Romancing a dragon

by underrated Drake

First published

Can they overcome it

Things are peaceful in Ponyville, ever since the defeat of the Storm King, and all of our favorite heroes have decided to spread some much deserved "Me" time; however, their much-needed R&R is short-lived, when one of their dear friends, goes through a very... suprising... Metamorphosis, and causes their worlds to be placed upside down, as confusion, fear, panic, and desperation take over.

Can they all find a way to work around it, or will this be the end of their friendship... or the start of something unexpected

Thanks to my friend Failsafe99 for his help

Equestria Girls Universe, Anthro Characters, just in case anyone asks.

Story featured in the TOP 10 popular fics 2021-07-27 at 5:55 PM (Vancouver, Canada time) AWESOME AND THANK YOU ALL!!!!

ROMDRA Ch. 1 Changes... for better or worst?

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It’s been a few weeks since our favorite heroines defeated the Storm king and restored balance to the universe… again, and headed back to their small town of Ponyville for some much deserved R&R.

Things had been going great, everything was calm, and there was no sign of it changing in the near future.

Things were so great, that no one seemed to care about their responsibilities at all, even more, no one even seemed to care about that, not even the royal family themselves.

Well, almost everyone, there was still one person in the whole town that was still working himself to the bone.

“AND… ONE MORE… THERE!!!... HUFF, that took longer than expected,” thought Spike as he climbed down the ladder.

Once he reached the floor, he looked around at the sparkling library he had just finished cleaning.

“Well, this was the last place I was supposed to clean… it took me forever, but I finally cleaning the whole castle… except for Twilight’s and Starlight’s bedrooms, I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to enter without their permission,” thought Spike

Just then the library door swung open, scarring Spike half to death

“Spike! There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you,” said Twilight as she and Starlight walked into the library

“Wow, you did all this on your own, impressive,” said Starlight

“Thanks! I would’ve finished faster if you’d at least helped me by carrying the supplies from place to place… Did you need something?” asked Spike with a forced smile

“We just wanted to let you know that we’re off to Rarity’s for the evening, and won’t be back until tomorrow morning,” said Twilight

“So, don’t wait up on us… also, you should probably take a bath,” said Starlight

“Yeah, I did WORK myself to the bone today,” said Spike

“I can tell, there is, literally, a puddle of sweat forming beneath you,” said Starlight

Spike then looked down and saw the puddle in question

“Impressive… don’t worry, I’ll mop it up and then I’ll go and prepare to sleep,” said Spike

“It’s 6 in the afternoon,” said Twilight

“And I am beat,” said Spike as he began to mop the puddle of sweat into extinction

“You know, our offer is still on the table,” said Twilight

“What offer?” asked Spike

“That you come with us to Rarity’s,” said Starlight

“OH!... Nah, I wouldn’t bring much to the ambiance as it is,” said Spike

“But, Rarity said that we should ALL go,” said Twilight, Rarity’s true intentions escaping her brain

“Twilight, tell Rarity that I thank her for her invitation, but… I’m a man, despite how I look, and I don’t do well with… girl talk, plus, I wouldn’t be long before I start snoring, I wouldn’t want to embarrass any of you or make uncomfortable,” said Spike

‘But…” said Twilight

“My mind is set, Twi, but have fun, the 2 of you, don’t worry about me,” said Spike with a fake smile

“If you say so,” they both said reluctantly as they walked out of the library

“It’s for the best anyway,” thought Spike as he continued to mop the floor, but stopped when he felt a sharp pain in his chest, followed by a difficulty to breathe.

Spike held his chest as he gasped, frantically, for air, his scales at this point turning a darker shade of purple.

Just as sudden as it started, it stopped; Spike just laid on the ground taking deep breaths

“Wha-what just… happen?” said Spike as he got up from the ground.

He stumbled for the wall as he tried to stabilize himself

“Maybe I overdid myself today… I should probably go to bed… I’ll clean up tomorrow, not like Twilight is going to complain,” said Spike as he walked towards his room.


“I don’t know what is wrong with him, every time we ask him to join us and the girls in something he refuses,” said Twilight as she and Starlight turned into the small path that led to Rarity’s boutique

“Maybe you're overthinking things,” said Starlight

“What if we did something to offend him?!” said Twilight in a panic

“Twilight, you’ve know Spike longer than I have, If we did something you should know,” said Starlight


“I’m not… I just don’t know him that well,” said Starlight

“We’ve lived together for almost 8 years now,” said Twilight

“I know, but… I think Spike is just at that age where you become rebellious and all,” said Starlight

“Puberty?” asked Twilight

“Yup, give it some time, he’ll go back to normal,” said Starlight

“If you say so,” said Twilight as she rung Rarity’s doorbell

“COMING!!” singed Rarity as she came to open the door

“Hey Rarity,” said Twilight and Starlight

“Hello, girls, welcome… Where is my little Spikey-Wikey?” asked Rarity with a Smile

“He’s not coming, he thanked you for the invitation though,” said Twilight

“Oh,” said Rarity, her voice full of disappointment “Well, he must have his reason, no point in arguing over it,” she said “Come on in,”

“Are we the last ones to arrive?” asked Starlight

“Yes, but not for much, Sunset just got here herself,” said Rarity as they all entered the living room

“Hey girls!” said Starlight

“Hello!!!” they all answered

“How have you been?” asked Applejack

“Normal… normal,” said Starlight

“What about you girls?” asked Twilight

“We’re doing great,” they all said

“I just got an invitation to join the Fashion Festival in Marelan next year,” said Rarity as she sat down on the couch and with a cup of wine in her hand

“Cool, my family and ah just finished a business deal that will export our products to the rest of Equestria,” said Applejack

“I created a new type of pastry that is flying off the stands, it's a total HIT!” said Pinkie jumping up and down

“I just finished my degree in culinary arts, so now I’ll be able to open my own sushi bar,” said Sunset Shimmer

“My health has been good, other than that I can’t complain,” said Fluttershy

“Well, I definitely can’t really complain, I mean, I was just selected to join the Wonderbolts official team, no longer am I part of the reserves,” said Rainbow Dash

“Congratulations,” said Twilight

“Thanks,” said Rainbow Dash

“By the way, Twilight, aren’t we missing an extra pair of Dragon hands?” said Sunset

“Oh yeah, Spike’s not coming,” said Twilight

Those words made Rarity sigh in disappointment

“AGAIN!!” they all said

“Yeah, I don’t know why, but I feel like if something’s wrong, like if we did something to insult him,” said Twilight

“That’s absurd, Twilight, what could we possibly do to make Spike hate us?” said Rarity, doing her best to hide her concern.

“I told her the same thing,” said Starlight

“Well it is weird that Spike does not want to hang with us anymore,” said Fluttershy

“Well, Spike has his own private life, maybe something is happening that he hasn’t shared, like… maybe he got a girlfriend…” said Sunset Shimmer

The moment she said that Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight, turned pail

“Or maybe he’s working somewhere,” said Pinkie pie

“Or, he’s just trying to have some alone time, ah ain’t gonna get mad over that,” said Applejack

“Yeah, let the little squirt tend to his personal NEEDS in peace,” Rainbow Dash teased

“If he’s that pent up he could just ask me for help,” said Rarity


“Oh, come on Twi, it’s not like you don’t masturbate,” said Rainbow Dash

“W-Well… It’s not something you say out loud, especially behind people’s backs,” said Twilight

“It’s not like that little fact is going to make Spike angry,” said Rainbow Dash

“Well it makes me angry,” said Twilight as she got on Rainbow Dash’s face

Sensing the tension in the room, Rarity clapped her hands and said

“Now that we’re talking about this, why don’t we talk about our Exes?”

“Rarity, hate to burst your bubble, but, apart from Sunset Shimmer and Starlight, no one in this room has any dating experience,” said Applejack

“I have plenty,” Rarity protested

“You’ve never been in a relationship that lasted more than one date,” said Sunset Shimmer

“Wha! Well… I… I just haven’t found the proper man yet,” Rarity lied

“Oh, come on Rarity, you haven’t even had your first kiss yet,” said Rainbow Dash

“That’s not…” Rarity said

“And the last time you went on a date was 5 years ago… and it was a catastrophe,” said Pinkie Pie

Well, It’s kind of hard to go on a date, when the man you want to ask doesn’t get a damn clue even if you spell it out for him, true… I decided to take a small break from dating,” said Rarity

“So you’re not going to try to break up a marriage,” said Sunset Shimmer

“I never broke up a marriage!!!” said Rarity

“Well, I thought you were going to go break Fancy Pants’ marriage to Fleur de Lis,” said Sunset Shimmer

“Oh no, I am way over Fancy Pants,” said Rarity

“Good, cause he just married Sassy Saddles as well,” said Sunset Shimmer

“WHAT?!!!” screamed Rarity

“Yeah, according to what I heard, Fleur invited Sassy saddles to a party at their house, but she thought it was a date, well after some drinks she tried to have sex with Fleur but she was in the middle of milking Fancy Pants dry when she found them, one thing led to another, and the rest is history,” said Sunset Shimmer

“I didn’t know Sassy was a lesbian,” said Rarity

“Oh, she was, now she considers herself Bi-sexual… just like almost all of the woman in Equestria,” said Sunset Shimmer

“Are you Bi-sexual?” asked Rarity

“Not really, but I can see how, when the pleasure is great you stop caring,” said Sunset Shimmer

“Oh, I have an idea for a game!!!” said Pinkie Pie as she began to jump up and down again

“Ok,” said Twilight

“Let’s play truth or dare,” said Pinkie Pie

“Pinkie, we’re grown women, we’re not going to…” began Rarity

“WE’RE IN!!!” everyone said

“Fine,” said Rarity

“But how are we going to know who’s turn it is?” asked Twilight

“Simple, we just write down our names in a piece of paper, throw them into this hat and then whoever’s name comes out is asked the question,” said Pinkie

“And who is going to ask the question?” asked Rarity

“I’ll start, and we’ll go clockwise, agreed?” said Pinkie Pie

Everyone nodded and wrote down their names

Pinkie then proceeded to write some extra papers and throw them in

“What are those?” asked Sunset

“Things to Spice things up… now, what is said in this living room stays in this living room, ok?” said Pinkie Pie as she began to mix the papers

Everyone nodded as she pulled out a paper

“EVERYONE!!! TRUTH OR DARE?!!!” she asked

The girls looked at each other and said


“Being truthful… raise your hand if you swing both ways or the opposite way?” said Pinkie Pie

“Pinkie, don’t you think that’s a tad personal?” asked Rarity

“That’s why we agreed that what is said here today stays here,” said Pinkie as she raised her hand

“Wait you’re a lesbian?” asked Sunset

“I’m Bi-sexual… anyone else,” Pinkie Pie answered

The girls looked around for another answer but never did they expect to see that answer

“Fluttershy… are you?” asked Rainbow Dash

“I was a lesbian before… but now there is a guy I like a lot, so,” said Fluttershy turning red

“Hey, there’s nothing to be ashamed of,” said Applejack

“Yeah, we still love you just for being who you are,” said Twilight

“Plus, love is love, no matter who you love,” said Rarity

“And I am surprised to see that neither Applejack or Rainbow Dash lifted up their hands,” said Pinkie Pie

“WE DON’T SWING THAT WAY!!!” they both said

“But, your sister said you were a lesbian,” said Pinkie

“And everyone in town thinks the same thing about you Dash,” said Starlight

“WELL THEY’RE ALL WRONG!!!” they both screamed

“Ok then, your turn now Starlight,” said Pinkie Pie as she gave her the hat

“Ok… Twilight, truth or dare?” asked Starlight

“Truth,” said Twilight

“Is it true that at some point in the recent - past future, you were interested in GL porn?” asked Starlight

“NO!!!” said Twilight

“But I found many magazines in the trash near your bedroom,” said Starlight

“They must’ve been Spike’s!” said Twilight

“If you say so,” said Starlight as she gave the hat to Fluttershy

“Sunset, truth or dare?” asked Fluttershy

“Truth,” said Sunset

“Is it true you are mortified of Spiders?” asked Fluttershy

“Yes, a million times yes, I can't even look at them without fainting,” said Sunset

Fluttershy then passed the hat to Applejack

“Dash… truth or dare?” she asked

“Dare,” said Rainbow Dash

“Ah dare you to… give the person you are the most attracted to in this room a nipple pinch, also known as a purple nurple,” said Applejack

Rainbow Dash looked around the room for a few seconds before suddenly putting her hand on Rarity’s right boob and pinching her nipple.

Everyone was expecting Rarity to scream in pain or anger, but instead, she left out a pleasure moan.

This caused her to turn red, as all the girls looked at her

Applejack just passed the hat to Sunset Shimmer

“Ask everyone… raise your hand if you’re no longer a virgin,” said Sunset but no one raised their hands… at first

“Really, everyone here is still a virgin?” asked Sunset

“I’m… I’m not a virgin,” said Starlight as she finished raising her arm

“FOR REAL?!!!!” everyone said

“Since when?” asked Twilight

“A couple of months actually,” said Starlight

“Did… did it hurt?” asked Fluttershy

“A little, but Sunburst was really gentle… although it was a very different story when he stuck it up my ass,” said Starlight

“You lost both virginities?” said Twilight

“Yeah… That was the plan, but it still hurt, even if he was being gentle,” said Starlight as Sunset handed Rainbow Dash the hat

“Rarity, truth or dare?” asked Dash

“Truth,” said Rarity

“Are you a masochist?” asked Dash

Everyone looked at Rarity

“Well, I wouldn’t say I’m a masochist, but I don’t mind the occasional roughness,” said Rarity

“How the hell do you know? You’re a virgin,” said Dash

“I’m… funny like that,” said Rarity as Dash gave her the hat

“Pinkie, truth or dare?” asked Rarity

“Dare,” said Pinkie

“I dare you to… motorboat the person you like the most in this room,” said Rarity

“Huh, that’s easy,” said Pinkie pie as she took off her shirt and bra and placed Twilight's head between her breasts, and began to jiggle them; she continued this motion for a couple of more seconds.

“That’s enough dear, and FYI the nudity part was overkill,” said Rarity

“Hey, I’m not ashamed, actually I always wanted to do that to her...and Spike,” Pinkie said as Rarity gave Starlight the hat

“Everyone… tell me the name of your crush, starting with you,” she said as she pointed to Rarity

Rarity remained silent for a few seconds before saying

“Spike,” as her face turned red

“Don’t have one,” said Dash

“Me neither,” said Sunset

“You wouldn't know him,” lied Fluttershy

“Not interested right now,” said Applejack

“I’m still not sure about it,” lied Twilight

“Twilight and…” said Pinkie Pie

“And?” everyone asked

“That’s a secret,” said Pinkie Pie

After that, the game turned somewhat boring and the girls decided to just talk or watch a movie, but it was around 11 PM that something changed in the atmosphere, everyone felt it, but only Twilight got really concerned about it.

“Does… does anyone else feel like something is wrong?” asked Twilight

“Not really, maybe it’s just you getting drunk from the wine,” said Dash

“You should drink some water,” said Rarity handing her a glass full of it

“No, there is something wrong, I can feel… I hope everything is fine,” thought Twilight


Spike lay in bed trying to catch some sleep, but he couldn’t, he tossed and turned frantically, the heat emanating from his body, added to the pain he was feeling all over it made it a living hell for him.

His sweat-covered body, then being engulfed by a bright green light, before he passed out.


Twilight awoke around 11 AM, her head was a mess and she felt horrible

“Urgh… that is the last time I drink so much,” she said as she got up and headed over to her bathroom to wash her face.

It didn’t help

“There has to be some sort of spell or remedy for hangovers… but my head hurts so much that I can’t even focus my eyes… I KNOW!! I’ll just ask Spike to cast the spell, I mean, he’s a dragon, and he can use magic properly!!” said Twilight as she headed out of her room to look for her younger, adoptive brother/No. 1 assistant.

But, even though she checked every nook and cranny in the castle, she was unable to find him.

“Did he go out or something?... Nah, it’s Saturday, he usually cleans his room… HIS ROOM!!” said Twilight as she turned the corner towards Spike’s room and barged in

“Spike, I need your help… I drank too much yesterday and I need you to cast a healing spell on me,” she said as she walked over to the curtains, opening them a little bit and feeling even worse

However, Spike didn’t budge, he didn’t even move, making Twilight a tad angry

“How can someone sleep so much?... Spike?... SPIKE, GET UP!!!!” she screamed

And with that Spike finally showed some sign of life, as he began to move under the covers

“What now Twi?” he asked

“I have a hangover and I need you to… Wait, when did his voice become deeper?” said Twilight as she turned to face Spike.

What she saw, scared her so much, her hangover was gone in an instant

“AH!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed causing Spike to follow off of his bed banging his head on the floor

“WHAT! WHAT?!!!” he said as he got up and got into a fighting stance “What was that for?” he asked when he made eye contact with Twilight.

It was at this point he noticed something

“When did you shrink… scratch that, when did the world shrink?” he said as his eyes landed on his mirror

You can assume his Jaw dropped when he saw his reflection

“AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” was all Spike said at the end


“HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?” asked Twilight

“I have no idea,” lied Spike

“Well… we need to find out… and I know just the people that can help us!” said Twilight as she ran out of the room to find her cellphone.

Spike stared at the door and then at himself and said

“What happened?” he asked as he got off of his bed and walked up to the mirror


“... I don’t know, he just grew overnight,” said Twilight over the phone

“Odd, well we’ll be on our way, and… Uhm… call Zecora, it’s best to have her there to explain all this,” said Celestia

“I will,” said Twilight as she hung up and called Zecora

“Hello,” said Zecora

“Zecora, I need your help, something is wrong with Spike,” said Twilight

“Ask you why I must, to reassure you it’s all fine,” said Zecora

“He just grew overnight, I mean, he went from looking like a child to a freaking adult,” Twilight said hysterically

“Oh dear, I shall be on my way, but don’t fear, these changes might not be here to stay,” said Zecora

“Thanks, Princess Celestia and Luna are on their way too,” said Twilight

“Ok,” said Zecora as she hung up. “A sudden change, I doubt it's something to fret unless his request has left…” thought Zecora as her door flew open

“Hi Zecora,” said Applebloom

“Hello dear, I fear I can’t play, I must head to the castle see this “change” Twilight explained,” said Zecora

“Oh… ok, I’ll come back tomorrow then,” said Applebloom in a disappointed voice

“No need, you can just wait right here,” said Zecora with a sly smile.


“I’ve never seen something like this,” said Celestia as Zecora ran tests on Spike

“What happened to him, Zecora?” asked Twilight

“Nothing bad, his body just gave up,” said Zecora as she put her equipment away

“GAVE UP!!!!!” Twilight, Celestia, and Luna screamed

“Yes, gave up, of putting up a farce,” said Zecora as she gave Spike the shirt that Celestia had brought for him

“A farce?” asked Celestia

“Yes, many moons have passed, since he last asked for a change, and it seems that the request has gone, for the best,” said Zecora

“Wait, what request?” asked Twilight

“I believe it’s better for him to confess,” said Zecora

Everyone then turned to look at Spike

Spike just sighed and said

“10 years ago, on my 18th birthday, I visited Zecora after the whole growth-rampage incident, I asked her if there was a way for me to stop this sort of things to happen again… she told me that there was a potion that could seal off my dragon powers, but that I had to be careful, the seal could wore off I used too much of my Draconian Magic… After thinking about it, I came to the realization that it must’ve weakened while we were fighting the Storm king when Capper used me as a Flamethrower,” said Spike

Spike looked back up at the 3 princesses, their jaws were almost hitting the ground

“YOU DID WHAT!!!!” screamed Twilight

“YOU’RE 28!!!!” said Luna

“There was a seal on your body?” asked Celestia, calmer than the other 2

Spike nodded

“Zecora, what type of seal was it, and how exactly did it work?” asked Celestia

“It was a mystical potion, brewed to seal any sort of unhealthy devotion,” said Zecora

“Can you give him another one?” asked Luna

“Unfortunately not, his body has been blocked, It’s will not affect him anymore,” said Zecora

“So, you drink it and it controls your impulses, no matter how deeply rooted they are in your subconscious?” asked Celestia

“Yes, it is powerful, but not unbreakable,” said Zecora

“How so?” asked Luna

“In Spike’s case, it was to stop his prowess, be it mind, body, or soul, and it broke, when it overflowed,” said Zecora

“Overflowed, how?” asked Twilight

“I don’t know, there must be something else, maybe down below,” Zecora suggested, but only Celestia got the message

“So, there is nothing you can do about it?” asked Celestia

“I’m sorry, but not,” said Zecora

“Well, that’s that then… we’re just going to have to accept Spike’s new look,” said Celestia

“That’s all?” asked Twilight

“Well yes,” said Zecora

“I mean, it’s not like he is a menace to society, he is basically an overgrown teddy bear,” said Celestia

Spike was happy that they weren’t afraid of him, but Celestia's description of him made his pride hurt badly.

