Familial Fraternisation

by Some Leech

First published

After her graduation, Babs finds herself becoming intimately familiar with an extended family member...

Unlike most of the Apple clan, Babs has always been a bit of an outlier - that is, until she gets ambushed with a party by her cousin. It wasn't like she wanted a big shindig for graduating, but it happened all the same. As she does her best to remain cordial, trying to stay out of the limelight, she discovers that she's not the only one at the event who's not taking part in the festivities. Little did she know, that fateful evening would change her life forever...

Kinks include: Female on Male, Male on Female, Incest, Oral, Vaginal, All Manner of Sex Positions, Domination, Size Difference, Large Insertions, Squirting, Cumflation (Cum Inflation), Impregnation, Pregnant Sex, Lactation, Roleplay of the Bovine Variety, and Starting a Loving Family

Artwork by Zajice (Twitter @Zajice)

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapter 1

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Ugh…” Babs quietly grunted, rolling her eyes at the unfolding festivities.

She’d been immeasurably pleased to be finished with school, and she’d been happy enough to accept Apple Bloom’s invitation for a visit, but she was not thrilled with the huge hootenanny that her cousin had surprised her with. Her round-trip ticket meant she’d be unable to get home for three full days, and leaving the party would be extraordinarily rude, so she found herself stuck. Resting with her back against a wall, well away from the mass of dancing, chatting, and socializing ponies, she leisurely sipped her beer.

It sure as hell seemed like most of Ponyville was in attendance, with the interior of the Apple family farm positively brimming with ponies of all ages. Be damned if she knew why everyone in town had shown up for a graduation get together, but her best guess was that most of the folks typically looked for reasons to have a celebration. As she scanned the cavernous room, over the throng of smiling, jubilant faces, her eyes settled on an anomaly.

Standing at the far side of the chamber, seemingly as disinterested as herself, a titanic figure lingered. Wearing a pair of overalls, with a sizable portion of his broad, crimson chest visible, the golden maned stallion’s emerald gaze rested on her - that was, until he noticed her looking in his direction. With little else to do, having arrived just before the festivities began, she slowly circumvented the teeming mass of partygoers to say hello to her older cousin.

Though it took her a few minutes to make her way over to him, having been stopped no fewer than a half-dozen times for hellos or well-wishes, she eventually made her way over to the stoic colossus. She was big by most standards, standing taller than the average mare by a few inches, but she felt puny compared to Big Macintosh. Towering over her, with his barely covered pecs resting squarely at her eye level, he nodded a greeting.

“How’s it goin, Mac?” she asked, playfully elbowing his arm. “Life on the farm been treating ya alright?”

Eeeyup,” he flatly responded, looking her from top to bottom.

Though he may have been bearing his trademark, placid expression, he had to admit that he was a bit stunned by how much Babs had grown. What used to be a runty, squat filly had blossomed into a tall, curvacious, and impressively built mare. It was common knowledge that earth ponies, like herself, tended to have a robust physique, yet he could never have fathomed just how attractive she’d become with age.

“Surprised you’re not out there having fun,” she began, subtly motioning towards the crowd. “Not much of a party animal?”

Mac slowly swung his head from side to side, as he raised his bottle to his lips. “Nnnnope.”

“Yeah, same,” she murmured, looking down at the floor.

Resting herself beside him, possibly the only other creature within miles who didn’t care to be there, she disinterestedly looked him over. If she had to guess, he’d probably done most of the heavy lifting, both literally and figuratively, in preparing for the hoedown. In a very real way, he was the backbone of the farm and one of the strongest, biggest stallions she’d ever met - having said that, he was also one of the quietest.

She never got a good explanation as to why he’d always been so tacit, but she wasn’t about to complain. Tall, silent, and almost painfully handsome, she was shocked that some mare hadn’t come along and scooped him up off his massive feet - at least, she hadn’t heard about any women making a move on him. Lost to her thoughts, apathetically inspecting his well-fitting jeans, she noticed an odd swell.

As Mac took a well-deserved swig from his beer, quietly wondering if Babs was as displeased with the party as she seemed, he looked down and froze. Given his height, he had a bird’s-eye view of her generous, ochre cleavage, but that wasn’t what unsettled him. Be darned if he could explain why, but it sure as heck looked like his cousin was staring dead at his crotch.

“So - uh -” Babs fumbled, rubbing the back of her neck, “you…”

As she looked up, seeing him peering down at her, she went rigid. Being caught checking someone out was embarrassing enough, but being caught ogling a family member was definitely as awkward as it could get. Her mind raced, trying and failing to think of something - anything to say to excuse herself, and she latched on the first ridiculous idea that came to mind.

Heh - ” she forcefully chuckled, reaching over and brazenly fondling his groin, “I’m guessing you stuffed something in there to…” She stopped dead, feeling the unmistakable imprint and warmth of flesh against her palm.

Her eyes sailed to his package in disbelief, as her mouth went dry. Either Mac was packing a third leg or she’d just unintentionally groped an almost impossibly huge dick. Instinctively retracting her hand, feeling her blush deepen, she anxiously gulped. What she’d meant to be a joke, poking fun at the stallion for stuffing his undies, had ended up being anything but.

“T...that’s just something you put in your pants, right?” she timidly asked, unable to keep herself from sneaking glances at his denim veiled loins.

Mac opened his mouth to reply, but no words escaped him. For some inexplicable reason, his cousin - a cousin he’d been casually admiring for the last hour or two, had just copped a feel of his goods. Lazily shaking his head, praying that his growing excitement wouldn’t be too noticeable, he shakily pointed towards a nearby cooler.

“Yeah...yeah, that’s a good idea,” Babs croaked, feeling suddenly parched. “I’ll go get us another beer.”

Watching the mare trot over to the ice chest, realizing he’d been holding his breath, Mac exhaled. Unfortunately for him, his relief was perilously short lived. As the young woman bent over at the waist, with her backside leveled squarely at him, he only then noticed just how short her shorts were. As the garment rode up her thighs, practically disappearing into the cleft of her sublimely plump ass, he felt his stallionhood twitch.

Prying his eyes off his cousin’s backside, it was all he could do to look away and pray he didn’t get too excited. Having gone through a very, very lengthy dry-spell, the sight of a fine booty, even one belonging to a distant family member, was enough to get him a bit worked up. Trying and failing to distract himself, noticing her straighten with two bottles in her hands, he anxiously shifted.

As Babs walked back to the giant stud, she noticed a few things. First and foremost, the big lug seemed to be sweating a bit - secondly, and more alarmingly, the bulge in his pants had nearly doubled in size. Drawing nearer, peeking at the imprint of could only be his cock, she was stricken with an insane idea. There was no way he’d been turned on by her, had he?

The notion that Mac was aroused by her was novel, bringing a predatory smirk to her lips. Though she’d matured a bit over the years, abandoning most of her bullying ways, the temptation to toy with others had never left her - as such, she saw no harm in screwing with the reserved stud. If he found her attractive, and if she was to blame for his growing erection, he was about to be in for a big surprise.

“Here ya go, Champ,” she chirped, strolling to his side and presenting one of the perspiring bottles. “Sweet Celestia, it is way too hot in here,” she groused, fanning her top and revealing the upper portion of her breasts. “You know anywhere we could cool off?”

Looking down at her, seeing her pull her collar down just far enough to show she wasn’t wearing a bra, Mac’s heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into her, but she did make a point; the party was stiflingly warm. As the ache in his loins intensified, with his hardening stallionhood struggling against his pant leg, he lifted a hand and pointed towards the ceiling.

Babs craned her head, peering at the ceiling. “There a loft up there?”

“E...eeyup,” he sputtered, hoping she wasn’t about to ask him to…

“Lead the way, Chief, because I am sweltering,” she snickered.

Mac could’ve kicked himself, but there was little he could do now. Seeing as how it was her party, and she’d traveled all the way from Manehattan to visit, he couldn’t just tell her off! Silently cursing his rotten luck, he resignedly turned and led her towards a stairway in one of the storage rooms.

As Babs walked along behind him, she couldn’t help but admire his figure. Every part of him, from his wide shoulders to his sculpted backside was perfect, almost too perfect - heck, had he wanted, he could have been one hell of a model! Gazing at his rump, trailing him to a small backroom, she followed him up a flight of stairs and into a dimly lit, expansive loft.

“I didn’t even know this was up here,” she remarked, taking in the area.

Just as big as the first floor, but lacking the heat and crowd, the second story was almost empty. Outside of a few pieces of dusty furniture, stacks of apple boxes, and a handful of support beams, they had the place all to themselves, which suited her perfectly. Without any warning whatsoever, strategically blocking the exit, she grabbed her collar, lifted her arms, and pulled her shirt up and over her head.

Much better,” she loudly sighed, swaying her bare bosoms from side to side.

Mac had assumed she’d just wanted some air, or possibly a bit of quiet, but he’d been dead wrong. Turning towards her, hearing her comment, his jaw hit the floor. Completely topless, with her sweat-streaked breasts glistening in the cool light, his cousin smiled over at him.

As amusing as Mac’s reaction was, Babs wasn’t done yet - not by a long shot. “Well then,” she purred, strutting over to the petrified stallion, “since we have a bit of privacy, how about you prove that you didn’t cram a fence post into your overalls.”

Nope!” he bleated, as his fight or flight response kicked in.

Even if she wasn’t family, he was not about to get trapped by some lust-crazed mare - not again. As he attempted to step by her, keen on making his escape, she shot to the side and grabbed his shoulder. There weren’t many who were brave enough to try and stop him, and fewer still who actually could, but she was an Apple and an earth pony. Giving him a rough shove, causing him to stumble into one of the supports, she stepped over and pressed her tits against his abdomen.

“I wasn’t asking,” Babs darkly chuckled, flicking one of his suspenders free.

Before he could respond or say a word, she unclasped the second band of denim and let his bib fall free. She’d meant for it to be funny, to tease him and let him get away, but she’d made a fatal miscalculation. As the fabric fell from his chest, unveiling his pecs and rock hard abs, she was given a moment for pause - a pause which spelled her doom.

Seeing an adonic stallion in the flesh was rare enough, but smelling one was an exceedingly rare treat. As she subconsciously took a breath, filling her sinuses with the ambrosial musk permeating from him, a shiver of excitement ran up her spine. Not only did he look like a dreamboat, but he smelled downright heavenly. With her senses besieged, and the primal parts of her mind coming alight, her once innocent motives shifted.

Mac’s jaw flapped, yet he couldn’t make a sound. He couldn’t speak - heck, he could barely even breathe, as she languidly stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest. Despite his mounting anxiety, his eyes wandered down to her tits. Easily a D Cup, or maybe even an E, her pair of melons taunted him, almost begging to be squeezed, which did little to help his painfully turgid cock.

“Like what you see?” she mused, taking one tit in each hand.

As she pressed her breasts together, relishing the power they afforded, she grinned. Playing with a stallion was too much fun, especially one who’s body betrayed their thoughts, and she wasn’t about to let her cousin get away - not until she’d had her fill. Abandoning her rack, slowly moving her hands down her abdomen, she fiddled with the button on her shorts.

“You wanna see?” she whispered, undoing the button and languidly pulling her fly open. Though Mac was deathly silent, he slowly nodded. “But,” she tutted, abruptly stopping, “you’re gonna have to show me yours…”

Mac continued to nod, even though he hadn’t the foggiest idea of what she’d said. Hitching her thumbs over the waistband of her shorts, steadily pulling them down her legs, she gave him the first peek of her bare loins. Slightly darker in tone than the rest of her coat, the plump, ripe mound of her marehood was slowly revealed; it was the hottest thing he’d seen in years, possibly ever, and it left him utterly dumbfounded.

With the shorts around her ankles, Babs kicked one leg, caught the abandoned garment, and spun it around one finger. His expression was adorable, but that wasn’t what she was focused on. Closing the gap between them, nonchalantly draping the sweaty and slightly moistened article against his snout, she sank into a deep squat. She’d shown him the goods, and now she was about to see just what sort of equipment he was rocking.

Her positioning couldn’t have been more perfect, with her face coming to rest squarely at the level of his groin. Extending her arms, grabbing the denim over his waist, she hauled his pants downward. Getting the damn overalls off of him wasn’t nearly as easy as she’d thought, given how snug they were, but she gradually made progress. It was only when the blue fabric began to expose his crotch did she slow.

Like a filly on Hearth’s Warming, she felt like she was unwrapping a present. Sluggishly dragging the garment towards the floor, revealing the impossibly thick root of his carmine tool, she was filled with awe and dread - still, she couldn’t bring herself to stop. If she hadn’t known better, gazing longingly at the obscene appendage, she could have sworn she was looking at an arm.

As the article cleared the tip of his monumental stallionhood, allowing his cock to spring free, her cunt hungrily clenched upon itself. Thicker than her wrist, and well over a foot long, his endowment was easily the biggest dick she’d ever laid eyes upon. Instinctively drifting closer, giving herself a closer look, she caved to her impulses.

“God damn - what have they been feeding you?” she halfheartedly joked, wrapping her fingers around the trunk-like base of his length.

Like a deer in the headlights, it was all Mac could do to helplessly stand there and watch his cousin stroke him off - at least, that’s what he told himself. Her soft palms and slender fingers felt amazing, setting his pulse to quicken, but the sight - stars above, the sight was awe inspiring. With her tits exposed, reverently smiling and jacking him off, she looked like a porn star.

As if having a mind of its own, Babs' free hand drifted between her splaying legs and to her drooling marehood. It had been ages since she’d gotten laid, with that stallion having been a fraction of Mac’s size, and the devil on her shoulder practically begged her to keep going. If he looked good, and he smelled good, and he felt good, she was left to wonder how good he would taste. Awkwardly sidling to the side, bringing herself to squarely face off against his monstrous member, she angled his length towards her muzzle.

“Just watch the stairs,” she blurted, staring down his gargantuan length.

Eeeyup,” he muttered.

He felt sure that she’d said something, but he was too aroused to give it much thought. Leaning in, she opened her maw and invitingly rolled out her tongue. He wondered if she’d actually be able to suck him off, considering the head of his cock was roughly as wide as her muzzle, but she seemed determined to make it work. As she gave the blunt tip of his shaft a kiss, silently introducing herself, she pressed forward and worked him past her lips.

Babs figured she’d have a hard time, but her eyes had definitely been bigger than her mouth. Unless she could somehow unhinge her jaw, she sure as shit wasn’t going to be able to properly fellate him; even if she could open her snout wide enough, she felt certain that he’d be in her stomach before he was hilted - that being said, she was no quitter. Breathing through her nose, massaging his glans with her tongue, she made out with his cock while slipping two fingers into her slavering nethers.

With her sinuses flooded by his earthy scent, staring at the lightly colored tuft of fur on his crotch, the salty, cloying flavor of his sweat and pre-cum coated her palate. She’d been absolutely right, every single part of the big bastard was magnificent. Ramming her head forward, determined to see how far she could go, she shoved him to the back of her throat and started sucking him off in earnest.

Twisting her muzzle from side to side, while she bobbed her head, she did everything she could to blow him - nevertheless, it was a herculean ordeal. Her jaw strained, simply unable to open wide enough, but that may not be a huge problem. Plunging a third and fourth finger into her snatch, giving her entrance a good stretch, she peered up at her cousin’s gobsmacked face.

