The Thrill Of The Hunt

by Jinxed

First published

Queen Chrysalis senses an intruder within her domain, and seeks to ensnare them.

With every passing season a changeling feels a great need deep within their soul to hunt, coming as naturally as breathing does to any living creature. After so long in hibernation and for the sake of their survival, Queen Chrysalis sets out for prey, sensing and encountering a lost stallion that wanders too far into the ancient Everfree whilst she's training her brood, and seeks to show them how hunting is done.

Originally speed-written for a Quills and Sofas prose contest, I decided to bugger it about until it turned into a full story.
I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

The Forest

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She loved autumn.

It was the anticipation of the upcoming hunt, the very thing that changelings excelled at in all areas. She wasn't sure how long it had been since the last outing, but now her subjects had need of sustenance once more. Her hunters would no doubt be able to gather what was needed, yet she had a duty to teach her underlings the right ways. She smiled as there was a chill in the air today, and it wasn't unpleasant. She much preferred the winter season over autumn for its frozen beauty and the relaxation of rearing new hatchlings, however the falling of autumn was a time-honoured passionate precursor for what was to come. As the days changed much like the fragile leaves themselves, shifting similarly like a changeling's chitinous form, the sun had passed fully overhead, brilliantly scattering light through their mass of rapidly morphing shades. From a simple unassuming dim green into a vibrant rusty coat of orange; it was all she could do to not purely appreciate the canvas of nature that surrounded her.

Ponies often appreciated nature too, yet they simply weren't connected to it like changelings were; they didn't understand it in the same way on the same fundamental level. It did not course through them like their very blood and change their perspectives with the coming of each shift. Even through years long hibernations, the undergoing metamorphosis of the seasons felt different every time, and each time was a monumental tidal wave of emotion for her and her subjects as everything both collapsed and rebuilt around them. The largest of trees would wilt in their ardour and rumble as they slept, the animals would become dazed and sluggish, the leaves would fall and create mountains of decaying colourful matter; everything was strenuously felt on some smaller level. The simplest of silences in their everyday moments stretched into an endless space between these time periods, of their activities lulling whilst they waited with baited breath and savoured the days, the seconds lessening down.

Until it was time.

Queen Chrysalis was powerful, and all of her children knew it well. She had power enough to help all of her underlings with this elusive pattern in their hearts that drove them frantic, because most of them were too young to understand that there was a beauty hidden in the interim. It was a wonderful time to observe as autumn came into being, the small details within life and all its tiny elements that changed were brought into focus, wilfully ignored in the miasma of need. They flitted about, restless and spirited, they wanted to fly free and savour their hunt, they chittered at her and pleaded, but she would not shout or yell; simply calm their minds with gentle magic to avail them of the fiery passion that naturally arose.

The older hunters knew how to bide their time and lurk hidden in plain sight, they were good and experienced like that, keeping themselves invisible to anything and everything that might seek to flee. She was rather proud of them. She wouldn't tell them of course, a Queen must be impartial after all, and they knew her approving looks and her disapproving ones well enough by now. Today was the first day of autumn falling, and she would show her youngest children how it was done over the coming weeks. Thereafter, they would disguise themselves and sneak over to the sleepy hamlet she knew lay over the hills not far in the distance as her hive had done before, and watch her work as they left their expansive home.

The Everfree Forest was, in a word, expansive. It was an ancient sprawling mess that stretched endlessly into the distant horizon, a veritable gallery of the strange beauty that life could produce. On old and bizarre dusty maps she'd found in her long life and many travels, the lines and shapes that represented it did not take up much space, which was an odd little lie that betrayed its true grandiose. Such a lie was perfectly fine. Ponies underestimated the old forest, because whilst they appreciated nature they also sometimes laughed in the face of its dangers, thinking that they were nigh invincible in their foolish youths. Yet entering the clutches of the stooping trees they always found themselves oddly mute, intimidated by the deep antediluvian well of unfathomable power that resided within its confines. The primordial magic it possessed had an inescapable way of wresting its way into their small hearts and making them feel its foreboding presence.

It was the sublime magic of Nature; a wholly unstoppable force that belied all mortals, going beyond imprinting into the wizened trees and into the earth to its very core. The Everfree pierced the soul on a far greater level than any magic that she or anypony else could conjure.

Changelings were its keepers, not ponies, and they understood its wailing calls and moans, they knew how to tread within its hallowed confines, what to care for and what not to disturb. It was entirely their domain and they ruled within it. Very few ponies could grasp their veneration to the ancient forest, and sadly, even fewer cared to.

Her ears flicked as she heard a branch snap far away in the distance, beyond the range that most creatures could sense, her jade eyes dilated in her intense fervour as her tongue flicked into the gentle wind and tasted what she'd sought. A simple low hiss and her subjects fell in line, abuzz with their elation of their Queen's aura; they knew she was aware of something, and maybe a score knew what she felt, though they all relished that she felt anything good, because it was a little snack passed on before the main course. Her greater love of the hunt empowered them.

They were utterly silent as they moved, the Everfree was a uniquely abstract river in a maelstrom and they were perfectly content to be its flowing water; they dashed through the very shadows and deftly slipped under fallen trees with ease, knowing indecipherable paths no other creature could spot with their limited understanding. She was naught but an aethereal whisper in the wind as she glided along her chosen path, her children blending into the nature behind her. The murky browns and greens of the ground underhoof were an accompaniment to the drooping willows and rigid saplings of their backdrop as they traversed the distance. They all began to feel it as they got closer, the underlying fear and uncertainty that their Queen had sensed, the muted utterances from the watching trees telling the stranger that they weren't where they should be, that they weren't welcome.

It was prey, and it had foolishly come to them.

Chrysalis did not deign to hide her alluring visage as she stepped upon the edges of the clearing up ahead, looking in on the semi-open area with a hungry gaze that only an apex predator could possess. The prey was panicking because it was clearly lost, stealth an alien concept as it fumbled over the small twigs and wet muddy leaves as if they were giant creaking logs! Such bizarre creatures even now, these ponies. This one had been curious about the ancient forest, fascinated by its archaic allure, but as was the norm she felt the pony's utter trepidation. She could sense its awe at what it didn't understand as well as the tremour in its step, and equally its joy at what it did know. It wanted to see the many types of plants and animals for its hopes and dreams of capturing them all onto parchment, going by what she sensed from its mind, and oddly enough by the parchment that lay before it. She could enjoy that notion, even if she didn't quite comprehend the purpose of such a thing when it could simply gaze upon the forest as it was already doing.

But the prey appreciated nature, even if it was intimidated by it.

It did not think itself superior.

She would treat with it, and not unkindly; it deserved that much for its humble approach in the face of what was far greater than it. Given that her prey was male, she was a little more eager to be fair, and she knew that biologically he would also acquiesce to her intense power just that little bit easier. It would make the hunt far more enjoyable. A gentle chitter to her children and they knew to stay invisible against the flora surrounding them. It was time for the younger ones to see how she and other hunters kept them fed.

"My my, you appear to be lost." Chrysalis crooned sweetly from her spot within the dense foliage, her hazy voice slightly echoing. His simple pony eyes could not see her as his unease increased at what was hidden, his vision darted around the clearing in alarm. However he need not be too scared, she was a merciful beauty. "Do not be afraid, little lamb, I will not hurt you."

When she stepped out, she was wonderfully sieged with a delicious mix of emotions from her prey. She always stayed in her true form when hunting within her domain, because why should a Queen dare hide herself inside her own home? It always captivated her audience, as if they could not comprehend her exquisitely supernatural beauty. Within the evening duskiness of the day, the Everfree became moody in its lighting, waxing and waning between warm and cold, always a perfect blend for a hunt. The luminescence was low and sombre as it passed around the clearing, and her prey's breath hitched as she fully rose to the presented occasion to flaunt her elegance. She already had a natural aura about her, but the light gave her an even greater glow, her eyes shining brighter in the gloom.

His initial burst of love at something so alien was the first little joyous surprise, she tasted that with mild curiosity and knew that such a small amount alone would fill her belly for many weeks to come if she seized any more of it. It was a rather old and pleasant feeling that prey would ever have such a spark beyond that of raw lust. As she'd expected, naturally that was the overriding second taste that came across in the gentle breeze, and it was always so wonderful to feel desired.

Her body was otherworldly, immaculate for any creature to behold. She was shapely in all the right places, soft and pliable and plump where it mattered, and wonderously velvety along the places in between. She bore voluptuous curves and stood on long graceful legs ─the slight holes borne from not feeding in so long were such a minor aside that their presence only added to her mysterious appearance─ with illustrious wings that were delicate and fair as they contoured to her body. Cascading from her head was a lengthy flowing emerald-blue mane that alluringly framed her massive arching horn, a pointed muzzle with a dainty nose peeking out, with large enchanting deep-jade eyes that kept one's gaze, and a lovely matching tail to her mane trailing down behind her. Her chitin wasn't at all hard as it appeared to be either; it was as smooth as polished smoky onyx glass, and just as supple as spun silk. Such a towering, graceful, and captivating form wholly ordained attention. Chrysalis was, in a word; perfect.

She took her prey's breath away.

She'd already caught him, he just didn't know it yet.

"Tell me, Lamb, what are you doing in my forest?" Chrysalis whispered as she stalked into the glade, her sultry tone carrying on the wind and floating around them both like a wisp, her voice carrying as her prey tried to hide his rising arousal by looking as uninterested as possible. He couldn't conceal what his body was telling her, nor could he hide that blush. "Not that you are unwelcome."

