Sharing with Aloe and Lotus

by dirty little secret

First published

After their big orgy with Twilight and her friends, Shining Armor and Cadance head to Ponyville's day spa for a little pampering, relaxation, and gratuitous group sex.

After their big orgy with Twilight and her friends, Shining Armor and Cadance head to Ponyville's day spa for a little pampering, relaxation, and gratuitous group sex.

Reading the prequels -- Sharing with Auntie, Sharing with Celestia, and Sharing with Twilight's Friends -- is not necessary to understand the detailed and nuanced plotlines of this story.

Contains: prostitution, light incest, possible impregnation, creampies, fffm foursome, vaginal, fellatio, cunnilingus, analingus.
Cover image by Sonfu.

A Relaxing Denouement

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The moment Shining set hoof in Ponyville’s day spa, he knew it had been a good idea. Just the look of the place, the feel of the lobby, the slight lavender scent ... and most of all – of course – the two mares who immediately came out to greet Cadance and him. The two petite mares wore matching white headbands and collars, and they were absolute mirror images of each other, except that one was blue and pink while the other was pink and blue.

“Welcome,” both mares said together with a little bow. The blue one continued, “I am Lotus, and this is my sister, Aloe. We would both be very pleased to serve you today.”

Aloe nodded. “May we interest you in the royal package?”

Shining had never been here before, but he’d heard plenty about it from Twilight. And, thankfully, twilight’s stories had included some very useful details. “The royal package plus, please,” he said. He couldn’t help but grin a little at the way the two mares’ eyes went wide when they heard that.

“Of course!” Lotus said, a little breathlessly. “Please come this way and we will get you started with a refreshing dip in our cool mineral water pool.”

* * *

The pampering Shining and Cadance received truly was royal-class. The spas in Canterlot – and especially the ones in the Crystal Empire – could learn a thing or two from the humble little Ponyville day spa. He and Cadance had been given the works. The refreshing mineral soak, an invigorating hot and cold stone massage, some truly wonderful Zebrican-recipe oil for their fur, hoof polish, another massage with hooves this time, aromatherapy, and more and more ... at this point he’d just about lost track of it all, not to mention losing track of time. Perfect for revitalizing him after all the effort he’d expended playing with Twilight and her friends. It was almost everything the spa had to offer. Almost.

The perfectly matched twin spa ponies had left him and Cadance to soak in the hot tub as one of the final touches. And an excellent one at that. They’d gotten the temperature just right, and the tub somehow didn’t have that typical hot tub smell every other one seemed to have. It actually had kind of a floral scent instead. He was really impressed with this spa, and already thinking about when he might be able to return again sometime.

But that wasn’t even the beginning. If he’d read the hints right, he and Cadance were about to get the plus portion of their ‘royal treatment plus’ package. When Aloe and Lotus had left them to soak, they’d said they were ‘preparing themselves’ ... and Shining was pretty sure he’d figured out what that meant. At least in general, anyway. He did still have some questions about what the exact details of ‘preparing themselves’ might be.

“So,” Cadance said, leaning her head over to look at him, “feel like you’re recovered and ready for another round?”

It seemed that Cadance had figured it out as well. He wondered if she was looking forward to it as much as he was. “More than recovered,” he assured her. “This spa really is amazing.”

Cadance grinned. “I’ve already been dreaming up plans to send some of our own crystal pony servants down here. I think they could learn a few things.”

“Including learning the ‘plus’ part of the package?”

“Goodness!” Cadance laughed. “You really are horny again, aren’t you? I would have thought you’d be more satisfied after everything today.”

“Oh, you know me.” He smiled back at her ... then smiled even wider when he saw that tell-tale twinkle in her eye.

Shining was only a hair’s breadth from forgetting about the spa ponies and pouncing on his wife instead ... but the twins returned just in time to interrupt. “How are we doing? Everything is nice, yes?” Lotus asked.

