As Thicc As Thieves

by LewdChapter

First published

Adagio Dazzle learns that crime doesn't pay

After their defeat at the hands of The Rainbooms, Adagio and The Dazzlings are forced to resort to petty theft in order to keep a roof over their heads. They're actually quite good at it, but there is one very large, jiggly problem: Adagio is dummy thicc, and the clap of her ass keeps alerting the guards.

WARNING: this story contains futas, double blowjobs, gangbang, double (and triple) penetration, incest, and a whole lotta booty

Commissioned by TheWraithWriter

Cover is 1424987 on Derpibooru

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As Thicc As Thieves

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Oh, how the mighty fall.

Adagio Dazzle was on the fast track for success, with her sisters by her side. They were this close to greatness, to champagne and caviar, diamonds and pearls, Benzes and Bentleys, and they had lost it all. Now, with few options on advancement, Adagio found herself resorting to the lowest of tactics to stay afloat in Canterlot City: Petty theft. While she was by no means opposed to breaking the rules or committing acts some might call reprehensible, there was something about the idea of stealing specifically that made her feel dirty, and not in the fun way. She hated that someone like her, someone who belonged in the spotlight, someone who demanded all attention, was forced to slink through the shadows, avoiding detection in order to just barely scrape by.

On the upside, clandestine operations such as the one The Dazzlings were currently on meant she got to wear her favorite black spandex bodysuit, which made her ass look fantastic.

Not that she needed the help. Adagio’s humanoid form had been blessed with a downright divine figure, especially when compared to her sisters. While Aria was a bit lanky, and Sonata was slender with some impressive “ballistics”, Adagio was the only one of the trio that could truly be described as thicc. Her tits were easily the size of her head, but boobs were so last year. Adagio knew as well as anyone that the ass is where the action was, and she had booty in spades. Wide hips, thick thighs, and cheeks to die for, to call Adagio’s ass a wagon would be doing it a disservice. Whenever Adagio wasn’t breaking the law, she took great pride and pleasure in knowing that, no matter what room she was in, all eyes were discreetly checking out her bouncing, jiggling, sun-eclipsing booty. In fact, there was just one problem.


“Ada, you’re gonna get us caught!”

A badonkadonk of such magnitude tended to make a fair amount of noise.

“The only thing that’s going to get us caught is your big mouth!” hissed Adagio, just barely heard over the sound of her ass clapping. “Just keep your eye on the prize and we’ll be in and out before you know it.”

“Hard to keep an eye on anything with your gigantic butt in the way,” grumbled Aria. She and Sonata, in a rare display of agreement, had decided to dress a little more practically for the heist. Just a dark hoodie and jeans for them, with their very easily-identifiable hair stuffed into black beanies. They were discreet, understated, and well-equipped for their tasks, which stood in stark contrast to their elder sister.

“Well, I hope you’re hungry, Aria.” Adagio couldn’t see what her sister’s problem was. So what if she dressed in spandex? So what if she wanted to flaunt her assets? It was her body, and it’s not like her ass clapped that loudly, not without her intentionally shaking or twerking. Aria was just being a jealous bitch, as usual. “Because if it’s bothering you that much, you can eat my whole entire ass!”

“Shh! There it is!” Sonata pointed to the jewelry kiosk the trio had been casing for the last few days. Thousands of dollars of rings, necklaces, and gems, all very carelessly “secured” by a faulty lock that the shopkeeper couldn’t be assed to fix yet. “Aria, you can munch Dagio’s caboose when we get home, we’ve got a job to do!”

“I never said… Fuck it, let’s just get our payday and dip.”

With a greedy, grubby grin, the lead singer of the Dazzlings slinked forward, her cheeks making a gentle, but noticeable, plapping sound with each needlessly dramatic step forward. Aria could barely bring herself to watch her sister, her juicy posterior surely attracting attention as she opened up the case. Still, the Sirens seemed in the clear for now, so Aria just went along with her cohorts and bagged up the loot.

"Alright, that's enough," said Adagio, once the gang of thieves had filled their bags to capacity. "Let's go. This is a good score, we…"

"What? What is it?" Aria followed Adagio's gaze, groaning when her eyes landed across the path, on the locked and secured Victoria's Secret. "No. No, no, no! Adagio, we've gotta go!"

