Silver and Diamonds for (You)

by YetAnotherTweenEdgelord

First published

Diamond Tiara pays (you) to take her virginity. Silver Spoon tags along.

Diamond Tiara pays (you) to take her virginity. Silver Spoon tags along.

All parties involved are 18 or older.

Art by mauroz
Wall of Degeneracy: First time Deepthroat Vaginal Anal Ruining Mario franchise forever Pillow humping Big tits Big ass Delicious flat chest (You) Bitch Diamond Tiara Neurodivergent Silver Spoon Post Moondancer Stress Disorder Tim Curry Shower sex Admit it, you expected something worse here Cock curiosity creampie

The Most Precious Girl

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“Hey, you!”

You turn around to see two girls you recognise pretty well. You occasionally do small requests and odd jobs around the town whenever the wax parlor doesn’t pay and the job you did for them gave you enough money to live for two months without even looking at hairy vaginas.

Supplying booze and taking drone photos on an eighteenth birthday garden party for roughly three hundred people is something most people dream about. Especially when most of the guests were sons and daughters of local elite, so when you checked your drone, you found enough blackmail material to live comfortably for quite a while.

“Silver Spoon,” you say to a gray-skinned girl with glasses. “You’re still hanging out with this loser?”

“Very funny.” The ‘loser’, also known as Diamond Tiara, rolls her eyes. “We have a business to do and I’m pretty sure you’ll do well, despite your shitty attitude.”

“My attitude?” you ask.

“You shoved Photo Finish into my swimming pool,” Diamond Tiara replies.

Oh yeah. Diamond Tiara’s birthday party went a bit out of control, mainly because to get enough booze on a rather short notice, you had to visit your friend down in Kentucky to acquire a pick-up truck full of moonshine. It was exactly like in a movie: three hundred people, madness, and you didn’t just shove Photo Finish into the swimming pool, you kicked her like some fucking Leonidas, mainly because a drunken and overly excited German triggered your PTSD from the camp.

Well, it was a language summer camp, but still, you were never very good with grammar.

“It was an accident,” you lie blatantly. Most of the witnesses were drunk or tripping balls, so it’s not like she can tell.

Diamond Tiara shrugs. “Anyway, back to business. I need you to take my virginity.”

“What?” you ask, pretty sure that you heard it wrong.

“I’m paying eight thousand dollars.”


“Ten thousand.”

“Hold on for a second,” you say. “You want to pay me ten thousand dollars to take your virginity? Who do you think I am?”

“Twelve thousand?”

“Do we do it here or do we go to your house?” you ask. You’d invite her to your house, but you still didn’t get rid of all the traces of the fact that Moondancer was your roommate. Diamond Tiara probably wouldn’t mind a bunch of old sweaters, lost bras, and moldy food in the fridge, but Moondancer was a kinda girl who’d invite you to an all-night study session, then call you a weakling for wanting to go to the toilet, and then take a big dump in a diaper just to prove a point. And then, of course, drop it in the trash can with tampons and other stuff you’d rather not think about and forget about it.

This is partially why you feel you owe Diamond TIara something. As soon as you got the money for booze, you kicked Moondancer out and burned everything she left behind in your backyard. Well, there’s still some things left, so you don’t invite anyone to your house yet.

“Silver’s paying for the hotel,” Diamond Tiara says.

“Yeah, I’d pay you to take my virginity as well, but I only have a fiver left.” Silver produces a note. “Unless I can pay–”

“I’ll take it for free,” you say. Seriously, you’d rather fuck her for free than for a fiver like some cheap whore. Well, you just agreed to fuck Diamond Tiara for twelve grand, so that makes you a whore so expensive that you’re basically a courtesan.

“So you agree?” Diamond Tiara asks.

“Depends.” You shrug. “Do you have any weird fetishes? I’m not doing scat.”

“Nah, we’re not hiring you as a jazz singer, geez.” Diamond Tiara rolls her eyes.

Teens these days. “I meant something more like, two girls, one cup…” you say. Definitely, you shouldn’t go deeper into this topic.

“What cup?” Silver asks. “I’m into ancient silverware.”

“Look it up, you won’t be disappointed,” you reply before turning to Diamond Tiara. “Why me?”

“Oh, I read my mother’s diary.” She smirks and winks. “She’s an old cunt, but her descriptions of cucking my dad are pretty vivid.”

“Oh… right.” To be honest, your wax parlour does offer some other services, but only for chosen customers. Ms. Rich was chosen more due to her wallet than her looks, but her daughter is much better in this department, to be honest.

"So, are you in?" Diamond asks.

"Sure, why not," you reply. "Which hotel did you choose for your little virginity losing session?"

"The best one, of course." Silver smirks. "Why do you think I'm broke right now?"

"Your parents donated your pocket money to the Gay Conversion Therapy Center?" you ask.

Silver rolls her eyes. "It's 'Conversation', you moron. It's mostly about talking, counselling, and tax evasion, though they never discuss that last part."