“Well… I’ll get back to cleaning the castle,” said Spike as he got up

“Ok then, we’ll be taking our leave… Twilight mind seeing us off,” said Celestia

“Sure… thing, Princess,” said Twilight nervously as she walked out of the room with them.

Spike watched them disappear around the corner and then turned to look at himself in the mirror

“Is that really all?... I feel like they are hiding something from… me,” said Spike as he looked at the door and quickly walked out of the room to try and stop Celestia, Luna, and Zecora and ask them what they were hiding.

He was almost at the front door of the castle when he heard Celestia’s voice, it was muffled so he hurried to try and stop them, however, he stopped when he heard the end of the conversation.

“... dangerous, he has no control over it, and I doubt anyone in this land has, he better leave,” he heard Celestia say

Spike felt his heartbreak, and a single tear fell from his face, especially when he heard twilight say

“But there must be something else we can do… I’ll see to it,” she said

Spike then headed back to his room and began packing his belongings.

He was almost halfway when he looked over to his desk and got an idea.


“... So, let me get this straight… Spike had some sort of metamorphosis and the princess wants us to help him… why, exactly?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Because it’s either that, or we have to say goodbye to him forever, and I’m kind of surprised by your reaction,” said Twilight

“Yeah Dash, some friend you are,” Pinkie Pie

“I must agree with them, have you forgotten all of the things Spike has done for you?” asked Rarity, anger in her voice

“Hey, I’m not against the idea of him staying here, I just think we should come up with a better strategy,” said Rainbow Dash

“REALLY?! Well, let’s hear your brilliant idea!” said Twilight getting in her face

“I… I have nothing… yet,” said Rainbow Dash

“And you won’t, thinking isn’t your strong fort,” said Twilight

“HEY!!! That was uncalled for!” said Rainbow Dash

“But she does make a good point,” Sunset Shimmer giggled

“ENOUGH!! Right now we should be thinkin’ of ways to help Spike, not argue amongst all of us like little nibblets,” said Applejack

“I second that,” said Fluttershy

“SIGH! Your right, sorry Dash, this whole thing has got me under a lot of stress,” said Twilight as they turned the corner to Spike’s room

“Hey I don’t blame you, I’d react the same way if it were Tank,” said Rainbow Dash

“SPIKE IS NOT MY PET!!!” said Twilight

“I know, but Tank is extremely important to me,” said Rainbow Dash

“Well that makes sense,” said Twilight as she knocked on Spike’s door “Spike, it’s just us, can we come in?” asked Twilight

No answer

“Spike?” asked Twilight knocking harder, only for the door to open on its own

“He ain’t here,” said Applejack as they all entered his room

“Where could he be?” asked Twilight

“Did you sent him on an errand?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“No, he just said he was going to clean the castle, but so far we haven’t found him,” said Twilight as she turned to look around the room

“Twilight?” said Pinkie

“Yeah?” asked Twilight

“2 things, first, can you tell Rarity to stop rolling around in Spike’s bed, it’s creepy… And it’s making me tick… “ said Pinkie pie, as everyone turned to see their fashionista friend jumping out of Spike’s bed with a red face.

“And 2?” asked Twilight

“There’s a letter addressed to you,” said Pinkie giving her the letter

Twilight read through it and her skin went pale as tears began to fall from her eyes

“Twilight?” asked Rarity

“He’s… he’s gone,” said Twilight as more tears fell from her eyes

“WHAT?!!!!” everyone said as they read the letter

“Dear Twilight, thank you for everything you gave me since we first met back when you hatched me, coming to Ponyville, through all of our adventures till today. Thank you for always trusting me, and supporting me, I am blessed to have had you in my life, as a sister, and especially as a friend; but, the time has come for me to leave, I dreaded that this day will come, but we must accept, it’s for the best. Thank you again. Your Brother and friend. Spike,”

“No,” Rarity said

“COME ON, HE MUST STILL BE IN TOWN!” said Twilight as they all rushed out of the castle, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy leaping out of the window to scout from the air.


Spike continued to hike his way further away from town, his mind fixated on his latest interactions with the people from town, many of which, he considered friends, as he walked towards the town border

“OH MY GOD! IT’S A DRAGON!!!” some screamed

“Be careful, he might be dangerous,” said another

“Hide your possessions, he might try to steal them,” said another

“Heh, I bet Rainbow Dash can kick his butt, easily,” said Scootaloo

“I can’t believe, a dragon can look like that, I mean, sure, Spike’s a dragon, but he looks so cute and harmless,” said Sweetie Belle

“Urgh! Disgusting, who let him come to our lovely town?” said Filthy Rich

“I know right, one dragon is enough, Spike is ok, but this one, he ruins the whole view,” said Spoiled Rich

“Luckily he seems to be just passing through,” said Diamond Tiara

“Thank God,” said Filthy Rich

“What’s the big deal, aren’t we all s'posed to be used to Dragons? ah mean, Spike’s one of’em, and from what ah’ve seen, they aren’t bad,” said Big Mac

“Not everyone agrees with you, honey, poor Dragon, he looks so sad… I wish I could do something for him, but I don’t know if he’ll accept our help, Ember said that Dragons are proud by nature,” said Sugar Belle

“Well, at least Mac and Sugar are as nice as I remember,” said Spike as he continued to hike up the hill only to stop to look back at Ponyville.

“I’ll miss this town, I lived here for a decade… I’ll miss my friends too, but I prefer to die than to harm them… I won’t let myself do that again,” said Spike with a smile as one last tear fell from his eyes.

He was about to turn around and leave until something caught his attention

“What’s that? A campfire? Nah, the smoke is too strong, and knowing the town, the smoke is coming from… THE APARTMENT COMPLEX!!!” screamed Spike as he dropped his backpack and raced back to town

“Oh, come on, I’m too far away, I won’t make it on time!!!” thought Spike as his wings opened and shot him up into the air

“WOW!!!!” he screamed as he continued to fly straight up going through various clouds before stabilizing himself

“Ah!... Ok… Ok… this isn’t so bad… just, new…” he said as he glided around the clouds for a few seconds

“I just remembered I don’t know how to fly… AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” said Spike as he plummeted towards the ground

He closed his eyes as he neared the ground, only for his instincts to kick in and his wings and tail began to guide him as he flew

“I’m ALIVE!!!!... and I think I’m getting the hang of this… what was I doing?... OH YEAH! THE FIRE!!!!” said Spike as he raced towards the building.



“I don’t know!” said a resident

“PINKIE, FETCH ME ANYONE WHO CAN USE WATER MAGIC, PRONTO!!!!” Twilight ordered as Pinkie dashed back into town searching for people to help.


“ON IT!!!!” screamed Dash as she flew away towards Cloudsdale

“Rarity, you and Fluttershy look around for wounded people and administer first aid!!!” said Twilight

“Yes!!” they both said

“And what about us?” asked Sunset Shimmer looking at Applejack

“We wait… if push comes to shove, we're going to have to go in,” said Twilight

“I’m afraid I can’t permit that,” came Celestia’s voice as she and Luna walked up to them

“Princess! You’re still here?” said Twilight

“Well, of course, I couldn’t just leave seeing the fire,” said Celestia with a proud look

“We were at Sugarcube corner, Tia wanted to stuff her face with some fresh cake,” said Luna

This comment angered Celestia so much, you could actually see her veins pop in her forehead and foam coming out of her mouth

“It’s going to be like that huh, Ms. Husband-huger,” said Twilight

“Indeed,” said Luna

“THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT!” said Twilight catching the 2 princesses attention

“Your highness! We have confirmed that there are 5 people still trapped inside, 3 kids and 2 adults,” said a firefighter


“We can't, the place has been compromised, the entrance has been blocked, the building will collapse any second now!” said the fire chief

“I can’t believe this guy is the fire chief, it seems I might need to make some arrangements,” thought Celestia

“What are we going to do?” asked Twilight

“I don’t know,” said Luna

“Can’t we use magic to get them out?” asked Twilight

“We don’t know where they are, it’ll be pointless unless someone goes in there and finds them, we won’t really do much,” said Celestia

“PLEASE, SAVE MY SON!!!” a woman screamed

Just then they all heard a loud boom and saw a massive figure flying towards them

“What is that?” everyone asked

But as soon as they did, the object flew on top of them, close enough for Twilight, Celestia, Luna, to recognize it

The object then proceeded to position himself to the side, and seconds later, he flew right through the blocked entrance, landing inside the lobby

“ANYONE STILL HERE, CALL OUT!!!!!!!!!” Spike screamed

“Help us!!!” he heard someone call

“WHERE ARE YOU?” asked Spike

“5th floor, room 513!!” came the voice

“I’M ON MY WAY!!” said Spike as he extended his wings and flew up the stairs until he reached the fifth-floor corridor.

Once he landed he saw that the whole corridor was engulfed in flames and it was spreading fast

“ALMOST THERE!!!” Spike screamed as he ran through the flames to reach the door to the apartment, running straight through it in the process, allowing the fire to enter in the process

“WHERE ARE YOU?” he asked

“WE’RE HERE!!!” screamed the man’s voice coming from the bedroom

Spike quickly made his way to the bedroom and saw that it was an adult male, an adult female, and 2 kids, a boy, and a girl

“Anyone missing?” asked Spike

“No, we’re all here and accounted for,” said the woman

“Then hang on tightly,” said Spike as he bearhugged the whole family, picked them up, and jumped out the window with them, landing safely on the ground, near an ambulance

“Thank you, you save us,” said the man

“We owe you our lives,” said the woman

“Just glad your all safe,” said Spike as the paramedics came and took them to be checked

“Good job Spike,” he thought

He was about to walk away when he heard


Spike turned and saw a woman being held back by firefighters

“There’s another kid in there!!!” he said as he looked back at the building, now completely engulfed in flames

“Where could he be?!!!!” said Spike as he continued to look around the windows until something happened

His eye-sight suddenly darkened, and after he blinked a couple of times, he was able to see different heat sources coming from the building

“I HAVE THERMAL VISION?! THAT IS AWESOME!.. Oh yeah, THE KID!!!!!” Spike said as he began to frantically look around the building for the little kid

“Come on… come on… THERE YOU ARE!!!!” he said as he lunged into the air, flying into the inferno through the window he had just jumped out of

He then proceeded to run through as many obstacles as he could, debris, doors, walls, fire... you name it… until he finally reached the 8th floor of the building, his eyes still fixed on the form of the little kid laying on the ground motionless.

After a few more seconds he finally made it to the location the kid was in, and without thinking it twice, kicked the door down, only to jump onto the kid as the fire entered the room, creating a small explosion.
Spike could feel the fire burning off his hoodie and shirt, as he looked around for an exit, only to realize there was none;

“Fuck,” said Spike

Seconds later, Spike realized something, the temperature was rising a lot, and that’s when his eyes fell on the gas pipes inside the apartment.

“Oh no, It can blow up at any second now… I have to get him out here!’ he thought

Just then he noticed something, the wall right in front of him had been weakened by the fire

“I can make it through there… but what about the kid? The second I stand up, the fire will burn him to a crisp,” Spike said as he looked at his wings “This is going to hurt,”


“What was that?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“It seemed like a… a… monster of sorts,” said the fire chief

“Maybe a demon,” said Applejack

“Sir, 4 of the missing people have been rescued successfully,” said another firefighter

“You’re telling me that someone disobeyed my orders!” said the chief

“No, they say some sort of “Demonic-Angel” saved them,” said the firefighter

“What?” said the fire chief as the top levels of the building exploded

Seconds later, an object flew out of the wall into a free fall, only to open its wings and land safely on the ground in front of everyone.

Spike then looked up and made eye contact with everyone present

Jaws dropped everywhere, without his hoodie, everyone had a clear view of his face

“Is… is that…” said Sunset Shimmer

But Spike ignored the commotion and rushed to an ambulance

“Here’s the last one!” he said as he laid the kid down on the stretcher

“MY SON!! THANK YOU!!!!” said the woman as she hugged Spike and got into the ambulance as it sped away.

Spike then turned to face everyone.

No one said a word, nothing could think of anything to say

“I brought the weather control… and who are you?” said Rainbow Dash as she landed next to each other

“Hello to you too, Dash,” said Spike

The second he said this Rainbow Dash jaw dropped

“SPIKE!!!!” she said

“Yup, it’s me,” said Spike

“How did this happen?” asked Rainbow Dash

“If it’s an explanation you seek, allow me to repeat,” said Zecora coming out of nowhere.


“So… you’re telling us that…” said Applejack

“Spike hid his real form…” continued Rainbow Dash

“For 10 years…” said Fluttershy

“Because he was afraid of what he would become?” finished Sunset Shimmer

“Yes, that is correct,” said Zecora

“WHY?!!!!!” they all screamed as they turned to face Spike, who had covered himself with a blanked do to his shirt and hoodie turning into ashes.

“Didn’t Zecora just explain why?” said Spike

“Why didn’t you tell us!” said Rarity getting in his face

“Because… the day that I went… psycho, was the day I realized how dangerous I actually was, and I was horrified of the thought of that happening again… that’s why when the seal broke, I decided to follow Princess Celestia’s orders and leave,” said Spike

Everyone then turned to glare at princess Celestia

“I never said you HAD to leave, it was an option though,” Celestia clarified

“But, you told Twilight to see to it that I leave,” said Spike

“OH, HEAVENS, NO!” Celestia exclaimed

“But I heard you,” said Spike

“Actually, it’s true, Princess Celestia didn’t tell me to make you leave, what actually happened was…” said Twilight


“So, Zecora, about that potion?” said Celestia

“Of course, but may I ask, why do you require of me such a task?” asked Zecora

“Well, I just want Luna to stop her obsession with MY husband,” said Celestia


“Oh please Luna, just because you banged with 1 or 2 guardsmares and your maid doesn’t make you a lesbian,” said Celestia

“I don’t want to hear that from the person that made a “Girls-only orgy” in my bedroom… just admitted Tia, you’re a lesbian too,” said Luna

“Says the woman who sucks MY husband dry while we sleep,” said Celestia

Luna’s face went pale

“Yeah, I know that you have sex with Discord while I sleep… and when he doesn’t wake up you just suck on it,” said Celestia

Luna tried to say something, but she couldn’t find the right words

“Just admitted, you are as Bisexual as I am… and I know, I found your magazines with the hot male models too,” said Celestia

Luna just glared at her as her face turned red, and then stormed out of the front door

“So, Zecora, when can I expect the potion?” asked Celestia

“Wait, you want Luna to stop having sex with Discord? Or with men in general?” asked Twilight

“I want her to stop having sex with Discord without including me, AKA, to stop doing it while we sleep, so…” said Celestia

“It is complex, I need to refresh and obtain the ingredients, it might take up to a few days,” said Zecora

“Well, Twilight can help you,” said Celestia

“I really don’t think it’s the right thing,” Said Twilight only to be glared at by Celestia

“What about Spike?” she asked

“I really don’t know, what he did was extremely stupid and irresponsible, not only did he contained his nature for a prolonged period of time, but, the fact that he did has made his body dangerous, he has no control over it, and I doubt anyone in this land has, he better leave,” Celestia said

“But there must be something else we can do” Twilight said

“There is, but I doubt it’ll help… it’s for the best,” said Celestia as she walked down the stairs of the castle

“I’ll see to it,” Twilight said

“That still sounds like you telling Twilight to kick him out,” said Rarity

“Does it?” asked Celestia

Everyone nodded

“Oh, I didn’t think it was,” said Celestia

“Well maybe if your head wasn’t fixated on Discord’s dick all the time you could actually think properly,” mumbled Luna

“I wish I could linger, but I must head back home to finish some business,” said Zecora

“What type of business?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Private,” said Zecora


Applebloom was tied up to a table in all fours, blindfolded, as a dildo kept magically fucking her butt.

“Zecora? ah know ah’ve been a bad girl, but can you please take the dildo out of my butt, ah fear ah’m beginning to like it more than when you fuck me silly,” said Applebloom as she began to slobber

“Zecora? Are you there?... Mistress?” Appebloom said

Just then she felt the dildo stop moving, and something poking at her marehood

“Mistress? Please!” Applebloom pleaded

“Here’s your treat, my little pet,” said Zecora as he thrusted her strap on into her marehood


“So, what do you plan on doing now?” Celestia asked Spike

“Walk to the Dragonlands and start over,” said Spike

After he said this Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie jumped on top of Spike forcing him to the ground

“WE ARE NOT LET YOU LEAVE!!!” the girls screamed

“But I must, it’s not safe for me to remain here,” said Spike

“Actually, I was thinking, back when the seal was working, you used to suppress your… needs, by doing other things right?” asked Celestia

“Yes,” said Spike

“Then why don’t you do the same,” said Celestia

“Do you think it’ll work, your majesty?” asked Spike

“Well, with all of the exercise you must do from now on, yes, it will,” said Celestia

“Exercise? Why would I do that?” asked Spike

“Because, from this day onward, I Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria hereby make you an official member of the Wonderbolts Search and Rescue team, congratulations,” said Celestia

“WHAT?!!!!” everyone said

“I spoke to Spitfire, and she was convinced that having Spike in the team would be a great addition, especially for situations like the one we just witnessed,” said Celesia

“Wait, the Wonderbolts aren’t only some sort of airshow attraction?” asked Spike

“No they are a legit military branch,” said Celestia

“I had no idea,” said Spike

“Princess Celestia, although we are happy and thankful for you not forcing Spike to leave, I must ask, are you ok with letting a young drake, who just turned 18 join such a dangerous job?” asked Rarity

“18? Spike is older than all of you,” said Celestia

‘WHAT!!!!!” everyone but Twilight said

“It’s true, Spike is actually 28… when I hatched him his egg was already a couple of years old,” said Twilight

The girls then turned to look at Spike

“Yup, it’s true,” said Spike

“This changes EVERYTHING!!!” the girls said with different intentions on their minds.

ROMDRA Ch.2 Affectious realization

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It’s been one month since that dramatic night in which Spike became the new resident “hunk/hero” title he despised more than a fake gem.

It has been a somewhat weird week, with Spike’s physical change and his appointment as a member of the wonderbolts, almost every girl in town, either single, married, in a relationship, be it with a man or a woman, and even girls barely old enough to care about relationships had their eyes on him, heck even some guys, especially when they all found out that he was single.

Now, you can imagine the girls' reactions to this particular news, especially Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Twilight, the thought of Spike being taken away by another woman or even a man, was too much for them.

Luckily for them, Spike had shown next to no interest in the matter, he even turned down many women who asked him out.

Twilight decided that she was going to keep an eye on him, just in case, she would say that it was because it was her job as an Older-Younger sister.

But then came a news she never thought she’d recibe

“I’m moving out,” said Spike

“WHAT?!!!” Twilight screamed

“Yeah, after Celestia gave me this new responsibility I’ve been having to head early in the morning to the Wonderbolts’ training facilities, and it’s a bit far from the castle, and by the time I get there, I’m tired and almost late, so I decided to find an apartment around that area, plus, after the whole, seal breaking incident, I doubt that it’s morally acceptable that a unmarried princess and a man live under the same roof, so this will also help your image,” said Spike as he finished packing his stuff

Twilight remained silent

“Oh, don’t worry Twi, I’ll come and visit when I get a day off, promise,” he said with a smile

“Where is your new apartment?” asked Twilight

“Well… after the stalking incident, I decided to keep that information to myself…. Nothing personal really, I just don’t want it to happen again,” said Spike remembering the time they caught someone inside his room at the castle as the figure jumped out of the window.

“Right… but, what if there is an emergency? Shouldn’t I at least know where I can find you?” said Twilight

“I’ll take my chances… It’s time for me to leave… take care of yourself Twi, call me if you need anything, ok,” said Spike as he gave Twilight a hug

“You too… don’t be a stranger,” said Twilight fighting back tears

“That would be impossible… or at least highly unlikely,” said Spike as they parted and Spike leapt into the air, disappearing into the clouds.


