Naughty Things to Do in a Wedding Dress

by B_25

First published

Spike and Ember get married. They quickly do things after getting married.

Spike and Ember get married. They quickly do things after getting married.

Commission for Rubyfire377!

White on Gold

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Naughty Things to Do in a Wedding Gown
B_25 & Rubyfire

Ember had never expected herself to dress in a white and gold wedding gown before. It'd been a function outside of dragons. Something frilly and girly and sentimental that was beyond someone like herself. She never understood back then. Learning of ponies, being with them, staying with them. Finding out how they enjoyed friendship.

How they expressed love.

Dragons were supposed to be strong. Forced to assert, in the sharpness of their claws and their fangs... the strength they possessed. It was in the power of their roar and the size of their hoards. Everything a testament to one's greatness. That nothing could oppose their savageness.

Contrast two lovely-dovey ponies smooching it up before the final kiss that seals the deal.

Ponies pretended to be strong when push came to shove. To do and be whatever was needed of them. But they also had no problem revealing their weaknesses. Showing the pain and difficulties that ravage them on the inside. They didn't endure it. Use it as fuel to push on ahead. Learn to cope with it.

Rather they let others in to help them resolve their inner-woe.

Ponies let themselves cry. They confided in each other when times were tough. They shared their weakness so others could compensate in those areas with their strengths. They joined together instead of standing apart. They weren't here to be the strongest. Ponies were here to live as best as one might.

Ember still hadn't been sold... until she had met Spike.

She heard the fairy tales. The hero saving the princess. It wasn't that she required saving. But the knowledge that someone would always be there. That would fight to the death to protect her. That she, her existence, would have so much meaning and importance to another... it did something to her heart.

It made her feel like nothing to something.

Spike was the thesis and the antitheses of a dragon. He was geeky and weird and wore pink over purple scales. He liked to cook and be there for his friends. He had no problem about whining, crying, sometimes needing a hug or something more after a stressful time.

But he also didn't take shit when it harm came to his friends in any way.

Despite his fear, cowardice, weakness, and lack of strength, he would always be there for his friends. Sometimes it meant flying for days without rest to sit in a cave with Ember without saying a word. Other times, it was saying the right thing at the right time, a critical reassurance on something she couldn't bring herself to believe about herself.

And he fought like someone different for her. One time she had been slashed and knocked onto the ground. Spike had appeared like a demon, ripping all who had arrived, growing bigger by the kill. It was only have turning into a giant that all had finally fled.

Spike was more than his scales revealed. He touched every notion on the spectrum for a mate. Someone that could both be soft and hard. Gentle and vicious. His default state was that of a goof. More than anything else, he was just fun to hang out with. He made time and life feel a lot better than it had done on her own.

And it was after all of that... Ember had decided to pop the question to him. No more days alone in her cave, training and hardening herself, inside and out, body and mind. She allowed herself to be weak around him. To unleash all the woe that had been built and compounded inside her soul.

She cried into his chest, the greatest sin a dragon could perform, and though guilt consumed her first, strong arms embraced her. She was pulled into the smoothness and caressed by caring warms. Claws stroked down her back, and a head rested over her own. Whispers soothed her.

And soon after that, they were lying together, sometimes talking, most of the time just lying there... until the sun rose and shone into their cave. They kept together long after that. Scales on scales; lips on lips.

And through their love, the both, in expressing their weakness, found strength in the other and, as their relationship carried on, the two were healed, day by day, until a feeling of completeness.

It was not long until she, certain that he might be taken by someone else, decided to do the most un-dragon thing a dragon could do—and purposed. They'd been shopping in Canterlot when she dropped to a knee. Spike had been confused and shocked and, even more, feeling as though he failed since these types of things were supposed to be reversed.

Ember had nodded and rose and handed him the box with the ring, and then Spike awkwardly bent onto a knee, complaining about his back before remembering why he was on his knee again. Clearing his throat, he proposed, and Ember let him wait a full minute before she said yes.