"Y-your forest?" he questioned with a slight level of fear and confusion. She could savour that within the fear was also anticipation, of whispers in his own mind of the unknown seductress looming before him. His desire was working desperately to override the uncertainty he felt by being completely helpless before her. "I didn't know, I-I'm sorry for intruding, I just... wanted to relax and draw it."

She looked at her prey properly now, as he was rather honest and decent unlike a number of ponies that had come into the Everfree over the many years, and he did simply want to admire the world around himself, she could taste his innocent intentions.

Chrysalis allowed herself to be lustful as she took a much further interest in examining him. She didn't hide her prying eyes as her luminous piercing gaze travelled greedily over his form; she wanted him to know that he was a meal, and indomitably subject to her power. He wasn't muscular as was often common for a stallion, indeed he was quite runty and slender. A pretty silvery coat over a lithe body ─only partially hidden by a bag and a clothing item around his neck─ accompanied by a cascading silver-nimbus mane that swept over his small horn and one of his fluffy ears, and curiously inquisitive caerulean eyes looking at her with innocence, told her that this male was not an apex predator. He was very easy on the eyes though, and from what she could see at a glance he looked to be well proportioned enough for her, although with his small body it was a certainty that he was prey even amongst his own, and the kind that male or female would seek to dominate until they were thoroughly satisfied.

He was perfect.

"You may enjoy the view all you wish, Lamb," she cooed, watching his eyes widen in embarrassment at her double-entendre. If he was well behaved she'd deign to allow him to worship her in other places, if he begged. She chuckled warmly, a deeply pleasant thrum in her throat that surrounded the senses and worked to set her prey's mind at ease. Her innate magic was already affecting his state as he stared into the deep wells of her eyes. "Though do be careful not to wander too far, lest you find yourself lost."

"I... I am lost," he tentatively returned, unable to tear his gaze away from her vision, except to drink in the radiance of her divine form, and she felt his heart quicken a little more from a burst of courage. "But... I don't know if that's a bad thing right now."

A-ha! Was he attempting to woo her? What spirit he had, given his obviously diminutive form. She knew the everlasting game that would be played, but he was a meek prey that deferred to his superiors, she saw it within him as clear as the sun and moon on an open sky. It was a game that he would lose, for he didn't know how to play. She could taste the mix of emotions in which he felt with that line that he'd gained a hoofhold in the moment they were sharing, yet it couldn't be further from the truth. She did so adore when prey thought it was the predator for a fleeting period, thinking they could serenade a changeling when changelings were masters of the practice.

The game continued.

"Do you not think so, Lamb?" Chrysalis purred with just enough false surprise in her husky voice. Taking an apparent interested step forward, her modestly voluptuous curvature angled just so. She portrayed a certain sense of piqued curiosity in her demeanour, and she felt him grow bolder in his assessment that she wasn't as dangerous as she appeared. How wrong he was. "Do you not know where you truly are?"

"The Everfree Forest." He stated, his features pinching in a slight frown, as if it was the most obvious thing ever and that she was silly for asking. She felt herself grin widely, which sent a jolt of fear through him as he saw her wicked-looking fangs. "Are we not, then?"

"Only on the surface," she mused, highly enjoying the puzzlement that spread across his pretty features. She took another gentle step towards him, slow and deliberate as she glanced all around conspiratorially before focusing back on him, lowering her voice in a hush. "It is so much more than you can possibly imagine."

Before he could say anything, she continued.

"This forest is old. Very old. Full of memory, and anger," she leant towards him with a coy look, raising one of her smooth ears. "Shh, can you hear it? The trees are speaking to each other, they have feelings. It is said that we changelings began it, long ago before Equestria. We were alone, and woke them up, taught them to speak."

Chrysalis still kept her voice low. "This is a haven, Lamb, a place to escape to and adore the bounty of nature. It is Nature that has been allowed to flourish freely here, and nothing tames it because nothing can."

"S-so... why is it angry?" he wondered, now flicking his eyes to the drooping branches all around him, perhaps worried if they were going to grab him. They might very well have done, if she wasn't present. "If it hasn't been touched?"

"Because you are afraid of it!" she snapped, suddenly coming in close with a hard stomp as she stood tall, making him squeak in an incredibly un-stallionish manner. She stifled her amusement as she was going for the intimidating look, putting serious effort into her performance as she sharply pulled back and switched immediately to looking apologetic. "Why must you ponies be afraid of Nature? It hurts the forest, the trees grow bitter, and the magic within grows darker with each passing day, keeping the cycle going."

"Well... I like nature," he offered, his lesser horn igniting in a haze of pale-blue as he floated forth the stack of parchment that had been lying on the ground, showing her the lines on it that made up the plants and trees growing around her. "I love drawing it, and it's nice to just relax outside and listen to it."

"And yet, Lamb, there is fear in you for this ancient place," she intoned with a serious edge, shaking her head. He wasn't talking about the same nature that she was. "You jump at the shadows and look to the trees as something to be wary about. They do not like it, and it pains them to feel it. You don't realise how close you came, do you?"

"T-to what?" he asked almost immediately as he lowered the parchment.

Chrysalis had to actively stop herself from laughing and spoiling the mystique, this was far too much fun. It had been too long since she got to mess around with an outsider. She hoped she would find more prey like this in the future, utterly baitable and cowed morsels were always so amusing to play with.

"The forest would have claimed you, had I not been here," she told him with sorrow in her tone, the words still tinged by her aura as her stare kept him transfixed. They impacted and reverberated through him, she could feel his heart quicken again. "It was a stroke of luck that I was passing nearby, otherwise..."

She let it stay unsaid.

In truth, she knew the forest wouldn't hurt him; just simply expel him. Her proximity next to him stopped that from happening, but it didn't mean he was welcomed by it. The Everfree really did feel, and through ways that she couldn't even fathom it reacted negatively to fear, and actively sought to make sure that anypony that feared it wouldn't be near it for very long. Because it was powerful, and it would continue on as it always had without heed of mortal fears. Much as she had already told him; it was something that could not be tamed. That instinctually made ponies ─and many other creatures of a similar intelligence─ afraid of it, so the deep magic held an endless disdain for them.

"Then I'm glad you're here." He said kindly, with some relief in his tone and a genuine smile as he adjusted his neck wrap, and she fervently breathed in as that pure dash of saccharine love hit her again. It was intriguing, even if it was a tad strange that her prey felt a little extra love than overwhelming lust. She rather understood it as she was just so alluring, but she hadn't enjoyed it in a while; the last prey she hunted some time ago had been utterly detested by her marvellous form, even as its lust had taken over its disgust as she'd had him. It had hated itself for being so aroused once she had sunk her fangs in. Yet this one appreciated true beauty. He looked at her again. "You said this was your home... I think I would like to stay, and draw the flowers if you wouldn't mind?"

He was still extremely wary of the pretty greenery all around him but she could feel that he was actively trying to combat his inner fears. That was a rarity, and not something that many did. She felt a smile tug at the corners of her mouth as she tasted a budding courage on the air. It was quite a pleasant change from other ponies she'd hunted. As well she'd thought of course, he was subservient to what was greater than him and had asked for her permission to stay.

"By all means," she grinned impishly. He didn't recoil at her fangs either as he had done before, so she supposed he was feeling safe around her at least in part with how she 'rescued' him. The game was progressing at a good pace, as it usually took a lot longer to make her prey more comfortable. She hadn't even needed to reveal her anatomy. He wasn't hiding much from her, which was a mistake; he liked to put nature onto parchment, so that was something to use and hook him in with completely. She adopted a tone as she continued, his attention still rapt. "You know... there may be a place that your ritual could capture, Lamb."

"Ritual..." he mouthed back quietly at her under his breath with slight confusion, before his face lit up with a smile. "You mean my art?"

"If that is what it is." Chrysalis gently inclined her head, her eyes wandering over the parchment that was resting on the leaf-strewn ground. It really was strange, but she supposed it made sense if creatures wanted to see nature without actually getting too near it, although her prey apparently wanted to get very close. That thought aside, she grinned as she turned herself around sensually, putting emphasis on her form as she accentuated every step with a certain sway to keep his interest on all her best features. No easy task when all of her was her best feature. "Come, follow me."

Chrysalis layered the command with a veiled undertone that promised something if he did as he was bid. She didn't need to put so much into it at this point as she was almost completely certain he'd follow her anywhere, but where would the fun be in that? It was so rare she got to enjoy herself like this. As a little treat for having been so polite and amiable she flicked her luscious tail to one side as she turned her backside towards where his eyes were looking, giving him only the briefest hint of something very special as her tail went back into place whilst she sauntered on ahead. A peek back over her shoulder revealed he was blushing profusely, and she continued walking as if nothing had happened whilst taking that piece of lust, looking as if she'd just been checking he was falling in line seeing as he'd been putting his personal effects into his bag.

Not forgotten by her were her creeping children, all of them still being so perfectly blended with the copious flora and minimal fauna that surrounded them all. They were being so patient and well-behaved, and relented some impatience from waiting so long as she shared some of the love she'd been gifted by her prey. Their joy at an offering was always so nice, they vibrated excitedly as their bellies were given sustenance.

But they remained hidden in plain sight.

Her prey hadn't even noticed as he'd trotted right by one of them.

As they went, her children carefully skulked along in the dense underbrush right under her prey's nose, and it was perfect hooves-on training. The older hunters helped the underlings to keep steady and quiet, showing them how to shift their glamour to blend with the blurred colours of the darkening forest whilst keeping on the move. It was just as they would do even if there wasn't any prey to hunt, however this was an experience that would have a minor chance of consequences should they put a hoof wrong.