“So, any luck?” asked Rarity eagerly

“No, he’s still weary of disclosing the address of his new crib because of the past incident,” said Rainbow Dash

“I still don’t see why you’re asking Rainbow to ask Spike about his new place, it’s not right to pry into people’s privacy,” said Fluttershy as she took a sip of her tea

“Big words coming from you Shy, you were the first one to ask,” said Rarity

“But, unlike you she never asked me to, literally “Stalk” Spike, just like you have for the last 2 and a half weeks,” said Rainbow Dash

“Plus, Shy’ ere has a point, If Spike don’t want to be bothered, then don’t bother ‘im,” said Applejack

“For the first time I have to agree with AJ, it’s this sort of behavior that drew him away, I mean, we all know that you like him, and that he’s turned you down more times than considered legal, but…” Rainbow Dash started

“Actually, Spike never even realized her advances, so he never rejected her,” Fluttershy defended Rarity

“Same thing… as I was saying… Are you seriously that sexually frustrated?” Rainbow Dash mocked

“Big words coming from you Ms. Dildo,” Rarity shot back, making Rainbow Dash turn red

“I thought you said “what happened in your living room, stays in your living room”, and for the record I never received the thing,” Rainbow Dash protested

“But it doesn’t hide the fact that you bought it,” Rarity smirked

“Well, at least I’m not asking someone to stalk someone else, I’m not your henchwoman,” Rainbow Dash

“That’s enough, both of you,” whispered Sunset as she pointed to Twilight entering Sugarcube corner

“Hey Twi!, would you like the usual?” came Pinkie Pie’s voice over the counter

“Yes please,” said Twilight in a solemn voice as she sat down

“Hey Twi… how are you holding up?” asked Sunset

“I’m alright,” Twilight lied as she rested her head on the table

The girls could all tell she was all but “alright”, Twilight’s hair was a mess, her clothes didn’t seem neat, her eyes were blood red (More than likely from crying so much) and her bangs showed, she had even gotten a bit skinnier

“Twilight, darling, are you sure you don’t want to join me at the Spa later today?” said Rarity

“Yeah… I have a lot of things to do,” lied Twilight

“Things like what?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Like… like… THINGS!! OK!!!” Twilight shot back at Rainbow Dash in an angry tone

“Twilight, we’re your friends, you can tell us anything and everything, we’re here for you,” said Applejack

“AJ is right, fess up,” said Pinkie Pie as she placed the tray of food in front of Twilight and sat down.

Twilight then grabbed her Club Heighwitch and gobbled it down faster than any of the girls had seen her eat before

“It’s just… I never thought that we’d part ways, I always thought that Spike and I would be together until the end of time and I wasn’t ready to handle him being out of my life…” Twilight said as she ate her fries slowly

The girls just looked at Twilight eat, all of them feeling bad for her, she was a total mess both inside and out.

“Twilight, I understand that you miss Spike, but, it’s not like if he’s dead or anything, he’s just been super busy,” said Sunset

“That’s true, Spitfire tends to work us to the bone during training, and since Spike is not used to it at all, he must be really tired after training, he must head home right after it ends,” said Rainbow Dash

“I know… but it feels… weird… everytime I walk down the same corridors, all I see are images and memories of Spike, and all of the things we did together,” said Twilight

“Like how he used to clean the castle by himself, and then feed and take care of you cause your head is always glued to a book?” said Rainbow Dash laughing, only to receive glears from all of the girls minus Twilight, who’s eyes were glued to the table.

“Just give it some time, you’ll get used to it,” said Sunset Shimmer as she placed her hand on Twilight’s shoulder

Twilight just smiled at her friends as they tried to cheer her up

“By the way… where is Starlight? I haven’t seen her since the meeting,” said Rarity

“Oh, she’s back in the Crystal Empire, she said something about her family is planning something,” Twilight said

The girls thought about those words for a few seconds, until they finally understood, the un-scrambled message

“Well, good luck to the 2 of them,” said Pinkie Pie

“Good luck for what?” asked Twilight

“Not important,” Pinkie Pie said

“If you say so,” said Twilight as she went back to being her gloomy self

“ARGH! That’s enough!” said Rarity as she sat up, took out her purse, slammed a couple of dollars on the table and grabbed Twilight’s arm

“You’re coming with me!” she said as she dragged Twilight away

“Where?” asked Twilight in a gloomy tone

“The Spa, time to give that face a lifting,” said Rarity as the 2 of them exited Sugarcube corner

The girls then turned to look at each other and shrugged as they went back to their meals.


“But I don’t want to!” said Twilight

“I am not asking!” said Rarity as she pulled Twilight through the door

“Oh, Ms. Belle, good to see you again,” said Aloe

“Hi Aloe, good to see you again too, I need 2 regulars please,” said Rarity

“Right away,” said Aloe as she directed Rarity and Twilight to their destined room

On the way there, Twilight noticed a red lighted room

“What’s that?” asked Twilight

“That’s our “Extra-especial” service room, but it’s currently “occupied,” said Aloe as they heard the sound of bed springs jumping around.

“That has to be a very strong type of massage,” said Twilight

“Yes, currently our “extra-especial” client has requested a “deep-tissue-double” massage, I’m actually heading inside to help right after I set everything up for you,” said Aloe

“I take it, your sister is inside with him,” said Twilight

“Her actually, and yes, but she is really “stressed-out” as of late, so, that’s why she needs a double massage,” said Aloe

“Oh, and who is it?” asked Twilight as they entered their room

“Mayor Mare… well, everything is ready for you, now, I better get back to the red-room before the fun finishes,” said Aloe as she hurried out of the room.

“Well, she is a dedicated worker,” said Twilight

“Oh, darling, are you really that innocent, or has all that reading really fried your brain,” said Rarity

“What are you talking about?” asked Twilight

“Add the dots Twilight,” said Rarity as she finished getting undressed and entered the mud bath.

Twilight just stood there, in her underwear, thinking over and over, at what rarity ment, until she finally got it, and turned red

“Are they?” asked Twilight

“More than likely,” said Rarity

“Even though they’re sisters?” asked Twilight

“They don’t really care, as long as they enjoy it,” said Rarity

“Have you ever…?” asked Twilight

“Nope… I only want to do it with one person,” said Rarity

“Spike,” said Twilight

“Yes,” said Rarity

“Oh… right, I forgot you like him,” said Twilight as she got into the mud bath

“Yeah, but he really seems to ignore my advances,” said Rarity

“Well… Spike it’s Spike, we all know he used to have a crush on you, but…” said Twilight

“Then why can’t he understand the signals?” asked Rarity

“Like I said USED to have a crush on you… maybe he outgrew his crush,” said Twilight

“Why would you say that?!!!” said Rarity as she sat up

“To be honest, Spike began to act really weird before the changes happened, it was like everytime I mentioned your name he tried to put up an excuse not to see you… or any of us for that matter,” said Twilight

“So it is true, Spike is ghosting me, OH THE HORROR!!!!” Rarity exclaimed

“Why did you bring me here?” asked Twilight

“Because you needed to relax, maybe that way you can come up with a solution,” said Rarity

“Yeah… it doesn’t seem to be working,” said Twilight

“Come on Twilight, you know Spike better than anyone, you should know what to do to keep him from leaving,” said Rarity

“I… I honestly don’t… I… I can’t even think properly… all I can think about is Spike, and all of the worst possible outcomes!” said Twilight as she began to cry

Rarity took notice of this and scooted over to hug Twilight

“It’s ok darling… let it all out… nothing has been lost… just breath,” Rarity comforted Twilight

Twilight continued crying for a few more minutes, before finally falling asleep on one of the massage sofas in the room.


“Where… where am I?” asked Twilight as she got up

“At the Spa, darling, you relaxed so much you actually fell asleep,” said Rarity as she walked over to Twilight and handed her a towel.

“Thanks…” Twilight said

“So… feeling better?” asked Rarity

“Yeah, much better… thanks,” said Twilight

“What are friends for… so, any ideas, regarding our present matter?” asked Rarity

“Not yet… but I’m thinking of something,” said Twilight

“Oh… and what is it?” asked Rarity

“An old tradition of ours… there is no way he’ll say no,” said Twilight as she jumped up off the sofa and rushed to the showers to bathe and get dressed.

“Twilight, dear, care to feel in the blanks?” said Rarity as she walked into the changing rooms

“Sorry, Rarity, it’s top secret… but, i’ll tell you the outcome tomorrow over a cup of tea,” said Twilight as she rushed out the door

“I’ll hold you to it!” Rarity exclaimed as Twilight exited the Spa.


“Come on… pick up…” said Twilight

“Hello, Twilight?” came Spike’s voice

“Spike! Hey!... just calling to see how you’re doing,” said Twilight

“I’m doing great, how’bout you?” asked Spike

“To be honest… I could be doing better,” said Twilight

“Oh, something wrong?” asked Spike

“A few things actually… but I wouldn’t like to talk about them over the phone… mind coming over, we can have a movie night, just like the old days,” said Twilight

“I… I don’t know,” said Spike

“I talked to Dash, she said there is no training tomorrow because it’s saturday, so, it’s ok,” said Twilight

SPike remained silent and then said

“Ok… be there soon,”

“Great, I’ll be waiting,” said Twilight as she hung up. “Hook, line, and sinker,” Twilight thought with a smile as she walked towards the living room

Her mind and heart aflutter with expectation waiting for Spike's arrival.

This was something she took notice of fairly quickly

“Why I’m I so happy? It’s just Spike,” Twilight thought as she continued to look at all of the photos on the wall, but for whatever reason her eyes kept locking with Spike’s image, over and over again.

“What is wrong with me? Why am I so happy that Spike is coming, we’re just going to watch a movie… while snuggling up together… enjoying our warmth… as he hugs me with his big, muscular arms.. OH NO! No, no, no, no… am I in love with Spike?... my brother… no, there is no way… But he is handsome… and he has always been there for me, no matter what, even when he had nothing to win, and all the abuse I put him through… but, even if it’s the case, Spike doesn't love me back, he likes girls like Rarity… I mean, what does she have that I don’t? Our boobs are almost the same size, and my body is better than Rarity’s… not to mention we are 5 times more compatible than her… Oh no! I really AM in love with Spike!... Oh no! Oh no!...” Twilight kept thinking until she heard the doorbell ring and rushed to open it

“Hey Twi, long time no see,” said Spike as Twilight tackled him into a hug

“It’s so good to see you!” Twilight said hugging him tighter

“Well, what movie are we watching?” asked Spike

“You chose,” said Twilight as she took Spike by the arm and pulled him all the way to the living room.

“A little pushy are we,” Spike teased

“Oh, stop it!” Twilight teased back as she pushed Spike onto the sofa, while she searched for the control.


Spike and Twilight had been watching the “Stranger things” series, instead of watching a movie

Half way through the first season, Twilight heard Spike’s stomach rumble

“You hungry?” asked Twilight

“Yeah… but don’t worry, I’ll go make us something to it,” said Spike

“Oh no you don’t, I’ll make us some heighwiches, you’re my guest after all,” Twilight said as she got up and hurried to the kitchen.

“Everything is going great…. Too great, if this continues, Spike will start to open up again, and Rarity will just walk in and steal him away from me… like hell I’m letting that happen!” Twilight said as she finished the heighwich.

“Here you go Spike,” she said as she handed him the heighwich

“Thanks, I love your heighwiches!” said Spike

Twilight looked at Spike as he began to eat his heighwich, her heart beating faster than it had ever beaten before.

“It’s now or never!” Twilight thought

Spike continued munching on the heighwich, when Twilight jumps into his lap and nuzzles his chest "how have you been doing?" he asks her, petting her head.

"Okay, I just want to be close to you" she says and slowly grinds against his crotch.

"Okay, well, have a heighwich it’s your favorite," he says holding a sandwich to her and she takes a bite of it while still grinding against him.

He lets out gasp "what are you doing?" he asks, feeling blood rushing to his loins.

"Nothing" she says looking up at him and he sees a sparkle in her eyes.

"Are you in heat?" he asks her and before he could react, Twilight sat up and kissed him passionately

"That was your answer" she tells him and hops off his lap and grabs his pants pulling down on them feeling arousal building in her loins.

"What are you doing?" he says, grabbing his pants and tugging them back up.

"Do I REALLY have to spell it out to you… now I see how Rarity feels, you big dummy" she tells him and grabs his pants again, pulling them down, again.

“What is that supposed to mean?!!” said Spike

“It means THIS!!!!” Twilight said giving his pants one final tug before setting Spike meat rod free

Before he can grab his shorts she jumps at his swollen rod and licks it making him freeze in his tracks and moan softly.

“Twilight… we shouldn't… we’re… we’re..." he says as she takes the head of his 10 inch cock into her mouth and sucks on it tasting drops of pre-cum hitting her tongue making the fire between her legs burn hotter.

"Stop" he tells her as he pushes her off his cock with a strand of saliva and pre-cum connecting them for a second before it breaks.

“Twilight… Why are you...?” Spike said between moans as Twilight continued to stroke his member

“Because… I love you… I love you, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!” she said

“But… you’re my… I’m your…” Spike tried to say but the pleasure began to get to him

“I know… and this is me telling you that… I don’t care,” she said as she drops her head to his hard rod and licks the tip of it, feeling his moans in her pussy as he licks up her dripping juices.

"Twilight" Spike said as Twilight takes the tip back between her lips and sucks on it feeling his shiver and a spurt of pre-cum cover her tongue.

His cock pulses every time her tongue laps around it, driving him to the edge very quickly since it's his first time with a female.

"Twilight, I'm about to cum!" he moans, laying his head back and taking a few deep breaths.

He grunts and blasts his first load down her throat and she sucks even harder.

She swallows as much of his load as she can but gets plenty of it on her face.

She cries out as orgasm rushes through her loins wetting her legs and marehood with her juices as she contracts over and over until she collapses on his legs panting.

"I feel a little better now" she tells him as she stands back up and licks the remaining cum off her face

"Good now can I get back to my snack" he says, feeling his dick softening and drooling a few drops as he pulled his underwear and pants back up.

He gets up and walks over and grabs a heighwich from the table feeling very hungry after his orgasm.

Twilight stares at him for a few seconds while he eats his heighwich before she rolls her eyes and walks up at him.

He looks at her and sais

“What?... Are you hungry too?” and hands her a heichwich

Twilight grabbed the Sandwich out of Spike’s hands, ate it and felt her strength return.

Twilight then got in Spike’s face and stared into his eyes

“What?” asked Spike as he continued chewing on his heighwich, feeling rather terrified of Twilight’s demeanor.

“Do you really think that was it?” Twilight said as she pushed Spike against the wall

“Uhm… I… honestly don’t… know how to react,” said Spike in a timid voice

“Then, I’ll take the lead!” Twilight said as she slammed her lips into his, pressing their bodies close together.

Spike was taken aback once again, fear invading his whole been, on one hand, he was happy that Twilight had confessed to him and was now trying to mate with, but on the other hand, Spike felt afraid… afraid of the fact that he was terrified of not being able to satisfy her… of his demons taking over again… of hurting… of the fact that in his mind Twilight was his “younger sister”.

In the midst of all his thinking, Twilight got irked of the fact that Spike was not reacting so, she decided to become even more forceful as she moved her hand back down to Spike’s pants and shoved her hand into his underwear, as she began to stroke his member once again.

“Come one Spike… what more can I do for you to get the fucking plot!” Twilight said as she continued to force herself onto him.

“Ok… calm down… I mean, it’s just Twilight… who is my SISTER!!!... but this feels so good… BUT SHE IS MY SISTER!!!!... although we aren’t blood related at all… BUT SHE IS MY SISTER!!!... but I love her too… BUT SHE IS YOUR SISTER!!!!!!!!!!...” Spike continued to fight against his desires when something in him ticked, as he forcefully removed Twilight from him holding her shoulders.

Twilight was surprised by this, especially when Spike moved her so that her back was pressed against her back.

Twilight’s face went from surprised to concerned when Spike raised his head so that they both were making eye contact.

His eyes were no longer filled with surprise and fear, but they had been replaced with something that Twilight had not seen before… lust and aggressive desire.

“Spike?” was all Twilight could say before he forcefully pressed his lips against hers.

Now it was Twilight’s turn to be surprised, but this feeling quickly left her body as her tongue began to fight against Spike for dominance.

The both continued their assault against each other’s lips until twilight felt Spike’s hand travel from her hip all the way up to her left breast.

The second Spike hand groped her boob and began to massage it like a madman.

“Umf… about time to got into the mood, you big dummy,” Twilight moaned as Spike continued to massage her boob, as his other hand helped Twilight remove her shirt and expose her breasts to the cold night air, causing her nipples to get even harder.

The second Spike felt this, he pinched her nipple as his mouth trailed to her right nipple and he began to suck on them.

“Umf… Spike!... that feels so good!” Twilight said as Spike pinched and sucked on her nipples harder.

They continued to do this for a few more seconds until Spike, suddenly stopped and straightened himself

“Uh… Spike? Wh-why did you stop?” Twilight said catching her breath

“Because… I’ve had enough!” said Spike as he untied his pants, letting them and his underwear hit the floor

Twilight quickly got the message and removed her panties, exposing her wet marehood, dripping with anticipation.

“I hope you’re ready,” said Spike as he placed his hands carefully on her waist as his member poked at her entrance

“I’ve been wanting this for a long time,” Twilight said as she wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck.

Spike then proceeded to insert his dick into Twilight’s marehood

Twilight felt her pussy stretch as Spike’s member entered, but stopped when it reached her hymen.

“Twilight… are you ready? There is no turning back,” Spike said as he looked into her eyes

“I have no intention on backing out,” she said as she kissed him

Spike then thrusted his hips, allowing his dick to rupture Twilight’s hymen, sending a jolt of pleasure and pain all through her body.

Twilight shivered as she felt her legs go numb for a second, causing her to lose balance and press her naked body onto Spike’s.

“How do you feel?” asked Spike

“A-amazing,” Twilight moaned as she composed herself and kissed Spike

“Good… cause I'm about to make you feel even better!” said Spike as he began to thrust his hips faster

Each thrust sends jolts of pleasure throughout her body, causing her mind to go blank.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!!!!" she says as she wrapped her legs around Spike’s hips

"You're such a slutif you;re that desperate for your “brothers” seed inside you" Spike says in her ear, as he pulls out of her, turns her around and presses her body onto the wall, as he slams back into her making her cry out in extreme pleasure as he hammers her pussy from behind.

“OH YES!!!! HARDER!!! HARDER!!!!!” Twilight Screamed as Spike complied with her orders

Each thrust made Twilight feel like she was flying, even more so, when Spike grabbed her boobs and began to squeeze them to make her moan even louder.

“Twilight… I’m so close…” Spike said

“Give it to me… let it out inside… all of it!” Twilight moaned as she felt Spike’s balls harden

“TWILIGHT!!!” Spike moaned as he shot his seed into her pussy.

“OH YES!!!!” Twilight said as she felt the warmness of Spike’s seed shouting into her pussy.

After that Twilight straighten herself and whispered into his ear

"Fuck my ass" her tone almost a plea..

Spike smiles and pulls his foot long cock from her gaping pussy and presses the wet head against her tight pucker.

"You want an ass fuck, you'll get an ass fucking" he says and pushes into her making her cry out as her pucker is stretched wide open.

"ahhhhh yes!" she moans as he slides deeper and deeper into her ass until half his cock is deep in her bowels making her pussy droll down her thighs.

He starts fucking her ass hard and fast making her grunts and groan every time he slides into her.

“Oh! Yes, just like that… don’t stop… this feels so goooooood!” Twilight said as she felt Spike dick spreading her walls apart.

“Urgh… It seems your butthole would cut my dick off if I let it… IT’S TIME TO RESHAPE IT!!!” said Spike as he began to thrust harder into her butthole, to the point his whole dick was going all the way in.

At this point, Twilight’s head was as blank as an empty white sheet of paper.

No thoughts entered or left her brain, it was completely broken.

“Urgh… I hope you’re ready for it!” Spike moaned as he thrusted harder into her

“Spike… please… I’m begging you… DO IT HARDER, MAKE MY ASS TAKE THE SHAPE OF YOUR WONDERFUL DICK!!!” Twilight moaned as she felt Spike dick began to grow as it got ready to shot everything out

“Here… it… comes!” said Spike as his balls emptied inside of Twilights anus

The warmth of the seed, added to Spike’s final, powerful thrust, finally caused Twilight’s brain to shut off.

Spike and Twilight stayed connected for a few more seconds as Spike’s seed continued to shot out into her.

When Spike’s balls finally emptied, he pulled out of Twilight, letting her fall to her knees, her boobs and face still pressed against the wall.

Spike then stumbles back onto the couch and plops down, his dick going limp with every breath

“That… that was fun,” he said as he panted

Twilight shot up and turned to face Spike.