“Wonderful, I hope,” Aloe said just after. “Now... Would you two mind if we joined you in the jacuzzi?”

“It’s lovely, thank you,” Cadance said. But he could already hear a teasing tone entering her voice. “But I don’t know... Wouldn’t it be a little crowded in here with four ponies inside?”

The twins seemed perfectly unperturbed by that easing, though. “We will simply have to squeeze in very much close to each other,” Aloe said.

“If you do not mind, that is,” Lotus added, with just a hint of a wink.

“What do you say, Shining?” Cadance said, still teasing. “Should we share with them?”

Shining grinned at his wife, reaching over to touch her hoof with his beneath the water. “I’d love to. You know how important it is to share.”

When Cadance waved the two of them over, they certainly didn’t waste any time. Whatever preparation they’d needed, they’d already done it. He really wasn’t sure what they’d done, other than that both of them had taken their white collars off, though the white headbands stayed in place. Perhaps they didn’t want to get the collars wet? He had to stop himself from licking his lips as they stepped down into the water. Both of them just had such a lithe, smooth, and sure way of moving perfectly in sync with each other. The slim but well-defined curves of their withers and backs stretched tantalizingly under their well-matched and shining coats, and they slipped into the water effortlessly, making it so obvious that they were completely in their element, completely at home in the spa. These two certainly knew how to take care of themselves – or take care of each other? – and it showed.

It was indeed crowded in the small hot tub, forcing the two mares to cuddle up closely – one next to Shining and one next to Cadance. Though ... the tub wasn’t that small. The twins nestled themselves much closer than strictly necessary. Not that Shining was about to start complaining.

He could already feel the curve of Lotus’s hip, unseen down below the bubbly water. She was significantly smaller than him. Her lovely pink mane rested against his shoulder before trailing down into the water, where it swirled around his side and tickled him a little.

Aloe was getting likewise comfortable over there next to Cadance, reaching up to run her hooves through Cadance’s mane as if the pampering mane treatments they’d both already had weren’t enough. Then again, the water wasn’t exactly wonderful for Cadance’s long mane, so maybe it was needed.

Lotus, though, wasn’t reaching for Shining’s mane. She was reaching rather lower than that. Her hoof trailed along the side of his body ... casually at first, but soon it wandered along the front of his belly, then along his thigh, and then straight toward where he knew it would be going all along.

She didn’t simply grab for him, though. “This is okay?” she whispered in his ear, her hoof a hair’s breadth away from his sheath.

“Mm-hm.” He nodded relaxedly, already feeling the tip of his cock beginning to emerge into the sumptuous warmth of the water.

After what he’d already experienced earlier today, merely having a mare’s hoof begin to softly caress his tip shouldn’t have seemed like such a big deal. But it did. There was just something so deliciously illicit about a touch like this from somepony who had been so caring and yet professional up until now. Not to mention that she certainly knew what she was doing. He sighed in satisfaction as she began tracing gentle circles around the head of his quickly growing cock. Lotus snuggled up even closer to him, pressing her smaller body against his. He couldn’t be sure if she was truly enjoying this or not, but she sure seemed to be.

When he glanced back toward Cadance, he was mildly surprised to see that Aloe didn’t have her hoof down between Cadance’s hind legs. Not from what he could judge by their positions in the water, anyway. Instead, it looked like Cadance was reaching down between the spa pony’s legs instead.

From the intense blush and the almost cross-eyed look on Aloe’s face, it was clear that Cadance also knew what she was doing. Being a professional masseuse was one thing, but being the Princess of Love was an entirely different level. Shining knew quite well what Cadance could do with her hooves, but it was interesting to see her talents with a mare ... which seemed to be more than a match for what she could do with a stallion. It was almost enough to make him jealous. Not jealous of his wife being with another pony – jealous that he’d never be able to feel what it was like to have one’s pussy caressed by the Princess of Love herself.