"They have that lingerie I've been dying to get!" Adagio scurried over to the fenced off entry, peering through the mesh at the saucy crimson number. "I have to have it. I refuse to leave without ir!"

"Adagio…" Even Sonata seemed disappointed. "If we just hurry up and head home, you can buy the outfit with the money we get from the score…"

"But someone might buy it out from under me and I will not be made a fool of!" Adagio approached the gate and looked up, her eyes locked on the corner of the gate's frame. She grinned at something only she could see before giving her hips a little wiggle and jumping. The jingling and rustling of the bagged jewelry simply paled in comparison to the sound of her shapely rear coming up and down, jiggling from gravity. "A friend of mine works here, she says they keep a spare key up here just in case…"

"Ada. You're seriously willing to get us caught over a thong?" hissed Aria. She buried her face in her palm, peering through her fingers at her sister’s ass bouncing. “Not like anyone is ever gonna see it.”

“Just because you can’t get laid doesn’t mean we all suffer from such plights.”

“I meant on account of your fatso ass eating it.”

“Fuck you, Aria, I’m not leaving without that lingerie!” Adagio gave another jump, with equally disappointing results. “Now quit being a bitch and boost me up!”

“What if I don’t? You gonna sit on me?”

“Guys…” Sonata attempted to nudge her sisters away from fighting, a task she often tried and often failed to accomplish. “Focus. We’re, like, literally done! Quit fighting and—”

“Maybe I will, Aria. Maybe I’ll sit on you in my sexy new panties while a group of extremely wealthy, extremely attractive young men have their way with me!” Adagio jumped again, and, again, didn’t even come close to reaching it. “And maybe I won’t even let you have a turn, you petty, jealous little—”

“Thought I heard something.”

Adagio froze, slightly crouched as she prepared to take another jump. Standing in a standard security guard's uniform, eyebrow cocked, was Sunset Shimmer. A bit taller than the Sirens, Sunset was plenty intimidating to even the tough, seasoned criminals. She had her arms crossed, a standard-issued baton in hand as she watched the squabbling sisters. For a moment, no one dared to make a move.

"It's the fuzz!" Sonata grabbed a glass bottle from her bag and smashed it against the floor. "Scatter!"

Sonata ran left, then right, then left again, no doubt attempting to throw Sunset off her trail, before turning right and running full-speed into the gate of a nearby Spencer's Gift Shop. She connected with the steel before crumpling under her weight and collapsing to the ground

"You know, someone's gonna have to clean that glass up," noted Sunset, shaking her head at Somata's fallen, semi-conscious body. "Alright, now that Boobs McGee is out of commission, now I just gotta deal with chunky Catwoman and 'Gonna Be The Twintail' and I can finally clock out of this stupid job."

"Well, Sunset Shimmer, you may have gotten the drop on us, but…” Adagio paused, the full weight of Sunset’s words finally descending upon her. She let her bag of loot hit the ground as she pouted. “Wait a second, did you just call me fat?! Aria! She called me fat!”

“Yep,” sighed Aria. She grabbed up Adagio’s bag and slung it over her shoulder, almost tiredly. “I think she did…”

“Well, do something about it! Give her a piece of our mind! Tell her what we’re gonna do to her!” Adagio waited, arms crossed, for her sister to beat the tar out of Shimmer for daring to disrespect them like that. Yet, for some reason, the famously short-tempered Aria Blaze was completely silent. It wasn’t in her character to pass on an excuse to punch someone in the face. “Aria? Aren’t you gonna…?”

Adagio turned and, somehow, Aria was gone.

“What the hell?!”

“How did she manage to run off without me noticing?” said Sunset. She pursed her lips and let out a curious hum. “Man, I kinda suck at this job…” She shrugged, not giving it much thought. "Oh well. Come on, Adagio, I gotta detain you now."

“And why exactly should I do anything short of kick your ass?” asked Adagio.

“‘Cause I didn’t get my blue belt in judo just cause it went with my jacket.” Sunset produced a pair of cuffs from her belt, looking at Adagio with the bored, uncaring expression of someone who doesn’t get paid enough for this shit. "Make this easy on me and I'll even share my Sbarro from lunch."

