Chrysalis' Rubber Revenge

by xvos1337

First published

Chrysalis while in hiding opened up a sex shop/brothel in order to gather emotions to feed her remaining subjects. She loathes having to use lust as a food source but its all she could do. One day one of her enemies wanders into her store.

After her defeat, the loss of the hive, and the reformation under Thorax, Chrysalis had lost almost everything. Only about a third of the changelings had rejected the reformation and chose to go into hiding with her. In her rush to flee she was only able to grab a few things from the ancient archives. In an attempt to feed her changelings she used a secret resource stash she had made long ago to buy a business in Canterlot's red-light district and opened a brothel/sex shop. She despised that she had to rely on lust to feed her subjects, but what had to be done, had to be done. The business boomed and she expanded the business to many locations with deals with other business all over the continent. Now that her children had a stable source of food and resources, her thoughts turned to how or even if she should seek her revenge on the ponies who pushed her to this. Then one evening, one such pony just walked into her store, practically bound herself up, and handed her the keys. On top of that she was given a sudden inspiration for how she could get her revenge!
General kinks: Latex, sex dolls, transformation, bondage, rape, attempted mind breaking, kidnapping, imprisonment

chapter specific kinks

Chapter 1: Twilight X Futa Chrysalis


Here's a prequel to my first clop fic. I think i did a bit better in writing it but i still dont think its great. Hopefully its atleast passable to clop to. Advise/feedback on how I can improve it or my writings in the future is gladly accepted.


Twilight's Heat

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It was a beautiful spring day in Ponyville, the town was abuzz with happy ponies going about their day. The only pony that wasn't enjoying their day was the newest alicorn of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight had barricaded herself in her room in the castle due her going into heat early this year. She had spent the last few days barricaded in her room, avoiding any other ponies. Normally, her heat was bearable with a suppression spell but this year her heat was worse than she had ever had and her spell wasn't working. She had sent off a letter to her mentor, Princess Celestia, hoping she'd have an explanation. Twilight was trying to reread her complete collection of magical encyclopedias in order to distract herself when she heard a knock of her door. Opening her door revealed her number one assistant and adopted little brother, Spike.
"Hey Twilight, I got a letter back from the Princess for you, as well as the normal mail."
Twilight quickly grabbed both the mail and the letter from the princess from him in her magic and slammed the door in his face after quickly thanking him. She immediately tore open the letter and read it.

Dear Twilight,

I feared this would happen soon, an alicorn's heat is much more potent than the average pony's. Unlike a normal pony, an alicorn's heat can't he suppressed magically. Even the most potent alchemical suppressant will only last a couple hours at most. Inside the envelope I have included one such suppressant. They're very rare so I only have the one I can give you at the moment. I suggest you use it to travel to one of the red-light districts in a major city where u can get 'serviced' if you know what I mean... I believe you already know a birth control spell as well as an illusion spell so you can get this taken care of discreetly without any consequences. Good Luck!

Your Friend,

Twilight just stared at and reread the letter. She still couldn't get used to using Celestia's name without her title. She turned the small envelope over and out came a small red pill. She was still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that her heats from now on were going to be far more challenging to get through and couldn't be suppressed by normal means. She thought about her mentor's advice to use a birth control and illusion spell to have my heat satisfied at a red-light district. She was embarrassed just thinking of the idea but this heat was driving her crazy. Just thinking about going to a red-light district gave her a deep blush, but she had to admit it was the only thing she could think of now and resigned herself to it. She decided that she could go to the red-light district in Canterlot, at least then she could visit her mentor and maybe parents after her heat had been taken care of.

With her decision made she grabbed her saddlebags and started to grab anything she thought she'd need. She grabbed some quills, ink, paper, a bag of bits, and of course a book to read on the train ride there and back. As she's gathering up her items she notices the mail that Spike had also given her and she quickly scanned through them. There were a couple letters from nobles trying to set her up with their children, some junk mail, and a letter from her brother and sister in law up in the Crystal Empire. She stored the letter from them in her desk and went to throw out the rest when she noticed another red and black postcard on the floor next to her desk. Thinking she must have dropped it she picked it up and read it over. It read:

'Grand Reopening! The newest attraction in Canterlot's red-light district finally reopening after its six month long remodel and expansion. The Latex Lovin sex shop and brothel is finally open for business once more. We have all your latex and rubber needs from bdsm, to simple dildos, to the most expertly crafted latex sex dolls you'll ever find! Once you've browsed our wide selection and made your purchases, take them upstairs to the brothel and test them out with your special somepony or one of our expert love makers. We have something for anypony!'

Twilight's face was fire engine red and her brain ceased to function for a few minutes before she was able to calm herself down again before quickly tossing the postcard ad into her trash can. She gave one last check before deciding she had everything she'd need. She quickly took the heat suppressant that Celestia had given her and informed Spike that she was headed to Canterlot to speak with the princess about something important and that he was in charge of the castle while she was gone. The suppressant kicked in fast and she felt significantly better. In her relieved state she doubted whether she should continue on but knew that the suppressant wouldn't last long, so she headed for the train station. Luckily for her the train that was headed for Canterlot was just pulling into the station so she bought her ticket and got on board quickly.

She sat down and did the numbers in her head. It was currently 8pm and most of the shops and businesses open around 9pm. She estimated ten minutes to the train station from her castle, ten minutes for the train to load and restock before leaving, and an eighty minute ride to Canterlot. That made up one hundred minutes. The letter said the suppressant would start to wear off within a couple hours, so that left her about twenty minutes to get to the red light district. That would mean that she would arrive in the red-light district at approximately 10pm, just enough time to figure things out from there. Her plan mapped out, she settled in to her seat and pulled out her book and started reading it just as the train start toward Canterlot. It was an interesting book in her eyes. It was a book on theoretical transmutation spells. Transmutation being the changing of a material from one type to another. It didn't have much practical use to most since the bigger the change the more magic it consumed and most unicorns just didn't have the amount of magic necessary. As she's going over the part talking about how the difference in mass and density effect the the magical load on the spell caster, she noticed that the train was pulling into Canterlot station. Twilight quickly put away her book and prepared to disembark from the train rushing to get to the door to be the first pony off.