Not quite jealous, though. And that was in large part thanks to Lotus’s touch. She was so gentle that he often wasn’t quite sure whether it was her hoof caressing his shaft or just the hot tub’s bubbles. Her feather-light touches were certainly having the desired effect, though. His cock quickly grew to its fullest extent, the very tip of it almost emerging from beneath the water. The mottled-pink bulk of it was visible through the thin covering of water, despite the bubbles all around.

“Would you perhaps like to sit on the edge of the tub for me?” Lotus asked in her wonderful accent. Still professional, even as she stroked his shaft.

Nodding eagerly, he lifted himself up. The tub was surrounded by a ring of soft, waterproof cushions, which made it easy to sit on the edge of it ... and sitting there put his cock on full display to Cadance and the twins. Aloe gasped, though he couldn’t be sure what prompted her to do so – the sight of his cock or what Cadance was doing to her below the water. Maybe a little of both.

In any case, Cadance didn’t keep doing it much longer. She joined him on the side of the tub, sitting close enough that their wet bodies touched each other.

That left only the twins in the tub, and they used the extra space to their advantage. Lotus eased through the water without a ripple, coming right up between Shining’s outspread hind legs. Aloe moved just as smoothly, doing the same for Cadance.

For a short but delicious moment, Lotus simply paused there, almost all of her under the hot, bubbling water and looking up at him past the quivering pillar of his cock. There was such a serene confidence about the look in her eyes. She obviously knew very well just how good she was at her job, and she was ready to impress him. And yet, she still took that moment – that brilliantly planned little moment – to let him savor the bittersweet taste of anticipation.

Of course, it was only a moment. Then it was Lotus’s turn to savor the taste of something. Although actually, she was probably tasting little else besides the hot tub water. That didn’t stop her from letting out a soft little moan of satisfaction as she delicately traced her tongue up the front of his shaft, though. Slow and restrained, she drew her point of anticipatory pleasure all the way from the rim of his sheath to his very tip, where she stopped momentarily.

Oh, that little smile she gave him before moving! She was enjoying this – he was sure of it! Faking a private little grin like that seemed utterly impossible. And the way she moved! Shining was accustomed to getting his cock licked by the Princess of Love, so his standards were high, but she still managed to surpass them. He knew better than to say any such thing, but Cadance might actually be able to learn a little bit from Lotus, from the way she slowly and gently caressed her way back down his shaft, now opening her mouth and sliding both her lips and tongue along the side of it. Cadance was the ultimate master of delivering erotic pleasure, and she probably could have already drawn a big mouthful of cum out of him by now if she’d wanted to ... but Lotus’s technique was something different – less about raw pleasure and more about relaxation and luxury. It was like a feather-light massage rather than outright sexual pleasure, to the point where it might have felt just as good if she was doing it to any other body part.

“Ooh,” Cadance said, her voice a soft purr. “Oh yes, that’s exquisite!

When Shining looked, he saw Aloe’s pink face buried deeply between his wife’s pink thighs. Aloe wasn’t moving at all, though he guessed her tongue certainly was. And judging by Cadance’s blissful expression, Aloe was every bit as skilled in relaxing oral pleasure as her sister.

Lotus never did actually take his cock inside her mouth. That didn’t seem to be her style. But Shining didn’t feel like he was missing out on anything. She completely devoted herself to caressing every bit of his shaft from the side, from, above, and even from down below, where she was especially skilled at planting broad strokes of her tongue over the curves of his balls, bathing them in her gentle warmth before going back up to his cock again.

When Cadance let out a little half-stifled moan, he looked over at her. Their eyes met, and both of them immediately knew what the other wanted.

