A Get-Together

by Ralrak

First published

Spike is asked a favor that is more than he bargains for.

Spike helps out his friends and their sisters after an embarrassing day at the spa a few days prior.

This story will feature Casual nudity, exhibitionism, and more

A Quiet Lunch

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It was a sweltering summer day when Spike knocked on the purple dutch doors at the back of his friend's home and shop at about 11 am.

"Coming!" sang a voice from inside. The doors open, and Rarity greeted the purple dragon. "Spikie! Welcome. Come in out of this wretched heat and sit down, darling. We have much to talk about," ushering her friend in as Spike greeted back, "Hey, Rarity. How are you?"

Spike saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack waiting at the table, munching on something.

"Howdy," and "Hammhmmmad," the two greeted Rarity, giving Rainbow Dash a look.

"Sup. Did you two just get off work?" Spike greeted and asked once he saw Rainbow Dash in her weather patrol uniform and Applejack in her overalls. He took a seat and saw the spread before him. "No, Sweetie Belle today?"

"I'm afraid, not dear. We planned a special lunch for the girls," Rarity said.

"Oh, that's nice of you. Well, how's the work doing, everyone?" Spike asked.

"Doing good. Growing season, which means its baking, repair, and relax season," said Applejack.

"All good here too. Training and such. The weather is supposed to be clear and hot for the next week, meaning just keeping the skies clear," Rainbow Dash said, taking a fork full of something onto her plate.

"Business is going well at all my boutiques," answered Rarity. "How're things with you? Is Twilight's trip going okay?" she then asked, putting a plate and a glass of ice tea in front of Spike and then topping off everyone else's glasses.

"Great with me too. Finally got done with all the heavy chores that Twilight left, and now it's just filing, book sorting, and studying," said Spike, placing a napkin on his lap. "No news on Twi, though."

"Well, if you get lonely, bored, or want to practice your nudity, give me a call," Rainbow Dash said, stuffing a large hunk of buttered bread into her mouth and gaining glares.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I'm sure Spike appreciates the offer," said Applejack, cutting something up on her plate.

Spike took a serving spoon full of some sort of pasta dish and put it on his plate, along with some mixed veggie salad and a roll. "Hey Rarity, did you do something with your hair?"

Rarity sat down with a smile and said, "Thank you for noticing. I dyed it a darker shade of violet. I think it matches this shirt quite well," She took a serving of salad and said, "I almost forgot," leaving the table and then the room. She re-entered the room with a bowl of assorted gems and placed them on the table next to Spike, saying, "I had these gems lying around, just gathering dust, so I thought you might like them. Don't worry, dear. I, of course, washed them for you."

"Thanks, Rarity!" Spike said. He scooped a few with the spoon at his place setting and started eating.

"Your hair is a darker purple?" Applejack asked, unable to tell if she was serious.

"Violet, but yes, darling," Rarity said, taking her seat.

"If you say so," Applejack said, dropping the subject.

"This is delicious. What is it?" asked Spike, gesturing to the pasta.

"I tried to make cacio e pepe," Rarity said, gleaming that someone tried her dish and loved it.

"Coco pepper?" Applejack asked.

"Close, dear. Its cacio e pepe. It means …. something and pepper in Itstallion," Rarity explained, fixing her plate.

"Cocoie means something?" Applejack asked, confused.

"Yes. I don't recall what. But I'm sure it will come to me," Rarity said.

"Spike, would you pass the bowl, please? I want something and peppers," Rainbow Dash asked, curious about the dish.

As Spike passed the bowl, Rarity stated, "No, dear. I mean something and peppers, but I don't remember what cacio means."

"I'm confused. I thought cocoie means something," Applejack said, taking the bowl from Rainbow Dash.

"I… Let us just eat, shall we?" Rarity suggested, stifling herself. Applejack and Rainbow Dash shrugged at each other and started to eat.

After lunch, Rarity ushered the three to her living room and returned with the tea and cakes.

"So Spike… There's a reason we asked you to lunch here today," Rarity said, after making sure everyone had their tea and cakes.

"Oh? What's up?" Spike asked.

"I… About the spa visits..." Applejack said, trailing off, not sure what to say next.

"Yes...Is this about what happened the other day? I'm sorry about that, and I already forgave Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. I'm trying to work on it not to happen again. Honest," Spike spoke, worried.

"It's not that, dear," Rarity said reassuringly. "It's that we are thinking about inviting our sisters along."

"Oh...oh. You don't want me to come along anymore?" Spike said, dejected.

"Oh, no sugar cube!" Applejack quickly said. "It's that we want to… introduce them to you," she then said, struggling to come up with the words.

"I know your sisters. I'm a bit lost here," Spike admitted, shifting in his seat.

"She means that they haven't visited that part of the spa before, and they want you and them to get nude together," Rainbow Dash blurted out.

"Rainbow!" Applejack chasted, annoyed.

"Oh…" Spike said, relieved and worried.

"We know you're new to this also. Do you have a problem with our sisters joining us? Maybe even joining a little… get-together so everyone will be comfortable? Since you're both around the same age, we thought we should ask," Rarity questioned.

"Not that you did anything wrong at the spa, Spike. It's just that we realized that we should have… tempered you to it," said Applejack, clearing her face of a few loose strands of blond hair.

"And if you are not comfortable with this, then we can just work out a solution that appeases everyone," Rarity said.

Spike cleared his throat and shifted in his chair again. "I don't have a problem with them joining us or have a problem meeting them like that. I assume you guys will be there, of course."

"We are planning on being there. We hoped Twilight could make it, but that didn't pan out well. But that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. There's a bit more to this also," Rarity said.

"And we want to… explain things to em," Applejack added.

"Things?" Spike asked, confused.

"We, umm… Rainbow, honey. Would you explain it to him?" Rarity requested, flustered.

"So basically, they want to combine this meeting into body positivity and sex-ed class," Rainbow Dash explained to the surprise of Rarity of the level of couth she used.

"I…. you lost me," Spike admitted. "The body positivity I get but sex-ed?" he asked, much more anxiously.

"There's a bit of background you should know. Scoots has body image issues. Since she can't fly, she admitted to me she kind of hates her body," Rainbow Dash explained, feeling guilty exposing her close friend's secrets.

"And Sweetie Belle has issues too. She's been very depressed lately. Since she's young and not..." Rarity paused, rolling her hand, thinking of the right word. "Developed yet as our mother or I was at her age, she thinks something is wrong with her. She also told our mother that she doesn't think she will ever become successful as me."

"I don't understand," Spike probed. "She doesn't think she will be successful?"

"Because I have several high-end successful boutiques, Sweetie thinks that everyone sees her failing to catch up to me, even if she somehow gets the same success. I feel awful about this, but I have no idea what to do," Rarity admitted, with tears already starting to form in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Sweetie and Scoots feel like that and that you two have to go through it. You seem like you need a second. Applejack?" Spike said.

"Applebloom has been skinny dipping with me and everyone in the Apple family. I would like her to meet you… in the buff, so she knows what she's getting into. Also, us Apples think something like sex-ed should be done more… practical like. And don't think Big Mac will like to model," Applejack explained.

"Okay. What about a model again?" Spike questioned in a worried tone.

"We want you to get a boner again," Rainbow Dash said, trying her best but failing to conceal a smirk.

"Ha Ha, Rainbow. Very funny," Spike said, relieved.

"She's….not joking, sugar cube," Applejack admitted.

Spike sat silent for a second, unable to tell if Applejack was joking either. He looked to Rarity, who was gauging his reaction. "Should I tell you what I like and don't like about this?" he then replied.

"We realize what we're asking is a big favor and, well, kind of goes against what you have been training the last few days, but I'm worried about Sweetie Belle. My parents and I are out of ideas," Rarity revealed.

"Girls, I don't know about this," Spike said.

"Please, Spike. We're out of idea all around here," Applejack asked.

Spike sat silently for a couple seconds. His mind was racing with everything he had felt over the last few days. "I… can't believe I'm saying this. I'll help. If your parents and Scootaloo's aunts or parents are okay with this," Spike said.

Rarity flew over to Spike and tightly embraced him, weeping, "Thank you so much, Spikie! You have no idea how much this means to us," the white snow mare slowly pulled off him, wiping her tears. "I'm sorry about that, Spikie."

"Don't worry about it. It will be my pleasure to help," Spike said, sealing what he was sure was his doom.

"And they can't know." Applejack said.

"Who can't know?" Spike asked.

"Scoots' aunts or parents. Granny or Big Mac. The Belles. And Twilight, either. We were planning on talking to the girls after this and swearing them to secrecy," Applejack explained.

"I see…. So what are the details then?" Spike asked.

"Well.." Applejack said, trailing off.

"See...About that... A lot of them know about us meeting together for the spa buuuut..." Rainbow Dash explained, trailing off as well.

"We talked to Twilight about the girls joining us. At dinner the other night, that is. And she seemed open to the idea of your meeting with them, but she doesn't know about..." Rarity said, trailing off like everyone else.

"The part about the sex-ed started yesterday. You agreeing is most of the plan so far," Rainbow Dash confessed.

"Okay, I see. Well, when and where are we all going to meet?" Spike asked, regretting agreeing to the makeshift plan.

"We were hoping you were free this afternoon. About three o'clock if that's works for you. But as to where... we haven't gotten that far yet," Rarity said, filling everyone's tea and placing more cakes on everyone's plate, with Spike getting an extra and last one.

"I was thinking on C.M.C. clubhouse. Only they go there now, and it's kinda deep into the orchard. If we do it there, I'll have a little surprise for everyone then," Applejack suggested.

"Okay, we have a time and a place. Just a plan to bring it together is all we need now," said Rainbow Dash.

"If I make a quick mock-up idea thing, will you guys think about it?" Spike said, forming a plan from years of working with Twilight.

The 3 mares nodded in agreement with Rarity saying, "We're asking the favor from you. I'm sure I speak for all of us that we can place our trust in a plan you make. Do you need a pen and paper? I have some at my desk over there," Rarity said.

"Thanks," Spike said, walking over and starting writing. Almost furiously, the pen flew across the paper while the other 3 mares chatted and came up with ideas of their own.

"So I'm basing this after what I kind of observed about myself after my first time with you guys. What do you think?" Spike offered, handing the paper to the 3 while he returned to his tea and cakes.

The 3 poured over his list of points and ideas, with Rarity asking, "Some of these ideas are rather good, but are you sure about the "Staredowns"?"

"I snuck peeks at everyone my first time. Sorry about that. But I realized later that I did it because I was curious about your bodies, not attracted. Not that you're not attractive… you get what I mean, I hope. If you want, we can just strike that idea," Spike explained bashfully.

"Oh, no. Now that you explained it, I can appreciate why it is there. I suppose I'm for it," Rarity said.

"We kinda did the same until we got enough of each other not care anymore. This is just getting the awkwardness out right away," Rainbow Dash agreed.

"What about this standing in a circle in talkin?" Applejack asked.

"I kinda developed that," Rainbow Dash admitted. "It was meant to distract Spike when he got a hard-on. My dad taught me that when I was embarrassed about taking showers after school sports."

"Exactly. If someone else gets... that way, we should teach them a method or two to calm down," Spike said.

"The sex-ed part just says, "Sex-Ed." Rarity commented.

"I will model, but you guys should come up with a lesson plan. I imagine that one of you should model for the female part, and I'll model for the male part," Spike said, regretting agreeing to it already.

"Right... Female part," Applejack said out loud to the group.

"Fair enough. It just says, "Surprise" here?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Applejack's surprise. By the way. Should we know it now or not?" Spike asked.

"I reckon I ought to tell you a part of it. I'll take you to a part of the farm unseen by anyone who's ain't an apple," Applejack explained.

"We should probably do that last then," Rainbow Dash said. "Can I add something? I want to do a quick yoga/ stretching thing. If we just kinda draw a name from a hat and a beginner stretch, then could all they see bodies in from."

"That's a good idea," Spike said.

"Well, I say we talk to the girls now," declared Applejack. "Oh… You will want to bring a few towels each." She then added.

"Sure thing," Spike said after finishing the last of his cakes and tea. "So, we're all in agreement then?"

"I do say we are. I'll see you all there.

3 o'clock

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Spike arrived at the C.M.C clubhouse with his bag at 3 o'clock. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Applebloom opened the door, which gave a piercing squeak, in just a towel, and greeted him.

"Hey, Spike..." Applebloom greeted in a bashful tone.

"Hey, Abs. Is Applejack here?" Spike asked, just as bashful.

"Na. My sis left after hanging out a while. She thought we should have refreshments and asked me to greet everyone," Applebloom explained.

"Are you already..." Spike said, trailing off and looking away out of politeness.

"Yeah, but I'm in a towel. I'm trying not to be bashful and such. Come on in and...well, it will be a lil weird if I was the only one in my birthday suit," Applebloom said, opening the door fully and trembling slightly.

"Of course," said Spike. He stepped inside, put his bag down, and spotted a chair in the room that had barely changed since Applebloom rebuilt it. "It's been ages since I've been in here. Good on you for having the drapes and floorboards the right color still," he then joked with no reaction from Applebloom. He sat down to take off his shoes when he noticed Applebloom staring. "Umm... Do you mind turning away? I'm still getting used to this myself," Spike asked.

"Sorry!" Applebloom said, quickly turning away.

"It's okay. That's why we're doing this," said Spike reassuringly. He started to take his clothes off and said, "I'm a little surprised that you already got nude."

"Well, we've been nude before. I've hung out naked in my room on super hot summer days like this. Alone though." Applebloom explained.

He took off the rest of his clothes and said, "I'm done. You can turn now."

Applebloom stood still for a second before unwrapping her towel and forcing herself to face Spike, holding the towel behind her back. She found Spike folding his clothes, not looking at her.

"So when did Applejack leave?" Spike asked, unzipping his bag to pull out the books and towels.

"About a couple minutes before you got here. I'm surprised that you two didn't bump into each other," Applebloom said.

"Well… I have some books here about body stuff and meditation if you want to read them. I also brought a pack of cards." Spike said, pulling out a towel.

"Cards, please," Applebloom chuckled.