"I… You… Fuck!" Adagio stomped one last time, her ass clapping loudly as she did, and finally offered her hands up to be cuffed. "You better not be lying about that fucking pizza, Shimmer. I skipped dinner to be here and now I'm pissed off about it."

Sunset rolled her eyes and slapped the cuffs onto Adagio's wrists, securing them behind her back. She scooped up Sonata, pulling her groggy form to her feet and carrying her along with Adagio to the mall holding cell to await the police.

"Dagi, my head huuuuurts…

Though they were only in the mall's holding room for half an hour, Adagio felt as if they were stuck there forever. It didn't help that Sonata was once again conscious, and immediately began pacing the cell and whining about her head hurting. As if that wasn't bad enough, she was trapped in a barred cell only slightly larger than a closet and the pizza Sunset referred to had mushrooms, which Adagio was severely allergic to and therefore could not eat. So now, with Sunset in the bathroom, with no food, no personal space, no loot, and perhaps worst of all, no lingerie, Adagio was forced to endure arguably her most obnoxious sister in arguably her most obnoxious type of moods.

"Sonata, if I hear you open your mouth about your head one more fucking time, I promise you it will be the last of your worries,” growled Adagio. “Shut up and let me think.”

“You don’t have to be so mean about it…” muttered Sonata, rubbing the knot that was forming on her forehead. “No wonder Chet won’t call you back…”

“What is that supposed to mean?!” Adagio pushed her sister, nearly toppling her with the force of her shove. “I’ll have you know, I haven’t called him! Chet isn’t even in my league.” Sonata mumbled something under her breath, much to Adagio’s fury. “What was that, you little twerp?”

“I said, there’s not even any room in your league because of your giant butt!”

“My butt is not that big, you skinny bitch!”

“I can’t leave you two idiots alone for a second, huh?”

Sonata and Adagio followed the voice up, a blend of overjoyed and annoyed to see none other than Aria herself. She had moved a panel in the roof out of place, hanging upside-down from the vent she had made her way into. She gave a lazy wave, as if nothing strange was occurring at all.

“Sup,” she said plainly.

“You back-stabbing little shit!” Despite her anger, Adagio managed to keep her shouting contained to a hissing, venomous whisper. “You totally ditched us!”

“Nuh-uh,” said Sonata, shaking her head. “Ari came back for us! It was obvs all a part of her master plan!”

“Eh… Little of both. I definitely ditched you and went home,” said Aria with a shrug. “But, y’know, I felt kinda bad about it, so I came back to bust you out.” She threw down a rope, holding the other end from the ventilation shaft. “Come on, dipshits, climb up.”

“I’m taking some of your cut for leaving us behind, Aria,” growled Adagio. She grabbed the rope and gave a gentle tug before preparing to climb. “And that’s only if I don’t strangle you first!”

“Wait, don’t! Let Sonata—”

It was too late. Before Aria could get her warning out, Adagio had already jumped up to attempt to climb the rope. Aria tried to brace herself, but she was too wiry to keep herself in place when Adagio’s weight was added to the other end. Adagio barely began her climb before Aria came tumbling forward, falling from her perch and slamming down onto Adagio. The good news was that Aria fell primarily on Adagio’s backside, which gave her plenty of cushion.

The bad news was that Sunset was back from her bathroom break just in time to see Aria fall from the ceiling and land right in the holding cell.

“Well, maybe I’m not that bad at my job after all,” sighed Sunset, closing the door to the office. “You know, you’re normally supposed to break out of prison. Not break in.”

“Obviously, that went better in my head…” grunted Aria, clutching her head and rolling off of her sister. She looked Sunset up and down before, much to Adagio’s bafflement, beginning small-talk. “So. You’re a cop now? That's pretty cool. Didn't peg you as the type to be down with authority, but you look pretty hot in the uniform, so that's a plus.”

“Are… Are you…?” Adagio wasn’t sure if she was dazed from her fall or if her sister was just dumber than she realized. “Are you shooting your shot right now?”

"Not a cop. Just working mall security to get me through college," said Sunset with a shrug. She took a seat, leaning back in her chair and kicking her feet up on her desk. "It was either this or stripping."

"Damn. To think I could've had the chance to see you naked."

"You still do, if you beat your case."

"For fuck's sake, you're actually into her," groaned Adagio.

"What can I say?" Sunset shrugged. "I'm a sucker for punk chicks."

