in quite the problematic situation as of the last few days and have been stuck in the desert with almost no supplies left. Could you take us to the next bus hub with that car of yours? We would be forever grateful to you." The princess of the sun looked at the zebra with hoping eyes, while leaning on his pulled-down window with her arms crossed.

The Zebra did not seem to be impressed much with the offer and rubbed his chin beard with his right hand, while the left kept a firm grip on the steering wheel. "Mhhh, I can't really buy any fuel with gratitude, but if you pay for the fuel I can take you to the next bus stop." With him now extending a branch he waited for their response.

This time Luna took the charge, pushing Celestia away from the window to get a bit of a cold breeze from the inside as well. "Well, we do not currently have any bits with us, but we promise we can pay you back if you get us there. We are, after all, Equestria’s former princesses. Surely you have heard of my sister Celestia and I, Princess Luna." Luna did not believe she needed to pull this ace card out that early, but it felt like he would want some sort of guarantee that he would not just be left standing in the rain after doing his part.

Once again the zebra toyed around with his hair, scratching it slightly before presenting his answer to them. "To be honest it's not quite logical to me why I would meet two of Equestria's princesses out in a desert, you could be imposters. No, I need some other sort of payment if you can't pay in bits. You scratch my back and I scratch yours, do you understand?''
The lunar princess looked at him with a big quizzical look on her face. “What does he expect them to pay with if not with money,” she thought to herself.

With Celestia now taking over the conversation again and Luna taking a break from the cooling fresh air of the car after being pushed to the side and giving her sister another angry stare after almost tripping over a rock and falling to the ground. "What did you have in mind instead of bits?"

The Zebra leaned out of the window and spoke something to her that made the solar overlord blush, but Luna did not catch it as she was busy drinking some of the last water from her water bottle. "Either this or I sadly can't help you..." the zebra shrugged his shoulders and made sure that Celestia had a good view of him taking another ice-cold bottle out of a small mini-fridge next to his seat.

"I-I mean it's not....me you should-" her speech being interrupted by an annoying grunt of the exotic zebra who was getting impatient with her and his fingers which tapped at the steering wheel.
"You seem like the decision maker of the two of you, so I ask one last time. Do we have a deal?" His tone shifted a bit to a more down to business attitude as he was holding all the cards in his hand. To make matters even more tempting she caught a glimpse of him emptying half of an ice cold water bottle which he placed next to the window and looking back at the sun goddess as sweat poured down her body like crazy from the heat.

"Alright we accept... just give me five minutes, please." The white alicorn shot out her answer like a bullet exiting the barrel of a gun. That earned her an awkward look from the blue alicorn who packed the now empty water bottle in her backpack. This was going to be a hard conversation with her sister.

Celestia joined Luna at the backside of the van which the younger princess had used to shelter herself from the sun temporarily. Feeling the solar sister's hand being placed on her shoulder felt awkward and from what she learned that was for a reason. After a short explanation of what she just agreed on with the zebra, Luna's eyes went big.
"W-what! No, no, no, no, no, how did you even think I was going to react any differently than this! Why would you think that I would agree to this?" With justified anger, the princess of the moon exploded on her sister for such behavior. How dare she not even ask her first about such a topic?

"Luna, listen! We don't have a choice right now. If you and I had our magic back right now we could just port home, but we are not in a good situation. We need to work with what we got right now or we won't get home at all!"
The blue furred busty princess opened her mouth in anger to complain but knew that her sister was right. This made the situation worse. Luna was gritting her perfect teeth against each other and looking for any way out of this before a honk came from the car which made both of them jump up in shock before the voice of the zebra was heard again.
"So the five minutes are over. Are we good?" Now the engine was turned off to save some fuel and he had gotten out from the driver's side and walked to the back of his van. The sunglasses slightly pulled down to look at both of them with his unfiltered green eyes. Luna was silent until Celestia gave her a little bump and pushed her forward to the equally if not slightly bigger zebra. "Great, let's get started then," he announced and grabbed Luna by her hand and pulled her with him inside the van, when Celestia wanted to get inside as well he held his head out. "You wait outside, ‘til we are done." and immediately after this, he slammed the backdoor shut.

A few moments of silence followed, but then the van started to jerk and squeak as the white Alicorn Sun Goddess could only imagine what was going on inside from the sounds of the van.

