
by AtomicClop

First published

Fluttershy fucks Detective Pikachu at a CIA black site.

Fluttershy fucks Detective Pikachu at a CIA black site

Warnings: Pokésexuality, teledildonics, implied Harkness test. 

From the pre-readers human test subjects:

This is awful in the best way.
Majin Seeykoh

It has all the symptoms of a classic Sockno:
the literary equivalent of gross-up close-up, everyone is insane, and the punchline hits like a truck xD.

I need a bloody drink.

I feel dirty.
Graymane Shadow

Draining his pokéballs

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Fluttershy loved many things. Her old friends. Her new friends. Her animals. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna.

She particularly loved Pokémon.

She also particularly loved her giant, high-powered, bright-yellow Pikachu vibrator.

Fluttershy sat naked on her desk chair—which was covered in a thick bath towel—and tapped on her iPad, playing Pokémon Cafe Mix one-handed. She tapped and dragged, connecting Pokémon icons and scoring points.

With her other hand, she jammed the enormous, knobbly vibrator into her red-hot, dripping-wet snatch. Fluttershy whimpered in the back of her throat as she thrust the dildo in and out of herself, the knobs clobbering her g-spot and the massive girth rolling her clit downward to catch against the soft silicone on the in-strokes. The vibration buzzed loudly and shook her entire lower abdomen. Pussy juices dripped down her, soaking her ass and asshole and the towel on the chair and leaving the room marinating with the scent of a very turned-on, hormone-soaked high-school senior. A broken 35-millimeter camera on a tripod stared at her and she pretended she was streaming her performance to millions of people.

Muscles across her belly clenched as Eevee shouted "Vee!" on her iPad and Fluttershy started cumming. She gasped and bit her tongue, trying to stay quiet. She made bedroom eyes at the dead camera, playing into the fantasy, and crammed the vibrator full-in, slamming into her cervix and the vibration coupling into the clenching of her uterus and doubling the strength of the orgasm. Her other hand shot from the iPad to pinch and squeeze her nipples and she shot a huge load of thick, white girlcum from herself as the orgasm rocked up and down her body, her pussy clenching on the vibe, her asshole squeezed tight, nipples hard, and vision dim as the blood rushed to her genitals. Her hearing took an echoy timbre.

Zephyr Breeze barged in her bedroom door. "Hey, big sis, your friends are—dammit, I told you to lock your door when you rub off!" He pinched his nose shut.

Fluttershy pulled the sloppy vibrator from her pussy and threw it at him, missing him by inches. He ducked and ran from the room. The vibrator left a sticky spot on the wall and landed on the floor.

Sunset and Twilight entered. Sunset raised an eyebrow and Twilight pushed her glasses up her nose before closing the door behind them.

Sunset stared at Fluttershy's bare snatch. "Nice wax job."

"Rarity did it for me," Fluttershy said, panting, out of breath.

"Mine too," Sunset said, shaking her hips.

"What kind of porn are you watching, anyway?" Twilight said. "I'm doing a bit of an informal sociological survey."

Fluttershy reached for the iPad, but her fingers were covered in thick pussy juice. She licked them clean, savoring her own flavors while making eye contact with the camera, wiped her fingers dry on the towel that covered the chair, and then handed the iPad to Twilight.


Fluttershy blushed but nodded.

"I like Pokémon too," Sunset said. "Perhaps not as much as you. I used to play Pokémon Go while I walked around town. Gotta catch em all!"

"Used to?" Fluttershy asked.

"I stopped playing it after Wallflower stepped in front of the turnip truck while trying to catch a legendary and got herself isekai'd to the ICU. Now I only play Pokémon Go while sitting down."

"So does Wallflower, too, now," said Twilight dryly.

"That poor truck driver," Sunset muttered. "Hayseed felt so bad! But it's like Wallflower was invisible."

"I play lots of Pokémon Go," Fluttershy whispered. Her hair fell over her eyes. "The Cakes have a Pokéstop in their cafe."

"Is that why you spend so much time in their bathroom?" Twilight blurted before blushing and covering her mouth.

Fluttershy stood up and walked to her dresser. She pulled a teal cotton sundress over her head. She dared not risk a bra while her nipples were still so sensitive and her pussy was too wet to put on panties. She smoothed the dress down and looked back at the other two. "Y-yes? Whenever I catch a Pokémon I have to go to the cafe bathroom and rub one out."