"Speaking of sucking…" said Aria. She approached the bars and grabbed them firmly, leaning forward to peer at Sunset. "How much sucking up do I have to do to convince you to let us go?"

"I caught you with like $1,100 dollars of stolen jewelry. Can't really turn a blind eye on that."

"C'mon, Shim. You know that kiosk was gonna get hit eventually, and you'd probably never even catch the guy who did it. No offense." Aria smirked, hoping to get on Sunset's good side. To Adagio's sheer bafflement, it seemed to be working. "You only caught us cause my sister's fat ass clapped loud enough to wake our neighbors in Equestria."

"She heard the jewelry jingling, idiot," grumbled Adagio. "My ass cannot possibly be that—"

"Oh, no, it was definitely your ass I heard," said Sunset with a nod. Adagio bloomed bright red, steam damn near pouring from her ears. "Hey, I'm just being honest. Your butt is huge. I don't know how you fit through doors."

"She has to shimmy sideways sometimes," giggled Sonata. Adagio growled, sticking her foot out and tripping Sonata to the floor. "Owie…"

"Nothing wrong with having a phatty. In fact, a lot of people would like that in a girl." Sunset shrugged. "Myself included. That 'chunky Catwoman' thing wasn't meant as an insult."

"Maybe we can reach an agreement?" tried Aria again. "You're an ass man, my sister has more ass than she knows what to do with…" Sunset didn't respond immediately, which brought a frown to Aria's face. "Look, man, I can't let Sonata go back to jail, can you just throw us a bone? We'll make it worth your while."

"Well, this job is—" Sunset stopped and did a double-take. "Wait, Sonata? And what do you mean 'back'?"

"Trust me, it’s better left unsaid. You were saying?"

"Right… Well, like I was saying, this job can get pretty boring. Even now, all I can do is sit here and watch you 3 all night." Sunset grinned, matching Aria's expression. "So, if you three were to, I don't know, entertain me during this shift, I might be inclined to let you go, no cops involved."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Was thinking I've been doing some pretty good work lately," said Sunset deviously. She winked at the sisters, particularly Adagio. "I think I may have earned myself a round of applause?"

"Woohoo! Sunset rocks!" cheered Sonata, clapping loudly until Adagio tripped her again. "Ow! Quit it!"

"Fine… You want to hear it clap, I'll make it clap," complained Adagio. She rolled her eyes, turning away from Sunset to show her back. "Fucking perverts…"

Adagio scowled as she shook her hips, making her ass shake and bounce. Her suit did wonders for her performance, letting Sunset see every curve absolutely perfectly. Despite the right fabric, Adagio was able to juggle freely, squatting down slightly with her hands on her thighs and throwing her ass back.

"I cannot believe I'm doing this…" grumbled Adagio. "I thought only men were supposed to be horny pigs…"

"Nope. Horny pigs come in all shapes and sizes." Sunset smirked, undoing her belt and reaching her hand in her pants. "Say… When you guys came over from Equestria, did you notice any… Changes?"

"What, you mean like a big ol’ cock and balls? asked Aria. “Cause… Yeah, actually. Me and Nata do. Not Adagio, though."

"How come?"

"Shit if we know.”

“I feel like we’re all just sort of ‘yadda-yadda’-ing this whole dick situation,” remarked Adagio. Aria shrugged, turning back to spank Adagio sharply, adding even more jiggle to her movements. “If you touch me like that again, I will sit on your face and I will not get up.”

“Anyway, you wanna just talk about 'em? Or are we gonna get to see it?" Aria smirked, leaning forward expectantly. If she played her cards right, maybe the jewelry wouldn't be her only score. "Come on, maybe we can scratch each other's back?"

"Hm… Alright, here’s what we’ll do. If you three show me a good night, then I'll let you off with a warning." Sunset stroked herself, keeping her appendage contained for the time being. "Deal?"

"Deal. Sonata's always horny on main anyway," said Aria. "Surprised she hasn't tried to hump Adagio's leg yet."

"Hey! I'm not a dog!" complained Sonata.

"Shut up, stupid. I think I saw a squirrel up in the vent for you to chase.”

“You can’t just consent for me!” snapped Adagio, unaware by how much her disapproval and disgust was undermined by her continued twerking. “What if I don’t want to have sex with Shimmer?”

