Phoenix Magic: Equestria Girls

by Magic Kitsune Brony

First published

A crown, stolen. A portal, now open. Memories, still lost, for now.

Newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle's crown is stolen by a mysterious pony. She must venture into an unknown world to retrieve it, while also looking for Princess Celestia's previous student before her, Sunset Shimmer

Chapter 1

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In the magical world of Equestria, in a cave, sat the tree of Harmony. Not many realised that this tree was sentient. Nor did they know the origins of the entity named Harmony.

Harmony was the only one who knew of Equestria’s true origins. After all, she was there. Back then she was simply the Rainbow of Light, a source of magic created by a lonely human witch, by the name of Megan Williams.

Megan had used the Rainbow to create a dimension full of sentient ponies and dragons. She had created it, so she had a place to go when she was lonely, where she had friends. That’s right, this world was created by a human.

As she grew older, Megan’s visits became less frequent, but the world she created seemed to grow, as it developed a magic of its own. When Megan died of old age, her spirit came back to the dimension she had created in her youth and was surprised to see had far it come. But she also noticed that it had became chaotic, to the point that it gave birth to a being by the name of Discord.

So, to balance the world out, Megan placed a piece of her soul and memories into the Rainbow of Light, allowing it to gain sentience and thus, creating the Spirit of Harmony. After the making Harmony, Megan finally moved on, taking most of the knowledge of the human world with her.

Over the centuries, Harmony watched as the ponies of this world came together, naming the land Equestria. She giggled when StarSwirl the Bearded created a portal to the human world, thinking he had discovered a new world. She was upset when the Pillars kept throwing artefacts and even criminals into the human world, including the Memory Stone and the three Sirens.

When the Pillars planted the crystallised seed, Harmony saw her chance to have a physical form to help ponies and creatures alike properly. She flew into the seed and settled into her new home. As her tree grew, she started creating the Elements of Harmony, a way for ponies of her choice to protect Equestria.

She shed a tear when Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, using her elements. This is not what she wanted her elements to be used for. After almost a thousand years, something happened that Harmony didn’t expect. Over the years, Harmony had kept an eye on the portal, that was now held in a mirror.

One night, on the last night that the portal would be open, Harmony was surprised to see a crying bundle being thrown out of the mirror. Looking at the bundle, she upset to find a young unicorn filly.

She had a quick look into the young one’s mind and was dishearten at what she saw. Within a week, the little one had lost a mother, her father chose her brother over her, and the rest of her family didn’t want her, to the point that they threw her into the portal, not caring if she was hurt or not.

She then noticed a small but dark growth on the filly’s human magic core. It was times like this, that she wished she could communicate fully with ponies, so she could tell them of this thing. But her main spirit was invisible and because ponies, not even Princess Celestia, didn’t know anything about human magic, they would not pick up on the dark growth.

She watched as Princess Celestia, who heard the crying, found the filly, and took her in, naming her Sunset Shimmer. Over the years, Harmony watched as Sunset’s human instincts kicked in a little, like walking on two and eating meat. But the princess tried to put a stop to it, not realising that just because the portal turned Sunset into a pony, it didn’t change her more human mind.

While Princess Celestia tried to get Sunset to make friends, the other ponies didn’t like some of her habits, and bullied the poor pony. Harmony became concern when she noticed the growth grow a little, and realised it was feeding on Sunset’s emotions, particularly her negative ones. After a while, it seemed to also affect her other emotions, making her angry and hateful.

It came to a head on, once again, the last night that the portal was opened. After showing the portal to Sunset, without telling her the truth of her origins, Celestia had caused Sunset to become obsessed with it. Harmony didn’t mind though; she would even sometimes find ways of subtly pushing Sunset to the right sources of information, including the restricted sections.

Celestia, however, did mind. She thought it was keeping Sunset from making friends, having not been informed of the bullying Sunset had suffered over the years. Celestia banned Sunset from the library, unless she made friends. Sunset didn’t like that one bit and argued how she just couldn’t make friends because of what ponies thought of her.

Celestia, not believing Sunset’s story of bullying, ordered Sunset to stop being difficult and go make friends. Sunset argued back, how could Celestia know about making friends, when she doesn’t have any, just subjects. Celestia yelled at Sunset, saying she was no longer her student, and she was banished from the castle.

And, as they say, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. After being yelled at by the one she almost saw as a mother, Sunset felt betrayed. As she was being escorted by guards, Harmony noticed the black mass flare, causing Sunset’s mind to be filled with rage. Harmony watched as Sunset knocked out her guards and ran through the mirror.

Good, Harmony thought, as the portal closed behind the pony. At least she will be safe in that world and may just get the help she needs. Harmony kinda wished she could see how Sunset grew in the other world, but there was no way…

Wait a minute, she noticed Celestia place a journal on a shelf in the back of one of the rarely used libraries. She remembered that journal was connected to another journal given to Sunset, for communications. Harmony felt the journal and there it was, the journals were still connected despite the portal being closed. She pushed some of her magic through the connection and sure enough, she could slightly enter the human world through the journals.

While Harmony was dismayed to see Sunset loose her memories, she was mostly overjoyed to see Sunset gained a new family in the human Celestia and Sombra. She was happy to see the doctors remove the black mass and Sunset’s cores combining to create phoenix magic.

Over the years, Harmony kept an eye on Sunset Shimmer. She watched as Sunset made friends and meet her soulmate. She would sometimes have dreams filled with emotions and a few words, but most of her memories were locked tight.

Unbeknown by anyone, Harmony noticed that as Sunset bonded with her new friends, a piece of her new magic would go into each of her friend’s own cores. This probably meant that these girls would be able to wield Equestrian magic one day. So, Harmony got to work, making Elements just for the humans in her roots.

Right now, Harmony was watching as Equestria’s newest princess travel to the Crystal Empire for her first Princess Summit. As she travelled, Harmony spotted a suspicious pony following the princess. She skimmed the pony’s thoughts and saw that their target was the crown that held the Element of Magic.

Now she rarely did it, but Harmony could see a few hours into the future. Wondering what could happened should this pony succeed in stealing the crown, Harmony opened a small invisible rift into the future. She watched the struggle and became almost excited when she saw the crown fly, right through the mirror to the human world.

After closing the rift, Harmony got to work. With the crown going to the human world soon, Harmony could put her plan into motion. She reached into her roots and began pulling a little bit of magic from each of the human elements. When she got to the two-toned sun, she pulled a lot more out of it then the others. She would use it to help in unlocking some of Sunset’s memories, and maybe loosen the others.

She placed the magic into an invisible ball and sent it to be absorbed into the crown. Soon, Harmony thought as the magic reached the crown. Very soon, all of Equestria will be reminded of its human origins.

Chapter 2

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The new princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, had just managed to go to sleep when she was awoken by a hooded pony tripping over Spike’s tail. She then noticed what the pony was holding in her magic as she ran out of the room.

“My crown!” She yelled as she ran after the pony, waking her friends up. “She’s got my crown! Stop! Thief! She’s stolen my crown!”

Twilight tried to stop the pony by teleporting in front of them, but the pony also teleported to behind her except for their cloak. Twilight turned and saw a grey pony with a curly brown mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a swirly storm cloud with lightning coming out of it.

The grey pony smirked at her before running again. Twilight followed, running as fast as she could. She managed to tackle the pony into a dusty old room, full of artifacts. The tackle caused the crown to go bouncing off the walls, before it went flying, right through what looked like a magic mirror. Everypony gasped as the pony managed to push Twilight off her.

“What did you do with my crown?” Twilight angrily asked the grey mare.

She smirked at them as she teleported to the mirror and saluted them. “Sorry it had to be this way…Princess.” She said before jumping through the mirror after the crown.

Fluttershy asked the question they were all wondering. “Who was that?”

The next morning saw Princess Celestia answering that question. “Stormy CloudSwirl,” She explained. “She was once a student at my school. She used to be a sweet little pony, if a little spoiled. But then she did an ancestry spell, which revealed that she was a descendant of StarSwirl the Bearded.”

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed, StarSwirl the Bearded was one of her idols. “She is? How have I not heard of her then?”

“Because, after she learned of her ancestry, she started to feel entitled. To the point, that she started to bully other ponies,” Celestia calmed answered. “Eventually, I had to expel her when she used a dark spell on one of the younger ponies. I had hoped that she would redeem herself, but it seems she has become jealous of your new title, which led to her stealing your crown.”

Spike held up a paper crown. “She replaced Twilight’s with this one.”

“I suppose Stormy CloudSwirl thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours. And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crown and Element of Harmony,” Celestia said looking at the fake crown.

“But I don't understand.” Twilight said. “Where did she go? Where did she take the crown?”

“You’ll soon know more about this place than even I do,” Celestia replied as she led them back to the room where the mirror sat.

“This is no ordinary mirror,” Luna said as she stood in front of it. “It is a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens once every thirty moons.” She stopped Pinkie from falling into it when she tried to sneak a peek. “It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. But when Princess Cadance took over the Crystal Empire, we sent it here for her to watch over.”

“There is also something else you must know about this mirror,” Celestia got their attention. “You and Stormy CloudSwirl are not the first ponies to go through it.”

“We’re not?” Twilight tilted her head. “Who else has gone through it?”

“Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia replied. “A former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but due to a set of events that I will not explain right now, I had no choice but to expel her as my student and she decided to pursue her own path. One that sadly led to her running away through this mirror,” Celestia looked at Twilight sadly. “I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use it to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance. But sadly, it hasn’t happened.”

“Twilight,” Cadence got her sister-in-law’s attention. “You must use the mirror to go into this other world and retrieve your crown. Without it, the other Elements of Harmony have no power and Equestria is left without one of its most important means of defence.”

“Your crown does not belong in the place Sunset Shimmer now calls home.” Luna continued. “And in Stormy CloudSwirl’s possession, your Element of Harmony will no doubt be used to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm. They will not have the power to defend themselves.”

“You understand the importance of your task?” Celestia asked the new princess.

“Of course,” Twilight nodded.