“Who said we were done?” she said as she crawled towards Spike, her eyes glued to his dick

“Sorry Twi… but I believe I’m all empty,” Spike said

“Really?” Twilight said coily

“Yeah… plus…” was all Spike could say before he felt Twilight’s lips starting to slide down his dick all the way to his balls.

“Twi… Twilight?” said Spike

“Let him decide,” she said as she placed Spike’s dick between her DD sized boobs as she began to move her boobs up and down.

Sure enough, the extra stimulation received from Twilight’s soft breasts was more than enough for Spike’s dick to get a second wind.

“Heh, seems someone’s ready for round 2,” she said as she sucked on Spike’s, now hard, dick again, making it grow more and more with every suck.

Spike looks down at her and sees the determination in her eyes and gives in

"Okay… round 2 it is!" he tells her, as she stood up and placed her marehood against the tip of Spike’s rod once again.

"Oh yes, just like that!" she softly moans feeling sparks shooting from her clit as he begins to insert his dick all over again

"God, you're so tight" he says in her ear as he starts thrusting.

"fuck me, give me your seed, again!" she moans feeling his cock grinding against her most sensitive spot causing her eyes to roll back in pleasure.

He fucks her for a minute hitting her cervix with each thrust until he feels himself approaching the edge and stops "let's change position or else I'm going to explode.

He pulls out of her with a slurp and she rolls over thrusting her ass in the air "play with my ass before you start fucking me" she says raising her tail out of the way.

He leans forward and licks her tight asshole, getting moans from her as his tongue laps at the tight ring of muscle. The tip of his tongue penetrates her making her yelp as pleasure shoots from her ass and fills her body.

"Enough" she says and he gives her one last lick and stands up stroking his calmed down cock and presses the head between her pussy lips and both of them moan as he slides into her wet hole again and leans over her back.

"God, this feels amazing" he says fucking her, thrusting in and out of her.

"Yes it does" Twilight says, squeezing her muscle tight around him and feeling his cock pulse between her lips and pre-cum flows from his cock like a faucet soaking her thighs in the slippery stuff.

He gives her a few more thrust and pulls out of her "I want you to ride me when I cum" he says as he lies down with his rock hard cock bouncing with each beat of his heart.

She crawls up on his and sits down on his shaft and moans as she slides down it.

She leans forward and bucks her hips, he reaches up and grabs her boobs harder than before, increasing her pleasure even more.

Twilight bounces and bucks against him feeling his cock head grinding against her cervix

Spike feels his balls tightening and her pussy getting wetter signaling imminent orgasm. He pulls her down into a kiss and both of them moan as they go over the edge together.

His hot cum shoots deeper into her pussy painting her cervix white with the thick goo all over again.

She breaks the kiss with a scream as her muscle clenched around his cock milking it for every drop it can get.

They jerk and twitch together in combined orgasm for over a minute before Twilight collapses on his chest panting and moaning as his cock twitches and softens in her pussy.

She softly moans as his cum runs from her pussy and covers his cock. She rolls off him and crawls around his body until she's face to face with his cock and licks it clean of their combined juices.

"" she says between licks.

"Not a problem… you were… amazing too," he tells her as he stared up into the ceiling

When Twilight finally finished “cleaning” Spike’s dick, she crawls up next to him and nuzzles him
"our children with be beautiful" she says before she plops down next to him..

“Chi-children?” Spike said

“Yeah, silly, it’s the next step for us,” said Twilight

“But… you’re not on your period,” said Spike

“I know… just giving you a heads-up,” Twilight said as she cuddled up to Spike while he smiled

“Right,” he said as he kissed her forehead

They remained in silence for a few seconds before Twilight rolled onto his chest, pressing her boobs onto his chest

Spike then stared into her eyes

“What?” he said

“Ready for round 3?” Twilight said with a smile

“AGAIN!!! Twilight, aren’t you tired?” said Spike

“Not really… plus, I think our little-big friend is ready,” she said as she began stroking Spike’s hard dick again.

“Oh, boy!” he thought as he felt Twilight’s pussy walls wrapping around his dick.

ROMDRA ch. 3 A jealous Belle

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It’s been a full week since Spike and Twilight consummate their feelings for each other, and it has been wonderful.

Spike had promised Twilight that he was going to be coming over every single weekend, unless something important happened or duty called.

Twilight agreed to these terms, despite being unable to obtain Spike’s current address, which made her a tad angry, but she let it go, almost immediately.

Today was Friday, And just like every Friday afternoon, Twilight and the girls had agreed to meet at sugarcube corner.

But this time, a certain Princess was nowhere to be seen, and to a certain fashionista, this little fact was rather infuriating.

“So… anything important happened to any of you this week?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Not much really, I just finished another masterpiece, and I got news this morning that an art collector up in Tall Tale is willing to pay big money for it,” said Sunset Shimmer showing the girls a picture of her masterpiece

“Very nice… what about you AJ?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Nothing changed, ah been working me ass off, as usual,” said Applejack

“Huh, ,maybe that’s why you can’t get a boyfriend,” said Rainbow Dash

“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Applejack as she glared at Rainbow Dash

“I mean, if you keep working your ass that much, it’ll be to loose for someone to have a good time with you,” said Rainbow Dash

“Those’re big words comin’ from someone who can’t even get a desperate lesbian to fuck with!” said Applejack as Rainbow Dash glare at her

“I am NOT a lesbian,” Rainbow Dash said while gritting her teeth

“Exactly, boys don’t pay attention to you and lesbians ignore you… at this rate, you’ll be a virgin forever… unless you find a proper dildo to be a substitute,” said Applejack

“Ha! Like if you’re virgin ass has been plowed before, Ms. RockButtom,” said Rainbow Dash

“Ah know ah’m better than you, Ms. Washboard,” said Applejack as the 2 of them locked foreheads and began arguing like little kids

“Well, going back to our original topic… Fluttershy, any luck with your mysterious Mr. Dreamboat?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“No… I don’t even know where he is,” said Fluttershy

“And your Ms. Dreamboat?” asked Pinkie Pie

“I… I … I don’t have one… right now,” Fluttershy lied, turning red

“Pinkie, you don’t ask does questions, especially since you know how Fluttershy feels about the subject,” said Sunset Shimmer as her phone pinged

“Well, like I said there is nothing to be ashamed off, I mean, you all know how I feel about Twilight,” said Pinkie Pie

“Well, that’s a bit different, you want us to know, Fluttershy doesn’t,” said Rarity still looking out the window

“Whatever, who texted you?” asked Pinkie pie

“Oh!... just Starlight,” said Sunset

“Oh, what did she say?” asked Pinkie Pie

“Oh, nothing really, just saying hi, so that we don’t forget about her,” lied Sunset Shimmer

In reality, Starlight had sent her a picture of her, Sunburst and Trixie doing the naughty with the captions

“Guess I’m also gonna have a wife soon… not complaining though,”

“What about you Dash, anything interesting happen to you?” asked Sunset SHimmer

“Apart of me running into Derpy and Hooves having sex at his lab, or Big Mac, Sugar Belle and Cheerilee having a threesome out in the open field... not really, nothing… Oh, yes, Spitfire has created this fake rumor that Spike and I are rivals, which is not true… despite him defeating me easier and easier as the days go by,” said Rainbow Dash

“Wow, ah never thought mah brother could score 2 dames, he makes me proud,” said Applejack with a smile

“That was all you got after everything I said?” said Rainbow Dash getting angry

“It was the only thing ah Actually found interesting,” mocked Applejack

“Wanna piece of me Cowgirl?” said Rainbow Dash

“You wouldn’t even scratch me… Airhead,” said Applejack as they locked Foreheads again

“Ugh, get a room the both of you,” said Sunset Shimmer

“WE ARE NOT LESBIANS!!!” the both screamed

“Right, and I was born yesterday,” said Sunset Shimmer

“For the love of… Why are Rarity’s eyes glued to the window?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Rares?... Rarity?... Rarity Belle?!... Ms. Spike The Dragon!!!!” screamed Sunset Shimmer causing Rarity to jump up in surprise

“Wha-what is it?” she asked

“Why are your eyes glued to the window, seriously?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“Oh… I’m just waiting for Twilight,” said Rarity

“Why?” asked Pinkie Pie

“I have some things to discuss with her,” said Rarity

“Like?” asked Fluttershy

“It’s a… private matter,” said Rarity

“Well, sorry to rain on your parade, but, Twilight just took a rain check on us,” said Sunset Shimmer looking at her phone

“WHAT?!!!!!” Rarity screamed

“Yeah, she says, “Hi girls, sorry, I am not available to meet you all today, have some business to attend to later, and I must prepare myself accordingly, so… talk to you next week,” and then she just placed an emoji of a happy face,” said Sunset Shimmer

“That does it!!!” said Rarity as she stood up, grabbed her purse, plop some dollar bills on the table and turn to leave

“And WHERE do YOU think you're going?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“To talk to Twilight,” said Rarity

“Why is this talk so important?” asked Pinkie Pie

“Haven’t you girls noticed that ever since last week she has been acting weird?” said Rarity

“A little, yes,” said Sunset Shimmer

“Well, last week she was below rock bottom, so I want to know what is up,” said Rarity

“Well, Twilight did mention she had an “exciting” weekend with Spike… maybe they finally settled any problems they had,” said Pinkie Pie

“Well, I want to know the details… and it is not gossip,” said Rarity

“Sure it isn’t,” said Rainbow Dash

“I swear...Plus, she didn’t keep her promise regarding our conversation, like hell I’m just going to let it rest there,” said Rarity as she left the sugarcube corner and headed to the castle.


Twilight was walking up and down the castle, frantically decorating it so that when Spike arrived later that day, they could get into the mood faster than last time.

“This is going to be perfect!!!! With all this scented candles added to the ones I have placed in my room, and the rose petals I managed to get from Roseluck the ambience is simply superb… plus with this new lingerie I bought, Spike won’t be able to control his urges and we’ll get straight to business,” thought Twilight as she finished putting on the lingerie

After that Twilight decided to prepare some wine to make their evening together a tad more romantic.

She was on her way to the kitchen, when she heard the castle bell ring

“Oh! Spike’s earlier than I expected… He must be really excited!... which is perfect!” said Twilight as she walked towards the front door as the door bell continued to ring

“Bed, here we go… Hello Hand… some?” Twilight said as she leaned on the door frame in a sexy manner, only to notice Rarity standing there with an irritated smile

“Working on your A game, dear?” Rarity said

“RARITY! What are you doing here?!!!!” said Twilight as she turned red and hid her body behind the door.

“Well, I heard about you taking a rain check, but, most importantly, you never came by for that tea you mentioned last week,” Rarity said as her right eye twitches

“Oh!... Sorry, I… forgot,” said Twilight

“I know,” said Rarity as a very awkward silence

“Would… would you like to come in and have some tea?” Twilight finally said

“Oh Darling, I thought you’d never ask,” said Rarity as she marched right past Twilight

“I was not planning to ask,” thought Twilight as she gritted her teeth and closed the door.


“Here you go,” said Twilight as she handed Rarity as a cup of chamomile tea

“Thank you darling… now, care to explain,” said Rarity as she motioned at the decorations and her attire, which Twilight was now hiding behind a bathrobe.

“Oh!... well… you see…” Twilight had trouble coming up with an excuse

“Twilight, be honest with me, you’re a terrible liar, and I know you didn’t become some sort of… cheap slut, so, as Rainbow Dash might say… fess up,” said Rarity

Cheap Slut!!!!... It’s for Spike,” Twilight finally said

“Oh… trying to seduce him into telling you where his new house is and staying close, great idea, mind if I help,” Rarity said

“Well, sort of… I am trying to seduce him, but… not for him to give me information...,” said Twilight

“Oh, then why?” asked Rarity

“That’s…” Twilight said

“Twilight, we’re friend, you can tell me anything, who knows maybe I can even help out,” said Rarity as she took another sip of her tea

“I… I want Spike to have sex with me… again,” Twilight finally blurted out turning red

This sentence repeated itself in Rarity’s head for a couple of seconds before it finally clicked

“YOU HAD SEX WITH SPIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she finally said after spitting out her tea

“Yeah…,” said Twilight

“WHEN!!!?” asked Rarity

“Last weekend,” said Twilight

“How many times?” asked Rarity

“I lost count after 20,” said Twilight

“You… had sex… with Spike… so many times?” Asked Rarity

Twilight nodded turning even redder

“OH! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING…” Rarity exclaimed

“Rarity…” Twilight said

“THIS IS TERRIBLE…” Rarity continued

“Rarity!” Twilight said again


“RARITY!!! I KNOW YOU LIKE TO BE A DRAMA QUEEN, BUT PLEASE ZIP IT!!!” Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs

Rarity was shocked at Twilight’s outburst but said

“Drama Queen?! You betrayed me! And you don’t want me to react?!”

“I’m sorry, it’s just… while I was getting ready for the movie night, I realized my true feelings for Spike, and well… Can you blame me?” said Twilight

“I actually can… but that wouldn’t get us anywhere… so, what are you going to do now?” asked Rarity

“Well, why don’t you have sex with him too?” said Twilight

“Excuse me?” said Rarity

“I mean, you love him too, and I have no intention on monopolizing him, especially after what Princess Celestia said, plus this would give him more reasons to stay,” said Twilight

“Are you sure?” asked Rarity with glimmer in her eyes

“You don’t want to?” asked Twilight

"Well, I mean, I want him to fuck me...." Rarity said

Twilight took a sip of her tea, "But...."

"He's just so-" Rarity began

"Large, huge, gigantic, immense, massive?" Twilight cut Rarity off with a wicked smile. "That he is," she took another sip.

"How do you fit all of him in you?" Rarity asked.

Looking back, Twilight hadn’t even thought about it, she was so immersed in the moment she hadn’t paid attention at all.

As she continued to think about it her face lit up

Twilight then smiled with a sense of pride, "To be honest, I couldn’t say, but, what I do know is… when you are in love, it’s enough."

Rarity then looked at Twilight. "You think he will… you know?"

Twilight looked at Rarity in disbelief, how the hell did Rarity, the mare that had gone on more dates than any person she knew, and was always up front with her feelings, suddenly turned into Fluttershy’s twin sister.

“Well, you won’t know until you try… plus, Spike has had a massive crush on you… maybe you’ll have to seduce me a little bit, but other than that, you have all of the right assets and tools,” Twilight said motioning her own Boobs and butt

“But, he won’t even come to the boutique, heck, he doesn’t even talk to me anymore,” said Rarity

“Then maybe, you just have to change the… mood,” said Twilight

Rarity looked at Twilight for a few second until she finally got the message

“You think that might work?” asked Rarity

“Geez Rarity, when did you become Fluttershy?” said Twilight

“HEY! This is important for me you know,” said Rarity

“Look at what I did with the castle, try doing the same thing,” said Twilight

“You’re right… but how do we get him to go to the boutique and not suspect anything?” asked Rarity

“Lure him in,” said Twilight

“Just like you did?” asked Rarity

“I-I-I didn’t lure him in! Things just took that route,” Twilight said turning red thinking about it

“Great idea!!! Do you mind if I borrow a few of the things right? Thank you!” said Rarity as she teleported almost all of the candles and rose petals to her boutique with her.

“Sure… go on ahead,” Twilight said as she looked around at the now clean living room


“... and… there, not to bad if I do say so myself,” Rarity said as she looked at the now ready living room “If this doesn’t make Spike hard, than this definitely will,” she said as she walked over to her design studio and admired the lingerie she had created for the occasion.

“Luckily for us, Sweetie Belle is over at Button’s place for a sleepover… I just their using protection, it’ll be embarrassing if my younger sister gets pregnant before me,” said Rarity as she walked over to the living room and grabbed her cellphone

“It’s showtime,” she said as she dialed a number

“Hello,” came a voice after a few rings

“Hello darling, remember me?” said Rarity in a seductive voice

“Oh, hey Rarity, long time no see,” said Spike in a cheerful tone

“Yes, far too long,” Rarity said

“What can I do for you?” asked Spike

“Well, you see, I am a tad behind on a few orders and I was wondering if you’d be so kind as to come and help me… I promise I’ll make it worth your while,” said Rarity giving Spike a few signals

“Oh… I don’t know Rarity, I promised Twilight I…” said Spike

“Oh, don’t worry darling, I already called and asked her and she said it was ok,” said Rarity

“Really?” asked Spike

“Yeah, if you don’t believe me you can call her and ask her yourself,” said Rarity

“Oh, no, I believe you, at what time would you like me to arrive?” asked Spike

“At what time does your shift end?” asked Rarity

“At 4 PM,” said Spike

“Then… what about 5:30?” said Rarity

“Sure… I’ll be there, see you soon,” said Spike as he hung up

“I’ll be counting the seconds… my dear Spikey-Wickey,” Rarity said with a coy smile


“Well, it’s been a while, I hope Rarity’s not mad about me turning down her invitations that much,” said Spike as he landed outside the boutique

He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell

“Rarity, it’s me Spike, sorry if I’m a bit late, Spitfire asked me to stay behind and clean Rainbow Dash’s mess… again,” Spike said as the door opened by itself

Spike then peaked inside, but saw that Rarity was nowhere to be seen, and that the boutique was completely dark

“Rarity?” Spike said as he entered the boutique

As soon as his whole body, tail included, had entered the boutique, the door closed behind him.

“Ok… that was weird, maybe she is in her studio, and has the boutique like this to save electricity,” Spike said

Seconds after he said that, various candles lit up giving the room a very romantic setting

“Now what?” said Spike as he looked at the candles and the trail of rose petals on the floor leading upstairs.

“Ok… I assume I’m supposed to follow them,” said Spike as he began to follow the trail

Spike then proceeded to follow the rose petals and candles all the way up to Rarity’s room

“This is just getting ridiculous… It might be a prank from Pinkie and Dash again, plus, there is no way that Rarity would even allow me to enter her room,” said Spike

But just as he said that, he heard a thump coming from the room, which made him become concerned

“Did someone break into her house? Maybe it’s a trap meant for Rarity… not on my watch brother… or sister,” said Spike as he marched inside the room

“WHO’S THERE?! SHOW YOURSELF!” Spike said getting into a fighting stance

But the room was quiet, the only weird thing was that the trail of petals led straight to Rarity’s bed, there were even a few on her bed

“This confirmed it, someone is trying to lure Rarity here, I must find them before she returns,” Spike said

Just as he said that, he felt a pair of hands slide up to his chest

“Hello, Spikey-wickey,” came Rarity’s voice

This caught Spike by surprise, causing him to jump and turn around

“RARITY!!!! You scared the living shit out of me! Sorry for entering your room with permission, but I saw the trail of petals and the candles and then the thud inside your room, and since the boutique was so dark, I thought someone had entered to harm you and, UHM!...” was all Spike could explain before Rarity’s lips crashed against his.

“Oh, Spikey-Wickey, I was hoping you’d follow the trail,” said Rarity as she kissed Spike again

“Rarity… what’s going on?” asked Spike as they separated from their kiss

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Rarity whispered into his ear

And with that Rarity tossed Spike onto the bed.

"Strip," she ordered.

Spike looked at Rarity with a confused look

“You heard me, strip,” she said again, but this time Spike noticed that Rarity was wearing a very sexy, purple and green lingerie set

Sitting on the bed, he peeled off his shirt and tossed it, showing off his toned body, which was thanks to all the hard training he was receiving with the wonderbolts.

He was about to peel off his pants when Rarity stopped him, putting her hand on his chest and pushing Spike down onto his back.

She was already nude, her voluptuous body on display for him. Spike thought back to all of the times he accompanied Rarity on her business trips...all those guys wanted to see what he was seeing.

This Made him a bit prideful, and rock hard.

Spike was brought back as Rarity removed his underwear and sat on his hips.

Spike's bulging cock pressing on her bubble butt, disappearing between her cheeks.

"I don't mind where this is going, but I thought..."

Rarity then pressed her finger on his lips and said

“I got tired of waiting for you to understand my signals… and when I found out about you and Twilight, I felt my heart break...” Rarity said

“Rarity… I…” Spike tried to say

“So… I decided to take Twilight’s offer and suggestion and. Make. you. Mine.” Rarity said as he slid off of Spike’s hips, making sure to give Spike’s dick a feel of her marehood.

"Holy...shit," Spike said as he felt Rarity’s pussy caressing his dick as she got off the bed

“I’ve been waiting to meet you too, darling,” Rarity said as she wrapped her hand around Spike’s dick

"Rarity… I..." Spike tried to say while Rarity continued to stroke Spike’s cock. it was already drooling pre-cum on the Rarity's white fur.