“Then you can stay here while me and Nata split the loot 50/50,” said Aria plainly. “Come on, don’t be a bitch. She’s hot, she’s got a dick, she’s willing to let us steal jewelry. What else can you ask for? Plus, you’re still throwing it back for her, it’d be rude to not fuck her now.”

“I… Damn it!” Adagio immediately stopped shaking her ass pinching the bridge of her nose as she contemplated how she had managed to get to this point. “Fine. I’ll play your sick game, Shimmer. How do we proceed?”

“Something to get me hard?” suggested Sunset. “Something more fun for your sisters than just you twerking, I mean.”

The Sirens nodded, all seemingly reaching an understanding, and slithered into action; Aria grabbed Adagio first, bringing their lips together and kissing her deeply. Meanwhile, Sonata came around the back and slowly unzipped Adagio’s bodysuit, slowly but surely exposing her back. Though preoccupied with her sister’s tongue, Adagio still managed to shimmy out of her bodysuit, immediately having her heavy breasts grabbed by Aria and her wide hips and bubble butt groped by Sonata.

“Good lord, that ass…” Sunset finally did away with her modesty and pulled her jeans down to reveal her sizable erection, easily eight or so inches and still not even fully hard. Adagio only just barely saw it from the corner of her vision, but her eyes went wide and her heart picked up in rhythm at the thought of that thing being in her. “Let’s see… Hey, Nata.”

“Huh?” Sonata was a bit distracted by the two handfuls of cellulite she was busy squeezing and playing with. “What’s up?”

“Does Adagio give good head?”

“Uh, try the best."

"Show me." Sunset pointed to Aria and Sonata, stroking her cock a bit faster. "Think she can take you both at once?"

"Let's find out," said Aria. She shoved Adagio back, sending her back onto her cushioned behind. She unzipped her jeans, pulled down on her boxers, and took her cock into her hand. She wasn't quite as long as Shimmer, but she was a bit thicker, thick enough to give even Adagio difficulty. "Get your dick out, stupid."

"Woo!" Sonata slid in front of Adagio, quickly exposing herself and her slightly smaller, but still impressive equipment. Adagio scowled, begrudgingly reaching up and stroking her sisters. "I've been dying for a BJ, but Adagio kept saying no."

Adagio said nothing, more focused on the daunting task ahead of her. Two thick cocks, and she had to somehow get them both in her mouth at the same time. After a quick mental bout of "eenie-meenie", she settled on a place to start, parting her plump lips and taking Aria's fat head onto her tongue. She stroked Sonata with one hand while working Aria's shaft, getting it nice and slick before pausing to switch to Sonata.

"Yeah, girl, work that dick." Sunset moaned as she jerked herself, taking in the sound of Adagio slurping up and down her sisters' cocks. "Fuck yeah…"

"Come on, Adagio, suck like you mean it," complained Aria, though there was a notable hitch in her breath when Adagio switched back to slurping on her rod. "We all know you've got a big fucking mouth, time to use it."

With a roll of her eyes, Adagio opened wide and pulled both Aria's and Sonata's dicks into her mouth at once. She tried to maintain some degree of decency and class as she sucked and slurped, but that was difficult when she had two fat cocks spreading her jaw to its limit. Not content to just sit there, Aria rocked her hips forward, plunging herself further into Adagio's maw and inadvertently grinding against Sonata, which added a whole other dimension of pleasure. After a shivering giggle, Sonata did the same, and the sisters quickly fell into a rhythm of fucking Adagio's mouth. Adagio coughed and sputtered, drool dripping from the corners of her mouth, her lipstick smearing as she crammed her mouth full of more girlcock than one person could ever feasibly take.

"Her, Shimmer," said Aria, biting her lip at the vibrating suction from Adagio going her best to slurp her meat. "You gonna sit there and watch all night? Or you gonna tap all this ass sitting in front of you?"

Sunset grinned, grabbing up her key from the desk and approaching the cell. Very quickly, she unlocked the gate and made her way into the cell. As she approached, Aria gave her sister a short reprieve and went to meet Sunset. She directed traffic, pointing Sunset to a stop behind Adagio, who was still dutifully sucking off Sonata. Aria pushed Adagio forward, tossing her onto her hands and knees, giving Sunset and opening to slide her cock between Adagio's plush, soft cheeks.