She expertly led her prey through the many possible pitfalls and snares the Everfree held; long-standing remote pockets of mysterious magic which lurked almost under the surface, that disoriented and muddled the mind so a creature would be more susceptible to its influence. A majority of the time it caused them to fall into a slumber so that the few denizens that naturally called the ancient forest home would have an easy meal. The Everfree cared for its own. The hanging trees groaned their displeasure at her interference but didn't counteract what she was up to, as the forest understood changelings had a need to hunt.

Her prey was doing a rather stalwart job at stifling his worry at the arduous noises the old trees were making in the gloom. It made her grin with a soft chuckle in her throat as she meandered down the hidden path, and she sensed he was feeling curious as to the source of her amusement, so she decided to share.

"It seems the trees are a touch irritated at your continued presence," she mused, glancing back at him as he peered around again looking for possible attacks from branches, when really he should have been looking out for her underlings. "They can be a little overbearing sometimes."

"Right..." he muttered in mute wariness, pulling his neck wrap a tighter and keeping pace perhaps a little faster so he didn't fall behind, the light of the day was waning after all, soon it was going to be dark.

They came upon the secluded area she wanted to show her prey soon enough, a majestic grove relatively untouched by the foreboding magic of the Everfree. It had an almost tenebrous quality to it that was only amplified by the low lighting, and she wandered into small clearing with a feeling of serenity as the sunset framed it rather charmingly, the small pond at its centre rippling in patterns as the gentle breeze through the forest stroked its surface. It was very calm. Likewise, her prey almost forgot his fears as he joined her and saw the beauty around him. His joy soared at seeing the picturesque setting, his discomfort forgotten in the moment.

"I do not comprehend your need to scratch dirt across parchment when your eyes can already see such beauty, truly." Chrysalis said with feigned dismissal as he slowly moved beyond her with awe, immediately having gotten his parchment out to put lines onto with the thin sticks he held in his corona.

She knew the sticks were burned wood, really; she'd seen fires reduce trees to blackened husks and the look, smell, and taste on the air was the same, though she hadn't known ponies used them to mark things. She got the reaction she wanted as she sensed his feeling of indignance at her words. Chrysalis had thought of those strange old maps and wondered why they would ever need to be captured on parchment, so she was curious as to the why of what he did and wanted him to explain it to her, but she wasn't simply just going to ask him to, that wasn't how she liked to play.

"It's charcoal, not dirt." He said with a frown on his cute features, only a minute sort of pout given as he relaxed, his stance shifting as his spirit brightened and he levitated the parchment closer, scraping the charcoal across it to actually show her. To her great interest, he then smudged it as if it was dirt, and it left a fading smear. "It's an excellent traditional drawing medium, I feel it's better than pens or pencils, and I prefer it to digital art."

Chrysalis kept herself patiently mute as he assailed her with new information, giving him the slightest tilt of her head in acknowledgement. Surely he might glean that she wasn't privy to any of what he was saying as ponies created a great deal of things that were completely unnecessary for changelings. She was glad then, when his face morphed into that of realisation, and he smiled kindly as he spoke again.

"Art is... capturing what you see. Putting charcoal or some other tool onto a canvas of some kind, that's drawing. Charcoal is... well, I think the easiest way to say it would be 'burned wood'," he explained, taking the parchment back towards himself and laying it down carefully. She stifled a short laugh that he should call it exactly what she knew it was, and she could fully recognise his feelings of joy and pride in himself at assisting her to understand too; it was similar to how she felt when she taught her underlings what they needed to know. Whilst she might have been Queen of her own kin, she wouldn't generally wish to teach outsiders of their ways ─not beyond hooves-on lust extraction, though─ and his willingness to impart and help a creature that was not his own kin was intriguing; there was no animosity, just a desire to share knowledge. She supposed it might be a weakness that ponies were prone to, though she didn't begrudge it when she was personally gaining from it. "Pens and pencils, well, they're other ways to draw. And digital art is... uh, I wouldn't worry about it, honestly. I suppose you could call it a way of using magic to draw."

"There are apparently many ways to draw," she drawled with a slightly sardonic grin, making him laugh sweetly. Chrysalis mused that he was becoming quite endeared to her, likely feeling there was good rapport between them as his attention was passing over her visage. She fully grinned as there was a certain degree of both lust and love to his studying again, and she then continued the game by fostering his devotion. "So what shall you draw on your parchment?"

"Actually, it's paper, not parchment," he corrected with a genial smile, again bringing the paper towards her. She raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "You see how it's smooth and dull white? Parchment is made of animal skin and... it's pretty grisly. Paper is made from pulped wood, textiles, or plant matter."

Paper. Interesting. She was learning many new things, and that was always pleasant. Even if she had little use for the information, it was good to have context for it. Now that she thought about it, it did have a different look and smell to it, almost like flora, yes, yet she had simply assumed it was a different type of parchment. That parchment was made from skin... it made sense; she recalled a curious confusion at the general tinge of a beast when looking at those old maps, and now she had her answer.

"So then what shall you draw on your paper, Lamb?" she asked with a questioning glance, choosing to nimbly stoke his desire for her by slowly and sensually laying herself down against the mellow earth, the moss and grass greeting her as she made herself comfortable and accentuating her body.

"I... I think I'll start with the general scene," he smiled, his eyes passing over her again briefly before quickly returning to his charcoal and paper.

Chrysalis coyly pursed her lips and narrowed her vision as the fleeting wave fell over her. He was feeling a sense of embarrassment as another morsel of love and lust came from him, his heartbeat jumping up in pace from looking upon her glorious figure. He was silver-coated but right now his face was rather run through with pink, now what could that possibly mean, she wondered with a wicked smile. The more time he spent around her, the more he was falling prey to her allure.

She passed the gathered portions along to her children to keep them placated, they were doing well. They'd already dashed and crept into the murky grove with ease, even the underlings doing extremely well to mirror their surroundings to the point she missed one or two of them until they had settled properly. She truly was a proud Queen, they did their best to improve for her, as well they should, though they needed to for themselves just as much.

With a soft chitter scarcely ever perceived by most creatures, she told them to remain patient. It was part of the everlasting game, and patience was necessary in a hunt as they could spend days trying to lure prey. They needed to learn to feed off the small interactions as she was doing, tune into what made their prey happy and sense how to get prey to create love or lust that they could eat. When it came time for them to leave the hive they needed to be able to lure creatures to them and willingly get them to give their love, or if not as was more likely; be seductive enough to extract their lust without coming to any harm themselves.

It was no easy feat, but she was just exceptionally amazing at it.

So they had to learn.

Her prey had gotten contently situated now after a few moments of eager restlessness with his wish to draw, and was lulling between glancing at her with curious intent and focusing on the nature around him. Whilst she couldn't still really comprehend the reason for drawing ─of which she was going to get her answer in time─ she understood the driving need he felt, the passion of his art as he had called it, that sense that he had to do something when he saw what moved him. For that alone, she drew out the game and let him draw the beauty that surrounded their senses, leniently waiting whilst idly observing his patterns.

She'd already noticed he had a certain habit of looking at his paper and what he wanted to draw twice in quick succession, and on occasion would also tap the edge of his hoof on the ground as he thought on what needed to be done next, the striving sense in him of hope that he'd drawn it. But he was drawing it, so perhaps that was the hope of capturing it well enough? It seemed that way with his bubbling undertone of worry. Such a bizarre thing to worry about at all, when his survival didn't hinge on it.

He dragged the charcoal across and around the paper, peering at the thickets and tufts of greenery as he worked, between willowy trees as they solemnly drooped down into the still grove, to rest on a particular piece of the varied and vibrant plant life that would cause his eyes to focus intently as he captured it. She found it rather amusing that his eyeline kept travelling back to her though, his heart pumping a little quicker every time he saw her. Each time she'd pass the morsels on to her underlings, to the point where they were no longer restless and actively lounging in a lazy stupor, even the hunters were greatly fed. It had been so long since they'd had good love, it was little wonder they were so content.

That still confused her, that her prey should feel the amount of pure love atop his lust that he did. Prey hadn't felt that sort of thing for her for what felt like aeons. Despite her clear perfection they only ever had a sliver of love to give willingly, and often that was heavily perverted with their lust, so it was edible enough, but it was never pure. That it was happening again was pleasing, as pure love was better than raw lust, as even if lust was a form of love that filled the belly it wasn't nearly as good or as wonderful as the real thing itself. Well, the reasons for it didn't matter, who was she to complain when a creature gave of itself so willingly?

She grinned widely at him as he took yet another peek at her again through his capturing of nature, softly chuckling as she felt his embarrassment of being caught. What piqued her curiosity was his total absence of fear though. Had she truly played the game so well already that he'd stopped being afraid of her outright? She'd bared her fangs with that grin but he'd only been shocked at being seen snooping with interest at her beauty. Chrysalis knew she was absolutely radiant, however she hadn't expected him to leer quite so much.

After what was certainly hours just enjoying the peaceful mood as the sunset turned into a lovely bright night, and he'd ignited his horn to make better lighting as well as use his charcoal, with a periodic check in with her underlings to see they were fine as the moon sailed overhead; she loosed a small yawn as she took in an additional supplement from her prey just as he finished with scratching the charcoal onto the paper. With the sheer ratio of pure love to lust, she'd been able to feed her children until their bellies were almost bursting, and was now actually starting to feel rather full herself. An incredible feat as her pool ran rather deep. She was amused as he kept fretting still, glancing at the paper with intense scrutiny and making sure he had drawn everything in the way he so desired.

"Did you succeed in capturing what you wanted, Lamb?" Chrysalis cooed in a low playful tone, getting to her hooves with only a miniscule amount of teasing to her movements as she might have been faintly love-drunk.