...and bumpy

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After Luna's hand had been pulled by the zebra with great speed, it was nearly impossible for her to even voice a complaint until the backdoor of the van closed. With a loud metallic lock falling into place the van locked up via a remote that the zebra adventurer held between his fingers. Having pulled the night princess into the dark van and effectively locking out her sister to be left standing in the burning hot desert sun.

Inside the vehicle, the temperature was cooler compared to the burning heat outside and the first time Luna could take a breath without feeling the dry air hurt her lungs. With the doors of the van closed, the beautiful goddess of the moon found her firm butt falling down on a cheap white mattress that let out a squeak as the pair of them took a seat on them. Her face looked to the side, as all of this was super awkward for her, finding herself in the back of a van with some stranger she had never met and being promised to do what he asked from her own sister! The alicorn should be angry! But all she felt was her blush forming on her cheeks and how she was desperately avoiding eye contact.

When she did catch herself looking over at the zebra eventually, he was starting to take off his clothes one at a time and throwing each part somewhere in the room, even landing his underwear on her blue horn, but being quickly removed by her quick hands. Her expression did change accordingly into one of slight disgust. Wanting to give him a piece of her mind for carelessly throwing his boxers as the nocturnal princess turned back forwards him, laying eyes upon the zebra's now nude form. A semi-buff upper body with strong arms marked with various stripes that differed in size and were formerly hidden before the shirt had been removed a minute ago. His jeans had been wiggled off and dropped and the fate of his boxers was all too fresh in her memory. Leaving his penis in all its hard meaty glory to stand below the bit of the well taken care stripped pubic fur. A heavy looking pair of black balls accompany him a bit further down, covered in what seemed to be a layer of sweat from the long journey. Still wanting to speak up Luna was rudely interrupted by the muscular male that began to undress her with his own hands now that he was naked himself as she had failed to do as of this point.

Shortly after he started to undress the beauty that was Luna, she felt his hands pull her shirt over her head, robbing her of any vision for a short amount of time. It was the first thing of many that went flying from the princess forwards the metallic floor of the van. What followed beyond the shirt was her soft coated blue bra that he unlocked in no time, much to the alicorn's shock. Never had she seen a man so open and down to business like this. Naturally wanting to speak up for him to slow down, Luna opened her lips and felt his forced entry into her mouth with his tongue starting a war between their tongues with the lunar princess just wanting to push him out at first. All, while the rest of her small attire was ripped from her body with hunger behind every layer she dropped, till their lips separated and his tongue slipped out of her blueberry lips and returned with the taste of lipstick.

Now less connected than before the stranger began to finish undressing her fully in a matter of seconds. Luna noticed her nude state and went to hold her hands in front of her exposed body, but there was no way she would be hiding her coconuts from him with one hand, while her left hand was trying its best to keep her genitals out of his view.


Meanwhile, outside the van, Celestia was putting her ear against the metal van to listen for anything inside but had to get off thanks to the heat of the sun heating the outside of the van up by a sizable margin. Not knowing what was happening inside made her go crazy with guilt for putting her little sister into this situation. The solar goddess should have negotiated better. That was the conclusion she herself came to. Biting her lips that it would be over soon.

Then the van began to squeak and wobble.


At the same time as Celestia was trying to listen in on them, a different scene was preparing itself inside of the van. The blue alicorn mare had gotten spit at, straight on her face. Justifiably pissed from how the zebra was suddenly treating her, one of her hands got up to her face and whipped the spit off. Now showing her breasts in all his glory to him, with the small slightly more blueberry blue nipples stiffening in the cold air. "What in my sister's name do you think you are doing!?'' Suddenly all loud the blue alicorn was about to explode on him for this disrespect, but besides the angry response from the nightmare, she felt like her body had turned to stone in terms of moving. Perhaps that made it too easy for him to pull her closer to himself and look her straight in her blue eyes, with one finger holding her mouth open he spit straight into her mouth, much to her own surprise a soft slap on her right cheek followed pushing her lips shut and making her swallow the mixed spit of theirs.

"Get ready to learn your place bitch," came from the muscular zebra. His arms pushed the princess in a more fitting position for his first sexual act, but not before opening a small cabinet to the side of his mattress and pulling out a can of what seemed to be some sort of oil as Luna quickly felt him apply to her in large quantities till the bottle was empty and thrown into the small room to be forgotten. The princess' head was trying to figure out why she started to feel not anger, but lust, especially in such a humiliating position that he put her in. Said position had her ass facing upwards and her face was pushed into the mattress with way too many stains on it and held in place by the zebra's right hoof pushing her down. His cock now dangled close to her slightly darker blue colored outer lips and an even darker ponut.

