Feral World

by Wildcard25

First published

Spike Clawson leaves the sanctity of Canterlot and ventures out into the decimated world in search of the one place where he can be at peace

Set in a world where humans were at odds with the other races until a mysterious pandemic has started to turn the majority of mankind into savage, animalistic creatures called Ferals. Because of this, the Royal Sisters made a walled city where many Equestrians and selected non-infected humans would be safe from the Ferals. While the rest of the world around it seemingly decays.

Years later 16 year old human named Spike Clawson is having a miserable life, from the loss his parents to the outbreak when he was young, constantly being mistreated by those around him because of his race, and lives alone in a rotting apartment.

Having enough of the unjust treatment, Spike sets out to find the last place on the planet where he can live happily without being treated like a plague. Accompanying him is a group of pony girls who while they've never been there for Spike in person seek to make it up to him and join him on his quest to show not every pony in Canterlot hated him for what he is.

Spike Clawson

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Everyone knows the tragic event that happened many years ago, but even before that it could hardly be called better.

In the beginning the world was divided between Humans and Equestrians. The Equestrians were beings of different types of ponies ranging from unicorns who had magical abilities, pegasi who could fly and control the weather, and the earth ponies who possessed incredible strength and tended the land, but the most rarest of Equestrian races were Alicorns; ponies with all three Equestrian attributes and abilities. They were so rare very few existed. The humans always felt like a minority compared to the Equestrians with their special abilities, while Equestrians thought less of the humans because they lacked the speed, strength, or magic that they were capable of.

When the two sides were united under one rule, many hoped the bad times would be over, but they were wrong. Even though the two sides tried to live peacefully, there was still much hostility between them. But the hostility the Equestrians held for the humans took a colossal rise on the scale when the pandemic occurred.

No one knows how it started, but a mysterious outbreak occurred creating a pandemic among the humans. The virus created by this pandemic had turned majority of mankind into mindless savage beasts the Equestrians called Ferals. The Ferals numbers started to grow as more humans started transforming, some were devoured by the Ferals before they could have a chance to transform. The two alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna relocated the Equestrians into a secure location they called Canterlot where a great wall was set up around the city to keep the Ferals from entering. However a number of selected humans were unaffected by the outbreak and were taken into the city for safety. Although the humans had shelter, the Equestrians treatment over them had not changed. The Equestrians felt the people only had delayed reactions and would eventually turn feral like all the others. But under Celestia and Luna's rule, the humans were allowed to live with the Equestrians.

As the city of Canterlot remained bright and prosperous, the outside world began to rot and decay. Ferals had pretty much overrun the outside world with their only instincts being hunting and survival. Since then no one was allowed to go out of the city, for they knew once they stepped outside the probability of them coming back were slim.

Many years later in Canterlot, the sun rose over the city, as its citizens were awakening to start their day. Shops started opening up, adults were on their way to their jobs, kids of all ages were heading to school.

While in an abandoned dinky apartment room in a building located in the more seedy side of the city, a teenage boy about the age of sixteen had started waking up to start his day. The boy was Spike Clawson, he was of short height for a teenager his age, and had short green hair that looked unkempt. He woke up from his bed which was basically a bare old mattress on the floor of his one room apartment with a small kitchen area, bathroom, and fridge.

Spike rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before looking over at a framed picture propped up close to his mattress. It was of him as a five year old boy with his parents Rena and Oliver Clawson. Rena was a lovely red haired woman, and Oliver was a handsome green haired man who looked like an adult version of Spike.

“Morning, mom. Morning, dad.” Spike told the picture.

Spike was one of the select survivors of the outbreak years ago, his parents not so much. When he was rescued with the other surviving humans, he was placed in an orphanage among many other surviving children. Over the years Spike had watched as just about every child that survived the outbreak be adopted by other surviving humans, or pony kids who were also orphaned due to their own parents being victims of the Ferals ravage slaughtering. When Spike reached the age of thirteen the orphanage could no longer care for him and just kicked him out. With no other living family, Spike was on his own and managed to set up shop in the apartment he lives in now.

As Spike got up he went to the bathroom to take a shower. As he tried washing up the water pressure was so low the flow was barely coming out which made it harder for him to get clean. After drying up he put on a pair of worn out jeans, a green shirt, and sneakers. He walked to his fridge and opened it to see a carton of expired milk, and leftovers that started growing mold. This kind of diet was definitely not doing his growth any good.

“Fan-fucking-tastic.” Spike grumbled to himself, before grabbing his backpack and left.

Outside the building he started walking down the block of the seedy neighborhood. At every corner he could see Equestrian drug dealers trying to sell their goods, and hookers trying to earn some money. Spike ignored it and kept on walking until he reached the safer part of the city. Though safer as it was compared to the neighborhood he lived in, he still felt unsafe. Spike looked at the various shops and cafes with most of them having big signs in their windows reading 'No Humans Allowed'. Spike frowned at this mistreatment against the dying human race. Though the survivors, especially families tried to repopulate, it wasn't easy when majority of the Equestrians were against them and threatened their lives on a daily basis one way or another.

As Spike was passing a pear stand, he spotted an old earth pony known as Grand Pear. While many Equestrians were against the humans, there were select few who had no problems with them. Grand Pear being one of them.

“Morning, Spike.” the old pony greeted him.

“Hey, Grand Pear.” Spike greeted.

“How're you doing?” Grand Pear asked.

“Oh, same old.” Spike answered dryly.

“I know it ain't easy for ya, but ya gotta hang in there. Things are always bound to get better.”

“I really wish I had your optimism, Grand Pear.” Spike sighed.

“Here, have a pear on the house.” the old pony offered him a fresh pear.

“Thanks. See you around.” Spike said, as he continued on.

He ate his pear, while looking around the city, as some billboards flashed messages advertising rallies against the remaining humans, while another billboard advertised for a human woman named Abacus Cinch who was leader of a human-supremacist activist. While majority of the surviving humans were living lower class lives, some had worked their way up to fight for their rights. Though Spike was glad there were some groups out there to preserve human rights in a pony filled city, Abacus Cinch wasn't the kind of person he'd want to follow, especially with the rumors he heard about her cutting corners and ignoring warnings.

Spike eventually arrived at Canterlot High, where majority of the Equestrian teenage population attended. Unfortunately for him, he was the only teenage human attending, while any other human teenager would rather be home schooled or teach themselves.

As Spike made his way for the entrance, an earth pony boy wearing a letterman's jacket ran over and bumped Spike hard.

“Out of the way, freak!” the letterman jacket boy shouted. Spike frowned at who bumped him on purpose, but just ignored it and went inside.

Spike entered the building seeing other pony students were busy getting stuff from their lockers, heading to their first classes, or hanging in the halls with their friends. As he walked along the halls, every pony student shot him a nasty look or glare that screamed 'I'm gonna kill you'. Spike having endured these looks so much just kept a straight face without trying to make eye contact. Eventually he found his locker which wasn't hard to find considering it was always covered with slanderous graffiti. Spike looked at all the hurtful words the students and possibly faculty painted on his locker. He just brushed it off and opened his locker grabbing his books before heading for his first class.

Inside Spike's first class being history, his teacher was a gray coated unicorn with long black unkempt mane. He was Professor Flintheart, a pony teacher who anyone could tell was a no nonsense type just by looking at him. His cold piercing eyes looked all around the classroom as the students remained silent.

“Now then, class,” Flintheart began, “In the beginning there was both Equestrians, the pony folk as well as several other kinds. And then there were humans...”

Suddenly a snobbish voice spoke up, “The lowly primates that's are pretty much extinct because they turned into monsters!” it belonged to a pegasus boy with a light gray coat. The students laughed, as Spike knew he was directing his insult solely at him.

“That's enough, Mr. Rumble,” Flintheart stopped him, “Yes, though it remains a mystery to this very day, a virus of unknown origin infected the human race turning them into savage beasts we call Ferals. And those that remain unaffected by such outbreak were brought here to the city for their own protection against those that went savage. But it remains a bigger mystery why those who weren't effected didn't turn into Ferals themselves.”

“Maybe they are, and they just don't realize it,” Rumble answered, “They all probably have a delayed reaction. And they could turn into Ferals at any given moment. Best course of action is to just put the humans down while there's still time.” the students laughed once again, while Spike who tried to ignore Rumble's words could no longer keep it to himself.

Spike spun around and screamed in Rumble direction, “Shut your damn mouth, asshole!”

“Mr. Clawson!” Flintheart reprimanded his outburst.

Spike turned back at him, “What, you're just gonna let him say whatever he wants and get away with it?!”

“Look out, everyone, Spike Clawson's gonna turn into a Feral!” another pegasus pony named Hoops said faking fear, making the students laugh some more.

Spike frowned in his direction, “And you'd be the first to go.” he threatened him, as the rest of the classed gasped.

“Mr. Clawson!” Flintheart addressed him, “You will report to the principal's office immediately.”

Spike protested, “Oh, come on, are you ever gonna give me a break when every pony here gangs up on me?!”

“Now!” Flintheart ordered.

Spike frowned at the professor, and grabbed his stuff, before storming off, as the rest of the students laughed, until Flintheart silenced them.

“Lousy fuckin' bigots!” Spike grumbled to himself, as he stormed down the hall towards the Principal's office.

When he knocked on the door, a voice answered from inside, “Come in.”

Spike opened the door and stepped inside. There he was greeted by the school's principal Neighsay, “Mr. Clawson, here for another weekly get together?” the principal asked rhetorically.

“Not of my own accord.” Spike grumbled, as he sat before the principal's desk.

“What was it this time?” the principal asked with a sigh.

“Those pricks Rumble and Hoops bashing humankind in class like I'm not even there. And then going on about how I'm gonna turn into a Feral and that all humans should just be put down for ponies safety.” Spike explained.

Neighsay sighed again, “So what did you do?”

“Like it matters what I did? I stand up for myself and my kind I get in trouble, if I ignore it they just keep getting worse. Either way I lose.”

“Spike, I understand being the only human in this school is hard on you, but for the sake of everything try to make an attempt to not lose your nerve?”

“Why don't you ever tell that to all the other students, because they always start it.” Spike argued.

“And you think that gives you the right to finish it?” Neighsay questioned.

“Well, who else will?” Spike asked rhetorically.

“Believe me, Spike, I don't want you to think I'm your enemy, but you're not making it easy for me.”

“Not my enemy? That's a laugh!” Spike scoffed, “No one in this school is ever on my side. No one ever will be all because I'm a human!”

“Mr. Clawson!”

“Forget it, talking to you does nothing!” Spike got up and left the office with a slam of the door, leaving the principal surprised.

As Spike walked down the hall the bell had already run and everyone piled out of their first period classrooms and were on their way to the next period. Spike just kept on walking down the hall, until he was bumped on both sides by two girl ponies named Surf and Turf.

“Like why don't you watch it, creep.” Surf began.

“If we caught any disease from being close to you, we'll sue.” Turf added.

Spike scowled, “Can't be worse than the diseases you two sluts must have from fucking half the student body.”

“What'd you say?” Surf asked.

“What, hard at hearing?” Spike replied.

“Forget it, Surf,” Turf pulled her along, “Let the filthy human be. Besides, we'll let someone else deal with him.”

Spike watched the two pony girls leave acting with so much superiority they acted like they owned the city. He just ignored them and walked on, but decided not to go to his next class.

As he walked, he ended up passing by a group of eight girls who were gossiping amongst each others. Seven of them were all eighteen, while one was sixteen. The seven older girls racks sized were about the size of an F-Cup, while the youngest girl had a D-cup.

The first girl was an alicorn who had a purple coat, dark bluish purple hair, with pink and purple streaks, in a long ponytail and had glasses over her eyes. She wore a light blue blouse with purple stripes, a purple skirt with pockets, and dark blue dress shoes with pink laces. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, one of the smartest students in school, and one of the rare alicorns in the city.

The second girl was a unicorn who had a coat white as snow, long elegantly curled purple hair, and her clothing was composed of a light blue tutu shirt with a light purple skirt and purple high-heeled shoes. She was Rarity, one of the most gorgeous girls in school and known for her skill in outfit designing and generosity.

The third girl was an earth pony who had an orange coat, blonde hair in a ponytail that was covered by a stetson hat, and was wearing a white t-shirt with green sleeves, a denim skirt, and cowgirl boots. Both her shirt and shoes had apple designs. Her name was Applejack, one of the most honest girls around, and heiress to the Apple Family business. Her family makes some of the best apple based products in the city.

The fourth girl was another earth pony whose coat was pink and had big poofy pink hair. She was wearing a white tank top, a three ruffled skirt in different shades of pink, and blue wedge sandals. Everyone knew her as Pinkie Pie, the most hyperactive girl around who knew everybody around the school and the city. She was known for throwing the best kind of parties and celebrations for any occasion.

The fifth one was a pegasus who had a yellow coat and long pale pink hair. She wore an aquamarine dress with see-through sleeves and pink lace-up sandals. Everyone in school knew her as Fluttershy, the most timid yet kindest of girls there was. She had a reputation for being the animal whisperer having this talent of understanding animals.

The sixth one was another pegasus who had an athletic build, a light blue coat, and her hair was in the colors of the rainbow. Her outfit was a short sleeved blue hoodie, dark blue pants with a rainbow lightning bolt on each leg, and blue high top sneakers. She was Rainbow Dash, the top athlete in the whole school and president of every sports club.

The seventh one was a unicorn who had an amber coat, and her hair was a mix of red and blonde. She wore a black leather vest over an orange shirt, a magenta skirt, and punk-styled boots the same color as her vest. Her name was Sunset Shimmer; head of the school's disciplinary squad, and oldest daughter to Princess Celestia.

Finally the eight girl who was the youngest of them was a unicorn who had a coat colored light cerise, and her hair was a gradient of light vermilion to light amber with streaks of pale, light grayish olive that was done up in a ponytail. Her attire included brownish orange sneakers, an orange skirt, a yellow polo shirt covered by a brown open vest. She was Luster Dawn, little sister to Sunset Shimmer, youngest daughter to Celestia.

“Spike got in trouble again?” Rainbow asked Luster Dawn who had been in Spike's class.

“Yes. Rumble and Hoops talked shit about humans in class again.” Luster sighed.

“Honestly, if I had my disciplinary authority in the classroom, I'd issue both of them detention.” Sunset scowled.

“It's not fair everyone in school treats Spike like a plague, and he's got enough to deal with.” Fluttershy said trying to fight back tears.

“Everyone in school if not half the city has a problem with humans.” Twilight added.

“If humans really did have a delayed reaction you'd think it would've happened by now.” Applejack noted.

“They're just ruled by their own paranoia, Applejack, which I find disgraceful.” Rarity said with a huff.

“Well, I'm tired of doing nothing but ignoring it at school. I suggest we actually do something about it.” Pinkie spoke up.

“I agree,” Twilight agreed, “I don't care if the students here start rejecting us, because watching one student being treated like a pariah because he's different makes them the real Ferals.”

“Let's go see him.” Rarity said, until Fluttershy stopped them.

“But where could he be since he didn't go to class.”

“Don't worry. I know where he goes when he doesn't wanna go to class.” Luster said.

Up on the school's roof, Spike was sitting down looking out into the city seeing the wall that protects them from the Ferals inhabiting the outside world.

“It's out there somewhere,” Spike said to himself, “And I will find it.”


Spike spun around and saw Luster Dawn approach, “Luster, what're you doing up here?”

“I'm here to see you.” she answered, as she sat beside Spike. Luster was practically the only student in Spike's grade willing to talk to him and treated him with kindness.

“And miss class? Your mom won't like that.” Spike noted.

“One missed class won't destroy my whole academic record, when I can easily bounce back from it,” she replied, “Look, Spike, what happened in class-”

“Don't, Luster,” Spike stopped her, “I can't change anyone's mind about me or my kind. And truth is I don't care anymore.”

“Spike.” Luster gasped.

“Because soon enough I'll be out of this hell hole.” Spike got up and started walking back.


“Don't trouble yourself with me, Luster. I'm not worth it to anyone here.” Spike answered, as he went back down must to Luster's shock.

Spike loitered in the hallway, until the next bell rang, and the students piled out and proceeded to their next classes. As Spike walked, he was confronted by Hoops, and his two buddies Dumb Bell and Score.

“You three get out of my way.” Spike warned them.

“Or, what, shrimp?” Score pushed Spike.

“Seriously, guys. I'm not in the mood right now.” Spike continued to warn the three.

“Well, tough for you, because we're in the mood to give a beat down, and guess who's the lucky winner?” Hoops smirked.

“It's you.” Dumb Bell answered.

“Three against one? That's awfully fair.” Spike said in sarcasm.

“Shut up!” Hoops slugged Spike in the stomach making his eyes bulge.

Score and Dumb Bell grabbed Spike by the arms and pinned him against the row of lockers, while Hoops started punching Spike's all around from his stomach to his face. The students did nothing but stand around acting like they were watching cable TV.

“You have no right to be here Clawson. You're better off dead like all those other humans that were devoured by the ones that became Ferals!” Hoops berated him, while still slugging him.

“Hey!” a voice screamed, as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer ran over and pried the trio away from Spike and slammed them against the wall.

“You three just bought yourselves detention!” Sunset ordered, as she made out three detention forms.

“You can't do that!” Dumb Bell called.

“You know I can.” Sunset reminded him.

“It's just the loser human, what do you care?” Hoops asked.

“All students are to be treated equally!” Sunset argued.

“What's going on here?” Principal Neighsay approached.

“Principal Neighsay, these three were ganging up on Spike and look what they did.” Twilight motioned to Spike's bruised condition.

“Is this true?” Neighsay looked to the trio.

“We didn't do it.” Hoops denied.

“Yeah, he probably did it to himself just to frame us.” Score added.

“That's a dirty lie!” Applejack spoke up, “Principal Neighsay, ah saw it happen with my own eyes. These three ganged up on Spike and just mercilessly punched him.”

Neighsay squinted, before turning to the trio, “You three my office now!”

“What? She's lying like Sunset!” Score accused.

“Applejack doesn't lie.” Neighsay reminded them of Applejack's known reputation of being honest.

The three grumbled, as Sunset slyly held out their detention slips, “Don't forget these.” The three just took the slips and tore them in half and dropped them to the floor.

“They can't do that!” Luster frowned.

“Don't worry, Principal Neighsay will handle them.” Sunset assure her.

Meanwhile, after all the students moved onto their next classes, the girls gathered around Spike and helped him up, “Are you ok?” Fluttershy asked.

“Fine.” Spike answered, as he looked away. While he knew the girls from listening to gossips and watching them from afar, he never personally conversed with any of them. Even though a side of him thought they were attractive and too good for so many of the jerks he knew in school, they never really paid him any mind before, except for the occasional look that didn't have hatred like how every other student looked at him.

“Those guys sure got you good.” Pinkie noted.

“Do you need the nurse?” Twilight offered.

“It's fine.” Spike answered, without looking at her.

“Hey, I want you to know you sure took that like a man.” Rainbow commended him.

“I doubt anyone else could've taken that many hits without crying uncle.” Sunset added.

Spike turned to them angry and had tears in his eyes, “I don't need your pity!” he shouted.

“Spike.” Rarity and Luster gasped.

“Just leave me alone, all of you!” Spike turned and bolted.

“Spike!” Twilight called.

“Well, that didn't go well.” Fluttershy sighed.

“He has every right to feel that way.” Rarity noted.

“We shouldn't have started so late with showing we care about him.” Applejack sighed in regret.

“So now what?” Rainbow asked.

“Right now we need to get to class, we'll figure something out later.” Twilight said, as they all reluctantly headed for their next classes.

Spike left the school, and started running back towards his apartment, thinking to himself, 'It's settled, I'm never going back there again.' he kept on running before he finally reached his apartment.

He went inside, dropping his bag to the floor. He walked over to a wall that had maps and graphs stuck to it. The maps were of the world beyond the walled city of Canterlot, where several other cities and towns stood, but were presumably overrun with Ferals, but in the farthest reach across the land was a location marked 'The Garden'.

Spike tapped the spot on the map, “Soon, I'll be there,” Spike then walked over to his closet, and opened it up.

Hanging up was a purple armored chest piece while hidden under a sheet below it was a pair of purple gauntlets, boots, and a helmet shaped like a dragon's head with a visor.

He smiled at the devices, “Yes, after a month of development and setbacks I'm ready to get out of this dump and find the Garden. Then I'll really belong.” he told himself.

Leaving the City

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Ever since Spike got back to his apartment, he began packing his backpack with essentials from food, water, tools, and research.

“I can't afford to leave anything important behind. I need all I can for my travels.” he told himself, as he finished packing.

Suddenly he heard steps coming from outside his room. He quickly hid the backpack, before the door to his room was magically opened. Stepping inside were a few unicorn guards that bore stern expressions on their faces.

