Tower of Diamond

by tailsopony

First published

Diamond Tiara rules over her company and much of Manehattan from her ivory tower. Silver Saddle is looking for a promotion. Red Tape just wants to settle down. A kidnapping, a murder, and a heaping of debauchery join them together in unexpected ways

Silver Saddle is looking for a promotion, and is pretty sure her new project is just the ticket. Luckily, she even has a friend on the inside who's helped get her noticed. Will her dreams of corporate success finally come true?

Red Tape is happy with his work, but is looking to settle down with somepony he loves. He's hoping that maybe his friend is willing to be a little more than just friends with benefits. Not that he minds the benefits.

Diamond Tiara owns most of Manehatten. And a very large booze collection. She hates her job with a passion, and she's done with it. Absolutely fucking done with it.
Massively re-structured, and implemented some pre-reader edits that had ended up being accidentally lost. The content is the same, though the story appears to be about 200 words shorter for some reason. Please let me know what you think!

Huge thanks to "Exuno" and "Chudojogurt" for extensive pre-reading, editing, and advice. Also thanks to "perro" and "Mr_Mavik" for their advice. If any of y'all want links to your FIMFic accounts or other here, let me know!

Warnings (heavy spoilers, only check if you really want to be sure you're safe):
Non-Con, BDSM, murder, very light blood play, possible ghosts, self netorare, regular netorare, violence, slightly inaccurate corporate environments, crazy fucking ponies, crazy ponies fucking, and a real spoiler following.

Actual, no kidding story spoiler: a flashback chapter with inappropriate themes involving underage characters near the end. You can skip that, and it's not in great detail, but it is there. Should be about update 6. It'll be labeled flashback or backstory or something, and the author note will be up front with a warning. It's not needed to enjoy the story, but it fills in a lot of the blanks.

*re-edited and re-organized. Let me know if I messed anything up.

Chapter 1 -New

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Silver Saddle checked her work once more. All the slides were there, she remembered her elevator pitch, and she had finally calmed her nerves. This was it. This was the chance she’d been waiting for.

It had been two years of everyday corporate grunt work, two years of slaving away from six in the morning until nine at night with no holidays or weekends. She had worked her tail off and was due a promotion. Now she finally had the work to prove it.

Her idea and design would revolutionize the business practices within the company. She had developed a filing process that was at least 30% faster than the current system, and would completely eliminate copy errors. It took a little bit of magic, but the magic could be enchanted into cheap, mass produced gemstones that could be bought for a few measly bits at a corner store and then would sit at everypony’s desk.

The stones would transcribe from one paper to another using locator numbers, allowing you to instantly create a perfect copy of your paperwork at any remote desk within the system, or even your own. No chance of copy errors, and instant travel time. The only work on the pony’s part would be to find the locator number for their recipient, and there was an easy way to automate that as well!

Silver smiled as she reviewed her presentation one more time. The graphs were clear, the pictures simple, and the demo units were charged. She’d gotten everything approved, and now it was her time to shine.

Somehow, she’d been booked to do her presentation for the CEO, Diamond Tiara. Best of all, it wasn’t just Diamond Tiara, but the whole board! Being a floor level office worker, she’d never been on the higher floors at all. She was going straight to the top, literally and figuratively!

Floor 73. Where all the important decisions happened. The tower went up to floor 75, but 74 and 75 were Diamond Tiara’s personal penthouse. Nopony went there except for her guests. Maybe the janitor? Diamond would never clean her own living space.

Then again, it was likely Diamond Tiara didn’t even make a mess. The mare was perfection ponyfied. She’d used her business acumen to build a corporate empire at the young age of 16. By the time she was 20, she was the richest filly in Manehatten. Even though she was still only 23, six years younger than Silver, she was now the richest being in Manehatten.

Silver licked her lips as she nervously pressed the bright and bold number, 73 on the elevator. The intercom turned on, and a cheerful male voice rang through. “Authorization, please.”

“I’m Silver Saddle, I have a presentation for Ms. Tiara and the board in thirty minutes.”

“Oh! Hey, Silver. This is Red. I got good news for you!” The cheerful voice sounded excited to see her.

Silver smiled, blushing. She knew Red well. They’d “met up” once or twice at company parties, and then they kept meeting up. He was an administrative assistant on the upper levels, but he seemed to like hanging out with the lowly peons like her. If it wasn’t for their massive difference in jobs, they might even be close friends. As it was, they were… well, an easy hookup for each other.

Silver smiled. “Hi, Red! Today is the day. Maybe after today, I’ll see you at work more often. I’d like to hang out more than just at company events, and… uhh… well, just more would be nice.”

He chuckled through the intercom. “Heh. Hang out, huh? Well, if you’re getting a promotion then what do you say about getting a bite to eat with me tonight? We could hang out after. Then maybe, ah, celebrate a little?”

Silver’s blush deepened. Red was a pretty great stallion. If she got promoted, maybe she could make something more permanent with him? It’d be nice to come home after a hard day at work to a hard stallion. She licked her lips, imagining his big red body just laying out for her on her bed back home. His short brown hair would be matted to his head, and his brown tail would be splayed out on her bedspread.

She’d see everything. It would start with his big, semi-hard cock just resting on his red stomach, the brown flesh slowly undulating as he flexed for her. His balls would be resting on her pink bed sheet, and he’d look nervous. No. He’d be confident! He’d invite her forward, taking her head in his strong, firm hooves, then he’d push her down… past his wide chest, past his hard abs… and then she’d taste everything.

The intercom crackled. “Is that a no? Sorry if you’re busy, I just got caught up in the excitement for you.”

Suddenly, she panicked, realizing that she’d zoned out and left him hanging too long. “Oh! No, not at all. I’d love to spend more time with you. It’s a date! Today is a date. The date…. Yes.”

“Great! You had me worried for a second. We’ll work out the details on your way down. I gotta get you to Ms. Tiara. Oh, that’s the good news, by the way!”

Silver stared as the number 73 turned off, and the number 74 lit up. The elevator rumbled, and started to rise.

“Wait, what?” She almost dropped her papers. Almost.

Red laughed. “Yeah! Diamond wanted to see you before your thing. Said she wanted to discuss some personal business with you. She’s keeping it all hush hush for some reason. You know how she is.”

“Oh…” She didn’t know what to say. She also did not know ‘how she is.’ The Diamond Tiara wanted to see her, in the flesh, alone? Silver Saddle began to shake.

“Good luck! Call me on the way down. I do love when you go down. Heh.” He chuckled through the intercom.

The joke, as always, made her smile, but did nothing for her dropping stomach. Nervously, she responded. “Bye, Red…”

Silver started to hyperventilate. This wasn’t part of the plan. She couldn’t meet The Diamond Tiara one on one. Diamond Tiara was an icon, a myth.

She’d rather meet Princess Flurry heart. At least Princess Flurry Heart was born into greatness. Diamond Tiara had built it. From a sleepy little town, she’d turned a barnyard style corporate store into an economic empire whose funding rivaled that of the state. She owned every major outlet in Manehatten, and hundreds more across Equestria.

She was the modern day conqueror, doing battle with paper, money, and lawyers, and she had won every engagement she’d been in. Ponies feared her. Ponies looked up to her. Ponies all but worshiped her.

Especially Silver Saddle. Silver had books about her, magazines with Diamond Tiara’s face plastered on her walls, and even a few signed corporate memos she’d kept. Diamond Tiara was everything that Silver wasn’t. Strong, beautiful, rich, and powerful.

Sometimes, Silver would fantasize about what she’d do if she was Diamond Tiara. Certainly not work for fifteen hours a day shuffling paperwork accounts back and forth, or making process maps. She’d go on a cruise, she’d launch a new product line, she’d bed any stallion she wanted.

Silver watched the lit numbers change with a strange sort of fear. 34, 35, 36… Slowly she was rising. Like a bubble rising up through water. She’d get a chance to see how Diamond Tiara lived. She’d step into floor 74, and see Diamond’s foyer. Maybe Diamond would shake her hoof. They’d laugh, Diamond would offer her a drink, and they’d chat for a bit about business strategies.

Silver smiled. Then Diamond would invite her up to floor 75, her personal floor, and they’d be friends. She’d work on the upper floors, giving advice and hobnobbing with the most powerful ponies in Manehatten, and slowly they’d spend more time together. Diamond would invite her on air ship cruises, Silver would start a program to help recovering drug addicts in Manehatten, she’d be on magazines.

Silver shivered, as the numbers ticked up, and up.

This was her chance. She had to do her best, and look her best.

Carefully, she whipped out a small makeup mirror that she kept. Everything had to be perfect. She’d already prepared herself to give a presentation, but a little touch up wouldn’t hurt. Just as quickly, she flipped the mirror down. No, she didn’t need that. She needed to trust herself. She would rise like a star, and this was her debut.

63, 64, 65.

The numbers seemed to blur as her heart raced.

She whispered, “Diamond Tiara.”

That was who she had to channel. Beauty beyond compare, confidence and poise. She needed to radiate, and so she imagined Diamond Tiara’s gorgeous pink form in her muted gray body. She would be perfect. She would be flawless.

Silver Saddle would be as perfect as a diamond.

Diamond Tiara hated these little meetings, but knew how necessary they were. She glanced at the clock. Not even thirty minutes early. What a lazy little worker bee. The thing probably showed at the elevator at thirty minutes, figuring she’d have plenty of time to rehearse.

The foyer where Diamond sat was opulent, designed to impress. This was Floor 74, her personal greeting area. It was gilded, gorgeous, and ostentatious. She hated everything about it, but it was what the peons needed to see: power, money and influence.

How much of her life did she hate nowadays? Each day seemed worse than the last. Every little moment sucked up by meetings like this. Pointless, terrible, absolutely necessary wastes of time. Diamond sighed dejectedly as she glanced over the file.

Silver Saddles. A name with potential, but the rest of her file said otherwise. Aside from this one idea, Silver had been a worker bee for the last two years. She worked in process improvements, doing… nothing, apparently. Nothing of note to her name, mediocre evaluations, and a few late slips.

This was probably Silver’s one big idea, and honestly the magic technology probably would have shown up without her soon enough.

Diamond snorted. She hated unicorns. They thought they ran the world, like some sort of superior tribe. At least the pegasi usually treated her with respect when they met her. Unicorns, though, always assumed she was class-less. A simple little earth pony from Ponyville who lucked into her success.

At least she could take advantage of their stupidity.

The intercom beeped, “Miss Tiara, Silver is on her way up.”

She sighed. Finally. “Send her in immediately, Red. I don’t like waiting.”

“Of course.” The intercom clicked off.

Now, Red was a different story. He wasn’t some measly worker bee just milling away his life. Well, he was, but he was at least good at his job. Red was never late, didn’t ask questions, and got things done. She kept her administrative assistants sharp, and Red was far and away the best of many. If ponies didn’t have that certain something, then she wouldn’t waste her time with them. Red had “it”, whatever it was. He also was handsome, in a stoic sort of way. Diamond appreciated having beautiful things surround her, and Red just barely made the cut.

A beep signaled, alerting her to her impending “visitor.”

Diamond shoved her disgusted emotions back, and wore her warm and welcoming smile. She stood up behind her desk, and walked around it, so she could get a better look at her peon as it came in. She didn’t need to check herself over, she knew she was immaculate. Perfect.

And if she wasn’t, Silver wouldn’t say a god damned thing about it.

The elevator door opened, and in stumbled the insect. Her coat was a dull gray, she wore a simple black suit, and had a lighter gray mane curled up on her head. Diamond fought back a frown as the peon weaved from side to side. This pathetic mare couldn’t even walk straight.

“Uh… Hello.”

The thing before her didn’t even know how to greet her. What a waste of time this had been. Diamond’s smile was friendly. Even if her thoughts were less so, “Hello, Ms. Saddles. It’s such a pleasure to see you.”

Silver faltered, blinking in confusion. “It’s, uh… Saddle, ma’am. No “s” at the end.”

Diamond’s heart raced. Her nostrils flared as she grit her teeth, smile somehow intact as her adrenaline pumped. “Of course.”

“What, umm… did you want to talk about?” Silver blinked then stood up suddenly straight, “I mean, I brought my project for you to review.”

Diamond kept her teeth clinched. “Yes. Put those on the desk, I’ll look them over in a minute.”

She watched the mare walk slowly forward, eyeing the walls, the floor, even the ceiling. Doing everything she could to not look at Diamond Tiara. What a useless bug. They were all the same. Floored by the opulence, terrified of her, no backbone to speak of. Truly an invertebrate to its core.

As the mare walked by her, Diamond drilled into her with her eyes. The mare was soft, clearly she didn’t take care of her body. Her gray fur was washed and brushed, but dull. Not a bit of shine to her at all. Not worth the name “Silver” in any way.

Too timid to stand her ground, too dull to be a centerpiece, and too clumsy to be trusted. Diamond made her decision easily. She couldn’t let the mare go in front of the board. Not that she wouldn’t mind watching them tear the mare up into little pieces, but Diamond didn’t have time to deal with the fallout. They’d try to promote the thing so that they could have another piece on the board to play against her. Eventually, it would eat up more of her time, making her waste her precious time on things she hated.

So Diamond needed to cut that short before it happened. She needed to make sure that this little bug was squashed before the board tried to teach it to bite her.

She watched the mare put the papers and the little devices on her table, staring intently at her flank. What a boring cutie mark. Just a saddle, hardly any silver at all. She’d had high hopes when she’d seen the name, but the more research she’d done on Silver Saddles, the more her disappointment had grown.

Silver turned around, and finally looked at Diamond, noticing her gaze. “Uh… like what you see?” She awkwardly shook her flank, apparently as a crude joke of some sort. Diamond’s eyes hardened. Had she really just tried to come on to her? Or did she have absolutely no class? It didn’t matter. That was the last straw.

“Miss Saddles, do you know why I called you here?”

Silver flushed. “It’s, uhh, Saddle. There is no…”

“I don’t fucking care.” Diamond stepped forward, glaring angrily at Silver, letting her smile drop into a scowl.

Silver’s eyes opened wide, and she took a nervous step back.

“I called you here to evaluate you. See what you were made of. You know what? You are made of nothing. You are a waste of my time, a waste of my day, and a waste of this company’s resources.” Diamond’s eyes narrowed.

Silver’s mouth opened, gaping like a fish. “But, but…”

“Pretending to be handicapped won’t save you. You have done practically nothing for the company in your two years, you look like an old hag, and you can’t form a coherent sentence. You have no manners to speak of, and are overwhelmed by a little gold trim.”

“The… The project…”

“The project would have happened without you. Yes, you designed the devices. We both know, however, that the underlying magic has existed for years. Any of our unicorn worker bees would have happened across this. You just got lucky. Of course, not lucky enough.” Diamond rolled her eyes. She didn’t even feel bad about this, it wasn’t like she was wasting potential. This mare had nothing anyways.

“I thought…”

“Clearly not enough if you thought that you could present in front of the board. I bet you even thought you might get a promotion from this? Ha!” Diamond laughed, enjoying the catharsis. It had been a while since she’d had a chance to tear somepony down.

“How old are you? Thirty five? Forty? Older? After all these years, this is the best you could come up with? Your life’s greatest achievement is sloppy spellwork and a phone book. I built this company before I was 18. I conquered Canterlot by the time I was twenty. You really thought you could stand next to me in front of great ponies?” Diamond whipped her nose up, glaring down at the now teary eyed pony.

“sniff..” Silver looked like she was going to cry, and Diamond had to fight back a gleeful smile. She had to stay in character.

“You don’t deserve be on the same floor as my underlings. You don’t even get to stand underneath me.”

Tears were streaming down Silver’s face as she quietly sobbed.

Diamond sneered. She knew just how to squash this bug. “Get on your stomach.”

“What?” Silver looked back up, confusion wrought across her face.

“If you don’t want to get fired, you will crawl on this floor like the insect you are.”

Silver’s sobs started to loudly heave as she slowly crouched down. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”

Diamond snorted. “Sorry? You should be. You wasted my time. You don’t get to waste any more of my time. You stay right there, and don’t fucking move. I’m going to review your project.” Diamond walked slowly forward, straight to Silver.

Silver closed her eyes, and covered her head with her hooves when she realized that Diamond wasn’t going to stop.

Diamond paused right before she stepped on Silver, looking down in disgust. She talked slowly, and calmly. “I said not to move. You can’t even follow basic instructions. Put your hooves to your side. Now.”

Silver looked up from under her hooves, and slowly pulled them down. She turned her head forward, and began to breathe heavily as her eyes focused on some point on the far wall.

Diamond smiled sweetly. “That’s the first correct thing you’ve done since this meeting started.”

She stepped on the mare’s head as she walked slowly forward, careful to put enough weight down that it hurt, but not enough crush the mare’s skull. Diamond was an earth pony, and Silver was a unicorn, after all. Her next step was on the mare’s neck, then her next was on the mare’s back. Silver let out a disgusting squishing noise as Diamond pressed her hooves into the soft spot just between between Silver’s ribs and her spine.

Snorting again, Diamond found out that her estimate had been correct. Silver was a very soft mare, more round in the middle than she’d looked. From here, she reached over to her table and picked up the paperwork.

Diamond began to read. She was mostly familiar with the project, but she had to admit there were a few details in here that she didn’t know. Some of the ideas weren’t terrible.

As she read, she slowly paced up and down the mare, careful to step in a new place every time. Each step caused Silver to grunt, sob or moan, and Silver’s tears were running quickly. Diamond pressed hard, just above Silver’s hips. Silver screamed.

“You’re distracting me. Shut up.”

Silver sobbed, forcing her scream down.

Diamond continued her reading. “You know, if you weren’t such a pathetic mare, I’d have been impressed by this. It’s well constructed, and your arguments are iron clad. It’s unfortunate that you are so worthless. Such a waste of a good idea. You should have picked a younger, prettier mare to be your front pony. Then I would have at least admit that you were clever. Obviously, you are not. You thoughtlessly put it in under your name. How stupid can you be?”

Silver didn’t say anything, instead focusing on breathing as Diamond rubbed the back of Silver’s neck ever so slightly too hard with a hoof. The threat was clear, and Silver had realized how precarious her situation was.

Diamond finished reviewing the paperwork, and rubbed her hoof across Silver’s face, smearing her makeup and tears.

“It looks like you can learn, at least.” Diamond looked at the mess of makeup on her hoof. “Eew. You got my hoof dirty. I’d make you to lick it up, but I’m not letting you touch me.” Diamond stepped off the mare, and onto the plush, gold threaded rug where she wiped her hoof clean.

Silver just laid there, staring vacantly forward.

Diamond smiled. There. It was done. “You aren’t in a state to present, so I’m going to go present your project. You stay right there. If the board approves it, and you haven’t moved a muscle by the time I get back, then you get to keep your pathetic job. Otherwise, you are free to leave at any time.”

The mare continued to stare, not blinking, not moving. Only breathing. Just like the gross little insect she was. Diamond felt a deep satisfaction, looking at the empty eyes. Silver Saddles had been shown where she belonged, and how to get there. The little bee would go buzzing back to the hive, and the board wouldn’t get their toy.

The meeting had gone well. All the members were impressed, and Diamond had kept Silver’s name out of it entirely. There was no damage done. After, she took the elevator straight to her actual room, the top penthouse on floor 75.

Finally, some peace and quiet. She hated the hustle and bustle of her company. She hated the board members. She hated all the little ants trying to climb and crawl up her to take a bite like she was a goddamned feast.

She was above that. She was Diamond Tiara, set above everypony else and at the top of the world. Smiling, she went to her cabinet. What would she have today? She was feeling like… vodka. Something tasteless. She poured herself not a shot, or a cup, but a jug, and walked to the window where she looked over the city. Her city.

She owned all of the high rises now, acquiring them through aggressive negotiation means. The mayor was in her pocket. The police were in her pocket. The fucking mob was in her pocket. She smiled, gazing at the beautiful sight.

This made life worth living. All the hassle, all the mewling peons, all of it was so she could have this wonderful view. So she could sit, watch the city with all its little bugs, and know it was hers. Finally, after a long and grueling day, she had a moment of peace.

Diamond sat in silence, sipping her cool tasteless drink, and staring at the darkening city. The sun fell, the lights turned on, and all the little ants milled about the hive. Diamond watched the carriages move, the ponies crawl, and her own reflection in the glass. Everything was moving. Every insect doing its task. Everything was as it should be.

As the alcohol in her jug ran out, she remembered that she forgot something. There was one thing in her world that might not be where it was supposed to be.

Had that little minion done as she was told? A morbid curiosity struck through Diamond. Slowly, she stood up and walked to the stairs. She’d taken the elevator up, so she hadn’t stopped on the visitor floor. She hated that floor.

Still, she should check. Slowly, somewhat drunkenly, she stepped down the stairs. The room was illuminated by the sun during the day, so it was dark now. Carefully, Diamond turned and flipped the switch, bringing light to the floor.

The room was as it should be. She smiled, wide and drunkenly, unable to stop herself from laughing. “I can’t believe you’re still here! Ha!”

The mare said nothing.

“It looks like you have some worth after all. For all your failings, you are at least obedient. I like that. You can leave, Silver Saddles. Your project was approved. I’m so impressed that I’ll even let you lead the team in charge of the installation.”

Silver turned her head, slowly and quietly, nodding at Diamond. Here eyes were wide, dry and blank looking, and the snot and smeared makeup on her face had dried long ago.

Diamond laughed. “Gods, how pathetic do you look. Go home, little worker bee. I don’t need you anymore tonight. Don’t be late tomorrow, or I’ll give the promotion to one of your co-workers. You don’t need to think about it, just do as your told. At least you’re good at that.”

Silver silently nodded again, and shakily got to her legs. Diamond watched her stumble to the elevator and laughed. She glanced at the floor, and saw that there was smeared makeup on her carpet. The tramp must have run her face across it while she was sitting there.

“On your way down let Red know that I need a janitor tonight. You made a mess in my sitting room.” Diamond didn’t wait to see her response, merely turning off the light and drunkenly working up the stairs as Silver waited silently for the elevator in the dark.

The view was serene. Perfect. Everything was as it should be.

Diamond smiled, and refilled her jug.

Red checked the clock. He wasn’t usually a clock watcher, per say, but tonight he had plans beyond work. Silver Saddle was on his mind, and he had a hard time not thinking about her. She had such a sweet little smile, her voice was melodious, and her tongue was… well, she knew how to use it. He could only assume that tonight had gone incredibly well for her. She had never taken the lift down, so she must have ridden with one of the bigwigs. Maybe Diamond Tiara herself!

Red knew how much Silver worshiped Diamond. He thought her little crush was cute. Diamond was impressive, but she was just another pony. Hardly something to get worked up for. The last time he’d been to Silver’s place, he’d noted how her walls had been plastered with magazines cut outs of Diamond.

That mare had a serious hero worship problem. It was true that Diamond was the hottest mare around, rich beyond belief, and maybe she did have a charismatic way about her that sucked you in and made you feel like you were special; but she wasn’t a princess or anything. She was just a pony who worked hard, and did what she needed. She was also kind of a bitch.

Honestly if it wasn’t for her occasional snide remarks, and cold-hearted side conversations during meetings, he’d have found her incredibly attractive. She always wore a perfect suit, her coat gleamed, and she took impeccable care of her gorgeous body. Which was impressive, considering how often he’d caught her drunk after hours. Drinking added a lot of calories to your diet.

In many ways, Diamond was a genius, but she was far from perfect. He’d seen a few moments of weakness in Diamond. She had a temper, but she managed to control it. Sometimes, late at night but before the nine o’clock closing time, she wasn’t just drunk, she was hammered. He could see the frustration boiling under her skin when she had to deal with someone she deemed beneath her. Which was most ponies.

He could see through her facade of niceness, but it didn’t bother him. This was business. She was the emperor, and there was no way she got to where she was by being nice and caring. She’d crushed the ponies in her way, and climbed to the top. At least she was always careful to only destroy things that were some kind of threat to her. Her little act was so convincing that most employees thought she was benevolent. He respected her for that, but that was the end of it.

He didn’t really admire her, and he was far from jealous of her position. He never wanted to work his way up the board to her level. He had no further ambition within his company, since he was happy simply being a high level bureaucrat.

That was why his name was Red Tape. He loved schedules, esoteric bureaucracy, and spreadsheets. On top of it all, he could cut through a bureaucratic web with ease. It was his special talent, after all. Quite frankly, he was in the perfect job for himself, and he excelled at it.

There was more, though. Life wasn’t just work. Hopefully he could bag Silver in a more permanent fashion soon. Their little trysts were fun, very fun, but he wanted something more. Tonight could be the start of that. Tonight could be the beginning of the end of his lonely nights. He wasn’t even excited about the sex. It was the little things he wanted. He wanted pizza, a movie, or maybe just some warm cuddle time with a pony he was close to after a long day. It was looking more and more like he wanted Silver to be that pony.

The button flashed. Odd, somepony was leaving floor 74 without authorization. His heart skipped a beat. The last pony who had been to floor 74 had been Silver. There was no way she was still there.

He stayed carefully professional. It wouldn’t be the first time Diamond had gotten absolutely smashed and tried to take the elevator up a floor, being too drunk to remember her code. “Authorization, Please.”

There was silence. He tried again. “Authorization, please.”

Still nothing. He sighed. “I’m sorry, but if you don’t authorize, I’ll have to ask security to meet you at the bottom. Miss Tiara, if that’s you please let me know.”

There was a whisper on the intercom.

“Hello? Can you speak up?”

A cracked, dry voice came through. “Silv… Silver… Saddles.”

Red paused a moment in confusion. “Silver? Is that you? Are you okay?” too many questions ran through his mind to count. Why was she still in Diamond’s waiting room? Why was her voice so cracked and dry? Why did she add an ‘S’ to her name?

“I’m… done for the day.” She was quiet, and slow to answer. Red’s heart beat. What had happened to her?

“You don’t sound okay.” He frowned into his intercom. Had they denied her project? He’d looked it over before passing it up to Diamond; if they had, then they were idiots.

She didn’t respond.

“Look, if they turned down your project, it’s okay. Let me take you out for a night to forget things. No strings.”

“They… didn’t turn it down. It was… approved.” Her voice was hoarse. She sounded like she’d been crying.

Red paused, unsure of what to say.

“Can I get down, Red? Please? I need to get home. I was told to go home…”

He balked. Told to go home? “Did they fire you? Why the buck would they do that?” What the hell had happened?

“Just let me down, Red. I’ll be in tomorrow. I’m not fired.” She sounded like she was about to cry.

Red sighed, authorizing the lift to go down. “Well, look. If you need to talk, we can talk. I can come to your place or meet you somewhere. You know I… Well, I’d like to be there for you if you need me.”

The intercom was silent for a while, long enough for the lift to drop dozens of floors. Right before the bottom, it clicked back on.

Her voice was slow, and soft. A little of that melody he liked was back in it. “Thank you, Red… But not tonight. Tonight I need to… tell you that Ms. Tiara needs a janitor tonight.”

He froze, a warm bubbly feeling fighting with a growing fire in his gut. His breath quickened, and he blinked as he looked around his office space. He’d cheered her up a little, but something had happened. Something bad, and he was not happy about it.

Red clicked the intercom back on, as his stomach dropped. “Good night, Silver. Maybe a rain check then?”

The intercom clicked back as the lift hit the bottom. Her voice was tired, “Good night, Red.”

Red watched the light turn off, signifying that the elevator was empty. She’d left, and likely was heading home. It wasn’t quite nine yet, but she’d clearly been told to go home. Perhaps she didn’t get her promotion?

While thinking about it, he whispered the real question that was bothering him, “Why the hell had she spent six hours in Diamond’s waiting room?”

Chapter 2 - New

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Red hadn’t seen Silver all week. She’d come in the next day, as promised, and apparently had been put in charge of the installation of the new system. They were calling it the Paperwork Transfer System for Delivery, or the PTSD project. Once it was installed, the network would be called the PTS.

Silver had been taking the lift every day, going seemingly randomly from floor to floor. She hadn’t visited him yet, up on floor 65, but he figured it would take a few months to get the system installed everywhere. More confusing had been their interactions.

She always sounded happy to hear from him, but hadn’t agreed to go out with him again. Instead, she stayed laser focused on her job. Usually they’d banter about something or other, but now all she would do was tell him what desk she was leaving, where she was going, and how well the installation was coming along.

Something was wrong with her, and he didn’t know what. She used to be cheery, happy, and joke about how they were worked too hard for too little. Now she just… did her job. It seemed that all she lived for was work, accomplishing one task after another.

Red sighed. He loved his work, but he wanted more. Maybe Silver wasn’t the mare for him anymore. Still, his heart ached. Whatever had happened, Diamond probably knew.

He tapped his hooves, thinking. Was his job worth finding out what happened to Silver? Diamond wouldn’t fire him, even if he really pissed her off. He’d been careful when he took the job. He managed the board member’s accounts as well as hers.

He’d even argued that since he had access to all floors as the lift manager, he could go anywhere at any time. You didn’t want a peon to have that kind of access. You needed a pony that was invested in the company. Somepony that was very happy with where they were administratively. He’d convinced the board easily enough, and the result had been worth it. Although he was just a bureaucrat, it was a board position, with as much oversight as Diamond got. They were far, far from equal, but she’d have to convince the rest of the board to fire him.

She owned the board, but that would be a lot of work and resources on her part. He doubted she’d go through with it, as long as it was his only infraction. Plus, he doubted she could find someone as good as he, and Diamond was loathe to lose talent.

Yeah, he could get away with it. Should he? Silver had been such a happy go lucky mare, but now she was… an automaton. No better than some kind of drone. She ate, slept, and came to work.

Red furrowed his brow, deep in thought. Silver might never “come back,” regardless of what he found. This could be a waste of his professional capitol. Then again, even if she wouldn’t be his marefriend, she was already his friend.

Red placed his forehead in his hooves, then looked over Diamond’s schedule. He could work himself in this evening. She had a 2 hour slot usually allocated for policy meetings, but they were canceled this week. He quietly thanked Wiggle Room, the pony who was on vacation, for his lax work policy. He wrote up the new schedule, and filed it to be copied for her afternoon review.

The intercom buzzed, and he absentmindedly answered. “Authorization, please.”

“Silver Saddles. I need to go to Floor 70.”

He smiled, her voice cheered him up as he pressed the button to let the lift go. “Nice to hear from you, Silver. Authorized. How are you doing?”