Not all of the dragon parts about her had gone away.

Hence the present. The now. Ember stood before the standing mirror and examined herself closely. She'd never thought there'd be a day where she would have to examine her own beauty—to actually believe it existed. Dragons matted nearly at random. Factors of power and strength were the only ones of consideration.

But now, she had to learn how to take care of herself. Leaning in close to the mirror to examine her eyelids, she rolled the eyeliner over it, accentuating them. Her dress was comfy as well. White and soft and frilly and expanding outward from her body. It slowed her movements. It cast her in more delicate light.

And it made her feel more naked beneath it all.

Once she was set in her dress, Ember took a moment to sit back on the cushioned seating, knowing that her vows were soon to come. She was thankful for all of this to be occurring in Canterlot. Stained glass rose to her right, infusing the dying sunlight flooding in. The wooden walls housed the silence well.

But the chatter of voices, and the clopping of hooves, echoed from outside the room.

Ember went to stand as to prepare herself for walking down the aisle... but stopped upon noticing something. Next to her was an envelope halfway sticking out from a pillow. Taking it curiously, Ember saw the terrible handwriting of Rainbow Dash.


Opening something from Rainbow was always a trap. A trap Ember especially did not need on her special day. But... the temptation was there. Especially when Rainbow's horrible handwriting said that the letter had actually been from Spike.

It's bait. That's a trap. She's trying to trip you up.

Ember fought internally with herself whether to open it. There was no need for future problems or troubles—the wedding itself was already hard enough. But Ember was a dragon. She could handle whatever was inside of there. What's the worse that could be tucked within a paper?

Her talon sliced the top of the envelope as the rest reached inside. It was a postcard attached to a photo. The only words were enjoy. Ember arched an eyebrow, but tossed the card aside. Then her eyes widened to an impossible degree, and her mouth opened on its own.

It'd been a photo taken from underneath a round table. Spike had been sitting on the other side, no pants or underwear, legs spread, his pink, hard and long cock aching in the open. The thing was massive. Thick at its base with ridges running across its underside. Little frills adorned its sides.

But the beast was a tool in of itself. A weapon of massiveness that claimed open space to house its existence. His thighs had to spread for it to even be out. Subtle veins curled across its length. It narrowed closer to its end, which struggled against the bottom of the table.

Ember tried closing her mouth, but such action failed at seeing the packing heat. Spike had always been shy in revealing the personal bits about himself. He was a slender build. Not the tallest or strongest—but solid in all rights. But his cock was something else. Something that repeatedly smacked a button at the back of her head.

And the poor dragon couldn't stop looking.

Her tail raised from the back of her dress, lifting the fabric and revealing her legs before it became erect and flashed her underside. Her pussy had been put on display as the pinkness of her slit revealed itself.

Would I... c-can I even... f-f-fit that...

It was a mighty view between his legs. Not seeing the rest of his body—only what he had packed down there. To be so low on the hunk as he towered above. Spike wasn't assertive. Not even close to aggressive. But, when it came to sex, he would have every right to be.

One of the few times I wouldn't mind being pushed and held down...

But this brought about a new problem. Wetness pelted the ground, and Ember realized her tail was still flagged. Turning to push down on it, there was a knock at the door, and she froze on the spot. The photo dropped from her hand and floated to the ground—landing an inch from the bottom of the door.

Her heart nearly exploded if such a photo were to be released.

"Ember?" floated in the voice of Twilight Sparkle. "Everyone is ready for you." She cleared her throat. "Are you ready? Or do you need more time?"

Ember scrambled to the ground to collect the photo, flicking her head around to find the envelope. "Y-Yeah! Just a second... f-fiddling with this dress." She found it and nearly pounced on it, dropping the photo back into it.

"Did you want me to come in? I could help if the dress is too tight."

Her eyebrows attempted to jump from her face. "N-Not necessarily! Appreciated, but not needed." Her shoulders shot upward in a wince at her own words. “Not that you're not necessary. You've helped me transition more into the dragon that I am now. Y-Your acceptance got me through a lot of doubts!"