Spike gave them a dry look, before speaking, “You guys ever hear of knocking?”

“Spike Clawson, her majesty Princess Celestia sent us to retrieve you.” one of them explained like an obedient soldier.

Spike knowing where this was headed answered him, “Tell her I'm busy. I'll take a rain check,” he was looked away only to see he was hovering off the ground, “Hey!” he shouted, as he saw one of the other guards was using his magic on him and levitated him over, as they grabbed him by the arms.

“This is not a request!” the guard replied, as they walked out with Spike struggling to break free.

Meanwhile across town at the town hall, inside an oval office sat one of the royal sisters Princess Celestia, while her sister Princess Luna was standing close to her. Both ladies were tall and voluptuous. Their beauty was so entrancing you'd think they were goddesses. Celestia who was the tallest had a white coat, and her mane and tail were long and a mix of light green, pink and blue and had a flow to them. She wore a yellow jacket with a purple shirt underneath and matching long pants with golden healed shoes and a sun broach on her jacket. Princess Luna was a bit shorter, and had a dark blue coat, and her mane and tail were long and wavy like her sisters, but colored dark blue with light and dark blue streaks. Her attire included dress shoes, dark blue pants, a purple shirt with a white collar that had a crescent moon symbol on it, and a white belt around the lower torso area.

The doors to the office opened, as the guards brought Spike in, as he struggled, “Let me go you assholes!” he shouted, before Celestia motioned them to let him go,

They dropped Spike to the floor, who looked up at them with a nasty look. Celestia spoke to the guards, “That'll be all,” and so the guards took their leave closing the doors behind them. She looked to Spike who got on his feet, “Spike Clawson, welcome.”

“Your guards are grade A dicks, Princess. And they're rude too.” Spike told her.

“I apologize for the inconvenience, Spike. Please take a seat.” Celestia insisted.

Spike walked to the single seat before the desk and sat down, “So we're ready for one of our weekly get togethers where you discuss my progress?” he asked in sarcasm.

“Spike, these meetings aren't limited to you alone.” Celestia replied.

“We make sure to check in on all the humans that survived that day.” Luna said.

“You mean those that're left,” Spike corrected her, “Majority of the humans that survived the outbreak either took their own lives from so much unjust treatment by the ponies out there. Or the ponies did them in because they think they're so much better than us, and everyone looks the other way!”

Celestia remained calm, and answered, “Those that murdered those human victims were apprehended and punished for their crimes.”

“Punishment won't bring back those they've done wrong.” Spike grumbled.

“Spike, the reason I called you here today was because of what went on at school and you taking off half way through the day.” Celestia said.

Spike frowned, “Neighsay, you're such a fink!”

“Spike,” Celestia calmed him, “Principal Neighsay only wants to make sure you don't do anything you'll regret.”

“Instead of worrying about me, he should worry about all those biased pricks in school who make my life a living hell there because I'm the only human around. And let's not forget the teachers, especially Flintheart lets any student get away with saying whatever they want about me or my kind, but when I try to defend myself I'm the bad guy!”

“Spike.” Luna tried to calm him, but Spike was far from finished.

“I just endured taking shit from one guy, and then have three guys confront me in the hall to use me as their personal punching bag! Honestly, I don't know why I’m still going there.”

“Because an education is important if you want to get anywhere in the world.” Celestia reminded him.

“How can I get anywhere in the world, if the world doesn't even want me?” Spike challenged them, “There's little to no places that're accepting humans for hire, and those that do treat them like they never should've been born. That's not the world I wanna live in anymore.”

“Spike, what're you trying to say?” Celestia asked in concern.

“I'm saying, I'm done. This whole city can burn to the ground for all I care, because it means nothing to me. We're done.” Spike got up and walked for the doors.

“Spike!” Celestia and Luna called, only for Spike to opened the door and storm out.

As he stormed down the hall, the guards who were outside were ready to apprehend him, only for Spike to speak up, “I can find my way out without you assholes.” he stormed past them, as they decided to do nothing.

When Spike passed another hall, he didn't realize Sunset Shimmer and Luster Dawn had watched him and looked concerned. Knowing where he was coming from headed down the hall he came from.

Back inside the office, Celestia and Luna sighed at Spike's behavior, “Sister, among the humans he has had it worst.” Luna noted.

Celestia nodded, “His parents being some of the unfortunate victims of the outbreak. He has no relatives and no one he can truly turn too. And it concerns me what he just said, Luna.”

Before Luna could reply the doors opened and Sunset and Luster stepped inside, “Mom. Aunt Luna.” the two greeted.

“Girls.” Celestia greeted.

“You just had a meeting with Spike?” Sunset asked.

“Yes, but he took off before we could conclude anything.” Luna sighed.

“Can you blame him?” Luster asked rhetorically.

“Mom, Spike puts up with so much at school and out there in general. It's a wonder he hasn't ended his own life like so many others did before him!” Sunset added.

“Girls, inside voices.” Celestia scolded them.

“Canterlot is supposed to be a haven to both Equestrians and humans, but our people aren't doing anything to make the humans feel safe here.” Sunset reminded her mother.

“And that is only making humans hate us even more forcing them to make these rallies and groups against us, which only make more anti-human groups. We're basically living in a civil war that'll lead to no winners in the end.” Luster added.

“Sweetie, I understand your concern but me and and your aunt Luna are doing everything we can to help the humans.”

Luster frowned and spoke, “Oh, really, then why is that our people still treat humans like garbage? Why is that many humans are still lower class citizens? Why are there still billboards saying we should rally against them? Why is it that me, Sunset, or any of our friends can't go two minutes without walking into any stores or cafes that has 'no human' signs in them? Why is that teachers at our school tell their students to hate their human classmates and that it's completely okay to bully them while punishing those who are trying to defend themselves? GOT ANY ANSWERS FOR THAT?!?!” she snapped.

Celestia and Luna looked at her speechless, and couldn't find the right words to answer her. Sunset shook her head at their silence, as Luster finished, “You two think you're trying to help the humans but in reality, you aren't doing shit.” she stormed out of the office.

Sunset gave the two a disappointed look of her own, “You brought the humans here to give them sanctity from the dangers outside the wall. But with how things are inside the wall, you still failed.” she left to follow her sister.

Both Celestia and Luna knew the two were right, no matter how much they try to help the humans with their poor living, it never was enough. Especially when more than half of the pony citizens refuse the humans anything because they have a right to refuse. It truly was a civil war inside their city, with the ponies appearing to be winning, and yet the two know in the end the ponies would be no different than the ferals out there in the world.

Spike after exiting town hall headed back to his apartment. When he arrived he saw it was just how he left it when the guards took him away by force. All except a gift on his table wrapped up. Spike curiously opened the gift to see it was a fresh home cooked mac and cheese dinner. Spike smiled before noticing a card next to it reading.

I heard you had another bad day, so I hope you'll enjoy this meal, like you have before.

Love, Harmony

“So another gift from my guardian angel apparently.” Spike told himself. For a long time now, he would always come home to find perfectly made home cooked meals, new clothes laid out for him, fresh fruit, new issues of his favorite comic books, even newer school supplies whenever any of the students would break his pencils or steal his pens, and even destroy his folders and notebooks containing whatever notes he took in class. He didn't know who this Harmony was, especially since there was no pony named Harmony in school.

“I suppose I can enjoy one last good meal before I take off.” Spike said, as he sat down and started to enjoy the meal.

As the sun went down, Spike had finished his meal and knew it was time. Spike dawned the equipment he was hiding in his closet from the purple gauntlets and boots, the chest piece that covered both front and back, and the mask. He slipped them on and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

He nodded to himself liking the end result of his project, “I'm ready,” he grabbed his backpack and slipped it on before looking around his apartment room, “So long hell hole. Hello freedom.” he opened his window and jumped out it. Suddenly from his boots activated rockets that kept him airborne.

He looked around at the city from up in the air. He smirked beneath his mask, and spoke, “I think I can have some fun before I take off.” and so Spike flew off into the night.

As Spike flew through the dark sky he found himself in the upper class section of the city, and happened upon the home of his first target.

“Surf's house,” Spike began, recalling one of the girls at school who always talked down at him with her stupid annoying voice. He peered around before spotting the girl get out of a very expensive car and headed into the house. Spike lowered himself down to get a closer look, “What a very beautiful and expensive car. Daddy must've shelled out a lot of money to pamper such a spoiled brat.”

Spike aimed his right hand down at the car, as energy started building up in the palm of it before it was unleashed as a concentrated blast that struck the engine of the car blowing it up, “So sad when that happens.” Spike said dramatically, before laughing and flew off. As he flew he could hear Surf screaming.

He then arrived at her friends place, “Turf. Honestly you'd think she and Surf were sisters,” he told himself, before noticing she also had a very expensive car, “Spoiled just like her.”

Like before Spike aimed his left gauntlet at the car that fired another blast of energy destroying it, “Oops, I did it again!” he laughed before taking off again, hearing the sound of the girl screaming, “That takes care of the bitch brigade. Now let's go to some others.” he said mischievously.

Spike flew around before arriving outside the home belonging to Professor Flintheart, “Flintheart, always picking on me and let any student in school talk whatever shit they want about me, while I get in trouble for defending myself. This is what you get for being such a dick to me letting everyone gang up on me.”

He looked seeing Flintheart had a huge tree close to his lawn. He blasted part of the bottom of the tree making it uneven. Because of this the tree began falling towards the house, “Timber!” he shouted, as the tree landed right on top of the house splitting it into two. Spike took off once again, and thought to himself, 'Now it's time to get real payback.'

Spike landed outside the home of his classmate Rumble who was out back doing evening exercises in his garage with rock music blasting. The human peeked in through the open window just above the table where the radio was. Rumble was so into rocking out and exercising, he didn't see or hear Spike as he reached in and unplugged the radio turning the music off.

As it suddenly went silent, Rumble looked back, but missed Spike who had left the window. Rumble walked over to the radio seeing the plug out, “Weird.” he said to himself. Before he could plug it back in he heard the sounds of footsteps coming from outside.

He stepped out and looked around, “Thunderlane, is that you?” he received no answer, and suddenly heard rustling from the bushes in the backyard. Rumble reached in and grabbed a baseball bat before stepping outside the garage cautiously, “Whoever's out there better show there damn face. Or I'll beat the shit out of you!”

Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder from behind. He looked around only to get slugged right in the gut by Spike. Rumble's eyes bulged from the impact causing him to drop the bat. Spike grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him onto the grass where he rolled.

“What the-” Rumble didn't have a chance to finish his sentence, as Spike flew at him punching him square in the face.

Spike looked back seeing Rumble's nose was bleeding, but wasn't satisfied yet. He grabbed Rumble and started slamming his back into the garage several times making him cry in pain. He gripped Rumble by the throat forcing him to look at his masked face, “What are you?” Rumble wheezed.

“Someone who deserves to be alive as much as you, human hating trash!” Spike answered, as he dragged Rumble to the alley and opened one of the garbage bins before throwing him face down into it before closing the lid. As Rumble screamed for help and struggled to get out, Spike took off because the jerk's family could hear him.

Spike left the neighborhood and flew off for the city where the scanner in his mask picked up three more targets for his revenge, “Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score. If they thought getting detention was bad, I'm gonna show them so much worse.”

Spike flew down before landing on the ground. He started stomping towards the trio of bullies who were loitering outside a gas station. When they saw Spike stomping over, Score spoke, “Whoa, check out this dude.”

“That's some hardware.” Dumb-Bell laughed.

As Spike got closer, Hoops got a look look at his structure and size, “Wait a minute. Is that Clawson?”

“Spike Clawson?” Score asked.

“No way.” Dumb-Bell replied.

“How'd that loser get anything like that?” Score asked Hoops.

“Let's find out,” Hoops said, as the approached the boy, “Clawson, what're you getting an early start on Nightmare Night?” he joked, as the trio laughed.

Spike said nothing as he got close enough to them, and was glaring in Hoops' direction, “What?” the bully asked. Suddenly from the mouth piece of Spike's mask came a burst of fire that singed Hoops making him back away, drop on the ground and rolled around to put it out.

Score and Dumb-Bell were shocked, but frowned, “Oh, that's it you're dead!” Score went to attack Spike, only for Spike to aim his right hand down at Score's right foot and fired a smaller blast almost hitting it. Score was lucky to avoid the shot, but that left himself open, as Spike flew forward with a spin kick to the head knocking him to the ground.

The human boy out for revenge stomped over to Score grabbed him and lifted him over his head and threw him into one of the gas dispensers making him cry in pain.

He turned to Dumb-Bell who tried to fight him. When the pegasus punched Spike in the stomach only to end up punching the armor plate he cried and pulled his hand back. Spike in retaliation punched Dumb-Bell's head from the right and then the left. When he threw another punch to the right, Dumb-Bell caught it.

“Ha-ha-ha.” Dumb-Bell mockingly laughed, but Spike just raised his foot up getting Dumb-Bell right where the sun don't shine. Dumb-Bell's eyes bulged and he wheezed before dropping to his knees while clutching his groin.

Not too far from the gas station, Sunset Shimmer, Luster Dawn, and the girls were out walking, “I can't believe you two stood up to your mom and aunt, the rulers of the city!” Rainbow laughed.

“We couldn't help it.” Sunset replied.

“Their lack of progress to help the humans just made us so pissed, and with watching what Spike went through today only made us feel worse about it.” Luster added.

“I wouldn't be surprised if Spike chose not to come in tomorrow.” Fluttershy said.

Their conversation was interrupted, as they heard the sounds of crying and screaming, “What's that?” Rarity asked in shock.

“I don't know, let's find out.” Twilight said, as they followed the sounds.

They came around a corner and saw Dumb-Bell on the ground clutching his groin, Score laying against a gas dispenser crying, and Hoops who was covered in third degree burns was being held by the tail by some armored figure who was spinning him around and around.

“What is that?” Applejack gasped.

“No idea.” Pinkie answered in equal shock.

The figure released Hoops, after spinning him around so much making him crash into a nearby lamppost.

“Ooh, that's gonna leave a mark.” Rainbow groaned.

“Shh, let's get closer.” Sunset said, as they got a little closer but hid behind a parked car. They watched as the figure spoke up to the three.

“You dicks ganged up on me and mercilessly beat the shit out of me. Well, now you know what it's like to get the shit beaten out of you!”.

“Spike?” the girls gasped recognizing his voice.

Spike then stomped on each of their wings hard enough to break the bones in them. This horrified the girls while the bullies screamed in agonizing pain.

“Aw, quit your whining, you'll live,” Spike replied, “Consider that a parting gift. Because now I've got better places to go.” he flew off.

“Did Spike really just...” Luster gasped.

“He did.” Rainbow confirmed still shocked.

“But where's he going now?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don't know, but we're going to find out.” Twilight said.

“What about them?” Applejack motioned to the bullies.

“They'll be fine, and they kinda deserved it.” Rainbow replied. So the girls followed Spike's trail.

Spike had flow in the direction of the main gate that led outside the city. He spotted from atop the gate were two pegasus guards on patrol. He flew closer while hiding in the side of a building close to the gate. He aimed his right fist at one of the guards as his scanner zoomed in and locked onto the target. Firing from his gauntlet was a tranquilizer dark that nailed him in the neck. The guard after plucking the dark out suddenly felt tired before collapsing into sleep. This alerted the other guard who found the state of his partner, but Spike like before launched a second dart at the other guard knocking him out.

The boy flew up to the top of the gate and dragged the two to the side before recollecting the darts. Spike looked upon the city one more time and can't help but have bad memories of it. Sure there were select Equestrians who were nice to him like Grand Pear, the Cakes, and maybe even Principle Neighsay to some extent. Also Luster and the other girls as well as they did help him earlier but to him, it was too little, too late. A few good Equestrians doesn't necessarily make up for the actions of the rest of their people. With his mind set, Spike was ready to leave but not before looking over the city one more time and says, "So long Canterlot, hope you burn to the ground one day."

Spike flew down to the ground on the other side of the gate and looked up seeing her was finally outside the city.

“I made it. I'm outside the city,” he said joyfully, before looking out into the distance and saw a road leading out into a barren wasteland, “Not that I was expecting anything, but that's where I need to follow.” he was prepared to fly off, only to hear the sounds of growling all around him.

“Oh, boy.” he said with a groan.

Stepping out into the open were ferals who were monstrous ravage animal beasts. They growled, as drool fell form their lower lips, and their eyes shined in the night.

“So these are the ferals,” Spike told himself, before speaking out loud to the beasts, “You guys used to be humans until the outbreak. Now you've all lost your humanity and have become ravage animals. I can only pity you because I was luckier than most.”

The ferals just growled in response, like they couldn't understand a word he was saying, “Don't take it personal, but this is survival. And I need to survive.” he powered up his gauntlets.

The ferals roared and charged at Spike who started blasting them with his energy blasts, while flying around, when they tried to jump at him. Spike landed on the ground to preserve power in his boots, and saw one feral charging right at him.

“Time to cook.” he activated the flame thrower in his mask and roasted the feral who screamed in pain before eventually dying.

More ferals arrived and started jumping at Spike who wasn't fast enough to blast them all. Just when one was about to attack from behind it was blasted to the side by another blast of energy. Spike in shock looked over and saw standing ready to fight were Luster, and the girls from school with Twilight's horn glowing.

“Sorry to drop in without an invitation.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Reckon you could use a hand.” Applejack added.

Spike just shook his head, before resuming blasting at the ferals, as the girls pitched in. Twilight, Sunset, and Luster were blasting at the ferals with the magic, while Rainbow was flying around them at super speed confusing them.

Pinkie Pie pulled out of her mane a huge cannon, “Party cannon time!” she pulled the cord that unleashed explosions of confetti that blinded the ferals. Fluttershy flew around dodging several ferals before glaring at one that actually started to back off.

“Fluttershy, behind you!” Rainbow called, as one feral tried to jump at Fluttershy from behind only to crash into a diamond shaped shield created by Rarity using her own magic.

“Diamonds are a girls best friend.” Rarity said.

“Not to every gal, Rarity.” Applejack replied, as she punched and kicked any feral that tried to attack her.

Spike reached into his bag and pulled out a grenade and threw it down, it suddenly released an ear splitting sound that was so high only the ferals could hear it. Because of this, the beasts whimpered and cried before taking off in defeat.

Spike powered his gauntlets down before lifting up his mask exposing his face. The girls gathered together to rest.

“Oh, man, we actually fought real ferals.” Rainbow said with excitement.

“They're even mangier up close.” Rarity noted.

Twilight looked over at Spike, “Spike, are you ok?”

Spike just looked away scowling, “I'm fine.”

“Lucky we got here when we did.” Pinkie said.

“I didn't ask for your help.” Spike replied still acting stand offish.

“And yet you needed it.” Rainbow replied.

“Rainbow, stop,” Sunset stopped her knowing that's going to make it worse, “Spike, what're you doing out here beyond the gate?”

“It's none of your business.”

“When someone beats up three of our classmates and break their wings, along with knocking out two of the royal guards it kinda does become our business.” Luster reminded him.

Spike decided to answer them, “I'm taking off.”

“Taking off?” Rarity gasped.

“You're going AWOL?” Applejack asked in shock.

“That's a serious crime in the city.” Twilight warned him.

“I could care less what's a crime here and what isn't,” Spike spat, “Besides, it's corrupted anyway.”

“Spike, I know today was terrible, but running away isn't the answer.” Fluttershy tried talking him out of it.

“It's not just about today, Fluttershy, it's about every miserable day of my life since I was kicked out of the orphanage.” Spike replied.

“Spike.” Sunset gasped.

“Ever since that day I've been living alone in a dump of a place. Just about every pony in this city treats me like a plague, and it's so hard to find other humans because they're all hiding in fear because of how the ponies treat them. And I'm done living here.”

“Well, what choice do you have there's no where else out there that could be as habitable as this.” Rainbow replied.

“That's where you're wrong.” Spike smirked.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow wondered.

“There is someplace out there. Someplace where I can be free to do what I want, be happy, not have to be judged because of what I am.”

“What're you talking about?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“I'm talking about... The Garden.”

The girls were surprised, as Pinkie spoke up with a tilt of her head, “What's the Garden?”

Twilight answered, “The Garden was rumored to be a place scientists began to study since the pandemic. A place where the virus never touched, where humans, Equestrians, and other species live together peacefully. But despite their research no one has truly ever seen it.”

“In other words, Spike. You're chasing a dream.” Rainbow said.

“No! It is real. I followed the research and did some of my own,” Spike argued, “It's out there somewhere and I'm gonna find it!”

“But what if it doesn't exist?” Fluttershy asked.

“I won't know unless I look.”

“You're really going out there on your own?” Applejack asked in concern.

“Why not? I've been alone my whole life. I have to find it on my own.” Spike replied, as he started walking away.

