Forgiveness Accepted

by Brerdaniel

First published

Angry mob chases Twilight for banning the Cutie Mark Cruaders. But they learn how to forgive.

With BrawnyBold's permission decided to make a sequel to his "Forgiveness Denied" story during the events of the episode "Marks for Effort".

The Cutie Mark Crusaders won't forgive Twilight and Cozy Glow after what happened at the School of Friendship. When Neighsay hears about this he decided to take an advantage on Twilight by creating an angry mob to attack her so he can take over the school.

Chapter 1

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It's been quite a long time since The Cutie Mark Crusaders got angry at Twilight and Cozy Glow. Afternoon came their school got ended as they walk back to their clubhouse.

"Well, another boring day. Another boring time at the schoolhouse cleaning." Scootaloo sighed.

"Anything's better than that stupid School of Friendship with that selfish Princess of Hypocrite." Sweetie Belle said.

"Not to mention the way Cozy Glow took our trust for granted after trying to help her study that test of hers." Apple Bloom said.

"Apple Bloom!" the voice called out turned out to be Applejack who had followed her with Rarity and Rainbow Dash when they got off from school. "There y'all are!"

"We've been looking all over for you girls." Rarity said.

"Just leave us alone girls!" Sweetie Belle snapped at her sister and her friends.

"No, girls listen! We just want to talk." Applejack said.

"Are y'all here to yell at us for what we said to your headmare and Cozy Glow?!" Apple Bloom asked angerly.

"No, look we can't tell you how sorry we are for what happened at Twilight's school." Rainbow Dash added.

"Oh, save your breath." Scootaloo snapped. "You three have been taking her side! But Rainbow Dash....You three just couldn't let us come to School of Friendship. Because it isn't big enough for the three of us."

"Yeah, you all are just worried that we're going to cause more trouble at the school and give the other students some bad advice about how to get their cutie marks!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"What?!" Rarity gasped. "No, we were just--"

"You won't talk us out of this one girls! We're done! We resigned as the students of the School of Friendship!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Because you three along with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Starlight only cared about helping Twilight run that stupid school instead of caring about us!"

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash gasped in shocked after they heard them say such things.

"That's not true Apple Bloom! We all cared about y'all." Applejack said to her sister.

"Really?" Apple Bloom snouted. "Then ask us that we had fun at Miss Cheerliee's classes, Applejack go ahead."

"Go ahead Rarity!" Sweetie Belle said to her sister. "Ask us if Cozy Glow did came to us to help her study with her Friendship test and help her with all that hard work at the barn and Fluttershy's cottage!"

"Ask us if we did all of that so that we got Cozy Glow to fail her test to get back a Twilight for not letting us in her school ask us!" Scootaloo shouted at Rainbow Dash.

The big sisters looked confused and looked at each other until Applejack broke the silence.

"Did you--"

"NO!!!" the fillies shouted.

"We would never do such a horrible thing to one of Twilight's students!!!" Apple Bloom cried getting tears in her eyes.

"We wanted to come to your school because it's much more fun than the Ponyville Schoolhouse because you all get to have buckball and all kinds of fun stuff in there but we don't have that stuff in our school!!!!" Scootaloo screamed.

"And we wanted to get to know your other students and wanted to get to do all the stuff you all get to do on your adventures in the past!!!" Sweetie Belle shouted also in tears. "Because of Twilight and all of you!!!"

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are shocked by their outbursts they had no idea they felt so strongly about all of the things they said.

"And now we're never get to have a place in that school because Twilight is afraid that we're going to make more mistakes in there like we did in the past." Apple Bloom said.

"We still have nightmares of all kinds of trouble that we got ourselves into." Sweetie Belle said. "And they'll never go away."

"And after our first friendship mission on Mount Aris." Scootaloo said. "We thought that someday you three along with Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Spike and Starlight would give us an opportunity and talk to Cheerliee about letting us come to your school. Obviously, we were wrong."

"We didn't mean for it to turn out this way girls." Rainbow Dash said. "We just wanted what's best for you three that's all."

"We all do." Rarity said. "Could please try to forgive Twilight for what she has done to you."

"Why should we?" Sweetie Belle asked. "She never made mistakes in her life."

"Yeah, well the only mistake she ever made was banning us from her school without giving us a chance to explain!" Scootaloo said.

"You're right, Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash said. "It was a mistake for Twilight to ban you three without hearing your side of the story."

"But that's not all the mistakes she made." Rarity added.

"What do you mean?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Applejack did speak up. "Well, in the past she did make several mistakes during Winter-Wrap Up she used her magic. Casting the Want-It Spell on her doll which it effected on you three, and accidently switched our cutie-marks, try to steal the pearl from Queen Novo to use it against the Storm King--"

"Wait, "Steal the pearl?" Apple Bloom interrupted in shock. "Really?"

"But we understand." Applejack continued. "You three are upset because we couldn't let you come to our school and Twi banned you without hearin' you out. Which was terrible and painful. So, you decided to go ahead and not forgive Cozy Glow and Twilight for the mistakes they made. Isn't that right Apple Bloom?"