"Don't tease her too much." Aria snickered as she watched Sunset grind herself against Adagio, and she aided in the process by grabbing her sister's ass and giving her a firm squeeze, something Adagio wasn't pleased with. "She gets cranky if you take too long to fuck her."

"Oh, don't you worry," said Sunset deviously. She gripped her cock and slowly guided it to Adagio's pussy, sliding into the hot, wet hole easily and letting out a satisfied little grunt. "I'm not waiting anymore."

"You want a turn, Ari?" offered Sonata, her legs quivering slightly as she pumped against Adagio's face. "I don't wanna cum too soon, but the way Dagi is going…"

"Sure. Scooch over," said Aria, all but pushing Sonata away, who made her way over to the lone bench in the cell to watch. Now that her mouth was finally unobstructed, Adagio was able to take in a deep breath, as well as wipe some of the saliva from her face.

"You know, just because I don't have a dick doesn't mean you two can't go down on me from time to time," complained Adagio. "Why is it that, no matter what, I end up on my knees and—Oh, fuck!"

Sunset slammed her hips forward, piercing Adagio so hard that she bounced off of her fat bottom, the impact making it jiggle and shake. With a firm grip on the lead Siren's wide hips, Sunset laid in on her, entranced by how much she was making Adagio's ass bounce. It was almost hypnotic, and Sunset wanted nothing more than to watch Adagio work her ass against her cock.

While Adagio was being drilled from behind, Aria gave her something else to focus on by slipping her dick last Adagio's lips. Though she only had one slab of meat to contend with, Adagio's task was by no means an easy one; Aria saw Sunset's energy and matched it, holding Adagio by the hair and pounding her face with reckless abandon.

And, despite being caught red-handed, despite essentially selling her body for her freedom, despite the constant comments about her derriere, despite all of that, Adagio found herself moaning around Aria's shaft. She couldn't help herself. Sonata was telling the truth earlier, about Adagio not getting many calls back. She needed this, and she wasn't above enjoying herself.

“See? She just needed some time to open up to the idea,” snickered Aria. She forced herself to the back of her sister’s throat, smirking when she felt Adagio’s tongue flit out and lap at her balls. “She can say she’s not interested all she wants, but she can’t stop herself from slurping on my cock whenever it’s in her face.”

“You call me in here just to talk shit about your sister?” asked Sunset, although she seemed plenty content with the sister in question. Even as she spoke, there was no loss of speed as she slammed her hips into Adagio, sending shockwaves through her plump bubble butt. “Or do you have something better to do with that tongue?”

“You asking to make out?”

“Unless you’re gonna be a little bitch about it.”

“Fuck you, Shimmer.” Aria leered at Sunset with the most faux of furies, her demeanor immediately shifting when Sunset grabbed her by the pigtails and yanked her forward, bringing their faces together and forcing Aria to shove even more of her she-meat down Adagio’s gullet. Sunset brought her lips to Aria’s, forcing her tongue into the would-be thief’s mouth. This left Adagio trapped in the middle, stuffed from both ends with no sense of reprieve, not a second to even breathe.

Adagio let out a muffled moan, trembling and convulsing around the cocks that were threatening to split her in two. She grabbed Aria around the waist, just needing something to hold onto as she reached her climax. Sensing this, Sunset worked her hips even faster, shaking Adagio’s wide, chunky frame as hard as she could without actively hurting her. Her efforts were rewarded with a prolonged, swelling shriek of ecstasy, and the quivering of Adagio’s walls around her length when she finally came.

"You know, Shim…" Aria pulled away from Sunset, a thin strand of saliva connecting the two by the lip. "When I pictured us hooking up, which I did a lot by the way, I never imagined you shoving your tongue down my throat while we kissed dicks in my sister’s guts.”

“Dude… That’s probably the grossest way you could’ve possibly described what we’re doing…” remarked Sunset.

“It’s part of my charm.” Aria looked down, only then seeming to realize that Adagio was tapping her aggressively on the thigh. “Oh. Right. Should probably let you breathe.”

Aria slid back, letting her cock fall from Adagio’s gullet and finally giving her sister the opportunity to take in some air. Adagio coughed and wheezed, choking down breaths and doing all she could to wipe the saliva and precum from her lips. Her ears burned as the girls around her laughed at her, and Adagio responded with a weak middle finger in their general direction.