"...are you have any of those right now?" Twilight asked without judgment. "Because it's understandable to nervous on a day like today—and how every day after this is going to be like. I would probably have a million things going through my head if it were me. It always helps to talk. To have someone else's input."

No offence, Twilight, but this is a different matter all together. I WISH I had doubts about getting married—but I don't. It's more so that I just found out that your adopted brother has the biggest, thickest, juiciest fucking cock I've ever seen on a guy... and all I want to do is shove down my throat until I choke.

And it's hard to speak your vows when you've nearly got your partner's dick down your throat.

"Nothing like that, Twilight!" Ember said on finding a draw to drop the envelope into. She closed it with a prayer that none would be going through her mail. "I had all doubts settled a long time ago. I think I'm ready now. Nervous, but ready."

Twilight's soft laughter awaited her on the other side of the door. "That's all anyone could ever ask of you. C'mon, then. I know it's unconventional—but I'll walk you down the aisle."

Ember swallowed and nodded, still warm at the face and heated beneath her cheeks, with a tail needing to be fought to be kept downward. She was still dripping a little bit. Thankfully, though, that could be blamed on the sweat.

You can fuck him as soon as you get to the carriage. Just hold yourself back until then.

It was odd to be walked down the aisle by a princess. A few other dragons had come to see the wedding. Her father couldn't make it due to obvious reasons. Besides Spike, none else had played a critical role in Ember's life beyond Twilight. It felt right, in a way, that she would be one to bring her to the next progression in her life.

It didn't help, though, that Ember was horny beyond belief.

Spike stood at the alter, sharply dressed in a suit, everything about him groomed to perfection. He was like a standing dagger. Even looking at him cut you in some way. It took every ounce of will not to run and pounce on him. To kiss him widely and start to fuck as everyone watched.

That had been a fantasy. A desire. The wish to pull down his pants and be savagely fucked by the other dragon. To let them all see a beast rutting her senselessly. However, it wouldn't be worthwhile to ruin such a moment with lust. As hot and as fulfilling as it would be to bang then and there—it would destroy the future and this moment for all that were a part of it.

Kinda hard to fuck your husband while his family and friends watch.

Spike stood at the altar and turned to Ember. He smiled, giving a goofy wave. Then he pulled the collar of his suit and looked around. He was such a dork. Not sure what to do or say. In some ways, he was more a puppy than a dragon. Knowing such a delicate boy was heaving a great sword between his legs was quite the contrast.

The piano keys were played into life, the usual song to announce both the bride and to commence the occasion. Spike shifted in place, barely able to keep himself in check. Princess Celestia stood behind him as the one to cement the marriage.

Ember reached the alter, nodding to Twilight Sparkle, who nodded in return with a smile. Twilight joined the rest of the girls in standing off to the side. Left alone, Ember took the last few steps... before coming to stand before her love.

The two were a step apart.

Spike smiled. "Hey... you come here often?"

Ember blushed and looked down. "Only to see this one guy I like."

"Oh?" he asked with a tilt of his head. "Have I seen him?"

"Only when you look into a mirror."

"Is it because they're always standing behind me?"

"Don't make me slap you."

"Slapped at a wedding? That'll be a first."

“Oh hush.”

The two smile at each other before remembering that they weren't alone. Blinking and looking to everyone here, the two awkwardly smiled and shambled closer to each other. Spike cleared his throat and lightly bowed to the public. "Just practising our stand-up routine. Not often we have a crowd to perform to."

Ember smacked the back of his head.

"Ow!" he cried... before pumping a claw. "Wo-hoo! Smacked at a wedding! A new first!"

He was smacked again.

"Ack!" Spike whined. "Okay. Now there's no point to doing it a second time."

She smacked him a third time.

"Now this is just a beating!"