"Yeah, whatever," Diamond says. "Hope you have a free weekend."

Well, for twelve grand you may have a free weekend anytime.

“Sure,” you reply. “Next weekend, right?”

Diamond Tiara nods. “You’d better not disappoint us…”

On the night before your meeting with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon you had a strange dream. You were just getting married to Diamond Tiara, when it turned out that all those boring pop singers who only sing about their exes are, in fact, your crazy exes, and they all showed up at the wedding to sing. Luckily, it turned out that your brand new mother-in-law, Spoiled Rich, prepared for that and mowed them down with an AK-47 she had in her purse.

This, however, wasn’t when you realised it was a dream. It was much earlier – after all, your personal Fuck, Marry, Kill goes Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Spoiled Rich, respectively.

Now, however, you are awake, eating breakfast in your kitchen. You prepared a special diet to both increase your stamina and allow you to hold your liquor when you inevitably raid the alcohol cabinet in your hotel room. Also, you went to a gym a few times to make sure you look fine and you even got a massage from those Swedish twins you recently hired in your wax parlor.

It was surprisingly pleasant. When you hired them, they seemed lazy and you were pretty sure they spent most of the time fucking each other when you weren’t looking, but apparently their massage skills compensate for both this, and the fact that their English is not much better than your Swedish.

On a semi-related note, due to a misunderstanding they also jerked you off, but who are you to interrupt such a massage masterpiece.

You finish your morning coffee and get ready to go to the hotel. Diamond Tiara already mailed you the cover story according to which you’re their older brother and you three decided to spend a short vacation at the seaside. You didn’t read the details, as you know a few guys who work there as receptionists and you know they’ll never buy it: they’d seen the rooms of their hotel on HornPub way too many times before. They will just assume you’re there either to fuck Diamond and Silver or teach them how to become hitmen. Hitwomen? Hell only knows.

After a brief consideration, you decide against taking the car – Diamond Tiara mentioned that she’d take her own car and there’s absolutely nothing you can impress her with there; you only own an ancient Land Rover that would survive the apocalypse and a Yugo you bought when your friend asked you to drive his currently ex-girlfriend somewhere. It’s unremarkable and there are still shovels, dead leaves, and dirt in the trunk. Not to mention the girls could get scared of the broken chainsaw under the seat.

Finally, Diamond Tiara arrives in a BMW that is probably worth more than your wax parlor. Back in your days, it’d probably be scratched due to the driver being bad at parking, but cars these days have a lot of gadgets that basically make them park themselves, so the BMW still looks pristine. Silver Spoon is on the passenger seat – she waves at you when they stop by your house, and gestures to you to take a seat in the back, next to a guitar and a potted plant.

“The hell is that?” you ask, pointing at the guitar. “Are we gonna start a band?”

“When Diamond’s cover story inevitably fails, we can always say that you’re our guitar teacher but you’re actually training us to become assassins.”

That little rascal truly is a keeper.

“I much prefer ‘cleaners’,” you reply, much to Silver’s amusement.

You arrive at the hotel. It’s a huge building towering above the nearby beach. Diamond Tiara tosses the car keys to the valet along with two twenties. The valet smiles, looking at Diamond Tiara as she walks by, focusing in particular on her butt. No wonder. It’s nice, firm, and clad in a rather revealing summer dress, especially since she seems to go commando. You’d totally tap that ass yourself.

Wait. You’re here specifically to tap that ass.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Silver Spoon whispers. “Ms. Pink does give tips.”

That’s not what you were thinking at all, but frankly, fuck it. “You have an interesting taste in movies, Spoony,” you reply.

You walk into the hotel. Diamond Tiara walks in like she belongs there, most likely because she’s the only one who actually does. Silver, with a guitar and a potted plant, looks like a really weird tourist and you, well, you look like you. At least you’ve been working out for quite a while, so at worst you may pass as Diamond’s bodyguard.

Meanwhile, Diamond walks to some orange-skinned dude in a suit, with hair that looks like some alien parasite who tried to find a new host and died halfway through. “Excuse me,” she says, winking at him. “Where’s the lobby?”

“Down the hall and to the left,” the guy replies and walks away. To think about it, he looked familiar. You look back, but he’s already gone.

The receptionist also looks familiar, but at least this time you can easily tell why. He kind of looks like the last leader of the Soviet Union, the one who decided to escape to the only place uncorrupted by capitalism only to move to Transylvania and become a clown or something. Could it be him? As far as you know, the guy was known for rather lavish parties so maybe he ran out of money.

“Good morning,” he says, smiling at you in a somewhat uncanny way. “How can I help you?”

Silver Spoon steps out. “Buongiorno,” she says. “We have una prenotazione. Name’s Cucchiaio d'Argento.”

Oh, porca vacca, did she just decide to go full Italian exchange student? This wasn’t a part of the plan. At least not the one you’re aware of.

“Right, Ms. d’Argento,” the receptionist replies, checking something on his computer. He then looks at you and Diamond. “How was the trip from Italy?”