As they locked eyes, peering at one another, the two came to a sudden realization - two in fact. For starters, what had begun as a dubiously playful and depraved bullying session had taken a hard turn - secondly, neither of them wanted to stop. Mac was so hard that it hurt, while Babs’ marehood was leaking like a busted faucet. They’d crossed a line, there was no going back, and their budding lust demanded they see it through.

Shuffling back, and taking care to mop his length with her lips, Babs withdrew and cleared her muzzle. Streaks of saliva, pre-cum, and lipstick marked the first few inches of his shaft, a clear indicator that she hadn’t even made it a quarter of the way down his tool. As she steadily pushed herself up, taking care to briefly sandwich his member between her tits, she got to her feet.

Stepping forward, she slipped a leg over his stallionhood, rested her cunt against the base of his dick, and squished her tits against him. There was no way in hell she was going to let him get away without feeling his behemoth filling her, and she had a feeling he felt the same way. As she walked two fingers up his torso, giving his nipple a little flick, she rocked her hips back and forth.

“Well, since we’re both here, you wanna try something else?” she quietly inquired, her words positively dripping with lecherous intent.

Mac gulped, reading between the lines. Between the few drinks he’d had, how insistent Babs was, and the heat of her loins against his tool, his reluctance withered and died. Lifting a finger to reply, yet not knowing exactly what to say, she abruptly shifted and stepped away. Without saying a word, strutting bare-assed over to one of the support beams dotting the vacant area, she bent over, spread her legs, and slapped her ass.

If he was being completely honest, he’d seen pictures in PlayColt that weren’t half as alluring as the sight. Her marehood winked and dribbled her feminine juices to the floor, giving him a peek at her succulent, pink interior, but the look on her face was somehow even more enticing. Bearing a smug grin, knowing exactly what she was doing, she was the spitting image of a succubus.

Taking one step forward, followed by a second and a third, he numbly shuffled towards her. His stallionhood was like a dowsing rod blindly leading him to sin, but he was well past the point of caring. As his hands crept out, resting on her ample, foal-bearing hips, he was stricken by how ludicrous the situation was - not because he was about to rut a distant relative, but because how perfect she was.

She stood at just the right height to let him plow her, being neither too tall nor too short, and he reeled from how bold she was. Bucking his hips, grinding his length between her thighs and against her heated muff, he shuddered. If she wanted him that badly, having gone so far as to seduce him, blow him, and get him naked, he’d be good and sure to give her just what she was itching for - after all, she was family…

Reaching back, running her fingers along his divine length, Babs lowered her waist and brought the tip of his cock to her entrance. If she’d been blindfolded and someone had claimed a fist was pressed against her snatch, she would have believed him. The enormity of it all, feeling as though she was about to be split in half, filled her with a heady cocktail of fear and excitement, yet she wasn’t about to back down.

Gathering her courage, fueled by desire, she slammed herself backwards. The move was foolishly impulsive, impaling herself with nearly half of his shaft, causing her to gasp. Fullness didn’t begin to describe the sensation of having something so large inside herself. She’d fooled around with a couple of bigger stallions before, but this - this was something entirely different.

Gnawing his lip, relishing her snug confines, Mac tightened his grip. Like molten silk, practically demanding he reciprocate, her interior embraced him and spurred him on. Bracing his hind legs, making sure neither of them were going anywhere, he finished what she’d begun. With one, unstoppable plunge, he hilted himself and started fucking.

Babs' knees buckled, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and a torrent of nectar erupted from her stuffed cunt. In a single move, he managed to push past her cervix and bottom out in her womb, evoking quite possibly the most powerful climax she’d ever experienced. With one shoulder pressed to the beam, holding on for dear life, the titan pummeled her from behind.

Her breasts swayed beneath her, as he reshaped her marehood to suit his needs. Her strength had carried her through most of her life, allowing her to have her way or brute force solutions to problems, yet it did nothing for her now. Against her colossal cousin, she was as completely powerless - no, she was his bitch, and she loved it.

Steadily acclimating to the immense intrusion, gathering her wits, she swung her ass back to meet him. Some shred of her refused to relent, to be bent over and plowed like a drunk sorority girl, and he needed to know that. Clamping down around him, practically fighting to keep him within her depths, she milked his length with all the subtlety of a professional wrestler.

Unsure of where to look, torn between gazing at her face or his stallionhood plunging into her cunt, Mac increased his pace. The tautness of her entrance was eclipsed by just how tight her inner gate was, compelling him to tap into his full potential. In addition to being a stunner, she was the first mare who’d ever managed to handle all of him - a fact he had every intention of savoring.

As the merriment and festivities of the first floor drowned out the soft sounds of their pounding hips, pleased grunts, and salacious groans, leaving the partygoers woefully ignorant to the depravity going on above their heads. There was more than enough excitement for the pair’s absence to go unnoticed, allowing them to lose themselves to the passionate tryst. With the music blaring the excitement growing, they gradually picked up the pace.

“H...harder you - Oh fuck - big bastard,” Babs growled, rhythmically constricting and relaxing her snatch around him.

Mac grunted, eager to oblige, as he ratcheted up the intensity. He’d never been able to go all out with a mare before, having to restrain himself in the past, yet that concern didn’t apply to his cousin. Remarkably durable, unyielding, and startlingly aggressive, she fanned the flames of his lust. Pulling out all the stops, with his meaty, fist-sized nuts slapping against her clit, he grit his teeth.

Babs' worked his cock as best she could, giving nearly as good as she got, but it was a losing battle. The deck was stacked against her, with the stud having both size and mass on her, not to mention his insanely thick tool, her efforts slowly waned. It wasn’t like she wanted to give up on the struggle, yet the wondrous sensations he afforded were impossible to resist.

The balance of power lazily shifted, leaving Mac in complete control. Neither of them had intended for the passionate exchange to end up as a struggle, but Babs' domineering nature had been her undoing. Against the full carnal might of the mountainous stallion, she never stood a chance.

The zeal of her motions faded, as he exerted himself. Sensing her weakness, he slipped one hand from her waist to her tail. As he grabbed her dock, pulling her back while pounding into her, his ripe balls churned and snuggled up to his groin. Lost in the moment, slipping into a rut-lust, he failed to realize how close he was to his limit.

Her thighs trembled, the pitch of her mewling groans raised an octave, and an all too familiar sensation of warmth blossomed within her. Despite having cum once already, she was rocketing towards a second climax. Wrapping her arms around the thick wooden post, practically whimpering with delight, what little resistance she had faded.

Setting his jaw, Mac snorted. His higher functions faded away, replaced by the bestial id at his core. The steady pounding of his hips devolved into rapid, almost frantic thrusts, as his natural urges took hold. He was fucking a mare, a mare who was both charming and strong, and it triggered a deep-seeded need within him - the need to breed.

D...don’t stop!” Babs blared, feeling as though she may give out.

Heedless of his flaring cock, his wildly throbbing shaft, or his blinding pace, she wanted more. Though she had no way of realizing it, her ovaries took note of the unparalleled rutting and went into overdrive. Somehow managing to stay upright, through sheer force of will, she remained on her feet. She wouldn’t be satisfied until he’d given her everything he had, and that included the content of his pendulous nuts.

On and on they went, reduced to little more than a pair of wild animals, until the inevitable happened. Hauling on her tail, and simultaneously issuing one final, tectonic plunge, he entombed every inch of his length within her. For one brief, fleeting moment, time stood still, before they were wracked by a cataclysm of ecstasy.

Pints of scalding, virile foal-batter surged through Mac’s pulsing shaft, as the mare in his grasp nearly collapsed. Acting on instinct, extending one arm, he grabbed her shoulder, pulled her upright, and impulsively bit the base of her neck; he never would have done something so brash, had he been in his right mind, yet his primal yearnings had gotten the best of him. Awash with bliss, pumping shot after shot of his load deep into her spasming marehood, he held her to himself.

Babs' mouth hung open in a silent scream of rapture, as the world fell away. She’d always heard that it was possible to black out from a climax, but she hadn’t thought it was possible - that was, until that moment. Her vision tunneled, her limbs went slack, and an inescapable bliss overtook her, as she struggled to stay conscious.

Locked together, riding out their near-tandem orgasm, a euphoric warmth gradually settled over them. Mac was the first to recover, shaking his head and looking at his cousin’s cum-drunk face. He figured he’d given it to her pretty rough, but even he was surprised with just how contented she looked. Bringing one arm around her torso, holding her steady, he gently patted her cheek.

Wha...I’m - uh -” Babs incoherently mumbled, as her higher functions slowly returned.

She felt fantastic - no, better than fantastic, but she was also exhausted. Wearily peering down her chest, between her breasts, she did a double take. Her belly, once soft and relatively flat, had nearly doubled in size. Poking her abdomen in disbelief, feeling a volcanic warmth within herself, she turned her head and peered back at the stud.

“H...holy shit! Dude, you cum like a fucking fire hydrant!” she guffawed, watching his cheeks darken.

E...eeyup,” he falteringly noted, rubbing the back of his neck.

Easing her down, making sure she had her footing, he stepped back and gently pulled his softening cock from her. With a wet pop, and a small splash of spunk, his stallionhood flopped free. Though there was the slightest touch of shame for what he’d done, comprehending that he’d caved to his sexual impulses and plowed his cousin, his regret was fleeting.

Fuck,” she thought aloud, turning to face him. “There’s so fucking much!”

Caressing her tummy, feeling his seed sloshing around within herself, Babs grinned like an idiot. To see and feel his unfathomable load was both funny and amusing, though it inspired an idea. Walking over to him, lightly grabbing his jaw, she pulled his face downward, looked into his eyes, and gave him a tiny kiss.

“If I get knocked up because of this,” she softly clucked, grabbing his semi-flaccid dick, “I hope you’ll take responsibility.”

Swallowing hard, Mac nodded. “Eeeyup.”

Good boy,” she purred, locking lips with the stud.

Though she’d meant it was a joke, a simple throwaway line to cement her authority, she couldn’t have fathomed how prophetic the remark was...

Chapter 2

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Lifting her hand, moving it to the door, Babs stopped herself for the umpteenth time. Her reluctance wasn’t because her cousins weren’t expecting her, she knew they’d happily invite her in regardless, but because of why she’d decided to appear on their doorstep. It’d been nearly two months since her last visit, back when Apple Bloom had thrown her surprise graduation party, and she hadn’t exactly planned on taking a trip back so soon - having said that, there had been some developments.

She’d originally thought that she was a bit late, with her cycle delayed by a couple of days. It had taken her a week to eventually buy a pregnancy test, and nearly another week before she’d been brave enough to use it, but the results, as well as the confirmation from an appointment with her doctor, left little room for doubt - she had a bun in the oven. The timeline, her lack of partners, and activities after her graduation meant there was only one stallion who could possibly be the father…

Come on,” she grumbled to herself, balling her fist, “you can do this…”

Steeling her resolve, with the sun setting over her shoulder, she knocked on the door. She’d hopped on the first train available to Ponyville, hastily buying a one-way ticket, and had made the journey with just the clothes on her back - not to mention she hadn’t told anyone where she was going. Hearing someone moving inside, feeling her pulse quicken, she stood her ground and fought back the urge to flee.

The door cracked open, revealing the all too familiar crimson face and golden mane of her cousin - the very cousin she’d traveled to see. His eyes widened slightly, doubtlessly surprised to see her again so soon, yet a pleased smile quickly split his muzzle. Staring up at him, smiling weakly, she felt her pulse quicken.

Adorned in a pair of jeans and a somewhat snug t-shirt, it appeared as though he was done working for the day. Unfortunately for her, as she subconsciously eyed him from top to bottom, his casual-wear did nothing to detract from his adonic physique. His developed chest, abs, and broad shoulders filled out his attire nicely, but not as nicely as his endowment.

Even though he was flaccid, the imprint of his package nearly made her forget why she’d made the trip to the Apple family farm - nearly. Shaking her head, attempting to dislodge the unsavory and wholly captivating memory of their last meeting, she left herself wide open. Without saying a word, heedless of her pensive state, he walked out, threw his arms wide, and snared her in a hug.

“H...hey, Mac,” she stammered, hesitantly reciprocating the embrace. “You - uh - got a few minutes?”

“Eeeeeyup!” he enthusiastically responded.

Releasing her from his clutches, he turned away and waved for her to follow. With Applejack and Granny Smith cooking in the kitchen, and Apple Bloom studying in the living room, one of the few areas they could chat in was his room - there or the spare bedroom upstairs. Leading the way, steadily plodding up to the second floor, he smiled back at her.

He was genuinely happy to see her, despite being unsure what had brought her to town, and not just because they’d fooled around in the loft. As he moved off the landing, turning and proceeding down the short hallway leading to his chamber, he grinned to himself. If he was lucky, and he hoped he would be, maybe they’d get the chance to have some alone time on her unexpected visit.

Silently reminding herself to stay calm, feeling her pulse beginning to quicken, she trotted into his room behind him. It had taken everything she had to make the journey to see him, after she’d discovered she was expecting, yet that did little to make the job any less awkward. Closing the door behind herself, taking a deep breath, she barred the exit.

“Mac, we need to talk,” she began, nervously rubbing one arm. “You remember what we did in the barn?”

She felt foolish for asking, especially considering how enthusiastically he nodded back at her, yet it felt like a decent way to preface the conversation. Summoning every ounce of courage she had, she languidly lifted her top to reveal her stomach. Ordinarily speaking, that early on in a pregnancy, a mare wouldn’t have gone through any noticeable changes, although that wasn’t quite the case with her. As her shirt unveiled her slightly rounded belly, she sheepishly grinned.

“S...surprise…” she forcefully chuckled, peering at the floor.

Peering at her tummy, silently wondering what the surprise was, he knit his brow. She may have looked a bit heavier than she had at the hoedown - then again, between the poor lighting and how heated their time had been, he hadn’t gotten the best look at her on her last visit. Pondering on her words, still pleased that she’d shown up out of the blue, it clicked.

His mouth hung open, his heart momentarily stopped, and a sense of vertigo overtook him. There was no way she was saying what he thought she was saying, was she? Tearing his eyes off her belly, looking up to her face, he swallowed hard.

“Ah...Ah…” he sputtered, unable to speak.

Yeah,” she sighed, shifting in place. “I...I didn’t know what to do, but I figured you should know…”

Staring down at the carpet, she couldn’t bring herself to look him in the face. Finding out she’d been knocked up had been a shock, but knowing that the foal was her cousin’s complicated matters exponentially. Unsure of how he’d respond, secretly terrified that he’d be disgusted with her, she quietly waited for him to say something - anything to calm her nerves.

Seconds dragged by, with the two standing in silence, before Mac stepped forward. He’d never really given much thought to being a father, and he certainly hadn’t planned to find out he’d sired a foal, yet a wellspring of pride bubbled up within him. Peering at her abdomen, he shakily extended an arm and pressed his hand against her tummy.

Hanging her head, Babs nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure…”

Hooking a finger under her chin, lifting her head, Mac gazed into her eyes. He rightly couldn’t say what she’d been thinking, or why she seemed so bashful about the news, yet he couldn’t have been happier. Leaning in, slowly slipping his free hand around the small of her back, he pressed his lips to hers.