Shining only had to lean over a little way to kiss Cadance, who met him in the middle, wrapping one hoof around behind his neck to pull him in closer and harder. He could feel Cadance’s pleasure in the way her lips trembled, in the fervency of her shallow breaths, and the eager questing of her tongue into his mouth. And he gave himself into it entirely. Lotus’s soothing kisses along his shaft weren’t working him up the same way that Aloe’s work down between Cadance’s hind legs was doing to her, but it was still incredible. He didn’t mind living vicariously through Cadance for a little while, especially if it meant he was able to make out with her while these twins saw to each of their needs down below!

When they separated from the kiss briefly, though, the pleasure suddenly stopped. He looked down to see both Aloe and Lotus looking up at them with that serene, mildly pleased look their faces always seemed to have ... even though Aloe’s muzzle was awfully damp and matted at the moment, and a bit of his pre-cum smeared Lotus’s upper lip.

“We were wondering,” Aloe said...

Lotus picked up right where she left off, “If you would like to finish this way, or if you would be liking something a little more.”

Shining glanced back at Cadance. She glanced at him ... and grinned. “I wouldn’t mind ‘something a little more’,” she said with a playful gleam in her eye.

“Wonderful!” Lotus said, grinning widely.

Aloe was more practical about things. “Princess, if you could move to your right and recline against those cushions, please? And Prince, would you please move some to your left in order to make room? I am sure you will soon understand why.”

Oh, he wasn’t about to question them. Not at this point. He was sure they had something wonderful in mind, and he wasn’t about to mess anything up. Both he and Cadance quickly repositioned themselves.

And as they did so, Aloe and Lotus emerged from the water. It was still amazing to watch the way that they moved. It was almost as if they were made of water themselves, the way they simply flowed up out of the hot tub. And the way the water matted down their fur was perfect for showing off the gleam of their coats under the subdued overhead lights, not to mention the impeccably smooth, svelte curves of their bodies.

Lotus curved out of the water and around her sister in an almost cat-like way, sprawling herself upside down on the cushion with her head between Cadance’s thighs. But this wasn’t simply a matter of switching partners: Lotus’s hind legs opened wide for him, spreading out along the cushions with her wet pink tail still trailing back toward the hot tub. And that wasn’t the only wet pinkness to be seen. When she spread her hind legs apart, it made the delicate blue lips of her pussy open. The pinkness showing inside matched her colors perfectly.

Aloe laid herself down on top of her twin, belly to belly, also facing toward Cadance. And she wasn’t shy about getting very close to her sister, either. Her pink pussy lips touched against Lotus’s blue mound, causing both of them to wink almost in unison. He was starting to get a pretty good idea of what ‘something a little more’ might entail, and he was liking it. It didn’t escape his notice that this was one place the twins’ color symmetry finally broke down. Rather than one pink and one blue – as bizarre as that would be in this instance, he almost felt like he expected that – they were both pink where it really mattered.

Instantly, he rushed up behind the two of them. Since he’d already had a little fun with Lotus, lining himself up with Aloe first was an easy choice. “Do you mind if I...?”

“Please, be our guest,” Aloe said, glancing back over her shoulder at him.

Lotus couldn’t really look at him from her position, but she still added, “Do you want condom?”

“Do you?” he asked.

“It is not necessary,” both said in unison.

Well then. That settled it. He nudged himself forward, planting the tip of his cock against Aloe’s warm, dripping pussy lips. And from the slick feel, he knew that not all that warmth and wetness was there just because of the hot water she’d just pulled herself out of. He pressed forward a little more, and her slit stretched open around the tip of his cock, taking him inside easily and smoothly. He only needed to pull back and forth a little bit on his way inside her. Aloe’s soft, soothing warmth accepted his entire length effortlessly ... though she did squeak just a little when he finally bottomed out inside her.

His push was good for more than just getting him inside the cute mare, though. It was just enough to nudge both of the twins forward on the cushion, which pushed them nicely up between Cadance’s legs.

“Oh!” Cadance said suddenly. “Oh wow! They really go the extra mile here in Ponyville!”