Spike spotted some clothes in the corner as he walked to the center of the room and asked, "Did Applejack walk back naked?"

"Yeah. She said Big Mac and Granny saw us plenty of times," Applebloom said, taking a seat across Spike and finally seeing him from the front. "Oh...It's... multi-colored," Applebloom said once she saw Spike's manhood.

"What? Oh, yeah, it is." Spike said, shifting his knees to his chest to be more modest. While his member was concealed, his balls were revealed, showing the lime green plate scales on his stomach and chin.

"Sorry that was rude of me," Applebloom said, blushing.

"It's fine. Were you told what the plan of the day was?" Spike asked. "There was a part called staredowns where we stared at each other's bodies down to get over that awkwardness," he then said.

"If you can call what she told me a plan. Staredowns?" Applebloom asked, still turned away.

"My first trip to the spa, I took peeks at everyone. I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but it was my first time seeing anyone naked outside of my family. Even then, it was a long time ago since I saw my family naked. The idea is we're going to see each other naked. Might as well get it out of the way so we can relax and have fun," Spike explained, shifting his weight.

"That makes a lot of sense. So how do we do it?" Applebloom asked.

"I was thinking we just stand in front of each other and look until we say we're done. I can turn around, and you can stare at my backside if you want, and likewise," Spike suggested as he was mostly making plans up as he went.

"We stare at each other at the same time?" asked Applebloom.

"It's the fairest way I know how to do it unless you want to stand in front of me first," Spike said.

"I guess you're right. Let's do it," Applebloom said, quickly springing up.

Spike rose up at his own pace and stared at Applebloom, starting at her face to be polite. He noted she had a slender figure, like most girls of their age, but her muscles showed through her yellow skin with each flex. He also saw she had a very sharp farmer's tan at her shoulders. "I've just noticed you're wearing your bow still."

"Yeah, helps keep the hair out of my face while working while making me look cuter," Applebloom replied. "You're... big... and bumpy," she then said, looking at Spike's relaxed member, a dark purple at the base that changed to a crimson red at the head with some light blue patches.

"Yeah... I am. I've been cutting down on the sweets, though. I know I'm... corporal... it's kind of a dragon thing," Spike said, being cut off.

"No, Spike. I mean, you are big... down there. I would never call you fat," Applebloom said, waving her arms in a panic. "Also, you ain't fat! I've seen you walk past our farm with a gem hunt haul like nothing. If anything, you're powerful."

Spike laughed, saying, "Thank you, Applebloom. I know I'm not skinny either," He lowered his gaze and saw she shaven her mound bare, leaving a minor stubble. He thought about kneeling down to look directly at Applebloom's private spot but instantly thought against it. "So, hey, if I need to pardon myself for a minute, I hope that won't be a problem."

"What for?" Applebloom asked, relieved he took no offense.

"To be polite is the best way to put it," Spike explained. He saw Applebloom's breasts were developing further than her shirts and bra lead to believe. "She must be a c-cup or something. Ah crud, I was doing good. You can control yourself," He then thought.

"What?" Applebloom plainly asked.

"In case I get excided down there," Spike explained as he fidgeted.

"Oh, gotcha. But why not show it now and get it out of the way?" Applebloom asked. "Applejack said you were doing the sex-ed tradition thing."

"You'll see it later, but... I'm still collecting my nerve about it," said Spike. "I'm still getting used to all this myself. And it not like I'm just going around with it at full mast, you know?"

"That would be kinda embarrassing," Applebloom said. "Well, I think I'm done lookin at the front of you."

"Same. Want me to turn around first?" Spike asked.

"Sure," Applebloom said with a bit more enthusiasm than she meant.

Spike turned around and grabbed his tail. "I made it through that. Not bad, and it doesn't look like it grew that much," Spike said in relief.

Applebloom looked at Spike and said, "I didn't know your spikes ran all the way down there."

"My spikes? Yeah... You do know I have a tail, right," Spike awkwardly replied.

"Oh, I meant your back spikes will stick through your shirt, but I've never seen any at your waist." Applebloom quickly explained. "Can I touch them?"

"If you want. Just shoulder and above, please," Spike answered.

Applebloom reached out and felt one of the spikes. "Oh... It's hard as a rock. How do you sit?" she asked.

"My skews can go soft when I'm comfortable and flex well. I don't feel them most of the time," Spike said, feeling a soft touch of callous hands.

"So wait, you're not comfortable right now? I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was making ya uncomfortable," Applebloom apologized sincerely, taking her hands away.

"It's not you. It's just my first time being naked with a girl my age and everything," Spike explained.

"Well, I'm sorry about it anyway," Applebloom again apologized. She stared at Spike's rear for a bit longer. She saw a fair amount of cushion on him and thought better on commenting on it.
"Hey, Spike, I'm finished looking." She said, turning around for Spike's turn.

Spike turned to see Applebloom turned around with her tail off to the side already. Her red hair rested just above her lower back and was in the same style, with a ribbon at the back of her head and the rest of the hair flowing freely. The thing he noted was how flat her but cute her backside is.

"I'm done, I think. Wanna play cards now?" Spike asked after a minute.

"Sure," Applebloom answered back.

After a couple of games of Go-Fish, the two heard Applejack shouting. Applebloom took her towel and walked to the window to see Applejack hauling a wagon full of snacks.

"We'll be down in a second," Applebloom said.

Spike walked to the door without a towel, causing Applebloom to ask, "You're going out bare?"

"Is that a problem for you? I'll grab my towel if it is," Spike asked.

Applebloom thought for a second and threw her towel off, saying, "Nope."

The two greeted Applejack with her shouting back, "Hey, Spike. At least you're here on time. It was 3 when I left the kitchen."

"You did say 3, right? Rarity and Sweets I can see being fashionably late. Rainbow Dash and Scoots are never on time," Applebloom said, lifting a bushel of apples on her shoulder.

"Someone must have forgotten something," Spike said, carrying a platter of snacks and a pitcher of juice.

"I'm guessin. I'm surprised you two came out here like that," Applejack said, with a bag of paper cups, plates, and pitchers of ice water and juice.

"I was surprised that you walked back home like that," Spike said, halfway up the ramp.

Applejack placed her pitchers and asked, "So what you two been up to?" pouring herself a glass of water right after.

"We did the staredown," Spike said.

"Already?" Applejack asked, surprised.

"We thought it was best to get it out of the way while we wait for everyone else," Spike said back.

"That makes sense. I reckon that we ought to then also," Applejack suggested.

"Alright. Well, Abs and I just faced each other and took turns seeing each other's backs. Is that okay with you?" Spike asked.

"Sure is," Applejack said, facing Spike right away. Spike turned and looked right back.

Spike looked over Applejack's body, seeing almost pure muscle with a bit of extra. Her arms were strong. He noted she had a farmer's tan, but it was nearly unnoticeable with the rest of her orange, freckled skin. Spike forced himself to look at her breasts and saw they were bigger than average and heavy-looking. Spike usually saw her tie them up flat against herself to stay out of her way while working, not unlike what he had to do while working and dealing with his member. Spike remembered they were 34DD from when Spike helped Rarity make Applejack's dresses. His eyes worked their way down Applejack's body. Her abs looked like she was trying to obtain a six-pack and probably could if Applejack worked out for it if she wasn't already working most of the time. To his surprise, he then noticed that Applejack also shaved clean, allowing him to see her lower lips just hanging past the opening of her sex. "Okay. It's just a vagina and breasts. There no real reason to get excited," He thought to himself.

"Everything alright, Spike? You're a bit quiet," Applejack asked.

"Sorry. I'm trying to take notes of everyone's body," Spike said, suddenly breaking out of thought. "That came out wrong."

Applejack laughed and asked, "What now?"

"I'm trying to look at bodies, objectively and subjectively. Trying to see the body as a body while noticing what I'm seeing and how it affects me... That kinda came out wrong also." Spike explained.

"I think what you're sayin is that you're trying to see a boob as a boob and doing your best not to get excited," Applejack said with a grin. Applebloom laughed.

"Pretty much. Sorry. Twilight has been making me explain stuff more detailed for ambassador stuff," Spike said, laughing nervously back.

"Don't worry about it," Applejack said. "Now, need me to turn around too?"

"If you're comfortable about it," Spike said.

Applejack turned around without another word. Spike examined and noted that her shoulders also had freckles on them. She kept her hair in a ponytail that hung in front of her rear. Even with the tail hair covering her backside, Spike could tell the thick denim pants she usually wore held much more than a hand full. Applejack shifted her stance out of comfort, twisting her hips and causing her rear to jiggle slightly. Spike forced his eyes to look down and saw her legs were well-toned. Each leg was almost a tree trunk from the apple trees outside.

"I think I'm done looking. Your turn," Spike said, turning around.

"Hmm. Your spikes do go all the way down," Applejack giggled.

"Is that just a question everyone's been wondering about?" Spike asked.

"It's a question Applebloom asked before you got here," Applejack teased.

Applebloom's face instantly turned red from blush and said, "Don't say that! I was honestly just curious. Honest!"

Spike chuckled to himself and said, "Okay. Applejack, you done looking yet?"

"Yeah, I'm done. Sorry, Applebloom." Applejack said.

"It's okay. Let's just play some cards." Applebloom said, her face still red.

A Streak in the Orchard.

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After several dozen hands of 5 card draw, a knocking was at the door.

"Coming!" Applejack shouted. She got up and started to the door when Spike spoke up.

"Hey, Applejack. Applebloom got a good idea earlier. Let's wear towels until they are undressed. It's kinda shocking to open a door and see someone nude," Spike suggested.

"If you think it helps." Applejack replied, walking back for her towel. When Spike and Applebloom were ready, she opened the door.

"Hey, everyone. Sorry, we're late. We may have realized we forgot our stuff when we got to the edge of the farm," Rainbow Dash said, folding her wings back.

"No worries. Come on in," Spike said, waving the two in.

"Hey, Applejack. Spike. Bloom," Scootaloo greeted nervously, eyeing her friends in their towels as she folded her wings back too.

"Well, squirt. You ready?" Rainbow Dash asked, scruffing Scootaloo's hair.

"Kinda," Scootaloo mumbled, one arm to her side and the other reaching across her body for comfort.

"Well, how about a quick cup of juice first, then?" Spike suggested after seeing Scootaloo was nervous.

"Sure..." said Scootaloo, stiffly power walking to Spike.

"So Scootaloo, how's the scooter training going? I saw you riding up and down Main street this morning," Spike asked while mouthing to Rainbow Dash to change as Scootaloo looked away.

"It's going good. I almost can do a 1080 spin on a flat road now," Scootaloo said, "Without wings, that is," she then quickly added.

"Nice work, Scoots!" Rainbow Dash said as she wrapped the towel around her now bare body.

"Thanks!" Scootaloo said as she turned to Rainbow Dash, walking over to her. A shocked expression shot over Scootaloo's face when she saw her idol in a towel.

"So, working on any other tricks then?" Spike asked.

"What? Oh yeah. I'm trying to work on a thing where I ride on just the front wheel and balance on the handlebars at the same time," Scootaloo said. She fidgeted with her hands for a second and asked, "Could you guys turn around for a second? I think I'm ready."

"Sure thing, sugar cube." Applejack said with the group turning around.

"I…mind, if I use the chair?" Scootaloo asked.

"Not at all," Applebloom said. "So what's that trick going to be called Scoots?" she then asked.

"It's called a manual," Scootaloo said, taking a towel out of her bag and wrapping around herself as she undressed.

"Scoots has a great sense of balance. She could be a top gymnast with a slight bit of practice, I bet," Rainbow Dash boasted.

"I don't like that style of workout, though. I like it in the streets where I can do and wear what I want. Besides, I'll probably use my scooter jumps and tricks more than I'll use a cartwheel," Scootaloo said.

"Now, Scoots, it's not just how practical the sport is. Sometimes it's just trying to push your limitations and see how good you really are. That's how I can tell how good I am," Rainbow Dash bragged, earning eye rolls from everyone but Scootaloo.

"I guess. I just have a towel on now. Are we taking them off?" Scootaloo nervously said.

"If you're ready. Toss the towel to us, and we'll drop all of ours off too." Applebloom said.

Soon a balled towel few overheads of the group. In turn, everyone dropped their towels and turned around to face Scootaloo with a cheer.

"Grats on facing your nerves, Squirt," Rainbow Dash said, walker over and scuffing Scootaloo's hair.

"Thanks," Scootaloo replied, her face blushing.

"We were in a game of 5 card draw if you two want dealing in?" Applejack offered, picking up Scootaloo's towel and tossing it to her.

"Sure. We betting?" Rainbow Dash joked.

"Yeah. It's strip poker," Spike quipped back.

"Just deal." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Oh, wait. The staredowns," Applebloom said.

"What?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's where we just stare at each other one on one, so we don't get worried about peeking," Applebloom explained.

"Do I have to do that now?" Scootaloo asked in a mild panic.

"Of course not. We can wait until you're comfortable. Let's just play some cards," Spike said.

"Oh, good. Thank you," Scootaloo said, sitting down at the card pile.

"Where are they?" Scootaloo asked, slightly worried.

"I'm guessin it's just past 4 o'clock. Maybe I should give a call." Applejack suggested.

"I think you should," Rainbow Dash said, taking a bite of an apple.

"I'll be back in a jiffy," Applejack said, quickly leaving.

"She left without a towel?" Scootaloo said, amazed.

"Yeah. It ain't nothing my family, and we haven't seen before with the skinny dipping and the close quarters living we do." Applebloom said, taking 3 cards out of her hand.

"Skinny dipping?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah. When it's all hot in the growing season, an we're doing chores in the orchard. We take a quick break and go for a dip in one of the ponds." Applebloom said, taking 3 cards from Spike.

"I didn't know you guys were that daring," Scootaloo said, almost jealous.

"You want to join us sometimes?" Applebloom offered. "Offer stands for you guys also," she then added.

"I don't know if I can do that," Scootaloo said bashfully.

"Well, how about we work up to it? Help you push yourself to your limit," Rainbow Dash suggested.

Scootaloo took a deep breath and said, "Okay. What do we do?"