Overjoyed with the prospect of being a father, pulling her to himself, he deepened their kiss. The tenseness in her limbs slackened, and she began to reciprocate, before she abruptly grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away. Taken aback, startled by her odd reaction, he reached for her - only to have his hand swatted away.

“You can’t just do that!” she blurted, feeling blood rushing into her cheeks. “Don’t you get it I -” she cut herself off, seeing him hold a finger to his lips. “Don’t you get it? You put a bun in my oven!” she quietly seethed.

Eeeyup,” he softly responded, grinning like an idiot.

She went rigid, taken aback by just how well he was handling the situation. “Seriously? That’s seriously not a problem?!”

Throwing his head from side to side, his smile never faded. “Nope!”

“I…” she faltered, wholly unprepared for his response.

Moving towards her, watching slowly backpedal, Mac cornered the mother of his unborn child. He’d never been the social type, rarely going out and only having a handful of friends, but he was savvy enough to understand she was scared or possibly even upset about the development - nevertheless, she had to understand his stance on the matter, and he knew just what to do. Sandwiching her against the door, he wrapped his arms around her and draped his head over her shoulder.

It’ll be ok,” he breathed, his voice fainter than a whisper, “I’ll be here for you...For them…”

Inhaling sharply, a maelstrom of thoughts assailed Babs. Was it really ok that she was carrying her cousin’s kid? Why was the big bastard acting so calm about it? Why did he smell so good? Was that his dick pressing against her? Unsteadily returning his hug, unintentionally resting one hand on one very well defined glute, she returned his affection - that was, until she realized just what she’d grabbed. As she wriggled from his grasp, scowled in consternation.

“How is this…” she trailed off, noticing just how happy he was.

The bulge in his pants had nearly doubled in size, immediately catching her attention and dislodging her train of thought. He had, in an all too real way, rocked her world that fateful night at the party, giving her the strongest orgasm of her life and inseminating her with a single, titanic creampie. Losing herself to the memory, only vaguely aware of him moving, his chuckle brought her back to her senses.

Glowering up at him, she scrunched her snout. “It’s not funny.”

Mac was far from a scholar, he’d be the first one to admit that, but he was by no means foolish. Her reaction to accidentally squeezing his butt, seeing her ogle his crotch, and the blush on her face stood in stark contrast to her angry words and actions - that and her nipples were painfully hard beneath her top. Unable to control himself, he manually adjusted his equipment.

Helpless to avert her gaze, watching him fondle himself, her marehood grew moist. Less than perfect circumstances or not, knowing what lurked beneath his slacks caused her heart to flutter. Glancing to his face, seeing his smug smirk, she knit her brow. She had no doubt about it, he knew exactly what he was doing, and she’d be lying if she said it wasn’t turning her on.

“This is not the time for that…” she petulantly grumbled.

Giving a dismissive shrug, Mac slipped his hand into his pants. If she was half the Apple she thought she was, given how forward she’d been with him at their last encounter, it wouldn’t be long before she’d had enough of his teasing. Peering at her feet, lazily looking her over, his fingers grazed his hardening stallionhood.

Wearing a black tank top, matching skirt, a pair of sneakers, and an open leather vest, she looked just as gorgeous as last time - if not more so. Eyeing her broad, foal-bearing hips and full breasts, he instinctively knew she’d make one heck of a mother. Reminiscing on just how amazing she felt wrapped around him, remembering how she’d effectively goaded him into rutting her, the fires of his passion ignited.

The way he saw it, regardless of whether she was actually pregnant or not, she’d made the trip from Manehattan expressly to see him. Considering how late it was, and the fact that he hadn’t seen any luggage on the porch, he presumed she’d be hoping to crash there for the night. Having already spoken his mind, assured her that he’d be there to support her and their foal, he left the ball in her court.

Growing increasingly frustrated and aroused by the second, fondly remembering how he’d utterly wrecked her, she wrenched her attention away from his sinful loins. “If...if you don’t quit, I’ll -”

Striding forward, all but grinding his package against her belly, he flashed his teeth at her. “You’ll what?”

Babs' blood ran hot, her nethers grew hotter, and her hands flew to his collar. Cocky dreamboat or not, the lug wasn’t about to press her buttons and get away with it! For fuck’s sake, she’d gotten herself off more times than she could count to thoughts of him in the last month, including a few times after she found out he’d knocked her up, so she’d be damned if she was going to try and rile her up.

“If you don’t stop, I’m going to throw your bulky ass onto that bed and shut you up,” she hissed, pulling his big, handsome face to within an inch of her own.

Without skipping a beat or batting an eye, he defiantly snorted. “Do it.”

The nonchalant prod was the straw that broke the camel's back, forcing her hand. Stepping to the side, securing her grip, every muscle in her body tensed. He may have been bigger, older, and a whole lot calmer than her, but her tripod of a cousin was about to get a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget. With a colossal heave and a grunt of exertion, she hip tossed the monstrous stallion across the room and onto the bed.

There were perilously few times when Mac could admit to being manhandled, and not one involved a mare, making his unplanned flight a chaotic one. The world spun around him for a fleeting moment, before he suddenly found himself laid out on his mattress. Both astonished and terrified by her feat of strength, his eyes eventually settled on the young, very irate woman stomping towards him.

He wasn’t sure what he’d expected from her, but it sure as heck wasn’t being thrown onto his bed. As she approached the foot of the mattress, menacingly cracking her knuckles, she bent over, grabbed the legs of his pants, and literally ripped the jeans from his body. The move was swift, so fast and violent that he was left speechless, but she was far from finished with him.

“You think this shit is funny?” she growled, crawling up his frame. “That you can - Mmmph -” she snarled, tearing at his shirt, “just fucking swing that big dick of yours at me and-”


Askance, her attempt to disrobe him came to a sudden halt. Peeking down at her chest, seeing her bare bosoms hanging beneath her, she blinked. Somehow, in one swift motion, he’d reached out and tugged at her shirt; she could only presume he’d tried to get her top off, but his size and strength had reduced the garment into a shredded rag. Her heart beat wildly, her hand shot to his briefs, and her marehood angrily seized, as she returned the favor to his undergarment.

The moment his divine cock sprang upward, freed from its cottony confines, her mouth began to water. His stallionhood was just as glorious and massive as she remembered, almost too good to be real. The sheer weight of his tool was staggering, causing it to slump against her thigh. The heat, weight, and size of his endowment were staggering, yet she’d somehow managed to have every inch of his magnificent fuck-stick railing her out.

She shuddered, recalling just how sore she’d been after that night - not an unbearable sore, but a rewarding, ‘I can’t believe I just did that’ type of sore. Truth be told, she’d been shocked that he’d managed to fully hilt her at all! As her fury mingled with arousal, stripping away her better judgement, a crazed grin split her muzzle.

“Don’t you dare rip my jacket, jackass!” she barked, spotting him looking at her vest. Shuffling forward, straddling her upper thighs, she sat back, slipped her arms through the sleeveless piece of attire, and leered down at him. “Unless you want me to destroy that shirt, take it off…”

Watching her bosoms sway in the air, with his dick resting against her upper leg, he fumbled to get undressed. As he stripped out of his shirt, wrestling it over his head, she shifted atop him. The heat of her loins, pressing his shaft against his belly, was staggering, virtually forcing him to quicken his pace. Flinging the garment to the side, turning his head to face her, he found her snout hovering just above his nose.

Seated atop him, with her slavering nethers wetting the fur just below his chest, she curled her lip at him. She would have given herself more time to crawl over him, maybe rub her painfully moist pussy over his cock for a bit, but she wasn’t having it. After everything he’d done to her, and all the sinful visions he’d evoked, she’d had enough.

“Tempting me into the loft, pumping a foal into me, and now seducing me into more action! I hope you’re fucking proud of yourself,” she declared.

Eeeyup!” he merrily chirped, brashly slapping her ass drawing a yelp from her.

The impudence of the smack, paired with the lust and exasperation clouding her mind, pushed Babs well past the breaking point. Though she was subconsciously relieved that he hadn’t reacted poorly to the news of her impending gravid state, his audacity and infuriatingly cool demeanor demanded correcting. It was his fault she was going to be expecting! It was his fault that she was so turned on that it hurt! And now he was going to pay the price for all of it.

Dismounting from his torso, she wheeled around, shuffled back, and swung a leg over his head. If he thought she was going to let him run his mouth, after she’d spent the better part of a day on a smelly, cramped train, he had another thing coming. Peering back, feeling his breath against her nethers, she lowered her hips and ground her snatch against his face.

That oughta shut you up,” she murmured, shifting her attention to his groin.

With the monolithic log of flesh standing mere inches from her snout, breathing in the intoxicatingly familiar aroma of his musk, her anger waned. She was still pissed at him, sure, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to indulge herself - after all, since she couldn’t get more pregnant, there was no harm in having a bit of fun. Bracing herself on one arm, grabbing the base of his tool, she angled his shaft towards her steadily opening maw.

Lifting his arms, taking a firm grip of her waist, Mac buried his muzzle in her crotch and got to work. He’d been somewhat regretful that he hadn’t gotten to sample her in the barn, left to wonder what she tasted like, so the opportunity was downright serendipitous. Drawing his tongue between her meaty lower lips, he coated his palate in the tart flavor of her sex.

Contentedly wiggling her rear, Babs peered down the imposing tool’s length. The last time she’d tried to blow him, she’d only managed to suck on the first few inches of his girthy shaft, but this time would be different. Forcing her head downward, jamming his stallionhood into her mouth, she worked him towards the back of her throat.

It was just as difficult to fellate him as it had been the first time, but now she knew what she was getting into. As she stroked the base of his shaft with one hand, she gradually bobbed her head lower and lower. Having her pussy gleefully ravished was definitely motivating, as was the taste of his unwashed cock, yet determination was the only thing that would carry her to success.

Plunging his tongue into her depths, savoring the sensation of her winking against his lips, Mac found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. Though she was far from deep throating him, her oral skills were fantastic - still, she seemed hellbent on fellating all of him. Lifting and bracing his legs, hoping to give her a bit of assistance, he drove his hips upward.

All Babs could manage was a stifled gag, as the stud bucked into her face. Her throat obscenely bulged, filled beyond capacity, as he rammed himself into her gullet. Cut off from air, yet somehow continuing to jack off the root of his dick, her snatch clenched around his probing tongue. Asked for or not, his help was just what she’d needed.

With her esophagus thoroughly plugged, and her eyes watering, she continued her descent. Literally choking on a cock wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but that somehow made the scandalous situation all the hotter. His fat nuts were only a few inches from the tip of her snout, almost taunting her to continue, and she wasn’t going to stop until her lips met his groin.

As Mac drew the occasional breath through his nose, breathing in her scent, he slowly lost himself. Being subjected to the aroma of a fertile, healthy young mare would have been enough to get him riled up, but having his face practically entombed between a hot young woman’s buns, while he was getting throated, chipped away at his self control. Before he knew it, his first impulse thrust was met by a second.

While Babs had every intention of hilting him in her muzzle, she hadn’t planned on her cousin to start fucking her face. Like a freight train leaving the station, the titan beneath her began lazily humping into her snout. Her hands shot to her sides, holding herself steady, while he plunged down her gullet and towards her stomach.

In spite of her burning lungs, thundering heart, and the occasional tear rolling down her cheek, she’d never been more excited in her life. Being used by him, having her throat swabbed like a flimsy sex toy, was far hotter than she cared to admit, and his tongue was heavenly. She knew she wasn’t going to be able to keep it up forever, yet she wanted to hold out as long as she could.

Shakily holding herself up on one arm, she wrapped the fingers of her free hand around her neck. Even though there wasn’t much she could do, that didn’t mean she was totally helpless. Breathing wasn’t an option, with her airway completely cut off, but that meant she could choke herself with impunity. Effectively giving him a hand-job, as he pumped into her maw, she upped the ante.

Taking the lead, impelled by his urges, Mac feasted on her loins while plowing her face. It wasn’t like he’d intended on being so rough, especially since he’d just learned she was carrying their child, but his inner desires were too strong to resist. Creeping closer to his limit, having every intention of pumping his spunk straight down her gullet, he increased his pace.

Unwittingly pushing each other closer to the edge, their motions grew frantic. Mac pounded up into her face, while Babs ground her sex against his lips. What she lacked in size and strength over him, she made up for in perverse perseverance. Losing all sense of rhythm, devolving to little more than a pair of frenzied animals, they teetered on the brink.

The tip of his length started to flare, his shaft throbbed, and his nuts snuggled against his groin, as his body prepared to unload - that was, until she suddenly pulled away. Rearing back, a vice-like pressure grabbed the base of his stallionhood, she put a swift end to his reckless actions. Wriggling his head from side to side, trying and failing to see what she was up to, she dismounted from his head.

Ooooooh no,” she tutted, resting on her knees beside him. “You ain’t cumming yet…”

Opening his mouth to ask her why, Mac’s unasked question was hastily answered. Crawling atop him, facing him this time, she straddled his waist. The sight of her haughty grin, full breasts, and bare torso were captivating, yet the sensation of her cunt bearing down on his member was incredible. Cautiously reaching out and resting his hands on her hips, he watched her lift herself slightly.

“You want it?” Babs purred, bringing the head of his cock to her entrance.

Seeing her drooling loins hovering just above his stallionhood, he nodded. “E...eeyup!”

Hmmhmmhmm - Good,” she chuckled.

Lowering her waist, steadily impaling herself, Babs had to fight not to gasp. She thought she’d been ready for him, with the memory of their first time fresh on her mind, but she’d been wrong. Her quivering canal stretched around him, clinging tightly to his length, as she lowered herself atop him. Sweet, merciful Celestia - impossible as it may have seemed, she could see herself getting addicted to the abject feeling of fullness he afforded.

Little by little, bit by bit, she descended. Her hands shot back, grasping his knees for support, while an odd feeling struck her. Craning her head, peering down at her gut, her eyes shot wide. Without even being fully hilted, the massive imprint of his cock rested within her abdomen; it was, without a doubt, one of the most stimulating sight’s she’d ever seen, yet the view didn’t do the sensation of it justice.

With just an inch to go, flying in the face of her better judgement, she slammed herself down and seated herself on his groin. What little discomfort there was was overshadowed by the satisfaction and bliss of conquering such an insurmountable feat. Falteringly smiling down at him, she leaned forward and rested her hands on his pecs.

“I hope you’re ready, Stud, because now it’s my turn,” she cooed, raising her waist.

Having recently been blinded by her divine ass, the Mac dumbfoundedly watched the mare ride him. It was one thing for him to plow someone, having the physical might to make it happen, but having a young woman who was willing and able to fuck herself on him was a first in his book. Her breasts bounced and jiggled, the bed creaked beneath them, and the soft sounds of her panting breaths were a symphony, perfectly complementing her snug confines.

While he was overjoyed with her enthusiasm, he couldn’t bring himself to lay there and let her do all of the work. Giving himself a moment, getting her timing down, he bucked up to meet her rearward plunges. A guttural groan escaped her, as their bodies collided, and the noise was all the encouragement he needed.

Babs’ eyelids fluttered, and her motions slowed, yet she continued. The intoxicating knowledge that she was in control, that she’d mounted and successfully accommodated the entirety of his gargantuan tool, was almost as good as the wondrous sex itself - almost. Rolling her hips back, squeezing him on the withdrawals, she wondered just how long he’d be able to last.