Once more his hand grabbed a bottle, but with a different label on it. This time he wasn't aiming for her ass. Its destination was his own hard stallionhood which he rubbed the lubricant on with gusto. With both his free hands the rude stranger began groping her tight ass cheeks with her cutie mark firmly in his grasp. The thought of all the muscles that Luna's blue alicorn ass seemed to have would make the next moment even sweeter. "Anyone ever told you that your name sounds almost like anal when spelled backward?"

There was a split moment when Princess Luna did want to honestly ask what anal meant, but as this moment passed she felt the tip of his large stallionhood slip inside of her virgin asshole, and her question was answered before she even could ask. Stinging pain from the ruthless penetration made itself known all too quickly as her tight anal ring stretched to the absolute maximum of its capacity and her face was pushed even further into the mattress as the night princess let out several loud groans from the pain in her butt, but there was not only pain, but something else that she had felt too as he spit at her moments prior. It was pleasure, and soon the groans began to turn into moans.

The zebra brute began to stuff more and more of his thick magic stick up her tight shithole. Every inch that disappeared between her asshole's lips was adding to the pleasure she was feeling from reverse stimulation of her G-spot and that caused her to spray his large black balls with the first orgasm she had ever had since her return. The loudest moan yet left her lips, feeling him lean forward and go a step further as to grab her blue ponytail and press his hoof harder against her face that was still pressed tightly against the mattress, reminding her of her place.

Motivated by the sticky fluids dripping from his balls, the zebra would give her the ride of a lifetime. With great force he began to hammer into the night beauty, making a total mess of her in the process. Luna had her tongue hang out as he began to piston in and out of her tight anal ring. Going so far as to completely pull out and slam all the way in. Given the look on the lunar alicorn, she must have loved this. The same went for the moans his ears picked up, as the bitch was taking his superior dick. Said dick was slipping in like nothing since he spent one whole bottle of lubricant on his massive member. With one hand still keeping her ponytail firmly in his hand, another slipped thru and groped those fine fruits of hers. His fingers toyed around with her blue nipples and twisting them around slightly, listening to her moans at the same time like music in his ears.

The muscular stranger could feel his own orgasm approaching and decided to make it count with this bitch. The van shook and squeaked with the tempo increase and took the hoof holding her face down away from her and pressed her against a calendar hung on the wall next to the mattress featuring a barely clothed mare in fancy lingerie. With his speed increasing and the new position giving him a more firm stance, it was easy to go all out on Luna, who was now enjoying the rapidly slapping black balls against her wet marehood leaking more and more of her own cum on them. Effectively amplifying the slapping sound to fill the entire room with it.

The young alicorn's mind was ablaze when the speed increase hit her and the volume of her moans would be amplified as her tight anal muscles were massaging his large meatstick from the inside. She too felt how close he must be, and indeed after another minute of quick humping of her backside he hilted inside of her, but not without pulling on her ponytail and resting his ball sack on her vagina. The penis of his was twitching like wild as strings of cum were shot deep inside of her bowels filling the moon mare up with his hot babybatter. With the large cock finally starting to soften it wasn't long till the first bits of his semen leaked out of her hard fucked hole and forming a nice white circle just before the long rod was pulled out with a little help of its owner.

Exhausted from the action, Luna had fallen back on the white mattress with her head hanging off the stained bed. A shadow formed in front of her as the zebra was now standing in front of her with his half hard member towering next to her and his eyes looking down on her. He said three words, "Clean it, slut." This was all he needed to say, as her exhausted head lifted up and started to plant kisses and licks on the long cock, that moments prior had been fucking her ass. The taste was not one she would write home about but given where the cock had been it was definitely more pleasant than what she had expected. Like a vacuum cleaner, her blueberry lips worked their way around the entirety of the shrinking member until it was free from cum. Keeping eye contact with the more dominant zebra until she was done.

"Congratulations, I will take both of you to the next truck stop, but from there you have to find someone else to get you further." expecting the fucked bitch to scramble for her things on the ground he was positively surprised when she held a small piece of paper out to him where she had hastily scribbled something on it before she was quick to get ahold of her crown and the rest of her clothes. Exiting the car with a blush on her face, she left the zebra to read what she had given him. It was a note with a phone number on it. Her phone number