“Good.” Celestia nodded back before looking sadly at the mirror. “And while you are there, I was hoping you could find Sunset Shimmer and maybe, only if she wants, bring her back to Equestria.” Twilight agreed as Celestia brought out a necklace with a purple star on it. “I want you to take this. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of different things over there, so to make it easier to explain when you get back, this will record everything happening around you, so that we can see that world for ourselves.” Twilight accepted the necklace. “Now you must go at once.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Rainbow exclaimed, stopping Twilight before she could step over to the mirror. “She’s going, we’re going with her. Right girls?” The others nodded, Pinkie saying something about being ‘nervicited’ and Applejack telling her that it’s not a real word.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you go,” Celestia got their attention.

“What?! Why not?!” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world,” Celestia explain. “Creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back from Stormy CloudSwirl. This is something Princess Twilight must do alone.”

“Time is of the essence.” Luna stepped forward. “On the third, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close. And once it does, it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return.”

“Well, in that case,” Pinkie said with a grin. “Good luck, Twilight!” the others followed with other remarks of encouragement. As she stepped through the mirror, there was a shout, “Spike, NO!” as the little dragon followed Twilight through the mirror.

Principal Celestia watched as a teenage girl with straight purple hair and her dog came out of the base of the Wondercolt statue. While the girl had what looked to be a small freak out, Celestia looked over at the box, that now held the new Fall Formal crown. Luna had seen it fall out of the statue and she had picked it up.

While Luna was bringing the crown to the office, Celestia had seen the first teenage girl with brown curly hair come out of the statue, and she had noticed the girl looking for something, possibly the crown. When Celestia got a good look at crown, she could feel magic in it.

When she saw the second girl come out, she figured that the crown must belong to one of them. But which one, she didn’t know. She had sent a text to Chrysalis, explaining the situation. Chrys had texted back, saying to play ignorance, so they could see where this went.

Celestia sent a mass text to the students and staff, explaining what was happening, and to hide all magic related stuff. From what she could gather from what they knew of the portal and the few memories/dreams Sunset had had over the years, the other world did have magic, but the natives probably thought they were the only world with magic and therefore they most likely thought that this world didn’t have magic. And for now, best to keep it that way.

Once the crown was in its rightful owner’s hands, after the Fall Formal of course, she wasn’t going to make it that easy, she was going to ask them if she could maybe use the crown to help restore her daughter’s memories. She turned back to the window to see the new girl trying to walk on all fours, just like Sunset and the other girl did at first, before the dog, who could talk it seems, pointed out one of the nearby students with their dog.

As the girl entered the school, Celestia sat down at her desk, ready to act ignorant, one thought going through her mind, ‘It was going to be an interesting and enlightening Fall Formal this year.’

Chapter 3

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After Spike had finished calming Twilight down and they had figured how to walk in these new and strange bodies after seeing one of the other creatures, they walked up to what looked like a castle.

After another smaller freakout after realising she doesn’t have her magic, they finally made it into the building. Twilight looked over at a glass case full of what looked like large chalices and other weird looking things, wondering if these were Equestrian artifacts that somehow ended up here.

She then saw her reflection in the glass. “What am I?” She wondered.

They then heard a bell ring out, and the hall they were in was suddenly full of the same strange creatures. Some of them seemed to be in a hurry while others were just walking and talking. Twilight and Spike were tripped over, and they managed to crawl out of the crowd. They kept crawling until she hidden something. Looking up, she saw one of the creatures stretch out one of their claw-like appendages, which she took, allow them to pull her up.

“Whoa. You Okay?” They asked in a male voice. Okay, she thought, this one is a male. She watched as he walked into the crowd after confirming that she was okay.

“I don’t think this is a castle.” Spike commented, before they started walking and exploring the building, Twilight occasionally tripping over her new feet.

“I’ve never seen a place

That’s quite like this

Everything is turned around

This crazy world is upside-down

Getting on my feet

It’s the hand that I was dealt

But I don’t have much time with them

Got to learn all that I can”

As they explored, they watched the creatures do all sorts of things, from talking with each other and going to what looked like classrooms, which led to the conclusion that this was a school.

“They don’t use any magic or fly with any wings

I don’t get these funny clothes, skinny legs or tiny nose

Everything’s confusing when it seems so new

But I look a little closer and it starts to feel familiar too”

As they watched the weird creatures, they couldn’t help but noticed some of them looked like some the ponies from back home, like DJPON3 and the CMCs.

“What a strange new world (what a strange new world)

I’m trying to make heads or tails of this strange new world (what a strange new world)

Sorting through the small details of this strange new world

What a strange new world”

As they walked around a corner, they saw a girl with curly brown hair standing in what looked like a threatening position over another girl with light pink hair that looked familiar.

“Oh, I’m really sorry,” The pink haired girl said in a calm and gentle voice. “I only saw Vice Principal Luna pick it up and take it up to the principal’s office. That’s all I know.”

“Lair!” The brown-haired girl exclaimed. “You’re probably in on whatever scheme is going on here, by keeping me from my crown.”

“But…” the pink haired girl countered. “It doesn’t really belong to you, does it?”

“Excuse me?!” the curly-haired girl exclaimed, slamming a fist against the locker near the other girl’s head. “It does belong to me. Do you know who I am?”

“Um, not really,” the shy looking girl said.

“Wow,” the curly haired one laughed. “You weirdoes are pathetic and stupid. Not knowing who I am.”

As Twilight was about to speak up, a voice came from the other end of the hall. “Hey! How dare you speak to her that way!” They all turned to see a girl with rainbow hair glaring at the brown-haired girl.

“What did you say?” the other girl’s blue eyes narrowed at her.

“I said ‘How dare you speal to her that way!’” the rainbow headed girl replied. “Who are you, walking into this school acting like you owned the place.”

“Whatever,” the blue-eyed girl turned her nose up. “I may be new here, but I’m Stormy CloudSwirl and I can speak to anyone any way I want.”

“Stormy CloudSwirl,” Twilight said, realising who the curly haired girl was.

“Um, no you can’t,” The pink hair one said.

“Yea,” the rainbow haired girl nodded. “Around here, we don’t tolerate bullies, at all. No matter who they are.”

“Hmm, we’ll see,” Stormy said turning and stomping away.

“What a piece of work,” the rainbow headed girl muttered to herself, before turning to the pink haired girl. “You alright, Flutters?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” Flutters waved her away. “Thanks for helping me, Dashie.”

“No problem, as if I was going to let her bully one of my best friends,” Dashie said before turning to Twilight. “Oh, hey, another newbie. You sounded like you knew that Stormy girl. Do you?”

“Sort of…” Twilight answered.

“We’ve never seen either of you before,” Flutters commented. “Did you both transfer to Canterlot High from another school?”

“Um…yes!” Twilight replied, laughing nervously. “Another…heh, school! My name’s Twilight.”

“Nice to meet you Twilight,” Dashie said. “I’m Rainbow Dash and this here is Fluttershy.”

“Hi,” Fluttershy waved shyly.

“Sorry. What was that?” Twilight was confused, she was not sure she heard right. “It sounded like you said… but how can that…?”

Before Twilight could say anything else, Fluttershy had spotted Spike, and her face lit up, before running over for a closer look, almost tripping over Twilight. “Oh, my goodness! Who’s this sweet little guy?”

“That’s Spike! My, uh… dog!” Twilight answered as Rainbow steady her.

“Oh, he’s so cute!” Fluttershy said, before taking a dog treat out of her bag and offering it to Spike. “Go on, eat up, little pup!” Spike took a small bite and was amazed at the taste, before eating the rest of the treat. “Oh, wouldn’t ya just give anything to know what they’re really thinking?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Only you would wonder that Flutters,” Rainbow smirked fondly at her, making her blush.

“He usually just tells me.” Twilight said without thinking before seeing Spike gesturing to be quiet and then barks, clueing Twilight into what he was trying to say.

“Oh, w-what do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, uh, nothing!” Twilight chuckled nervously again. “Never mind. Stormy CloudSwirl said you saw somepo-one pick something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn’t a crown, was it?”

“How did you know?” Rainbow asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

“Uh, lucky guess?” Twilight shrugged, before asking. “Do you know where it is?” Fluttershy nodded. “What happened to it?”

“Well, after giving out fliers for Canterlot’s animal shelter,” Fluttershy explained. “I saw Vice Principal Luna picking it up and taking it into the school.”

“And I saw her give it to Principal Celestia, as I was walking pass her office,” Rainbow continued.

Principal Celestia? Vice-Principal Luna?” Twilight asked, unfamiliar with the titles. “Are they the rulers here?”

Fluttershy and Rainbow gave each other a look before Fluttershy turn to Twilight to answer. “I guess you could say that. Technically, they do make the rules.”

“Where are they now?” Twilight asked.

“Probably in Principal Celestia’s office,” Rainbow replied with a shrug before pointing down the hall. “Third door on your left.”

“Thank you!” Twilight exclaimed before moving quickly down the hall.

“Oh, wait!” Fluttershy shouted after her, causing Twilight to stop in her tracks. “You’re not really supposed to have pets on school grounds.” Ignoring Rainbow’s muttering ‘doesn’t stop you, Flutters’. “Might wanna tuck him into your backpack. That’s what I do.” Fluttershy smiled as she opened her backpack to show a few small animals inside. “They just get so lonely when I’m in school all day.”

“Oh, okay! Thank you!” Twilight said, putting Spike in her backpack as she walked towards the corner as the school bell rang.

“Oh, shoot!” Rainbow exclaimed before taking Fluttershy’s hand. “We’re going to be late for class!”

As they turned a corner, they slowed down and looked at each other. “So, those are the two pony people from the portal?”

“That Twilight one seems nice, if a little confused about our world,” Fluttershy commented.

“She sure does,” Rainbow agreed. “Though, that Stormy CloudSwirl chick was horrible.”

“She was,” Fluttershy nodded.

“Though,” Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her. “Why didn’t you stand up for yourself? We all know you can.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy blushed. “I didn’t want to scare my animal friends.”

“Oh, Fluttershy,” Rainbow rolled her eyes fondly. “Please, don’t ever change.”

After an awkward talk with Principal Celestia and deciding to sign up for Princess of the Fall Formal and getting more information from Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash about how to run for the title, Twilight was confident she will get the votes she needed.

“If you need some ideas,” Fluttershy suggested as they ate lunch. “You can talk to two of our friends who have won the crown before”

“Yea,” Rainbow agreed, as she drank her water. “Rarity and Sunset would totally have plenty of ideas for ya.”

“Thanks,” Twilight smiled before her eyes widen when she recalled one of the names. “Wait, Sunset? As in Sunset Shimmer?”

Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at each other before looking back at her. “You’ve heard of Sunset?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sort of,” Twilight shrugged after Spike wacked her over the head for her slip up.

“Well,” Rainbow explained. “Sunset Shimmer goes by Sunset King now.”

“Oh, ok,” Twilight put that piece of information away to analyse later. “So, where would I find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee?”

“Hmm,” Rainbow rubbed her chin, then looked over at Fluttershy. “Hey, Flutters, do we have any classes straight after lunch.”

“No,” Fluttershy shook her head looking at her schedule. “We just have study time.”

“Well, in that case,” Rainbow said smiling at Twilight. “We can introduce you to planning committee head right now if you like.”

“That would be great,” Twilight smiled back.

After finishing lunch, the two students guided Twilight to the school auditorium. They occasionally pointed out some of the classes, though not mentioning any of the magic classes. Soon they reached their destination.

“Well,” Rainbow said as she opened the double door. “She should be in here.”

“Incoming!” They heard before they were all covered in streamers. The owner of the voice, a girl with curly pink hair, jumped down from the stage, and started walked towards them while blowing by a balloon.

“Hi, my name’s Twilight Sparkle and…” Twilight started introducing herself, before she got a closer look at the other girl. “Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie almost chocked on her balloon, then she got very close to Twilight and looked her in the eye, and asked, “Are you psychic?!”

“Uh, oh.” Twilight stammered, trying to think. “I don’t think so. Unless of course that’s something you can do here.”

“Hmm,” Pinkie thought for a second. “Not usually.”

“Um,” Twilight looked over at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and remembered why she was here. “Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash said this is where I’d find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee.”

“That’s me!” Pinkie gave her a giant smile before taking a clipboard from her hair. It seems the Pinkie of this world was the same as her Pinkie, very hard to understand. “Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh? Dance is tomorrow night, you know.”

“I’m brand new here,” Twilight said.

“Oohh! I thought you didn’t look familiar,” Pinkie was now going through her hair again, looking for a pen. Once she found the pen, she looked at Twilight again, and wondered. “Though, now that I’m really lookin’ at you… Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?”

“Uh, maybe?” Twilight gave her a nervous smile.

“Thought so,” Pinkie said. Before she could give Twilight the clipboard, a voice was heard from the stage.

“Pinkie Pie!” Twilight looked over to see a girl with purple hair, looking at Pinkie Pie with a raised eyebrow and hands on hips. “What did I say about simply throwing the streamers? Just look at this mess.”

“Sorry, Rarity,” Pinkie apologised sheepishly.

“C’mon, Rares,” Rainbow rolled her eyes at the fashionista. “You should know by now how Pinkie can get when it comes to parties.”

“Yes, yes, I know,” Rarity pinched the edge of her nose. She then spotted Twilight. “Oh my. You must be one of the new girls. It’s a pleasure to meet you, darling. I’m Rarity Belle.” She held out her hand.

“Oh, I’m Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight greeted, placing her hand in Rarity’s, having seen the creatures of world use this gesture when they had been exploring.

“Anyhoo,” Pinkie got their attention again, as she passed the clipboard and pen to Twilight. “Just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown.”

“Oh, you’re signing up for the Princess of the Fall Formal?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow as she watched Twilight hold the pen in her mouth for a second before using her hand to sign up.

“Yes, I am,” Twilight answered, giving the clipboard back to Pinkie.

“Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed seeing the squiggles on the form. “You have really bad handwriting. It’s like you’ve never held a pen before.”

“Is it?” Twilight laughed nervously. She was saved from anymore awkward questions by a country accent.

“Somebody order a dozen cases of non-alcoholic, fizzy apple cider?” A blonde freckled girl with a country hat came walking in followed by an equally freckled boy with orange hair, both carrying crates filled with bottles.

“Oh! Oh!” Pinkie waved her hands jumping up and down, hopping over to them. “Me, me-me-me, me, yeah, ha-ha, me!”

“Can you bring in the rest?” The blonde girl asked the boy, as she gave a bottle to Pinkie.

“Eeyup,” He nodded before walking out to get the rest.

“Hey, Applejack!” Rainbow called over to her. “Come meet one of the new kids.”

“Hey, I know you,” Applejack said as she got closer, passing bottles to Fluttershy, Rainbow and Rarity as she went.

“You’re the one who gave that other new girl, Stormy CloudSwirl the what for, this morin’.”

“Twilight Sparkle here is gonna run for this year’s Princess of the Fall Formal.” Pinkie said, already on her second bottle of cider.

“Whoa, nelly,” Applejack looked impressed. “Goin’ for Princess first week here, that’s bold. I can respect that.”

“Um, thanks,” Twilight shrugged, unsure how to respond to that.

Then she looked over when she heard talking from the doors. A girl and boy came walking through the entrance carrying boxes full of what looked like decorations. The girl had red hair with blonde and green eyes while the boy had black hair with three red streaks through it and, was that a burn scar on his face?

“Hey, Pinkie, where do you want these?” The girl asked, nodding to the boxes in their hands.

“Just over by the stage, Sunny,” Pinkie answered. They place the boxes where she pointed, and then joined the rest of the group where Applejack passed them a bottle of cider.

“Oh, this is one of the new girls, Twilight Sparkle,” Fluttershy introduced. Twilight waved at them shyly.

“G-day, Twilight,” Sunny greeted, waving to herself and the boy next to her. “I’m Sunset King, and this is my boyfriend Zuko Lord.”

“Hi,” Twilight said before remembering something. “Wait… Sunset King?”

“Oh, you’ve heard of me?” Sunset asked raising an eyebrow at her.

“Well, sort of,” Twilight was becoming nervous. “Rainbow said your name used to be Sunset Shimmer.”

“Yes, it was,” Sunset was wondering where this was going.

“Um, just a little question,” Twilight was fidgeting. “Does the word ‘Equestria’ mean anything to you?”

“Equestria?” Sunset thought for a moment, before rubbing her forehead, looking in pain. “It sounds familiar, but I just can’t remember how.”

“Sunset darling,” Rarity scolded. “Remember what your doctor said. Don’t force the memories. Let them come on their own.”

“‘Don’t force the memories.’ What does that mean?” Twilight was confused.

“Oh, right, you’re new here,” Zuko said rubbing the back of his head. “You wouldn’t know.”

“Know what?” Twilight was curious now.

“Well, you see,” Fluttershy explained. “When she first got here, Sunset was in a terrible accident. She hit her head so hard, that she lost almost all her memories.”

“That’s terrible,” Twilight felt sorry for the girl and watched as Zuko comforted her. She was glad that she had good friends to help. “I’m sorry if what I asked caused a problem.”

“It’s ok, not the first time,” Sunset smiled at her, before taking a book and pen out of her bag and flipping to a page, where Twilight could just see a list on it. “Anyway, we really need to finish getting this place set up. Let’s go through the list.” They all started checking off the list.

“By the way, Sunset,” Applejack turned to the red head. “Is everything ready for tonight.”

“Yep,” Sunset nodded, placing her book back in her bag. “Everything is all ready for a night of fun.”

“What’s happening tonight?” Twilight asked, wondering what they were talking about.

“It’s just a little tradition we started years ago,” Rarity explained, as she gave Spike a scratch behind the ear, who was enjoying the attention from her. “Every time there’s a big event on, like a talent show or the Fall Formal, we all sleep over at one of our houses.”

“Really?” Twilight kinda liked the sound of that.

“Totally,” Rainbow answered. “And this time it’s at Sunset’s house.”

“Sounds like fun,” Twilight said, smiled at them.

“Well,” Zuko said, kissing Sunset’s cheek, causing her to giggle a little, before picking up the posters. “I should get to putting these posters up. I’ll see you later?”

“Yea,” Sunset agreed, before looking at the time on her phone. “Oh! I should get going too. I’ve got study time, and that English essay isn’t going to write itself.” She turned to Twilight. “Oh, and again, nice meeting you Twilight, and if you need any tips on the whole Fall Formal Princess thing, I’m happy to help.”

“Thanks,” Twilight watched her leave, ‘So that’s Sunset Shimmer,’ she thought. ‘She’s not what I expected.’

10 minutes later, as Sunset was setting up her homework in the library, she received texts from her friends on their Rainbooms group chat.

Just meet Stormy CloudSwirl. She also signed up for Fall Formal Princess and started going on and on about how everything about the party not being up to her standards. She was really big meanie about it. 😠

Don’t worry, Pinks. It’s seems the crown must belong to Twilight. We’ll just have to help Twilight win instead of Stormy.

Hey guys. I just had an awesome idea. Why don’t we invite Twilight to the sleepover, see if she gives away any clues to the world beyond the portal or about that crown.

That sounds like a good idea, Dashie. I’ll talk to mum about it and see what she says. Though, I think she’ll say yes.

Sounds good, darling.

I’ll bring extra snacks.

There was a round of agreements and suggestions, before they all left the group chat, and Sunset got back to writing an essay. ‘If mum says yes, then tonight’s sleepover is going to be interesting.’

Chapter 4

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Twilight was currently walking away after having an argument about the crown with Stormy CloudSwirl, where Stormy had threatened her and Spike, if she went up against her. As she walked, she came upon some sort of machine full of snacks. She spent a minute trying to get some food from the machine, only to by interrupted by a cough behind her. She looked to see a Trixie look alike.

“Excuse me,” Trixie said politely, walking pass Twilight. “The Great and Powerful Trixie!... Needs some peanut butter crackers.” Twilight watched as Trixie put what looked like an Equestrian Bit into a slot on the side of the machine, press a few buttons and grab the snack that fell, from the bottom. “Voila!”

“Oh, Spike,” Twilight looked at her companion. “How am I supposed to fit in and win votes, if I don’t know the first thing about this place. I know, we need to do some research.”

“Research?” Spike asked doubtfully.

“This place has a school, right? I have to believe it’s got a… library!” She exclaimed when she looked through a door to see a large room full of books. She ran into the library, not seeing Stormy sneak in behind her, carrying a camera she had stolen.

After a short explanation from Cheerilie, Twilight sat down at one of the ‘computers’. She looked at it, still confused about this technology. She again turned to Cheerilie.

“So, I just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here,” she asked, picking up the weird black mirror thing.