Rainbow Dash stood up, scratched her head, and said, "How about, with the staredown. You can look at me first. And if your comfortable, you can stare at Applebloom and Spike."

Scootaloo took a deep breath and said, "Alright. Let's do it. Applebloom, Spike, would you mind turning away for a bit?"

"Sure thing Scoots," Applebloom said, turning Spike away.

Spike and Applebloom heard murmurs and grumbles for a bit until the two heard Rainbow Dash ask, "So, Scootaloo, you ready to look at someone else?"

"I don't know. I guess," Scootaloo said, staring at the ground.

"Need a break already?" Rainbow Dash asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What? No. Applebloom, would you get over here already." Scootaloo quickly said impatiently.

"Well, hold your horses. I'm coming. Yeesh," Applebloom said as she got up. As she left, Rainbow Dash sat down in her place.

"How've things been?" Rainbow Dash asked as she sat.

"So far, so good. I wish we had more than cards," Spike said. "Wanna do a stare down too while we wait?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged and said, "Sure."

They both stood up and looked at each other.

"So... nervous about later?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Spike responded with, "Yeah, very. I'm still trying to collect my nerves," all the while never breaking his gaze on her breasts. "Not A cups but definitely not C cups. Her pecs don't really help," he then thought.

"Has Applejack filled you in with the lesson yet?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No. Not yet, anyway. You got an idea of what it is?" Spike asked back. "Abs and scars are still there, along with a small beauty mark. Which scars are those? The Changling invasions, a Daring Do adventure or a crash?" he then thought to himself after lowering his gaze.

"She and Rarity started on it, but I started to tune out," Rainbow Dash admitted.

Spike lowered his eyes more and saw a yellow and red lightning bolt was shaved on her mound. He looked a bit closer at it and noticed wings. "I didn't notice you shaved the Wonderbolts symbol down there," he then said.

"You better not be dissing it," Rainbow Dash said.

"I'm not. I think I'm done. Want me to turn around first?" Spike offered. He quickly turned around and hid his grin.

"So...We really haven't talked since that night," Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh yeah. I've been busy with the list that Twilight left, and you guys usually give me some privacy when she's out. Today is my first day to relax since she left... I don't harbor any bad feelings if that's what you're worried about," Spike said quietly.

"I was worried about. I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash said. "Also, I'm done looking at your butt."

Spike turned around and said, "Apology accepted." He held his tongue as he spotted her ponytail was held by a bright pink scrunchy. Spike lowered his gaze past her wings and saw the tight and toned butt of Rainbow Dash. "I wonder how many squats she does for such a nice ass," he thought to himself, following a moment of shock at himself. "Negative thoughts lead to negative actions. You know better. Calm down."

Spike looked away and said, "I'm done back here." I'm going to use it really quickly," quickly stepping outside, ignoring the door's screech, walking down the ramp, and out of sight. He sat under a tree for a minute, listened to cicadas' songs, felt the rough bark on his back, and how full his blatter was.

"Oh, crud, I do need to use it," Spike thought. He stood up and relieved himself. Spike realized how this was the first time he was naked outdoors and by himself.

"This doesn't feel wrong like I thought it would," he said to himself.

"You good?" Rainbow Dash asked as soon as Spike walked back in.

"Much better," Spike said, grabbing a wet nap.

"Just making sure. Scootaloo is ready to do the staredown with ya," Rainbow Dash said, gesturing to Scootaloo, who was tapping her foot.

Spike nodded and said, "Ready, Scoots?"

Scootaloo broke from her conversation with Applebloom and said, "I've been waiting for you."

Spike walked closer while studying Scootaloo's body. Her body was petite, with barely an ounce of fat on her body. "I hope she isn't starving herself so she can fly. Her breasts look like she isn't haven't even hit puberty yet," Spike thought. He also noted all the bruises and scrapes but thought nothing of them.

"So, Spike, how did you get wrapped up in all this? And why are you doing this?" Scootaloo asked, her eyes locked on Spike's loin.

"Kind of a long story," Spike answered.

"Well, what's the short version?" Scootaloo asked, looking up.

Spike thought for a second and said, "My first spa trip went wrong. After I left the spa, the idea got floated of inviting the CMC too. I was asked about you 3 joining us today. I... didn't want you, girls, to be uncomfortable like I was. We came up with a plan, and here we are. The staredowns are cause I noticed I peeked at everyone at the spa. I figured if I did it, so would others. So I suggested this so we can get the awkward peeking out of the way and relax," Spike explained.

"But aren't you embarrassed? And I thought boys got hard when looking at a girl," Scootaloo asked.

Spike looked up and noticed how much Scootaloo was blushing. "A little embarrassed. Some boys can get hard. I used to, but I've been practicing being comfortably nude since the spa thing. If you're interested, I brought some of the books I've been reading."

Scootaloo laughed and said, "Unless it's a "Daring Do" or a "AA V.S. SP" adventure, you can keep it."

Spike rolled his eyes and looked at her hips. He saw she keep her pubes trimmed down past the bikini line but still had a natural look. "Well, if you like, there is a few here you can borrow. And we do carry "Alien Alicorn Versus Space Pirates" series in the new library," he then said, "I'm done looking at your front."

"I'm not done waiting to see it grow," Scootaloo said.

Spike rubbed his eyes and said, "I assure you won't see me get a boner until the sex-ed part," the words leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

"He's right, Scoots. He's been with me all day and been polite the whole time." Applebloom chimed in.

Rainbow Dash sighed and said, "Scootaloo, don't be rude like that. You know Spike isn't like that."

Scootaloo sighed, "Sorry," turning around first.

Spike looked down at the back half of Scootaloo. Spike noted her butt was flat and had large bruises. Her legs looked to be the same. "I hope she doesn't keep pushing herself so hard," he thought.

"I'm done looking back here," Spike said, turning around for Scootaloo.

"Hey, Spike, I got a question," Scootaloo said.

"What is it?" Spike asked. He looked at the pictures on the wall of past failures, memories, and the cutie mark crusaders' successes.

"Can I touch it?" Scootaloo asked, somehow looking like a begging pet.

"Touch what?" Spike asked.

"No, Scoots! No touching. We're just getting used to each other's natural state," said Rainbow Dash.

"But I've never touched one before and only seen ones that big in pictures," Scootaloo admitted.

It finally dawned on Spike what she wanted to touch and chimed in, saying, "No, Scoots. Are you done looking?"

"I am," Scootaloo said dispiritedly.

"Now squirt, don't sound so down. You faced your nerves and got nude in front of your friends. How about you put your towel on and follow me?" Rainbow Dash said, grabbing her towel and walking outside. The door only screeched at a less than bursting eardrum level this time.

"I'll be there in a second," Scootaloo shouted, standing up. She wrapped her towel around her and followed Rainbow Dash out.

"Might as well see what they are going to do and cheer them," Spike said, shrugging and standing.

"Eyup," Applebloom answered back, walking to the front window with Spike.

The two inside watched the two outside walk to a tree. After a second, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo draped their towels over their shoulders and walked back to the front of the clubhouse.

"Think you're ready for that green apple tree over there?" Applebloom shouted.

"Piece of cake," Scootaloo shouted back with her newfound confidence. The two walked over to the green apple tree that Applebloom pointed back.

"Way to go! I have an idea. Come back here." Spike shouted.

"What's your idea?" Applebloom asked.

"Grab your towel, and I'll tell everyone," Spike said, walking back to his and passing Applebloom's towel to her.

Spike held the towel in his hand as he met with the other 3 at the ramp and suggested, "How about a couple little challenges to help Scoots push herself? No towel backups."

"Great idea, Spike. How about you guys touch the green apple tree again?" Rainbow Dash suggested. "I'll watch your towels here."

"Okay!" Scootaloo said, tossing her towel to Rainbow Dash and the others doing the same.

The 3 walked to the tree when Applebloom asked, "How about to that small pond now?"

"No problem," said Spike, already heading over.

When they got there, Scootaloo said, "Come on, guys. I'm looking for a challenge."

"Well, come up with the last one. One that will push yourself," Applebloom suggested.

Scootaloo thought for a couple of seconds. With a sudden pounding of her hand with her fist, she said, "I got it! We'll walk all the way to your house, Applebloom!"

"What?" Applebloom shouted.

"Don't tell me you're afraid?" Scootaloo chastised back.

"I'm not afraid. I bet you won't even make it halfway. You're on!" Applebloom retorted back.

"I'm willing to come with you, but I think we should stop off at the clubhouse first and tell Rainbow. I don't want her to think we ditched her or got hurt," Spike suggested. What he thought was, "I've made an enormous mistake."

Scootaloo crossed her arms and stared at the two before saying, "Fine. We'll tell Rainbow Dash not to wait up. Last one there is a rotten egg!" and ran off.

"Hey!" Applebloom shouted while she and Spike chased after her.

Scootaloo got to the clubhouse first with Applebloom a second behind and Spike far behind.

As Spike ran, he had to grab his member to keep from bouncing. "This is going to be a problem if I got to do this more," he thought.

"You should start running more," Scootaloo suggested.

"I'll…. Think… about it," Spike spoke in between his pants.

"Hey, Rainbow!" Scootaloo shouted.

After a second, Rainbow Dash popped out the screeching door and shouted back, "What up, guys?"

"For the final challenge, we're going to the Apple house," Scootaloo shouted, softer this time.

"Hold up," Rainbow Dash said, walking back inside. She came back out a second later with their towels and tossed them to the group. "Take the towels with you, just in case, and stay as a group."

"Okay!" Scootaloo shouted back, catching the towels. "Take my towel, will ya Spike?" she then asked.

"Mine too," Applebloom said, waving her hand to Scootaloo.

Spike took the towels and walked after them.

After a couple minutes of being out of sight of the clubhouse, the two girls became twitchy.

"Hey, Spike. Hand me my towel, would ya? I'm starting to sweat a bit," Scootaloo asked.

"Me too, please," Applebloom said.

"It is a hot day. If you're sure. I mean, if it's really for the sweat, that is." Spike said, smiling.

"Of course, it's for the sweat," Scootaloo said, wiping her brow to show how much sweat there was. The 3 stopped to see a hand that looked dry.

"There's no sweat on your hand at all," Applebloom said, now wiping her head to outdo Scootaloo, sticking her hand out to prove she was sweating.

"There's no sweat on you either," Scootaloo said.

"If both of you are saying you're not sweaty, then let's keep walking," Spike said, keeping the towels. "You two argue like your sisters."

"But… drat," Scootaloo and Applebloom said simultaneously. "And we do not!" simultaneously said again.

The 3 arrived at the house just as Applejack stepped out the door.

"What in tarnation are you 3 doing here? Where's Dash?" Applejack asked, surprised.

"Rainbow Dash is back at the clubhouse. I invited Scootaloo to dip with us if she felt like it. But, she was too embarrassed, so we are just helping her work up so she won't be so nervous," Applebloom explained. She started to cover herself but stopped.

"Well… I did say you could invite them, considering. Kinda surprised you did that since you don't allow us to even see you swimmin, Applebloom. Since it's on our farm and you brought towels, just in case. I reckon you didn't do anything wrong," Applejack said. "Sorry for the shock. I just didn't expect you guys to be more daring than Winoa begging for scraps from Granny at hearth's warming eve."

"Wait, was she not skinny dipping before?" Scootaloo asked, facing and pointing to Applebloom, who gave the face of "Please shut up."

"Well, I guess not in the true sense." Applejack said, scratching her head. "She kept her undies and shirt on and kinda kept on the side. Dryin' off, she kept behind us too. Well, let's head inside so you can thank the family as such."

"What?" The two girls said in unison, Spike swallowing hard.

"What? You'll see Big Mac and each other in the buff when we swim. You guys walked all the way over here in the buff! Don't tell me you're getting cold feet now? It's polite manners that you three should thank the family," Applejack said.

"No. I'm just..." Scootaloo paused to search for the words.

"We'll be with you, Scootaloo. Every step of the way. What do you want to do?" Spike said.

Scootaloo took a deep breath and said, "Spike, could you put my towel down next to that tree? I don't need a backup for meeting the Apples."

"Mine too," Applebloom said.

"All three towels it is," Spike said, mentally kicking himself as he put the towels down.

Applejack led the 3 into the house and into the living room. Granny Smith was knitting, and Big Mac held her yarn, listening to scratchy music playing on the record player.

"Hey, y'all. Real quick," Applejack said as walking back in. "Scootaloo and Spike accept our offer to come swimming with us, and they just wanted to say thanks for accepting them."

The three joined the rest of the Apple family in the living room. Scootaloo stiffly said, "Thank you for inviting us for everything," She grabbed her arm from behind her back to keep herself from covering.

"It's very kind of you all for allowing us to join you," Spike said more casually with his hands at his side.

"Well, you guys are honorary family, after all. I can tell y'all are nervous but don't be. It's not anything I haven't seen in my years anyway. And I'm sure Macintosh here has seen plenty of everything living a house filled with women," Granny Smith reassuringly said.

"Eyup," added Big Mac, blushing.

"Will you be shedding your clothes now, too, Applebloom?" Granny Smith asked.

"I will," Applebloom said.

"Well, we don't want to keep you guys from having fun. Have you showed them yet, Applejack?" Granny Smith then asked.

"Not yet. Going to show everyone when everyone got here, and Rarity and Sweetie just left. We should head back, now that you said it," Applejack said.

"Alright, then. Have fun." Granny Smith said, returning to her knitting.

The 4 left the house, and as soon a Scootaloo touched the dirt, she started jumping while shaking her fists in the air while emitting a high pitch "EEEEEE" sound.

"You did good, girls! And Spike," Applejack said, walking over to pick up the towels.

"Yeah!" Applebloom shouted while fist-pounding the air.

Spike just wiped his face of his non-existent sweat and breathed deep. "So what about Rarity and Sweetie? They coming still then?" he asked after a couple of breaths.

Applejack was picking up their towels and said, "They just left after I talked to them. We better get goin' if we're going to get to the clubhouse before them."

"Right!" Scootaloo said, dashing away already.

"We better get going just to keep up with Scoots," Applebloom said, taking off, Spike and Applejack following after.