Her response was quick, but friendly. “We are ahead of schedule! The team did over two hundred installs this morning, and I’m off to review the worksite for the afternoon. With luck, we can get the whole floor done before quitting time tonight.”

She seemed cheery. “That’s great! Any chance you can meet me after work to celebrate?”

There was a pause. “No… I’m… staying late tonight. I have… a lot of work to do. This bee is always busy.”

He frowned. Shot down again. Maybe he should stop trying? “Well, don’t buzz too hard there, Silver. There is more to life than work.”

Sighing, he asked the question he dreaded. If she wasn’t going to go out with him, he could at least help her. “You know, you could get a permanent authorization code. I can set you up for one. It might be easier for you.”

The line was silent for far too long. Had he taken it too far? Did she interpret that to mean he didn’t want to see her anymore? Panicking, he hit the button again. “Or, you could keep doing this. I don’t mind. I mean, I don’t… I mean, it’s okay… Or, well, umm…”

Oh shit. He messed up hard. How could he recover?

The intercom buzzed, “Well, let’s not go that far. If you give me a code, you’ll just have to disable it after the project is over.”

He sighed, relieved and slightly smiling.

She awkwardly added “And, uhh… then I wouldn’t get to… talk with you.”

Red flushed under his red coat. “Yeah. Never mind. Lets just keep doing this.”

The intercom didn’t buzz back, but Red smiled anyways. Maybe he could turn her back around.

Diamond smiled. Her last meeting today was shorter than usual. The usual boring policy meeting was canceled, and instead Red had something he wanted to talk about. She didn’t particularly like using her valuable time, but he rarely wasted it. The usual hour or two of corporate nonsense would be replaced by a short talk. A short talk where she could drink. Maybe for tonight, something dark with a little kick?

Rum? No. Tonight didn’t feel like a rum night. Cognac? Diamond smiled. “Hmm…” She hummed to herself. Cognac would be perfect. She had to put on a little show for Red, so rather than fill her jug, she simply filled a wine glass. It would last the few minutes he wanted to talk. She could just cancel, but he usually managed her schedule, so he’d just add himself at the next available opportunity.

She considered making a game out of it, seeing how long she could cancel the meetings before he forced whatever the issue was. Briefly, she wondered what he was going to waste her time with. Was it as mundane as a raise? Or perhaps he had input on the company direction?

Diamond sipped her drink, leaned back in her chair and watched her city breathe.

Whatever he wanted to discuss, she was going to make him work for it, one way or another. She hated having her alone time interrupted.

The door buzzed signaling that somepony had arrived on the elevator. Diamond checked the time. He had shown up precisely on time. Not early, and not late. That was Red. He was probably already sitting in her waiting room, ready to take her valuable time. He could wait. Whatever this was, it wasn’t important enough for him to put “why” on the schedule, and now she was wondering. She hated when somepony else made her wonder, and Red hated when somepony else made him wait.

She let the minutes tick by, sipping her drink. One minute after another. Before she realized it, the cup was empty.

Diamond sighed, then muttered under her breath. “Lets get this over with.” She slowly stood up, walked to the bar and then filled her cup once more. Even more slowly, she worked her way across the room, and down the stairs.

As she came down, she made sure to step slow, deliberate, and forcefully. She was going to make him watch. He always did. First, his eyes locked onto her hooves, since it was the only part of her he could see. She took another slow step, and felt his eyes on her knees. Step. Her thighs. Step. Her barrel. She paused, taking a sip of her drink, letting him watch her body. Then she took another step. He was up to her neck.

Another drink, this time slow so he could see her throat quiver when she swallowed. She swirled her drink, letting the burning sensation permeate through her body as she watched the dark liquid form a little whirlpool in her glass.

“Did you need something, Red?” She didn’t bother going down the rest of the way. He could watch her neck and her drink.

“Theatrical, as always Ms. Tiara.”

She smiled where he couldn’t see her. She hated that room, but sometimes she did like putting on a show. Attention was something she could feel, and something she thrived off of. Maybe she’d invite Red upstairs for a drink someday. He was a very… capable stallion.

She almost laughed out loud at the thought.

“I know my other meeting was canceled, Red, but this is still cutting into my personal time. Make it quick.”

“Yes. I’m busy tonight as well.”

She couldn’t care less.

“I was wondering if you knew what happened to Ms. Silver Spoon?”

She almost choked, coughing in her closed mouth as the spirit burned her. “Excuse me? Who?” Diamond’s voice was low, and haggard. There was no way. He couldn’t know that name.

“Ms. Silver Saddle? I was asking about her. Are you all-right, Ms. Tiara?” Red’s voice was peppered with genuine concern.

Diamond steeled herself. She’d misheard, that was all. It happened sometimes. “Ms. Saddles? What about her?”

He sighed. “Yes, her. She’s been acting… odd… ever since her appointment with you. She seems to have added an ‘s’ to her name, and, well, has given up on her personal life.”

Diamond took another sip, hoping the burning alcohol would soothe the burning… from the alcohol… It wasn’t the best plan, but it gave her time to think.

Why the fuck did he care about that nobody? That little bug was nothing. Red wasn’t an emperor like her, but he was somebody. Red had connections, Red had protection, and Red usually knew what the fuck he was doing. So why was he wasting her time with this?

“Why do you care, Red? She’s beneath you. Far, far beneath you.” Even further beneath Diamond.

Red hummed. “To be perfectly honest, I’d been hoping to be her personal life. So having her give up on it puts quite the hamper on my own private agenda.”

Diamond slowly began to swirl her drink again. The more she stared at it, the wider she grinned. That wasn’t a bad plan. That insect would be done with her installation soon. Red would be better at his job if he was happy at home. A fat little bug for him to play with whenever he wanted. He’d been good. He might deserve this. Hell, he might deserve more. It wasn’t just anypony that had the guts to come to her like this.

Her mind whirled, imagining Red fucking that round, ugly little mare. The image just didn’t work. Red was too tall, too noble. Hell, the insect was a unicorn. Red was a thick, strong earth pony. He’d break her in half.

Diamond laughed, slow and melodic, like a tinkling bell. “You, and her? Dear Red… You are a bright ruby, perfectly cut and noble. She is a pebble still lodged in the dirt.”

Red’s answer was calm. “I’d just like to know what happened to her. I’ll manage my personal life on my own.”

Diamond stepped down another step, getting low enough so she could peek at him. He was slightly flushed under his red coat, clearly a little angry. He’d kept his cool, though. He had a temper, just like her, but he usually kept it in check. Also just like her. She briefly wondered what he’d be like when he exploded. She liked getting angry; it was cathartic.

She stepped down again, coming into full view on the stairs. “If you must know, she and I had a disagreement.”

He seemed incredulous, as though that was impossible. “Silver? With you? What about?”

Diamond smiled, wickedly. “Her name.”

Red took a slow breath. “I see… That might explain some things.”

Diamond’s smile sharpened, as she took another step down and licked her lips. “I evaluated her. She might have been promoted to administration for her little project. That was worth my attention. I decided that she wouldn’t have survived in administration, so I made sure she wouldn’t be promoted.”

Red’s eyes narrowed. “What did you do?”

Diamond took another sip, stepping down deeper into the hated room. Suffering the obscenity of the scenery was worth seeing Red’s reaction. She had never seen him actually angry before. It made him seem more imposing. More worthwhile. If he wasn’t so unmotivated, maybe he’d be the pony standing on the stairs, and she’d be in the shitty waiting room.

She chuckled again, this time audibly. Like she would let him stand on her stairs while she suffered that vile room. She would have torn him down like anypony else.

“Nothing the board wouldn’t have done. If she had come out fine, then she’d be safe to put in front of the board. She did not come out fine. I didn’t break her any more than they would have, and now she’s not a problem for the company. She knows her place, and the company is better off for it.”

Red fumed, leveling his gaze at her in accusation as his voice dropped low. “She worshipped you.”

Diamond nodded. “Only the first of her many shortfalls. She also has no spine, is comely at best, is slow witted, and she’s clumsy. She still does, by the way. Worship me.” Diamond smiled, flashing her teeth.

Red stared blankly, seemingly at a loss for words.

“I have no idea why you’re interested in her. I could see the appeal for a quick fuck, I suppose, if I was a stallion. To think you want to wrap her up and keep her at home…” She took another sip, punctuating the pause, “Did you actually intend to procreate with her? Aren’t you supposed to marry up, my dear Red?” Diamond took another step down the ladder, flicking her tail aggressively as she stared at him with faked longing. She’d never fuck him, but she could make him think she might.

Red’s answer was slow, as though he was realizing something. “You’re… sick.”

Diamond laughed, taking another sip and dropping the act. He had seen right through her fun little charade. “I’m just practical, Red. Little bees need to stay in line to be productive. She tried to step out. I squashed her. It’s very simple.”

Red stepped back, seemingly horrified. “She wasn’t a threat to you. At all. Why would you do that?”

Diamond smiled. “Why do I do anything, Red? She was going to waste my time. If you want her, you can have her. Just tell me. Yes, or no?”

Red stared. “You aren’t some kind of god, you can’t just… control ponies’ lives like that.”

Diamond looked down at her drink. Maybe three sips left. She took one. “You can’t. I can. That’s one of the differences between us. You’re still a bug, you know. Maybe not an insect. Maybe a… spider. It’d be a lot more work, but I can still smash you.”

Red’s color shone through. He wasn’t just angry, he was enraged. Diamond smiled sweetly. He was cute when he was angry. “Is that a threat, Ms. Tiara?”

She shrugged. “Not at all, Red. I like you.” She sipped again, “You’re good at what you do. It’s why I’m indulging you at all. It was simply a fact.” She stared at it. The last sip.

Red replied slowly. “What about Silver?”

Diamond shrugged. “What about her? My drink is almost gone, do you want her or not?”

Red glared. “You don’t own her, Diamond. She can make her own choices.”

She sipped the last of her drink. Finally! Time to get another! “Then it’s settled. Good night, Red. You can let yourself out.”

Red stayed silent, staring incredulously at her as she climbed back up the stairs. Just for kicks, she tossed her tail around, giving him one fleeting glance at what he could never have. She felt his gaze drawn to it, the attention burning under her tail.

Oh, he looked. He looked hard. She chuckled to herself. He wasn’t so loyal to his little pet, was he? Stallions were all like that. Maybe she’d let him shack up with the little insect, then actually let him fuck her, all to ruin their happy little life? She decided it was too much work. She had other things to do with her precious time than let Red blow a load under her tail. Still, she needed to do something about this…

Diamond went back to her cabinet, poured another drink, and then walked to her desk to check her copy of the schedule. Floor 70, huh?

Red had his chance to give her an answer, but instead wasted her time. Diamond took a long, deep pull of her cognac. He should know not to waste her fucking time.

Chapter 3 - New

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Silver was ahead of schedule. Most of her crew had finished for the day, but she only had four more desks until the install for the whole floor was done. This was her task, and she would finish it. She didn’t take note of the elevator beeping, focused solely on her task. She could get this done in a few hours by herself. It would be far past closing, but then she could go home, and pass out on her bed. Like she had every night. Every night since… Connect the wires, Silver. One task and then the next.

“Hello there, little insect.”

Silver froze, slowly turning her head. She didn’t say anything, instead staring wide eyed at Diamond Tiara.

“At least the first time you attempted to greet me.” Diamond sneered at her, a jug in her hand.

Diamond stepped forward, and Silver stepped back, tumbling into the desk.

“Still clumsy?” Diamond sighed. “Well, you understand your position now. Come with me. Whatever you’re doing can wait. I have a new task for you.” Diamond turned and walked away.

Silver blinked, still breathless. What was happening? She glanced back at her work, then back at Diamond. Shakily, she got up, dusted herself off, and quickly sped up until she had caught up with Diamond Tiara. There was a new task. “Ms… Tiara… What do you need?”

Diamond glanced angrily at her. “No questions, follow behind me, don’t walk next to me.”

Silver shirked back, meekly following in Diamonds footsteps. She admired Diamond’s legs, her gait, her pose, everything about her. The mare was perfect. Silver shuddered. She’d never be like that. She was past her prime, and didn’t draw gazes like Diamond did. She was soft, Diamond was sleek. Her fur was matte, Diamond’s gleamed. Diamond’s tail was perfectly cut.

Diamond barked another order, without turning her head. “Don’t stare, either. It’s rude. Are you truly that socially incompetent, or do you like my flank so much you thought I wouldn’t notice?”

How did she know? Silver blinked, drawing her gaze to the floor. They passed ponies, some who looked in confusion, and some that paid them no heed. On this floor, Diamond’s drinking didn’t seem to be as much a scandal as it might have been on the lower floors. The other ponies payed them almost no mind as they hustled about. Did Diamond wander through here often?

They walked, briskly, to the elevator where Diamond quickly entered her authorization code. She seemed skilled at typing it in while keeping it hidden, not that Silver would dare try to peek. Diamond sipped from her jug as the elevator whirred to life.

“Don’t fucking touch anything. Do not touch the walls, the items, the counter, any buttons, or anything at all. You will be on the floor, and you will crawl, do you understand?” Diamond glared at her.

Silver blinked. It was happening again. She nodded her head, quietly.

Diamond took another sip, then sighed. “Talk when I speak to you. I want to hear a ‘Yes, DT’ from you when I ask you a question.”

Silver blinked again. DT? Her initials? Ponies only did that with very close friends. Whatever was happening, Diamond Tiara wanted her to say it. Silver flushed. “Yes… DT”.

Diamond winced. “Never mind. You don’t do it right. I should have guessed. Just stay quiet and do what I tell you.”

Silver nodded before she got a closer look. Just how drunk was Diamond Tiara? She’d been rumored to be a bit of a lush, but this was something else entirely. Silver thought she smelled brandy, then looked closer at the jug. She balked. That was a lot of alcohol, and if that jug had been full when Diamond started drinking…

“We’re here. In case your little bee brain forgot, crawl.” Diamond physically pushed Silver down, and Silver collapsed onto her stomach. Wincing from the pain, she began to crawl, only to stop when she got out of the elevator. They were in the penthouse.

Diamond’s private floor.

Silver looked, her eyes greedily drinking in the room. The walls were bare and white, the ceiling was vaulted and bright white, and the floor was immaculate white marble. It was intimidating, but also creepy. There was literally nothing to be seen from the hall she was in except for white. At the end of the tunnel, was a giant glass window. As Diamond walked, there was an echo of hoof steps on the marble.

She’d dreamed about being here, and even though the situation was not what she imagined, she still lost her breath. This was the home of a Titan, and Silver was in it.

“I’m not giving you a tour. Follow me.” Diamond walked to the room at the end of the hall with the window., her voice echoing just as much as the hoof steps.

Silver crawled. The floor was cold and hard, but she could slide her belly smoothly across the immaculate marble. Was this whole hallway one single slab? She was terrified she left some dust on it from working under desks all day. She wasn’t filthy, but the little bit of dust she’d picked up from a day of actual physical labor was a real threat. She hadn’t worn her suit today, figuring she’d be under desks. She gulped when she looked behind her, noting that yes, she did leave a darkened smear on the marble.

Silver didn’t know what to do, so she kept moving forward, feeling like a heretic in a temple to Celestia. Would she cry? She hadn’t cried since… the last time. That thought bothered her. The last time implied that this time was going to be another. What was Diamond going to do? Slowly, she made her way to the room, dirty smear and all.

The room was just as empty as the hall. In a corner, there was what appeared to be a bar. The rest of the room was white, mostly marble. The only things of note were the single white chair that Diamond Tiara lounged in and a window that took up the entire wall.

Diamond was waiting, it looked like she’d already refilled her drink, and was facing the window in her chair. Silver shuddered. That much booze should kill a pony. “Over here. On the floor. You’re going to lay supine at my hooves. That means belly up, and also something of a moral failure, in case you were too slow to realize I’m insulting you. I’m going to look out the window and think, and you are going to stay quiet, and lay still.

Silver swallowed. She didn’t know what she had expected, if she’d given it any thought then she probably would have figured something like this was about to happen. That’s why she hadn’t thought about it. She hadn’t thought about anything since the last time. Just the next task.

The next task was to lay supine, at Diamond Tiara’s hooves. She didn’t need to think about it, just do it.

Silver crawled.

The view out the window was amazing. The city glimmered in the night, and even from the floor, Silver was awed. As she rolled to her back, she let her head lull to the side, so she could look out the window. The window was immaculate, probably some kind of crystal instead of glass, and she could see the reflection of herself and Diamond in it, like ghosts in the sky over the city.

Diamond took a sip, then glared down at her as she gently placed her hooves on Silver’s stomach. “It’s a nice view. I considered telling you not to look, but I want to see your face in the reflection. Thank me for my magnanimity.”

Silver’s heart beat, thumping rapidly. She tried not to think, She couldn’t cry again. “Thank you…” She whispered.

“You’re nothing. Nobody. Absolutely completely…” Diamond scowled, and pushed her hoof hard into Silver’s stomach, causing Silver to wince, “worthless. At best, you’re a bug. That’s why I had you crawl.”

Silver nodded, holding her breath from the pain as Diamond twisted her hoof. “Yet, here you are again. Not even in my sitting area, but in my goddamned room. My personal sanctuary.”

Diamond continued, letting her hoof lift up a bit to relieve the pressure. “Why? What does that fucking idiot… Why would he want… Ugh.” She lifted up her hoof, looking at it with disgust.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this. You’re too revolting to even put my hooves on. Crawling up my empire, trying to take a bite out of it like a parasite. You think you’re worth something? You’re only helpful if you’re a bee. If you’re any other kind of bug, I’ll smash you.” Diamond slowly lowered her hooves, this time placing one on Silver’s neck, and the other on her chest.

Silver was terrified.

“Turn your head up and breathe deep, little bug. I want to feel the air flowing through your trachea.” Diamond glowered through the dark mirror.

Silver turned her head up, tears building up in her eyes. She wasn’t going to cry. Diamond’s hoof was heavy and sharp on her neck, the shoe was cold. She sucked in a breath, letting it fill her lungs while Diamond slowly pressed down. The sharp hoof began to hurt, pressing on her windpipe.

Diamond looked up from her and out into the city, even as her hoof pressed harder. “I control this city. I own the cops, I own the mayor, and I own you. Do you understand, little bee?”

Silver nodded, grunting as the pain bit sharply from the movement. Diamond pressed harder, and Silver’s eyes began to leak.

“It doesn’t matter that you work here. Every being in this city is mine. Every beggar, every criminal, and every priest. Every child, mother, and prostitute are mine.”

Silver nodded, the pain from the hoof excruciating. She tried to exhale, but found her throat blocked. Diamond was choking her. The thought was less unsettling than it should be.

Diamond continued, ignoring the obvious fear and pain in Silver’s eyes. “Since I own you, I’m going to be specific about this. I’m going to let you tell me who’s throat this is. When I lift my hoof, you will tell me who’s throat I was just crushing. You won’t scream. You might cough. I know you’re an idiot, but you better get this right.”

Silver’s chest was burning. She was struggling to breathe, but it hurt. Her throat was bleeding from the sharp corners of Diamond’s hoof, and she was pretty sure her eyes were bulging out of her face. Tears ran freely down her cheeks as he body started to twitch from lack of oxygen. She fought to keep her hooves at her side. Deep down, Silver understood the reality of her situation. She knew that if she tried to struggle, it would be over. Diamond would kill her.

Diamond leaned forward, taking her eyes off the city to watch Silver. “Are you ready? Show me you’re an insect and not just a worm. Tell me how you’re my insect.” Diamond slowly lifted her hoof. “Now, who’s throat was I fucking choking?”

Silver coughed. Her throat burned, and blood dripped, thick and slow from Diamond’s hoof back down to Silver’s neck. Silver shuddered as she exhaled, color coming back into her vision as everything suddenly felt more real. Her tears continued to flow, as she hacked and coughed.

She didn’t scream. She sucked in a breath, pressing her hooves hard against the floor to keep them from going up to her neck. Using all of her willpower and focus, she uttered out what Diamond wanted to hear. “Y..our… Throat…”

Diamond smiled, and her answer was quiet. “That’s fucking right it is. This good little bee might actually get back to the hive alive tonight.” Then she laughed and leaned back, settling into her chair and taking a big gulp from her jug.

Silver lay on her back, struggling to breathe, and letting the tears wet the floor underneath her. Diamond would need a janitor again tonight. She sniffed. Tears weren’t crying. She wasn’t crying yet. Deep, hard, focused breathes kept her mind in the now. She ignored the pain. She ignored the white room. She ignored the beautiful city. She couldn’t ignore Diamond. Don’t think.

“I can kind of see it. Maybe I see what he sees in you. You have this goofy… buggy face that looks, oh I dunno. Pathetic in a way? Small and fragile? When you’re at your limit… I bet you look like that when you cum, huh? Is that your “O” face?” Diamond laughed again, taking another drink while Silver stayed quiet and still.

That’s what she had to do to survive.

“I want to make sure you completely understand. So we’re going to have a little test. I’m going to put my hoof on something, and you’re going to tell me who owns it and what it is. Understand?”

Silver silently nodded. Diamond glared at her, seemingly lost in thought for a second.

“Fuck it. I wanna hear it, even if you can’t do it right. Call me DT. Tell me, ‘this is your hoof DT’, or whatever the fuck I point at.”

Silver nodded. She was given a task. She could do that.

Diamond growled. “Say it, you fucking peon. Say “Yes, DT!’”

Silver almost shouted her response as Diamond angrily lifted her hoof again. “Yes, DT!”

Diamond blinked, seemingly confused. “Silver? Is that you? What the fuck?”

Silver was quick to answer. “Yes, DT!”

Diamond put her hoof down, slowly on Silver’s neck, then shook her head to clear it. “Fuckin hell. What’s this, and who’s is it?”

“It’s your neck, DT!”

Diamond Tiara smiled, seemingly surprised and pleased. “That’s fucking right it is! That’s a good little bee. Now do this one!” Diamond’s hoof gently booped Silver’s nose.

Without pausing, Silver quickly answered. “It’s your nose, DT!”

Diamond laughed. “Don’t wait for me to prompt your lazy ass. Just tell me when I poke you. If you’re good, I’ll be gentle.”

Silver answered, “Yes, DT!”

Diamond laughed again. “Now you got it. Thayt’s a good li’l bug bugg bug.” Diamond slumped forward, the booze sloshing in the cup and spilling onto Silver’s stomach.

Silver froze, terrified and moments away from sobbing. Had Diamond Tiara finally passed out from the booze?

Diamond’s hoof, slipped forward, landing clumsily on Silver’s forearm. There was silence.

Quietly, Silver answered, too terrified not too. “That’s your right forearm, DT…”

Diamond’s eyes opened like two slits, reflecting the light of the city with an evil glow. Her grin spread wide, and wicked. “Wow. I didn’t think you’d do it. Thought I had you there.”

Silver’s eyes opened even wider, the terror newly racing through her. Diamond Tiara couldn’t be a pony. She sounded too sober, too in control. She was some kind of monster. Some kind of demon.

Diamond’s grin turned into a serious frown. “Fine. You can be Silver. I haven’t played with you in a long time, Silver. I think it’s time for us to play our game.”

“Yes, DT!” Silver had no idea what Diamond was talking about, but she couldn’t do anything but agree.

Diamond’s hoof draped across her cheek. “Your cheek, DT!”

It rubbed her ear, aggressively. “Your ear, DT!”

It lifted, then messed up her mane. “Your mane, DT”

Diamond was strangely quiet, silently glaring at Silver with a cold frown. “You’ll play with me, right Silver? You won’t just leave me? Like you did before?”

Silver shuddered. “I’ll play with you, DT!”

Diamond licked her lips. “Prove it.” Then she shoved her hoof into Silver’s mouth.

Silver tasted the cold metal shoes that Diamond was wearing, they were made of some shiny metal, maybe even silver and studded with hard little gems. Silver tasted the iron tang of her own blood on the hoof. She felt the hoof press dangerously hard on her jaw.

“Well, Silver? What’s this, and who’s is it?”

Silver held back a terrified sob as she shouted around the hoof, “Ish eeee oooo, eE!”

Diamond lifted her hoof slowly out of Silver’s mouth, continuing to frown. “You’re fucking right it is, Silver.”

Silver let out an actual sob, covering her eyes with her hooves before she realized what she was doing. This was too much. She couldn’t do it. She just wanted this over.

“You always were a crybaby, huh, Silver? Well, I never let that stop me before.” Diamond’s voice was cold and cruel. Silver felt a sharp hoof press on her knee. “Back to the game…”

“Your knee, DT!” Silver shouted out between sobs.

The hood went lower, to her hoof. “Your hoof, DT”.

It went on, and on, and Silver kept playing like a good little pony.

“Your elbow, DT!”
“Your shoulder, DT!”
“Your stomach, DT!”
“Your mane, DT!”
“Your horn, DT!”
“Your chin, DT!”
“Your ankle, DT!”
“Your tail, DT!”
“Your side, DT!”
“Your hips, DT!”
“Your lips, DT!”

Slowly, Silver had stopped crying. Diamond Tiara had drained her. She laid on her back, staring up at the white ceiling, blinking as she mindlessly repeated whatever part Diamond Tiara pressed.

Diamond paused after maybe twenty minutes or more. The tears were dry on Silver’s cheek. She wasn’t scared any more, not exactly. She knew what she had to do. In a way, it was comforting. The world was simple. She did nothing, until Diamond Tiara told her what to do. She knew what to say, how to say it, and who to say it to. So she lay, quiet and still while she waited for Diamond Tiara to make another move. One task after another. No thinking needed.

“Okay, here’s a new one. Who’s this pony, and who does she belong to?” Diamond Tiara pressed her hoof into Silver’s forehead.

“This pony is Silver Saddles! She belongs to DT!” Silver blinked, choosing not to think about it as she shouted her answer.

“Close, but not quite. Just use your first name, Silver. I don’t give a flying fuck about the rest.” Diamond stared quietly at her, oddly calm.

Silver tried again, this time more timidly. “This pony is… Silver. She belongs to DT.”

Diamond’s frown turned into a giant grin while she closed her eyes and shuddered. “Oh, that was perfect. You are improving…”

Silver saw something under Diamond’s fur. It was hard to tell with the pink fur, but was she blushing? Maybe she was just flush from the alcohol?

“That’s a good little worker bee. You do what you’re fucking told, don’t you?”

“Yes, DT!” Silver was so emotionally and mentally drained, she couldn’t think about this anymore. Don’t think. Only do. Complete the next task. That was how she would survive.

Diamond Tiara lowered her hoof again. “Round two. I need more booze before we start. I’ve killed this one. You stay here, I’ll be right back.”

Hard hoof steps pressed into Silver as Diamond Tiara stood up on her, and then began to stumble towards her bar. It hurt, but Silver was growing used to the feeling of Diamond Tiara walking all over her. What she was worried about was what to say. Diamond might not be testing her again, or she might be. If it’s a test, she was pressed everywhere, so she didn’t know what part to say.

“This pony is Silver, and she belongs to DT!”

Diamond paused in her stumbling, and glanced back with a lifted eyebrow. “That’s fucking right she does.” before stumbling the rest of the way to the bar.

Silver stared at the roof. This hell had to be almost over. No pony could drink that much booze twice over, let alone a third time. Diamond was stumbling, even if she wasn’t slurring her words. Soon, Diamond would pass out and this would end.

Then what? What was Silver supposed to do? She couldn’t get out on her own. It was late, but not late enough that Red wouldn’t be there. There was no way she was talking to Red after this. He’d ask her too many questions. She needed to wait until the night shift took over from him.

Diamond came stumbling back with a full jug of booze. “Hello, there Silver. Miss me?”

“Yes, DT!” Silver’s voice was hoarse. From the crying, shouting, or just raw fear she wasn’t sure.

Diamond stepped over her this time, careful to not touch her before settling into her chair. She seemed slower. Silver sucked in a breath. Maybe the alcohol had finally, truly hit her.

“Your looking pretty beat up, little bee. I did a number on you, huh? Sometimes I forget that I do that.”

Silver didn’t answer. She was probably covered in bruises and her neck had stopped bleeding, but was smeared red. She didn’t think about that. She couldn’t.

Diamond hummed, staring at the city. “Well, I suppose it’s getting late. We shouldn’t keep the neighbors up with all our shouting. We don’t want to wake Daddy, Silver. He’s not too bad, you know.”

Diamond glared slowly down at Silver, her eyes almost glowing with their intensity. “It’s Mommy we have to worry about.”

Silver gulped. What the fuck was happening?

Diamond leaned forward, and looked at her almost lovingly. “You’re already pretty bruised, Silver. If Mommy finds us, she’ll hurt you again… like she always does. Then you’ll never come back, huh?”

Silver stared into Diamond’s eyes. Something about them was… disturbing. Deeply disturbing.

“Well, that’s okay. I have a plan. I always do. Here’s how we’ll play. I’ll be gentle, and you’ll whisper, okay?”

Silver nodded, and whispered. “Yes, DT…”

Diamond looked out over the city, almost sadly. “Perfect. I’ll hear you, don’t worry. We’ll just do this until we don’t. Just like always. Don’t wake Mommy, Silver.”

Silver looked up at the ceiling, blankly staring at the white void. The emptiness pulled her in, letting her conscience rest in the peaceful color. Diamond pressed a button on her chair, and the lights dimmed, leaving the room dark except for the sparkling city lights shining in from the windowed wall. Unconsciously, Silver let her head fall sideways to look out the window.

Diamond hummed, lost in drunken thoughts. “The lights are pretty. They look like diamonds, don’t they? Glimmering, breathing, living diamonds. My diamonds. You can look at them, Silver. You always loved looking at diamonds. Now, lets play our game.”

Silver shuddered as Diamond Tiara’s hoof traced across her belly, resting on a rib. “This is your rib, DT…” Silver whispered, barely above a mouse squeak. Diamond heard her, and softly slid across her to find the next target. The hoof gently traced up her chest and across her injured throat, carefully avoiding the bloodied bit. It settled softly on her cheek.

This time, Silver found it easy. “Your cheek, DT.”

The hoof didn’t travel far, resting lightly on Silver’s lips. It strangely tingled as it pressed softly into them. “These are your lips, DT.”

The hoof wriggled, and gently pressed. Silver didn’t stop to think as she opened her mouth. The hoof settled on her tongue. She whispered, “Yooo ongu, eE”.

The hoof pulled out, and traced down her chin, up her jaw, and settled on her ear. “Your ear, DT.”

Silver’s Mantra was simple.

Don’t think. “Your belly button, DT.” Then the next task.