Suddenly Twilight teleported in front of Spike stopping him, “No you're not. Because we're coming along with you.”

“What?” Spike asked, as he looked and saw the girls smiling and nodded in agreement.

“A chance to see what's out there beyond the wall, count me in.” Rainbow said eagerly.

“And we were getting bored living here ourselves.” Sunset added.

“Road trip!” Pinkie cheered.

Spike just frowned, “I travel alone.”

“Spike?” Rarity asked.

“Why do you all wanna follow me? You have friends and family here who care about you. I got none of that!”

“It's never too late to have it, Spike.” Twilight replied.

“Yeah, we can be there for you.” Luster offered.

“I already told you girls, I don't want your pity!” Spike snapped, “You were never there for me before, so why start now?”

“Actually, we've always been there for you, Spike.” Fluttershy confessed.

“What?” he asked.

“We may have never shown it at school or in public, but all of us have been looking out for you.” Applejack explained.


“We're Harmony.” Luster answered.

Spike blinked, “Huh?”

“Harmony wasn't one person, Spike,” Twilight explained, “It was each of us. Those school supplies, that was me.”

“All those nicely made clothes was my doing.” Rarity confessed.

“The fresh fruit came from me and my Grandpa Pear.” Applejack added.

“Every birthday you received a cake that was from me and the Cakes.” Pinkie put in.

“And you wouldn't even be into Humdrum the Boy Wonder's comic if I hadn't gotten you started with those copies I left for you.” Rainbow said.

“Luster, Fluttershy, and I also took turns making you delicious meals from time to time.” Sunset confessed, as Luster and Fluttershy nodded.

“Today's mac and cheese was my making.” Fluttershy admitted.

“Don't you see Spike, we've always been there for you, even when it looked like we didn't,” Twilight explained, “I know it would've been better if we did more for you at school, but the pressures of it all scared us. I know it's no excuse, but you have to believe us, we care deeply about you. We... We love you.”

Spike who had been silent and still with all that the girls saying to him sinking into him. And when Twilight gave that final confession about her and the girls loving him, the pipes in his eyes broke and tears flowed through his eyes. He collapsed to his knees and cried, “Equestrians love me?” he sobbed.

“Spike!” Luster and the girls gasped, as they all gather around and hugged the crying boy comforting him.

“It's ok, sugarcube. It's ok.” Applejack calmed him.

Spike started calming down and looked at the girls surrounding them and giving him comforting smiles, “You girls really care about me?”

“We do.” Fluttershy confirmed.

“And you'd be willing to leave behind everything here to join me on a quest that could take a lifetime?”

“We would.” Sunset answered.

Spike got up and sighed, “I still don't feel right about letting you join me. Your families will miss you all.”

“Maybe, but this is an opportunity of a lifetime,” Twilight replied, “If the Garden does exist out there, we wanna be there with you to see it ourselves.”

“But you girls aren't even prepared for a journey like that. I spent years preparing for this day.”

“Based off this equipment you put together I can believe it,” Twilight inspected Spike's weapons, “I knew you were smart, but even this impresses me.”

“Well, thanks.”

“As for not being prepared, I always come prepared, even for my friends.” Twilight said, as she used her magic to poof each of the girls a backpack containing the essential stuff they would bring with on a trip.

“You girls are absolutely sure you want to do this again?” Spike asked them.

“We all made up our minds, Spike.” Applejack replied.

“And we're sticking to ya like glue.” Pinkie said, as she pressed into Spike.

Spike shook his head and sighed, “I can't believe I'm going to do this, but alright. You girls can come.”

“Yes!” they cheered.

“But you have to keep up with me. This isn't some vacation.”

“We understand.” Twilight answered.

“Well, then. We better get going. It's gonna be a long walk to the nearest city that hasn't crumbled.” Spike said.

“Then let's go.” Rainbow said, as Spike and the girls started heading down the road leading away from Canterlot.

Sunset and Luster looked back at the city knowing what they were doing, 'Goodbye, mom.' Sunset thought.

'One day you'll realize why we all had to do this.' Luster thought, as they continued down the road.

Beyond the Wall

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The next morning at the town hall, Celestia and Luna were in their office at the desk, as a unicorn guard was giving the two a follow up on what was going on last night. The unicorn guard had a white coat, and his mane and tail were colored cerulean, sapphire, and dark phthalo blue.

“Two cars blown up, belonging to mares Surf and Turf respectively,” he began, “The tree outside Flintheart's home just fell right over splitting his home in two, and the tree was in no means unstable at all.”

“Destruction like that and against those three particular ponies doesn't sound like simple vandalism or destruction of public property.” Luna suspected.

“And what of the ponies attacked last night?” Celestia inquired of the guard.

“One of them was Rumble, little brother to Thunderlane of the Wonderbolts division. Some armored figured snuck into his backyard and attacked him. His family found him in one of the garbage bins. And three more ponies identified as Hoops, Score, and Dumb Bell were found mercilessly beaten outside a gas station with the bones in their wings broken.”

“We thank you for this update, Shining Armor.” Celestia said.

“Of course. But that's just the damage report. There's also the recent missing ponies case,” Shining continued, “My little sister and her friends didn't come home last night. And I can tell not even Sunset and Luster came back?”

“They didn't.” Celestia said in sorrow.

“None of the other parents know where they went nor are they answering their phones. And more so, we found two of the guards stationed to patrol the wall were knocked out through some sleeping drug that was shot into them, we assume through tranquilizer. But we found no sign of the darts. Whoever did it knew to cover their tracks.”

The two sisters nodded, until another guard barged in, “News on the attack from last night, your highness’s!” he announced.

“Yes?” Celestia inquired.

“The three boys Hoops, Score, and Dumb Bell have woken up. They know the one who attacked them.”

“Who was it?” Luna asked.

“Spike Clawson.” the guard answered.

This news shocked the two princesses, but recalling the victims of the property destruction and the ponies who were attacked based off Sunset and Luster's stories they should've known Spike was connected to them. Especially with the threat he made yesterday about being done with Canterlot.”

“Are you absolutely sure of that?” Celestia inquired.

“That's who they said.” he confirmed.

“Why would Spike Clawson go out of his way to attack them?” Luna asked.

“They claim they don't know. He just showed up and started brutally attacking them.” the guard explained, as Shining Armor squinted. He would occasionally overhear his sister Twilight talk with her friends about how some of the students at her school, those three in general would target the only human student Spike Clawson out of their own sense of superiority.

“Is that all?” Celestia wondered.

“There is more. We have reason to believe it was Spike Clawson that knocked out the guards and left the city.”

“Oh, dear.” Celestia gasped.

Shining Armor started wondering something before gasping, “Oh, no. Princess, I think I know where your daughters and their friends went.”

“What?” Luna asked.

“I think they followed Spike over the wall.”

“Oh, no.” Celestia gasped in even more shock.

“Why would the Princesses own daughters follow one human over the wall?” the one guard asked in confusion.

Celestia sighed, “Because they couldn't stand living in this city no more than Spike could. How could I have let this happen?” she looked down in guilt.

Luna looked to the one guard, “Leave us.” the guard bowed before leaving and closed the door behind him.

“Princess?” Shining asked.

“It's my fault,” she said in guilt, “I thought I could help Spike and the other humans, but my daughters were right. I never did enough for them. And now Spike has gone AWOL from the city, and my daughters and their friends followed him because they also are ashamed of our lack of progress to help the humans. Why didn't I do more?!” she cried, as she slammed her fist onto the table making it shake.

“Sister, you are not to carry this blame alone,” Luna replied, “We're both in this together, and I haven't made any real progress either.”

Shining Armor spoke, “As captain of the guards it's my duty to keep the peace on the city's streets between the ponies and the humans. Sadly I'm always backed into a corner making me unable to help the humans as much as I want.”

The three looked ashamed of themselves knowing their lack of keeping the city safe for ponies and humans resulted in nine of their teenage citizens to run away beyond the wall.

“But where could they be going?” Luna wondered.

“There's nothing out there since the relocation in the city from years ago.” Shining Armor added.

“Spike sounded like he had a plan since our talk yesterday,” Celestia recalled, “He must believe there is something out there that could be habitable.”

“So what should we do?” Shining Armor asked.

Outside the room, the guard from before hadn't left, but had been listening in on their conversation, and still was, “Take a number of guards and see if you can find out where they are. They couldn't have gotten far from last night.” Celestia instructed.

“And what of Spike and the girls?” Shining asked.

“They are to be brought home unharmed. Especially Spike. Make sure the guards know that as well.”

“You have my word princess.”

The guard smirked, “No harm is to come to the human, huh? Well, we'll see if she'll keep that order if something were to happen and he happens to be the cause of it.” he snickered, as he left.

Back in the office, Celestia continued, “And you all must be very careful out there. Outside the Ferals, you never know what else could be out there beyond the walls.”

“I understand, Princess. I just hope Twily, and the others realize that as well.” Shining Armor said in worry.

Meanwhile far from Canterlot, Spike and the girls had been trekking through the wasteland of the world along the dusty road.

“Oh, there's sand in my everything.” Rarity panted.

“Spike, we've been walking all night, and all morning,” Applejack called to the boy leading them, “Don't you think it's best we stop somewhere to rest?”

“Remember what I said about keeping up, Applejack?” Spike replied.

“I do, but even you can't keep walking this long without feeling tired.” Applejack noted.

“A.J's right, Spike,” Twilight agreed, “If we don't rest soon none of us will be in any condition to keep going. Not even you.”

Spike sighed knowing they were right, and that exhaustion was starting to creep over him, “Ok, I get it. Fortunately, there's a city up ahead where we can stop for a breather.”

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked.

“All that remains of Chicoltgo.” Spike replied.

“I'd hate to imagine what's become of it after all this time.” Rarity said in worry.

“We'll find out soon enough.” Sunset replied, as they kept on walking.

Soon enough they arrived at the city of Chicoltgo. The whole city was a ghost town with debris lying all over the place, buildings and shops with broken windows and damaged roofs, and cars abandoned on the streets.

“What a dump.” Rainbow looked around.

“To think this city like so many others from long ago used to be teeming with life.” Luster gasped.

“Now it's just rotting away.” Pinkie said sadly.

“We should take the time to salvage some things around here just in case.” Spike suggested.

“Like how about a cool ride?” Rainbow suggested, while looking over the various abandoned cars.

“A ride?” Twilight asked.

“Well, duh? You think any of us can make it to the Garden by foot alone. And not all of us can fly.” Rainbow reminded them.

“She has a point.” Pinkie agreed.

“What do you think, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Well, It would be good to have some mode of transportation. Especially since I'm not traveling alone like I initially planned.” he replied to her.

“Are you still bitter about that?” Sunset asked in disbelief.

“I thought you were ok with it.” Applejack said.

“I am. I just didn't realize there could be true complications if I was unable to repair my rocket boots and how far I could get on foot. I guess I didn't think of every possibility as I thought.” he sighed.

“Everyone makes an oversight, Spike, even I've made them in several of my own studies.” Twilight confessed.

“First thing we should do is go someplace to rest. Preferably a place where we know we can be safe.” Rarity noted.

Spike looked up and saw a hotel tower, “Bingo.” he smirked.

They walked into the lobby of the hotel to see much like the outside, the inside was trashed as well with debris laying all around and baggage carts lying on their sides.

Sunset walked to the elevator, “Hope it still works,” she clicked the up button but nothing happened, “So much for that.” she sighed.

“Hold on,” Spike went to the fuse box and opened it. After turning everything on, he spoke, “Try it now.”

Sunset pressed the elevator button to see it activated, “It works!”

“Let's go all the way up to the penthouse level.” Rainbow suggested, as they piled into the elevator that closed and took them all the way up.

When they reached the top floor, they piled out and walked down the empty hall passing by several housekeeping carts. They stopped before one room, but noticed it was flung wide open.

“At least we don't need a key.” Luster said, as they poked their heads inside seeing the villa looked trashed, but it still looked hospitable enough to rest in.

“I don't think anything's here.” Fluttershy said.

“Good, we don't need any Ferals up here.” Spike said.

“Ok, let's all get a bit of shut eye, and when we wake up we'll get to salvaging.” Twilight instructed.

The girls started picking out several of the rooms to take a bed for themselves, while Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, and Sunset stayed behind to sleep on the large sofas. As Spike went to find some place to lay down and rest, he found his hand taken by Rarity who whispered, “Come with me.”

So Spike followed Rarity into one of the rooms, where she had just used her magic to remove anything covering the bed so they could lay down.

“Rarity, why're you letting me share this bed with you?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Because you've never truly slept on a real comfy bed, Spike. I can imagine the beds at the orphanage were no different than what you had to sleep on in that apartment of yours.”

“Yeah, there wasn't a real difference.” Spike admitted.

“Well, come on. Lay down and rest.” Rarity said, as she laid atop the bed on her side, while rubbing the side next to her.

Spike got on the bed and laid down on his back right next to Rarity, “Whoa.” he said in surprise.


“I feel so comfy. I don't think I can get up.”

Rarity giggled, “Don't worry about getting up right now. Just relax and sleep.” she said soothingly.

Spike finally let sleep take hold, as he shut his eyes. Rarity herself followed, as she fell asleep right next to the boy.

Hours later, Spike's eyes started to open as he let out a yawn, “Wow. That the best sleep I ever had.” he tried to sit up only to realize something was weighing him down. He looked to see Rarity sleeping on top of him, as she nuzzled her head into his chest looking all comfortable.

Spike looked down and blushing while thinking, 'I have a girl pony cuddling me in a bed. This is real!' he mentally cheered.

As Rarity kept snuggling up to Spike, he couldn't help but put his arms around her, 'She feels so soft.' he thought to himself, 'And, oh, wow. Is she really pressing her rack against me?' he blushed harder, as he could feel Rarity's breasts through her shirt rubbing against him.

Suddenly the unicorn girl woke up and yawned, “Mm, now that's some good beauty sleep,” she looked over at Spike, “Oh, Spike. Good morning, did you sleep well?”

“Uh, good morning. And yeah I slept like the dead.”

“Well, you've earned it as much as we did.” Rarity smiled.

“Thanks.” Spike smiled, as they gazed at each other, until he continued, “We should probably get up.”

“Right.” Rarity agreed sheepishly, as they sat up and left the room.

They entered the main room to see everyone else had woken up as well, “Alright, girls, everyone rested up?” Spike inquired.

“I'm fit as a fiddle.” Applejack answered, as she stretched her arms up, before putting her hat back on.

“We're all good.” Luster agreed.

“Good. Let's head out to closest convenience stores and scrounge up anything edible.” Spike instructed.

“Yessir!” Pinkie saluted.

So they left the hotel and explored around the empty city, “Imagine an entire city devoid of life.” Twilight said in surprise.

“Kinda depressing.” Pinkie said, as she looked around.

“What do you supposed happened to everyone who used to live here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Like you have to ask?” Spike asked rhetorically, “Whatever humans probably lived here turned Feral and wiped out anyone else human and pony alike.”

“Spike, I didn't mean to-” Fluttershy tried to apologize.

“It's fine, Fluttershy, forget about it.” Spike said, as he just walked ahead.

“Oh, now I've made him mad.” Fluttershy said in guilt.

“Don't take it so hard, Fluttershy.” Sunset calmed her.

“Remember we're all here to help Spike, and show him there are those that still care.” Rainbow added.

Fluttershy sniffled, before smiling, “Yes, you're right.”

They stopped outside one of the abandoned convenience stores, before going inside, “Remember to grab anything that won't perish.” Spike ordered, as they started collecting what they could. Spike bagged whatever he could and went outside. He took a seat on a bench and scoped around the area seeing nothing's changed.

He looked and imagined how much better this city used to be before the pandemic. People and even ponies were going about their daily lives without a care in the world regardless of whatever hostilities they had for the other. His fantasy soon faded back to the ruins the city was now. Spike suddenly saw Fluttershy take a seat next to him.

“I know the outside world beyond the wall isn't what you expected.” she began.

“I knew there'd be places like this,” Spike confessed, “Not every city was lucky to be protected.”

“And yet you never felt protected even when you were rescued.” Fluttershy said.

“All my life was a constant struggle,” Spike looked down, “At the orphanage several of the pony kids there shunned me because I was human and could be feral. And any of the surviving human kids like me were too afraid to stand up for me or themselves. I was alone there, and I was alone when they kicked me out.”

Spike was suddenly pulled closer to Fluttershy who held his head close to her bosom, “That's all in the past, Spike. Because you're not alone anymore. You have me and the rest of the girls now. And no matter what we're all going to stick together. Including you.”

Spike started to smiled, as he rested comfortably on Fluttershy's bust. Until they heard the store's door open, and they pulled away from each other.

“Yo, Spike, we got what we need.” Rainbow said, as they saw Spike and Fluttershy on the bench blushing nervously.

“Are you two ok?” Applejack asked.

“We're ok!” Fluttershy and Spike answered a little too loudly.

“Ok.” Sunset replied sensing the awkwardness.

“So, now that we got enough food and drink, we'll need some way to store it.” Spike said.

“Already take care of.” Twilight replied, as she pulled out a simple knapsack.

“That doesn't look big enough, Twilight.” Spike noted.

“Looks can be deceiving, Spike.” Twilight smirked, as she took a bag of food and put it inside the back, and then to Spike's surprise started putting the other bags inside.

“Well, that makes it easier.” Spike admitted.

“Well we got our rations covered, now we just need to find us some wheels to travel by.” Applejack said.

“Shouldn't be too hard, since we got us a whole lot to pick from.” Rainbow motioned to the various abandoned vehicles.

“We should at least pick one that can support all of us, Rainbow.” Twilight reminded her.

“And one with style as well.” Rarity put in.

“And none of the ones around here fit the bill.” Pinkie looked over the various abandoned vehicles inside and out.

“We could always raid a car place.” Rainbow suggested.

Spike looked and saw a dump in the distance, but saw something else as well. He dawned his mask, and the lenses zoomed in giving him a better view. He smiled, and spoke, “Girls, I think I found our ride.”

“Where, Spike?” Luster asked.

“Follow me.” Spike activated his rocket boots and flew off.

“Spike, hold up!” Twilight called, as she Rainbow, and Fluttershy flew after him while holding onto the rest of the girls.

They saw Spike land outside a spot, and they landed as well. Rarity looked up and saw where they landed and looked repulsed, “A junkyard? Blech!”

“Are you serious?” Sunset asked the boy.

“Trust me, there's something here we can use.” he entered the place and started looking around.

The girls followed Spike while trying not to step on anything sharp or dangerous. Spike stopped and saw what he spotted on a mountain of compressed junk, “That!”

The girls looked and saw Spike was eyeing an old broken down Winnebago, “That's it?” Rainbow asked sounding unimpressed.

“We wouldn't even get an inch in that thing.” Luster said.

“Even if it does look big enough, how can that thing move?” Fluttershy asked.

“Now hold on, girls,” Applejack stopped them, “Sure it may not look like much, but if we all put our minds to it I'm sure we can make this jalopy into a vehicle fit for the road.”

“Applejack may be onto something,” Twilight agreed, “Plus with the right fine tuning it can also make for the perfect combat vehicle.”

“Well, I do love a challenge.” Rainbow admitted.

“And I suppose I could make it more presentable.” Rarity agreed.

“So, you girls all in?” Spike asked, and they gave him nods of confirmation, “Perfect.”

Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, and Luster used their magic to levitate the vehicle off the piles of compressed garbage and put it safely on the ground.

“I'll draw up some plans, while the rest of you get any equipment you can find.” Twilight instructed, until Fluttershy froze.

“Fluttershy, what's wrong, darling?” Rarity asked in concern, as they all looked at her.

Fluttershy spoke up, “Everyone, something's here.”

Everyone was cautious, until they saw something leap out from a junk pile which was a feral beast that looked tiger-like, with bat shaped ears, and sharp claws. The group jumped away as the creature landed on the ground growling.

“A feral!” Spike gasped.

“Not just a feral, Spike,” Twilight replied, “It's a wraithslicer!”

“What?” the girls asked.

The wraithslicer charged in their direction, only for Spike to blast it with one of his energy blasts. The feral was knocked back and rolled onto its side, but got back up.

“Get to higher ground!” Twilight ordered, as Spike helped her, Rainbow, and Fluttershy lift the others on top of another mountain of compressed garbage.

“Twilight, what's going on?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, that Feral looks so different from the ones we fought outside the wall.” Pinkie recalled.

“Those were just savage types. This one's a wraithslicer.”

“What's the difference?” Applejack asked.

“Wraithslicer's may have poor eyesight, but they possess incredible hearing.”

“And how do you know?” Rainbow wondered.

“I've been studying up on various scientists research and learned there is more than one type of Feral. After all not every human mutated into the same form.” Twilight reminded them.