Once she was off the train she quickly started to walk toward the red-light district before the suppressant wore off. As she walked she realized ponies were staring at her and a few even gave a bow towards her. She immediately realized that she hadn't disguised herself. She quickly ducked into a public bathroom and entered a stall. She briefly went over her illusion spell in her head before casting it. There was a dim flash and then she checked herself over to make sure the illusion was working properly. Looking herself over she now had a dark blue coat with a light blue mane. On top of that her wings were also hidden with an invisibility illusion so she looked like a slightly taller than average unicorn. Satisfied with the illusions she left the restroom and quickly continued on her way.

She made good time reaching the red-light district, reaching it just as she felt the suppressant start to wear off allowing her heat to start getting bothersome again. She starts to wonder around not knowing what to do or where to seek relief, since she had never even thought of coming here before. She continued to wonder for a bit, her heat hitting her at full force now that the suppressant had worn off. She had passed several brothels and other sex oriented buildings but was still to embarrassed to enter any of them to inquire about services. She stopped to look around at her surroundings to get an idea of if there was a business here that could help her. She recognized a large red and black building almost right away. It was the business that she had gotten that postcard ad from, 'Latex Lovin' was the name. She thought about just walking away and looking else where, but her heat was driving her mad at this point so she finally worked up the courage to enter the store.

Almost immediately upon entering the store the overwhelming scent of latex smacked her in the nose. Once again she had thoughts of leaving but knowing if this keeps up she'll just keep wondering aimlessly while her heat continues to drive her mad, she continues inside. She still wasn't sure what to do so she just started to wonder around the store looking at various things. Large latex dildos, bondage equipment made primarily out of latex, costumes, dresses, and other items of clothing, they really did have everything you could ever want in some form of latex or rubber. She eventually wandered into their sex doll section and started looking at all of them. They had blow-up dolls, full sized silicon dolls, some of which were hard to distinguish from actual ponies. They even seemed to have a custom order service, where you could give them your specifications and they'd make it for you.

Once she got to the back of the sex doll section she noticed there was a huge display and the doll that was standing on top of the pedestal just above all the packaged versions of it, was an inflatable latex sex doll of her! She instantly went completely red and even her hidden wings were completely extended and stiff. After a minutes to calm down she started to observe the doll and take in its details. It was completely seamless and the latex was perfect without a single blemish. The colors matched her normal coat and mane colors perfectly. If it wasn't obviously shiny and made of latex you might mistake it for the real Twilight Sparkle. The only thing that seemed to be slightly off was the fact that the flank of the doll was slightly larger than her. The eyes of the doll were in a sultry 'come hither' expression. The doll also looked as if it was slightly crouched forward as to lower its perfect 'O' of a mouth to the average pony's crotch level. Walking around back she had a full view of both the dolls puffy ponut and pussy thanks to the doll's tail being lifted up and slightly off to the side. She walked closer to it and reached up a hoof to touch it. The second her hoof made contact with the latex she could feel how firm yet pliable it was. The feel of the latex made her blush return stronger than ever as she rubbed her hoof along the flank of the inflatable doll with a quiet rubbery squeak. She was so entranced by it that she didn't hear the pony behind her walk up.
"Hello miss, enjoying our newest premium product I see."

The sudden pony talking to her instantly caused her to jolt out of her trance and practically jump to the ceiling, landing and clinging onto the latex inflatable doll of herself in a panic.

"I'm glad you like it enough to want to play with it here on the spot, but I'll have to ask you to not do so in the middle of the store with our display doll...light fondling only I'm afraid."

Twilight instantly realized she was on top of the latex sex doll and hugging it in what looked like a very compromising position. She quickly removed herself and climbed back down to the floor with her face so red you could practically see steam coming out of her ears.

"Hehe, don't worry about it so much, I'm only teasing you. You'd be surprised how often it actually does happen though. Anyway, where are my manners? My name is Tight Spot and I'm the owner and operator of this kinky establishment."
Twilight took a moment to compose herself once more before answering.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Tw...." Twilight came to a complete stop realizing she almost used her real name! She tried to think of a fake name and as she did she noticed she forgot to use her illusion spell to change her cutie mark! She still had her 6 pointed star surrounded by smaller stars. She quickly thought up a name while hoping no one would figure it out. "I'm Twinkling Star! Sorry got distracted for a moment there."

"Don't worry about it, I understand, being in heat can cause a massive distraction. I could smell you from the second you walked into the store." Hearing this caused Twilight once again to blush. "Sorry, it's just to much fun teasing a shy cutie like you. Back to my question from earlier, is there anything your looking for or I can help you with?"

Twilight looked back to the inflatable latex sex doll of herself and asked, "How was this made? It has no seems as if it was made from a single piece of rubber...and why in the image of the element of magic?"

"We have a deal with the Bouncy Time Fun balloon factory in Manehattan to produce these. They've recently expanded their business and have been making rubber and latex products for a number of industries, including the adult industry. Despite how it looks it's actually made of several pieces of latex then they have unicorns that have learned some very special spells that allow them to melt and manipulate the rubber to fuse the seems together to make it look like a single piece of latex. To answer your other question, it's simply that the element holders are heroes of the country. Many stallions, and mares even, fantasize about them all the time and Princess Twilight being a newly ascended alicorn on top of that? She was the logical first choice to make a new line of inflatable latex sex dolls. So far, the 'Spank-Me Sparkle' model of dolls has sold very well all over the nation, even in a couple other countries like Saddle Arabia, Yakyakistan, the Griffin Empire, a few even seemed to have been sold to dragons. It's been so popular we even have plans to expand the line, with a model for each of the elements and maybe the other princesses too."