He blushed profusely for some reason in another outburst of embarrassment that flowed over her, mixed with that delicious love and lust, but he gave a quick nod, his eyes flicking between the paper and her as he almost hid within the neck wrap. "I-I uh... yes, I think so, b-but it's not... I don't think it's perfect."

"No matter, let me see it." She ordered, somewhat politely and with a small smirk on her muzzle. She wanted to understand just what all the fuss was about, and why he strived so much to draw, and her patience was starting to wane now that she had a modestly full stomach. After she'd gotten her answer she might even deign to let him go on his way without any close and personal treatment seeing as he'd fed her so well already.

Before he could protest to the action she grabbed hold of the paper he'd drawn on within her own overwhelmingly powerful magic, her majestic horn blazing like a shining beacon and glowing a brilliant caustic-green as it easily overpowered and enveloped his own gentle pale-blue. He gasped in surprise and was incredibly helpless to stop her taking it from him, trying in complete futility to take it back. He clearly hadn't known she could do that. There were many things she could do that he didn't know about. She chuckled deeply in an amused thrum as she brought the paper over for viewing.

She paused, and blinked.

Chrysalis found herself thoroughly rendered mute as her luminous eyes came to rest upon the lines he'd put down, and felt a very strange ache in her chest.

He had put charcoal on paper in order to capture nature, yes.


He'd caught her in it, too.

The words she was going to tease her prey with about how he couldn't possibly ever manage to trap the eternal beauty of the Everfree within his parchment that wasn't parchment, how trying to exhibit the evanescent and tumultuous nature of Nature its very self was a ludicrous venture; such words had utterly died in her throat. Perhaps that was what brought this ache to her chest.

The Nature around her had been expertly wrought with wonderous care put into all facets, from each surface within the bewitching grove, of the looming trees' mossy bark and the pool's shimmering depths with hints of smoothed stones and pebbles within, to every little leaf and twig flitting across the glade and the water's surface, even small little insects of a lesser nature in life; none of it had gone unnoticed or ignored, it was all there. Every last bit of it cleverly smudged as she'd seen earlier to create the illusion of lighting and shade, and bring the paper to life. She could even see the faintest outline of what to any other observer might be additional detailing, but to her knowing eye it was unmistakably the fuzzy abstract silhouette of one of her underlings.

However the exquisitely drawn grove was secondary to the paper's true focus.

At the centre of the paper she saw an enchantingly gorgeous mare with a strikingly beautiful grin that unequivocally exuded playful confidence and strength, and so regal and gorgeous was her form that she brightened everything around herself. Every supple curve, every alluring shape; all of it was brought out in such alarmingly crystal clear detail with how it jumped off the paper that it made her feel like she should blush at the level of attention. Her large eyes were possibly the most fascinating aspect however, as they somehow conveyed such a range of emotion. This mare was extremely powerful and she knew it, yet beneath the surface deep down underneath the radiance and haughty demeanour there was worry, there was fear, and there was ultimately hurt. There was hurt in the mare's eyes.

How could her prey have seen that?

How was that possible?

He wasn't a changeling, he was just an ordinary pony, so how could he see into her when he didn't possess their unique abilities? He'd truly succeeded in capturing everything about her and more, he'd seen the utmost measure of her to the point that she wondered if the mare in the picture was even real.

Her heart was armoured against detractors, impervious to any attack from falsehoods, and creatures that sought to lay her and her children low. She was unbreakable, unpierceable, and she did not get hurt by others because nopony was even remotely capable of getting near her; she didn't let them and they didn't want to.

But all she could think in that bizarre little moment whilst his art dropped from her magic, returning to his grasp as he gently floated it back over to himself and looked at her with concern, was just how deftly he'd pried open that armour, and that all he had done was ever-so-carefully caressed her because...

He had wanted to get close, and he hadn't wanted to cause her any harm, he had seen her and felt so inspired as to venerate her.

He had bravely stepped away from the safety of his little hamlet far over the hills and come to a primordial part of the land that did not recognise him as anything but an interloper, because he wanted to see the endless beauty that lay before him and draw his art. Despite his well of fear and regardless of what had lurked within the shadows he had still stepped forth and ventured into its ancient confines, and still dared to stand before her when she had blocked his path forward, instead of trying to flee like a coward as so many before him had done.

And he'd felt... oh.

She remembered it.

It really had been so long that she hadn't seen what was clear, it was incredibly strange to think about it now after all this time. It was the feeling of affection. He'd felt affection for her the instant he'd laid eyes on her, undeterred that she was wholly different from him. It was why the love and lust she'd felt from him was so deeply skewed, and she'd believed it had just been a fluke that it had felt like actual love. Affection was the simple beginning of the most innocent kind of love there was, predominantly uncorrupted by lust, it was purest there was next to honestly true love.

She blinked, then blinked again.

She gently turned her head to look upon her prey with perhaps a reasonably different outlook, his timid and small stature possibly looked at in a newer and less cynical light. He met her piercing gaze, and she could feel the swirl of emotions within as he thought maybe he'd made a grievous error. There was once again a blossom of fear, slowly bubbling as she didn't immediately do anything except stare. He wondered if he'd overstepped, if her silence was hidden anger or disgust at what he'd rendered. He'd made something he felt was beautiful, albeit imperfect in his mind, and perhaps she didn't feel similarly. He started to feel a tinge of regret rising at ever having thought it was a good idea.

Her spirit flared then, jarred that he should dare feel such a thing when he'd so superbly done what she'd thought was impossible, and she finally spoke. Even she, a mighty Queen, had been proven wrong. She was not so arrogant as to not be humble in such an instance, especially when such an action had been undertaken in service of her.

"My my, Lamb, here I thought you to be meek," she said in a hushed tone, though it came out partially different than before. It was less aberrant, and perhaps just a little bit warmer as she may have gained a smidgen of fondness for him. She smirked as he started to relax, seeing she clearly wasn't angry with him. "Instead I see that you are actually rather bold."

He gave a brief nervous chuckle, immense relief flooding through him as he fully realised he was safe from her wrath, quickly perking up as he flicked between looking at her and then his creation. He clearly wasn't sure what he should say, and started to grow more agitated as she purposely let another silence lull between them for her own amusement whilst she let her eyes study his sleek figure. He'd certainly succeeded in striking at her without intending to, almost forcibly changing her perspective on him in a matter of minutes; she had to recover some lost ground.

But she was a generous Queen. She granted him a boon, partially.

"I find your art to be flattering, Lamb." Chrysalis smiled with a gentle nod at him, her expression turning coy as she then grinned and delivered a powerful counter-attack. "Although I would say that you are quite an amorous and perverse little pony."

A-ha! Yes, with that extremely violent blush that now made him a pretty shade of scarlet, she would say she'd seized a fair amount of ground back from his talented hooves. His emotions tumbled over one another and flowed around her, and she allowed herself to enjoy the fact that she was genuinely feeling happy to be in his company. It almost felt unnatural, but she recalled a long, long time ago when she had enjoyed the company of another that wasn't a changeling, almost in another lifetime. Before, what had come across had felt bizarre to her as she hadn't realised his affection, however with context the outpour of emotions he was sharing ─the same as he'd shared since first laying eyes on her─ was purely heartfelt and genuine.

She found it... very agreeable.

"I-I... uh..." he stammered, still quite tinged with pink across his cheeks, his heart beating faster as he met her eyes again with a taste of courage swirling around him. "I just... think you're incredibly beautiful."

Chrysalis almost felt herself flush with how heavy the tidal wave of energy hit her, a slight tremour running down her spine and through other certain extremities as the kind compliment was positively rife with actual honest adoration. She didn't feel as if this stallion was actually capable of being facetious in any manner, or very much well wanted to. She really had to admit to herself that he was more than he appeared to be at first glance, and it made her somewhat hungrier despite the fact that her belly wasn't empty now. His bravery allowed him to follow what drove him regardless of danger, he had managed to mentally knock her back and make her reassess him, and he just told her without fear of her ─an apex predator─ that he thought she was incredibly beautiful, whilst freely giving her adoration.

Before she'd seen his creation she'd been thinking to herself that she might just let him leave as she was modestly full, and she could easily last quite a long time without feeding again. She had enough love to store away for hard times if her subjects should have a need of it as well, however...

The silvery stallion was still looking at her as she'd been keeping his gaze, and offered another gentle smile that sent a light breeze of love her way, the action causing a pleasant tingle and filling her that little bit of extra warmth below the tail.

...What utter folly it would be, to just throw him away so readily.

And If she was being as honest to herself as he was to her, she felt that whilst she'd certainly done well to fulfil a hunt and could call it complete, she had another craving that needed to be addressed, another part that most certainly was not full and had desperate need of such.

Extracting lust was often a simple necessity rather than being borne from her own desires, but at this moment she recognised a suitable male before her that could easily give her both love and lust in equal measure, that wanted to give her affection, that found her attractive, was rather pleasing to look upon, and could cure the itch that came naturally to her body that hadn't been tended in a very long time. She really didn't need even a middling level of intuition to know that underneath the surface of his purer feelings lay desire; she'd already sensed it upon encountering him, though with how he felt towards her being such a scant occurrence she would be remiss to snub such a precious gift.

Chrysalis was a Queen, and she would conquer.

"It is quite dark, Lamb," she whispered intently towards him, glancing away from him and peering around the gloaming grove and adopting a coquettish smile. "I believe that you should come with me, if you are to keep safe."

He jolted quickly then, perhaps suddenly realising just how late it was as he mirrored her movement of taking in the immediate vicinity, before finding his eyes resting back on her and relaxing considerably. He really did feel just positively secure around her, didn't he?