Twilight asked, "Keep a vibe in your purse?"

"A little one," Fluttershy said. She walked across the room and picked up the giant vibe she had thrown at Zephyr, turning it off.

Twilight and Sunset looked at each other, then at Fluttershy.

"We've been experimenting with teledildonics," Sunset said.

"Telewhat?" Fluttershy squeaked.

Twilight pulled out her iPhone and tapped a few commands. Sunset gasped and clamped her knees together as a soft bzzzzzz sound filled the room.

After a few deep breaths, Sunset stood back up to full height, tapped a few commands on her Android phone, and Twilight blushed and put a hand to her butt, another soft bzzzzz sound audible in the room.

A large trickle of pussy juice rolled down the inside of Fluttershy's left leg.

"Teledildonics," Sunset said.

"What phone have you got, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

"iPhone thirteen." She lifted her skirt and sat back down on the sloppy chair while brandishing the vibrator. "Do you two mind if I finish?"

"It's your room," Sunset said.

Fluttershy pointed her crotch at the camera, inserted the vibe, and turned it back to maximum. She bit her lips and felt her nipples harden under the sundress.

"Where's your phone?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded at her dresser. The phone was in a yellow rubber Pikachu Otterbox. Twilight pointed it at Fluttershy's sweaty, red face to unlock it.

"I can jailbreak this," Twilight said, "so that whenever you catch a Pokémon, it sends a Bluetooth signal to trigger a vibrator in your panties."

Fluttershy squirted girlcum about three feet, the splatter landing on Twilight's left shoe.

"I'll take that as a yes," Twilight said with a smile.

"Hey, 'Shy?" Sunset said, turning the camera toward a wall. "You mind if Twilight and I borrow your bed and have a go while you finish? Your smell is making me horny."

"Go ahead," Fluttershy said, rotating her chair to face the bed. "Mind if I watch and pretend you two are Eevees?"

Sunset scowled. "I insist on being a Vaporeon."

"Can I lick your dildo clean afterwards?" Twilight asked.

"It's a vibrator, not a dildo," Fluttershy corrected.

Fluttershy was getting used to the feel of the televibrator. It wasn't too big, but walking around with it hidden up her snatch while doing her day-to-day activities was an adjustment.

School had been... interesting... with the vibe in all day. She never caught Pokémon at school, so it hadn't gone off, thank goodness.

She wanted herbal tea and some avocado toast. Lunch was too far past, and dinner not for several more hours, and her eighteen-year-old metabolism burned a lot of calories.

And with a smile, Fluttershy admitted to herself, maybe she could catch a Pokémon. The feel of the quiescent vibrator rubbing against her g-spot all day had given her quite a bit of start. Her belly was tight with stored-up erotic energy and a wet spot on her panties rubbed alluringly against her bare-waxed skin with every step. She twirled a finger through her hair as she walked, thinking about how naughty it would feel to try to hide a toe-curling orgasm in front of her friends if she managed to set off the Bluetooth vibrator while sitting at a booth with them. Then she realized the surveillance cameras in the cafe would see, and she nearly came right then.

She also imagined the blush on Twilight's face if Twilight figured out what was happening.

Fluttershy pulled out her phone and fired up Pokémon Go as she walked. Her blue school sweater tickled her braless nipples and she put an extra swing in her hips to make her skirt swish back and forth. She didn't expect anyone else to notice, but it made her feel sexy and the anticipation of the eventual future surprise of the vibrator just made her even wetter.

Pokémon Go booted and the game began. Remember to be alert at all times. Stay aware of your surroundings, chided the game. Fluttershy tapped the warning away and ignored the three black-armored commandos who stepped out of an alley and started following her.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom were hanging out in front of the Cakes' cafe.

"Heya, Fluttershy," Apple Bloom called.

Fluttershy squeaked, the noise caught in the back of her throat, and froze. An Eevee was standing just behind Apple Bloom. Not just any Eevee, but a shiny!

A gush of excitement soaked Fluttershy's panties as she aimed and threw the pokéball. Goodness, was there no way to keep the vibrator in without panties? She was getting bothersomely wet and going commando would be far more comfortable.