As Spike ran, he had to hold himself again. Unfortunately for him, he had to run next to Applejack jog, who held her large breasts to her chest to keep them from bouncing. Spike thought about her letting go of them and watching them bounce before he slapped himself out of it in the literal sense.

"You alright there, Spike?" Applejack asked, hearing the slap.

"Never better!" Spike choked out, suddenly taking note of his now half-mast member. "Haven't streaked before, is all."

Applejack handed him his towel and said, "If you need to pump the breaks, don't be afraid to do so. We're asking a lot of you today, but you set your limits."

Spike wrapped the towel around his waist and said, "Thanks. I just don't want anyone to be ashamed like I was. I'm sure it will be up here from here."

"That's the spirit!" Applejack said. "I'm going to run ahead a bit."

Spike then watched Applejack's behind slowly speed ahead of him. Muscular while plump. As he watched, he noticed a slight bounce to her. She then leaned forward to run faster, and he saw her lower lips. Applejack didn't have a streamlined look like Rainbow Dash. The inner lips were visible like Pinkie Pie's but didn't hang out. He then noticed he was hitting his stomach with his lower erection and readjusted the towel. He was still peeking out over the towel but keeping him secure against him for the rest of the run.

Spike was the last to arrive. He spotted Rainbow Dash, leaning on the railing and drinking some juice, and adjusted his towel to cover himself.

"There you are, squirt. I was just about to go looking for you." Rainbow Dash said as she walked down the ramp to him.

"Yeah. Hey, mind if we talk out here for a bit? I…." Spike asked.

"What's up?" Rainbow Dash asked back.

"Many views and feelings came up on that run, and I need to cool down, so to speak," Spike admitted, pointing at his waist.

"Oh, sure. Uhh…. How's Twilight's trip going?" Rainbow Dash asked, understanding right away.

"I got a message after lunch. The visit is going good in Saddle Arabia. Twilight and Luna will submit a modified pact to include the Friendship Kingdoms. Hopefully, they will sign it," Spike said, taking a seat close to Rainbow Dash.

"Hopefully?" said Rainbow Dash, concerned and confused. "Why wouldn't they sign it?"

"Saddle Arabian empire, while a long-time ally to Equestria, Saddle Arabian empire is quite conservative when it comes to outside influences. Something like this… will take some time. I honestly doubt they will sign it. At least not this year and without months of debate," Spike explained.

"Something tells me you might know something you're not letting on." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well... when I was still a hatchling, one of my first memories involved the king and queen of Saddle Arabia. It was my feeding time. I was at the table as mom fed me gems and eggs while the king and queen were there. They seemed… horrified and afraid. They had their child with them too. We were playing before but weren't allowed to play together after that," Spike explained.

"I'm sorry to hear that. You said mom there." Rainbow Dash said, turning to Spike.

"In private, I call Princess Celestia, mom. In public, I'm supposed to call her Princess Celestia. Just royal politics stuff," Spike said, taking a peek at himself to see if he calmed down yet.

"I thought Twilight and her family raised you after she hatched you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Twi hatched me, but Princess Celestia raised me until I was about 6, I think. Twilight would have been 13. I grew up with Twilight as a big sister, basically. One day, I was given 3 days' notice that I would be living with the Sparkles and assisting Twilight with her studies. She, Princess Celestia, that is, tried to make the days special, but I wasn't the same after that. It was a hard move for me. For a while after, I stopped calling her mom. I never really got a reason why I had to move. I lived with the Sparkles until Twilight, and I moved out here. Sorry that got kinda depressing, didn't it," said Spike, kinda looking into the horizon at nothing in particular.

Rainbow Dash hugged Spike tightly and said, "I had no idea."

Spike fought tears, returning the hug, and said, "Thank you."

The two sat for a bit longer before Spike suggested they grab a treat.

Confessions and Discoveries.

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"So that was the plan for today. Some things excluded," Spike said to Applebloom and Scootaloo.

"When they get here, what's the plan then?" Scootaloo asked.

Spike shrugged and took a bite of an apple. "What time is it?" he said after he swallowed.

"I'll check," Scootaloo said, walking to her bag. She pulled out a watch and said, "It is 17:05."

"What? That's not a time!" Applebloom exclaimed, walking over to Scootaloo and the watch that said 17:05. "Why, Scoots? Why?" she then asked, already defeated.

"I don't know. This is how the watch tells time. It used to tell time normally, but I was trying to use the stopwatch on it, and it did that. So I stopped messing with it."

"That military time," Rainbow Dash said, walking over with Applejack. “It 5:05pm. Should we just start without them?"

"We can't start without them. Rarity was planning the lesson," Applejack said.

"Why is she planning it? I thought it was an Apple family tradition," Spike asked.

"As hoity-toity as she is, I thought she'd be better speaking and explaining in front of y'all than I would. And she insisted on doing the Apple lessons but her way," explained Applejack.

"Lesson?" Scootaloo said in disgust. "I didn't wanna learn today."

"Trust me, I don't like the lesson idea much either," Spike replied.

"There they are!" Applebloom said. "Hey guys!" she then shouted out the window.

"Towels, everyone!" Applejack reminded, walking to her own.

Everyone rushed to gather their towels and put them on. A knock at the door was soon heard, and everyone stopped to see who would open the door.

Spike took the first step after an awkward second. He opened the screeching door and greeted, "Rarity! Sweetie! Welcome."

Rarity took a step inside and said, "Hello, everyone! Already started without us, I see."

Sweetie Belle walked in with her hand over her eyes. "Are they already…?" she asked.

"We wear towels until everyone is undressed," Applejack explained.

"I don't know about this," Sweetie Belle said, hand still camped to her face.

"Sweetie. They are all just wearing towels. You're not going to get an eyeful of anything you haven't seen already. Well, not yet anyway. Just close your eyes, take your hand away, and count to three," Rarity said, putting a hand on Sweetie Belle's shoulder.

Sweetie Belle lowered her hand, counted to 3, and opened her eyes to see everyone smiling. "Hi, everyone," She said bashfully.

"Hey, Sweetie," Scootaloo and Applebloom said in unison.

"So you two, what took ya?" Spike asked. "Someone came in at the last second or something?"

"Why yes, Spike. One of my more ... influential customers. She needed a little hemming done, and you know the season around here. The Gala has already passed, and no balls or parties are about to happen. Wearing fewer clothes cause it's so hot out. Speaking of which, do you happen to have water or something?" Rarity asked.

"Sure do. Water and apple juice. Also, some tasty treats and apples, of course," Applejack said, walking over to the counter.

"I'll have water, dear," Rarity said.

"Sure thing. Sweetie?" Applejack asked, pouring a glass of water.

"I'm fine," Sweetie Belle said, still uncomfortable.

Applejack handed the water to Rarity, who took a long sip.

"Thank you, Applejack. I had no idea how parched I was," Rarity said gratefully. "Shall we disrobe now?" she then asked.

"If you like. We've been doing a thing where we face away from the person undressing. Once they are ready, we take our towels off all at once and face ya," Spike explained.

"What if… someone doesn't want to take their clothes off?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Then we don't take our towels off or continue, really. All together and no one alone," said Spike.

"So, if I disrobe now?" Rarity asked, confused about the new rules.

"You put on a towel until Sweetie undresses," Applebloom explained.

"Okay, turn around then," Rarity said, with everyone but Sweetie Belle facing away.

"How can you do this?" Sweetie asked.

"Whatever do you mean? I have seen Rainbow Dash and Applejack bare plenty of times at the spa and Spike a few days ago with us," Rarity said, sitting down in the chair, taking her shoes and pantie hose off.

"But Spike is a boy!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Spike is more important than that. Spike is a dear and great friend of ours. He's helped us, and we helped him many times. Could you unzip me and unhook me, Sweetie?" Rarity asked, pointing to her dress.

"I don't want to. I don't think I should, I mean," Sweetie Belle said, crossing her arms and looking at the ground.

"Sweetie… Very well, then. Spike, could you be a dear and unzip my dress and unhook my brassiere?" Rarity asked.

"Oh...Sure," Spike said nervously. He walked over and gently pulled down the zipper of Rarity's dress. Once that fell to the floor, he grabbed the two straps, fumbling before unhooking them. "There you go," he nervously said, walking back to the line and facing away.

"First time undressing a girl, Spike?" Rainbow Dash cheekily asked, causing the dragon to fidget from bashfulness and giggles from the two girls in towels.

"Oh, hush, Rainbow Dash," Applejack said, grinning.

"There. I'm in my towel now," Rarity said.

"Is Sweetie…?" asked Scootaloo.

"I'm not going undress," Sweetie said.

There was a short awkward silence before Spike quickly said, "That's fine."

"What?" Sweetie Belle asked, off guard.

"It's fine. We don't want to rush anyone. Why don't you want to undress?" Spike explained. Everyone else watched, trying to figure out where this was going.

"I don't like being nude with so many people. Even if you're all my friends. And you're a boy! I don't want to be seen by a boy," Sweetie Belle said.

Spike took a deep breath and thought for a second.

Sweetie Belle mistook the pause and said, "I'm sorry, Spike. I didn't mean to insult you."

"Don't worry about it. I understand what you mean. I wasn't offended. Just thinking of something. If we all left this room and it was just you and Rarity or you, Applebloom, and Scootaloo. Would you consider being in just a towel then?" Spike asked.

"Maybe? Why do you care, anyway? You probably just want to see us naked," Sweetie Belle retorted.

"Sweetie Belle! Please watch your tone. I can understand being nervous, but don't be rude," Rarity sternly warned.

"It's okay, Rarity. Sweetie, we're doing this because your sister wants to treat us to spa day once in a while. I've been invited to the spa group also. My first time was… uncomfortable, so we've been trying to find a way to help make this comfortable for you girls. I don't want anyone to feel like how I did. Maybe we can switch spa day visits or something if the reason is me. The last thing I want is for someone to be left out. I know how that feels," Spike explained.

"As if you're uncomfortable. Do you know what it's like being in a room full of naked friends and family?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I do. We're both in the same room right now," Spike said.

"Yeah, but do you know how it is to be singled out in that room?" Sweetie Belle said.

Spike froze for a second, along with Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.

"Sweetie..." Rarity said. "There was an incident the other day."

"Let me tell you how my first spa day went, but on a few conditions. First that this story will never be discussed with anyone else, please. It could destroy a few reputations, and I've already forgiven the parties involved. Can we all agree with that?" Spike asked.

Everyone nodded except for Sweetie, but Spike continued anyway. "Second is that if I tell this story, you have to get nude."

"What?" Sweetie Belle squeaked, shocked.

"This was the most humiliating, embarrassing, and painful moment. I'm still recovering from it," Spike said.

"What if I don't then or don't think it's even slightly embarrassing?" Sweetie asked.

"If you don't after hearing what happened to me, I'll just put my clothes on and leave. You won't ever have to worry about hearing from me again... about this anyway," said Spike.

No one said anything at first. "Maybe we should calm down and..." Rarity said, being interrupted by Sweetie Belle.

"Fine. Tell the story," Sweetie Belle abruptly said.

"Almost every week, I walked my friends to the spa. They always described to me what it was like. I always wanted to join them. To join my sister. We both have done everything together since we got to Ponyville. Helped here at the farm. Rainbow Dash with her training. Rarity with her boutiques. The invasions and the attacks we fought alongside. Finally, I got to join them a few days ago. I got in the giant soak tub with everyone. I was getting excited... down there, so I broke away from the group to calm down. Two friends, who I won't name, came over. I thought they were checking up on me. They saw me... and it... and did some teasing. Bending over and stretching in front of me. Then my towel was snatched, and I had to do what they said to get it back. I sat down, and they sat on both sides of me. After a minute or so, they picked me up and made sure everyone saw me with myself fully standing proud."

Rainbow Dash cringed at hearing the story.

"No way! That happened. Rarity?" Sweetie Belle said, turning to her sister.

"It's true," Rarity said, embarrassed for Spike and her friends.

"Everyone was mortified except the two who picked me up. They were laughing so hard they dropped me. I just stood there in shock, thinking the whole invitation was a joke to do that to me. Thinking I was just a joke. I don't think I even cover myself for a good minute. Everyone started to shout at each other before I snapped out of it. I grabbed my towel, but it sunk to the bottom of the tub. I searched before I heard someone asked, "Are you okay, Spike?" I finally found my towel, and all I could say was, "I'm going home now," I walked to the locker room. I put on my clothes and left. I felt like crying, like bawling, but was in too much pain and shock. I don't think it was from me getting an erection in front of friends but the out-of-the-blue betrayal," Then Spike apologized, saying, "I'm sorry for yelling at you. You don't have to get nude. I shouldn't have said that. I was just trying to help."

Sweetie swallowed hard and said, "I'm sorry too. It's just..." she paused. "Can we talk outside?"

"Sure," Spike said with a gentle smile. He walked to the door and opened it, saying, "Ladies first."

Sweetie Belle walked through, saying, "Thank you," back.

"Think she is going to tell him?" Scootaloo loudly asked.

"Hush!" Applebloom hissed.

"Tell him what, dear?" Rarity asked.

The two girls froze stiff before Applejack asked: "Is there something we should know?"

"All yours, Scoots," Applebloom said.

"You can take it. I insist," Scootaloo replied.

"Girls. Please. It's my sister we're talking about. What is it?" Rarity asked, almost begging.

"You didn't hear it from us, but Sweetie Belle may or may not have a crush on a certain purple dragon friend of ours," Scootaloo admitted.

"She..." Rarity said in shock.

"Now, Rare, it ain't your fault for not seeing such things," Applejack said.

"We're trying to get her to expose herself to her crush without realizing it," Rarity said.

"That's... a fair point," Rainbow Dash said, not knowing what she would say next, so she stopped talking.

"Well, they walked out the door in good terms anyway," Applebloom said. "And if something does go wrong, we'll be here for them."

"I... you're right. I feel like... I never considered her feelings at all," Rarity said.

"Now, Rar, you are far from unempathetic. If anything, you can tell something is wrong with someone faster than most. I'm sure Applebloom hides stuff from me, and I would feel terrible for not knowing if I found out about it. Right, Applebloom?" Applejack reassuringly said.