Me gusta the flight,” Diamond Tiara says. “But now I gotta kill some pendejo who–” She pauses when you kick her ankle.

“At least speak Italian, porca Madonna,” you mutter.

Hijo de puta,” Diamond replies, although at least she manages to make a very Italian gesture with her hand.

“I see you’re Italians from all around the world,” the receptionist says. “Room 2137.”

“As musicians, we travel a lot.” Silver points at the guitar case. “I played guitar in Tibet and Mr. Luigi is great at playing fagotto.

Diamond chuckles, so you kick her again, hoping that she’s gonna limp for at least two days. Then you walk closer to the receptionist and take off your sunglasses.

“Oh yes,” you say. “Bassoon case is great at hiding sniper rifles, you know? From the rooftop of Basilica di San Pietro I can shoot a pigeon drinking water from Fontana di Trevi. And let me tell you, Papa d’Argento doesn’t like people who ask too many questions about his daughters, capisco?

Si,” the receptionist replies.

“Good,” you reply. “Now we’ll go to our apartment and enjoy our vacation.” You grab the key and walk to the elevator. Diamond and Silver follow you – to your satisfaction you do notice that Diamond walks funny.

“Did you have to kick me?” Diamond asks once you’re in the elevator.

“I’ll stop when you’ll stop being a moron,” you reply. “You can’t even tell Italian and Spanish apart.”

“Who cares?” Diamond rolls her eyes. “Everyone speaks American anyway. And now I’m gonna have bruises on my ankle.”

“For the record, I didn’t want to kick you this hard,” you reply. “Are you okay?”

“It’s fine, but I have to fix one thing.” Suddenly, Diamond lifts her skirt, revealing her perky pink butt to everyone. Well, you, Silver, and whoever watches the cameras in the elevator, assuming there are any. “It moved a bit and now it’s rubbing me the wrong way.” She spreads her cheeks and fishes out a nice, gem-studded buttplug. She looks at it, shoves it back in her anus and slaps her cheek. Throughout the whole operation, you’re silent. Silver is kinda wincing, but on the other hand, your dick greatly enjoyed the show.

“Not bad,” you say, putting your hand on Diamond’s butt and squeezing it. “I see you’ve been practicing…”

“Are you gonna fuck here?” Silver asks. “I’d rather masturbate to you two in more comfortable conditions.”

Now it’s Diamond’s turn to wince. “You’re going to masturbate to us?”

“Of course,” Silver replies. “Before he mounts me, I’m gonna do what you always told me to.”

“I never tell you to do anything,” Diamond says.

“Last year, you uttered ‘go fuck yourself SIlver’ exactly two hundred and fifty seven times,” Silver replies. “Should I sort this by day?”

“Go fuck yourself, Silver,” Diamond mutters.

“Sure I will.” Silver smiles. “I’m gonna put the magic wand on my clit and fuck some pillow while watching you… At least until it’s my turn to jam this inside of me.” She reaches to your pants and squeezes your dick. You’d say that’s molestation, but you’re a few inches away from sticking your finger in Diamond’s ass, so you’re not exactly the one to talk.

You hear a ding signalling the elevator arriving at the right floor. Time to get your hands off Diamond's ass for now. You'd rather not have the door open to reveal a family of five getting a closeup view of Diamond's anus, complete with a plug.

Luckily, there's no one there. Families of five probably can't afford such hotels. You walk down the corridor while Silver Spoon grabs your arm and whispers into your ear.

"I saw that video about the cup."

"What cup?" you ask.

"The one two girls shit in." She rolls her eyes.

Well, shit, pun not intended. Let's hope she and Diamond didn't prepare some surprise for you now.

"Interesting from a scientific standpoint, but definitely not healthy," Silver says. "People get off to that?"

Sometimes you wonder if she's on some kind of a spectrum. "Has your mother ever taken you to a psychologist?"

"Yes, apparently I'm a genius," Silver replies. "Also, is it that Jewish habit of responding to a question with a question?"

Okay, she definitely is. "You think?"

She shrugs. “Maybe?”

“Will you stop?” Diamond opens the door of your room. It’s quite spacious, with its own bathroom, a balcony, and, what’s most interesting, a well-stocked mini-bar. There’s also a big bed there, which on one hand is very practical, but on the other it makes you wonder why no one realised Silver rented a room with one bed for three people.

Well, money is probably the answer.

“Hmm, I kinda want to stand on this balcony naked,” Diamond says. “To enjoy the view and have others enjoy the view.”

“Why not.” Silver takes off her dress. Unlike DIamond, she wears a two-piece swimsuit underneath it. She’s thinner than DIamond and her tits are not as big, but holy shit, her butt must be pure muscle. She walks to you and wraps her arm around you. “What if we did it on the balcony?”

“Some nerd with a camera would have the day of his life,” you reply.

“Cool,” Silver says, removing her bra. Her boobs are more on the small side, especially compared to Diamond’s, but you’re pretty sure they’re gonna fit in your hands perfectly.