Princess Celestia chose that moment to clear her throat, and two to be wed looked over at her, unable to keep their antics down on the most important of days. It showed that they were meant for each other. It also meant, however, that they weren't meant for such events like these.

"I see the two of you have found true love in one another," Celestia spoke.

Spike shrugged. "Or as close to true love as one can get."

Ember raised a fist. Spike cowered but glanced at the princess. "Is it too early to claim this as an abusive marriage?"

Princess Celsius grinned. "Not if it's justified abusive." She winked to Ember, who smiled and nodded in return, dropping the fist. "Though it's best we celebrate the reason why the two of you are here. Are you two ready to begin your vows?"

The two nodded and spoke without hesitation.

"We are."

Princess Celestia nodded as her wings flared out. Her eyes closed, and she inhaled a deep breath, beginning to speak with royal authority. "We've come together to join the anointed two into becoming wed. Those who do not think these two should be joined, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Rainbow spoke from one of the rows. "Is it too late to say that Ember could do better?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight spat. "This is a wedding—not a bar!"

"Please! It's stuff like this that makes a wedding personable and unique." Rainbow slouched back into her seat. "Besides. They always say that we should speak our piece here—but nobody ever does. They always talk about it after the fact. Y'know, when everyone's supposed to be holding their peace or whatnot."

Twilight's mouth opened to refute that... but the point grasped her in a way. "That's due to a change in standards. Ponies before used to deal with things in the open. Either resolve the problem before the marriage or leave it in peace. This is the one chance for ponies to speak up where it's most important. But the problem is... you have to speak up against two crowds who want this to happen. And you're also possibly ruining the most important day of someone's life. So, really, such a line is just performance now. Ponies are more receptive if you make a point to them softly, y'know, one on one."


Twilight blinked and looked to her mentor. "Yes?"

"This is Spike's and Ember's wedding." Celestia nodded. "You remember this, right?"

Twilight blushed madly and looked to the two waiting to be wed. Embarrassment flooded through her. "Oh, um, yeah, r-right. Uh... sorry! Go on and kiss! Wait! Say your vows first and then kiss."

Silence hung in the room, and then Twilight's head hung next. "I'm sorry."

Spike smirked. "Don't worry about it, Twi. I wouldn't want my wedding to be any other way." He then looked to the princess. "But you might want to get a move on with the words. If anyone else speaks, Ember might catch wise that marrying me is a bad idea."

Ember pushed a talon to his lips. "I already told you... I love bad ideas."

The two smiled at each other and, in joining in silence, looked to the princess. Princess Celestia smiled as this had been different from any other wedding she attended. In all ways, it had been ruined. But to everyone here, it was unlike a typical wedding that made it the best one yet.

"Then let us, as they say, get to it." Princess Celestia cleared out her throat and lifted her head high. Her authoritative stance commanded legitimacy to the informal ceremony. "Ember, will you have this dragon to be your husband, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love Spike, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, to be faithful to him as long as you both live?"

Ember nodded. "I do."

"Spike." Celestia looked to her son. "Will you have this dragon to be your wife, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love Ember, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, to be faithful to her as long as you both live?"

Spike smiled. "I do."

Celestia bowed. "You may now kiss."

Spike and Ember leaned into each other, a connection of lips sealing their eyelids, both entering a harmony of connected consciousnesses. Cheers echoed elsewhere, distant and unimportant, despite celebrating their love by their closest friends. Nothing mattered at that moment.

Except each other.

Ember had been so lost in the kiss that she failed to feel the claw wrapping around her back. She had needed to feel his lips. That smooth hardness pushed against her softness. She nearly raised a leg against him, wanting him to hold it as he took her then and there. Something close to that, though, did happen.

Spike had swept her legs out from underneath her, carrying the girl in his arms, smirking at her surprised face. With a roll of her eyes, she crossed her arms over his neck, holding him tightly as he carried them down the aisle.

Petals flew overhead as they walked beneath the colourful downpour. Everyone cheered and clapped, except for Twilight, who wiped at the corner of her crying eyes. This was the first time Spike had beaten her to something important.