“That’s right,” Cheerilie said as she took the monitor out of the girl’s hand, before continuing to put books away.

“Maybe this place does have magic,” Twilight whispered. Before she could start researching, loud music started playing. She looked over to see the CMC of this world smiling at the computer with music playing out of it.

Cheerilie walked over to the younger girls and turned off the speakers. “Girls,” She scolded. “As I have told you many times before, the school computers are for research and homework purposes only, not entertainment.”

“Sorry, Miss Cheerilie,” the girls apologized before turning to each other.

“It’s just as well, y’all,” Applebloom shrugged. “Some of the comments about our song were really awful. ‘Epic fail’… ‘Funniest thing I’ve ever seen’?!”

“Funniest thing they’ve ever seen… huh?” Sweetie Belle said, before smirking at the other two as they all got a crazy idea.

“Uh, I don’t know that that’s what you should take from…” Twilight tried to say as the girls ran out of the library, almost running over Sunset as she walked in.

“Girls!” Sunset shouted after them. “No running in the halls!” She rolled her eyes as she heard the faint shout of ‘sorry’. She walked over to Cheerilie. “Hey, Miss Cheerilie. Is the printer available right now?”

“Hello, Sunset,” Cheerilie smiled at her, before gesturing to the computers. “Yes, the printer is available. You know what to do.”

“Thanks,” Sunset walked over and sat down at the computer next to Twilight. She smiled at Twilight as she pulled a notebook out her bag. “Hi, Twilight. How’s your first day here at CHS going?”

“Oh, hi Sunset,” Twilight smiled back nervously. “It’s going great!”

“That’s good,” Sunset commented. Twilight watched in slight awe as Sunset open her notebook to a page full of notes, open some sort of program up on the computer and started moving her fingers across the board thing quickly. Sunset felt her gaze and looked over at her concerned. “You ok? Do you need any help with anything?”

“Nope,” Twilight quickly looked back at her own screen. “I’m good.”

Sunset simply shrugged. “Ok, just let me know if you need any help.” Twilight nodded at her, and Sunset got back to typing up her homework as Twilight continued to figure out the computer.

Soon after Sunset finished her essay, she looked over at Twilight, who was currently trying to type with her fist closed. She decided not to say anything, then she remembered what her friends had decided, and she had gotten her mum’s permission.

“Oh, hey, Twilight,” She got the girl’s attention. “I just remembered. The girls and I were wondering if you would like to join us at our sleepover tonight?”

“Oh, um,” Twilight didn’t know what to say. Well, she thought. I still haven’t figured out where I’m going to stay while here and I would like to get to know Sunset and these weird versions of her friends. She looked down at Spike who nodded at her. “That would be great. Thanks.”

“No prob,” Sunset smiled at her before picking up her printed homework. “Well, I’ll let the girls know and we’ll meet you after school, in front of the Wondercolt Statue. Sound good?”

“Sure,” Twilight nodded. Once Sunset had left the library, Twilight looked down at Spike. “Do you think I made the right choice. Agreeing to it.”

“I think you did,” Spike said as he subconsciously scratches his ear with his hind leg. “Besides, we didn’t exactly think about where we’re going to stay. And don’t you want to get to know these versions of your friends and Sunset Shimmer… sorry King.” They both agreed that it was the right choice and then got back researching.

Unbeknown to them, that throughout the time they had been in the library, Stormy CloudSwirl, once she figured out how to use the camera, had been taking photos of Twilight. “Nopony or weird creature is going to get in my way of getting that crown,” She muttered to herself as she sneaked out of the library.

Twilight was waiting in front of the Wondercolt Statue, waiting for Sunset and the girls. ‘Humans,’ she thought. ‘That’s what these weird creatures were called.’ She had found the information in some of the books she looked at. She saw her new friends walk out of the school, and she waved at them.

“Hey, Twi!” Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced over to Twilight. “Are you ready for a super-duper fun sleepover party?!”

“Um, yes, I am,” Twilight answered.

“Cool,” Rainbow said as the rest of the girls caught up with Pinkie. “Now, we just have to wait for our lift.”

“Don’t worry,” Sunset smiled at them. “Mum said her, and Aunt Luna were finishing early today.”

“Wait,” Twilight looked at the red head. “Aunt Luna? As in…”

“Hello, girls…” They turned to see Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna walking up behind them.

“Hey, mum,” Sunset smiled at Celestia as she hugged her.

“Mum?” Twilight was surprised by this development.

“Yea,” Rainbow looked at her confused. “We did say Sunset’s last name was now King, right?”

“Did you not see Celestia’s last name when you visited her in her office?” Rarity asked her.

“Um, no, sorry,” Twilight apologised sheepishly.

“It’s ok,” Sunset smiled understandingly at her. “I’m sure you just had other things on your mind. Anyway, let’s get going, shall we.”

“Ok,” Luna got their attention. “Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack, you’re with me. The rest of you, with Celestia.”

“Yea let’s get this show on the road” Rainbow agreed, pumping her fist. She turned to Sunset, sharing a smirk with her.

“Shot gun!” They both called, causing the rest to laugh at the two, except for Twilight, who had no idea what ‘shot gun’ meant.

“Ok, let’s go,” They all followed Celestia over to the remaining two cars in the school parking lot. As Sunset, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight were about to get in the car, Celestia turned to Twilight. “And Miss Sparkle, I suggest you hold on to your dog, while we drive, so he doesn’t move about the car.”

“What!” Twilight looked up in surprise, as she held her bag in her arms. “How did…?”

“About your dog?” Celestia raised the eyebrow at her. “Because you are not the first to sneak their pets into school.” She explained, sending a pointed look in Fluttershy’s direction, who blushed.

“Oh,” Was all Twilight could say as she was sat between Fluttershy and Pinkie in the backseat of the weird machine that she had read about in the library that afternoon. The girls helped her with the ‘seat belt’ as they called it, as Celestia turned the car on.

As they drove, the girls pointed out the different places they liked to hang out to Twilight. She watched as they turned onto a dirt road leading up to a large house. She spotted a big sign near the start of the road, that said ‘Crystal Winery’. As they pulled up in front of the house, she noticed a man with black hair standing out front. Wait, she thought as she got out of the car with the others, he looks like…

“Hi, dad!” Sunset called as she ran up to give him a hug.

“Hey, there, firefly,” He smiled at her. He then turned to Twilight. “G’day,” He greeted, holding out a hand to her. “You must be Sunset’s new friend, Twilight Sparkle. Sombra King, at your voice. Welcome to Crystal Winery and Farm.”

“Hi,” Twilight shook his hand nervously, it was weird meeting a version of King Sombra that wasn’t a villain.

“Right,” Sombra addressed the group. “Now, why don’t you all go get set up and then we can sort out dinner.”

Twilight followed the girls inside and up the stairs. She looked around what she assumed was Sunset’s room. In one corner was a couple of guitars, and in another was an art easel with a half-finished painting on it and a shelf full of different art equipment. Then there was a desk with a bookshelf next to it, filled with books and folders. There was a tank on one of the walls, with a little yellow lizard in and a perch for a bird next it.

The last wall was what caught Twilight’s attention the most. It was covered in photos of Sunset with her friends and family. There were photos that looked like they had been taken at the school and others here.

“Yea,” Twilight jumped as Sunset came to stand beside her, smiling up at the photos. “This is my favourite part of my room too”

Twilight spotted a photo of Luna and, is that Discord? With a little baby, “Who’s that?”

“That’s when Screwball was born,” Sunset smiled at the photo. “She’s, my cousin.” They suddenly heard a tapping on one of the windows. Twilight looked over to see a white owl! Sunset went over and opened the window for the bird. “Hey, Hedwig. Did you have a good day?” Hedwig hooted at her. “That’s good.” Sunset went on to introduce Twilight to Hedwig the owl and Ray the lizard. Hedwig reminded Twilight of her old owl, Owlowiscious.

“Girls!” they all heard Sombra call up the stair. “Come and sort out your toppings.”

“Toppings?” Twilight asked as they moved downstairs.

“Yea, you know,” Rainbow turned to her. “Pizza toppings.”

“Oh,” was all Twilight could say as they walked into the kitchen. They all started placing different things on mini pizza bases. Twilight had to turn away for a second when she saw her friends, including Sunset, placing meat on their pizzas. Unbeknown to Twilight, Spike sat under the table where Sombra had given him a bowl filled with raw meat. Spike was at first reluctant, but then he remembered he was meant to act like a dog, so he tried the meat and found it to his liking. Making sure Twilight wasn’t watching he dug into the bowl.

Once they had cooked and then ate their pizzas, and had a bowl of ice cream, the girls moved back upstairs. They all found places around the room and started planning on how to help Twilight get votes.

“Ok,” Rainbow got their attention. “I have an idea. I was thinking we use the song we were going to use for Sunset.”

“Wait, what?” Sunset looked surprised. “What are you talking about?”

“Well, you see darling,” Rarity started, sheepishly. “We decided that if no one signed up for Fall Formal Princess by the end of today, we were going to try and convince you to sign up.”

“Really?” Sunset raised an eyebrow at them.

“Yep!” Pinkie smiled at her. “And we were going to sing a song to help get votes. Fluttershy’s already written it.”

“And knowing you girls,” Sunset shook her head fondly at them. “You probably would have convinced me.”

“Um,” Twilight got their attention. “How will the song help me, if it was meant for Sunset.”

“Easy,” Rainbow waved her hand. “We just need to change a few words. You can sing Sunset’s part. I’m sorry though, Sunset, you might have to sing back up. We didn’t plan for this change in the song.”

“That’s ok,” Sunset accepted the apology. “As long as it helps Twilight here.”

“Is it really possible to simply change the words, just like that?” Twilight asked.

“Totally,” Rainbow bragged a little. “We’re the Rainbooms. One of CHS’s best student bands. Just you wait, Twilight, with this song, you’ll be getting votes within the hour.”

They spent the next hour sorting out the song and other things to include in the plan to help Twilight win the crown. Including a strap on tail and horse ear headbands that Rarity was going to make in the costume room in drama class, along with Twilight’s dress for the formal. Soon it was time for bed, as Celestia poked her head in through the door.

“Alright, girls,” she said. “Time for bed. It maybe the fall formal tomorrow but it still is a school night.”

“Ok, mum,” Sunset said as they started getting into bed. Once they were settled, Celestia walked over and hugged Sunset. “Good night mum.”