Mesmerized by her tits, which hung just before his snout, Mac licked his lips. He’d never spoken about it with anyone, but stacked mares always got his motor running, and his cousin had one heck of a nice rack. Peeking at her face, seeing that she was distracted, he leaned in, grabbed her bosom, and wrapped his lips around her dark nipple.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck,” she moaned, hanging her head.

Holding herself on one arm, she arched her back, grabbed the big bastard’s head, and pulled him to her teat. She definitely wasn’t about to complain about the additional affection, especially since she loved having her teats played with, so stopping him was the last thing on her mind. Bucking and gyrating, as he rhythmically beat against her occupied womb, she lost herself to the moment.

Synchronizing their movements, practically bashing their bodies together, the pair screwed like a couple on their wedding night. Their voices grew louder and louder, alternating between lustful groans and sinful promises or threats, while the timbers of the bed-frame struggled to support them. It wasn’t as though they were trying to be loud, but putting two large, impressively built earth ponies in a rut-lust together was rarely a subtle affair.

Suckling away, pounding her from below, a peculiar flavor washed over Mac’s tongue. As he reflexively pulled away, seeing a white bead form on her nipple, his mind went blank. Somehow, even though she was still quite early in her pregnancy, she’d already begun to lactate. The sight was too much, ticking yet another fetish he’d secretly harbored, and set his passion into a blazing inferno.

Latching to her breast, hungrily suckling upon her, his mind went blank, his cock began to pulse madly, and his hips became a blur. She wasn’t just his cousin, nor a particularly charming and beautiful mare - no, she was his mare and the mother of their foal. Jackhammering into her, utterly dominating her, he unleashed his full carnal potential.

Babs howled like a beast possessed, totally and completely overwhelmed by his power. She’d been walking the edge for some time, nearly about to climax, so the violent change of pace did her in instantaneously. Like trying to stop the tide, she never stood a chance against his fury.

Her battered marehood convulsed and lewdly squirted orgasmic nectar from around his pistoning length, her breath hitched in her abused throat, and saliva dangled from her open mouth, under his onslaught. Every other sexual moment in her life, each and every one, paled in comparison to the ecstasy he delivered. Only barely able to hold herself up, sensing him swelling against her cervix, she sank her nails into his shoulders.

A twinge of pain mixed with his pleasure, casting Mac into a raging sea of bliss. Nearly hilting, with the broad tip of his stallionhood kissing her womb, he erupted within her. Though he was vaguely aware that she was already knocked up, the thought of claiming her yet again elevated the experience to a nirvanic level.

Thoughtlessly riding out their rapture, with the bed’s supports cracking under them, neither was fully aware of just how much attention they’d brought to themselves. Lurking outside the door, just out of sight, lingered Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith. Though the latter two watched in awe, peeking through the cracked entrance, the former shamelessly rubbed her engorged clit.

“Well that’s just -” Granny Smith fell silent, as her youngest granddaughter reached up and pressed a finger to her lips. “Well that’s just great,” she whispered, brushing the small hand away, “looks like we’ll have another mouth to feed.”

Two, if’n she wasn’t tellin’ no tall tale,” Applejack quietly added, surreptitiously slipping a finger into herself. “We can talk about it in the mornin’; Ah’m gonna go - uh - take a shower…”

Consarn youngings, always foolin’ around and…” the wizened mare grumbled to herself, trotting to her room.

Totally ignorant to the small crowd of voyeurs, basking in the afterglow, Babs collapsed atop the stud - her stud. “S...sorry about the bed…” she muttered, feeling fractured furniture uneasily shift beneath them.

Opening and closing his mouth, considering a reply, Mac cleared his throat. “Babs, ya’ know you’re welcome to stay, right?”

She stirred, pushing herself up and staring deeply into his eyes. “Really? Y...you think it’d be okay?”

Eeeeyup,” he murmured, kissing her nose. “I know it’ll be okay.”

He couldn’t care less about what AJ, Bloom, or Granny thought - as far as he was concerned, it was an open and closed matter. Wrapping his arms around her, allowing his length to soften within her silken depths, lifted her head and locked lips with her. There was much to discuss, they both needed a shower, and his bed was in dire need of repair, but all of that could wait - for the time being, the only thing he cared about was holding his lover and the mother of his unborn child...

Chapter 3

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“Babe!” Babs yelled, turning off the shower. Opening the curtain, grabbing a fresh towel from the rack, silent seconds passed. “Babe!”

The lack of response was yet another dose of irritation on what was quickly shaping up to be another miserable morning. First her studly lover had turned down her advances in bed, denying her that heavenly third leg of his - secondly, and more frustratingly, she’d discovered they were out of pickled okra, one of her recently acquired favorite snacks. Stepping out of the shower, quietly cursing under her breath, she peeked over at her reflection in the mirror above the sink.

What used to be a relatively soft, flat abdomen was now exceptionally rounded and taut, filled with the gargantuan foal growing within her. Even the doctors had been somewhat stunned with the size of her lovechild, joking that the unborn colt must have his father’s genes, yet that was far from the only development. Her breasts had nearly tripled in size, filling out substantially and resting atop her belly. She’d expected some of the changes, knowing she’d put on weight and eventually start lactating, although the physical transformation was just one facet of her new life.

The last few months had been one hell of a wild ride, bringing with them an tumultuous mix of ups, downs, and abject surprises. She’d been shocked to hear that the Apples, each and every one, supported her budding relationship and impending siring of Mac’s foal, but the living arrangements they gifted her with had really thrown her for a loop. Not long after her heartfelt and admittedly steamy admission to her colossal crimson cousin, the family had renovated the loft of the barn, the very loft she’d been knocked up in, into a spacious two-bedroom apartment.

Shacking up with Mac, and having a place to call her own, was absolutely fantastic, easily one of the highlights from the past year, but her life was still far from perfect. As her pregnancy progressed, filling her with an unholy mix of hormones and seeing her balloon in size, what used to be simple things became increasingly aggravating. Barely any of her clothes fit, her feet were often sore, she’d developed odd and seemingly random cravings for junk food, and horny didn’t even begin to describe how perpetually worked up she was.

While she’d steadily grown larger and larger, seemingly becoming more gravid by the day, Mac’s approach to carnal affairs had transitioned from hot, wild fucking to more relaxed, affectionate lovemaking. She knew she hardly had any reason to complain, especially since he never failed to bring her to climax, but she yearned to be pinned against a wall, bed, table, or anything durable enough to support her while she was screwed into a coma. Just the thought of the big bastard ruining her, overpowering her and plowing her into oblivion, was enough to…

God damn it,” she grumbled, feeling the all-too-familiar sensation of something warm creeping down her breasts and over her stomach. “Babe! For fuck’s sake, are you even here?”

Stomping out of the bathroom, holding a towel to her leaking, udder-like bosoms, she stormed down the short hallway and into their chamber. If Mac was home, he would have come running by then, having heard her bellow, but that wasn’t the case. Glancing around the bedroom, without hearing any signs of life within their loft, she scrunched her snout. If she had to make a guess, he’d gone out to run errands or, more than likely, work in the orchard.

She’d initially done her best to chip in with affairs, helping around the farm and doing what she could to pull her weight, but that had eventually come to a halt. Despite her insistence that she could work while pregnant, Mac, Granny Smith, Applejack, and Apple Bloom collectively put their feet down that she needed to take it easy - needless to say, she was less than pleased with the coddling. While she may have been from the city, growing up in Manehattan with her folks, she wasn’t some pampered mare - not by a long shot.

All in all, her life had become a big mixed bag. She honestly didn’t mind the pregnant look, finding it rather fetching, but the uncontrollable urges for sexual attention, the bizarre palate she’d acquired, and persistently trickling tits were a bit of a headache - still, she tried to make the best of it. Since she wasn’t allowed to labor on the farm, she’d begun inspecting the viability of different apple products, ways to streamline harvesting, and even a potential place to build a still - after all, she had to do something with her wealth of free time.

Glancing to her wardrobe, dismissing the idea of finding something that would comfortably fit her, she sauntered over to Mac’s dresser. One of the benefits of living with a veritable giant was that she could easily slip into one of his oversized t-shirts, regardless of her massive tits and huge belly. Pulling open the top drawer, knowing full well that he kept his casual attire in the back, she thrust her hand inside, rummaged around for a second, and paused; she’d just touched something that was not a piece of clothing.

Closing her fingers around what felt like a crumpled up bag, she pulled the mysterious item into view and knit her brow. “The hell…”

As she’d suspected, it was a bag, but not just any bag. Constructed of thick paper, emblazoned with an unfamiliar logo, the little parcel seemed totally out of place. It was clear that she wasn’t supposed to know about it, since it had been stashed away in the little hiding spot, but she couldn’t help from seeing what was inside. Swiftly glancing to the door, while listening for any signs of movement, she stepped to the bed and turned the package upside down.

What landed upon the mattress left her completely baffled, quite literally causing her to scratch her head. A number of items had tumbled out of the bag, yet they all had a peculiar theme - cow print. A nigh microscopic bikini top, thong, a choker with a little brass bell, leggings, and even a hairband with plush horns sewn on it rested atop the bed-sheets, befuddling her completely; then, like a bolt from the blue, it all made sense.

Snatching up the thong, she turned the garment over and looked at the tag. As she’d suspected, the article was in her size. The bikini top appeared to have excessively long strings, making it able to accommodate a woman of virtually any size, although the fabric which was supposed to cover the breasts was almost laughably small. Shaking her head, both amused and surprised with the unexpected find, she was left to wonder what her beloved had planned to do with the novelty getup.

It was clear that he’d gotten it for her, but be damned if she could explain how long he’d had it or when he intended to show it to her. While she certainly wasn’t opposed to wearing the silly thing, especially if it meant him regaining some of the amorous aggression he’d had a few months prior, it definitely wasn’t something she’d go out and get for herself. The only reasonable explanation was that he’d gotten it as a joke or possibly because it was some sort of kink.

Clutching the towel to her chest, completely forgetting about stealing one of the behemoth stallion’s t-shirts, a mischievous grin split her muzzle. She’d been getting to know Mac very well, and he’d never once struck her as the practical joker type - as such, she presumed he’d impulsively bought the outfit because of some urge. Turning, leaving the ensemble on the mattress, she trotted out of the room, down the hallway, through the living room, and towards the stairwell which led to the barn below.

“Babe, you down there?” she shouted, opening the door.

Mac’s ear flicked in the direction of the noise, as he wrestled a damaged plow into their spare wagon. “Eeeyup!”

“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right down,” she hollered back, seconds before he heard the door close.

Nodding to himself, getting the broken equipment in place, he stooped over and gathered up a sailor’s coil of rope at his feet. It wasn’t like he’d wanted to head downstairs to work, but he didn’t have much of a choice. Bloom was still in school, Granny was too old to do any sort of heavy lifting, and it wouldn’t be fair to expect Applejack to haul all the hard work. Stepping up and onto the carriage, fastening the rope over the plow, he sighed.

Learning he’d be a father filled him with a heady cocktail of pride, yet that pride drove him to push himself harder than ever. It had been one thing to help support his siblings and his grandmother, but now he had a lover who was carrying his foal. The moment Babs had agreed to stay with him, to raise their child as a couple, he’d sworn an oath to himself to be the best darn dad this side of Appleloosa, and he felt certain that his mate would be one heck of a mom.

Even though Babs wasn’t what he’d call a traditional mare, being somewhat impulsive and very outspoken, he was absolutely smitten with her. What had begun as a relatively simple physical attraction had steadily grown to become all encompassing. She was pithy, assertive, would tackle problems head on, and he honestly believed whoever built her had forgotten to put in the quit - simply put, he was head over heels for the fiery earth pony, and it didn’t matter if she was kin or not.

Securing the heavy cord, and gathering the rest under the plow, he hopped off the wagon, lifted his head, and froze. It wasn’t the fact that Babs had seen herself downstairs that surprised him - after all, she did it quite regularly - but what she was wearing left him gobsmacked. Adorned in the excruciatingly revealing bikini he’d spontaneously bought from the Carousel Boutique, with her mountainous bosoms swaying with each step, she practically bled sensual confidence.

Moooo,” Babs erotically murmured, swinging her hips from side to side. “I’ve been looking all morning for my big, bad bull.”

It took everything she had not to crack a smile and giggle at the silly act - then again, the growing tent in her stud’s pants made for some damn good inspiration to keep up her perverted performance. Sashaying straight up to the petrified stallion, plastering her heaving chest against his rock-hard midsection, she thrust her hand to his groin and gave his package a firm, domineering squeeze.

“Mama needs a milking,” she continued, reaching up and stroking his slack jaw.

The statement, as comical as it was, did bear a grain of truth. On the mornings when she didn’t drain her massive mammaries, her chest would become almost painfully sensitive. Fortunately for her, and much to her great amusement, her lover was always eager to help with her dairy dilemma - sure, more often than not, it led to a mutual masturbatory session or, when she was lucky, a damn good lay, but he clearly relished having her as his personal cow.

Mac swallowed hard, gazing longingly down at the tits squished against him. Though he didn’t fully grasp why he had such a weakness for big chests, and even less of an understanding of his unhealthy interest in productive breasts, he found himself enthralled by the sight of her. He’d assumed he’d be attracted to her throughout her pregnancy, but underestimated just how bewitching she’d become.

The shock of finding his beloved dressed in such an absurd, yet utterly ravishing way caught him completely off guard. Woefully unprepared for the encounter, his eyes darted to the side and straight towards a handful of pens at the back of the barn. Though they didn’t currently have any cattle, they had housed a number of dairy cows in the past - dairy cows which they’d bought some specialized equipment for.

“You’re not gonna neglect little ‘ol me, are ya?” Babs pouted.

Taking a small step back, putting a hand to either side of his face, she steadily but firmly guided his snout to and into her cleavage. Before her rack had ballooned outwards, her chest had been almost large enough to cover the lower end of his muzzle - now, seeing as how her ample bosoms had grown considerably, her breasts could easily entomb almost his entire head.

Considering his dumbfounded look, the adorable blush in his cheeks, and the way his jeans were straining to contain his behemoth stallionhood, she’d say everything was going according to plan - that said, the only wrinkle in her salacious little scheme was that something had him distracted. Craning her head to the side, seeing him peek towards the far end of the barn, her eye twitched. He was supposed to fixate on her, maybe throw her over a hay bale and deep-dick her until she couldn’t walk, although that hadn’t happened - at least, not yet.

Baaaabe,” she whined, slipping his snout into her bust, “Mama needs some lovin’...”

The mention of loving, paired with seeing the decidedly wet patches of fabric over her nipples, snapped Mac from his stupor. Straightening up, wrenching her hands from his cheeks, he shot her a pleading glance, held up a finger, and booked it to the back of the barn. The last thing he wanted to do was leave her hanging, especially since she’d stumbled upon the gag gift he’d got for her, but there was something he needed to get. If she was gonna pull off the needy cow routine, by Celestia, he was gonna make sure she did it right.