Since the girls are a bit ahead of you when it comes to undressing, you take off your shirt to show off your six pack. It used to look more like a barrel, but then you ended up with Moondancer as your roommate and you had to look up close what fast food and no exercise does to people. Thus started your gym career – well, partially because you wanted to have an excuse not to be at home with her.

Seriously, fuck Moondancer. You hope she gets mooncancer.

Silver chuckles. “Okay, we’re all topless now.”

“Not that he has much to show.” Diamond Tiara looks down at her massive tits. “Or you, for that matter.”

“Oh, get fucked,” Silver mutters.

“I’m about to.” Diamond jumps, making her boobs jiggle. You’d say that when it comes to size she takes from her mother, except you know for sure that Spoiled’s knockers are about as real as Bigfoot, although not as hairy.

Well, not after the visit at your wax parlor.

Diamond jumps on the bed and spreads her legs. “Are you two gonna stand like this? Come on, Mario, my body is ready…” She winks.

“Luigi,” Silver Spoon says. You’re pretty sure she’s not gay. If she was, she probably wouldn’t correct Diamond while staring right at her vagina.

“Lu–” You turn towards Silver Spoon and frown. “My name is not Luigi! Where did you even get that from?”

Silver shrugs, blushing slightly. Damn, even her boobs blush. “Do you prefer Mario?”

“My name’s not Mario.” You roll your eyes and turn to Diamond Tiara. “And if you call me Bowser, I’m gonna have erection issues.”

If your dick could talk, it’d just say, ‘not bloody likely’. It’s not even about Diamond Tiara’s pink pussy, adorned with but a tuft of violet and white hair. Silver just looks kinda cute when she stands embarrassed, wearing only panties.

“Okay, Yoshi.” Diamond sighs. “Are you gonna fuck me or not?”

“I just realised I don’t know his name,” Silver Spoon says.

You can’t stand it. You walk to her, hug her, and whisper your name into her ear. “Remember it,” you say. “Tonight you’re gonna scream it.”

“Huh.” Silver smirks. “Actually, do you want a drink before the fucking? I noticed those funny little bottles in the mini bar and I learned to make a few new drinks since Diamond’s birthday.”

“Silver, I swear to God…” Diamond Tiara groans.

“What do you want?” Silver asks.

“A Screwdriver or two,” Diamond replies.

“Who are you, your mom?” you ask. “Try bison grass vodka with apple juice. It’s much better.”

“You want that?” Silver asks.

“Normally, yes,” you reply. “But since I’m dealing with you two today, I’ll get something special. Take a whisky glass and fill it halfway with this vodka whose name you can’t read.”

She fills the glass and looks at it unsurely. “So, what do I add now?”

“Love.” You take the glass and gulp the contents in one go. “Za nashu druzhbu.

Za druzhbu,” Silver replies. She tries to gulp her drink as well, but she chokes and some of it comes out of her nose.

“How many languages do you two know?” Diamond asks. She rolls on her stomach and lies on the bed, resting her chin on her hand and eyeing you.

“Yes,” Silver Spoon replies.

“Of course, you’re an egghead in desperate need of a dicking.” Diamond sighs and rolls her eyes. “Speaking of dicking, I didn’t pay half of my pocket money to drink vodka and flaunt my tits for nothing.”

“You’re shallow and–” SIlver shuts up as soon as you drop your pants. Your dick is about to rip your boxers apart, so it’s time to free willy, so to speak. “Okay, you’re not Jewish,” Silver says when you toss the boxers aside.

Diamond Tiara smirks and licks her lips. “Okay, this is just like my mother described.”

You think this sounds very awkward out of context and even worse in context, but you’re getting paid for that, so it’s not your thing to decide. You just hope that if Diamond ever has a daughter, she won’t come to you to become the third generation of the Rich family to get a ride on your cock.

Well, especially since that, even if you knocked Diamond up right here, by the time her daughter would be eighteen, you’d be a bit past your prime. Also, in such a case she’d also be your daughter, which would make it even more awkward.

“It just occurred to me,” Silver Spoon says. “At some point you were both in Filthy Milk’s vagina.”

Oh no.

“Silver Spoon, you insufferable retard,” Diamond hisses. “My mother’s name is not ‘Filthy Milk’. And before you say something, only I can call her ‘Old Cow’. And I won’t even grace your idiocy with a comment.” She sits on the bed and gives Silver a glare a basilisk would be proud of. Assuming basilisks look like naked schoolgirls with enormous tits. “Actually, you can put your mouth to good use for once and help me suck Waluigi’s cock.”

This mental image really doesn’t help. But then, Silver Spoon drops on her knees in front of you and looks up at you, which is enough to forget about Diamond’s words. You can see Silver’s eyes widen as she’s staring at your erection.

“I have a confession,” she says. “I have no idea how to suck dick.”

“Oh, it can’t be that hard,” Diamond Tiara replies, hopping off the bed and kneeling on the floor next to Silver. “Didn’t you watch porn for science?”