"I think there's a thing in the Equestrian constitution, but I don't remember what it is, so I'm pleading ignorance," Applebloom said, trying to lighten the mood.

"So why didn't you guys tell us about Sweetie's crush?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She asked us not to," Scootaloo admitted.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle and Spike sat under the clubhouse.

"So..." Spike said after a second of silence.

"I..." Sweetie Belle started but suddenly stopped.

"Sorry again," Spike said after another moment of silence.

"What? No. I..." Sweetie Belle said, trailing off.

"What's on your mind, Sweetie? If it's about getting nude, we can just ask everyone to allow you to wear a towel or only underwear or just stay dressed, and we can continue with the things," Spike suggested.

"It's not that. It's..." Sweetie Belle said, face contorting, trying to speak.

Spike trying to have a neutral facial expression, asked, "Are you trying to sneeze?"

Sweetie Belle covered her face with both her hands and lay facedown.

"Want to talk about something else for a bit?" Spike asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

A muffled "Yes," came from Sweetie Belle as she rolled over.

"How about your singing? I heard you at the boutique the other day," Spike suggested.

"You heard me?" Sweetie Belle shrieked, rolling back over.

"Okay. Bad topic. But for the record, you sang beautifully," Spike said.

Sweetie Belle muffled voice said, "Thank you."

"How about..." Spike said, searching for a topic but seeing nothing but the orchard, "Trees."

"Trees?" Sweetie Belle said without rolling over.

"Yeah. There were these trees I miss back in Canterlot. There's the Royal park there. There are these trees there that are just out of this world. About tall as an oak, but they have these wonderful flowers that grow on them in spring. Big long purple leaves, and among them are these bright red flower blossoms that grow on them. The leaves turn either completely snow-white or this darkest black anyone has ever laid eyes on in the fall. I always loved those trees. They're in the back corner of the park. Almost no one goes there," Spike said, half lost in his memories.

"They sound gorgeous," Sweetie Belle said, now on her back. "What are they called?"

"I don't know. There was never a placard there or anything. The park keepers, botanists, the guards, and adventures never seen them in their travel," Spike said.

"Well...What did you call them?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I always called them Clash trees. It's not just because of the colors, but it's like, they don't even belong in our world," Spike said.

"I hope to see them one day," Sweetie Belle said.

"I hope to see them again, too," Spike said. "Now, could you do me a favor?"

"What?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Face that way, away from me. I wanna try something," Spike asked.

"Ooookay," Sweetie Belle said, turning around and confused.

"I need you to relax as much as possible," Spike requested.

"Alright," Sweetie Belle said.

"So I read this in a book once, so bear with me. Close your eyes. I'm going to ask you random questions. Just try to answer them as fast as possible. Ready?" Spike asked.

"Ready," Sweetie Belle said, exhaling and loosening up.

"What's your name?" Spike asked.

"Sweetie Belle," Sweetie Belle responded.

"What is 2 plus 2?" Spike then asked.

"4," Sweetie Belle then answered.

"Do you like the smell of flowers?" Spike asked.

"Yes," Sweetie Belle said, trying to relax.

"Do you have all the fingers on your left hand?" Spike asked.

"Yes," Sweetie Belle answered, off guard by what was asked.

"What is 2 plus 2?" Spike asked again.

"4. you asked that already," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yes, I did. When you woke up this morning, was the sun already up?" Spike asked.

Sweetie Belle paused and said, "Yes, the sun was up."

"Is the color of your hair black?" Spike asked.

"No," Sweetie Belle said, cringing at the time she dyed it black. She pushed the memory out of her mind and continued.

"Do you eat soup with a knife?" Spike asked.

"No," Sweetie Belle said, giggling at the image.

"What were you trying to say earlier?" Spike asked.

"I love you," Sweetie Belle said as every nerve woke up in her body in panic.

Spike froze as he wasn't expecting it as an answer. "Was not expecting that. You played that off very cool," Spike said, unsure what else to say.

"How could you make me say it like that?" Sweetie Belle cried.

"I'm sorry! I had no idea you liked me! You really needed to say something, and... do you hate me?" Spike asked.

"I don't hate you, you dummy," Sweetie Belle said, tears welling up in her eyes. She got on her knees and faced Spike.

Spike smiled and wiped a teardrop off of Sweetie Belle's face. "Do you feel better now, at least?" he asked.

"Kinda. More different than anything, Sweetie Belle said begrudgingly.

"But not bad?" Spike asked, shuffling himself over to her side.

"No," Sweetie Belle admitted, scootching herself closer to Spike.

Spike took a deep breath and said, "I'll admit, I haven't thought of you that way. If you want, we can talk about it. I like you enough to try that, at least."

"Thank you, Spike," Sweetie Belle said, pausing for a half-second, then suddenly pecking a kiss on Spike's lips, wrapping her arms around him.

Spike giggled and wrapped his arms around her.

A sudden piercing screech of the clubhouse door followed by the deck's footsteps caused the two to jump back from each other out of fear. Spike quickly rushed back over and placed his arm around Sweetie Belle.

"Is everything alright?" Rarity asked, noticing the arms wrapped around each other.

"I think we're doing good now. Wouldn't you say?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, good," Sweetie Belle answered, laying her head on Spike's shoulder.

"Wonderful. You two had us all worried for a bit. Would you like to come inside now?" Rarity asked, shifting her towel and smiling about the two's embrace.

Spike turned to Sweetie Belle, looking for an answer.

"Would you guys mind giving me another minute to myself?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Of course. Take all the time you need. Would you like me to head on in also?" Spike asked back.

"Yes, please. I'll see you in a minute," Sweetie said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Spike gave a kiss back and got up. He smiled at Rarity, who smiled back, pleased that they were happy. The 2 walked up and opened the screeching door again.

Everyone looked at Spike and Rarity as they entered. Applebloom spoke first, saying, "I win Scoots. That smile is so big, they had to be kissing."

"With a smile that big, Sweetie kissed first, I bet," Scootaloo replied, giggling.

"Girls," Rainbow Dash and Applejack said in unison but with different tones.

"We're just teasing. Sorry, Spike," said Applebloom.

"I know. Don't worry about it," Spike said, walking to his cup of juice.

The door suddenly popped open. Everyone looked to see Sweetie Belle with all her clothes in hand.

Rarity was the first to screech, "Sweetie! You did it!" running up and hugging her.

Applebloom and Scootaloo dropped their towels, ran to their friend, shouted, "Sweetie!" and hugged her.

"Girls!" Sweetie Belle said, dropping her clothes from the onslaught of love.

Spike set his juice and towel down and walked over to Sweetie Belle. "We're proud of you," he said, joining the hug.

"Give the girl some air," Applejack said after a minute.

The group let Sweetie Belle walk inside.

"So we're a bit behind schedule, but I'm sure we can get back on track." Rarity said.

"Hey Rar, do you still got that list?" Applejack asked.

"I do," Rarity said, walking to her bag.

"List?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"We have a series of exercises to help you 4 come more comfortable with your bodies and each other's bodies," Rarity said. "Let's see... Yoga cards."

"I kind of, maybe forgot those," Rainbow Dash sheepishly admitted. "But I can just lead. I do a lot of beginners ones for my warm-up stretches for workouts."

Rarity sighed and suggested, "Okay, how about the staredowns?"

"When we first started the spa trips, we kept peeking at each other until we got enough to stop looking. Spike admitted to us that he did the same at the start of his spa trip. Sorry to out ya, Spike," Rainbow Dash explained, apologizing after a glare from Spike.

"So Spike suggested we just do a hard stare at each other's bits, so we don't keep peeking at each other. Get it out of the way and not do it in a... Rarity, what's a good word for it?" Applejack asked.

"I should think that voyeuristic would be best used," Rarity said.

"But that was planned on everyone being here at the same time. We've been doing it as we went along," Spike added.

"Sorry about that. So how have you been doing it then?" Rarity asked.

"Well, Rarity, you and Sweetie probably want to pair first. Both stare at each other's fronts. Then one turns around, and then the other turns around. We wait until you two are done and then the next pair and so on," Spike explained.

"Sweetie, how does that plan sound?" Rarity asked.

"I'm good with that," Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, what do we do?" Scootaloo asked as the two unicorn sisters walked away.

"What do you think of more staredowns?" Rainbow Dash suggested. "We can each take turns being stared at by everyone. One on one is one thing, but sometimes you get to be the center of attention, and that will be something that will happen."

"That ain't a bad idea. You wanna start us off?" Applejack said.

"Of course! Who wouldn't want to look at me?" Rainbow Dash boasted.

The others stared at Rainbow Dash as she flexed into a pose and then another. After a couple of minutes, Rarity joined the circle and tapped on Applebloom's shoulder, saying, "I think you or Scootaloo should go next."

Applebloom nodded, saying, "Gotcha," as she rose up and walked to Sweetie Belle.

"Let's see. Scootaloo, your turn, squirt," Rainbow Dash said.

"Alright," Scootaloo said nervously. Scootaloo quickly took Rainbow Dash's place and waited to pose. Her heart raced as she felt everyone's eyes.

"I'll just stand in the back and just do the poses I do," instructed Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo simply nodded, following as she saw Rainbow Dash place her feet under her, lifting up one leg. Rainbow Dash folded her arms behind her head, arching her back while setting the lifted foot to her inner thigh. Her wings unfolded, and she stretched parallel to her back but hit the wall.

"You guys mind taking a step or two forward? My wings are hitting the wall," Rainbow Dash asked. "Now, this is called a tree pose..."

As everyone stepped forward and listened to Rainbow Dash as she resumed her pose, Scootaloo thought, "They can see everything now," as her heart raced even more.

"Okay, now flip sides," Rainbow Dash then instructed, doing the same. "And don't forget to breathe, Scoots," she added.

"Right!" Scootaloo said back. "Just calm yourself and breath!" her mind said to itself in a panic. She glanced over to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, casually talking to each other and giggling. "Hurry up, you two!" she thought.

"Okay, everyone, would you take a few steps forward again? I got to lay on my back for this one," Rainbow Dash asked. The group obliged and took a few more steps towards Scootaloo.

As Scootaloo rested from her pose, she saw Rainbow Dash lie on her back but then spread her legs to about shoulder width. To Scootaloo's horror, she planted her feet to where her knees were and slowly thrust her hips up. Scootaloo laid down but took a moment to move.

"You okay, Scoots?" Spike asked, seeing herself strain.

"Just a bit of a hard workout for me this morning," Scootaloo said as she nervously planted her feet and raised her hips. "This can't get worse!" She thought.

"Now, your arms should be clasped under you, with your pinky down and your shoulder blades clenched," Rainbow Dash said, twisting her body to check on Scootaloo.

"Now, guys, this is how a bridge pose should be done for Earth and Unicorn equestrians, but us Pegusus have different muscles for our wings. For us, Scootaloo, you need to move your feet out about another foot's width out past your shoulder," Rainbow Dash explained.

"Right!" Scootaloo said, cracking her voice and reluctantly spreading her legs. "It got worse! I can feel myself burning up down there. Do they notice?" She thought as she trembled. Her eyes met with Spike's for a second as he realized something, freezing her in panic as he spoke.

"Hey, Rainbow! How should a draconian do that pose?" Spike asked very loudly, hopping over the side of the group and causing a loud thud when he landed, making sure to get everyone's attention.

Rainbow Dash, off guard, got up and said, "For you? Let's see!"

Scootaloo collapsed as they all turned to Spike. She quickly got up but was stopped by Applebloom.

"Your turn... You alright? I've never seen you this red in the face?" Applebloom asked.

"Yeah, just gotta use the bathroom first!" Scootaloo said as she quickly ran out the door of the hut.

Applebloom shrugged but saw she had left the toilet paper next to the door.

She grabbed the toilet paper and ran to the window, shouting, "Scoots! You forgot the paper!"

"Dang, she just kept running!" Applebloom asked.

"Well... Rainbow Dash, how about you run that out to her? I'll take Scootaloo's place with Sweetie Belle," Spike suggested as he quickly rose up, panting slightly.

Rainbow Dash quickly took the toilet paper and ran after her.

"Spike, what going on?" Applejack asked.

"I'll tell you later," Spike said as he walked to Sweetie Belle.

"Hope you don't mine me instead of Scootaloo," Spike asked nervously.

"Kinda. Sorry, I'm still getting used to this," Sweetie Belle said.

"Don't worry. I understand. Want to wait for Scootaloo or..." Spike asked.

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, thinking for a second. "No. Let's do this."

Spike smiled and placed his arms behind his back. Sweetie Belle grabbed her forearm, lightly hugging herself, and stared back.

To Spike's surprise, he wanted to cover himself up with Sweetie Belle staring at him. "Breath and take note. This is no different than Scootaloo or Applebloom or any other of your friends," he thought.

"Can I touch your shoulders too?" Sweetie Belle asked with a deep blush.

"What?" Spike asked, being brought out his own thoughts.

"Well, I heard Scootaloo got to feel your shoulders and... Never mind," Sweetie Belle explained.

"Go right ahead," Spike quickly said.

Sweetie Belle stepped forward and raised her hands to Spike's shoulder. "They feel harder than they look," she said in almost a giggle.

"Yeah," Spike agreed, relieved that the ice was broken but unsure what else to say. "Can I feel your shoulders?"

"Sure," Sweetie Belle said, flustered and braced for Spike's touch.

Spike placed his hand on the white mare's shoulder and tried to ignore how red in the face Sweetie Belle became.

"Soft and silky," Spike thought. Voice behind him said, "I've never seen her this red before. Not even after the school presentation where she... I better not say."

Spike and Sweetie Belle turned their heads and saw their friends staring at them. Spike quickly retracted his hand when Sweetie Belle warned, "You better not mention that again, Applebloom!"

"I ain't the one getting handsy with my crush after a half-hour," Applebloom cheekily said.

"Now, Applebloom. Knock that off. You two over that can continue, and sorry for staring and interrupting, right?" Applejack said.

"Right," Applebloom said.

