Dragon Whored

by Cardinal Dan Productions

First published

Spike finds himself recruited to assist in curing three of his closest friends of their heat.

When an unprecedented heat wave falls over Ponyville, Spike finds himself recruited to help three of his closest friends cool off.

Cover Art: Loveslove

Part 1: Twilight by Twilight

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***A Cardinal Dan Production***

In the comfort of his bed, on the verge of sleep, Spike breathed softly through his nostrils. The blissful quiet of the night was abruptly cut short by the clicking of his door lock. He hadn’t heard his door open, but he had certainly heard it close.

Wide awake, Spike sat upright and scanned the room. The moonlight coming through the window behind him casted long shadows across the floor, but he couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Satisfied, he declined into his pillow. As he turned over, however, he came face to face with Twilight, meeting her eyes with his own.

The dragon opened his mouth to scream, but his cry was cut short by her hand as she covered his snout. “Shhhh… Don’t make a sound, Spike…” Then, a wide smile crossed her lips. “It’s only me.” The princess knelt beside his bed, dressed in little but a thin night shirt and underwear. Her mane was in tatters, and she had a pained expression on her face. “Can we talk?”

As she released his mouth, Spike nodded. Slowly, he managed to sit upright. “Sure, Twi. What’s wrong?”

She let out a nervous chuckle, shaking her head. “Oh, Spike… Nothing’s wrong. I’ve just-“ Her voice faltered, and her gaze fell. “Hmm. This is more difficult than I thought…”

Spike took her hand in his and offered her a reassuring smile. “It’s alright, Twi. You can tell me anything.”

That seemed to lift her spirits. She looked up, and her eyes locked into his again. “I know, Spike. You’ve always been there for me. That’s why I can only trust you with my… hmm… problem…”

He raised an eyebrow at her. Knowing Twilight, she wouldn’t use the word ‘problem’ unless the situation was truly serious. “What is it?”

Twilight took in a deep breath before letting it out gently. “Spike… I’ve been having uncomfortable feelings… urges…” Her gaze was fixed on him. “What I’m trying to say is, I’m in heat, Spike. I have been for about almost a month now, and it’s driving me crazy. Do you have any idea what happens to a mare when she remains in a prolonged state of heat?”

Spike nervously shook his head. He didn’t even know that she was in heat to begin with, never mind how he was supposed to help.

Twilight let out a long sigh, regaining some of her composure. “Some mares like it. They stew themselves in a perpetual state of bliss, always at the edge of a climax but never achivning true satisfaction, but this is dangerous. Remaining in heat for too long can lead to irreversible physiological trauma.” Tears swelled in the corners of her eyes. “That’s not me, Spike. I can’t keep going on like this. I need a real cock inside, your cock… You’ve always been there for me, so I trust you more than any male in Equestria. Please, Spike… Please…”

She leaned forward, and before he knew it, their lips were locked together. The sounds of heavy breathing filled the air as she crawled into his bed, flattening her body against his. Grabbing onto his wrists, she held him down as the kissing intensified.

Spike was speechless. Not just because his lips were locked in a duel with Twilight’s for oral supremacy, but because he’d never expected such a straightforward advance from somepony he knew so dearly. Before he knew it, and against all better judgement, the shaft of his cock began to stiffen. It pressed hard against his night shorts, trapped between both his legs and Twilight’s. The battle of will was over before it started. He knew there was no way to talk her out of her lust-driven state. The only real issue resided in his own inexperience, having hardly ever kissed a few mares before, and in those cases, the kiss wasn’t nearly as intense as it was now.

Their lips parted abruptly. Spike wondered if she could sense his insecurities. Perhaps the way they kissed was even giving her second thoughts. “Tw-Twi?”

She ran her tongue along her lower lip and sat upright, straddling his hips. Keeping her gaze fixed on his, Twilight crossed her arms and grabbed the ends of her night shirt. Then, in one swift motion, she pulled the shirt up and over her head before tossing it over the side of the bed, causing her naked breasts to bounce free. She panted heavily, as though she’d just finished a midnight run. “Please, Spike… You’ll forgive me for this, won’t you?”