Don’t think. “Your armpit, DT.” Another task.

Don’t think. “Your knee, DT.” One after the other.

Don’t think. “Your hoof, DT.” It didn’t matter. One, then the next.

Don’t think. “Your frog, DT.” The next.

Don’t think. “Your nose, DT.” The next.

Don’t think. “Your thigh, DT.” Just a task.

Don’t think. “Your tail, DT.” Silver was a worker bee, and this was her task.

Don’t think. “Your dock, DT.” Another task.

Don’t think. “Your labia, DT.” The next task.

The hoof didn’t move. Or rather, it moved slow and gentle. Silver didn’t think. She closed her eyes. She didn’t think.

Diamond let our a quiet laugh. “Really? Don’t be obtuse, Silver. I know it’s mine, but what is it really?”

Silver knew what Diamond wanted her to say. Her mouth was dry. This was only a task, just the next one. Don’t think. Just do. Silver whispered, her eyes still closed. “Your pussy, DT.”

Diamond slowly lifted her hoof, causing Silver to let out a breath. Silver realized the touch had tingled, leaving a warm electric sensation where it had been. Don’t think. It didn’t matter. Silver waited for the next task.

Diamond’s voice was quiet, but sweet. “That’s right, Silver. My pussy. I think you need to practice that until you really know it. Do you know what it means to know something, Silver?”

Don’t think. “Yes, DT…“

Diamond’s voice was colder, but still caring. “I’m not sure your slow little bug brain understands. Do you know what it means to know that it’s mine?”

Silver did not understand. She also did not think about it. “No, DT.’

“That’s better. Do you know what it means to know a pony?”

Silver didn’t think. She just did. “Yes, DT.”

“I don’t think you do. You see, to know somepony is… well…” Diamond let out a quiet, soft laugh before continuing, “I’ll just have to show you. Just like we used to. Remember, don’t wake Mommy.”

Silver’s response was quiet and quick. Don’t think. She blinked. This was just the next task. Silver stared at the stars, listening to her own voice. She saw a mare out there, floating in the sky. “Yes, DT.”

Diamond Tiara’s hoof dropped. It was gentle, but firm. Silver didn’t think about it. “Your pussy, DT…”

Slowly, it swirled around. Pressing, lifting, caressing… it was warm. It tingled. Silver’s body flushed. She didn’t think about it. “Your pussy, DT…”

Diamond’s hoof tip slipped between, gently pressing inside. Silver blinked, staring at the city lights. The tingles spread. The warmth grew. She didn’t think. The hoof traced up the length of her cleft, settling on a little sparking nub. Diamond pressed hard, and Silver’s body tried to retreat into the hard marble. She stilled herself, blinking back her tears. Don’t think, only do. “Your clit, DT…”

Diamond was hard, but careful. She was gentle, just like she’d promised.

The hoof traced down, bringing the electric arc from her clit with it. Silver shuddered.

“Your pussy, DT.” She was warm.

“Your pussy, DT.” Diamond was deathly silent, while Silver made quiet little gasps. There was a wet squishing sound. Don’t think.

“Your pussy, DT.” Only do. This was a task like any other.

Silver stared at the mare, floating in the sky. She was covered in bruises, but the lights soothed her. She was on her back, and another mare was sitting over her. The mare above was gently tracing a hoof in between the sky mare’s legs, pressing, twisting, prodding, and stroking.

“Your pussy, DT…” Silver couldn’t do this. She didn’t think. She couldn’t think.

“Your clit, DT…” Diamond’s hoof started to shake, vibrating like a buzzing bee.

Silver sucked in a breath, her whisper growing desperate. “Your clit, DT!” The tingle was a fire. Diamond’s hoof was soaked, making wet squelching noises as it rapidly beat against her nub. Silver moaned quietly under her breath. “Mhhhaaaaaa….”

She looked up at Diamond, and it was a mistake. Diamond stared back, quietly and coldly, her eyes alight with some alien cruelty. Diamond glared at her, seemingly furious. “Don’t wake mommy, Silver.”

Diamond’s hoof sped up. The touch grew light, barely making contact at all, but the sensation was too much. Silver tried hard not to think. She desperately fought back for one last shred of dignity, even as her voice quietly betrayed her. “Your clit, D…T… Mhhaaaaa….”

It happened suddenly. Even though she was silent, it was clear and loud. Like a bell ringing through the midnight calm, she knew both mares in the sky. She shuddered, watching as the sky mare shuddered with her. Diamond kept caressing her, kept goading her to know for longer. The mare in the sky, the mare on the floor, the city lights, it was all one thing. One thing that completely, and utterly belonged to Diamond Tiara.

Silver gasped on the floor, covering her mouth to keep quiet as she cried. Tears flowed freely, and she struggled to keep up.

She stuttered, sobbing as she chanted. She couldn’t not think. She knew now. She knew. Silver writhed under Diamond’s touch, unable to hold still as she violently whispered, “Your Pussy! Your Pussy Your You pussy pussy pussy!

Diamond didn’t laugh, instead she watched, slowly lifting her soaking wet hoof from between Silver’s legs.

Silver convulsed, trying hard, to stay still on the cool marble even as she leaked all over it. She’d never felt like this before. Empty and full at the same time. She knew her place, and it was euphoria. Opening her eyes, she stared out at the city. The sky mare stared back, and the Diamond in the sky stared past all of them. She thrust her arms into the floor, helplessly pushing her hips upwards as her flower bloomed once more for the whole city to see, to be. Everything was one, and it all was Diamond’s.

Silver caught her breath, breathing hard on the marble. Condensation started to form in front of her as she lay. She began to cry, rolling sideways and curling up into a fetal position, still helplessly shuddering.

Diamond smiled, then took a sip of her drink. “Always such a crybaby, Silver…”

Silver ignored her, horrified at what was happening. She knew now. Don’t think. She couldn’t not think. Don’t think. Know but don’t think.

Silver laid still, heavily breathing as she stared at the city, still curled into a fetal position.

Diamond watched her, seemingly hungrily. “It’s good to have you back, Silver. I didn’t think you’d ever come back. Don’t worry. We know it’s you now, don’t we? I wouldn’t say it’s good to know, you’re kind of pathetic right now, but at least it’s you. Tell me, Silver, do you know what it means that you’re mine now?”

Silver shuddered on the floor, and she whispered. “Yes, DT.” Don’t think. Just do. Her tears ran hot down her cheeks.

Diamond Tiara leaned back, her face expressionless. “Good. Since I’ll have to call the janitor tonight, we’re going to play this game again. Only this time, I want you to wake mommy once you know that you know. Do you understand?”

Silver slowly rolled back to her back, laying stiff as a board and shaking violently from fear and exhaustion. “Yes, DT…”

Diamond Tiara glared at her, suddenly angry. “Don’t get cute, you little shit. Spread your legs.”

Silver looked down her body and saw that her legs were pressed tightly together. Shakily, she pulled them apart. Don’t think, only do.

Diamond smiled like a doting mother, her voice back to the caring, sweet one. “Good little bee. Stay in line.” Diamond stared at Silver’s pussy, while Silver silently squirmed. “Actually, why don’t you grab your knees, and pull your legs up. Show me how flexible you are, Silver.”

Don’t think. Silver reached for her knees, and pulled them. She looked to the side and saw the mare in the sky in an obscene pose, her legs around her head and her still puffy cunt presented to the mare above her.

Diamond looked down with an intense stare. “For an ugly mare, you have a cute little flower there. How many… Never mind. It doesn’t fucking matter. It’s mine now, isn’t it?”

Silver shook, horrified at how easy the answer was. “Yes, DT.”

Diamond got to her hooves, being careful not to step on Silver in the process. “You know, you’re spoiled being a unicorn. You can use magic to play whatever games you want. Us earth ponies don’t have that. Do you know what we do when we want to play?”

Silver wanted to move, to roll, to hide under her tail or anything to keep Diamond from staring at her anymore. This was beyond humiliating. “No, DT.”

“We have to get dirty. It’s just a fact of life. If I was a unicorn, like you, I could get off with magic, staying clean. That’s something I’ve never been able to do. Even when I was a little filly, playing around with my friend we got dirty. That’s life being an earth pony. Do you know the best thing about diamonds?”

Silver gulped. “No, DT.” Don’t think.

“You wash them and they’re good as new. They’re found in the dirt, after all.” Diamond Tiara lowered her snout, taking a sniff of Silver. Silver shuddered.

“We’re gonna play again. Only this time, I am going to know you. Do you understand what I’m saying, Silver?”

Silver shuddered, watching Diamond’s face intently. Don’t think. “Yes, DT.” Only do.

Diamond smiled, glancing up from Silver’s crotch to her eyes. “I think you understand this time.”

Silver could smell the reek of booze on her breath from there. Diamond had to be completely shitfaced by now.

Diamond focused back down at Silver’s pussy, seemingly dizzy, and then lowered her head. “What a good little bug. Maybe you’re not a bee… Maybe you’re something cuter. You got wings, pretty ones… like a butterfly. I just had to get you out of your gross caterpillar stage. Well, time to unwrap your cocoon!”

Silver held her breath when the first lick came. Oh god, it actually felt good. She was still wet from last time, when she’d… don’t think.

Don’t think.

Diamond paused, lifting her head groggily, and her words slurring heavily. “I don’t hear you, Silvvverrr. Tell me you’re mine! Tell me.. what the ton… Mou… The… Fuck… I mean, what I lick. You know wha… I mean. Don fuck this up…”

Silver watched in horror as Diamond drunkenly lowered her head in the dim light, and then remembered her mantra.

Don’t think. Only do. It was easy. All she had to do was talk.

Diamond’s tongue was sloppy, licking around the outside, tasting Silver’s nectar. It was hot, wet, and strong as it lazily spread her lips. “It’s your pussy, DT.”

There was a snarl, and a lick. Something wrapped around her clit. Diamond started sucking. Pulling the flesh into her mouth and letting it spring back. Silver moaned. “Mmooaaa….” She thrust her hips up, into the sensation. Don’t think. Only do. One task.

Silver screamed out her task. “It’s your clit, DT!”

Don’t think. Diamond’s tongue dropped and Silver’s clit fell free. She sobbed and moaned at the same time. “Fu… Ohhh…”

Diamond didn’t waste any time, diving deep into Silver’s depths. Her flower was spread, and Diamond was inside. Silver screamed, this time it didn’t hurt. Don’t think. Only do. “Your pussy! Your Pussy!”

Diamond was deep, and Silver shook. Wet slurping squelches were the only noise to be heard, and Silver felt them inside. Passion, euphoria, emptiness. Fullness. Silver ignored it all. She didn’t think. She simply did, while Diamond did her.

Don’t think. “Your thighs.”

“Your clit!”

“Your asshole…”

“Your asshole!”

“Your fucking asshole!”

Silver screamed as her tail flagged painfully hard into the floor, and she forgot to not think. Diamond’s burning tongue was buried, deep in Silver’s ass, forcing her sphincter wide. It was wriggling. It was wet, coated in Silver’s own pussy juice. She screamed again as Diamond Tiara brought a hoof to Silver’s pussy, and began to press. Diamond’s shoe had been removed, and Diamond’s naked hoof was violently shoved past Silver’s soaked pussy lips.

It was too much. Too thick, too deep. Silver screamed again, this time incoherently as Diamond grunted, spitting a burning brew deep into her asshole. She’d never put a whole hoof inside her before. It hurt like hell, but somehow she kept going. Don’t think. Only do.

Diamond didn’t stop.

“Your Asshole! Your asshole!” It burned. Silver cried, holding her legs tightly back as Diamond finally lifted her head up to watch, staring intently as Silver’s poor sphincter failed, squirting a bit of Diamond’s foul spit out. The squirt made her scream, but not just from the burning. Silver shrieked as Diamond leaned up her body, breath reeking of alcohol.

She was unrelenting, pounding Silver’s pussy as she licked up Silver’s body.

Silver couldn’t think. Don’t think! She had a task.

“Your thighs!”
“Your stomach!”
“Your chest!”

Silver screamed again as Diamond bit over her wound. “Your neck! Your neck!”

Diamond grunted, sliding up Silver’s neck and biting her lip.

Silver forced her mantra. Over and over again she repeated it. This is how she would survive. This was all she had. Obedience. Mindless obedience. Don’t think.

“Your lip…” She tried to look away, but all she saw was the pink snout. She felt the tongue slip into her hers. The the sensation was oddly numbing, Diamond’s tongue burned like alcohol. She slipped out of the strange, bitter kiss. “Your tongue…”

Silver looked down while Diamond’s drunken eyes looked up, hungrily. Beyond her, she saw Diamond’s hoof, the whole thing burying itself in her pussy.

Silver forgot her mantra, entranced by the obscene vision. She couldn’t be spread like that. Her body couldn’t do that. Her pussy was cute and little. It was delicate. That thing, that hoof, that was not inside her. It wasn’t her. The tight lips stretched lewdly thin around Diamond’s hoof, and Silver’s pussy convulsed unevenly, completely unable to actually squeeze around the girth. Her pussy shuddered, quivering as it was overwhelmed. No… Silver knew better now. It wasn’t her pussy. It was DT’s pussy.

Why didn’t it hurt? Why was she screaming if it didn’t hurt?

She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t stop thinking. She thought about Diamond’s hoof, and how deep it was. She thought about the bite on her lip, the burning in her ass, and the alcoholic kiss. She couldn’t do it. Diamond could. Diamond was unbreakable. Silver, though… Silver realized that she was being bent.

Diamond’s eyes narrowed in intensity, driving into Silver’s. Silver got lost in those eyes, drowning in their focus. Silver didn’t just bend—she broke. “Your Silver! I’m your Silver, DT. I’m your Silver!” Silver shouted, squeezing Diamond Tiara’s hoof in her own pussy. It was all hers. Everything was DT’s. Silver screamed as she knew.

Diamond drunkenly smirked, pulling her hoof out and watching Silver squirt all over the floor. The splatter hit the marble tile, and spread over the whole floor in an instant. Silver squirted again, staring helplessly at DT. She whispered, her voice finally tearing. “Your Silver, DT. Your Silver…”

Diamond Tiara stepped back, heavily breathing from exertion and just watching Silver’s convulsing pussy with a wicked grin. She spit to the side, directly on her floor. “That’s right, my little butterfly. Spread those wings wide. It’s time to stretch them out. We’re going to give them lots of exercise from here on out, isn’t that right?”

Silver shuddered, her legs still around her head and her pussy still convulsing for DT’s enjoyment. “Yes, DT…” she quaked, knowing the city as she watched the twinkling lights in the buildings.

Diamond drunkenly climbed into her chair, still covered in Silver’s fluids. “I’m too drunk to stand anymore. Get your ass up here with me, Silver. Mommy’s home.”

Silver moved slow at first, still wracked with aftershocks from her orgasm, but then scrambled to her hooves, every limb still quaking. Her body burned, her gut felt like she really had to shit as her sphincter helplessly tried to get rid of Diamond’s spit, and everything hurt. Carefully, she climbed onto the chair, tasting the alcohol on Diamond’s breath.

Diamond pulled her around, hoofing her like she weighed nothing. Quickly, Silver found herself face to face with DT, almost pussy to pussy as her legs slipped out the back of the chair and under the armrests. Diamond shook her head, seemingly confused for a moment. “Why the fuck do you have a horn, Silver?”

Silver didn’t know what to say. “I… Uh… am a unicorn?”

Diamond blinked. “Neat. Fuck you.”

Silver turned her head away from the smell of booze. Don’t think.

“Don’t fucking look away from me Silver. I said to fuck you. Masturbate, you fucking idiot.”

Silver slowly lit up her horn, and started to gently caress herself. She usually didn’t use much magic for this, just a little tingle was all it took. She didn’t think it would work tonight, but she was so far down the rabbit hole with Diamond that she didn’t dare disobey. Don’t think, just do. Diamond had said to masturbate. So she did.

Diamond watched, seemingly giddy, and very drunk. “Fucking A, class right there. You are one classy bitch. Yeah. Fucking yeah. Look at that. Feels good, doesn’t it?” Her smile fell, and she growled “Now fucking do it for real.”

Silver took a deep breath, “This is how I… usually masturbate, DT.”

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “I already told you to not be fucking cute with me. Not fucking anymore. Go bigger, go harder, spread yourself. I wanna see your pink, and I wanna hear you squeal. I know you can fit my hoof, Silver. Do it.”

Silver closed her eyes, and felt her horn flair. Don’t think. Only do.

Diamond wrapped her hooves around Silver. “That’s fucking right. Do it good, and mommy wont hurt you.”

Silver didn’t think. She only did. She did until she knew she was doing it right.

She didn’t stop, even when she knew that she knew she was doing it right. Silver felt it happening, and knew what she needed to do. Don’t think. Only do. She presented her inner most self to Diamond, baring her quivering depths wide.

Silver knew it was Diamond’s, after all.

Chapter 4

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Red shuffled nervously. He needed to talk to Silver. Diamond was liable to do something crazy, and he needed to warn her. The only thing was, she wasn’t answering her door. “Look, Silver, I know you’re in there. We need to talk. You can’t keep avoiding me.”

Silence was the only answer.

He groaned. It’d been hours. There was no way she was still at work. He’d checked floor 70 before he’d left, and she was gone. Her work was almost done, but she’d likely cut out for the night with the rest of her crew when they left. Probably using them to avoid talking to Red. Angrily he banged on the door. “Please, just come out and talk to me!”


Dejected, he frowned. The neighbors probably wouldn’t like the noise. He glanced around the outside of her condo. Maybe he could peek in through a window? Nopony seemed to be watching… he slipped around back and peeked through. No lights, no sounds, no nothing. If she was home she was hiding it well. It was almost midnight.

Ah, fuck this. Wherever she was at, he hoped she was having fun. The mare was probably out wasted somewhere. Whatever Diamond was cooking up, he could wait until tomorrow to talk to her about it.

His heart raced, and his stomach soured. Nopony stayed out this late unless they had somewhere to stay. She was probably shacking up with another stallion.

Good for her. He growled.

The only ponies out this late would be idiots like him. Head over heels for a girl that probably didn’t give a rats ass. She’d been avoiding him because he’d hinted at getting serious. Now she’d found another playmate.

He was an absolute idiot. Why did he bother? Mares were all the same. It didn’t matter if she had cute little cheeks, or a rosy smile, or how she always had a cheery mood. Even when things were sour, she’d sounded happy to see him.

He slumped on the floor, his back on the door to her apartment. Oh god, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Now he was thinking about her body. The thought of it on some other guy made him sick. He imagined the face she made, the one when she came. He imagined some other guy kissing her lower lip. She loved that.

She was soft and gentle, and always liked a nice touch. She coo's, like a fucking bird. How many girls did that? Some other guy was finding that out right now.

Red slumped deeper against the wooden door, sliding towards the ground. He had work tomorrow. He had to get back home and pretend to sleep. Not that he would tonight.

He slammed a hoof into the concrete, nearly smashing it as he cried out, “Damn it, Silver? Where the fuck are you?”

Diamond pulled her new pet tight, feeling her squirm and squeezing her like a soaking wet teddy bear that was convulsing helplessly from it’s own orgasm. Silver was a squirter, a squirmer, and she made this cute little bird noise. She wasn’t pretty, but she was gorgeous in her moment of glory. One little moment of absolute pure beauty, and Diamond could wring it from her as many times as she liked, almost at will. Diamond’s voice was low and hot, “That’s a good little fucking bug. You do what you’re told.”

Silver Spoon just stared quietly, heavily breathing. Diamond kept her hoof pressed tightly on her little cunt, feeling Silver’s pussy helplessly flutter against her as she was wracked from her orgasm. Little ingrate probably wanted to cry but was all teared out. How cute. Spoony always did cry after she came.

Diamond held her with one hoof, using her earth pony strength to remind the unicorn where it belonged. “I’m keeping you, little bug. This is your home now. You’ve always been mine, but now you are going to know it.”

Silver’s response was throaty and sweet as she forcefully thrust into Diamond’s hoof, “Yes, DT.”

Diamond let her jug drop, hearing the twelve hundred bits worth of cognac spill on the floor to mix with Silver’s worthless bodily fluids. Fuck it. Tonight she was going to see how many times her little butterfly could flap her wings. The booze would be there tomorrow, but right now, she wanted to remind Silver Spoon that she was Diamond Tiara’s. Over and over again.

She leaned in, spreading Silver’s lips with her own as she began to kiss the mare. Silver shirked at first, she always did, but then leaned back in and let Diamond have her way with her tongue.

Diamond always got her way. She used her hoof to make Silver know it, while they kissed. It didn’t take long, and Silver’s mouth was hot and sweet, quivering in the moment. Silver’s eyes were just as cute close up when she came, her pupils dilating widely and a long slow blink passing across them. After Silver finished rocking helplessly in Diamond’s arms and making that sweet little cooing noise into her mouth, Diamond pulled Silver’s head back and shoved her cum soaked hoof down Silver’s throat, making Silver suck her own pussy juice off it until it was clean.

When she pulled her hoof out, Silver coughed, and then stared blankly at Diamond. Diamond smiled, giddy at her docile little pet. Spoon was back, and now she was Diamond’s for good.

Diamond reminded Silver to know it 12 more wet and glorious times before the sun rose.

Then Diamond watched her Silver stretch her wings two more times before work started. As the day began, the alcohol in her system slowly ran out. The buzz died, then fatigue set in. In a post drunk haze, Diamond took stock of her room and realized she might have a problem.

Fuck it. She was calling in sick today. Red could manage her schedule without her. Now sober, Diamond decided that she wouldn’t let Spoo… Silver sleep on the hard marble floor. No, her new pet needed something soft to sleep on. Maybe even in.

It was time to go shopping.

Red glared at the schedule. What was Diamond doing? He’d spent the week working himself to the bone while she stayed holed up in her penthouse, probably drunk off her ass. Call after call, meeting after meeting, and decision after decision. This wasn’t his job. He wasn’t supposed to run the company.

Worse than that, Silver was gone. She hadn’t shown up to work for two days. He’d panicked, even going to far as to lodge a report with the police when he realized she hadn’t even been home during those two days. They called him back at the end of the day saying that she was found, and was safe, but wouldn’t tell him where. Then on the third day she left a little note.

The note was short. She was taking a sabbatical to find herself, and would be traveling across Equestria. With the note was an authorized letter allowing her an indefinite leave of absence, and was signed by Diamond of all ponies. He hadn’t been fast enough, and Diamond had done something. He didn’t know how she convinced Silver to take a sabbatical, but he was pissed.

He didn’t know what was wrong with Diamond, she played with ponies lives like toys. She thought she was some kind of goddess or something. Now she was hiding. There was no way in hell she was afraid of Red, if anything she would want to gloat about sending his little bit of hope away.

He sighed, letting the anger pass. At least Silver was safe and not fired. Hell, the note gave her a paid vacation. Silver was probably ecstatic. She always used to complain about overwork, maybe she’d feel better when she came back. Maybe they could try again.

If they couldn’t try again, maybe they could at least be friends. Just imagining her smile cheered him up. Maybe she was hiking somewhere? Climbing up a mountain and covered in sweat, her hair dripping in the sunlight. Red licked his lips.

He glanced at the clock and frowned. He had a meeting to go to. He’d promoted a few ponies to take care of his tasks. He needed somepony to watch the lift, somepony to manage schedules, and somepony to review then brief him on various projects. He was too busy for that now. He had meetings.

Red hated meetings.

Silver was covered in sweat, her hair dripping on the white marble floor. She lay in the sun, suspended supine in front of the window in the harness. Diamond’s window, and Diamond’s harness, and Diamond’s Silver.

She shuddered. The once pure white room was a disaster. Diamond had ordered, bought, and built various toys and tools. The harness she was suspended in now was designed by her old innovation team. They hadn’t known it was for her, but she was sure they knew it was a sex toy.

Silver’s new life was filled with sex toys.

This one in particular left her suspended in front of the window and on display for all of Manehatten. She was on her back, arms and legs locked underneath her. Her mane and tail dripped slowly, soaked in spit, sweat, and cum while her hair hung in the sunlight, glimmering from the filth. She wasn’t a pretty mare, but she was prettier when she was dirty. Diamond almost liked her when she was dirty.

The sunlight felt good on her helplessly exposed labia, keeping it warm for it’s owner, and she smiled as she sucked in another breath. Diamond came back, holding a large jug of water for her to drink and sneering at her smile. “What the hell are you so happy about?”

Silver shivered, feeling her pussy flex as she looked over Diamond’s body. DT was almost as soaked as her, her snout shimmered in the bright light and her usually perfect fur was matted with sweat. Silver licked her lips, drinking in Diamond’s gorgeous form. “I just… feel good, DT.”

Diamond laughed, tipping the drink for Silver to drink. “That’s the ketosis, Silver. You haven’t had food in a few days.”

Silver nodded, dutifully drinking the water. Diamond had wanted her to lose weight. And Diamond got what she wanted. The first few days had been hard. She’d been hungry, scared, and… confused. But now?

Silver smiled, finishing up her water. Now everything made sense. She could think, because she knew. She knew very, very well. She understood the situation and her place down to the very core of her being, and it wasn’t scary anymore. It wasn’t strange or horrifying. Even the pain didn’t bother her anymore. It simply…was. Even better, through the pain came the rest.

Diamond sat down in her chair, slowly spinning Silver over so that Silver’s pussy was in her face. “The doctor is coming for the surgery in a few days. He’ll do a checkup on you, then go through with it. I paid him enough he wont ask any questions.”

Silver tried not to think about it. Don’t think. “Of course, DT. Won’t you miss it though?”

Diamond smiled, her voice wistful and her gaze far off. “Yeah, it’s neat to watch. Very classy. But it isn’t you. You’ve got to be you.”

Silver didn’t answer. She didn’t think. It was one more task. Diamond would get what she wanted.

“You’ve had your drink, little butterfly. Now it’s my turn.”

Silver and Diamond both watched the city. Silver with her head hung backwards, moaning while her pussy flexed around Diamond’s tongue. Diamond with her tongue and lips pressed tightly, wetly, and noisily against Silver’s orgasmic flesh.

Sweat dripped across her body as the sun and Diamond brought Silver’s blood to a boil. Spit drooled from her mouth as she failed to keep it closed, gasping and moaning like the squirming bug she was. Her tail flagged, soaked in her own cum, and Diamond’s dripping spit.

Silver blinked, growing dizzy. “I’m your Silver, DT.” She muttered, quiet and earnest between desperate, hungry gasps of air. Each and every moment was it’s own. Each moment came after the other, sparkling in the sunlight in pure and unrelenting ecstasy. Just like Silver did.

Red was done. He wasn’t putting up with this anymore. Diamond was going to talk to him, or he was out. It had been three months, a full goddamned quarter. She’d “come back”, after a week, but only in name. He still went to all her meetings, still managed all the portfolios, and still argued with the board. The company hadn’t faltered, he’d kept it up. But he was fucking over this.

Red used to love his job. He loves the meticulous minutia. Not all this grandstanding and blowharding. Silver was gone, the company was all he lived for, and he hated it. He knew who was to blame.

Diamond fucking Tiara.

All of this was her goddamned fault. She showed back up, looking exhausted and hungover, and promptly decided that Red “had it under control”. At best, she’d show up in the morning, distracted as fuck, and then disappear into her penthouse the rest of the day.

Well, two could play at that.

Red pressed the number 75 on the elevator. A nervous voice ringed over the intercom. “I’m sorry, that floor can’t be authorized.”

Red growled. “It’s me, you stupid fuck.”

The voice faltered… “But.. Sir.. you explicitly told me…”

Red sighed. He had given the young stallion very in-depth instructions, and he was following them. He calmed himself for a moment. The kid was just trying to do his job. It wasn’t his fault that Diamond had gone off the deep end and Red’s life had collapsed. “I know what I told you. I’m sorry I snapped. Just let me up. I need to speak with her. I’ll take the hit for this.”

There was a moment of silence, then the number 75 lit up. He clicked the intercom. “Thank you.”

The nervous voice answered back, sounding relieved. “Of course, Sir.”

He watched the numbers tick up, feeling his blood boil. It was a short ride. What the hell was she doing in her penthouse? If she was drunk out of her mind, she was over. He would end her. It had taken time, but the rest of the board was used to his face now. They would do what he said, if he pushed hard enough. It was Diamond’s money, but he controlled it.

The elevator dinged, and the door opened.

Red stepped into the hallway, and covered his nose in surprise. The hallway was filled with boxes, and the stench of sex hit him like an invisible punch to his nose. He nearly gagged from the sickly sweet smell that hung in the air. Slowly, he lowered his hoof and let his nostrils take it in to adjust. The stench was almost familiar, dragging up some memories with Silver Saddle.

He snorted, furious. It had been months since he’d gotten laid, and Diamond was up here doing what? Hosting a goddamned bordello? He heard a loud crack, echoing through the vaulted halls. Sickening curiosity and a blind rage fueled him as he moved forward.

At the end of the hall, he saw a bizarre sight. There was a giant window looking out over the city, and a room filled with things. The floor was scattered in colorful tubes, various kinds of dildos, straps of cloth and leather, vials in various states of emptiness, boxes, strange furniture, and stains. The once perfectly white marble floor was covered in a film of dried filth, white, brown, and yellow streaks smeared across it.

His eyes were drawn to the centerpiece of the room. There, standing and holding a whip in her mouth was Diamond Tiara. She was dressed in nothing but her tiara, and staring coldly down at the exposed ass of a scrawny little earth pony. The earth pony was face down, her mouth open and drooling around some kind of gag while here eyes were glazed over. She was wearing leather chaps that had her cutie mark on them, what looked to be some kind of silver spoon.

Worse, she seemed to be chained down with soft, silver cuffs that anchored directly into the marble floor.

Diamond stared hard at a growing red welt on the pony’s ass, and then suddenly whipped her. The whip cracked, and the pony on the floor screamed into her gag, then moaned and drooled. Diamond smiled satisfactorily through the whip as the pony’s ass shook, and a thin dribble of fluid squirted from between her legs. Another red welt started to grow, and Diamond watched in fascination, completely ignoring Red.

He seethed, his vision narrowing in on Diamond. “Are you fucking serious?”

Diamond slowly turned to him and narrowed her eyes in a calm annoyance. Then her eyes darted back to the pony on the floor as her grin grew into a cruel smirk.

The floor pony glanced his way, and then began to struggle for a moment, before settling perfectly still when she realized she couldn’t move at all. She started to take deep, almost panicky breaths and looked straight forward.