“If we're gonna get past it we need to be quiet.” Sunset said, as all eyes fell on Pinkie.

“What?” she asked in confusion.

As the wraithslicer was circling around the junkyard, the girls and Spike got down to ground level making sure to be absolutely silent. They tip toed back the feral that being blind and not hearing the group was looking around trying to listen for anything.

The group continued to creep further away, until a breeze blew some dust close to Rarity that tickled her nose.

“Achoo!” she sneezed making everyone's eyes widen, as the wraithslicer looked in their direction, and could feel their presence.

It roared as it charged in their direction, before Rainbow spotted a glass bottle, grabbed it, and threw it at another broken down car's door shattering it. The feral stopped having heard the new sound and ran in the direction only to crash its head against the door.

“Oh, man, he ran right into that one!” Rainbow laughed.

“Yeah, but now you made it angrier!” Sunset warned her.

They saw the wraithslayer looking back in the girls direction, until Twilight got inspired by Rainbow's recent action, “Everyone spread out, and make as much noise as you can.”

“Why?” Rarity asked.

“It can't tell where to go if it hears stuff all around.”

Seeing what she meant, everyone grabbed garbage and started banging things together to make noise. As the feral was hearing constant noise from all around it didn't know which direction to go in and kept turning and turning while growling in frustration.

“We can't keep doing this forever!” Luster warned them.

Spike looked around, until he saw the trash compactor. Getting an idea, he spoke to Twilight, “You and the girls keep stalling. And when I say now, stop making noise.”

“Ok.” Twilight said trusting Spike.

Spike flew above the feral landing close to the trash compactor, he went to the controls and turned it on. As it started up, Spike stood before the conveyor belt, before calling out, “Now!”

The girls stopped making noise, only for Spike to start banging on a pan. The wraithslicer hearing the new sound started following it with a roar. The ponies watched, as the feral was coming right before Spike who wasn't budging. They wanted to cry out to him, but Spike motioned them to remain silent.

As the feral was right on top of Spike, the boy flew up as the wraithslicer landed on the conveyor belt and pulled right into the machine. The girls looks away as they heard the crunching and slicing of the feral's body as it went through the compactor. Then out from the end was a compressed cube of the feral's mutilated body.

“Ok, that was the grossest thing I ever saw!” Rarity said looking a little green.

“But he did it!” Rainbow cheered, as Spike went over.

“Spike, you did it!” Pinkie cheered.

“Well, you guys managed to distract it long enough. So it was a team effort.” Spike replied humbly.

“Luckily, Twilight knew this feral had incredible hearing.” Sunset reminded everyone.

“And we were able to use that against it.” Applejack added.

“I just can't believe there's more than one type of feral.” Fluttershy said in surprise.

“Well, there are,” Twilight confirmed, “Some are land based, some are sea based, there are even ones that fly.”

“If there are ones that can fly, how come none of them would get into the city above the walls?” Rainbow asked.

“Because they always have a constant magical barrier placed surrounding the top of the city whenever there's reports of flying ferals in the area.” Twilight explained.

“This is amazing.” Spike gasped, “Twilight with your research on the ferals, and my research on the location of the Garden we really could make it there.”

“Now are you glad we decided to come along?” Twilight asked cheekily.

Spike looked sheepish, and decided not to answer, “So now that we got rid of him, what do you all say we get to work in making this hunk of junk road worthy?”

“Yeah!” the girls agreed.

So as both Twilight and Spike got to work in drawing up blueprints, the rest of the girls began salvaging for car parts and such from the junkyard or taking them off the abandoned cars in the city.

Sunset and Spike were attaching fresh new wheels and tires to the vehicle, before Twilight and Luster used their magic to raise the vehicle up allowing Applejack and Rainbow Dash to work on the bottom of it. As Rainbow was trying to tighten it she ended up getting a shot of oil in the face making the girls laugh, while she gave them a dry look.

The girls opened the hood and removed the old worn out engine, before taking the engine from another vehicle in the city and transplanted it into the Winnebago. Once the exterior was fixed up and parts replaced, Fluttershy and Rarity were fixing up the interior making sure it was clean and the sofa and seat cushions were cleaned , as well as the kitchenette and everything else.

Once that was done, they got to work in cleaning off all the grime, rust, and dirt off the vehicle's exterior. As Spike and Luster were working on one side of the vehicle with soapy sponges, Luster looked over at Spike and smirked. She playfully blew some suds onto Spike who looked at her making her laugh. Spike smirked, before covering her with suds as well. Soon the two were covered in suds and both laughed at each other silly.

When Winnebago was all fixed up, they brought out some paints they took from one of the city's hardware store and started to give it a makeover.

After hours of hard work and fun, Spike and the girls stood before the Winnebago that looked like it was fresh off the market. It's new paint job was silver, and decorated with hot rod flames with images, of stars, apples, diamonds, balloons, butterflies, rainbow colored lightning bolts, and two sun images within the flames, and the hood ornament was of a dragon.

“We did it!” Fluttershy cheered, “I can't believe we did it!”

“All in a days work.” Rainbow replied.

“Now this was team effort.” Sunset added.

“Check out the inside.” Luster said, as they went inside the vehicle to see everything was spruced up. The seats and table were all clean, the kitchenette was in good condition, even the bathroom was usable.

“We'll be going to the Garden in style.” Rarity said confidently.

“And the fridge works, which means we can store our foods there.” Twilight added.

“And we got TV and radio,” Spike said, “At least we can keep track of what's going on.” Spike put in.

“And with the weapons you and Twilight installed we'll be prepared for any feral out there.” Pinkie finished.

“Or other things.” Twilight said.

“So now that we got our ride, how about we get back on the road?” Rainbow suggested.

“Rainbow, we're exhausted from all that working.” Luster yawned.

“And it'll be dark soon.” Twilight put in.

“One more night here could do us some good.” Rarity added.

“We'll get back on the road first thing in the morning.” Applejack said.

“Well, good point.” Rainbow admitted.

“Come on, let's get back to the hotel.” Applejack said, as she got in the driver seat and started it up.

To everyone's joy, the Winnebago started and, Applejack drove it out of the dump and through the city.

“Careful, don't hit anything.” Rarity warned Applejack.

“I got it.” she replied, while maneuvering through the abandoned cars.

When they reached the hotel, Applejack pared it right out front and they got out, “You sure no one will end up stealing it, or what if another feral trashes it?” Rainbow asked.

“Not to worry, Spike and I installed the perfect protection.” Twilight clicked on a remote which caused a magical barrier to surround their new ride.

“Nothing can get through that barrier. The car will be fine for the night.” Spike said.

“Speaking of, sun's going down now.” Applejack noticed the sun setting.

“Let's get back to the room.” Rarity suggested, as they went inside.

That night, as the girls were back in the room, Spike got up and walked quietly so not to disturb any of them. After leaving the room he headed up to the roof of the hotel making sure to wedge the door open. He looked out into the abandoned city and sighed.

“I really hope the Garden is better than this, as they say.” he told himself.

“We're sure it will be all that and more.” came Twilight's voice.

Spike looked back and saw Twilight, Sunset, and Luster standing close to the doorway, “Couldn't sleep?” Sunset asked.

“Tried to. You?” he asked.

“Same.” Luster answered.

“I just can't get enough of what to expect out here,” Spike began, “Aside from ferals, who knows what other lost cities and towns are out there that everyone in Canterlot forgot about or couldn't help.”

“We know,” Sunset agreed, “Even though mom and Aunt Luna have tried helping everyone as much as they could, it still never felt enough for the humans.”

“Don't have to tell me about it.” Spike replied.

“I am concerned about my family, though,” Twilight admitted, “Who knows what they're thinking of right now.”

“Like our mom and aunt, they're probably worried about you. In fact the rest of our friends parents are worried about them.” Luster said.

“Well, you all knew that would happen when you followed me over the wall.” Spike reminded them.

“We know.” Sunset confirmed.

“I still can't understand why'd you all do that anyway. Why go all this way for me?” the boy wondered.

“Like you, Spike, we're tired of living in Canterlot.” Sunset answered.

“Every day it's the same,” Luster explained, “Ponies and humans in a never ending civil war with ponies having more rule and freedom than the humans. Watching humans every day get mistreated for one reason or another. We got tired living in a corrupt system.”

“And personally there's not much left in the city for me,or for any of us,” Twilight added, “But a chance to see beyond the walls. To see what else is out there that has been forgotten by time. That is the opportunity of a lifetime. Especially if it involves the Garden.”

“We know you have a bigger reason to look for it, Spike. And we wanna help you see it through.” Sunset said.

Spike smiled, “Thanks, girls. Honestly after today I'm really glad I chose not to go it solo after all.”

The three girls approach Spike and hugged him, “No matter what happens, we'll all see it through together.” Twilight told him.

“That's a promise.” Luster finished.

“Right. A promise.” Spike agreed, as they hugged before heading back to the hotel room to get some much needed sleep.

Camp out

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As the sun rose and shined over the deserted city of Chicoltgo, inside the hotel where Spike and the pony girls were staying at, Spike himself was slowly waking up as the light shined through the window in his face.

Soon his eyes opened, and he yawned, “Oh, that was probably the best sleep I had in forever,” he tried to get up, but found himself being weighed down. He looked and saw sleeping close to him were Twilight, Sunset, and Luster. The three girls were draped over Spike with their bodies weighing him down on the bed.

Spike looked at the two unicorns and one alicorn sleeping peacefully while snuggling up close to him. The human boy couldn't help but smile seeing how adorable they looked sleeping this way. But he knew they couldn't stay like this forever and had to get on the road.

“Girls,” he spoke to them, “Hey, girls. It's time to get up.”

The three girls stirred before yawning and opened their eyes, “Morning already?” Luster asked, while rubbing her eyes.

“I was out like a log.” Sunset yawned.

“Me too,” Twilight agreed, before looking at Spike, “Good morning, Spike.”

“Morning, girls.” he replied.

“Sleep well?” Sunset asked hopefully.

“Best sleep ever.”

“Well, we're glad to hear it.” Luster smiled.

“Come on, we better get up and get ready if we're gonna be heading out.” Sunset said, as they all got off the bed.

They left the one bedroom and entered the main room to see Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy were sitting at the table, while Pinkie was busy making stacks of pancakes.

“Well, look who decided to join us.” Rainbow teased them.

“Morning, ya'll.” Applejack greeted.

“Morning, girls.” Twilight greeted.

“Come and get it!” Pinkie called, as, the four joined them.

“Mm, looks delicious.” Spike said, as he gazed at the flapjacks stacked before him covered in syrup and butter.

“Come on, eat up.” Pinkie beckoned him.

So Spike took a bite of a flapjack and smiled, “Mm, yes. That's so good.”

“Once we finish up, we should get back on the road.” Twilight suggested.

“And now that we got a ride we don't have to worry about walking.” Rarity said.

“Yes, but we'll need to make sure our ride stays in good condition.” Spike reminded her.

“We can do that.” Rainbow assured him.

“When we work together there ain't nothing we can't do.” Applejack said, before taking a bite of her pancake.

“Uh-huh.” Fluttershy agreed.

And so they continued to eat up, until they finished. They left the hotel to see their vehicle they put together yesterday was still parked and appeared in one piece.

“At least the shield defense kept it protected.” Twilight said, as she deactivated the defense system.

“You know this baby really needs a name.” Rainbow suggested.

“Really? What do you have in mind?” Spike asked.

“I was thinking, the Rainboom!” Rainbow declared.

The girls and Spike began to ponder on Rainbow's suggested name, before Sunset spoke up, “You know, I think it works.”

“So do I.” Rarity agreed.

“It's perfect!” Pinkie cheered.

“Rainboom it is.” Spike declared.

“Oh, yeah!” Rainbow cheered.

They opened the door and piled inside. Applejack took the drivers seat, while Rainbow took the passenger's seat. Everyone else took sets on the cot, as Applejack started the engine.

“Ok, here we go.” Applejack called, as she began driving the Rainboom.

Applejack drove through the deserted streets, as Twilight and Sunset leaned out the windows on both sides using their magic to move several abandoned cars to the sides giving them space to drive. They drove before exiting the city and were once again off on the road.

As Applejack drove down the road she was relieved there weren't as many abandoned cars like there was back in the city.

“How're we looking, Twilight?” Applejack called, as Twilight was looking over a computer screen set up.

Twilight was looking over the area around them seeing it was clean, “No ferals around here.”

“Good. After that wraithslicer, I really need to modify my armor and weapons.” Spike said, as he was tinkering with his energy gauntlets.

“And at least we can appreciate the quietness of the countryside.” Fluttershy said, as she was looking out one window enjoying the country.

“It'll be awhile before we reach the nearest town.” Applejack noted.

“So we should make sure to stop somewhere for the night.” Sunset added.

“Or to at least take a breather.” Luster put in.

Spike nodded, as he observed the girls and thought to himself, 'This really is better than traveling alone.' he finished making the adjustments to his gauntlets before kicking back and enjoyed the ride.

As Applejack drove past a forest preserve area, she noticed a turn into said preserve, “Here, ya'll. Let's stop for a break here.” she turned into the preserve and drove down the road. She soon stopped the Rainboom at a campsite area close to a swimming hole.

“This spot will do fine.” Twilight said.

“Ok, everyone, take a break.” Applejack said, as she turned off the engine.

Everyone piled out of the Rainboom to stretch and take in some fresh air, “Nice to be out of there and stretch.” Twilight stretched her arms.

“And it looks so peaceful here.” Fluttershy admitted.

“Even with the world pretty much wiped out, it's nice there are some places the outbreak didn't ruin.” Spike said, as he sat by a bench.

“We can make camp here for tonight.” Sunset said.

“Good idea. We can be back on the road by morning.” Twilight said.

“Before that, why don't we get washed up in there.” Pinkie motioned to the swimming hole.

“Well, it's not exactly my ideal type of bathing, beggars can't be choosers.” Rarity admitted, while looking at the water.

So come on, let's get to it!” Pinkie began stripping down.

Spike blushed, until Twilight stopped her, “Pinkie, what're you doing?!”

“Well, I can't bathe in my clothes, Twilight. Duh!”

“But we have a boy with us.” Twilight motioned to Spike who was still surprised that Pinkie had started to strip in front of him.

“So what?” Pinkie asked rhetorically, “It's not like we're saving ourselves for someone else. Besides if we're going to be traveling together for who knows how long we shouldn't have anything to hide.”

“Pinkie has a point, Twi,” Applejack agreed, “I mean so what if we bathe together with Spike? Ain't nobody tellin' us what we can and can't do now.”

“What she said,” Rainbow put in, “Besides, this could be the perfect bonding experiment for all of us.”

The other girls and Spike blushed at the concept, until Sunset spoke up, “They got a point girls. Besides, no point in worrying about modesty anymore.”

Twilight, Luster, Fluttershy, and Rarity slowly started to see eye to eye with the girls on the matter, as Rarity spoke up, “Well, if we must. Will you be ok with it, Spike?”

Spike snapped out of his stupor for a moment and answered, “Well, if you all don't mind. I guess I don't mind either.”

“Then it's settled.” Pinkie began throwing off her clothes until she was bare.

Spike watched as the other girls undressed themselves. He could tell they still felt embarrassed about it, but they were willing to do it for him. Soon the girls were all completely naked. Spike looked at the group face red as a tomato, and an erection coming up. Upon realizing that he tried to keep himself under control, but that was easier said than done.

“Well, come on, Spike. You're turn.” Rainbow said with a smirk.

“Uh, right.” Spike said, as he began stripping down as well.

Soon all of Spike's clothes were off, and the teenage human boy stood before the pony girls in his birthday suit.

'I've had nightmares about this happening to me at school. What normally followed is the student body tying me up to a post, and they pelt me with spoiled produce.' Spike thought in worry.

“Well, guys, check out this good looking guy.” Rainbow whistled.

“Huh?” Spike snapped out of his thoughts, as he looked at the girls who were staring at him each blushing while some like Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy looking at him hungrily.

“My goodness, Spike. I never knew you had such a good build.” Rarity looked up him and down.

“Especially below the belt.” Applejack chuckled, as Spike wanted to cover his crotch, but knew it didn't matter at this point.

“Well, come on. First one in!” Pinkie cheered, as she cannonballed into the water with a splash.

“Hey, wait up!” Rainbow dove in after her, while Spike and the other girls slid into the water.

“Ooh, this is refreshing.” Rarity said, as she relaxed.

“You said it.” Applejack agreed, as she relaxed.

“An all natural bath feels amazing.” Fluttershy said, as she lathered the water on her wings.

Spike who had relaxing with his back against the stones sighed in relief, “Finally. I've never had a decent bath or shower ever. So this is the perfect change up.”

“I still can't imagine what it must've been like living in such bad housing in a bad place.” Twilight said in sympathy.

“It was hell,” Spike answered, “Just about every night I was afraid some Equestrian was gonna break into my place and kill me.”

“What a horrifying thought.” Rarity gasped.

“Luckily it never happened, but from where I lived it was always a possibility.”

“Well, you're not living there anymore.” Sunset reminded him.

“Yeah. And so far this has proven to be better,” Spike admitted, “Especially since I finally have someone, or some others to be there with me.” he looked at each of the pony girls smiling.

The girls smiled at Spike, and they decided to swim closer to him, “We're glad you feel that way, Spike.” Luster admitted.

“Even though you didn't want us around at first.” Fluttershy recalled.

“But you had every reason to feel that way.” Twilight said.

“I know,” Spike replied, “But now that I know the truth I just can't stay mad at any of you. All my life I never thought I'd ever have friends or anything. It still feels new to me, but I wanna be able to experience this feeling of being wanted.”

Rarity swam up beside Spike, putting an arm around here, “And we want to continue make you feel part of our friendship circle, Spike.”

Applejack swam up to Spike's other side and spoke, “Got that right. We made the mistake of not helping you sooner, and we ain't making that mistake again.”

Luster swam up to Spike between his legs, “I may have been the only pony in class to ever talk to you, but I knew it wasn't enough. Now I am here for you.”

“As am I.” Twilight agreed.

“Me too.” Fluttershy smiled.

“And me.” Pinkie chirped.

“We all are.” Rainbow said, as they all surrounded Spike who started getting a boner from having the pony girls who were naked surrounding him.

Spike regardless of his libido rising, smiled happily, “Thank you all.”

“No problem.” Rainbow replied.

Luster then lean forward, “And here. This is a promise that we'll always be here for you.” she pressed her lips to Spike's and they kissed.

'Wow, my first kiss. And it's with such a cute pony girl.' he thought.

When they parted, Luster smiled, and spoke to the boy, “How was it?”

“That was amazing.” Spike answered.

“Well, good. Because I'm next.” Rainbow said, as she turned Spike to face her and kissed him on the lips.

Spike was taken aback by Rainbow's kiss, and hadn't had much time to process it, as Pinkie slid over and kissed him as well. After her, Applejack scooted closer to Spike giving him a kiss of her own. When they parted, Applejack couldn't help but chuckle at Spike's flabbergasted reaction. Rarity moved even closer to Spike allowing him to feel her hip against his, and kissed him too. After Rarity, Sunset leaned forward and kissed Spike, followed by Fluttershy who despite feeling embarrassed about it went through with it for Spike. Finally Twilight swam up to Spike, as they gazed into each others eyes.

“We love you, Spike. Nothing will ever change that.” Twilight promised him, as they kissed.

When they parted, Spike looked at around at the eight pony girls smiling sweetly at him. Despite still feeling hard from having their bare voluptuous racks on full display for him, he was just too happy.

“Thank you, girls. I love you all too.” he received a group hug from all around. Spike enjoyed being the center of the group hug, while also enjoying the feeling of their boobs pressing into his body from all around.

After getting washed up, the girls and Spike stepped out of the water and onto the ground, “The towels I took the from the hotel are right over by my bag.” Rarity said. Among other things the group grabbed before leaving Chicoltgo were their own personal baggage and newer clothes they looted from the abandoned mall.

“I'll get them,” Spike went to their bags that were close by a log. As he leaned down to take the towels out of Rarity's bag, he stopped and saw a skunk was sniffing and licking at the log close to their bags. Spike smiled nervously at the skunk and spoke, “Hello.” luckily the skunk kept on checking out the log.

“No sudden moves,” Rainbow warned him, “You scare that skunk, he sprays us, none of us will wanna be around each other.”

“Excuse me for a moment, I'm just gonna be right over here,” Spike told the skunk as he slowly backed away, “Feel free to use our deodorant.” he backed up to the girls who were all nervous about the possibility of getting sprayed if the skunk got startled.

“Girls, what do we do?” Luster asked.

“I know,” Pinkie gasped, “I'll speak skunk.”

“Speak skunk?” Rarity asked in confusion.

Pinkie nodded, and laughed like a French man, before speaking in a French accent, “Bonjour, mon ami. It is moi, Pepe Le Pew. Look over there in the forest. A beautiful lady skunk. Run to her you stinky stud! Run to her!” she laughed like a French person.