“Good night, Sunset. Good night, girls,” Celestia said as she left the room.

Soon, most of the girls were fast asleep. Twilight was the only one awake, laying between Sunset and Rarity, on Sunset’s bed. She looked down at Spike, who had curled up on her stomach but was also still awake.

“Sunset Shimmer was not what I expected,” He whispered. They both looked at the fiery haired girl next to them, smiling contently as she slept.

“I know,” Twilight whispered back. “The way Princess Celestia talked about her, I thought we would have to worry about her teaming up with Stormy CloudSwirl. Yet, here she is, adopted by this world’s Celestia and with no memories of Equestria.”

“I know,” Spike agreed. “I was thinking the same thing. It’s actually kinda sad that she lost her memories.”

“Hmm, I wonder if there’s some way, we could help get her equestrian memories back,” Twilight wondered, before they both yawned and settled down to sleep. “Something to look into after we get my crown back.”

The next morning saw the girls at the Sweet Café for breakfast, with Sunset’s mum and aunt going ahead to work on paperwork at the school. Twilight looked around the café, seeing some of the other students also having breakfast and then watched as the human version of Mrs Cake sprayed some cream onto her hot chocolate.

“And… can I get mine with extra oats?” Twilight asked.

“Oats?” Mrs Cake questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Uh, scratch that.” Twilight blushed, realising her slip up. “However you normally make it is fine.”

Mrs Cake shrugged and pass Twilight the cup. As she turned to join the others, she bumped into something, spilling the drink all over the boy from yesterday. Flash Sentry the girls said his name was if Twilight remembered correctly.

“Oh! We’ve got to stop bumping into each other like this,” he said, as they both reached for the cup on the ground, their hands touching. They looked at each other for a second before blushing.

“You know me!” Twilight started rambling, as they stood up. “Always trying to make a big splash around here. ‘Cause my drink kinda splashed… on the ground!” She laughed nervously as she played with her hair. “I’m gonna go over there now.” She turned and walked over to the booth where the girls were sat around. She was confused when they giggled at her as she sat down. “What?”

“Oh, nothing darling,” Rarity answered. “We just think that was adorable. You like him, don’t you?”

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed, blushing. “I don’t. We’ve just bumped into each other a few times. Nothing to it.”

“Riiiight.” Rainbow said sarcastically. “He seems to like you though.”

“Oh really?” Twilight blushed deeper, playing with her hair. The others nodded smirking at each other. They all finished breakfast before walking to school.

“Good morning, students, and happy Friday,” they heard Principal Celestia voice over the P.A. system as they walked through the hall to their lockers. “Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the time the dance starts tonight, so don’t forget to turn them in and make your voice heard.”

“Alright,” Rainbow turned to the others. “Are we ready to help Twilight win the crown?”

“Yepperoni!” Pinkie exclaimed

“I’ve already got mum’s permission to use the mini stage in the cafeteria,” Sunset said, holding up the permission slip

“Awesome,” Rainbow pumped her fist in the air. “Now…”

“Um, excuse me, Sunset,” they looked to see Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Snips, Snails and the CMC. “I just wanted to give you these. We saw that new girl, Stormy CloudSwirl, trying to put them up around the school.” Diamond Tiara pulled out some terribly made posters with Twilight in awkward positions. They couldn’t make out what was written under the photos due to bad handwriting, though it was obvious it was meant to be insulting. “Don’t worry, we all managed to take them all down before anyone really saw them. We just thought we would let you know about them.”

“Thank you,” Sunset said as they threw the posters in the nearby bin. “That was very nice of you. Now, we should all start heading to classes.”

They went the directions of their morning classes, the Rainbooms and Twilight agreeing to meet just outside the cafeteria for their performance.

During morning classes, Celestia had announced a special performance by the Rainbooms, which got the other students excited. Soon it was lunch time and the girls gathered outside the cafeteria. They had already placed their ears and tails on, along with some Wondercolt sweaters. Sunset looked at her phone to see a text from Zuko.

Instruments are set up and ready to go. Thumb up

“Alright,” Sunset said, once she saw the text. “Let’s do this.”

They walked through the doors and over to the mini stage where their instruments were set up. There was slight applause as they walked onto the stage.

“Good morning, Canterlot High Wondercolts!” Rainbow exclaimed to the microphone in front of her, as the others sorted themselves out, with Twilight watching from the side. “We’re here to sing a song to help our new friend Twilight Sparkle get some votes for tonight’s formal. The song we’re about to sing was originally for Sunset but since she’s not competing, we decided to use for this. Just forewarning you, if you find the lyrics a little confusing.” She smiled when she saw the students sending them looks of understanding. “Alright, Pinkie, give us a beat!”

The Rainbooms started with a beat, before they started singing…


Hey, hey everybody

We’ve got something to say

We may seem as different

As the night is from day

But you look a little deeper

And you will see

That I’m just like you

And you’re just like me


The students were starting to bob their heads and sway in their seats as Sunset played a little riff.

“Hey, hey, everybody

We’re here to shout

That the magic of friendship

Is what it’s all about

Yeah, we thought we were different

As the night is from the day

Until Twilight Sparkle

Helped us see another way

So, get up, get down

If you’re gonna come around

We can work together

Helping Twilight win the crown

So, get up, get down

‘Cause it’s gonna make a sound

If we work together

Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown”

During the chorus, Zuko and Flash started handing out the tails and ears Rarity had made. All the students were up on their feet now, putting their tails on and dancing to the music.


Hey, hey, hands up now

We’re sending a message to the crowd

Hands wave up, then come down

We party together all around


Generous, honesty


Laughter, kindness, loyalty


Twilight helped us each to see


All that we can be!


So, get up, get down

If you’re gonna come around

We can work together

Helping Twilight win the crown

So, get up, get down

‘Cause it’s gonna make a sound

If we work together

Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown”

Sunset waved for Twilight to come on stage and stand in front of a mic so she could sing her part.


I’m gonna be myself

No matter what I do

And if we’re different, yeah

I want you to be true to you

If you follow me

We’ll put our differences aside

We’ll stick together and

Start working on that school pride!”

Now the students were singing along with the Rainbooms and Twilight, some had even started placing ticks next to Twilight’s on the ballots.

Twilight, Rainbooms and Students:

Jump up, make a sound (Hey)

Stomp your hooves, turn around

Start now, make a change

Gonna come around

Jump up, make a sound (Hey)

Stomp your hooves, turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown

Jump up, make a sound (Hey)

Stomp your hooves, turn around

Start now, make a change

Gonna come around

Jump up, make a sound (Hey)

Stomp your hooves, turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown

Jump up, make a sound (Hey)

Stomp your hooves, turn around

Start now, make a change

Gonna come around

Jump up, make a sound (Hey)

Stomp your hooves, turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown…”

As the Rainbooms continued play and the students continued to dance, Stormy CloudSwirl stood outside one of the glass doors, glaring at everyone.

“This will not do,” Stormy growled, as she stomped away. “I need to do something to make sure Twilight doesn’t get my crown.” She looked down the hall leading to the auditorium and smirked as an idea came to her.

Chapter 5

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“Doesn’t everyone look just fabulous?” Rarity smiled as the other students walked by, wearing their Wondercolt ears and tails.

“It was a great idea, Rarity!” Twilight complimented.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity blushed.

“Hmm,” Applejack narrowed her eyes at something behind them, and they turned to see Stormy CloudSwirl walking down the hall with a massive smirk on her face. “Don’t know what she’s smilin’ about. Twilight’s the one that’s gonna be Princess of the Fall Formal.”

They watched as Stormy walked up to VP Luna’s office and knocked. They manage to catch what Stormy was saying. “Vice Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened!”

The girls quietly followed behind to two, ending up at the auditorium. They had to stop each other from making a sound when they saw the mess that was once a well put together party. They continued to listen to the conversation between Luna and Stormy.

“Isn’t this just awful?” Stormy said, giving Luna her best innocent look. “And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect! Why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?”

“Why would you think Twilight was responsible for something like this?” Luna raised an eyebrow at the girl.

“Because I have proof,” Stormy said, giving Luna a folder.

“I see,” Luna said, taking the folder and looking at the obviously cut and pasted photos inside, but decided to play along. “Thank you. I will have to double check the cameras, to confirm this proof of yours.”

“Cameras?” Stormy asked, suddenly feeling very nervous. “What cameras?”

“Those cameras,” Luna answered, pointing at some black round half ball like things in two corners of the auditorium.

“Oh, that wouldn’t be necessary. My proof should be enough,” Stormy tried to convince her.

Before the girls could listen any further, they looked up to see Flash walking towards them. As he passed to walk into the auditorium, he winked at them and mouth ‘Don’t worry’.

“Vice Principal Luna,” He got the two women’s attention. He handed Luna some cut up photos as Stormy glared at him. “I found these in a trash can in the library. Thought you should see them. Someone obviously combined these photos to make it look like Twilight was the one who trashed the gym.”

“I appreciate you bringing these to my attention, Flash,” Luna smiled at him. “Though I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night. If you will excuse me, I need to let my sister know about this latest development.” She purposely ignored the girls behind the doors as she headed to Celestia’s office.

Stormy saw them as she walked out. Her eyes widen, realising they had heard everything. She then glared at them and growled. “This isn’t over. I will win that crown.” She stomped off, thinking up a new plan.

“Thanks for that, Flash,” Twilight smiled at him, blushing.

“No problem,” Flash too blushed, ignoring the giggling from the other girls. “So, uh, I was wondering. If you aren’t already going with somebody, wanna go to the Fall Formal with me tomorrow night?”

“That would be…” Twilight then realised what he said and started freaking out, Spike watching in concern. “Tomorrow night!? No! No-no-no-no-no! I can’t! The portal! That’ll be too late!” She ran past everyone, leaving them confused and concerned.

“One ‘no’ would have been fine!” Flash shouted after her. Sunset and Fluttershy patted him on the back.

“Don’t worry, Flashy,” Pinkie said. “I’m sure she meant to say, ‘yes’ but obviously something is on her mind, making her a little crazy right now.” Flash looked doubtful as he watched them follow Twilight.

They followed her to the costume room in the drama department. They found her hiding in one of the dressing rooms.

Rarity walked over to the curtain and asked, “Everything okay in there?”