Twilight was still processing all this. The information that other beings were all fantasizing about her sexually had made her brain stop dead. It was flattering, but at the same time difficult for her to comprehend. After another moment she collected herself again while Tight Spot just stood in place with a smile.

"Since you're in heat and from what I can tell, badly in need of relief, could I offer you the other half of my business' services? As you may or may not know we recently went through large renovations and improvements and also offer sexual services in a plethora of brand new themed rooms."

Twilight thought it over and nervously agreed. She was then lead to the far side of the store where there was a counter with a red door behind it and a lamp lit up with a red light.

"Here you are, this is our binder of offered role play scenarios, a list with a short bio on each of our sexual employees plus their rates, and our rates based on what services, rooms, equipment, and of course the standard hourly fee. I'll be back in a minute to check up on you." With that Tight spot went through the door and closed it behind her.

Twilight opened up the binder and started browsing the employee part of the catalog. She was surprised to find that they had a rather diverse selection. They had a couple unicorns, an earth pony, a pegasus, three reformed changelings, a dragon and even a couple griffins. Once she was done reading their bios over she moved on to the role play scenarios. She wasn't sure she'd want to do a role play, rather than just keep it vanilla, but it didn't hurt to read them at least. They offered a rather large assortment of scenarios. They had your standard affair, to the more extreme kidnapping/damsel in distress scenarios.
As she flipped through them one of them caught her eye. Normally she would never even consider it but her heat had her in a far more lusty state of mind. She was so fixated on it she once again didn't hear Tight Spot return and once she spoke it made Twilight jump once again.

"Oh yeah, that's a really good one. Its brand new and only offered by one of our newest employees. Since she's new she isn't well known yet either so her rates are fairly low and the scenario doesn't take up to much equipment so over all the package isn't super expensive. You know you wanna...just imagine you've been trapped and kidnapped by the dastardly Queen Chrysalis. Bound and completely helpless to her every sexual whim..."
The way Tight Spot described it gave Twilight chills and made her pussy moisten and quiver.
She managed to squeak out a quick, "Yes...that one please..."
"Excellent! I'll inform Mistress Arachnid that she has a customer. While I do that here are the forms you'll need to fill out for us. Don't worry they're just documents saying you know the content of the role play and consent to it. The law requires it is filled out by all customers to ensure everyone's safety." With that explanation done she once again exited through the red door.

Twilight quickly read over the papers and it was exactly as she was told it was, just a simple agreement and consent form. She quickly signed it using a quill and inkwell that was on the counter and waited for Tight Spot's return. It didn't take long, only a few minutes, before she returned and told Twilight to follow her. Twilight follows her through the door and was lead up some stairs then lead down a hallway with doors that looked like they were dipped into shiny latex on either side. The doors alternated between black and red and had a small golden placard. Each of the placards had a couple words on it like, 'Play Room A', or 'The Nursery' which gave a brief glimpse into what lied beyond. Eventually Tight Spot stopped at a red door marked 'BDSM C'. She quickly beckoned Twilight inside and showed her a locker where she could store her saddle bags, which Twilight quickly did.

"Ok, so here is the the room your session will be in. Mistress Arachnid will be with you shortly. Feel free to explore, touch things, and familiarize yourself with the room while you wait. I hope you enjoy your first time and you don't have to worry, all our rooms are magically sound proofed and shielded from any form of scrying, so no one outside this room will notice or hear your moans or screams of pleasure. You're in for a good time, Mistress Arachnid is a new up and comer in the industry and her rates are sure to raise once she's recognized as such...tata!" With that Tight Spot exits the room leaving Twilight alone to explore a bit.

Twilight slowly looked over the room, it was a fairly large room, maybe 50ftx50ft. Just as the door, the whole room was done up floors to ceiling covered in red and black rubber. There were a few closed cabinets and a closet, probably with sexual toys and equipment inside. Up against the far wall was a large king sized bed but it too was coated in red and black rubber, even the linens were replaced with matching sheets of latex. In the center of the room was an odd contraption with pads and straps attached to it. The frame was made of polished black metal, while the pads that where attached to it was upholstered in red latex. The straps also looked to be made of black latex and hung limply attached on one side to the device. She figured it must be some form of sexual device. It reminded her of a bondage device that was described in a book Rarity insisted she read about a mare being controlled and dominated by a rich stallion. She continued to explore the rest of the room, but there wasn't much more to see.

A few minutes later the door opened and a large mare with a deep black coat and dark green mane walked into the room. She had a cutie mark of a black spider viewed from above with a circular web behind it. The Mistress quickly noticed Twilight standing over by the bondage frame and slowly sauntered over making sure to sway her flanks in a provocative way.

As soon as the Mistress walked up to her, Twilight attempted to introduce herself, but was immediately shushed. "Good slaves don't speak unless spoken to. From this moment on while we are in this room you're not a pony, you're my toy. If I do allow you to speak it will be respectfully and the either the first or last word out of your mouth pussy better be Mistress. Do I make my self clear?"

The sudden tone and harshness of her words were like a slap to the face for Twilight as she was caught completely off guard. She quietly squeaked out, doing her best impression of Fluttershy, "yes..."
Mistress Arachnid just frowned and asked, "Yes...what?" In an annoyed tone.
Twilight quickly realized her mistake and amended her statement, "Yes Mistress."

"It'll do for now but you better be more careful in the future or I'll have to punish you for it. Now that that is out of the way let's get you bound to the bondage frame here so we can start."
Twilight just looks at the piece of equipment and wasn't sure how to proceed. The look of being lost wasn't missed by the Mistress however.