The skunk of course wasn't affected by it, as Twilight spoke to Pinkie, “Maybe leave this to the real animal expert?” she asked rhetorically, as all eyes fell on Fluttershy.

“Give me a moment.” she said, as she gently approached the skunk.

Spike watched in worry, but saw she was communicating with the forest critter, before it turned tail and started crawling away much to everyone's relief.

“That was a close one.” Applejack said while looking relieved.

“What was that all about?” Sunset asked.

“He was just looking for something to feed his family,” Fluttershy explained, “I told him there was a bush of berries not far from here.”

“Well, at least we won't be smelly again after our bath.” Rarity said.

“That's for sure.” Rainbow said.

So the group grabbed some of the towels they brought with and dried themselves off. Once they were dried, they all changed into fresh new clothes and decided to clean the clothes they had been wearing the last few days in the stream close by.

When it got dark everyone was sitting by a campfire making s'mores, “Mm, this is good.” Rainbow said, as she ate her s'more.

“Delicious.” Pinkie agreed, as she devoured hers.

“Now this is what it's all about.” Sunset said,

“I hear ya,” Applejack agreed, “Sitting under a beautiful night sky and a blanket full of stars with your closest friends around a campfire.”

“Really makes you forget about all the troubles back in Canterlot.” Luster said.

“That's for sure,” Spike agreed, “I'd take this over that any time.”

“You think by now, they've already sent guards out to search for us?” Fluttershy asked.

“Without a doubt.” Twilight replied.

“Yeah, well, if they ever find us and try to take us home, we'll just flat out deny.” Rainbow boasted.

“I know that's what I'll do.” Spike said.

“We'll worry about that if it actually happens,” Sunset spoke up, “For now let's just enjoy the scene.”

The group agreed, as they relaxed around the campfire. Soon Rarity spoke up, “Spike?”


“When we find the Garden have you thought about what you planned on doing there for the rest of your life?”

Spike stopped in his tracks, and actually had no answer. He spent so much time preparing for the day he would leave go beyond the wall of Canterlot and find the Garden, he never actually thought about what he would do when he'd get there.

He dropped his head and spoke, “I haven't. Another miscalculation on my part. After growing up in a world being hated I didn't actually think I'd have hope for a future at all. I'm not sure what I'll do when we get there.”

“Well, nobody can be expected to have their whole life figured out.” Twilight told him.

“You sure sounded like you had yours figured out.” Rainbow noted.

“Rainbow, this isn't about me. Not everyone can have their life figured out. Especially after what Spike's been through. But it's nothing to be ashamed of.” Twilight assured the boy.

“Really?” he asked.

“She's right,” Rarity agreed, “There's still plenty of time to find the Garden, and more than enough time for you to start thinking about what you'll do there.”

“We'll even help you.” Fluttershy offered.

Spike looked around at the girls who all nodded in agreement, “Thanks, girls. I really appreciate it.”

“Ok, who wants another s'more?” Pinkie offered, as they all looked eager to keep snacking.

Later on, the group was back in the Rainboom, getting some sleep. Each of them had their own cot to sleep in. Spike however wasn't in his cot and was just looking out the window of the vehicle looking up at the sky.

“I hope I'll find something to do with myself at the Garden,” he looked back at the girls who were still asleep, “But with them at my side, I feel I can take on the world.” he headed back to his cot to get some sleep.

Lure of the Sirens

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As dawn approached over the land, Shining Armor and a few of the unicorn guards were in chariots being tugged by a few of the pegasus guards through the air. Ever since Spike and the girls went AWOL from Canterlot Shining Armor and his fellow soldiers were tasked with locating them and bringing them home.

“I can't believe they got such a big head start when they left.” Shining sighed knowing how far behind they could be.

“Sir!” one of the pegasus guards called, “There's a city right below us. Chicoltgo, I believe.”

Shining looked down seeing the city, “We better check the place out for clues. Take us down!” he ordered.

The guards flew the chariots down before landing on the street. They looked around the deserted city, as Shining spoke up, “Search every square inch of this city and report back here within the hour.”

“Yes, sir!” the guards answered and split up.

Every unicorn and pegasus guard that came with Shining Armor searched all over Chicoltgo hoping to find any trace that Spike and the girls were there. All the while were making sure to keep a look out for any potential ferals lurking about. When the pegasus guards needed a break from flying they had to travel by land with the unicorns walking with them. While on the ground level they had also happened upon a few ferals that held them up. Still with their training to be royal guards they were able to defeat the ferals and continued to press on until the pegasi were able to fly again.

As Shining Armor walked the lonely street looking at the ghost town of a city, he couldn't help but feel bad for all those who lived here be it pony, human, or others were wiped out thanks to the outbreak. He thought to himself while thinking about his sister and her friends, 'My own sister and her friends out here where there's less protection against ferals. And Spike, I know Canterlot's never treated humans as equally as ponies, but to actually leave it for this? Was it all worth it?” he sat down on a bench close to a familiar convenience store to rest his feet before looking from side to side, until he caught sight of something.

He saw stuck in the store's door frame was a strand of pink hair. He used his magic to levitate it over to inspect it, “Same shade of pink,” he sniffed it a bit, “Scent of Cotton Candy... Pinkie Pie!” he gasped.

Later all the guards returned to the chariots, as Shining Armor spoke, “Did any of you find anything?”

“Nothing sir.” one of the unicorn guards answered.

“Neither here.” a pegasus guard added.

“Well, I did,” Shining levitated the piece of hair up, “This is a hair from Pinkie Pie, one of the ponies who went AWOL with my sister, Princess Celestia's daughters, Spike, and the others.”

The guards were surprised, as another unicorn spoke, “So they did come through here.”

“Yes. Which means we're right on their trail.” Shining added.

“Then we better hurry or we'll lose it.” another pegasus suggested.

“Agreed, let's go!” Shining ordered, as he and the unicorns returned to their chariots, while the pegasi commandeered them and took off into the sky again.

As Shining Armor looked down at the city, he thought to himself in concern, 'Twily, please be ok.'

Meanwhile miles away from Chicoltgo, the girls and Spike in their ride the Rainboom were driving down a road surrounded by woods. Rainbow Dash was currently at the wheel while Applejack was resting in back with the others.

“Keep it steady, Rainbow.” Twilight warned the pegasus.

“Relax, Twilight, I totally got this.” Rainbow boasted.

“Not very convincing considering how many times you failed drivers ed more than I did.” Sunset reminded her smugly. Rainbow scowled, but continued to keep her eyes on the road.

Spike was currently fixing his gauntlets as Applejack watched him, “So how's it looking, Spike?”

“With the adjustments I made, my gauntlets should fire even more powerful blasts of energy than they did before,” Spike explained, “If there's more than one type of feral I wanna be prepared for any of them.”

“And ya will, Spike,” Applejack promised, “And remember you're not in it alone. You have all of us.”

Spike smiled at Applejack, before a faint sound caught his ear. It sounded like singing. He looked out one of the windows still hearing the singing. He looked at the thick trees as if wherever the singing was coming from it was calling out to him. Suddenly Spike shouted, “Pull over!” this startled everyone.

“Spike?” Twilight asked in concern.

“Rainbow, pull over!” he ordered.

“What-what is it?” the pegasus asked in confusion.

“Just pull over!” he said desperately.

“Ok-ok!” Rainbow replied, as she pulled over.

Spike opened the doors, got out, and raced off into the woods, “Spike, where are you going?!” Twilight called, as the girls started to pile out.

“What's gotten into him?” Sunset wondered.

“He must really have to go.” Pinkie suggested.

“Well, even if that's the case we can't let him go out there alone.” Rarity said.

“Especially not without his gear.” Applejack said, as she carried Spike's energy gauntlets in his bag.

“Come on!” Twilight said, as they hurried after their human lover.

Spike had pushed and trekked his way through the woods before stopping at a clearing right by a creek. He looked out and to his surprise saw three gorgeous older human girls about his pony friends ages sitting by the creek looking like they were doing laundry while singing to themselves and wearing bikinis.

The first girl had big poofy hair colored orange with gold highlights, and her bikini was colored in a mix of yellow, red, and orange. The second girl had purple hair with turquoise highlights done up in pigtails and her bikini was a mix of purple and violet. Finally the third girl had cerulean hair with dark blue highlights done up in a ponytail, while her bikini was a mix of blue, aqua, and arctic blue.

(Go to Sleep Little Baby)

As the trio sang beautifully and alluring, Spike couldn't help but walk closer while feeling unable to take his eyes off the girls, especially since their busts were an eyeful.

Deciding to make himself know he called out, “Hi, ladies! Name's Spike!”

The trio continued to sing, even when they took notice of Spike's presence. They suddenly dropped whatever they were washing in the creek and got up walking closer to the boy still not breaking their song.

Spike watched, as the three sashayed around Spike with the poofy haired girl running her hand across his torso, while the two two came up behind him and started rubbing their bodies all over his back. Spike panted in lust, as the three continued to flirt and rub themselves against him, as the three ladies were enjoying it themselves. Spike was so entranced he didn't realize the three started smirking mischievously.

Twilight, Luster, Sunset, and the rest of the girls finally caught up with Spike, “There he is!” Luster pointed.

“Who's that he's with?” Fluttershy asked.

They got a closer look and saw the three girls surrounding Spike, but to them they weren't human teenage girls. They were instead sirens with the first having a yellowish-gold scaled body, the second had a light purple and moderate mulberry scaled body, and the third had a light cerulean and moderate cornflower blue body. What all three had in common was they had a red gemstone in their chests.

“Oh, no!” Twilight gasped and screamed, “Spike, get away from them!”

Spike looked back, “Twilight?” The three ceased their singing, as Twilight flew in and knocked them away disrupting their singing and making Spike fall to the ground.

The first siren frowned and spoke, “Do you mind, we were in the middle of something!”

“Yeah, luring Spike to you just so you can drain him!” Twilight accused.

“Twilight, what're you talking about?” Spike asked.

“Spike, these girls aren't what you think they are.” Twilight motioned to them.

“Don't listen to her.” the first said.

“Who are you three?” Sunset demanded.

“I”m Adagio, this is Aria, and Sonata.” the first introduced.

“And if you don't mind, we've got a hunky boy to have fun with.” Aria said.

“Yeah, and it's been so long since we've had any kind of fun.” Sonata added with a pout.

“Well, your fun is the opposite of what fun should really be!” Pinkie said taking a stance.

Spike spoke up in confusion, “I'm sorry, what's going on?”

“Ugh!” Rainbow groaned before smacking Spike in the back of the head.

“Ow! Why did you...” Spike looked and saw the trio flirting with him in their true forms, “Hey, where'd the pretty girls go?” the siren girls scowled.

“Hate to break it to ya, partner, that is them.” Applejack said.

“But how?”

“They're sirens,” Luster explained, “Remember from class?”

Spike looking back ignoring all the bad times in class to remember the lessons recalled how they were learning about other species, and one of them were sirens, “Oh, man. They lured me with their voices intent on draining me of my energy?!”

“Afraid so.” Applejack replied.

“Cat's out of the bag, girls,” Adagio told her sisters, “So let's take it by force!” the trio of sirens glided around the ponies and Spike with Rainbow flying around to attack back. Twilight flew around launching her own magic shots at Adagio who dodged but before she could tackle Twilight she was blasted by Rarity from on the ground.

“I'll go for the boy!” Aria said, as she flew down to try and snatch Spike who dove to the ground avoiding her.

“Spike!” Applejack called, as she tossed him one of his gauntlets.

“Yeah!” Spike dawned the gauntlet and blasted right at Aria taking the hit.

The siren crashed on the ground, before living her head up and growled at the human, “Little flesh bag!”

Pinkie was bouncing around as Sonata tried to strike her only to miss every time, “This one's too hard!” the siren complained.

“You think yours is hard?!” Adagio asked rhetorically, as she was avoiding magic blasts from Twilight, Sunset, and Luster.

“There are harder ones!” Aria called, while avoiding energy blasts from Spike's gauntlet, until Applejack rushed and jumped right at her throwing her fists back and punched the siren in the face making her fly backwards and crashed into Sonata.

Adagio saw her sisters flying right at her and upon collision all three flew back before crashing into some trees.

“Ooh, that'll hurt.” Rainbow chuckled.

The three sirens lifted their heads up groaning, until Spike saw another tree close to them and smirked. He aimed his gauntlet and blasted one end of it at the bottom making it uneven, and it started tilting, “Timber!” he called, as the tree fell forward landing on top of the sirens heads knocking them out cold.

Pinkie laughed, “Timber, good one, Spike!”

Spike smirked, “That's how I got even with Flintheart. Made a tree fall and split his house.”

“You did what?” Rarity asked in surprise.

“Hey, he had it coming,” Rainbow replied, “Besides no student liked him anyway. At least Spike had the balls to give him payback.”

“Maybe we should continue this back in the Rainboom?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Agreed, let's get out of here before those three wake up.” Twilight said, as they hurried back the way they came.

Once they returned to the Rainboom, the travelers were back on the road. Spike grabbed a drink from the mini fridge and spoke, “I can't believe I fell victim to those three.” he said in shame.

“It's not your fault, sugarcube.” Applejack comforted him.

“Applejack's correct,” Twilight agreed, “That's just how sirens are. They play on others to lure them in.”

“You were just unfortunate to listen too closely to them.” Sunset said.

Spike just sighed not feeling any better, but Applejack just kept close, “It just goes to show ya have to be prepared for just about anything, and not just ferals.”

“Yeah, there are more than just ferals out here in the world.” Luster noted.

“There are a whole manner of creatures outside the pony tribes.” Fluttershy said.

“We were never informed how many of them lived after the outbreak or where they went, but if we do run into more creatures we'll have to prepared for whatever.” Rainbow added.

“You're right, as much as I hate Flintheart's class and him in general, his lessons on other creatures will finally be put to use.” Spike said.

“Agreed,” Twilight nodded, “Until then let's keep on moving forward.” the girls smiled and nodded, as they continued to relax, while getting as far away from the sirens as they could.

When nighttime fell, the group parked their ride outside an abandoned gas station around a highway loop. As the girls were all laid out in the sleeping bags, Spike was in the back laying on the cot bed, until he saw Applejack sit down close to him.

“Hey, Spike.”

“Hey, A.J.”

“Can't sleep?” she asked.

“Sort of, just thinking about what happened today and all,” Spike explained, as Applejack nodded knowing today was a surprise, “But I also want to thank you, Applejack. You got my weapons to me before Aria could've gotten me. So you saved my life today.”

Applejack smiled, “I'd do anything for you, Spike. Because like me and the said before. We love you. I love you.”

Spike smiled, as his eyes started to get watery. He reached out and hugged the girl who hugged him back, “I love you too.” he said. The two separated a bit before leaning closer and kissed passionately.

When they broke lips, Applejack spoke, “You get some sleep, hon. We got another long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

“You too. Goodnight, A.J.”

“Goodnight, Spike.” Applejack went back to join the girls, as Spike got comfortable and soon was sound asleep.

The Lone Pony

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A black armored car drove through a wide valley. Inside the vehicle was a unicorn mare who's doing the driving and on the passenger seat is a dog, an Australian Cattle Dog to be more precise. In appearance, the mare had moderate Persian blue eyes, a pale, light grayish heliotrope colored coat, and her mane was moderate purple with lighter purple and pale light grayish aquamarine highlights with a single curl. For attire, she wore a black sleeveless jacket over a pale light, grayish aquamarine colored belly shirt, blackish grey jeans that had some tears in them and a pair of black cleats. Her curvaceous figure and bust were similar to Twilight's.

The unicorn was listening to some tunes on her radio before taking a brief look at the fuel meter and there was one third left. If she didn't find a gas station soon or at least another vehicle to extract from she's going to have push the damn car around.

Her dog then noticed the meter as well and began to bark, "I know, Jack, don't worry. We got enough for a day or so," The unicorn reassured her dog. "Still, we got to figure out where we are." She finished before finding a spot to park her car.

She got out of the car and brought out a map out of one of her pockets and examined it. She then brought out her compass and it pointed at a certain direction. The unicorn smiled at this, "Welp good news, boy, we should be arriving at a town by nightfall." She said to Jack who was still in the car. She then put the map and compass back in her pockets. However, she felt something else in one of them and her happy expression turned into a sad one as she knew what it was. Bringing it out, it was a pair of glasses with a single crack on the left side.

"Even after all this time, I still can't believe that you're gone. I really miss you, Sunburst..." The mare said in a sad tone, as she put the glasses back in her pocket. She heard Jack whimpering and turned to him, "Don't worry, boy. I'll be fine." She said as she gave her dog a pat on the head.

She then brought a large bottle of water from under the seat and took a swig from it before pouring some in Jack's mouth. She then noticed a flower near the car. Looking at her water bottle, there wasn't much left. She shrugged, walked over to the flower, and poured the bottle's remaining contents onto the plant until it was completely empty.

Just as she was heading back to the car, her ears perk up and her dog growled intensely, "I hear 'em too boy. Go hide and stay quiet." The mare said to her dog. Doing what his owner said, Jack went all the way back to the vehicle and didn't make a sound.

Meanwhile, not too from where the mare and her dog were, a group of earth pony stallions were eying her.

"What do you think, boys?" One of them asked.

"Ooh, this one's definitely a keeper." Another said with lust in his eyes.

"I can't wait to hear how she screams." Said another.

"I wonder if she's a virgin." Another said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get her." The ringleader said.

The stallions quietly moved up to the car and just as they were about to get the jump on the mare, they realized that she's nowhere in sight.

"Hey! Assholes!" Said a voice above them. They all looked up and see that it was the mare floating midair with a turquoise aura surrounding her. She the disabled her magic and dives towards them. A fight broke out and the mare proved she was a lot more capable than she looked.

Jack was still in his hiding spot and can hear a nasty fight breaking out were cries of pain can be heard but only from the stallions. After a while, the fighting stopped and the dog heard, "Alright, boy, you can come out now." He heard his owner say. Jack came out of his hiding spot and saw his owner looking through the downed stallions.

After getting some stuff off of them like food, bullets, and such, the mare went back to the car and said, "Let's get out of here in case more show up." She then drove off.

As the vehicle left, one of the stallions with a knife sticking out of his head slowly looked on to the car, "B-Bitch..." Was all he could say before dropping dead.

Meanwhile, Spike and the girls were on the road themselves heading for the nearest town. Applejack checked the gas meter and spoke, “Soon as we get to the next town we need to refill the gas.”

Pinkie who had her head in a bag pulled it out to reveal she had chip crumbs in her hair, “And replenish snacks.”

“And hopefully find a working washing machine.” Rarity said while looking through her clothes.

“Well, we'll make sure to do all of those things.” Twilight promised them.

“Let's just also hope we make it fast,” Spike added, “Sooner we get back on the road the further we get out of dodge.”

“I think we're pretty much out of dodge already.” Rainbow reminded him.

“Maybe, but who knows for how long.” Luster replied.

“Yeah. Knowing mom, she sent the guards out to look for us.” Sunset said.

“Which would include my brother,” Twilight added, “Which is why we keep moving. Because if they catch up to us they'll take us back to Canterlot.”

“And I'll be publicly executed for destruction of property, blowing up two vehicles, and assaulting four pegasi ponies, and breaking the wing of three of them.” Spike finished.

The girls looked at Spike in shock, as Luster spoke, “I don't think mom would do that.”

“Maybe not, but I committed those crimes back in the city, and knowing the ponies there they'll all agree for my punishment to be execution.” Spike replied.

“Nopony is executing anybody, especially not you.” Twilight calmed Spike.

“Yeah, anybody want to get to you, Spike. They got to go through us first.” Rainbow smirked.

“That's right,” Fluttershy agreed, before looking meek, “As long as it's not a big crowd.”

Soon they pulled into the town like all other places was deserted. Applejack drove their ride to the nearest gas station.

As Applejack started filling up their ride, Twilight spoke, “Alright, we'll split up. Rainbow go with Pinkie and replenish our food supplies. And try not to eat everything before you get back.”

“Roger Coger.” Pinkie saluted, as she and Rainbow headed for the nearest convenience mart.

Rarity after gathering her bag of clothes looked over at Spike, “Oh, Spike. Would you be so kind as to accompany me to the laundromat?”

Spike smiled, “Sure thing.” he quickly dawned his battle gear and walked with Rarity.

After walking through the ghost town, they found the laundromat, “I hope it still works.” Rarity said, as they went inside.

As they walked up to one of the washing machine's Spike inspected, “Looks like it's still good.”

Rarity looked relieved, as she put her clothes in the wash, added some detergent, and closed the lid, “And it's good I brought coins just in case.” Rarity said as she pulled out a coin purse and put some change in the slot.