“Yes!” They heard the muffled voice behind the curtain. They waited as they could hear a whispered conversation between Twilight and some male voice. Finally, Twilight and Spike came out, looking nervous.

“You okay, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Sort of,” Twilight answered, fidgeting. “You all heard the whole Fall Formal being cancelled, right?”

“We did,” Pinkie nodded, her hair looking a little deflated. “It’s a major bummer in the summer.” Pinkie’s hair went back to it usual curliness and she had a smile on her face. “But don’t you worry, Twilight. We’ll have the party back up and running for tomorrow night.”

“But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight,” Twilight insisted.

“Why?” Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Well, you see,” Twilight went to explain but was interrupted by Pinkie.

“You’re from an alternate world and you’re a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it, they don’t work anymore, and you need them to help protect your magical world, and if you don’t get the crown tonight, you’ll be stuck in this world and you won’t be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time!” Pinkie gave them all a massive grin, looking proud of herself.

“Seriously?” Rainbow asked doubtfully.

“Yep,” Spike said, shocking the girls. “She’s pretty much spot-on.”

“He can talk?!” The human girls exclaimed.

“Oh, yeah! And back where I come from, I’m not even a dog!” Spike bragged, standing on his hind legs. “I’m a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!”

“Wait, Pinkie,” Twilight got the conversation on track. “How did you know all that?”

“Just a hunch,” Pinkie shrugged. “And maybe because of some of the pieces from Sunset’s memories.”

“Wait, but I thought you couldn’t remember anything,” Twilight turned to Sunset.

“I can’t, mostly,” Sunset explained. “I just get snippets. One thing I noticed was the word ‘everypony’ being used a lot.”

“Not to mention,” Applejack got Twilight’s attention. “It’s hard not to ignore video footage of people coming out of the base of the Wondercolt Statue.”

“So, you already knew about the crown?” Spike asked.

“Well, we knew it belonged to someone,” Rarity answered. “We just didn’t know who.”

“I see,” Twilight was shocked by this information. “Well, along with getting my crown back, I was also sent to look for you Sunset.”

“Me?” Sunset asked, pointing at herself.

“Yes,” Twilight smiled at her. “You see, my mentor used to be yours. She asked me to find you and maybe bring you home to Equestria.”

“But this is my home,” Sunset gestured to her friends.

“I’m sure my mentor will understand if you choose this world,” Twilight said, smiling sadly. “But you’ll always be a pony of Equestria.”

“No, seriously, this is Sunset’s home” Rainbow insisted. “Sunset was born in this world, but spent her childhood in, Equestria was it?”

“What?!” Twilight was now confused.

The girls took turns explaining Sunset’s past, including the few memories she could remember, although they left the human magic parts out. As Celestia pointed out, the other world was not ready to find out about this world’s magic just yet.

Twilight listened as they explained Sunset’s mother’s death, her family not wanting her and throwing her through the portal, which was caught on camera. Then they went on to explain Sunset coming back through the portal, the accident that took her memories and DNA testing revealing her origins.

“Wow,” was all Twilight could get out after the girls finished explaining, her and Spike looking at Sunset shocked.

“Yea, so,” Sunset scratch the back of her head. “I may have spent my younger years as a pony, but I’m a human through and through. Just wish I could remember everything about those years.”

“Oh,” Spike got their attention. “Twilight and I were thinking of helping you with that, after we get the crown back.”

“Oh, that would be great, thanks,” Sunset kneeled to get him a scratch behind the ears, which sent his tail wagging.

“Okay, we need to head back to the auditorium to assess the damage,” Pinkie said, already writing on a clipboard which she then passed to Sunset. “We have a party to save and a crown to win!”

“Yea!” they all shout before heading out. They walked to the auditorium and looked around at the ruined decorations.

“I simply cannot believe Stormy CloudSwirl did all this!” Rarity gestured to the mess.

“If I only had some kind of…” Pinkie thought for a second. “…party cannon that could decorate everything super-duper fast!”

“I know it seems impossible,” Twilight said, smiling at them. “But maybe if we all work together?”

“Now that’s the kinda can-do spirit we’re lookin’ for in a Fall Formal Princess!” Applejack commented. “Let’s do it, y’all!”

“Hey, guys,” Sunset got their attention, she gestured to her phone. “I just finished texting Zuko. He and Flash are going to round up some more help.”

“Awesome!” Rainbow fist pumped. “With more hands, we’re bound to fix this all up in no time.” There was a round of agreement as they moved to get started cleaning up.

Twilight Sparkle:

It’s time for us to come together

It’s the only way that things will get better

It’s time for us to take a stand

So come one and lend a helping hand”

Soon, Zuko and Flash walked in followed by a lot of other students, all willing to help fix the formal up. They all split up into groups some helping with streamers, and other decorations, while others helped with picking up and setting up tables.


Fix it up

Yeah, it’s all right

We’ll get it ready by tonight

Mix it up

Yeah, help a friend

We’ll come together in the end

Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rainbow:

It’s time to show that we’ve got school spirit

Raise your voice and let everyone hear it

Rarity, Sunset and Applejack:

It’s time to show that we’re strong

So come one, everybody, sing along


(Look…) Look how we’ve all come together

(Things…) Things are only just starting to get better

(Look…) Look how we’ve all come together

(Things…) Things are only just starting to get better, better, better, better!

(We… will…) Fix it up, yeah, it’s all right

(Come… tonight, tonight…) We’ll get it ready by tonight

(We… will…) Mix it up, yeah, help a friend

(Come… together, together…) We’ll come together in the end

(We… will…) Fix it up, yeah, it’s all right

(Come… tonight, tonight…) We’ll get it ready by tonight

(We… will…) Mix it up, yeah, help a friend

(Come… together, together…) We’ll come together, together now!”

The Rainbooms and Twilight looked around at the newly decorated auditorium and smiled. Everything was now set for the Fall Formal.

“This… looks… soooo… GOOD!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Everyone turned when they heard clapping. They saw Principal Celestia standing in the doorway with Vice Principal Luna carrying the ballot box.

“All right, everyone!” Celestia announced. “The Fall Formal is back on for this evening!” This caused all the students to cheer in excitement. “So, you’d better get out of here and start getting ready. Oh, and don’t forget to cast your ballots for the Fall Formal Princess on your way out!” She gestured towards the ballot box. The students started to file out, some calling towards Twilight.

“You got my vote, Twilight!”

“Mine, too!”

“Mine, too!”

“Mine, too!”

“Well, girls,” Rarity got her friends attention. “I do believe we should also get going. I’ve already called ahead and booked half an hour of pampering at the spa. Then afterwards, we’ll go next door to my mother’s boutique to get ready for the Formal.” The others followed her out, placing their ballots in the box as they went.

“Have fun girls,” Celestia smiled at them, having heard their plans.

“We will mum,” Sunset gave her a quick hug. “See ya later tonight.”

Unbeknown to everyone, Stormy CloudSwirl was hiding in the nearby sport equipment storage room, having seen everything. “Those girls have foiled my plans again,” She growled. “No matter. Soon, I’ll have that crown and all of Equestria will bow before their new Princess.” Her eyes widen then an evil smirk grew on her face. “No, their new Queen.” She laughed (evilly) as new plans began to form in her head.

Chapter 6

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“I still can’t believe we pulled that off!” Fluttershy commented, as one of the spa ladies did her nails. They were all relaxing at the Canterlot Spa, relaxing, and being pampered before the formal.

“I can!” Rainbow exclaimed, as she was having a foot massage. “We’re awesome!”

“Totally,” Sunset agreed, dipping her feet into the foot spa in front of her.

“Tonight, is going to be so much fun!” Pinkie loudly said, as she, Twilight and Applejack sat in their chairs, face masks on and relaxing.

“Indeed, it will be,” Rarity agreed as her hair was washed and styled.

“But first we will finish enjoying our pampering, then we’ll go to and get changed into the gorgeous dresses I made for everyone.”

“I can’t wait to see them, Rarity,” Twilight smiled at the fashionista.

After relaxing, the girls headed to the boutique. Then Rarity brought out the dresses. “Here they are,” Rarity gestured to them. “Aren’t they just fabulous.”

“They sure are Rares,” Applejack said, admiring her dress, then she noticed something. “But wait, I only count 6 dresses. Where’s Sunset’s?”

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Rarity ducked into the back room. “I had to add a few things, but it is finished.” She brought out a mannequin with Sunset’s dress on it. The top part was red with a phoenix with its wings spread out on the front and its eye made with a red gem. The phoenix’s tail formed the dress’s skirt. The boots were red and orange versions of her black and purple flame ones.

“Rarity, it’s gorgeous,” Sunset complimented.

“Thank you darling,” Rarity said as she brought out a box. She opened the box to reveal jewellery. “Now, let’s get ready for the formal.”


This is our big night

We’re getting ready

And we’re doing it up right

This is our big night

Friendship survived,

Now we’ll start it out right

The time right, gonna make it last ‘cause it’s the first night

That we’re ever gonna start to just have fun together

We’re so glad, so happy we could never be mad

Did it right now, this is our big night now

The girls were soon dressed in their dresses, and were now doing make-up, which Applejack and Rainbow were reluctant to put on, much to the others amusement.

“Six friends on the way up now

Six friends here to show you how

This is our big night

We’re getting ready

And we’re doing it up right

This is our big night

We made it happen

Now let’s party all night

This is our big night

This is our big night

This is our big night

This is our big night

This is our big night”

The girls arrived at the formal in a limo, and after Twilight finally said yes to Flash’s question about a dance, they went into the auditorium to party.

“We made it happen

Now let’s party all night

We’re here now and we worked so hard to make it come around

To tonight so let’s try to make it last forever

The school lights so bright, beat is pumping through the night

Party’s starting, DJ’s got the music just right!

Six friends on the way up now

Six friends here to show you how

This is our big night

This is our big night

This is our big night”

The party was in full swing. The girls were in the middle of the dance floor dancing, having fun together. Then Twilight noticed something.

“Anybody seen Stormy CloudSwirl?” She turned to the other girls.

“Maybe she was too embarrassed to show!” Rainbow said, still dancing. “She’s gotta know you won by a landslide!”

“Maybe…” Twilight was not convinced.