"Yeah, nailed it Applejack." Apple Bloom said.

"Yes." Rarity said. "Try to distance yourselves even further from her Twilight and Cozy for the way they hurt. That will definitely fix it."

"It will?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No, Sweetie Belle, It won't!" Rarity snapped and took a deep breath and continued. "What we're trying to say is that the reason Twilight opened up her school is because she was trying to spread friendship all over Equestria far and beyond. And she needed us to be teachers down there. Because it is our place as the Elements of Harmony."

"And it's not that she doesn't care about you three." Rainbow Dash said. "It's that she cares about friendship more than anything in the world. And perhaps she still does when she cares about us and you three and we feel the same way. Scootaloo we know how you all feel. Because we feel that way before. But we just want you to think about this."

"So, you three are trying to guilt us to going back to school and apologize to Twilight and Cozy Glow?" Scootaloo said. "Well, it's not going to work. Sorry but it's too late! We already made our minds and that's that!"

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow Dash wined "Can you at least--"

"We said forget it!" Apple Bloom snapped. "How can we trust you three, Twilight, Cozy Glow, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Starlight, and Spike! If you all don't trust us or give us a chance have a place in your school?! This whole thing is nothing but a joke!"

"Well guess what?!" Sweetie Belle said. "When we grew up! We'll have our own school of Cutie Marks! And that's what we're going to do! You all will see it'll be much more fun than your stupid school!"

The fillies stormed off to their clubhouse leaving their big sisters feeling sad and ashamed about what happened to them. Guess it was no use they decided to head back to the school of friendship and inform Twilight about their talk with them.

Later all the classes got ended as well and Twilight is cleaning up her office still sad about what happened today. Thinking about how will she make things right to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Unkown to her Chancellor Neighsay is watching her outside her window he is watching the School of Friendship to see any flaws in it. He notices that she is feeling down.

"Hmm....that's unusual." he said to himself. "I wonder what is wrong with Princess Twilight?"

Just then Twilight heard her door knocking. Opening slowley seeing 3 of her best friends entering her office.

"Uh...hey, Twilight." Rainbow Dash said nervously.

"Is it okay that we come in?" Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded as Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity entered Twilight puts down her broom and sits on her desk.

" did it go know.." Twilight couldn't find the words she was nervous about her friends would react about the way she treated their little sisters from before.

"Well, we tried to talk some sense into them." Rainbow Dash said.

"But it didn't go so well." Applejack said.

They explain to Twilight about their conversation with the fillies. Twilight did hear about their outbursts that her school is much better than the Ponyville Schoolhouse that she was afraid that the CMCs would cause more trouble in the school of friendship and the other reason why the CMCs wanted to be in here instead of Cheerliee so that they could get to know the other students and all kinds of stuff. Twilight is shocked about that she had no idea they felt that way. Rarity did told her that they tried to guilt them so they can forgive her and Cozy Glow for what happened, but it didn't work, and Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity did told them that when the Cutie Mark Crusaders grow up. They can built their own school of cutie marks and it'll be much better than Twilight school. Thinking it'll be like they set up the Cutie Mark Day-Camp.

"I had no idea..." Twilight said as tears coming out of her eyes. "I'm so sorry girls....this is all my fault....None of this would have happened if...I listen to their side of the story and never had been so harsh on them and banned them....Now Cozy Glow ran away because she felt like she'll never learn friendship here anymore! If only I listen to them and talk to Cheerliee about letting your sisters have place here in my school! Things would have been different!"

"Twilight...I know what you did to our sisters is completely wrong." Rarity said. "And you shouldn't have blame them for trying to do the right thing. But it's not all your fault."

"Yeah, after we saw the way they shouted at you and Cozy Glow like that." Applejack said. "In fact we were all to blame that we never gave'em a place here in the school."

"I guess we were so busy teaching friendship and other thing. We didn't bother to spend time with them." Rainbow Dash said. "I know they had their first friendship mission. But after we rejected their enrollment here it's like we don't trust them anymore."

"Point should try to move on and think of better way to make things right with them." Rarity said.

"That's what Starlight told me!" Twilight cried. "I am thinking hard how to make thing right with them! But I don't know what to do!"

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash looked at each other knowing that this it too much to bear for Twilight to handle this.

"Well, try to give it some time." Applejack said. "In the meantime, we'll go find Cozy Glow and try to convince her to come back."

"Okay." said Twilight as she smiled cheered up a little. "I really needed some time to think how to fix things for your sisters. I promise I won't jump to conclusions on them next time."

"We know Twilight." Rarity said. "I'm sure you'll think of something."

As Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack leave the office to find Cozy Glow. Twilight once again sit at her desk trying to think of something how to make it up to the fillies. But Neighsay listen to the whole thing thinking that this could be a perfect opportunity for him to get back at Twilight for re-opening the school.

"So, Princess Twilight has had some issues with three foals eh?" he thought. "Well to make sure that this school is a EEA school. This could be a perfect way for me to ruin her reputation."