It would have been rude for him to stick out his tongue at this fact.

But soon enough, they were through the double doors, where a carriage waited on the road below. Their friends followed behind them, with Rainbow zooming forward, coming to hover to open the carriage door.

Spike lowered Ember to the step while holding her claw. Assisting her inside, he soon followed, waving to everyone else. The carriage had no drivers, none to ruin the drive, self-driving magic set on a return course to Ponyville.

Which gave the lovebirds plenty of time to be alone.

Spike leaned back in the carriage seat with Ember set opposite of him. It was a round space, an orange hue around them. He felt like he was inside a golden pumpkin with wheels. The boxed window shone dying sunlight. Canterlot shrunk behind them as the carriage began its descent from the mountain.

"Thank goodness that's over," Spike exhaled and went limp in his seat, feeling the last of his exhaust. His muscles were spent, and his mind was all but drained. "Say... do me a favour? I don't think I can go through the hassle of marrying twice. If you ever feel the need for divorce, please, just murder me instead—and hide the body well."

Ember rolled her eyes. "I have no plans of doing either. Besides, your death would hurt many."

He chuckled. "What a crazy world we live in."

"But there is a favour I can do you." Ember giggled as she lowered from the seat and onto her knees, pushing aside Spike's legs. He looked down at her with a confused expression. "I saw something just before we got married that had me interested. Now that all of that holiness is out of the way, we can have some fun."

She undid the button to his pants and pulled down his zipper, revealing the boxers stretched across his scales. There was a notice bugle at its crotch, which extremely strained the material. Ember drooled at the view.

"Uuu-uuuh... E-Ember?" Spike swallowed. His dick twitched within its confines, enlarging from the attention, worsening the pressure upon it. "What do you think you're doing down there?"

Ember slapped a claw onto his cock, feeling the mass of meat fill and spread from her palm, unable to cup it. It was simply too long, wide, thick, and hard for a meagre claw to clasp. Spike was packing. His dick could destroy cities if he let it.

"I'm just doing exactly what you've always dreamed of happening."

She pulled down his boxers to the point of wiggling them at his hips. His cock struggled against the waistband to the point that she had to pull on it. With a twitch, it burst free from the underwear, the beast smacking the underside of her jaw.

Ember flinched backward from the impact. It had felt like a light punch from solid meat. Blinking, shaking her head, she looked to the beast unleashed from its cage, the throbbing tower of pink, a mast that she would have loved to hang from.

She wasted no words before diving in, and Spike watched from above, unable to believe this was happening. Ember began by kissing the tip. It flicked against her lips, wanting to wiggle itself into her tight, humid maw. She denied it access—to the repressed moans of Spike.

Sorry, cowboy, but after all that waiting, I want to savour every second I can spend with your cock.

Ember kissed the tip like it was a make-out session. Kissing and smooching the tip regardless of the pre it lubed onto her lips. Her claws reached around his shaft, their full length unable to wrap around it. She stroked it, pumping it lightly, tending to it as her kisses went on.

Spike buckled in his seat. His hips pumped on their own. Idle little thrusts unable to be suppressed. He thumped in place, wanting more but not wanting to ruin things. He draped a claw over his face to deal with the painful ministrations.

Aw-ww, what's the matter? Is your master feeling left out? I just married him but, if we're not careful, he's going to think I did it all just to get to you." Ember teased out a laugh, removing her lips and stroking his tip. Idly playing with it as she maintained the conversation. “You're just so big. Nearly as big as his thighs. I wonder... could I even fit you? The challenge is, hmm-mm, certainly appealing.”

Ember opened her mouth. Steam billowed outward over the shaft—twitching it. She revealed the inside of her maw, the spittle hanging from her teeth, the tightness that awaited at the back of her throat. She spoke with it open. "I'm coming, not so little Spike. Coming to eat you up, swallow you down, to devour all that you can pump into me."