"Must I really teach you everything? Fine let me show you.."
Twilight knew the mistress was annoyed so she complied and let herself be guided into place so the she could be strapped into place in the device. The first strap was one that went around her barrel just behind her front legs, next around her lower back just in front of her rear legs. Next her legs were bound in place, each with a strap just above the hoof, below the knee, and the last one at the halfway point between the knee and her barrel. Twilight was now effectively immobile from the neck down.
"Good, now lay your head here toy."

Twilight quickly complied not wanting to be punished. She placed her head on a small pad that cupped the back of her jaw and upper neck but left most of her muzzle free. She quickly felt 2 straps, one just above the base of her neck and one just below her head fastened in place. They were tight enough to keep her from pulling away even slightly but loose enough she could still breath. Next she saw a strap being brought into her view that wasn't attached to the head pad from the corner of her eye. This one was a bit different though it had a ring built into it and was adjustable on both sides. She felt the ring slide over her horn down to the base before the strap was fastened in place and tightened on both sides, making it impossible to even move her head more than a slight wiggle. She was now completely bound and immobile. This was an odd feeling for her as she had never been bound to this degree. The thought of being immobile while another was in complete control made her loins moisten quickly which in combination with her heat made her unbearably horny.
While Twilight was lost in these thoughts, Mistress Arachnid was preparing one last thing just out of her view.
Twilight was quickly snapped out of her bound fantasy when she felt her wings forced down to her sides and held there with another strap. Alarm bells were blaring in her head, how could the mistress have known about her wings?! They were definitely still hidden by her illusion magic. She panicked a bit tried to use her magic to undo the straps, but quickly found her magic wouldn't manifest! The realization hit her like a brick...the ring built into the head strap was a magic inhibitor ring!
"Um...Mistress...I think I've changed my mind...I don't think I'm ready for this level of sexual play..."
"To late to back out now I'm're already my bound toy, and I'm ready to play. Why would I release you now that you've let me bind you. No, I'm afraid you're mine now..."

Twilight realized that Mistress Arachnid's voice had changed and it sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite figure out why.

The mistress then walked around front so Twilight could see her and she had the largest shit eating grin on her face. "After all you wanted a sexual experience where you were captured by the dastardly, and sexy, Queen Chrysalis. Who am I to deny you that fantasy..." As she completed that last sentence she burst into green flames. Once Twilight's eyes had adjusted from the sudden flash, standing where Mistress Arachnid had just been was none other than Queen Chrysalis still wearing a shit eating grin. "...Besides, it plays into my yearning for revenge against you. We both get what we want. You weren't very subtle either, your illusion was very sloppy, and you didn't even change your cutie mark. As an expert in shapeshifting/illusions to hide my identity I could see through that flimsy beginner level illusion as if it wasn't hidden at all." While Chrysalis was gloating Twilight struggled with all her might. Her magic was useless and even her alicorn strength couldn't make the straps or frame of the device bend at all.
"Chrysalis, release me this instant!"
"Now why would I do something like that after I went through all the trouble of binding you up in the first place?"
"Tight Spot will come check on us eventually and when she does you'll be exposed!"
"Oh you poor naïve pony princess....I am Tight Spot!" Chrysalis practically laughed as she quickly turned into Tight Spot just to prove it, changing back a few seconds later.

Once she was done gloating Chrysalis used her magic to float over Twilights saddle bags from the storage locker. "Now lets see if you brought anything interesting with you..." Chrysalis opened up the bags and quickly went through them placing the paper, ink and quills off to the with a bored look. "Do you honestly bring writing supplies with you everywhere?" Next she pulled out the bag of bits. "How nice of you to bring so many bits. This will go far in expanding my business. Hello...what's this now. Should have known an egghead like you would have a book with you. Let's see now...'Advanced theoretical transmutation and transformation' interesting The way you were staring at the inflatable latex sex dolls of yourself I half expected this to be some form of erotica about..." Chrysalis slowly trailed off as she slowly got a massive and wicked smile as she looked at Twilight. The way she was looking at her made Twilight very uncomfortable. "I'll be right back I need to go get something I think will interest you greatly. I know it does me....but first I wouldn't want you to get bored while I was gone..." Chrysalis' horn lit up with her magic as she walked out of Twilight's view.

A few seconds later she heard Chrysalis speak once more. "It seems your enjoying this more than you want to admit. You're absolutely soaked back here." Right after chrysalis said that Twilight felt a long tongue slowly lick from the bottom, all the way to the very top of her pussy. She felt her whole body shudder from the pleasure as she held in a moan. "Oh yes, you're absolutely oozing lust right now. That's good that means you'll enjoy your entertainment. Won't even need to lube it since you've done that yourself already." It was at this moment Twilight felt some thing being placed against her puffy pussy lips. A moment later she felt it slowly start to push into her. It only took a moment and the tip pushed past her pussy lips with a satisfying pop. Just the tip entering pushed Twilight into a new level of horny that she had never experienced before. It took all her control not to moan and give Chrysalis the satisfaction. The object continued to slowly push further in causing waves pleasure to continually travel up her spine. With a final quick thrust on the object was fully seated and pushing up against her cervix almost pushing into her uterus. The sudden violent thrust finally broke Twilight's concentration, the sudden spike of pleasure caused her to let out a loud drawn out moan. Chrysalis couldn't help but laugh at it.

"That's music to my ears....If you liked that you'll love my new plans for you once I return with what I need. Just to make sure you don't get bored..." Twilight suddenly felt the object which she assumed was some kind of latex/silicon dildo, start to lightly vibrate, "Don't worry its set to low, not enough to make you orgasm but enough to keep you busy while I'm away. Wouldn't want you to break before we even got to the best part yet. Enjoy..." With that Chrysalis walked away, turning back into Tight Spot before she exited through the door.