Spike nodded, accepting their apology, and turned back to a crimson-faced Sweetie Belle. He put his hands behind his back and started to take notes. He smiled as she cleared her curly hair from her face, revealing her emerald green eyes. She smiled back once she saw Spike smile at her. Her frame was very slender, with her ribs and muscles pronounced. "I hope she isn't starving herself," he thought. He saw her breasts were already large and supple-looking. "Is she that apprehensive about her breast staying at a C? Is she comparing herself to Rarity's large bust?" he asked himself. Spike continued his view down and her flat stomach. Her mound was hairless but with signs of stubble.

"Hey, Spike, is my body weird?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Spike snapped out of his train of thought and replied, "I don't think so. I mean, from someone of another species, you're stunning."

Sweetie Belle seemed relieved and asked, "Stunning?"

Spike cleared his throat and said, "Yeah, stunning. You have really expressive eyes and a beautiful smile. A great voice also. I'm sorry if I stink at complementing you... Is my body weird?"

"No. You have... Nevermind. I'm too embarrassed to say. I think I'm done staring at your front," Sweetie Belle said.

"Okay, I'll turn first then," Spike said. As he did, the door let another ear-piercing screech again, and Scootaloo walked inside, followed by Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash nodded as she walked past and pretended as nothing had happened with the rest of the group.

"Hey, Spike, could you lift your tail?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Oh sure," said Spike, lifting his tail. "I think you're the first who's asked that today."

"Well, you have a cute butt," Sweetie Belle admitted.

After a minute, Sweetie Belle spoke up again, saying, "I think I'm done. Your turn."

Spike turned around and saw Sweetie Belle's backside. She pulled her hair and tail aside and exposed her back. To Spike, everything seemed ordinary for him. It was the fifth butt he had seen that day, not really exciting him as much as the first or second time. That was until Sweetie Belle leaned forward somewhat, using her body to hide her hand and spreading a butt cheek on the other side of the group. Spike couldn't help but stare. He side-eye glanced at the group, and they didn't notice anything.

Spike continued to look at Sweetie Belle's backside until he had to stop himself.

"I'm good with my staring. Are you ready for Scootaloo?" Spike said with a cracking voice once he started to feel himself move down there.

Sweetie Belle quickly straightened up and nodded yes. Spike saw a heavy blush on Sweetie Belle. He grabbed her hand and asked, "Need a moment to calm down first?" hoping she would say yes for his own sake.

"I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry. I thought I had to do something for you and... sorry," replied Sweetie Belle, still shocked.

"Don't fret over it. I can't say I'm disappointed," Spike admitted. "You are pretty back there too."

"Stop making me blush," Sweetie Belle begged.

"Hey, you two! Is it my turn yet?" Scootaloo asked from the other side of the room.

"You ready for Scootaloo, Sweetie?" Spike asked with a smile.

"I'm ready. Thank you, Spike," Sweetie Belle said, letting go of Spike's hand.

The dragon and the pegase switched places. Spike watched the two for a second before turning his attention to Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash staring at him.

Applejack turned her head and asked, "Hey Applebloom, since we're almost done with the pair and stares or whatever it's' called. Would you mind keeping Scoots and Sweetie company while we prepare something?"

"Sure," Applebloom said, leaving to the other side of the room.

"So, Spike, dear. Are you still ready to help with the lesson?" Rarity asked.

Spike swallowed hard and nodded.

Lesson Prep

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"Let's move ahead, shall we? I think it's time for the lesson," Rarity said aloud to everyone.

Spike swallowed hard again while Rarity continued, "We will need a moment to prepare, so go and relax, and we'll return when ready. Spike a word, please."

"So..." Spike opened while he started to hear chatting and giggling from the 3 young mares behind him.

"Would you step outside with us? We think it would be better to prepare you out of here," requested Rarity as she picked up her bag.

"Sure," Spike said, drumming his fingers on his thigh.

"We'll be right back. Just got to make sure everything is set up and stuff," Rainbow Dash said, leading Spike, Rarity, and Applejack as they grabbed their towels outside. The four walked behind the clubhouse and out a little way.

"I still don't really get why you don't just use pictures or something?" Spike asked.

"It's Apple family tradition to use real bodies for teaching about this kind of stuff, Spike," Applejack answered.

"We will use pictures, but we want them to see that a body is just a body; hence the modeling," Rarity added.

"Well, what does the lesson include anyway?" Spike nervously asked.

"After the ... opening ceremony, it's going to be anatomy. You, Spike, will want to be... let's say, ready when we start. I will ask a few things like why is your... well, I'm going to have to say it anyway, your penis is bumpy and rough. Also, certain things about your personal life, like when you hit puberty. I will also ask if it's alright about fetishes if you have any," Rarity explained.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. What are fetishes?" Spike then asked.

"Things or ideas that arouse you," Rarity said, raising an eyebrow at the question. "Do you not have any?" She asked.

"Maybe? I don't think I do," Spike said sheepishly.

"Well, we'll get to it, and we can figure it out," Rainbow Dash said with a wink.

"Also, it's probably better now to ask then. I would like permission now to touch your body," Rarity requested.

Spike took a deep breath and said, "Sure, I guess," resigning to the lesson.

"Thank you," Rarity said, turning her attention to Applejack to review the lesson.

Spike tried to calm himself by focusing on breathing and tuning out everything around him. A hand on his shoulder suddenly ripped Spike out of his trance.

"Sugar cube... ya seem more nervous than a long tail cat in a room full of rockin chairs. Do you need help?" Applejack asked.

"Not going to lie. I don't think I can do this," Spike admitted.

"We know this might be difficult for you, but we know you can do this. Is there anything we can do to help?" Applejack offered a warm voice.

"Maybe we can pose or lend a hand?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

Applejack furrowed her brow, about to scold but was cut off by Rainbow Dash, saying, "I'm serious, A.J. He has to sit there and maintain an erection. You know it isn't as easy as it sounds, especially when on display in front of girls who are friends and who are giggly most days."

Applejack apologized, "I'm sorry, Dash. You're right. Spike, this is my family's tradition, all be it a more ... open this time, so with request away if you need anything from me."

"From us. All of us," Rarity added.

Spike nodded, swallowing hard.

"I have an idea if everyone is willing. Spike lay down, cross your arms over your chest, and close your eyes," Rainbow Dash suggested.

Spike nodded and followed Rainbow Dash's directions, breathing deeply. He heard muffled whispers and grunts around him and felt small nudges on his shoulders and thighs but couldn't picture what was happening.

"Now, Spike, relax," Rainbow Dash said. Spike heard a few other muffled sounds before Rainbow Dash spoke, "We're taking your hands, and you'll feel some things, but don't open your eyes yet. But when you want, go ahead and lightly squeeze."

Spike felt hands on his wrist and allowed his arms to be taken. His soon felt smooth and warm surfaces. He felt hands slowly moving up and down his chest and stomach, slowly lowering each stroke. His hands felt something warm he couldn't place his finger on, but one side was softer. They dragged his hands back and forth, up and down, and over and under.

"Okay, Spike. Open your eyes," Rainbow Dash said.

Spike saw Rainbow Dash squatting above his waist when he opened his eyes, her hands spreading her lower blue lips. Rarity and Applejack were squatted next to him, mimicking Rainbow Dash. Applejack looked calm and almost welcoming to Spike. Rarity looked slightly perturbed about the situation but still smiled.

Many emotions went through the young drake's mind all at once. Spike tried to speak, but his mouth silently opened and closed, and his chest rapidly rose and fell in panic.

"Too much, dear?" Rarity asked, whose look of annoyance quickly turned to compassion.

Spike nodded and softly said, "A little," controlling his breathing to a shallow breath.

"Well, it worked," Rainbow Dash said, raising herself to show Spike's manhood rose, sliding off of Rainbow Dash and flopping onto his stomach.

"I think we should go now," Spike said.

"Afraid of losing your erection that fast?" Rainbow Dash asked while helping her friends up.

Spike grabbed Rainbow Dash's hand and replied, "More of losing my nerve," poorly covering himself out of modesty and politeness.

"You know, we never got a good look the other day," Applejack said, eyes locked on the dragon's enormous erection, Rarity doing the same.

"Might as well show them, Spike," Rainbow Dash agreed, walking behind the dragon.

"Really?" Spike asked incredulously.

"We're all going to see it anyway," Rarity said. Her eyes moved up to speak to him but quickly went back down.

"Yeah, but," Spike said, trying to think of an argument, knowing she was right.

"Think of it like this. Would you rather reveal that thing to two groups of three close friends or one group of six close friends?" Rainbow Dash asked, slowly moving her arms over to Spike's.

"Well..." Spike said, knowing how this was going to end. He waited for Rainbow Dash to rip his arms away. But as he looked down, he saw two open palms.

"This is your choice here. I'm not going to make that mistake again," Rainbow Dash whispered. With those words, he trusted them. Spike took a deep breath and slowly released his grip on himself, grabbing Rainbow Dash's hands and trusting her. She sucked air as Spike clenched her hands to the point of pain her. She used her Wounderbolts training to ignore it and helped her dragon friend.

"Well, dang Spike, didn't know you had 2 tails," Applejack commented.

"Some dragons do have 2 front "tails." Twilight and I saw them that time when Spike became dragonlord for a few minutes," Rarity explained.

Rainbow Dash whispered, "Just breathe in and breathe out. Pretend you're like a fox in the wild, and two hikers are admiring you," to Spike, who loosened his grip.

"Well, we should get this, I dare say, immaculate and exquisite display on the stage," Rarity said, handing the towel to Spike, who quickly grabbed it.

"You should hang out and bounce," Applejack suggested.

"Why?" Spike asked.

"I noticed earlier that you become... more ready when you bounce," Applejack admitted.

Spike cleared his throat in realization and said, "So earlier..."

"I noticed. Told Rainbow, and she waited for ya while I kept bloom and scoots busy," Applejack explained.

"Sorry... and thank you. It was all the movement and the excitement and um..." Spike nervously said.

"Oh my! You got excited before I got here, dear?" Rarity asked, surprised.

"Yeah, once. There was just a lot of... energy at the time. Mind if we just leave it at that?" Spike asked as the clubhouse came into view.

"Sure you don't wanna say how were kept staring at my backside while you lagged behind?" Applejack joked.

Spike looked away, mortified. "Sorry. I was just trying to cut the tension. I wasn't really chastened ya or anything," Applejack said.

"I deserved that. Mind if we talk about something else?" Spike asked, ashamed.

"You didn't deserve that! I was wrongly teasing ya," Applejack quickly apologized, ashamed of herself.

There was an awkward silence before Rarity broke it, saying, "But anyway, I didn't mean to pry, dear. I think I should go in first and gather the girls for the lesson. I'll start explaining and call you in. The chair will be set up, and we can start teaching."

"Alright," Spike despondently said.

"Maybe we should get you off once before you go up there, Spike," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"What?" Spike asked in shock.

"Rainbow?" Applejack warned.

"Well, Spike, you can last much longer on your second round," Rainbow Dash said playfully.

"And how do you know that, dear?" Rarity cheekily asked.

Rainbow Dash shrugged and said, "Let's say past experiences. Nothing more than what we're doing now."

Applejack and Rarity looked suspiciously at Rainbow Dash and then at Spike. "Alright. You do have a point. Spike, would you like a quicky or something?" Applejack then said.

"Perhaps Rarity should do it," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"What? Why should I do it?" Rarity asked in an offended and almost disgusted tone.

"Because you will get used to each other's touch," Rainbow Dash said, subtlely nodding to Spike.

Rarity looked down at Spike, who looked like his soul got crushed by a ton of bricks. "Spikey-wikey, I didn't mean it to sound like that. ," she quickly tried to explain.

"It's fine," Spike said in a brusque tone, "Let's just help your sisters or whatever," quickly walking ahead.

"Well, there goes that idea," Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Spike. Please. I honestly didn't mean it like that," Rarity said, rushing to Spike.

"Got it. You didn't mean it. Let's just help your sister now," Spike said, continuing walking.

"Darling. My tone was for the casualness of the act. Not the act with you. Honest! We can head behind a tree or something if you want," Rarity tried to offer.

"I understand," Spike simply said. "I'm not doing this to get with any of you girls or anything like that. I'm helping friends with the full knowledge that doing a good deed is the reward."

Applejack ran up and whispered to Rarity, "Let me try somthin," then said, "Hey, Spike. Maybe you should take a second to cool off."

"I'm fine," Spike gruffly said.

"Oh, come on. Let's just sit for a minute. You can keep the towel on, and we don't have to do anything," Applejack offered as she sat beside an apple tree.

Spike begrudgingly sat down next to Applejack as Rainbow Dash and Rarity joined them. Rarity and Rainbow Dash stared at Applejack as she just put her hands behind her head and tilted her hat down a little.

"What are we doing?" Rainbow Dash quietly asked Applejack.

"We're just sitting for a spell. That's all," Applejack replied.

Rainbow Dash sighed and then asked, "What about the girls?"

Applejack tilted her hat up and said, "We said it was goin to be a bit. They can wait."

Rainbow Dash shrugged, shaking her head.

They sat silently for a couple of minutes until Rarity said, "Hey, Spike. I'm sorry for the way I sounded. I'm nervous too. It wasn't about doing stuff with you."

"I know you didn't mean it. I'm just nervous. It's... It was like hearing "Ew, Gross!" when a guy asks a girl out," Spike said.

"Wait. Has that happened to you, Spike?" Rarity asked.

Spike groaned and said, "Yeah. It was a while ago."

"Who?" Rarity asked in a vexed tone.

"It was a while ago and..." Spike said before being interrupted.

"Who?" Rarity now demanded.

"Hey, Rar. Maybe ya should take a deep breath," Applejack said, tilting her hat back up.

Rarity relaxed and said, "Sorry about that. Spike, whoever said that to you is simply the most ludicrously idiotic being this world ever has or will see."

Spike smiled and said, "Thank you."

"We should tell him more of the lesson," Applejack said, getting up to stretch. She sat back down with the group.

Spike scratched his head and asked, "Didn't you tell me everything already?"

"We started talking about it, but the whole touching thing came up," Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh. Right," Spike mumbled.