Suddenly the music stopped, and everyone turned towards the stage to see Principal Celestia walked out onto the stage. “First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier.” Celestia paused to allow the applause and cheers, which died down when Luna walked out opening the box to show off the crown and handing Celestia an envelope. “And now, without further ado, I’d like to announce the winner of this year’s Fall Formal crown. The Princess of this year’s Fall Formal is… Twilight Sparkle!”

The students started cheering as Twilight walked up to Principal Celestia. “Congratulations, Twilight,” Celestia said as she put the crown on Twilight’s head.

As Twilight was waving to the crowd, she heard Spike yell. “Twilight! Help!”

“Spike?” Twilight looked over the crowd just in time to see Stormy CloudSwirl running out the doors carrying Spike. “She’s got Spike!” Twilight yelled as she jumped off the stage and ran after Stormy, the Rainbooms just behind her. They chased Stormy all the way out to near the Wondercolt Statue.

“That’s close enough!” Stormy said, as she held Spike by the scruff of his neck in one hand while her other hand was holding a sledgehammer.

“Twilight!” Spike yelled fearfully.

“Don’t hurt him!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m not a monster, Twilight.” She smirked as she roughly dropped Spike, who ran over to Twilight. “You don’t belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home.” Holding up the sledgehammer to the portal, causing everyone to gasp at threat. “Tick-tock, Twilight. We haven’t got all night. From what I read about this thing, when I was in the restricted section; this portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So, what’s your answer?”

Twilight took a moment to think it through before she stood up with determination. “No.

“What!?” Stormy was surprised by that answer, before growling. “But Equestria! You know once I’m done, you’ll never see it or your friends again!”

“Yes,” Twilight said. “That is possible, but Equestria will find a way to survive with my Element of Harmony. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. You are not getting this crown!”

“No!” Stormy yelled, running at Twilight, and tackling her to ground. “You will not win! I will have that crown!”

“Twilight!” The girls ran to help pull Stormy off her, while Spike grab the crown and ran with it in his mouth. After getting off Twilight, Stormy, who had loner legs caught up with Spike and snatched the crown out of his mouth.

“I’ll take that!” Stormy held the crown above her head. “At last! More power than I could ever imagine!” She placed the crown on her head and was overcome with power.

The girls watch as Stormy was lifted into the sky as she was transformed. Her skin darkened to a dark grey and her brown hair was turned black as it stood on end, making it look like black flames, a matching tail grew behind her. Big, leathery bat-like wings spread out, and the magic died down to reveal the newly transformed Stormy CloudSwirl.

The girls and the now gathered crowd of students watched in horror, as Stormy cackled in delight as she admired her new form. The girls gasped as her blackened eyes fell on Twilight and she gave a fanged grin as she gathered up a fireball. Once it was big enough, she threw it at the princess.

“Twilight!” Sunset shouted, as she pushed her out of the way and was sent flying as the fireball hit her. Sunset hit the ground hard and didn’t move from where she had landed face down.

“Sunset!” Twilight, the Rainbooms and many of the students shouted in horror as their injured friend remained motionless.

“Aww, poor little Sunny,” Stormy mocked, before turning to the school when the students hid. “Now then, pay attention, you pathetic creatures. I’ve had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hooves on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along. I am your queen now, and you will be loyal to me!”

After ripping the front door and wall from the school, she hypnotised everyone. She smirked before turning back to Twilight, “Spoiler alert: I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. After all, how can I be Queen of Equestria, when I’m not in Equestria. And now I will truly rule with my very own army of slaves.” She gestured to the crowd of hypnotised students.

“No, you’re not!” Twilight shouted, as she stood firm

Stormy simply laughed. “Oh, please! What exactly do you think you’re going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing!”

“She has us!” Rainbow said, as she and the others gathered behind Twilight.

“Ha, pathetic,” Stormy waved them off. “Now step aside! Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already! She needs to be dealt with!” She laughed gathering up another fireball, this one made if black fire, but was stopped short when a light started emitting from the girls. “What!?”

Twilight smiled when she too noticed the glow. “The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it! Honesty! Kindness! Laughter! Generosity! Loyalty! Magic!” She listed as she and the girls behind her transformed, gaining pony ears, hair lengthened into long tail like extensions.

Fluttershy and Rainbow gained wings while Rarity had a gem grow out of her forehead in place of a horn. Twilight gained both wings and gem as she continued to talk. “Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you can’t control because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!”

Stormy started laughing. “Magic of friendship?” She pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. “What an absolutely ridiculous sentiment!” She started forming the black fireball again, as she aimed at Sunset instead of Twilight. “Let’s see how well you ‘magic of friendship’ can protect your friend!” The girls watched in horror as Stormy threw the fireball at Sunset’s still prone form.

Just as the fireball connected with Sunset, the black flames changed to gold flames. When the fireball hit Sunset, instead of burning her, the flames started to lift her up, as they form into a giant silhouette of a phoenix.

The flames soon disappeared to reveal Sunset awake, uninjured and transformed just like the others. Her hair had extended into a tail with a gold and ruby band, ember pony ears replaced her human ones, and a red gem was now nestled on her forehead. What surprised Stormy and Twilight the most were the pair of large wings, with feathers of embers and reds, that had grown from her back.

“Sunset!” The Rainbooms were amazed by their friend’s transformation.

“What! No!” Stormy was even madder now. “How could you become an Alicorn? You’re just a pathetic human!”

“Easy, Stormy,” Twilight answered instead, as Sunset tested her new wings and flew over to her friends. “It helps that she spent her childhood in Equestria, so the Equestrian magic recognise her. And by saving me from you before, Sunset Shimmer King has impressed the Elements of Harmony and proven to be worthy of being a Princess.”

Then all seven girls started to glow bright, and a rainbow shot into the sky before it dived down and encased Stormy in a tornado of colour.

“No!” Stormy yelled. “What is happening!” In a flash of colour Stormy was striped of her power and she was blasted into a crater. She then crawled out, her hair a mess and face covered in scraps.

Not giving up, she growled as she ran at the girls, only to have a foot hit her face, as Sunset performed a flawless reverse kick. As she held for now bleeding nose, she didn’t see Rainbow motion to Bulk Biceps to grab hold of her as Applejack tied her up in the rope that Pinkie had pulled from her hair.

“No!” Stormy scream, struggling against her bonds. “This was not the plan. I was supposed to be queen of Equestria!”

“You will never be queen or princess,” Twilight said, walking up to her. “Any power you may have had is gone. Tonight, you’ve shown everyone who you really are. You’ve shown them what is in your heart.”

But Stormy was not having any of it. “I will get you for this. You and Sunset!” She yelled at them. “You hear me! One day, I will be queen and I will have my revenge!” Anything else she was going to say was cut off, with a rolled-up rag being placed in her mouth.

“Put a sock in it,” Rainbow said, dusting her hands off.

“Those are my girls!” Spike called, clapping his paws, scaring some of the nearby students.

“Did that dog just talk?” Brawly Beats said, looking at said dog. “Whoa. Weird.”

“Seriously?” Spike raised an eyebrow at him. “The talking dog is the weird thing about all this?” Brawly shrugged.

“Sunset, darling,” Rarity said as she and the others turned to the red head. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Sunset smiled, as she was hugged by everyone. “Better even. Whatever just happened, has helped open up half of my memories.”

“Really?” Twilight asked. “You remember Equestria, now?”

“Some of it,” Sunset answered. “One thing is for sure; I do remember my mentor being a pony princess version of my mum.”

“I’m glad you have some of your memories back,” the girls jumped as Celestia walked up behind them. “Even if it’s about me having a princess counterpart.” She turned to Twilight and held up her crown. “I believe this belongs to you. A true princess in any world leads not by force, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight.”

“I do,” Twilight said as Celestia placed the crown on her head. The other students cheered.

Flash walked up to Twilight, rubbing the back of his head. “Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?”

Twilight giggled at him and followed everyone back to the auditorium. They spent the next half hour dancing, while Luna kept an eye on the still tied up Stormy. Soon it was almost time for the portal to close. They all stood around saying their goodbyes, while Luna kept a firm hand on Stormy, who glared at the scene in front of her.

“We better get going,” Spike said after another round of hugging, or scratching in his case.

“I know we’ve only been friends for a short time, but I’m gonna miss all of you so much,” Twilight at them.

“We’re gonna miss you too, Twilight,” Sunset gave her one more hug. “And tell Princess Celestia that I’m sorry for how things ended with us and that I’ve found where I belong.”

“Don’t worry, you pretty much just told her in a way,” Seeing the confused looks, Twilight pointed to the necklace that she had been wearing the whole time. “This has been recording everything. So, my friends will see all that I’ve been through the last few days.”

“Cool,” Rainbow commented.

Twilight turned to Luna, “Just push her through, my brother should hopefully figure out that she’s a threat, with the way she’s tied up. I say threat because she’ll have her unicorn magic back on the other side.” Luna did just that, pushing Stormy through the portal.

“That crown really does suit you, Princess Twilight,” Spike smirked up at her as they moved to the portal.

“You know what, Spike?” Twilight smiled as she fixed the slightly tilted crown. “I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it.”

“And the wings?” Spike asked, knowing how much they had annoyed her when she first got them.

“I’ve been walking on two legs and picking things up with these,” Twilight ranted, wiggling her fingers, making the girls behind giggle. “Wings? I’m thrilled that’s all I’ll be dealing with back in Equestria!”

The Rainbooms watched their new friends walked through the portal, as their new half-pony forms disappeared. Pinkie tried to follow, only to find the statue base was solid again.

“Oh, bummer!” She pouted.

“Don’t you worry Pinks,” Applejack comforted her. “Somethin’ tells me, we’ll be seein’ her again.”

“You know, Sunset,” Rainbow said, gaining their attention. “Now that you are apparently an alicorn princess in Equestria, that makes you officially CHS’s Phoenix Princess.”

“Well, that’s good and all,” Sunset tried to hide her blush at the title. “But I think we should be getting home.” Celestia and Luna walked over to hug her.

“Sounds good, sugarcube,” Applejack agreed.

“Oh,” Pinkie bounced as they headed over to the car park where their parents waited. “I can’t wait for the next big party!”

“I think we still have that musical showcase coming up,” Rarity pointed out, making Pinkie even more excited. “That’s definitely going to be more fun and nicer ‘party’ than what happened tonight. After all, what could possibly happen at a musical showcase?” They all stopped and looked her, as she realised what she just said. “Oh dear, I just jinxed it, didn’t I?”