Twilight knew that Chrysalis being gone was her best odds of escaping so she tried to struggle and think of a way to escape. Her pussy had other plans however. The dildo vibrating inside her had made her feel even weaker and the constant waves of pleasure made it hard to think straight for more than a few seconds at a time. All her struggles were in vain and the pleasure from the vibrating dildo in her pussy made it impossible to come up with a plan. She didn't know how long it had been but eventually Chrysalis walked back in through the door still in her disguise.

Chrysalis quickly shut and locked the door, then released her disguise. She had in her magic a small black box made of metal with a green gem inlaid into the lid that was just large enough for a large book to fit into. Sure enough as she walked up to the still tightly bound Twilight she opened the lid and removed large book before closing the box and levitating it off to the side of the room.

"I'm back, did you miss me? Seeing that book of yours reminded me of this book that I managed to take with me from the hive. You know before you and your friends stole it from me! It's from an ancient changeling queen. She had a full on passionate fetish for rubber and latex so she developed transmutational magics based around it. I thought it may be useful to my surprise for you..."

Twilight still fighting to keep her focus looked over the book as best she could from her position. It was about the same size as most of the 2-3 thousand year old tomes she used to study in the Canterlot archives. It was pretty thick as well, maybe a thousand or more pages. What really stuck out about the book however was what the cover seemed to be coated in. The outer cover of the book looked like it was made from or coated in a layer or two of black latex. It even still seems to hold a shine despite its supposed age.

"Queen La'Texia was an odd one to say the least from the accounts of her I've read in the ancient changeling archives. She discover the first rubber trees in some tropical jungle and was fascinated by them. She had them brought back to the hive and experimented with them until she eventually figured out how to make what we know today as rubber and latex. She was obsessed with this new material and eventually developed transmutational magics that would allow her to turn anything she wanted into latex or rubber. Now you're probably wondering what this has to do with you and I. Well when I saw your book on pony's theory of transmutation and teased you about your reaction to the inflatable latex sex dolls that were made in your image, I had an idea...a brilliant idea...of how to best get rid of you for good so no one will ever find or rescue you again."
Twilight was starting to get a bad feeling about where this was going.

"It's simple really, inside this old tome is all of Queen La'Texia's notes and research. It even has spells that would allow one to turn organic matter into inorganic matter...or living creatures into latex while maintaining there mind..."
Twilight had a pretty good idea of where she was going with this now and she didn't like it one bit. The implications of what she's saying were horrifying.

"You can't be implying what I think you are...." Twilight managed to squeak out without moaning from the toy still vibrating away inside her.

"Oh, but my dear toy, I am.....Why go through all the effort of hiding you in some dark pit when I can turn YOU, into your own prison and hide you in plain sight...."
This served to make Twilight start to struggle again with renewed vigor, not even bothering to scream or yell knowing it'd fall on deaf ears.
"You're a smart mare, I'm sure you've figured out what I'm hinting my plan is, but just because I want to hear it out loud I'll say it anyway. I'm going to use the magic from Queen La'Texia's notes to turn you into just another inflatable latex sex doll and of yourself no less. Don't worry, I'll make sure to try to keep your mind intact inside of the inanimate doll. I wouldn't want to denied you all the pleasure and the unique experience after all. Once it's done you'll look like all the others and be indistinguishable. Maybe I'll use you as the display in the store for a while, or maybe make you one of the latex dolls that's for use in the brothel. Either way, after I've had my fun with you personally, I'll just sell you off at a discount. Maybe ship you to another store outside of Equestria and lose the records of the shipment. It'd be practically impossible for any of your friends or Celestia to find you and rescue you. Don't worry though, after a while you'll just come to accept that you're nothing more than a toy to be used for someone else's pleasure. Oh the thought is just making me so horny...."

Twilight is in full on tears at the point and barely struggling anymore. She knew that with her magic sealed and bound this tightly, she has no way to escape under her own power. No one even knows she came here on top of the fact this room is locked, and magically isolated from all sound or magical ease dropping, which meant that no help was on the way anytime soon. " can't....please no...." she managed to squeak out between sobs.

"Hmm we'll have to do something about that crying, no one likes a sad fuck doll..." Chrysalis' horn once again lights up and Twilight feels something but cant figure out what it is. After a few seconds the odd sensation stops and Twilight realizes she's not crying or sobbing anymore. She still feels sad and scared but she can't seem to express it anymore.

"Good, it seems like it worked. I've also been brushing up on more advanced mind manipulation techniques. I've made it so subconsciously you can't cry anymore. I've also added a couple other triggers but that'll be a surprise for later. Now lets get started shall we..."

"Like Tartarus will I just sit here and let you get away with this! You've completely lost it!"

"I think I'll start with your're being too loud for my liking. Toys should be quiet and pleasure their masters after all."
Chrysalis' horn lit up and she just stood there for a few seconds smiling at Twilight.
"Stop this Chrysalis! This is crazy, even for you!" Twilight tried to plea with her.

"Oh, but Twilight I thought you'd prefer to have a pleasurable prison over the usual dark secluded cave or cocoon? I'm sure you'll change your mind and even come to love it after a while you silly doll..."

As if to punctuate the word 'doll', Chrysalis lifted her hoof and booped Twilight on her nose. However when she did so Twilight could see an odd thin black substance start to spread out from where Chrysalis booped her snoot. It quickly spread out engulfing her entire lower muzzle, stopping just below her eyes. She kept her mouth closed tightly, not wanting to let it in. Unfortunately for her the latex had sealed her nostrils closed so after a nearly a minute of fighting to keep her mouth closed, she involuntarily had to open her mouth to suck in air. The latex took this opportunity to quickly enter and coat the inside of her mouth. She tried to close her mouth, spit it out, or just biting it, but nothing worked after a few seconds the inside of her mouth was thoroughly coated with the latex stopping just past the opening into her throat. She could feel the latex start to stiffen and force her mouth open. She tried to resist it but it felt like all the strength in her jaw had just vanished to the point she could barely move her jaw at all. She felt like her mouth was being force to stay in the open position and there wasn't anything she could do about it. Even her tongue felt like it was pinned to the bottom of her mouth. She tried to scream at Chrysalis, but all that came out was a series of muffled groans and grunts.
"Much better, you were being much to loud! Beside you're already starting to look the part of my new favorite toy! Let me show you."