The two waited on a bench as the clothes were being washed. Spike sat patiently, until he felt something lean on him. He looked to see Rarity leaning her head right on his shoulder.


“Oh, forgive me, Spike. I was just relaxing.”

“It's ok.”

“It is rather relaxing though, just us two alone here.” Rarity said, as she looked at Spike with bedroom eyes.

Spike blushed, before answering, “Well, It has been awhile since you and I had any alone time.”

“I know,” Rarity agreed, “But I'm glad it's just us right now. Gives us a chance to be closer if you know what I mean.” she said lustfully.

“Whoa.” Spike gasped, as Rarity cupped Spike's face and pulled him in for a kiss.

As they kissed on the bench, Spike wrapped his arms around Rarity keeping her close. When they parted the two gazed lovingly at each other.

“Wow, that was...” Spike began sounding dreamily.

“Wonderful,” Rarity finished feeling equally happy, “Oh, Spikey-Wikey, I love you.”

Spike smiled with tears of joy in his eyes, as the two kissed some more, until they heard the washing machine end.

“Wash is done, now they need to be dried. Spike, could you help me?” Rarity asked.

“Sure thing.” Spike said, as they began taking the clothes out of the washing machine.

As they picked up Rarity's wet clothes out of the wash, Spike realized he was holding a purple bra which made him blush, and look embarrassed when he saw Rarity looking at him.

“Oh, Spike.” Rarity giggled.

“Uh, here you can take it.” Spike offered.

“Nonsense, darling. Just grab what's left.” Rarity insisted.

Spike smiled sheepishly, as he picked up the rest of Rarity's clothes still eyeballing the bra resting on top of the pile he carried. They put the clothes in the dryer and let them dry. Soon enough the dryer stopped, and the two checked the clothes.

“All dry.” Rarity confirmed, as she and Spike folded her laundry, and Rarity put them in her bag.

“Well, let's get back to the gas station. Hopefully Pinkie and Rainbow are done getting more snacks.” Spike said.

“Hopefully.” Rarity repeated in emphasis.

They walked out of the laundromat noticing it was starting to get late, and began trekking back to their friends. As they walked they continued to look around the desolate town.

“Even if this is expected, I still can't believe this is what happened.” Rarity said in sorrow.

“Same,” Spike agreed, “But once we get to the Garden all this will just feel like a dream.”

Rarity smiled at Spike who smiled back. The mood was interrupted, as they heard growling all around them. Coming out from all around them was a pack of regular ferals.

“Oh, great. A welcoming committee.” Spike said sarcastically.

Rarity and Spike got into defense position, as Rarity readied her horn and Spike activated his gauntlets, “I am not going to make another trip to the laundromat if they end up getting my clothes dirty.” Rarity scowled at the beasts.

“Don't worry, we got this.” Spike assured her.

Rarity smiled, “You're right.”

The ferals started charging for them, as Spike started blasting some with energy, while Rarity was firing blasts of magic from her horn.

Spike turned all around blasting any feral that tried to jump him and Rarity. Rarity was able to project magic shields to protect her and Spike, until the boy was able to blast away at them.

“We got get back to the Rainboom and warn the girls.” Spike said, as he and Rarity ran for it while still attacking the ferals that chased after them.

As they ran the ferals pursued them, but one broke away from the pack and took off. The two being too distracted by the pack didn't realize it, as they blasted at the ferals following them.

Spike aimed his gauntlet at the last one and shot at it, destroying it, “That's the last one.”

“Thank goodness,” Rarity said in relief, “I really need to rest my horn.”

The two were about to walk back, until the feral who broke off from the pack jumped for them at their side so fast they weren't fast enough to defend. Fortunately for them, the feral never made contact as it was blasted by another magical aura nailing it to a wall killing it.

“Where'd that come from?” Spike asked in shock, until Rarity looked and gasped.

“From her.” she gasped, as Spike looked in the direction Rarity was facing.

They saw the unicorn that was riding through the valley standing by her car with jack peeking out the window barking. The unicorn girl smiled and spoke, “Gotta be careful. Ferals may be mindless beasts but they still have the cleverness of all predators.”

“Thank you, uh...” Rarity began.

“Who're you?” Spike asked.

The unicorn girl answered, “I'm Starlight Glimmer.”

The Outlander

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Both Spike and Rarity stood in surprise at the unicorn mare who just saved them from a close call with a feral.

“Starlight Glimmer?” Spike repeated the mare's name.

“That's right.” she confirmed, “And you two are?”

“I'm Rarity.”

“And I'm Spike.”

Starlight walked over with both noticing her focused was mostly on Spike. Spike blushed, as Starlight looked Spike over, “Wow, a real human not infected by the outbreak.”

Spike looked surprised at her tone of amazement, “You don't hate me?”

Starlight was suddenly surprised, “Why would I hate you? I just met you.”

“Sorry, it's just humans aren't exactly the most popular species to Equestrians,” Spike explained, “They think we all have delayed reactions to the outbreak and will transform into ferals when we least expect it.”

“What?” Starlight asked in shock, “Whoever came up with that ridiculous theory must've taken too many bashings to the head.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Rarity agreed.

They heard a bark, and Jack climbed out of the car and walked over, “Oh, yeah. Sorry, boy. This is my traveling companion, Jack.”

Spike went up to Jack, got down to his level and scratched behind his ears, “Hey, buddy. Who's a good dog?” Jack leaned forward and licked Spike's face making him laugh.

Rarity spoke to Starlight, “Pardon me, but where'd you come from?”

“I'm just a traveler with my car and my dog. We don't exactly have anyplace to go so we just travel,” Starlight explained, “What about you two?”

Spike answered, “Well, us and a couple of our friends are on a mission.”

Starlight raised a brow, “What kind of mission?”

Rarity spoke up, “I think it's best if all of us explain things.”

“You're right,” Spike agreed, “We gotta get back to the others.”

“How far away are they?” Starlight asked.

“Not too far.” Rarity replied.

“Well, come on, I'll give you a lift.” Starlight offered.

“Oh, thank you.” Rarity said gratefully, as she and Spike got in back with Jack, and Starlight drove through the town.

As they returned to the gas station, they saw the Rainboom parked with the rest of the girls sitting around waiting for the return of their two friends. When they saw an unknown vehicle approaching the girls got defensive and ready to fight, until Spike leaned out the window and called out.

“Relax, it's us!”

The girls seeing Spike stood down, as the new car pulled to a stop. Rarity and Spike got out of the car and went over to their friends.

“Spike. Rarity, where were you?” Twilight asked.

“We were afraid something happened to you two.” Fluttershy said in concern.

“Don't worry we're fine.” Spike assured her.

“We did hear some commotion out there,” Applejack noted, “Wanna tell us what was goin' on?”

Spike sighed, “We ran into some ferals.”

The girls were shocked, “Are you two ok?” Sunset asked.

“We're here, aren't we?” Rarity asked rhetorically.

“So who's your chauffeur?” Rainbow asked motioning to the car, as Starlight and Jack stepped out.

“This is Starlight Glimmer,” Spike introduced, “She helped us against a stray feral.”

“Hi.” Starlight greeted.

Jack barked, which automatically caught Fluttershy's attention, “Oh, my goodness!” she rushed over and got down to the dogs level, “And who is this?”

“This is my dog Jack.” Starlight introduced.

“Oh, who's a cute boy?” Fluttershy cooed, as she hugged and nuzzled with Jack who was enjoying it.

Spike spoke to Starlight, “Starlight Glimmer, this is Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash. And Luster Dawn.”

“It's nice to meet you, Starlight.” Twilight greeted.

“Likewise,” Starlight replied, “I didn't think I'd find other ponies or even a normal human out here. Seems like you're traveling in style.” she noticed their ride.

“Customized this baby ourselves.” Rainbow boasted.

“So where did you all come from?” Starlight asked.

“We came from Canterlot.” Pinkie answered which took Starlight by surprise.

“Canterlot City? The safe haven from the outside world?” she asked.

“Wouldn't call it a safe haven for all.” Spike grumbled.

“Why would you all leave the sanctity of there?” Starlight asked in confusion.

Applejack smiled as she held Spike close, “Well, this guy inspired us too.”

Starlight looked to Spike, as the human answered, “Just because humans were allowed to live in Canterlot doesn't mean we were accepted. My life there was a never-ending living hell. Ponies all around save for a few treated me like the biggest plague that ever existed. I wasn't welcomed in society or at school. Finally it became too much so I just escaped. Even though I knew what to expect out here I felt less safer inside the wall.”

“And we were tired of living in a black and white world, where our kind just assumed we were always better than the human race.” Twilight added.

“And having to worry about being ostracized or our family's reputations if we were ever found associating with humans became too much for us.” Rarity put in.

“So we followed Spike over the wall, and here we are.” Pinkie finished with a smile.

“So you all just picked up and left without even telling your families?” Starlight asked in disbelief.

“Well, we didn't have time for a city hall debate.” Rainbow replied.

“And it was now or never.” Sunset added.

“Do you even have any idea what you're going to do out here?” Starlight questioned them.

“Yes. I've had this planned out for a long time now,” Spike assured, “We have someplace to go.”

“And where is that?”

“We're going to the Garden.” Luster answered.

Starlight blinked, “The Garden?”

“That's right.” Twilight nodded.

“Ok, I'm all for having belief in something, but that's a very big stretch.” Starlight said.

“It's out there, and we're gonna find it.” Spike told her seriously.

Starlight looked at Spike sensing how serious he was, and saw the girls nodded in agreement, “Wow, you're really looking to find it.”

“We are.” Sunset confirmed.

“Well, I commend you all for having a plan,” Starlight sighed, “Don't exactly have one myself, I'm afraid.”

“Well, where did you come from, Starlight?” Twilight asked.

“Unfortunately, not every pony was lucky to have made it to Canterlot before it was officially closed to the outside world.” Spike and the girls were curious about this.

As nighttime came, the girls, Spike, Starlight, and Jack were seated around a makeshift campfire while eating some snacks from the gas station.

“So, Starlight, how did you to be out here?” Sunset asked.

“As I said, not all ponies were lucky to get into the city before they closed it off,” Starlight explained, “I was one of them. And my family.”

Those that were left behind formed their own colonies and groups out here finding newer ways to survive. Back then I had my dad, and my friends Sugar Belle, Double Diamond, Party Favor, Night Glider, and Sunburst. Us and so many other ponies that lived in our community lived about as good as you can get out here with fewer resources and all. But we managed. But the good times didn't last forever. We were attacked, but not by ferals. Oh, no. We were attacked by the Tartarus Marauders.”

“Tartarus Marauders?” Sunset asked.

“What're they?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Ponyfolk who fell to madness living out here. To them it's survival of the fittest, and they'll take anything they want from any pony. Any who stood up to them were killed.” Starlight explained making Spike and the girls gasp in shock.

The Marauders invaded our community and slaughtered the folks right from left. I watched helplessly as they murdered my friends, with Sunbursts slaying being the most gruesome thing I ever saw. Luckily I escaped and was on the run from then since as an Outlander.”

“Oh, man. Those Marauders sound like complete monsters.” Rainbow gasped.

Starlight nodded, “It wasn't easy but I learned to survive out here. Even got myself a set of wheels, and a friend to go with it.” Jack licked her cheek.

“So this is what you've been doing since then?” Applejack asked.

“As I said, I didn't have any goal or plans. Just wander and survive like everything else out here.”

“And I thought things were bad for me in the city, but out here are even worse with the ferals alone.” Spike said in disbelief.

“I can only imagine the other types of groups like the Tartarus Marauders that are out there.” Luster said.

Starlight nodded, “Many other outlanders fought tooth and nail to work their way up to get other creatures pony and non pony to follow their lead and join their causes.”

“Believe me there are some like that in Canterlot too. Especially for humans, and I wouldn't trust any of them.” Spike said.

“So come the morning, you're all gonna get back on the road in finding the Garden?” Starlight asked.

“That's the idea.” Applejack confirmed.

“What'll you do?” Fluttershy asked.

“Just the same as I've been doing.” she replied.

Spike and the girls looked at each other with the same thing on the mind, and nodded. Twilight spoke up to the Outlander unicorn, “Well, Starlight, if you'd like. You're more than welcomed to join us on our journey.”

“What?” Starlight asked taken aback, while Jack lifted his head up curious.

“You can join us on our quest to find the Garden.” Spike offered.


“Why not?” Applejack asked, “We could use another pony on board who knows the outside world best.”

“And the more the merrier.” Pinkie beamed.

“Plus you or Jack won't be alone.” Fluttershy put in, as Jack went to Fluttershy and nuzzled with her.

“We can't guarantee it'll be a fast journey and it won't be dangerous, but whatever's out there we'll face it together.” Sunset assured her.

“What do you say?” Spike asked.

Starlight looked around at the group willing to invite her on their journey to a place many assume was just a myth. While she was skeptic she couldn't deny they were absolutely certain the Garden existed. And if she was being honest with herself traveling with Jack alone started to feel lonely. While she loved having Jack as a companion it would be nice to have traveling buddies who actually talk back to you. Making up her mind she answered them.

“Well, I guess I'm going to the Garden.”

Spike and the girls smiled, as Pinkie announced, “Yes!”

“And who knows, if the Garden does exist it'll be nice to see it.” the traveler admitted.

“And if we run into these Marauders you can give us the insight and best ways to handle them.” Rainbow added. Starlight smiled knowing this was exactly what she needed.

Soon Spike and the girls were asleep in the Rainboom, until the boy woke up and looked out his window seeing Starlight was still awake and sitting on the roof of her vehicle. He snuck his way through the sleeping girls, and exited the Rainboom.

He approached Starlight's car and spoke to the unicorn girl, “Couldn't sleep?”

Starlight looked down at Spike, “Oh, hi, Spike. Sorry, I'm just a little stoked. I've been traveling for a long time with just Jack with no plans or anything. But now here I am agreeing to join you guys in finding the Garden.”

Spike smiled, as he climbed up onto the roof of the car and sat next to Starlight, “Yeah, the idea of finding it is enough to get anyone excited. And I'm really glad you decided to join us.”

Starlight looked at Spike looking a little pink in the cheeks, “You are?”

“Yes. Believe me in Canterlot finding ponies that don't treat me or humans in general like a sickness is rare. Every day I would take death threats from ponies young and old. Anybody else would've ended their life, but not me. I took their hatred for me and turned it into strength that I would use to break away from there and find the only place there is that would welcome me with open arms. That's why I want to find the garden. I want to be accepted. Hearing that you had no problems with humans made me feel relieved. It's good to know there are ponies out there while not as privileged as those in the city aren't biased towards others different from them or ruled by fear because of what happened in the past.”

Starlight seeing Spike's troubled look from what he just said could tell he really did have a hard life, especially in a place that was meant to be a safe haven. She just smiled and put her hand onto his, “I promise you I will help you in any way find the Garden and help you find the happiness you seek.”

The boy smiled at the unicorn and replied, “And I'll help you find happiness as well.” the two embraced knowing they had another friend in their lives.

Spike's Parents

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As the Rainboom and Starlight's car were parked in an abandoned drive in theater, the group were inside the Rainboom sound asleep. Starlight was welcomed to join them since sleeping in a car like hers had to be uncomfortable. Even though she got used to it, Starlight decided to take them up on their offer.

As the girls all slept in their own spot with Starlight's dog Jack cuddling close to her and Fluttershy. Meanwhile in the back, Spike was asleep but was tossing and turning as the sounds of screams could be heard.

Spike saw he was with people and ponies running in fright screaming about monsters. He looked ahead and saw several humans like himself slowly mutating into the monsters that would become known as Ferals.

'I remember this day.'

He watched as several ferals going on their new beastly instincts attack several other humans or ponies. Many guards and authorities were taking out the ferals through magic blasts or shooting with guns. Some fell but some got back up showing resistance to the attacks and started going after them.

“Spike! Spike!!” a woman's voice called.

'That voice.'

Spike turned and saw his parents from his picture, Oliver and Rena Clawson run over to him, “Spike, we got to go!” his father Oliver ordered, as Spike looked at his reflection in his dad's glasses seeing himself as a child again.

The adults dragged Spike along through the dangerous battle where several other ponies and humans were being evacuated through trucks. They managed to reach the truck before handing Spike off to one of the guards. As the two started to climb in, one feral came out of nowhere and tackled Rena off.

“Rena!” Oliver cried.

“Mommy!” Little Spike cried.

Rena wrestled the feral, but started to get overpowered. Oliver hanging by the back of the truck looked to his wife and Spike, before looking at one of the guards guns. Oliver looked back to his son and with a heavy heart made a decision.

“Hang tight, Spike. I'm getting mom back.” he grabbed the guards gun and got out of the truck and began shooting at the feral.


Spike watched as Oliver kept shooting at several ferals trying to get to him and Rena. Rena looked ahead seeing Spike watching from the truck sadly. Rena smiled before making a heart with her hands to Spike and mouthed, 'We love you.'

“MOMMY! DADDY!” Little Spike cried, as he helplessly watched his parents fade.




Spike's eyes flung open before shooting up gasping and panting with his eyes red from crying. All around him were Twilight, Sunset, Luster, and the rest of the girls.

“Take it easy, Spike. Easy.” Applejack calmed him.

“Here, have a drink.” Fluttershy said giving Spike some water, and he drank it.

“What happened, Spike?” Luster asked.

“You must've had a horrible dream.” Twilight suspected.

Spike looked at the girls still crying, before throwing his arms around Twilight and Sunset sobbing.

“Spike!” the two gasped, but knew he needed comfort. So they all gathered around Spike hugging him comfortingly.

“It's alright, Spike. We're here.” Twilight whispered softly into his ear to calm him down.

“We're not going anywhere, sugarcube.” Applejack added.

Awhile later, after Spike finally calmed down, he sat up in the bed with Jack sitting by his side for comfort, as the girls sat around him. They were deeply concerned for Spike especially when they heard him crying in his sleep which alerted them to wake him up.

“Thanks, girls. I-I just couldn't believe what just happened.” Spike said sounding calmer.

“What did happen, Spike?” Fluttershy asked.

“Whatever you were dreaming must've been really bad.” Pinkie said.

“You have no idea.” he replied.

“So what did happen?” Luster asked curiously.

Spike looked away feeling unable to bring himself to explain, until Rarity laid a hand on his, “Darling, it's ok. We're here for you. You can tell us anything.”

“What she said.” Rainbow added.

Spike looked around seeing the girls giving him assuring smiles. Spike feeling less reluctant answered with a sigh, “I dreamed about that day when the outbreak occurred.”

“The very outbreak which gave birth to the ferals and nearly the end of humankind.” Twilight noted.

Spike nodded, “I was there in the center of it all. The day I was rescued. The day, I lost my parents.” he looked down dismally.

“Oh, man.” Rainbow said realizing just how bad Spike's dream really was.

“How did it happen?” Starlight asked.

“We were all scrambling to get to the fleeing trucks where we'd be taken to safety. My parents handed me off to one of the guards, but before they could get in a feral knocked my mom off. My dad grabbed one of the guards guns promising me he was going to get her back. But he never did. I watched helplessly as we drove further away. My parents surrounded by ferals with my dad trying to keep them away. It was the last time I ever saw them.” Spike said as tears fell from his eyes.

“Oh, Spike.” Twilight said, as she levitated a tissue over to dry his eyes.

“So then what?” Starlight inquired.

“We were all brought to the city of Canterlot where we'd be safe,” Spike explained, “Many children human and pony were orphaned. Some were lucky to be adopted. Others... Not so much.”

“After the mourning was done between both Equestrian and Human, the two sides started to clash,” Twilight explained, “The Equestrians started treating the humans with more contempt than ever claiming it was a matter of time before they would turn into ferals themselves. And the humans filled with hate from the Equestrians prejudice started forming their own rallies to fight for their own rights. Things were never the same as they used to be.”

Sunset carried on, “Mom and Aunt Luna despite passing the law that humans are allowed to live with us didn't change the ideals of the Equestrians who had nothing but hate for the humans for one reason or another.”

“Several Equestrians out of grief and anger took the lives of some humans and were immediately arrested,” Luster explained, “Even some humans who had been treated like crap for so long finally snapped themselves and took some ponies lives, meeting the same fate as the ponies who wronged the innocent humans.”

“Canterlot really does sound corrupted.” Starlight said in shock.

“That's a fact.” Spike replied.

Rainbow then got curious about something else, “Spike, what were your parents like?”

Spike looked at Rainbow, as the other girls got curious too, “Yeah. I mean what do you remember about them?” Pinkie asked.

Spike thought back and answered, “They were the best. Mom was the nicest and most caring woman there ever could've been. And my dad was my hero. He always believed in helping the innocent and the helpless. That's why he and my mom were working along side pony scientists who weren't biased against humans to help humans feel special like the Equestrians.”