Dashing into the second to last stall, scanning the interior, he spotted exactly what he was looking for. Applejack had been insistent that they sell the contraption, claiming that it would only sit around gathering dust, but he hadn’t been able to part with it, somehow knowing he’d need it eventually. Scooping up the small crate, nearly fumbling over himself, he rushed back towards his awaiting and hopefully not too displeased mate.

“The fuck was…” Babs trailed off, noticing the wooden box in his arms. “What’s that?”

Her arousal grew tinged with confusion, as well as a tinge of curiosity, as he sat the crate down, walked over, grabbed her shoulders, and went to turn her around. Momentarily considering resisting him and throwing him to the floor, if only so she could forcefully have her way with him, she reluctantly obliged. If he wasn’t preparing to bend her over, so help her, she was going to make sure he had a very sore pelvis the following morning.

Turning her head from side to side, trying and failing to figure out what in the world she was supposed to be looking at, she felt a pair of big, meaty hands crept under her arms and to her chest. She had no doubt that he was up to something, yet she just couldn’t figure it out. The only things in front of her were a sawhorse and straw on the ground.

“So what am I supposed to - H...hey!” she bleated, as the string fastening her top was plucked free.

Fumbling for her mellons, which immediately cascaded from beneath the comically tiny article about her chest, she found herself being shoved forward. Her breasts hung from her chest, setting her off balance and nearly sending her crashing to the floor. Mercifully, out of luck or sheer coincidence, she caught herself on the sawhorse.

What had started as a fun bout of temptation went off the rails, as her attitude soured. Looking over at him, seeing him kneel at her side, she was filled with the sudden compulsion to leave - that was, until he reached into the wooden crate. Producing a pair of what she could only describe as a pair of elongated suction cups, attached to a small contraption by lengths of hose, he moved his hands towards her hanging, dribbling teats. The realization of what he was doing struck her like a gong, and she was unable to fight back a small smirk.

“They’re so heavy,” she lamented. Twisting her torso from side to side, her udder-like breasts sway beneath her. “I’ve been such a good cow for you, Mister Bull, please make me feel good…”

Her honeyed words and monstrous tits called to Mac’s cock, nearly causing it to rip through his pants. If he’d known she’d pull such a lecherous stunt that afternoon, he would have been able to plan for it - as things were, he was working as quickly as he could. Running the suction cups around her nipples, moistening them with her milk, he affixed the two ends to her teats. Once the device had latched onto her bosoms, he flicked a switch on the device and immediately reached for his waist.

As he got to his feet, seeing the feeding tubes run white with her dairy, his patience reached a breaking point. Snapping the clasp on his belt, quite literally ripping away the entire crotch area of his jeans, he tore the clothing from his lower half. As the rent fabric fell away, his monumental stallionhood sprang into the open air.

The sensation of the softly-humming machine coaxing the milk out of her breasts felt amazing, but the sight of her crimson stud ripping his pants off made her heart skip a beat. No matter how many times she gazed upon him, seeing every contour on his divinely sculpted frame, she was always impressed and, more often than not, instantly aroused. Peering at his throbbing cock, watching him step around behind her, she felt a bead of nectar escape her aching marehood.

Though she twisted her head, she couldn’t fully see what he was doing. Being milked like an actual cow was far, far more captivating than it had any right to be, and she could honestly see herself volunteering for more of it in the future, yet her position left her in a bit of a pickle. The hoses connecting her to the contraption weren’t long, too short to allow her to stand, meaning she would have to remain bending over - meaning she was left open for anything he wished to do with her.

Something hot blew upon her loins, a split second before what could only be a tongue drew up her sex. Before she could even think, her body reacted on instinct; arching her back and lifting her waist ever so slightly, she rocked back into his face. While she hadn’t anticipated having him eat her out, she was not about to bitch about it.

Mac’s eyes drifted closed, as he pressed his lips to her slavering marehood. It may have been his imagination, but he could swear that her flavor had become sweeter as her pregnancy progressed. Plunging his fat tongue into her, savoring her whorish moans, his pulse began to race. Her outfit, how massively gravid she was, running the risk of someone walking in on them, and the fact that she was his beloved cousin set his blood racing, making it hard to think of anything but her.

His thick fingers drifted up her legs and to her deliciously plump ass. While he’d never say a word of it to her, she’d packed on more padding than she cared to admit - padding he absolutely adored. Groping and kneading her ass, spreading her cheeks, he lowered his head and suckled on her clit.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Babs muttered, her eyelids fluttering, “right - Eeep!”

Before she could finish speaking, he withdrew a hand and harshly slapped her tush. The tinge of pain blended with her bliss, elevating the depravity of it all. Hanging her head, watching the machine steadily fill its storage container with her milk, she shook her head and set the bell on her collar jingling.

Mooooooooo,” she groaned, flicking her tail over his face.

Hearing the bestial noise, Mac withdrew. The flavor of her marehood danced over his palate, her strong, feminine aroma filled his sinuses, and her provocative attire had pushed him to the breaking point, but the lustful moo sundered his composure. Rising to his full height, directly behind her, he stepped forward and ground his length between the soft cheeks of her ass.

Babs gnawed her lip, as the unimaginable heat and weight of his dick bore down against her. She wouldn’t say she’d gotten used to his immense endowment, still holding a healthy respect for how gigantic it was, but she’d grown to appreciate just how thoroughly it could obliterate her. Even if she were to leave him, she was entirely certain that, save for a larger dragon, nobody could satisfy her the way he did.

Slowly, almost tauntingly, the battering ram-like head of his stallionhood crept down her cleft, over her pucker, and to her winking, drooling entrance. Wiggling her hips, hoping to provoke him, she glanced over her shoulder and realized why he’d stopped. As he pulled his shirt up and over his head, unveiling his heavenly chest and shoulders, she nearly swooned.

Seeing the smitten look in her eye, Mac grinned. Over their months together he’d learned quite a bit about her, like her favorite foods and the types of hobbies she had, but the most interesting thing he’d gleaned was how to play with her. Affectionately playing with her, teasing her, giving her the attention that she craved, but was too proud to ask for, was one of his guilty pleasures. As he grabbed the base of his dick, pulling it to the side, he slapped it against her rump.

If Babs had been blindfolded, she could have easily mistaken his dick for a club. The exact dimensions of his tool were nearly unbelievable, and it somehow felt even bigger than it looked, yet that wasn’t a real problem - the real problem was that the big bastard had been figuring her out, finding ways to get her wound up, and it both frustrated and amused her. Locking eyes with him, unfastening one of the suction cups from her breasts, she coated a finger in her milk, brought it to her pouting lips, and licked the digit clean.

Mama needs her breeding bull…” she purred.

Her sultry tone was the nail in Mac’s coffin, crushing what little self restraint he had left. Repositioning himself, he drove himself into her. Though there was perilously little resistance, her velvety depths were just as snug and inviting as they’d always been - if not more so. Taking his time, forcing himself not to start jackhammering, he gradually eased his way into her.

He knew good and well that she wanted it rough - heck, there’d been times when he wanted to pin her down and fuck her through the floor, but there more than just the two of them at stake. The last thing in the world he wanted was to hurt her or their unborn foal, so he’d had to take it easy on her, right? Even if the doctor, Granny Smith, and Twilight assured him that he didn’t have to handle her with kid gloves, he didn’t want to risk her or their colt - having said that, the temptation to pull out the stops was always there.

Babs lowered her head, feeling him bump against her heavily occupied womb. The way he filled her was surreal, stretching her like nobody ever had or ever would, but that was only part of what made him amazing. Clenching around him, she widened her stance and started screwing herself on him - after she’d reattached the abandoned suction cup to her teat, of course.

He was the key to her lock, fitting her like he’d been made for her. Not too long, not too wide - just the proper proportions to test her limits and hit all her buttons. Even his insanely girthy medial ring was almost scarily perfect, seated at just the right place on his stallionhood to obliterate her g-spot in the throes of passion. The veins, silken skin, and shape of his heavenly rod were amazing, but the stallion it was attached to was perfection personified.

As Mac ran a hand over her back, lovingly caressing her, he gradually began thrusting harder and faster. His inhibitions waged war with his primal urges and his pent-up frustrations, with the opposing forces vying for dominance over his body. To make matters worse, his mate was nowhere near as reluctant to throw her weight around - both in a literal and figurative sense.

After a particularly forceful backward thrust from the mare, one which nearly knocked him off balance, he braced his legs and defiantly snorted. Considering how badly she’d been badgering him, constantly asking for him to cut loose, he had no doubt that she’d love for him to unleash his full potential. Toying with the notion of obliging her insatiable, licentious appetite, watching her ass jiggle with every plunge, his hesitation withered.

“Fuck me, you stud,” Babs demanded, slamming her rear against his waist. “Brand my womb with that huge bitch-breaker of yours!”

Though she was positive that he was holding back, there wasn’t a damn thing to keep her from leveling every ounce of her strength against him. If she wasn’t hooked up to a milking machine, and if she weren’t enjoying having her nipples aggressively pumped by the contraption, she would have really shown him what she could do - unfortunately, that wasn’t a viable option. Her best chance of success was to use a combination of sultry dialogue and very enthusiastic screwing, so that’s exactly what she did.

Constricting around his shaft, virtually putting a choke-hold on its vascular length, she gave him everything she had while simultaneously doing her best to concentrate. Even when she was left to do most of the work, bedding him was a herculean task - not because it was difficult, but because it felt too damn good not to enjoy. The added pressure of the foal growing in her didn’t impede her bliss - if anything, bearing the fruit of his loins made things more intense.

The mention of branding took Mac by surprise, but not in a bad way. He’d already marked her, claimed her, and sown his seed within her, so the prospect of affirming his ownership of her fanned the flames of his growing lust. Sinking his fingers into her waist, tightening his grip, he withdrew nearly the entirety of his shaft, steadied himself, then rammed his hips forward.

As he drove her forward, completely bottoming out inside of her, a throaty, whorish moan crept past her lips. Hearing how much she enjoyed it, feeling her quiver around his length, he gave her a second fearsome thrust, then a second and a third, until he was plowing her like a runaway freight train. It wasn’t like he wanted to succumb to his bestial needs - he just couldn’t help it.

Grunting with every plunge, practically having the wind forced from her lungs, Babs’ eyes rolled to the back of her head. Finally, after nearly two months of trying and failing to coerce his domineering side to the fore, she got exactly what she wanted. Marish juices crept down her thighs and dripped to the floor, as her titanic mate brutally railed her from behind.

In a jarring shift of pace, the vehemence of his motions waxed, as her strength waned. Though she would have liked to reciprocate, the task was next to impossible. The awe inspiring might of being dominated, overwhelming her with carnal pleasure, could not be denied. Able to do little more than weather the amorous maelstrom, quite literally wracked with bliss, she skyrocketed towards release.

Fiercely pulling her to himself, while savagely bucking into her, Mac descended into a frenzy. Some shred of him realized that there was no need for his feverish actions, having already sired his foal with her and taken her as a lover, but his rationale slipped. Practically a wild animal, tapping into the savage stallion lurking within his id, he had every intention to bathe her interior with his essence.

The cavernous room grew thick with the scent of sweat and sex, the sounds of their passion echoed throughout the barn, and the sawhorse beneath Babs rocked violently beneath her, as the pair pushed one another to the finish line. While it was true that she had been forward with wanting everything he had to offer, Mac’s concern for her and their foal hadn’t allowed him to indulge her - that was, until that moment.

Given their size, zeal, and the fact that they were both considerably large and robust earth ponies, the sight was almost akin to a gladiatorial battle - albeit an exceptionally debaucherous one. His carmine length rhythmically disappeared into her battered marehood, before withdrawing and steaming the cool air. Though she’d ceased moving in any overt way, she angrily clamped around his magnificent stallionhood, pining for his essence.

Babs’ fogged mind couldn’t comprehend how long they’d been going at it, and the creaking wood of the a-frame she clung to barely registered, yet the sensation of his flaring length snapped her back to the present. Dredging a strength she didn’t know she had, willing her body to obey her, she bucked back to meet his thrusts. His impending load had been hard fought, and there was no way in Tartarus she’d let him waste a drop of it.

Clenching his jaw, attempting to stave off the inevitable, Mac knew he was fighting a losing battle. His plunges became short, almost machine gun-like, as he beat against her cervix. Though there was no stopping the tide of his climax, he could sure as heck make sure that he flooded her as deeply and as thoroughly as possible.

Almost as if by some preternatural timing, sensing his shaft throb maddeningly, Babs came the second his seed washed against her womb. Intense couldn’t even begin to describe the cathartic climax, spurring an impulsive and climactic ‘Moo’ from her, as it was the culmination of all her efforts and adoration for him. To her, he was more than the father of her unborn child, more than just a lover - he was a gift from above.

Nectar and jizz lewdly gushed from her quivering marehood, messily splattering the straw-strewn floor beneath them, yet their euphoric cries of rapture drowned out any other noise. Supported by the buckling frame and his strong hands, with her legs giving out, Babs was only just able to keep herself from collapsing. Feeling her knees buckle, Mac draped himself over her and pulled her upright.

As she shakily turned her head, looking up and back at him, he locked his lips with hers. The kiss, though a bit awkward, was the perfect finishing touch for the impulsive and heated moment of passion. Sloppily making out, smearing one another’s face with saliva, they only eventually pulled away.

“I...Fuck,” Babs blurted, peeping down and realizing the milking machine had become detached. Milk streamed down her belly, groin, and legs, adding to the lustful pool of jizz and fem-cum covering her and the ground beneath them. “Gonna need to clean this up before AJ or Bloom notice…”

Seeing the mess, Mac nodded. “Eeeyup…”

“Hey, don’t look so down,” she whispered, playfully squeezing her cunt around his softening length. “Maybe tomorrow we can try something different. I think that missionary would be a great way for us to milk one another.”

Images of her laid atop a hay bale, or possibly on the deck of their wagon, sailed through Mac’s mind, sending blood coursing to his stallionhood. Being rough with her hadn’t hurt anything, she seemed perfectly fine, and she was already asking for seconds. Grinning from ear to ear, wrapping his arms around her swollen chest, he affectionately nuzzled her neck.


Chapter 4

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Warm water cascaded over Babs’ back, as she lowered herself into a deep squat in the shower. Even over the smell of shampoo and soap, the scent of Mac’s loins was, as always, an aromatic siren’s song. As his fingers moved through her damn mane, lovingly stroking her head, she kissed her way up his semi-flaccid shaft.

It wasn’t like their relationship had ever been bad in any way, but things had taken a pleasant turn after he’d screwed her brains out a month prior. Not only had he regained his vehemence in the bedroom, plowing her with renewed strength and vigor, but he’d become more doting over her as well - of course, that may have been because her due date was less than a month away, but she’d never gotten an actual explanation from him. Regardless of why he’d decided to take the kid gloves off, she was pleased that he’d stopped coddling her.

Her titanic breasts slumped to either side of her obscenely huge belly which hung between her parted thighs, as she affectionately fondled his balls. Though it was her first time being pregnant, a nagging feeling already told her that their foal would inevitably have a little brother or sister - possibly more than one. Grasping the root of his stallionhood, appreciating the sheer heft of his tool, she angled his length towards her face and opened her maw.

It wasn’t like Mac had expected to get a blowjob in the shower - then again, he wasn’t about to complain about the impromptu oral. Shuffling forward, keeping his eyes on her face, he slipped his cock into her awaiting muzzle. Stars above - having his dick sucked by anyone would have been great, but watching the gravid mother of his child eagerly serve him never failed to get his motor running.