"I know darling, I know… but right now, forget about it, ok," she said as she continued to stroke his dick.

Spike only nodded

"Good," Rarity said as she placed Spike throbbing member between her breasts

"Now let's start." she said as she continued to stroke Spike’s dick between her boobs

The pleasure caused Spike to lay back down onto the bed

"I’ll show you what I can do," Rarity said, letting go of his cock.

Spike looked back at her as she grabbed the base of his shaft with both hands, getting bigger every second

"So big..." Rarity softly purred to herself as she pressed her face on his sack.

She moved her down to his balls, cupping and groping them.

Rarity was a bit shocked when her fingers found out the size of Spike’s balls, it seemed that his dick wasn’t the only big surprise in him, but she was on dick sucking duty today, so she pulled back and started to kiss up his cock, each little kiss making the him moan hotly, before letting out a sharp gasp when Rarity’s tongue got to the tip. With her delicate fingers, she began to stroke Spike’s dick again.

Spike's cum slit gushed out a thick glob of pre-cum onto the Rarity's lips and face. Rarity was a bit surprised by the suddenness of the whole thing, but she quickly licked it off, getting surprised by the taste of it

"Sorry, I was in such a hurry I didn’t take a bath, It must smell horrible," Spike said, turning red

“Oh no, Darling, it smells wonderful, and tastes even better… even better than I imagined,” said Rarity as she repositioned herself

Taking a deep breath, Rarity pressed her lips around his cock, pushing it into her mouth, Spike's cock coating her tongue with pre-cum.

Rarity pushed more and more dick into her mouth. Every inch past six was getting progressively more difficult. She knew he was bigger than most males, but still, it surprised her

Spike tried to push further, but then her gag reflex made her unable to. She pulled out, coughing.

Only half of his ample cock was smeared with her spit.

Not wanting to be a quitter, she went back to it once she got her breath back.

"Rarity… don;t push yourself so much… for my sake, " Spike said, putting his hand on her head once she redoubled her efforts.

Rarity was back where she had been, testing the limits of her gag reflex.

She was able to hold it there for a bit, thanks to Spike having a good grip of her head.

He wasn't pushing her away but instead offered a bit of reinforcement.

"I mean it," Spike said helping her relax

"Nonsense, Darling… you’re just bigger than I expected… and it’s my first time doing this..." Rarity said as she began to buck her head up and down, his tip teasing her gag reflex.

Spike quickly got the message as he began to match Rarity’s movements, jerking a little as he slowly fucked her mouth.

Soft moans filled the room as Spike got into a steady rhythm, Rarity’s large tits and ass jiggling with each subtle movement Spike’s hips made as she was getting used to having such a big cock in her mouth.

"Oh God!" Spike gasped sharply, Rarity moving her right hand to her breasts, cupping and massaging the soft flesh.

"I’m almost…” Spike said

Rarity closed her eyes as Spike’s dick began to twitch and grow, forcing it down her throat as he began to cum.

Ropes of her white seed shot down her throat.

Good thing Spike warned her before he popped. His seed continued to shoot down her throat, before Spike quickly pulled out, spraying his cum all over her face.

Rarity's face had so much cum on it that it would make a porn star blush. The slimy load dripped from her face and onto her big juggs.

"Oh...fuck," she panted, smearing the warm, white cum on her chest.

She looked down at her marehood. It was all wet and throbbing with need.

If she were to touch herself, she could bet she wouldn't last thirty seconds.

Then, she looked back at his cock, which was starting to droop down and lose its stiffness.

A ropy wad of cum started to leak out from his dick slit, but before it could drop to the floor and was wasted, Rarity moved in.

Once more, she wrapped her lips around it and dashed her tongue across Spike's glans. A sharp exhale escaped from Spike’s lips, as he was still sensitive to the touch.

"That feels awesome," Spike moaned as she continued to suck on his dick

Rarity pulled it out with a big smile, cum still drooling all over her face as she opened her mouth, showing all the cum that she nursed out of his dick, before swallowing it.

She then proceeded to lean in and give Spike a passionate kiss on the lips,

"Give me a second, Darling," Rarity said as she turned to find something to clean the unswallowed cum off her hair, her large ass right in front of Spike's face.

A part of him wanted to bend her over and fuck her, to plow her tight, white pussy with his cock until he pumped his load into her.

He bit his lip “No, Rarity wouldn’t like for me to do that without permission,” he thought, until he realised something.

“Wait a minute! She just sucked on it!... Am I really going to start acting like I did with Twilight?... well, in my defense, it WAS Twilight… but this is Rarity! RARITY!! The mare I’ve loved for a long time…” thought Spike

Meanwhile, Rarity was getting irked “Is he really THIS dense, what else does he want me to do for him to take the plot?!!! Write, “FUCK ME” all over my butt?... Why do I have the feeling that I wouldn't do much either?” she thought as she suddenly felt something poking at her marehood

And with one swift buck, Spike, inserted his dick all the way into Rarity’s pussy, stopping only when he felt the wall of Rarity’s womb pressing against his tip
"Eager one, aren't you?" Rarity looked at his ass, moaned as she felt Spike began to buck her gently

“OH! This is wonderful!” Rarity exclaimed as she began to move her own hips faster than Spike, trying to send him a message.

Luckily, Spike got this message faster than she expected, and began to fuck her faster and harder


“As you… wish… M’lady,” Spike said as he went even harder and faster

“OH YES!!!, DON’T STOP, I’M SO CLOSE!!!” Rarity said

“ME…TOO!!” Spike exclaimed

“LET IT OUT INSIDE!!! PAINT MY WOMB WITH YOUR SEED!!!” Rarity exclaimed, drool falling from her mouth

“RARITY!!!” Spike said

“DO IT… DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!” Rarity moaned as Spike gave one final powerful thrust as he shot his seed into Rarity’s womb, making her cum.

There was so much of it, Rarity’s belly began to bulge, giving her an appearance of being pregnant.

After a few more seconds, Spike pulled out, much to Rarity’s disappointment

“That… was amazing!” Spike said as he sat back down on the bed

“Indeed… it was…” Rarity said as she sat next to Spike, his cum, dripping out of her pussy.

Spike and Rarity just sat there for a few seconds, enjoy their warmth

“Does this... make it official?” asked Spike

“Not yet, darling,” said Rarity as she stood up and crawled onto the bed

“What do you mean?” Spike asked as he turned to face Rarity, on all 4’s jiggling her ass in the air.

“You see, I heard from Twilight that you also plowed this whole, so, to make it official…” Rarity had to say no more, before Spike positioned himself behind her.

"Deep breaths Rarity, " Spike said as his fat tip pressed on her tail hole.

"Relax...It’s Spike, he knows how to be gentle… dispute you hating it, but that'll change once he..." she thought to herself as she gripped the sheets.

She took five deep breaths, and on the last breath, Spike eased in, his head spreading her pink star out before it popped in.

Rarity gasped hotly as her back arched. She tightened up around the few inches of cock in her, so much so that Spike was trapped in his ass.

"S-sorry," she laid her head on the bed and resumed her deep breaths.

"It's fine, m’lady," once Spike was able to, he slowly pushed into her inch by inch, stopping to make sure she was able to take it.

Like a champ, Rarity was able to take all of that dick in her. Hilted, and having his balls touch Rarity’s still dripping pussy, he leaned over her

Spihe whispered into her ear, "Are you ready for me to fuck your ass, Rarity?"

Wiggling her hips, Rarity nodded her head.

"Good," Spike pulled back a few inches before pushing them back into her, his balls slapping against her pussy as he repeated the motion.

"Gha, so good," Rarity gasped.

Grabbing her hips, Spike sped up, pulling more of his thick cock out and slamming it back into her, each thrust making the Rarity cry out his name in pleasure. Her voice made Spike smile.

"I am not even really fucking you and you're already moaning like a whore," Spike pulled one hand back before slapping her nice ass.

"It just feels...too good," she weakly gasped

He pulled back until his tip was almost out and stopped pounding Rarity. It took a few moments for her to notice that empty feeling and looked back, her eyes watering a bit.

"W-why did you stop?" she whined.

"Beg," Spike said as he looked down at her, his eyes literally lighting up like fireflies

"What?" Rarity asked, panting heavily.

"Beg me to fuck you, and not only that, tell me how hard you need it," he spanked her ass again.

Blushing, Rarity spoke "Spike, I want, no, need you to fuck me. Fuck me like a whore...please."

Rarity's marehood throbbed from those words, her pussy already a mess from all that cum he had let out.

Nodding and smiling, Spike rammed in. "Since you asked so nicely."

He didn't go easy on her. He was pumping his hips as hard and as fast he could into her ass, his cock widening his once tight walls.

"Spike I-!" Rarity was about to cum, but before she could finish, Spike leaned over, not stopping his anal assault on her ass, and pinched her fully erected nipples, jerking them following the same tempo.

"Cum then, all over the sheets as I resize your pleasure hole." Spike said softly and passionately.

Rarity bit her lip as she came. She didn't know if it was the cock, the pinching, or Spike's words, but whatever it was set her over sooner than she thought.

Her load was powerful as it shot into the bed, the second wave of spunk blasting out from her pussy as Spike fucked her through her orgasm.

Spike kept pounding her ass until he came, slamming his cock deep into her ass before popping off. Like his first load, it was powerful.

Rarity could feel each wave as it shot into her ass, going deep into her.

Spike stayed in her rump, letting her rest until he was soft inside her. When he pulled out, her cum rushed out as well, draining out of her gaped ass and down her back and thighs.

"Enjoy yourself?" he asked, sitting back and breathing heavily.

"Fuck the hell yes," Rarity rolled onto her back and sat up before putting three fingers inside of her creamed ass. "Wow, you really opened me up "

Spike nodded proudly, but then, Rarity jumped onto his lap

"Mon cher, we haven't even started." she said

She then proceeded to rub her pussy onto Spike’s limp dick, making it hard all over again.

"Put it in," she purred while licking her lips.

Nodding, he did as he was told, popping his dick into her, already full pussy.

“Oh! This feeling is just wonderful, no wonder Twilight got addicted,” Rarity said as she began to move her hips up and down.

“I wonder how Twilight is doing?” thought Spike as he began to ram Rarity’s pussy harder, unaware that someone else was picking through the window while the 2 of them became intimate again.

“Soon, Spike… soon you, Rarity and I will have our own night of passion… oh! Just thinking of Rarity’s soft boobs against mine, and your dick messing my womb, oh! How delightful,” said the figure as she continued to watch the sexual act while pleasuring herself.


“ARGH!! IT’S NO USE!!!” screamed Twilight as she threw the book into the air “No matter how many books I read, I still can’t stop thinking about Spike and Rarity… maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to the idea… Nah, knowing Rarity, she would’ve raped him if I hadn’t, plus, she’ll only have him for tonight, so that means, tomorrow Spike and I can go back to making babies!... Oh yeah, still not on my period… oh well, we can still have a great time, just the 2 of us,” she said


“YOU ARE GOING TO DO WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!” exclaimed Twilight

“Exactly what I said Darling, I’m moving in with you,” said Rarity

“WHY?!!!” asked Twilight as Spike placed Rarity’s luggage down

“Well, I was thinking that it’ll be difficult for Spike to choose between the me and you, despite me being superior in the bedroom arts department, so I believe it will be easier for the 2 of us to share him if I live here too… plus, Button Mash and Sweetie Belle were discovered having sex in Button’s house, so, they decided to move in together at the Boutique… at least until Button’s parents “cool down” enough,” said Rarity

“And you think I’m just going to agree to that?” said Twilight

“Well, I always have the option of moving in with Spike, I mean, that would be ideal, for me, but, since I’m a good friend, I don’t mind sharing him with you,” said Rarity as she wrapped her body around Spike’s left arm.

“Share HIM with ME! Oh no! I am sharing HIM with YOU!!! I was his first so I am superior to you!” said Twilight as she wrapped her body on Spike’s right arm

“Well I loved him first!!!” Rarity shot back

“And I FUCKED him first, so, you lose,” said Twilight

“I see no baby bump, the race is still far from over!” Rarity shot back again

“Ha! You think you’ll defeat me in getting pregnant?! Please, I already emptied Spike’s balls more times than you, the second my period hit…” Twilight said

“I will fuck him dry, until he get ME pregnant,” said Rarity with a serious face

“Like hell I’ll let that happen,” Twilight said getting in her face

“So what about a little competition?” Rarity said

“Then it’s settled, however gets pregnant first, becomes the… head wife!” said Twilight

“Head wife?” asked Rarity

“Well, yeah, it is foolish to believe that someone as handsome as MY Spike will only have one sutter, especially in our current society,” said Twilight proudly

“For your information, he is MY Spike, he said it himself last night, after he fucked my brains out,” said Rarity

“Then no wonder you’re saying such stupid shit, although, you never had much of a brain to begin with,” mocked Twilight

“Don’t drop me to Rainbow Dash’s level, at least I got straight A’s all throughout my academic life and you know it,” Rarity said

“And you also gave out a blow job here and there,” said Twilight

“Spike’s my FIRST intimate relation,”said Rarity

“Yeah, and I was born yesterday,” said Twilight

“Maybe that’s why your body hasn’t developed so well,” Rarity teased


“Almost doesn’t make a man happy,” Rarity said

“Girls?... why don’t we…” Spike began

“SIP IT SPIKE!!!!” they both screamed at him making shut his mouth

“Looks like we’ll have to settle this some other way,” said Rarity as she stroke Spike crotch

“My thoughts exactly… WHO EVER MAKES HIM CUM MORE WINS!!!!” Twilight said as she tackled Spike to the ground, slid his pants off and began to give him a blowjob

“HEY! THAT’S CHEATING!!!” said Rarity

“In love and war, everything is valid!” said Twilight as she continued to suck on Spike’s dick

“That’s not even the right phrase!” Rarity said as she shoved Twilight’s head away from Spike’s dick and began to suck on it.

“And here I thought one Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were more than enough,” Spike thought, just then Spike noticed someone picking through the window “Who’s that? OH NO! The stalker is AH!..” was all he could finish as she felt Rarity’s pussy wrap around his dick

“HEY NO FAIR!” Twilight screamed

“In love and war everything is fair,” Rarity said with a proud smile as he began to move her hips, only for Twilight to come over and Pinch her nipples really hard

“OH YES, TWILIGHT, HARDER!!!” she moaned

“You weirdo, as if I’m letting you win,” said Twilight.


“OH! So close, I hope he didn’t recognize me… oh, but how I wish to be a part of that soon!” said the woman as she picked in again to watch the sexual act between the 3 new lovers unfold.

ROMDRA Ch.4 A not so delicate butterfly,

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It has been literal hell for Spike, not only was he not able to return to his apartment because of Twilight and Rarity using him as hug/fuck pillows while they sleep.

But every morning and night he had to give in to either one of them or both and bang them so hard they couldn’t walk properly.

And it got worse, it had gotten to the point he couldn’t even go to the shower without both of the girls following him and milking him until he couldn’t even stand, only for them to pass out after they were done and Spike had to carry them to their room.

Now, many of us would be happy at such luck, but, despite Spike’s strong dragon libido and sexual prowess, the mixture of the hard training and his extreme sex life was becoming a bit too much, even with his occasional “Lustful lapses” that made him a total beast in bed.

It was tough, and unfortunately, not only Spike had taken notice of this.


Everything had been going well, except for Spike losing focus a second or 2.

It was almost the end of that day's training, and as usual, Spitfire had decided to end with the stereotypical 1v1 50 lap race, and now, it was time for the highlight race, Rainbow Dash vs Spike.

“Your going down lizard,” said Rainbow Dash

“You’re,” said Spike

“Oh so you wanna be funny, well guess what Your not,” said Rainbow Dash

“You’re,” said Spike again

“Oh that’s it!!” said Rainbow Dash

“Enough chat, get ready… and Rainbow Dash, please read a dictionary in your free time,” said Spitfire

This remark made everyone laugh

“ON YOUR MARKS… GET SET… GO!!!” screamed Spitfire as Rainbow Dash flew away as fast as she could.

“Good start… wait, where’s Spike?” said Spitfire as everyone turned to look at the starting line, where Spike was standing still

“Uhm… Spike, I understand that fact of giving Rainbow Dash a headstart but, I highly doubt that it’s necessary,” said Spitfire

“...” said Spike

“No seriously man, there is no need to give her advantage,” said Spitfire

“...” said Spike

“Spike, are you listening to me?” asked Spitfire

“SNORE!!” said Spike

“SPIKE! WAKE UP!!!!” screamed Spitfire

“Huh, what?!!!!” Spike said as he opened his eyes

“The race,” said Spitfire

“Oh!” Spike screamed as he dashed into the sky.

Rainbow Dash had already done 10 laps around the track when Spike flew past her

“Wow, dude, no need to push yourself further, I already have a much bigger difference than you,” said Rainbow Dash

“You should… actually… use the… term… advantage… to signify… this sort of difference!” said Spike as he flew past her so fast, that in a blink of an eye he was already nearing the 50 laps, while Rainbow Dash was still on her 23rd.

“How the hell did he…” was all Rainbow Dash could say before Spike flew past her even faster than usual trying his best to complete the circuit and break his record.

“Almost there… just a few more feet… wait a minute… since when are there 2 circuits?... OH, SNAP!!!!” said Spike as he flew past the finish line and straight into the wall that held the safety net, cracking it and almost destroying it.

“SPIKE!!!” Everyone screamed at the sight of what just happened and rushed over to help their fallen comrade.

“I’M OK! I’M OK!” Spike said as he jumped up, cracking his shoulders and back.

“Are you really ok?” asked Soarin

“Yeah, that was a very hard hit,” said Spitfire

“Tough scales,” said Spike

“What happened?” asked Rainbow Dash

“I… I think I was going so fast, I started to see double, and I got disoriented,” said Spike

“Right…” everyone said

“Well, that’s enough for today, you should head home and sleep… and take Monday off as well... as for the rest of you… the same thing, I think we all deserve a break,” said Spitfire

“RIGHT!!” everyone said as they left, minus Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, and Soarin.

“It’s the 5th day in a row, I wonder where his head is while training,” said Spitfire

“Not only that, he seems to be extremely tense, like if something is bugging him,” said Soarin

“Dash, do you have any ideas on what’s going on?” asked Spitfire

“No…” said Rainbow Dash as they all followed Spike with their eyes, seeing him run into the wall in his half-sleep state.

It was at this point when something occurred to her

“... But I have a good idea on what it is,” said Rainbow Dash

“Well, we’ll leave you to it,” said Spitfire

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” said Rainbow Dash


“... and that’s why we have to stop them,” said Rainbow Dash

“Are you serious?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“Yeah, and I have proof if you want,” said Rainbow Dash

“No need, but seriously, I can’t believe that Twilight and Rarity have been using Spike as a sex toy,” said Sunset Shimmer

“Well you better believe it,” said Rainbow Dash

“I can’t believe they didn’t invite me,” said Pinkie Pie

“I agree with Rainbow Dash, I am concerned for Spike’s sanity and health, he may be stronger than us, but still, he is still a normal person,” said Fluttershy

“Not to mention, Rarity has a very high sex drive as it is, adding Twilight into the mix… it must be tough for 'im,” said Applejack

“Here they come, don’t worry Dash, we have your back,” said Pinkie Pie as the girls noticed Twilight and Rarity enter Sugarcube corner.

“Hey girls!” said Rarity

“Hey!” they all answered back

“How have you been?” asked Twilight

“Great,” they all answered

“I’m happy to hear that, so… anything you’d like to talk about?” asked Twilight

“Actually, we have to discuss something,” said Rainbow Dash

“Oh, and what is it?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Well…” Rainbow Dash began


“WHAT?!!!” both Rarity and Twilight screamed

“We’re just saying, you have to stop before you kill the poor guy,” said Rainbow Dash

“That’s ridiculous, we aren’t overusing him,” said Rarity

“Yeah, and even if we were, Spike has a mouth, he can just tell us to back off,” said Twilight

“A guy like Spike? Against A Psycho-bookworm like you and a Sex filled mare like Rarity, that’s like demanding God to end world violence,” said Rainbow Dash

“No it’s not, we’re reasonable grown adults, we can always talk about things,” said Twilight

“Again, I doubt you let him talk at all,” said Rainbow Dash

“Yes we do,” said Rarity

“Right, cause while one of you is milking him, the other one has her ass on his face,” said Rainbow Dash

Twilight and Rarity went pail

“Yeah, I know about your little “competition” and I think it’s time for it to take an indefinite hiatus,” said Rainbow Dash

“Have you been stalking us?” asked Rarity

“Heck nah, but, the 2 of you tend to moan really loudly, and since the castle is on my back home route, I can actually hear you… that included your conversation about babies… and the fact that I forced a confession out of Spike,” said Rainbow Dash

“Doing what?” snarked Rarity

“Unlike you, I know one of Spike’s deepest secrets, one he begged me to not reveal,” said Rainbow Dash

“You blackmailed Spike?” asked Fluttershy

“For his own good,” said Rainbow Dash

“Wow, it has to be a very important thing to make him beg,” said Sunset Shimmer

“Trust me… it’ll give you nightmares,” said Rainbow Dash as she turned to face Twilight and Rarity.