"I can't believe I lost track of time," he returned with a gentle laugh, the sound was unmarred by worry at his predicament. It was nice, soft. He gathered himself up and carefully tucked his creation into his bag, along with his charcoal sticks and the rest of his paper. "I guess... you've got a village to go back to?"

Her gaze narrowed as she adopted an intense grin. "Not exactly a village."

The Hive

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Chrysalis deftly led the stallion to her hive, with her children all carefully and gently sneaking alongside them too, albeit a great deal slower as their movements were otherwise sluggish and clumsy, their love-drunk states affecting their ability to stay perfectly invisible. A changeling could easily maintain a glamour when full of love, but to move without sound or affecting the senses of creatures was diminished somewhat when the mind was addled with too much of a good thing.

The stallion seemed content, and perhaps that was because he didn't know where he was being taken. She wondered if he would be aghast at exactly what kind of place within the forest she personally called home, and felt rather odd that she had a moment of tension over it. No matter, he liked her more than enough, he would likely appreciate her own unique abode.

Although, he might not appreciate what came next.

She stopped not too distantly from the hive as they weren't far from its hidden entrance now, and turned back to face him. He wasn't confused, simply more curious as he raised his eyebrows, expecting her to say something.

With a slight murmur she gave the signal to her children. Despite their current dispositions the order was obeyed, and they all immediately shifted from their glamours, appearing as they stepped out or hopped down around the area in oddly eye-catching swirls or hazes of green-shaded magic as it dissipated around their chitinous bodies. She tried to only feel a modicum of amusement at his reaction, yet her face split into a wide grin anyway.

He was partially stiffened up in shock, however it was likely that the logical part of his mind was telling him that her children weren't hostile as he was calming down a lot faster than she would have expected. He glanced all around at her various subjects with only a passing wariness, even amusement as one of them waved at him. He turned his attention back to her with a question on the tip of his tongue, though she cut in before he could ask it.

"They have been with me the entire time," she smiled, giving an appraising look around at her children, grinning at him as she continued. "You had absolutely no suspicions, did you?"

"Uh... no." He said simply, his face just a little bemused.

"Well, they are coming along. I think they will be happy not having to hide, they have been doing it for several hours, after all," she mused, turning back around and sauntering on. She could feel his bemusement carry on as they went, just a little hurt in his pride that he hadn't sensed them. "Changelings are very adept at staying hidden, Lamb. There is no shame, your eyes are not suited for seeing such things."

Chrysalis smiled to herself as that did perk him up considerably.

They came upon the hive not soon after, the magic hiding the entrance and appearing as so much overgrown flora and tangled thickets was quickly dispelled the second she drew near, flickering into millions of shimmering wisps that in turned into aether. She chuckled deep in her throat as the stallion was rather taken by the display of natural changeling magic, his awe at the motes as they glowed and dispersed was quite endearing.

What was revealed to them was a massive gaping maw, leading down into an expansive cave system that wasn't viewable from just this entrance alone, this one nonuniform mouth before them not revealing the greater whole. It led only into an open space that then expanded elsewhere through variably-sized tunnels and chambers.

"As I said, not a village." Chrysalis grinned back at him. He was only partly surprised this time around, and quickly acclimated to the strangeness with a scrunched nose and a nod, as if summing up in his mind that a changelings appearance matching with cave-living actually made more sense than his own type of dwelling, which it did. He took a tentative step forward as he watched her underlings happily travel inside, the hunters moving much calmer as they entered. He faltered behind her as she also moved into the cave's mouth and looked back at him. "Not afraid, are you, Lamb?"

"It's just... caves... I've never been in any." He said, eyeing the depression with concern. After a quick glance over his shoulder at the foreboding forest behind him, he looked back into the cave soon after, and again he fought his fear as he took another step. "First time for everything, I guess."

Chrysalis grinned, moving inside.

His curiosity and wonder started to slowly accost his worries until they were the overriding feeling she felt rolling off of him, as she replaced the entrance with a caustic flash of her horn and wandered through the moderate space where numerous new oddities he wasn't privy to caught his attention. She couldn't help but laugh softly under her breath as she felt his overwhelming desire to capture them on his paper.

"I can see that you are a little distracted, Lamb," she cooed with amusement as she stopped walking, seeing as he'd paused his trot to focus on the few glowing fixtures hanging from the cave ceiling. They were nothing more than a very basic bioluminescent light source, yet he seemed particularly taken with the stalactitic creations. "You will have time to draw later, fear not."

With a small measure of reluctance, he moved on from the gentle lights and fell in tow behind her as she continued her way down a long winding passage off to the right side of the layered caves. She hid a mischievous smile as she casually flicked her tail to one side again, just to feel his adorable embarrassment and lust spike. There was nowhere else for him to look but her backside, really; not unless he found cave walls and their strange compositions of different tasting rocks notably interesting. She had him very much trapped where she wanted him.

His fascination at the hive only increased when they eventually reached the chamber up ahead. As it opened out into a far wider area than the entrance landing had been, there was considerably more going on here, and her drones were buzzing about freely, keeping themselves entertained mostly with roughhousing or repairing parts of the hive that had sorely needed it. By necessity, changelings were usually in a constant state of torpor and would keep themselves in hibernation to survive the long periods where they lacked the sustenance they required. That he was seeing them in such high spirits was a rarity, and he only had himself to thank for it.

"This is your doing, Lamb, did you know? We are all usually so tired that we must hibernate." She smiled, watching her underlings enjoy themselves with the excess of energy they possessed, pleased that her hunters were sharing it amongst all their brothers and sisters. Soon she would have to tell them to stop to conserve the love they had been given, but for now she would grant them their pastimes, it wasn't often they ever had the chance to be active. "Changelings feed on specific energies, and your presence has granted it in excess."

"Oh, really?" he glanced at a drone that was using their magic to restore damage to a layered tunnel wall, packing cracks with a malleable resin created from their saliva, he was quite awed by the action. "I didn't know, uh, I'm happy to help?"

"There are other ways you might help," she grinned impishly, glancing back as a few of her younger children came over to poke and prod their strange new guest, before she gently chittered for them to leave him be. "Come, you must be tired, I have a resting place set aside."

He smiled, rather content with the idea of rest. It was only a partial lie, he would get to sleep, yet it would come after he'd assisted her as she knew he wanted to do. She even felt his mind briefly skirt lust as she'd mentioned it, and how could he not? He was here within her hive, and was constantly looking upon her perfect form, whilst they had gotten along incredibly well and indeed built a rapport. Any male with good sense would be feeling the exact same way.

She passed them through a series of twisting tunnels, some inclining for a short stretch before snaking downward deeper into the earth. His endless curiosity at a place so incredibly alien to his kin's own was interesting, and she supposed she might feel somewhat the same were she to ever spend an extended period of time in one of his pony dwellings. He navigated past a few stalagmites and outcroppings of residue build-up, his head craning up to see the irregular formations where natural erosion from water travelling through the ground had caused the cave passage to shift itself around the many layers that made up its walls. It kept him nicely entranced until they reached her personal sleeping chambers.

It was a very exquisite abode, expansive and private, and sectioned off by pretty membranous folds of lowly glowing resin that was softer to the touch in a way that resin usually wasn't, but that was because she knew ways to make it so. It was a gorgeous piece of ostentation fitting of her status and beauty. She parted the sweeping folds and gracefully stepped in, allowing the stallion through as well. Inside was her wonderful cocoon that hung down from the ceiling; it was large, warm, inviting, and very comfortable. It was flanked by a few wide moss-covered stalactites that glowed the same as the lights they'd passed on their way into the hive.

It was her own space, and a grand chamber fit for a Queen.

"I uh, I don't see..." he began, looking around for something. She curiously watched him frown, taking a moment. She sensed confusion and he looked at her after glancing at her cocoon. "Is this where I'm going to be sleeping?"

"Indeed, Lamb." Chrysalis said in a low tone, only a little sultry.

He arched an eyebrow at it, looking at her then with a quizzical expression. "I don't mean to be rude, but... Is there no bed?"

"If that is where ponies sleep, then this is a changeling bed." Chrysalis smiled at him mischievously. She understood that ponies certainly wouldn't sleep in cocoons, though surely they slept in something made from magic, at the very least? The stallion had mentioned that they drew with it, so surely they could also sleep on it too? That was how her drones made the hive's beds; their unique magic could be shaped into objects. All of her children were capable of everything that she was. Hunters used their magic to lull prey into a relaxed state, or at least get them docile enough that lust could be extracted; guards used their magic to enhance their speed beyond their normal level, and levitate objects; and drones used their magic to create a malleable resin that was almost as tough as stone when dried, or shape resin and magic into different forms that could remain perfectly soft to the touch. She gestured to the cocoon with an idle hoof. "It may not be as you expect, though I assure you it is quite excellent. I can always reshape it however, if you find that sleeping in such a manner is uncomfortable."

He gave a nod, smiling earnestly. "I would really appreciate that." He was quick on the uptake and pointed at the ground. "Ponies sleep... hmm, on raised platforms, generally blocky in shape, and we have bedding... which is... something to rest our heads on and cover ourselves with. Uh, please."

Well, that seemed wholly unnecessary when ponies had fur. Regardless of things beyond her comprehension, she decided to grant him his request, her horn igniting and illuminating the smoothed walls of her spacious chamber as her cocoon was fully enveloped and reformed before their eyes, adding additional magic she was now fully able to spare to create the approximate items. She went for a very large and somewhat curved form, enough that she would be sufficiently content to lay down on it without falling off, and created a large fold of smooth silk that would cover it, with a sizably shaped mass of silk for their heads. If she was going to be laying down then she was doing it with maximum efficiency and comfort.