While he’d been initially reluctant to admit it, he’d eventually come to terms with his attraction to expecting mares. Their full stomachs, udder-like breasts, and the added padding of extra weight stimulated the baser, stallionly portions of his mind, captivating him with their fertility. His mate had gradually metamorphosed into a paragon of maternal sensuality, elevating her eroticism and appeal to a nigh-unimaginable level.

As her lips wrapped around the tip of his length, feeling the warm embrace of her snout, he peeked down to her leaking bosoms. Each tit was bigger than his head, and needed to be drained of milk daily - a task which he’d grown to love. He still used the milking machine fairly regularly, if only because of her prolific output, although he rarely failed to nurse upon her himself. Fighting the urge to buck his hips, allowing her to take the reins, he cradled the base of her skull in his giant palm.

Babs hummed him, periodically sneaking glances up to his adonic face. He really was a handsome bastard, regardless of which part of him she was looking at, yet there was something undeniably arousing about looking up at him while she sucked him off. Lowering one hand, reaching around her tummy, she rubbed her aching marehood.

It wasn’t like she’d planned to choke herself on him during their morning shower, but her lustful compulsions had reached a fevered pitch. The hormones of being knocked up were insane, as bad or worse than going through puberty, and they were nearly impossible to stop - hell, she’d woken him up two nights ago simply because she needed his dick. Thankfully for her, he always made sure to take care of her every need, even if it meant periodically keeping him up late or interrupting his work.

With the first third of his dick in her mouth, lavishing the underside of it with her tongue, she extended her free hand, grabbed his gorgeous ass, and pulled him closer. Taking the cue, like the divine stud that he was, he started slowly bucking his hips. As he effortlessly plunged down her gullet, her eyelids fluttered.

The funniest thing was that she’d never even been all that interested in giving blowjobs, until she’d hooked up with Mac. Maybe her interest stemmed from the fact that he was hung like a log, or possibly his imposing size had awakened some latent, feminine needs of hers - regardless, being dominated by him was easily the best sexual experience she’d ever had. Finger-fucking herself, taking sips of air if and when she could, she felt his fingers tighten around her head.

Mac swallowed hard, realizing all too well what she was doing. Her little schemes had become commonplace, with her trapping or seducing him into rutting her, and it was getting harder and harder to stave off her advances - not just because he adored making fiery, passionate love with her, but because he found her absolutely irresistible. Feeling her hand slip from his backside, he watched her heft one breast, grab the nipple, and squeeze.

Milk sprayed from her teat, splashing over his shins and pattering into the basin. If they hadn’t been in the bath tub, they would have made one heck of a mess - fortunately, that wasn’t an issue. Subconsciously increasing his pace, jamming himself down her throat, he snorted. If he’d known that his little cousin would mature into such a beautiful and sultry young mare, he would have had his eyes on her much, much earlier.

The snugness of her gullet was only countered by the sinful look in her eyes, as she peered up at him. The combination of sinful look and unparalleled carnal skill was a deadly one, made all the more jarring when she forced herself forward. Her lips stretched over his girthy medial ring, her nose closed on his groin, and he could all but see her throat bulging outward from the immense intrusion, yet she’d done it of her own accord. It was only when she kissed the very root of his tool did she pat his thigh and withdraw.

Taking her time, despite the burning sensation in her lungs, Babs steadily retreated. Having a piping hot load of foal-batter pumped directly into her stomach would have been a nutritious way to start the day - then again, there was somewhere else she’d rather receive a deposit. As the blunt head of his dick cleared her snout, she grunted and stood to her full height.

The big lug gazed down at her, bearing a smitten, idiotic grin, which brought a smile to his face. She’d initially assumed he was a bit simple, seeing as how he’d never gotten much of a formal education, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. He was, so far as she could tell, remarkably resourceful, practical minded, and keenly observant - that being said, his hulking stature and intellect wouldn’t stop her from putting him in his place.

“Just wanted you to remember,” she murmured, pressing her belly against his lower abdomen. “This,” she continued, awkwardly grabbing his turgid length, “is mine, so don’t you forget it.”

“N...nope!” Mac stammered, shaking his head.

Heaven help him, he loved when she was covetous. He knew he could overpower her, and could likely give her a run for her money in mental games, but her borderline arrogance and confidence made him feel small in comparison. Seeing her cheeky grin, noticing a small movement from within her belly, his hands drifted to her abdomen.

Gingerly pressing one palm against her stomach, holding his breath, he waited to feel a kick. The doctors had offered to reveal the sex, telling him and his lover whether they’d be having a colt of a filly, but they’d decided not to bother. Their child, like their budding relationship, would be a pleasant surprise to both of them.

Taking a step back, moving to the very back of the tub, he leaned forward and brought his muzzle to her rounded midsection. She endearingly picked on him for giving their unborn son or daughter so much attention, telling him that he was going to spoil the foal, but he couldn’t care less. Lovingly kissing her tummy, whispering a silent I love you, his affection was broken by a chuckle from above.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you planned to knock me up,” Babs tittered.

Lifting her arms over her head, turning her torso from side to side, she batted his face with her mountainous mammaries. His reaction was, as always, painfully predictable. His eyes widened, his muscles tensed, and he went to straighten up - that was, until she stopped him in his tracks. Grabbing the back of his head, keeping him from standing, she wrenched him forward and buried his face between her tits.

“Maybe,” she mused, turning his head and bringing a tit to his muzzle, “you’re already planning on pumping another foal into me once I’ve had this one. I bet you’d say something sappy like, ‘Eeeeyup, our little one needs a few brothers and sisters to keep ‘em company’.” Just as his lips wrapped around her teat, denying him the chance to drink from her, she pulled him away. “Does that sound about right?”

Mac opened and closed his mouth, but he was unable to speak. Somehow, she’d called him out on his lecherous fantasy. Though he would never force her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with doing, he had been giving more and more thought to siring several children with her. Holding up a finger, hoping to buy himself some time, he anxiously cleared his throat.

“Oh I don’t want to hear it, Mister,” she lightheartedly huffed, pressing a finger to his lips. “I bet it wouldn’t take you a day to lock me into a mating press - once we get back from the hospital, that is. As soon as my poor, defenseless womb is vacant, you’ll probably breed me non-stop for the better part of a week straight, only taking breaks so you and our little bundle of joy can nurse off these.”

Her bawdy rant abruptly halted, as she lifted one enormous breast in each hand. Unless their foal had a bigger appetite than Mac, she could already tell that she’d be productive enough to share her milk with the kid and her stud. Theatrically grabbing her nipples, wringing the cream from the delicate buds, she suppressed a shiver of delight. She could have left things there, laying a bit of bait on the line, but she was far from finished.

Wheeling around, leaving her profoundly plush posterior pointed at him, she bent forward and fetched her shampoo. On the remarkably slim chance that he didn’t end up plowing her, she still had to get washed up - as such, she may as well try to clean herself. Merrily humming to herself, swaying her ass from side to side, she felt something long, hard, and immensely heavy glide between her buns - jackpot.

Mac’s limit had been well and thoroughly tested, leaving him in a bit of a pickle. While he would have liked to turn her down, if only to say he could claim a small victory, he knew better. On the perilously few occasions when he’d tried to dismiss her advances, she’d become rather enthusiastic. Unwilling to deal with what would doubtlessly be a particularly rough session, likely resulting with broken or damaged furniture, he acquiesced - at least, that’s what he told himself.

Grabbing her waist, he reared his hips back, brought the head of his cock to her winking entrance, and plunged into her. Her depths embraced him like a glove, as though she was made for him, yet she was far from what he’d describe as loose. Whether she was naturally resilient, did kegels to retain her lower grip, was on some sort of supplement, or some combination of the three, he honestly couldn’t say, but he’d failed to fully break her in.

Stopping just as his medial forced its way into her entrance, he gave her a moment to acclimate - heck, he gave both of them a moment. Being ambushed with an amorous advance was never easy to deal with, but having it happen so early in the morning was particularly difficult. Had she not been about to pop, he would have begun pounding her with reckless abandon - sadly, given that her due date was right around the corner, he had to rein himself in just a touch.

Rolling his hips back, hauling all but the first inch or two of his member from her marehood, he playfully slapped her rear, steadied himself, and started thrusting. As much as he loved railing her missionary, there was something undeniably magical about taking her from behind. The glimpses of her bliss-wracked face, seeing her bosoms swing beneath her, and watching her lower lips being rhythmically dragged out and stuffed back in was better than any porno in existence, yet it paled in comparison to the sensations she afforded.

Babs hadn’t expected to break him so easily, yet the heavenly feeling of his meaty dick stretching her out and scraping against her g-spot made it impossible to protest. Her hands shot forward, bracing her against the wall of the shower, as she rocked back to meet his pounding hips. The water flowing over her lower back and behind was a pleasant addition to the experience, once again reminding her that they should have more amorous moments in the shower, but she’d likely forget about it once they were finished.

As silly as the thought was, she often wondered if her older cousin had some unicorn blood flowing through his veins. Intimate sessions with him often left her weak and seemingly robbed her of the ability to think clearly - neither of which had happened with any of her past partners. Clenching around him, leaving her bosoms to drip dairy to the tub, she bucked back against him.

No matter how many times they fucked, the positions they did it in, or the hour of the day, the sensation of having his gigantic bitch-breaker never got old; it was always - always intense, and she prayed to the heavens that she’d never tire of it. The only drawback to having the crimson titan as a lover, if it could even be considered a drawback, was toting around their colossal lovechild - still, that was a petty grievance. If becoming a foal-factory for the behemoth meant she’d be bedding him until the end of her days, that was a small price to pay.

Fuuuuuuuuck,” she absentmindedly groaned, as a particularly deep plunge knocked against her cervix.

The jolt of pleasure momentarily disrupted her thoughts, giving her a split second of clarity. She’d had sex with him more times than she could count, in more places than she cared to admit, which allowed her to realize that, much to her chagrin, he wasn’t using his full potential. His ministrations felt great, there was no doubt about that, but the last thing she wanted was for him to take it easy on her, whether she was pregnant or not.

Summoning every bit of her willpower, before she passed the point of no return, she did the unthinkable. Out of the many, many times they’d made love, she’d never once put things to a halt, until that moment. Straightening up, putting her impulsive scheme to work, she turned, pressed a hand to his chest, and glowered up at him.

“You can stop now,” she muttered, bringing his motions to a grinding halt.

Before he could reply, hoping she hadn’t just fucked herself out of a sublime rutting session, she stepped out of the shower. She had no real way to know if her ploy would work, especially because she dared not look back at him, but she couldn’t bring herself to half-ass the act. As she gathered up a towel, she strutted out of the bathroom and towards their awaiting, unmade bed.

“I’ll just wait until you’re finished,” she hollered, unable to completely give him the cold shoulder.

Standing like a statue, Mac mutely watched her depart. Out of all the things she could have done, he had not expected her to stop dead and leave him hanging - both literally and figuratively speaking. So far as he knew, he hadn’t done anything to upset her - heck, if anything, he’d done just what she wanted to do. Having lost all interest in the shower, wondering what in the world had gotten into her, he stepped out of the shower, moved to the doorway, and peeked into the bedroom.

His eyes widened, his jaw went slack, and the cooling blood in his veins ran hot, as his eyes settled on her. Laying on her back, directly on the center of the spacious mattress, his mate was shamelessly getting herself off. With her nethers almost perfectly angled towards him, he watched her kneading and twisting one teat with her left hand, while feverishly massaging her clit with the other.

Though the sight was arousing to a fault, it only compounded his confusion. If she was pent up enough to abandon their shower to go and masturbate, why in the tarnation hadn’t she let him slake her thirst. Pondering on the subject, hearing her lightly moan and writhe on the blankets, he kept coming back to the same conclusion - she was upset because he hadn’t adequately performed his studly duties.

The notion of displeasing her would have been alarming, had he not realized he only had himself to blame. While he had been slightly rougher with her lately, he’d been continually mindful to restrain himself. His primal instincts raged against his genteel upbringing, demanding that he give his lover what she wanted - no, what she needed. Snorting in frustration, feeling both ashamed of himself and extraordinarily aroused, he stomped towards the bed.

Keeping her eyes shut, hearing the giant’s heavy footfalls drawing nearer, Babs theatrically groaned. She’d gone so far as to lay the trap, leaving him to his lonesome, and even put on a show of getting herself off, so adding a bit of lustful noise to the mix certainly wouldn’t hurt anything. As she felt the bed shift and creak under his weight, sensing him moving between her legs, her heart skipped a beat. Maybe, just maybe she’d get what she wanted after all.

First one thick-fingered hand wrapped around one ankle, then he mirrored the movement with the other, before her legs were slowly lifted. Allowing him to do as he pleased, feigning ignorance, she sank two fingers into her snatch. If he was going to plow her senseless, it would be up to him to seize the initiative.

Her motions only came to a halt when she sensed him move, feeling what had to be his stallionhood slide over her crotch. Peeking up at him, seeing her legs resting on his broad, statuesque shoulders, the breath hitched in her throat. Unlike his typically tranquil expression, a broad, almost twisted grin split his features. It was at that moment she knew she’d fucked up.

Clutching the base of his length, slapping his turgid dick against her hand, Mac waited until she’d withdrawn her arm to get into position. If she thought he wasn’t enough of a stallion to tend to her every need, she was egregiously mistaken. Towering over her, utterly dwarfing her gravid form, he leaned forward and drove his shaft into her awaiting cunt. Being surprised by her amorous advance had been fun, and he’d been happy enough to oblige her, but this was different - this time he was serious.

Supported by his arms, with his hands braced to either side of her chest, he really started fucking. Twisting and tugging on her moistened nipples, causing milk to stream down her fingers and over her heavy chest, a blissful moan escaped her - that was, until he silenced her with his tongue. His head shot downward, locking lips with his not-so-little harlot, while he savagely bucked his hips.

Even though he’d just started, Babs could immediately tell the difference from a few minutes prior. He thrusted harder and deeper than before, she could feel his length pulse in tune with his thundering heart, and the raw passion he exuded was palpable - in short, she’d taunted her bull and now she was getting the horns. As her eyelids drifted closed, relishing the sensation of his wildly pistoning stallionhood, she breathed hotly on his face.

This was where she belonged: on her back, legs up, serving as an outlet for her stud’s sexual frustrations. Had any other stallion even thought about pinning her down, she would have easily thrown them off and ridiculed them, but not Mac - Mac was different. In an all too real way, he was the embodiment of everything she ever wanted in a mate, and she would willingly devote herself to him to keep him.

Inspired, yearning for more, she wrenched her head to the side and bit down on his ear. “Fuck me like you mean it, Stud.”

If her legs had been free, she would have aided in his thrusts - unfortunately, all she could do was knock her heel against his upper back for encouragement. Pulling away ever so slightly, fully intent on making out with him, the unthinkable happened. Supporting himself with one hand, he grabbed the base of her skull, turned her head, and aggressively kissed her.