Rarity and Twilight went pail again

“WAIT, ARE YOU GIRLS PREGNANT?!!!” everyone screamed after the information sunk in

“NO!!..” they both screamed

“At least, not yet,” said Rarity

“So you are trying to have children,” said Sunset Shimmer

“Well, of course, it’s only natural,” said Rarity

“So, they also want Spike’s babies… I won’t let them beat me to that… but right now, Spike’s health is my utmost concern, but how can I get those away from him long enough for him to vent…” thought Fluttershy

“... I mean it, Spike almost got himself killed yesterday during practice because of how tired he is and stressed he is,” said Rainbow Dash

“Dash’s right, ah think y’all should give the poor guy some rest, he ain’t a toy,” said Applejack

“Plus, if this continues, Spike may have a heart attack, and we wouldn’t want that… right?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“I guess we have been going a tad overboard with our… “love” but, we meant no harm, and Spike knows it,” said Rarity

“Listen, I’m not telling you that Spike hates you, I’m just telling you to be mindful of the squirt, I MEAN HIM!!” said Rainbow Dash

“You’re right, we’ve only thought about our happiness and not Spike’s, I guess we owe him an apology,” said Twilight

“If you’re so set on having kids, at least wait until you have your periods, then ask him to fuck your brains out,” said Rainbow Dash

“Wow, Dash, I’ve never heard you talk about someone that way, what brought this sudden change?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“Yeah, this is highly unusual of you,” said Fluttershy

“It’s not a big deal!” said Rainbow Dash

“Ah think you like Spike too,” said Applejack

“NO, I DON’T! I’m just concerned for him as a teammate, plus, if there is an emergency and he’s all groggy he'll just get in the way” protested Rainbow Dash

“I think you do,” said Sunset Shimmer

“NO. I. DON’T.” said Rainbow Dash

“There’s nothing wrong with liking Spike, I mean, I doubt Rarity and Twilight here would mind sharing,” said Pinkie Pie smiling at everyone

“I SAID I DON’T LIKE HIM!!!” said Rainbow Dash

“Girls, can we get back to the topic at hand,” said Fluttershy

“Right… do you gals promise to back off and give Spike some breathing room for a while until it’s the right time?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Sure,” said Rarity

“Absolutely,” said Twilight

“Well, that’s one less problem… Now, what about his stress level?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“Well, if stress is the problem, I can just take Spike to the SPA with me,” said Rarity

“Or we can have a nice movie night back at the castle,” said Twilight

“Yeah, I really think it’ll be best for Spike to be far away from you for a bit,” said Rainbow Dash

“Why?” they both asked

“Well, Twilight, you’re movie night idea has all the right aspects to turn into a lust night… and Rarity, God knows what you and those sex-addicted spa sisters would do to him,” said Sunset Shimmer

Both of them pouted at the fact that they had been discovered.

“Any other ideas?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Ah got nothin’,” said Applejack

“I can’t really think of anything either,” said Sunset Shimmer

“OH! I can make Spike a “Relax time party!” said Pinkie Pie

“Pinkie he has to relax, not satisfy your urges,” said Rainbow Dash

“It can be relaxing,” said Pinkie Pie

“Out of the question,” said Rainbow Dash

“Uhm… I’m heading on a small camping trip to the forest for a few days, I think Spike will enjoy it a lot… plus, the area I’m going to is really peaceful,” said Fluttershy

“That works,” said Rainbow Dash

“Agreed,” said Sunset Shimmer

“WAIT, WHAT?!!!” said Twilight and Rarity

“DO you have any non-sexual ideas?” asked Sunset Shimmer

“Well… no,” said Twilight

“Then Fluttershy, take care of Spike for the next couple of days,” said Rainbow Dash

“I will,” said Fluttershy with a smile

“Rarity, help me out here,” said Twilight

“Sorry Darling, I have nothing to add,” said Rarity

Twilight looked around, but then hung her head in defeat

“Have a nice trip,” was all she said


‘So, do you go hiking a lot?” asked Spike as he followed Fluttershy up a trail

“Oh yes, Zecora told me once that this is great for your aura, and that it can be tons of fun,” said Fluttershy

“Yeah… until you find out what type of fun Zecora is into,” said Spike

“Oh, I know about her sexual habits and her usual encounter with Apple Bloom and Featherweight,” said Fluttershy

“Huh, I always thought she was 100% homosexual,” said Spike

“Well, she was when she was younger, but then she fell in love with Applebloom and vice-versa, but Applebloom was also in love with Featherweight, so one day, Zecora found the 2 of them having sex, and Applebloom, kinda forced her to join,’ said Fluttershy

“And I take it she enjoyed it,” said Spike

“A lot,” said Fluttershy

“Huh, just like Rumble and Scootaloo, except, at least Zecora, Applebloom and Featherweight don’t have sex in public places… much,” said Spike

“Are you talking about the time they had the orgy at the clubhouse?” asked Fluttershy

“No, I was referring to the time Rumble and Scootaloo were discovered having sex at the school, I had no idea they had an orgy,” said Spike

“Oh yes, Applebloom, Zecora, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Rumble, Button Mash, and Featherweight had it for Hearts and Hooves Day,” said Fluttershy

“Seriously, don’t those kids have any supervision?” said Spike

“Well, they are all over the age of 18 Spike, I think they’re old enough to do it,” said Fluttershy

“Sigh, guess you’re right… what about you, anything exciting happening in your life?” asked Spike

“Oh no, nothing at the moment, But soon we'll have some excitement together,” said Fluttershy

“So, where are we going?” asked Spike

“You’ll find out in a second, it’s just over this hill,” said Fluttershy

“Great, I really need a break,” said Spike

“Oh come to one Spike, I’m far weaker than you and I still have a lot of energy,” said Fluttershy

“Yeah, but unlike me, you don’t have to deal with a masochistic captain, and 2 girlfriends who are always in heat,” said Spike

“Yeah, you’re right, but, I promise this’ll be worth it… here we are!” said Fluttershy as she pointed to a pond with thermal water flowing through it

“A hot Spring,” said Spike

“Yeah, the best type of relaxing tool in the world,” said Fluttershy as she began walking towards it.

“So, I take it you’re going to stay here for 3 days?” asked Spike

“No,” said Fluttershy

“Then?” asked Spike

“WE are going to stay here for 3 days,” said Fluttershy

“Shy, I thank you for the invite, but I don’t think we have enough supplies for 3 days,” said Spike

“Spike, look around you, every tree here has fruits plus, there is a stream 20 feet away from here where you can get drinkable water, we even have a tent which we can set up inside the cave to stay away from the elements,” explained Fluttershy

“Fruits and water…” said Spike

“Spike, you need to relax and detox your body, this is the perfect way to do it,” said Fluttershy

“If you say so,” said Spike as he followed Fluttershy into the cave and started to set up the camp.


“There we are, everything is ready,” said Spike

“Yes, now we can relax,” said Fluttershy as she began to get undressed

“Yeah, heh, I even worked up a sweat, I’ll go take a dip in the hot springs… but I didn’t bring my swim trunks, what about you Flutter...” said Spike but stopped when he turned and noticed that Fluttershy was completely undressed.

Spike had a full view of her Goddess-like body, delicate fur, slim frame, big, soft breast, round butt, and pussy.

Spike had to fight his urge to push her down and have his way with her, which surprised him, even more, when he realized that Fluttershy was doing nothing to hide her body from him.

“I AM SO SORRY!!!” said Spike as he immediately turned around and hid his nosebleed

“Oh, I don’t mind, it’s not like you’ve never seen a girl naked,” said Fluttershy

“Well… you’re right about that, but, I don’t think it’s appropriate,” said Spike

“It’s ok Spike, there is nothing to be ashamed of, just take off your clothes and come join me in the hot springs,” said Fluttershy as she walked away.

Spike turned and saw her walk towards the hot springs and enter the water.

“And here I was hoping for some R&R,” thought Spike as he began to get undressed


Spike walked over to the hot springs, using his tail to hide his third leg, which was starting to grow with every look Spike gave at Fluttershy’s body.

He quickly got in and immediately felt the change the hot water was having on his body.

In a matter of seconds, Spike had gone from stress-filled reck to a much more relaxed state.

“You see, I told you that this was worth it,” said Fluttershy

“You’re right, how come I’ve never heard about this place?” said Spike

“Well, apart of me, you’re the only one who knows it… and Rainbow Dash, of course,” said Fluttershy

“So, I take it I must keep this a secret,” said Spike

“If you please,” said Fluttershy

“Yeah, I can see why,” said Spike as the 2 of them sighed and relaxed even more.

They spent a few minutes in total silence, letting the warm water soothe their skin and wash away their troubles.

“So, Spike, what is this I hear about Rarity and Twilight trying to get pregnant?” said Fluttershy

“Oh yeah, turns out, they can’t agree on who is a better partner for me, and so they are competing to see who get pregnant first so that I make the winner my “head” wife,” said Spike

“And who’s winning?” asked Fluttershy

“I have no idea, but it’s hell, I can’t even pee, without one of them following me into the bathroom and substituting the toilet,” said Spike

“That sounds invasive,” said Fluttershy

“You think, I even told them that competition is pointless since I’m going to marry both of them… if they want to,” said Spike

“And YOU don’t?” asked Fluttershy

“Well, I asked Celestia about it,” said Spike

“And what did she say?” asked Fluttershy

“She told me that it was a dumb question, Polygamy is the only thing that is helping keep the population going, and…” said Spike

“And?” asked Fluttershy

“Because I let my biological clock lay dormant for such a long time, the more sexual partners I have the better,” said Spike

“So, there is no problem,” said Fluttershy

“Well, it’s just… weird,” said Spike

“In what way?” asked Fluttershy

“Well, I’ve known all of you for ages, I never thought Twilight and Rarity would be fighting to see who’s going to be my wife, plus, as a dragon, I have a higher… sexual prowess, that can prove to be too much for most women that are not dragons,” said Spike

“What about Rarity and Twilight?” asked Fluttershy

“That’s why I said “most”,” said Spike

“Sounds tough,” said Fluttershy

“A bit, but I enjoy their company, at least I don’t feel so… alone like I used to,” said Spike

“That’s nice,” said Fluttershy, her heart fluttering faster

“But enough about me, what about you?” asked Spike

“What about me?” asked Fluttershy

“Anyone special in your life?” asked Spike

“Well… there is someone,” said Fluttershy as she began to scoot over to Spike, being as quiet as she could be.

“Oh, and what’s his or her name?” asked Spike

“His name is…” said Fluttershy as she arrived next to Spike

“Is?” was all Spike could answer as he felt Fluttershy’s lips on his

“Spike,” she said as she kissed him again.

Sunlight crept through the trees, finding easier passage now that the leaves were beginning to fall.

The two sat side by side in the hot springs, locked at the lips as their hands worked each other's genitals beneath the water.

They had been like this for a couple of minutes, but Fluttershy didn't intend to keep this up forever.

She pulled back from the kiss, and moved down to Spike’s semi-submerged member, licking it as and kissing it as it got bigger and bigger.

After a few more strokes and kisses, she started to suck it.

She moved up and down, going faster and faster as she felt his dick twitch and grow inside her mouth.

“It’s ok, let it out whenever you want,” she said as she continued to suck on Spike’s dick

“Where… where did you learn to… do this?” asked Spike

“I… practiced with Rainbow Dash’s… missing dildo while thinking of you,” she said

“You… stole it?” asked Spike

“More like… permanently borrowed,” said Fluttershy

“Oh!” said Spike as he got nearer to his climax “Fluttershy, I don’t think I’ll… last longer,” said Spike

“Let it out when…” Fluttershy began to say, but before she knew it, Spike’s dick shot his cum down her throat, surprising her.

Fluttershy did her best to swallow even the last drop of cum that came from Spike’s dick.

“That… was delicious,” said Fluttershy as she sat up and placed her breasts around his now limp dick.

“That felt… amazing,” said Spike

“Glad you like it,” said Fluttershy as she kissed the tip of Spike’s dick before stopping and getting closer to his ear

She whispered, "Hey, Spike... ever wanted to do it outside?"

Spike chuckled at the question. "Wanted to? I've done it!" he replied.

Fluttershy giggled and grinned, then climbed up out of the springs and got down on her hands and knees on the soft dirt just past the edge of the springs.

"But you haven't done ME!" she said. "Yet," she added with a wink.

Then Spike smiled and climbed up out of the pond, his scales dripping as he got down on his knees behind her.

"You know, Flutters, I never would have expected you to be this naughty," he said as he pressed his cock against her warm pussy.

"It’s not a crime to be horny, or is it?" Fluttershy asked, smiling softly as she felt Spike's tip against her folds. "Come on, Spike, gimme all ya got."

Spike grinned and pushed his cock right into her pussy, tearing through her hymen in an instant, earning gasps from both of them.

"As you wish," he said as he gripped her hips and started thrusting into her.

Fluttershy squeaked and moaned happily as her crush got started. "Yesssss," she hissed, gritting her teeth and pushing back into his thrusts.

She crossed her arms down in front of her and laid her head on them, trying to keep her volume down as Spike thrust even harder and faster

"You can be as loud as you want," Spike said, moaning softly himself as he worked into the quick pace that Fluttershy seemed to adore. "No one's gonna hear."

She grinned and shut her eyes, letting her moans free as she pressed back into the dragon's thrusts.

She could already feel his knot starting to swell, a good sign that the dragon wasn't going to last long -- and that she'd soon have that knot stuck in her for a good few minutes, at least!

Spike, however, suddenly felt a very different feeling in his loins. He slowed his thrusts, blushing a bit as he realized what was happening. "Umm... Shy? I, uh... have to pee," he said.

Fluttershy bit her bottom lip when she heard that. "Don't you dare take that out of me!" she said.

She was way, way too horny to let him pull out of her now. And for some reason, the thought of him doing THAT inside her seemed... oddly erotic.

"But... but Shy! I really have to pee!" Spike protested.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, then looked back at Spike "So do it. Inside me," she said, blushing even as the words came out of her mouth.

Spike's thrusts came to a stop as he looked at her. "A... are you sure?" he asked.

Fluttershy nodded, blushing deeper. "I don’t mind, plus, I’ve seen animals do it to mark territory,”

“Yeah, but… in this particular case…” Spike said

“I... I wanna feel it inside me. Please… Mark your territory" Fluttershy said as her face turned even redder.

Spike blushed a bit himself, and nodded, pushing himself in to the hilt, and he squeezed Fluttershy's hips as he tried to relax -- not an easy task when he was balls deep in a warm, snug Pegasus pussy! He shut his eyes as he focused, trying to force himself to pee. After about half a minute, he felt it coming. "H-here it comes," he whispered.

Both of them gasped as they suddenly felt the warmth of Spike's urine filling Fluttershy's pussy.

Spike shuddered as he felt the warm liquid quickly spilling out of his mate's womanhood and rolling down both their legs.

Fluttershy sighed happily, wiggling her hips a bit at the feeling. It was better than she thought! Even the feel of it rolling down her legs was kind of sexy. Yes, this would have to be something they'd try again. "Oh God, Spike," she whispered.

Spike let out a soft contented sigh as he finished, and looked down at the Pegasus. "Umm... was that... ok?" he asked.

Fluttershy looked back at him and grinned. "Spike, that was amazing! We have to do this again sometime!" she said, giggling at the blush her words elicited from the Dragon. "But right now, I need you inside me. Give me that wonderful monster of yours!"

Spike shook his head to clear it, then nodded as he started thrusting into Fluttershy's now-slightly-warmer pussy.

It didn't take him long to get back into his usual quick pace, and soon both were moaning like feral animals as they fucked.

A cool breeze teased their nipples as they humped, but neither minded. There were far more important things to worry about than a breeze.

Spike's dick was quickly swelling as he thrust into Fluttershy, starting to slip in and out of her with each of his inward thrusts.

"Fluttershy, I... I.... aaagh!" Spike moaned out as he slammed his dick home, and ground his hips against Fluttershy's rear as his dick swelled that last bit inside her, tying him inside as he came.

His cock twitched wildly in her pussy as he filled her with his seed, his knot keeping everything inside of her.

It occurred to him that some of his urine might still be in there, a thought that earned him an extra electric bolt of pleasure and another couple shots of cum into his mate's eager pussy.

Fluttershy threw her own head back and moaned out as she felt the dragon's knot push into her.

Ever since the first time she'd had his knot inside her, she'd been addicted. Everything about it was heavenly -- the way his cock felt inside her, the way it twitched with every movement, the way it teased her clit from the inside. It was an overwhelming sensation, and as Spike came down from his peak, she felt her own hit, her pussy clenching and spasming wildly around the dragon's member.

Spike panted as he collapsed on top of Fluttershy. His added weight proved too much for the unaware mare, causing her to collapse to the floor; an action that caused her massive milk jugs and erected nipples to press hard on the floor, allowing even more pleasure for her.

Spike gently rolled onto his side, pulling the still horny mare with him, allowing his access to her natural milk bags as he began to fondle them and licked the back of her ears.

"I… Love you, Spike… Ever since we met," Fluttershy whispered, settling in against him.

"Love you, too, Fluttershy" Spike replied.

The 2 new lovers shivered as another cool breeze blew across them.

"Umm... wanna try to get back in the springs?" Spike asked.

Fluttershy giggled. "Just don't let your dick slip out!" she said.

The two pushed themselves back up to hands and knees, and slowly made their way back until they were in the warmth of the springs.

Once they had their bottom halves in, they turned around, and Spike sat down on the edge, Fluttershy settling in against him, placing Spike’s hands on her boobs as for him to continue fondling her.

"I'm not crushing you, am I?" Fluttershy asked with an embarrassed little giggle.

Spike chuckled. "Nah. This is fine… the real question is, is my dick too big and uncomfortable" he said as he reached around and slipped a claw between Fluttershy's legs, gently teasing her clit.

Fluttershy squeaked and murred softly, angling herself around to give Spike a little kiss on the cheek. "You naughty boy," she whispered.

Spike blushed a bit and stuck his tongue out at her, then whispered back, "You're the one who asked me to pee in you."

Fluttershy blushed but smiled at Spike. "Well, now you know IT belongs to you,” she said

This caused Spike’s dick to twitch inside her

“Did you really like it? Because I loved it," she said

Spike chuckled and kissed the side of Fluttershy's muzzle. "It was a little weird... but in a good way."

"Think you'll wanna do it again?" Fluttershy asked, hoping she didn't sound TOO eager.

Spike grinned and gave Fluttershy’s nipples a little squeeze. "Naughty girls."

Fluttershy giggled and rolled her eyes. "You know you’d love too,”

"Hey, it was your idea!" Spike countered. "And I don't hear you complaining."

Fluttershy giggled again, then stared off into the forest for a moment, before returning her attention to the dragon. "You know Spike… I… I didn’t bring you here just to relax,” she said

Spike raised an eyebrow when he heard this

“Then… what was the point?” asked he asked

“When… when I heard of Twilight and Rarity using you as a sex toy… it really made me tick… but then it made me really fear for you,” said Fluttershy

“Fear… for me?” asked Spike

“Yes… that they prove to be TOO much for you… that something bad might happen to you… that it’ll cause you to leave and never come back… be it in this world or…” Fluttershy stopped herself as she felt tears fill her eyes

“Or?” asked Spike

“Or… that you’d like it so much, that… they’d take you away... away from… from me and… I’d lose my chance to be with you,” Fluttershy said as tears fell from her eyes.

“Shy, I…” Spike tried to say, but before he could finish, Fluttershy got off his dick, turned around, and kissed him passionately.

Again, Spike was confused, but this time, he actually kissed back.

After a few more seconds of kissing, Fluttershy broke the kiss and laid on Spike’s chest.