Red stepped forward through the filth. “I’ve been working my ass off, and you’ve been, what, fucking prostitutes the whole goddamned time?”

Diamond spat the whip on the floor, rolled her eyes, and gently tapped the mare’s ass with a hoof. “I don’t remember inviting you in, Red. I especially don’t remember inviting you to interrupt me. This is my sanctuary.”

Red flared his nostrils, breathing deeply. The sour and sweet smell of marecum was overpowering. “Is it, Diamond? You haven’t done shit at the company for a full quarter. I’ve been running everything all by myself. Seems to me I should be able to come into the penthouse when I want.”

Diamond made to speak, and then paused, looking down in contemplation. “You know, Red… You might be on to something.” Suddenly she sounded cruel. “I guess we’ll have to see what you’re made of then…”

Red glared at her. “Don’t you already know, Diamond? Are you sure that you’re not going to call me some kind of insect? You not going to insult me?”

Diamond smiled, sweetly. “Almost. You are growing a backbone, I see. Maybe you’re a rat then? A little rat eating up the hive?”

“Cut the crap, Diamond. What the hell is going on? Are you drunk?”

Diamond shook her head, smiling. “I’ve actually been sober the whole time. Not a drop…” She glanced at the mare and licked her lips, “Of liquor at least, has passed down these lips on my little… sabbatical.”

Red stared, feeling his face flush with rage. “So what? You’ve been here, fucking prostitutes for three months while I work my ass off? I haven’t even been laid since you drove Silver away. She was the only good thing coming my way, and you fucking scared her off.”

Diamond laughed, slowly walking around the bound mare and draping her hoof over the mare’s back. She settled on top, the mare’s head face down between her hind legs, and Diamond’s head hovering over her red, wet, exposed ass cheeks. She lifted her hooves, grabbing the firm buttocks and giving them a squeeze, then a spread, showing the mare’s insides to Red.

His eyes instantly flickered down to the mare’s ass. Diamond was pulling hard, and it looked like her little spreading show was fairly painful. The gaping pussy was leaking. She clearly didn’t mind the interruption.

“First of all, Red, Spoony here isn’t a prostitute. She’s a dear, dear friend of mine from long ago. I’ve been catching up with her, and we’ve been playing. Just like old times.” Diamond licked her lips, squishing the mares ass cheeks together and apart, slowly playing with them and causing Spoony to squirm. “Second of all, I do not fuck her. I don’t even let her touch me without permission. I haven’t… how did you phrase it? Been laid? In a very long time as well. She, on the other hoof, well, she is a bit of a slut. Isn’t that right, Spoony?”

Spoony moaned loudly into her gag as Diamond’s hoof slipped between her cheeks and began to stroke.

Red was shaking, the fury, disgust, and sheer lust warring within him. “This is over Diamond. I’m fucking done.”

Diamond just smiled sweetly, narrowing her eyes. “Hold on, my dear Red. I actually agree with you here. You’ve made a very strong point. You’ve been working hard, from morning till midnight… and actually doing passably at my job. I imagined you could do some of it, but never that you could do so much for so long. I’m the only pony who knows exactly how hard that is, Red. As I see it, it’s only fair you share some of the spoils.”

Red glared at her, feeling his cock slowly grow at the thought. He swallowed, glancing down at Spoony’s ass and back up to Diamond’s soft, pert little lips. She’d been teasing him off and on for years… He’d always dismissed it as cruel manipulation on her part, but the distant fantasy of fucking Diamond Tiara suddenly seemed very real. If not her pussy, than even just her mouth. “What… What are you saying?”

Diamond purposefully slipped her hoof in time with her voice, flicking the Spoony’s cunt as she talked. “Such a big, strong, loyal corporate… drone like yourself needs release every once in a while. It was…” she laughed, “wrong of me to scare off whats her name, the little bee you liked. Let me make it up to you.”

Red’s cock was solid, the musk of sex getting to him and the low sweet voice coupled with the very aggressive visual of Spoony’s pussy being spread. He swallowed, and Diamond Tiara licked her lips. His eyes flickered up to Diamond’s lips. Her tongue had moistened them and they glimmered in the light.

“I don’t like sharing, especially Spoony, but you have been working so hard. You’re a good minion, and good minion’s get rewarded. It’s not really sharing if you and Spoony are both my minions. I prefer to think of it as indulging…”

Of course it wasn’t her. She wasn’t about to debase herself like that. She was just offering her little friend. Her hot, slutty little friend who was leaking on the floor.

Red looked closer at Spoony, really trying to evaluate her. If anything, she looked almost like Silver Saddle. Her gray fur was almost like Silver’s, but far more luxurious. Her little body wasn’t cheerfully plump like Silver’s was, but it was sleek. Silver had been cute. Spoony, like Diamond, was lithe, sexy, and drop dead gorgeous. Spoony’s dock twitched, flagging to the side with her tail bound somewhere on her back.

Red gulped. It was a tempting offer.

Diamond smiled. “Look, she wants you. How… cute.” Diamond laughed again. “I promise she’ll cum for you, Red. She’ll cum for real the moment you put it in. Won’t you, Spoony?”

Spoony moaned something from under Diamonds legs. A very tempting offer.

Red took a step forward, loosening his collar and tie. Was he going to do this?

“I taught her how to cum like that. It took a few days, but she’s good at it now, isn’t she? We were just practicing.”

Spoony moaned, and Red watched her pussy start to convulse, dripping something wet. Diamond laughed, squishing her cheeks back together and hiding Spoony’s flexing quim from view. “Don’t spoil him, Spoony. At least wait until the big strong stallion impales you on his dripping cock, like the good little bug you are.”

It had been so long. The smell, the sight, even the sound of her cute little moans was turning him on. God, she almost sounded like Silver used to when Silver would cum. Not that Silver would ever be found doing anything like this. The mare had been a little bit of a goofball, but she wasn’t nearly as depraved as this. She might have done herself up for a joke, but Spoony was dead serious. And Silver’s little cooing orgasms took some time to work up to and didn’t last, but Spoony just… kept cumming.

Diamond smirked, watching him closely. “Do you really need more of a sales pitch than that? Fine. She does regular pelvic floor exercises. Her pussy is like a vice, and it’s soft as silk. I literally have not found a more luxurious thing to put in my mouth, and I own restaurants with 2 year waiting lists. We’ve been giving her supplements, doctor prescribed of course, to ensure she is wetter, hotter, and more aroused than any mare you’ve ever met before. I might have even slipped in an aphrodisiac or two into her diet. Not that she minds, do you Spoony?”

Spoony moaned, grunting through her gag as something wet dribbled out from between her ass cheeks.

Red closed his eyes. Was this sort of debauchery worth it? Maybe a little release would help him get through the day. It might help his temper, and keep him focused at work. He took a deep breath, tasting the air. A tingle ran from the base of his neck to the base of his cock. It stayed there, making him feel alive. More alive than he’d felt in months.

“When things get too much for you, Red, you can come here and play with Spoony. A little reward at the end of your day. Or the beginning, or well, whenever you need a soft little slut to cradle your cock. I promise, she’ll be ready. I’ll keep her warm for you.” Diamond ran a hoof down Spoony’s back.

Red licked his lips. It wasn’t like he was single. Spoony was obviously very excited about this. There wasn’t any real reason to say no. Silver and him were through, right? A pang of guilt ran raced through him, smothering his arousal.

“I… I never broke up with Silver.”

Diamond stopped, staring incredulously at him and even Spoony’s heavy breathing froze. “Are you still… together, then?” She asked curiously.

Red shuffled, kicking a box. “No… I mean, we were never together together, but we were… It’s hard to explain.”

Diamond put her hoof on her chin, stroking up and down Spoony’s back leg with her other hoof. “Has she written to you, called you, or made any attempt whatsoever to contact you since she left?”

Red frowned. “No…”

Diamond smiled darkly. “Not even a post card then. Well, as somepony who knows her mares, I promise you that this Silver Saddles doesn’t give a flying fuck about you, anymore. It’s over, Red. It’s time to move on. She left you. She’s probably fucking somepony else right now.”

Diamond slipped her hoof up Spoony’s leg, and slowly started to stroke her clit, all while maintaining eye contact with Red. Spoony moaned, and shook. Diamond smirked, “What a useless, heartless, bitch.”

Red sighed, his stomach unsettled and sour. Diamond was right. “I… it’s not… she’s not…” He couldn’t defend her. She’d left him. She probably was fucking somepony else right now. Probably all wrapped up in a blanket and snuggling with them while they watched a movie. They probably just finished making love. She made a lot of bad jokes during sex. That other pony probably knew them all by now.

Red’s eyes dropped to the floor as he imagined the scene, and his stomach felt sick.

Diamond’s dark smile widened. “Well, that’s fine. I have just the thing to soothe your poor lost heart. Take a look…”

She spread Spoony’s cunt wide, pulling the pussy flesh into a wet, obscene facsimile of a heart. It looked like it was beating, the way she pulsed.

He looked into the mare. Spoony wasn’t going to be telling any jokes with her mouth gagged. She sure as hell didn’t look interested in cuddling. Red’s nostrils flared, and he realized that his dick was still hard as rock. He could do whatever he wanted to that little heart pussy, and he could just see it wrapped around his dick.

“I’ve got a new heart for you, Red. This one wont leave you. She’s all tied down.”

Red took a step forward, his eyes locked on Spoony’s begging flesh. He was only male…

Diamond pulled her hoof up, and licked it. “I’ll leave you to it, then. Do take care of her, she needs lots of water. The only rule, and I really do mean only, is to keep her chaps on. She’s sensitive about them, and since she gives so much of herself; I let her have that. One little gift for Spoony…” Diamond lightly smacked Spoony’s side, almost playfully.

Red really had no interest in removing the chaps. They made Spoony look… professional. It was a look he liked.

Diamond sighed in pleasant contemplation, “I’ll go back to work for… oh… two hours. And you can have Spoony, and my penthouse all to yourself. For two whole hours. How does that sound?”

Red swallowed, hard. Two hours was more than enough time to get what he needed out of Spoony.

Spoony focused. Don’t think. Only do. One thing after another. Cum when DT wants her to. Squirt when DT wants.

Don’t think. She was good at that. She could not think. She could focus on the now. She didn’t know him. She couldn’t know him. Spoony only knows Diamond. Spoony shuddered.

Silver Saddles was gone. There was no Silver Saddles. There was only Silver Spoon. And Silver Spoon was a slut.

Silver spread her cunt wide, inviting the stallion in. He didn’t say anything, only looking at her as he walked around. DT had left. DT had left her with Red. She didn’t know his name. She had been left with the Stallion. Don’t think. One thing after the other.

The stallion pressed his head down on hers, smelling her hair. “Gods, you even smell like her. If you weren’t such a scrawny little earth pony, I’d swear you were her.”

Silver wanted to scream. She wanted to cry out and beg him to realize who she was. No. Don’t think.

Red slowly put his hoof down her back. He wasn’t gentle like DT. He also wasn’t cruel. The touch was simply a touch, so he could feel her. He just wanted to feel her. Her heart raced, even though she was chained she wanted to stand up, to press into him and feel him back.

Red’s hoof trailed down her back to her dock.

Don’t think. Spoony’s mind went blank.

His hoof dipped lower. Complete the next task.

Spoony grunted, forcing herself to cum from his touch. It didn’t feel good, but the release was the same. The rush after was the same. The quivering, squirting cunt was the same.

“God damned. Diamond wasn’t exaggerating. You are a slut.”

Don’t think.

Red climbed back around, putting his weight on her back.

Just do the next task.

Spoony felt him press forward. His cock was hard, like one of DT’s dildos. She knew how to manage one. DT had taught her. She relaxed her pussy, letting his throbbing thick cock slide right in, and then immediately clamped down. It felt more alive than a dildo. It felt larger and more eager than Red’s cock ever had before.

Don’t think. Do the next thing.

Silver began to cry.

Spoony began to fuck.

Diamond came back from her two hour venture into the real world. It still sucked. She’d showered and cleaned up, so really it was more like an hour and a half. Still far too long. She had been shirking her duties for a dangerous amount of time. The only reason everything hadn’t collapsed without her was Red, and she was sure of that now.

Red was right. Spoony was great, but Diamond had a problem with moderation. The problem was that she didn’t understand the concept on any level, regardless of the topic. She threw herself into work, she threw herself into booze, and she threw herself into Spoony.

Hopefully, Red and Spoony would get along. She laughed. Oh, how she wanted to tell him. She desperately wanted to tell him what happened to his soft and pathetic little Silver, but she knew better. She needed Red. If she wanted to spend time with Spoony, Red needed something to motivate him. He was the only pony she knew that could do her job.

It wasn’t sharing. She told herself that. She would never share Spoony. They were both hers. Red was her loyal minion, and Spoony was her childhood friend, finally come back. Diamond licked her lips, relishing the glorious stench of Spoony’s sex and sweat when she stepped out of the elevator. It was good to be home.

She tracked through the hall, accidentally kicked some round metal thing that skittered across the floor. It was getting a bit messy. Perhaps it was time to call for a janitor? If Red was going to be by more often, she’d need to at least make sure there was path through this mess. Stepping over some loose plastic wrappers, she saw a wonderful sight.

Red was sitting in her chair, leaning back while Spoony was kneeling underneath him. Spoony had his cock and balls in her mouth, he’d loosened her chains and let up enough to let her stand. Her gag sat on the floor next to them, still soaked in her spit. Red only grunted when he saw Diamond.

Diamond’s eyes drank in the sight of Spoony impaled on his cock. Her back was splattered in white sticky cum, but that wasn’t all. She was wonderfully disgusting. Frothy stallion cum was leaking form her pussy, and her asshole was red, dripping cum as well. It was a tantalizing sight. Why hadn’t she thought of this sooner? The view was positively sublime. Red must have been agonizingly backed up. No wonder he had been so grumpy.

He grunted, putting a hoof on Spoony’s head. “Damn… your tongue is good.”

Spoony slurped.

Diamond quietly went and sat down, watching the show. She couldn’t see Spoony’s eyes, buried in Red’s dick as she was, but she felt the occasional glance from her. Spoony was watching her. Diamond smirked, crossed her legs and leaned back, watching her pet butterfly dance for her amusement.

Red was dancing as well. His chest was heaving, and he was covered in sweat. Diamond glanced up at his wide shoulders, wondering if he’d wrapped Spoony in his arms while he had her. He certainly could have.

Red groaned, pushing Spoony’s head down hard as he shuddered, then leaned back, gasping for breath. Spoony slowly slid back, Red’s cock sliding out of her mouth. He glanced down at her. “Show me this time…”

Spoony opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, the white sticky cum staining her beautiful little red tongue. Red watched, his eyes glued on her as his voice came out cold. “Now swallow it.”

Spoony did as she was told, and Diamond Tiara’s heart fluttered. Red knew how to treat Spoony. What wonderful little pets.

Red just stared at Spoony, sinking into the chair. “I needed that… Thanks.”

There was a quiet, slow and almost musical response. “You’re… welcome, Mr. Red.”

Diamond growled. He’d made a mistake. “Don’t thank her, Red. She doesn’t like that.”

Red glanced up at her, probably frustrated that she’d interrupted his afterglow. “What?”

Diamond walked over to Spoony, and slapped her ass hard. “Mhe!” Spoony let out weak, euphoric cry. Grabbing her by the hair, Diamond pulled Spoony’s head back so she was facing Red. “Spoony, tell Mr. Red here what actually gets you off. Don’t lie to him, he doesn’t deserve any more of that.”

Spoony started to cry as Diamond pulled her hair hard. She spoke in a strained voice, the music gone. “I like to be hit! I like to be hurt. I like to be fucked, slapped, and made to cry when I cum!”

Red stared into her eyes. “Is that so?”

Diamond used her hoof to roughly molest Spoony’s deliciously sticky pussy while still pulling her hair back. “Yes. Yes! Yes!

Spoony came all over Diamond’s hoof, tears still dripping down her face as she gasped like fish.

Red watched Spoony convulse, shaking and quivering uncontrollably over Diamond’s hoof. She smirked noting the slightest tinge of jealousy on his face. There. He’d learned something. Diamond wondered what else he’d learn. She let Spoony go, and the gross little insect fell face first onto the floor, weakly sobbing into it.

Red’s answer was slow. “I’ll remember that for tomorrow, Spoony.”

Diamond smiled wide, and her heart beat like a drum in her chest.

Chapter 5

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Red had been visiting the penthouse for a month now. It honestly did make the day worth it. Spoony was an unrepentant slut, and would happily indulge any and every fantasy he had. A few hours was plenty of time to let off his steam. Diamond usually went to work while he was there, but sometimes she watched. At first, it had irked him when she sat down and quietly observed.

Now he didn’t mind so much. He was weirded out how she never seemed to participate. Not even Spoony was allowed to touch her without permission. He’d taken to conversing with the little whore after he blew his load. She didn’t have much on her mind, but she was nice to listen to. She really did remind him of Silver, in so many ways. Even her voice was close. He was beginning to wonder if they were related somehow.

Which is why he planned today. He needed to get over Silver. He kept thinking about her, even when he was focused on not doing that. She was gone. It was over. He’d moved on. Which was why he was going to make Spoony role play it out with him, and then fuck her silly. It would be his little good bye. One last hurrah. Spoony wouldn’t particularly like it; she liked it rough, sometimes even violent. Silver had liked it gentle and loving. Even if she didn’t like it Spoony would do it, and she’d do it without complaint. She’d even sound like a sweet, soft dove when she did it.

She was a good little whore like that.

Diamond was waiting for him when he came in. The floor had been cleaned up, it was white again. The empty boxes were gone and the hallway was clear. The windowed room was still filled with sex toys, but at least they weren’t filthy sex toys. They were even somewhat organized now. He’d been religious about calling the janitorial service, correctly assuming it was needed every night.

Diamond smirked, already cleaned up and in her business suit. “I knew you were going to pin that meeting on me.”

Red shrugged. She could read him pretty well most days. “Yeah, it’s going to suck. Three hours of pointless bickering. Have fun!”

Diamond sighed. “Fine. I need to make an appearance with those assholes anyways. I left Spoony tied up for you. She’s still wet, obviously, but I’ve been edging her. Today she’s not allowed to cum unless you say the magic words.”

Red blinked. “What are the magic words?”

Diamond laughed, cruelly. “That wouldn’t be fun. Good luck!”

Red glared. “This is over the meeting, isn’t it?”

She smiled. “I’m not that petty, Red.” Then she walked past him and into the elevator.

He watched the doors close on her and he growled. “Yes, yes you fucking are.”

Sighing, he made his way to the windowed room. Spoony was laying on her back, in one of the sex swings with a vibrator slowly buzzing away on her pussy as it was presented to the window. Her leather covered legs were spread wide, locked in place on the swing. There was a puddle underneath her, her tail was soaked, vividly dripping in the sunlight. Spoony was muttering to herself, her eyes closed in concentration.

“Don’t think.. don’t think.. don’t think…”

He smirked and walked up to her, sliding up next to her head. “Hello, there Spoony.”

Here eyes shot open, and her mouth closed shut she bucked slightly. “No.. No!” Then she calmed down, seemingly having averted her orgasm. Slowly she opened her eyes, her desperate gaze locking with Red’s as she seemingly begged him with a surprisingly panicked expression. “H… Hel…” She blinked, suddenly calm. “Hello, Mr. Red.”

He smirked, looking down her quivering body. Her face was stoic, but he could see her leather covered legs twitching. “Having a hard time today?”

She nodded, slowly. “I’m… not allowed to cum today, Mr. Red. I’m sorry…eeey…” Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared as her hips began to buck again. “No… No!” stilling herself, she shook her head.

Red whispered softly into her ear, giving her a gentle nibble. “One of two things are going to happen here, Spoony. You’re going to tell me the magic words so I can let you cum your brains out, then you will be grateful and do me a favor. Or I will make you cum your brains out without the magic words, and then you’ll do me a favor because I’m going to blackmail the shit out of you.”

Spoony stilled, turning her head with a terrified look. “No… You can’t…”

Red’s grin was evil. “So, that’s option two then?”

Spoony turned her head up to look away from him, and began mumbling to the ceiling. “Don’t think. Don’t think. Just one task. Then another.”

Red glared at her. He usually didn’t mind when she started chanting. It could even be hot, but he knew that it helped her focus, and right now he needed her extremely unfocused. Scatter brained, even. “Look at me, Spoony… and don’t talk. I don’t want to hear your little masochist mantra until after you scream for me.”

Spoony’s face turned back to him and he saw her hips buck rapidly against the vibrator once, then slowly drop and quiver. She closed her eyes briefly to concentrate and take a deep breath before opening them. Her voice was low, calm, and obedient. “Yes, Mr. Red.”

Red leaned forward, kissing her. Spoony’s lips spread easily, warmly welcoming him into her hot and eager mouth. Her face froze and she blinked as she arched her back, only barely stopping herself. Red smiled, pulling slowly out of the kiss to feel her sides. He ran his hoof up and down her body, relishing the sensation of her taught muscles quivering.

Apparently, Diamond took edging very seriously. Spoony was well past the limit of a normal mare, and probably even past her limit. He could hear he vibrator change speeds, muffled by the depths of her wet cunt. She arched her back, violently throwing herself down with an emphatic, “No!” before settling uneasily into the new setting.

“This isn’t going to be hard for me, is it?” He chuckled.

Tears started to leak from her eyes as she forced them closed and then open, another moan stifled in her throat. “No, Mr. Red.”

Red nibbled up and down her chin, letting his hoof drape lower and lower down her body, crawling slowly to her inner thigh. The vibrator was buried deep, probably brushing right up on her G-spot. He smiled into her cheek. Nothing was on her clit, yet.

Spoony begged, her voice was distant. “Please, Mr. Red…”

Red chuckled, his belly rolling in amusement. Was she asking for release? Or begging him to stop? She knew he wouldn’t stop. Slowly, he worked his way up her face, nibbling as he began to ever so gently twirl her clit around.

She started to shake. Her leather covered legs quaked uncontrollably. “No… No! Stop! Red, I can’t… I can’t… Oh fuck!”

He twirled slow, steady, and lightly, biting her lip just like he used to for Silver.

“No! Red! Don’t… NO!” Spoony shrieked, her body thrashing in her restraints as an arc of mare cum shot into the window, splattering the pristine crystal.

Red didn’t react when she came. He didn’t slow down or speed up. He kept the slow steady pace, and nibbled on her lip. Exactly how Silver had liked to cum.

The vibrator fell out of her cunt, slipping onto the floor with a splash as she writhed. Her eyes opened up, and there was a flash of some wild emotion, something more primal than even lust.

Had he made her angry? He chuckled, keeping up his slow and steady approach. She grunted, sobbing as throbbing pleasure wracked her body. He held her, feeling her cum and letting her writhe in ecstasy. She burbled incoherently, and it sounded like a coo. Red’s cock noticed, and hardened.

Spoony relaxed in her restraints, and began to cry. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Red pulled back, turning the little masochist’s face towards him, then pointing at the window. “Diamond will be pissed if she sees that stain on her precious window. Now, I believe I was going to blackmail you?”

Spoony let her head drop, tears falling freely. “Yes, Mr. Red…”

Spoony was nervous. Everything had gone wrong. Mr. Red had called the janitor, getting him to clean up the window, so at least they weren’t going to get killed. Now he wanted her to break more rules. Spoony didn’t break rules.

“Do it, Spoony.”

Then again, he was blackmailing her. She’d already broken one rule. “I… Let me wear a dress.”

Red shook his head. “No, she always was either naked or wore a suit.”

Spoony tried again, “Then a suit.”

Red sighed. “How can I fuck you in a suit? Look, Spoony. If you don’t do this, I am going to tell Diamond about how you greased her beloved window.”

She grumbled. She couldn’t break this rule. Window be damned. “Mr. Red, my chaps do not come off. DT bought them personally for me. They are something like a… promise. They do not come off.”

Red grumbled. “You never take them off? Even when you shower? That’s kind of gross, Spoony.”

Spoony tried being nice. “Look, Mr. Red. I will happily do this for you. Every little bit, I promise I can do it. I just can’t uncover my legs for you. It is not an option.”

Red leaned back, seemingly lost in thought. “Are you scarred or something? I won’t care.”

Spoony blinked. She could work with that. “Yes, something like that. I promise you, it would ruin the mood. You absolutely would not want to have sex with me ever again.”

Red leaned forward, somewhat curious. “Is it gross looking?”

Spoony sighed in relief. She had him. “It’s disgusting. It will give you nightmares.”

He muttered. “Fine… You can wear a dress.”

Silver smiled, feeling like somehow she just had a strange victory. Red smiled awkwardly back. “God, Spoony. You really are just like her. Even that smile is something…”

Spoony’s smile went cold. “I get that about a lot of ponies.”

Red chuckled. “I doubt that. As far as I can tell, Diamond and I are the only ponies you know. I bet, aside from the complete slut thing, that Silver might have liked you. To tell the truth, she might not have cared about that. She was…” Red’s eyes zoned out… “Kind of a goofball…”

Spoony frowned. “She would not have liked me.”

Red sighed. “Well, whatever. She’s gone. Lets do this. I’ll give you a few minutes to change, then I’m coming back in, and you’ll be in character.”

Spoony nodded. “No peeking while I change, Red. I’m still angry at you for making me break any rules at all. I am going to wear leggings, so don’t get any stupid ideas.”

Red rolled his eyes. “Yeah, okay. Three minutes enough?”

“Yes, Mr. Red.”

He smiled. “See you in a few minutes, Silver!”

Silver shuddered as he closed the door. She tried not to think about it. All the emotion drained from her face. Do as your told. Do what Red says. Don’t break the rules. He can’t see your mark. This was just the next task.

Wordlessly, she quickly swapped her chaps with the leggings. Bright purple, they clashed horribly with her coat. She didn’t care. Next was the dress. A long pink thing that DT had bought and then never put her in for some reason. It slipped on easily. Between hitching up the dress, and making sure her leggings fit right, Red would have easy access to her cunt. As he should.

Most importantly, he wouldn’t see her mark. Spoony sat on the bed, mind empty. She muttered to herself. “Don’t think.”

The door creaked, and red head poked nervously in. “Red, is that you?” She smiled, hopefully. Don’t think.

“Silver… I… haven’t seen you in a while. How have you been?” He stepped in, looking nervously around.

She smiled. “I’ve been well, actually! From Prance to the Crystal Empire, it’s been one hell of a trip.”

He slid forward, stepping into the room. “Your place looks different, where did all the pictures go?”

Silver shrugged. Don’t think. “I took down all the magazines. I didn’t need them anymore.”

He paused, seemingly confused. “Oh… Well, I’ve been pretty good. Been doing Diamond’s job basically.”

She smiled. “That sounds hard. She’s a busy mare.”

He laughed. “Not lately. Lately she’s been… Well, let’s not talk about her. You’re looking good. Did you lose some weight?

She laughed sweetly back, almost having fun. “I went on a pretty strict diet and started a, uh, vigorous exercise regimen. I have a health coach and everything. She keeps me… busy.”

He sat down on the bed next to her, and got strangely quiet. “I… missed you, you know.”

Don’t think. “I missed you, too.”

He was quiet for a bit. “I thought we might, work out, you know?”

She grew quieter. Don’t think. “I’m sorry, Red.”

He chuckled. “Heh. It’s okay. I got over it. Mostly. You’re not the first mare to leave me. It’s just that… I still dream about you, you know?”

Red’s arm draped over her. Her heart was beating fast. It was heavy and strong. She always loved when he held her. Silver stuttered as she talked. “Sometimes… Sometimes I do too.”

Red turned her head to him. “What do you dream about?”

She shivered, looking into his brown eyes. “The pizza. Our secret little trysts. The way you hold me… How you’re slow and gentle.”

Red leaned forward, and Silver leaned into him. Their lips pressed into each others, and she closed her eyes. He was warm, soft, and gentle.

Just like he used to be.

She slid into his ear, and climbed up onto his lap. “I miss your little lip bites. I miss our jokes on the elevator. I miss your heart. Where did it go, Red? What happened to your heart?”

He held her, whispering into her ear. “You left…”

Silver couldn’t do this. She’d thought she could, but she’d been wrong. This should be easy. Silver Saddle was gone. She was Silver Spoon; Spoony. Spoony could do anything. All she had to do was the next task.

Don’t think. Do the next task.

Don’t think. “Well, I’m back now. So when are you going to fuck me?”

Red wrapped his arms around her, holding her still before leaning forward on the bed. She was pinned under him. He was huge compared to her. Her breath hitched in her throat. Don’t think.

“How does right now sound?”

She shivered. She was supposed to say something, but the words died on her mouth. Her eyes whet, and she looked at him pleadingly.

Red looked down at her, searching her eyes. He whispered. “It’s okay, Silver… It’s okay.”

Silver smiled sadly, putting her arms around him. He could be so sweet. He didn’t deserve… Don’t think.

Red kissed her again, slow and hot. She fell into the bed, letting him pepper her with hot little kisses. He worked his way across her snout, and gently bit on her lip. She shivered as it sent an arc of electricity down her spine. Oh, how she’d missed this.

Her voice was hot and needy. “Red… Please…”

A gentle, soft hoof trailed under her dress, and she sighed.

He was slow. He was sweet. He was tender.

Silver began to softly moan. Quiet little things, not wild screams or grunts like Diamond made her do. Soothing, soft squeaks in time with Red’s firm hoof.

Red pressed past her lips, twirling his tongue around hers. She moaned into his mouth, letting their wet tongues play. His hoof sped up, still slow, and she backed out of the kiss.

“Red… I need you inside of me…” She begged.

He didn’t answer with his words, he never did at this point. Instead she felt him shift, sliding up and under dress. She shuddered feeling his cock at her entrance, the rock hard tip dipping into her wet flesh.

Silver put her hooves around his shoulders, and stared at him. “Do it…”

Red grunted as he thrust, slowly spreading her wide.

Silver smiled, hungry and happy. It felt good to be full again, and his cock tingled in a now very familiar way. She felt her eyes tear up, but blinked it away. Don’t think. Only do.

He thrust slow and steady, taking his time to really enjoy her. She shivered, feeling his heart beat through her entire body, causing her to shudder in the rhythm. He didn’t growl, he didn’t slap her, or hit her, or even angrily grunt.

Instead he moaned quietly in her ear, and held her tight. Silver wrapped herself around him. She was home. She was back. Her hell was over.

“I love you, Red.”