“Your parents were scientists?” Twilight asked sounding intrigued.

“Yeah. I was too young to know exactly what went on with them at their labs. But I did know they wanted to give humans an ability that would make them just as special as the ponies and what they were capable of,” the human teen explained, “Unfortunately, they never did make that a reality. The outbreak beat them to it.”

“Your parents sounded like they really cared about others.” Fluttershy said.

“They did,” he confirmed, “And they gave their lives so I could be safe. But it was all for not. I was never safe even after I was brought to Canterlot. I was kicked out of the orphanage at thirteen, the only place I could live was a shit hole, and every pony at school save for you girls treated me as if I was just a sickness.”

Spike's fists tightened while remembering all the insults and threats he took from ponies be it at school or even in the city, “Sometimes it would feel like too much for me to handle I'd come so close to taking my own life just to be with my parents,” the girls gasped, but could imagine anyone treated like how Spike was would have suicidal thoughts every so often, and felt relieved Spike was still here meaning he never did act upon it. They watched him pull out the only picture he had left of his parents and him, “But every time I look at them in this picture I lose the will to go trough with it. They didn't raise me to be a quitter. They gave their lives for me and despite whatever crap is thrown at me, I'm gonna live my life how I want to and not let anybody bring me down.”

“So how did you find out about the garden?” Starlight asked him.

“It was part of my parents research outside from trying to find a way to improve humans. I used what data they found and carried on with my own research. And I know we can reach it as long as we survive.”

“And we will, Spike.” Twilight promised him.

“As long as we're together there ain't nothin' we can't accomplish.” Applejack put in with a confident smile.

“Because we're so awesome.” Rainbow boasted.

Starlight smiled amusingly and spoke, “You guys really have giddy optimism. Wish I had that when I first started out on my own.”

“A little optimism can make all the difference.” Pinkie said.

“Especially with what we're doing.” Luster added.

Spike smiled at everyone, “Thanks, girls. I really needed this pick me up.”

“Anytime, darling.” Rarity said, as she gave Spike a kiss.

The girls pouted before they started giving Spike a kiss as well. Spike blushed still finding it strange that pony girls actually love him when so many others hated him. All eyes fell on Starlight who looked back and forth between the girls and Spike before coming to a decision.

“Oh, what the Tartarus.” she told herself, before reaching over and kissed Spike.

Spike smiled from the girls gesture of love, before Jack licked his cheek, “Blech, dog germs!” Spike gagged as the girls laughed. Spike still felt relieved he wasn't alone in this and getting the memory of his parents death off his chest felt like a weight had been lifted off him. He promised to make his parents proud, and he wasn't going to let them down.


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The girls, Spike, and Starlight drove along the abandoned road still longing to locate the Garden. As Applejack drove the Rainboom, each of the girls were currently relaxing with Spike sitting on the sofa and Luster Dawn was sitting in his lap currently making out with him. Spike had his arms wrapped around the unicorn his age who had her arms wrapped around his neck, both of them wanting to keep the other as close to them as possible.

Their tongues danced together inside each others mouths, as Spike could feel Luster pressing her rack into his chest. Suddenly they were interrupted, at the sound of a ringing sound. Sunset who was holding her phone that was on timer mode was ringing before she stopped it.

“Time's up, sis!” Sunset said, as Luster and Spike separated.

Luster pouted, “And it was just getting good!”

“That's how it is.” Sunset said, as Luster got off Spike's lap with Sunset taking her place.

“Better make your time with Spike count, Sunset,” Rainbow began, “Because after you it's my turn for some love with Spike.” she gave Spike a wink making him blush.

“I'll try not to wear him out too much.” Sunset teased.

“And when Rainbow's done, someone take over so I can have my turn.” Applejack called from up front.

“Sure, Applejack.” Twilight replied.

Sunset started the timer, but before she and Spike could start their make out, Applejack spoke up again, “Hold it, ya'll!”

Sunset groaned, “What is it?”

“We're coming up on a town.” the country pony girl replied.

“How does it look?” Pinkie asked as she looked out the window.

“Like everywhere else.” Applejack replied dryly.

Spike looked out the window and saw a worn out welcome sign that read 'Welcome to Obsidianville'. At the sight of the sign Spike's eyes widened in shock and fell silent. The girls seeing him started to look concerned.

“Spike?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sweetie, are you all right?” Rarity asked in concern.

Spike finally found his voice, “This place...”

“What, Obsidianville?” Rainbow asked.

“What is it, Spike?” Twilight inquired.

Spike looked back to the girls and answered in sorrow, “This was... my hometown.”

The girls taken aback by Spike's answer were surprised, “This was where you used to live?” Pinkie began.

“Before the outbreak?” Twilight finished.

Spike nodded, as he looked out the window seeing the town was just like every other place, abandoned, ruined, and a mess.

As Applejack pulled over, Starlight quickly stopped and backed up her car to the girls winnebago. Starlight rolled down the window and looked up as Applejack stuck her head out, “What's going on?”

“This is Spike's old home town before the outbreak happened.” Applejack answered.

Starlight gasped, “Really?”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack confirmed.

Spike climbed into the passenger seat next to Applejack, “A.J, there's somewhere I wanna check out. Follow my directions.”

“Well, ok,” she replied, before calling down to Starlight, “Spike wants to check something, so follow us.”

“Ok.” Starlight said, as the vehicles drove through the town.

As the two vehicles drove through the abandoned town, Spike looked out the window seeing the wrecked state of everything while remembering the sounds of people and ponies screaming in a panic as the ferals were emerging and running amok. When Spike looked ahead, he spoke to Applejack, “Stop right here!”

Applejack pulled to a halt, followed by Starlight. Spike got up from his seat and stepped outside the Rainboom followed by the girls, and Starlight and Jack. The group looked at the street they stopped on and all the houses on the block that were all wrecked and old. They looked ahead seeing the house Spike was staring at was a bungalow home that was like all the other houses.

“Where are we?” Rainbow asked Spike.

“This was my childhood home.” Spike answered.

“This was your place?” Luster asked him.

Spike nodded, before taking another look at it, “It's become just like the place I used to live in the city. No surprise there.” He started to approach the building while noticing the door was torn halfway off.

“Hold on, Spike!” Twilight stopped him, “You never know what could be in there. Ferals or nomads.”

Jack sniffed the air and barked at Starlight who spoke, “Jack doesn't seem to smell anything fishy around here.”

“Then let's go in.” Spike said, as Applejack using her earth pony strength pulled the door off allowing them to enter.

Spike, the girls, and Jack the dog walked through the house seeing the interior matched the exterior of the place. The walls were rotting with mold and mildew, the floor was torn up, and whatever decorative stuff that was there was worn out and ruined.

“Well, this is cozy.” Rainbow said in sarcasm, only to get hushed by Applejack and Rarity.

Spike sighed, as he looked around, “This place really has changed since that day. And yet I still remember what it used to be.”

Pinkie peered into the kitchen seeing an old milk carton on the table with the contents hardened, “I guess you guys accidentally left your milk out that day. Spike tried to smile at Pinkie's attempt to liven things up, but he still kept to himself. Spike turned a corner and stopped before a door. As he touched the doorknob the whole door fell forward landing with a thud that startled the girls and Jack.

Spike walked in and looked around seeing the room looked like it belonged to a little boy, “This was my bedroom.”

Pinkie looked around dismally, “Oh, bummer. It looks just as bad as your old apartment.”

“Yeah, but back then this was like my sanctuary.” Spike, said as he looked at all his old toys and clothes that were left.

Spike then wondered about something before going to his dresser and pulled struggled to pull one drawer out much to the girls confusion. He was finally able to tug the old drawer out and looked inside. He reached in and pulled out a red dragon plush toy that still looked in good condition.

“What is that?” Applejack asked.

“Shenron,” Spike answered, “My buddy, Shenron. He was still here all this time.” he hugged the plush close.

“Why was he in your drawer?” Starlight inquired.

“That day I was playing with him, and we were pretending to play hide and seek with the drawer being his hiding place.” Spike explained a bit sheepishly recalling his childhood.

“How adorable.” Rarity cooed, as the girls smiled.

Spike and the girls continued to explore his house before walking into his parents room. He was aside from the obvious old and rotting walls, messy bed sheets, he saw a desk in the corner littered with papers. Spike walked over and started looking at the papers, as Twilight spoke.

“What're those?”

“Documents for my parents research. They may have been loving parents, they were disorganized plenty of times.” Spike answered.

“You said your parents worked with pony scientists to help find a way to make humans better so they wouldn't always feel inferior to other ponies.” Twilight recalled.

“That's right.”

“Where did they do their work?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“The lab they did all their research on was a facility in town.” Spike explained.

“Did you ever go there?” Fluttershy wondered.

“A couple times.”

“You think it's still there?” Rainbow asked.

“Who knows?” Spike shrugged.

Twilight started gathering up the papers on the desk, “You know, it wouldn't hurt to see if it is. Maybe we can find something there of use to us. Like spare parts to help with your weapons. I'm also curious about this research your parents were doing.”

“So am I.” Starlight spoke up.

“Can we, Spike?” Pinkie pleaded.

“If it's ok with you.” Fluttershy said.

Spike looked around at the others and the research Twilight was compiling from the desk. He sighed before answering them with a smile, “Let's go check it out.”

“Yes!” the girls cheered.

Soon they were back in their vehicles driving through town before reaching the outskirts of it. They stopped right outside what looked like a bunker area. They got out as Spike looked, “Well, this is it.”

“So let's go.” Rainbow said, as they approached the reinforced entrance.

“So how're we going to get in there?” Applejack asked.

“Those doors look like they can't be opened like turning a knob.” Luster said.

“Yeah, usually it required hand print scans, but since it looks like it don't work anymore that's not an option.” Spike said checking out the hold hand print scanner wasn't active. He then looked at the energy gauntlets he wore, and over at Twilight, Rarity, Sunset, Luster, and Starlight, “But maybe we have another way to open it.”

“How?” Rarity asked.

“With all of your magics and my energy gauntlets we should be able to bust it open.”

“Can we do it?” Luster asked Twilight and Sunset.

“Well, we can try.” Twilight replied.

“I'm down with trying.” Sunset said.

“Me too.” Starlight agreed.

Rarity nodded, “I'll do it for Spike.”

“Then take a position, girls.” Spike instructed, as the ponies with horns gathered close to Spike who raised his gauntlet covered hands out aiming them at the door.

The girls concentrated their magic into their horns building them up with as much magic as they could muster. The rest of the girls and Jack backed away behind the group not wanting to get caught in the crossfire or anything.

“And... fire!” Spike ordered, as they blasted at the door together making it bust down granting them an entrance.

“It worked!” Applejack gasped.

“That was awesome!” Rainbow smirked.

Spike powered down his gauntlets, as the girls helping him powered down their horns looking a bit tired, “I don't usually build up that much magic.” Rarity said, as she started to catch her breath.

“But it worked. Thanks, girls.” Spike smiled at them.

“Anytime.” Twilight said.

Spike looked at the opened entry, and spoke to the group, “Alright, girls. We're going in. We don't know what we may find inside, but be ready for anything.” The girls nodded, as they walked into the bunker unknown of what they would be finding.

Secrets Uncovered

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Spike and the girls entered the facility while walking through a tunnel with a map on the wall to guide them. As they walked the whole place was covered in dust and rust.

“This place looks like it's seen better days.” Applejack said, while looking around.

“If I worked here I'd hire a new cleaning crew.” Rainbow joked.

“So would I.” Rarity agreed, as she was appalled by the state of the place.

“Oh, I don't know about this,” Fluttershy said nervously, “Who knows what we'll find in here.”

“Hopefully nothing dangerous.” Starlight replied.

“Look, I think this is the main room.” Spike said, as they approached the entrance of a room where the metallic doors were lying on the ground.

They entered and saw several computer monitors set up as well as other types of machinery, “Whoa!” Twilight gasped as her eyes brightened, “I made it to heaven.”

“This stuff is all still standin'?” Applejack asked in surprise.

“It must've been state of the art if it could still be standing.” Pinkie said.

“Yes, but is it even operational?” Spike wondered.

“Only one way to find out,” Twilight said, as she spotted a master switch on the wall covered in cobwebs. She tried pulling the switch but it felt stuck, “A little help please!”

“I gotcha.” Applejack offered.

“Me too.” Spike agreed, as they all tugged on the master switch before finally pulling it all the way.

They watched as all the lights came on and the machines started working, “That did it!” Pinkie smiled, as they saw all the monitors came online.

Applejack turned to Twilight, “Well, Twilight, you're good with computers, think you can find anything out from this here one?”

“I can try. In the meantime nobody touch anything,” Twilight instructed, before noticing Pinkie about to touch a lever, “That means, you too, Pinkie!” Pinkie backed away.

Twilight began looking through several folders found in their mainframe, as Sunset spoke, “Find anything?”

“Well, most of these files are heavily encrypted, but with a little work I may be able to decrypt them.” Twilight said.

“Anything to help us uncover what my parents were actually doing in here.” Spike said, as he looked at the monitors.

Pinkie started to walk around feeling bored until she bumped into something, “Owie!” she looked and saw she bumped into some kind stasis pod, “Hey, guys come over here!” Everyone hurried over to her.

“What is it, Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked.

“Look at this.” Pinkie showed them the pod.

“Fascinating. Some kind of stasis pod.” Luster inspected.

Spike looked at it, and saw the glass window of the pod though dirty could see a silhouette on the other side, “Girls, I think there's something inside it.”

“Something inside it?” Rarity asked.

“What could it be?” Starlight wondered.

“I don't know, but I wonder if we should find out.” Spike told them.

“Uh, it is safe looking inside a closed pod?” Applejack asked sounding unsure.

“Especially since we don't know what's inside it?” Twilight asked feeling the same.

“Well, we won't know what it is unless we look.” Rainbow noted.

Some of the girls felt unsure about this, but knowing this could be a chance to see what was going on in the lab before the outbreak decided to get it open. Twilight hacked into the controls for the pod and unlocked it making the lid open up releasing steam. The group backed away and saw what was resting inside the pod.

It was a mechanical being slightly taller than the group with a silver colored body and blue spines. This being actually looked like a mechanical dragon.

“Wow!” the group gasped.

“What is it?” Pinkie asked.

“It's a... robot.” Twilight gasped.

“Why would a robot be put in a stasis pod?” Luster inquired.

“Let's turn it on and find out.” Pinkie suggested.

“And how?” Rainbow asked, “I mean it's not like it comes with an on and off switch.”

“It could come with an activation code,” Twilight suggested, “Some do.”

“If it does it could be anything,” Spike noted, “It's not like it's gonna come online if I say 'Robot Activate'!”

Suddenly they heard whirring sounds coming from the robot and saw it's eyes glowed blue causing them to back further away in shock.

“You did it, Spike.” Pinkie gasped.

The group watched the robot dragon stepped out of the pod and moved around while surveying it's surroundings.

“Uh, what's it doing?” Rainbow asked Twilight.

“Getting a read out of where it is and see if there are any potential threat.” Twilight explained.

“I hope it doesn't see us as potential threats.” Rarity shivered, as she and Luster stood close.

The dragon robot suddenly looked upon the Equestrians and analyzed them with each one being identified by pony type in its vision. Then it turned to see Spike and started analyzing him. Suddenly the name Spike Clawson came up, and it started walking forward towards him. The girls were ready to attack it, but Spike waved his arms to them signaling to not act.

The girls reluctantly stood down as the robot stopped before Spike, “Spike Clawson?” it asked in a calm voice.

“Uh, that'd be me.” Spike answered not sure how this robot knew his name.

To his and the girls surprise the robot got down on one knee and bowed its head to Spike, “I cannot tell you how joyed I am to finally meet you.”

“Finally meet me? How long have you been waiting?” Spike asked.

“Judging by your current age and what I was told the age you were, I'd say... Six years.”

“Six years?” Spike asked as he did the math, “The same time since the outbreak.”

“Um, excuse me,” Twilight spoke up grabbing the robots attention, “But, who're you?”

“I am Dragotron. And you are?”

“Twilight Sparkle.

“Luster Dawn.

“Pinkie Pie!”

“Rainbow Dash!”




“Sunset Shimmer.”

“Starlight Glimmer. And this is Jack.” the dog barked.

“A pleasure.” Dragotron greeted.

“Dragotron, why were you in that stasis pod and left here?” Spike continued to question the robot.

“Well, I was meant to be a gift to you. And your voice command to activate is what triggered my start up.” Dragontron answered him.

“A gift? From who?”

“Your parents of course.”

Spike stopped in his tracks, “My parents?”

“I was tasked to play this for you when I was presented to you.” Dragotron said, as his eyes glowed and displayed a holographic message of Spike's parents.

“Mom? Dad?” Spike gasped, as the girls listened to the recorded message.

“Hi, son,” Oliver began, “I know you don't like it when your mom and I have rush out to the lab unexpectedly. Especially right after you get home from school.”

Rena continued, “But your father and I have found a way to keep you from feeling lonely while you're at home waiting for us. Aside from our projects at the lab we were also working on this for you.”

“His name's Dragotron,” Oliver said, “We built him as a friend and playmate for you. And we modeled him to look like a dragon since it is your favorite creature.”

“We wish we could be there more than we want to be, but the lab has been needing us a lot as of late. Our new project is going to be launching soon. And once it's done we promise to have all the time in the world for you.” Rena promised.

“We love you, Spike.” Oliver concluded, as the recording ended.

The girls looked to Spike seeing he was staring at where the recording was playing, “Spike?” Luster asked.

Spike sniffled, “Mom. Dad. They built me a friend. They really did love and care about me more than I realized.” He let some tears drop to the floor, as Dragotron seeing this approached Spike and wrapped his arms around him.

“It's ok. I am here for you.”

Spike hugged Dragotron back and cried. The girls joined in on the hug comforting Spike until he calmed down.

“It's amazing they did all this for me,” Spike marveled at Dragotron, but how come I didn't receive you?”

“I don't know, clearly something must've happened here and they left me behind.” Dragotron looked around the lab seeing it's messy state.

“I don't know if you were aware of this, Dragotron, but the world isn't what you might've thought it was while you were being programmed.” Sunset began.

“Aren't the humans and Equestrians trying to live peacefully?” the robot inquired.

“Far from it,” Spike replied bitterly, “Things have become worse, when the outbreak occurred.”

“Outbreak?” Dragotron asked.

Twilight explained, “Around the time you were meant to be given to Spike, an outbreak was unleashed upon the world turning humans into monsters we all call Ferals.”

“More than half the human race was wiped out from it, and the Equestrians have further shunned the remaining humans thinking they could become Ferals themselves.” Starlight added.

“But that has yet to be proven true.” Luster put in.

“I was taken in with the rest of the refugees to Canterlot the supposed safe haven for humans and Equestrians. But I never felt safe there. Like the other humans I was ostracized and shunned by so many Equestrians thinking I would become a Feral too.” Spike explained.

“So I have already failed you by not being there when you needed me the most?” Dragotron asked in shock.

“It's not your fault,” Spike assured him, “It happened before any of us could've known about you.”

“And you're here now. That's what matters.” Fluttershy smiled.

“True,” Dragotron admitted, “I suppose my role as playmate to you will have to be updated to servant.”

“A little harsh. Just stick with friend instead.” Spike said.

“Very well. I accept.” Dragotron said proudly.

“The world isn't safe out there, I hope you're prepared for it.” Rarity hoped.

“Not to worry, Rarity. I have been programmed with defense protocols and weaponry to protect Spike should he ever feel threatened to a high degree.”

“Sounds good, because you'll need to have them.” Applejack said.

“We should still see if there's anything here we can use for weaponry,” Twilight began, “Everyone look around for anything salvageable. I'm gonna keep trying to decrypt some of these files.”

“Allow me to assist you, Twilight.” Dragotron offered.

“Thanks, Dragotron.” Twilight smiled.

So Spike and the girls spread out to check out the place for anything salvageable, wile Dragotron helped Twilight decrypt the files.

As Spike walked around he went by a desk seeing one of the only things in tact on it was a framed picture. He looked seeing it was of his parents and several of their colleagues they worked with at the lab. He smiled seeing his parents and recalling some of the faces of their colleagues when he would visit. Suddenly his gaze stopped upon the image of a woman he recalled from Canterlot.

“Cinch?” he asked, before hurrying back to Twilight.

Back at the main computer Twilight and Dragotron had decrypted a few files, as the girls returned, “Did you find anything?” Twilight inquired.

“A few rifles from the supply stash with a number of rounds.” Rainbow explained.

“It ain't too much, but it's what we got.” Applejack shrugged.

“Girls!” Spike announced, as he returned.

“Spike, are you ok?” Sunset asked.

“Did you find something?” Pinkie wondered.