“I did, yeah.” Silver grabs your cock and gives it a small lick. “Huh.”

“Something’s wrong?” you ask.

“No, I guess that’s how it’s supposed to be.” Silver puts the tip of your dick in her mouth and tries to suck it. It doesn’t feel bad; you can tell it’s the first time she’s doing that, but you’ve definitely had worse. Like that one time when Moondancer had no money to pay the rent and she sucked you off.

You still made her pay the rent. Also, you forced her to buy a toothbrush, or else she’d smell of stale cum to this day.

Diamond leans closer, her tongue running down the length of your shaft. You shiver; she definitely has more raw talent, so to speak. You put your hand on Silver’s head, slowly pushing your cock deeper into her mouth. She groans and winces, shuddering.

“Weakling.” Diamond Tiara chuckles, pushing her off. Now it’s her turn to grab your dick with her mouth, sucking on it quite hard.

“Chill out,” you say. “It’s a dick, not a dirty carpet, and you’re not a vacuum cleaner.”

She mutters something incomprehensible, her tongue wrapping around your dick. She looks up at you and goes deeper, but your cock almost slips out of her mouth.

“Who’s a weakling now?” Silver pokes Diamond. “I bet I could do better than–” She chokes as you shove your dick deep into her, using her braids as handles. It hits the back of her throat, causing her to cough. She shudders and whimpers, but you hold her like this for a full ten seconds before retreating. You then swing your hips, smacking her across the face with your dick and leaving a wet mark on the lens of her glasses.

“Are you crazy, dude?” she asks, coughing and spitting on the floor.

“There’s many things about sucking dick that you don’t know yet, Spoony,” you reply.

“See?” Diamond smirks. “I am the superior cocksu–” Now it’s her turn to get your dick jammed balls-deep in her smug face. Her expression suggests that she’d bite you if she could; however, she’s now too busy choking and gasping for breath.

“Nice,” Silver Spoon comments. She grabs a pillow and sits on it, watching Diamond TIara, who flips her off. “Do you think she can last long like that? It’s not like her brain needs a lot of oxygen.”

Well, she still needs some and getting brain damage due to choking on a dick is too dumb a fate, even for a spoiled brat like Diamond Tiara. You retreat, giving Diamond TIara a nice dick slap for a good measure. “You okay there?” you ask.

“Go fuck yourself.”

“I take that as yes,” you reply, giving her a glass with her drink. “Also, seems Silver listened to you.” You point at Silver, who embraced the pillow with her thighs and is currently humping it at a rather slow pace.

“Silver, do you always have to remind everyone about your crippling masturbation addiction?” Diamond asks.

Silver smirks. “I’d like to remind you that I once masturbated at school sixteen times in one day. That’s a record, not an addiction.”

Diamond sighs. “Why are we friends?”

“I showed you how to masturbate.”

Diamond groans. “Okay, enough of this wankfest. I want to get fucked. I’m paying to get fucked.”

Right. And you are here to deliver. Diamond Tiara lies back on the bed and spreads her legs nonchalantly. You’ve had a good look at her pussy before, but hey, what’s there not to enjoy? Silver Spoon is way ahead of you – she takes the magic wand out of her luggage and turns it on.

“You know, I need a while to get going,” she says, placing the tip of the toy on her clit. “Don’t mind me.”

You may not mind her, but your dick certainly does. Well, it’s also aimed at Diamond Tiara’s vagina so you have to summon all your self-control in order not to cum right there.

You position yourself above Diamond Tiara. Her pussy is moist and warm; you can feel it embracing your dick as you gently slide it between her lips. Diamond hisses; you can feel her breath on your arm as she wraps her legs around you. You are gentle, remembering that after all, you’re her first.

Silver Spoon stacks two pillows on each other and sits on them, placing the magic wand between her legs and humping the pillows like there’s no tomorrow. You thrust your dick into Diamond Tiara, thinking that maybe you should let Silver be on top – judging by the passion she rides the pillows with, she seems to be into this.

Diamond moans, bucking her hips against your crotch.

“Something’s wrong?” you ask.

“Nah,” Diamond whispers. “You’re fucking me like I’m a virgin…”

“Well, aren’t you?” you ask.

DIamond chuckles. “I deflowered myself with a cucumber a while ago, but this is something else…” She moans again as you thrust deeper into her vagina, its walls tightening around your cock. “So yeah, in some sense I’m a virgin.”

“And a big softy.” You smirk, picking up the pace. You try to match Silver Spoon’s tempo, but it doesn’t seem possible – she’s humping the pillows so hard that you’re surprised they didn’t catch fire. If you tried this, you’d probably break Diamond’s pelvis.

“I told you!” Silver exclaims. “Diamond may play tough and stuff, but wave a dick before her eyes and she’s like a big teddy bear.”

“Shut up, Silver,” Diamond mutters. “Also, this sounds kinda wrong. I know what you can do with a big teddy bear.”

You’re not sure if you want to know.