The form was complete, as was the bedding, and she smiled at his elation at seeing the familiar pony-like objects. He trotted forward and placed a hoof against the raised platform made of magic, pushing his hoof against it and laughing gently to himself.

"It's like if a waterbed was made from gel," he marvelled, running a hoof along the large fold and smiling at that too. "A lovely duvet and pillow as well, thank you."

"Yes, I do create the finest works, although I have never made a bed from water, perhaps I shall try one day." She mused with a nod, assuming that a duvet and pillow were the created possessions as her eyes passed over the unusual sleeping situation. "It is a little peculiar to me, but as far as a bed goes this is hardly the worst I have owned."

She immediately felt his surprise.

"T-this is your bed?" he squeaked, making eye contact as she fixed her gaze on him intently. She only grinned widely. It made him blush profusely as he took a gentle step back. "I can't sleep here if it's your bed..."

"Of course you can, Lamb." Chrysalis purred, taking a step towards him as her gaze deepened and grew a great deal more predatory, though only in a playful manner as she wasn't really wanting to scare him at this juncture, not that she really thought it possible. "I very much invite you to. Do you not wish to share a Queen's bed?"

And his surprise just kept mounting.

"You're a Queen?" he gasped, his eyes flicking over her exquisite body again with a measure of shock, and she felt that undertone of lust again along with a helping of love at his newfound thoughts at having to reassess her in a new light, and apparently he found her... even more breath-taking. Excellent. She felt a mild spike of amusement as his eyes went to her head, as now he realised. "Oh... that's a crown, isn't it?"

"But of course," she smiled sweetly, her horn glowing. He was enveloped in her glowing green corona with a sharp yelp of yet even greater surprise as she moved him over to the bed. "And as a Queen, I tell you that my bed is without a consort. Would you truly rebuff me and wish to sleep elsewhere?"

"C-consort?" he blushed again, his eyes flicking between her and the bed with those deliciously mixed emotions. He wanted to, she could feel it, she felt a word in his mind; princess, and what it meant to him was special. She was far above that, his elation at being one flesh with somepony greater than a princess was settling in next to his appreciation of her. She had only to ease him a little more as he fidgeted. "I-I don't know..."

"Allow me to help you know." She kept on with a sweet grin, laying him down atop the bed and releasing her hold once she'd removed that silly neck wrap and his bag, putting them to one side. He didn't move away or protest as she stepped up onto it and began to tower over him. "It has been far too long since I shared the warmth of my body with another, Lamb; would you deny me and yourself the joy of such pleasures?"

"I..." he began, though she'd already leant down and gotten in close to his face, promptly making him squeak and keep quiet as she stared deeply into him, calming him down with her magic. His heart was thundering in his chest and she worked to slow his embroiled state of mind. She'd been fed by his love, she knew she hadn't even needed to do anything else but that as he was beholden to her from his own feelings.

She let her presence dominate and simply basked in the roiling emotions coming off of him. Love and lust in equal measure was given, and it had moved into its next stage from affection. Affection gave birth to the rise of adoration, and on the innocent side of a purer love lay a far more curious lust she had never coined a term for beyond beginner's lust, of which didn't succeed in tainting and overwhelming the given love.

No, they combined.

That was what she was being gifted, and it was intoxicating outwith anything she'd tasted in forever. He wanted her so very badly, and he wasn't protesting or stopping her, he was just simply new to the entire sordid affair and purely had no inkling of how to proceed with an incredibly interested female bearing down upon him. She would gladly be his guide.

Anticipation welled in his heart as she maintained his starry gaze, his mind perhaps a little fogged from his own emotions and her calming effect she was laying in so that he didn't faint from the overwhelming situation. She lowered until their noses were bumping and grinned at his soft gasp.

"Would you like to kiss me?" she asked kindly in a whisper, her voice echoing.

She didn't so much receive a spoken yes as she did a noise from his throat and a wave of emotion that amounted to his desire to kiss her. That was perfectly acceptable, sometimes silence was a yes. She leant forward and pushed her soft lips against his in a clumsy embrace as he fumbled and sparks danced in his head. She couldn't help but chuckle, the vibration passing through their connection as she took control and wrestled his lips with her own.

He managed to understand what she was doing and mimicked the action in return as best he could, until they eventually matched pace and she wouldn't allow him to relent for breath until she was satisfied she'd clouded his mind even further, or until she was generally satisfied of her own desire.

Chrysalis could not recall the last time she had actually kissed another.

It was only when she felt he was on the verge of passing out that she released her lip-lock and exhaled in contentment, allowing him to greedily refill his lungs for a scant moment before she went right back into another deep kiss. She greatly shocked him as her muscular tongue snaked past her fangs into his mouth and probed around, wrestling with his tongue that was hardly putting up any sort of resistance. He was both enamoured and confused, yet went along as best he was able to.

She helped him relax further as her horn flared again, her luminous jade magic carefully surrounding his body and kneading at his muscles. Instantly he shuddered as her gentle force eased the tension out of him little by little. He twitched and shivered as she tended to him, his mind alternating between dancing and relaxing as she kissed and massaged him, barely permitting any respite as she tasted him. She could smell his arousal in the air as well as his scent, it was almost like he'd rolled in crushed fruits. A smell that had gone mostly uncared for until now, it was lovely to her senses.

The small consort was naught but workable resin in her grasp as she played around, finding what increased his enjoyment and what didn't, which apparently wasn't much with how amazingly she was doing. She imagined that his body was so very tense from earlier, sitting hunched as he had been for hours over his work and slaving to create such a venerable depiction of her, yet he was still feeding her with such honeyed essence.

He loosed a quietly confused moan of bliss into her mouth as her magic ensnared those soft sizable orbs between his legs in a warm field and began to massage those too along with the rest of him. She did so gently as she leant back from her salacious kiss and grinned at the endearing expression of pleasure stuck on his features, her vision travelling down to lay on his groin and see the effect she was having.

His member had slid free of its home and stood at half-mast, only growing in size as her massage continued with her magic covering the length as well and teasing at it to elicit more noise from her chosen consort. He was already breathing quite heavily with lidded eyes at her rather simple ministrations and it was greatly amusing her. It was almost new in a way, having been such an age since the last she'd had another with her, but one that she wanted to be with considerably, and one that greatly appreciated her in kind. With all that had been gifted to her and was still being actively contributed, she felt the urge to reciprocate.

It made her want to do something special.

She had just the thing in mind. She'd never done it, though the idea had popped into her head on occasion throughout the long years with nary the chance to act upon the desire. Well, now she had a willing participant and most certainly possessed the burning urge, especially given that her massaging had brought forth quite a formidable opponent.

Her consort's member was fully erect now, and whilst it may have been some time since she'd laid eyes upon one, this was of considerable size. It belied his small stature and she had to smile at that, how many had perhaps looked him over and missed this weapon in their haste to dismiss him as insignificant?

As if sensing her intent, his breath hitched as her magic gently squeezed and she flashed him a smile as she settled down to get comfortable on the strange bed. It was odd not being confined, she felt very exposed to everything around her, but she might see the appeal of that to a certain degree as it seemingly heightened her senses. She moved her mouth closer to the thick pink mast of flesh in front of her, her sinuous tongue pushing out again as his natural scent mixed with that fruity smell was growing heavier, she tasted it as her tongue gently trailed up the side of his member and he breathed out in pleasure at the unfamiliar sensation.

She breathed in as she dragged her tongue up its length, his scent, arousal, love, and lust all combining into the most delectable pool of sensations that she absorbed with a growing hunger, as the specific mix of adoration from him made that volatile combination of love and lust that was so potent to her. It was beginning to make her extremely love-drunk.

Her hot mouth encompassed his tip, wet and slippery she experimentally pushed down and engulfed his shaft too, gently teasing with her fangs to the gentlest of degrees to make him quiver, and moving down to the ringed bump at the centre whilst her tongue lashed all around the length and tasted him in excess. Her senses were likely on fire as much as his were, as he was shivering in absolute delight and making noises she was certain a male shouldn't be making, however she quite enjoyed such a different male. She pushed lower and took in more of his member and his gifted essence, his smell invading her as she felt her nose bump against his base, whilst her tongue lapped around anywhere it could reach.

He moaned as she continued to keep his entire length in her throat, the muscles contracting as she sucked and bobbed with her tongue gradually moving out to run over those nice orbs as well as she did have a remarkably long appendage. It slowly tucked around and played with them too, caressing them gently as they were fragile. This was much more hooves on than magic and far more enjoyable, far more involved. She felt him pulse and twitch inside her mouth and his orbs equally clenched whilst he writhed, and with his rising tide of emotions being driven through the ceiling she knew what was going to happen soon enough if she continued her heavy affections. She was quite certain that the whole affair was meant to last a great deal longer, but she knew he was unspoiled and this outcome was acceptable too as they could move on to greater things.

She drew her tongue back in so that she could keep it coiled around his shaft, moving it up and down in tandem with her head and greatly increasing her pace. She already tasted that cloying lust-laden sap that leaked before the main prize, and it was positively euphoric. His sounds increased as she hummed in contentment from the sheer amount of essence he was outputting, to the point where she wondered if her subjects might even sense it this far from any of the main chambers.

She released her own deep moan of sudden nerve-wracking pleasure and even felt herself wink as he loudly cried out in pure bliss, the high level of everything emotional already pouring out of him going one level higher as she felt him burst inside her throat, his high-pitched moans fluctuating in degree as he jettisoned his delectable lust-filled seed into her gullet. She pulled back slightly so she could feel the erratic throb of his shaft within her mouth and properly taste that liquid lust, rolling her tongue around the tip and soaking it up as he continued to gasp and fill her mouth with his thick emission.