He pressed deeper into her, whispering into her ear. “I love you, too, Silver.”

She shivered, and felt it happening. Slowly, surely a familiar pressure rose. This was soft, this was gentle. It wasn’t crazy and wild, like how Diamond coerced out of her, or pleasure-less and painful like when she forced it out of herself. “I’m close, Red…”

He shuddered in her arms. “Me, too.”

Silver began to quietly cry. Was this how it was supposed to be? Soft and gentle? Loving? Was this what she could have had? He was so warm, and strong, and she finally felt safe wrapped up in his arms. He surrounded her, and was inside her, and it was right. Silver felt him push deep, and she wrapped every limb she could around him, trying to melt into his body.

This could have been her forever.

She let herself cum naturally, gushing around him as she moaned quietly and softly, even as the tears trailed down her cheeks. She hadn’t forced it. The tears wouldn’t stop, so she pressed herself into his neck, feeling them both shudder. It felt right. It felt peaceful.

He collapsed on top of her, exhausted and spent, and she held him tight, quietly sniffling. She just wanted to lay like this with him. Never stop, never leave. Everything was warm, nothing hurt, and she was safe. Soft tingles ran through her fur, like soothing sparks of static.

Red was breathless, still holding her. “You sounded…. Just like her…”

She didn’t answer, afraid her voice would betray her. Instead she hummed her response, slow and musically. “Mmhm.”

They were quiet, and still. Silver listened to his heart beat through his neck. She felt his breathing. She shivered. She felt the urge to tell him that she felt like a dog, because he just took her to the pound. She quietly laughed at her joke, afraid to tell him.

“Hey, are you crying?” Red pulled back to look at her.

Silver covered her face, hiding her shame. “Don’t… don’t look at me, Red.”

Red’s eyes narrowed in surprised concern. “Did I hurt you?”

Silver shook her head, unable to form a real sentence through her burning guilt. “Happy… happy tears.” She lied.

Red kept watching her, his eyes darkening as he seemed lost in thought. Then his brows furrowed. “I… I never told you about the elevator jokes…”

Spoony stopped crying. She froze, glancing up at him with wide and terrified eyes. Don’t think.

Red’s eyes trailed up and down her body rapidly before he firmly pressed her down into the soft bed. He was so strong, his safe pressure suddenly turned into an iron grip. Spoony struggled weakly. She couldn’t fight him. Don’t think. Just do.

Red was stuttering. “You… It… No…”

Spoony stared blankly at the ceiling, her tears quickly drying. One task and then the next.

Red whispered, his voice almost terrified. “What’s… What’s under your leggings, Spoony?”

She didn’t answer. Don’t think.

Red’s whisper turned into a growl. “Take… them off…”

Spoony lay quiet.

She felt Red’s hoof slip under her dress. Up and over her hips. It hooked under the thin fabric, and began to pull, slowly sliding it down.

She stared quietly at the ceiling, her heart beating calmly. Don’t think.

He pulled the purple fabric out from under the dress, holding the single legging up. She glanced at it, then at him in a monotone voice. She didn’t want to break a rule. Spoony didn’t break rules. “Please, don’t.”

Red’s eyes narrowed, and he slowly lifted her dress.

Diamond was glad that meeting was over. The board members were idiotic, greedy little shits at best, and she was sick of them. She needed a way to really get out of this mess. She hated every waking moment of the real world. All she wanted to do was spend time with Spoony. Maybe watch Red fuck her every once in a while.

Diamond licked her lips. She hoped he still had a round or two left in him. She loved making Spoony squirm, but seeing her covered in cum like the gross bug she was just made everything feel so right in the world.

The elevator door opened, and she stepped into the hall. It was quiet, so maybe they were doing something soft and lovey. Red did that sometimes, even though Spoony didn’t like it. She walked to the viewing room and smiled, seeing Spoony suspended from one of the sex toys, being slowly spun by Red. Spoony was wearing a pink dress, a pretty thing that Diamond had ordered for her and then never had her wear. She had a vacant stare, tears dripping quietly and rapidly down her face, onto the floor.

Diamond smiled. Good, she was crying.

Red was standing next to her, just staring at Spoony in thought and slowly spinning the sex swing around in circles. He seemed to be quietly studying her from every angle. Diamond frowned.

Something was wrong. Some part of her world was in the wrong place. Red was intently focused as he slowly spun Spoony around and around. Diamond tried to find the thing that wasn’t where it was supposed to be, but she couldn’t. Diamond’s gaze drifted around the room, looking for something that was wrong.

Suddenly, she felt Red’s intense stare on her, almost burning her. She snapped her head back to look back at him. “She won’t tell me anything…”

Diamond cocked her head. “What the fuck are you talking about, Red? Never figured out the magic words?” She had wondered if Red would even call Spoony a “vile little insect”, even if he somehow figured it out. She guessed it was more likely he simply forced Spoony to cum, even if he knew what to say. How nice that would have been to watch. She never expected that he’d give up. That wasn’t Red. Red never gave up. Maybe that was what was out of place?

Red turned away from Spoony and slowly walked up to Diamond. He was angry, his skin was flushed underneath his red fur. Diamond huffed. “If you had the balls to do what needed to get done, then this wouldn’t have happened.” He should have just forced Spoony to cum. At least now he was pent up and she could watch an angry and intense fuck session.

She hadn’t seen him angry before, not like this. This was a whole new level of pissed off for Red, and she had no idea why he was so worked up over her stupid little game. She’d been wanting to see what happened when he was finally pushed over the edge. He might yell, or scream. Maybe he’d even hit somepony. This might be fun. Diamond’s grin grew wicked, and her heart raced. She bit her lip, wondering if he’d snap.

Red’s rage went cold as he stared at her, inches from her face. He whispered under his breath, sounding as though he’d had all the authority, all the power in the world. “I’m going to end you.”

With that, he walked coldly past her, straight out of the room.

Diamond was confused, but her heart was racing. She turned and watched his deliciously sculpted flanks disappear down her hall. She blinked. Had she just considered…? She glanced at Spoony, who was sill staring vacantly and crying. Diamond glanced back to where Red had been, still bewildered by what had happened and what she was feeling. “What the fuck is going on, Spoony?”

Spoony didn’t answer, she only stared at the ceiling.

Diamond scowled, suddenly angry. She walked up to her misbehaving little bug. Somepony was going to get a spanking. “Don’t fucking ignore me.”

Spoony’s eyes flicked to Diamond’s, and Diamond put her hoof on Spoony’s leg, running it up and underneath her dress. Her hoof lifted the dress as it went, all the way up her flank. Spoony shivered under Diamond’s harsh touch, and Diamond’s scowl turned into a wicked smile.

She was going to punish Spoony. It was going to be cathartic. Spoony would scream, and Diamond would forget all her worries and confusion. Red was gone, it was just Diamond and Spoony. Diamond licked her lips while she looked down at her hoof, seeing it resting deliciously on Spoony’s cutie mark. A brown saddle.

“Oh… Fuck.”

Red hadn’t been back to the penthouse, and Diamond hadn’t came out. Two weeks had passed. Two furious, hate filled week. He’d been polite to his underlings, but they knew. He’d been firm with the board, even ruthless. They were learning. Ponies understood him now. They stepped out of his goddamned way.

Red’s eyes glanced at the agenda for this evening’s meeting. He hadn’t bothered forwarding any schedules to Diamond, and she hadn’t complained. He had the paperwork processed, and the board in line. He was getting a promotion today.

It wasn’t a gamble, or an unsure thing. No, he’d done what he needed to do. The boxes were checked, and the nooses were tied. Letters had been sent. Bits had exchanged hooves. There would be repercussions for the ponies that didn’t vote his way. He’d even removed one board member that wouldn’t have come around. It had been time for him to retire.

At the ripe old age of 27.

The others understood. He hadn’t just worked their schedules as the head administrative advisor, he’d worked their finances, and greased wheels for them. He knew their parents. He knew their hobbies and their vices. Where they spent their vacations, which ones had fucked a foal, how many kilos of distilled poison joke they went through last year, and where their children went to school.

His intercom buzzed. “Mr. Tape, you have a pony here to see you. He says he has an important missive from the mayor.”

Red checked his schedule, there was a fifteen minute gap. “Send him up. It’s probably about my offer.”

One of the efforts Red had run was an offer to start a rehab program. Something to get ponies off the street. The idea hadn’t been his. It had been… one of his friends… from long ago. He’d decided to use it as a bribe. Fund the project, knowing that 30% of it was going to grift. The mayor was happy, the program was started, and the city would let the company buy that building with much, much less fuss. It helped that it was election season.

Red fumed as he sat. That’s what he did lately. He sat and grew angrier and angrier until he did something to relieve it. Red glared at the intercom. He needed to destroy something.

Red punched the wall, slamming it with his hoof. A hole appeared, his hoof sliding cleanly through. He shook in a rage as he slowly pulled it out, and watched the bits of crumbling wall slide off him. He was an earth pony. He had learned to be careful of his anger when he was young. Unicorns could do magic, pegasi could fly, and earth ponies… He stared at the hole… Well, they could punch holes through industrial grade concrete.

He shouldn’t be punishing the wall. He should be punishing Diamond. She had caused…. This. She had ruined his life, and the life of countless other ponies. That arrogant, psychotic bitch deserved to be punished.

He imagined her face where the hole in the wall was. She was an earth pony, like him. He could probably put her through the wall, and she might not die. He imagined that, slamming her into the wall over and over, watching the stuck up arrogance in her eyes melt into terror, and her beautiful smile turn into a bloody scream.

She deserved that, and worse. He’d not only hurt her, he’d humiliate her. Make her lick somepony else’s feet. Maybe the fucking Janitor. He certainly deserved a little affection. Diamond needed to suffer, and go through what she’d done to Sil… Spoony.

Red put his face in his hooves, and screamed.

The bell dinged, and the door opened. In stepped a large green earth pony stallion. He had a briefcase, but looked alarmed at the hole in the wall, and Red’s ragged expression. At least he hadn’t heard the scream.

The pony shuffled nervously. “I… uhh… Is this a bad time, Mr. Tape?”

Red shrugged, it was always a bad time nowadays. Every waking moment was a bad time. “Not particularly, Mr.. ?”

The pony nervously smiled, holding out a shaky hoof. Maybe he had heard the scream. “Mr. Whinny.”

Red smiled back, shaking his hoof. Mr. Whinny was strong, probably stronger than Red. “I’ve heard that name before. Are you one of the mayors aides? He must trust you a lot. That’s got a lot of potential money in there.”

Mr Whinny ended the hoof shake, and relaxed slightly as he handed the briefcase over. Red had always been good at calming ponies down when he needed to. “I’m sort of an aide, I guess. He was pretty adamant I get the briefcase to you right away, I think he liked what you were selling.”

Red nodded, looking down at it. It probably had all the required forms, and names of ponies he needed to get information to. “Makes sense. Don’t tell anypony, but he’s likely to gain quite a few bits from this deal. It’s gonna help a lot of ponies on the street, too.”

Mr. Whinny continued, sounding more sure of himself while Red inspected the briefcase. “And y…” He stopped, then tried again, probably afraid to offend Red. “So… the Mayor wanted me to deliver that, but my boss needed me to deliver… this.”

Red looked up, and the last thing he saw was the dagger racing towards his head.

Diamond stared at the city, sitting in her chair and watching the lights flicker. Spoony moaned, spreading herself wide like a good little butterfly on the cold, hard marble floor. Diamond’s hoof was slowly rubbing up and down Spoony’s delicate little clit.

Tonight was the first night she’d drank in a few months. This is why Diamond didn’t have friends. They tended to end up dead. She’d let Red have too many freedoms. She’d shared a little too much with him. Then he’d betrayed her. She’d expected it, even planned for it, but it still made her furious when it happened. She’d taken action, quickly and without thinking.

Now he wouldn’t ever do it again. He couldn’t. The situation was not a problem anymore.

Diamond took a deep drought of her drink. She couldn’t taste it. Couldn’t even remember what it was. It didn’t even burn anymore.

Spoony cooed, shaking like a leaf. Diamond smiled. “We don’t need him, Spoony. Do we?”

Spoony didn’t answer, lost in her pretty little orgasm underneath Diamond’s hooves. Drowning in bliss from Diamond’s touch. Graced, even. Diamond’s smile faltered. “He was nice to look at, though… Maybe the next one won’t try to be gentle with you.” She frowned.

Red had always tried to be gentle. Spoony didn’t like that. He wouldn’t be gentle anymore.

“You worship me, don’t you?” Diamond took another sip.

“Yes, DT… I worship you…” Spoony’s answer was breathless.

Diamond hummed. “You’re the only pony I can’t replace, Silver Spoon. Every pony else is nothing.” Red had been nothing. Had been.

Spoony answered, “Yes, DT.”

Diamond took another sip, and closed her eyes as she drifted numbly into a drunken void. Maybe she’d wake up, and everything would be different this time. Maybe she’d get lucky, and she wouldn’t wake up at all.

Spoony laid still on the cold marble. She couldn’t leave. There was no point. DT was passed out, completely drunk. It had taken four of those jugs. Four. DT had drank them like a pony dying in the desert might drink water.

Red was… Don’t think.

Spoony looked out the window. Diamond wouldn’t mind if she had a glass of… something. Anything. Unfortunately, Diamond would be livid if Spoony rolled over, or moved at all from the spot she left her in.

The view really was beautiful. From this high up, the city was silent. All the little ponies shuttling about never looked up, never saw the depravity that had been on full display for months now. Even the pegasi had never looked in to see her shame on full display. Even though it was crowded with a million little ponies, the city really was lonely in a way.

Diamond was snoring.

Spoony decided that she should sleep. Diamond had been far too gentle with her today. The past couple weeks she’d been violent, giving Spoony new cuts, bruises, and probably a scar or two. Like the little one on her throat.

Diamond and Red hadn’t noticed the little scar, but Spoony did. She felt it every time she tilted her head all the way back. Every time somepony nibbled her neck. Every time she took Red’s cock all the way down her throat like the good little slut she was.

Feeling it made her shiver. It was a reminder of when Diamond had killed her. Diamond had taken her whole life away, choked it out of her, and given her a new one. The new one was simple, easy, and filled with pleasure. She was never late for work, since she never left the floor. She was never worried about what her peers thought. She had no peers. She didn’t even have to think.

The hardest part was not pissing on the floor on nights like these. Nights where she couldn’t move, or was chained up, or tied down, or left in a cage, or any of the ways Diamond liked to leave her. The other hard part was not thinking.

Doing was easy. Spoony could do anything. Her mind never really stopped, though. It kept digging, kept trying to remind her that this wasn’t… Don’t think.

He hadn’t deserved this. He hadn’t deserved any of this. Don’t think.

Spoony stared at the city, watching Diamond in her alcoholic coma through the reflection. Diamond floated in the sky, hovering above all the little ponies down below. They had no idea. At her hooves, laid Spoony.

Spoony closed her eyes, silently and secretly wishing that Silver was still alive. That Red was still alive. She’d give anything, and do anything to live in that peaceful little world she’d felt when they’d played pretend house. Minutes passed, and Spoony forgot not to think. She fantasized, crying silently to herself on the cold hard floor, sobbing ever louder as the minutes dragged on. Slowly, she opened her eyes to stare at the city, and hate her reflection again.

There she was, still laying on the floor, tears dripping down her face and her body heaving with sobs as she lay in a pool of her own filth. Above her was Diamond, comatose from the liquor. Above Diamond was a red hoof, pressing down firmly on her shoulder.

Silver blinked, trying to shake off the phantasm, and clear the tears from her eyes. He was gone. Diamond had him killed.

The hoof was still there, and it pressed down on Diamond even harder.

Chapter 6

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Red’s world slowed to a halt as the dagger flew at him. Without thinking, he put the briefcase in between, watching the dagger plant itself inside. The briefcase slammed into him, causing a brief moment of disorientation.

Shit. He did know Whinny. It was a crime family. He was from the mob.

Mr. Whinny slammed into him immediately after the dagger, sending Red violently to the floor and leaving the dagger embedded in the briefcase. Whinny shrugged, his nervous demeanor instantly evaporating. “I meant to do that quick. Not what she ordered, but a contract is a contract.”

Red scrambled across the floor as the giant pony slowly walked over him. He tried to negotiate. “Whatever she’s paying, I’ll double it!”

Whinny laughed. “Why do they always try that? Your little corporate takeover might be about money, but this isn’t about the money for us, Tape. This is about family. We owe Diamond. She saw your little power play, and decided to let you play it while she called in a favor. Simple as that. Game’s over, Red. Diamond wins.” He plucked the dagger from the suitcase as he stepped forward, and then jumped on top of Red.

Red saw him coming down in slow motion, dagger in hoof and pointed right for his head. He was going to die. Diamond had hired a hitpony, a professional killer, and now he was going to die.

The realization made him go cold. He saw his life flash before his eyes, every moment feeling like an eternity. He knew that Diamond had won. Diamond always wins.

If he had any regret, it was Silver. She was going to live out the rest of her life as Diamond’s fucked up little toy. The tears had been real. The whole time, the tears had been real. Her little masochist mantra wasn’t something she did for fun. It was something she did to survive.

Red blinked. He needed to survive.

Don’t think. Only do.

Red slowly, agonizingly slowly, shifted his head to the side as the knife plunged next to him, clipping his ear in the fray. Don’t think. He kicked, hard, nailing the larger pony in the balls. Blood trickled down his face from his nicked ear. Whinny raised the knife, ignoring the intense pain even as he screamed in fury. “Mother bucker!”

Truly a professional. Don’t think.

Red slammed his hoof up, aiming for Whinny’s armpit. The connection hit hard. Whinny’s arm went slack, the knife went flying. Red pulled him down, hugging him tight like he did with Spoony. He squeezed the larger pony, shoving his face into Whinny’s neck like they were lovers.

Only do.

Red bit. Whinny Screamed. Red chewed. Whinny slammed his hooves at Red’s side. Whinny pulled at his hair. Whinny gurgled. Red bit deeper, and harder.

Don’t think.

Red squeezed. Whinny’s howl lessened, and his arms weakened. Red bit even deeper. He tasted iron. There was something rubbery. Red pulled, tearing a thick rubbery organ out of Whinny’s neck.

Whinny collapsed, going limp as blood flowed over Red’s face, spurting out in bright red gushes, a morbid sprinkler of death.

Red kicked him off, standing on his hooves shakily. He walked slowly, the adrenaline still buzzing in his system even as he clicked on the intercom. “I’m going to need janitor service in my office, and a new suit. I have an important meeting this afternoon that I will not miss.”

He then turned, looked at the corpse, and threw up.

Diamond woke up with a headache. When was the last time she’d had a real hangover? She found herself in bed for some reason. She never used her bed. There was a large jug of water, and a little cup next to her.

Had Spoony moved her? Diamond scowled through the pained headache. Spoony knew better than to fucking touch her while she slept. Where was the little whore?

Diamond blinked, trying to make sense of the spinning world around her. Her arms felt strangely heavy, so she struggled to pick up the cup. Carefully, she sipped the water.

Shit, she was still drunk. How much had she had last night? After draining the cup she fell dizzily back into the bed. She couldn’t even sit up straight.

She started to pass out, real sleep claiming her. She lifted her hoof to cover her eyes, and something heavy and hard fell on her face. Groggily she opened her eyes once again. Was that metal? She struggled to get up, but she was so tired. Her head hurt like hell. Diamond let the metal fall on her face again. It was attached to her hoof. The pressure kind of felt nice. It kept the headache at bay, if only slightly.

Diamond passed out again.

Red watched Diamond drink the glass of water, and then pass right out. She hadn’t seemed to notice the cuffs she was in, or Red lurking quietly in the doorway. She might have noticed… Spoony… chained up at the foot of the bed, and expected that to be normal.

He took a drink from one of Diamond’s bottles. No, they were his bottles now.

Spoony had tried to stop him from moving Diamond. She hadn’t known what to do, and had rapidly alternated between too many emotions for him to track. Eventually, she begged him to cuff her somewhere where she could see Diamond, but not be able to free Diamond.

She didn’t trust herself. If Diamond woke up, and ordered Spoony to let her go, she would. She was coherent enough to know that was a bad thing, honest enough to warn him that it would happen, and weak enough to let it happen.

Diamond had warned him about that once. If she had been clever, she’d have lied to him. If she had a stronger backbone, she would have been able to deny Diamond. If she had tried to seduce him by pretending she was all better, he would have bought it. Spoony was everything that Diamond had worried she was back when this all started. Diamond had been right to keep Silver away from the board, all those months ago.

Diamond was right about a lot of things.

He thought about that as he watched her sleep. She was chained up, secured and trapped. He’d taken her company, but she still had private accounts. Money aside, he was still kidnapping her, even if it was her own house. She was dangerous. He should just kill her.

Red coughed, the bitter drink burning his throat. He wasn’t used to drinking. He usually didn’t have the time. Maybe a beer or two at a party, but not this. He wandered back into the viewing room and put the bottle back in the bar. He had needed something to settle his nerves, not get him smashed.

He leaned over the bar, letting the alcohol settle as he thought it through. Diamond hadn’t left her penthouse in months anyways, so nopony would suspect anything. He didn’t have to worry about the outside world. He owned that now, one way or the other. He only had to worry about Diamond, the unconscious bitch cuffed to the bed in her own bedroom. She was literally the only real threat left to him now.

Along with any messes she might have left.

Red straightened his back and rolled his shoulders before checking his watch, then going to Diamond’s phone. He had a few minutes before his first meeting today. He’d triple checked, and Diamond wasn’t going anywhere while he was at work. It was over.

First, he needed to make a phone call. They might try again today. He was safe in the penthouse, and he’d already set the cops straight on the matter, but he wasn’t going to let this sit. The mayor had been horrified that his messenger tried to kill Red, or at least pretended to be, and promised that no charges would be filed. Red was above the law now. There would be no investigation into the death of Mr. Whinny. It was a suicide.

The phone rang several times and eventually a tired, angry voice picked up.

“Who the hell is this? You better have a goddamned good reason to wake me up before the sun rises.”

“Good morning, Mr. Giara. This is Mr. Red Tape. I have news regarding one of your contracts.”

The phone was silent for a moment as Mr. Giara processed what he said. “Pissing me off by waking me up isn’t going to take the bounty off your head, Mr. Tape.”

Red laughed. “I presumed as much. Which is why I was calling to let you know that the game has changed. I won. I own the board. I own the mayor. I own the police, and now I own Diamond Tiara.”

The voice was low. “You’re bluffing. I don’t know how you figured out we got your name, but you’re already a dead stallion.”

Red smiled. “Mr. Whinny is dead, Giara. His trachea had an unfortunate run in with my teeth.”

Another pause. “I see.”

“Yesterday during lunch, your pony arrived. In the afternoon, the board approved me. That evening, I arranged for there to be no investigation into the disappearance of Mr. Whinny. The police will never ask why a hitpony was in my office, nor what he was doing. Last night, I got to Diamond herself. She’s mine now, along with any contracts she may have had. I am canceling this one. If you were not paid in advance, any further payments would have to come from me.”

The voice on the other end sighed. “What now?”

“I’m a business pony, Mr. Giara. I have no interest in vendettas, especially since I’ve already won. I’m willing to forgive the attempt on my life, and even pay out any remaining balance on it, if you are willing to forget the loss of Mr. Whinny. It was regrettable, but he left me with no choice. Unfortunately, that was not a wise decision on his part.”

The voice hummed. “Fine. We’ll hold off for now. If your story checks out, consider the contract closed. If you really do own Diamond, she’ll know how to pay out the account.”

“Excellent, Mr. Giara. I have to go to work for the day, but I’m sure we’ll have a flourishing business partnership in the future. Have a good day.”

The voice grumbled under its breath. “Yeah. Pleasure to do business with you, Red.”

Red paused. “It’s Mr. Tape.” Then he hung up. Hopefully Giara understood the situation. Just in case, he wouldn’t be seeing any visitors today, and would stick to the upper levels. Red was going to allow some time for the news to spread. He also didn’t need to go back to his apartment. He had a penthouse now, after all.

He checked his watch again. He’d be busy today, but was planning on taking a little holiday starting tomorrow.

Something of a sabbatical.

Spoony watched Diamond wake up again. They were both cuffed. Diamond in silver coated chains, and Spoony in some comfortable leather cuffs chained to the foot of the bed. Neither could touch the other, but they both had some degree of freedom to move.

She shuddered. This was wrong. She should have fought Red. She should have ran, or used the phone, or… no. She did the right thing.

Silver relaxed, relieved. Red was fine. He’d survived somehow, and now Diamond was chained up just like her. The bitch deserved it. They both did for what they did to Red.

Spoony shook her head, her body tightening. Diamond had to be freed. Diamond couldn’t be trapped. Diamond always won, and always got what she wanted. Spoony looked around the room, desperate to find a way to escape. She struggled, pulling on her cuffs.

“What the fuck are you doing, and why the fuck am I chained up, Spoony?”

Spoony froze, her terror rising. Diamond was going to be pissed. “Umm… Well…”

“Don’t fucking stutter.”

Silver sucked in a breath. Diamond couldn’t hurt her. “Red came back…” She turned to look, watching Diamond’s face carefully.

Diamond furrowed her brow in confusion. “I had him killed.”

Silver smiled, happy to disappoint Diamond. “Not killed enough, DT.”

Slowly, Diamond smiled back, and suddenly Silver wasn’t so sure of the situation.

Diamond started to laugh, seemingly gleefully. “HA! It finally happened! That fucker finally grew a real spine!”

Spoony was nervous. She didn’t like when things didn’t make sense. She decided not to worry about it. Don’t think.

She relaxed, an easy smile on her face.

Diamond laid back in bed, letting the laughter run out. “Fuck. I am so hungover… Pour me another glass of water, Spoony.”

Spoony panicked. Don’t think. Only do. She was still bound. She shivered. “I’m… Tied up, too. DT…”

Diamond growled. “You? His little lovebird? I didn’t expect that to happen.”

Spoony mumbled, “I don’t think I’m his little love bird, DT. He was… very angry.”

Diamond sighed. “No shit. I hired a fucking assassin to kill him. Of course he was angry.”

“Not last night, DT. He was calm last night. Almost sweet. He was angry when he found out about me. He tried to get me to talk. I didn’t want to talk. He asked me so many questions, and I couldn’t answer him. I just… didn’t.” She shivered, feeling cold down her spine. “I’ve never seen him so angry…”

“Fuck, I so don’t care. I’ll do it myself.” Diamond sat up, and groggily poured herself another cup before sucking it down.

Silver slowly started to smile. Everypony was going to get what they deserved. She and Diamond were fucked. Red was impossibly angry, and he had done something that Silver could never have managed in his fury. He was going to make everything right. That’s what he did. “He.. he… ha!” Silver’s laugh rose high, then low as her body shook. It was over. Everything was over. Red was going to end it.

Diamond glared at her. “I have a headache, Spoony. Shut up.”

Spoony meekly shut her mouth, feeling lost and afraid. At least Diamond was with her.

Diamond closed her eyes, holding her nose for a moment. “Headache’s not going away. Asshole didn’t leave any booze to help… Where is my window? Is this my fucking bedroom? Have I ever even slept in this fucking room?” She glared across the room angrily. “Fucker could have left me something…”

Spoony frowned. “He… he left you me…”

Diamond looked over, suddenly smiling. “He did, didn’t he? How… considerate. He even chained you up for me…” Diamond whistled in appreciation as her smile turned devious. “What a gentlepony.”

Spoony smiled, feeling relieved. Diamond liked seeing her chained up. It reminded her that Spoony would never leave her again.

Diamond sounded full of cheer, almost ecstatic. “Give me something pretty to look at, Spoony. Put those hooves to use.”

Spoony relaxed as the world settled back into place. She stopped thinking as she shifted, showing herself to Diamond. Spreading herself for Diamond. Spoony could do anything. All she had to do was not think. Just accomplish the next task.

Diamond had drained the jug of water hours ago. She smiled, watching Spoony. The mare was wriggling at the foot of the bed, dry but still cumming. She always kept Spoony very well lubricated, but Red hadn’t thought of that. Spoony had ran out of juice about when Diamond had drained the jug.

Diamond still made her cum, even without the waterworks. Sure, every orgasm was incredibly painful for her by this point, but Spoony liked that.

The little masochist had never really changed. She was still exactly the same as when they were kids. Licking her lips hungrily, Diamond growled. “Again…”

She wasn’t even counting. All she had right now was Spoony, and all Spoony had was her. Even though they couldn’t touch, this was easily one of the most intimate little play sessions they’d had in weeks. There were no toys, no grand views, no drinks, and no distractions. Diamond could watch her like this forever.

Spoony grunted in pain as she went back to molesting herself with her hooves. “Muhh…” Her eyes were heavy with tears.

Diamond watched Spoony’s little hoof expertly play with herself. She had been so clumsy when she started, only used to using magic. The little mare wasn’t clumsy anymore. She knew exactly how to touch herself to get off. Months ago, this much abuse would have left Spoony’s little cunny bloodied and blistered. Diamond had fixed that. Now she was a tough little earth pony, her cunt especially well fortified.

Somepony was watching Diamond now, but Diamond payed it no heed. She didn’t want to miss Spoony’s next orgasm. The stare grew more intense. God damn it, she couldn’t ignore that. It physically hurt. Angrily, she turned to Red. “What the fuck do you want?”

He was wearing a very nice suit, but it looked a little unkempt. He’d been busy. Diamond glanced it over. It was a brand new suit, as well. His eyes were cold, but his posture was relaxed.

“Where’s the information for Giara’s account? You owe him money for the contract on my head.”

“What for? Clearly he didn’t do it. Never trust the mob.” She’d already known that.

“No, he executed the contract. Then I executed his contract killer. Now I’d like to execute his payment.”

Diamond sighed. “It’s your problem now. If you think he deserves it, then pay him. The account information is in a little red book I keep by the bar. It looks like a recipe book for cocktails.” She laughed. “Like I’d drink a weak ass cocktail…”

Red turned to leave, but Diamond had more to say.

“I wouldn’t though. Even in your shoes. He failed to execute the contract all the way. Only pay a portion through the account. Doesn’t matter if it’s 99%. Don’t fucking pay it in full. If you want to give him money another way, donate money to the dead guy’s family. They love that family shit, and it would send a message. Don’t fuck with you, but you respect them. It’s not about the money with these guys, and you don’t owe them shit. That will go way further than whatever dumb thing you were thinking.”

Red left, and Diamond went back to watching Spoony Squirm.