"So after lectures, there's going to be more of a Q and A thing. I'll expand on any questions the girls have. Then we'll talk about our experiences and habits, so if something comes up, they won't be afraid to talk to us," Rarity explained.

"And that's it?" Spike asked.

"Not quite, sugar cube. Then we probably have the most important part. The position demo thingies," Applejack explained. Spike stared blankly at her until she said, "You know. Sex positions."

"You're joking, right? You're not really saying you want me to have actual sex there, are you?" Spike asked, afraid of the answer.

Applejack and Rarity awkwardly looked at each other while Rainbow Dash said, "I told you that wasn't going to fly."

"Well, Rainbow Dash, you never told us why. Oh, shoot, Sweetie Belle too..." Rarity replied.

"I said that I shouldn't say it and that Spike should be the one to say it. I'm sure Sweetie Belle would be fine with it. It's not like you told her the lesson before we got here? Right?" Rainbow Dash replied back.

Rarity sighed deeply and revealed, "She may have walked into my office while I was busy with something and saw the lesson plan. It's part of the reason we were so late."

"Rarity, the lesson was supposed to be a surprise. So, Spike, we mean it. We give tips on what to do and shouldn't do. Foreplay and whatnot. Why, I'd say it's the main reason the Apple family has been so fruitful," Applejack explained.

"Well, Spike, do you have an issue with it?" Rarity asked.

Spike looked away and mumbled.

"What was that, dear?" Rarity asked again.

"I'm a virgin," Spike said, ashamed. "I have a little experience, but I haven't had sex."

Applejack and Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash, who just shrugged.

"Sorry, Spike. We've noticed you are a bit of a tease with the ladies, and we kinda thought you were experienced in that kind of thing. Well...If you want to lose your cherry..." Applejack started to offer.

"No!... Sorry, but no. I'm... I wanted to save it for someone special," Spike said, cringing at himself.

Applejack placed her hand on Spike's shoulder and said, "Hey now, Mr. Romantic. There's nothing wrong with that. We can figure something out, like, we can just place a towel down there or somthin," looking down and spotting that Spike was half hard.

"I have an idea," Rarity said, reaching into her bag. She then pulled out a small bottle, squirted some of the contents into her hand, and gently started to spread the white cream onto Spike's hardening manhood.

Spike gasped and squirmed as she started straddling Spike and placing his erection between her butt cheeks.

"Rarity..." Spike cooed as Rarity asked, "Girls, how does this look?"

"Heydoggin the thing? That could work. Try to move up and down a bit," Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey, wait. maybeeeeee," Spike moaned as Rarity pushed herself up and down on Spike's lap, her breasts bouncing on his face.

"What were you saying, dear?" Rarity asked with a wry smile.

"Also, what was that cute moan, shug?" Applejack asked with a mischievous smile of her own.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this? What if...What if I... cum on you," Spike sheepishly said, bearly thinking straight anymore.

Rarity smiled softly and said, "That's very gentlemanly of you. I suppose it would be an issue. Rainbow Dash, dear, would you hand me my bag?" Rarity slowly rose up, hoping to get another moan from Spike that she adored, and then squeegeed the cream off Spike's manhood.

"Say, Rarity, what kind of cream is that anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked as she held the bag to Rarity, spreading the cream over her breasts.

"Oh, just a body lotion I whip up. Spike, be a dear and spread the lotion while I look in my bag?" Rarity asked.

"You mean..." Spike tried to ask.

"Yes, Spike. The lotion on my breasts," Rarity clarified.

Spike slowly reached up. His fingers nervously grazed the pair of breasts he had dreamed of since moving to Ponyville. Gradually, he started to spread the lotion around past the point of the white of the cream dissolved into the white of Rarity's breasts.

"Wanna bet on how long until he notices he done?" Rainbow Dash asked Applejack, lightly elbowing the farmgirl's shoulder.

"Spike dear, while you're welcome to keep playing with my breasts, we still have things to do," Rarity playfully said.

Spike stopped, shocked at himself. "Rarity, I am so sorry," he quickly apologized.

"Oh, stop that. You're helping us. The least we can do is let you have a little fun. Now, lay down and spread the rest of the lotion," Rarity asked.

Spike laid down, confused about what Rarity meant, until she turned around. As Rarity worked on undoing the condom, she crouched over Spike's chest, presenting her plot, still coated with some lotion. He slowly reached up and put his hands on the snow-white mare. As he ran his hands up and down, Spike felt Rarity grab his member, causing him to gasp and twitch.

"Well, now, aren't we ready?" Rarity said as she took the condom out of the wrapper and put it in her mouth. With one smooth motion, she quickly stuck the massive member in her mouth to his knot and slowly pulled it back out, giving it a lick on the head that caused Spike to jerk.

"Well, I'll be Rarity. You surprise me with newer and newer skills every day," Applejack said.

Spike, lost in ecstasy and instinct, grabbed Rarity's waist and pulled her close to his face. His tongue slithered out of his mouth and started to flick at the white lips when he finally heard Rarity talking to him.

"Spike, darling. I'm glad I got your attention. I was about to smother you to get it," Rarity said.

"I'm sorry! I didn't hurt you, did I?" Spike asked with panic, his hands flying off of the white mare.

"Oh no, dear. I want to remain a bit more professional looking for the thing. So, could you not lick me down there?" Rarity asked.

Spike unclenched his body in relief. "Sorry. When I get excited, I kind of get an urge to... repay it," he said, unsure how to say it.

"That's kind of you, dear, but let me concentrate on pleasuring you," Rarity said, continuing right after.

Spike ran his hands up and down Rarity's backside before forcing himself to place them on the ground in reluctant acceptance. He bucked his hips slightly and quietly gasped.

"If you want to put that tongue to work, Spike, maybe I can help. I wouldn't mind a lil warm-up before we get in there. Do you mind, Rars?" Applejack suggested after seeing Spike's frustration.

Rarity stopped bobbing her head and said, "Not at all, dear. Just let me move." She quickly repositioned so to where her breasts almost smothered Spike's shaft, leaving the now-sensitive head exposed to her.

Applejack let Spike enjoy the view of Rarity before straddling the dragon's face. Spike gently embraced the orange mare and pulled her closer to him. His tongue slid out and started to taste her outer lips. The forked tongue quickly but gently entered the cowgirl, swirling inside and making Applejack shiver.

"Why aren't we eager," Applejack said, relaxing even more into Spike's face.

Spike quickly drew his tongue back in and apologized, "S-Sorry about that. Want me to s..."

"Now, sugar cube, if I wanted you to stop, I would have said so," Applejack said, pushing her sex right into Spike's face.

Spike took Applejack's cue and fully extended his tongue, making her gasp in delight. As his tongue freely explored her, his grip on her tightened.

"Don't stop, Spike," Applejack panted as she started to massage her own beasts and sway her hips like she was on a rodeo. Her clit rubbed Spike's nose with each roll and shot lightenings of pleasure into her entire body.

"Damn, maybe I should have let him taste me. I can already tell how wet I am. Everyone is already going to know how red and puffy it can get now," Rarity thought. Her hand slowly left one of her breasts, squeezing Spike's privates and now making its way down to her own.

"What's your hand doing, Rarity?" Rainbow Dash asked in a whisper. She landed next to Rarity on her side, using her wings to prop herself as her own hand had the idea as Rarity's.

"Oh darn her... She timed this, I know it," Rarity thought. Her hand moved a little more and then gently scratched her stomach before returning to her breast again. She rose up, letting the dragon's member out of her mouth, and quietly said, "Just, uh, scratching an itch, dear." Rarity then spotted how Rainbow Dash was playing herself and quickly started to use her mouth on Spike again to stop herself from cussing out Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash gently rubbed the now lotion-soaked rear of Rarity and said, "You know, you look kind of... wanting right now. If you ask Spike for help, I'm sure he would."

Rarity quickly sat upright, hiding her backside, saying, "I'm perfectly alright, Dash! Who would have thought a teen boy would even last this long?"

"Well, you are using a condom. If you want to speed this up a little bit, take it off," Rainbow Dash suggested.

Rarity kept rhythmically moving her hand up and down as she thought about it. "Spikie, dear, I'm going to take off the condom. I know you're a gentleman, so do give me a warning," Rarity said, slipping off the latex tube. Spike gave a thumbs up in acknowledgment and continued to make Applejack pant and sweat.

Rarity quickly bent back down, sliding her hands on Spike's member, her mouth following. As she used one hand to tickle his balls, the other followed her own lips as they rode up and down the sensitive flesh. When she came to the top, her hand swirled on his head. He waved his arms, hitting the ground, thrusting and bucking his hips.

"Uh, Rarity," Rainbow Dash started before being interrupted.

"Golly!... Ra... Rarity, whatever you're d..doing to him... don't stop! That tongue is going wild!" Applejack begged as she fell forward. Spike suddenly smacked her ass, sending a shock of pleasure and pain. "That ain't... ain't fair... Who tol...told you that ah like it rough?" Applejack asked as she somehow pushed herself even further into Spike's face.

"Rarity!" Rainbow Dash tried to warn. Her hands unable to keep still with the show in front of her.

"Not now," Rarity said, brushing off Rainbow Dash.

Spike yanked Applejack's tail and smacked her ass even harder. Hard enough that he even felt it in his nose from the other side of the thick cheeks of the farm girl. His mouth, already swimming in the juices she was creating, was now flooding. The orange cowgirl moaned as her body went limp and her marehood squeezed and clenched the dragon's wiggling tongue.

The waves of warm bliss kept coming as Spike could not stop his natural instincts and reactions. She tried to speak but was only able to make moans. Rarity kept pleasuring Spike, whose tongue couldn't stop spiraling inside the mare. Applejack tried to pull herself off but was unable.

Spike stopped pulling and slapping Applejack but was too weak to push the mare off him. He then knew it was too late as a ball of pressure started to well up in his groin. Rarity's lips had barely departed his meat when he pumped string after string of his cum at her. At first, she panicked, quickly but poorly covering the head with her hand, making it spray all over her. Rarity then engulfed Spike's member in her mouth as the last few pumps of the twitching flesh shot the last of its load.

Spike's mouth was still covered by Applejack's flower as he tried to gasp and ask for help. His torso pumped up and down in his lung's pathway to air was his nose.

Rainbow Dash heard the mumbled pleas and rolled Applejack off Spike despite Rarity's requests for help. "You okay there, big guy?" She asked.

"I...tried to warn..." Spike managed to say in between his gasps of air.

"Rarity, I didn't mean don't stop ever...Dang Spike, you eat better than a pig after a fast," Applejack said, sitting up.

"Someone, please give me a towel," a crimsoned-faced Rarity asked. Spike handed his to the unicorn as Applejack and Rainbow Dash stifled giggles at the site.

"I tried to warn you," Rainbow Dash said, biting her lip from laughing.

"Her face looks like a peppermint swirl," Applejack whispered to Rainbow Dash as she barely succeeded in stifling a laugh.

"I'm so sorry, Rarity," Spike apologized, just catching his breath.

Rarity signed and said, "It's not your fault. I ignored your signs," as she cleaned up the rest of the dragon's juices off her face. "Anyway, we've been gone for long enough already. We need to get going," Rarity said, standing up.

Applejack spotted Rarity's now red flower and said, "If you need some help, I'm sure Spike would help you."

"We're going now!" Rarity said, flustered. The other 3 followed soon behind.

Opening Ceremonies

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"Hey, Spike, I want to thank you again. I promise I'll make this worth your while," Applejack said, placing a hand on Spike's shoulder.

"We'll make this worth your while," Rainbow Dash added, emphasizing the "we'll."

"Oh... I didn't know I was getting paid," Spike admitted.

"Y'all thought we're making you go through all this for free? Spike, we owe you big for doing this," Applejack explained.

"Also, thank you for helping Scoots earlier," Rainbow Dash added.

"You mean to encourage her to push her limits?" Spike asked.

"That and for the break. Oh, I wanted to give you guys a head up earlier but didn't get the chance. Scoots was "excited" in front of everyone, so Spike cut ahead of Scoots. She discovered a kink she didn't know she had, and Spike got her back," Rainbow Dash explained.

Rarity stopped, turned around, and asked, "Really?"

Suddenly, Rarity tightly hugged Spike as if it was the first time she had seen him in years. "That was very kind and noble of you," Rarity complimented as she pressed Spike's face into her bosoms.

After a minute, Rainbow Dash joked, "Hey, Rar, maybe you should let him up for air."

"What? Oh, Spikie! I am so sorry," Rarity said. As she broke the embrace, a string appeared, still connecting them by Rarity's navel to the tip of Spike's cock.

Spike spotted it and immediately tried to wipe his end before stopping and handing the towel to Rarity, apologizing, "Sorry," as he caught his breath.

"There's no harm, dear," Rarity replied, wiping the pre-cum off her stomach. "I'll see you guys up there in a second," she said, handing the towel back to Spike.

"Do you need fluffing up?" Rainbow Dash offered, jumping from the screeching door.

"Fluffing?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. When on a porn shoot or something, a fluffer is a person that keeps the guy hard in between shots," Rainbow Dash explained.

"I guess so," Spike timidly said.

"Relax, big guy. We'll get ya ready for the ladies. Now, put your hands on my breasts," Applejack reassured.

Spike slowly raised his trembling hands and reached forward. He grabbed Applejack's breasts and rubbed them gently, causing Applejack to giggle.

"I know you're really nervous about this. Remember what I said about pumping the brakes if you need to," Applejack said, gasping when Spike rubbed a tip of a hard nipple.

"I know," said Spike, his hands going lower on Applejack's body.

Rainbow Dash moved behind Spike and started to massage his neck. "How does that feel?"

"It feels nice, thank you," Spike said.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but do dragons hit puberty later?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I hit puberty at about nine, I think. Sorry, but it's a bit of an explanation," Spike said.

"Gotch ya. As a heads up, you might want to wipe yourselves before you head in there," Rainbow Dash said. Spike and Applejack looked down to see Spike's precum drizzling on Applejack's thigh.