His adorable noises slowly subsided as his length waned in its rhythmic pulsing, panting as she felt the heavy amount of liquid within her mouth. She sucked as she drew back, lavishing his member with her fleshy tongue as she went to take every bit she could, until she released his softening length with a gentle pop and rolled the lewd mixture around to savour it before swallowing.

She was so completely love-drunk.

She giggled warmly as she turned her head and regarded her consort, not even caring that she'd giggled as a Queen, and thankfully he didn't seem to notice the oddity of it as he simply lay there against the silk she'd made, breathing heavily in utter satisfaction. She used her magic to hold his length again, making him jump at the sensation as he was still in a heightened state of sensitivity, and carefully teased at it just to watch him squirm and make those cute noises some more, causing feelings of pleasure-pain that his addled mind was torn between enjoying and being overwhelmed by.

"Was that to your liking, Lamb?" Chrysalis cooed in a sultry tone, moving closer to his face again and connecting their lips in another deep kiss. She pulled back after she'd stolen away all the air from his lungs again with an impish smirk across her features. "I found it incredibly enjoyable, but there's still more to be done."

"I-I'm fine with that..." He said breathlessly, panting as she idly stroked his member and basked in the haze of his adoration essence.

She chuckled in good humour. With the absurd level of energy he'd output into her through his adoration she was feeling extremely powerful. She even felt like she might be literally glowing with radiance. She still had that very deep itch within her however, a burning need that could not be quelled without his assistance, and he was quite well equipped in order to do that.

As much as she could release a potent pheromone to arouse him and cut short the gap between recovery, she had something far better in mind. A rather lovely side-effect of being so grossly empowered with love was the interesting property of accumulating additional mass, to which she'd filled out quite nicely. Her consort actually knitted his brow in slight confusion, as through his rapidly clearing mind he noticed this small detail as well.

"Have... have you gotten bigger?" he said in wonder, his eyes going over her haunches and thighs with great interest. Apparently he was quite taken with that notion, which was just as well for what she had planned. "Your holes are gone too."

"Indeed, Lamb," she smiled, holding up a hoof free of degradation and marvelling at the smoothness of it. "When changelings lack energy and love, we begin to wither as our bodies consume themselves to keep us alive, yet when we are given an abundance in excess..."

Chrysalis smirked as she cast a glance over her newly blessed haunches and backside, gracefully lifting a shapely hindleg to admire her greatly amplified voluptuous form. She shifted and sat herself up, a little unevenly as she was so unused to being wonderfully well fed and proportioned, grinning at the pleasant change.

"As you can see, we are made even better by those that willingly give us sustenance." She chuckled contentedly whilst watching his eyes appreciate her increased beauty. He had already found her beautiful, so now he must have found her positively irresistible. "It has been a very long time since I felt so healthy, so I thank you for that."

"No problem..." he replied with a slight smile, wiggling around to get up before she pressed a hoof on his chest and pushed him back down with a grin, and he didn't fight it. "Okay then."

"Good boy." She purred affectionately, getting to her hooves for a moment and turning herself around to give him that spectacular view she'd been teasing him with once more, but this time she didn't hide anything with her tail, instead lifting and presenting herself. She heard his breath hitch in awe upon the divine sight and felt his heartbeat pick up again amidst an outpour of that honeyed essence. "Now, something that requires your attention before the main event..."

She bore her marehood, anus, and weighty teats to him with a heavily embarrassed blush, highly suspecting that they had all become far puffier with the advent of his emotional output empowering her, though she was too aroused at this point in time to give it much care. She might have been teasing him before, however this was simply indecent of her, yet even so what she wished for was not something she'd gotten to do because of both such time having passed between having personal company, and having a willing other to perform. That she had a consort that was so adoring meant she knew he would also try his best for her and that drove her almost mad with need, she could feel her loins were engorged with arousal as her clitoris kept winking out sporadically.

It was rather wonderful that his anticipation only spiked massively as she lowered herself onto his face. She felt warmth spread through her, and sparks danced as she winked again at the same time that he eagerly pushed his tongue out to meet her, her nethers making contact as her enlarged backside came to rest on his head and her hefty teats pushed against his chest. She jostled and shivered with elation at the touch, her wings fluttering as her consort immediately did as he was bid and sought to bring her to climax.

She couldn't truly help the small moans she was making, nor did she particularly want to, as a Queen should not feel ashamed of enjoying herself in the privacy of her own chamber. She pushed back and gyrated herself against his mouth as he worked determinedly to please her, and even with his clumsy lashing he was not terrible at it. Pleasure spiked whenever she winked and he caught the thickset fleshy nub, lavishing it with his tongue whilst keeping it securely between his lips, before it darted back inside her to escape him.

But he was an eager explorer, she felt an overwhelming curiosity from him within the myriad of emotions surrounding them. He'd never been with a mare and she was allowing him to do things he'd only dreamed of. His tongue dragged at her inner self and stroked up and down, eliciting quiet moans from her as the muscle tried to push deeper and succeeded, and she gasped in surprise as the organ then deemed its attentions necessary upon her exit, her consort managing to reposition her just so in order to run his tongue across the protruding ring of puffy flesh.

She felt her face burn with indignation at the action but found she could not bring herself to halt him as his tongue danced and played, as the intense jolts of lightning it shot through her along with the sheer level of essence he was boasting from being allowed to do it were clouding her mind as he moved between the right hole and the wrong one. He wasn't doing it on purpose, he was just rather curious; satisfaction rolled off of him from tasting her, the clean feminine arousal of her marehood and the muted plainness of her anus both simply were things to enjoy in his mind. It was an even sharper intake of air that filled her lungs when his tongue probed and sought to pierce the muscular ring in the same manner as her entrance that she shuddered, extremely embarrassed as she audibly gasped in pleasure, that of which betrayed her true mind to such treatment.

Of course he took it as approval, and redoubled his efforts, and she simply couldn't muster the words that would stop him. She was having a constant assault waged upon her both mentally and physically from being shown affection in a very strange place, and when his tongue pushed through she thought she might faint. Instead she cried out in a low, almost guttural moan that was incredibly unbecoming of a Queen and felt herself wink hard. She had heard a saying once upon a time from overhearing pony conversations that Nature's lightning was not meant to strike twice in a single location, and she couldn't really relate that saying perfectly to her situation because there was a constant flow of lightning dancing through her, but her hazy mind was certainly trying to find some kind of relation as she found her inner muscles contracting in an intensive orgasm. He capitalised on her throes of euphoria by once again assaulting her clitoris as it continuously winked out of her, his tongue dashing between the engorged nub and her puffy anus in quick succession.

Chrysalis felt herself heavily sag forwards and her wings refuse to corporate with her other than twitching madly, as her consort took the opportunity to take the reins and push her down, until she was rather bizarrely laying with her back end in the air and her face resting into the silken duvet, and it was actually quite comfortable. Normally she imagined she would be rather cross about this highly irregular state of affairs, however with a foggy mind flooded with pleasure and her consorts constant waves of adoration, she really wasn't too bothered to make a fuss at the minute.

Especially since he was doing the whole sordid thing all over again, and this time he was moving his head between her hindlegs and giving her enlarged teats some attention as well. Oh, she was in a positively divine place right now. She honestly couldn't think very straight beyond perhaps wondering why she hadn't ventured outside to hunt in so many years if this is what ponies were predisposed to acting like now, although if she had before now then she certainly wouldn't have encountered this brave little consort of hers, would she?

After what was perhaps her eighth orgasm from his relentless onslaught of racing between her marehood, anus, teats, massaging her teats as he sucked upon her clitoris, or even massaging her clitoris whilst pleasuring her anus rather much like he was trying to messily tongue kiss her; she had the thought that such a wonderful consort really did deserve a name when he went to such lengths to ensure her bliss. However she simply couldn't enunciate that through all of the noise she was making, and, oh dear, all that sound was coming from her now wasn't it? She should probably do something about that.

As her deeply satisfied moans petered out and the sparks in her head settled down, kept alive like embers being thrown another piece of wood as he suckled on her large clitoris and shot waves of warmth through her belly and up her spine, she managed to find her voice.

With how he was seeing to her, it did take her a moment to actually use it.

"S-stop now, Lamb." Chrysalis murmured languidly into the silk she'd apparently soaked lightly with her drool, getting her hooves underneath her and settling into a position that at least promised the beginnings of trying to get up as he obeyed her command and finally relented. "O-oh good... I can... function now."

Not exactly, her mind was still stuck in a dense cloud of tumultuous sexual and emotional energy, though it was clearing as she finally, slowly came down from her blissful high. She felt off-balance when she did soon succeed in righting herself up onto her haunches, still feeling incredibly tingly all over as she realised her lower half had gained a very fractional increase again. There was a certain limit to how far her curves went, thankfully; she wouldn't want to end up blocking entrances into chambers from having hips or thighs that went on forever.

"That was a very lovely experience." She nodded gently, trying to regain some small sense of decorum befitting herself and attempting to suppress her shakes. She looked at him where he'd fallen back into laying down and did her best not to imagine sitting on his cute face that was soaked in her juices yet again, but she really wanted to.

"I-I wish I could do that every day..." he murmured at the ceiling as his eyes closed with a content, if subtle smile. She could feel his heart beat away at a steady pace.

"A-ha! I might just let you," she chuckled with a wide grin, running her gaze over his prone form as he lay back. He was perfectly and utterly relaxed, entirely pleased with being in her hive, it didn't even register. There was no fear at all, not like there had been in the forest. "You know... I've been thinking you need a name."