Diamond had another thought as he was leaving. “Also, Spoony needs water you dumb fuck. Lots of it.”

Red looked over his shoulder, suddenly looking slightly empathetic.

Diamond clarified, so he didn’t get the wrong impression. “Her pussy dried out hours ago, and I wanna see her squirt.”

Red didn’t know what to do. Diamond’s advice had been… helpful and accurate. It just kept coming. Every time he came into the room, she had a little tidbit for him. A little secret or tool she had stashed away somewhere. A little bit of blackmail he didn’t know, or an account that shouldn’t exist. She wasn’t acting like he’d anticipated. Sure, there was significanty more cursing than normal, but he’d imagined she’d be furious with him. Beg him, struggle, try to negotiate, or maybe even try to kill him again.

Not happily go along with it. She seemed eager to unload anything she could onto him; anything and everything except for Spoony.

His stomach churned every time he saw Spoony. He hated looking at her, and it only made him angrier. He had some time off to figure this out. He’d used the attempt on his life as an excuse, and truth be told he’d been planning this time off all week. His replacements were trained. He had his own Red Tape now, just like Diamond had him.

Ginger Posy didn’t come off as a bureaucrat at first, but damn if she couldn’t give a speech and hold the room. He had her doing the meetings as the new “Executive Policy Director”. He’d made the position up, but it saved him hours. Ginger went to the meetings, and sent him reviews in the evening through the PTS. He made comments, returned them, and she executed them. Just half an hours work with one well trained pony to free up six or more hours a day.

The lift operator was Slow Steam. Ponies thought he was simple. He was not. He talked slow, but had a perfect memory for numbers. He didn’t have to check the books at all, he knew everypony’s confirmation code by heart. Best of all, he loved his new work. Day in, day out, of giving friendly greetings, reciting numbers, and filling in logs. Red had made sure that he was paid very well. A pony with that kind of access could be dangerous if he got dissatisfied with his place in the world.

There were others, each one perfect for their new role. Each one excited and eager to excel in their new position. Each one a buzzing, happy little bee. It hadn’t been one pony, but together they could do it. He could take his sabbatical in confidence.

On paper he was the CEO, but he still wasn’t sure what he really was now. Diamond still acted like the queen of their little hive. She always talked about insects, and he was starting to see why. It wasn’t out of cruelty, at least not entirely. Insects were efficient. They did what they had to do. He’d learned that from Spoony.

Don’t think. Only do. Her little masochistic mantra that she’d chant whenever things got too intense. Somehow, it gave her power. It was likely she’d learned it from Diamond. He was starting to realize just how much Diamond lived in the moment. Oh, she had plans. She had deep, convoluted, and twisted plans; but her mind wasn’t like everypony else. She just did what she had to do.

Red blinked. Diamond spent all day watching the city. The city that he’d heard her lovingly refer to as a hive. She called Spoony her little butterfly, or her little bug, and could stare happily at her for hours. She’d spent her adult life building this company of ponies that she called “ants” and “bees”. Diamond didn’t hate the insects around her. She admired them; openly.

The epiphany came and went, simple as it could be and possibly the most blatantly obvious thing about her. He was probably the only pony in the world to realize it.

She wished she was one.

Diamond felt Red’s gaze on her, causing her to shift uncomfortably. He was doing it again. Just standing there, and watching. At least he’d been useful. Spoony was back to being well hydrated.

“What are you going to waste my time with now, Red?”

He took a step into the room, his eyes drifting to Spoony and giving Diamond a few moments of relief. Then they drifted back, hot and tingling. She could feel the hate in his gaze, and it burned.

“I think… It’s time to make some changes, Diamond.”

“That’s all you’ve been doing, Red. Just… making pointless changes. Nothing important has changed.” She went back to watching Spoony.

“Maybe not in your twisted mind… but from my point of view, everything looks different now.”

Diamond shrugged. “You having a little bit of system shock from actually winning something isn’t important in the grand scheme of things, Red. All the little ponies go about their business. The hive moves and breathes. They’re all bugs, Red. They were yesterday, they are today, and they will be tomorrow.”

Red was burning her again, this time his gaze drifted up and down her body. She tried to ignore it, and it felt like minutes before he said something. “Diamond, you once told me that you never let Spoony touch you. You even mentioned that it had been a long time for you. Have you ever even actually had sex?”

She froze, then turned to look at him. She wasn’t sure what to think about the question. “No. Am I about to?”

Red blinked and stared quietly at her, while even Spoony paused her self molestation. Diamond looked down at her body. She was gorgeous, as always. She’d never even considered actually fucking somepony. She’d teased, knowing stallions wanted her. She’d teased mares that wanted her—only ever for a goal. Never with any intention.

Diamond put her hoof on her pussy out of curiosity. Nothing. No tingle, it was just another part of her body. Just a loose flap of skin under her tail. She wasn’t even wet.

“I don’t think it will work, Red.”

“We won’t know till we try.”

Diamond looked at Spoony, then at Red. His cock was hardening, like it did before he fucked Spoony. She huffed, feeling unsure. Spoony was watching his cock, she looked hungry. She always liked swallowing a big cock. Diamond licked her lips, Red forgotten as she focused back on Spoony’s lithe body.

Red sounded curious when he spoke. “I see... Maybe you’re right.”

Diamond huffed again. Of course she was right. She was always right. Red should know that by now. “Don’t waste my time, Red.”

Red walked over to Spoony, entering Diamond’s field of view. Diamond smiled. It had been weeks since she’d seen Red fuck Spoony, and Spoony was too weak to do anything but squirm under him. This might be a fun show.

When Red leaned down, she’d expected him to grab Spoony. What she hadn’t expected was for him to unlock her, pick her up, and literally carry her out of the room. Diamond had been right about one thing. Spoony was too tired to protest.

“Red, What the fuck are you doing?”

“I don’t think any of this is healthy, Diamond.”

Diamond blinked, looking at the spot Spoony had been. She could still smell her. Diamond leaned as far forward as she could, trying her hardest to get a whiff of the spot that Spoony had been chained in. Falling forward, she managed to land her head in a wet spot. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, pretending Spoony was still there.

God, she hoped Red was fucking Spoony right now. She could imagine it. His big, throbbing brown dick just sliding in and out of Spoony’s little cunt, her moans and screams. Diamond smiled, licking her lips as she happily drowned in Spoony’s musk.

She felt Red again, staring at her. Angrily, Diamond opened her eyes. “Why aren’t you fucking her, Red?”

He sighed. “She needs a break. She needs some time to… relax.”

Diamond’s eyes hardened. He was doing it wrong again. Deviating. Stepping out of line. “She does not. Spoony hates relaxing.”

Red had a look of disgust on his face. “What the hell is going on with you Diamond? You’ve always been weird, but it was an aloof, impeccable kind of weird. Instead, you’re acting like a drug addict.”

Diamond ignored him, closing her eyes.

“Hell, you let me take over your company, and then gave me the keys to your kingdom. I just can’t figure out why. All day long you just watch her. You’ve spent months with her, and only her. You’re not even fucking her, Diamond. You just… watch. You don’t even let her speak her mind.”

Diamond breathed deep, trying to ignore his stupidity. How could he have not figured this out? Red got on her nerves sometimes, but his gaze could actually hurt. She felt his eyes on her head, boring into her painfully.

“It’s like you’ve had a psychotic break. Something snapped, and then you kidnapped Silver and went off the deep end.”

Diamond corrected him. “No, I kidnapped Silver to piss you off. Then I snapped. I took your shitty little girlfriend from you, but I found Spoony.”

Red crouched in front of her, eyeing her curiously. “Is that what happened, then?”

“I was just going to humiliate her. Just going to make her quit, or I dunno, piss you off somehow. Instead I got drunk, and forgot I was acting.” How did he not know this? It was all so obvious. Fuck it. She’d just tell him.

Red’s eyes hardened. “Not a surprise, but go on.”

Diamond rolled her eyes. She wouldn’t get back to being alone with Spoony until she finished the story. “When I was drunk, I found Spoony. She was inside your girlfriend, whats her name. The fat one. I hadn’t even realized it until I saw her cry….” Diamond’s gaze went slack.

“What are you talking about, Diamond?”

She refocused, angry that he needed more explanation. “Spoony was inside. I got her out, now I can be with her. It’s that simple. Now I’d like to go back to making her happy. Spoony really does not like spending time alone. I’d prefer it was me, but you’ll do. She likes being hurt. Go to her. Hurt her.”

Red scowled. “You’re nuts, Diamond.”

She shouted, trying to make him understand. “Mommy said I could have her when I grew up! I’m a grown up now. Mommy sent her back to me, now that I’m old enough.” Diamond felt a cold rage that she hadn’t in years. “Mommy owes me that since I sent her to go be with Spoony…”

“I’m not a court, Diamond. The insanity plea wont work on me.”

Diamond ignored him.”I don’t care what you think, Red. She’s back, and she’s mine.”

Red stood up, and slowly backed out of the room.

Silver sat in the bath tub. She’d drained the water slightly, the high level made her nervous. She didn’t think Spoony was suicidal, but Silver did not want to take the chance. It was nice to relax. The heat soothed her muscles, rejuvenating her a little even though was exhausted and drained. Before Red had rescued her, Spoony had spent all morning just masturbating for DT.

Not the worst morning that Silver had been through, but tiring nonetheless and she was glad for the bath.

When Red had came for her, Spoony had wanted to fight him, but was just too tired. Silver was happy to go. She’d thanked him, and asked for a bath—which she’d been soaking in for a while now. She didn’t know what to think. Everything was still confusing, and sometimes she forgot who and what she was.

Red knocked, and Silver’s answer was quick. “Come in… “

He walked into the bathroom, seemingly unsure of himself. “Hello… Spoony. How are you feeling?”

She smiled, leaning back into the bathtub and letting the bubbles soak into her skin. “I’m feeling…wet.” She deadpanned. He didn’t laugh. “Maybe a little more like Silver right now, Red. Can you… call me by my real name?”

“Silver Saddle?”

She frowned. That didn’t feel right. Silver Saddle was gone. “Sorry, Red. No dice.”

He sighed. “Diamond’s gone completely nuts. Any idea what’s going on with her?”

Silver’s laugh was almost musical. “You mean besides the fact that you stole her company, came back from the dead, chained her up, and now have taken away the only thing she actually loves?”

Red frowned. “I did what I had to, Spo… Silver.”

Silver shuddered. “Yes, you did. Thank you.” She smiled, honestly. “Spoony won’t be so happy about it, but she’s easy to distract. Just give her a little nibble and tell her to be a good girl. That will get her a different kind of wet, and she’ll forget whatever the hell was pissing her off. Or hell, she just wont think at all.”

“But you’re… happy about it?”

“I wouldn’t say happy, Red. She took away my horn. She took away my life. She took you away from me, my job, my friends… Even my identity. I was a nice pony, Red. But now…” Silver dipped lower into the bath, wondering what she even was anymore. It was scary to say it, but it was true. All the way down to her bones. “Now I want to see her suffer.”

Red lowered his head. She thought she saw tears. Silver’s heart fluttered. Was he crying for her? Ponies didn’t cry for her anymore. “Shh…. Red… Don’t cry. It’s fine… “

He looked up, eyes wet, but not quite dripping. “I killed someone, Silver. I could have held his throat till he passed out, but I was angry. I was so angry, Silver. If I had to, I’d do it again. It… It wasn’t for you. Not exactly. I’d written you off.”

She nodded, completely understanding. “I wrote you off too, Red.”

“I wanted revenge. For what she did to you. What she did to me. I was just… I don’t know.” He turned his head.

Silver smiled. “Then get revenge. I want it, too. I feel like she killed me, Red. Like I’m a ghost. Any minute, Spoony will come back and I’ll be dead again, just a memory. It’s terrifying.”

They sat in silence. Silver looked Red over, noting how tense he looked. She might be able to help him with something, at least. Her smile was soft when she told him, “Just so you know, Red, you do have my permission to have sex with Spoony. Me too, of course. Spoony would fuck anything Diamond told her to, and I’d always happily have you.”

Red snorted. “I’m not… really in the mood, Silver.”

She groaned. “I’m always in the mood. It’s awful. Whatever Diamond’s been doing to me, I’m unbearably horny every single second. I wasn’t even trying to think about sex, but then I saw your big, strong body and long legs… then I just remembered how tight you hold me, and how safe I feel. From there, what can I say? It made me wanna rock your cock.” Silver winked.

Red wasn’t even looking at her.

She didn’t mind that he ignored her, but her eyes kept drifting over him and imagining the possibilities. Maybe he wouldn’t be gentle this time. Maybe it would hurt. Maybe it would hurt good… Spoony shivered in the bath.

Mr. Red looked lonely. Spoony had rules. Do what Mr. Red wanted. Cum for him. She lowered her hoof into the bath, and started to grind herself against it.

Red glanced up, looking suddenly very sad. Spoony didn’t care why he was sad, she was all ready for him. “Have fun, Spoony…” He got up, and walked towards the door.

“Will do, Mr. Red…” Don’t think, just do. Spoony lifted her pelvis out of the water, and then grabbed the shower head. She turned the shower head to vibrate, and lined up her clit, smiling.

At least Red gave nice orders.

Red went over the newspaper clippings once more. He’d been doing research, and it was adding up. The most important bit he’d found was that “Spoony” was a pony named “Silver Spoon”. Apparently, She’d been best friends with Diamond till their second to last year of School. Then Silver Spoon had committed suicide by jumping off a bridge.

There was more to the story, he was sure, but it wasn’t in the paper. Immediately after Silver Spoon’s suicide, Diamond’s mother had killed herself as well. Alcohol poisoning, it looked like. That year had to have been traumatizing for Diamond.

That had been the year Diamond’s corporate rampage had started. More to the point, one of her first victims had been her father’s company. Had she blamed him for everything that happened? Before then, she’d been keeping her identity secret under a series of shell companies. After that, it was newspaper clipping over newspaper clipping of Diamond Tiara’s success.

He couldn’t find anything on her father. Was he dead now as well? Had he retired? Did she ever talk with him?

Red dropped his face onto the desk, shoving all the papers off in the same motion. What was he doing? He’d wasted time on this. He’d tasked some intern with getting every newspaper bit about Diamond Tiara’s past that they could find, and this had been it.

This wouldn’t help him. This wouldn’t hurt… or help… her. He wasn’t even sure what he wanted to do with her. She seemed coherent when you’d talk to her, but the only thing she thought about was “Spoony”. Everything else just slipped from her mind as soon as she had a moment to think.

He’d separated them, and while Diamond had suffered, it had done wonders for Silver. He’d managed to have a few small, real conversations with her. She was just as pissed as he was. She wanted Diamond to suffer. He didn’t think he could love Silver, not again, but maybe they could be be together. She needed somepony to keep an eye on her, and she still liked him. She’d even cracked a few jokes. Really bad ones, that weren’t funny, but she was trying.

It was Spoony that he didn’t know what to do with. She needed to go. Silver hadn’t said as much, but Red knew that Silver could never be okay if Spoony was still in there.

Red picked up his head, and slammed it into the desk. Why was he worrying about these two? He’d won. Diamond was his, regardless of how bat shit insane she was. Spoony, or Silver, or whoever the fuck she was would be his, too. She had nowhere else to go anymore, and probably didn’t want to even leave. Hell, she wanted to fuck him. Both of her.

Who fucking cared how they felt about it? Feelings and fairness was not how the world worked. Shit happened, and you overcame it or were overcome. They had been overcome. Silver was ruined by Diamond, and he had taken Diamond.

Red felt a rush of adrenaline. All that teasing, all that fucking around and messing with him, and he had her tied up two rooms over. Red thought back to when she’d flashed him on the stairs. She’d just done it to fuck with him, but the memory of seeing her perfect pussy had come back every now and then.

He’d been loathe to admit it to himself, but once or twice with Spoony, he’d pretended it was Diamond. She was just always so prim, proper, and in control. Even when she had been “letting him use the penthouse” she’d kept up her regal poise. Perfect posture, articulate pronunciation, and an overly calm demeanor.

Now she was a blathering mad pony burying her face in some blankets. Fuck it. Silver, or Spoony, or whoever the hell she was would be asleep for a while longer. She was passed out on the pet bed he’d found with Spoony’s name on it, lightly restrained in case she woke up and Spoony tried to go to Diamond. She was exhausted, and would probably keep sleeping for a few hours. Probably until he went and woke her up. It was time to ruin his Diamond.

Chapter 7

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Diamond Tiara woke up with a start, covered in sweat and tears. She’d been having another nightmare. That asshole had kept Spoony away from her all day, and without the mare’s soothing presence or the numbing booze, she couldn’t sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, her brain started to think.

That’s why she had the company. She shouldn’t have let Red take it. The company occupied most of her brain while she was awake, keeping her from thinking about anything else. The booze had done the trick as soon as she finished her workday. Then Spoony showed up, and that was all she could think about.

In her haze, she’d figured Red could have her company if he could survive, as long as she had Spoony. She didn’t need it to soothe her anymore, it was more of a distraction than she’d wanted. Just more wasted time, pulling her away from the only thing that mattered—Spoony. It hadn’t occurred to her addled mind that he’d take the company away, and then fucking take Spoony. Spoony was hers, forever. She was Diamond fucking Tiara, and nothing and nopony would take Spoony away from her again.

Diamond sat, stewing in rage and cuffed to the bed. She looked at the locks. If she could get a hairpin, she could work her way out. It had been a few years, but she still remembered how.

She didn’t have any hairpins. Spoony didn’t either. Diamond looked for her vanity, where her hairpins were. She could use one to pick the lock and rescue Spoony. She’d do it right this time. She wouldn’t lose the pin. She could hold hooves steady now. She was stronger now. She was an adult, all grown up. No one and nothing could stop her, now. Not even Mommy.

Diamond collapsed back in the bed. This wasn’t her room, the vanity wasn’t here. That was in Ponyville. This was her penthouse. Her fortress. Spoony was safe. Diamond could rest. She took a deep breath, letting it come out slowly. After a few more, she closed her eyes, and then opened them in frustration. He was watching her again.

“Red… I’m trying to sleep.”

“You’re not having much success, are you, Diamond?”

She looked at him, her eyes tired. “Just bring me a bottle of… anything. I’ll sleep then. Or Spoony. She’d be the best.”

His eyes darkened. “I’m not letting you abuse her tonight, Diamond. She’s resting. She needs it.”

She lied, sweetly. “I won’t make her do anything, I just want something to… cuddle. I’ll let her sleep.”

He contemplated her request for a moment, then answered slowly. “I think I’ll help you with that.”

Diamond smiled, closing her eyes and relaxing into the bed. Spoony would be back soon. “Thank you, Red.”

He didn’t answer. Instead she felt his gaze grow more intense, dancing up and down her body. Was he looking at her crotch? She shifted her tail to cover herself better. He stepped closer.

“Red, why aren’t you going to get her? I’m waiting.” Her patience was wearing thin.

“I’m not getting Spoony, Diamond. She needs to rest.”

Diamond’s eyes shot open, watching incredulously as he climbed up into the bed next to her. “You wouldn’t.”

Red chuckled, his laughter strangely cruel. It sent a chill down Diamond’s spine. “I am.”

Diamond glared down his body, and saw his raging hard cock. She let out a frustrated sigh, leaning backwards in the bed. “Whatever.” She spread her legs, and uncovered her pussy for him.

She’d never done this before, but it couldn’t be hard. After all, Spoony had done it every goddamned day since they were twelve, and Spoony was nothing. She was an insect who couldn’t handle things. The only way she could function was with Diamond’s help. Diamond was stronger, impossibly stronger, so she could handle this.

“When you’re done ejaculating your filth onto or into me, can you at least bring me some booze? I really need a drink, as you are about to find out.”

Diamond was dry as fucking desert. Would that make this hurt? Did she care? Pain never really bothered her, unless it got in her way.


Red was posed over her now, and she glared angrily at him. “No? Who the fuck do you think you are, Red?”

He lowered himself slowly, pressing his snout to hers. “I think that I’m your fucking owner now, Diamond.”

Red took his hoof, and touched the side of her head, grabbing her softly by the hair.

Diamond’s rage came back. Nopony ever touched her without her permission. She’d expected him to fuck her and get this over with, not grab her fucking head. She lifted a hoof, and slammed it into the side of his head, sending him tumbling off the bed.

“Don’t touch me, Red. I don’t care if you fuck me, but don’t goddamned touch me.”

She laid back in bed, waiting to see if he got the message. Slowly, Red got to his hooves. She stared at him, still pissed off. He was bleeding from a little cut on the side of his head where she’d struck him. Diamond also noticed that his ear was nicked, with a little chunk missing. The wound looked a few days old. She wondered who he had pissed off.

“You want angry? Diamond? I can do angry.” Red walked around the bed, and started pulling on the chains, forcing Diamond’s hooves out and flat onto the bed as he attached them at higher links.”

She didn’t squirm or writhe, but she did make him work for it. Diamond calmly pulled on each of the chains when he notched them, testing her strength against his. They were both earth ponies, but he was bigger. Quickly she found herself out matched each time, then found herself strapped tight into the bed in a spread eagle position. She’d done this to Spoony hundreds of times, in the viewing room. Then she’d pulled out the toys.

Diamond closed her eyes, and smiled, remembering Spoony spread eagle with a vibrator tied to her clit. Oh how she had screamed. Diamond loved when Spoony screamed. It reminded her of home.

Suddenly, she felt Red’s stupid gaze on her, and she opened her eyes to glare hatefully at him as he once again stood over her. He’d interrupted her, like he always did nowadays. She should have hired a better hitpony. She could afford one.

“Lets try this again, Diamond.”

She watched him lower his body, and felt him settle his weight on hers. Diamond took deep, angry breaths. “Don’t… fucking… touch me.”

Red didn’t answer, instead taking his hoof and softly grabbing her chin. “You’re mine. I can do what I want with you.”

Diamond saw red, the fire rushing through her veins as her adrenaline pumped. This insect had his hoof on her chin. She quivered in unadulterated rage, but made no move. She understood that she was chained. Diamond pressed her mouth tightly together to hold in her scream of rage. She was stronger. She wouldn’t scream. She wouldn’t struggle.

She’d show him how much better she was.

Red watched her, slowly moving his hoof up and down her cheek, only touching her softly. He spoke low. “Does this make you angry, Diamond?”

She opened her mouth, feeling her eyes water in rage. “Fuck You…”

He smiled. “Good.”

His hoof trailed up her cheek, to her ear, and then down again. Diamond fought back the urge to snap at him. She might not be stronger than him physically, but she was stronger in her resolve. She wouldn’t struggle. She’d show him how strong she was.

Red slowly moved his hoof down her neck, and then back up. “You have a beautiful body, Diamond. It’s a shame you never shared it with anyone.”

“No one comes close to me…”

“Not even Spoony?”

Diamond’s answer was quick, her voice certainly didn’t tremble as his hoof gently massaged her throat. “Especially not Spoony.”

“I see. Then what about me?” Red leaned in close, his hot breath washing over her face.

“You?” She forced a laugh. “I chose to indulge you, Red. Nothing more. Clearly it was a mistake.”

His hoof went to her mouth. “What makes you so much better than us, Diamond? Why do you think we aren’t worth your time?”

She frowned. The peon didn’t even understand. He still didn’t even understand what was happening. Had she fucked up? “My will, Red. My drive. I’ll do anything and everything to get things done. Nothing, and nopony can stop me, because I do what I have to. No matter who or what is in my way.”

He still didn’t know what she meant. Her mind flickered to another killer she knew. A rogue changeling who liked bits more than emotions. Red wouldn’t see him coming.

Red smiled back, his face inches from her. “So do I, Diamond.”

Slowly, he pressed her mouth open with his hoof. She didn’t fight it. Red wouldn’t make her squirm like some lowly bug. Then he leaned forward, and his lips touched hers.

Diamond blinked. She bel… No, Spoony belonged to her. Spoony was the only pony she kissed. This wasn’t a kiss. It couldn’t be.

His tongue slid past her lips, and he moaned into her.

Diamond gently tried to close her mouth, to turn away. It wasn’t struggling. He was just… too strong. She’d already known that. She’d seen his strength when he’d pinned down Spoony. Now he was pinning her down.

His hoof held her still as he invaded her body. His tongue was hot, strangely too big and slow to be in her mouth. What was he doing? This wasn’t a kiss. Kisses had little, hot and quivering tongues that danced in her mouth. Kisses were from Spoony.

They didn’t have this big, slow wet thing that slid across her tongue like it owned her. They weren’t wet, and slimy. Spit didn’t roll into her mouth, coating it in a cold, alien slickness. Red moaned again, and Diamond’s wide eyes looked at him.

His eyes were closed, his brow was furrowed, and his mouth was on hers. She could feel him breathe, inside her and around her. She smelled Red for the first time, and realized his breath was all she could smell. Tears welled up in her eyes. She was stronger than him.

His tongue on hers said otherwise. Diamond shuddered, the anger burning strangely, almost pleasantly through her body. He took his hoof off her mouth, and she felt his lips press tighter onto her. They were hot, and soft as they surrounded her.

She drew in a breath, feeling it come from his lungs into hers. Diamond shuddered again. She closed her eyes, no longer wanting to look at his concentrating face, his furrowed brow, his short brown mane cascading across his snout, or his firm jaw line. She saw him, kissing her in her mind.

He was kissing her. Taking from her. The thought occupied her mind for a brief moment, disgusting her and consuming her. It was all she could think about.

Diamond let out a breath, and realized it went into him. He’d simply breathed her in. She let out another breath, hot and slow, and a quiet noise rumbled from her throat.

Red slowly pulled back, and Diamond’s mouth felt cold. He was out of her, and it was slimy now. It felt empty. She ran her tongue breathlessly across her teeth, feeling how everything in there had changed. Feeling what Red had done to her when he…

Kissed her.

Red planed a small, tender kiss on her lip, and it tingled. Diamond shuddered again, hearing that little noise again as her breath eked out of her lungs in little spurts.

Slowly, Diamond opened her eyes, locking onto his, his eyes were calm, and beautiful. Of course he fucking was. Goddamn it.

Red pulled away from her and licked his lips. Diamond’s gaze snapped to his tongue, inspecting the instrument of her torture. It was… wide. Not like Spoony’s. It was so soft, large, and wet. She gulped, then realized that she probably swallowed some of his spit. It was inside of her now, just like his breath. She watched his tongue, and realized that he was licking up… her.

That noise happened again.

Red grew a small smile. “Well, Diamond? What about now? Am I worthy yet?”

She trembled, quietly watching him. Then she lied. “No.” What had she wanted again?

Red just smiled calmly, leaning back down into her. “Then let’s try again…”

This time, he didn’t have to force her mouth open when he kissed her. He also didn’t stop when she moaned. Diamond moaned softly into his relentless kiss. Her mouth filled with him, her lungs filled with him, and her mind grew blissfully smaller around the thought of him. She shuddered again, relaxing completely into the bed.

She was letting him do this. It was an indulgence. She was indulging his… loyalty. To the company. This was his reward.

Or something. She didn’t fucking care.

Diamond’s heart raced as she kissed him, leaning up into him. Diamond indulged his tongue, his lips, and his breath. Diamond opened her eyes, and focused on his as she made a quiet noise. The whine grew to a moan, louder, and hotter.

This time, when he pulled away she followed him. She trailed his tongue with hers, and felt the lingering sparkling sensation on her lips where he’d been. She licked them, tasting his spit on her flesh, and smelling him in the air.

“And now? Don’t lie to me Diamond. You’re better than that…”

She licked her lips again, searching for anything she might have missed. Carefully, she let out a shaky breath. She was better than that. She was impeccable. “You… you are… good enough to indulge. Every once in a while.”

Red chuckled, leaning in close again. Diamond prepared for another kiss, but he ignored her and went to whisper in her ear. “Why is that, my Diamond?”

“You… can do what needs to be done.” She shuddered, feeling his hot breath tickling her ear so gently. Then he nibbled on her.

She hummed as the nibble sent an electric shock through her body. It felt like the crack of a whip, a spark that went through her mind and straight to her tail. It was hot, warming up and almost burning. Oh… fuck.

Slowly, Diamond’s tail flagged to the side as she shuddered. He couldn’t see. He wouldn’t know.

“It looks we’re both ready to do what needs to be done, my Diamond.”

Fuck. He had noticed. Of course he would, he was paying all his attention to her. She felt it, not just in a spot on her ear, but throughout her body. He was focused on her, every single part of her. She felt the pressure, like a giant glove surrounding her, just slightly squeezing. Diamond was enveloped.

She shivered. He had her.

“Is this really how you measure us, Diamond? I’m hard as a rock, and you’re shaking like Spoony. All while I’m on top, and you’re the one chained down and moaning. Who… is better now?” His voice was cold.

Diamond could feel him. His breath and spit were inside her. He was on top of her. He was around her. She shivered. She knew the answer. Diamond closed her mouth. She’d fight. She’d deny him.

Red chuckled. “Giving up? Are you going to squirm like a bug now, writhing and thrashing in a vain attempt to escape? You know the answer, my Diamond.” He grabbed her face with his hoof, holding it rock still as he forced her to look at him. His voice was low and vicious. “Don’t debase yourself.”

He easily tilted her head back with his hoof, and gave her a long, warm, gentle kiss that trailed down her neck.

Diamond stared at the ceiling, her eyes open and her breath coming out in little moans. It was too much. He was too much. She trembled, terrified of what he said. Of what it meant.

Because he was right. She was too proud. He’d won. “Y.. you….”

Fuck, was she proud of…

She shivered, feeling his attention tighten around her, the pressure focusing on her, warming her. He drew a long, slow lick up her neck and over her chin. His tongue was warm and wide, and it left a cool trail of spit.

“So tell me, My Diamond. Who do you belong to?”

Diamond closed her eyes, surprised to find tears in them. She was stronger than this. Slowly, she opened them, focusing on Red’s face with only a fraction of the focus he had on her whole body. It was all she could manage in the moment, all she had left. Her mind was blank, and she was unable to think. Unable to focus. Unlike him.

“I… I belong to you, Red.” Her voice sounded so weak, so pathetic to her ears. It felt like she was twelve again, unsure of her place in the world and terrified of adults. Terrified of him.

Red’s grin grew wide. He leaned in close, putting his hoof in her hair… His hair now. “That’s fucking right, I do.”

Diamond shuddered, her terror mixing with the heat, the fury, and the warmth that was growing inside of her as he leaned into another kiss. This time he was hungry.