“The thought of you leaving my life… I… I couldn’t accept it… it scared me to death… a world without you in it… it’s not worth leaving at all,” she cried

“Shy… relax… I’m not going anywhere,” said Spike

“Really?” Fluttershy asked

“Yup… I have all I want here in Ponyville, well, maybe I’ll have to go to the Dragonlands or some other place in Equestria, depends on the map, but I’ll always come back,” said Spike

“I know… just, don’t ever think about disappearing or leaving for good again,” she said

“I won’t,” said Spike

“Promise?” said Fluttershy

“Promise,” said Spike as he kissed her forehead

Spike and Fluttershy then spent the next couple of minutes in complete silence, enjoying their company and the warmth of the springs.

“Say… Spike?” said Fluttershy

“Yeah?” asked Spike

“Listen… I know that Rarity and Twilight are currently fighting over you to see who becomes your head wife, but…” said Fluttershy

“But?” asked Spike

“I want to let you know that I… have no trouble on being the mistress or your 3rd or 4th wife,” said Fluttershy

“Uhm… ok…” said Spike doing his best to see where this conversation was going

“My point is… I’m not going to force myself on you whenever I’m feeling horny, but, I want you to come to me if you ever feel pent up or… tired of those 2 fighting,” said Fluttershy as she sat up, causing her massive boobs to motorboat Spike.

“I… still don’t… get it,” said Spike moving around trying to catch some air

“What I mean is, I want you to have your way with me, instead of suffering for Twilight’s and Rarity’s sexual nature,” she explained

“So… that means?” asked Spike

“That you can use me to satisfy your hunger to be the dominant one in sex,” said Fluttershy with a blush

“Great!... I still don’t get it,” said Spike

“Spike, I know that, despite you being the muscle in the pleasure act, you hate the fact that you have no actual power when you have sex with those 2, it’s either Rarity or Twilight initiating the encounter, and I know that it can be really stressful too, so, I want you to see me as your sexual servant… your cum dumpster, if you’d like of course,” Fluttershy said as she began to rub her pussy on Spike’s dick.

“I’d love it, but I don’t think those 2 have will let me do it,” said Spike

“Then… take control of the relationship!... It’s you and your dick, after all, you’re not some inanimate object that can be abused by them over and over again” said Fluttershy

“You’re right, it’s time I wore pants in this relationship… thanks Shy, I didn’t know you could be so assertive,” said Spike

“T-thanks…” said Fluttershy as she blushed and bit her lip

“I know that face, what’s on your brain?” asked Spike

“I have another idea to get those 2 under control… but for now…” said Fluttershy as she got up, walked to the other end of the springs, and got on her arms and knees showing Spike her butt “... There is another hole you have to make yours,” she said as she wiggled her butt

“As you wish, babe,” said Spike as his dick penetrated her ass in one swift thrust causing Fluttershy to scream in ecstasy.


“YOU WHAT?!!!!” screamed both Rarity and Twilight

“Just what I said, I am concerned for your overuse of Spike’s dick, so I’m moving in to help… regulate it,” said Fluttershy

“That is ridiculous,” said Rarity

“Twilight, you know biology, do you really think your love for Spike is the only reason you're having sex with him?” said Fluttershy

“I… one second,” said Twilight as she ran into the nearby library and popped back out with a book in her hands

“What is going on?” asked Rarity

“Fluttershy’s right,” said Twilight

“With what?” asked Rarity

“With her point, or love for Spike is not the only thing that keeps us having sex with him… it’s his sperm,” said Twilight

“Well duh, I want his babies too,” said Rarity

“Rarity, I know your boobs are bigger than your brains, but, that’s not what I meant, his sperm is like an aphrodisiac for us,” said Twilight

“Duh,” said Rarity

“What Twilight means is, when we have sex with Spike, or bodies send messages to our brains telling us he is our male, therefore creating an emotional and sexual attachment to him, that’s why the three of us can’t stop the sex,” said Fluttershy

“How the hell do you know that?” asked Rarity

“It’s the same for my animal friends, when they meet their destined partners they procreate, and at that moment, their brains tell them that this is the love of their lives,” said Fluttershy

“So, we’re animals, that’s what you mean,” said Rarity

“Not unthinking animals, but it’s the same reaction,” said Fluttershy

“Anyway… what this plan of yours to stop the sex?” asked Rarity

“Not stop, regulate, and it’s…” Fluttershy started

“I can’t hold it anymore!” screamed Twilight as she tackled Spike and used her magic to undress them in an instant as she slid his dick into her pussy “AH! FINALLY!” she moaned as she began to move her hips

“HEY, NO FAIR!!” screamed Rarity

As she was about to head over there and toss Twilight off of Spike, she felt a pair of hands grab her by the waist

“Let her have the first round,” said Fluttershy as she moves her right hand to Rarity’s right boob and pinched her nipple, while she moved her left to the button that secured Rarity’s skirt to her waist, allowing it to fall and exposing her panties to the world.

“Fluttershy! What are you doing?” Rarity asked flustered

“My plan…” she said as he removed Rarity’s blouse, bra, and panties “... substitution,” she said as she inserted her fingers into Rarity’s pussy

“Fluttershy… this feels… weird… and I… don’t swing that way,” Rarity moaned

“I’m not telling to… but, I can make you feel wonderful things too,” Fluttershy said as she removed her finger from Rarity’s pussy, causing Rarity to pout

“Why did you stop?” asked Rarity as she turned, only to find Fluttershy butt naked, holding a double-dildo in her hand.

“You can go first… if you want,” Fluttershy said blushing as Rarity took the dildo and inserted her side into her pussy

“I hope you last as long as Spike,” she said as she got closer

“Trust me, I will,” Fluttershy said as Rarity inserted the other half of the dildo up Fluttershy’s pussy and began thrusting.

ROMDRA Ch. 5 Sore loser

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“AGAIN!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!” screamed Rainbow Dash as she landed

“Wow, Dash, that was worse than last time,” said Soarin

“I know right, even Spike, flies faster than you, and he is a newbie,” said Spitfire

“If I were you, Spitfire, I’d remember that Spike flew you out of the sky… twice,” said Rainbow Dash

“Oh no, I know that, but in your case… well, maybe you’re just going soft,” said Spitfire

“GOING SOFT?!!! ME?!!!!!” screamed Rainbow Dash at the top of her lungs

“Of course, I mean, I have to admit, when Spike suffered the changes he went through I was terrified of him, I thought he was going to kill us all and feed off our bones…” said Spitfire

“Fluttershy much!!!” said Rainbow Dash

“... But after he saved those kids from the fire, I realized something. He was the same little guy I met all those years ago, but with a much needed… upgrade… and boy was it an upgrade,” said Spitfire

“Ok, first, EEW!... second, you’re married for crying out loud, and third…” said Rainbow Dash before being interrupted by Spitfire

“You’re jealous and at the same time attracted to the “new” Spike… I don’t blame you,” said Spitfire

“WHA… NO! THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!” said Rainbow Dash

“But you are attracted to him, am I right?” said Spitfire

Rainbow Dash’s face turned red

“YOU’RE… YOU’RE HUSBAND IS STANDING RIGHT THERE!!!” said Rainbow Dash pointing at Soarin

“So?” asked Spitfire

“How can you talk about another man in front of him and not give a damn?” asked Rainbow Dash her face still bright red

“Because of 2 good reasons, first, It’s better to say this in front of him than behind his back, and second… he agrees with me,” she said as she walked over to him and rested her arm on his shoulder

Rainbow Dash then turned to face him

“Wholeheartedly, I mean, even as a man, I can tell he is handsome, I’m even brave enough to say I have a man crush on him,” said Soarin

“And he is not the only one,” said Spitfire

“Well, I doubt Spike swings that way anyway,” whispered Rainbow Dash

“I never mentioned the idea of sex,” said Soarin

“Yeah, where did that come from?” asked Spitfire

“NOWHERE!!! Just thinking out loud,” said Rainbow Dash

“Interesting way of thinking,” said Spitfire with interest in her eyes

“Yeah, you must have some very interesting fantasies up there,” said Soarin pointing at Rainbow Dash’s head

“THEY’RE NOT FANTASIES!!!” screamed Rainbow Dash turning even redder

“Interests then?” said Soarin

“NO!!!” said Rainbow Dash

“Well there has to be something that messing with your concentration,” said Spitfire


“But it has to be related to him… in some way,” said Soarin

“Yeah… or someone close to the 2 of you...and it had to be something very… strong if it’s messing with your short attention span that much,” said Spitfire

“I REPEAT, IT IS NOT… besides why would I care if Spike and Flutterboobs had sex,” said Rainbow Dash, only realizing what she said after noticing the stares she was receiving

“AHA!!! SO THAT’S IT!!!” said Spitfire causing Rainbow Dash to turn red again

“N-NO!!!” said Rainbow Dash

“You can’t hide it, you are jealous, but not of Spike, of Fluttershy,” said Soarin

“NOT TRUE!” Rainbow Dash said

“I mean, I don’t blame you either, I’d be pissed if my shy friend defeated me in getting laid,” said Spitfire

“Wha?... bu… I… I’m not jealous of her!” said Rainbow Dash

“Dash, it’s Fluttershy, she’s scared of her own shadow… and she was uber terrified of Spike for the longest time… Now that I think of it, she wasn’t that terrified of his new appearance,” said Soarin

“You’re right… maybe she liked Spike secretly,” said Spitfire

“Well taking into consideration how protective she was of him, and her “Secret” dislike of all the time that he spent with Rarity must’ve encouraged her to become more serious about her feelings,” said Soarin

“Too bad she wasn’t his first time,” said Spitfire

“What do you mean by “NOT HIS FIRST TIME?!” asked Rainbow Dash

“You don’t know?” said Soarin

“Dash, everyone in town knows of Twilight’s “reverse rape” incident with Spike… she got into an argument with Rarity, who later that day had HER way with Spike,” said Spitfire

Rainbow Dash just stared at them



“Dash, it’s Rarity… RARITY, that girl can’t keep her mouth shut even if her life depends on it, she even bragged about how she was Spike’s first “Consensual” time… as if Spike didn’t consent to Twilight’s advances, they have sex all the time!” said Spitfire

“And now that both Rarity and Fluttershy moved in with them, I can only imagine the type of service he gets every morning… lucky!” said Soarin earning a glare from Spitfire

“So… Spike’s had sex with those three?” whispered Rainbow Dash

“It’s safe to bet they’ve had sex more than one occasion, maybe even multiple times a day,” said Soarin

“And you know, why?” asked Rainbow Dash, a hint of anger in her voice

“We live near the castle, and there is a good view of the rooms from there… not to mention, the girls should consider closing the shades when they're going to milk him off,” said Spitfire

Rainbow Dash said nothing, but her body language screamed volumes

“Ups, someone is jealous,” teased Soarin

“NO I’M NOT!!!” screamed Rainbow Dash

“Yes you are,” said Spitfire

Rainbow Dash just glared at her

“Dashie and Spike sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!” they both sang

“UGH!!! WHATEVER, YOU 2 ARE SO ANNOYING!!!” screamed Rainbow Dash as she flew away

Spitfire and Soarin just looked at her fly away, almost laughing their asses off, until Soarin opened his mouth

“No, seriously, why can’t I have a harem too?” he asked

Spitfire turned and glared at him

“Simply because, THESE are mine, and I don’t like sharing!” said Spitfire as she grabbed Soarin’s balls

“But-” Soarin tried to say

“If it’s kids you’d like… why don’t we go make a few?” she whispered seductively into his ear,

“Jackpot!!!” thought Soarin as Spitfire dragged him towards the changing rooms.


“AH!, Now here is where I can relax,” said Rainbow dash as she finished stretching her body before heading to the treadmill.

Rainbow Dash, after setting the treadmill up, began to run to clear her mind, trying her best to free her mind from the earlier conversation

“Why is this happening to me? ME! The only person who has been able to create a Sonic Rainboom… And why is everyone so in my face about Spike? I mean, yeah, after that growth spurt he obtained a very sexy mature body, and… WOW!!! HOLD YOUR HORSES DASH! HE’S NOT INTERESTED IN YOU, AND BESIDES I DON’T THINK ANY OF THE GIRLS WOULD APPROVE OF ME LOOKING AT HIM IN THAT WAY TOO, I MEAN, TWILIGHT IS UBER POSSESSIVE, RARITY IS A JEALOUS PSYCHO, AND FLUTTERSHY IS… FLUTTERSHY… BESIDES, IT’S NOT AS IF I THINK OF HIM ALL THE TIME… FANTASIZING ABOUT WORKING OUT WITH HIM… RACING WITH HIM… KISSING HIM… AND… MAKING CUTE LITTLE BABIES… WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!!!” thought Rainbow Dash as she looked back down to the treadmill computer and noticed that she had been running for almost 45 minutes.

After noticing this she immediately stopped

“Wow, I must’ve lost track of time,” she said as she took a sip of water from her water bottle

Rainbow Dash remained silent for a few seconds, looking around the gym

“Man, this is too much silence, I at least thought Bulk would be here at this time,” said Rainbow as she walked towards the weight lifting machines

Rainbow Dash set the weight to 90 KG and began to lift, doing slow, but steady repetitions, but once again her mind entered into a sort of trance, making her oblivious to the world around her.

After a few more reps, she stopped to rest her muscles, and drink some more water.

“3 o’clock, well I should probably do a few more exercises and head back home,” said Rainbow Dash as she set her water bottle down

“I take it you can’t sleep,” said a male voice from behind her

The suddenness of voice entering Dash’s ears caused her to jump up screaming

“Yo,” said the voice again

“SPIKE!!! DON’T DO THAT!!!!!!” Rainbow Dash said as she walked up to him and punched him in the arm

“Sorry,” said Spike

“What are you doing here?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Letting out some steam,” Spike said as he showed Rainbow his boxing gloves

“Oh,” said Rainbow Dash

“What about you?” asked Spike

“Well, I…” Rainbow Dash began

“I thought you and never worked out after midnight,” said Spike interrupted

“I don’t… usually, I just had to come here to cool down,” said Rainbow Dash

“Why?” asked Spike

Rainbow Dash remained silent for a few seconds before coming “clean”

“I got angry over the fact our last song was a bust, and the fact that I’m in the middle of a mental block… then I had a tad of an argument with Spitfire and Soarin, and well… you know the rest,” said Rainbow Dash

“Uh-huh… feeling better?” asked Spike

“No!” said Rainbow Dash

“Well, every time I get angry or reach a mental block, I try to do things that will keep my mind out of the matter for a few minutes or hours, then I try again… why don’t you try it, maybe it’ll help you out,” said Spike as he put his headphones on and walked away back to the boxing room of the gym.

“Keep my mind out of it, huh, what can I do to accomplish that?” said Rainbow Dash as she looked around.

Then she looked at Spike, and an idea crept into her mind

“SPIKE!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as she sprinted and tackled him to the ground, the force of the tackle was so hard that Spike’s headphones levitated for a few seconds before hitting the ground.

“I wasn’t playing any music, you could've just called my name,” said Spike

“Heh, sorry,” said Rainbow Dash

It was at this point that Rainbow Dash realized the position that both she and Spike were in; after the tackle, she had landed right on his abdomen, and once she sat up, her crotch was exactly in contact with Spike’s.

This made her turn red and get up fast almost creating a sonic rainboom in the process

“So, what did you want?” asked Spike as he got off the ground and grabbed his headphones

“A challenge,” said Rainbow Dash

“Ok, what’s it about?” asked Spike

“Whoever can make more reps in all, arm, leg, core, and back machines in 1 hour wins,” said Rainbow Dash

“Ok, I’m in,” said Spike

“Hold it, we haven’t even agreed on the penalties,” said Rainbow Dash

“Oh, this got interesting,” said Spike as a smile crept across his face

“If you lose… you’re going to...come to the gym every day wearing a dress and makeup,” said Rainbow dash

“And if YOU lose?” asked Spike

“I’ll let you decide,” said Rainbow Dash

“Ok,” said Spike

“Ready… set… GO!!!” said Rainbow Dash as she headed to the abs machine

Spike on the other hand headed to the leg machines and began to workout


300 abs, 450 arms, 700 legs, and 400 back… there is no way you defeated that,” said Rainbow Dash

“350 abs, 400 Arm, 600 legs, and 500 back, that’s a tie in my book,” said Spike

“Tiebreaker… whoever can sprint for the longest time,” said Rainbow dash as she got onto the treadmill

“Ready… set...GO!!!” both Spike and Rainbow Dash began to run as soon as the treadmill reached max speed.


“UFF, That was fun,” said Spike

“I can’t believe we both tied with 4 minutes and 30 seconds, what should we do now?” asked Rainbow

“I don’t know about you, but I’m heading home, it might be saturday, but it’s almost 5 AM,” said Spike

“Point, well, we’ll settle this some other day,” said Dash

“That we shall,” said Spike with a smile that made Rainbow’s heart skip a bit

As night began to turn into day both Rainbow Dash and Spike entered the locker rooms of the gym, laughing and teasing each other.

"So how many reps did you do before the challenge?" Spike joked as he entered the male lockers

"Half as many as you, numbnuts!" Rainbow Dash teased as she playfully punched his shoulder again before he entered

He turned to try and strike her playfully however she jumped back and took off into the air with her bright blue wings. She formed a cloud and smiled. "Oh. You missed me! Missed ME! I WIN!!!!"

"So!" Spike shouted as he opened the men's shower room door. "What about the bet?" He said turning and leaning on the door.

Rainbow Dash landed and headed for the women's showers, "Well..."

She grabbed the handle and grinned. "Now you gotta kiss me!" She laughed and pulled on the handle and tried to run into the locker room, but instead collided with the door and fell on her rump, her tail being tousled and her eyes shaking from the collision.

Spike began to laugh, "Maybe mommy should kiss your boo-boos." Spike said teasingly.

"Fuck!" Dash shouted slightly angrily as she realized the sign hanging on the door that said “Out of Order”

"Damn. I never hear you curse." Spike said, moving towards her.

"I just have a fifty-minute walk home and I was hoping to smell closer to an Ocean Breeze, not Smelly Feet!" She complained, standing up and began heading for a gym exit.

"Yo! Dashie!" Spike said, expecting a shoe or something thrown at him, but instead, she simply turned to him with anger brewing in her gut.

"What?" She asked.

"Just shower in the men's room," Spike suggested.

"Allow me to list the issues. One I have to get back home and feed Tank before he gets worried. Two connects to one, I don't have time to wait for you to shower and jack off. Three, the last thing I need is to go in there and have a dozen guys watching me shower."

"Now allow me to answer." Spike sighed, "You'll get to Pinkie Pie’s in time for breakfast. There are no guys in there. And lastly, just shower with me if you think I'll take too long." Spike suggested as he walked away, into the shower room.

"You..." Rainbow Dash began, but stopped as she realized he was gone.

She sighed and headed into the shower room, she grabbed her bag and headed in. She braced for the legendary stench of men's feet, however, the smell was masked by the scent of body wash.

"Are you already in the shower?" She shouted as she walked on the carpeted floor of the men's locker room.

"Yes! Now get in and clean up." Spike shouted from the open showers.

Rainbow dash stood on the shower room floor. To her left were single showers, to her right were the public showers with Spike in the nude. "Why not use the singles?" She asked as she began to remove her clothes, the cloth sticking to her back from the sweat from earlier.

"Sure, enjoy water nearing the freezing point of fucking alcohol." He shouted jokingly.

Rainbow Dash found the uniform washers that the teams use after a game or practice. She put her top in and proceeded to remove her sports bra. As the industrial strength clasp was released her A-cups suddenly became D's, she took a deep breath and felt the relief of her now able to breathe comfortably. She put that in the personal washer and proceeded to remove her shorts. She looked at the tight shorts as they squeezed her crotch and created a tight little camel toe. Her tail wagged as she bent over and kicked them off. Next came her panties and she stood up and finished filling her washer and sighed. She opened her bag and took out a small plastic pod of laundry detergent. She tossed it in and turned the washer on.

"Alright! Thirty minutes and my clothes will be clean!" She shouted into the showers.

"Then get in and clean up!" Spike shouted.

Rainbow Dash grabbed her shower caddy and stood in the hall again, debating which shower to go into. "How is that shower's water?"

"Completely adjustable. From icy cold to near boiling." Spike said with a chuckle.

Rainbow dash chuckled nervously and bent down and picked up her towel. She wrapped her beautifully toned and naked body. She turned the corner to the public showers and immediately saw Spike, he stood in the corner so only an angled view of his naked body was in Rainbow Dash's sight. She groaned as the heat she was struggling to resist began gnawing at her.

"Glad you could join me." Spike chuckled, turning enough to see the bright rainbow-colored hair. "No worries, I don't plan on watching you. I'm your friend after all." Spike chuckled as she dropped her towel.