Chrysalis' horn lit up once more and out of the corner of Twilight's eye she could see the closet door open and 2 large panels of some sort being levitated over to her. Once they were in front of her Twilight could tell the panels where large full length mirrors with built-in stands. They were quickly set up on either side in front of her allowing her to see most of herself. She looked at her muzzle and it was just as she had thought; from just below her eyes, wrapping around her jaw and all the way to the tip of her muzzle was covered in what looked to be a thin layer of solid black shiny latex. The worst part was that her mouth was a perfect 'O' with a slightly puffed up ring around it just like the dolls made in her image. Worse yet she couldn't mover her lips, jaw, or tongue anymore. Anywhere the latex was touching she felt a tight sensation like you'd feel from pushing your face into an over filled balloon. It was an odd feeling, but not unpleasant at all. That being said, in this situation it was terrifying to her.

"I believe this was an excellent start. Now where to go next..." chrysalis hums in thought as she walks around to Twilight's left side and touches the tip of her hoof to the spine between Twilight's front shoulder blades. This causes latex to once again slowly spread from the point of contact. Chrysalis slowly moves her hoof down along Twilight's spine until her hoof is at the base of her tail. All the while leaving a slowly spreading trail from where ever her hoof touched. Twilight hadn't even notice or felt the latex spreading however, because all she could feel was the massive wave of pleasure that had rolled off her spine as Chrysalis had moved her hoof over it. Twilight was lost and let out a loud moan before she regained her composure and was concerned with what just happened.
"That's the first surprise, it's a subconscious trigger I gave you...your mind now interprets your whole body as one massive erogenous zone...especially your flanks!" Chrysalis emphasized the word 'flanks' as she brought her hoof down hard and fast on Twilight's now mostly latex covered flank with a loud crack. Twilight once again grunted out a loud moan from the sudden spike of pleasure.

"The second trigger...or more like an extension of the first is your flanks are even more sensitive than the rest of you! After all your dolly namesake is the 'Spank-Me Sparkle'."

Twilight was still coming down from the sudden spike but heard everything she said. She was more scared and, oddly enough, turned-on than she had even been in her life!

"Your probably wondering why I would allow you all this pleasure. The answer is simple's to break you. Cram so much pleasure into that brain of yours, to the point that your brain will have no room for anything else. Besides, the best prison is one you don't want to leave. If you become addicted to the pleasure, you'll never want to escape even if you could."

This concept made Twilight's brain shut down for a moment. She remembered in some of the studies she's read on psychology that the mind was not meant to endure long stretches of isolation. If you introduce the element of feeling extreme pleasure in the act of being used in conjunction with it...that would essentially be the same as Ponlov's experiments. She feared it would condition her mind to equate pleasure from the act of being used as nothing more than someone's sex doll. The possible ramifications on her mental state could be permanent! Twilight snapped back out of her horrifying train of though when Chrysalis start to do something with her tail. She looked into one of the mirrors and saw it being moved into a raised position and off to the side similarly to how the latex sex dolls' had been. This was her last remaining free appendage so she tried to use it to resist.

"So you still want to act defiantly huh..." Chrysalis used her magic opening one of the cabinets that was next to the bed and pulled out another silicon dildo along with a large bottle of something. This dildo was a bit odd however as it looked to be a bit thinner than the one that was still lodged on her pussy. The weirdest feature was that at its base the dildo thinned out very suddenly to a fraction of its thickness. As she was trying to figure out why it would be shaped like that she felt something was pressing up against her ponut. She had never tried anal play before, so she once again attempted to scream and yell but it once again came out completely unintelligible as grunts and groans.

"This should keep you distracted for a moment while I make sure your tail is in the correct position as the latex engulfs it. I was even nice enough to make sure it's properly lubed."

As she finish that sentence she gave the dildo a fast but shallow push forward causing the dildo to make a fast push passed Twilight's anal ring and into her rectum. This of course caused another spike of pleasure causing Twilight to zone out again. Chrysalis however obviously wasn't done since the dildo wasn't fully seated inside Twilight. Chrysalis started to push the dildo further on only to pull it out slightly again. She always made sure to push it in further then she pulled it back out so the dildo would slowly sink further and further inside Twilight with each thrust. Once it was almost all the way in she pulled it almost all the way out only leaving the tip still inserted and rammed the entire dildo home until Twilight's ponut had engulfed the entire dildo and was enclosed around the thin section at the base holding it place.

Chrysalis watched as Twilight's pussy spasmed and started to drip. Chrysalis quickly put the sight aside for a moment and quickly positioned Twilight's now stiff tail and had the latex continue up its base locking it in place. After a couple of minutes the tail was now completely consumed by the latex. It was just in time for Twilight to let out a long soft groan signaling she had finally come back down from her mind splitting orgasm. When Twilight finally opened her eyes again she notice the latex had completely encased her barrel. The only place on her below her neck she didn't feel the tight sensation that came with the latex was her legs, pussy and anus at this point, but she could feel them starting to approach them. She knew it wouldn't be much longer before she was completely encased from the neck down.

"So how was it?" Chrysalis mockingly asked as she walked around front of Twilight to look her in the eyes. What she saw and felt left her surprised and amused. Twilight was blushing and looking away. She was even crying a little, but this time it wasn't the tears of fear. Chrysalis could feel the emotions flowing out of her. This time it was the tears of someone who just lost their innocence.