“You lot can all drop dead…” breathed Adagio. “All of you can go fuck yourselves, and Aria can fuck herself twice.”

“Hey, why me?!” complained Sonata, stroking herself idly. “I didn’t do anything!”

“You’re an idiot and I hate that we’re related.”

“So… Can I go back to pounding you now?” asked Sunset. She grabbed Adagio’s ass tightly, biting her lips as her fingers sunk slightly into her soft, cushy flesh. “Not gonna lie, I’m pretty close…”

“Oh, shit, I’ve always wanted to try something, and now might be the only time we can pull it off.” Aria scrambled forward, cupping her hand and whispering into Sunset’s ear. While Adagio couldn’t hear what was being said, she knew that if it was Aria’s plan, it meant trouble. Finally, Aria seemed to be finished whispering, and she waited expectantly. “So? You down?”

“Hell yeah, let’s do it! Yo, Sonata!” Sunset waved Sonata over, grinning mischievously. “Get over here!"

"Okie doke!" Sonata made her way over to Sunset, leaning in for Sunset to whisper in her ear. She grinned as she heard the plan, clapping her hands giddily. "Ooh! That sounds awesome!"

"I'm going to regret asking," sighed Adagio. She let out a shuddering moan as Sunset pulled out, leaving her feeling suddenly so very empty. "But what are you three goons planning?"

"Turn over on your back," said Sunset. She couldn't seem to take her eyes away from Adagio when she lazily turned over to lay on her back and incredibly cushioned rear. Once Sunset had her positioned the way she wanted, she pulled Adagio's legs apart before sliding herself back into Adagio's hot, wet pussy. "Fuck, you're so tight…"

"Not for long," remarked Aria. Adagio was understandably concerned and was going to question what the hell that was supposed to mean, but an explanation was rendered unnecessary; Aria slid up as close as she could to Sunset and pressed the tip of her cock against Adagio's already spread lower lips. "Try not to tense up too much, you'll hurt yourself."

"No. Wait, Aria…" Adagio gulped, wincing from the sensation of Aria trying to squeeze into her entrance. "I can barely manage Shimmer. You're too big, I'll—Oh my fucking stars!"

With a tense groan and a firm grip on Adagio's wide, sturdy hips, Aria forced her way into Adagio's stuffed cunt. Aria let her tongue hang from her mouth, unable to think of anywhere she'd rather be than here, rubbing cocks with her crush inside her sister's twat. Adagio was always plenty tight, but with two girlcocks occupying a space that could barely accommodate one, it felt like Aria was being squeezed by a vice in the best way possible. Aria slapped Sunset's ass, squeezing her rear and leaning in to kiss her again.

After watching for a bit, Sonata realized that she was unlikely to get a direct invitation, so she took matters into her own hands. She pushed Aria even closer to Sunset and took a spot on her other side, giving her a shot at Adagio as well. Too stunned and paralyzed by the electric sensation of being split in half by two oversized dicks, Adagio didn't have any energy left to protest when Sonata brought herself to Adagio's blocked, occupied tunnel. Despite being a bit smaller than both Aria and Sunset, it was still no mean feat for Sonata to squeeze her way into Adagio's cunt. But, with enough perseverance, confidence, and desire to bust a fat nut, Sonata managed to find some space for her cock.

To say that it hurt would be an understatement. Even the smallest of the three members was considerably larger than the average guy Adagio had taken. Even still, whether due to her thick, resilient frame, some innate magic leftover from Equestria, or an act of God himself, Adagio not only survived, but, dare dge say, she enjoyed it. She'd never been that full before, stretched out in ways most women couldn't even dream of. Her eyes rolled back in her head, the pain and pleasure not at all reduced when the hips began to move and Sonata, Aria, and Sunset all worked together to pound Adagio inside out.

They couldn't go as fast or as hard as they ordinarily would, but they also didn't need to. With so little space to maneuver, each of the three girls could feel Adagio's every twitch and convulsion, as well as the throb and jolt of their fellow lady-dicks. They rubbed against each other as they fucked Adagio, which only added to the pleasure, and soon enough, Adagio's walls were slick enough with precum and her own juices that Aria, Sunset, and Sonata were able to make some real progress. They were actually able to make proper thrusts, each of them pounding at Adagio's womb one after the other, fucking her more deeply and deliberately than anyone ever had before. Each stroke seemed to go deeper, with cock grinding against cock in the hopes of flooding Adagio's womb with a nice fat load.