Spike couldn’t look away from the sight of her sizable breasts. At this point, he wasn’t sure if the whole thing was a dream or not, but the pleading in Twilight’s voice sounded real. For better or worse, she really depended on him. “Sure, Twilight… Whatever you need…”

Her mouth curled into a wide smile stretching from ear to ear. “I’ll never forget this, Spike. Let’s take things a step further… I’ve got to see what I’m dealing with.”

The princess hooked her fingers into the brim of his night shorts and slid backwards, pulling the pants down with her. Before he could even attempt to remove his own clothes himself, she had stripped waist completely and thrown his shorts aside. Spike felt bashful, having never been naked in front of a mare before, let alone the the one who raised him from an egg.

The feelings weren’t neutral, however. Twilight didn’t seem to have any troubles soaking in the sight of his throbbing cock standing at attention. With wide eyes, she leaned in for a closer look. “Where have you been all this time?”

Hesitantly, she reached for his engorged member. The tips of her fingers brushed gently against the side of the shaft before recoiling. Then, with greater resolve, she reached for it a second time, at last grasping her prize. It was at that moment Spike knew it must have been Twilight’s first time too. Despite her ravenous drive, she was still uncertain of what she needed to do.

“Four weeks of ceaseless euphoria, and the cure was only a short walk down the hall…” She clumsily began to stroke the length of his cock, allowing her fingers to experience every ridge and vein. It might not have been the same as Spike handling his own tool, but the fact that it was somepony else’s hand put a new spin on the thrill. He actually found it a bit amusing, the way Twilight played with his cock as though she were trying to figure out how it worked.

Then, guided by her own sense of curiosity, she parted her lips and brought the tip of his shaft towards her open mouth. Spike held his breath as he watched in awe. “Twi, are you sure?”

She briefly locked eyes with him before returning her attention to the task at hand. “I’ve never been so sure of anything before now, Spike…”

Twilight extended her tongue, allowing the tip of his cock to at last come into direct contact with the warm, slippery surface. Carefully, she closed her lips around the shaft, fully sealing the tip inside her mouth. With her eyes looking up at him, she began to descend, taking more and more of his rod down her throat.

Spike couldn’t believe what he was seeing, but the stimulation told him it was really happening. At the halfway point, Twilight sputtered and coughed, but after only a few moments to collect herself, she pressed onward until her snout touched his naval. She rose quickly, coughing and gasping for air as his cock fell clumsily from her mouth dripping with thick strands of saliva.

The princess stared at her accomplishment, her face absolutely flush with embarrassment. “Sorry… I just had to have a taste, and… then I needed more.” Then, she laughed giddily. “Hah… A real penis… I can’t believe I just did that. This is so exciting!”

Spike couldn’t help grinning at her exaggerated innocence. “Yeah, Twi. It felt… incredible.” He rubbed the back of his head absentmindedly. “So… What’s next?”

Twilight gave him a half-lidded look, and her lips curled into a naughty grin. “I’m as lubricated as I’m ever going to be, and the thought of this thing filling my insides is making my head spin. I can’t wait any longer… I need this clock, now!”

Her words echoed in his ears. As Twilight hovered over him, her body poised to strike, he became mesmerized by her heavy breasts displayed before him.

A switch inside him flipped. Spike felt something stirring that wasn’t there before, a carnal beast. Suddenly, he couldn’t possibly imagine why he was so hesitant. Right in front of him was the opportunity of a lifetime to not only lose his virginity, but share it with a close friend he loved. Any doubt, what little amount there might have been, vanished from his imagination.

The dragon bolted upright, catching Twilight by surprise. It didn’t take more than a gentle shove to throw her balance. Letting out a startled cry, she fell back onto the pillow where his head previously rested. Then, with a single claw, he sliced through the elastic band of her underwear, allowing the shredded clothing to reveal the source of Twilight’s heat. As he loomed over her, lining up the tip of his twitching cock with her glistening slit, the princess stared up at him, wide-eyed and breathing heavily. “Sp-Spike?”

Just as the tip began to push into her slippery folds, he stopped. They were at the point of no return. If either of them were going to back out, the time was now or never. “Yeah, Twi?”