Her battered sex excitedly spasmed, and her toes curled, when he aggressively frenched her. It was rare enough to have him get rough with her, since she was nearing her delivery date, but to have him be that forceful was something entirely new. Briefly fighting back against him, spurred by her hubris, her resistance crumbled under his carnal assault. She knew she was his - he was just reminding her of it…

Quite literally pounding her into the bed, the sound of his lover’s muted groans and whimpers were like a symphony to Mac’s ears. Throughout the entirety of his life, he’d never once met a mare as physically mighty or of such a strong character before, and he’d be darned to the depths of Tartarus if he was going to let her go. If keeping her meant making her his brood mare, railing her whenever and wherever she wanted, it would be a small price to pay.

The way she clung to him, clenching her vice-like depths around his withdrawing shaft, was as amazing as ever. Though he had her trapped under him, she did everything she could to wring his dick dry, to milk every last bit of essence from him. Tensing slightly, breaking their kiss, he pushed himself up and smirked down at her.

“God - Mmmph - damn, you’re a sexy bastard,” she huffed, reaching for his chin.

His smile broadened slightly, as he craned his neck and locked his lips over her left teat. She couldn’t speak for the other mothers in Equestria, but she’d grown very accustomed to the feeling of having someone breastfeed on her - almost too accustomed. Both relieving and pleasurable, the sensation had become a regular part of their bedroom hijinks - hell, they’d even done a bit of roleplaying regarding cows or, on one instance, mother and son depravity.

Running her fingers through his mane, steadily creeping closer and closer to release, her mind wandered. As crazy as it sounded, she’d actually loved every step of her flowering motherhood. She’d never once experienced morning sickness, her libido had skyrocketed, and she pulled off the pregnant look extremely well - so well that she’d routinely caught stallions eyeing her at a distance. Mac had given her something she didn’t know she’d ever want, and she genuinely wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to repay him.

Aaaaaahn,” she mewled, as he gingerly nibbled her sensitive, leaking teat. “Fuck me, I love you!”

Mac’s eyes flew open, and he peered up at her beaming face. Somehow, for some reason, neither of them had ever uttered the word love before, and hearing it drove him into a frenzy. He cared for Babs as or more deeply than he’d cared for anyone, despite having only been with her for less than a year, yet he’d never once told her that. Rocking back, running his hands up her legs and to her ankles, he let his actions speak for himself.

Leaning over her, driving her feet to either side of her head, he flew into a rut-lust. His abdomen pressed against her belly, her breasts were all but crushed against his pecs, and he draped his head over her shoulder, as he screwed her with all the unstoppable force of a primordial demigod of virility. Two parts of a whole, yin and yang, they celebrated the completeness that each afforded the other.

Time lost all meaning to the lovers, as they consummate their feelings for one another. Mac atop her, practically plowing her through the bed, while she gleefully accepted every bit of his amorous fury. Moments became seconds, and seconds grew to minutes, while they embraced one another, their feelings, and the life they would bring into the world. Though they’d grown up separated, only seeing each other on rare occasions, they knew they belonged together.

Unable to move, with her arms pinned under her knees, Babs howled out in ecstasy. Good was a pitiful attempt to describe the awe inspiring sensation of being so thoroughly dominated, yet that was only one element at play. He’d been energetic before, after she’d lured him out of the bathroom, but the fervor of his lovemaking had become an order of magnitude greater than anything she’d experienced after she’d said one simple word - love.

I love you so goddamn much,” she wailed, squirming under him. “Promise - FUCK - promise me you’ll make me a mother again!”

Drunk with maternal affection and lust, her higher functions all but melted. It wasn’t that she’d lied - far from it, in fact - but the raw fury of his intimacy stripped away her reservations and doubts, leaving behind the truth she’d been too fearful to speak. She honestly loved the big bastard, and she adored the fact that he’d shown her her true place in the world - for that, she owed him her very soul. Accepting her feelings for him was something beyond therapeutic, and the mental tranquility it imparted accentuated her catastrophic climax.

Between the oral and cock-tease in the shower, Mac had been riding a hair trigger for the better part of an hour, leaving him vulnerable. The admission from his mare was comforting beyond words, as was the desperate plea for him to sire more foals with her, pushing him past the brink. Without breaking his pace, screwing her with reckless abandon, he came with all the devastating force of a tsunami.

Lost to the tempest of bliss, losing himself, he shifted his face and clamped his teeth on the base of her neck - not hard enough to break the skin, but to further assert himself as her stud. Filling her with his essence was as amazing as it had ever been, regardless of the rather sizable bun in her oven, and so he did everything in his considerable power to hilt her. Filling her completely, feeling his spunk squirt and sputter from her jammed cunt, he rode out his climax.

The octave of Babs’ orgasmic cry raised by several octaves, all thoughts escaped her, and her limbs went limp, as she was overwhelmed by an unstoppable surge of rapture. Though she’d never had a near-death experience, she nearly felt as though her soul may escape her body. In spite of her own crescendo, which had come a split second before her mate’s finale, the pleasure wracking her was singular, somehow different to anything she’d experienced.

Nectar flooded from her depths, erupting from her confines to seep into the blankets and sheets beneath her. To say it felt fantastic would be an understatement, so powerful were the heavenly sensations permeating through her very being. It was, for all intents and purposes, the perfect ending to a perfect morning, were it not for one small fact - the foal within her thrashed violently.

Ripped from her euphoric state, somehow knowing that something was amiss, she squirmed beneath the stallion. Try as she might, with his full weight bearing down on her, she could do little more than fidget in place. Too weak from the experience, yet knowing she had to do something, she bit his ear and drew his attention; the move wasn’t the most subtle thing, especially after such a damn good lay, but it was the only thing she could think of doing to shake him from his euphoric stupor.

“B...babe,” she stammered, swallowing hard, “can you get off real quick?”

Mac nodded, though he couldn’t say why she’d suddenly asked him to move. Releasing her legs, pushing himself up, he shuffled back and dragged his slickened length from her confines. As he peered down at her, seeing her belly flex and bulge, his eyes wandered to the sheets. Their climaxes were often somewhat messy, leading them to do laundry on a near-daily basis, yet something was off. His entire lower half, as well as the blankets and mattress, were absolutely drenched. Looking to her face, as a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach, he gulped.

As he unsheathed himself from her, Babs shivered. It was like a dam had been breached within her, leading to an absurd amount of fluid rushing from her marehood. She’d cum pretty hard before, and nearly always squirted when Mac was rutting her, but this wasn’t right - this was something else entirely. Shakily pushing herself up, miraculously finding herself able to move, she winced.

Not only was their foal feeling very energetic, but an exceedingly distressing ache radiated through her core - it didn’t hurt per se, but it sure as shit wasn’t comfortable in the slightest. Gazing down at her tummy, wondering what the hell had Junior in such an ill humor, realization dawned on her. In her longing to get railed like there was no tomorrow, she’d unintentionally lit the fuse for a moment that both terrified and overjoyed her.

“I - uh -” she croaked, grasping her stomach, “I think we should probably go to the hospital…”

Chapter 5

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There were few moments in Babs’ life when she tried to be quiet, but she’d had more of them in the last three months then she had over her entire life. Truth be told, she hadn’t done much to prepare for being a mom, figuring her maternal instincts would carry her through it, and her hubris had left her woefully ill prepared. Actually having her foal had been the easy part - caring for him, well, that was where the real work began.

Fortunately, according to Granny Smith, Twilight, and the umpteen dozen other ponies who’d come to visit their little bundle of joy, she was doing a damn fine job with everything. It helped that the little guy took after his father, in that he was very quiet for a foal, but he was still a literal and figurative handful. ‘Little Mac, as he’d been spontaneously named in the delivery room, was nearly twenty pounds of needy and very hungry mini-colt. It wasn’t until he’d started breastfeeding that Babs found out exactly why her melons had grown to triple their original size.

It may have been her imagination, but she swore all he did was eat and sleep. In and of itself, rearing him wouldn’t be all that bad, yet there was a problem - he rarely ever got drowsy unless he was being held. She and Mac had tried keeping their baby in a standard crib, for the first week or two, until she discovered he’d broken out of his confinement and begun crawling around their home. Reinforcing the cradle had only served as a temporary solution, seeing as he’d destroyed it two further times, until she finally threw in the towel and cradled him until he fell asleep in her arms.

To Big Mac’s credit, he’d been shaping up to be one hell of a father. When he was home, the big guy would regularly hold and play with his son - shit, she’d caught him saying more to the baby in three months than she had to anyone over the last year! While she couldn’t be one hundred percent sure, she had a sneaking feeling that he was gonna spoil the living hell out of their colt.

Silently peering down at the slumbering bab, seeing him noiselessly turn and get comfortable, she couldn’t help but smile. He had his father’s eyes, a mop of fern-green hair, a golden coat, and freckles on his cheeks and tush. All in all, he was downright adorable and, if her suspicions were right, he’d grow up to be as tall and imposing as his dad. As she slowly backed away, doing everything in her power to keep from making even the slightest bit of noise, she reached the exit and cautiously reached for the doorknob.

There were rare instances when, with a combination of luck and after playing with the little guy, ‘Lil Mac would be so tuckered out that she would leave him in his crib for a few hours. It’s not like she minded spending nearly all of her time with him was a problem, but having just a touch of freedom was a breath of fresh air. Slowly closing the door, taking care to be as quiet as a mouse, she turned around, spotted a figure ominously looming over her, and nearly shit her pants.

As Mac opened his mouth to speak, seeing the startled expression on his lover’s face, she reached up and jammed a finger against his lips. He’d simply hoped to see her and their little one, having expected them to be lounging in the master bedroom or living room, so he’d had no way of knowing she’d just put him to bed for a midday nap. Stomping around him, she seized his wrist and pulled him along behind herself.

It wasn’t until they’d made it down the hallway and into the living room did she stop and turn to face him. She didn’t look that upset - then gain, she clearly wasn’t delighted to see him either. Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, waiting to hear what, if anything, she had to say, he mutely watched her fold her arms over her obscenely large chest.

“Thanks for scaring the hell out of me, Jackass,” Babs grumbled, prodding his sternum.

She’d been tempted to say something worse, but had caught herself. Aside from being the primary caregiver for ‘Lil Mac, since Big Mac was out supporting them most days, she’d been dealing with an issue of her own - her sensual needs. Squeezing out a near-record breaking sized foal had not been a forgiving experience for her or her marehood, demanding she take over a month to fully recuperate.

Flying in the face of the doctor’s orders, she’d asserted herself with her mate less than a week after giving birth - unfortunately, her enthusiasm had done nothing to help with her recovery, leading to another two months of abstinence. She’d desperately wanted to give her big-dicked stud another swing, hoping to feel his heavenly length railing her out, but he’d been remarkably resolute. In a supreme show of willpower, he’d refrained from doing more than oral since she’d had their baby.

Giving birth had done nothing to quell her insatiable thirst for her stallion, driving her nearly mad with lust. An exacerbating factor was that, having finally freed the nearly twenty pound foal from her belly, she had a tremendous burst of energy. With little more than a few stretch marks on her stomach, and the added weight of her titanic tits, she felt as rambunctious as she had prior to being knocked up.

While she was exceedingly proud to be the mother of a healthy and strong colt, the lack of amorous attention, paired with the responsibility of looking after the bab morning, noon, and night, had left her in a less than ideal state. On one hand, she loved their child with all her heart - on the other, she wanted nothing more than to be bent over and fucked into a coma. Impatiently tapping her foot, keenly aware of the wet patches of fabric over her dark, extremely tender nipples, she waited to hear what her lover had to say.

Mac pursed his lips, finding himself at an impasse. He’d knocked off early from work, promising Applejack that he’d cover her shift in the orchard on Saturday, but that had only been the first part of his drawn out, exceedingly protracted plan. It had taken him several months to finally work up the courage to speak to Babs, putting off the moment since before ‘Lil Mac had entered their lives. Slipping his hand into his pocket, feeling a small box therein, he swallowed hard.

Having her in his life had been a game-changer, making him happier than he’d been in ages, and that was before they’d had a son. He’d wanted to do something epic for her, for both of them, but it had taken him a while to save up enough money to pull it off. As he slowly sank to one knee, gathering every ounce of courage he could muster, he wrapped his fingers around the tiny case and pulled his hand free.

“By the way, why are you home so early?” Babs pressed, quirking a brow. “It’s not like I was expecting to find you looming over me like a serial ki - What are you doing?”

One of the reasons she wasn’t in the best of moods was because she honestly hadn’t anticipated seeing him for a few hours. With the autumn harvest in full swing, having recruited a number of Apples from Appleloosa, she’d known he would be busier than usual until the orchards were clear. Seeing him lower himself to the floor, wondering what in the hell he was up to, she watched him shakily extend an arm in her direction.

“I mean,” she began, shifting anxiously, “I’m not really mad, I just didn’t think I’d…”

She fell silent, as he presented his hand, unfurled his fingers, and revealed a minuscule wooden case. It took her mind a second to put the pieces together, causing her to step back once she comprehended what he was doing. Reflexively covering her muzzle, awestruck beyond words, her eyes flew to his face.

“Babs,” Mac breathed no louder than a whisper on the wind, “Ah wanted to ask you something…”

Looking up to her, meeting her eyes, he choked. Months of preparation flew straight out the window, peering up at her, but he had to power through - he had to. Hanging his head, reluctantly averting his gaze, he lifted his other arm and carefully opened the box. Even with all the savings he’d done, he hadn’t been able to afford the most lavish token of his affection - still, it was the best he could afford, and he dearly hoped she’d accept his offer.

“Babs, you know Ah love ya,” he continued, hearing his voice crack, “and...and Ah wanted to make it official.” Shifting in place, forcing himself to look up at her, he weakly smiled. “Will you be my - Ooof!”

Before he could even pop the question, she tackled him to the floor. Ambushed in the truest sense of the word, knocked onto his back, the opened case clattered to the floor beside him. Taken aback, feeling her weight settle atop him, her assault continued unabated. Kissing her way over his broad chest, up his neck, and to his cheek, she plastered herself against him.

Without so much as a second thought, the moment her lips pressed to his, he wrapped his arms around her. Groaning, pressing her tongue into his mouth, she redoubled her efforts. The affectionate attack, while a pleasant surprise, more than likely meant she agreed to his offer, yet that wasn’t necessarily any guarantee. Momentarily pausing, pulling his head back, he stared down his muzzle at her.

“Is that a -”

Yes!” she bleated, burying her face in his shoulder. “Sweet, merciful Celestia, yes!!!”

Of all the things the big lug could have sprung on her, she would never in a million years have guessed he’d propose. Looking to the side, spying the case, she reached out and scooped up the heartfelt gift. In her excitement to love on her soon-to-be hubby, having knocked the ring out of his hand, and she had every intention of getting a better look.

Bringing the box closer, her eyes widened in awe. The little gold band was adorned with a heart-cut emerald that was flanked by a pair of what appeared to be smaller peridot stones. She couldn’t give a single, solitary fuck about the engagement ring being nontraditional - for her, it couldn’t have been more perfect. Awkwardly slipping it over one finger, balancing herself on her tits, she gleefully inspected her hand.

“You know, you didn’t have to do this,” she giggled, leaning in and pecking his cheek. “It’s not like I would have ever left your big, silly ass.”