Missed! The Eevee dodged the pokéball.

The three Crusaders moved around to Fluttershy's side and stood on tiptoes, craning their necks, to see the phone.

"Oh!" Scootaloo said. "Do you need that for your pokédex?"

Fluttershy bit her lips and nodded slightly, aiming her next pokéball more carefully.

A black windowless van pulled up to the curb, idling. Fluttershy ignored it as her panties soaked completely through and she started dripping down the insides of her thighs.

Sweetie Belle rubbed her nose. "Something smells like Rarity's room."

Fluttershy threw another pokéball. It hit the Eevee squarely and captured the creature to her pokédex.

Scootaloo smacked Fluttershy on the shoulder in congratulations.

The vibrator fired with the capture, Twilight's jailbreak of the phone working perfectly, and the power of the motor surprising Fluttershy. Her knees buckled an inch and more wetness gushed, dripping down her thighs, her eyes crossing, and she dropped her phone.

"Fluttershy!" shouted Apple Bloom. "You okay? I hear a buzz, did y'all get stung by a bee?"

One of the black-clad commandos picked up her phone and pocketed it. The second threw open the door of the black van. The third commando crammed a taser into Fluttershy's right kidney.

The orgasm was short, because the taser quickly knocked her unconscious, but the combination of the vibrator and the fifty thousand volts made for the wettest orgasm of Fluttershy's life.


Fluttershy awoke flat on her back, lying on a thin futon on a cold floor.

Twilight, one of her glasses' lenses shattered, sat on another futon and stared at her. "Hi."

Fluttershy sat up and her head spun. "Oh, ow. Where are we?"

"CIA black site," Twilight said. "In some cursed third-world hellhole, I think."

"H-hellhole?" Fluttershy gasped.

"Alabama, or maybe Florida or upstate New York." Twilight moaned piteously. "I bet there's not a Whole Foods for two hundred miles."

Fluttershy's first observation was that the room had a concrete back wall, metallic floor, concrete ceiling, and wrought-iron bars on the other three walls. Fluttershy had lost her shoes and socks somehow and her feet ached where they touched the cold floor.

Her next observation was that her panties were dry, crusty, and uncomfortable. She reached under her skirt and slipped them off, tossing them through the bars into the next cell. The vibrator fell out of her and she tossed it aside, too.

Twilight looked away, pretending not to watch.

Fluttershy hoped she could get a shower. She smelled a little strong. She smelled like Rarity's room.

In the next cell was also a pair of purple panties and a bluetooth buttplug with a NASA logo. Apparently Twilight had had the same idea when she woke up.

Three commandos in rubberized black bodysuits, their heads and eyebrows shaved and their skin as pale as web developers', walked up to the cell door.

"Who are you?" Twilight demanded. "Harkonnens?"

"CIA," said the middle one.

"W-why are we here?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Congress doesn't give us the budget to keep these little vacation homes open," he said, "so we subcontract. Steve Jobs asked us to speak to you two about jailbreaking iPhones for teledildonic purposes."

"Steve Jobs is dead," Twilight snapped.

"Only his physical body." The guards opened the door and two picked Twilight up by her upper arms.

Twilight's bare feet kicked feebly, half a yard above the floor. "I'll—I'll use my geode on you!"

"The floor is made from the fragments of Chrysalis's throne," said the head CIA person. "Magic doesn't work."

"Who's Chrysalis?" Twilight asked.

They carried her to the door.

"Enhanced interrogation won't work on me!" Twilight shouted. "I enjoy erotic asphyxiation! If you put electrodes on my nipples I might enjoy it!"

"What about plan 'number two' then, for the electrodes?" said one of the CIA fellows.

"I guarantee I'll enjoy that," Twilight said, jerking a head toward the discarded buttplug.

"Kidding! We actually just use truth drugs," said the third one. "With the internet, all of the old-fashioned enhanced methods are now someone's fetish and don't work reliably anymore."

"Oh," Twilight said.

They slammed the cell door and disappeared around the corner.

"Hmmmm," Sunset said with a frown from her seat in Wallflower's rehab clinic room.

"𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕥?" said Wallflower's Stephen Hawking-style voice synthesizer.

"A text from Twilight."