He jerked his head up at that, regarding her with a confused laugh.

"I do have one," he stated, a little bemused at her words. There were the beginnings of a smirk tugging at the edges of his muzzle as if he was very entertained by what she'd said. "Ponies all have names, strangely enough, we've been known to."

"I am well aware, Lamb," she cooed, lifting a hoof and tapping him on his nose as he got rather cocky, meeting his pretty eyes. "I do like calling you 'Lamb' though, as you are my prey after all, but it is not anything more than a pet name at this juncture."

"My name is Pale Dew," he smiled gently, slowly pushing himself up onto his haunches and keeping his eyes level with hers, she could feel he was pleased at the prospect of an almost simple exchange of words. "W-what should I call you? I was going to go with 'Queen' though... that's a title, not a name."

"Well I am a Queen, of course," she grinned, gesturing to herself with a hoof with only a minimum amount of flourish, relaxing again and chuckling. "But I shall allow you to call me Chrysalis."

"Queen Chrysalis." He nodded almost breathlessly, running his gaze over her as he drank her in with admiration. She was very fond of just how smitten he was with her. "It suits you."

"Indeed it does. Now..." she smirked at him with a spark in her eyes as she laid herself down and shifted so she was laying on her back, glancing at him to one side as she spread her legs. It felt far less embarrassing to present herself a second time, thankfully. "Pale Dew... I would obviously take complete control, however you have rendered me quite slothful with all the energy you have been throwing around. And if I am being honest, I simply wish to lay here and relax, so... enjoy yourself."

"Oh... Alright, I can... do that?" he blinked, a little unsteady at simply being given free reign. Where was that little burst of courage he'd had just a few moments ago when he'd passionately serviced her? She needed to work on him, hence why she was relieving command of the situation for just this reason, he could be taught. Naturally he was very excited by the idea, but he was simply unsure. "I'll uh... yeah."

She watched, quite amused as he shuffled forwards as his anticipation at what she was allowing him only mounted. His member had already poked free and started to harden again before he'd come close, just the sight of her after his grace period had ended was enough to bring him to bear. He couldn't take his eyes off her enlarged teats though, and just as before, slowly started to gently massage them. It was apparently something that calmed his already rapidly beating heart, and his enjoyment of it was making the room become heavy with his essence again. She was thankful she could take in all of this excess.

She hummed in contentment as he worked her over, and felt the well of expectancy building within her as he moved into the right position. He was somewhat standing over her, but with her body being a great deal bigger than his he ended up resting himself just before her chest. Her generous teats below squished against him as a sudden spark travelled through her, feeling the tip of his sizable member teasing her damp entrance. She winked in response to it, the action causing both sexual organs to touch upon one another briefly, only spurring both of their needs to be one flesh.

His excitement rose as he pushed, her own delight audible as she gasped and smiled at his adorable face. Then they both exhaled in deep gratification as his tip popped inside her with a quick thrust, his length already being swallowed up to his ring as her body so very happily welcomed him. He shuddered and moaned lowly into the soft chitin of her chest, almost collapsing from the sensory feedback, yet caught himself and held there for a few precious moments to enjoy the wet warmth of her tight tunnel contracting around him.

"Yeeessss..." she hissed out as she felt her eyes flutter, breathing in and resting her hooves against the sides of his barrel, slightly awkward in practice though uncared for as he continued to move. "Keep going, Lamb."

He might have had a name, but she really preferred the pet one.

He pushed himself deeper to feel more of her surrounding his length and her pulsing depths were all too accommodating, engulfing his member in a hot satiny tightness until he couldn't move into her anymore. She felt so very full, and it was like being complete. He let himself hold again for a blissful moment before resuming, a tremour racking through her as he gently removed himself and eased back in, a slow pace to this newfound experience. He was simply taking his time with this wonderfully momentous occasion, and that suited her just fine; she wanted this to last as well.

Her body's inner muscles wanted him desperately though, they dragged, pulled, teased, and fought back against every attempt he made to leave her, as if losing him would mean he'd never come back into her pink passage. She released a throaty moan when his pace slowly began to increase as he relaxed into his beloved task and work himself into her. His head was awash with emotions of everything that was going on, his almost burning need to mate with her was bordering on instinctual, but it didn't stop his essence of love and lust reaching almost entirely new highs. She was practically blinded in a sense, as he was so enamoured with her that what he felt breached the threshold of honest true love, and the lust was so innocent in its purity she wondered if it could even be called that at all.

What if it was just pure unbridled love?

It made her heart race, and she was going to savour every last drop she was given. It was a bit wobbly, but she craned her neck up ─or down?─ to meet his flushed face in a kiss, attacking his mouth with her soft lips and wresting his tongue with her far more powerful muscle. He was all too happy to accept the kissing again, plunging into her whilst engaged with her mouth, lighting up his mind in an even brighter display of affection. She wondered if what they were doing could be considered being called making love, as that was what it felt like, his euphoria absolutely overwhelming all senses of her being with nothing but his love.

And she might be a creature that fed off of love, yet it didn't mean she wasn't capable of feeling affection too, she was certainly rather fond of him. Whilst not on quite the same level as what he was feeling, she naturally recognised that she did not want her Lamb to go anywhere anytime soon, and if that wasn't her own brand of affection then she wasn't sure what could possibly constitute it. She felt being possessive to a certain degree meant at least a middling level of attachment.

They were both panting and moaning in their heavy pleasure through the closeness of their kissing, she couldn't help to exhale a little loudly whenever he rammed into her and his body mashed against her teats, taut belly, and just below her chest, as much from the air being coaxed from her as it was simply her mind reacting to the satisfying act that was currently happening. Her arousal and likely his own was only spurred on by the lewdly wet noises coming from their coupling, her marehood making almost obscene sucking sounds amidst their fevered utterances as he continuously reached the deepest parts of her inner self.

She cried out in a rather undignified manner as her muscles violently contracted around his member, ushered along by another ecstatic orgasm that sent her mind reeling from the intensity of it. She pushed her hips up to meet him as he pounded away at her, barely allowing him to retreat from inside her as she rode out her pleasure through a low comely whine as he surged, lurching as he pushed again harder and faster. She realised that may have just really drove him into his final stretch, but was happy nonetheless as his emotions burst forth again in a vivid haze.

His thrusting grew more erratic and uneven as she felt his mind rise in commotion, his breathing was deepening and he'd detached from her lips to focus entirely on his penetrating efforts, slowly easing himself against the bottom of her passage and above as he pushed in, deliberately feeling every bump and fold he could as he dragged free. She could tell and appreciate that he was really attempting to pace it as best he could; he wanted to have this, his first ever joining with a mare, last as long as equinely possible. He was utterly in a haven of his own and she was adoring how his eyes fluttered, trying not to chuckle through her moaning as the wet sounds only stacked in intensity, and try as he might there wasn't any holding it off any longer.

With what was possibly the most male-like sound he'd managed to make so far, he forced himself as deeply as was possible and rested his head against her chest with a loud cry of ecstasy, and she felt him violently shudder and moan as her soft walls tightened with a pleasurable ache. Her small cries joined him and rose an octave higher as she physically felt him flare within her, whilst her marehood greedily sucked him in and milked his length for all that could be wrung as she also readily sensed spurt after spurt of his hot ejaculate fill her passage. He kept up his thrusting through the oversensitivity period heedless of the lightning that would overwhelm his senses, pushing his emission deeper into her depths as he continued releasing more, likely into the best place it could rest.

He soon collapsed atop her and she happily coddled him as his hips gently pistoning away through his moaning, her thighs squeezing around his plush rump in an attempt to force him as far inside as possible, until his thrusts began to abate and his moans turned into gentle whines into her silky chitin. His mind was glowing with pure love and he was lost in a storm that was being slowly waded through, as his blissful orgasm calmed so did the maelstrom, until he was quietly panting against her warm slick body and she could feel warmth begin to seep out of her from around his member.

He mumbled something into her chest that she couldn't quite hear.

"Hm?" she wondered with a smile, prodding him.

"Thawas'mazin..." se mumbled again a little clearer.

"Oh, indeed, Lamb." Chrysalis mused, quite gratified and fulfilled. He'd worked her in and again until he'd reached his peak, filling her with both his stallionhood and his seed, but not before giving her plenty of attention and literal love, and she was well over her fill. Her itch was well and thoroughly scratched. "I do hope it was everything you hoped it might be, it is not everyday that I am gifted such precious unspoiled fruit."

"Mmfruitnow?" he murmured with a dopey smile, his clear elation from a mind-blowing orgasm clearly doing wonders. "Orlamb?"

"I am sure I will think of other names for you in time." She chuckled.

"Thasgood..." he gave a sleepy nod, smiling. "G'nightChryssi."


Chuckling gently, she ignited her horn and surrounded the silk duvet beneath them within her corona, whipping it out from under them and working a little magic to clean it of any liquids, before repositioning their bodies so they were comfortably on their sides. He was still inside of her for the time being and she was rather happy to leave it that way, snuggling him close as she draped the silk over them both in a way that left their upper bodies free. It was odd, but admittedly very pleasant and comfortable. Maybe there were a few things ponies did well, and for some, mating was one of those.

"I will see you when you wake, Lamb." She whispered to him.

Chrysalis sighed happily with her relaxed mind and body. She hadn't expected today's events, nor even considered it a slight possibility, yet all the same she had a consort again, and this time they were no idle lust harvest to be foisted off back into the wild when her reserves were full. To be truly loved was seldom something a changeling received, and considering the emotions pouring off her Lamb she'd say she fell within that area, though that it could still even happen amazed her beyond any spoken words she could muster. She was perfectly happy with the outcome of her hunt.