She placed it on the hook next to his and walked to the shower in the next corner. He saw her hair bounce with each step, her arms moving back and forth with each motion, but what caught his eye the most was her breasts. He used to think she had small breasts, boy was he surprised now.

"Great job tonight." He complimented Rainbow Dash kindly, as his soapy rag ran over his chest.

"Thanks, you too." Rainbow Dash said as she turned the water on. It was ice cold at first but quickly grew hotter and hotter until steam began to rise around her.

"Too bad everyone else decided to stay home. I expected at least Mac would have shown up." The mundane conversation began to reduce the swelling.

"Nah, Mac had things to deal with. His one true love was his concern." She said in disdain, a slight dream flashed through her mind. Her vision of him lewdly exposing himself excited her for a moment. Quickly she shunned the thought and tried to regain her composure.

"What?" Spike turned and saw her through the steam as she leaned back to begin shampooing her hair. Her eyes closed as the soap began to run down her cheeks and across her smooth ample breasts. Her slender fingers ran through her hair, pulling on the knots to untangle them partially. She moaned slightly as the hair caught and she pulled harder.

"Well, he and Sugar Belle have been close for a while. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they were fucking right now." Rainbow Dash chuckled. She turned and leaned back to rinse her hair.

"I had no clue. And I doubt it. Mac keeps going on about how he wants to stay pure and shit." Spike said as he glanced at Rainbow Dash and saw that she had her back to the wall and her breasts were in full view. With this realization he turned from her and stared at the wall in front of him hard, his mind now flooding with the image of her soapy breasts moving in rhythm with Rainbow Dash's breathing. His groin began to ache again and he looked down and saw that his long shaft was at its maximum stiffness. He sighed and continued to clean himself, the image of Rainbow Dash's perfectly shaped breasts kept invading his mind. Over and over his thoughts turned perverted and images of Rainbow Dash in more and more lewd situations invaded his mind filling him with lustful and lecherous ideas.

"He's been saving himself for her." She said sweetly as the soap rinsed off her face and her eyes opened, seeing that Spike was struggling to keep looking forward. "Are you ok?"

"How sweet, and I'm fine." Spike struggled to say without grunting in pained resistance. He began to wash his body slowly, his rag still soapy. He leaned over slightly and began washing his thighs.

He glanced over at Rainbow Dash who lifted her leg and placed her foot on the wall to wash and stretch her muscles.

"Well, it's just you seem to be in pain when I glanced over at you." She said casually, her soapy rag leaving bubbles in its path from her foot to her crotch. As the rough washcloth ran over her womanly area she let out a gentle moan and lowered her leg as her knees began to shiver and shake.

"Nothing new, I’m still a tad sore from the fire thing and jumping off the fourth-floor window, without being able to fly because I had wrapped my wings around the kids. How about yourself?" Spike asked, now washing the opposite thigh, unaware of Rainbow Dash on the floor resisting the Heat and its lustful pull into perversion.

A minute passes and Rainbow Dash stands, recovering from the lewd aching in her groin as she had washed it partially. "I'll be fine. I'm just nervous." She chuckled and increased the heat of the water, trying to burn the thoughts from her mind. However, the heat of the water

creating more steam excited her and sent lewd thoughts into her mind.

Spike looked at her and noticed her hair was nearly invisible through the intense steam from the cold locker room air entering the scorching hot air of the showers. "You sure? I think your steam is reaching me now." He joked as the steam overtook him and his eyes began to adjust to the mist in the air. "Skittles?" He called out as the steam vision became more clear and he could see her leaning against the wall of the showers, the water hitting her head and running down her back then down her tail.

"I'm fine, just stressed." She complained as the heat continued to punish her for her bad thoughts. She sighed and turned around, her head resting on the wall, her upper back pressed against the cold tile as her body still slanted. She opened her eyes and the water rushing down her face blinded her. She leaned forward slightly, to let the water run down her shoulders to her chest. She looked around the shower room and saw Soaring also leaning against the shower. The steam barely hid him as his figure itself was clearly visible. "Spike, how comfortable are you around me?"

"Comfortable enough to shower with you, and not ask that you look away or any shit." He said as he stood up and let the hard water press into his face, washing it off of shampoo and salty sweat.

"Cool. Would you be comfortable if I stood in front of you naked?" she suddenly asked without thinking. "Scratch that question." she chuckled nervously.

Spike turned to face her and the mist cleared for a moment, allowing him to see an entire full frontal view of her supple athletic body. Her flat stomach, her surprisingly huge breasts bouncing with each step, her slender fingers and hands massaging her chest with the wet soapy rag, her crotch was shaved so that it was completely smooth. She looked up and saw him looking at her and her eyes widened. "Sorry, but to be honest...I would love to be comfortable with you naked in front of me."

"Spike." She said as her eyes met him and she stepped towards him. "We should probably turn the showers off and get heading home." She said, still moving towards him.

Spike moved towards her, staring into her eyes kindly and lustfully. "Yeah. We should."

"We really should stop." She moaned as the thickness and length of his erect cock were visible through the steam.

"Yes, we should." He moans again as she presses her massive breasts against him and her soft slender hands grip his cock with tenderness.

"We shouldn't be doing this here." Rainbow Dash moaned as she slowly dropped to her knees and began to kiss and lick the tip of Spike's throbbing dick.

"But you want to," Spike said gently, as the lustful mare slowly took in his cock's head and began sucking on it passionately.

She stopped and looked up at him and smiled, "I do, but I know we shouldn't." She slowly slid the cock in between her breasts and pressed them together. "How about this, we compete."

Spike began to chuckle as the mare's firm breasts began to move up and down his cock's length over and over. "Compete?"

"Yes." Rainbow Dash moaned as the feeling of his wet cock between her soaked firm tits tantalized him as well as her with each lewd motion. "First one to cum loses."

"No fair! You got a head start on me." Spike teased as she licked the bottom of the head of his cock.

"You have far more experience than me." Rainbow Dash said as her breasts began to move faster and she moaned more and more with each motion.

Spike laughed as the urge to release began to build inside him, "I don't think marrying you girls would make me some sex-pert. Plus I’ve only slept with Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy… although those last 2 tried to rape me,"

"I am still a virgin." Rainbow Dash said. "I play with myself thinking of you, and I sorta… have been waiting for you to… bed me," She stopped her breasts motions and took the cock back into her mouth, she slid it into her mouth until her face was buried in her breasts.

Spike moaned as the feeling took him. "Can we stop talking and just get on with the show?" He asked, "Also, you were waiting for me?" He asked as she slid his cock in and out of her mouth, her firm breasts moving in rhythm with her to increase the area of effect of her oral and breast gratification.

She stopped and looked up at him with eyes saying to just do it. She continues to kiss and suck his cock's head. Spike then pushes her down and grins. He drops down to her and buries his face into her smooth crotch. Slowly he runs his tongue up and down her crotch. Rainbow Dash moaned with each motion, each lick sending lewd feelings through her body, each lick making her wetter and wetter within her tight virgin pussy.

"You are being so..." Rainbow Dash moaned loudly, "so mean!" She let out a vicious moan as his tongue slid into her, twirling around and around, sliding in as deep as possible as his mouth opened wider to surround her entire slit. She grabbed his mane and began to pull him into her crotch harder and she let out a loud lewd moan, her legs shaking as the urge to release built and she fought to resist. She pulled him off and he grinned.

"You don't want it?" He asked teasingly as he stood up.

"Are you fucking kidding?" Rainbow Dash said lecherously, she stood up, "I am sick of tongue, I want that cock!" She giggled and ran at him, she pushed him against the wall and began kissing him lovingly. "Give me it, or I'll take it."

"Don't need to say that twice," Spike said as the Heat began to consume them both and he spun them around and pinned her to the wall. Slowly he took his thick rod in his hand and began to run it up and down her slit. "Oh you are so wet." Gently he slid inside her.

“Well, I popped your cherry,” he said and began to thrust into her gently. Each thrust into her wet tight honey pot sending shivers through her body, each thrust building the urge for release in both of their bodies.

"Oh just shut up and fuck me." Rainbow Dash moaned as she let her hand reach in between her leg and began vigorously massaging her clit, sending shocks of pleasure into her pussy, making it quiver and shudder, tightening around his cock more, making his thrusts harder and sending more pleasure through him.

Spike began to moan louder and louder until finally he pulled out and took a few steps back, into the path of one of the showerheads. He panted and moaned as the feeling and emotions of lust and love flooded his mind and body. He opened his eyes and saw Rainbow Dash on all fours, crawling towards him, staring at him lewdly, and lustfully she kissed up his legs to his crotch. Once there she continued her assault of his pleasure. She let her hands massage his cock as her tongue wrapped around his sack and pulled it into her mouth for her to suck on lightly. She released his sack after the desire for him to enter her again grew to be too much. "You are so naughty."

"Oh I know, but I'm just trying to win." She lewdly moaned as she pushed him against the wall and forced him to sit. "Now be a good boy and cum." She begged as she slowly turned her back to him. She got her knees and backed up slowly so that her tight wet slit ran up his sack and then the shaft and as the tip reached her clit she slid it inside and began to swallow it all. She moaned as his cock entered her and the water running down her back ran across her clit, teasing her as she began lowering her hips so that his long shaft kissed her hungry womb. She then began to bounce faster short bounces, allowing his cock to kiss and prod her womb over and over and over. The feeling building the urge and lust even more within them, their bodies desire almost nothing but the sweet sensation of release. Harder and harder the couple share in their lewd sensations.

"Oh Dashie." Spike moaned as the lust began to grow too quickly for him and the need to cum began to pound in his mind, his body aching to release, his cock throbbing and shaking as he resisted and pushed her off of him.

"You are close aren't you?" Rainbow Dash asked as she stood up and stretched in the shower, the water ricocheting off her firm rump and into Spike's face.

Spike grinned and quickly moved towards her, forcing her down onto her hands and knees he spread her rump wide and slowly began licking her clit and split pussy. "Oh! Spike!" She moaned as his tongue twirled in circles within her tight wet warmth.

More she moaned as he opened her pussys wider and slowly twirled his tongue around within her, rubbing her g-spot to send violent waves of lust through her, building the pressure of release even further than before. "Please! Fuck me! I want to feel your cock destroying my virgin womb!" She moaned and begged lewdly, as her fingers clenched and the lust began to overwhelm her mind.

Suddenly he rolled her onto her back. She began to back up, sliding across the floor, and in his lust-sealed and controlled mind, he began crawling to her, intensely staring at her as his lustful cock bobbed with precum and his desire to mate took over. She slipped and found herself at the other end of the showers, and the water from hers began to soak her tits, splashing the boiling water into her face. Spike slowly mounted her and took the water against his back, the heat driving him to lift her legs onto his shoulders and pin her down by her wrists. He only grunted as his cock slid into her and the burning water began to beat on his back driving his lust further. His thrusting became harder and harder as the lecherous desires drove him.

"OH! Yes!" Rainbow Dash moaned as Spike ravished her. The pleasure and delight spiked through her heart, making it beat faster and faster as her womanly area burned for more of his love and lust to flow through her.

Spike moaned as the urge to release began knocking again, and his eyes opened wide, "OH!" He moaned as his thrusting slowed from quick short pumps to slow powerful thrusts. Each one now diving deeper into Rainbow Dash, pressing into her cervix. "You almost won." He chuckled as the feeling still burned at the tip of his cock. "Oh."He moaned as the hot water relaxed his back and his thrusts became more relaxed and calm instead of the lust-driven beast from before.

"Oh Spike." Rainbow Dash moaned as the lewd and lecherous feelings flooded and engulfed her, "I'm close and I don't want to fight it." She moaned, her eyes closed as a thrust sent ecstasy through him. She opened her eyes and stared at him as the sexual activities began to make her legs shake and her knees quake and her body ached, and her mind goes blank. "Please finish me off in Doggy." She moaned. "I wanna be standing, feeling the water on my back as your cock pounds the shit out of my pussy."

"Nah, I'm too close, Doggy will finish me off as well." He chuckled, "And I wanna win." He said as his cock continued to slam into her.

"Fine, then I must resort to my Super Awesome Rainbow Dash Ball Play Extreme." She said as the pressure pressed into her and begged for release. She resisted and reached under her legs and found his sack under his throbbing cock, "I asked nicely, now I am gonna win." She said with a sudden second wind and began massaging his balls passionately, each motion complemented by the boiling water running down his back and exciting his manhood with soothing and teasing heat surrounding and flooding his sack in warmth and tenderness. The motions from Rainbow Dash's fingers as she massaged his large testicles with utter care and nurturing lust sent an immense flood of pleasure through his body quickly building the pressure.

"Oh Spike, your sack must be so sore from wearing those rugby shorts.
I know my pussy hurts, can't imagine how it must feel." She continued, her fingers pleasing and gratifying his balls, her tenderness removing their pain and replacing it with pure euphoria.

"Oh I wonder if this feels as good as it feels for me when I rub my clit." She moaned lightly, "I mean after all day my pussy is so sensitive, just touching it makes me almost cum." She hummed as she saw the feelings of his painful resistance to release and the euphoria of her ball play flooding him and he moaned.

"Oh it must feel good, I can feel it pulsing, it is shivering with lustful joy and lewd desires." She continued to twirl the sack around blindly as she moaned letting it rub against the bottom of her pussy, allowing it to soak in her dripping juices. "Tell me, does this feel good?" Suddenly she began massaging differently, "Or is this better?" She switched again and again, not allowing him a moment of rest from her vicious ball play attack, "A, or B. one or two?" She began to chuckle, each laugh tightening her pussy to tease and please his cock while her concentration was still on his sensitive and pleasurable testicles.

"Ah!" Spike moaned as the lust-filled his mind and he felt the pressure knocking at this tip of his cock, begging to be released. "OK! Standing Doggy!" He moans begging her to stop and prevent him from losing their lewd competition. Spike released his partner and stood up, his legs weak from the exhausting game.

Quickly Rainbow Dash stood up and faced the hot water, letting it beat down on her as her hands ran through her hair, pulling out knots from her long locks and getting it out of her face so she could be a little more comfortable. Spike then grabbed her waist and his cock. He positioned his cock to slide into her and grabbed her hips with his other hand. She grinned and spread herself with one hand as she leaned forward, through the water, and rested her other arm on the wall to hold her balance. "Do it." She moaned in a begging lewd manner yet still holding her prideful and commanding tone.

Spike obeyed and trusted it into her. Together they let out a deliciously dirty and lustful moan that roared above the beating sound of water on the floor and bodies. Together they moaned more as she moved her hips in a gyrating motion and he thrust into her as hard as he could. Together they felt their lust building and could feel it begging for release. "Oh Rainbow Dash!" Soarin moaned as a drip of cum escaped his tip and entered her.

"Don't you stop now!" Rainbow Dash moaned as her pussy quiver and her legs quaked and her body screamed in ravaged and lewd joy.

"I don't want to!" Spike moaned as the thrusting began to become more powerful, each thrust echoing the collision of her ass against his crotch and is sack against her clit, louder than the water beating against the white tile floor.

Over and over their passion continued as his hips bucked into her firm rump and her tail wagged as the feelings rushed over them and she wanted nothing more than to be ravaged over and over by him, for hours and hours. Rainbow Dash began rotating her hips, even more, her rhythm matching his perfectly, allowing each thrust to penetrate her perfectly.

His cock runs along her front wall to tease and please her elusive G-spot, while also letting his cock kiss and prod her womb over and over and over. Her cries of euphoria and bliss are exciting and pleasing Spike and his lewd and lust-driven ego.

"Yes!" Rainbow Dash moaned in impossible bliss and ecstasy. "Almost!"

"Same!" Spike moaned as his cum dripped a few more times in her dripping wet pussy as her walls closed in and her release began to overwhelm her.

"SPIKE!" Rainbow Dash screamed, her voice ringing through the locker room and into the surprisingly, still empty, gym, sounding as lovely as it was to experience.

Her mind was no longer hers, the joy and bliss took her and made her putty, forming her into the perfect image and epitome of lustful euphoria and made her feel the perfect beauty of her orgasmic song rang in her ears and through the stadium. Her pussy released and her own thick and creamy juices coating his cock as his hot and sticky lust and love-filled her pussy and stuffed her womb with his seed.

"RAINBOW!" Spike roared as his sack sung for joy and his body ached as the release of his overwhelming amount of cream flooded and engulfed Rainbow Dash's womb. The Euphoria flooded his mind and nothing but the thought of her sweet scent was in his mind. As each drop flowed out as entered her womanhood, he felt the lust and love, the tingling sensation of pure delight rapture him and he felt nothing but happiness and bliss as squirt after squirt of his loving, hot baby-making cream painfully moved from his sore testicles to the tip of his dick to poor into Rainbow Dash's hungry and fertile womb. His mind returned and his eyes opened, the room seemed brighter and his moan drew out into a loving and lustful song of his joyous moment within her. He pulled out and collapsed, falling back so hard to slide a few feet on the still-warm tiles and let the water from her boiling shower wash over his lower half, washing away her cum and the remnants of his.

"Spike..." Rainbow moaned as she collapsed next to him. "I win." She moans as she falls asleep in his arms, her legs sticky from his cream. The scorching water washes away the lust.

"So did I, you crazy woman." He says as he attempts to get up but faints from the stress on his body.

Hours later morning begins to arrive and Rainbow Dash awakens. She yawns and begins to head to her towel. She looks at the clock outside of the Sauna and reads it as six in the morning. "SHIT!" She turns to see Spike look at her with concern.

"Just get dressed and fly out of the gym." He suggests as he begins to dry off.

Ten minutes later, Rainbow Dash is running out of the locker room and leaping into the air to fly away when from behind her Spike grabs her hand and pulls her down into a loving embrace. "Thank you Rainbow Dash." He says kindly, his hand rubbing her stomach.

"I love you." Rainbow Dash says with a sudden start, she waits a moment in embarrassment. Turns to him and kisses him lovingly, their love truly being felt without the effects of their Heat.

She begins to fly away smiling as well as she hears Spike shout, "And I love you!"


“... And that is why I am also moving in here,” said Rainbow Dash as she dropped her luggage on the ground

“Excuse me, you did WHAT?!!!” said Twilight

“What I said, I fucked Spike too,” Rainbow Dash said with a smile

This made the girls angry

“What’s the big deal, you’ve all fucked him too, and you’re milking him every day non-stop, what’s one more to the mix?” said Rainbow Dash as she walked up to Spike and rested her arm on his shoulder

“Now- Now wait for just a second there, who are you to make that decision,” said Twilight

“Twilight is right, Dash, what about your apartment?” asked Fluttershy

“What about it? I can still go there if I need some “Alone” time,” said Rainbow Dash

“And why do you say that while looking at MY Spike?” asked Rarity

“YOUR Spike, Uhm, sorry to break it to you Rarity, but, I see no ring on his hand, or a document stating that he’s yours… or anyone’s in this room, he is as fair game to me as he is to you,” said Rainbow Dash

“This isn’t a competition… besides, even if it was, you’re already late for it,” said Twilight with a proud smile

“I see no baby bump, I say I'm still in contention… whaddya say Spike, wanna have some fun right now?” said Rainbow Dash as she kissed him on the cheek, infuriating the girls.

“Oh boy!” thought Spike as a full-blown argument started.

“Girls, let’s not start this,” said Fluttershy

“How can we not, she just waltz right in and claimed Spike for herself

“Yeah but-” Fluttershy tries to say

“But nothing, if she wants a round at Spike, she better wait for her fucking turn!” said Twilight

“But… what about the plan?” asked Fluttershy

“FUCK. THE. PLAN!” said both Twilight and Rarity as they pushed Spike onto the sofa and stripped him and themselves naked as they began to fuck him.

“HEY! HE AIN’T ONLY YOURS!!” said Rainbow Dash

But before she was able to head towards them, she felt someone pull her pants and panties down

“Shy! What was that for?!” she asked crossly, Just as she was about to turn, she felt something poking at her anus

“What the- WOW!!!!!!!” she screamed as she felt the object make entry and pick up a rhythm

“Shy… what are you…?” asked Rainbow Dash

“Helping out,” said Fluttershy as she continued to thrust into the athletes behind

“What… those… that… IS THAT MY!!!?” asked Rainbow Dash as soon as she was able to turn and look at Fluttershy using her missing dildo to fuck her butt

“Yup, now relax, you’ll get your turn soon,” said Fluttershy as she began to go faster.

Rainbow Dash’s mind starting going blank

“Why… am… I enjoying this… so much?” thought Rainbow Dash as Fluttershy started thrusting faster and harder.