As it would so happen, Sonata was the first to earn that honor, clamping her hand over mouth and squealing into her palm as her cock spurted thick, hot ropes into Adagio's pussy. Not wanting to be left in the dust, Aria and Sunset picked up the pace, kissing each other more aggressively, letting their hands wander to squeeze each other's tits and ass, and, most importantly, drilling Adagio as hard as they could manage. They slammed against Adagio, shaking her soft, pillowy body and making her jiggle pleasantly, hitting her button again and again until she could take no more. Adagio let out a choking gasp when she came, her cunt quivering and milking the cocks inside of her.

Aria was the next to cum, followed almost immediately by Sunset. While Sonata had let out a few respectable spurts, and Aria blasted Adagio's cunt with heavy jets of cum, Sunset's release could only be described as waves. Like the tides crashing against the sand, Sunset's cock fired out load after load after load of seed. It seemed endless, and Adagio's already noticeably plump belly swelled like a balloon as Sunset packed her to the brim with jizz.

"Hehehe," giggled Sonata, tucking herself back into her jeans. "Dagi looks pregnant!"

"Fuck, I needed that…" sighed Sunset, finally pulling her tongue free from Aria's. She was clearly spent, but just as obviously satisfied. "Alright, a deal's a deal. Get outta here, and don't let me catch you stealing from my mall again, capisce?"

"Yeah, we'll stay on the right side of the law from now on." Aria let out a groan as she slipped out of her sister and went about returning her clothing. "Thanks for being cool about this "

"Don't mention it. Thanks for selling your sister's ass for your freedom. Whenever I'm not jerking off thinking about hooking up with you, I'm normally thinking about tapping Adagio's fat ass." Sunset gave Aria a thumbs up before finally pulling out of Adagio. As she was the only thing holding everything in, this caused a veritable flood of semen to fish from Adagio's stretched, gaped, abused pussy and down her trembling, unsteady legs. "Got to cross that off my bucket list."

"No prob. And hey, if you ever wanna come by my place and play some tonsil hockey, maybe ruin Adagio's pussy again…" Aria pulled a pen and a slip of paper from her pocket, hastily scribbled her number, and handed it to Sunset. "Call me?"

"Uh, duh? I barely touched you tonight, I want us to tear each other apart! Thunder Thighs here was just a warm-up," said Sunset, stuffing the paper into her pocket. "Uh… speaking of Thunder Thighs… She okay?"

"I'unno. Yo, fatass, you good?" Aria nudged Adagio with her foot, receiving another weak display of the middle finger in response. "Well, she's not dead, but I don't think she's walking out of here, and me and Sonata can't haul all that ass out of here."

"Don't worry about it, I'll give her a ride back once my shift ends. May as well start hanging out tonight." Sunset strolled out of the cell and took a seat at her desk, kicking her feet up once again. "So be ready to fuck early, cause I'm gonna be ready to go as soon as I get there."

"Dope. I'm already hard for it. Come on, Nata, we're leaving Adagio in good hands." Aria gave a casual wave as she led Sonata out of the cell. "Hope you lay pipe harder than you make out, cause that was some pussy shit we got into earlier."

"Fuck you, Aria. I'll show you how I lay pipe later. We'll see if you still have all that big talk then."

Despite the hostility in her words, Sunset was smiling and laughing as she waved to Aria and Sonata, her eyes particularly on Aria's lithe frame as she exited the holding cells. This left Adagio on the floor, demolished, bloated, gaping, stretched, a bit humiliated and, above all else, satisfied. She could hardly believe it, that this is what had become of her.

"I get you're out of it now, but you think you'd be down to give me head on the drive to your place?" asked Sunset, with the same casual energy someone would use when asking to borrow a pen. "I just really wanna be ready to fuck the bitch out of your sister, y'know?"

"Ugh…" groaned Adagio. She raised another finger but, instead of an obscene gesture, she gave in to the ridiculous situation she found herself in, and showed Sunset a thumbs-up. "Sure…"

Oh, how the mighty fall, indeed.