His mouth devoured hers, forcing it open and forcing himself inside. She didn’t allow him, she didn’t let him or indulge him. She welcomed him.

Diamond moaned, loudly and hungrily back as his mouth claimed hers. Her body was hot, and her mind was blank. He pulled on her hair, and their was another whip crack through her spine. Her leg quivered, shaking against the chains that held her. She tried to pull it up, tried to close her legs so he couldn’t see. So he wouldn’t know how utterly and fully he had won.

She moaned when she realized that she couldn’t. She was forced open to him, spread bare and leaking. Just like Spoony. She relaxed, feeling her wet pussy quiver under his heavy body, and she knew that he already knew. She shivered again, as the thought sent another heavy erotic pulse to her tail. He… knew.

Red pulled out of his hungry kiss, letting go of her hair and letting her flop breathlessly back into the bed. She felt his attention focus on her pussy, spread wide for him to see, wet and glistening in the low light of the room. Diamond trembled, terrified and excited about what was about to happen.

He stood up, just enough so that he could look. Then he lowered a hoof down her chest. Down her stomach, and settled it right at the top of her pelvis.

The hoof pressed gently, simply reminding Diamond that he was there.

“Who’s body is this, my Diamond?”

She closed her eyes. The answer was easy. “Yours.”

“When can I touch this body, my body?”

She shivered. Her stomach flipped. It was antithetical to her nature. It was… no. Don’t think about it. “Whenever you want.”

He smiled wide, leaning down to give her another hot kiss, but leaving his hoof right there. Not touching her delicate, soft, wet and hungry flower. Just right there. So close. She could feel the warmth radiating off his body, the pressure in the air as he hovered… right there.

The kiss was almost loving, and she was left breathless and hungry. She couldn’t believe he had done this to her. Was doing this to her… “Fuck, Red…”

Red smiled darkly, and slowly crawled off the bed.

She watched him, her mind slowly turning. Was he going to loosen the straps, so she could move when he fucked her?

Red walked to the door, and looked over his shoulder while licking his lips. “Good night, Diamond.”

Diamond couldn’t believe it. She smelled her own arousal. She watched him walk away. She was chained to the bed, hornier than she’d ever been and completely unable to do anything about it.

She closed her eyes. She was weak. He already knew that. He already knew she was weak as she’d been when she was a kid. She sucked in a breath, and did something that she never imagined herself doing.

Diamond begged.

“Red, Please… Don’t… Leave me like this.” Her voice didn’t sound like hers. It sounded smaller, weaker. The voice that needed Red wasn’t hers. It was a scared filly’s.

Red stopped, and looked over his shoulder. “Who’s body is that, Diamond?”

She didn’t hesitate. She needed him to come back. She needed another kiss, another touch, another anything. She didn’t care. She wanted to be surrounded by his attention. Held by it. Sink into it…

“Yours, Red. It’s fucking yours.”

Red turned all the way around, his almost cruel smile facing directly at her. She saw his dangling cock underneath, hard as a rock, throbbing, and bulging with veins. It seemed to pulse as she stared. Red’s voice was cold. “When can I touch it?”

Diamond blinked.


She whispered, desperately hoping she was wrong. “Whenever you want, Red.”

“Goodnight Diamond.” The door shut.

Diamond stared blankly at the ceiling, and started to scream. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!” The screams continued, and all she could think about was how Red just fucked her harder than she’d ever been.

When she ran out of breath, she stilled. Her eyes were wet. Her pussy was wet. She closed her eyes, gasping for breath. It was all Red. Red had done this.

Red owned her now.

Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, her mind twirling around a big, Red, cruel stallion.

Silver woke up with a start. Red was standing next to her, breathing hard. She glanced down, noting the leather collar keeping her chained to the pet bed. She smiled. She was safe.

“Is everything okay, Red?”

He looked at her, and swallowed. She looked under him, and arched her eyebrows. He was rock hard, and making no effort to hide it. “I see it is not.”

Silver licked her lips. “So, you just gonna stand there, or do you wanna toss your haydog down my hallway?” She stood up, stretching, and flicked her tail to the side for him. His eyes glanced down, seemingly surprised and she giggled.

“Don’t worry about foreplay, Red. My bank is always open for deposits.” She gave an exaggerated wink at him, nodding her head heavily to the side of her closed eye. “Especially for my number one client.”

Red seemed confused. “Sp… Silver?”

Silver glanced down again. He looked ready to burst. She struggled, wanting it inside her desperately. Her eyes unfocused. It would fill her so full, and she’d be all leaky for Diamond to look at. She shook her head, hard, and took a deep breath. “Red. If you want to fuck Silver, you better hurry. You keep me waiting, and Spoony will be the pony getting your cock.”

Red didn’t say anything. He stepped forward, leaning down and putting his weight on her. Silver took a deep breath, taking in Red’s scent. He smelled like Diamond. She shivered.

Spoony would be a good little pony for Mr. Red.

Red bit the back of her neck, and she moaned in ecstasy. “Sorry, Mr. Red. I couldn’t wait.”

Red paused, so Spoony pressed backwards against his cock, feeling it rub hotly against her pussy. That got his attention.

Red thrust slowly, agonizingly as he split her wide. Spoony smiled, kissing the base of his cock with her naked flesh. It was so big… So full… She knew how to do it. She didn’t have to think about it.

Don’t think. Only do.

Spoony squeezed, and Red moaned. She spread her legs further, letting him fill her. She felt him slide, the friction warming and tantalizing her. He was deep. He was always deep.

She loved getting filled with Red. Diamond loved watching.

Spoony looked over her shoulder, trying to see Diamond. She wasn’t here. Oh well.

She had her rules. Cum for Mr. Red.

She didn’t think about it, she just moaned. “Mr. Red!!”

Then, she did. Her body squeezed, shuddering. When she had been new at this, she would have collapsed from the euphoria. Spoony was far from new at this. Now she could do it again.

“Mr. Red!”

Spoony’s tongue spilled out of her mouth as she snorted heavily, her legs quivering from both orgasms. Don’t think. Only do.

“Mr. RED!”

The gushing fluid soaked her bed. Her eyes rolled up, and Red bit down hard on her neck. There might be blood. Spoony felt her scar tingle, and she gasped for breath. Her insides felt warm, and she smiled drowsily while she shook.

Red filled her with cum, and now was frantically thrusting into her messy cunt. Spoony was the best slut. She laughed. Don’t think.

Red kept filling her, draining into her while she came down from her high. Her pussy quivered around his softening cock, even as he kept thrusting and she leaked little squirts. Noisy squelches and heavy labored breathing were the only sound she heard as Mr. Red used her for the only thing she was good for anymore, the only thing she could do.

Spoony groaned, content with her place in the world.

Red spat out her neck, and pushed her into the ground. It hurt when she slammed into the oversized dog bed. Spoony looked up at him from her side, and licked her lips as her whole body continued to shiver in delight.

Do it Again...

And why wouldn’t he?

Diamond woke up to the sound of Spoony screaming. There was loud thumping and moaning coming from the wall. Diamond closed her eyes with a smile as she drifted back to sleep, deeper than she had in years as she was soothed by the comforting sounds and sensations.

She’d finally made it back home.

Diamond stared blankly at the ceiling. No Spoony, no booze, and no fucking Red. He’d come in, tease her until she gave in, and then just leave. Hour after hour, day after day. There were few breaks, and they were short. So far, six days in, the only relief she’d gotten was exclusively when he’d drag her to the bathroom and she had a few short minutes to sit on the toilet in silence, or when she finally passed out at night to the sound of him roughly fucking Spoony.

It always surprised her how much stronger and larger he was than her. For some reason, she kept imagining herself overpowering him, or towering over him. Maybe it was all the time she’d spent looking down on him.

To make it all worse, he’d started giving her Spoony’s water. He’d realized that the pre-labeled bottles that arrived every morning weren’t just plain water. Well, Spoony’s weren’t.

With every sip she could taste a faint hint of the… medication. She hadn’t bothered asking him not to make her drink it when he switched the bottles. He already humiliated her enough, she didn’t need to beg him for every little fucking thing. As a result, she’d been more emotional lately, not that she’d let him see the effects. Worse, it made her so goddamn fucking horny.

She knew this would only be the beginning. He was slowly and meticulously chiseling away at her. Just like he always did with everything. She shivered, closing her eyes.

Was he going to just give up and kill her? She’d deserve it, if only because she hadn’t managed to stop him. Not even failed to stop him. She’d done almost nothing… No, that wasn’t what was going to happen. She’d accounted for that. Red was angry. He was planning to do to her what she’d done to his little marefriend. She just wasn’t sure how. He’d hesitated, and now she was stuck halfway between who she was and… whoever she would be next.

Every once in a while he’d ask a work question, or something dumb like that, but other than that or the constant tear downs during their sessions, he didn’t even talk to her. Not like he did with Spoony. She’d hear them talk sometimes, through the wall. She heard them particularly well when Spoony was screaming. They played every night, after he’d finished cutting into Diamond’s ego with his sharp words and his soft mouth. He probably thought it hurt her to listen to Spoony get fucked after how he always left her.

He was mostly right. If he had been fucking any other pony after repeatedly turning down her humiliated begging, she would have killed him herself; no assassin needed. Not when it was Spoony, though. Spoony needed the attention. Spoony needed to scream.

Diamond smiled easily at the ceiling. It hurt. Her arms hurt from the cuffs she’d spent nearly a week in, her body ached from being stuck in bed all day and night, and her ego was in tatters. Today she’d stopped begging, but only because she was sure it wouldn’t work. Her body still begged him, though. In many ways, that was worse. When he’d had his fill of her mouth, usually with his hot, wide tongue, then he’d leave her in a heated and restrained solitude for the next few hours.

She couldn’t even touch herself to get some relief. She simply ached, her body burning with an alien need. She was even beginning to dream of him. Of his tongue filling her mouth, then suckling as it went down her neck. The tongue would whet her fur, burn her skin, and then drop lower. In real life he always stopped just above her bare and begging pubic mound. In her dreams, he didn’t stop.

It wouldn’t be long now. Every little cut, every little bruise, every moan that he forced out of her was one more finely carved facet. Was he turning her into a Briolette? At least they were pretty.

Diamond Tiara had been carved into once before. The pony hadn’t been meticulous like Red. They spent years tapping at her wildly until they’d finally given up and used a hammer. She’d shattered. Her young, brilliant ego cracked wildly into a million rough and sharp shards. Those shards had hurt ponies, but they still sparkled in the light. She’d spent most of her life cracked and broken and still managed to conquer all those insects. She was still Diamond, after all.

She wondered if any of the pieces held reflections of what she once was.

The door opened, distracting her from her dangerous musings. In slipped Spoony, and Diamond smiled.

“Hey, DT.” She looked nervous.

“Hello, Spoony.” Diamond eyed her hungrily.

Spoony shivered. “I… miss you.” Then she went to unhook the chains binding Diamond to the bed.

Diamond hissed. “Don’t do that, Spoony.”

Spoony stopped, looking confused. “But… I… You… have to win?”

Diamond hated that Spoony was such an idiot. They all were. Little stupid bugs. “I am winning, Spoony.”

“I thought…” Spoony faltered, looking terrified and confused.

“Don’t do that.” Diamond interrupted her, “Rather than waste my time with stupid questions, why don’t you come over here and sit on my face?”

Spoony was just as dumb as every other insect, but she was also pretty. Better yet, she was always wet. The mare started to stumble to Diamond, muttering to herself. “Don’t think… Don’t think…. Just do…”

Diamond smiled as her mouth filled with Spoony’s warm, wet pussy. Red was keeping her hydrated. Good. He’d been getting better and better at caring for her. He’d need to be good at caring for his things. Diamond took a long, wet slurp and watched Spoony squirm.

Spoony smelled fragrant. She’d been using Diamond’s nice shampoo instead of the dog shampoo. Diamond breathed deep, enjoying the feel of soft flesh on her tongue and her snout buried in Spoony’s clean, but musky backside.

Diamond didn’t know how long it lasted, or how many times Spoony’s salty nectar dribbled down her throat. All she knew was that at some point, Red pulled an exhausted Spoony off her soaked face. Diamond blinked, confused at where her warm, safe world had gone.

Red glared at her, angry and silent as he took Spoony out of the room.

Diamond was alone again. She tasted Spoony on her lips, licking them while she remembered the smell, the taste, even Spoony’s weight on her face. She needed to feel Spoony on her face again.

Red’s glare was on her, digging into her side painfully.

“Hello, Red.”

He sighed. “Hello, Diamond. Silver told me what happened. I suppose I should chastise you for being bad and touching her.”

Diamond nodded. “Yeah. I touched the hell out of her. You really should.”

He sighed, seemingly exasperated. “I can’t figure you out. Do you like this?”

She laughed. Liking it would make her a worm. “Not at all, Red. I hate this. My arms are chaffed, I don’t get to see Spoony, and your weird goddamn teasing is fucking me worse than actually fucking me.”

“So why put up with it? You and Spoony could have fled the building. Called the cops. Something.”

She snorted. “There’s something I hate way more than what you’re doing to me. Besides, I know the cops wont help me. I also know you’ve changed my access code. It wouldn’t be so easy to escape as that, would it, Red?”

He stared at her, silently.

She groaned. Was he an idiot? “You did change my access code, right?”

Slowly, he nodded, seemingly lost in thought. “I did…”

Diamond relaxed. “You scared me there, Red. I know you’re not me, but I knew you weren’t a complete waste of time.” She smiled, soaking in the glow of his attention. It had gone from hot and painful to warm and enveloping while he slowly looked her over.

Oh so warm. She felt a tingle in her stomach, and wondered if it was time for him to tease her.

“I’m ready for my punishment, Red.” She felt giddy.

Red took a step forward, glaring down at her inscrutably. “You’ve been playing with Silver all day, Diamond. Your face is covered in her…”

Diamond closed her eyes to bask in his attention while she corrected him. “I’ve been playing with Spoony. I don’t give a shit about your girlfriend. And I doubt that will stop you from kissing me.” Diamond opened her mouth, and ran her tongue wantonly across her lips.

He sighed, seemingly deflating. “I guess so…”

The warmth left, letting her know that he was leaving. She groaned in frustration before making a split second decision. “Wait, please Red…”

He looked back at her, and she opened her eyes to meet his while she begged. She hated begging, but she was getting used to it. “Lets talk, Red. I can’t do this anymore.”

Red frowned. “I’m not letting you go Diamond.”

She nodded. “I’m not asking for that, just… tell me what you want. I can help you get it. Then, I don’t know, kill me or something. I just can’t do this anymore.” She gestured with her bound hooves at her naked and exposed body.

He continued to stare at her, seemingly emotionless. “I’m not going to kill you, either.”

Diamond took a deep breath. She needed to phrase this carefully. “I hired a doctor to do a procedure on your girlfriend, to help get Spoony out. I can give you his information. He can… make me… docile…”

Red gaped. “You fucking what? I thought you just removed her horn?”

His eyes narrowed and she could see the gears turning in his head as he held back his rage.

Diamond groaned in frustration. “Don’t be stupid. The doctor just took out her horn, the rest was me. But he would give me a lobotomy if you paid him. He wouldn’t talk about it after, either.”

Red took a few deep breaths, calming himself down. “Why the hell would I want to give you a lobotomy, Diamond?”

She blinked, staring up at the ceiling. Of course he wasn’t going to do this the easy way.

“Red, what do you want? I’ll give it to you. I’m not running away at this point. I’ve lost and it feels pretty fucking final. So what do you want from me? Why do you keep coming in and tormenting me? I just want to be with Spoony, and if I can’t have that then I don’t care what happens to me.”

He stared at her, his eyes glinting strangely. “Revenge, I guess. I want to hurt you for what you did to her.”

Diamond snorted. She’d known it, but hearing it was still funny. Such a basic, primal thing and it seemed to drive him so far. Then again, she wasn’t much better. “So this is your revenge? Keeping me tied up and kissing me a few times a day while you fuck my Spoony in the next room over?”

His voice was cold. “I just can’t figure out how to hurt you the same way. I don’t think I’m as creative as you when it comes to hurting ponies.”

Her snort turned into a laugh. “You’re not. You want to hurt me? I can tell you how.”

“Then tell.”

Diamond gulped, feeling her voice from far away. This was the moment where he decided to make her a finely cut gem again or to hammer at her wildly until she was dust. She couldn’t control this. All she could do was hope.

“Marry me.”

He blinked. “What?”

“Marry me. It would tie up our assets, of which I have orders of magnitude more. You’d have a real legal say in everything I own instead of the shady shit you are pulling now. I’ll give you access to any accounts you don’t have already, and then you can drain them into your own private ones. Legally take everything I own, so I have nothing left.”

Red continued to stare, thinking as he slowly spoke. “I don’t love you.”

Diamond nodded, still nervously shaking. “But you do hate me. With the marriage, you can hurt me. Once you own everything that was mine, then own me. Humiliate me. Do to me what I did to Silver Saddle. Don’t keep me in this bed—make me crawl on the floor.” God she was going to hate this, but that was the point. “Make me your pet. Treat me like an animal while you live a happy life with what’s left of your fat girlfriend. Constantly remind me that I’m lower than you.”

Red whispered, lost in thought. “How would I do that?

Diamond closed her eyes, feeling the tears well up. “Hurt me. I don’t like pain, not like she does. Use me. Show me that you and she are worthy of love, if only each others, and that I am not. I’ll support you. You can use my mind for the company, and my body for anything you want.”

Red frowned. “I’m angry, but I’m not sure I’m that cruel, Diamond.”

Diamond’s eyes opened in a panic, and focused on him. “You have to be. Please! Red, please. I can’t be this anymore. Change me.”

She’d said it. She’d finally said the truth.

Red stared at her, silently contemplating.

Diamond let the fear consume her, and began to cry. He wasn’t going to do it. She’d been wrong. She’d have to fight him. She’d have to go back. She’d have to leave home again.

She’d have to break everything, hammer it until it was as fractured as she was.

Red watched the crying mare intently. She was sobbing hysterically. He’d never seen Diamond act like this, and never imagined she could. Was this what it looked like when she broke?

Curiously, he walked towards her, and studied her body. Tears were running down her eyes and cheeks, her face was flushed a bright pink against her usually softer shade. Her hair was tussled and messed, the white stripe blending seamlessly into the purple tangle. Her tiara was nowhere to be seen, and her blue eyes only opened quick enough to blink running tears. Dried sweat and filth covered her face, and her pink fur was mussed in patches down her body. The fur around her pussy was stained, both wet and covered in a thin white film that bunched it up into patches.

He watched her legs struggle as she tried to hide her face, or close them to hide her inner thighs from his view, but it was in vain. The silver cuffed chains held her solid as she cried. Her body heaved as it convulsed, a little snot running from her nose since she couldn’t wipe it. The muscles in her torso tightened, flattening and then relaxing with each sob. She smelled filthy.

Oddly, she was strangely beautiful like this. This was Diamond with nothing. No dignity, no pride, no power, not even hope.

Red climbed on the bed, and stood over her.

Diamond sniffled, begging him one more time. As she looked at him. “Please…”

Red didn’t say anything as he leaned down and gently bit her throat. He felt the blood pumping in her artery, the breathing through her trachea, and he remembered the taste of Mr. Whinny’s insides.

Diamond stopped sobbing, and gently thrust her neck upwards, offering it to his mouth.

He felt her heart rate slow in time with her breathing as she silently waited. He tightened his bite, feeling her flesh stretch under his teeth. She grunted in light pain, but didn’t complain. Her pulse quickened again.

He bit harder, lost in his own trance. Was she so ready to die? It would be easy to take everything right now. His tongue ran on the flesh between his teeth.

He hated her. She deserved worse than this.

Her grunt turned into a gurgle as he closed her windpipe. She didn’t struggle.

He tasted blood. Diamond’s blood. It wasn’t sweet, or delicate. It tasted exactly like Whinny’s. Like raw meat and iron. He held her like that for minutes, tasting her body and feeling her life run between his teeth.

Her gurgle stopped, her blood slowed. She shivered, and then he smelled piss.

Red gently let go of her throat, and Diamond coughed slowly. She didn’t say anything, just stared blankly at the ceiling slowly gasping for breath.

He briefly wondered what she was thinking, then decided it didn’t matter. Red licked her wound, the teeth marks still red, oozing welts. Soon her skin would turn sickly blue and green. He’d have to wash it later so it didn’t get infected.

Red lowered himself onto her, settling over her filthy body. “Looks like you weren’t quite ready to die…”

She shook her head from side to side, pressing her lips tight to keep back a silent sob.

Red leaned down and whispered to her. “I want you to remember this Diamond. No matter what happens, and where you go in life, you need to remember this moment.”

She nodded.

“If I’m an insect, then you’re still below me. That makes you dirt, Diamond.”

Her eyes locked on his.

“Say it. Say that you’re dirt, and I’ll do what you want. I’ll take everything.”

Her mouth opened, and her voice was gravely and hoarse. “I’m… dirt.”

Red lowered himself the rest of the way, settling comfortably on her stomach. “Who’s dirt are you?”

She looked at him, and whimpered. “I’m your dirt, Red. I’m yours.”

Red pushed his cock slowly forward, gently splitting her folds. “I hope you won’t mind a marriage collar instead of a ring.”

Through the tears and the coughing, Diamond weakly smiled.

Diamond's home

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The games we played were just that—games. It started simple enough. I’d boss her around, she’d joke about it, and then she’d do whatever it was I told her to. One time, we were out for recess at school. Cherilee wasn’t around, and Spoon said something dumb, so I pushed her down. For a moment, I panicked that I might have hurt her since she didn’t seem to move. She just laid there, still and silent in the dirt until she looked up at me with a goofy smile and a strange flush.

Do it again.

Why wouldn’t I? I didn’t know any better and neither did she. We were kids, and we played. During the day we’d run around being little terrors, harassing other kids and causing problems for adults. Once the sun went down, we had to go home. Spoon didn’t like her house. Her parents were never home, and it wasn’t as… nice as mine. I had a big house with lots of space, and Mommy was always home. Daddy was gone sometimes, but Mommy was always there to watch us.

So Spoon got regular permission to stay over. She stayed over almost every night. We’d play with dolls, pretending they were the other ponies in our class and making fun of them. Then we’d have dinner, sitting around our dining room table and quietly eating while Mommy would just poke at the food she’d made. We weren’t allowed to talk during dinner, but that was fine.

After we were excused from the table, it would be time for a bath and then bed. Spoon would braid my hair after the bath sometimes. We’d stay up late, talking and laughing, being careful not to wake Mommy. That’s when we started playing our games. They honestly were innocent bits of fun.

I’d pretend to be a princess, and Spoon would pretend to be my servant. I’d ask for something, she’d do it or get it for me, and I’d pretend that she got it wrong. Then I’d tap her. I’d bop her on the head, or push her to the floor, or maybe have her give me her hoof so I could smush it. She loved it, always giggling, and asking me to do something else.

It was a fun game, but over the years it escalated. Little taps became actual slams, nudges turned into kicks, and nibbles turned into full on bites. Instead of a smush, I’d stomp on her hoof. Sometimes she’d bleed or bruise, but she didn’t mind. Most important out of all, Spoon’s little giggles and silly faces turned into tears, a deep red blush, and desperate eyes. She always wanted more, but I never actually wanted to hurt her, not really. The game was fun for me, but not in the same way it was for her. I enjoyed being bossy and cruel, but Spoon got something out of it that I just didn’t understand.

Everything changed one night when we were about 12. She’d somehow gotten her hooves on a whip. A real, made of leather and used to hurt adult ponies whip. We snuck the taboo weapon into my room, and hid it under my sheets for later. The day was full of nervous excitement as we knew that our little pretend game would be significantly more real that night. It was so taboo and strange that even I was licking my lips in anticipation.

We eagerly did our evening routine, trying hard to hide our excitement. I think… I think Mommy noticed during dinner. She saw our glances. She saw Spoon’s blush, and my longing gaze. She watched us during our bath. We didn’t realize it, instead focusing on laughing and splashing like we usually did. She watched us braid hair, sitting near by and pretending to read her book.

When she kissed me goodnight, and turned off the light, I thought we were safe. We waited until I heard her hoof steps clip clapping loudly back to her room with all the normal prim grace. She’d lingered by our door for longer than usual, but not impossibly long.

Spoon got up first, and smiled as I slid the whip out of our hiding place. We stared at it a while, unsure what to do or how to use it. The real leather was enchanting. Right there, in our room was an actual tool to hurt ponies. I remember how strange and bitter the leather tasted in my mouth when I picked it up. How surprisingly light the whole thing was. How it slid through the air with ease when I gave it an experimental flick.

I liked it. Holding that whip lit a fire in my heart that I’ve never felt again. It made me feel powerful, and it made me feel important. That night, our game wasn’t pretend. It was real. I hurt Spoon, and she loved it.

We used it a few times, the game mostly forgotten as I simply whipped her. We were so focused on the whip and each other, that we’d made a mistake. Neither of us had heard Mommy sneak back. I cracked the whip loudly, forcing Spoon on her back so I could get to her soft belly. The door opened as I struck, and it startled me, causing me to miss my mark. The whip struck lower, at delicate and sensitive flesh I’d been careful to avoid, and Spoon screamed.

A strange smell filled the room, and she shook as she cried out. I’ll always remember that moment. The first time I saw a pony move like that. The first time I understood what that little flush she’d had for years meant. The first time I heard her real, naked voice. The first time I knew who Silver Spoon was. I saw her, and I knew she was beautiful.

In the moment, I forgot that Mommy was there…

“Diamond, what the ever loving fuck are you doing?”

Mommy was furious. She rushed past me, and grabbed Silver by the hair. “Is that a fucking whip?”

I was frozen, still entranced by what I’d seen, my nostrils flaring as I tried to understand the tingling burning thing that Spoon had woken up inside of me. “Where the hell did you two get a whip?”

I didn’t answer. She ripped it from my mouth, then glared at Spoon. “I won’t let you corrupt my daughter, you little tramp.”

Mommy drug the dumbstruck Spoon from my room, and locked the door. She took the whip as well. I didn’t know what to do. I was still enamored with what I’d seen. I lowered my nose to the floor, and smelled where Spoon had been. It smelled like that moment, and my spine tingled.

Mommy was right. I had been corrupted, and I knew it. I glanced at the door. Was I a bad pony? Did that matter? I needed to see Spoon again, so I tried the door. It was locked, but that had never stopped me before.

I pulled a hair pin from my vanity, and set to work on the lock. It took a few tries since my hooves were shaking so badly from the adrenaline, but eventually I got it. I had to find my Spoon.

Even though our mansion was large, it wasn’t hard to figure out where they were. I could hear the screaming from my room, and knew they were in Mommy’s room.

“You little fucking slut! You tramp!” Mommy’s voice was loud, booming through the halls of our mansion. She was furious.

I ran, terrified for Spoon. Mommy could get nasty when she got angry.

“You worthless little insect! You thought you could, what, fuck my daughter?”

There was a thump, and then a scream. I heard Spoon cry when I got to the door. I tried to open it. It was locked. I looked for my hairpin, and couldn’t find it.

“Are you crying? I’ll give you something to cry about!” Another thump, this time louder.

Spoon shrieked, and then I heard her labored coughs. “I’m sorry! It won’t happen again! I’m sorry! I’ll go home!”

I shuddered in fear for Spoon. My whole body was quaking as the excitement and wonder bled into a dreadful realization. Mommy was going to send Spoon away. I had to get inside. There were more hairpins back in my vanity, but I’d have to run across the whole mansion again. My hooves were trembling, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to use one anyways.

“You aren’t getting away from me that easily, you little slut. You want to get whipped? Fine! I’ll fucking whip you…” Mommy’s voice dropped into a low growl.

The trembling in my hooves grew to an uncontrollable shake.

“No! Please! I’m sorry!” Crack. “AAA!”

That scream was pure pain. I closed my eyes, tears running down my face.

“How was that, huh? Good enough for you? Or did you want it harder?” Crack.

Spoon’s lungs emptied in an animal shriek. “AaaaaAA!”





“Please… Please stop. I’ll go away. I’ll never come back. Please…”

My whole body felt weak and helpless as I curled up into a ball.

Mommy’s voice was cold, cruel. “You think I’d let you go like that?”

Thump. “How does it feel to be under my hooves, Silver? How does it feel to know your fucking place? You so much as touch Diamond again, and I will beat you so hard you’ll never walk straight again.”

Sniffing, crying, and mumbling was Silver’s only response. I shivered, feeling my stomach churn. This was my fault. I never should have taken the whip. I should have been more careful. I was the smart one out of the two of us. I should have known better.

There was silence for a moment, and I thought maybe it was over. I put my ear to the door, and heard heavy breathing and a new noise. Something quiet and wet, like the sound of an oil paintbrush on paper.

I heard Mommy laugh. “Look at that. You do like my hoof.”

The sound grew louder and Spoon softly cried.

“That’s right, you little freak. You fucking love this, don’t you?”

I didn’t know what was happening, or why Mommy’s voice was so low and throaty. She didn’t sound mad, exactly. She sounded… eager? My stomach tumbled in confusion.

Spoon’s soft crying turned into heavy whining.

I listened closely, desperately trying to figure out what was happening.

There was another thump and Silver made a new noise, but it wasn’t a scream. It was a gurgle, followed by a squeak.

Mommy laughed, sounding happy. “Holy shit. I can’t believe you just did that from my fucking hoof. What a little tramp you are. Tell you what, Silver. I’ll let you keep being Diamond’s friend.” I blinked, hopefully. Was it over? “Although, we can’t be letting your little urges be corrupting her, can we?”

No noises except the wet paint brush. I held my breath to listen closer.

Mommy whispered something, I couldn’t hear.

Spoon groaned back, fighting for breath. “Yesss…. Mrs. Rich.”

“That’s a good little bug.” Smack. Smack… The smacks were softer. My stomach was burning from holding my breath, but I had to hear more. I smelled her, from under the door. Spoon’s special smell.

Then Spoon screamed, and screamed and screamed. It wasn’t a pained scream, but she didn’t stop for a long time.

“You’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you my little Silver?”

A desperate response. “Yes… Mrs. Rich.”

Mommy laughed, and I felt sick. The wet paintbrush noise started again, and I blinked. Silver was… not being hurt. Not too much, at least. She didn’t need me to save her.

I stumbled away from the door, and ran to the bathroom where I threw up.