Holding the base of his cock straight, Ember fell forward, sealing her lips around his head, suckling on the stick of meat. His tongue lavished the dick. Tasting its sweetness and saltiness that intermixed into a delicious taste. It was like riding a bull, for it throbbed, the mass lifted upward, nearly raising her head with her.

"E-Ember..." Spike pushed through the pain and his panting to ooze out the words. "B-Be c-careful. I... don't know... if I can..."

It didn't matter. His cock lurched again, nearly lifting her with it. Ember thrust more on the cock, from its head closer to its base, feeling the tube of meat slide down her throat. In an instant, she felt filled. Her throat expanded with his size, the girth shown as his meat pushed outward from within.

The struggle continued as, within her throat, the beast thrashed around, and the surrounding, silky muscles, clenched and clamped on the meat, trying to caress it into submission. Even then, it would not be contained. This was more of a battle than a service.

Ember knew what needed to happen as she bobbed forward and back, dragging her lips and softness across the shaft, working it as it throbbed harder and faster. She sucked him off, falling backward at quicker speeds, feeling ready to explode at how much more it grew inside of her. Her claws tended to what flesh remained at his crotch, forced to jerk him off there, anything to release the monster of its delicious cream.

"F-Forgive me, E-Ember," Spike spat in a deeper voice and a darker tone, fangs flared as the dragon within had been unleashed. Ember's confusion had been answered by the dragon sitting forward and two claws claiming the back of her head. "I can't handle this torture. I need to finish inside your throat."

Ember had no choice but to go limp as leaving his grip was impossible. She wasn't sure what would happen in seeing the flanking thighs spreading further apart, revealing the great span of the bare crotch in front of her. All she could see was dick. His dick. That fucking massiveness wanted nothing more than to destroy everything womanly about her.

And Spike looked down at her from his lofty height like some sort of deity. Narrowed, intense eyes, with steam billowing from his snout. He looked down at her like the cockslave that she was, reduced to nothing more than a princess on her knees, meant to service a cock bigger than anything she had ever dared to handle.

And there would be no negotiation on the matter.

Spike brought her face into his crotch as he thrust into the coming source, holding her wiggling face there, forcing her snout to plant against his groin. His cock stretched all the way down her throat, just barely being fit. Enjoying the way the soft, smooth muscles clamped upon him, he pulled her head away, for a second, before thrusting her back in.

Ember had learned to go limp, to let herself be used, loving the feeling of his control, of being used and abused as every sense of pleasure ticked. She was brought forward and back, fitting and feeling the humongous cock travel down her throat. Tears of joy trickled out from her eyes as the dragon above groaned and rutted her like nothing more than a toy.

It reached the point where he ended up guiding her backward, and he crawled over her, coming to plant his foot on the other seat, looming above her. With his legs spread from over her, he raised her head into his cock as he lowered into her, fucking her throat senselessly, enjoying the overlord of pleasure.

It wasn't before long that, at feeling the come of his organism, he pinned her face against his crotch, his cock all the way down her throat, humping the delicious inches as the remaining seconds ticked. Then, with a roar that rattled the carriage, the dragon unleashed his seed, powerful pumps of spurts that blasted the inside of her throat.

Ember had no choice but to swallow. To drink and gulp and gag and do all that she could to swallow the endless amounts of cum that poured like a waterfall from within. Sucking and drinking, she felt his idle pumping, the milking of the last throes of pleasure. Soon, though, the cock went flaccid, softening and dwindling.

Spike exhaled the last of his pleasure before releasing his claws, still humping and fucking her face, but that was more an afterthought than his focus. Soon he fell backward onto his seat. He breathed to recover from his bliss. Then his eyes cracked open, and he looked down at his love, soaked, from her dress to her face, in the white of his seed.

"Hehehe... sorry!"

Ember chuckled and coughed, feeling a claw at her throat, the abuse it had taken, the strange pain she seemed to enjoy. She faintly rose and fell back into her seat. She smiled, shaking her head. "Don't be. I've wanted to be ravaged like that... fucked by a beast... for longer than you could know."