“Twelve out of my fifteen best orgasms were on that night when we took turns riding it,” Silver says.

You get the feeling that today you’re the teddy bear. A very expensive teddy bear. But well, you may as well enjoy it.

Diamond moans. You feel her pussy tightening around your dick as you go deep into her. Her moves are erratic; the whole bed shakes, but it’s not just you and her – Silver, her glasses askew and her eyes closed, cums all over the pillow, filling the room with the sweet smell of her juices. This only turns you on more; you grab Diamond’s boobs and squish them, feeling the hard nipples underneath your fingers.

“Don’t come in me,” Diamond whispers.

“I’m not about to come.” You pull out and grab Diamond’s legs, bringing them up to her shoulders and revealing her pink, perky butt. “But I can come somewhere safer.”

“Oh, don’t you dare, you–” Diamond gasps in surprise as you jam your dick in her ass. It’s even tighter than her pussy; she clenches her muscles, but your dick, lubricated with her own juices, easily slides through.

“Butt stuff? Nice!” Silver exclaims.

“If you don’t shut up, it’ll go in your throat next,” you say.

“This feels, uh…” Diamond moans, mainly because the tip of your cock must be hitting her bowels.

“Like what?” you ask.

“Like I’m taking a huge dump, but in a good way,” Diamond Tiara replies.

“Eww!” Silver winces. “I don’t want butt stuff anymore.”

Diamond smirks. “It’s even better because Silvy hates it. Dude, fuck my ass so hard I throw your cum up.”

Well, what can you do? She pays. You oblige. Thus, you thrust your dick deep into her ass, her moan momentarily turning into a yelp of pain. You hold her, letting her get familiar with the sensation, before retreating, only to come back with vengeance. Silver grabs her magic wand and places it on Diamond’s clit, causing her to wail in a mix of pain and pleasure, a powerful orgasm rocking her body. Her anus spasms around your dick and you feel a tingling sensation in your balls.

You take a deep breath. After all, you can’t just do a full mag dump in Diamond’s ass. Silver would be very disappointed. Still, you can’t really hold it for much longer. The ass is just too perfect.

Diamond takes the first shot of your cum with a surprised gasp. You hold her, pleasure rocking your body like a hurricane, except the hurricane is white and wrecks Diamond’s ass like it’s some forsaken village in Florida Panhandle.

“Whoa.” Silver fixes her glasses as you pull out. She looks at the cum leaking out of Diamond’s butthole. “How long have you been holding that?”

Not long, really. If it wasn’t for a small misunderstanding with Aloe and Lotus, it’d be far longer than you’d like to admit, but still, there’s plenty left. Maybe it’s just your diet.

“Huh…” Diamond raises her head and rubs her ass. “What the hell was that, man? I won’t be able to walk straight for days.”

“You paid for this, so this is what you get,” you reply. “I gotta take a shower now. If someone wants to join…”

“Nah, my ass still hurts,” Diamond mutters, sitting on the bed. “Silver, are you still masturbating?”

“Why not.” Silver smirks and switches the magic wand off. “Although now that Luigi wants to save water by showering together, I can’t say no.”

“Since when are you into ecology?” Diamond asks.

“Since I can shower with a guy who wrecked your ass so hard your mom probably felt it,” Silver replies.

“To be honest, I wrecked her mom’s ass as well,” you say. “They kinda squeal in a similar way.”

Diamond frowns. “Dude…”

“Diamond smells better, though.” You get up and smack Silver’s ass as she walks past you. She giggles and runs to the bathroom. You follow her and lock the door before Diamond can get up and punch you or something.

“That was good, man.” Silver says, turning to you. The bathroom is quite spacious – you can’t help but think about the possibilities. “I can’t wait until you fuck me like that.”

Well, you’re not sure if you’d be that rough with Silver. She’s shorter and smaller than Diamond, looking almost innocent in comparison. She’s young and pure; her small boobs make her look almost boyish, even though she’s quite feminine; while Aloe and Lotus are more experienced and bigger in certain areas, she has that youthful energy of a hormone-fueled volcano. Some strands of her hair had slipped from her braid and she smells of sweat and sex – her panties are basically soaked at this point.

You know she’s not as innocent as she looks – she clearly got familiar with her body and learned to enjoy it, but now she’s staring at you, blushing slightly whenever her gaze lands on your dick.

“Just a second,” she says, dropping her panties. Her small, hairless pussy is still leaking; she pokes her lips with her fingers and licks them in a somewhat offhand manner – not seductively, but with an almost scientific curiosity.

Still, your heart starts to beat faster and you feel your dick twitch slightly. Silver sits on the toilet. You turn back.

“I just watched you fuck my childhood friend senseless,” she says. “I don’t mind the audience. Besides, it’s just pee.”

You look back at her, listening to the hiss as her pee hits the toilet bowl. You are not into that, but your mind goes through several possibilities now, including, for some reason, peeing in the shower and showing Silver how well you can aim at the drain. It’s kinda immature, you know it.