She swallowed hard. “Spike, I… I want you to kiss me when you put it in. Go ahead a take me. Take me as hard as you can. Hold nothing back…”

Spike’s heart fluttered in his chest, flipping, twisting, and turning. Acting purely on his beastly instinct, he pushed his hips forward, and his cock slipped smoothly into its well-oiled sheath. Twilight expelled a sharp gasp as the shaft pierced her womb, but he silenced her lips with his own. Their lips locked together, and Twilight’s eyes rolled back as she moaned hotly into his mouth.

Gradually, he began to thrust into her, pulling pack ever so slightly before filling her love canal again and again. Fireworks exploded in his mind as wonderful new feelings enveloped his maturing tool. Like her mouth, it was warm and wet, though tighter. He could feel the walls of her womb hugging every inch of his cock, begging for the ultimate satisfaction.

Twilight’s arms retreated behind her head. Gripping onto the pillow, she expelled a series of muffled moans that were stifled only by their passionate kiss. Both parties needed to breath, however, and their lips separated. No longer silenced, her cries and whimpers began to fill the room as her inner walls were stretched to their absolute limit.

With every thrust, her moans escalated in volume, and she began to recite his name as though she were in a trance. “Spike… Spike… Spike… Oh, Spike…”

The young dragon had tunnel vision. At that moment, the only thing in the world that mattered was the mare beneath him. Nothing else was important. In his sex-addled mind, only two words were deciphered from the rest: penetrate, and breed. Even as Twilight cried out his name and begged him to slow down, her walls tightening drastically around his shaft, he pounded furiously at her womb with no intentions of stopping until his mission was completed.

His vision began to darken, and a twisting sensation formed in his core. He heard a word echoing inside his mind, inside. A dizzying wave of nausea washed over him, and Spike finally reached his limit. Giving one final thrust, he buried his cock inside of Twilight, touching his pelvis to hers, as they experienced simultaneous release.

Twilight cried out at the top of her lungs, wrapping her arms around Spike’s back as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her body fell limp, and she twitched lazily as Spike at last pulled out. As his softening cock exited her womb, a stream of bodily fluids began to trickle out.

Utterly spent, Spike fell beside her. Only the sounds of heavy breathing lingered now. Unable to fully comprehend what he had done, he took Twilight’s shaking hand, lacing his fingers through hers.

This caused a smile to form across her weary face. “That… was better than I could have ever imagined… I’m just glad… I got to you… first…”

Spike frowned. “First? What do you mean? Twi?”

It was too late for an answer. The princess was already asleep, snoring softly and still holding his hand. Realizing how tired he was, Spike knew it was only a matter of time before his body clocked out too. Resting his head beside hers, he focused on the gentle rise and fall of her breasts, and before he knew it, he was out like a light.

***Up Next: Starlight at First Light***

Part 2: Starlight at First Light

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Spike awoke to an empty bed. Twilight had vanished, leaving only cold, stained sheets. The memories of what had happened remained though. It was all he could think about, her body, the way she moaned his name.

Then again, she was in a late stage of heat. It couldn’t have been fair to call her actions entirely her own. Spike had to wonder if she’d even want to talk about what happened between them, if there were any feelings that were more than physical. The dragon groaned as he rose from his bed. In any case, he knew he had to find Twilight in order to get some answers. Before that, however, he needed a hot shower to clear his head.

Still clothed in the previous night’s semen-stained shorts, he trudged lazily from his room and into the brisk palace corridor. It was only a short walk to the nearest bathroom, but it still took him far longer than it should have in his current state. Believing a shower and a fresh change of clothes would help, he made his way to the bathroom.

A short, miserable walk later, he found the door. Spike could already feel the warm water washing away any and all discomfort. Without a second thought, he pushed the door open, only to find it was already occupied.

Starlight looked up from the vanity, fully nude, meeting his eyes with a shocked expression. “Spike?!”

Realizing his mistake all too late, he averted his gaze to shield his eyes. However, before he could back out of the bathroom and begin formulating a lengthy apology, the unicorn grabbed Spike by the wrist and pulled him inside before shutting the door behind him.

“Starlight, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to… It was an accident, I swear…” Fearing the worst, he raised his arms to his chest as a cowardly form of defense.

He expected a barrage of verbal abuse. He knew Starlight wasn’t a physically violent mare, but perhaps a slap was in order. None of these happened, though. Instead of frustration or anger, he saw a wide grin plastered across her face.

