Dragonborn of Equestria

by AstralFlare42

First published

A Dragonborn finds himself in Equestria. Let's see how that will go.

Behind a secret door in the crystal castle, a being from a thousand years ago is hidden away, chained within a crystalline prison.

One day, during a routine inspection, the door is found, and the prisoner is freed. Once this being is free, they will have an amazing adventure unlike anything that they have had since that comic con.

And the Dragonborn of Equestria shall go down the path laid before him.

Crossover tag for obvious reasons.

This is a displaced story.

Artwork done by the amazing Hoodwinked McShelster.

The Dragonborn Awakens Part 1

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Within a hidden room in the central building of the Crystal Empire; Some time after Sombra's defeat.

Chains rattled in the darkness. If you traveled deeper in the castle's more forgotten areas, you would find a secret room that Sombra would use as a torture chamber. The walls, while no longer the tyrant's favorite black crystals, curved All around forming a perfect sphere. Within the center was a crystal slab, just floating in the very center of the sphere. And there was someone chained down to it.

He was chained down in a kneeling position using a glowing bronze chain attached to four shackles. He had greyish green scales, a crimson underbelly, yellow eyes with black sclera, digitigrade legs with four toes, hands with four fingers, a pair of horns that flow to the back of his head with one of the horns being broken, black shoulder-length hair, dark red spines going down his back and tail,
a buff muscle build, a yellow eye with a black sclera, a missing left eye, a facial branding shaped like a stylized sun over where his eye used to be, scars on the back from being whipped, and a copper colored tribal tattoo on the right shoulder that looks like a fire within a drop of acid that stops just above the elbow.

His outfit consisted of a brown loin cloth that reaches just below the knees, a brown hood, black tattered pants, and a leather cord with five different colored beads (colors in this order: orange, black, purple, cyan, and red) around his left wrist. Within a crystal orb that orbited the prisoner is a bag that had a belt style strap.

He slowly lifted his head as he saw a flash of light. Unknown to anyone but himself this was the moment he ha waited for for a thousand years. "It's about time for my freedom."

He then heard a crackling sound, and sighed with an annoyed expression on his face. "Here we go again."

The chains then sent a large amount of electricity into the dragonborn, making him scream in agonizing pain.

At Least One Thousand years ago; Earth; Texoma ComicCon

I couldn't believe that this was happening. I finally was able to go to ComicCon for the first time in my life. I had heard stories of people disappearing at a convention, but I disregarded those rumors as stuff for people in fiction. It wasn't like it was going to happen in a place like this.

I had just arrived the first day via bus. It was a little cramped with me being the only one not wearing a costume. I figured that I wouldn't need to dress up, that could be for the next convention. I showed my ticket to the person at the door, andI was ushered inside. What I saw will never leave me.

There were all kinds of boothes and decorations everywhere! I even saw some people in costumes that would need a whole team to put on. I went around taking pictures with people in costume, attended some of the events, and got some food.

I was enjoying my lunch, when I felt like I was being watched. I looked at where I felt the feeling originate, and saw a booth I hadn't seen before, due to this being on the other side of the event hall. It was a semi-large one designed like a dragon's cave with Tiamat right on top doing battle with Bahamut on a screen. The one running the stand was in a costume that looked a lot like the dragonborn merchant from Baldur's Gate 3, and she was looking right at me.

I guessed that she wanted me to buy some of her wares, so I walked over. "Hello there, Exxvikyap. Got any wares to sell me today?" I liked RPGs, so I decided to just try to play along if the merchant began being like the character, and I wasn't disappointed. The mask moved as if it were flesh and blood. It was really great craftsmanship; it almost looked real.

"Oh, well hello there, traveler. Come to sample my wares? Would you like a sword, a shield, a spear? You look to be a spear person." Exxvikyap said excitedly, no doubt trying to force me to choose a spear.

"No thanks. I'm not looking for any weapons, but let's see if I can help boost your sales figures. Show me what you've got."

She stepped aside to let me see into the stall, and what I saw did not disappoint me.

She had things like the ninja steel morphers, Ruby Rose's scythe, and even stuff like minecraft potions. Eventually, I found the items I was looking for.

"I'll take the bag of holding, some of the mechanical familiars in the different types of metal, the blue scaly looking ocarina, and the necklace with the dragon's head holding the yellow d20 gem in it's mouth." I say pointing to each item.

She then grabs everything, places it on the counter, and looks me square in the eye. "I take it that you're a fan of Dungeons & Dragons."

"Yeah. I've never played it before, but I do enjoy listening to Critical Role every now and then." I then remember the items, "So how much do I owe you for the items?"

Exxvikyap chuckled a little, which I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. "Well these items are usually very pricey, but since you recognized me and took the time out of your busy day to admire my wares, I'll sell all of this to you for $200, but I would really like to see your character sheet."

This was starting to get weird, but I really wanted the items, so I pulled out the money and character sheet. It was incomplete because I didn't have the backstory, but that was on purpose so that I could set him up for any campaign.

She takes the money and looks over the sheet. "This is a great character. Mind telling me why the breath weapon was crossed out?"

"Well I gave him resistances to both fire and acid and figured that it would be too overpowered, so I removed the breath weapon to balance it out."

"Mind if I place the smaller items in the bag to help make carrying it easier?" Exxvikyap asked.

"Go right ahead." After getting the bag, now having items in it, I put it on my waist thanks to the strap being like a belt.

"Enjoy your trip, and may Bahamut guide you." the merchant tells me, causing me to pause.

"Could you repeat that?" I ask, getting an ominous feeling in my gut.