Chapter 7

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Princess Celestia waited in worry as Luna, Cadance, and all of Twilight’s friends waited for her to return. They had become even more worried when a tied up and gagged Stormy CloudSwirl. Shining Armor was quick when he had noticed her lighting up her horn, about to escape, he zapped a magic suspender on her horn, stopping her attempt. He then went to place her in the dungeons, until Twilight told him otherwise.

Finally, Twilight came through the portal. It took her a moment to reorientate herself to four legs. She noticed she still had her dress on, only it had changed to fit her new form.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy quietly exclaimed.

“You’re back!” Rainbow flew up to her.

“You’ve got your crown!” Rarity said, seeing the crown on her friend’s head.

“I knew you could do it!” Pinkie hugged her tightly.

“Oh, we were so worried,” Applejack’s eyes started to water.

“Did you find Sunset Shimmer?” Celestia asked stepping forward in worry. “Is she alright?”

“I did and she’s just fine,” Twilight smiled up at her mentor. “She’s in very good hands.” The ponies all looked at each other in confusion.

“What are hands?” Rainbow asked the question on their minds. Before Twilight could answer, Spike came tumbling out of the portal, and was ecstatic to find he had his claws back. He and Twilight shared a knowing smiled with each other.

“Where did you stay?” Fluttershy asked as they walked away from the room where the portal sat.

“Who made that absolutely gorgeous dress?” Rarity asked, admiring said dress.

“Did ya have fun?” Pinkie asked, smiling at her.

“What’d ya eat?” Applejack wondered.

“Don’t forget, everypony,” Twilight pointed to her necklace. “I’ll be able to show you everything with this. But for now, I’m just so exhausted from all the dancing.”

All the ponies behind her exclaimed all at once. “Dancing?”

Twilight looked at her friends, not paying attention, when she walked into something. Looking up, she found a face that looked familiar, but on a guard pony.

“We’ve got to stop bumping into each other like this,” the guard pony said before he walked off.

“Who was that?” Twilight asked watching him go.

“He’s a new member of the castle guard,” Cadance answered. “Flash Sentry, I think.” She thought for a second, before giving Twilight a knowing smirk. “Why? Do you know him?”

“Not exactly,” Twilight mystery replied.

“Oooh! Somepony’s got a crush on the new guy!” Applejack exclaimed as they continued to walk.

“No. No, I don’t,” Twilight denied.

“She does!” Rarity gasped. “She absolutely does!”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Twilight blushed. “I don’t even know him. He just…”

Pinkie interrupted Twilight, bouncing around her. “Totally reminds you of a guy you met in the other world who played guitar, was in a band, and helped prove you didn’t destroy all the decorations for a big dance, so you could still run princess of the big dance, and then asked you to dance at that dance?!” She took a big breath, before smiling at Twilight. “Right?”

Twilight and Spike looked at each other in surprise, before turning back to Pinkie. “How did you know that?”

“Just a hunch,” Pinkie shrugged, causing everyone to roll their eyes. Soon, everypony was heading to bed, excited to see Twilight’s memories of the other world.

The next morning saw everypony eating breakfast. Shining Armor turned to Twilight, “Hey, Twi,” Twilight looked up at her brother. “That Stormy CloudSwirl pony is still in the dungeons. What do you want done with her?”

“I was thinking that we all decide after you have all seen my memories,” Twilight suggested.

“That does sound like a good idea,” Cadance agreed, the other two princess nodding too.

“I suggest we start watching your memories after breakfast, Twilight,” Celestia said. “The sooner we see them, the sooner we can decide Stormy’s fate.”

“And the sooner you can see Sunset Shimmer for yourself,” Twilight smiled knowingly at the princess.

“Yes, that too,” Celestia blushed.

After breakfast, they all headed to the throne room. Once they were all comfortable, Twilight floated the necklace over to Celestia. Celestia then place the necklace in the middle of the circle they had gathered in.

“Are we ready?” She looked at everypony, who all nodded. “Then let us begin.” She shot a beam of magic at the necklace, causing the room around them melted away to reveal the memory of just before Twilight went through the portal.

“Whoa!” Rainbow exclaimed in surprise. “This is so weird!”

The ponies watch Twilight step through the portal, with her and Spike coming out of the base of a statue. They shocked by what their friends looked like in the other world.

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack exclaimed. “What in the hay are you supposed to be, Twilight?”

“They’re called ‘humans’,” Twilight explained. “They’re the dominant species there.”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy was more interested in Spike’s form. “You make such a cute dog, Spike.”

“Indeed, darling,” Rarity agreed.

“Thanks,” Spike blushed.

They watched as Twilight explore the building near the portal. They saw so many of the ‘humans’, including one that looked like Flash Sentry.

“Oooh, is that the one the new guy reminds you of?” Pinkie asked.

“Maybe,” Twilight blushed deeply.

Their eyes widened when Twilight meet the human versions of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

“Oh my, is that me?” Fluttershy asked as she watched her counterpart trying to stand up to Stormy.

“Yep, it seems you all have human counterparts in that world,” Twilight explained, as Rainbow cheered on her counterpart as she defended the other Fluttershy. “Even you, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Fascinating,” Celestia said, interested in seeing more, and hoping to see Sunset Shimmer soon. She giggled at the awkward conversation between Twilight and her counterpart, reminded of their own first meeting when Twilight was a filly. She listened closely when human Rainbow explained Sunset’s new name. “Sunset King?”

“Yep, that’s the new she goes by now,” Twilight looked at her mentor nervously.

“I see,” Celestia turned back to the memories, as the rest of the Element’s counterparts were introduced, and then came Sunset. Celestia soaked in her former student’s human form and became sad when it was revealed that Sunset had amnesia. “She forgot Equestria?” She said as she thought, ‘She forgot me?’

“Oh, don’t worry,” Twilight assured her. “She eventually gets some of her memories back.”

They continued to watch in awe at the other world’s technology was revealed when Twilight tried one of the ‘computers.’ They were even more shocked, when at the end of the day, it’s shown that Sunset had been adopted by that world’s Celestia and Sombra.

‘Is that what she really needed and wanted,’ Celestia thought sadly as she watched Sunset interact with her counterpart and human Sombra. ‘A family?’

The next day came, and they watched as Twilight came clean and they revealed that they kinda knew, due to cameras pointed at the statue, and the few memories that Sunset had been able to remember. Then came Sunset’s origin story.

“Wait, wait,” Rainbow was shocked. “So, she’s a human, not a pony?”

“Well, yea, she was born a human,” Twilight said. “But she did spend her fillyhood as a pony here in Equestria.” She turned to Celestia to ask a question that had been on her mind for a while. “Did you know about her heritage?”

Celestia sighed. “Yes, I did. I was going to tell her, but then we had our falling out and she fled through the portal.”

Twilight didn’t know what to say, so they continued to watch the memories. They watched the students fix the decorations, Twilight and the Rainbooms getting ready and the formal itself. They gasped when Stormy stole Spike and then threatened to smash the portal.

“Oh, Twily,” Shining gasped after Twilight stood up to Stormy. “That was very brave of you.”

“Well, I wasn’t lying when I said I rather not be about to return to Equestria then let my Element fall into Stormy’s hooves,” Twilight said.

They watched in horror when Stormy managed to get the crown and turned into a she-demon. Celestia’s eyes started to tear up when she watched as Sunset was down unconscious while protecting Twilight.

“Oh, Sunset,” Luna patted her sister’s back in comfort.

The mood became a bit brighter when Twilight and her human friends glowed and gained pony like traits. Celestia almost turned away when Stormy sent a fireball at Sunset but became overjoyed when Sunset also transformed and surprised to see the wings.

“She became an alicorn?” Luna questioned, shocked.

“It seems that way,” Cadance answered, equally in awe.

“Oh, my little sun,” Celestia smiled at the image in front of her. Her smile became bigger when, after defeating Stormy, it was revealed that along with becoming an alicorn, Sunset had regained half of her memories, including memories of her.

Celestia shed a couple of happy tears when she heard Sunset apology. “I forgave you long ago, my dear student,” She whispered to the memory Sunset. The memories finally finished after Twilight said goodbye to her human friends.

“So,” Shining turned to the princesses. “Now that we’ve watched everything, what are we going to do about Stormy CloudSwirl?”

“Since Stormy’s transgressions were against Twilight,” Celestia answered, looking over at the purple princess. “I believe it is Twilight’s decision to make.”

“I’ve decided that, since she has shown no remorse and for the safety of Equestria,” Twilight said after taking a moment to think. “Stormy should have her magic blocked and sent to Tartarus.”

“Very well,” Celestia nodded, and addressed Shining. “I suggest you chose your best guards to take her to Tartarus, I will place the block on her magic before you do.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia,” Shining trotted off to follow her orders.

Twilight and her friends went to start packing for their trip home. While everypony was busy, Celestia walked back to the room where the portal was kept, her sister close behind her.

“Sister?” Luna watched Celestia place a hoof on the now solid surface of the mirror.

“Sorry, Luna, I was just wondering,” Celestia answered the unasked question. She was currently remembering what the humans had explained about some of the memories Sunset had dreamed about over the years. “What would have happened if I had paid more attention to Sunset’s unhappiness?”

“It’s best not to thinking about the ‘what ifs’, sister,” Luna started walking out of the room. “At least you now know, and you can be thankful that Sunset Shimmer is back in her home world, safe and well taken care of.”

“I suppose you are right, dear sister,” Celestia followed Luna. She stopped in the doorway and turned to look at the portal one more time, whispering, “We shall see each other again, someday, my dear student, my little sun.”

In the Everfree Forest, the Spirit of Harmony had watched the entire thing. She was glad that her plan was coming along nicely, and soon her two new princesses will face new challenges. First Harmony check on the crystal chest she had just finished making for Twilight, which she will soon reveal to the purple alicorn.

She looked back at her current project. She had noticed the time-delayed portal opening in the other world a few weeks ago, releasing the siren trio, and knew that they had most likely seen the bursts of magic at the school.

A few days later of none stop work, she was finished. She placed the replica of Sunset’s element into the gold band. Hopefully, this would give Equestria’s first human alicorn the boost she would need against the sirens. ‘And besides,’ she thought as she admired her new creation, ‘every princess needs a crown.’