“No need to apologize, Spike. There’s no harm done.” She licked her lips as she looked up and down his half-naked form. “In fact, I’ve been thinking about you all week…”

“Wha… What?” He raised an eyebrow at her, unsure if he’d heard correctly.

Starlight took a step closer, backing him into the door. “I was just about to visit you room, figured I could take advantage of that morning wood, but you decided to come and find me…” With one hand, she reached behind him and locked the door. With the other, she grabbed the mound stiffening in his night shorts. “Mmmm… You smell wonderful, Spike…”

Spike could smell her too. She reeked of the same sexual aroma as Twilight. Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle began to fit together. “You… You’re in heat…”

She nodded her head. “Yeah… I’ve just been having these intense cravings for… Well, let’s just say you have something I desperately need.”

Starlight quickly descended to her knees, pulling his shorts down with her. Only a few short hours after his first orgasms with Twilight, Spike’s cock stood fully erect to once again perform its duty. Spike could only watch in awe as she took his shaft in both hands, running her fingers along every inch of surface area.

Where Twilight’s inexperience kept her from utilizing his tool to the best of its abilities, Starlight seemed like an expert by comparison. With one hand, she stroked the dragon’s cock at a steady pace, and she played with her own slit with the other. To Spike’s surprise, it felt better than good, and she knew it too.

The unicorn stared up at him, grinning wildly. “Yeah? You like that, big guy? Well, don’t hold back. Go ahead and cum for me…” Her gaze fell to the cock in front of her, and she stuck out her tongue.

Spike couldn’t help swooning at her touch. His breaths grew rapid and shallow. She seemed to be doing a better job than he ever could with his own hand. Unable to last any longer, he exhausted a satisfied groan as a powerful orgasm washed over him. His cock twitched in Starlight’s hand, firing thick spurts of semen across her tongue and down her throat. More cream came, spraying across her face, neck, and her breasts until he was tapped.

“St-Starlight…” The young dragon breathed heavily as he observed the sight before him.

Still on her knees, the unicorn began wiping the fluids from her chest, gathering some onto her fingers before bringing them to her lips and licking them clean. Staring up and meeting his eyes, she offered him a devious look. “Mmmm… What a mess you’ve made… I have to admit, you tasted better than I thought you would. Help a mare up, would you?”

Spike obliged her, taking Starlight by the hands and lifting her onto her feet. Standing toe to toe, she leaned in for an enduring kiss, pressing her body into his. The kiss caught him by surprise, but he obliged her again, melding his lips into hers as his arms wrapped around her lower back.

Starlight responded in kind, taking the back of his head in one hand and his twitching cock in the other. The kissing intensified, quickly turning into a dance of tongues as she pulled him across the bathroom towards the vanity.

The kiss came to a swift end, and Starlight turned to face the mirror. She planted her hands on the counter and leaned forward, presenting her rear to the dragon. Her tail swished from side to side in sync with the waggling of her flanks. “You’re still hard, big guy. Let’s put that endurance to good use.”

Spike approached her slowly. His heartbeat thundered in his ears. The swinging movements of her perfectly-shaped flanks was mesmerizing. With the tip of his rob poised at the entrance to her slit, he couldn’t help but stare.

Looking over her shoulder at him, she invited Spike into her body with her eyes. “Come on, baby… Do I really have to say it? I’m hot… and earnest…” She gritted her teeth, almost snarling like a wild animal. “Don’t just stand there… Fuck me already!”

His eyes narrowed. Swiftly, he grabbed Starlight’s tail by the base, and with his free hand, he planted a firm ‘smack’ on her flank, causing her to cry out.

“Hey! I didn’t say you could-“

Spike plunged his cock into her vagina, fully sheathing it until the tip poked at her womb. Starlight’s jaw fell, suspending in disbelief as he filled her to the brim. He could see her face in the vanity mirror. Her eyes pleaded out of desperation, and voiceless mouth formed the word ‘more’. He pulled back ever so slightly, allowing her labia to experience the rubbed texture of his shaft until only the very tip remained inside, cocooned in her warm slit.

“Do you want more?” Spike already knew the answer. He simply wanted to hear it in Starlight’s own words, no matter how meek they might have been.