"Oh my...that was your first ever orgasm wasn't it? That makes this all the sweeter. Let me guess, you were always so caught up in your studies that you used magic to suppress your sexual urges on a daily basis didn't you. Well I hope it was as good for you as it is for me....after all it may have been your first but it will also be your last."

This got Twilight's attention quickly and she made eye contact with Chrysalis, questioning what she meant. Chrysalis seemed to pick up on this.

"Once the latex consumes your pussy and ass pussy you'll lose the ability to orgasm all together. Dolls are meant to cause orgasms, not have them. You'll feel an almost constant wave of pleasure and even experience large spikes of pleasure but you'll never get the satisfying glow you get afterward from an orgasm again."
Chrysalis then walked back around to Twilight's rear and checked on the latex's progress.

"Seems it's about to start. Another minute or so and your lower love holes will be consumed and made into nice and puffy latex pleasure receptacles."

Twilight knew she was right, she could feel it just starting to make contact with both of her holes. She knew it was only a matter of seconds before it'd enter her. Sure enough, a few seconds later she felt the latex dive into her. It felt like her both her pussy and rectum had slightly expanded to press against the toys lodged inside her. The constant pressure gave her a constant feeling of pleasure. Twilight once again observed her whole body and noticed that she was so distracted by what was happening to her nethers that she failed to notice that her legs were now entirely encase by the latex as well. From the neck down she looked like a shiny black latex inflatable doll. Her entire body had the kind of shine that you'd get after polishing it to perfection. Even being black latex, she was pretty sure she could reflect light off of her and possibly blind somepony. While Twilight was inspecting herself so was Chrysalis.

"You've turned out great so far, I think it's my best sex doll to date. You may be the first organic sex doll conversion I've done, but I've used various other materials and mediums with varying degrees of success. I have to say though, turning an actual pony into a sex doll has definitely yielded the greatest results. I think I'll have to do further tests though....maybe I can lore your friends here and use them as test materials, wouldn't that be great? You'd get to share something new and pleasurable with them!"

Twilight hearing that she may try to turn her friends into sex dolls as well made her start grunting and trying to scream at Chrysalis while she struggled with everything she had left. Unfortunately since everything from the base of her neck down was now encased in the black latex and completely immobile she could barely wiggle her neck at all. Chrysalis just smiled and watched with amusement at the last ditch effort to struggle knowing its futility.

"We're just about ready for last of you to be encased, but I think you've been selfish, hogging all the pleasure for yourself. I think you should return the favor...."

As she finished that declaration there was a short burst of green flames from underneath Chrysalis. When she turned to the side a bit Twilight could see a monster of a penis bobbing up and down underneath Chrysalis.

"There we go, now just one more adjustment needs to be made"

Chrysalis' horn started to glow once more and Twilight could feel the headrest, as well as her front legs, shift out and downward. She was now in the same kneeling position as the sex dolls were. Chrysalis then started to move into place over Twilight, wasting no time lining up her new monster of a dick with Twilight's mouth pussy, placing just the tip against the hole.

"Remember to relax your throat, it'll make it easier for both of us...or don't...soon enough that won't matter anyway."
Chrysalis started to slowly rock her hips back and forth each time penetrating Twilight's mouth a little further and eventually entering into her throat. With each thrust she penetrated deeper and deeper. The whole time Twilight trying so hard not to moan out loud. Chrysalis really meant her 'WHOLE' body was an erogenous zone, which included her mouth and throat now. Twilight hated that it felt so good. With each movement she could feel a wave of intense pleasure. It didn't take long before Chrysalis was hilted all the way inside of Twilights mouth and throat.

"I think it's time we finish this up don't you? It has been fun but we need to complete the transformation."

Chrysalis' horn lit up once again and Twilight could feel the latex that had stopped at the base of her neck start to advance once more up her neck, all while Chrysalis continued to face fuck her. Not only did she feel the latex spread up her neck she could also feel it traveling further down her throat. After a few seconds she felt like she couldn't breath any more but after a few more, the suffocating feeling disappeared.

The pleasure mixed with the pleasurable tight feeling of the latex made it difficult for Twilight to even think coherent thoughts. Twilight knew that this was it, she was completely helpless and at the mercy of a villain who hates her. It could be months or years before anyone pieces together what happened here, if anyone does at all.

The latex had now completely consumed her neck and was spreading to her mane and the latex of her lower jaw, connecting with the already existing latex of her muzzle. After another minute only her eyes and horn were still uncovered.

"Just the thought of finally having my revenge against you has me almost ready to explode into you. The thought of you being forever more just someone's buck doll, never to be a pony again...lost and mind broken....embracing your new reality...that you're just an inflatable latex sex doll meant for another's pleasure..."

As Chrysalis is describing her fantasy, Twilight could feel the latex consuming her horn. She was sure of it, this was it. Chrysalis was almost finished. Both with turning her into a latex sex doll and to orgasming inside her. She could feel Chrysalis speeding up. Not even a minute later, she felt Chrysalis hilt completely inside her and stay fully hilted. Twilight could feel Chrysalis' penis twitch a few times before it pumped her full of jizz.

Chrysalis slowly pulled out of Twilights new latex mouth pussy with an audible pop once the head came out. The only part of Twilight left, that wasn't latex, was her eyes. All she could do was look at Chrysalis with a pleading expression in her eyes, asking her not to do this.

"Well it has been fun and you've been a great fuck, but I think it's time we finish this up. I have to get back to the store and you need to get put out on the pedestal as the new display model. The magic will take some time to finish converting you inside and out into an inflatable latex sex doll, so you'll have to stay here, bound as you are for a while. I can't wait for the magic to finish. I'm going to keep you around for a while, maybe rent you out to a few customers as a test model! That way I can have more fun with you and once the 'Spank-Me Sparkle' dolls lose their popularity, I'll sell you off. I haven't decided if I'll sell you in Canterlot, The Crystal Empire, or maybe even to one of my shops in another county yet, but I have time to decide. Enough of my rambling though let's finish this."