“What are you thinking about?” she asks. Geez, is she always so talkative in the toilet? No wonder she only has one friend.

You tell her about aiming at the drain. She chuckles, gets up from the toilet and wipes her pussy with a piece of toilet paper. “How often do you practice your aim?”

“Not that often,” you reply. “I’m a serious man, an owner of a small business and a big dick that scares little girls like you.”

Silver grins. “Meh, you already shoved it in my mouth.” She throws the piece of toilet paper into the toilet and flushes it. “Umm…”

“What?” you ask.

Silver blushes deep red. “May I, uhh… practice your aim?”

Seriously, this girl is impossible. “What now?”

“I mean, holding it while you–”

“You can hold it, but no playing like that,” you say, walking closer to her. “I can’t really pee when a girl is holding my dick, you know. Also, better wait until after we shower. You know where it was…”

“Yeah.” Silver hops into the shower and gestures at you to join her. “Can I wash your dick?”

Seriously, what’s her problem? That’s not something to think about right now, you guess; instead, you join her in the shower. She unbraids her hair; you never really realised how long it is. Perhaps compensating for the lack of hair in other places. As a professional, you wonder if she paid fortune for wax or is her pussy naturally hairless? Don’t ask, don't tell.

“You like playing doctor, don’t you?” You turn the tap, pouring cold water all over Silver. “To the horny jail with you.”

“Hey!” Silver tries to wrestle the shower head out of your hand, but it’s really easy to keep it just outside her reach. You make the water hotter, though; you wouldn’t want your dick to shrink, disappointing the poor girl.

Meanwhile, the ‘poor girl’ grabs a bottle of shower gel and squeezes some on you. She tries to grab your dick, but it slips out of her hands. “Could you not move for a moment?” she asks.

“Chill out, Silvy,” you reply, soaping her with the shower gel. Her small boobs feel firm under your hands; there’s almost no fat anywhere on her body and her butt is surprisingly muscular. Weird, you never thought she was a gym rat. While helping her wash her ass you quickly, as if by accident, slip two fingers into her pussy.

“Whoa!” Silver exclaims. “No dirty tricks!”

You pull her closer to yourself and kiss her. “I’m just admiring your body, that’s all.”

She blushes even more. “Thanks. I’m trying to keep in shape. Also, I don’t usually stuff my fingers there.”

“You prefer rubbing, huh?” You rinse the soap off of her and yourself.

“I think I fucked all the pillows in my room.” She smiles sheepishly.

You ruffle her wet hair. “Happens to the best of us. Now, if you want to grab–” You pause as she grabs your dick, weighing it in her hand and leaning closer to take a look.

You’re not sure what to say. Most of the girls you had sex with weren’t that interested in your dick. Moondancer was especially bad in that matter – you’re pretty sure she had more feelings for some cucumbers than you and your cock.

“Not bad,” SIlver says, poking your dick and watching it get harder.

“You’ve never seen that before or what?” you ask.

“The Internet was invented before I was born,” she replies. “I’ve seen countless dicks, but never really held one.” She gives your dick another rub. “May I take a pic later? I’ll send it to Button Mash. His dick is half your size, but he thinks I like the pics he sends me.”

“Sure,” you reply, hoping this Button Mash doesn’t come to you and ask you to fuck his ass. Not that you wouldn’t do that.

For a good price, of course.

“So, you say I can’t really suck dicks, can I?” Silver asks.

“Well, you’re a bit inexperienced,” you reply. “But you’ll learn this, I guess…”

Silver drops on her knees in front of you. “Well, I need to learn it right now.”

You think she has more important things to learn like physics, calculus, and how to start your own business and not get screwed over, but then, she’s about to suck you off and even though she’s a bit sloppy, a blowjob is a blowjob.

“Just don’t jam it up my throat again,” she says, giving your dick a lick. “Tastes like shower gel.”

“Obviously,” you reply. She puts her hand on your balls – you hope she doesn’t try to do anything funny with them, but she embraces your dick with her lips. Her tongue swirls around the tip and you can feel her teeth touching your skin.

“Don’t bite,” you say. “Try to suck it or just move up and down the shaft like I’m fucking your mouth.”

“Mhm.” Silver nods and sucks the air in. Not bad for the first time, you have to admit. Still, it’s a long way to go; she opens her mouth, letting you slip deeper inside.

“Now, if you were into rough stuff, I’d grab your hair and fuck your throat, but I know you’re not a fan,” you say. “Also, remember that the tip is the most sensitive, especially the bottom part.” You moan as her tongue hits just the right spot. “Exactly.”

Silver grabs the shower head and places it between her legs. She moves her head back, holding only the tip of your dick between her lips. She then goes deeper, pushing your dick towards the roof of her mouth with her tongue, a small moan of pleasure escaping her lips.

“You good?” you ask. She gives you a thumbs up and moans, closing her eyes in pleasure. The stream of water from the shower hits her pussy, causing her to shudder from time to time, but you feel deep down she craves more.