Reluctantly, she nodded her head. “Ye-Yes, Sp-Sp-Spike…” Every breath from her trembling lips was shaky. Her very voice sounded fragil. “Pl-Please…”

Happy with her response, Spike thrusted into her again, hitting her flanks with his pelvis before pulling back out. He was beginning to get the hang of the act, quickly falling into a modest rhythm based on the smacking sounds of his body contacting hers. With every thrust, Starlight too would add to the music with her own whimpers, as well as the occasional moan as he tugged on her tail.

“Oh, Spike… You beast… Why did… I ever… wait?” He struck her flank again, leaving a faint mark this time and causing her to cry out. “Ah! Do that again!”

Spike was a bit surprised. He had heard stories that mares like to be spanked, but he never believed there to be any truth to it. He reeled back and delivered another blow across her flank, right on her cutiemark.

“Ah! Pull my tail… harder…”

The dragon pounded furiously into her. The red mist descended across his view again, and his primal instincts took over. Gripping tightly onto Starlight’s tail, he leaned over her and grabbed her swinging breasts with his free hand, clutching her fatty mounds of flesh with no regard to their delicacy.

“Yes, baby… Yes…” Starlight’s voice sounded hoarse. “I’ll be yours… I’ll be whatever you need… whenever you need it… Just don’t stop!”

The unicorn cried aloud, and the inner walls of her vagina came slamming together, crushing Spike’s cock mid thrust. The sudden pressure was more than enough to force him over the edge. On the verge of his second climax, he made the final push and pierced Starlight’s womb, clutching her breasts tightly as he began to pump his seed into her. Drooling from the corners of her smile, Starlight collapsed into the vanity, utterly helpless as he continued to fill her with his creamy material.

It wasn’t until after the last spurts of semen had been sapped from his member that Spike finally pulled out. Slick with fluids from the both of them, it finally began to shrink to its flaccid shape. Utterly exhausted, he stumbled backwards, still unable to take his eyes off of Starlight’s glistening posterior.

Shakily, she pulled herself together, managing to turn around and face him. “You…” Starlight raised an unstable finger, pointing at the dragon as she took a step towards him. However, she lost her balance and fell towards him. Spike caught her in his arms, earning a cheeky laugh from the unicorn. “Ah… Thanks… You were pretty good, stud. I really need to thank you… Not just for catching me, but for… everything… I’ve never had heat this bad before.”

Now I’m a clear state of mind, Spike offered her a friendly grin. “Don’t worry about it… You don’t owe me anything.”

She shook her head. “I do, though. Just give me some time to think of something special, okay? Before I go, just know this: There are other needy mares out there. I heard you with Twilight…”

Spike froze. “You… You did?”

“It’s okay.” Starlight offered him a resulting smile, bringing the palm of her hand to his cheek. “I don’t mind that I’m not your first lover. She sounded like she was in bad shape. You really did a great thing for her. What I’m trying to say is that you’re a great guy with a lot to give, so be careful.”

She leaned in for a kiss, planting her lips on his. Then, she grabbed a towel from the rack beside them and turned towards the door. Reaching for the handle, she looked back and fired him a sly wink.

“Go ahead, stud. You can take the first shower. I’ll wait.”

***Up Next: Over the Rainbow***

Part 3: Over the Rainbow

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After what had happened between them the day before, Twilight generously treated Spike to some much needed respite. He was gifted an all expense paid afternoon at the Ponyville Day Spa. He’d already received a rough, yet necessary full body massage at the knuckle-cracking hands of Bulkhead. It had to be a stallion. He couldn’t take another chance with a mare until the heat wave had died down. Now, Spike tightened the complimentary towel around his waist as he approached the steam room.

He opened the door, and a hot cloud enveloped him. “Hello?”

When no voice answered him, he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. The dragon began to sweat instantly, despite his natural resistance to extreme temperatures. Visibility in the small room was non-existent, but Spike had visited the day spa enough times in the past to feel his way around the stadium benches without stepping in the coals. He found a secluded seat along the back wall, laid down his towel, and reclined into a comfortable position.

Soon after, however, the door opened again, followed shortly by the sounds of footsteps on the wooden floor. From his seat in the back, Spike couldn’t even see the door, let alone whoever it was that just entered the room. “Who’s there?”

The footsteps came to a stop. Then, he heard a familiar mare’s voice. “Spike? Is that you?”