"Heh." Spike glanced to the ceiling of the carriage. "And here I was worried that I might have taken things too far."

"Not in the slightest." Ember reached a hand down the front of her dress, raising it to reveal her bare figure beneath. "In fact... I want you to fuck me. Hard. Enough that these legs won't be able to work afterward."

Spike chuckled as he glanced out both windows. "Are you sure? The suppression on these wheels might not be able to handle that."

"Then destroy me along with the carriage."

Spike didn't stand a chance at rejection. Not when her dress lifted to reveal an explosion of wetness beneath. Her pussy glistened with juices, the sides of her thighs coated. It looked so small and tight. It didn't look like it could handle him—if it could even handle him.

But the musk in the air, thick and rich and spicy, filled his lungs and clouded his head, leaving him as nothing more but a beast with a hardening cock. He lunged forward like an animal, planting himself into her. Ember was pinned by his weight. He devoured the side of her neck, kissing and nipping at it.

His cock trashed against her belly, smacking downward to find its glory, teasing her limber body with the mass she was about to acquire. It wasn't before long, sliding and grinding her belly, that his dick found the sacred lips. The slit that teased him to paradise.

His cock slipped in slowly at first, and Ember howled at the growing girth, feeling stretched at where she was most sensitive. Her narrowed passage doubled, nearly tripled in size, and it was because of how wet she was that the cock stood a chance of plundering deeper within.

Ember went to scream and beat her fists against the seat in a level of arousal without definition, but her lips were soon found by Spike, who devoured her calls, her love, needing more sensations to fuel his lust. The two desperately made out as his cock stretched her more from the inside, not a need to clamp or clench.

She swallowed most of his cock, but could not take it all in, though the dragon, despite his savagery, understood that anything more would hurt her. He pulled out and slipped back in, a powerful pump and thrust that evoked another cry from her. He did it again, then again, building a rhythm of destroying her little pussy with his titanic size.

He fucked and fucked her with his force coursing through her. Each entry lifted her body subtly. And she fell hard when he pulled out—only to be impaled by uprising cock. His thrusts came faster and faster as even his twitches massaged across her walls. In a second, when their lips split apart, the two thrust into each other without restraint, feeling their highs reach the highest heights.

And they came.

Anything Ember created was tripled by Spike, who coated her insides with his seed, lathering and drenching her walls in cum. Her cervix struggled to swallow it all. He kept humping her, fucking her, milking the last of their joy. Finally, though, when it came for him to pull out—it came with a current washing out.

Spike fell next to her, and the lady didn't hesitate to snuggle next to him, the two spent from their fucking. He wrapped an arm around her, drawing his wife close, the slight guilt of fucking her to slumber on the back of his mind. "You still awake?"

Ember's eyes were closed, but she groaned, snuggling more into his chest. "Barely, stud."

He chuckled. "Well... that came pretty fast. I know we wanted to wait till after marriage until we... y'know." He coughed, clearing his throat. "But I wasn't expecting right after we got married. Sure. I know that's how it is with most couples but... damn.

Ember traced a talon over his chest. "You can blame Rainbow Dash for that one, hunk."

"Rainbow Dash?" he repeated. "What did she do this time?"

"Don't ask me how," Ember began, "but somehow, she got a photo of you being naked beneath a table. Sent it to me just before the wedding. It's been all that I've been able to think of ever since. And being railed like that by you? It was better than all the things I was thinking and feeling."

"Good to know that the greedy dragon within has its uses." He then sighed. "But that reminds me of something that I'll have to start doing after this. Y'know, since we're married and all that."

"And what's that, love?"

"No more strip poker with Rainbow or the other girls."

"So long as it's once a month, you have my blessing, so long as someone sends me all the pictures."

Spike chuckled. "Why bother? Just join us at the table."

And she laughed before falling asleep. "Good point."