It was true, she meant every word. Even if he hadn’t proposed to her, she would have happily stayed at his side for as long as he would have her. Unable to control herself, wetting his shirt with the milk dribbling from her nipples, she grabbed his head and passionately kissed him. In the blink of an eye, her stance on marriage changed.

For most of her life, she’d always considered impending brides to be a silly, overly-excited lot of ponies - hell, she’d even had to fight back laughing when one of her childhood friends hysterically told her that she was getting hitched. It had taken the love of her colossal cousin, being bred, and birthing an incestuous foal to make her realize the importance of matrimony. Overcome with joy, subconsciously grinding her hips over her betrothed groin, she sensed something deliciously large twitch against her loins.

As her laughter trailed off, replaced by an impish smirk, she reared back and walked her fingers down between his massive, rock-hard pecs. “You know I’m gonna have to return the favor,” she began, slowly moving her hand towards his loins, “but I’m not sure they make cock rings in your size.”

“I…” Mac gulped, glancing down at his crotch.

He hadn’t intended to pop a boner while proposing - then again, he hadn’t foreseen her mounting and french kissing him like a lust-crazed teenager. Grabbing her shoulders, gently attempting to move her to the side, she reacted in a flash. Seizing hold of his wrists, throwing her weight forward, she leveled her considerable strength against him.

“Then again,” she purred, tauntingly wiggling her plump ass, “I know somewhere you could stuff that fat fuck-stick of yours.”

Lifting one finger to protest, with his arms pinned to the ground, he faltered. The doctor had said they could probably start having sex after the prolonged hiatus following her impetuous attempt, yet he’d been reluctant - not because he didn’t believe the physician, but because he knew good and darn well that she was not the tender lovemaking type. If and when they finally fucked, he realized she wouldn’t be satisfied until he’d screwed her brains out.

Don’t say anything,” she whispered, bringing her snout to within an inch of his nose. “You’re gonna lay there, like a good colt, and let Mommy do as she wants, right?”

He hesitantly nodded, peering down her shirt and to her cleavage, bringing a twisted smile to her lips. Weeks upon weeks of being pent up bubbled to the surface, clouding her better judgement with lust. Her marish urges, the proposal, and the oddly vacant sensation within her womb practically demanded that she repay him - not on the couch, not bent over a counter, not on the bed, but right there in the middle of the living room floor.

Getting her knees under herself, sliding back just a touch, she reached down and patted his thigh. “Brace ‘em.”

He immediately compiled, bending his lower limbs and planting his feet on the floor. She’d been with him long enough to tell when he was eager, and he was definitely eager. For starters, she hadn’t seen him pop a boner that fast in a few days - secondly, and more curiously, she hadn’t once seen or heard him relieving his sexual tension. Somehow, for some unfathomable reason, he hadn’t jacked off once since ‘Lil Mac had joined them - of course, she couldn’t be completely certain about what he did in the orchard, but he had to be hankering for a piece of her.

Lifting her top up and over her head, removing the lone article covering her torso, she theatrically turned her shoulders from side to side and set her breasts swinging. It wasn’t like she enjoyed wearing a bra, and it’s not like she was out of the house all that often, so she saw no need to wear the stifling undergarment. Flinging her shirt, which she’d purloined from her lover’s dresser, to the side, she lifted and squeezed her bosoms.

Fountains of milk sprayed over his torso, spattering his upper half, as she snickered above him. He’d always had a fondness for her titties, one which had grown nearly fetishistic after she’d begun lactating, and she had every intention of leveling that against him. Leaning in, bringing one mountainous mammary to his muzzle, she didn’t even have to ask for him to nurse. His head shot forward, and his lips latched around her teat, as he closed his eyes and started to suckle.

She could have stayed where she was, letting him nurse on her, but that would hardly be befitting of his future bride - that and she needed to free his hardening stallionhood. Sliding forward, she lifted her waist and reached between her thighs. Expertly unbuttoning his jeans, she pulled at his fly and sweetly caressed the growing bulge in his undies. While simply feeling his dick wasn’t nearly as good as having it filling her, the sensation was enough to serve as a humble, albeit remarkably restrained form of foreplay.

Swallowing mouthful after mouthful of rich, sweet milk from her udder-like tit, keenly aware of her hand on his package, Mac hooked a thumb over her panties, gently pulled, and accidentally ripped the waistband of her undergarment. While he hadn’t intended to rend the article, his strength and enthusiasm proved to be a disastrous combination. Hearing and likely feeling the fabric tear, she grunted and pushed herself up.

All he could do was watch, as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and ripped the article to pieces. For a fleeting second, having his chest fully exposed, he’d thought she’d be placated - he was dead wrong. Seated on his midsection, she awkwardly grabbed his pants, pulled, and tore a sizable portion of denim off of him. After her third attempt to disrobe him, shredding his jeans to and boxers rags, his throbbing length sprang free.

She was really testing his self restraint, hitting all the right buttons and practically demanding he act. Firmly grasping her ample hips, he effortlessly lifted her and moved her back. As the battering ram-like head of his cock kissed her hot and sublimely wet entrance, feeling her wink against his glans, he grinned up at her. If she wanted him to completely ruin her, after he’d decided to put a ring on it, far be it for him to deny her humble request.

Flexing his stallionhood and bucking his hips, sandwiching his shaft between her plump, meaty buns, he gave her a taste of what he could deliver. Their carnal hijinks often had a competitive aspect, with each of them pushing and teasing the other to the breaking point, despite there being no real need for it. There was something genuinely fun about working her up, something he’d learned from doing it to him innumerable times, and he couldn’t help but test her limits.

“Considering your apparent distaste for undies, maybe you should get me a new wardrobe,” she casually remarked, absentmindedly tweaking and twisting her nipples. “Next time we go to town, let’s pick up a few aprons for me - you know, since you apparently want to keep me barefoot and pregnant.”

Mac’s heart fluttered in his chest, as thoughts of her committing herself to being a full-fledged homemaker assailed him. There weren’t many mares who embraced the old ways, tending to the house and children while their stallions brought home the bacon, but he’d always been enamored with the thought. Subconsciously lowering her, stopping just before he penetrated her, he noticed her smile broaden.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” she purred, squeezing her breasts between her arms. “Coming home every day to a nice, home cooked meal, watching me look after the kids, and fucking me over the kitchen counter…”

She’s never really given much thought about her future, figuring she’d probably wind up taking part in the family business in Manehattan, but the notion of being a housewife wasn’t unappealing in the slightest. Broadening her stance, slipping the first inch or two of him into her cunt, she trembled. Even if he wasn’t about to start rutting her, she wasn’t about to make his job an easy one.

“Think about it,” she continued, constricting around his dick. “Not knowing when my safe-days are, pumping your foal batter into me whenever or whenever you want, we might end up needing a bigger place before long.”

Frankly, she’d enjoyed her pregnancy far, far more than she should have. The additional weight had been a small hindrance, and the odd cravings for snacks at odd hours could be a bit of a nuisance, but carrying around a foal had simply felt right. It was strange to think she’d find herself smitten with being a mother, but be damned if that wasn’t exactly what had happened. Seeing his hesitation to plow her fracture, feeling him gradually lower her and sink into her depths, she rubbed her belly.

“The foal-factory is open for business,” she murmured, licking her lips, “so how about you make a deposit.”

Her final comment apparently did the trick, as he secured his grip and thrust up into her. The sensation of his girthy length stretching her open, filling her completely after oh-so long was magnificent beyond words. The prolonged abstinence had done nothing to detract from how wonderful he felt - if anything, it was better than she remembered. Throwing her weight down and back, sheathing his entirety within her greedy snatch, she impaled herself and sat on his lap.

Glancing down to the ring on her finger, unable to restrain herself any longer, she raised her waist, freed a few inches of his length, and started nonchalantly fucking herself on him. The head of his cock kissed her cervix with each downstroke, while she felt her lower lips being dragged out with each ascent. It was damn-near cathartic, taking him after such a momentous occasion, and he quickly joined her efforts.

Every bit as hot and snug as he remembered, Mac began rutting her in earnest. Slowly, steadily, he relished the unbelievably blissful sensations she afforded. It may have been his imagination, but something about feeling her embrace after she’d agreed to be his wife elevated the situation. He wasn’t just screwing some random broad - no, he was making love to the mare who’d won his heart.

Lifting his shoulders from the floor, moving one hand up her back and over her shoulder, he cradled the back of her head and gently pulled her forward. Her eyes drifted closed, knowing what was coming, as he locked lips with her. If there was a better way to memorialize the event and their continued relationship, he couldn’t think of it. Driving his hips upward, meeting her descents, he fell into a steady rhythm with her.

In perfect harmony, passionately making out with one another, the two moved like two parts of a whole. Neither would have thought they’d become an item, much less start a family, but they completed each other. It didn’t matter that they were distantly related, having received blessings from anyone and everyone who’d heard about their incestuous relationship, or that their personalities differed wildly - the only thing that was important was that they found solace, comfort, and belonging in one another’s arms.

“Fuck me - I needed this,” Babs groaned, breaking their kiss and leaning back.

Bracing her hands on his knees, increasing her speed, she bounced and gyrated atop her stud. She could practically feel her vacant, ravenously hungry womb pining to be filled, to be put to use, as he plumbed her depths. Staring down at him, past her heaving bosoms, the pieces fell into place. This is what she was made for, to serve the divine stallion and carry on his - no, their legacy.

Arching her back, giving him a better view of the action, she hastily moved one hand to her clit. Aside from being excruciatingly pleasurable, the act of getting herself off while being fucked put on a bit of a show for her mate. Rubbing and kneading the sensitive little nub, she rolled her head back and moaned out. She hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed it, the way he filled her and caressed her canal, and it drove her flying to release at a record pace.

Surpassing his speed, nearly flying into a frenzy, her compulsions drove her onward. She rightly couldn’t say what she’d done to deserve him, let alone to have him virtually worship the ground she walked on, yet she found herself immeasurably thankful for whatever power had brought them together. What had begun as a lustful romp had evolved into something so much more - true love.

Mac’s palms glided over her waist and to her chest, as he fought to match her tempo. Peering up at her, both seeing and feeling every ounce of her zeal, his passion soared. As far as he was concerned, they were made to be together. Adjusting the angle of his thrusts, mercilessly pummeling her g-spot with his medial ring, he fiercely tugged on her teats.

Her climactic howl resonated through the chamber, as a deluge of nectar gushed from around his pistoning length. While it was gratifying to know he’d caused her to peak with such little effort, it did nothing to dull his motions - in fact, it did quite the opposite. Transitioning from a series of deep, steady plunges, taking full advantage of her momentary distraction, he set to jackhammering her like it was the last day of his life.

Pummelling her inner gate, all but feeling her desire to be bred, his restraint gradually fell away. She was his, as much as he was hers, and he would not leave her wanting. His feet sank into the carpet, as he drove her entire body upward with every thrust. Seizing the reins, with her orgasm having sapped her strength, his domineering side leapt to the fore.

His typically reserved, well-mannered demeanor slipped away, crushed under the weight of his stallionly compulsions to breed and conquer. She’d given him a son and a reason for being, and yet he was compelled to claim her and cement his standing as the patriarch of their growing household. He wasn’t sure how serious she’d been about her little offer of being a homemaker, but he prayed she hadn’t been joking because he was about to do his level best to knock her up again.

Battering her cervix, he did what he could to stave off his impending climax. It was bad enough that he’d been blue-balled for nearly a quarter of a year, having held off on getting off to wait for her, but being ambushed in the living room had done little to help with his atrophied endurance. He couldn’t fathom how big or thick his load would be, but he knew right where it was going to wind up. With his eyes screwed firmly shut, rutting her with nearly everything he had, something grabbed his wrist.

It took everything Babs had to compose herself enough to take hold of his arms, having nearly lost herself to the cataclysmic climax which ravaged her mind and body, but she was inspired. Judging from how hard his shaft was pulsing, and his self-imposed dry spell, she figured he wasn’t going to last long. Pulling his mits from her rack, locking her fingers with his, she held his hands and longingly gazed down at his handsome face.

Allowing herself to be used, squeezing his shaft with every backstroke, she lowered her face towards him. Good looking, kind hearted, caring, and hung like an absolute god, he was perfect in every conceivable way, and she would gladly devote herself to him. Willing her body to comply with her wishes, slowly beginning to move again, she threw her body down against him.

Bending at the waist, somehow able to persist in match his machine gun-like rate of plowing, she cradled his face and deeply kissed him. Their tongues entwined, and their breath mingled, as he began to flair. Though she’d only cum minutes before, her refractory period had diminished to nothing. Her marehood quivered, tears of joy streamed down her face, and her womb descended, knowing its purpose would soon be fulfilled.

Knowing he was walking the razor’s edge, about to pop at any second, she slipped her muzzle to his ear and gave voice to her longings. “Let’s make ‘Lil Mac a little sister…”

Holding her back with one hand, while sinking his fingers of the other into her rump, he gave one final, titanic plunge, slammed his stallionhood as deeply as possible, and came. The sensation of his seed flowing into her was indescribable, undoing her in an instant. Screaming to the heavens, nearly convulsing atop him, she climaxed instantaneously.

Her orgasmic wail, the knowledge that he was feeding her starved womb, and her plea were nirvanic, heightening Mac’s bliss an order of magnitude greater than anything he’d ever experienced before. She was more than his cousin, more than a lover or mother of his child - somehow, despite having never given the word much credit, he realized that she was his soulmate. Turning his head, locking lips with her yet again, he pumped his essence into her eagerly awaiting depths.

With their bodies entangled, heatedly making out on the floor, the pair rode out their rapture with one another. Sorcery was an affair they’d become all too familiar with, having seen such things for as long as they both could remember, yet they’d found what true magic was - love. Rolling to the side, pinning her beneath himself, he pulled his head back.

A strand of saliva connected their lips, as they locked eyes. In spite of just having blown his load, still entombed within her silken walls, he was more than hard enough to continue. Breaking their embrace, shifting his hands to her knees, he lifted her legs and resumed rutting her. She’d broken the seal, unleashed the beast, and he wasn’t going to stop until every drop of his precious seed was deposited within her.

Bab’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, having only just regained some modicum of her sanity. Considering they were going to be wed, likely within the next handful of months, and the fact that he seemed hellbent on flooding her with his virile spunk, a startling realization settled upon her - a typical wedding dress wouldn’t fit the bill. Wild imaginings of herself strutting down the aisle, shamelessly carrying his second child, reignited her passion into a roaring inferno.

Wrestling her legs free, snapping them around his waist, she tightly clung to him. A primordial power welled up within her, seemingly imbuing her with the might of fertility itself, as she deliriously met his every plunge. Being a proud mother was one thing, but she wanted everyone to know who had won her heart and staked a claim on her mind, body, and soul.

“Tomorrow - Oh fuck - we’re going to get me fitted for a maternity wedding gown,” she growled, repeatedly flexing her legs to aid his savage thrusts.

Smiling deliriously, overjoyed that she wanted to hold the ceremony while gravid, blood rushed to his loins. “Eeeyup!!!”

Going at it like a pair of rabid, lust-crazed animals, looking forward to the day they stood before the altar, they grinned at one another. They’d done the unthinkable, found happiness, had a home to call their own, bore a child, and they’d only been together for shortly over a year. Though neither could say what the future held, they knew a lifetime of contentment awaited them, hand in hand…