Chrysalis' horn once more lit up and the latex started to move once more. A second later she could see the latex start to move over her eyes unable to blink anymore. She expected the latex to sting her eyes, but fortunately it just came with the same warm and pleasantly tight feeling she was now feeling over the rest of her body. As the latex spread over her eyes she slowly lost vision until all she saw was black. After a few seconds her vision slowly came back, though everything was tinted black, like when wearing sun glasses. She tried to blink but found she couldn't, luckily, her eyes didn't seem to need to anymore.
"Don't worry, I'll leave you a few toys to keep you entertained...."

Twilight suddenly felt her pussy, anus ,and mouth all being penetrated at the same time with large dildos. They all were pushed fully inside her before she felt them slowly start to vibrate on a low setting. Enough to drive her to being extremely horny but not enough to orgasm.

"That should keep you entertained. The book says it should take 5-6 hours for the spell to finish its work, but I think I'll just leave you here till tomorrow, until before the store open. I'll swap you out for the current display doll before we open in the evening. That should give you a good...20 hours or so of fun time with your new favorite toys. Tata...remember to enjoy yourself...I know I will."

Twilight watched as Chrysalis once again turned away and walked towards the door. Just before opening it she burst into green flames once more donning her Tight Spot disguise. She gave one more look back at the now brightly shining and completely black latex sex doll in pony form before giving a satisfied smile and walking out the door, closing and locking it behind her.


20 Hours Later


Twilight didn't know how much time had passed, it had been a haze of pleasure, slipping in and out of coherent thought. She was finally brought back to her senses when she suddenly felt all the dildos being removed all at once from her holes. It wasn't until they were removed that she finally noticed that Chrysalis had returned. Chrysalis had started to circle her, scrutinizing every detail before stopping on her right side and just stared for a few seconds.

Without thought Twilight watched as Chrysalis raised a hoof over her head and quickly brought down her hoof hard and fast, giving Twilight's flank a powerful spank. Just like last time, Twilight nearly blanked out from the sudden spike of pleasure. What was different this time was the sound. Rather than a loud moan from Twilight like last time, this time all that could be heard was a loud squeak and the drawn out echo'd 'Ping', like you'd hear from an over inflated rubber ball.

"Excellent, your transformation is complete. You're 100% made of latex rubber and air now. Only one last step remains. You just need some minor reshaping and recoloring and you'll be completely indistinguishable from the 'Spank-Me Sparkle' inflatable latex sex doll. Let's start with the reshaping."
Chrysalis' horn lit up and once more and Twilight felt an odd, yet pleasurable sensation as the latex mounds that had become her wings started to shift. They seemed to almost melt then reform outward. Once Chrysalis was finished with them, Twilights wings were position to be spread open and placed in a manner that made them look completely erect. Next Chrysalis' magic shifted to her flank, causing it to enlarge. It only enlarged a little but the difference was noticeable. Next came some slight shifts to her face. Given her face was still completely black, Twilight wasnt sure what the changes did exactly, but she knew she'd find out soon enough."

"Excellent, that should do it for the structural changes. next, we need to get you all colored up to match!"

Chrysalis once again lit her horn and Twilight could feel it encompass her whole body this time. After a few seconds of this she noticed the color of her new latex body start to shift from black to her usual pinkish purple. After a few more seconds her body was a perfect match to her original coat color. Next she watched as her hair started to shift to her usual navy blue with her two tone pink stripes also appearing. Lastly her cutie mark appears on her flanks once again. Lastly she watched as painted on copies of her purple eyes appeared, however they were now positioned in a way that gave a suductive, 'come hither', kind of look. She also notice that the restructuring to her face made her whole expression really scream, 'Come Buck me already!'. Overall she was a bombshell of a latex sex doll. Chrysalis seemed to agree judging by her expression.

"You've turned out better than I could have hoped for. Lets get you installed as the new display for all your sisters."
Chrysalis quickly used her magic to release all of the straps and grabbed Twilight in her magic before changing back into Tight spot and heading for the door.

It was a quick trip back into the store section and once they had gotten there ,Twilight could see that the layout of the display had changed a bit. Rather than a platform that sat behind and above the shelves of packaged dolls, there was now a small circular platform just big enough to fit a doll on that sat only about six inches off the ground. The shelves have been moved back a few feet giving anyone full access to whatever was on the platform. She then noticed there seemed to be latex cuffs attached to the platform by thin chains.

"Let's get you all set up shall we?"
Twilight was then placed on the platform and the cuffs were quickly wrapped around each of her legs tight enough you could see the latex bulge slightly around them. Chrysalis then made sure to lock each cuff in place with a small magic padlock.

"There we go all ready for your first day as the face of all your latex sisters. I'll leave you now to get settled into your new home here. Don't worry though in about an hour the store will open once more and I'm sure you'll get lots of attention. I even made a sign for you."
Chrysalis then brought over a laminated sign that read:

Display Doll
Please fondle me to your heart's content!

Chrysalis then placed that in a sign stand and posted it right infront of the new display.
"This has got to be one of the most fulfilling revenges I have ever had and I'm going to enjoy it for a long time to come. I'm sure you'll come around to enjoy it too...eventually. Now if you'll excuse me I have a store to finish setting up and more revenge schemes to plan out. Have a good night doll...I know I will..."

Chrysalis gave one last loud slap across Twilights large, taut, latex flank, enjoying the echoing squeaky pinging sound that came with it before walking off out of sight into the store.

After Chrysalis was out of sight and she came out of the sudden pleassure high from the slap, Twilight contemplated if escape was even an option. Worse yet, she wondered if anyone would even notice her missing. Probably not....she was sure Chrysalis would probably have one of her changelings take her place so no one would be suspicious right away. She only hoped that it would be notice and she'd be found before she lost herself to her new state of being and the pleasures that came with it.