That night, Spoon never came back to my room. I tried to sleep, but I kept hearing her every so often, screaming through the mansion. I kept reminding myself that she didn’t need me to save her.

She didn’t need me.

The morning after, the three of us sat around the table for breakfast. We had to get ready for school. Mommy looked more chipper than I’d ever seen her before. She’d made pancakes and gave us both extra syrup while she hummed happily around the kitchen. Spoon looked barely alive. She had a hollow gaze, and wouldn’t look me in the eyes. Her hair was a mess, and her glasses were smudged. I probably looked terrible as well.

We went to school, and she didn’t talk to me until after lunch.

She said she was sorry. I said it was okay. She asked if we were still friends. I promised her we were. Things felt better for the rest of the day. I asked if she was going to go to her house tonight, and she got quiet. Her answer confused me.

“I think… I think your house is my home now.”

I didn’t ask anymore. The way she said it made me feel uneasy as an uncomfortable weight settled in my stomach.

That night, Mommy watched us gleefully. I didn’t play with Spoon, instead we both quietly did homework. She didn’t want to talk to me, and I wasn’t sure what to say. We ate. We bathed quietly, and then she braided my hair in silence. All while Mommy watched.

Then, it was time for bed. Mommy brought us to my room, and kissed me on the head. Silver stayed by the door.

I was confused, so I tried to fix it. “Mommy, can Spoon stay with me tonight?”

She frowned. “No. You two are growing up, and I don’t want her corrupting you, Diamond. You’’re better than her and she’s a bad influence. You can play during the day, and I understand that her parents can’t watch her at night so she has to stay here. Unfortunately, I can’t let her sleep in here with you. I caught you doing something, very, very bad.”

My heart stopped beating. Mommy did something with Spoon too. Why was it just bad for me? I thought about arguing, fighting her about it. I glanced at Spoon. She shook her head, warning me. I trusted her. If Spoon didn’t want to fight about it, I wouldn’t.

“Goodnight, Spoon.”

“Goodnight, Diamond…” She looked sad. I was sad.

I slept a little that night, but only after she stopped screaming.

Time passed, and that became our normal. Spoon and I would still play our games, but only during the day when we could sneak away. More frustratingly, now there were rules. No whips, obviously. I could punch, hit or kick her all I wanted, but certain parts of her were off limit. Parts that I really wanted to touch. I tried to break the rules a few times, but Spoon wouldn’t let me.

“She’ll know.”

“How would she know, Spoon?”

“Trust me, she’ll know.”

I trusted her. We grew even closer. Our strange relationship only seemed to blossom, and before I knew it, I was in love. It didn’t matter that she always slept at our house, but never with me. It didn’t matter that some parts of her off limits. It didn’t even matter that she screamed every night for a different pony, even on nights when Daddy was home. I loved her, and she loved me.

Then, when we were about 15 or so, the parties started happening. She warned me about them, but like most things with her I didn’t understand until it was too late.

“So… tonight’s going to be a little different, Diamond.”

“I don’t want to hear about your nights, Spoon.”

“I know you sneak out sometimes. I can tell when you’re listening behind the door.”

She wasn’t wrong. “Fine. Whatever.”

“Tonight there are going to be some ponies over…”

I rolled my eyes. “And?”

“Well, they are coming over after our bath time. I’m not going to be able to braid your hair tonight…”

I glared at her. “What does that mean, Silver?”

“I’m going to be… busy.”

“With those ponies?”


“While you are supposed to be braiding my hair?”


I growled. “I don’t like this, Spoon.”

“I know… I have to, okay? Please, don’t come out of your room tonight. No matter what you hear, no matter what you think, just go to your room after your bath. Lock the door from the inside. I’ll lock the outside for you, before Mrs. Rich gets a chance.”

I didn’t want to know. I told myself that. She could keep her disturbing nighttime activities to herself. I didn’t care. I had her during the day. “Fine. Just, do it before Mommy does. I hate when she locks me in my room. If you do it then I’ll stay.”

Spoon seemed relieved, and we dropped it. Later that night, Mommy warned me over dinner. “I’m having some guests tonight, Diamond. You are to stay in your room.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Yeah, Spoon already warned me, Mommy.”

She glared at Spoon. “Did she? Well… I’ll deal with that later. You are older now, I suppose.”

Spoon quietly ate, like she was supposed to.

That night I looked out the window to our courtyard. I saw carriages arrive, and ponies came out in costumes. They all had little masks covering their eyes and wore big diamond ring stickers over their cutie marks. Some ponies you could easily tell who they were. The Cakes, the Brights, a few lesser nobles she knew… the others were either ponies I didn’t know or ponies who’s costumes were too well done.

I decided I didn’t care. They could have their fun party. I locked my door, and I heard another click from the outside at the same time.

“Goodnight, Diamond” It was Spoon, and she sounded sad. I didn’t know why she was sad, she got to go to a fun costume party.

I growled. “Goodnight, Silver Spoon.”

At least the noise of the party covered up any screaming, and I slept fairly well.

The next day, Spoon was walking funny, and I joked about it. “Did you grow a limp over night? You can’t even walk straight.”

Spoon chuckled. “Heh… Yeah, it kind of hurts, but that’s fine… I don’t… ah… particularly mind a little pain.”

I laughed at her, innocently amused since I knew she liked our little games. “Poor, infirm old Spoony. Don’t worry, I’ll help you get around.”

That day I helped open doors for her, and let her drape a hoof over me for long walks. She seemed grateful, and by the end of the day she was better from her little limp.

We stayed out a little late, knowing we’d catch hell from my mom, but not caring.

We talked.

“Spoon, if you don’t want to keep doing this, we can run away.”

She shook her head. “We can’t run, Diamond.”

“We can. I have… a little account. I’ve been busy. All those documents you see me sign and send out, the little project I’ve been working on at school when they think I’m doing homework, it’s money, Spoon. Real money.”

“Money? Diamond, you’re rich. You don’t need money.”

“I am now. Up until now, my parents have been rich, and I… just had you.”

“You are such a sap, DT.” She nuzzled me. My heart fluttered.

“I’m serious, Spoon. I could buy us an island off the coast of Prance. We could leave tomorrow.”

She laughed. “DT… That’s sweet of you, but I’m fine. We have to graduate first, right? No one will take you serious if you don’t graduate.”

I sighed. “Fine. When we graduate, you’ll come with me, though? We can go somewhere where there are no other ponies. I can do all my work from mail.”

Spoon nuzzled me again, leaning into me as we watched the sun set. “I’d like that, DT. I’d like that a lot.”

Mommy didn’t like that we were late. Spoon screamed lots that night, but I didn’t care. I was in love.

The party nights happened more often, almost every week. I’d check out the window, and watch the rotating guests in their costumes. Then, I’d lock the door and say goodnight to Spoon. She’d lock the outside, and tell me goodnight.

Until one night, she didn’t. I didn’t know where she was, but she forgot to lock my door. Mommy came by and did it. Angry doesn’t begin to describe me. I was livid. That moment was for me, that was mine to have, and Spoon had forgotten it.

I waited until the party was in full swing, and then I got my hairpin. I was older, and had a few dresses I never wore. An ugly brown one would cover my mark, and I could bundle my hair up into a ridiculous hat. I’d seen the masks enough that it was easy to fake one with makeup and construction paper. By the time I was done, the only speck of color you could see was my snout. It was as good as I was going to get, and far better than most of the cobbled together costumes I’d seen through the window.

I slipped through the halls, terrified to be caught but pissed off beyond belief. Nopony was there, there was no risk. I wandered the mansion, following the sounds of revelry, soft moans, and clinking glass until it lead me to the ballroom.

I peeked in the door, and saw the world of adults—Silver Spoon’s world.

Ponies were drunk, dancing happily. Many were in the corner, kissing. Some were on top of other ponies, groaning and gyrating. The light was low, and the music was loud enough. It stank like the smell from under Mommy’s door. Smoke wafted in layers, burning my lungs.

I stepped inside, nervous at first. Then I remembered who I was. This was my house. I raised my head high, and walked through the alien debauchery with confidence and purpose. I didn’t think about it. I just needed to find her. I needed her to tell me goodnight.

Ponies stumbled to and fro, drunk. One put a hoof on my flank. I kicked him without looking, and walked forward without saying another word. My eyes searched through the smoke, through the bodies, and through the soft light with determination. I was going to find her.

It was surprisingly easy. There she was, dead center of the ball room in all her glory. Spoon was tied to a table, a little half moon that only supported her back and left her hooves and head dangling. She was wearing a mask, and her hair was done up different, curled so you couldn’t see her streak. Her mark was covered by a large sticker that looked like a ring, the same as everypony else.

Even though she was disguised, I knew it was her instantly. I knew that neck, those arms, and that heaving stomach. I needed to talk to her, but she was busy. There was a stallion between her legs, thrusting violently forward into her body. Another was at her head, thrusting into it as she drooled over the strange long limb. I cognitively knew it was a penis, but my mind refused to admit what I was seeing.

Spoon obviously had come to terms with it. In fact, she was so comfortable with it that she had it all the way down her throat. I huffed, angrily. She couldn’t tell me goodnight when she was like that. I wasn’t sure how to stop them, so I waited and watched. I couldn’t care less about the stallions, but I watched Spoon. She was gorgeous, writhing and shifting in the dim light between the two larger stallions. Butterflies flipped in my stomach, and I felt both nauseous and euphoric.

My gaze drifted to the dressings around her to give me a moments reprieve from the sight. There was a wheel above her, multicolored and with little words on it. My eyes flicked at the wheel. The sign above it was well lit and easy to read. My stomach flipped and tumbled even more violently as I read it.

“Can’t decide what to do with Mrs. Rich’s party favor? Spin the wheel, and leave a mark for the night! She loves marks.”

I tried not to look too closely at the wheel, but my eyes were too fast to stop.

Pussy – 8 tallies
Asshole – 6 tallies
Deep throat – 3 tallies
Paddle – 7 tallies
Whip – 4 tallies

I stopped there. There were more sections, more tallies, and more… options. The wheel was just one suggestion. The whip. It was hanging up, on a little stand next to the wheel. It was the same whip.

That was all I could think about. Spoon had been whipped— with our whip—by at least 4 ponies tonight. I was growling, infuriated that my most precious and private memory was on display like this. I had dreamed about that whip for years. I had yearned for it, for everything it signified and the power it held. I was obsessed with that one moment where I had used it on her. That one moment where she squirmed and writhed and I knew her through the whip. Yet here it was, being lavished on Spoon by four different ponies. Already four tonight. How many ponies had whipped her on other nights? How many had watcher her? How many knew her more intimately than I did? An act that seemed such an unreachable pinnacle of existence to me was just one shitty option. One obscene outcome on the wheel for all these nameless and faceless ponies.

A larger stallion tapped my shoulder. “You here to play, or are you here to watch?”

I awkwardly muttered my response, realizing I needed to maintain my cover. “Watch.”

He laughed. “Ooh, she’s something all right. Wish I knew who she was. I’d love to give her a few tried outside of these parties. At least I get a few goes with her every week though, right?”

My mind blanked. “Yeah.”

“So, if you aren’t going to take a turn, do you mind if I cut in line when they’re done? I’m itching for another round… That pussy is easily the best one here. No offense… Unless you want me to compare?” He sounded hopeful.

“I’ll pass. I need to talk to her.” I was disgusted.

He seemed confused. “Is this your first time here? She doesn’t talk to anyone. Well, anyone except for Mrs. Rich.”

I seethed, my disgust rolling into a steady rage. “She will to me.”

He hummed, waiting behind me and watching close;y. I felt him watching me, his eyes dancing up and down my godawful dress. He was pointless, so I ignored him, focusing instead on Spoon.

The stallion between her legs grunted, pushing forward hard with a wet slap. When he pulled back, their pubic mounds had glistening little sticky strings of white and clear… stuff connecting them, like they were two slices of melted cheese pizza being pulled apart. Spoon’s hips thrust upwards, and she moaned into the other’s penis.

The other stallion grunted, shoving himself violently down her throat. His balls hung in front of her nose, and she breathed deeply around his swollen piece. I watched silently, waiting for “my turn” as the stallion had said, with the party favor.

He moaned, then pulled it out. I watched her tongue loll out of her head, and saw her gurgle some white bubbles before she swallowed. Much of it spilled out, dripping slowly and thickly down her face.

The stallion at her mouth left without a second glance, and the pointless one behind me tapped me. “It’s your turn.”

I didn’t acknowledge him. Instead I walked over to her face, and knelt in front of her. Her eyes glanced at me, but she didn’t seem to recognize me. She opened her mouth, expecting me to put something in it. I lowered my face down to hers, and glared at her as I whispered in rage. “Tell me fucking goodnight, Spoon.”

Her eyes went wide, and she glanced around the room in a panic. She reeked of booze, and I gagged. “God this is disgusting…” I stared at her, still whispering. “Tell me fucking goodnight.”

Spoon’s eyes teared up, and a dry, hoarse whisper eked out of her ragged throat. “G… Goodnight, Diamond.”

I sighed, suddenly at ease as the anger melted away. Whispering softly, I bent down to kiss her lips. “Good night, Spoon.” They were salty, dry, and sticky. They trembled like flower petals in a breeze when I graced them. She moaned.

I stood up, licked my lips, and walked away. The stallion was watching me, I felt him burning a hole into the back of my neck but I didn’t care. I heard him mumble in amazement. “Hot damn…”

He hadn’t heard us, but he’d seen us. I didn’t care.

I kept my poise, walking to the door, and slipped out the way I slipped in. I walked confidently, like I belonged, but I made a stop. I stopped by dad’s cabinet, and grabbed a big white vial of something, anything. It turned out to be vodka. Spoon was drunk. I couldn’t be at the party, but I could be drunk.

I carried the bottle to my room, and went inside and locked my door. I licked my lips. They were salty, sticky, and soft. Carefully, I took off my dress and hid it back in my closet. I slipped my makeshift mask into the vanity. I sat down on the floor.

Then I cried. I cried for everything I saw, and everything I didn’t. I cried so hard that I nearly choked on my own spit.

I didn’t stop crying until I passed out from the vodka.

That was the start of my drinking. I made a habit to sneak a new bottle of something before every party. Spoon never again forgot to tell me goodnight, and I didn’t need to sneak out anymore. Time passed, and we were getting close to graduating. One more year of hell and then she’d come with me to my island. I owned things now. Real things. Ponies didn’t know who I was, but they knew somebody was making big movements. I had arranged a hostile takeover of my dad’s company. He had no idea. As soon as we graduated, we’d be gone.

Then it happened. Everything fell apart. One morning, at school, Spoon pulled me aside in the bathroom.

Her whisper was quiet and conspiratorial. “DT… I’m pregnant.”

I blinked. “Who’s the father?”

She rolled her eyes, like the answer was obvious. “I have no idea.”

I balked. “Not even a clue?”

She snorted. “DT, I’ve fucked every stallion in Ponyville. Probably just in the last two weeks.”

I shrugged. “Not every stallion. I mean, there’s my dad.”

She paused, her eyes opening wide in disbelief. “Seriously, DT? Are you blind? He was my first stallion. Mrs. Rich plated me up like some kind of weird peace offering, begging him not to leave her. The only reason your parents are still together is that he fucks me at least four times a week. Since I’ve been twelve I’ve been his night cap before Mrs. Rich takes me for the night. That’s not even counting the parties. How did you not realize this?”

My blood drained. Dad was nice. He was okay. He hugged me when he was home. He loved me. He got me presents and read me stories. He wouldn’t… Spoon didn’t lie to me. She never lied to me, even if it was about Daddy. He’d fucked her. “What?”

“This could be your sister. Or brother.” Her eyes were wide.

I couldn’t handle that, so I ignored it.

Spoon kept going. “Or, fuck. It could be my sister or brother.”

I covered my mouth. She hadn’t said that. “Spoon, no… You didn’t.”

She scowled. “I never have a choice! He doesn’t know who I am, and am not about to fucking tell him. I knew it was him right away. I always can tell when it’s him, his disguise is shit. Mrs. Rich warned me that she was inviting him to the parties, and then there he was. Pounding away at my pussy like a drunken animal. Every single fucking time he finishes inside. He always says my pussy is the best at the party, and tries to use it like some kind of pickup line while he waits for his turns. Sometimes it even works.”

I shuddered. I hadn’t needed to know that. This was all too much. “What… are you going to do?”

She shook, terrified. “I… I don’t know. I have to do something for it… I can’t let it live like this. I’m going to be a mother.”

I noticed how pretty she looked. “You could run away with me…”

She smiled. It was beautiful. “You… always joke about that, DT. If only we could.”

I blinked. “It’s not a joke. It’s never been a joke. I’ve already started the process of taking over Barnyard Bargains. Daddy has no clue it’s me, he’s terrified. I own fifteen separate companies in Manehatten, under different pen names. They're all mine. One of them is a company that I have do my tax returns. I could liquidate it all for… ninety million, I think, right now.” I’d have done it in a heartbeat. I’d have done anything for her.

She stared at me in disbelief. “Are you… have you… for real?”

I nodded. “For real. Lets go. We’ll give your foal a life. Your brother, my sister, it won’t matter and we wont know. They’ll be our kid. We’ll love them.”

Spoon started to melt, tears streaming down her face. “DT… You don’t…. I don’t deserve that.”

I shrugged. “I don’t give a fuck, Spoon. Just promise you’ll be mine. Promise me that you’ll stay with me forever.” What can I say? I was in love.

“I… I promise.”

I nodded, relieved and filled with butterflies. “Good. I’ll start the paperwork tonight. We can move out tomorrow. Nobody is going to care if I graduated or not. Hell, well fake some degrees and lie about our age. Nopony can stop us. It’s too late. I’ve just been waiting for you to say the word.”

I was wrong.

That night, Spoon snuck back into my room after Mommy was done with her. We kissed. We kissed lots. I rolled her on her back, I tasted her. I loved her, I felt her, and she belonged to me. Nothing was off limits.

Until the door opened.

“Diamond! Silver! What the fuck?”

Spoiled Rich, my Mommy, was standing in the door. She was livid. I stood up, and I smiled. I was filled with confidence. It was all going to be over. “I’m taking her.”

“Like hell you are. You are a genius, Diamond. You shouldn’t waste your time on this little cunt. She’s nothing. She’s an insect to squash under your hooves.”

Spoon curled up, hiding behind me.

“If I’m so great, then I should get what I want. So I’m taking her.”

Spoiled grew livid. “Taking her? You? How is your little ass going to take her? Come back when you’re an adult, honey. You’ve just been playing kissy face with her. I’ll show you how to really make her scream…”

I stood my ground, stepping up to her. I rarely demanded things from Mommy, but when I did I always got my way. “I’m taking her, Spoiled. We are leaving tomorrow.”

She glared at me. “You little… shit stain. You think you can boss me around? I gave birth to you. I’ve put up with your demanding little ass for your whole life, and given up so much for you. This is how you treat me? This is my house, Diamond. I own it, and I own everypony in it. That means I own this little skank, but you know what else it means?”

She walked up to me, eyeing me dangerously. I held my ground, silent and smirking. I was confident and felt indestructible. After all, I was free now.

“It mean’s I own you!” She screamed, her teeth bared like a wild animal.

I didn’t think she’d do it. She’d been angry before, but she’d never struck me. So the headbutt not only surprised me, but it sent me spiraling to the floor, and caused the world to black out. I felt myself being pulled along the floor, but every time I blinked it felt like we were somewhere else.

When I woke up, I was restrained. Tied to some bondage device that Mommy owned. One of many, it seemed. I was in a room that I didn’t know, somewhere in the mansion.

My eyes couldn’t focus, but I saw Spoiled sitting in a chair, with Spoon’s head buried in her crotch and noisy slurps happening. I blinked a few times, and Spoiled grinned.

“You little fuck. I guess I’ve been too lenient with you, huh? I promised you I’d show you how to make Silver here scream when you were an adult. You think you’re an adult? Then watch…”

I watched. I watched her whip Spoon, I watched her beat Spoon, and I watched her make Spoon smile in a way that broke my heart.

They had pet names. She was Mrs. Rich. Spoon was just… Spoony.

I watched all night, and all day. We both missed school that day. Spoon screamed. Mommy showed me how to make her really scream. The sex acts burned into my brain, but only because Spoon enjoyed them. What hurt me, what broke me wasn’t even anything Spoiled did. It was all Spoon. She said things. They came naturally and practiced, all unprompted.

“I love your cunt, Ms. Rich.” In a low, hungry growl, her eyes desperately searching Mommy’s depths.

“I’m your slut, Mrs. Rich.” With a happy, sing song note of joy as Mommy used a big vibrating dildo on her.

“I’ll be with you forever, Mrs. Rich.” Eyes sparkling, her voice full of promise right after Spoon came from being whipped.

“I’ve been good, Mrs Rich. Diamond hasn’t ever made me cum. Not for real. Not like you do.” With a hint of disgust, then of worship as Mommy was buried between her thighs. She looked at me when she said it. There was a smile. Then she came, and I watched.

All of it hurt. All of it burned. One thing was said over, and over again. One thing that rung in my mind clear as a bell, sweet as a bee’s honey, and as poisonous as acid. It was said when she was tired, still quivering. It was said when her mouth was full of Mommy. It was said when she was whipped, and it was said after every long, slow scream.

It was low, it was promising, and it was said with all her heart. “I love you, Mrs. Rich.”

I stared, empty and broken. When Mommy finally untied me, letting me stumble to my feet, it had been a full night and a day. I knew that Mommy had won. It was well after dinner. I took my bath alone, rubbing my chaffed limbs, almost burned from the rope. My hair was not braided, and I lay in bed hungry.

I didn’t sleep at all. I just thought about everything. I remembered everything they said, and everything they did. I extrapolated it to every night. The only special thing had been my presence. Everything else was the same thing that Spoon did every night.

“I love you, Mrs. Rich.” Those words, and that sweet silver voice echoed in my head.

Just after midnight, I heard Spoon’s screams, echoing hauntingly through the mansion. It had been a long time since her howling had kept me awake, but that night it did. They didn’t sleep either.

The day after, Spoon tried to apologize. She begged me to take her, to save her, to whisk her away. I couldn’t look at her. I couldn’t talk to her. I needed her to go away. All I could think of was those words.

“I love you Mrs. Rich.”

So I got her to go away. “I hate you, and I’m never doing anything for you, ever again. You disgust me.”

Her voice was weak, trembling with emotion she didn’t deserve and I didn’t feel. “I… I love you DT.”

“Just like you love Spoiled? Get the fuck away from me, you fucking insect. Never talk to me again. I never want to see you again. Goodbye, Spoony.

With that, she left. She stumbled away with tears in her eyes and she never came back. My heart was broken. It still beat for her, but every pump burned, tearing little bits of my soul as the boiling blood would rush back in. I still loved her, but I was hurt. I was hurt in a way that might never get better. If I could have forgotten those words, or maybe not thought about them then I might not have said “never”. Maybe… everything would have been different.

They found her two days later. She’d jumped off a bridge. No note, no given reason. I didn’t need a note. I’d seen it in her eyes when she walked away. I’d killed her. She’d died in that moment, that last moment when I told her to never talk to me again. I crushed what was left of her soul, what little bit Mommy hadn’t swallowed up and spat out over and over again. That’s when I killed the only pony I’d ever love.

The funeral was surreal. I didn’t cry. I didn’t feel anything at all. I looked around, noting all the stallions and wondering which ones had fucked her. I’d guess all of them. Probably most of the mares, too. They didn’t even know. The Celestial priest? I’d seen him show up through my window in a bad disguise. Her father? Check. My father? Check. The Cakes? Check. Which one was unknowingly mourning his unborn foal? Maybe her father lost two children that day. None of them knew her secret identity but me, Spoiled, and Filthy. Out of us, I was the only one that knew that she hadn’t died alone, and why was truly dead.

Not one of the three of us shed a tear. I suppose being emotionally unbalanced runs in the family.

That night, I still felt nothing. I don’t know why, but I snuck into Mommy’s room and waited. I watched while she drunk a bottle. Then another. I stayed quiet, not knowing what I was doing or why I was there. Eventually, she passed out, still holding the third bottle of booze. I crawled over her, and looked at her face. She’d been crying.

She didn’t deserve to cry. I wanted to cry, but couldn’t. Mommy deserved it the least of anypony. I grabbed the bottle, and poured the rest of down her throat. She squirmed, trying to drunkenly turn her head, but I held it in place. She stopped drinking, but there was still booze in the bottle. I pressed on her chest, and she gurgled, her body literally inhaling the alcohol. I watched her squirm, and then she was still.

“Have fun with Spoony, Mrs. Rich… She’s going to need some company.” I whispered to her corpse with a gleeful smile.

I pretended to cry at that funeral. It was easy. I can always pretend to cry. The only time I can’t is when I actually need to.

After that, I threw myself into my work. I already owned a small chunk of Manehatten, why not the rest? What the fuck else was I going to do? I dropped out of school, one year left. There was no island for me. No rest in sight. That was okay. I worked. I worked until it was all I could think of.

I promised myself that I’d always, always get what I wanted. I agonized over it in excruciating detail, and always came out on top. Everybody bowed to me, and I owned the world itself. I owned everything, taking anything I could ever want from anypony dumb enough to get in my way. There was only one thing that I could never have. One thing that had been taken from me, back when I still had a heart.

But now? Now the only thing I want is to stop thinking. About anything at all.


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Red sat in his chair, reviewing the notes from today's meetings. Under his desk, Diamond slobbered noisily on his cock. He grunted, ignoring her attention for now as he mused over his problem.

“Senior Sales thinks they can push us around. They’re encroaching on our market in Hoofington.”

The cock sucking stopped, and Diamond spoke up with a sore voice. “Hoofington is reliant on imports from Appleoosa. We own Appleoosa. Double the price for any store not in our network, then offer to become part of their supply chain. Use the DYDCO shell company for the offer, and make it half what it should be. Those greedy clawing little bugs won’t hesitate. It’ll dry up the rest of the chain, so buy up what closes down. In a year you can charge what you want. They won’t figure it out till it’s too late, or more likely they won’t do anything about it. The stupid old fucker they have in charge doesn’t understand controlling source to floor. You’ll own them by this time two years from now…”

Diamond shoved herself noisily back on his cock. Red grunted. It was a solid plan. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around that brain of hers, all these years later. He might have figured out that plan or something similar on his own, but it would have taken hours of pondering. Diamond just blurted it out between breaths while she sucked his cock. She really was a genius.

He stamped the plan, and sent it off to his assistant through the PTS. Work was done for the day. Without warning, he grabbed the silver leash by his desk, and stood up. He walked to the stairs, dragging Diamond by her diamond studded collar as she crawled behind him on her belly.

“You go first. I want to watch. Do not drop them.”

Diamond kissed his hooves as she crawled by, taking her leash into her own mouth. He watched as she slowly, and deliberately climbed the stairs, and kept his eyes focused on her. Her body was still impeccably beautiful, and her diamond studded collar sparkled in the daylight as she struggled to crawl up them.

She had been good today. Her long, gorgeously braided tail was held dutifully to the side, giving him a full view of the red plastic vibrator she had held in her pussy and the diamond studded butt plug she had in her ass. Her flanks struggled between pulling herself up, and squeezing her pussy tight to keep the toys in. She made it halfway up before she froze.

“F… Fuck.. Red!”

Red didn’t say anything while she came, only watching as she squirt all over the stairs and then collapsed.

Diamond began to cry. She did that sometimes, usually right before or after she failed at one of his little challenges. He didn’t worry about it. He did wonder about the vibrator though. Her pussy usually relaxed, melting into a hot gooey piece of flesh after she came. Not like Spoony’s. Spoony could just keep fucking right on through an orgasm. Diamond always needed a break.

Not that he ever gave her one, “Don’t drop that. I already warned you once.”

Diamond forced herself to stand up a little, and desperately clawed at the next step with a slippery hoof. “Red… I can… I can’t…” The vibrator started to slip backwards as it clicked up a notch in frequency. “Too much… Too much…” She shook her head from side to side. “Too much...”

Red growled. “Don’t do it, Diamond.”

Diamond’s eyes went wide, and she cried out. “N… Noo!”

Another spurt, this time with a wet, loud splat. He watched the vibrator squirm lewdly on the floor, dancing on the plush carpet, and soaked in Diamond’s juices.

She had collapsed, sliding down a few stairs in her own slippery pool of juices. “I’m sorry… Please… I’m sorry… not tonight…. I’ll do better…”

She was begging him. She always begged him after she failed. Ever since the first time, years ago.

“You know the rules, my Diamond.”

She stopped crying, sulking instead. “Yes, Red...”

“You can walk now. Come down here and get this cleaned up. I’m going to spend some family time with Silver.”

Diamond slunk down the stairs, looking dejected. Sometimes he wondered what she felt in those moments. She always looked like a kicked puppy, but there was a hidden light in her eyes. A little spark that even now he didn’t know what it meant.

Red walked into the viewing room, leaving Diamond to clean the mess she’d made. He found Spoony grinding against a toy by the window while she looked out at the city. Spoony paused, looking hopefully at Red.

He shook his head, nodding to the stairs. Spoony frowned when she didn’t see Diamond come up. She sighed.

Then Silver smiled.

“How was work today, Red?” She slid next to him, and peppered a kiss on his cheek.

He smiled warmly back.

“Good, actually. We closed a few deals, started a few new ones, and are spreading across the whole of Equestria. The company is really thriving.”

Silver leaned into him, and he felt her warmth. “I’m guessing Diamond didn’t make it…?”

He nodded. “She almost did. It was the stairs that got her. She was good the whole day, but those stairs…”

She shivered against him. “Yeah. Spoony is getting a little desperate. It’s getting harder to… We should probably let them… you know… tonight. It’s been two days. She might go a little crazy if we don’t.”

Red deadpanned. “Your sex crazed split personality might go a little crazy if we don’t let her fuck my degenerate slut of a wife?”

Silver looked at him with a goofy grin. “We have to do something. I don’t want a bananas split!”

Red stared at her, and then he cracked a smile. “Pbbt… Fine. You win. But maybe first we can order some pizza?”

Silver’s smile was huge, soft, and genuine. “I’d like that, Red. I’d like that a lot…”

Red kissed the pony he loved while his wife licked her own cum off their stairs. She’d join them when she was done, probably curling up at their feet while she waited for Red or Spoony to give her attention.

Once the movie was over and the pizza was gone, he’d let Spoony out to play. Maybe he’d even play with them.

Red looked out over the city, admiring the view from Diamond’s tower.