Wallflower's wheelchair rotated to face Sunset.

"𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕒𝕪?"

"Twilight says, 'I'm pefectly fine and not at aCIA black site with Sluttershy. This message is must certainly not sent under duress of any kind. Typos are nit due to broken fingers'."

"𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕒 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕄𝕚𝕞𝕖. ℍ𝕒. ℍ𝕒. ℍ𝕒."

Fluttershy stood and paced back and forth in the cell a few times. She shook the door and the bars but they were all too solid to move.

"There's no getting out," said a male voice.

With a squeak, Fluttershy leaped and spun to face the next cell.

A pikachu crawled out from under a blanket and sat on his haunches, staring at her.

"You're a pikachu! Pika pika!"

"No!" he said, rummaging under the blanket to find a deerstalker cap. He put the cap on his head. "No! I'm not a pikachu, I'm Detective Pikachu."

Fluttershy squeed.

"Wait, you can understand me?"

Fluttershy nodded.

Detective Pikachu walked across the cell to the bars just opposite Fluttershy and scowled at the two pairs of panties and the vibrators. "That's rude."

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy said, kneeling down to get closer to his eye level. "We didn't know this cell was occupied. Why are you here?"

"I found out that three-quarters of congress are actually pod aliens."

"Oh. You tried to go to the media?"

"No, I tried to barbeque one. Pod aliens taste really good."

"Which congressperson?"

"One who wouldn't be missed, not even by their constituents."


Detective Pikachu leaned down and sniffed Fluttershy's panties. His tail twitched.

"Um," Fluttershy said.


She pinched a nipple through her sweater. "I've always imagined... kinda... fantasized...?"

"Ugh, humans, no thanks," he said. "No offense."

Fluttershy turned away and stomped to the other side of the cell, arms crossed over her breasts, pouting.

She noticed her school bag. It was torn open, ransacked, and most of her belongings missing. Fluttershy rummaged the ruins. Two extra tampons, a three-pack of condoms (unopened), a bottle of Midol and—yes!

She found her Wondercolts headband—the one with the yellow animal ears.

She put the headband on.

Then, digging deeper into the ruined bag, she found the Wondercolts tail, the one that wrapped around her waist and closed in the front. After dropping her skirt to the ground and stepping out of it, she tied the tail in place, letting it hang loosely between her buttcheeks.

From the corner of her eye she noticed… a security camera. A massive wad of girlcum splurted from her snatch and soaked her inner thighs.

After taking a few deep breaths to get her emotions under control, imagining whomever was watching the security camera feed was reaching into his pants and nursing a budding erection, she looked over her shoulder at Detective Pikachu, trying to make bedroom eyes. She wagged her rump, making the tail swing left-right-left-right, and waggled her eyebrows at him.

A tiny yellow-and-pink erection popped from the fuzzy yellow fur of his belly. "Through the bars?" he asked.

Fluttershy tossed away her sweater, now completely naked but for the Wondercolts gear, the security camera's cold stare like warm sunlight on her nude skin, a flush warming her face and breasts. She positiioned her butt against the bars, down on her hands and knees, squatting low with her knees against her breasts, practically in a yoga position.

Detective Pikachu hopped up, grabbing the bars, pushed her fake tail to the side, and pressed his crotch against Fluttershy's.

Fluttershy stared at the security camera and licked her lips.

"Pika pika pika!" Detective Pikachu grunted, humping merrily.

Fluttershy Squeaked. "Um... wrong hole."

"What?" Pikachu said. "That's not your ass."

"It's... um... my urethra."

"Oh. Look, I'm kinda small, so this fits better. Would you mind?"

"I would mind," Fluttershy said. "Other hole, please."

He lifted up and his tiny cock pressed into Fluttershy's hot snatch. He was nothing compared to her giant knobbly vibrator at home, but it was a real pikachu! Just this once, she wasn't fantasizing while playing with an iPad and a vibrator!

He kept humping and Fluttershy felt herself release, a small gush of hot pussy juice.

"Pika pika pika pika," he humped.

She gushed again and his grunts became in time with wet slaps as his soaked furry tummy smacked her firm buttcheeks.

"Yay!" Fluttershy said, still staring at the camera.

"Pika! Pika! Pikachuuuu I cum inside youuuuuu!"