"Oh, Spikie! We're ready for you," Rarity's voice rang. Spike quickly wiped the end of his penis and handed the towel to Applejack.

"Time to shine, footlong," Rainbow Dash said.

"Dash!" Applejack scolded as she furiously wiped her thighs.

"Sorry! Sorry. Force of habit. But Spike, we have your back. If it gets too much, be honest. Say you need to cool down for a bit," Rainbow Dash said.

"Thanks," Spike said, wrapping a towel around him and starting up the ramp. Spike opened the screeching door and saw the chair with his friends sitting in front of it.

"Are you ready, Spike? Would you like another minute or two?" Rarity asked.

"I can start now," Spike said as he awkwardly shuffled to the chair. He undid the tuck of the towel but left it on himself as he sat. The sudden coolness as his green testicles hit the edge of the seat sent a sudden chill up his spine.

"Shouldn't we be all in towels if he's in one?" Scootaloo joked.

Rarity smiled and said, "Jokes aside, as a reminder, please be kind to our models here. It's their first time doing something like this, and it's not an easy job being a nude model. With that said, it's time for the opening ceremony of this Apple Family Tradition. Spike, may I have the honor?"

"Su...Sure," Spike sputtered. He weaved his tail through the legs of the chair and braced.

Rarity slowly pulled the towel off and revealed his erect form to the gasps of the three girls. As the girls murmured and giggled to each other, their eyes locked on Spike's manhood. Rarity continued, "The first parts of the ceremony can be embarrassing and exposing. But it is done to show how open we can be with you if you need something and how open you can be with us in return."

As Rarity spoke, Applejack laid down a towel in front of Spike. She removed her hat and undid her hair ties for her head and tail. She was careful, letting the hay-colored hair not get caught under her as she laid down, spreading her legs. As confident as she appeared, she still balled her fists to hide her hands from trembling.

"Applejack, are you ready?" Rarity asked.

"Sure am," Applejack said as her hands started to explore her body. Her hands first went to her breasts. As they lifted the heavy chest pillows and slowly rubbed the nipples, she massaged with more pressure and speed, letting a quiet groans escape her lips.

Rarity felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked down and saw Spike waving his hand at her, his eyes locked onto Applejack. "What is it?" she whispered.

"Do I have to do that too? No one said I had to do that. I literally can't do that," Spike whispered in panic.

"Yes. I know we didn't speak much of it when we went outside, but no one told you?" Rarity whispered.

"No!" Spike whispered back.

Slowly one of Applejack's hands raised to her now red face. She quickly sucked her fingers and lowered the hand to her still-sensitive nether regions. The hand was still for a second before it rubbed on her lower lips, making her gasp.

"Look, I know that will be quite an unnerving thing to do. What if we give you a minute to get your nerve?" Rarity suggested.

"That won't help. I literally cannot masturbate. It's a dragon biological thing. We need to have a partner do it for us," Spike explained as he still eyed Applejack.

"Are you serious?" Rarity asked.

"Look, I admit, I'm not comfortable doing that. I'm really questioning doing this and running away right now. But I wouldn't lie to you girls, and I wouldn't abandon everyone. Especially if it means helping everyone," Spike said, looking at Rarity.

"I..." Rarity said, still thinking and looking at Spike. She saw the earnestness and worry in his eyes. "I have an idea. Just follow my lead," Rarity said, raising her head back up and hoping an idea would come.

Applejack's other hand left her breast and lowered down, keeping at the top of her sex. She slowly let a finger in as her juices leaked out, releasing a small gasp.

As the spectacle unfurled in front of her, Rarity looked around the room. Rainbow Dash had sat beside the girls as Applejack did her show. The only one in the room that wasn't paying full attention to Applejack was Applebloom, who was either looking away or at Spike's manhood for most of the show.

"Maybe I should do it... No, won't that do after what just happened and Sweetie Belle. I could ask Sweetie Belle, but I can't just ask her to pleasure her crush. It would be uncouth and becoming. Maybe if I ask for volunteers. I can't play favorites. It would have to be willing, " Rarity thought.

Applejack looked up at the rod of flesh as it drizzled precum next to her face. She closed her eyes and started adding fingers, fantasizing about him eating her again. Her other hand raised back to her breasts and gently pulled one as she squirmed and whimpered from the pleasure. Her hand left her honeypot wrapped around her leg and entered again, leaving a trail of juices. Her legs seemed to open up more, and she became compelled to moan with each stroke of her fingers, almost finding it impossible to even catch her breath. Sweat started to bead over her brow. Her moans became more consistent and louder as she pleasured her body. Suddenly the hand on her breast shot to her mouth as the cries of joy were silenced. Her toes curled in hard as her legs pressed into her head into the floor when she arched her back in pure delight.

After a brief moment, Applejack relaxed and rolled to her side. Rarity quickly said, "Thank you very much, Applejack," while clapping, followed by everyone else clapping. "Now, let us give her a minute. Girls, Spike, I need to ask Dash something in private. Would you be so kind as to help Applejack?"

Spike focused on Applejack so much that he almost didn't respond to Rarity. Only when the girls said, "Yes, Rarity," he answered, "Our pleasure."

As Rarity and Rainbow Dash left the clubhouse, Spike quickly got off the chair and grabbed one of the fresh towels from his bag as the girls gathered things.

The 4 helped Applejack, handing her wet paper towels, clean towels, and her hat back. Rarity walked in, stating, "Applejack, would you take a moment to talk to Rainbow Dash? She needs to tell you something. We'll start Spike's part soon after.

Slow and reluctant, Spike folded the dirty towel, replaced it with his clean one, and sat down. As the three girls sat next to Spike, he noticed it was much closer than they sat to Applejack. All three were smiling, giggling, and inspecting him much more intimately than before. As much as he wanted to cover up, he forced himself to remain uncovered.

Rarity sat behind him, over his tail, letting her breasts roll off his head. She placed her hands on his shoulders. "Now, girls, when we asked Spike to help us, we didn't realize a few things," Rarity said, looking at Sweetie Belle. "One of the things is that his dragon ancestry had given him limitations," Rarity explained.

"Like what?" Sweetie Belle asked, concerned.

Rarity tapped Spike's shoulder, causing Spike to realize this was part of her plan and say, "Male dragons can't... self-pleasure. If we do, we become... let's say, very unpleasant to be around."

"So you don't get off at all?" Applebloom asked, amazed.

"No," Spike said.

"When Spike found out about the opening ceremony of this tradition, which was when Applejack was doing her part, it was decided to give you girls a choice. We don't want to single anyone out under the guise of obligation or nepotism. However, we also want to provide you with girls the chance to get involved. If you want, that is," Rarity fibbed as she explained.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked back in and sat behind Rarity and Spike. Then Rainbow Dash quickly got up and wiped up a few puddles where the girls were seated before sitting back next to Applejack again.

"Now raise your hand if you are willing to help Spike with the opening ceremony?" Rarity asked. Immediately, all 3 three girls shot their hands up. "My my, Spikey-Wikey, you are indeed popular with the ladies. Well, let us not delay any longer. All four of you look eager," Rarity said.

Applebloom had to physically restrain Scootaloo from crawling forward.

"What gives?" Scootaloo hissed.

Applebloom nodded at Sweetie Belle, sitting in front of Spike with nervous anticipation. Scootaloo huffed, "Fine. But I'm getting in on that. I... need it right now."

"Me too, Scoots, but give her a few moments first. You know she's been wanting this for ages," Applebloom reminded.

"Since at least that sleepover," Scootaloo said, earning a harsh glare from Sweetie Belle.

"Remember, girls, respect each other! And don't ignore when someone says stop," Rainbow Dash reminded.

"If you ignore a rattlesnake's tail going off, you sure ain't going to ignore its bite," Applejack added.

Sweetie Belle turned back to her dragon crush, who tried his best to give her a calm and confident smile. She raised her hands but stopped. She looked up and down at the body in front of her and froze.

"Hey, Sweetie, are you nervous too?" Spike asked the trembling mare.

Sweetie Belle nodded and said, "I didn't think I would be doing something like this with you... especially in front of everyone."

"Me neither. Why don't you start at my chest and work your way down?" Spike suggested.

Sweetie Belle quickly put her delicate hands on his chest, saying, "You're so hot," after a moment.

"That's my flame sack," Spike said, hoping Sweetie Belle would continue faster. He noticed that Sweetie Belle was either looking at his face or where she was touching.

Applebloom asked, "Can you run out of flames?" as Sweetie Belle's hands slid lower onto Spike's stomach.

"Yes and no. My flame is my life, so I can't just run out of it," Spike explained.

"Wait..." Sweetie Belle suddenly said. "Does that mean if you run out of flames... you?" she asked, taking her hands off Spike, to his dismay.

"Yes... If my life flame extinguishes, I stop... being," Spike slowly answered.

"Girls, I don't mean to interrupt, but I don't think Spike appreciates his mortality as sexy talk," Rainbow Dash interjected. "I mean, look at how ready he is. His rod is practically dripping and begging for you," she quickly added, gesturing to the precum rolling down Spike's manhood.

"Spike, I am so sorry. I'll start immediately," Sweetie Belle quickly apologized.

Spike opened his mouth to speak but gasped and covered his mouth instead as Sweetie Belle quickly caressed his now especially sensitive shaft.

"Why are you covering your mouth? Sweetie would love to hear your moans," Scootaloo said as she and Applebloom moved beside Sweetie Belle.

As Spike kept his mouth covered and looked away, Rarity answered, "If you girls pause for a second, I'm sure Spike would love to share the answer."

As Sweetie Belle stopped stroking Spike, he quickly said, "It's just a natural reaction. I like what you're doing. Don't worry about it."

"Oh, Spike..." Rarity gently said as she grabbed both his wrists and slowly brought them to the floor. "These girls deserve a more thorough explanation, don't you think?" Rarity teased.

Spike shot Rarity a quick look of betrayal as he said, "I have a... natural reaction, which some dragons do have," he empathized, "to sometimes lose control of my tongue when pleasured."

"Can we see?" Sweetie Belle asked so enthusiastically that Spike could almost see hearts and stars radiate away from her.

"F... Fine," Spike sputtered out as he braced for embarrassment.

Sweetie Belle grabbed the dragon's manhood, slick with its precum, and slowly stroked up and down. Spike's mouth reluctantly allowed his long tongue to escape and flicker. Sweetie Belle looked in amazement as if it was something she was longing for but never knew she wanted. Almost everyone else held back their snickers and laughed, aside from a snort from Applebloom, who quickly apologized.

"Are you all done laughing?" Spike asked, welling up in embarrassment.

"Oh, Spikie. How else could I show your other talents and virtues if I didn't do that?" Rarity asked as she backed away from the drake, carefully holding him as she lay his head down. "Sweetie Belle, would you come forth?" Rarity then asked in a sultry voice.

As Sweetie Belle crawled forward, Applebloom and Scootaloo quickly took her place. Rarity whispered into Sweetie Belle's ear, who then crawled over Spike.

Spike could now see how aroused the young marshmallow white mare was. Her lower lips were almost glowing red, dripping on his face. Sweetie Belle then lowered slowly as Rarity held and steadied her. Spike's tongue lashed out and, promptly, into Sweetie Belle when Scootaloo met her patience met its limit as she fondled her first boy.

A very high-pitched "EEP!" escaped from Sweetie Belle as her dreams finally came true. Her body froze in pure lust. The high of it was almost too much as she went limp and fell forward. Spike raised his hand, getting it to Sweetie Belle's navel as Rarity caught her.

It was a few seconds before Rarity shouted, "Girls! Stop!"

"Keep going! Please!" Sweetie Belle managed to say.

Rarity motioned to Applebloom and Scootaloo to stop, allowing Spike to lift Sweetie Belle off of him and swallow the juices that worked so hard to yield.

"Are you sure you're okay, Sweetie?" Rarity asked.

"This is something I've been dreaming of for ages. I'm more than okay. It was just the shock of it finally happening, noticing all eyes on me and Spike's intensity. Please, can we start again? I want to keep going until Spike's done. No matter what," Sweetie Belle begged.

"If you insist," Scootaloo said as she brought her head to Spike's shaft, giving it a lick from base to head.

Applebloom, not to be undone, did the same, placing as much of Spike's manhood as she could withstand into her mouth, twirling her tongue as she raised her head.

As the two friends rivaled over the lower half of the dragon, their hands slipped between their legs, causing small moans as their mouths battled.
Sweetie Belle moaned and quivered, letting her body fall onto Rarity's lap. Rarity scooted closer to his sister as Sweetie Belle wrapped her arms around her. As she fixed her little sister's mane, Spike finally started hitting the floor with his hand before pulling Sweetie Belle closer to his face.

"Uh, girls!" Applejack said before being stopped by Rainbow Dash.

"We got to teach them to listen to snake tails or whatever, right?" Rainbow Dash asked as she placed her on Applejack.

Applejack pondered if this was cruel. But as Spike slapped the floor with his hand much louder and even moved his legs, the girls showed no signs of stopping or slowing down. The farmer agreed with her friend and sat in anticipation.

Spike was able to slap the ground once more as he grabbed Sweetie Belle and pushed his face deep into her flower. As the first surge of his orgasm rushed out of his manhood, Applebloom and Scootaloo yelped. Applebloom was the first to react by quickly placing the dragon's rod into her mouth, trying to stop the dragon seed from spraying everywhere. After several pulses, she lifted off Spike, and Scootaloo was replaced in panic.

After the final spurt of Spike's seed, Scootaloo took Spike's shaft out of her mouth and quickly and reluctantly swallowed after looking around the room. Applebloom, not to be outdone, in her panic, swallowed to the amazement of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, coughing right after, along with her friend. Applejack and Rainbow Dash quickly got up and handed the girls water and towels. All the while trying not to laugh at their sister's mistake.

Spike shakily lifted Sweetie Belle off of him, causing her to moan and mewl as he retracted his tongue back into his mouth and out of her. He gasped through the love juices the young unicorn leaked unto him. Sluggishly, he lowered the mare back down onto him, unable to gather the energy to move.

"Great job, everyone! Let's take a short break, and we'll get on with the rest of the lesson," Rarity said, helping her sister.