“Wanna do it?” You retreat your dick. It’s now fully erect; diet and exercise paid off, allowing you to get hard rather quickly after cumming in Diamond Tiara’s ass. Besides, a young and pure girl like Silver would probably make a dead guy hard as well.

She nods and gets up. “Sure,” she replies, her cheeks even redder than before. “Sucking dick is interesting, but I know some better places where it belongs.”

She’s right, so you embrace her. You’re doing it for free, after all. You genuinely like that little crazy nerd and you have to make it an unforgettable experience. You lift her off the ground without much effort – she’s much lighter than Aloe with whom you did the ‘stand and carry’ position once when you got stuck in an elevator. All that while her sister was trying to fix it.

Silver immediately realises your intentions. She spreads her legs, embracing you with them. You don’t really have that fetish, but you kinda want to play with her cute little feet. Maybe later; the weekend is long and there’ll be time for all sorts of depravities. Maybe when Diamond fucks off, you’ll have time to teach Silver a trick or two?

You lift Silver higher, gently lowering her on your dick. She gasps when the tip hits her folds and slips past them. She’s tight; maybe not tighter than Diamond’s ass, but definitely tighter than her pussy. You’re not sure if she can take the entirety of your shaft, but she quickly proves you wrong. After several orgasms she had while masturbating to you and Diamond, she’s delightfully wet. Interestingly, her hymen is intact; you feel a bit of resistance as you deflower her and she lets out a sigh, embracing you closer and taking you fully inside of her.

“I’m good,” she says. “It seems bigger on the inside.”

“It usually does, yeah,” you reply. Well, what else can you say? You lift her up and let her drop back on your cock, moaning as the walls of her vagina rub against it. She’s warm and wet, squealing in pleasure with your each move. Your dick grows even harder; you lower her further, plunging her deeper and hitting the entrance of her cervix. She lets out a half-stifled cry, and you feel a torrent of juices dripping on your balls. Her nipples feel stiff and erect against your chest as she gets closer to you before bending back in throes of climax.

You prop her back against the wall, holding her firmly, and start pumping faster. She screams in bliss as her mind goes blank once more. This turns you on even more; you inhale the scent, the wonderful mix of warm water, shower gel, and a young, energetic girl getting fucked for the first time.

“Don’t stop,” Silver whispers. Her skin feels almost electric. You embrace her tighter, listening to her heart beating faster, in sync with your own heartbeat. You feel the pressure building in your balls, but you don’t want it to end just yet. You want this moment to last; or rather, you want it to go beyond this shower and continue. Sure, having sex with Aloe and Lotus from time to time is fun, but you want something deeper. But will Silver want it? You’re somewhat older than her, after all.

Silver moans again, tightening her grip around you and squeezing your dick with her muscles. This nearly sends you over the edge, but you stop yourself, although barely. You want to retreat, but Silver shakes her head.

“Come in me,” she says. “I want to feel it.”

Well, what can you do? You’re already almost at your limits. If you cum right now, it’ll be huge, no survivors. But then, Silver deserves this. She’s cute and wonderful; fresh and inexperienced, but blossoming like a beautiful flower.

You push deep into her, your orgasm hitting so hard your balls almost hurt. Silver gasps as the first wave of your cum hits the walls of her pussy. You hold her, screaming and moaning, filling her with thick, warm seed. She relaxes in your embrace, tears of happiness flowing down her cheeks as she kisses you. Your dick slips out of her, the last few drops hitting her feet when you put her on the ground. You’ll need another shower, but none of you really cares.

“Wow.” Silver’s legs are still trembling. A few drops of your cum escape her pussy lips; she smears them on her thigh and licks her fingers, examining the taste. “Just, like, wow.”

“Are you okay?” you ask.

“At first I thought this was gonna hurt, but like, it was a good kind of pain,” Silver replies. “And then it was like something exploded.” She points at her head. “I never thought it could be something more than fucking…”

“You and Diamond watch too much porn,” you say.

“Mhm.” Silver pats her stomach. “Wonder what will the baby be like? With how much you came in me, it may be twins as well…”

What. Like, you didn’t use a condom, but… Well, now you’re fucked, unless you can get a coat hanger on a short notice.

Or at least that’s what you think until you hear Silver laugh. “I just wanted to see your expression!” she exclaims. “Don’t worry, I’m on a pill.”

She’s delightful, but also delightfully fucked up. You’re not sure it’ll work out between you, but screw that. It’s better to establish rules early, even if it’s just in case. “Don’t do this again,” you reply. “I’m an old man, you can give me a heart attack.”

“You’re not that old,” she replies. “We can still get a few more rounds, huh?”

“First we’ll need another shower,” you reply. “And then maybe something to eat.”

“Yeah,” she replies, grabbing the shower head. “Are you gonna help me rinse all this cum? Or maybe we can give Diamond a bath. She probably needs it.”

“Oh yeah.” You laugh. There’s a lot of things you need to do and most of them involve young, naked girls. Life is beautiful, sometimes.

The weekend is still not over...