“I think so,” Spike answered, as he held up the picture, “This is a picture of my parents and their colleagues. Any of them look familiar to you?”

The girls looked at the picture before noticing what Spike did, “Is that Abacus Cinch?” Luster asked in surprise.

“Cinch, the human rights activist?” Rainbow asked.

“She worked with your parents?” Rarity asked Spike.

“Even I didn't know. They said some of their colleagues preferred to work in private. Guess she was one of them.” Spike said.

“So she was here.” Sunset looked around.

“She went from scientist to fighting for human rights?” Starlight asked.

“Looks that way, but even if she's trying to fight for human rights, she's not exactly doing humans any favors with how she goes about things.” Spike said.

“How so?” the unicorn asked.

“Cinch has been said to resort to bribery and blackmail to get where she is today.” Spike answered.


“Dragotron and I found something too through these files. But...” Twilight began sounding nervous, “I don't think you're gonna like it.”

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight sighed, as she turned to Spike, “You said your parents were working on a way to help humans so they wouldn't feel inferior to ponies?”

“As I said, yes.” Spike confirmed.

“Well, they were onto something.”

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Sunset asked.

“I looked over the schematics and plans for what they and everyone here was working on, and they were going to launch it... But according to the records it was launched prematurely than planned.”

“Guess someone was eager to launch ahead of schedule.” Rarity said.

“But that's not all,” Twilight continued, “Spike... I don't know how to say this, but I think the virus that caused the outbreak was supposed to be the enhancement for the humans.”

Spike froze in place upon hearing what Twilight said, “The virus was... made here?”

“And it came from the project his parents and their colleagues were working on?” Rarity asked.

“HOLY MOLEY!” Pinkie cried.

“My parents... They caused all this to happen?!” Spike demanded angrily.

“Not quite.” Twilight interrupted him putting his anger on hold.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“I looked over the notes and formulas and it should've worked. The whole Feral virus shouldn't have happened.”

“Twilight, what're you saying?” Applejack asked.

“I think... Someone tampered with the formula and launched it ahead of time.” Twilight said with squinted eyes.

“Tampered with?” Rainbow asked.

“So the outbreak was caused on purpose?” Starlight asked.

“It looks that way.” Twilight answered.

“But why would anybody do that?” Fluttershy wondered.

Spike looked down at the picture of his parents and the others, and eyeballed Cinch, “I'm not sure how but there's an eyewitness to the project, and she's back in Canterlot.”

“You think Cinch was the one who did it?” Luster asked them.

“It wouldn't make sense why she'd wanna turn her own kind into monsters.” Sunset said.

“Does this mean we have to go back to Canterlot and talk to her?” Rainbow asked.

“No way!” Spike answered, “I'm not setting foot in that hell hole ever again!”

“Spike.” the girls gasped.

“Especially after what I did if I came back I'd be arrested.” Spike continued.

“Look, we're all tired, hungry, and overwhelmed,” Twilight calmed Spike, “Let's go back to the Rainboom to relax and figure out what to do.”

Spike calmed down and nodded, “You're right.”

“And with all the data on the virus and the formula that was tampered with I downloaded from the mainframe is worth studying. Maybe could even make a cure.”

“A cure?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight spoke, “Theoretically at least.”

“We'll talk about it in the RV, come on ya'll.” Applejack said, as they started walking out, but not before Twilight turned off the power.

“No reason to waste power.” she told herself as she followed the others.

As they walked down the tunnel heading for where the group entered from, Dragotron spoke, “I can't wait to see the outside world instead of being in a lab my whole created life.”

“Well, we said not to get your hopes up too high,” Spike said, “Remember the world's not as a much a haven as you might've led to believe during your creative process.”

“I am prepared to face the harsh truths.” Dragotron admitted.

As they exited the tunnel and were back outside they were on their way back to the RV, until they stopped in their tracks to see Shining Armor and the guards he was with blocking their path.

“Shining Armor?” Twilight asked.

Before he could speak one of the other guards spoke up directing his attention to Spike, “Spike Clawson, you're under arrest!”

Spike's eyes widened before he screamed in aggravation, “OH, COME ON!!!”

A New Quest

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Spike, the girls, and Dragotron stood before Shining Armor and the guards present with the girls in shock, and Spike aggravated.

“On your knees and hands in the air!” the guard continued to order Spike like he was the boss.

Before Spike could respond, Sunset stepped up, “Now wait just a minute!”

The guard continued, “Sunset Shimmer and Luster Dawn, you and your friends please step away from the criminal.”

“Criminal?” Starlight asked in confusion.

“Spike Clawson, you're under arrest for destruction of private property, destruction of two cars, and mercilessly beating four innocent ponies.” the guard continued to do Shining Armor's job which was starting to irritate the captain.

Spike frowned, “Those assholes were anything but innocent!”


“Stand down!” Shining Armor ordered the guard.

Dragotron approached, “These ponies threaten you, sir? Then let me deal with them.” he readied himself.

“He's got a robot to kill us all!” a guard panicked.

“WILL YOU ALL STOP?!” Twilight screamed grabbing their attention.

Once they were all calm, Shining Armor approached, “Twily, are you ok?”

“I'm fine, Shining Armor. As you can see we all are.” she said showing them no harm was done to them.

Another guard took noticed of Starlight and Dragotron, “Who're these two?”

“They're friends.” Luster assured them.

“I'm Starlight Glimmer; I'm basically a traveler.” the unicorn girl explained.

“And I am Dragotron, personal guard and friend to Spike Clawson.” the robot said.

Shining Armor sighs, “Jeez, leave the city for a week and so much happens.”

“A lot has happened, Shining Armor. Believe me.” Twilight agreed.

“Girls, what were you thinking?” Shining asked rhetorically.

“We felt it was time for a change of pace.” Rainbow answered, only for Applejack to nudge her.

“Leaving the sanctity of the city is a violation.” one of the guards reminded them.

“And aiding a convict.” the guard from before reminded them while shooting Spike a nasty look making him frown.

“Spike is not a convict!” Applejack argued.

“Have you just forgotten the list of crimes he was accounted for?” the guard asked.

“Well, he wouldn't have done it if the Equestrians in our city weren't assholes to humans like so many of them were including all of you!” Rainbow argued back before speaking to Shining Armor, “Not you of course, Shining.”

Spike spoke up, “Yeah, maybe I did do that stuff, but you think that's the worse compared to what several Equestrians did to humans? They actually killed them out of biased spite, but I did not to those four!”

“Oh, this cannot end well.” Fluttershy shivered.

“And we didn't just leave without making a plan.” Sunset added.

“Then why go with him?” Shining asked.

“We're trying to find The Garden.” Pinkie answered with a smile.

“The Garden?” the guards asked.

“That's just a myth.” the one guard spat.

“Actually, I looked over Spike's notes, and it's very highly it does exist.” Twilight answered.

“Twilight, as much as I commend you for your desire to discover new things, mom and dad are worried, same as all your parents.” Shining told the girls.

“Yeah we figured.” Rainbow admitted.

“We know they'd worry about us, but we just had to come for Spike's sake.” Rarity said.

“And it's good that we did.” Luster agreed.

“He has so much potential that everyone in the city just overlooks and treats him like a plague like they do all other humans.” Sunset said.

“And we love him,” Fluttershy declared, “All of us!”

This left the guards and Shining in shock, “Twilight?” he asked.

“It's true. We left with Spike not just to look for The Garden, but because we love him. More than anyone ever did.”

“But we never showed it in public because we were afraid of what others thought,” Rarity continued, “But not anymore.”

“We're stickin' to Spike like glue, and there ain't nothin' you can say or do to change our minds.” Applejack said.

“And we found something here that may change history.” Twilight added.

Shining and the guards were confused, as the captain spoke, “What do you mean?”

Twilight motioned Spike forward feeling he should explain, “Permission to speak, captain?”

The nasty guard spoke, “No you may-” he was silenced by Shining Armor who spoke to Spike.

“Permission granted.”

“Thank you,” Spike said before giving the one guard a nasty look in return, “This complex we just came out of was once used by human and pony scientists who were hoping to find a way to make humans feel stronger and faster compared to the ponies so they wouldn't constantly feel inferior. My parents were two of the scientists leading the project. But we found something else happened here.”

“And that would be?” one of the other guards inquired.

“The virus that turned humans into ferals was also made here.” Twilight answered.

“What?” Shining Armor gasped.

The nasty guard looked at Spike angrily, “Your parents created the outbreak?!”

“They did not!” Spike argued, as Twilight calmed him and spoke.

“We did some decrypting and discovered the formula should've worked, but there was an act of sabotage to it.”

“Someone sabotaged it?” Shining Armor asked in confusion, as the other guards were just as curious.

“Yes. We don't know how or why, but someone there sabotaged the formula and launched it prematurely resulting in the creation of the ferals.” Twilight continued.

“You're absolutely sure about this?” Shining asked.

“When have I ever not been sure?” his sister challenged him.

Shining Armor sighed knowing his sister too well wouldn't lie about something like that, “What else did you find?”

“Only that we have a lead.” Sunset spoke.

Twilight showed them the picture they found and pointed to Cinch, “Abacus Cinch, who is known as the Human Rights Activist in Canterlot was previously a scientist who worked here when the virus was launched. It's a long shot, but she is the closest lead to finding out who tampered with the project creating the feral virus.”

“I know I committed a few crimes back in the city before, and I will face them eventually, but for now all I ask is you talk to Cinch and see if you can find anything.” Spike pleaded.

“Shining Armor, we could be uncovering the greatest conspiracy here. Doesn't that count for something?” Twilight asked.

Shining Armor looking at all the facts and such was torn between being the understanding big brother and captain of the Royal Guard. He finally spoke, “Stand down, everyone.”

“Huh?” the guards asked.

Shining Armor turned to them, “This goes beyond what we were sent for. If there's any chance we can uncover who really turned the humans into ferals, then we should do what we can to uncover the truth.”

The guards were started to get curious about it, but the nasty guard looked at Spike as rage started to fill his eyes before screaming, “NOO!!!”

This got everyone’s attention, “Jeez, buddy, don't pop a blood vessel.” Rainbow told him.

“We came out here, to apprehend this criminal and bring these girls home!” the guard argued with his superior and fellow guards, “Now suddenly you're telling us to just abandon our job and listen to this twisted conspiracy?!”

“Get back in line, soldier!” Shining Armor ordered.

“NO! You've gone soft, Shining Armor, but not me. I'm not going to be swayed from my command. I'm gonna bring this scumbag human back to Canterlot. EVEN IF I HAVE TO KILL HIM AND DRAG HIS CORPSE BACK!” he screamed in fury as he ran at Spike with every intent to end him.

Before Spike, the girls, or Dragotron could react to the insane guard, a feral beast that looked like a crocodile leaped out of nowhere and chomped onto the guard ripping him in half instantly killing him. This caused the groups to back away and the new feral roared at them.

“Feral!” the guards called, as they armed themselves.

“A Leatherhead!” Twilight gasped while identifying the feral species.

“And it's not alone!” Rarity motioned around as more Leatherhead ferals approached.

“These ones have incredibly thick hides.” Twilight warned everyone present.

“So let's get in the game!” Rainbow pumped, as Applejack passed off some of the rifles they found in the compound to the other guards.

“Let's take these varmints!” Applejack called, as they started shooting the Leatherheads.

Though they were nailing the ferals, it was as Twilight said their bodies had tough hides, but it wasn't their aim to kill them with the rifle shots, but just to distract them. Twilight and Sunset started blasting the ferals back with their magic, along with Spike using energy blasts from his gauntlets.

Dragotron observed the scene and spoke, “Activating defense protocols.” he extended blades from his claws, “I'm at your command, Spike!”

“Then show us what you can do.” Spike ordered.

“With pleasure!” Dragotron flew in and tackled one feral wrestling with it while jabbing its blade into its chest multiple times making sure to pierce it hard enough to kill it.

“Good robot!” Pinkie smiled, as she started shooting at another feral leaving it wide open for Shining Armor to blast it with his magic.

Rarity was using her shield magic to block the ferals attacks and push them back, as Applejack continued to pour it on them. As the guards kept shooting they ran out of ammo.

“Reload!” One of the guards ordered, as they started to reload, but two of the Leatherheads started coming right for them.

As they panicked fearing this was their end, the two ferals were blasted at the side by Spike with his gauntlets smoking. The guards looked at Spike in surprise, as the human nodded as they resumed fighting.

Dragotron started firing laser shots at some of the Leatherheads that recoiled from the shots. The robot flew at one of them grabbing it from behind and wrestled it. Dragotron started prying its mouth open, and ended up making him open it too far back it killed him.

Seeing this Spike got an idea as he looked at the remaining four ferals, “Dragotron, pry their mouths open. I got an idea!”

“As you command.” Dragotron confirmed, as he attacked one of the ferals and made it keep its mouth open.

“Time for some medicine.” Spike said, as he launched a small metal ball down the feral's throat.

“Spike, is that?” Twilight began.

“Yeah. Time to put them to the test.” Spike answered.

Twilight catching on used her magic with Sunset and Luster's to ensnare the other three ferals and open their mouths allowing Spike to shoot another small metal ball down their throats.

“Everyone take cover!” Spike ordered, as the group took cover behind something, as Spike pulled out a switch, “Kaboom!” he hit the switch and suddenly the four ferals exploded from the inside killing them.

Everyone poked their heads out seeing the remains of the group of ferals, “Ugh.” one of the guards gagged.

“Those mini-bombs we worked on worked like a charm.” Twilight told Spike who smiled.

“They sure did.” Spike nodded.

“Spike.” one of the guards spoke up as the others approached.

“You-you saved us.” another said.

“Even after all that was said to you, you helped us?” a third said equally confused.

Spike nodded, “I could've let those ferals eat you because of how you'd treat me and so many other humans, but I didn't. I'm not a monster, not like your former comrade there.” he motioned to the two halves of the deceased psycho guard who tried to blindly kill him.

Shining Armor approached, “Spike, you did good coming to our defenses along with my sister and her friends. I've always thought there was more to you than what others said. And now this confirms it. You really do have a heart of gold.”

“Yeah, we could've told you that.” Rainbow boasted.

“I appreciate the words, Shining Armor. But aren't I still a criminal?” Spike asked.

Shining Armor smiled and answered, “Criminals don't help others in life or death situations. You're a hero, Spike.”

“Let's hear it for Spike!” one of the guards declared, as they cheered.

Spike looked at the guards in shock never seen them express this amount of emotion before and for him none the less.

Twilight smiled as she leaned close to him, “See, not every pony is like that.”

Sunset leaned in on his other side, “They just need time to get to know the real you.”

Spike smiled knowing how right they were on that, “Yeah. There is hope.”

Later on, the group met back up at their rides with Shining and the guards to discuss everything. Shining was admiring the camper they recreated, while some of the guards were playing with Jack.

Twilight spoke to her brother, “So as you can see with all this data Cinch is the best chance as of now to find out who created the virus at the lab.”

“And if she doesn't know either?" Shining ask.

“Then we'll have to figure it out ourselves.” Twilight answered.

“You know mom and dad will be worried when I go back and tell them this.”

“I know, but we have to. For the sake of the human race.”

Sunset spoke to Shining Armor, “And tell mom and Aunt Luna, we're all fine. We're not sure when we'll return, but one day we will.”

“It won't be easy telling them that, especially when one of my guards tried to assassinate Spike and ended up getting killed by a feral.”

“That's how the ball rolls out here.” Luster replied.

Shining Armor nodded, “Alright, guys we're heading back. Just us.”

“Captain, that could take awhile.” one of the guards reminded him.

“Not without my help.” Twilight said, as she used her magic to create a sling portal and appearing on the other side was Canterlot almost as if it were right next door.

“Impressive use of portal magic, Twilight.” Starlight gasped.

“Learned it from Princess Celestia. Only an alicorn has the magical prowess to create a portal like this.” she explained.

Shining turned to Twilight, “Keep us updated in what's going on out there.”

“We will, as long as you keep up up to date with your investigation too.” Twilight said.

Shining looked at Spike, “And, Spike.”


“Look after my sister and her friends ok?” he requested.

Spike smiled and nodded, “You got it.”

The guards entered the portal returning to Canterlot, as Twilight closed the portal. When they were gone the group sighed in relief.

“And here I thought I was going to be courted off to the slammer, or publicly executed.” Spike joked.

“The second one wouldn't happen unless mom and Aunt Luna allowed it.” Luster Dawn assured him.

“I'm just glad Shining Armor's on our side.” Applejack said.

“I know.” Rarity agreed.

“My brother would never betray me like that even as a royal guard.” Twilight said.

“Well, let's get a move on.” Spike suggested, as they all packed up and headed on the road.

Back in Canterlot, Shining and the rest of the guards presented themselves before the two sisters relaying all they learned about Spike and the girls.

“And that's everything your highness’s.” Shining finished.

Celestia sighed in relief, “First I am so glad to know my daughters and their friends are safe.”

“Same for Spike.” Luna put in.

“And now this raises a bigger question,” the eldest sister continued, “The virus was staged by someone who worked along side Spike's parents by tampering with their project.”

“And it could be anyone in this picture.” Luna said looking over a copy of the picture Spike and the girls found in the lab.

“So far we've only identified one of the people being Abacus Cinch.” one of the guards said.

“Yes, we're aware of Cinch's status here.” Luna replied.

“With your permission we can bring her in for questioning and see what she might know.” Shining Armor said.

“Maybe even get the names of some of the others present in this photograph.” a second guard added.

Celestia nodded in agreement, “Very well. Bring Abacus Cinch in for questioning.”

The guards nodded and saluted before taking their leave. The two sisters, sighed as Luna spoke, “Sister, how do you feel?”

“Overwhelmed, Luna,” she confessed, “My daughters and their friends are out there helping one human boy discover a place many thought was a myth and now discovering the virus was all set up by someone. There's so much to take in.”

“I know, but we must believe Sunset, Luster, and the others know what they're doing and staying safe out there,” Luna comforted her, “And remember they're doing this not just for the good of humankind, but because of their love and devotion for someone many others in this city have shown nothing but contempt for. That's something to be proud of.”

Celestia couldn't help but smile and shed some tears, “Yes. I am very proud of all of them. Even Spike. Despite the hardships he's endured he's willing to protect them with his life. Even protect the very ponies who never paid him any mind.” she said recalling how Shining Armor told them how Spike protected the guards from getting killed.

Celestia and Luna walked to the balcony of the office and looked out into the distance past the wall. Celestia thought to herself, 'Good luck out there, all of you.'

Back with Spike and the girls, after leaving Obsidianville, they stopped and made camp at a secure spot. As nighttime came they sat around the campfire to keep warm, while Pinkie mad s'mores for everyone. The girls looked and noticed Spike had a look of discomfort on his face.

“Spike?” Twilight began.

“Is everything all right, darling?” Rarity inquired.

Spike looked up, “Oh, sorry, girls. Just had a lot on my mind.”

“With what happened today, I can't blame ya.” Applejack replied.

“Yeah, from almost being arrested to attacked by ferals, is enough to really shake things up.” Pinkie chuckled.

“I'm just glad we all got through it alive.” Fluttershy said in relief.

“Same.” Luster Dawn agreed.

“Not to mention the discovery we found.” Starlight put in.

“Yeah. Who would've thought the virus was all staged by someone working along side your parents?” Rainbow asked Spike.

“Well in our discovery we got a new friend to help us.” Sunset motioned to Dragotron who nodded.

“Uh-huh,” Spike nodded before sighing, “I had really hoped this would just be a simple search for the Garden, but now it's more than that. We learned about how the feral virus was created, but by who and why?”

“And if we can actually find a way to reverse it.” Twilight noted.

Spike stood up, “Whatever the case, we'll find the Garden and uncover the truth behind this virus. And I'm glad to say I won't be doing it alone.”

The girls smiled, and stood up with him, “Yeah, you're stuck with us now.” Rainbow smirked.

“For life.” Pinkie smiled.

“We're all here with you, Spike.” Twilight assured him.

“Forever.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Because we love you, darling.” Rarity said.

Spike smiled and shed some tears, “Thanks, girls. I love you all.”

“Bring it in, ya'll!” Applejack chuckled as they all gather around Spike and kissed him with Jack nuzzling against their legs.

Elsewhere in a room sat a figure in an armchair, before a beeping sound could be heard. They looked over at a monitor and saw a beacon blinking.

“Someone found the lab,” the figure began, “Which means they may know the truth. I must not let this go unturned.” the figured whistled, and flying into the room were two ferals that appeared to be crow-like.

“Go my Tengu's. Fly for Obsidianville and follow from there for anyone who may be out to discover the secrets.”

The two ferals squawked, “Yes, master.” the two flew out an opened balcony window and into the night. The figure looked up as lightning cracked and the light from it revealed the figure was an adult man with short dark hair and smirking devilishly.

{To be Continued}