The dragonborn merchant smiles. "Enjoy your trip."

It's then that I began to feel woozy. I collapse as I feel myself blacking out. As everything goes dark, I suddenly see visions of a silver dragon facing against one with five heads, each one being a different color. The silver dragon sends out a wave of light energy, and I finally lose consciousness.

End of part 1

The Dragonborn Awakens Part 2

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I don't know how long I was out, but the next thing I knew, I was waking up in a soft bed. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a purple, wooden ceiling. I then widen my eyes and quickly sit up on the bed, but that caused me to cry out in pain. I refexively place my right hand to my abdomen where I felt the pain originate, and what I felt made me confused. It felt like I was missing a finger. Looking down, I found that instead of my usual human hand, I had a scale covered hand with four fingers.

Freaking out, I tumbled out of the bed and found a full body mirror. I looked at my reflection, and saw something that I never thought that I would see. I had greyish-green scales with copper ones dotted here and there as if I had metal freckles, a crimson underbelly, dark red spines going down my back to the tip of my new tail, digitigrade legs (no wonder they felt weird and was hard to stand) and black hair with it trimmed so that my new horns were able to be shown without the hair getting in the way. Even my eyes were even changed so that they were yellow with black sclera. The most shocking thing were the marking on my right arm and shoulder that appeard to be a fire in the shape of a copper colored drop of a liquid.

"Okay, Valx. You bought some stuff from a merchant and woke up in someone's home as your Dungeons and Dragons character. Wait a minute." I realized that I didn't use my name. My name is Valx Drakko. Why can't I remember my old name!? In fact, I can't seem to recall my past except for the interaction with Exxvikyap the Merchant! Taking a deep breath, after freaking out for about thirty minutes, I manage to calm myself down. "I guess this is my life now." I then noticed that aside from the bandages that were wrapped around my torso, left arm, legs, and tail, I was completely naked. Looking around, I found a cloak and my bag which, after carefully checking it, had everything I bought within it.

Once I managed to put on the cloak around my body and my bag around my waist, I left the room to explore my surroundings. I managed to get to the door leading to outside where i found out, once I looked outside, that I had woken up in a farmhouse, but I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Past the fields of wheat, which spread as far as the eye could see, I saw some structures that I remembered from a cartoon that had recently ended. The darkened crystal buildings in the distance with the darkest being the tall tower-like castle in the center gave me no doubt that I was in a Sombra controlled Crystal Empire.

Before I could contemplate further, I heard someone clear their throat. I turned in the direction of the voice, and saw a pair of crystal ponies, only they weren't what I was expecting. It was a pair of crystal ponies, one a stallion while the other was a mare, only they were humanoid. They still had pony legs, but they also had hands and stood upright. If I were to use those mlp anthro charts, I'd say it's between 3 and 4.

The stallion looked burly while also having a dad bod. He had turquoise colored body fur with a gray and white mane and tail. He wore a tunic with a simple pair of pants and a piece of straw in his mouth.

The mare, who I assumed was his daughter, had a fine build, a dark blue coat of fur with an emerald green and topaz yellow mane and tail. Her was a cream-colored ionic chiton, like those from ancient Greece and a laurel wreath on her head.

The stallion stepped forward while holding a pitchfork. "Well, looks like our reptilian friend has woken up. How are ya doin lad?"

"I'm fine, but aren't you scared of me? I mean, I am a stranger to you." I was a little confused on why they weren't freaking out.

The stallion just laughed. "If we were scared of you and not used to seeing dignitaries from other nations, we would have left you outside of the barrier at the mercy of the winter wolves, frost worms, and the occasional frost elemental. Now, how about we head inside so that you can get dressed and then we can have proper introductions." With that, the three of us went back into the farmhouse.

A few minutes later

After we went inside, I was handed some clothes to wear. My outfit consisted of black pants and a sky blue tunic shirt. My bag that I bought from the merchant was sitting next to me while I sat on the stool I was provided. The three of us were seated around the hearth, which was lowered in the floor, with the crystal ponies on one side and me on the other.

It made me feel that I was about to have an interview.

"Alright, lad. I have some questions for you." the stallion began, "Who are you? What are you? How did you get here?"

"Yes and why have you come? Are you from Equestria?" the young mare said.

I sighed as I rubbed my hair. I had no idea how to explain to them, but I decided to just tell the truth, it's not like I had anything else to give. "My name is Valx Drakko. I am a dragonborn, which is like a dragon, but different." The two ponies were nodding, which I guessed meant that they understood somewhat. "As for the questions of where I'm from and how I got here, it's a little confusing, but I am not from this world. I was at a convention where I bought my bag here and the items inside from a Merchant before falling unconscious. Next thing I know, I am waking up in the room you put me in. By the way, I never quite got your names."

"Ah. Sorry about that, Valx." the stallion apologized, "I guess it was rude of us to question our guest before introducing ourselves, but you get why we did."

I did. I guess that I would be suspicious if someone just appeared out of the blue. "It's alright. I forgive you both. Honestly, I would be the same if I were in your shoes."

The stallion nodded with a grin, the mare giving a relieved smile. "My name is Crystal Wheat, but you can call me Crys. I'm the owner of this here farm. We usually sell wheat here in the Crystal Empire. " He then motioned to the blue crystal mare, "And this here is my daughter, Sapphire Lily."

"Nice to meet you." She said giving a small wave, "You can call me Lily."

"It's very nice to meet you, and thanks again for helping me get better." I said as I gave a respectful nod, "If there's anyway I can repay the debt I owe you, please just let me know."

"Well," Crys began, "Do you have anywhere to stay?"