When Shining Armor began thrusting into Aloe, he leaned over her back, and that’s when he really got a good look at what Cadance was talking about. Aloe had planted her mouth against Cadance’s pussy again, but Lotus had gone rather lower, since she was on the bottom. The blue mare was eating Cadance’s asshole just as eagerly as her twin was taking care of Cadance’s pussy. It was something he’d never been able to bring himself to do, and not something Cadance had expressed much interest in, anyway ... until now, maybe? Judging from the blush on her face, she was certainly enjoying it now. He was surprised Lotus would go so far with it ... though, then again, after all the pampering they’d just been through, Cadance’s ass was probably about the cleanest it had ever been. Maybe it wasn’t so bad. He’d have to try it sometime if she liked it this much.

For the moment, though, he’d leave the dirty work to Lotus. He had much better things to do right now, such as pressing himself again and again into the blissful softness of Aloe’s pussy. Even this was relaxing and soothing. She was hardly the tightest mare he’d ever been with, but that didn’t matter. Instead, he luxuriated in the luscious softness deep inside her, almost as if he was fucking a warm, fluffy cloud.

Would her sister feel the same? Well, there was no better time to find out! He drew himself out of Aloe, trying to ignore the little whimper of dissatisfaction she made against his wife’s pussy lips. All it took was a slight angling of his hips, and he was sliding into Lotus instead.

This time, it was even easier. The slick juices from Lotus’s pussy that still lingered on his cock made it absolutely effortless for his shaft to glide into her twin sister instead. And Aloe absolutely was just the same inside. Shining groaned a little and shuddered with the sheer delight of entering that softness again as if for the first time all over again. Well, it sort of was the first time all over again.

By this point, Shining had been with quite a few mares, and he’d learned that they all felt a little different. Not Aloe and Lotus, though. Being identical apparently ran deeper than just appearances! It was almost as if he hadn’t switched at all, especially since he was still holding onto Aloe’s hips as he push-push-pushed into her twin sister.

The thought of his grip on Aloe gave him a bit of an idea, though. While he still held her tight with one hoof, he edged the other farther back on her, at first squeezing the lovely firm curve of Aloe’s ass cheek between his hoof and foreleg, but then quickly moving in for more. Aloe’s tail had begun to droop a little, but it shot right back up when he began to rub her slick pussy lips. He could feel her clit winking out against the soft part of his hoof ... and he could feel the juices dripping right down onto the top of his cock where it slid in and out of Lotus. The extra touch made Aloe moan in satisfaction, a moan that Lotus joined in wholeheartedly.

Having both twins moaning against both her holes sure seemed to be satisfying for Cadance, too. She tilted her head back and let her eyes drift closed. Her hips nudged rhythmically forward and back, rubbing herself against the two mares’ mouths.

Impulsively, Shining pulled out of Lotus and raised his cock to slide back inside Aloe again. This time, there was no surprised squeak at the end, just a long, drawn-out moan right against Cadance’s clit. Nice. Just what he’d hoped would happen. And as bad as it felt to leave Lotus untouched at the moment, he was sure he’d come back to her soon. Just a little more taste of Aloe first ... and oh the way their juices mixed together making everything so slick and easy...

As it turned out, though, he wasn’t going to be able to give Lotus much more. It all started with Cadance – she was getting more and more worked up, her breaths coming in sharp gasps that made her belly go so sexily concave every time she sucked in another breath. She reached down and pressed Aloe’s face against her pussy, and the way she pressed downward no doubt pushed Lotus’s tongue deep inside her ass. Her hips writhed against the twins’ faces, seeking more and more pleasure ... until she suddenly stopped. That was the moment she looked straight into Shining’s eyes over Aloe’s back. In that sacred little moment, he and Cadance shared that special little connection that only a husband and wife really could. And then she came.