Relieved to hear a friend, Spike sat upright and peered into the fog. Like a specter, Rainbow Dash emerged from the hot steam. She was completely nude, holding a towel tucked under her arm.

With a sly grin on her face, she approached the bench, seemly unbothered by the lack of clothes between them. “Well… Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes! Mind if I join you?”

She might not have been phased by their nakedness, but Spike was. He hurriedly attempted to cover his groin with the very towel he was sitting on, but it was too late. Rainbow was already sitting down next to him, her chest in full view and her legs spread wide open.

“Wh-What brings yo-you here?” Small conversation wasn’t his strongest ability, but anything was better than sitting in silence, or worse, staring at Rainbow’s breasts.

The pegasus let out a heaving sigh. “Hmm… I just finished a weather job with some of the Sky Jockeys. My wings and legs were feeling sore, so I thought a long stretch and a steam bath would help me feel better.” She let out a harsh groan and attempted to reach the base of her wings to no avail. “Ah… These things are killing me… I should probably see Lotus.”

Spike frowned. The tone of her voice sounded as though she was genuinely in distress. “Rainbow… I…” A long sigh heaved from his chest. “I could take a look at it, if you want…”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “Really? Well… Hmm… Alright, Spike. If you could rub out those kinks under my wings, I’d appreciate it.”

Rainbow raised her legs onto the bench and swiveled her body so her back now faced Spike. Then, she opened her wings, stretching them out to allow him full access to her back. Then, with a swipe from her hand, she moved her mane forward, over her shoulder and down her chest.

Even through the steam, Spike could see every sleek and toned muscle running across her perfectly shaped body, all the way down to her bare flanks. Realizing he’d been staring too long, he cleared his throat nervously. “Um, where… Ehem! Where is it again?”

She gave him a glance over her shoulder. “It’s just beneath my wings, Spike. Start there, then move your fingers in circles towards the front.”

Hesitantly, he planted his hands firmly onto Rainbow’s back. His fingers wrapped around her sides while he pressed his thumbs into her upper back, just under the base of her wings. “How’s that?”

“Mmmm… That’s not bad… not bad at all. You can do it a little harder, you know. Just start rubbing around. Do what feels right.” He couldn’t see her face, but he could tell she was smiling. Spike felt pretty good too, knowing he was helping a friend in need. His fingers pushed into her firm muscles, feeling out lines of tension wherever they lead him. “Oh… That’s nice, Spike…”

Then, to his surprise, she leaned back into his arms until her back rested snuggle against his chest. “Wha… Rainbow, what are you-“

She took his hands in hers and brought them around her body, up to her breasts. As his fingers touched her soft mounds, his heart rate escalated.

The pegasus swooned at his touch, almost purring as she coaxed him into holding her. “Keep going, Spike… Do what you were doing, but on these…” With a little help from Rainbow, Spike’s fingers closed around her breasts, squeezing them tenderly. “Mmm… Hmm! You’ve got a hell of a touch, dough boy.”

With her head cradled in his shoulder, she stared up at him with a lustful gaze, the very same look he saw in the eyes of Twilight and Starlight. “You’re in heat too?”

The mischievous grin on her face confirmed the truth. “Ya’ got me… and you’ve got just what I need to fix it.” She raised a had to his cheek, caressing him lovingly. “Now, give me a kiss, you big softie…”

Before Spike could protest, she pulled him into an aggressive tongue battle, one he quickly began to lose. Alarms were blaring in his mind. Even if he was in any shape to have sex with another one of his friends, the day spa wasn’t the place to do it. “Ra-Rainbow, please… We-“

She turned on him, throwing her towel carelessly to the side. “You don’t have to play coy with me, baby… I’ve always wanted to ride you, even before I was in heat.” Opening her legs, she stepped over his knees and mounted him where he sat. “Meeting you here Just happened to be… well, a happy accident.”

As she started to descend on his hardening cock, the door opened, and they both froze. Thinking quickly, Spike gave Rainbow his towel and crossed his legs to hid his erection just as a pair of ponies entered the steam room. He was utterly relieved, but Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, didn’t look so pleased.

She sat next to him with her arms crossed over her breasts and a scowl on her face. “Not… fair…”

***Up Next: The Deal***