It had to have been one of the greatest orgasms of Cadance’s life. It was certainly one of the loudest. If anypony else was still making use of the spa’s facilities, they must have heard her shouting, “Yes! Yes YES!” at the top of her lungs. And the whole time, she never broke eye contact with him.

It was all over at that point. He couldn’t hear Cadance cum – couldn’t withstand that longing look in her eyes – not without cumming himself.

Instantly, the tip of his cock flared, and only a second later the first wave of cum was gushing out of him, splashing straight into Aloe’s soft, welcoming womb. She held herself especially tight against her sister as more and more pulses came, filling her to the brim, leaking out of her.

Shining hadn’t completely forgotten about his intention to give Lotus a little more attention, though. Even as he pumped another long stream of cum, he pulled his cock out of Aloe’s pussy. A fountain of white splashed out, coating both sisters in a sticky mess that covered everything between their hind legs. He struggled to focus, despite the way Cadance still had her eyes locked onto his, despite the overwhelming haze of orgasmic pleasure wrecking him.

He managed to get himself lined up with Lotus’s entrance just as the next spurt came. A little of it sprayed out around her slit, but most of it went inside her, spewing into her with his cock following close behind. With the width of his flare stretching her out from the inside, she now felt as tight as any mare he’d ever been with, and plunging into her renewed his orgasm all over again. Holding the twins tightly between his forehooves, he pumped massive amounts of extra-virile cum deep inside Lotus ... even as Aloe’s fresh cream pie slowly dripped onto the top of his sheath.

When he finally started to catch his breath through the last few twitches of his cock, he was still staring straight into Cadance’s eyes. She was still going through the occasional aftershock twitch herself. It was almost as if they’d been making love to each other this whole time ... only even better.

Responding to unspoken need, the two of them leaned closer, sharing a tender, gentle kiss with each other above the twin spa ponies.

Only then did Shining’s softening cock spill out of Lotus’s pussy, trailing a thick, gooey stream of cum behind it. Both twins were an absolute mess under their tails and between their legs now.

Both he and Cadance backed away from the sisters a little then, finally giving them enough room to sort themselves out and pick themselves up. They didn’t seem perturbed in the slightest to be packed full of his cum, smeared with Cadance’s marecum ... or to have not orgasmed yet themselves. They simply gave those pleasant smiles that had become so familiar. The only sign of them even still being aroused were the blushes on their cheeks and the way their tails still stood up high.

“May we assume you are satisfied with our service?” Lotus asked knowingly.

Cadance rose to a more natural sitting position. “More than satisfied,” she assured. “I hope you don’t mind if I recommend this treatment to a few of my closest friends?”

“Of course!” Aloe said. “We are always happy to serve! Now, if you would like to rinse, there is a lovely rainfall shower just in the back of the room there.”

Lotus continued where her sister left off: “And do feel free to soak a little more in the hot tub to relax any muscles which might be feeling the strain. Aloe and I will take a short break to clean ourselves up, and then we will finish the treatment with the air-fluff blow-drying and brushing, if this pleases you.”

“Uh, what about you two?” Shining asked.

“What about us?” Lotus said with a quizzical tilt of her head.

Cadance looked at them with the kind of deep concern that came from her duties as Princess of Love. “We’ve both been satisfied, but what about you two? We can’t just leave you like this!”

“Oh, no no no.” Aloe waved away Cadance’s concerns as if they were only a bit of incense smoke hanging in the air. “Do not be concerned for us. It is our pleasure to serve.”

“And besides,” Lotus added, “we are very much capable of taking care of each other, yes?”

Cadance grinned at that. “Well, alright then. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of what the two of you share.” Her smile turned a little knowing and sly. “You two might want to get a pregnancy test, though.”

Lotus made the exact same gesture of brushing away her concerns. “No no, do not worry about such things. Aloe and I are always taking the very best of Zebrican-brewed contraceptive potions. There is no risk of this.”

“Still...” Cadance winked at them. “You probably want to get checked anyway.”